Ik JUwirfe. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1879. Local Jioles Dusty. Hot weather now. -Potato bugs are yet scarce. . ' Prime Erie county butter at M's. For flower pots go to 42 Main St. For wooden ware go to 42 Main street. Wednesday nlgbt was cold enough for a frost. Planting a little late owing to a carclty of team work. Fruit In greut abundnnce this year if the frost will let it alone. Work on the new court house is rapidly advancing. The corner stone will be ready to lay about July 4th. The Supervisors are laying a new side walk on the south side of Main street from the post-office to the big bridge. Call on Morgester and get latest prices on groceries. Reduction in prices ot groceries this day, May 22d, 1879. McAfee, the Tailor, has received another Invoice of new samples, and it will be to your interest to examine his stock and. prices before buying your spring suits. Full stock of tobaccos, cigars and snuff, consisting of Blackwell's Dur ham; Kimball's Durham, Vanity Fair, Navy Plug, Spanish Mixed, Peerless fine cut, and Honeysuckle at Morgester's. The spectacle of two men ill treot Jngahorseby fust driving and beat ing with a club was witnessed on our streets one day last week. The poor beast was neurly worn out with fast drivingund yet tin-inhuman occupants of the carriage urged it to still further ' speed. The law for the prevention of cruelty to animals should be enforced in instances of this kind. The next time a similar case comes under our notice we shall not hesitate to give the names of the guilty parties. Week ago lust Saturday Mrs. O'Brien's house, next west of "The Printer's'' property, burned to the ground The item was in type for Just week's issue but unintentionally omitted. The cause of the tire is un known, alt hough as the stove pipe pro jected through a hole in the roof, the mystery is not a grent one. The township will at once put up a new house on the lot next west of the one where the burned house stood. Nearly all the household goods were saved. Rooting and spouting cheap and good 42 Main street. Last Day of School. Wednesday, of last week, the Pub lic Schools of Ridgway closed until after the usual summer vacation. Although Prof. Johnson had been un able to be about the day before, ow ing to sickness, he was on hand for the closing of the last day, and we will add right here that he has lost but half a day In the four years lie has taught this school, and been tardy but once or twice. No set programme was gone through with,"the exercises consisting of instrumental music and songs by Misses Jennie and Katie Grcsh; songs by Miss Nellie Jackson with organ ac companiment by Miss Jennie Jackson. "When ye gang awa Jamie" was sung by Nellie Jackson and Willie Schram. The recitation of the classes in geogra phy and reading was one of the marked features of the occasion, while the grammar recitation denoted a thorough knowledge of that branch, although the class spoke too low to be heard with anything like ease at the farther end . of the room. The geography class not only bounded nil the States in South America, giving their capital, chief products, etc., hut named the rivers, capes, and moun tains, besides u greut amount of other interesting facts. Supt. Dixon pro nounced words found in the lesson, by request of Prof. Johnson, and stated that the class could spell all the names and other words relating to South America. The drill on Europe was equally perfect. The rapid adding by Gussie Woodward proved him to be u muster in that line. No other pupil in the school, save, perhaps, Willie Schram, attempts to compete with Gussie for the honor of being the most rapid and correct in adding upcolumns of figures, several trials convincing tlte audience that he was hard to beat, his results, quickly reached, always being correct. Further, this champion is the smallest pupil in the high school de partment. Prof. Johnson sjKike sev eral times during the progress of the exercises, saying, among other things, that, among the duties of the Princi pal of the school for the past four years had been the carrying up, from the basement, an average of ten tons of coal per annum, besides the sweeping and other janitor work in which his wife assisted him; all this, lie said, added to his other duties, necessitated the working on an average of fourteen hours a day, Sundays alone excepted. He spoke with manifest difficulty, although his words were