il Hi. FOR THE TOOTG PEOPLE. Sing A fcong of gnow-dlakos, . , , Icicles Hnd frost; ' v Four and twenty snow-bird In the woods were lost'.' i ' Wlion tlio storm was ended, Hajipy birds were they, By some crumbs bciriondod, , They lived to fly away, t Shift, n song ol rain-drops, x Clouds and April weathor ' j Tout And twenty red-breasts j Caught out together. When the shower was ended, What a song was hoard About the rainbow splendid, From each dripping bird! Sing a song of sunshine, Beos R-humming praises; Four and twenty hours Lost nmong tho daisies. Hunt the wide world over, From sea to continent, You never will discover Where the hours went! .AfuriJV. Presco t in St. .Vicholas. The Chimney. Sweeps' Festival Evon those poor little sooty Imps tlmt us uj spenn tncir fluys in sweep the dark, winding Hilninoys of smoky London, lmd ono grand holiday, anil that was the first d :1V nf IVfnv How they must have locked forward to this one day of the year when they could dross upandeaper, and dance and shout in tho open air, with the " lord :Uld 1.1(1 V"'.. .....I - . . IIUIIII, .111.1 tlio ever -iven moving garland of their own niaKing. I never saw but one of these Mav.dav TneiTV-makinffs of the sweena. hut. it wns so comical that I thought and talked of ii ior many uays alter, anil I think their walking ' green man," as I called their Carland. is the funniest, of nil. It j a great cone six or seven feet in iicigut, ot Holly and ivy framed upon hoops. It goes u smaller and smnlli.v to tho top, where it is tied with gay colored ribbons, nnd decorated with bunches of flowers. ' At the very top there will be a crown made of flowers, or a little flag flying. All down the sidna nf H.'a ... ..,., hillock are knots of ribbon and bunches oi nowers. itouna it as it goes from street to ?.,l'ei' Pe Uttlo sweeps caper and dance. uieir nnts nnd jackets are trimmed all over Willi colored and gilt paper, and llowers stuck in wherever they can put one, while their black leirs (for they like to leave them sooty for "this days fun) are colored in figures with Dutch pink, or white chalk, iind somo nftlmm b., uieir laces black that they ornament them in the an We little folk'S WPl'p nllvxli.rl ir tnnii- ''!?)v 'l'"'"' bower of green moved along oi itseil, init when we looked down close f. i.. i .i , kh'uuu wiiy, mere we some times saw two teet peeping out! Tlw... ..... l ii mich an auout it it was Jaek-in-the-green." Yes. there was a pieciy oignian inside, and this was someuung as lie looked to my younjj M V "lord and lhdv." Iimrnrpp nro the eyes of the sweeps the grandest of mi iiiuigs in uieir Jiay-aay sliow. The " lord" is generally chosen from some otlier profession than that f chimney sweeners, and is splendidl dressed in cocked hat. trimmed wit red and yellow feathers; laced coat; em broidered waistcoat; silk stockimrs; large Knee buckles, and cane with a sninmir knob The " liid v " is usually a boy in girl's dress, which is gaudy and bedizened as my lord s, but instead of a cane she car ries in Her right h ind a brass ladle i lien ".lack-in t he-green " stops, mcy nance most elegantly round Jiim wiiuo an tlio little sootikins make swei music by striking their brushes nnd shovels together! Then my lord and lady, bowing and eourtosying to each otlier, with cocked Hat anil brass iiulle in hand, and all tin sweeps witli their sooty shovels. sri round to the spectators "Smallest do nations thankfully received!" and th silver and pennies as tlicv drop into th ladle anil shovels make a pleasant iinjile 5.. 1 e .1 . if... 1 u a in tin: cars oi uic utile sweepers. Hut, I am sorry to say, their greedy iMSKinasiers get the lion's share of thesi May-day oll'erings, and to-morrow lib poor little overworked sootikin will hi climbing tii se dark, crooked cbimnevs, scraping n..,l sweeping, and half stillei with snot and dust. Still the brave little fellow will tni up through all those winding wavsnntil " . "K iiiyii!iit at last, you hear a faint shout. You run out to see tin sooty little imp peivheil upon the top of tlll-..ll nl. I. .. I . . 1 . jii. i. m i iniinn j, waving ins urusn, and n ne nas breath enough left, shoutin " Sweep O!" Did vou ever hear the true story of a little chimney-sweep, who was sweopiii" the chimneys at Arundel Castle, and was lost ? It was a hot day in summer when his master sent him up into those tall cininneys. nnd when noontide came, nnd ne nan not appeared at the top, and thev had called and searched, hut could find nothing of him. they were all terribly frightened, nnd even his master began to think that lie had been suffocated in some oi those winding Hues. Then they went from ono drawing. room to another, and throush all those splendid chambers, shouting up the chimneys, until they came to one of the Handsomest ot tiie "state chambers." There within tlm .inf.iina r.f ..:.... son silk that surrounded uiu nei, aim under the whitest and finest of sheets. with the silken coverlet over him, lay fast asleep the lost little "ruveop U!" It seems that the poor little fellow had got completely lost in those great chim neys leading one into another, and had come down frightened, and hot and tired, intj this very comfortable bed room, nl then the bed looked so tempt ing, .urn ii was au so quiet, tnat lie laid h little black head upon the soft pillow, ml was soon sound asleep. They were all so glad to find him that I feel sure the kind duke that lived in that erand old castle nr. ,.ii... his master to punish his little sweep for taking a nap in a ducal