The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 27, 1879, Image 4

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    rerllgof igrlcnllnre In Tjrol.
The persistence with which hnmanily
. attaches itself to fertile land without re
gard to danger is illustrated elsewhere
than here. The peasants on the slopes
of Vesuvius push their cultivation and
. plant thoir homos in the Terr track of a
possible lava stream, and, all the world
over, facility for obtaining a livelihood
blinds the cultivator to all risks. Groh
man says: "In the WildSohonan,
North Tyrol, not a few of the houses
are built on such steep slopes that a
heavy chain has to be Jaid round the
houses and fastened to some firm object,
a large tree or bowlder of rock, higher
up. In one village off the raster Thai,
and in two others off the Oberinn Thai,
many of the villagers come to church
with orampoons on their feet, the terri
ble steep slopes on which their huts are
built somewhat like a swallow's nest on
a wall requiring this trccauticnary
measure. In Moos a village not very
far from tho Brenner, having a popula
tion of eight hundred inhabitants more
than three hundred men and women
have been killed siuce 1758 by falls from
the incredibly steep elopes upon which
the pasturages of mis village are situat
ed. Bo steep are they, in fact, only
goats, and oven they not everywhere,
can be trusted to grnzs on them, and
the hay for the larger cattle-has to bo
cut and gathered by the hand of man."
I have myself seen, in walking among
the hills, little stores of grass piled
against the upper side of protecting
trees, where it had been brought in
armfnls when cut by the spike-shod
mower. The haymakers gather their
little orops here and there on the steep
grass-patches, almost at the limit of
vegetation, pack it in nets or in sheets
and bring' it on their shoulders down
the steep and dangerous paths. My
earlier idea of an "alp" was that of a
level plateau at the top of the lower
mountains. . Alps which are even nearly
level are very rare, especially among
the higher elevations. Generally they
ore so steep, so broken, and so inac
cessible that one wonders how cattle
are got to them, and how they can be
trusted to graze over them. These alps
are bounded by no fences, and it must
be an anxious task for those who have
the herds in charge to get them safely
together at milking-time. Each animal
wears its bell not the hollow-sounding
dull cow-bell with whieh we are familiar,
but musical in tone, and heard for a
much greater distance. The alpine hnt
and the Sennerin, or dairy-maid, who
spends the whole summer in nearly
solitary attention to her arduous duties,
are not altogether what one's imagina
tion might depict. Bhe is 'not the
dairy-maid of poetry, nor is her tempo
rary home filled with the more ethereal
pastoral associations. Yet these people,
too, have a romantic and imaginative
side to their lives, and are happy and
wholesome and content.
Tho agriculture of North Tyiol, out
side of the valley of the Inn, is mostly
confined to very small operations. A
few cattle, a few sheep, a little poultry,
a few small fields and a mountain pos
ture, constitute the stock in trade, on
which the industrious and f mgal pair
brine np their family in comfort ana de
cency, accumulate portions for their
daughters, and lay aside a provision for
their own old age. Labor-saving hardly
exists. Every thing is acoomphshed by
unmitigated and unremitted toil. In
youth and in early life the people are
stalwart, active and hearty ; but old age
comes very early, and at forty the vigor
of manhood and womanhood is passed
the activity and vigor, but not the en-
durance; up to really old age even
slight little women carry enormous
loads iu the baskets at their backs up
and: down steep and rough hillsides
and mountain -paths, where an unaccus
tomed tourist must puff and toil to
move his own unencumbered person.
George E. Waring, Jr., in Harper's.
Specific Aj?iiijst, Iffdronhiblu.
Dr. Grzyvala, of Krivoe Ozeroe,Po
dolia, Rissia, for whoso trustworthiness
Praf. Gublor, of Paris, vouches, de
clares that, after a series of crucial
trials, which ho describes at length, lie
has found that, after having had oppor
tunities of treating at least 100 cases of
men bitten by rabid dega, with the
Xanfhium fipinoaxna, ho has never,
in any one of these cises, failed to ward
oif hydrophobia. Ho gives some start
ling examples. Daring the Crimean
war, a family of twelve peraocs had
been bitten by a hydrophobic wolf. Six
of them entered his wards in the hospi
tal at Olschanka, government of Podo
lia, district of Balta. They were
treated with infusion of the leaves ol
exthanthium, and all recovered. The
six others, who were treated by the
actual cautery and tbe daily use of gen
es ta tinctoria and other drugs, died
with hydrophobia in the course of
twelve to sixty days. He reoounts many
other facts not less striking. For an
adult, the dose is sixty centigrammes of
the dry powder, repeated three times a
day. Children under twelve take half
that quantity. The doso for animals is
much larger.. A herd of thirty oxea
had been bitten by a mad wolf, eight
had succumbed with symptoms of hy
drophobia. The commissary of police
came to Dr. Grzyvalu for hia " antira
bio powder." He gave three ounoes of
the powder, with bran, daily to each of
the remaining animals; none of them
suffered from the disease. These are
examples of which Dr. Grzyvala says
be has a hundred others. British'
American Journal.
I i?li as Brain Food. '
Since during the acts of sensation and
intellection phosphorus is consumed in
(he brain and nervous system, there
arises a necessity to restore the portions
so consumed, or as tho popular expres
sion is, to use brain food. Now, as
every one knows, it is the property of
phosphorus to shine in the dark ; ana as
fish in a certain stage of putrefaotivo
decay often emit light, or become phos
phorescent, it has been thought that
this is due to the abundance of phospho
rus their flesh contains, and hence they
are eminently suitable for the nourish
ment of the nervous system, and are an
invaluable brain foo3. Under that idea
many persona resort to a diet of fish,
and persuade themselves that they de
rive advantage from it inau increased
vividness of thought, a signal improve
ment in the reasoning powers. But tbe
flesh of lish contains so exoess of phos
phorus, nor does its shining depend on
that element. , Decaying willow wood
shines even more brilliantly than decay
ing fish ; it may sometimes be discerned
afar off at night. That shining in tbe two
oases is due -to the same cause the ox
idation of carbon, not of phosphorus, in
organic substances containing, perhaps,
not a perceptible trace of the latter ele
ment. Yet surely no one found himself
, rising to a poetical fervor by tasting de
caying willow wood, though it ought,
on these principles, to be a better brain
food than a much larger quantity of
fish. Dr, J. W, Draper, in Harper's
Magazine' ,
A soft band, sir, smooths away
Baby Had the Mirror.