distinctly heard and attentively listened to by the audience. Mr. C. E Holiday and Supt. Geo. R. Dixon replied in well chosen words to the remarks of Prof. Johnson. The school room was com fortably filled by pupils, their parents and others. The closing song, " Sweet By 'and By," was sung by . the Misses Gresh. Pfof. Johnson grasped each person by the hand as the audi ence filed out the door, and thus ended the last day of school. For stores and pipe ge to 42 yjn etNet Personal Chitchat. Miss Elliott Is vislUng at Bam. Miles'. Pat Malone's bouse Is raised and enclosed. The mouth organ band Is a new Institution. Sheriff Oyster has returned from Pittsburgh. Frank C. Ely Is recently father to a daughter. W. F. Mercer will move into Miss B. E. Wilcox's house. Dr. J. S. Bordwell will set out one hundred peach trees on Ills side hill. Janies Clark now has a little son to call him pa, that is when it is old enough. Ene. Barrett has planted several shade trees in front of'his Broad street property. James Rognn, of St Mary's is working on the new court house hauling stone, C. R. Kline is atPhlladelphia on a visit. M. S. Kline acts hi ids place at the Elk County Bunk. --James Horton fell, dislocating his right shoulder, on Sunday morning. Drs. Bordwell and Bjfty set it. Dr. Bordwell reports that Robert Campbell is gaining very slowly. We hope to see Robert about in a few days. Joel Beckwith was in town on Monday. He has long been a resident of Wilcox, and is an industrious and" honest man. A. C. Brown has taken up the lot next east of Thomas Noon's place,, has plowed it, and intends building a house this full. Henry Uoff just escaped fatal in juries at Laurel Mill a few days ago. His shirtsleeves caught in the gang of edging saws and he was drawn into their embrace, but fortunately was able to make the engineer hear him in timetoshrit off steam before he was sawed to pieces How he ever escaped Is a mystery Strangers in Town. A. T. Aldrich of Wilcox. Thos. J. Burke of St Mary's. Win. Brandon, of St. Mary's. B. I. Taylor of Kendall Creek Mc Kean county. W. Jr Colegrove, Colegrove, Mc Kean county. A piece of lemon upon a corn will relieve it in a day or so. It should be renewed night and morning. The free use of lemon juice and sugar will relieve a cough. A lemon eaten be fore breakfast every morning for a week or two will entirely prevent the feeling of lassitude peculiar to the upproiich of spring. Perhaps its most vuluabie property is its absolute power of detecting any of the injurious in gredients entered into the composition of so very many of the cosmetics and fuce powders in the market. Every lady should subject her toilet powder to tills test: Place a teaspoonful of the suspected powder in a glass and add the juice of a lemon ; if effervescence takes place it is an infallable proof that the powder is dangerous and its use should be avoided as it will ulti mately injure the skin and destroy he beauty of the complixion. Table and pocket cutlery at 42 Main street. Pete's Wilcox Umiget. Wilcox, Pa , May 20. A little girl of Mr. Lytles drank half an ounce of solution of arsenic this morning. Doctor Straight wasitt once called in and administered, the usual antidotes including a vigorous use of the stomach pump. The girl is stiil alive at 4 o'clock this afternoon, with consideruMe hopes of her re covery. The arsenic was used in the family as u niediclneonedrop of which was a dose, so it will be seen t hut the little girl drank enough to kill half a dozen men. "Job Print" was here to-day with his lame buck. You had better come buck here and stay old fellow the boys in Ridgway are too much for you, or is it the water? They will commence driving pipe in theWutson well to-morrow. FETE. For garden or haying tools go to Main 42 street. Financial. With money ut 2i and 3 per cent, on call In Wall street, domestic goods of ull kinds lower than ever known be fore, much lower than they cun be produced even nt present starvation wages Leather, Lumber and Coal, our own greut staples, being sold at ruinous sacrifices, who shall say that the bottom has not at lust been reached. Once on a firm foundation it requires no prophet to foresee that the elastic energies of our great country will not long lie dormant. Business must re vive, and prices must soon be better. But in the meantime, while at the ootiom. goons, a lew of winch are enumerated below, are being sold for cash, at the astonishingly