DR. CLARK NDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 ff. U St., Sew York City, LATH Or JftnSRY CITT. 0 liyC- I TRADE IIARR. Tba Best Eemedy Known to Man ! T)r. Clnrk .Tnhn.nn having Msnrlnted himself with 'Mr. Kdwin Knstman, sit cleaned captive. Inns; n 'lave to Wnkiiinetkla, tho niedictno tnan of the J'nnianeho, Is imw repnred t.i loud his Rid in tlie i:itmdnr!ltn of the wonderful remedy of that tribe. riiooMiericneeof Jlr. Kas-tman being similar to Shut of Mrs. Clns. .Tunes nnd son, rif Washington .'o., Iinv.i.im nrrouiit of whose, snffcrini; wero I hrliliniH.v narrated In the Xnv IVir lltraht of Per. Villi. 1S7M, (ho .1rig uf hleh nro to widely known, nnd an nearly parallel, thai hut little men. turn of Mr. lCasttnan's experlenee will he Riven hero. They nro, however, puhli.hed In a neat vul linio of ;iiX) pit.-,'., entitled, "Seven and Nino Years Anion;; the coir.aiiehoa nnd Apaches." of whnb v., -ntion will he made hereafter. Sullies It fo sav, f it for sever il jean, ilr. I". istman, v.hil a rap ine, va compelled 1,i gather the root, pur.nv 1 mi-:,-, h .-rim nnd Ivrries of w hich Wnkniui i kit's i.'-,....:.e was m:ule, nml is still prepared to pro- : V fie r.wrt materials for tho successful intro l k !:on of fie ineilioine to the world; and assures I p-th ie that the. remedv N the panic now as w aea Wukaiuvtk'a compelled him to uukc iu Wakametkla, the Medicine Man eCf'thin? han been udded to the medicine and rthin h.is been taken away. It is without doubt -h.. iii::.-,' lfiiirtKit of the Blood und KeneweboI lie systkii ever known to man. Thi Su-up poM'sses varied properties. . nets :pon tho I. Ivor. t ; -i is v. (ton t lie li lilneysj. I t rvat I ..ten I lie liSotvclN. f I fi;-iliivi tile ttlooil. f.i 'i :)-i t (to ! oiim System. lit jrn-('to- Ski;.?rMt ion. S: :n ;-;. !!;, Siircu lliein and Invlc-i-i-, it .: rio.x olftlie old bloodand makes ;.oi', i. the pore of tlie Kkln. and i:!d!t -, i : J-. althy ii'erNpiration. li i:ei;tr,ii.:es the hereditary taint, or poison in h )!.,.d.whii'h t'enerates Scrofula, Erysipelas, and i on i. i- i' kin diseases and internal nuinors. '. n.-:.. itr,. ::o.-piri;-eiiiiloyed in Its manufacture, 'ij -' em i;. i ikon bv the most delicate babe, or br i' !f"M and li'eble, core only being required ir ,-rMi I) J.ra:t:w. Edwin Eastman in Indian Costnmo. 8evem and Nine Yeahs Amonh Tnn Comancuks and ApAriiKs. A neat volume of 3U0 paces, heing a simple statement of the horrible fuels connected w ith the sad massacre of a helpless family, and tho captivity, tortures and ultimnte escape of i i two surviving members. For Bale tiyournr -.t generally. Trice $1.00. The incidenn of tho massacre, briefly narrated, nre distributed by agents, fhkk of charge. Mr. Kastman, being almost constantly at the West, engaged ill gathering nnd curing the matcri i Is of which the medicine it composed, the sole I'-inesF management devolves upon Dr. Johnson, :.:iu tUo reimdy lias been called, and is known as Dr. Clark Johnson's BLCOrS PURIFIER. J'tica c'Larfja Eoitlcs - ?l.Ct r ice.rjn?l Eo'.lloj ....... 50 tj- id tlie voluntary testimonials of persons w ho ! iveu tured by ilio u-e of Ur. Clark Joulisou'l' iu tiau liiood yru'j, in your ow n vicinity, :jC&tixucsia!s of Cures. I'ALl'JTATtO ;OI'' TIIK 1IEAHT. Wkst I.khamin, Miireli 3, 1879. Dear Sir: 1 lav iny; been pros! nil o lor months with w hnt my pliysieiuu termed 1 tilpitiition ol tho Jlonrt, mill ii eomliiiiutiiiii of other iliKonses 1 ohtuineil no reliel until I bought eioiiio lit your luiliuit JUood Syrup, which rolioved mo im mediately. I tun now in perfect health. J'.t.iAiiKTu Lewis. T!IK INDIAN l SYKUI'TIIU RIGHT M h'JMClNK. I'lTTKliijitcil, I'ii., Aiifinst 25, 1S7S. liotir Sir: i was troubled with Kidney IJin-c-iisoiind Liver Compliant. 1 tried everything which I thought might do me good, hut 1 did not liud the right medicine until 1 got a 6-cen bottle of your medicine, whii h entirely eitred II1U. .MllS. KAN11A1.1-. KEMI'.DY l-OI LIVKIt AM) KIDNKY JHSKAtiK. KutMiTiiN, Feb. 2, 1879. Dear Sir: I eun, from my experience, re commend your Indian liiood Syrup lis ft sure cure lor Liver nnd Kidney Disease. Kmzaiiktii A. Sanus. DYSriCPStAAXI) IXIMGLSTHON. UvnEKKV, 2nd Wind, Jan. 1, 879. Dear Sir: Your most excellent lud'un Mood .Syrup has given porlcet wilishiclion when used lor Dyspepsia and Indigeation. Tit hod. Hawk CUKHS CIUI.LSANiriHLlOUSNKSS. Kiiin;ton. Feb. 1, 1879. Dear Sir: I won troubled with Chills; had Ihem every other day for six months; had two duvtnrsnt tending mmvhen your agent peinunded me to try your Indian Mood Syrup, und I can Kay 1 never hud u Chill lifter tnkimr the liint dose. 1 clieeilully roeoinineiul it to till. Lizii; Wink. KKCKIVfclJliHKSOjKKKm5' FROM IT Hui.Msnuitu, 23d Wurd, l'hiludelphiii, ) Feb. 24, 1879. $ Dear Sir: I tako great jiloasure in saying that I have civpn your vuluablo liiilinu MikmI Syrup a fair trial in my laniily and received Jircat benefit from it. Sam i. Ji. &OI.I.V. 1CNTIUELY' C'UKKD. I't rrsiit nun, l'n., August 25, 137S. Dear Sir: 1 was troubled with Lung DJawise and sutlered from other complaints so-much hat I could not describe uiy leclings to any person. I doctored nil the time, but lound no eliel until I took a Mitt le 1 1 your ludiun Mood Syrup, which lc-lt ine enlircly lico of all pain. A. Cahuo. LI VK Il COM I'LAl NT. " Jacksonvii-lb, Murcu, 3 1879. Dear Sir: Knowing, from experience, that your Indian Mood Syrup is a Blue oure for Liver Complaiiit, IeonfliUiutly recommend it to all uflering tmuiunily; Kebecca iJlBL. Common. Senso