The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 08, 1879, Image 3

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L' -. '
Local Solos
New choice Eric county butter nt
List of licenses and additional
Sheriff's sale in this Issue.
Fine large Bananas 30 cents a
dozen nt Morgester's.
Decoration Day May 301 h. Co. H
Will likely parade on that day.
Garden making is not raging as
' frantically as it was last year tit this
nt this office. Call and
Bee them.
Rev, II. V. Talbot hps some very
fine Plymouth Hocks, Drown Leg
horns and Light Bralnnus. A selling
of eggs, from either strain, for $1.0!).
There will he a meeting of Grace
'Church Parochial Society on Thurs
day May loth, at the Rectory to elect
officers for the coming year As there
Is nn abundance of work it is hoped the
ladies will all come out. P.y order of
Postmaster Ilagerty ban the agency
for the sale of the new U. S. 5dl re
funding certificates, hearing interest
at 4 per cent. These certificate are
dated April 1st 1S79, and bear interest
from that date the purchaser paying
the accrued interest at time of pur
chase. The sidewalk tax has been in
creased from three to live milis on the
dollar of valuation, and at this rate
there will not be enough money to
put sidewalks in all the places walks
are needed. The new walks are very
substantial, of good width, and will
last, with a little patching, for ten
During the past four years about
thirty pupils of the Ridgway ('traded
School have been examined by the
County Superintendent, and licensed
to teach fifteen of these haveattended
school the present year. Many are
now holding ftrst-olaKs.eortifioales, and
eomo are among the best teachers of
the county.
At Centreville on Saturday night
the store of .las. Taylor, in which is
located the post-ollice, was broken into
and a quantity of stamps taken. Three
suits of old clothes were loft by the
thieves who appropriated three new
suits. Mr. Taylor was in town Sun
day looking after the chaps, but did
not succeed in finding them.
The engineers have commenced
the survey for Doctor Farley's coal
road. Their headquarters are in the
rooms above Doctor Hartley's drug
store. Although a feather on a stump
is no sign of a duck's nest, and a sur
veying party no sign of a railroad, we
have faith that the road will lie built,
if not this summer perhaps next. The
Toby coal fields are almost inexhausti
ble, and without an outlet, which this
new road will furnish.
A queer blunder occurred in .one
of theElmira churches upon the occa
sion of the christening a bubo a few
Sundays ago. In the confusion of the
moment the clergyman mistook tho
name and baptized the "little pre
cious ' as 'William Henry, when, as
the clown said, "it. wa-u't that kind
of a cat." U was a girl. Some days
afterward the mistake was rectified by
the clergyman undoing his work and
doing it over again, so the dear child
will not go through lii'e as Miss or
Miss Hank. MeKcaii .!; ;.
A full line of eh
oice groceries at
Asparagus, Onions
at Morgester's.
Mid Radishes
A terrible and almost fatal accident
occurred at Carpenter, on t lie Northern
Central, railroad, on Tuesday. The
particulars, as far as they have been ob
tamed, areas follows: A party of six
ladies were watching some men trail
logs in the creek, leading to t he saw null
of Weige'l & Miller, of i!iis city. Upon
a nign uaiiK overlooking the mill, at a
point about a hundred feet above them,
was a pile of logs, which a teamster
was engaged in hauling down to the
stream. One of the logs suddenly
broke away from him, and started
down the steep hill directly toward
the ladies who stood below, wholly un
conscious of the danger they were in.
Owing to the noise made by tin- stream,
the ladies did not hear the it
came bounding down, or the shouts of
the terrified teamster, unil the flying
timber was within less than thirty
feet of them. Of course the ladies did
the best they could, in their terror, to
make their escape. One of the num
ber, Mrs. II. II. McNett, in her hurry
fell, and the log rushed over her in its
mad flight. It Was thought her life
would be crushed out, and, upon
being picked up, it was found that she
was very severely injured in the hip
and small of the back. Miss Celinda
Newell, a sister of Mrs. McNott,
only effected her escape by plunging
into the water. How Mrs. .McNett
escaped death is little short of miracu
lous, as the hill, down which the log
came, is much steeper than the roof of
a house, and the log was moving at a
fearful velocity when it passed over
tier. The teamster in question is a
brother of the two ladies, and it is im
possible to describe the horrors of the
moment to him. It was certainly a
very fortunate thing that the afliiirdid
not terminate more disastrously.
Williamspor O. & IS.
Oven's best crackers always fresh
bt Morgester's.
