The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 01, 1879, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY i, 1870.
lttMilnh Land.
I've reached thelnitd nf corn nnd wine,
And all It riches, fmly mine;
Here Milne iindlmm'd one bliwfal day.
For all my night has pasticd iiway.
Cho. O Heulnli land, weet nculnh land ,
As on thy lilgliet mount I stand ;
t look awny ncross the ea.
Where mansions are prepared for me
And vli-w the ahlnlngglory shore,
My heav'n, my Aomv, forevermorel
My Saviour comes and walks with me,
And awect communion here have we; .
He gently leads me by His hand
For this Is heaven's border land.
A sweet perfume upon the bree
Is borne from ever vernal trees,
And flowers, that never Aiding grow
Where st renins of life forever flow.
The zephyrs seem to flnnt to me
Sweet soundsof heaven's melody,
As angels with the while-robed throng
Join In the sweet redemption noun.
Local Notes
Strawberries at Molester's to-day.
Maple sugar continues in fashion.
Plant your peas and set out your
little onions.
Prc-acliing Sunday In the M. K.
Radishes, Onions and Lettuce at
Molester's to-day.
The weather at last is wunn
enough to suit most anyone.
The song of the frog is heard in
the mud puddle on Main street.
Spring chickens will soon he In
vestigating your garden making.
Gilt Beveled Edge cards are now
the rage. Call and see our .samples,
Soon time to go in swimming.
Lots of water now though a trifle cold.
See Annual Statement of Aud
itors of Jay township in another
' Subscribe now for The Advocatk
and get a chum-o inxmr drawing. See
advertisement on second page.
The work of excavating for the
basement of the new court houe ha
been commenced, and now the court
yard presents a scene of uctivc industry-
'What is to binder Ridgway be
coming!! summer resort? certainly not
u want of pure air, bracing atmosphere
or iietures(ueiifss of surrounding
Greenback meeting in the base
ment of W. S. Service's hardware
store on Saturday evening, for the
purposo of organizing and electing
officers for the ensuing year.
Phrenological Lectures by C. X.
Sneli, at the M. E. Church, on Thurs
day, Friday, and Saturday evening.
All tire cordially Invited to attend.
Admittance free. Can be "consulted at
the Thayer House.
It seems almost next door to sin
impossibility to issue a newspaper
without errors, no matter h nv many
times l lie proof be read or bow careful
nnd painstaking we may be, these
exasperating and annoying little mis
takes will occur and re-occur.
The longest continuous flood
known to our lumbermen for yours
lias occurred this spring. For two
weeks there has been a good rafting
Ktago, and the water still continues to
hold its own. The large quantities of
snow in the woods aided by a little
warm weather and un occasional rain
tire the utilises of the. long Hood.
Cabinet Desk Cigars at Moles
ter's. Goods sold cheap for cash at Mor
goster's. James .McAfee, Merchant Tailor,
has just received u varied and exten
sive assortment of spring and summer
goods for tents' wear, which he will
make up cheap.
Thercmains of John MoConaehy,
the man who litis been missing from
liis brother's home, in Xoyes town
ship, since the i-'Mh of Xovcmber, 1877,
were found on the right hand branch
of Drury's Jtun about one and a half
miles from Higgius' farm, on Wednes
day of last week-, by ;v lad named Win.
Tanner, of this place. Young Tanner
was fishing for trout that day. He
discovered the body in the stream,
partly covered with water. The un
expected sc?ne naturally frightened
. him and he returned home shortly
1 afterwards to'report what he bad seen
On the following Friday, Sijtiires
John Smith and W. K. Chestnut, A.
X. Stevenson, John Kilgus, Win.
Lough ridge, Samuel Tanner, John M.