noiiioillcs. Tlmro U scarcrly nn nuho to wltlch clilltivpn arc sulijnpt tlmt Is so dillloult to bonr ns the pavnclio. The cmcs, if t-roatcd ns follows, will ofton bo rclicvrd inime (lintfly: Ttike a hit of cotton ami soak it in glycerine) ami sprinkle 011 it a little black pepper; Insert this into tlie ear ami put a dry piece of cotton outside, to be kept in place, if necessary, by a lijrjit bandage tied over the head. Sometimes insects will find lodgment in the ear, causing great pain. Should this occur, turn tho head on one side and pour the. ear full of sweet oil. Insects breathe through pores In their skin; the oil ob structs those openings, causing their death. Children, nnd often those of larger growth, acquire the habit of pick ing their ears with a pin, hairpin, etc.. It is a pernicious practice, and should not he allowed. The drum of the ear is a very delicate membrane and is easily injured ; inflammation and deafness may he induced thereby. I have sometimes succeeded in removing foreign bodies from the throat, such as a piece of meat or a largo bone, by blowing forcibly into the ear. It causes a powerful reflex action, during which tlie foreign sub stance may lie expelled from the wind pipe. Jinny persons arc subject to nose bleed. In robust, plethoric habits this is rut her beneficial than otherwise, but in many cases it occasions inconvenience ami perhaps alarm. It generally yields readily to treatment. Take a pledget of lint, moisten, dip in equal parts of pow dered alum mid gum-arabic, and insert in the misc. Haihe the forehead and nape of the nock in cold wafer. If alum and gum-arabic are not at hand, use the tea dust found iu the bottom of the tea caddy. Among the more common accidents which are liable to occur in tin1 house hold, and which often prove serious, are burns and scalds. Their severity and danger depend upon the extent of sur face ami depth of tissues involved. An uiifailingreinedy is, in most households, always on hand common baking soda or bi-c:irhoii:ite of soda. Make a thick paste with soda auda.ittle water and apply to the injured spot; then dust the whole with the dry soda anil cover with a light bandage. It will act like magic, relieving the ptiin tit once. Allow it to remain until it is ready to drop off a few hours or days, as the ease may be. When it is removed, dress tho wound with cosmoline. Never put on to a bvvn or scald any molasses, starch, soap, fTbur. charcoal or glue. T.iey have the incon venience of being uncleanly, and some of them form ousts which it is difficult to remove. I make this suggestion from the fact that physicians are seldom called toseecasesof extensive burns and scalds but that they find so no s' eh p-.-ocedure lias peon adopted. Bruises and sprains, which are liable to occur at any time, arc much more quickly cured if treated, immediately on their occurrence. Tlie effect of n bruise is to rupture some of the smaller blood vessels, near the surface, and the blood being poured out under the skin, forms the .black nnd blue spots, so-called When such an accident occurs, a stream of cold water directed on the part, and continued as long ns itcan be borne, nnd then renewed after a time, will often prevent swelling, and will contract the mouths of the ruptured blood vessels Such n method may be applied by pour ing water on me part irom a Height, from a pitcher or col"ee-pot. A rubber tube may be attached to a faucet, and the water thus conduct 3d. I he parts should be tightly bandaged afterward. and the bandages soaked with tincture of arnica, or wliat I prefer, tincture of marigold (Calendula). A sprain is always more serious than a bruise, the joints being tlie parts im- plieateil. unc niav recover lrom a trac tured limb sooner than from some forms of sprain. When such nn accident on cu'-s. place the limb in a basin or pail of water as hot as can bo borne. Keep the i 'in perat ure up by the addition of more hot water from time to time. Allow it to remain immersed in the bath from ten minutes to half an hour, according to circumstances. Alter removing, ban dago evenly nnd tightly the whole ox ti nt, of the limb, both below and nbove the joint implicated, commencing the bandaging at tho extremity of the limb, below the injurv, and making it tightest it that point, thus forcing tlie blood from the superficial veins toward tl trim k. llio luuo sliouut lie Kept in an elevated position for some hours after ward. If the injury is to the lower ex trcmity, the loot may he placed in a chair and supported bv a pillow. If th upper extremities tire involved a sung made of a wide silk handkerchief, nnd tied around the neck, will give tho net essary elevation and support. Household I hysicinn Hie Captive liallooii at Coney Island. Not the least of the many attraction of Coney Island this summer is Mr. Kings captive balloon, "l'ioneor," tin first ascension of which was made on the afternoon of July 1. This balloon is not as large as the (Jift'ard captive bal loon at l'aris, but is said to be much more perfectly constructed. It is sixty live feet 111 diameter and lilts a capacity nl l.W.UUO cunie, loot, llio material is Iri.