My baby-boy sat on tha floor,
nit big bine eyes were foil of wonder,
For h had never loen before
That baby in the mirror door
What kept the two, 10 near, Arander ?
He leaned toward that golden bead
The mirror-border framed Within,
Until twin eheeki, like roaei red,
Lay aide by aide, then softly said
" I oan't get out; can yon come tn?"
Blanche M. VhannUtg.
Thlnae Kvrrv Wain a a Waate ta Know.
Spring fabrics show a decided ten
dency not only toward increasing bright
ness in color, but a mixture of shades as
in the peacock colors. Blue is largely
brought forward, and appears in dif
ferent shades under the names of sap
phire, a bine overcast with greenish
tint: gendarmo, a dark Shade of mili
tary blue, and other blues of milder
type called blue de Stvrcs and Baltio
bine. Yellow is represented in old
gold, gilt, almond and ecru, and garnet,
wine and dark plum are still emijloved.
All white goods show creamy tinges,
and grays run from dark to light a pale
gray called "dust of shade" being quite
Prints, jaconets and other cotton
goods, notably the new momie cloth, are
out in pretty floral designs which repro
duce styles in pattern and coloring prev
alent many years ago. Sprigs of flowers
on delicate colored backgrounds and
little dots disposed of in clusters at in
tervals, are among leading styles, as are
foulard designs.' Ginghams of fine qual
ity show large plaids of quiet tone, and
handsomo Persian borders appear on
solid prints. Stripes pervade all classes
of new materials, sometimes alone and
again in combination with flowers. New
summer silks come in stripes ; also in
small broken plaids.
Jineiy-Deaded passementeries as well
as fine cord passementeries, both for
bands and for trimming in pieces, are
introduced among spring trimmings.
Silk fringes have by no means lost their
prestige, though woolen fringes are
pasfe; hems and rows of machine-
stitching taking their place in all-wool
costumes. Striped or other figured
goods of satin and silk or velvet and silk
are employed as garniture for skirt,
collar, revers, cuffs,, vest, eto, . The
variety of buttons is undiminished, and
they come in round, flat pr medium
Street costumes, as well as dresses
having trains, are moderately bouffant
in effect, and are made with a trimmed
or princess skirt, t. e one on which
the drapery is fastened. Basques and
jackets, with and without waistcoats,
form the popular bodies. For outside
wraps the walking jacket and sacque
assumes various shapes. When made
to complete a costume it is trimmed to
match; otherwise it may ho trimmed in
tailor style or with galloon. Modifi
cations of the dolman, visites, scarfs
and fichus will all be much worn. Ul
sters remain popnlar for traveling pur
poses. Bonnets. . generally BDeakinar. are
larger in size; some are 'variations of
tbe cottage shape; others have flowiuc
brims rising over the forehead, with
sides pressed fiat to the head. Bough
and ready straws, braided straws and
chips in black and mode colors are
among the materials. In round hats
come the English walking hat and tur
bans, with a variety of broad-brimmed
shade hats for country wear. Two
faced ribbons, striped ribbons. Breton
lace and flowers in profusion constitute
leuuiug iriiuuiiuga ju miuiiiery, as uo
stnpea and qneoKered Bilks.
New aud Notes fur Women.
A New Albany (Ind.) woman has been
lined 5 lor eavesdropping.
A Now Orleans woman, whoso bus
band was killed by a pet bear, has sued
its owner for $55,100 damages.
It is said that the wife of President
Grevy, of the French repnblio, can ride
a steeplechase, paint a landscape, com
pose a poem and play the piano like an
Classes are about to be formed in St.
Petersburg for the instruction of women
ta medicine; and when their studies
are completed, they will bo attaohed te
the medical stall of the ltussian army,
The late Mm Clarissa C. Cook, of
Davenport, la., has left nearly 8100,
000 to a home for tho friendless in that
city, and $50,000 to a fund for the sup
port of the poor clergy and the widows
of clergymen.
War Anecdotes.
A few volunteer officers, C inf adorate
and Federal, now retired to private life.
were lately giving personal reoollections
of the war. it is a pity, by the way.
that so few of these details are preserved
lor our children. They would give
flesh and blood to the bare skeleton of
history. ,
" The terrible struggle had its hu
morous side," said Captain A .
"There were the mistakes of the
newly-fledged officers, the majors, cap
tains and lieutenants, who but a few
weeks before were grocers or lawyers.
The Btory of the brigadier-general who.
when appealed to for orders in the
the thickest of the battle of Bull Run,
pulled out his little book with, Let's
see what Hardee says about it,' may
not nave been true, but i Know a ooio
nel who, when called upon to drill his
regiment, wrote .the words of command
on his Bhixt-cuuv
" The men themselves made jokes in
battle or in prison." said an ex- Confed
erate. "The American love of fun is
indomitable. I remember a Eentuckian.
Hume, who was a prisoner with me in
'61, whoso pranks kept the whole of us
iroui ueapair. . .'
. ' " We were in a village in Ohio wait
ing transportation to Fort Delaware.
They put us in the pens of tue county
tair-gronnd. and a oompany from alien
igan, principally made up of farm boys,
guarded us. Some of them used to
stare in at the Robs,' evidently uncer
tain whether we were quite human.
One day our Kentuokian beckoned to
the most anxious of his guards, a green
country iaa.
. " ' Couldn't you get me a nice fat
baby V ho whispered, confidentially. '
haven't had a broil since I left home.'
To eat? A baby 1'
' Gome, don't stare so; be neighbor
ly. Get me a good fat one. .
' ' Are vou are the Robs cannibals ?
Oh. perhaps the majority of the
men prefer baby, but I shouldn't object
to a plump young man myself,' with a
ferocious stare at him.
The lad looked at him with staring
eves, aud soon after left guard. The
next day Hume, who had forgotten his
stupid joke, called to a little girl of five
going by, ana was wising to ner
through the bars, when a bullet whizzed
past his head."
Down with the man-eaters I' shout
ed the Miohigander, who had fired the
shot. His officers, astonished at his
oonduct, could scarcely drag him off."
' Among other reminiscences was that
of a Confederate who had seen Theodore
Winthrop the young American author
and an officer in the Seventh regiment,
of New York city fall at Great Bethel.