Noble, accompanied by others from
this place, anil by James McConachy,
brother of the deceased, and also
by residents of the township, visited
the body, removed it from the stream
and held an inquest. James McCon
achy recognized the body of his long
lost brother John. He was positively
sure that the coat, shirt boots and truss
belt, found on the deceased, were woiu
by his brother when he left home
His head and face, which were lying
above the water, were beyond recog
nition. The remainder of his body
was submerged in water, nnd upon ex
amination, was found to be well pre
served the flesh being solid and hav
ing a natural appearance. It was the
opinion of the coroner's inquest that
the deceased ctime to bis deafli by
drowning. Xear the place where the
. body was found is u deep bole where
the water is probably eight or ten feet
deep, surrounded by a net work of logs
and brush. The supposition is thut
the deceased accideiitly fell into this
place at the time he was missing from
home, and remained there until the
high water washed his body to the
place where it was found. The body
was takeu in churge by James McCon
achy und buried Inst Saturday. The
deceased was ubot)t &0 years of 8"c
P.ecovo Jicaord '
' Personal Soles.- "
John Flynn is sick.
Alton It. Chaplu is in town this
W. B. Smith lias returned from
his trip to Texas.
Hon. John Q. nail was in town for
a few days. v
B. E. Dill is working In the
Ridgway planing mill.
James riialen.of Horton town
ship, cnlled at this office this week.
C. B. Gould editor Cameron Co.,
Press called at this office on Thuin-
. . . , .......
Eminltt Hovencurnp, of High
land township, paid us a visit this
Eddie Nlver, of Broekwny ville, is
learning the printing business in the
Democrat office.
Miss Ella Wicks went to Stone
ham on Tuesday last on a visit to Mrs.
Cupt.P. It. Smith her sister..
The Boss Bros, have commenced
the manufacture of brick, and will
have a kiln ready to burn in a few
days. "
Last week Wednesday, James
E. Pugh burned his hand badly while
pouring molten iron into a flask tit
Hyde, Kline & Co's., foundry. He
held his hand too near the bowl of the
ladle, with the result as stated.
In our last issue we stated that'.!
S. Powell nnd son Eddie were at Pitts
burgh. If the "S" had been omitted
from the name all would have been
lovely, as Mr. J. Powell, and not J. S
was the name Intended to be used.
Mr. Short lidgc, of the firm of
Shortlidge &. Co., proprietors of the
150110101110 lime works, Bellofohte, Pa.,
called at this ofliee on Thursday of
last week. Ho had just completed a
contract with our Co. Commissioners
to supply 2o;mj bushels of lime for the
new court house.
Postmaster Hngerty was down to
tbeollice this week for'tho tirst time in
about two weeks. His eyes are im
proving. Ho says that for his own
sins he is not sinToring (having none)
but for the sins of others- Elk Adro
cite. We hope the gracious, friend Hag
erty is not to sutler for the sins of all
Ridgway if lie is, he better throw up
the sponge at once. Cameron Co..
Supervisors McFarlin and Mitchel
are putting down a first-class side
walk on Mill street. The side of the
street is being dug to a regular grade
three stringers are then put ift edge
wise, and the planks laid across the
stringers and nailed at both tnds nnd
in tlie middle. This makes a gootl,
and we believe will prove a durable
lIoj.ciiiTAii.iNCi. At the Hyde
House, Saturday, April 20, 1879, Peter
Hougiitailing, aged t'. years, 7 mouths
and 1 days.
A number of years ago Peter was
nearly cut to pieces in Dickinson's
saw mill, pervioitsly ho had lost the
sight of an eye. He bus lived in this
place for nearly forty years, his wife
dying several years ago, no children
having been born to him.
Dried apples at Morgoster's.
All kinds of garden seeds at Mor
goster's. A Sad Accident. Last Saturday
noon, April 20, Harry, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Leouharta bright,
intelligent boy of nearly eight years of
age, was seen playing back of their
residence, near the Conewango Creek,
on the wharf. His mother called to
him about one o'clock, when he was
nowhere to bo found. Search was at
once commenced along the creek and
mill-race, as he is thought to have
fallen into the water, bis hat being
found below thctlam by some children.
The creek, mill-race and river wore
dragged thoroughly as possible Satur
day afternoon and evening, and all
day Sunday und Monday, the cannon
being tired at different points Sunday
afternoon, and the tcaich is still kept
up litis (Tuesday) morning. The
water being deep and the creek and
race full of holes and rubbish, tend to
prevent the recovery of the body at
present. Our citizens have been un
tiling in the search, and the afflicted
family have the heartfelt sympathy of
the whole community.
