The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 20, 1879, Image 4

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Tha Ortajla f Ike Jamplnar-Jack.
Something like twenty years ago,
miserable brick house in a back alley
was the home of Archibald Ramsey, a
Bootoh carpenter. He worked down
town in a shop, making oornices, mold
ings, mantels, and a variety of the more
elaborate parts employed in finishing
houses. Every evening he took horn"
pocketfnls, and often handfnls also, of
bits and ends from the shop.
These oddly shaped fragments of soft,
sweet-smelling pine furnished amuse
ment for poor little Aleo, Mr. Ramsey's
hunchback boy ; and when they had
served this purpose, they were used as
kindlings in the kitchen stove.
There was a houseful of little Ram
sevs. of whom Aleo was the oldest, and
when he was amused, so were the
others, thus giving the overworked
mother time for other duties.
Aleo was sixteen years old, and not
taller than an average boy of ten. He
was very mroh deformed, and had he
lived in an age and country of kings
seeking dwarfs and human oddities fc ?
oonrt fools " or "jesters," he would
have been a prize to same iron-handed
tyrant. His shoulders were almost as
high as his head, his arms hung out
loose and dangling, and the rest of his
body was shrunken ana slender to a
most pitiable degree. But whoever,
with a tender heart, looked into his
great. Questioning eves and noted his
broad, fuir forehead and his clean, deli'
cate hands, would soon forget the sad
share in the nobilitv of the faoe.
I need not linger to speak of his
studies, which, all unaided, he pushed
along with success; nor of his constancy
in the Sunday souooi, where he was
universal favorite. It is about his pla;
with the bits of pine from the shop
wish to tell you.
Manv a droll pile he built on the
kitchen floor: many a funny thing he
whittled out to amuse the little ones;
manv a comical toy he made and gave
awav to neighboring children. Often
he said, and oftener thought, " What
can I whittle that will sell ?" For only
money seemed likely to bring him the
changed life for which he longed, unce,
when he sold for a few pennies a queer
little pine trinket, his father stroked his
silken pair and said:
" Ah. me ptiir bairnio, I dinna ken
but ye may mak' your fortoon wi your
How that little piece of encourage
ment rang in his ears and stimulated
him to think and whittle, whittle and
think 1
One genial afternoon in May, Alec
crept out to enjoy the balmy air, and, by
the noise of a crowd of urchins on a
vacant lot at a little distance, was drawn
in that direction. Here he saw a color
ed boy, named Jack, attempting, for the
amusement of the party, all sorts of
pranks in imitations of circus perform'
ers. Bareheaded and clothed in striped
red and yellow garments of coarse qual
ity, the negro lad almost seemed made
of India rubber.
Aleo watched his capers in amaze
mint. Never before had he seen such
antics, or even thought them possible,
It was no wonder that the frail, stiff-
jointed little hunchback dreamed it all
over again, as be did that night.
The next morning his whittling genius
took shape from this event, and before
noon he had produced a rude pine image
of the negro head, arms and legs loose'
ly hung with bits of broom-wire, and
the whole curiously arranged, so that by
working a string, it would jump, nod,
turn somersaults, and go through quite
a series of contortions, with colored
pencils, of which he had some cheap
speoimens, he blackened its head, neck,
hands and feet, reddened its lips, white'
ened its eyes, and rudely striped in yel
low and red the body, all in imitation
of the little negro gymnast. Before it
it was completed, his younger brother,
who bad been with him the day before,
named it "Jumping-Jack." And in the
afternoon, when he went to the vacaut
lot and exhibited it to the youngsters
there, it wa not only universally but
boisterously naued by tne same name,
When he returned home, he broncmt
instead of the Jumping-Jack, a silver
half-dollar, for whioh he had sold the
the toy to an eager, well-dressed lad of
his own age. And not ouly this, but he
had orders from the boys for hull
dozen more ; to be made as soon as poi-
sib e.
Oh, what a proud, glad heart beat
within that deformed little body of
Alec's ! How his temples throbbed I
How elastia his step I What flashing
eyes I What a skein of wild and hopeful
talk he unwound to his mother? So
muoh money for his whittling, aud a
chance for more aud more I Uastles,
Bky-high and star-bright I
But I have not told you all.
That evening he whittled, and the
next day he whittled, and before night
had added to his capit al three more shin
ing half-dollars. The next day he
doubled his money. The demand for
jumping -acks increased. Boys came
to the door, silver in hand, to get what
he had no time to make.
His grave Scotch parents began to
hold serious counsel over the matter.
If Aleo could find such sale for these
pine images in that neighborhood, why,
the whole city would require thousands;
and what would sell elsewhere also. If
they eould supply the market, a fortune
might readily be made.
Scotch blood, once aroused and chal
lenged, is sanguino and venturesome.
But it would be uninteresting to re
peat all the details ; so the rest of my
story shall be brief.
Alec's Sunday school teacher, who was
a lawyer, procured for him a patent on
jumping-jacks of every description ; a
rioh old uucle of Aleo's mother built
him a factory and started him in busi
ness ; and, within a year from the after
noon when the poor lad wondered at the
pranks of the colored boy, jumping- jaoks
from the Ramsey factory were selling in
great numbers all over America.
Truly Aleo did "mak' a fortoon wi'
his knife."
To school he went ; into a better house,
all their own, the family moved ; easier
circumstances, better health, less weari
ness, and ample means for doing good,
came to the Ramseys.