"Ho leaped upon an unprotected
height," said the officer, "and so daring
was the aot, and so gallant the figure,
that when he reeled and fell a cry burst
from our ranks."' Yout hi' Companion.
. now Russia Treats Strikers.
A Paris correspondent of the New
York A'tar says : As the Russian
journals are forbidden to publish intelli
gence of the cruel repression of a recent
Btrike in St. Petersburg, the news has
been 'communicated to us by travelers
Who have just arrived from the Russian
capital, and who speak of what had oc
curred under their own observation. A
strike took place at the new Russian cot
ton mill, in the prinoipal manufacturing
district of the capital. ' A large number
of strikes have occurred there of late
years, and the police have sometimes
sided with the weavers. On this occa
sion the work-people struck for shorter
hours of labor, thirteen and a half hours
a diy being not unnaturally regarded as
excessive, in the morning the weavers
and spinners assembled in a crowd out
side the mill, and the district police
master hearing of the disturbance, sent
some mounted police to reason with
them. The gendarmes, however, pro
duced no effeot, and the strikers set off
in a body from the new canal to lay their
case balore the czarowitoh. Intelligence
of this was at, once sent to the nearest
barrnoks, and as the crowd passed tho
plaoe they were surrounded by a number
of Cossacks, who drove them into a
square in front of the barracks, using
their sabers and whips freely among
them. Many of the strikers were out
about dreadfully. After the crowd was
looked up in the barracks a police com
mission was instituted to try them, the
verdict being as follows : All the men
above the age of nineteen (seventy in
number) are to be exiled to the province
of Archangel, after receiving sixty lashes
apiece ; all under that age are to be sent
back to the village whenoe they came,
and are to be kept there the remainder
of their lives. All tho womon employed
in the mill, and men who did not active
ly join in the demonstration, are to be
discharged and fined three roubles a
head all round. . In a word, tbe entire
working staff of the now cotton mill,
about eight hundred hands, is cleared
away at the stroke of a pen and a frerh
set of people, to work from five iu the
morning till eight at night, is to be en
gaged to take their places.
A Big Pig Story.
After the following testimony, suppli
ed by a Western paper, as to the fasting
capacity of a hog, there is no excuse for
that animal ever making a hog of itsolf.
Some forty years ago Henty and Brad
bury (juicy fod a large lot of hogs at
Col era in, on the Great Miami. About
New Tear s they removed their hogs
from tho field next the river in which
they had been fattened, and drove them
to market. On counting them out one
was missing, which, after diligent but
frnitleBs search, was given up as lost or
dead. About tbe middle of April after
ward they sent a hired man to chop a
large sycamore tree, hollow some twenty
feet or more in tho butt end, an 1 which
bad been lying down all winter, to enable
them to get it off the ground preparatory
to plowing in the spring. On chopping
into the tree near the extremity of
the hollow the axe struck what appeared
to be hog hair and flooh. A lurge chip
was then chopped and split out on each
side and a live hog was taken out, which
proved to be the one missod two and a
half months before, when takeu out
the hoi was so emaciated he could not
stand, but after being Carefully cared for
a lew days, was got to the barnyard.
and afterward resuscitated, fattened
again the following winter, and driven
to market and sold. The Messrs. Oilley's
theory of the case was that during the
sudden change in the weather, a few
days before removing their hogs from
tho field, several of them had crowded
into the hollow trco for shelter, and the
first one to enter had been so closely
crowded in that he was unable to get
Snails as Food.
We take the following from a carious
paper entitled "In a Haailery," con
tributed to Scribner by Ernest Inger?
soil :
Snails, being great enters, meet tbeir
just reward in being eaten. The pain
dine forms are Bought after by all sorts
of water birda, particularly ducks and
rails ; while the thrushes and other birds
crash the shells of the land snails and
extract their juicy bodies. The wood
land birds, however, will not eat the
naked-bodied slugs ; the slime sticks to
their beaks and soils their feathers ; bat
the ducks seem to have no such dainty
prejudices. Some mammals, like the
raccoons and wood-rats, also eat them ;
insects sack their juices, and the car
nivorous slugs prey upon one another.
Xjastiy, man, tne greatest enemy ol tne
brute creation, employs several species
of snails for culinary purposes. By the
Komans tney wore esteemed a great
delioaoy, and portions of ' plantations
were set apart for the cultivation ol tne
large, edible Helix pomatia, where they
were fattened by the thousand upon
bran sod-ion in wine. From Italy this
taste spread throughout the Old World,
and colonies are yet fonnd in Great
Britain where the Roman encampments
were. They are still regarded as a deli-
cacy in Italy and France, the favorite
method of preparation being to toii in
milk, with plenteous eeasomrjg. Frank
Bnckland says that several of tbe larger
Encrlifibspaoies are -excellent food for
hungry people, and recommends them
either boiled in inilk, or, in winter, raw,
after soakintr for an hour in salt and
water. Borne of the rrcnen restaurants
in! London have them plncej regularly
upon their bills of fare, Thousands are
collected annually and sent to London
as food lor caee-birds. , vr. irwsra
Orav stated, a few years ago. that im
mense Quantities were shipped alive to
the United States "as delicacies :" but
I am inclined to think this au exaggera
tion. The same author records that the
glassmen at Newoastlo once a year have
a snail feast, collecting the animals in
the fields and hedges on the Sunday be
fore the feast.
Curious Italian Customs.
It is a curious thing that among the
Russians the father and mother of an
infant not onlv cannot stand as SDonsors
to it. but they are not allowed to be
present at its baptism. The godfather
and srodraother, by answering for the
child, become related to it and to each
other, and a lady and gentleman'who
have stood as sponsors to the same child
are not allowed to marry each other.
In christening, the priest takes the
child, which is auite naked, and. hold
it by the head, so that his thumb and
finger stop the orifices ol the ears, he
dips it thrioe into the water j he outs off
a small portion of the hair, which he
twists up with a little wax from the
tapers, and throws it into the font;
then, anointing tbe baby's breast, hands
and feet with the holy oil, and making
the sign of the cross with the same on
the forehead, be concludes by a prayer
and benediction.
A New Order.