Good quality cheese 12 cents a
pound at Morgester's.
Jellies in glass butter dishes at
Personal I'liliehati
Pat Malone Is putting up p barn.
W. 11. Smith is nowntEmpoiliim.
i. Powell has returned from Pitts
burgh. J. M. Schram came homo tin Mon
day mail.
Mrs. Geo. L. McCracken, is visit
ing at Mrs. Ross'.
James Median sawed his hand
several days ago.
Monday evening there was beauti
ful moonlight.
J. S. Chamlcrlin, and son were in
town first of the week.
Sam Clark makes another visit to
Dock Haven this week.
Miss Minnie Service is ft sufferer
from a felon on the thumb.
Thomas Dai ry lias left the depot,
mid S. A. Rote takes his place.
Rev. H. V. Talbot decreased the
church debt 100.00 on his recent
Supervisors Mo.Farliti and Mitch
ell have the credit of building excel
lent walks
C. I. Knell, phrciiologbit, delivered
a lecture in t'.o M. E. Church on Fri
day e cuing.
R. II. Coates, of "Warsaw, Jeffer
son county, and son Albert were fn
town this week.
Lieut. Rhines and Al. Brown are
on tiie staff of the surveying party of
the new railroad.
Miss 15. K. Wilcox contemplates
opening a select school soon after the
Graded School term closes.
Geo. Woodward has moved into
the house next Doctor Farley's and
formerly occupied by H. M. Powers.
Rev. II. H. Hewitt, of Sunbury,
will hold services in Grace Church
next Sunday. All are invited to at
tend. M iss Laura L. Pnrson, sinter of
the editor of this paper, returned to
Ridgway, Tuesday last, after an
absence of more than two years.
.1. S. Powell has erected a line
chicken park that is line for the
kind, but, like theold woman's butter,
the kind will not do to brag of.
Mr. Campbell, formerly of Wilcox,
but now employed on the Dcmorral
will occupy the house just east of Mrs.
Honk's residence across the creek.
Sergeant Bowen has had a bad
lime with loose teeth; ut last accounts
they had again settled down to busi
ness, much to (lie com for t of the
A. L. Proviti was married on
April !:, 170, to Miss Nellie .1. Taylor
in Farmer's Valley, McKean Co. Mr.
1'rovin worked in this place a few
years ago.
Dan Reed's thumb nail was
knocked off by one of the leatiier roll
ers at Oslerhout's tannery last Tues
day. On Wednesday he sacrificed a
linger nail to the same cause.
--.fames Mn-jrinr.N has put una fine
new barn on hi., property at the upper
end of South iitreot. He has also
burned up the rubbish on bis farm at
the lower of the : anie street.
Professor John -on and wife have
taught the (i reded School at this place
for four years eliding next Wednes
day, the close of the pre.-ent term.
We hope Mr. Johnson will reeon.-ddor
his determination to give up the
rehool ;,t (he close of this term.
M' Willis, a former resident of
RM.r.vay, and once suict visor of the
ite,yi.-hii;, father of Albert Wiib's. :i
unco prominent lawyer at the Elk
county b.-.r, dud recently at his liome
in Washington, 1). C. Wi:
thai he was upwards of seven
J. P. M.'iis'.on, suuerinten
relent of
the new Court House gets 1
furnishing the plan and overseeing
the work. He wa the overseer on the
new court house at Warren which
beautiful structure .suiiieientl v attests
to his ability as a master mechanic
and architect.
Geo. R. Wilcox, or Tloliesta, Pa.,
who was many years auo miller in
Hyde's grist-mill, in this village, was
in town this week. George planted
the first tree in the court yard, which
stands in the northwest corner at the
conjunction of Court and Main streets.
He is well known to our oid citizens.
Hugh MeGeehiu now has the old
court house lauded on the Pal Malone
lot ami vili at once have it put in
shape to rent. 'Company H 'talks of
leasing the old court roimi for nn
armory and we believe Mr. McGechin
proposes fixing up the buck part for
two tenements.
Rnnl) On Tuesday, May Cth, 187ft,
at her residence in this township, Mrs
Reed, wife of Patrick Reed, in the
Goth year of her age.
Tin; Dkowxkd Roy. Harry Leon
hart was found in the mill-race last
Tuesday afternoon, about six o'clock,
mid-way between the race-bridge and
Lead-gales. While our last week's
i:ue was being printed, preparations
were commenced to shut off the water
at the head-gates, which were so sue
cess ful as to lower t lie wnti.p t. it...