-h linen, iu two thicknesses. Th basket, or car of wickerwork, weighs I7l pounds. Above, tho baHoon is white, to reflect the sun's rays; below it is ornamented with dark red and green to make it a conspicuous object against tho sky. It is inflated with hydrogen, ami 111 calm air shows on the dynamom etera lifting strain of 1,4(10 pounds. Tlie gas is made on the spot by Mr. A. O, ( i ranger, by passing steam over hot iron. A oimd about the drum of a very largo windlass is 1,215 feet of one and a half inch rope, through tho center of which runs a telephone wire. An end of this rope is carried through a trench to the center of the inclosure, where, irter passing around a pulley, 11 is fas. How to Become a Comic Writer. A vounir mini cam 1 into the Chicago Tribune office the other day and said ho wanted to bo engaged as a comic writer. declaring (hat on short notice ho could prepare witticisms which would make a terra-eotla dog laugh. Tho editor burst into tears, nnd, wringing his hand hard, said, with ft groan, that his references were very sattslaetory, nnd that after a few months of study and practice he had no doubt that the neophyte would prove a valuable member of tho American Paragraphers' Association. " Study r" said the budding humorist, I didn't know you had to study to be come a comic writer.'" Haven't you, though P" said the editor; "tliatshows how little you know of tho grave responsibilities of a humor ist's profession when you would rashly undertake its serious duties without having, as I may Bay, become accli mated." "But. sir. what studios should I learn ?" said tho candidate for deathless fame. "You should begin bv forming your mind by learning mathematics, especially conic sections, so that you can treat every subject in a classically funny man ner. Then you should for a few months devote yourself to being a deputy coro ner, or a relieving agent, or a nurse in a small-pox hospital, or, in some other capacity of this sort, accustom yourself to scenes of human misery nnd suffering. You may not think that this training is necessary- Well, now, I will convince you that it Is. Hero are a couple of clip pings from tlie exchanges a fat man falls out of a third-story window on a minister with eleven children, and the selling out of a poor widow's furniture while her youngest fluid was dying of starvation. Just, take these over to that table there and write something comic about them. I would put the item about the widow into verse, with n good lively chorus. ' Whack, fol lol,' or something like that." The surprised and awe-struck voting man took the slips in silence, and returned m about halt an hour to say ho had been trying his level best, but ho would be dumnied it ho could see the comic side of those incidents. 'Then," said the editor, "take these Liverpool market reports and the state ment of lumber cut in Michigan and put them into a brief and lively form poeti cal, if possible. Ah, you don't think you can. Well, that proves my theory what I have been insisting upon all the time that a special education is needed for humorists, without which it is need less for a man to engage 111 the business. Good morning. Whenever you have mastered the rudiments of your profes sion come and see ine." How n Rat was Killed, A keen-eyed and gray-bearded rat in a lloekville (Conn.) woolen mill hail for a longtime evaded every device to entrap him, but nn expert took the case in hand, and succeeded at last in beguiling him into the trap. V hen tlie spring an nounced that tho " old General " was caught, tho boys crowded around and peered curiously in at the bright eyes and nervous movements of the old fellow. who was "streaking it inside. It was decided to put him in the " extractor,'' nnd it lie survived that treatment to let him go. The "extractor" in a woolen mill is a machine used to extract the moisture out of tlie cloth, the process being effected by putting the cloth into a basket that revolves swiftly inside a massive frame-work of iron. So the trap was fixed into tho basket and the belt run on. Hound nnd round went the basket, lurching heavily from side to side, but gradually growing steadier as the revolutions became swilter. Steadily the speed went up ; 100, 200, 300, and 400 times a minute. 1 he eye could justsoo a dark spot in the basket, then there was a sadden jar, and a cry was hoard that the trap would lly out. On a sudden impulse, t he belt was flung off, the brake put on, and the machine stopped. Was gray-beard dendr JNot a int. lie was streaking it tore nnd-att the trap, his lively eyes as '.bright as ever. Once more he took his place in the basket. It was to be a rule to the deatli tins time 1 fast train that would whirl him around at the rate of a mile and a quarter every HO seconds. Tho " old General " seemed to have an impression. that affairs were Hearing a climax, for a despairing squeal was heard its the basket again started up. One minute, two minutes, three minutes, and the basket was whirling around fully 700 times to the minute! A itoady hum, instead ol the surging, 111- licated the high spoon. 1 lien tie' belt was thrown off and the brake applied. When the machine stopped the " old General "was no more; but his was a painless death, without the agony and distress usually dealt out to vermin. Death in Cnnnod Food. Cases of serious illness from eating canned food, not reported in the daily press, are more common than is sup posed. Meat, corn, fruit, fish, put up in cans have each occasionally urostrated members of families in tho" habit of using the food thus conveniently sup plied, especially in warm weather when tlie discomfort of prolonged cooking pro cesses in the kitchen is more particularly experienced. Air may sometimes be, and doubt less in, imprisoned in the cans, hut it is not probable that it is to the bad quality of tlie food or to the deleterious presence of gases caused by fermentation that the illness or death of persons eating