Interviews have been held with
Mrs. Griffith, u clairvoyant of Titus
ville. nnd with Mrs. Rogers, a fortune
teller, living near Warren, who assort
that the boy fell from the boom at the
head of the mill-race, did not come to
the surface, and thut his body is still
in the race If this is true, the deep
water and sunken logs and slabs would
hide the boy from night Efforts will
be made to draw off the water as much
as possible, and the long search will be
continued. Warren Mail.
Xuw Music Of all the new songs
now flooding the country none are so
popular as those composed by Will L.
Thompson. He has just issued a beau
tiful new Song and Chorus, entitled,
"My Orundjju's Advice.' It is thought
to be even prettier than this author's
famous song "Gathering Shells." If
you want the latest and prettiest song
of the day, order "My Grandpa's Aci
vice," by Will L. Thompson. Any
music dealer will mail it to you for
S3 cents.
Published by W. L. THOMPSON
& CO., East Liverpool, Ohio.
According to the circular of Dun,
Barlow & Co., for the first quarter of
1879, just issued, there were 2,524 fail
ures m the United States for that
period, against 3,355 for the correspond
ing period of 1878, and 2,809 for 1877.
The amount of liabilities for the quar
ter was $13,112,605, against $S2,078,620
for the first quarter of 1878, ami $54,
638,070 for the first quarter of 1877.
'I he business outlook is certainly en
couraging and bids fair for substantial
State Sotes.
Washington county has more
farmers' clubs than any county in the
Pennsylvania has now seventeen
cities, Bradford being the lost one in
corporated. A proposition Is before the Coun
cils of Erie for the utter extermina
tion of the feline tribe.
A catamount measuring four feet
was killed on the mountuins near Hol
llduysburg recently.
A flush of lightning Was not
afraid to tackle and destroy a Llmbur
ger cheese factory at Great Bend.
Mrs. John Weber of South Pitts
burgh Is lying at the point of death
from picking a sore with a pin.
A citizen of Tamaqua has Invented
a steam carriage in which he proposes
to travel to the Pacific coast.
A valuable parrot Interferred in a
hen light In North Chester, nnd was
picked to death by the two biddies.
A boy of seventeen has been united
in marriage at Mt. Nebo, Lancaster
county, to a buxom widow of thirty.
A band of gypsies traveling
through Northumberland county lust
week, stole a little child named Cclia
--The Millorstown Iron Co., at Ma
cungie, 'Lehigh county, suspended
Monday morning. The liabilities are
about $140,000.
A spring of water in Upper
Uwehlan township, Chester county,
litis just boon measured aud found to
be live hundred feet deep.
James A. Gordon, eighty years of
age and the oldest member of the
Lackawanna county bar. frequently
walks twenty miles u day.
Last winter it cost the Pennsyl
vania Unilroad Company $20,000 io
have the snow shoveled ofF the traoks
of the western division.
A party of Mormons from Russia
passed over the Pen nsy Ivan in Ituilroad
a few days ago bound to Salt Lake and
polygamy. They wore wooden bro
gans. Pennsylvania manufactured no
fewer than 027,538,332 cigars during
the past year, und New York alone
exceeds her in the cxteut of this
As the elk belonging to the Wal
nut Street Theatre "Exiles" Company
was being taken from ' the ear at
Easton, on Tuesday, its antlers were
broken oft".
A nine-year-old boy, in Harris
burg, who bus committed ten rob
beries in a very short space of time,
has been caught aud sent to the House
of Refuge.
A donation party to a departing
Methodist minister in Clearfield
county, among good things, allowed
the pastor's wife to cut a cake contain
ing thirty-six silver dollars.
A new railroad, twenty-two miles
long, is chartered, und will be imme
diately built from Kane in the oil re
gions to Alton, where it will strike the
Bradford branch of the Erie road.
Mrs. Jane Young, Chester county,
has died from the effects of ether ad
ministered by a dentist, who, on ac
count of the woman's weak and ner
vous condition, only gave it when
much pressed.
James Bunnell, 05 years old, u re
spectable farmer in comfortable circum
stances, living near Stroudsburg, Pa ,
hung himself Monday morning. He
leaves a large family of grown up
A Bucks county swill tub by the
name of Lutz. challenges any man to
meet him in a match to swallow 1,000
glasses of beer in as many hours. He
once drank sixty . glasses of beer in
two hours.