........ ...
race about three feet, ami rendered the
search, still beitigcontinued much more
eflective. The large number of spec
tators on the race-banks showed the
deep interest taken by our citizens,
and the news that the Ions search was
successful soon spread through town,
and was received with heartfelt satis
faction. The funeral wn m.m i...
.... iivki iuri
cdnesday afternoon at the Lutheran
Church, Rev. Mr. Bonze, of Erie
officiating. Warren Mull. '
-Two barrels good Hums just re
ceived at Morgester's.
Fine marrow beans the best quan
tity in the market at Morg-eMorV
The Tramp Law.
The following is tho full texlof the
net "To define und p Irtish, tramps,"
as passed finally In both houses of t ho
Legislature. There may bo cases
where this law may work Inju.tice,
butln the long run its provisions will
be beneficial. Underfills law any per
son who hog'i from house to.houso can
lie arrested and imprisoned :
Suction 1. That any person going
about from place to place begging,
asking or subsisting on charity, and
for the purpose of acquiring money or
a living Jand who phall have no fixed
place of residenceor lawful occupation
in the county or city in which he shall
be arrested,',shall betaken and deemed
to be a tramp and guilty of a misde
meanor, and on conviction shall be
sentenced to undergo an imprisonment
by separate and solitary confinement
at labor or In the county jail or work
house for not more than twelve
months in the discretion of the Court ;
provided that if any person so arrested
can prove by satisfactory evidence
that he docs nl make a practice of
going about begging or subsisting upon
alms for the purpose a fores".' id, in the
manner abo.e set. forth, he shall not
be deemed guilty of the olfelise herein
before described, and upon proof shall
be discharged from arrest eitiier by the
Magistrate before whom he is com
muted or by the Court upon hearing of
the case upon a writ of habeas corpus-
Suction" 2. Any tramp who shall
enter any dwelling house against the
will or without the permission of the
owner or occupant thereof, or shall
kindle 'any lire in the highway or on
thelandofuuothcr without (lie owner's
consent, or shall be found carrying
any fire-arms or other dangerous
weapon with intent unlawfully to do
injury to or intimidate any other per
son, which intent may be inferred by
the jury trying the case from the facts
that defendant isa tramp ami so armed,
or shall do or threaten to do any such
injury, not amounting to a felony, to
any person or to the real and personal
estate of another, shall upon convic
tion be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be sentenced to undergo an
imprisonment by separate and solitary
confinement, at labor for a period, not
exceeding three years.
Skctiox '!. Any act of beggary or
vagrancy by a person not a resilient of
this State shall be evidence that the
person committing the same isa tramp
within the meaning of this act, sub-
jet to the proviso contained in section
one of this act.
Section 1. Any person upon view of
any offense described in this act may
apprehend the offender and take him
before any Justice of the Peace or
Alderman, whose duty it .shall be after
hearing the evidence, to discharge or
commit the prisoner for trial as in the
caseof other misdemeanors.
Suction ". This act'shall not ap
ply to any female or minor under six
teen years of age nor to any blind,
ileaf or dumb person, nor shall it be
applicable to any maimed or crippled
person who is unable to perform man
ual labor.
SKCTiox fi This act shall take eflect
on and after August 1, n7'.', and all
i.ets and parts of acts inconsistent
herewith are hereby repealed.
Uiined ?.!iiUTs.
On "Wedue-day morning lasi a fall
oi'eari'n in a coal mine at Sugar Notch,
Pa. imprisoned six men ami
Tiie following dispatch gives
a I
count of their iv.-.cuc :
Wilkv.-baivo, Pa., April The
en; -mbed miner-at Stigtr V(ei! wi re
rescued at 8 o'clock this morning.
Yesterday the rescuing party succeeded
in drilling a hole through '.. the lower
part of the mine, thu show ing th tt it
was on I i:i v-s:uy l.i .h ive a few f. i f
further to eflect an opeiiinginto the
gangway. Work wa then nece.-sarl v
performed siowly and carefully as
there were indications of lire-dami
which necessitated the drhing and
cutting of the coal with the pick alone.
The opening was ell'ecicil at o'clock
and Mine Superintendent Smith was
the first to enter. He found some of
the men cooking a breakfast of mule
steaks taken from tiie mule which the
boy wlio .was scut to warn them of
the impending disasterhad fortunately
taken with him ami which was killed
kii the second day of their confine
ment. The rest of the parly were en
gaged in changing the direction kof mi
air course.