low prices named For instance : ut Powell & Kime's Grand Cen tral Store, Ridoway, (in baseiueut of Ihe Advocate building:) Gran dated Sugar.lOc. ; Powdered 10c. ; Crushed 10c. ; Coffee A OJc ! XC White 9c; C Yellow 8Je. ; 3lt Canned Peaches 22c; 8lb Can tied Tomatoes 10c; Wins low's Can ued Corn 13c : Lima Beans 13c; Green Gages 25c; Dried Peaches isoc; Dried Apples 5c; Green Rio Coffee, good. 15, best 18c; Roasted Rio Coffee, lib pkgs. 20c.; Syrup, a splen did article 50c; English Currants 8c; Crackers, . best, 8c.; Medium White Beans, per tush., $2 15"; No. 1 White Fish per lb. 6c; Valencia Raisins 10c; Salt per bbl. tl.50; Snow Flake Sal- aratussc.; 2S Canned Tomatoes 7c.; Sagar Cared Ham 10a State Notes. Judge Asa Packer died la Phila delphia, Saturday, May 17. ' Lady clerks are now employed In the court offices In Chester comity. A supposed case of Infanticide is creating quite a sensation In Media. The regular meeting of the Board of Pardons has been adjourned until June 17. The Delaware and Chester county jails contain the same number of prisoners fifty-five each. The fire in Pik county is gradu ally being subdued. The territory burned over extends thirty miles in length. Farmers are Increasing the acreage of potuto-plantiug in many parts of the State, and there isle Indication of the potato bug than Jor several years. A Sheridan corresjiotident says: A tenant farmer who lately removed from one of our neighboring farms left in one of the stables 130 louds of ma nure. It required 183 pounds of silver advoirdupois weight, or 211 pounds troy weight, to pay off the employees at the Harrisburg Car Shops Saturday afternoon. Four thousand dollars worth of four per cent. U. S. certificates were sold at the Harrisburg post-olllce on Saturday morning. This makes a total of $1 10,000 worth sold since April 1. Miss Addie Austin, the youngest of the lady equestriennes connected with the London Circus, fell from her horse, at York, and the animal step ping on the girl's leg, broke the bone in two places. Pennsylvania emigration beats the exodus all hollow. Sixteen thousand whites have left tills State for Kansas since January 1. Tliegreatest number of negroes that has yet reached St. Louis Is given as 8, 500 to April, and since that the estimate Is 3,"00. The following' State Military Board has been appointed by Governor Hoyt, to purchase National Guard equipments: Major General John F. Hurtranft, Brigadier General J. K. Siegfriend, Brigadier Generul James A. Beaver, Lieutenant Colonel Russell Thayer, Major Alex. Krumhhaur. Phcenixville has a professional shop-lifter. She wears the conven tional overskirt in ample form, and in the underskirt has a pocket tluit will conveniently hold a couple pieces of goods. She is generally considered a respectuble woman, but a few days ago she was cleverly delected. Elliott, the battered pugilist is lying in Erie a serious wreck. Four ribs on the left side are fractured. A very serious contusion was niude in the region of the heart, and on the right side wre some ugly bruises, with possibly some rib injuries. Respira tion was frequently attended with coughing, which indicated internal in juries. The jury in the Mowry Cubba You Quit ejectment cuse at Pittsburgh brought in a verdict for the defendants. The claimant is uu Indian, of the Chippewa tribe, who says she Is the legitimate.daughter of William Mow ry, who owned a large estate in that city. Judge Marsden, of the Michigan Supreme Court, was plaintiffs leading counsel. The property in dispute con sists of forty acres of land, wftVth about $1,200,000. The plaintiff proved she was Mowry's child, but could not prove that she was legitimate. In the license contests before the court of Blair county Judge Dean nar rowed the issue down to the following points; (I) Is the house necessary for the accommodation of the traveling public? "(2) has it the means of ac conimodution us required by law? (3; does the applicaut possess the personal character demanded in the keeper of a public house? (4) has sufficient bond been filed? If the weight of the evidence satisfies us that each of these questions should he answered in the affirmative, then we cannot refuse the license. On the other hand, if the weight of the evidence fails to affirm either, the license must be refused After a spirited contest and four ballots, the directors of Lackawanna county elected MissH. Evelyn Brooks, ofCurbondale, superintendund