Eli Bickel, while practicing with
another member of the Norristown
Rifle Club at their range on Barbadoes
Island a few days ago, made ten
straight bulls' eyes ut a distance of one
hundred yards.
J. W. Hummel, the old Pitts
burgher who was injured by having a
stool pulled from under him as he was
minting the front of a store on Penn,
avenue, is rapidly getting worse aud
the doctors fear ho will die.
David Kline, a storre mason, resid
ing near Molltown, lost the sight of
one eye several years ago by a piece of
stone striking the pupil. Recently a
rebounding nail struck his other eye,
und lie is now entirely blind.
George Einsig. convicted at York,
Pa., of murder In the first degree, for
killing his wife, committed suicide in
his cell Sunday morning by cutting
his throat witli a razor and then hang
ing himself with a piece of rope aud a
In Media there is a will admitted
to probate which is probably the
shortest on record. It is written on au
envelope, as follows: "My wife,
Louisa H. Lyons, to be my sole heir
and executor. James Gilbourne Ly
ons, 1857."
The strike in the Yough region,
Fayette county coal fields, still con
tinues. Some of the works ure run
ning with half force, while others are
entirely idle. So far everything is
peaceable, and the probabilities are
that they will remain so.
D. H. Kline, of Copluy, the groat
hawk shooter of the Lehigh Valley,
killed thirty-six of these birds the
past winter. He always manages to
keep a horse between himself and the
game, by which means he gets close
and has a sure shot.
Mabel, a lovely little thirteen
year old daughter of Oliver Williams
residing at Catasauquu, died after an
illness of only thirty hour with cer
ebral meningitis, brought on, as is be
lieved, by an excessive indulgence in
roDe Jumping
Tracy Seatencrd.
Andrew Tracy has passed another
sad and trying scene in the terrible
drama of which he is the principal ;
that of having received the sentence of
At the convening of court, Thurs
day afternoon, the room was well
filled with those Whose curiosity led
them to witness this solemn ceremony.
The prisoner entered the room with
a firm step, but was very pale. He
wus accompanied by Sheriff Bart well.
To the usual question which is asked
on such occasions, Tracy replied,
"Before God, I have no feeling of
guilt. I am uncoiislmis of guilt. I
have been unfortunate." The attor
neys tor the defence having nothing
to say why sentence should not be
pronounced, His Honor, Judge Wll
llinns, proceeded In, substantially, the
following manner i " -
It now becomes the duty of the
Court to pronounce the sentence of the
law. The law Is In haste to shed no
man's blood. The crime you stand
convicted of Is murder. Of the homi
cide there was no dispute and the only
question- was the degree and thut was
found to be the first. Your victim
wus not your enemy, but your friend
who loves you purely. Her only
cuusc that she sought to restrain her
affection for you in obedience to the
dictates of her religion, the require
ments of her church and in honor to
her' parents There was much in your
story to excite our pity. Your dissa
pointmeiit at the inseparable obstacles
to your marriage were doubtless great,
but that could not justify your con
duct. Nor could we J ml sufficient in
the eyi donee to justify the belief that
your reason could be dethroned or
your accountability Impaired. But
the duly which the law impresses
must be discharged, no matter how
earnestly we may wish thut it had
fallen upon other shoulders than ours.
The sentence of the Court is: That
you, Andrew Tracy, convicted of the
crime of murder in (lie first degree, do
suffer death by hanging by the neck,
in accordance with the provisous of
the Act of 31st of March, 1800 and
may He whose preiogutive it is to for
give sins, have merry on you.
After the above sentence wus pro
nounced, Tracy sablI hope He may.
I have had but ll'tle mercy here.