Very little was said and the entire
party used all possible despatch in
getting out of the mine reaching the
surface soon after o'clock. Tiie
crowd that had assembled was very
enthusiastic and repeatedly rheered
the rescued men and their plucky de
liverers. The men weio then sent to
their home. They state that during
Saturday and Sunday they could hear
the party firing blasts, and when the
Wanting ceased they believed that the
work had been stopped and that they
were abandoned to their fate. They
also say they could have subsisted at
least two weeks longer, had it been
necessary, upon their supply of jerked
mule meat.
Too much praise cannot be given to
the brave men who accomplished the
work of driving and timbering a
passage way of 1,-00 feet through rock,
slate and coal in the space of four days
and nights, to the bosses directing the
work, and to the engineering skill
displayed in locating and directing the
The men, when released, had been
confined five and a half days. They
stood the long confinement very will.
The boy upon reaching the surface
leaped over the enclosure at the mouth
of the opening and ran rapidly home
ward. Sardines, Salmon, Lobsters, Clams
and Cove Oysters at Morgester's.
llaxall flour best quality in the
market for sale at Morgceter't
Terrible I); naiiiito Explosion.
Stratford, Out., May f, a more
careful examination nhows the damage
done by the dynamite explosion t tho
Grand Trunk depot trt be much greater
than whs expected. Tile houcs around
the freight shed were nearly ail Wooden
bulldingnnd several were blown Into
minute fragments. Some fifty varg
were blown splinters and as many
more damaged. The debris is now
lying thickly scattered on and around
the track. Mr. Flynn, the checker,
who has an office nt tho entrance
of the yard, is among the badly In
jured. Two of the clerks, Messrs.
Drysdaleand Porter, We re hi thcoiUee
at the time and had ft Harrow escape.
The building was shattered into a
thousand fragments, and how they ch
eapen tin mirt is n miracle, uno man
who was walking toward the freight
house was blown over the fence and
sustained only a few" scratch?. A
fragment of iron weighing over a
pound was driven through a window
of the Crown hotel, half a mile from
the scene of the explosion. The .shock
was felt in all the surrounding towns,
and it was supposed to be an earth
quake. The car on which tho explo
sion occurred Was freighted at Mon
treal for Amhurstbury and contained
thirty packages, which were entered
as blasting powder. They were ship
ped oil account of Vanderbilt to be
used in blasting tit the Detroit tunnel.
When the explosion occurred the cars
were being shifted in the yard. The
damage will exceed $'!', '10U. George
Hawkins, a car dealer, hud both his
eyes put out by a splin :er and is not
expected to live. Joseph Humphry
is badly cat about the head and face
but may recover. Alfred Lamb was
badly injured.
will be welcome news ti all lovers of
good literature that the new, beautiful
and mnrvelously clieap Acmio edition
of CiiaM"m:ii's CYi i,oi'J!:ri v ov Ex
uu.sir Litkkatuki! is lobe completed
on June 1. Volume IV i just issued,
and the remaining four volumes are to
be issue l and delivered r.t one time
on the date slated. The- work richly
deserves the sale it lias obtained of
nearly lOOKit) volumes already, and
ought to attain, as it prolubly, will, to
a round million. The price, which
has varied at different times, increas
ing a 3 tiie publication lun progressed,
has now been perniunen ly fixed at
y-'.OO for the paper (8 vos. complete,
nearly 3,5ou pages), 3.0(1 for cloth,
4.7-j for half morrocco, g it top, and
3.7 for the 4 vol. edition iu half mor
occo, gilt top binding. A discount of
10 per cent, from these prices is allowed
to those whose orders are received be
fore June 1, and a furthei discount of
10 per cent, to tho-e ordering In clubs
of five or more sets at onu lime. Pos
tage, if by mail, 48 cents ettra. Orders
will be filled in the ordor of receipt
Specimen pages anil full particulars
will be sent free on request. Ameisi
i'.vn Diiok 'iixcHA-NdK, !5 Reckmau
street, New York, Publifhers. Sold
only direct to pubiishurs, and not
through dealers or ageiils.