bed. Youth's Companion. He Saw the Point, Ezekiel Hayes, the great-grandfather of the President, was a successful me chanic in Connecticut, and kept a num ber of apprentices. It is said that some times, like apprentices in all ages, they felt that they had long work and short rations. At one time a new cheese was put on the table whole. It stood uncut for a day or two, Hayes saying at each meal, "That is a nice-looking cheese. It is a pity to cut it!" The boys thought this was growing rather monotonous, and planned to show their sentiments. The blacksmith lmd one day got a bar of iron nicely heated, and laid it across the iron anvil to be cut the proper lengihs. The boys, with chisel and sledges, were to cut it off. But no hand was raised. Hayes asked why they did not "strike." One of them replied: " That is such a nice bar of : iron ; it wou d be a pity to cut it." Hayes quickly saw the point, and shouted, with a laugh. "Strike! boys, Btrik, tho ehwsse" shall be cut!" toinmir life in SiBXtcbv 6rnirrt ttnlinnlss Mhtt Cotosinnts Vtow Inst Aioiuill the Fcout VotAL Win fc , tail lieejilns; In tiie Nhrvl. i. , ) f ' T.1ic lift of ft srenuine country "fatnilv In tlio warm districts of Mexico, writes H correspondent, is About fl lntppy an illustration of quiet, resignation and peaceful ctmtmtnient, and blissful ignor ance as this world can afford. I had the pleasure of visiting such a happy hougii hold, nbout lilty miles inlnnd from Vera Cruz, nearly on the lino of tlio railroad, and Ibis family shall stand tip for, ft niodeh The train was toninko a stop lor nearly nn hour, ntul wo lmd time to wander around. 1 ho place at which vc stopped was a watering s at ion for the engiH ', nnd the entire pi'ttlenieiit consist ed ot three structures that were not ex actly, rljtht shape to be called bills, but mUld not he dignified with the nntiin of Houses 1 lio weather was about right ior sitting in nn tce-liouse and tanning yourself, although it wns the middle of January. Tho vegetation was Very much FUcli as wo used to see pictured in the geographies, so thick that it was hard to walk through the bushes, nnd the big leaves growing far upward and then curving gracefully down again. It was in the midst of this world oil croon leaves and bright flowers that these three habi tations stood. They were only samples of hundreds more we saw just like them, and tuey Han. tile most delightful Robin son Crusoe air about them. They were built of twiL or small sticks about six feet long and from half an Inch to nn inch in diameter. These were bound together nnd P.istened to a framework of four posts driven into tho ground, with cross- pieces. The roofs wore of the same, nnd sometimes covered with big leaves that looked like tobacco spread out to dry. Sometimes the interstices hetwpen the twigs were filled in with a muddy plaster but generally they were not, and the nir was left to circulate. There was no floor in any of the houses except the hard packed earth, and this was generally pretty hilly and uneven, and hard to walk on. A little raised place made out of poles, and covered with such old cloth ing as they could raise, was the bed, which must have served the whole fami ly, tor there was only ono in each house. An iron kettle, and two forked sticks lo hang it over the lire with, completed the furniture. There was irenerally a rough bench across the front of the houe, shaded by a twig awning, where the family sat in the heat of the day. There were no windows, the only opening into the house being the doorway, with no door. The interior was always very dark, but cool. This is not to be regarded as the dwel ling place of some outcast, away on the mountains. It is a sample of the ordin ary residence of th" rural Mexican of the lowlands. On the lowlands it is hot all the year round, and protection nirainst the sun is needed more than anything else. It is not necessary to work for a living. With lemons and or.mircs and bananas, and all sorts of tropical fruits growing around you till the leaves of their trees lan the roofs of the huts, the fruit to be had for the picking, plenty of same to ue nan ior me Killing, the less clothing the more comfort, and wages at twenty-live cents a day, what an awful guy any man would make of himself who went to work. Half an hour's exertion would provide the family with delicious provisions enough for a week. Nothing is lacking but fire-water. Pulque is not used in t lie lowlands, liut the native is patient about it. When luck throws a copper in his way he goes to the nearest town and drinks it up. When she doesn't he stays sober. When by any stroke of fortune a little money does fall into his Hands, lie lias only to put his rope-br ill on the first horse or donkey lie meets (and b" will not have to look far for one), and ride away. r.ii i i l, , .1 , i ne peopie who uve in mo nouses are mst about suitable matches for their dwellings. If it is possible for human beings not to know anything at all, these people are in tlial Happy condition. They loll away most of their time in the most convenient shade, and shade is plenty There are generally one or two old peo ple in the house, and the head of the family and his wife, and a great troop of children. Children seem to grow on the trees, they are so plenty. Lp to seven or eight years old they run around entirely naked, and tlio clothing they wear after that age does not burden them much to carry. Of course, they have nothing to do, and they have noneof that careworn md prematurely old look that