Eldred AYrjrfe,
At a meeting of priests and bish
ops held at the Arch Episcopal resi
dence, Cincinnati, the names of
Father Spalding, of Peoria, Bishop
Chatard, of Vineennes and Father
Quinn, vicar general to the cardinal
archbishop wore recommended to the
Pope ns coadjutors to Archbishop Pur
cel with right of siu-cession at his
One of the little army of nitro
glycerinists who male Olenn their
headquarters, had an arrow escape of
being "atomized'' on Monday after
noon. He wus drMng along the
road in a piano-box wagon, In the
vicinity of Rock City. , In the vehicle
were four cans of the terrible explosive,
containing 53 pounds, or about six
teen quarts. His teambecoming fright
ened at the noise of an approaching
locomotive on the nan-ow gauge rail
road, dashed ahead at a tori lie rate.
The torpedoist lost control over the
animals, which finally overturned the
wugon' its driver und its dangerous
contents, damaging everything, but
the glycerine quite considerable. It
was u marvel that the fluid did not ex
plode. If it had, further comment on
the vehicle, the animids or a coffin for
the man would have been superfluous.
Olean I'imvH.
Glade Run Tannery, about 1J
mi lea above Warren, was destroyed by
lire lust Thursday afternoon, April, 24,
together with the ljiuphinery, leather
and hides. - The tluiuea were first dis
covered in a room over the boilers
about 2:20 o'clock, and soon spread
through the whole building, connect
ing with a new store building east
of the tannery, the Unnery office und
store buildings, and u large boarding
house, all of which were destroyed, ex
cepting the boarding-house.
The residence of Mr. Van Vechten,
across the road opjxisite (lie tannery
was destroyed, as were also his barn,
with most of their contents. Loss $3,-
000, insurance $1,200. The barn of
Mr. Ualdeusperger, west of the tannery
ou the hill, ulso caught and was soon
a total loss. When the fire was first
discovered, a man was sent to Warren
on horseback asking -the, services of
the fire department. The fire-bell was
rung, and was quickly answered by
the steamer, Niugru, Rowland and
Clark hose companies und a large
number of our citizens. The steamer
was put in place in Glade Run and
"the boys" soon had three streams
wettiug down the flames, saving part
of the boarding-house and a barn near
by, which stood between the tannery
aud immense piles of bark, and thus
preventing additional loss. The whole
fire department worked untiringly
and earnestly, saving all that was not
entirely consumed when they arrived,
and are deserving of great credit.
L. A. Robertson, of New York, owns
the tannery, it being in charge of Mr.
Sharpe, und was doing a large business,
We understand it will be rebuilt as
soon as possible. Mr. Sill, insurance
agent, informs us that there is insur
ance ou the buildings, machinery aud
stock burned in twenty-one companies
to the amount o $30,lu0, aud some on
the bark not burned. The loss is fur
in excess of insurance, but to what
amount we are utiable to learn.
Warren Mad.
For very low prices for organs and
pianos writ e to D. 8. Andrus & Co.,
city music store, Williamsport, Pa.
Organs and pianos to rent by the month
or year. Sheet music sent to any ad
dress. Second band instruments for
sale. Pianos from $75 to ?Jo; organs
from S0 to ?.; ' '''
Deatfc-et On. Jehn LIHii
The telegraph arVnounoes th'e 'death'
of Gen. John A. Dlx, in New York,
ou Tuesday of last week'. ' He was
born at Boscawen, New Hampshire,
on July 24, 1798. In 1812 he entered
the army of the United Slates as lieu
tenant of Infantry, and Was subse
quently transferred to the artillery
andbecame captain. In 1828 he re
signed his commission, studied law
and wus admitted to the bar. He en
tered actively into politicsns a member
of the Democratic party. In 184:2 he
was elected to the State Assembly,
aud In 1845 was made Senator in Con
gress for the unexpired term of Silas
Wright. In 1852 he was appointed
assistant Treasurer of the United
States at New York, and In 1859 post
master. In December, 1R60, Mr. Dlx
wus npjKjInted to serve In the" place of
Mr. Howell Cobb, President Buchtiu
nun's secretary. He served under the
administration of President Lincoln,
and took a decided ground in favor of
the Unlou and bus always been ranked
as one of the strongest adherents of
the Republican party. At the out
break of the civil warhewiisappolnted
Major General of the New York Na
tional Guard. On May 16, 18(51, he
was commissioned Major General of
the United States volunteers, and sub
sequently received the same rank in
the regular army and hud churge of
the department of Maryland in 1802,
from whence he was transferred to
Fortress Monroe, with the command
of the seventh army corps. During
the riots in New York he wus the mili
tary commandant of that department.