Specimen copies may be seen at this
i.fiicc. j
Missouri is pivparng to adopt the
bell punch for b.u rciins. The advo
cates of the boll-pinch system of
(axing liquor seller j claim that It will
be more equitable tilui the present
arbitrary ;.;tat? tax of ",o a year, and
'hat it will cause the-number of low
whiskey sliopfi to d.rrcase, and the
coiisumpl ion of beer o increase. The
.-t. Louij J)i:pat'-!f tsiimates th:.
every year sS.'.omK) birrels of beer arc
brevet! in fct, Louis, and thai one
third of this product :s sold in iheei.y
at retail. Two inindii.l thousand bar
rels at half a cent a l!iss c;i a baric!
would yield tOOU.Oili. The amount
derived from alcoholic liquors at two
cents a glass would probably bo as
much more, making a total of fj l, -00,-
000, The Dipu(ch ad.j that this is a
large income, but tiie question is,
Would it ever be collected?
; 1 " -' - - m ii i i ii
1)1 STI, N, Y., July SI, 1S78.
Da. M. M. Ffni;h, Kiv.loiim. Y.
J ciir Sir: I liuvn iilivnvs been
opposed to patent ini'ilii'lm. hut 1 liavo b"in
nn iaviilid, U' iiist sialii led itli dlZKiiiem i,nd
Ihhithi!; liiMCiiliscd tiy I'lloncsuess, dcriiiccl
slwniiic'li and howls und impiiirod nw i-s tor
M-vui'iil yem i, I diiilori'd M yiciit dent but
Mill ilicy crew wniw. I have taken mini m
hcittlc or your lihurl and Liver lteuiedy Mint
Jervc Tonic, und have mil hint one nIiicu I
himiii lis use. 1 nin happr to say dial I loci
Hilly restored hy ynCr excellent, medicine,
wliieii I ref.'Otiiiiieud on every oecsimi. (' a
ty-lein is out iii'oidei' it iinnears in Imve tin,
power to restore u to health, and that Is what
Is wanted. Vry Ti ulv.
Oillil) 0. ( IIA.SK.
Dr. Fcnner's Blood and Liver Honi
ed y and -Nerve Tonic may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It is (he medical triumph of
the ago. 'Whoever has "the blues"
should take it, for it rcnlt(iti and re
stores the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Pillions
noss and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
v kvkh and Am i:, brt,i:KN E.i,aiu;k
mi:.ts, Scrofula, Erysipelas. Pimples,
lilotches and ai.Ii Skin Eurl'Tiox.,
axd 15hoon DisoimKits ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores Hesli and strength when the
system is lunuingdowii or going into
decline j cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic lironohitis, and all Lutig and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes,
Dr. Fcnner's Improved Cough
Honey Will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fcnner's Golden Relief cures
any pain, us Tootli-uche Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache In 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhma, Dysentery.
Dr. Fcnner's Kt. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. S. Ilurtlcy and D- B.
Sheriff's Sale;
of fieri facias, alias fiort fticias, vendi
tioitl expound, levari lael, ad testa
tum fieri tacias Issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk Couty, and
to me directed, I, D. C. OYhl'KIt,
High Shcrifi'of said county, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public
sale or outcry at tho Prothonolary's
ollice, in Ridgway, at one o'clock r.
M., on
MONDAY, MAY 26TH, 1879.
ALL that certain part of town lot
No. l'J In the village of Ridgway, Elk
Co., Pennsylvania, Containing four
thousand (4oil0) square feet, bounded
on the north by Main street and on the
east by Court street. Containing forty
feet fronton Main street by one hun
dred feet In depth on Court street, be
ing paft of the same premises conveyed
to Sarah Thayer by Jerome Powell,
Administrator of J.'C- Chapin, deed.,
and to I). D. Cook by Horace Warner
and wife by deed dated July "d, 17,
duly recorded indeed book '"(I'' page
(Hi), Ac, in Elk county. On above lot
there is erected a frame dwelling 24
feet front by 24 lect deep used as store
room, and' addition attached )i by '21
feet used as dwelling house, two stories
high, also wing attached J'5 feet by 4 )
feet deep used as I'.ukery and Grocery.
Also a large Ice House and Meat Mar
ket W feet by feet 1J stories high.
Seized ami taken in execution us the
property of D. 1). Cook at the suit of
R. V. liime.
ALSO All that certain tract of land
situate in Spring (.'reek township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded as fol
lows: On the north by warrants Nos.
l"ili! and .i!; on the east by warrant
No. I sj5 and on tiie south and west by
warrant No. i!7;i". containing five hun
dred and thirty-nine acres and know as
warrant No. l j'.li.
Seicd and taken in execution as the
property of Thomas Irwin ut the suit
of Powell & Kime.