The other day, after a strapping
young man had sold a load of oorn and
potatoes on the market, and had taken
his team to a hotel barn to "feed," it
became known to the men around the
barn that he was very desirous of join
ing some secret society in town. When
questioned he admitted that such was
the case, and the boys at onoe offered to
initiate him into a new order, called
"The Cavaliers of Coveo. " He was told
that it was twice as secret as Free Mason
ry, muoh nicer than Odd Fellowship,
and the cost was only two dollars. In
case he had the toothache he could draw
five dollars per week from the relie
fund, and he was entitled to receive ten
dollars for every headache, and twenty
five dollars for a sore throat '
The young man thought he had struck
a big thing, and; after eating a hearty
dinner, he was taken into a storeroom
above the barn to be initiated. The boys
pured cold water down his back, put
flour on his hair, swore him to kill his
mother, if commanded, and rushed him
around for an hour without a single
complaint from his lips. When they
naa unisued he inquired :
"Now I'm one of the Cavaliers of
Cjveo, ami?"
"You areHhey answered.
"Nothing more to learn, is there ?"
"Well, then, I'm going to lick the
whole crowd C continued the candidate,
and he went at it, and before he got
through he had his two dollars initiation
fee back, and three more to boot, and
had knocked everybody down two or
three times apiece. He didn't seem
greatly disturbed in mind as be drove
out of the barn. On the contrary, his
hat was slanted over, he had a fresh five
cent cigar in his teeth, and he mildly
said to one of the barn boys :
"Say, boy, if you hear of any Cavaliers
asking for a Coveo about my size, tell
'em I'll be in on the full of tho moon to
take the royal skyfugle degrees." De
troit Fne Press.
Wanted Collateral.
Tbe 6tampode to Leadville, Ool., iu
anl about whioh many valuable mines
have been discovered recently, is almost
bi great as was tbe exodus to the Black
Hills a few years ago. This anecdote,
from the Leadville Chronicle, is signifi
cant of the Btate of affairs there:
The first part of the present week hay
became very scarce in this market, and
consequently went up, up, up, until it
sold as high as fifteen cents a pound.
Tbo night after the raise a man drove
nn t.n etiA nf nnr mrrftln with a nr. on of
&RtichHehecaK M
to the corral kenper:
" Say, captain, i d liKe to loave my
ontQt here."
"All right, sir; drive in Step into!
the office and leave your name and
whore yon can be found."
The stranger did as requested, and
while the corral man was putting up tbo
team he passed out of the offloa and up
tbe street.
The olerk called to the boss as soon
as the owner of the team had oleared
tho stable:
" Say, that man is going to Ten Mile
in the morning, to be gone a week."
"The deuce 1 Call him back."
The olerk hallooed him back, when
lbs corral man said.
"Going to leave this team here a
"Yes, sir: about a week, I reckon."
" Well, my friend, you will have to
leave me some security for the care and
teed of this team."
" Heavens, man." replied the strang
er, "ain't the team seourity enough t"
ho. sir: hay is worth moil t ton:
and if you should leave that team in my
care for a week, and anything should
happen to prevent your coming back for
it, the horses and wagon wouldn't
bring enough uo cover the livery bill.
I'd rather you d take em somewbero
Genuine Hospitality.
The true hospitality of the home is
never loudly demonstrative. It never
overwhelms you with its greeting.
though you have not a doubt of its sin
cerity. You are not disturbed by the
creaking of the domestio maohinery,
suddenly impolled at nnwonted speed
for your accommodation. Quietly it
does its work, that it may put you in
peaceable possession of its results. He
is not the true host, she is not the best
hostess, who is ever going to and fro
wiih hurried action and flurried man
ner and unnatural zeal, which implies
forced effort to street a hospitable ap
pearance, but rather the one who takes
your coming with quiet dignity ana
noiseieES painstaKing; wno never od-
trudes attention, yet is very attentive
all the while: who makes you, in a
word, "at home.''
A Whale In a SoupFlnte.
The members of the New York Acade
my of Mcienccs met recently to hear
Prof. W. P. Trowbridge lecture on
"Animal Mechanics. " A reference was
made to a mioroscopio fish whiob the
lecturer once discovered swimming
about in a drop of water. Its method
of propulsion was by the motion of the
tail, in the manner peculiar to the whale,
and, so far as tbe observer could dis
cern, the little nsh was very use an in
finitesimal whale. The leoturer liaa
caloulatid that at the rate it was swim
ming it oould have crossed Long Island
sound in twenty years, and its full-sized
prototype would have made the same
voyage in an hour, in one nour it
might have reached the further coast of
a soup-plate.
The Sioux are not contagious, ' said
an old frontiersman. " What do yon
mean I asked a bystander. "1 mean
that they are hard to catch," was the
The difference between Tamer's
famous picture and cutting your chin
is, one is a slave ship and the other a
shave slip.' '
What is the difference between a fiery
individual and a slice of bacon f One
is a rash man, and the other is a rasher.
Tha Celebrated
Wood Tag ring
Tas Planus Tobaooo Ooirpan.
New Xork, Boston, and Ohtoago.
Yauuble akd Beuablk " Brown's Bron
chial Troohei " are invaluable to those exposed
to sudden changes, affording prompt relief In
Coughs, Colds, eto. ' Twenty-live cents a box.
Ohew Jackson's BesfT Bweot tiavy Tobaoco.
A Ilaae that Wreeke the Hyafern.
Every funotion U deranged, every nerve un
strung, every mnsole and fiber weakened by
jover and ague. It it, in faot, a diseasawbiob,
if unchecked, eventually wreck the system.
In all its types, In every phase, it U dangerous,
dostrnotive. Htupor, delirium, convulsions,
often attend it, and eanae swift dissolution.
But when oombatted with Hoetetter's Stomach
Bitters its foothold In the system is dislodged,
and every vestige of it eradicated. That be
nign anti-febrile speoiflo and preventive of tbe
dreaded scourge is reoognized not only within
our own boundaries, but in troplo lands far
beyond thorn, where intermittents and nmit
tents are fearfully prevalent, to be a sure
antidote to the malarial poison and a reliable
means of orerooming disorders of tbe stomach,
liver and bowels, of which a vitiated, torrid
atmosphere and brackish miasma-tainted water
are extremely provooative. All emigrants and
travelers should be supplied with it.
ftow Saw Machine.