He was appointed minister to Paris in
1806. He was nominated by the Re
publicans of New York for Governor
of the State in 1872, und elected by
V',000 majority. He was re-nominated
in 1874 and defeated by Mr. Tildon.
This ended his politioul career. A cel
ebrated and energetic expression of
his, which obtained in the exciting
times of the war a great popularity,
wus, " Whoever attempts to pull down
the American flag shoot him ou the
spot." General Dix for some time
conducted the Northern Light, a liter
ary journal lublislied at Albany, and
was for many yours one of the regents
of the University of the Stute of New
York, a position which he resigned
in 1878. Bestdos occasional contribu
tions to publications und a translation
of the Dies Inv, he has published
" Resources of the City of New York,
1837;" "A Winter in'Maderia, 1837;"
"A Summer in Spain and Florence,
ls.""),'' and two volumes of speeches in
Elk Comity Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. L. I). Wet-
more, President Judge for the Thirtv-
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, and George
Ed. eis. Esquires, Associate Justices
in Elk county, have issued their ore
eopts, to me directed, for the time of
holding ot tlie Orphan's Uourt, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions ami Dyer and terminer, tit
llidirwuv. tor the county of Elk. on
1879, being the With day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of tlie Pence and Con
stables in und for the county of Elk,
to uppeur in their own proper persons.
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices and in their be
lialf appertain to be done, and till Wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in be lial I' of the Commonwealth airainst
any person or persons, are requested to
lie then und there attending, ami not
to depart ut their peril. Jurors are
rouuested, to lie punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
able to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, ut
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the
;'2d day of April, in tlie year of our
ljord one thousand eight hundred ami
V. u. ui.-iiwt, sneriti.
Hl-sti, N. Y., July 31, 1S7S.
J)u. M. M. Kknnkh, l-'ivilotiia, N. Y.
Iii-nr sir: I lnive always ln-i-n
opposed to patent incriirines. tiul I liuve been
an invalid, bc-liiK alllicttil with dl2iiuss and
fiilntiiitf fllsciiUNc-d by hlllltiUNiiesH. derail!!"!
Hlotnai'h and bowls tuid Impaired nerve lor
several yejii'8. I doctored u riat (i-ut but
still they Rrew worse. 1 have taken seven
bottles ot your Ulooil anil l.lver ll.-lneily ana
Nerve Tonic, und have not had one sint-o I
la-gall IU use. I mil happy to say that 1 foci
fully restored liy ynur excellent medicine,
which 1 recommend on every oresinn. If a
system Is out of order it appears to have the
power to restore It to heall li, and thut Is what
lb wanted. Very Truly.
uoi: u. LHASK.
Dr. Feniior's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonic may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It is (he medical triumph of
the age. Whoever lias "the blues''
should take it, for it reyulutv.a and r-
atorcn the disordered system that gives
rise to them. It always cures Billious-
ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fi:vi:n ami Aulk,;x Em-akok-MKXTS,
Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Skin Ekittioxs
and Blooo Disokdkhs ; Swelled
Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves und Nervous Debility;
Restores tlosh and strength when the
system is running down or going into
decline; cures Female Weakness and
Chronic Rheumatism, aud relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does these things
by striking at the root of disease and
removing its causes.
Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough
Honey will relievo any cough in one
Dr. Fenuer's Golden Relief cures
any pain, us Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
aud readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
cific. One bottle always cures. For
sale by Drs. T. 8. Hartley and D. 11
Day. .
Call on Butterfuss, Masouio Hall,
to buy your Boots aud Shoes. Best
quality of stock used, and made up by
first-class workmen at low prices
Examine prices before purchasing
All hiuds of Canned Goods very
cheap-at Morgestcr's.
---'-' Sheriffs Sale.
of fieri facias, alius fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari laclas, ami testa
tum fieri facias Issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Elk County, and
to me directed, I, 1). C. OYSTER,
Higli Sheriirof suld county, do hereby
give notice that 1 will expose to public
sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's
office, in Ridgway, at ono o'clock I.