of com mon schools last week. Three candi dates entered the field, but Miss Brooks distanced them all, taking the lead on the second ballot, and coming out with a majority of 21 on the last ballot, in a total poll of 1 1.5 votes. She is described as a young lady of high scholastic attainments and much ex perienced in teaching. Lackawanna county is the second in the Sute to elect a lady superintendent, the other being Tioga county, where Miss Surah F. Lewis is now serviug her second term. For very low prices fororgans and pianos writ e to D. S. Andrus a Co., city music store, Williamsport, Pa. Organs and pianos to rent by the mouth or year. Sheet music sent to any ad dress. Second hand instruments for sale. Pianos from $75 to 95; organs from 30 to $50. For powder and shot go to 4:2 Main st rect. Everything usually kept in a first class grocery store will be found at Morgester's Corner Grocery. For nails and Builders' hardware go to 42 Main street. Chicago, May 15. A billiard mutch was played to-night between Jacob Schaelfer and Geo. F. Slosson for the three ball championship of the world, one thousand up, $500 a side. The following was the result: Schaef fer,6, 690, 805. Average 333J.. Slosson, 13, 9, 21. Average 14. Shaeffer's averacre was unprecedented. The largest previous run made & 464, which bis second ua exceeded by 22. PsTfiRSOff'S MAOAtlNBj for JuO la already on our table, exceptionally bright and meritorious la every de partment. The principal steel engrav ing, "Among the Hills," is one of the rarest beauty. The double-size colored fashion plate, not only gives the very latest Parisian styles, but Is also an ex qulsit picture. Then there is a colored design for the cover of a blotting book, to be worked on black satin, with gold and silver thread, after a Japanese design, so pretty that every lady, we should think,! wouldbegln to work one at once. These colored patterns are a specialty of "Peterson ;" no other Magazine gives them; they appear monthly and must be very expensive. The stories are unusually good, even for this Magazine, where they are al ways, as one of our co-temporaries suys, "of remarkable beauty." The "Work Table" department is particu larly full. Nothing hut Its enormous circulation could enable "Peterson" to give so much for the money : It Is in contcstibly the cheapest as well as best Magazine of its kind. Ever lady should have it. Its price is but two dollars a year, with great deductions to clubs. Specimens are sent, gratis, if written for, to persons wishing to subscribe, or to get up clubs, for "Peterson" challenges comparison be tween itself and others. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Til K I.AIUI KMT RETAIL HTOHK 1 N WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. J. S. & W. H. HYDE, DEALERS I General Merchandise, RIDGWAY, PA. The following art oitr price on the prlncl. pal articles iu the grocery Hue uutil further notice : Al'PI.KS, dried C. perlh. 5c HKANS, nieilliiiii.pcr bu. Hum, enn, 2.1c KEEK, ciinned, per ib; Irte.; dried per lb. lttc t'OFKKK, Itlo utomI, lo; best. IS; nutated !M. TRUANTS. Eimllsh. per lb. S, . Clt.U'KKKs, Ixisl quality, per lb. 8c. ColtX, (aiiucd.per can, IMc. TOMATO Ks, can ned, per can Jlc. I ISH, No. 1 White, peril) 6c. HAMS, Siiuur l.'ured, per lb. 10c. SYIU'P, Choice, per gal. 5"c. PiU'X KS, next quality, per lb. 8c. RH'K,liest quality, per lb. 8c. RAISINS, Viilelifilns, per lb. 0c. Sl'GAR, tirumiliited imd Piilverlned, 10c.; conee a !';,; ex. K. w line vc: Yellow V',u. SALT, per Jibl. ... ' MALKKAlTrt. per lb. 8c. l- l,oi:R, per bbl. i.Ki; KEEP, per cwl. $1.25. MEAL, perewt. tjl.vai: bolted in sack Sl.ao. KitAN, per ewt. II.IKI. CORN, per bn. le.: OATS, nerbu. -n. and all other itoods In the grocery line at pro- pui uuiiHieiy uw prices. For wheelbarrows go to 42 Main street. List 01 Licenses. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons have filed their peti tions for License in my office,' and that they will be presented to the Court of (Quarter Sessions on Wednesday, May Itith, at 2 o'clock P. M. : ' TAVERN. Jay E. H. Dixcni ; Armel Turley. Fox Josepli Koch. Ridgway Salyer Jackson. St. Mary's Mary L. Miller: John Groll. t Wilmarth William Haley. UATINO HOUSE. Benezetto John Daley. Fox James McCloskey. Fred. Sc'Hcening, Clerk. 