AIO-All that cvrtaln tract or par
cel of land situate In Ridgway, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, hounded und
dcscrilied as follows: Reginning at
the south corner of land lately sold bv
J. S. Hyde to V. H. Osterhou't, and oil
the north side of the Philadelphia and
Eric Railway; thence north eighty
six ami eight-tenths (8').S) rods along
the line of said Osterhout to a post ;
thence south forty-five degrees east
(S. i" E. I seventy-one and six-tenths
(71. (i) rods to the northeast corner of
lot number four (4) in the village of
Elk; thence south sixty degrees west
(S. 0u W ) along the north line of lots
Nos. 4, :!, 'i, and 1, twelve and ten
twelfths (l:!UM:2) rods to the north
west corner of lot No, 1 in the village
of Elk; thence south thirty degrees
east (S. ;H E) six ami six one hun
dredths (i) tt-imi) rods along the west
line of lot. No. 1 to the northwest cor
ner of said lot; thence south sixty-one
degree's west (S. ill" V.) fifteen' and
six-tenths (1".I) rods; thence south
sixty-five and three-fourths degrees
west (S. ',.ij W.) twenty-seven rods to
the place of beginning, containing
fourteen ami ninety-seven one-hun-dredths
acres (14 !7-ltK) and being the
same land conveyed by John Shack to
Francis Pollman, Jr. by deed dated
September '-iH, IST'i.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Frank Pollman, Jr., at the
suit of Adam Shack.
ALSO All the right, title, interest
and claim of defendant in and to tho
following real estate to wit: Regin
ning iu the centre of Milcsburg and
Smethport turnpike ut thepoiut where
the south line of M. Dill's line crosses
it; thence west two hundred and
twenty-four rods to a post corner;
thence south seventy rods to a post
corner in the north" line of land of
Enos Eelzcer; thence by said line
cast one hundred mid seveuty-nine
rods to centre oW aforesaid turnpike;
thence along centre of same in a
nort iicastcrly direction to place of be
ginning, containing eighty-live acres
more or less, There is about five acres
cleared uhd improved, and a frame
ho;i..o erected thereon about l$xil feet
two stories high, also a cow shed on
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Coo. Powell at the suit of
Jacob ,-milh.
ALSO Alt that certain tract, mes
suage and plantation of land situate in
licn-'iii'.'cr township, county of Elk.
and Slao; of 1'cim-y I v.uiia, described
as follows to wit: "Peginiiing at t lie
southeast corner of a fifty acre lot,
deeded by Hiram Payne and wife to
.facoh Delgcr, beingcighty one porches
ea.-t of the soul hw et corner of warrant
lour thousand eight hundred ami
eighty-two ; thence extending north
two hundred and one perches to the
nortiiea-t corner of naul J ledger lot;
thence east eighty perches; thence
south two hundred and one perches
to the south line of said warrant (num
ber thence extending along said
warrant West eighty perches to t lie
place of la-ginning, conlidnilig otic
hundred acres (strict measure) reserv
ing one perch in width on tho south
end thereof, for a public road or high
way forever, exclusive of said reserva
tion, being the salne premises whieh
John Slifer and Lydia L. his wife by
their Indenture bearing date the
l-'ih day of Dec, A. D. 172, recorded
in the ollice for recording deeds in the
county of Eik in Deed Rook " P " page
"SO ic , granted and conveyed unto
the said Charles Lulu- his 'heirs and
assigns in fee, and the said Charles
Luhr by tleed bearing even date here
with conveyed to the paid Rebecca
Sykcs and August Weriieth.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Rebecca Sykcs and Au
gust Weriieth at the suit of Charles
ALSO All the right, title, and in
terest of the defendant in and to-the
following described real estate to wit:
Lots Nos. 12, J3, and U on Charles
street according to the map or plan of
the liorough of St. Mary's. Each lot
being loo it. front on Charles street by
two hundred (200) feet deep. Said lots
are improved and enclosed in a body
by u substantial fence. There is erected
on lot No. 14 a frame dwelling house
two and one-half stories high, plastered
and with a good cellar, lnain building
Hix.12 feet, wing 16x20 feet. A frame
stable 12x10 loot and other outbuild
ings. A good well of Water, ou this
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Nicholas Halllgan at the
suit of Walker & Son.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the plaintift'or other hen
creditors becomes tho jiurchuser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
thai of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified listol liens shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's, receipt for the aonouiu of
the proceeds of. the sale, or such por
tion thereof as he shall nppeurto be
entitled to.
il. All Salem not settled immediately
will b continued until six o'clock P
M., At which time all property not set
tled for will agfein be put up and cold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case, of deficiency at such re
sale, hIvkAI mftkfl irocd tlie"same, and In
no instance Will ih deed be presented
for continuation unless the bid Is -actually
settled for with the Sheriff" a
ubovo slated.