preserved food is for the most part to be ascribed. Those who can articles of diet have little or no interest whatever in disposing of diseased or decayed ma terial in that way. They can get fresh and good meat or produce cheap, and would not take the risk of poisoning people for a few miserable dollars know ing that they would certainly soon de stroy their business, thus losing llarge and steady incomes, besides the capital invested in apparatus and buildings. Accidentally cans may be prematurely closed nnd poisonous gnses produced. Generally this may be detected by put ting the cans in boiling water for'somo time, and if tlie ends or sides show any signs of bulging, both the cans nnd their contents should ho consigned to the re fuse box. If the cans are fount! thus to bo frequently defective, it will be well to show samples of them to tho health com missioners or similar officers, so that the general public may' at least have tho advantage of knowing through official publication tlie names of the" manufac turers and venders of such dangerous goods. It should be stated that tlie man ufaeturcrs as a rule take considerable pains to test tlie cans thoroughly, so to nave tiieir goods uneontnminatctl by fer mentation. They heat the cans before offering them for sale, and not less tlinn Irom live to te per cent, nro rejected because they show bulges when heated. l oisonous properties of preserved food ire too rommmlv derived from the materials of wh'.ch the cans are made or sealed. Ostensibly the cans nre of tinned sheet iron, in rtality they are of sheet iron coated to a great extent by lead, ternepiate "a.s it is called in commerce, ind lead poisoning follows the eating of food stored Up in receptacles of this kind. There is seme difference in tlie price of properly bnned iron and terne- piaie, suiucieni in ciosc competition co tempt the adontioi of the hitter bv un scrupulous personf. The solder must bo an alloy which is fusible at a low tem perature, nnd ingredients are occasion ally added of a highly poisonous nature. rjome years ago there was a solder sub mitted to one of our learned societies, which was said tocontain a considerable quantity of mercury. Ternepiate may be distinguished from tin plate by its dull color and. by its being easily scratched by the finger nail. A solu tion of sulphide of potassium will also more readily blacken ternepiate than tin plate. It will be a matter of extreme regret if meats and vegetables nre not so care fully treated and packed in cans that they may remain sound and wholesome for years. A creat industry will be de stroyed at the very time it is beginning to be duly appreciated over tlie whole civilized world. Nothing should be left undone to remove any justcause for pre judice against canned food, and this country, through a variety of circum stances, is especially interested in tlie prosperity of tliii industry. Xtio York Wit ness. Catching a Vife on the Fly. The Waco (Texs) Examiner tells this Inrllnn Itanreilntlonii, Tho fair reader shudders when she thinks ol the settlor's wife watching, from the door ol her rndo hut, the retreating lorm ol her hu bund going out to his dnily lnbor going out pei luipa to return not a;rnin, lor before nightfall a sitvngn hand mny have laid him low annum the prairies gmsos. Or It may he a child, a bright-eyed (laughter, is snatched away in an unguarded moment, to grace tho next war danee. When we road the heartrending details ol these snvngo depredations, we are apt lo blame the government for not taking more strict precautions to insure Hie settlor's pro tect ion. Hut we diiily rend of tho depredations of that arch-fiend, consumption, with scarcely a I bought of the terrible inroads it is making in human li lo. Tens ol thousands ol homes are annually desolated by consumption to one by Indian outrage. Like tho Indian, consump tion often comes stealthily, and no danger is apprehended Until tho victim suddenly finds himselt hopelessly ensnared, and death's lahil arrow ondu the scene. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a powerful alterative, or blood puriller and tonio, has restored thousands of consumptives who had tried ovory other remedy recommended to them without ob taining any relict, nnd are willing to testily to its remedial powers. Everyliody knows that so long as (here is loud flesh in a sore or wound it will not lienl. The obstaclo is speedily removed and tho flesh reunited by Henry's Carbolic Salve, the finest embodiment in cxisteueo of that su preme purifier, carbolio acid. Its emollient ingredients tnodily its pungent acid basis, so that it never cauteri7.es, stings or scarifies tho diseased part. Sores and eruptions of nil kinds nro cured by it. All druggists sell it. It costs but one cent to send a postal card to thn Mi won A Hamlin Organ Co., IJoslon, New York or Chicago, who will return, postage paid, I heir catalogues nnd circulars, with much intoruintion about organs. ISo one should buy an organ without seeing those. ' CitKW Tlie Cclehmtcd " Matchi.kss " Wood Tag l'lng 1 Tobacco. Tub Pioneer Tobacco Comcant, New York, Boston, and Chicago. For coughs and throat disorders, use " brown's Bronchial Irochcs," having proved their efficiency by a tost of many years. Twenty-five cents n box. Chew Jackson's BesT SweetNav v "'olwoco. PAPKli MIT.ti FOII HALE. For tnle at Lancaster, N, U., a first-class Mill, now In ojterntlnn. The plant comprises ten acres of lain! with full power of river, with I.Vft.ot head. Two-story frame Mlll,4i'xfwi,wlth annexes barn, storehouse, sheds, scales