'That if any nerson or nersons shall neglect or refuse to lift his, her or men- ijieense, wiuiin fifteen days after tiie same has been granten, such neglect or' refusal shall be deemed a forfeiture of suit) license." Pur don, V. 2d, page !48. . Tin ware and glass ware at 42 Main street. Catharine Mtlarvey, "1 In the Court of by her next friend, Common Pleas George Morgan, of the County vs of Elk. John M'Garvey. No 6, Nov. Term, 1870. DIVORCE. To the Respondent Ahove Named. Take notice that subpeena and alias subxena having been issued in the ahove. entitled cuse, and returned "not found in the county, you are hereby notified to nppcarhefbre said court on the FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY, A. D. 17'J toauswerthesaid libellant's complaint. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ltidgway Pa. I March 12, IST'J. Hall & M'Calley, Attorneys for Libellant. ndto Chow-chow and prime No. 1 pickles at Morgester's. Two YEA RS an INVALIDCURED Nkw Bktiu,kuem. Pa., July 12 1875 Dr. M. M. I'knskk, Kiviloiiia, N. Y Dear Sir About two yeai-Niieo Ihad an eruption of the kkili and Kwelllng of mv upper lip and both les. I could not weer ii hoot for nine iiioontliH. 1 alxo had a bail cough tor nUeen years. I beitan the line of your mood ana Liver Keineily and Ni-rve Tonic with your Salt Rheum ointment and Cough Holier iu February last. I ininn .vo.l so liist that 1 commenced work the tii-st of .iiarcn. j ne cure lis complete, no trace eill.er of thecouKh, eruption or swell! remains. You truly, J. M.8KYLER. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem edy aud Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for it regulates and re storer the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Itillious- ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Aoce, Spleen Enlarge ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas," Pimples, Blotches aud all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disorders; Swilled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility : Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or going into decline; cures Female Weakness aud Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung .and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its causes. Dr. tenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough In one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid uey Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe cific One bottle always cures. For sale by Dra. T. S- Hartley and O- B. Day. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY WrlU of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari lacias, ana testa tum fieri facias Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Connty, and to me directed, I, D. C. OYSTER, Hlifh Sheriff of said county, do hereby Kive notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's office, iu Ridgway, at one o'clock r. m., on MONDAY, MAY 20TH. 1870. ALL that certain Dart of town lot No. 19 In the village of Ridgway, Elk Co., Pennsylvania, containing four thousand (4o()0) square feet, bounded on the north by Main street and on the east by Court street. Containing forty feet front on Main etreet by one hun dred feet In depth on Court street, be ing part or the same premises con veyeo to Sarah Thayer by Jerome Powell, Administrator of J.C Chapin, deed., and to D. D. Cook by Horace Warner aud wife by deed dated July 3d, 1873, duly recorded In deed book "Q" page 4(X). Ac, in Elk county. On above lot there is erected a frame dwelling 24 feet front by 24 feet deep used as store room, and addition attached 16 by 24 feet used as dwelling house, two stories high, also wing attached 16 feet by 40 feet (leep used as Bakery and Grocery. Also a large Ice House and Meat Mar ket 32 feet by 26 feet 1 J stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of D. D. Cook at the suit of it. V. ftinie. ALSO All that certain tract of land situate In'Spring Creek township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded as fol lows: on tne norm oy warrants ios. 1509 and 1570; on the cast by warrant No. lotj- and on the south and west by warrant No. 377. containing five hun dred and thirty-nine acres and know as warrant. o. low. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thomas Irwiu at the suit of Powell & Kime. ALSO All that certain tract or par cel of land situate in Ridgway, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the south corner of land lately sold by J. S. Hvde to YV. H.Osterhout, and on the north side of the Philadelphia and h.rie Kaiiway; tnence norm cigiuy- six and eigiit-tentlis (8b.) roils along the line of said Osterhout to a post ; thence soutli forty-five degrees east S. 45 E.) seventy-one and six-tenths 71.6) rods to the northeast corner of lot number four (4i in the village of Elk; thence south sixty degrees west (S. Bo0 W ) along the north line of lots os. 4. 3, 2 and 1, twelve anil ten- twelfths (12 10-12) rods to the north west corner or lot iNo. l in tne village of Elk; thence south thirty degrees east (S. 30 E) six and six one hun dredths (6 ti-KKi) rods along the west line of lot No. 1 to the northwest cor ner of said lot; thence south sixty-one degrees west (S. 01 W.) fifteen and six-tenths (K'.O) rods: thence south sixtv-five and three-fourths degrees west (S. 663 W.) twenty-seven rods to the place ot beginning, containing fourteen and ninety-seven one-hun- dredths acres (14 97-100) and beinir the same land conveyed by John Shack to Francis Folirnnu, Jr., by deed dated September 25, 1875. Seized and taken in execution as tne property of Frank Pollman, Jr., at the suit of Adam Shack. ALSO All the right, title, interest ami claim of defendant in and to the following real estate to wit: Begin ning in the centre of Milesburir and Smethport turnpike at the point where the south line of M. Dill's line crosses it; thence west two hundred and twenty.four rods to a post corner; thence south seventy rods to a post corner in the north line of land of Enos Retzger; thence by said line east one hundred and seventy-nine rods to centre of aforesaid turnpike; thence along centre of same in a northeasterly direction to place of be ginning, containing eighty-five acres more or less. There is about live ueres cleared and improved, and a frame house erected thereon about 18x24 feet two stories high, also a cow shed on same. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Geo. Powell at the suit of Jacob Smith. ALSO All that certain tract, mes suage and plantation of land situate in Lienzinger township, county or JMK. and State of Pennsylvania, described as follows to wit: "Beginning at the southeast corner of a fifty acre lot, deeded by Hiram Payne midwife to Jacob Delger, being eighty one perches east of thesouthwest corner of warrant four thousand eight hundred and eighty-two; thence extending north two hundred and one perches to the northeast corner of said Delger lot ; thence east eighty perches; thence south two hundred and one perches to the south line of said warrant (num ber thence extending along said warrant wefit eighty perches to the dace of beginning, containing one Hind red acres (strict measure) reserv ing one perch in width on the south end thereof, for a public road or high way forever, exclusive of said reserva tion, being the same premises which John Slifer and Lydia L. his wite by their Indenture bearing date the 12;h day of line., A. I). 1872, recorded in ihe office for recording deeds in the county of Elk in Deed Book " P " page 380 &c , granted and conveyed unto the said Charles Luhr his heirs and itsr-lgns in tie, and the said Charles Luhr by deed bearing even date here with conveyed to the said Rebecca Sykes and August Werneth. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Rebecca Sykes and Au gust Werneth at the suit of Charles Luhr. ALSO All the right, titte, anfl in terest of the defendant in and to the following described real estate to wits Lots Nos. 12, 13, and U on Charles street aecordinir to the map or plan of the Borough of St. Mary's. Each lot being 100 ft. front on Charles street by two hundred (200) feet deep. Suid lots are improved and enclosed in a body by a substantial fence. There iserected on lot No. 14 a frame dwelling house iwu uini inie-iiuii Biiiries mgil, ia-ieieu and with a good cellar, main building 18x32 feet, wing 16x20 feet. A frame stable 12x16 feet and other outbuild ings. A good well of water on this lot. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Nicholas Halligan at the suit of Walker & Son. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck ort" : 1. All th s bi must be paid in full except v ber j the plaintilt'or other ben creditors ot-comes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list ot liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property soul together with such lien creditor's, receipt for the amount of tion thereof as be shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not aettled I mmodlatel r will b continued until six o'olook P. M., at which time all property not set tled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom It was first struck of, and who, In case of deficiency at such re sale, shall make good the same, and in no Instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless the bid Is actu ally settled for with the Sheriff as above stated D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Pldgway, Pa., 1 May 1st, 1879. f See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page 446; amlth's Forma, 848. . Elk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet more, President Judge for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, and Julius Jones, and George Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices in Elk couuty, have issued their pre cents, to me directed, for the time of holding of the Orphan's Court, Court of Common- Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgwav. for the county of Elk, on the FOURTH MONDAY IN MAY, 1870, being the 26tb clay of the month, to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justice of the Peace and Con stables in and for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records. Inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and In their be half appertain to be done, and all wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in belial f of the Com inon weal t h agai nst any person or persons, are requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at tendance at the appointed time, agree able to notice. Given under my hand and seal, at the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the ?2d day of April, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. D. C OYSTER, Sheriff. List of Jurors. We give below the list of grand and traverse jurors drawn on the 18th ult for the May term of court : GRAND JURORS. Benezette J. W. Barr, G. T. Rothroek. Benzinger Mathias Gerg, John Wittman, J. J. Vollmer, Lewis Han hatiser, John Kroeckle. Fox Edward Maione, Lawrence Mohan, Peter Thompson, Herman Strtessley. Highland Thos. Campbell. Horton A. S. Horton, Wilber Moyer. Jay John Munn. Jones J. C. Maione. Ridgway Jacob M'Caulcy, Jacob Butterfuss, Will Dickinson, S. A. Rote, N. T. Cunimings. St. Mary's Eben J. Russ, Joseph Jacobs. Spring Creek D. G. M' Knaul. traverse jurors. Benezette W. L. G. Winslow, John Lulfey, John Mulroy, Isaac Dent, H. F. Wilson. Benzinger Paul Bush, George Leber, Jno. D. Brendf, Jr., August Fletteman. Fox Bernard Canavan, John Kyler, Win. Meredith, John Meyers, Peter Poncer. Hezekiuh Moyer, John Koch, Thos. Sullivan, James D. Cuneo,. Jacob JJoiiinger, U. K. Kelts. Highland Wm. Stubbs. Horton John M'Allister, Chas. Chamberlain, E. C. Wood, Jacob Fields. Jay Justus Weed. Jones Michael Miller, J. C. Mef fert, A. M. Straight, Bernard Weidert, John Bonnert, John Bowers. Millstone Edward Mabic, M. B. Hoffman. Ridgway David Patmore, John A. Ross, E E. Willard, W. W. Mattison. F. C. Ely, A. H. Head, Alvia Male horn,' John Meenan. St. Mary's Geo. Hanes, Henry Luhr, Edward M'Bride, Joseph Dietz, John Dornish. G. C. Brandon, Frank Geyer, Jos. F. Windfelder. Spring Cheek A. W. Irwin, Sylvester Milliron. W LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRI AGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. IHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf Howe Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at Powell & Kime's Will be found an assortment of th celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they, having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Corders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing machine Oil, Thread, tc, &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security. Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. tf. Bill-heads cheaply, and neatly printed at The Advocate office. In the) District Court ol the United States. For the Western District of Pa. Joseph Windfelder of Elk Co , a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867 having applied for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, Bv order the Court. Notice is hereby given to all Creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 3d dav of June. 1879; at 2 o'clock. P.. M . before 8. . Woodruff Esq , Register in bankruptcy, at his office, Erie, Pa., to show cause if any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to Uw aud jjanwupt. 