the chil dren of the table-lands have. Some of Mie children, both boys nnd girls, areex- eedinglv handsome. They nearly all ... ii i .. . nive sparKiing oiacK eyes anil teetli as whit as pearls, which show off well be hind their dark skins. Their beauty, however, is short-lived. Some of th" hoys are good-looking, until they reach (ll.oo, w nlv, lvit tlm 1.. ,in( v l.f till' vonien rarely lasts beyond fourteen or 'ifteen. Atthisagothey correspond with an American woman of thirty, except .1. .1 1. . ,1 .V . . i nai nicy arc mueii smaller, not 11 men md wwmen are ridiculously small, and he half-grown children are not mu' h larger than big dolls. These people can not read or write, and have no idea of anything in the world beyond the hut hey live in and the neighboring town they sometimes visit. Their whole "arthly possessions would not sell for a lo'lar. and they lead as simple lives as Adam and Eve in Eden. Nn newspaper overcomes to them with the latest dis patches from the otlier end of creation. Occasionally a few soldiers swoop down on them and capture anian for the army, hut they generally manage to hear of their coming, and keep out of the way. Food. The use of food by different persons should be regulated in quantity or char acier ,,r i,, ,tu according to 1 heir ages, their health nnd occupations, the seasons nnd the climate in which they live. Milk is the only perfect food for in fants. It is the best food for children and youth up to thp ago of sixteen. Old people are weaker in their digestive powers, partly because their whole sys tems are weaker, and partly because of their diminished muscular activitv Their food should be less in ouantitv than that used by younger persons, anil of easier digestion. In summer and in warm climates less food by one-third is needed, the tone of the system being lowered, nnd persons thus being unable either to digest or to assimilate as much us in winter nnd in colder latitudes. So also fat. sugar and starch tho latter includes fine Hour being mainly heat making elements, should bo hut liitln used in summer and in tropical regions, and largely used in winter and in cold climates. Corn-bread, which contains a large per cent, of fat. is better adnntpd for food in winter than in summer. Shoemakers, tailors and people of sedentary habits generally need less food, and food that is more easily digest ed, than the farmer and all persons who work hard in the open air. Still, every body should have enough of active exer cise to be able to digest a generous diet. A thinker needs a good supply of nrain iooa. buch as is liberally lurmsiiea in oatmeal; but he must not use his brain at the expense of vigorous muscles. for it is muscles that have to work not only the stomach, but the lungs and heart. llie sick, of course, need food carefully adapted to their particular condition, and those. who are. not in full health may greatly help themselves byrejecting wium-Tcr mcyoom uijor)u iq tiicm. iouCH i VoinpanwH. il.' "lil'l It skies were bluer ii.i i u-Aiiil foits were fewer. i Andlcwottfio storifca on land nnd sou; J . 'Wore shiny siilmnora , - , , , Furpotuiil comers ;t ., What a Utopia this would bo I , :,.'! i .t j ' - " ,n : ' ' If life wore longer, . ' ,l , And liutn Xvoro stronger,... v TJ ploasnre would bldeil euro would fle ,, t , ' If each were brother , ., . ; v ' , To nil tlid other . What an Arcadia this would bo ! ' Wore greed abolished . . . And gain demolished, Were Slavery ohaincd and Freedom lroe.' If all earth's troubles Collapsed like bubbles- What n Elysiuili this would be ! The Horrors of Gambling. A correspondent of the London Timet, writing from Monaco, tho little princi pality on the Mediterranean faThd for its legalized gambling dens, says: The stories of ruin every day, sometimes on good authority, are horrible. Fortunes, trust money, provision for children and widows, the slims acquired by the sale or commissions, sums raised on house nnd land, have disappeared in a few days or hours. Often it is the extravagance of the companion that drives her victim back and back to the tables, deeper and deeper. Uut the women themselves are the most reckless gamblers. The com mon computation is a suicide a month. nnd there sometimes collie three of four together. On the ramparts of the garden of Monaco there are several points from which ruined gamblers have thrown themselves into tho sea 300 feet below. Only the other day a "lady" threw her self out ol her third floor chamber into the road. There have been suicides in the l'ooms of the Casino and one at the table itself. Having staked and lost his last franc, a gentleman stood up and drew his pistol and discharged it in his mouth, tor the reception of such scan dals there is provided a room, handy for tlio railway, wincli passes almost direct ly under the Casino. Some inquest there must be, and it is performed by the ser vants ot the establishment. Jiut most ot the victims go away and hide themselves, and die like a sick dog in some corner. where they hasten death or let a broken heart take its course. It is impossibleto conjecture tne total amount ol the an nual ruin; nor is that nn important matter, for the loss of a few hundreds i as utter ruin to some people as tens o thousands to others. When a man can not meet his creditors, or even 1 lis wife nnd children, it is all over with him, uiv less ho is devoid of natural feeling and lost to shame. The mere excitement of n day's gambling has been known to kill people constitutionally weak of heart or head, whether