e. The Mill contains one 72-inch single cylinder, Klec It.irtoti ft, Fales' machine, complete four 2flD-pour.f twallm! enpliiisi two tub bleaches, cutters, calenders reels; one 611 horse-power boiler; and all the appliances for running the Mill. Straw plenty at t-S. Wood at 2. Excellent freight contracts (jo with tho Mill, hlch is now on wrapping Owners have other business. The property, which is valuable, will be sold at a fai price and at bargain. All Inquiries hy mail promptly answered. Address UKNRT 0. KENT, Treasurer. Lancaster, N. R., 1879. The Dress of the Greeks. The distinguishing feature of the dress of males among the Greeks, says a cor respondent, is a white cotton tunic reaching nearly to the knee, and looking very much like a plaited skirt. Over this is worn one and sometimes two jackets, usually plain but jaunty, and sometimes embroidered with lace, and around the waist is bound a shawl or belt, with tlie addition in mountainous lislricls of a leather wallet for a knife and provisions. The legs nro covered with tight, knit leggings and the feet with turned up shoos, ending 111 a point to Iwhich a tassel is'fastened. The head is covered with a red scull cap, with flowing blue tassel. A shaggy, white cloak, with a Hood sometimes thrown over the head, completes the costume In the cities, however, European dress is largely adopted The women of tlie higher classes who have not yet adopted French fashions, vcar a red skull cap, often set with pearls, with along giltla.ssel, nn em broidered jacket fitting close to the body and a loose petticoat of gay colors. We must conless that the costume is an ex- tcned to the balloon. Tho pulley is at- treuiely attractive one, and often eom- tached to the foundation by a universal joint of iron, so that, in whatever direc tion tho balloon may pull, there will be no side strain on the pulley. A good hold on tho sand is secured by the use of four sticks of yellow pine, each twelve feet long and twelve inches square. These nre planted horizontally nine feet below the surface, and above them is a well, made of concrete. Across the top of the well lie two other similar timbers. wliieh are strongly fastened to their fel lows below by long and thick iron bolts. Mr. King says this foundation will resist a strain ot 100,000 pounds, while the ut most strain that wind nnd gas united can exert on the connecting rope ol the bal loon will not exceed 22,000 pounds. On its trial trip the balloon ascended three or four hundred feet, and shortly afterward a second trip of 700 feet was made. At this height the view was pro nounced magnificent by the small party making the lirst venture. All the ocean approaches ol New York harbor were at their feet for a radius of thirty miles, and inland they could see the numerous towns and cities about the bay of New York, along the Sound to Flushing, up tho Hudson river as lar as ittrryiown, polled us to look twice at the rather pretty young women whom we passed in the streets of Athens. In the interior. however, we found,the women generally indulging in a dirty wrap around tlie shoulders, a dirtier short skirt and still dirtier bare legs and feet. Many of their customs remind the traveler of Homer's description of their ancestors. Justice in Albania. One of the curious facts related o Albanians is their strict adhesion to the h i, tationis. An assassin is killed by the friends or relatives of tho victim, and if they cannot rind the criminal himself they have a rigut to Kill 11 is luther, ms son and brother or his cousin. A thief is forced to pay double the value of the stolen goods to the person robbed, and a line besides to tho tribunal of justice. Adultery entails the same punishment as nssttssination. If the betrothed girl re fuses to keep her promise tlie deceived , 1 Mi 1 e I e..!l lover may Kin a luumuer 01 uer laiiiuy A suest is sacred : and a man who vio. lates the laws of hospitality and kills or Wounds his guest is chased from his t:ibi, and no one is permitted to have and the Orange valley and other parts of "'JY communication with his family ' J 1 . . . I '1 1 1 , o .. in .i .1 1 j 1 1 .1,1 .if f.illa linoti II11) ,11 . t New Jersey as lar as Faterson, Perth Amboy and Long. , Branch. Scientific American. the Russian princess who is to marry Prince Alexandria, of Bulgaria, is to have a marriage portion of S 10,000,000, half in cash and half in jewels. Now if he will go slow on starting newspapers and will sell ins dog, there s no reason why he shouldn't get along. Albany Journal, Tho same dishonor falls upon tho man who kills a woman. All his relatives receive the surname of ' Woman-slayer." The Albanians number about 2,000,000 souls, and in the portion of their tern tory claimed by Greece there are C50.000 inhabitants A ltitle bov came to bis mother re cently and said : " Mamma, I should tliiuk that if I was made of dust I would get muddy inside when I drink." storv of a remirkablo matrimonial event: M. C. SHakespeare, a farmer residing in the northwestern part of this county, and possibly a distant relative of tho renowned bard of that name. called on the Rev. J. II. Riclioy, in this city, at two o clock in the ntternoon, mil said Parson, do you know all tho ladies n Waco?" No." replied Mr. Richey: " I don't know hail of thou "Do you know a widow lady named Mrs. ttrd, who is employed in tho family of Dr. McGregor?" I have not," laid Mr. Riehev, " tho honor of her acquaintance; but why do you ask?" wen, ' said Mr. Miakospearo, 1 lon't know her either never saw her in my lite