For many J oars farmers have felt the need
of F03J0 Improvement on (he old and laborious
two-handled cross-cut taw, for sawing up
bodies of trees Into any length desired for saw
logs, xtavoa, rails, stove -wood, eto. This long
needed improvement hus at last been invented
by W. W. O les, of Cincinnati, O., who, by
the way, ii ono of the greatest of American In
veuti n. Wo Fee from our exchanges that the
rditor of (ho Vhiry Fumier, also tbe editor of
lb A. r. OUeinnati, ealld en Mr. Giles
peraonaliy I . a tl.marTloiie aa macbine. They
ho h p on unced li a michine el ml m.rit. I lia
onr.otl y it tl.e.e . ti.rr.en .aa not eatisfled upon
...jipfro'herjouerat. lb. maohina, bnt tb.y both tried
is tbfme.rea on a lira:. 1 -ff. and tbay report tbat on.
mint pir. teett w ith ea-,e. ami much mora rapidly
titan iff) men ronld withtti. ordinary eroaa.nt uw.
Tli'i iaa. r tl if running- thia rmcbina ao aaily la ax
plvre I j fact tlht tbe Wfliitht of tba operator doea
ful j t n--haif f tbe labor. 1; ia eaylly moved or car-i-
rt 'ib nt hr cnt man. and haa all lha pcinta of data-h-ht
rt) I prno ioal ut lltr wjntod ia eueh an fmple
lll n . A rrr Urpe demand firtbe.o maehinea ia al-rtfnt!yeth-ind.tnd
all who ten them ara delitbted
irtlh tntir aii.-eri'tr I .bor-fa.ira priboiplea. fttanr peo
p'e am t-rn t .ntly callice; on Mr. (iiiea to sea the me-
ciiine a iti tnst ita mertta tor thtir friende id tba eonn
trr. Our a'.tant on was oallad to one man'in Colorado.
who wroto to Samuel (Ja-r, of Cincinnati (and, br tba
tt r,f-n of thamoH di.tinptiirheri ttateam-n of Ohio),
a-kirshim tooall and ace Air. Gilee and his e&wma
rbtne, and what ha tboncht of it. Mr. Car
promptly went to an? thamaohine,and prononnoed it a
Sird mach're. and concluded to bny two of them
imaelr. Mr. Uilea laeaid to be Tory wealthy, being a
real ettnta cwner of over 930110, and hie eontldenoe in
the tt-reat inerib of hie invention ia shown from tba faot
ih-.t b i gnaranteea ovary maobina to giro aatistaotion.
Ewjh maker of cabinet or parlor- organs ad
vertises his own as best. Bnt tbe examinations
at the gret world s exhibitions have bnt one
result. At every one lor a dozen years maBon
and Uamlin Organs have been foand best.
They wore awarded the gold medals at tho
fans exhibition last year.
th. 1hIv Wnv.
The only way to cure catarrh is by the Use
of a cleansing and healing lotion, applied to
the inflamed and diseased membrane. Snuffs
and f nmigators, while affording temporary re
lief, irritate tbe affected parts ana excite a
more extended inflammation. Besides, no
outward applications alone can cure catarrh.
The disease originates in a vitiated state of the
blood, and a moron an alterative course or
treatment is necessary to remove it from tbe
system, ut. sage s uatarrn iiemeay nan long
been known as an eQioient standard remedy for
this disease, but, to insure a radical and per
manent cum, it should be need in conjunction
with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
tbe best vegetable alterative yet discovered.
the jJlFOOTcry cleanses tno vitiated blood.
while the Catarrh Remedy allays tbe inflamma
tion and beals tbe dieeaaed tissues.
- Experience has conclusively shown that for I
cutaneous emotions, oren sores, leprous ex
foliations and rheumatio complaints, Henry's
Oarbolio Salve id more emcacious than any
ointment, lotion or embrr cation that has ever I
been devi-ed. Physicians admit Ibis, and the
DODUiar verdict oonnrms and ratines the pro-
lotsionai dictum, and assigns in is naive lue
for. mot t place among remtuieB or its cianB.
Hold tv all orngeiRta.
3 Latest Triumph ia Cutlery.
A Pnrkot VlnariNfi 1 1 (niiaa n ml ITInltihsi
Comb'nmt. ot the Hear of fMoel and
llHiiOMniiiri INirhle I'liuetl. rttlriited June
its ufcotulnefi, and it annertority trar ill knife will at
root om B?mi. ir, in i juin 01 omrn oiu lor
A a nnt . tvl'tntftd tt fArrbodr. and Ml In at uimtit. Art.
drtvn for trm and otrcu'ars to Afcnnta en 1 tba Trari.
aau fwnn inr xfimia. v AnifiinBuni
Mil. 4 patts. .)5?ta a month ; j 6U ayaar
nt.t'.in e yaices. s i .su year,
V KKKI.V. 8 Dasraa. M 1 i Vr
TIIK IIX baa tba lartraEt oironlmtion and m th
cheapest and moiit interesting - papar ia tba United
Til K uKcKliV aUNiiempfaatioaiaSthepeople'-
laiuiir pLr.
I. W. ENGLAND, Puh!Uber. K. Y. Oity.
RAPi rpnu tka MniiTu nc uci t ti
Bu ono teha has haven tr t
(DICE nil 1711 I Af4r.AMni(OTIPUCf
J)v thm Burlinato Rtwekru kuntnriat.
Samantha as a P. A. and P. I.
Bu Jumiah AlUn'm H'i f
The three brightest and beauaellinr booka on. Arenta.
yon oan pal these booka in everywhere. Best term.
fivpn. AOHiresa ior Agency, AftiHlilUAN 1' UH LIS La
in ut iiariiora, uc ; untoavo. ill.
4rfC' ITlN ROOK ! ! 20,000 ! ! !
I'he " Wild Adventures " aud TriiiiinliM of
Thia only a.(An(ie and eopyriihttd chenp cditlun ia
aallins faNter than anyother book in Amtrira. Uiwa a
imii iiiniiiry ui m-- iioHampi onaa." Aixr..
WANTI-'.II. For full particular ami Irrma aildrpfe
I1U11UA11U UHOTUliKS.FubliaUara.l'hiUiia.'nhia.Fit.
Has fonnd its way into high places the world ore., and I
Wj)OLRlQH A CO on rery label
ninnies,, aoumi oa rots ouni t
And all other diBeastfl of tha f.nnara unit Threat.
Maiiad irm onraintol II. A. A. MARTIN. PrUmcv
cura Min'f'g Oo., aula depot for tha U. B,, 60 Rast
xi n m. oor. uroaaway, now ion.