they have won or lost. Ecstacy works tho effect of despair in such cases. People have been known to go to Monte Carlo after being assured by friends nnd doctors that it will be their death if they do, return home late and die in a few hours. The attraction once giveaway to becomes irresistible. It is on this fact that the bank chiefly stands.' If a visitor loses, he leaves tho table nnd there is an end of him. If lie gains, he always returns and plays till he has lost everything. Momico Letter to the London limes. Maritime Disasters. A supplement to the American Ship furnishes the public with an elaborate table of maritime disasters, compiled by Mr. (i. il. Winwlnw from roooriio in the archives of the Atlantic Mutual Insur aneo Comnany. It will be invaluable for future reference. It shows the nuiii ber of vessels lost in transatlantic steam navigation from 18:W, when thcSirius first crossed the ocean. Tho whole mini ber of vessels, by the different casualties specihed. is 115; ot which never wen heard of after leaving port, 26; wrecked on coasts, 80; foundered at sea, fi; sunk at sea, 0; abandoned, 8; by collision with icebergs, 3; collision with other vessels, 4; capsized, 1 ; burned, 11. The loss of life by several kinds of disaster. as far ns ascertained, was as follows: I5y missing vessels. 8.r0; by vessels sunk at sea (including loss by Arctic, 5fi2),?7rt ; by vessels burned, 533; by vessels wrecked, 1,611; by collisions. 35(1; I by iml- vessels foundered. 10: by otlier cast! ties, 70; total, 4,202. It is remarkable that the loss of life appears to have been matter of open record in the case of only three out of the twenty-six missing ves sels in the list given. These were the President, which left New York for Liverpool in 1811, and of which the loss is vaguely given as Joo, when It has always been supposed to be much higher; the City of (ilasgow, of the In man Line, which left (Ilasgow for New York in 1853: and the Pacific, of the Col lins Line, which left Liverpool for New York in 1856. The united loss by these vessels was 850. The total loss, as given above, does not include that of the twenty-three vessels against which the record is, "Missing, all lost." As far as can be judged from the character ol these, and from their points of departure, they were mostly transient ships, carry ing'few or no passengers. With an aver age of 100 person to each, including crew, the total loss of life on the list would be increased to 6,500 human beings. A late invention' is a boot made of paper. It will last as long as the leather article, and is said to be equally efficient in raising a crop of corns and bunions. Si. Louis Spirit. A Silver Anniversary. Yesterday afternoon, the 16th inst., the Mason & Hamlin Organ Company celebrated by a dinner at Young's Hotel tlie twenty-fifth anniversary of tho com mencement of their business, which by its own merits has grown to large pro portions. At the start the capacity of their works was two or three melodeons per week, the best of which sold for about one hundred dollars each; their present capacity is over two hundred cabinet organs per week, and they are most of the time behind orders, while their best productions new command five hundred dollars each, and in excep tional cases several times this amount. In numbei-ingtheir instruments they have reached 104,000, having actually made and sold nearly that number. Organs of their make have obtained an extraordinary reputation all over the world, and are sold in every civilized country where the tariff is not so high as to be prohibitory. Musicians recognize in them a distinguished excellence in quality oftone, the result, in large meas ure, perhaps, of peculiar skill in voicing reeds, an art which originated with this company. But in every respect it has always beeu a principle with them to make in each detail the best instrument possible and to sell them as low as pos sible; ."The skillful earrying out of this pbJicyTiaSrPsulted Vi this great success. Boston Journal. fttlmnlnte the Wlntlh Klrlnrya, In addition to ils tonin nnd onthnrtio prop erties, lhisUdler's Stomach Hitters exercises a bcnetlrial influence upon tlio kidneys and bladder, when they are inactive, by stimulating them to renewed exertion, thus reopening, as it wore, a sluieo for tho oscapo of impurities whose regular channel ol exit is th-organs of urination. Anions these are certain abnormal and imliimmstory elements, productive ol ir reparable, injur'.-1 tho system il not entirely expelled'. Tliekidnovsanrt Uliuuier themselves aro also benefited by this stimulus, ns their inactivity is iisnnlly preliminary to their dis ease nnd dj9orgnhitntuhi 'l'hcy also -tixperi-Biirtr, In common tlth oilier' portions ol the system, the potent invigorative effects ot tho uutors, winch turtlermore corrects iiisorderil conditions nl the stdmiich, bowels and liver. The t'nltlvntihn of Hoses. 