M., on
MONDAY, MAY 28TII, 187!).
ALL that certain part of town lot
No. 10 in tlie village of Ridgway, Elk
Co., Pennsylvania, containing four
thousand (4000) square feet, bounded
on the north by Main street and on the
east by Court street. Containing forty
feet front on Main street by one hun
dred feet in depth on Court street, be
ing part of the same premises conveyed
to 'Surah Thayer by Jerome Powell,
Administrator of J. C. Chnpin, deed.,
and to D. D. Cook by Horace Warner
and wife by deed dated July 3d, 1873,
duly recorded In deed book "Q'' page.
41MI, &c, in Elk county. On ubovo lot
there is erected a frame dwelling 24
feet front by 24 feet deep used us store
room, and addition attached 10 by 24
feet used as dwelling house, two stories
high, ulso wing attached 18 feet by 40
feet deep used as Bakery ond Grocery.
Also a large Ice House'und Meut Mar
ket 32 feet by 2(i feet 1) stories high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of D. D. Cook at the suit of
R. V. Kime.
ALSO All thut certain tract of bind
situate in Spring Creek township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, (siumled as fol
lows: On the north by warrants Nos.
15011 and 1570; on the oust by warrant
No. 15(15 and on the south und west by
warrant No. 8737. containing five hun
dred and thirty-nine acres and know as
warrant No. 1500.
Seized and taken In execution hs the
property of Thomas Irwin at the suit
of Powell & Kline.
ALSO All that certain tract or par
eel of land situate in Ridgway, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded und
described us follows: Beginning ut
the south corner of land lately sold bv
.1. S. Hyde to W. H.Osterliout, and oil
the north sidcof the Philadelphia und
Erie Railway ; thence north eighty
sfx aud elgfit-tonths (80.8) roils along
the line of said Osterhout to a post ;
thence south forty-live degrees east
(S. 45" E.) seventy-one and six-tenths
(71.0) rods to tlie northeast corner of
lot number four (4) in the village of
Elk; thence south sixty degrees west
(S. 00 W'.J along the north line of lots
Nos. 4, 3, 2 and 1, twelve and ten
twelfths (12 10-12) rods to the north
west corner of lot No. 1 in the village
of Elk; thence south thirty degrees
east (S. 30 IS) six and six one hun
dredths (0 0-100) roils along tiie west
line of lot No. 1 to the northwest cor
ner of said lot; thence south sixty-one
degrees west (S. 01 W.) fifteen and
six-tenths (15.0) rods; thence south
sixtv-five and three-fourths degrees
west iS. 05 j .) twenty-seven rods to
the place of beginning, containing
fourteen and niiiotv-soven one-liun-drodths
acres (14 H7-100) and being the
same land conveyed by John Shack to
Francis Politiiau, Jr., by deed dated
September 25, 187,
Sei.ed and taken in execution as tlie
property of Frank Pollmati, Jr., at the
suit of Adam Shack.
The following must be strictly com
plied witli when the property is struck
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the pluintift'or oilier ben
creditors becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, as well as all liens prior to
thai of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tified list of liens shall be furnished,
includiiiir mortgage searches on the
property sold together Willi such lion
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof us he shall appear to be
entitled to.
!. All sales not settled immediately
will Iih continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time all property not set
tled for will airain be put up and sold
at the expense and risk of the person
to whom it was nrst sirucK oi, ami
who. hi case ot deficiency ut such re
side, shnll make good the same, and in
no instance will the deed he presented
for confirmation unless the bid is actu
ally settled for with the Sherili' us
ubove stated.
T). C. OYSTER. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Pidgwuy, Pa., I
May 1st, 1S71.'. J
See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Editino,
puge 44ij; Smith's Forms, 34H.
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great variety of goods of
every description for sale at
Powei.i. & Kntifs
Will be found an assortment of th
celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for Elk county.
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
('orders, Heiiinicrs, Braiders und Ruf
fiers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil,
Thread, &c, &c. Will ulso furnish tit
tiny time detached parts for said i mi
chine. All ut greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on accommodating
terms with upproved security.