Kelieved and oartvl. without the iniarr trnaea tail let:
byOr.J.A SHHRM AN'S aaatfun. Office, fc.jl Broad-
war. Aw York, ilia book, wiin DootoarsDhie like
nssea of bad crbos bnfore and nfter cure, aiatled for I
IU cents. aUeware of fraudulent imitators.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs.
PcmotvfrrVf b',t by HIOHKST HONORS AT ALL
rir: at PaBia, lnrTJ; Viknna, ltj78; Santiago, lb76; 1
PHiLArKLi'ULA. ltJ: PABia. 1H78: and Okand Swedish
Gold Medal, lrt. Only Amerioan Organs ever
awarded bigaieet honors at any each. Bold for cash or
int&l 1 menu. Illtjbtuated Oatalooum and C ire ti
ara with new atflea aedprioea, sent free, MASON A
11 AM LJit OKU A.N UO., Uo&too, New York or UhtoogO.
LARGEST Assortment in the WORLD
Of Plays, Dramas .Oomediee, Farces, Ethiopian Dramas,
riaya tor ijaie onty. r.As ior iteniienen oniy. wigs,
B-arts, Mustanhes, Face Pfepsrationa, Bnrnt Uork
JarlM Wax Works, Tableaux, Uharadre.PantomimM
Guide to tbe ttag, and fur Aniatnura Mnkinip Book
Aiake-np noie, new nays, bah'i. ikkhuh a auu
at K&at 1 4 to (St., Union Xquare, iNsw York.
100 Solid!
Ouarantead perfect timers ; bought at-a saonfioe. Sell- I
ing for 9 I O f arh. 8ent. tverywh re Send PoaUl Order. I
p. ix. mjiiwDxa,ajeweier, iqij nowery, new tora.
Western Securities
If von wlah ta tm or iuU Wtrn flnnntv. Tnarnahln.
wlf,'trt.bilolll,tnot or R1" Bonds, send FULL
vuauniriiu.i wo
NA.iiin, a. uai i.UKUi Mr. iioaiv, ma.
J Will play any masio on any Organ, MeLodeon and
similar ivfy uoara mstrumeiits, ia r7 nrr Dy
ainpiy turning a crank. Mg loauoemfDu m a gems.
Send 50 cts. for photograph of working machine and
Recur agency, rteierenon- nuena ma -v. n&oa.
Iowa. Addrets, K. F. O'NEILL, Worm Lake, Iowa.
IfiOII K tVAHitl In Pldmast.Va..for NhIp.
I and grass land, in good order; well watered; two dwell
log h, oeauuruiiy snaaea; one numuun wnv, isu
rooms; one good frauia, four rooms; four churches, I
five schools, and railroad at Hon within )f milt ; beaHhy
tcoauon. Ad areas ut. h. n. iiuaaou, i-jam v. n... va.
lliti o ii i. i a 1
Fib..m Hw im. l-a. IisaJ
tX ,k rjar4. w.ll fat r.atfc
t aja. mil t j
ra( casta. Iib sh4 v1 ra
Wil: In, !. n4 lau f vafvia.
d4-. Pi-rf Kvhiisrt. f'
a. w- Uaaa. Ta.. .. a a I
4ab. W Wi(.
rn 4lf2 K I DINKY ICKR, tor all KID-
KEY DISEASES. A aura Remedy; failureaun.
n. Knd for circular. .Noras Bros. ttUutter, Bu
a, .ar M AA,.w VinlM. nhio: K. (Jarv. Daa Mninea: F-
a i. . .tuiiitn. . iia. iinirii.n. nmiio. ujd.
btaa'ina, Ixtroit. The moat popular madlcine of tha day.
Bankrupt Stock oi Bplaudid Maaome B'tokt
.ul nonfat ai. .ucvuu. cnu win
t aactioa pno.a. A rara obanoe for
ror inuatraiaa vauiiogaa.
Muniii.Pubt .T3l Broad.
iThaatlewara oi aunnoaa miuaia.
m Hal riD SKOtoHitlO fatorr
r IrtrvUO prioea lh.Im bouora
Malliu.hek a acnla lur aqiiaree Sneat up.
riiiliia ill Auirlca 12.ft In uaa Pianos
ijuia. flnf on trial 1'ataloeun trc. Msndslb.
SUUH I'lAAU 1 O., il a. lam puw'i .....
Wa will pa; Age..'.- - talar? ol aliiu
- Kll..u a nnnim..a.fiO.
andwond'erfiil liiventicna. ll' ainnW "1 "JC-.,8"?"
plan... Addreaa f UKRHAK A CO . Marahall, Mica.
. .f " r alrfihandia. in liaa
bona, and realdnnoe. loaroaa
rn hV T. Month and Mpanas. aarantd to Agenta
77 K SMAwAC-AliaUKa.
ana ruc
w b. aold a
X Jr Aaenta. band
5 MUSIC 5 DOORS 5 Airanfftment of H.
By H. Matutb, 1 .OO.
Contalna K pieces tnk-n fro-n I he attraetlra oomnoal
tion. ThoM wo j prater the Vuoal Seora, aan, bare it at
tha same prioa, f
THE SORCERER. Words end Mnslo. Sjl.OO.
Ttf Sonornaa i i by tbo ame o-mpoanr a Pinafore
and, mui -nllf, (j'.lre i rood. P.anj Arrangement by
JdOKLXiNo aiaa for 8 1 .00.
4 J oentt.
Contains a anl will-arrane; d aollaetioa of
BACBED aud .Stcci.ia toa;a I".- Tonviirjaoe mee.ince
CUPS AND SAUCERS. By obosshitb. iea.
A daHfh'ful Parlor Opere'.ta needing bat two per
forraata. Very fool
THE GEM GLEANER, b, j. m. oaiw,cK.
An tmuin1If rood oalleetion of Anthemi. All choirs
ihouldbavre it, , .-
OLIVER DITSOff & CO., Boston,
c. it.'nriWx'cV iy..
Ti l oV 843 Brondvrnvi New York,
! ta t'lirmnat Mtreet. Phllw.
!! AomitiL C'tnlone mi Tfttelnbl noil
P lower rrrd
wcrtffor 1871), r;ch In fograTiujt. from
hotoftraphs, will be mont FRKK, to aft who
ottRinnl d
bddIt. UOBtoiiifttsi ft( last PMHRrtn napiri nnt writ fnr it.
i oner one or tne lam-eat coiiootiona or vegetable seed
BTfr sent out by any need-honse io Amenoa, ft Ure
portion of wh'ch were grown on mi six aeid farm.