11 K0SC9 are her cheeks, , And a rose her lips." The best, way lor ladies to cultivate this rare species of rosos is by studying and practicing tho rules ol hygieno, ns taught in the People's Common Senso Medical Advisor, only l,fl0. Address the author, li. V. Tierce, M. I)., Unind Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. If suf fering from tboso ptinful weaknesses incident to tlio lemalo orgiimsiU, use 1 Jr. fierce s fa vorite Prescription a never-failing remedy for these compliant!). . Curehillv avoid tho use of rasping cathartics. They weiikcn the bowels nnd leave them worse off than before. Use, instead, thnt s'nlutory, non-irritating aperient nnd anti-bilious medi cine, IJr. Mott s Vczelalile Liver Fills, which will not only achieve tho desired object, relax ation ol the bowels, without causing pnin or weakening them, but promote digestion anil assimilation mid depurate the blood. The puis are solil by all druggists For coughs, coil's and throat disorders o " Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved their eltlcacy by a test ol ninny years. Tw.mty-uve cents a box. . Mason Hamlin Cabinet Orenns are cer tainly the best of this class of instruments in tlio world, and at the prices at which they are sold, which are only a little higher than those ot very poor organs, they are also cheapest. CliKW The Celebrated " Matchless Wood Tag PIur Tobacco. Thb Pioneer Tobacco Company, New York, Boston, and Chicago. The Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 linst liith Street, N. Y., sell Pianos ut Factory I'nces. Write for catalogue. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. Smoke Poguo's "Sitting Bull Durham Tobacco THE MARKETS. KKW TOHK. l Cattle M,l . Satires, live wt... Hi- WvCii ,BV 0 H (4 01i OBJtftSl id'i oih4 in o:)?ic 3'i 0.-4'(i$ int I llll (ri is so I 90 lii e 6 H !'() 1 14V I Uui. 1 lltf 68 (V r.i 14 Si M 61 4 (ft. 43 V 4 ( SO ;ii,, x'i 60 (4 70 - a , 4i 09 Irf. 12 9 00 lit 5 .0d.20. . 6.2 . Keflaeil 9 30 (" 3 11 (4 20 10 (A 1:1 IS (4 20 US lit 14 04 (7 08 n;t ( in 01 i o"1; 12 u Calves Hrate Milk. Slu-ep L'UUtis Hoi!H Lir Ijivks-.! Flour Kx. stiiie, koh I to choice. . . Western, KOOtl to fuuuy Wheat No. 1 lletl White. Btnte., Rye Slate ? U irh-y Two.lioiveil state Cvtu Uujriiili tl wtern Mixed... Mont hern Yelbw Oats Wtu'c State... Mixed Wes'eri , Il.-iy Hi-tail Annies Straw Lonff live, pe- cwt Hiii'1 Sl;ite, new crq.... Pork Mess Lurrt Oily Sleiun IMroleim: (Jrii-t". .O7V.T08 Wool State an I IVui. XX. Butter StH'e ('!!-!i::iu-y Dairy We-iiein Urt-Jinery FHCBjry...., Oliersi! State I'aciorj skims Western Taeaovy tliiff" State nuj Priiueyivui riia.AiiKi.rtiiA. Flour Penn. elirree uudlaiicy.... A'lleui I'ellU. lied... Amber Rye Slate , :or.: stnte V.lionr o.ts Mixed II liter Creamery Extra 0'itese New York F.ictory s on 1 13 , l 14 , 67 4.1 . 32 . 25 (9 6 01) I 1 13 (ii 1 J4 I 68 41 S3 28 09 09 09 I'utrokUa Oiude U8f!JIIS.,4 Ketiueil, HtlHTALJ. Flour City (Iround, So. 1 Spring. Wheat Ksd Winter i.'orn New Wi-plem o .i- ontte , Barley Tivo-liuwcil state BOMTOX. . S 25 (S, S 75 1 07 t 1 08 4ii':4 4 !r , 60 ( Hi'ef Cattle Sl(;.-t -Live wsiglit.....,.,,. 04 ','! osijiii 4,V$ 04 i (P4 los r';r,ur iecoiij-in and Miuu, (Jorn Mixed nud Yellow.... 04 V , tat., 0 611 47 i3 n (r 48 am lintia White Ityf Slate .voul Wat-lit cl, Cotubiug h Delaiue.. Unwashed. " " 40 65 30 es 31 13 25 3 25X numiiTOS (mam.) cattle maiikkt. eef Oaltii Live wiUiit Myt(4 -ill.ep lis e4 I.iinlj4 , 05 (4 Horn myr 05 IW! mi 04 V UPHAM'S LCKLB, 7AM ID 11 1 " -C' - S A tew.iipplicutious ol this Preparation wil leillMVt) H HECKLES. IAN, JSUNT.L'RX, 1 IMPI.ES, OK ISLOTCIIES ON THE FACE, AND 1'iExiiEK tiie Complexion Cl.EAK AXU FAIU. For Softening and Beautifying the Skin It Has No Equal. Price, 50 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, for 75 t-tnts. Address JOM F. HENRY, CORR&N & CO., o, 0 Volli'tt Place, eip 1 or. HOMES NEAR WEST. THE A choice from over 1,000 aires Iowa IjaihN, due west from Chicago, at from M to per acre, in farm lot and on easy teruis. Low f relnhts and ready markets. No wilderness no ague 110 lndiatui. l.and-exnlor!ug tkkeU from Chicago, tree to buyer. For Map., Paia pnliU and full Information apply to IOWA lt.11.KUAn L.iXnrOHPAIVT, Cedar Kapuls, luwa, r 0 llaudolph Stieet, Cbicugo I.IUIU HkURII "" " A full-se, Kenuine Aiuei lean Watch In Nlrkel Hunting Case, U.(MJ; Coin Silver, $H.MI: both warranted for live years. Any other Watch at half the regular retail price. C. O. II. witl privilege to examine. l' VATSO., 3lia EverR-ceu Avenue. llrooklyn. N. Y. Vj.f to t.VMHI jv llclously Invested in Wall" Street O lays the fouudailou for kuhstautial fortunes every week. and yields an immense per ceutage ol protlu by the lit' Capitaliialiou System of operating fi, Stocks Pull explanation onappllcutiun tu ADAMS. I'.KOWN t CO., llaukcra, !tO A M Hroad Street, N. Y. City" FLORIDA! r Tlie FI.ORin.V.AWKIC'l'l.TruiST,anelgh page paper, gives nior.- information regardiug bu stute and Its resources Ikan auv paper published. CODK1NUTON t SL'OVKL, Editors slid Proprietor!. De Laud, Volusia Co., fls. nDIIIII H1 & sikln lleae. Thoui MKIIjr.l""''" cured. Lowest Prices. Do not r.l IMIII to write. Dr. P. K. Marsh. Quincy. Ml.! POW ERFf L TKI.E PHOX rS AON ETST ailcTeaT h": Diaphraem.. lOe. Txl. Ma0;Co., LMciuTnivil!i s j, H7T7 a Y,5Aanlfxpnestoageiit8. OutHt Kree. f t Address P. O.VICalliKY.AUKUsU, Maine. It'AM.!S10w Delaware Fruit k Grain Parms chean. t!Wogui free. A. P. UKxi'Fil'H, Suiyrua, i 1, - i , ,j V V f hvm Screw lite Flnaer ns Tltcht "S yon roil, that's rhenniiitiMiu one linn liwie, than mmt." Is a familiar denrliitlnn nf these two diseases. Though cadi may ami does attack illlteleni pans 01 uie gi siciu, uiu came Is relieved to in? a poisonous acm 111 iug oiuoo. Purify this by the use of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. ft will tin lt wnrlf snecilllv and tlinroui'lilv. It Is the great friend of the suil'erer from rheumatism and gout. Slll.l) BY ALL IXUUIilSTS. DEMOREST'S Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Siilxcrlliers for ltTtl will he presented with the following standard publications as a premium: MME. DEJIOKEST'S What to Wear, sinl-nuiltiiil. loi folio of l-'slliiii, scml-annniil. Illustrutcd Joiirnul, qiifirttii'ly. All the four publications, One Year, for Three Dollars, including postaite. w. JEN xixtjs p?;morkst, 1? Kast HUi Street, New York. Send name on Postal for full particulars. THE NEW YORK SUN. 1 A H.V. 4 roes. fln cts. a month 1 SO.fSO a year. M W 1 A Y, N nages. SI .20 a year. HKEH1.V, 8 pages. 