but thirking as maybe yon knew all about her I thought I'd t ome m d ask you. I'm thinking about mar-f ying her." ' " I should think," remarked Mr. Richey, "that yui would refer that matter to the lady herself." "I wil so J will." said Mr. S.. "but not till I have firsi seen Dr. McGregor." And- so saying lie turned and walked away. About three-quarters of an hour later in tlie day Mr. Shakespeare again stood in the presence of Mr. Richey. l ve seep. llr. jueurcgor, said lie, ind he says he's known the lady six teen years, and she s all right. llien exacting from Mr. Richey a promise that he would wait in Ins olheo a " little while." Mr. S. walked op., saying ho would "call on tho lady." And he did. " It s all right, parson," said he, on walking into Mr. llicliey's thee less than an flour afterward I've seen the lady, nnd she says it's all right. Ouick as I tan get a pair of licenses I want you to go up and tie the knot At t wenty minutes after four o clock .M. C. Minkespenre was married to fli Nanev Ward. Rev. J. II. Richey offi ciating, and the newly-wedded pair left at once lor their rural Home. air Shakespeare has n good farm and is well able to make his wife comfortable. Mrs. Shakespeare is a good houskecper and is otherwise well qualified to make him a good wife. Two hours and twenty minutes, dating from the nio ment the would-be bridegroom's first inquiries were made, is th precise time occupied in the accomplishment of this alliance. Tho original Shakespeare never imagined anything half so ex peditious, his nearest approach to it being She is fair and may be wood, Woman, and may he worn. 0'M Ol)'.' 03 M 04 07 V 'J-t (4 04 04 t 08 4 IS 1 5 75 4 tNI (3 7 Oh 1 20 14 1 20 1 lSliKil 1 15 Mt SlJa HIS 14 44 Q 89. I 63 i, 45 a 05 (3 9 25 (it 9 50 06.23.ua 06.27 Ke8ned or.;: 2 (A 35 i 1 A 4:)'.' 41 41 -H 75 50 12 EXODUS To Mm best lanils, In tha bant nllmats, with th b ffirkt, and nn thn bnut terms, alonf the Ht. Fail, Minneapolis Manitoba It'r, Ui Ht. Panl 4 Paolflo. 3,000,000 ACRES Mainly to th Famous RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. On len Una, lw prleaa and saaf pararata, Panphlst with fnll Information mailed fr. Apply M D. A. McKINLAY, Land Com'r, t. P. M. A m. R, an. rani, Xlnia. Knr lieanty of l1li 1 abor ( moss, PumUlity and t heipness. t'neipinled. U'KSli l'.i:u3., rroDrk'tors.(JB . Muss MOLLER'S TOP- COD-LIVER PIT. Si ta. UOBk Prrmmitifod tbobopt bvthn hlrfi aiithortti in the world. Given liitrhefit award at 1 Work Hold by I)raiir(riHt. 18 ;wrTortly pure. 1 at 1 World KxpOHitionn. and tit Paris, lKV. w.ii.w'Uinn'iiro. i " P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HIST0RYiW0RLD U contains O?!! fine hlstorlrnl rnnrnvtncR aii'l ltfOO ItP'tTP ilniihle minimi pnurs, nnd in th most mm pi f(n l.lMnrv of the World fvnr inihliBbrrl, It Mln lit Blunt. Srnl fur (tpi'i-linoii prps nnd extra tonus to Atfpnto. find pre why It !b faster tlmn anv other honk. Address Natminji. Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Pa. r it CURED FREE. unrrn ut- An hif.-illiHe and nimxTKed fipmdr to? I KUw.Mpilt liny or FnlHltKSIrUiiciKt irti in eni'fi n Bpreoy uni K K ji i 11 T mr. k A fre ottl of mr renowned siwcltV and aralnn'de i Trilse apt.t to any fmfTern S"IkIIiik ntc his P. O. and Kx- pros address. Tr. n. J. R.'fOT. Pearl Street.N w York A II ISA 1 AT, I, tHe TPIKi The very best (roods direct from the Importers at Half : pun ever nnerea o i;mn Avemp ALL EXPKKSS CIIAHGKS PAID. the usual cost. Itest pl;iu ever oflerert and !urie Havers. hew terms FJthK. Tho Great American Tea Company ill ami :M Veney .Street, Wew York P. (I. Ilox 42.1.1. ThU Claim-House Established 186S. PEAS ONS. THE MARKETS. HtW YORK. lleef Cattle Med. Natives, live wt.. 0!tf O ilvea State Milk 02 Si Sheep 0:1 is 1lUlt.M H-iga Llvi) ilresded Flour Ex. Htate, Rood to faney. weBieru, noon to xauey.. Wheat No. 1 I'.e.l White Htate Rye State 13:irley Two Koived State Cum Ungraded WeHtern Mixed.... Hontheru Yellow Oats Whits Htate Mixed Western Hiy Ki'Udl grades 8. raw Long live, ,er cwt Hops State, new crop...... Pork Mens L ird City Hteam l'vtroieuiu CriMe 05 tauo'a' Wool stiite and l'enn. XX l'llttor State Creamery Dairy Western Creamery Factory Cheece State Factory Skims Western Factory E?gs State and Pennsylvania rHIL.MIFXPIIIA. Flour renn. choice, and fancy 5 25 a B 30 Wheat Penu. lied 1 I'JJi'ii? 1 17 Amber 1 18 iti, 1 an Rye State Oil f.( fern State Yellow 43 d 4 O.ta Mixe.i 82 ( SH B itter Creiimeiy Estra IS (A, 19 C icese Now York Factory rit!Jtf(4 07 Pdroleum Crude 06 0; Kefluo.1, 0" V B'JKFALO. Flour City around, No. 1 Spring... S 25 Ktw I. Mr. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Penilous ilate hack to discharge or death. Time limlttd. Address with stamp. ;i:ohHje E. l.liMOJl, P. O. Drawer itS, Waahlligton, P. C. Medicines hnve failed to ilu Hunt' Kemetly surely does restore to tie.ilth all who nre allllcteil with Drnp.iv, Hrlcht's Disease. Kidney. P.laiii'er ami I'rlnnry Diseases. Hunt's Itemed y t-urei Dialteti-s.Urav-l. Inrnntiiii'iice and llctentlon nf t'rlnc. Intemperance and Loss nf Appetite. All Disenses "f the Kl lin-ys. madder and I rliini-y Orcnm are i-ured by Hunt's Kemcily. Try limit's llenieily. Send fur iiiiinplnel t WM. K. Cl.AlllvK. I'roviiiciu e. U. 1. - LIST OFTIISEABES ALWAYS CURABLE BY VBINO MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. 