0. a MaCUjrx&x&, Clerk Business Cards. Rates f Advertising. On ootumav one Mr..,n.n..M w t . n ... IS 00 ran ill on t .dvwtliinut per quRr tw etgbtlitxM, on linerllon fl.lwe ihibiww" I1.6U, three Innxrllons SX BiMlueu audi, Ma lines or Wm, parr AdTrtlMmnU p.ybl qortrlr' OEO. A. RA1HBUH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., P- HALL V M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Mala street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW, Rldmvav. Elk county, Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat es tablishment. Claims for collection, promptly attended'to. Jnel5,1870 Q. Q. MESSENGER. DRU.GGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vlniiy J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, lias removed his office from Centre street to Main iitreet, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the. new briclc building of John G. Hall, west of the Hvde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 0 P.M. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. ThankTul for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopeSj by paying strict attention to the comlort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'6 MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all Its brunches. Agent for Dr. J. Bail fe Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups. Send for descriptive eirculur. n I7y 1 APPLETOH'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Volume 1G of this admirable work is just out, making it complete. Each volume contains 800 pages. If makes a complete library, and no one can alford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $3.00 a volume in leather, or $7.00 iu elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars. scpl7-tf CENTRAL Stats Normal School. Eighth formal School District) LOCK HAYEX, CLIXT0X CO., PA. A. N. RAI'B, A. M., Principal. This school as at present constituted, offers the very best facilities for Pro fessional and Classical learning. Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure water, soft spring water. Location healthful and easy of ac cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing to teach. Students admitted at any time. Courses of study prescribed by the State; I. Model School. II. Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. tscien entiiic. adjunct courses: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV. Art. The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, and students graduating therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding degrees: Master of the Ele ments, and Master of the Sciences. Graduates iu the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments, signed by the Faculty. The professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. ' The State requires a higher order of citizenship. The times demand it. It is one of the prime objects ot this school to help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and efficient teachers for her schools. To this end it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their time and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid in .developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school. For catalogue aud terms address th Principal. S. D. BALL, President Board of Trustees. T. C HIPPLE, Secretary. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. C. Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. H. Best, Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A.N. Raub, YV. W. Rankin, R. G. Cook, Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M. Bickford, H. L. DitTenbach, A. C Noyes, S. R. Peale. Centre Kx-oov. A u curttn. Clearfield Ex.Gov. Wm. Bigler. Elk-Charles It. Earley. Mr6'70yl James McAfee. Merchant Tailor, has just received a varied and exten sive assortment of spring and summer goods for Rents' wear, which be will wane up cneap. Call on Butterfuss, Masonic Hall, to buy your Boots and Shoes. Best quality of stock used, and made up by first-class workmen at low prices Examine prices before purchasing elsewhere. Free Gift to the Suffering. A copy of Medical Common Sense, a book of 144 pages will be sent free to all Buffering with Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh tc, fcc. t Bee adver tisement in auether column. Address Dr. N. B. Wolfe, Cincinnati. Stop in and VlalttBg 3di. see our sew stylet ' me proeeexu at one sat, fir-nub pot