81 a year. Till-: Kl'.-v has the largest circulation and Is the cheapest and most lutcrestlug paper In the United States. TIIK WEEKLY Sl'M Is emphatically the peo ple's taraily paper. 1. w. k.m.laa li, l-linnsner, w. . i;ny. S IN THE WEST! Excursions to Lincoln, Nebrnska, Lrnve IVew York nnd Ww Kiifrlnnd I lie in iri.1 1 r mm y in rvfry loilllk lllklli ipi- rriie.slay. "71. Fare nlut half rotrular rateH. Kast traiiiH htl first-claw nt'conmioilations RimrnTi t'.'eil. Fur ili-siTiptivp Lanl t'irni'arx. Informatnri ntnnt Ttrfcct. Pti., ?Ptvf ail'lrcss cm Postal Cnnl to V MOOKi:, ill 7 Bromlwny, Hfew York, WARNER BRO'S CORSETS recciv.-ii tim Hi;;! . tt M'-Ut ,.tth- recent 1' A II IS KXFOSITION, tHnt, 'l'i.-lr HVrr i- Ilii-IT ill c- FLEXIBLE II P C ORSET warbanteo ho 1 tuiirviK inn-. rH.ftl.2-. IMPRnVEtJ HEALTH In tumid u itii ttut 1 iiuinico Hi is K'lfl nrt flcxldts And cuuuiui do bom'. Trlt-a ty nmfl, $l.r0. WARVCK B0S.. 351 Broadway, N I. "HACK from the MOt'Tltof HELL." V,y one who has ttot'n tliorr t "Rise ami Fall nftho MOVSTAVUEr Ify the Hurlingtou Hawkeye humorist. u Samaiitha ana . A. and V, JT." lly Jtmlfth Allan's wife. The thrcp br'chtrst nnd hest-w-Ulne books out. Acents, you can imt tln-se hunks In everywhere. Iteat tortus uiven. A.I.I rete for Au'ency. AMERICAN FUKUSU1NU ' 11 1-1 "!. 1 i;iiK-m:o. in. OXK Hort'l-K WAHitAXTKI) A ptM'fi-i-t t-iirt' fur nil kimls of IMI.KS, two 10 ionr 10111PB 111 inn wtsi ases of I.Kl1 tOSY. r lOFr .A, SALT M1IKIM. HIIKIMATISM ivIDXKYS.DYSrKl'MA.CAXCKii. .'ATAKlilf. nn I nil d'seajM'a nf the SKIN uu. HLOOn. Kn lire v vecc- t'iie. Intfrnal mi'l external list. Mmy ri'fuii'te.l in all carft'H of fa;: c: none. for ai yi ars. Sold tvery where benj tot I'auiphlft. &1 a I tot tic. It. 1. l OWMl, lloMton. MOUER'S W COD-LIVER PIT. Is perfectly pure. lTonjnnceU the beEt bv the li'srh est medical ainLorities in iho wctrld. Gien biKlii's nwaraui 1' or.uH i-.xiKiH'tioiis. aim at farm, ih,p Sola by Iirwi-Kists. W.ll.tcliiclli-lia t C'o.,M.V. Soldiers Pensioners. e piiMwli an vljlit-piec p.iT - " Tns ffmrasi IKMIUM ' ilpvntt-il to tlie llltcr, '.Is of Pnialnn S,,l. Iters and Sailors ana tUelr helrsi aisu contains lnterestln . Frire. Fitly i cnts a year special inducements to elnl,. A proper blank to collect amount ilne under new Ar keiks or PtxsioM Hill funiinheil ;rraluit.insly, to regular 'd, , , , " "11 . '-f.iiniK n'"'i in a'rtn lin!cf without -Vi ' -. . 1.1,1 , . , penmen cop) rree, Sen, I .. :l. fib-MI-il.- 1.' , . l,iv- .. . VJ Wiisliinitton. I), o. 1,'or'ft Box 391. I MILITARY Kjj and Band I" n : f(iri:i.s ' 'fiVcrs I'quiiirnrnts, hi.M Caps, ic, midi hy yr. 4 l.Uivy & Co.. Kja Coluinbuii, tiiuo. HenUur i'l tce Luts. i3 riremen 1 uni, Lrili. and Sh rts. CURED FREE. An Infallible and unexcelled Rem-'dy Iro Hl,i:uil-iyoiKallluit.Mcknes wari-aiiled to ,-Hect a speeUy au'l 1 "A free liuttle nf mj L" renov-uil n.,iH,, ..,,.1 u v,.i.,ui.i. Trel. uut ,o uy sutlerei seudiiiK nie his P. o. and Kx- press aouiess. Ilu. It. II. KOI IT. Pearl Street, New York. .Mother, it unable to nurse your uabe, piace It al once on Ki.lse s I- 001I. llauufacturt-d by WOOI.KICU k t'0 r.ilntcr. Mass. nemonsstrated best hy IlIlillKST IKl.Volts AT A 1.1 tt'OUI-U S EXPOSITIONS FOK 1 WKI.VB YKAKS, vis.: at Paiiis. 1W; Vienna, H7:1i Santuoo, l7S: Piiiiaoki piiia, fill; Paiiis, luiH, and Urakd Sueiiish Ooid Meoai. His. only American Organs ever awarded highest hon ors at any such. Sold for cash or Installments. Illcs tkateo Catalog u ks and Circulars with new stvles and lines, sent tree. MASON k UAMI.IN' OHUAM to. Uoslon. New York or (Miicaso. .'L m KELLY STEEL HAKBFKNI 'S MmI. unJr-r tttUnlt of I SSS J f'-WMl. Kfurtfi.r.-ircnlsr and Valuable GRIST and FLOURING KILL TO LEf Very cheap: rare chance; three run of stone: strong and constant live stre.vni: on the Central Kallroad ot New Je , y at lluurllell, A'. J. (iKoitiiK (ii iT IT. Proprh tor, on place. IJM.EliAXT HOOKS KUKK -Two sill sVrTl.ers to the J I'AMHHiiiui Tuiiii .sk. a weekly lltcrarv an-l home P iper.will nccive a copy ol either Longfel ow's. Lowell's, Shakespeare's. Whllticr's. or Moon's Poetical Works, In elegant binding, fuil and complete. Greatest anil best (IB r ever made. For lull pn tlciilars address I). Ullbert Di xt-r, Manatier. Tribune Pub. Co., Cambridge, Mass. I VI. CltAMi'N MIls.'MKV fl'HK, for all KID fatlurra un jsti uibhASKS. a sure Kemeiiyi V ti"wn. Send tux Circular. Xoyea liroa'. k Cutter. 8t Paul; l.orl,StoutMiru' 4 Co. ChlcAtrj; A. Smith, Loih Uom; W. Mad.lox, Riph-y, Ohio: E. Cary. Dots Moinea; Y St'arii8, IMroit. The nnt popular medicine of the day TEAS. -Choiccft In tht world IiiiiwrtiTi' pricrg Lament Company fn Anifrlra Staple art kl Pleases krverylody Trnile con tinually iin rt-asihif A'jentii wanted everywhere liebt tndii i tnoiiU Don't waste time S-'int for Circular. KOU'T W'KIJ.S. 4:1 Vehey St.. N. Y. P. O Hox We mil i.,y Agt-itU u baiuiy of lisl vr inoiilh and expenses, or allow a larg. comniissiuii, io sell our new and wonderful inventions. He mean vhet ue iav. Bam Ida flee. Address MILKMAN CO.. Marshall, Mich. gs4 r 1 A. nnft Invested in Wall St. Stocksmakes olUTuolUlJU fortunes every month. Hook sent free explaining everything. Address BAXTF.H CO., llankers, 17 Wall St K. Y. KIDDR'8 PASTILLESrarwe, VOUNC MEN J;' mouth. Kverv irraduate tmarui .earn Telegranrrv and earn S IO to 6IIMI a mouth. Kverv graduate guaranteed a paying aitua- tlon.A.ldresa K. Valentine, Manager, Janesville. Wis. aaf fi MO.