0P fll'MA.f FLKSH. Xlhetimnlism, Tturnn unit 8ca11ii Ktlnft mul Kites, Citta find Ttrulacs, flraln t Stitches, Contracted Muscle fitilT Joints, ltncknchet Eruptions, I'ror.t lutes, OF ANIMALS. Scratches, Sores and Galls. Spavin, Cracks. Screw Worm, 4jrnh. Foot Rot, Hoof All, Tnmcncss, Swlmiy, Founders, Sprains, Strains, Sore Feet, Stillness. and nllcxtcrnnliscasos. nndevcryhurtor accident, Forgon;rul use in family, stable and stock yard it is TI1E It EST OF ALL LINIMENTS summer inisic BOOKS. c ft s t. u c - it e . 1 t e e t THE GOSPEL OF JOY! Just out. Orcat favorite. GOOD NEWS1 Well known, always good. SHINING RIVER! Very lieantiful songs. Uets. Met. GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG! Best Song collection. CLUSTER OF GEMS! ,.. Capital Piano Pieces. GEMS OF THE DANCE! mjo. llrilllant Walttes, cc. alH i i... nf IMItnvrn. '2O0l! Mntmt, 1.T5) i nimin. tl V anil ethersi lnott interesthlg, Hittn- s Hworv (f iwic, x vuia. cam ii .Wiwtwil f-rorrt. (2.mv. Good reading! once a week, all the news, and line selection of music. l)ncripliv miiiU'tnti (lO'cts.) of almost ll Music nooks that are published. Very valuable for reference. 18.K) books. Any Book mailed for retail price. OLIVER MTS0N & CO.. Boston. c. h. mTso rWlwl,y NewTort. 1, E. PfTSOJf efc CO., ' ., . , . , Wt Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. 14 12 11 (18 02 (13 00 13 lfltf 11 17 :i 07X (J7 00 13X bent Ued Winter " 1 H Corn New Western 40 i in. i Stale 4ii bar ey Two liowed state 66 BI1BTOM. JBeet Cattle, live weight.... bbeop...... )Iu.,.M ; 'loll'' " i.' .li and Mil ii fluru-.vlixed and Yellow unlit K.xtra White Jtye State Wool Wailied, 'Jouiiiiue ,t IVhiue.. Unwashed, " " fit) 5 78 1 1 (4 4H MILITARY t-.-l Ciiliiiiil'Utt. Ohio. (Vciii fur 2'rtce Listt. Firemen i Caps, Belts, and Shirts. mm. m the wes 2 K1 T! Moat Successful Standard Talus r. 04Vrt OVlfi i't 'tfi fi fill 47 Kit I ! i as .'I 14 BI1IIIHT0N (MARK.l OATTI.K M.Ml k ft. Tleef Cattle, live weight II! V nueP (i4 (A T'imhs lis iA ilOlM 04Vis Una U'nnl raven the Advice Which, should be given to nervous, slender, nnd debilitated persons mvigorMo! hoda. fives, opiates, appetizers, nre comparatively useless. The system must be built up with a genuine tonie in order to the recovery of vigor nnd tmnqmlity by the nerves. A course, sys tematically pursued, of the leading invigorant, Hostettcr Stomach Jiilters, should be ro sorted to by those who suffer from weak nerve und general debility. The stomach. always nioro or less dyspeptic in cases oi ner vousness and loss oi vitality, is toned and rcg ulnted hy this medicine until the organ acts with a precision akin to that nf a steady-going piece of mechanism. Complete digestion and assimilation are, through the influence oi the Jiitters, tnlloweu by a gum of vigor and flesh and the disappearance ol biliousness and irre gularity ol the bowels, where such exist, as they usually do. Appetilo and sleep are then regained. Bttheida Sunt'artunatthe " Cole Magnetic oprxng," Havana, JN. I., is now open lor pa. tienU and those requiring rest and recreation Brights' Disease of the Kidneys, Rlienmatiim Neuralgia, Paralysis and Debility. Irom what. ever the cause, and also all blood diseases are speedily and permanently cured. Send lor circulars to O. D. Clawson, M. D., or F. II uoiusimtn, Havana, IS. i. The Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 East 18th Street, N, Y., sell Pianos at Factory races, w nts lot ft gataiogue. 40 75 (IK I, Olf, III V I 8 AS Ci 48 411 im as m Excursions to Lincoln, Kcbrnsnn, I.enve iVeiv YnrU nnd IVew England tlie I litril rl lientny In .very ,11011111 1111111 jr reiiiher. Exclusion Xa, U) leaves IV. V Tueiiilii v. .lulv 15. 'TO. Fare almut half reur.lnr Mte.. Fant tniiliwand liriit-clnna iu-ciiinnindiUlim guaran teed, rer dt'SiTli.tive Land (liriuliir., intorniatlnn an. Tickets. et. send mldrew nn Postal lard tn 11.13! Y JIOOUi:. :.17 lli'tmtlwuy, .cw l ark. WARNER BHD'S CGRbr.j rei-i-tvr.l llii- Illirlr. t Mi-itnl il th. r.-r-lj I'AltIC KXrOfITION. nvir nil AinTl.-.tli ninl Itm .. 'I'-! Fi.KXiiii.E mi t ousi:t ll'JJ LHJlIfat' l AHHAfTKD I1 rti.n-n nvnr llmhirn P -I I . 1 1 f':i HK IMPROVED HEALTH luitSti .Jfc I. U-.A-H H 111 I'll ...I'll .' rl. m.fl .nil It-xli.l. .ml ci.nli,li. i.,ii.-.. I'll.-, hy m.lt, ti.hQ. K.-r ..Ir i.t .11 l.iiii: mrcl.Hi.l, HVKn nitMS. 5"'. V. niW-7. R. 1 Of. Ofi 0' 0J Upham's Freckle, Tan and Pimple BANISHER. A few n I1 irutioiin of tills incptiinf Ion will remove freckles, tmi, hanliiirn, jiiuiplcs or liloteltes on flic Tare, and render the com. plexion clear and fair. For soft en ing and beaut ifjiiig the sklu it lias 110 equal. Trice 50 cfs. Sent by mail, postpaid, for 75 ctw. Address John F. Henry, Cur-ran & Co., 24 College Place, X. Y. ToT CaTrlagePalnters ! Use Stlmson & Cos Carriage Varnishes, 1 l MHU Ktrrrt, llo.tou. Maw, KKY PAI.K. KHKK WllKKIXU. 1)1 KAI1I.K VAR NISHES. AN'U VKKV HHll.l.IANT. tV. DVKFsiRFiltn El Ivi, mm r.:.'Sitl i 'SACK FROM xh MOUTH OF HELL.'' Ily on who has hern Ihcre ! "RISE and FALL oi the M0USTACH!. lly the UurliriL'ton Hnwkoye humorist. Samantha ns a P. A- and P, I. I'.y Josfah Ailon' wife. riip thive bni'htprit ami t'l'st-spllinp hitnkg out. Atrntth, you t-an put there honks in evrrywhero. Ilont trnn itlvpn. AMti'in fnr Amncy, AMKK10AN Plil.l.lSmNW CO., Mnrtrnnl.Ct.; Cliicuti, 111. THE WEEKLY SUN. A lamp, fh-'ht-tmcfl nainr of 5rt hronl rnliniins. will l.p Mrnt poiitiui'l to any uil'lrebs uikfil Januni-y FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Address . TIIK 8l"N, N. V. Clly. UNK IKITTI.RWAllllANTKIl A lierfiTti tireforall kinds ot PII.KS Two to four buttles in the worst eases nf I.Kl'HOSV. SCItOKI I.A . SA I.T RllKI'M. Itll KI'M ATISM. KII)N'KV.I)VS1'KI'S1 t,('ANCKH. I'ATAKItll.and all illseaais of II. r SKIN and Itl.