Riimjwav, Aug. 20, '7N. tf.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
0&He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
ut the Post Office will receive prompt
NOTICE is hereby given that a pe
tition of citizens of Ridgway township
will be presented at the next Court of
Quarter Sessions of Elk conuty for the
incorporation of a Borough of the town
of Ridgway.
All grades of Sugar at Morgoster's.'
trt 7 eenta a Bark at MorgerfMtf'a.
Business Cards.
Ratal of Advertising.
unn column, on yonr..
kij m
l " 1 IK)
" " 15
Tninslfnt advertisement per miliar d
elKht lines, ono llisrtrtlon tl, two liiiurtlons
f 1.3U, Ihrro ItiHerllous ft.
HukIiiuim curds, ton line or linn, peryeuf
'AdTcrtlsemehU pnysble quarterly .
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., II.
Office in new brick building, Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. -
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Office
across the hull from the Democrat es
tablishment. Clulms for collection
promptly attended to. Jnel5,1870
N. V. corner of Main und Mill streets.
Rldgwnv, Pu., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domtstio
Drugs. Prescriptions curefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night.
Has removed hh office from Centre
street to Main street, Ridgway, Ph.. In
tlie second story of the now brick
building of John G. Hull, west of tlio
II vile House.
Office limns:- 1 to 2 p. M. 7 to 0 P.M.
W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pu.
Thankful for t ho pat ronuge hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort' and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same, tict-'O'ti'J
Volume 11 of this admirable work is
just out, making it complete. Each
volume contains fuo pages, it makes
a complete library, and no one can
allord to do without it Who Would keep
well informed, l'rioe 5?3,iO a volume
in leather, or$7.oii in elegant half Tur
key. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y.,
controls the sale in Elk county. Ad
dress him for particulars. 'sepl7-tf
State Normal School.
( hiijhth A'onind School District)
A. N. R.U'B, A. M., rnncijHd.
This school us ut present constituted,
oilers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional and Classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting und
commodious; completely heated by
steam, well ventilated, und furnished
witli a bountiful supply of pure wilier,
soft spring water.
Location healthful nnd easy of ac
cess. Surrotiiiding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, ami
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to
those jireparing to touch.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. II. Propitia
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien
entllie. Aiuuxi-r cofitsKs :
1. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Alt.
The Elementary and Scientific
courses are Professional, und students
graduating therein receive State Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees: Master of tlie Ele
jueiits, nnd Muster of the Sciences.
iraduntes in the other courses receive
Normal Certificates of their attain
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires u higher order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one ot the prime objects ot this
school to help to secure ii by furnish
ing intelligent and efficient toucher
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
impro.'e tlieir time and their talents,
as students. To all such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
labor after leaving school.
For catalogue und terms address tho
President Board of Trustees,
Clinton county. S I). Ball. T. C.
Hippie, Dr. J.H. Barton, A. H. Best,
Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistlcr, A.N,
Raul., W. W. Rankin, R. G.Cook,
Samuel Christ, G. Kintzing, S. M.
Bickford, H. L. Dilt'cnbach, A. C
Noyes, S. R. Poule.
Centr! Ex-Gov. A G- Curtin.
Clearfield Ex.Gov. Win. Bigler.
Elk Charles R. Eurlov.
Flowers for
We Sell for $1.00
Strong, vigorous and we'.l grown plants.
8 Roses or 10 Geraniums or 10 Fuch
sia or 15 Verbenas or l' Pansies of 15
Single Petunias or 15 Basket and Bed
ding plants or l-" Coleus or 12 Helio
tropes or 12 Chrysanthemums or 12
Gludlolus or 10 Dole Tuberose Bulbs
for $1.00 or 12 Plants and Bulbs (1 of
each collection) $1.00 or half this col
lection 7-" Plants and Bulbs with New
pure white ugeratum (blanche) added
$5.00 or the whole collection of 150
choice plants und Bulbs with a plant
of Agoratum Blanche or tlie New
Scarlet Rose Geraiiium (Mrs. Taylor)
added $8.00.
We guarantee safeilelivery by Express
Our Priced Circular of
Sent Free.
290 West 4th St. Williamsport, Pa.
The Swarthniore note paper for
sale at The Advocate offloe.