D. C. OVSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Pldgway, Pu., 1
May 1st, 179, f
See Pardon ' Di grist, Ninth Edition,
page 44tJj Smith's Forms, 848
Elk Connfy Ceurt Froclniuation.
WHEREAS, the limn. L. D. Wet
more, President Judge for the Thirty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania; and Julius Jones, and (Jmrgc
Ed. Wcls, Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have Issued their pre
eepts, to me directed, for the time of
holding of ihe Orphan's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, (.H-neral Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
Uidgwny. (or t lie county of Elk, on
187:), being tiie 2Ui day of the month,
to contimre mie week.
Notice is therefore givxn to the kr
oner, Justice of tin? Peace and (Jon
stables in and for the county of Elk, 1
to appear iu their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, ami
remembrances, to do those things
which of their olliecs and in their be
half appertain to be done, and all wit
nesses und other persons prosecuting
in behalf of (he Common wealth against
any person or personn, are requested to
bo then and llrero attending, and not
to deport at tlreir peril-. Jurors ore
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed tin re, agree
able to notice.
(liven under my fcnnd and seal, at
the Sheriff'H nflleo, in Ridgway, the
J2d day Of April, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C OYSTER, Sheriff
Lfct of Jurors.
We give below the list of grand and
traverse jurors drawn on Uie 18th ult
for the May term of court :
Henezkttk J. W. Rarr, O. T.
Rol brock.
Hhxixokii Mat bios Gerg, John
Wittmun, J. J. Voilmcr, Lewis llan
liauser, John Kroeckle.
Fox Edward Malone, Lawrence
Mohan, Peter Thompson, Herman
HicMiiiAXi) Thus. Campbell.
Hoktox A. S. Horton, Wilber
Jay John Munn.
JonkS J. C. Malone.
It i mi WAV Jacob M'Cauley, , Jacob
llutterl'uss, Will Dickinson, S. A.
Rote, N. T. Cummings.
Sr. Maky'S Ebon J. Russ, Joseph
Si'KiNtt C'KKEK D. O. M' It Haul.
Ri:xi:i:tTi: W. L. O. Wihslow,
John La f Icy, John Mulroy, Isauc
Dent, II. F. Wilson.
RKXZINiiEH Paul Rush, George
Leber, Jinn D. Rrendlc, Jr., August
Fox Rernard Canuvan, John
Kyler, Win. Meredith. John Meyers,
Peter Poneer. HeCekiah Moyer, John
Koch, Thos. SulliVitti, James D. Cuneo,
Jacob Dollinger, C. R. Kelts.
HlCMII.ANI) Will. Stllbbs.
Hohtox John M'Alllster, Chin.
Chamberlain, E. C. Wood, Jacob
J A V .J list us Weed.
JoXKS Michael Miller, J. C. Mef
fert, A. M. Straight. Rernard Weiilert,
John Ronnert, John Rowers.
Mri.TifjToxH Edward Mabie, M. H.
KtKuW.vV David Pittmore, John A.
Ross, E. E. Willcrd, W. W. Mattison.
F. C. Ely, A. it. Ittad, Alviti Male
horn, John Mcenan.
Sr. M.vitv's Geo. llanos, Henry
Luhr, Edward M'Rride, Joseph Diets,
John Dornish, G. ('. Praiclon, Frank
Gcycr, Jos. F. Windfeider.
Si-KiNu Cukkk A. W. IrWin,
Sylve.der Milliron.
inform the citizens of Ridgwuy, and
lhu public generally, that lie has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Bugg'es to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
ffeiTHc will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety Of" goods of
every description for sale at
Powki.l & Kimk's
Will be found an assortment of th
celebrated Klias Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for Elk county.
They Will keep oil hand Tuckers,
Corders, Henimors, Braiders and Ruf
flers, Needles, Sewliig-niaehine Oil,
Thread, etc., itc. Will also furnish ut
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. All at greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on accommodating
terms with approved security.
Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. tf.
Bill-heads cheaply, ahd neatly
printed at The Advocate office.