Printed directing for rultira'ion on ach parkay. All
wed trarranfed t j 6 both frh and r to nam; ao far,
that abonld it prove otherwiae, rt( rtJiH th orrf-r
ratt. j ne ongiDoi imrodncer or tbe H tin bard qaaeb,
bintiev'a Melon. Mnrblf-hftarl Gahhiiavnii.Mnvinfin (lorn.
and iccrotof other earetitbiee. I Invite tha natronava
of all who ar anxious to ha thr(r ted dirtctty from
nr. frorrcr, jwn. true, anil or very orn iiram
JAMRS J. H. GREGORY, Msrblehead, Maes.
tePtssssaiBissaBiBsaaBaBaa tl
In the Old Kcllable Concentrated I.yo
D rectiona ficnomn.-inTnv oai fnr maklniF Hard.
Soft and Toil. t hu.p qulrbly.
Tim Murbet Uflnndd wllh Iwui.llMtl riniiNmlMll
Lye, wbiob ia adulterated with Bait and retin, and iroVI
muke tvaji
sa re OKEr, and Bur the
Pennsylvania Salt Manufg Co.,
HOW TO GET THEM 0.00(1,0(10
arm f..r Idle, lor 1'rw (nnrol "Kanu. I'b.IIIa Ham
Sicnu, ' 'inr.s 13. ..llinore. I.ann I tun r, ,liiif. K.nm.
llnr.a. Knniblllly A- C henpurae, I'neqnalea
IIOKKi: UK St.. Pl-ou'r. C'aulon.
5CSOFULA. Persons afflicted
with Scrofula, Hip-disease, Ulcer-
ff ous Sores. Abscesses, White iweil-
I mi. Psoriasis. Qoilie, Necrosis,
Eczema, Diseased Bones, will please
send their address
Dr. JONES. Ohkmist, New Lebanon, N.T
tfr fannfavma sTlTt? fin.. hlatAvfaal naraTina'a and 120(1
large donble-colnmn pages, and is ib most com pi eta
UiBLory or tne woria ever puuusnea. iu "
Bend for speaimcn paxes and extra terms to Agents.
NATIONAL rUBLIflHinu WO.. mii&OBipm, i
and Band Vniform3 omeera Equipment,
Cain, etr., made It M. V. MMley A- Co.,
C'ulntubua, Ollio. HtnUor lTct Lulu
Firomen'l Caps, Belts, and Shirl,.
NO MONKY RKOUIHKD till sales are made. I will
postpsid. 'ihia ia a good opportunity for agents to add 1
ometlitng to their income without riauog on cent.
Write lor particuiara to
Lawrence Co. New York
rarcivnt Hi- Hlti't' K U1 at tb recent
tit all Ainrrl.iti lo.'iwilinn. Thlr
il'iu biAt It wAKaAKT::? nulla break
tliiwn nvr thd hlpa. rnr. intir
la with tit 'I kUlKtCO jUlt,
lis sort and xtbie aa robtaias aa
Utnt-a. Prh-a by mall. l.a.
P'ir aa ta t allla4l0K narc'ie
WARNER BROS., 351 Broalway, .T
All If
The f ery beet goods i
direot from tha Im-
esnl eoat.
nortAra afc Hlf tha
large bnyers.
Beet plan erer etfnred to utub Agents and
ew terms iKitit,
31 and 33 Veaej 8treat, New York.
P.O. Box 4235.
ten r'i-il atu.ruient uf tnrta. Mr
v.iuiiirn iipiii. t!,.Q , nerrrtiiry ol tno l-ort.
Innd lionrd of Truilo. A vnlnnblo uddliloa
n nnr llurur,. 1'rice Xo Vf , 1'aatpald.
Hnnli Piibllsl.rra. 1'urllai.d
d ararywhara
X VJXbXJ i-OJUUi eonsumera; Urgeai
took in tbe oountn : quality and terms tbe best. Conn
IXJMPANV. VOl mitouM .N. If. J. tl. DOS sdoJ,
sry a lore Bailor snonio oau nr wrii inr. n r-bLo i a,a
i H month. Krery k-raduute k
. nation. Address R. Valeatine.ft
Leam Teiegrapny and
earn Kill to H 1 uu a
Manager (JanesTille.
guaranteed a pAy.Dg eil.
.n is.
1fl tn dmnn mre8Uid.n Wall bt. tttooaa oiUm
flU IU aiuuu'artan" Bomt-. DO MU
Addraaa BAXTER A no..lBaoaora. n Wall St.. W.T.
HaaUaHaHUKaKaKaVBaMsattarieMowni alaas.
CoHaumpiioi', KiiriiintutMiii unit iVrunkPn
iHe 1 willsend Bimile. ulain and wK tiied Ha.
c-iipts for corluK all, by mvil f $1, or siDgl Keceipta
jot auc. numpi lasen. o v. n. aan.cre, liuiTdio, a.r .
A I ARflF hrcher-tiimrd. setof Cheukttr Men,
n bnnui. reat.SOHPriPual..andamulanai!k.
age Fancy -Color d Wiicing Ink. ALL for two 3-nent I
atainpt. aaaresa rornerette a uo., paiiunora, Md.
C V K K t I UK KOIl iiUAVEL! lieceipt, 60o.,
Ti. r. pur.twuuu, ut ppnnsgxn, is. y.
A.aia A ! t rllDUI VV IS.UI.t9ei al BtlM
iMhll telling aiticlcs in tbe world; one sample fr.
rj mm A DAY to Attentat onraasmg for toe rir
H VlaUor. Terms aud Outbt Kraa. Addrta
P. O. VIUKFUV .AuaTUta. Maine
U A XT U7.. t.-.:n;..u.- ... a
Kl It rapiaiy ior (r Ota. UatAlogoo frr
Jji VkT H.M.Hpawoaa.l at Wub'n Ht..Hoatou.Mas.
I I W I I I Ivl anda oorsd. Lowest Pr.uaa. Do not fail
Vr A A VI AAA, to wriu. Dr.K.K.Marab.Onin.f.Mioh.
not fail
Mobbat Hill Ppb. Uo.
M. irr. r aote'i iieaiin iMont.ily, on. ar. nua
VtOK. 8th Bt-.N.w Yurk
A O AY fflOrflT
"TH1 N,SaQ DK1.1GHT.'' Na.Ua.