-VTII-Aiceiits Wai.ted-iMI best iSaDlJ selling articles in the world-, one sample tree. V Address JAY UHONSON. Detroit, Mich. SOI A FOI'NITAIXS-I.. M. $fti and tO. j Shipped readv for use. For catalogue. c. address f I'haiiiuuu cV C'o.,M.iiisou.lnd.a'Ill VXllO PlC K F.T 1 ICTIO A H V , :iO.OHI Words, and Ir. l-'oole'a lle.Kli loutlilyf oneyear.5itc Murkay lliu. Pub. Co.. 1 14. UNIU St., .New York. BABY'S FOOD,ef..heV;Sik. Keceipt, SI. JOHN1 MbN HI), BatliuistVlllage, Canada, nlft vi'T With Sieiicir Outfits. What costs I Klliacts. 'Us rapidly for IW cts. Oi.tiW.gue free. Dt U S. M. Sl'EUCKlt, 1 14 Wash'n St., lloitoll. M.IS. tlfw s Month and expenses Kuarauteed to Age a (Jf 4 4 Oualt trea, Bsaw Co AueusiA, sUia mm SiLle- THE GOSPEL OF JOY! The Gospel of Joy Is A new Slncinn Hook of unusual benuty for iosih Meetings, ( nmn JHcctlnus, Devotional Meet nfrs and Sunday -bi'hools. llv Rev. SAMi r.i. and S. II. Sines. It contains 11 laiKf niiniher of new and very superior Hymns and Tunes. The p-neral stvle Is very cheerful anil brlnlit. "J Wills a collection that haa so much to say and slug about ' Glad Tidings of Great Joy." Ttnfh words and music are of an elevated cnarncter. commending themselves to persons of retlned taste, and the "danclm? measure" so prevalent In many recent compositions tins hci n carefully avoided. Price 3t cts. for which specimen copies will be mailed to any addrcs. See Decoration Day Music In the Musical Record, 0 ctl. GOOD NEWS! !l!l elsl the irenlal Sundav-seliool Somr Tlook. has thou sands of friends. Ho md fail to examine and try it. There are 270 Sonus, In the composition or selection of whic eh great taste and nhility lias heen dlplayed. Kx- nmltie ne also "Shining liiver ano ine uivcr 01 L.ue, two standard hooks of great ueaniy. OLIVER DITSOX & CO., Boston. C. It. DITSOX A. CO., H flroadwny, New York, J. I".. IHTSOJV A. CO., rt MifMniit Street, PhUn, If yon are Interested In tho inquiry Which is the best Liniment for Man and iieust J this U tho answer, at tested by t wo peneralioiH : tho MEXICAN MUSiANG LI NI SI EN I'. Tho reason is sim ple. It penetrates every sore, wound, or lameness, to tho very bone, and drives out nil iiitiiiminatoryand morbid mut ter. It "goes to tho root" of tho trouble, and never fails to cure i i double quick time. N Y N U-No l SAPOSyiFIE Is the Olil ICcllnlile Coiicentrntril FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Dirertfnna aeromnanvlne ench can for makina Hard Soft ami Toilet Soup iuk kly. IT IS FULL WKltUIT AM) STRESQTH. Tho Market In flooded with (so-called) Concentrate Lye, wlifrh is adulterated with salt and resin, and tt'0ta make smiv. SAVE MONET, AND BUT THE APOSIFIEi MADE BY TIIE Pennsylvania Snlt Mflnufg Co., PHII.ADKI.rillA. TIE SMITH QRG1 CD. Flrat Established I most Successful I THIUll INSTRl lIENTS have a Standard Value In the Leading Markets Of the World Everywhere recognized as tho FINEST IX TONK OVER 80,000 Mnrte and In iih. New Dcsigtis constantly. Item Work bud Lowetst i'ricea. Send for a CuUloue. 7remont St.. opp. Waltham St., Boston. Mass, ForHeauty of Polish, Saving Labor, Cleanliness, Durability nnd cheapness. 1'neo.ualed. Aiuiua iit.u&nrronrie'ors. canton. Mt mm HOW TO GET TKtM miobci ra t th. ,ut,. d.nnn.ouo ,cre, fyr laie. I'.r tree e"py of Knnsns I'nelfio Home, stend," aadreu H. J. t.llinure, Laud Cotu'r, biiius, IkAoiu. TEAS! AII10AII ALL TlIU TIME I The very best iroods illrect from the Imnortera at Hal the usual cost. Itest plan ever ofl",-re, lo Club A cent and larite buyers. ALL KXPKKSS CHAHULS PAID new teruis FUKK. The Great American Tea Company 31 anil 311 Vesey Street, New Ypi'b . P. O. Box 4a:iri. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL A HISTORY op the U.S. The (rreat Interest in tin? thriUliiR blutory of our cmn try Dmki'S this the faatt'ht-gt'lling liock ever pulillshett. Pritenrt'iUu ed .H3 imt tfiit. It u the ui-'st cniiVt- Hit tnry uf the it. S. ever publisheil. Semi lr txtru Utuib to AenU, anil se why it Sa'lls so very fat . A-ldrs National Plbuuinq Cu., HlitlaiU lihia, Pa. ltf.Mt Fork nnd Cnnvevor in line. Tido-ids and carries Hay, Grains, are., over d(r; p mows, into sherls, barns, Ac haves labor, time, money, Clrenlarssent. Arents wanted. U. 11. Week. Syracuse. N. V. WHEN Is embittered by Dropv, Kidney lllaibler or Urinary Coinp'aluti. llrlnhl's Disease, Gravel or Ueuerul Debility, take Hunt's Kemeily. Retenliun ot t rine, Diabetes, Pain in the Bide, Hack and Loins, Kxcess es and lnt.