In the District Court of the United
For the Western District bp Pa.
Joseph Windfeider of Elk Co , a
Bankrupt under the Act of Congress
of Murch 2d, 1807 having applied for a
Discharge from all his debts, ahd
other claims provable under said Act,
By order the Court, Notice is
hereby given to all Creditors who
have proved their debts, and other
persons interested, to appear on the 3d
day of June, 1S79, at 2 o'clock, P. M ,
before S. E. Woodruff Esq , Register
in bankruptcy, at his office, Erie, Pa.,
to show cause if any they have, why a
Discharge should not be granted to
the said Bankrupt.
. fc. C. MCC-iuNDUCfcfi, Clerk .
Business Cards.
Ono column, on year
... I W
... l"l
13 All Vffrt WpllialltA iff HIUaH' Ol
elulit lino, one hmeUloii til, two iiif-trVlonii
51.61), three insertions ii.
Busine-m card, tun llnimor le8, pur Juut
AdT4rttemrot liayaljla qunrturiy
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., P
Office in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v2t
Ridgwtiy, Elk county, Pa. Office
across the hull from the Ih movrut es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. jnelo,ll57iJ
Cj. g. messenger.
druggist & parmaceutist,
N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
I? i 1 1 rt-n V I1!! Full Mtiknrl 11 1 in t fit'
fully selected Foreign mtd Domestic
Drugsv Proscriptions carefully dis-
pensen ai an nours, nay or litgin,
J. s. csnnwELL, M. D.
Has removed his fiioe from Centre
street to Main direct, Ridgway, Pa.. In
the second vtory of the new brick
building of John G. Hull, west of the
H vde 1 louse.
Ofiice hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 8 P.M.
W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patrotiiiKe hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon hinu
flit now tiriiiiriitfir linmH. hv nnvlnir
strict attention to the comfort' and'eon-
venience oi guests, to merit a cominu
unee of the same. ecUO'titf
mil'linerV and dressmaking
MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa , takes this method of an
nouncimr to the citizens ot Elk county
that she has on hand an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also drcsstuakihac ill
all its brunches.
Agent tor Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory and Lignum Vitte Eye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl
Volume 10 of this admirable work is
just out, making it complete. Each
volume contains puu pages, it makes
a complete library, and no one can
afford to do without it who would keep
well informed, j'riee, a volume
in leather, or S7ifm in elegant half Tur
key. C. K Jiidsou, Frcdoni'a, N. Y.,
controls Ihe sale in Elk comity. Ad
dress him for particulars. sepl7-tf
State Normal School.
(Eighth Normal School D'mtrict)
A. N. ItAT'B, A. M., Principal.
This school as at present constituted,
offers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional anil Classienl learninc.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, und furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring water.
J.ocution iieuiiiiiui ami easy oi ac
ss. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. 111. Elementary. IV. Scien
entific. AD.ll'"! T COCKSt-:? !
I. Academic. II. Commercial. lit.
Music. IV. Art.
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of the Ele
ments, and Master of the Sciences.
Graduates in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal)
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those ot our liest colleges.
The State requires a higher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one of the prime objects of this
Kchcol to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent and olficietut teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time and their talents,
as students. To all suedi It promises
aid iu developing their powers ami
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leuviiig school.
For catalogue and terms address th
President Board of Trustees.
Clinton county. S. D. Ball. T. C.
Hippie, Dr. J. H. Barton, A. II. Best,
Jacob Brown, Wilson iCUtler, A. N.
Raub, W. W. Rutlkin, R. G.Cook,
Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M.
Rickford, H. L. Dillon bach, A. C
Noves, S. R. Poale.
Centre Ex-Gov. A G. Curtin.
Clearfield Ex. Gov; Win. Biglen
Elk Charles R. Earley.
James McAfee, Merchant Tailor
lias just received a varied and exten-
sive assortment offspring and summer
goods for gents' wear, which he will
make up cheap.
Call on Bufterfuss, Masonic Hall,
to buy your Boots and Shoes. Best
quality of stock used, and made up by
first-class workmen at low (trices
Examine prices before purchasing
D. S. Andrus & Co., Williamsport, '
Pa., are prepared to sell a good organ
now for $75.00 cash. 7 stops and beau
tiful case, and they are fully warranted
by them, which is a sure mark of their"
merit. Bond them your ordeA and
you will not be dh-appointed.
--Sweet Oranges uiul fine freefa
Lemons at Morsester'k.