AsAnta1 hampla, tt oenu,
n. v .
iSQQlWl A VKAU.UoloM.U ,LA.ij.
JtJUJ.r woo... mjM. M tUBUH, rit. txn.a. MO.
HK8THB WHITE PIOH for aala. Alao KGGi trt
?.;." 88 &
40 Caui'ilnk tlatrda. all diSarent. andUat'l'I for two
to, sUwve. J. K.
vvrso.ia jwiirwaajauuu.
I .... T
, Nt.
laV h 01
r : mas?
V I 1
Survival of the Fittest.
been known fir more tliHn thirty-five
years its llm cst of nil J.tnlmcnts, Cot
Sinn a ." 1 J-Ht. Jl s sales J toj y ore
lanrcir linn ever. It c u res when all
others full, nntt penetrates skin, tendon
ami muscle, to tUo very bone, tpl"
M f 11 o
Abdominal Supporter
Tim Andomit'fil buppsmr
iu without question rh hwt
and oheaofist thin nf th kmtl
on th market-. It ctn b ? wcta
with ai at '! times. Mod n
eipecittilv indinpns .bin fr
Lidir both bettor ih1 aflr
condnemcnt. 0"ntlpmn wh1
: re trour:ed witu o n n-tMifjr
I or wenkneto fn tti: ft11omin-l
rnione wilt alrt fl rive much
bflseflt from their us. Phy..
cian and " who linte worn
this o tip porter tpaaK or u u
th bitiest tflrm of prime,
Th Hose Ktinportrr tmr e
worn or dispensed with Rtttirr
ly, Buiti the pienMir of
wearer. Price of Hob Sao.
porter. SO e-s. We mikothe
Abdominal Supporter in two
wid lwof front. PHascf Rk
vlnt -Width. 2 5: Kitr
Witt. tf3 OO. Made in Birrs
Q4, mtn.. to 49. inC'ttiTo. on
PatmUiDte. 18, IS78.
tn number. Above No. 43 we m i I mike t bm to r,r u r
mania of USote. per nizj extra. In atatm BiB-..Tir
na nai nwasnre taken nnd.r cl th.n. arourrt i he
full part of abdomen. Ordorj Mjt by ma', pmtic
prepaid, to any part of the United 8Mt-,oi rnwpt f
Liberal d.aoount to the Trado and Phjeio ana
rod for Uirenlare. Addreaa.
GEO. FROST '.. .
8T Devonshire Street, Ho1oti, .
This SAW MAmWE In n wonderful in
vention. Tlin wriKlit uf flic itinn wlio 1
snniiip; docs Iiulf of tin) work. Tt vnwn 1K
of ui.y aire, and will ituw olTa 2 f,mt
2 niinutea. Clrriilnra frt-o. Aililirn, ffiB,
f;ir to " Tr r1....'
First Established I Moat Successful I
THEIR INSTRUMENTS have a standard
value in all the
Erarywhere reoognized as the FINKbX
OVER 80,000
Made and In use. Now Designs constantly.
, Beat work and luwrat prices.
aVe Send (or a Catalogue.
Ton. St., opp, Willha St., l'k"
Soldiers Pensioners.
We nnblish an aiaht-naM niTrfii'-" Thr National
TaiBUNR" devoted to tne interests of Pensioner a, Sol
diers and sailors and tbetr heirs ; aleo contains mtreab
Ing family reading.
Prioa. Fifty tent a year special Inducements to
eluba. A proper blank to collect amount due under new
Abheabb or Pihbiom Bn-L, furnished cruruitrw... to
regular ub$cribr only and suob claims filed in Pension
Office uithout eharg; Jaauary number as apeoimen
copy fre. S nd for it. GKORGK K. LEMON 4 CO.,
waanicgton, v. vj. iock pJS
IS perrectly nnn.
Pronounced the bet by the h'a;h.
eat medical authoritiea io the world.
Bold by Drusnata.
award at 111 World'a Esiiontioua. and at l'aria, 1B78.
W.H.rv-UH' II .... ctHiJI.
If 1 I
A a Infallible and unexcelled remedy for
Kite, KpllruaT or Fall log MickoDM
ITS apiuI'I care.
A tree bottle" of me
renowned epmiti and ft
valuable Treatite Bout to
any auffernr atnding me nig
P. O. and Kxpreas audreaa.
Da. H. O. ROOT. 183 Pearl 8 1 root, Ktm York.
Ourra Kidnay. blatidnraDd
Urinary Diaaiaaa.Uunato.,
tirarel and Driipy, Kutau.
tiou and lacjaiinonce of
earw Pjia ia u.o,
Kid. or l.'.in., linrrou, and ri.lit1.
Hiumu of tn.. W .1 . ... .
ilnna'a Hemedr euraa all Dlanaaeaof tt Ki inora
ladder and Urinary Ormna. Trr Hui.l.. ItmriW.
Bttod for pamphlet to Yin. a. Clauke, I rovid.uca.K 1
How Money is Made in Wall St.
IS to 11,000 invested bf our system of margins gad
privileges, often doubles or trebles in day. Care ul
attention given to orders by mail and talegraph. f iecnu
iDdacement t those openiDg an aoooani,. ' 'I' ho
Tape," our ruoLtaiy paper, tally eiplsiaa tbe d.fftr-
ent mrtthoda of oanriLliiiar. and eiantjtinei innnh in(r.rm.
ii wui iuire. nnini ii irrr. wan oir
rnpjna and Wlegrapbie otwie. Addrera
GALE, Btock Broksira, 6tf Broadway.
rn who omuiai maiKut
E. P. ROE'S S5
H M A 1. 1.
For farailr as., Hlrawberry, Rutbern. Blub.
Tbe rr.oet LIBERAL OFFEKof the Beuoai
- far- Band for Daaoriptiye Oaulogae. Addraaa, .
B r. KUK, Uomw.llMi-Uadaon. M. V.
I 1 II X
I 1
laui naasr KAk'ael-. 3uwJfyda.s.Tkaw
l,M 'rMi ik Xt?ul,uf1'pHlt Moll tHiJl
itius. Urrk-!-- .Aafeaa4 Mfklt. Ha
rasak,'-h,t-.aail. maluaiadawua l
Vl.Pii.Vat-rfarlAli-ll. I L Will