(lt)l). Kntlrely Vi'Ri talile. Internal ami external usi Money retnrned'ln all cases of fall- ure; none rnr i years. Bold every where. Bend fur pamphlet, tl s bottle. ' 1I.'T. FOWI.K. Boston Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs nrninnstrsted hest hy TfKfllKST nONORS AT A I.I WOIII.D S KXPIISITIONS FOR TW'IM.VR YKAH8. vis. at Fasis, ISH7; ViF.aa, l7:l: Sakthod, IS7S; Psiudii I'HU IH7H. Pakis. 1S7i. and (iKand Swedish Oiild sIkd.ii IS71. Only A ruerli-an Organs ever awarded hlcuest hon. era in any sucn. oi.i ror easn or installments, li.ma rii.TED (.laTai.iMiUES and ('Irculura with new stylea anil ki, will rree. aiaiiii 11AA1L.IM UHUAJH Ut).. I'sion, aw turn nrt liiraxn First Established t TIIEIR INSTRUMENTS have ii'e Leading Markets Of the World Kverywhere recount nl as the KIN EST IN TON It. OVEf? 80,000 unite Hint In use. New DeHKns constantly. Bel Work and l.owi .t Prices. sV Semi fo a 0 itali ane. ttwtti St.. opr. Waitaam St.. Boston. Mass. ri ylltelTfiNv7 N,'w Yo,1' N v J&X And Ihoma'toa, Ct. Nija, t?CL0G!(S Vy S. TOWERS, if X . orncEs,.& V. UOUSE8, J I fs LT.. j ksrs lOksjf, Mtwl rVos ita Ii. .l,kkd skew cv,,. ,wak IS BSfl. awl KMsrhiU. Ht TRrrn i mightti siJ VrTZVTa "T; E."J .,h ,.r u. Utii 1.1 f "I" dinir profits en 30 days' Investment of $()Q JilUDU Lin Western I'nlun, June 7 . Proportional returns every week on btuek On Ions ol 6at, - 50, - ioo. - 5tlO. .r.i ,. i,,l. fr... Address "TpVinicKWitiiiTirc Chapman's Cholera Syup Cures Dysentery. Diarrhea and Summer Complaints ..f L f" en Prle' BOc KKOR'JB MOOKK, IToprtetor. Great Falls. N. H. Sold hy .11 UruKKists K ODER 8 FASTILLtO.hyn.all. Howell AC pA!TjgjggSjtgaiaiMts-'harlet' wu, Man, Pl tO PJS guaranteed to innailrious persons of s.ther sex al their own homes. Address with stamp, BOOK FRtt i Woman. Addiesswlih sump. slKDlCAL. DISPKNSATORV. Usttle Creek.Mlch. -- iIO!VTH-AjceuttVnled I So br."i COC nlliiii! articles in the world; one sample (re s?JIU Address JAY BRONSOfi. Detroit, Mlth m A PAY. Willi Dieucii iruiiiM. tw u.i iu.i i DIReU sells rapidly for fW its. OaUlosue fi D I U L M. 8r 1 w"n'n St- Bo,,t"u " i8T7 O.llftt free. Riisw (!n..Anoi..ti. Muss innnrll VIsVII. B.w 4. Make It, Wm itmm $33002 . I n uo. 1 0 s I S KKI 1.Y PT1.KI. 1HRI' VEM'K V.'IRE. Mn.ic c. .1.1 HVll'1 of l-s . .III-.- frt ll. S.. r..ri vi:Ur .iiJ T ... T ..." -.-. It (.'.... Tlie American." A.IMH) Iu ne Not oue ri'tuitiiMl -li 14 years, one l'rite, I'ash Hit't. filllO. J'JIIO. KSti p. Itll kiluu, - - 7" i:trv. --- f7 i, iiniiiit. t;i W T. Dieklbsun t O ., liis llroadway.N Y. We will li;ty AL-. n,-. it DuLai uf ilOO p r uiuulh ud expfnsi'S, or ullow a large ct'iiiuuarii'ii, to vml w.,rniiT il ioventiniiH. H m Die free. Address bHKUMAN ft CO.. . 1 '-jx new -&li,Micb, CAPONIFIER !) Old ltellalile t oiieeiilrated l is FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions arcompanyitiR rnch can lor ma Soft and Toilet Soap Quickly. IT IS FULL WEIGHT AND STRENGTH. The Market Is flooded with fnotalledl Concentrate I, yp, which ia adulturated with aalt aud renin, aud wtM BJk V K MUriKT, Aril' Bli X "a SaponifieIK MADR BY THK . ; Pennsylvania Salt ManuPg Cfl p s pun snRl.pniA. in, innft,""!l"1 ,n Wa" 8t. Storks makes 2mU 10 oiUUU fortunes every month. Hook ent free explainlnil'everrthinc. Address BAXTKR A CO.. Hankers. It Wall St.. N. T, Learn tleyraphv an earn S44I to SIllMk Every graduate uuaranteeil a paying situa K. Valentine, Miinaitt r, J.inesville. Wis VOUNCMEN month. Kvprv Lrrnilnutf trn Ion. Aflilrciu SEND erythindtauchtrrnuirni ineverj-uai mr. x.t,vu,c. alion so .alt.fai'tory. Patromue lame, faculty TO .;. Itlril , ., Portland amine, lor nest Axency lluslness the! World. KTlwiislve Ollttlt free Iluliil fc Cikln ltlvea.es. Thou sands.-ured. lowest Prices. UmhoiIsi to write. Dr. P. K. Marsh. Uuinrv. Mud, ll,f M.!:'r H;TIOAHY,:0,OO Wirds and J. t note'a Health Monthly, one year.fM), Musiur Hill Pub. Co., law ath SC.'New York? ' 1,777 A ,V,KAR and expe-srs to acenta. Ontnt Frf r lP 4 4 A.I-e.ssP O. VICKKHV. Aueu.la.M.ilne Vwnr siinaiin m ttuiittrui'tiirv. Putruiiai e large. lender in their piiallien. Court of stu.ly coinp ele. Cirtular. free. 1 U V ILL! A MS. rreaideut Dr. Hiker ni the Uril.ton Hi ii'.Ul for Children, (Ktip.) n it rimlU'ii ni tli'i - im h (MTliaeiy thut inlautt are reared and uvW rearpd - xc'nl -ly up.m U THE WW rata! oraiE- $i.oo. A verftei Ttma-ketpOT, Hwitlnir-Cai, aa4 lilATT FtiTl CHATf, latest etyla. IT cLii worth aloae tb price w tltsVi for Ut Ttm-k4Mpr. rartnen. li u inaiussMui. i a, We wvraBt H for ive ream xi ( in wtrta. m Met, bov. It alae coauint a FUlbT-t LlBS COMPASS, and in minr ctM mora rliLla Knti think riil KAPU WAT U U utcd by 0. H. rowera, Prladpal ef the CkirUil! High Atiawl, and U beluf fal iatroduc4 hiv mid stuuuu liirouKnoui in Ijiiiuu omiw, aot viihhch rr suuii uvraj a uua-aaaiMC ew e A nuatinr-ctue rrtica ana uaata for flW. Tbe OLAH TtUltcd. Till aULARUKAPH W ATTH rrltf..l medal at th MMbaBici Fair, at Jtmlea. i 1H7 'fbU U no toy, but if made oa clnuac priaciplat, and avtrjr eu warraatcd Ut be accural and rtUable. aav mane ino pnea very low, ilailiiy ta iniroaurt tntin ai aaca, auvr which b wtnea wtu us raiaea. W. low. .imnlv t. Inlrodui-. Ib.m al ..... an.r wbtc. lb. UTtc. will k. nl..d. Tb. bOLABuHAI'M WlICM All) CUilS la liul i .Ml .ulUd. cu., u4 miis la uy addnw fw (1.00. Address plainly, HUB MANUFACTURING CO., Boston, Mass. Ifcaf-Seut by mail, pre-puld, riroyldod 18 cents in postage ulamps are enclosed.