-lnperaiice, are cured by Hunt's Itemeily. AU Diseases ol tile KillncVk. lilit. liter iiti.l I'l mrv LIFE Oriians are cured hv Hunt's Itemeily. Family Plij.iclansuse Hunt's Itemeily. Send lor pamphlet to WM. K. L'LAKKK, fruvuleuce. M. I. TP'rTll IH UKJIITVI A&l.w r,U MkSTINBS.4 f.JZm HyB. M WOOLI.KV, AtlanU.tia. Hell able evidence given, and refercucu to lunil piticnts and physicians. Scud tor uiy book ou lUe lULit and IU Cure. Free. ASH IHmrelst "or Htoielieiper for ONMI'N'i III t Itltlli:.! ltl li IIV. lllslhelest. COQDflAYIAI), H.wlollsk.H Mis Aimi DuUUU14' kUAts, ttt. LmIs, AU. m PIUM HABIT 1 1 UK. Wakametklft, the Medicine Mafl Nothlns ha. been a.Kfcd to 'don (.1 nothlnit Ims been taken away. iVnd KasawM O. tlto IIest Pdiukieh of tlio Blood Cd Kasawaa oi he System ever known to man. , This Syrup poetesses varied properties. It nctmipon tlio I.lver. It iM'ts upon tlio Kldncya. It rcaiilHtoKtliP loycl. It pin-liicHtlio Hlood. It qtili-iK tlio NppToimSrem. It iiromotes BiarMtlon. It .Vout-lislics, Sirciiijtliens and InvlR- Marrlca otTtlie old blood and makes "iPopn tlto pores of tho kln, and iiulucca Healthy 1'crmplralloii. It iicntniliKPs tho hereditary taint, or poison In the blood.whith ircnerntcs Scrofula.Erysipelas, and ill manlier of ekin dii'ases and internal humors. There lire nospirllsrinnlnyed In Its roaniirrtur iut it ran betaken bv tlio most dnlicntc babe., or by th-med ami feeble, com only being rqirat in xitmiwn to direction!, DR. CLARK .X 'ii r u n q n r I ' . JOHNSON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 31 St., New York City, LATH or IIBUt CITT. fTEADK MAHK.1 Tli8 Best Remedy Known to Han I Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped cnptWe.loniJ aslavetoWakametkla, the medicine man ol tho Comanches, is now preparea ienu ms biu in Introduction OI iricwonaeruil rcmeay oi iiiai irioe. The experience or Jir. r,ssimaa ueinir eminur m thnt of Mrs. Chaff. Jonesand Bon, of Washineten Co., Iowa, an account of whose siirTerlns wtra thrlllinelv narrated in the Aeio J"orft Jlcrald of pur.. 15th, Wis, tho tacts of which aro so widely known, and so nearly parallel, thnt but littlo men tion of Mr. Eastman s experiences will bo Riven here. They are, however, published In a neat vol ume of 300 pages, entitleil, 'Seven and Nine Tiears Among the Comanches and Apaches " ot which in-.-nllon will oe mauo Urn-umi. . j, that for several years, Mr. Eastman, while a cap tive, was compelled to g-ithor the. roots, Rums, barks, herbs and berries of which Wakameiitla medicine wns t'.-.dJ, and Is still prepared to pro vide the S.W3 materials for tho successful intro duction of tlio mcnicine to iau wunu, " i'0 public that tho remedy Ifl tho snnio now u wiicu Wakamctkla compelled hiiu to tuako iU 9 CI 09 r s Mmm Edwin Eastman in Indian CosttrniSe Seven and Nine Ycars Amono Tiir Comasches and Apaches. A neat volumo of 300 pages, being a simple statement of tuu horriblo facta connected with the sad massacre of a h.-lplcss family, and tho captivity, tortures and ulliinate escape of its two surviving members. For sale byouragents generally. Trice 11.00. The incidents of tlio massacre, briefly narrated, are distributed by agents, kukk of charge. Mr. Eastman, being almost consiunily at. the West, engaged in gathering and curing the materi als of which the medicine ii composed, the solo business management devolves upon llr. Johnson, aud tho remedy baa been called, aud is known as Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN DLOOD PURIFIER . Price of Largo Bottles 31 .CO IMcecf Srrull Eotll.'S CO lleid the voluntary testimonials of persons vim have been cured by tho uso of Dr. .Clark Joliusou'r liidiau lilood 8yi,i';i, in your own vicinity. Testimonials of C TIIE INDIAN lifiOD SYUUl'THK HKillT MKDICINK. PiTTSDiiiMin, Ph., August 25, 1878. Dear Sir: I was li-oubled with Kidney Dis euse and LivorCoiiiplnint. I tried everything which I thought might do me good, but I did not find the right mrdiuine until I jjot a iO-ceut bottle of your medicine, which entirely cured me. Mks. Hasdam. KXTIHELY CUUlfDT" PlTTSBL'KGH, l'u., August 25, 18,'S. Dear Sir: I was troubled with Lung D,t,e.e nnd suffered from otlier complaints so .micb. lint I could not describe my lcelings to any person. I doctored all the time, but lound no relief until I took a bottle ot your Indian Blood Syrup, which left me entirely tree ol all pain. Gait. Sam. A. Cauuo. RECEIVED GKEAT BEy'iFIT FROM IT. IIoi.MsiiL'ibi, 23d Want, l'hilailolphia, ) Feb. 21, 1S79. $ Denr Sir: I take great plensiiro in saying 'hat I have given your valuable Indian Mood Syrup a fair trial in my liiniily and received great benelit fi-oin it. Sam'i. N. Sollv. UVEU COMl'I.AINT. Pkxxvi'A ck Mills, Feb. 22, 1879. Dear Sir: I have used your Indian Blood Syrup and found it to do all you claim for it. It is a sure cure for I.iver Complaint. JosKi'ii Haines. REMEDY FOK LI VER-AND- KIDNEY DISEASE. EtiiNCTON, Feb. 2, 1879. Dear Sir: I can, from my experience, te commend your Indian lllood Syrup ns a sure cure for liver and Kidney Disea-ie. Klizaiiktii A. Sands. Our agent cun also iurnish inquirers with ninny names nud addresses of others who have experienced the good effects of the justly cele brated Indian Blood Syrup, and we would re quest all in need of a Blood Furiller or Liver Regulator to call and get a pamphlet, and make such inquiries as they may wish. IVEK AND K I DNE YCOM PL A I NT. Andalusia, Ph., Feb. 10, 1870. Dear Sir: I have been using your Indian Blood Syrup in my tamily for Liver and Kidney Compluiut with success. 1 believe it has no el"l' Edward Gilbert. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Wbst Lebanon, March 3, 1879. Dear Sir: Having been prostrate for mouths with what my physician termed Palpitation ot the Heart, aud a combination of other diseases, I obtained no reliel until 1 bought some ol your Indian Blood Syrup, which relieved me iru mediately. I am now in perfoot health. . Kl.lZADkT.l LBWII. LIVER COMPLAINT. Jacksonville, March, 3, 1879. - . Dear S5-: Knowing, from experience, that your Ind"n Blood Syrup is a sure cure lor Liver Complaint, 1 confidently recommend it to ail suffering humanity. Rlbecca HlBL. A X J