But the best point in my story is that
a flue asylum and school for hunchbacks,
free to the poor, is one of the noble en
terprises to which Aleo has been chief
contributor. I. L. Beman, St. Nicho
las. Young man, devoted to and expressly
manufactured for society, clasping his
head in agony: "Ah, by Jove, Low my
hed aches I Awfully, by Jove I" Sym
pathising friend, student in Wilson's
dental room: "Oh, you'd better have it
palled " then, after a thoughtful
pause "or filled." Patient moves
away with an injured air, and the young
dentist smiles after him more thought
fully than ever. Burlington Hawkeye.
"I say, Jaok, whioh would you
rather, that a lion tore you to pieces or
a tiger t" " Why, you goose, of course
I'd rather a lion tore a tiger in pieces, '
Haeueaalel Ilia as.
An oven holdar should be mad of
heavy cloth, two thioknassss, and fully
half a yard square; an old grain sack
makes them. This will save yon many
burn and keep yon from using your
dish-towel or apron.
When sweeping, dip your broom oc
casionally in water, hot is best, and
keep the dust from flying over every
thing. Coarse salt sprinkled over the
floor occasionally is said to keep the
moths out of the carpet.
It is a good idea to keep a supply of
ironing holders made up; take old cloths,
fold as many thicknesses and cover with
new piece of heavy cloth, tacking in
the center; then you can have a clean
holder when neoessary without having
to stop and make one.
When your dish-towels begin to wear
out, fold them together, the bast out
side, as small or large ss yon like, and
run together around and across through
the center with ooarse thread, then
when yon require a new dishcloth yon
will not take "any old rag."
Lime pulverized, sifted through coarse
muslin, and stirred np tolerably thick in
white of eggs, makes a strong cement
for glass and china. Plaster of Paris is
still better, particularly for mending
broken images of the same material. It
should be stirred np by the spoonful, as
it is wanted.
To make lemon sirup take a pound of
Havana sugar, boil it in water down to
a quart, drop in the white of an egg to
clarify it, add one-quarter of an oance
of tartaric or citrio aoid. If yon do not
find it sour enough after it has stood
two or three days, add more of the acid.
A few drops of oil of lemon improves it,
Keep your stove blacking, brush and
plate handy, and after dinner each day
brush off your stove, and you will find
it much nicer than washing it off; be
sides, with an occasional brushing your
stove will always look nicely, -and if
your stove is not kept looking clean the
whole kitchen looks untidy.
Value of P.nttrv and Baa.
The Town and Country remarks
Almost fabulous are the estimates
given in various quarters, of the intrin
sio value of Amerioan poultry to the
people 01 this country. At the same
time, a large majority of those who
read and consider themselves well post'
ed as to details of the natural wealth of
this land either conceive this item of
poultry to be a very insignificant mat'
ter, at the best, or else they know noth
ing of it at all.
Yet onr farmers, the suburban resi
dents of cities, and thousands of men and
women all over the United States, are
at the present time engaged, in greater
or less degree, in the cultivation of and
traffic in good fowls, and in the sale of
dead poultry and eggs.
Millions of dollars are invested in this
business in one way or another. And
estimates are made by competent au
tnoriry in recent years, based upon
computation, that the total annual value
of poultry in this country and the eggs
produced by our yearly aggregate of
domestic fowls, reaches an approximate
value to that of either cotton, grain or
slaughtered beef.
As au isolated sample of the large
consumption of eggs in one city, we
quote from the Boston Herald : " The
trafflo in eggs carried on by Boston
commission houses, and the immense
quantity annually consumed in this
State, assumes a' magnitude which, at
the first glance, may seem improbable
if not impossible. The approximate re
ceipts of eggs in this market (or the year
1878, have been as follows : 107,627
cases, containing 49 dozen each, 43,000
cases, containing 100 dozen each, and
17,783 barrels, containing 70 dozen each
These figures, give as a result, 168,410
packages, containing 6,513,653 dozen
eggs, or 78,187,836 single eggs. It is
estimated that fully 95 per cent of all
receipts are consumed in Massachusetts,
and that about 80 per cent, are oonsum
ed in and near Boston. In nearly all
small towns and villages enough eggs
are raised to supply the local demand.
The number of eggs consumed in this
State, when computed, is found to be at
an average of 5'2 eggs per year to every
inhabitant, or ope egg per week. When
the immense quantity of eggs used for
cooking purposes is considered, the
figures appear quite reasonable. Only
a small proportion of the receipts; in
this market are ' limed or pickled for
future salesay 21 per cent. All these
egs come to Boston from various sec
tionsm about the following proportions
Eastern eggs (mostly frc m Maine by boat
and ran, at au seasons of the year.) 'ii
percent, of total receipts; northern eggs
(from northern isew Xork and Canada)
37 per cent.; P. E. I. eggs (from Prince
Edward Island, between months of
April and November), 17 per cent
Western eggs, 19 per cent.; and South
era eggs (from Virginia during a few
weeks in the spring) 3 per cent. Of the
Northern eggs, the greater part comes
from uauada, and this trade is constant'
ly increasing."
A Sad Case.
As the overland tram was passing
u Doyenne, the attention of the passen
gers were attracted by the lamentation
of a poor Irish emigrant, whose berth
had been robbed during the night, and
every penny of his scanty savings stolen
aud whose family would therefore ar
rive beggars in a strange land. The
charitable passengers at once began
subscription which finally amounted to
something over $250. When the money
naa Deen nanuea to tne Batterer, a pious,
plausible-looking man, dressed in black
and adorned with a white cravat, drew
him aside at one of the stopping-places
and said:
"My poor man, I am truly sorry for
you. lour sad fate touches me deeply,
I am myself well provided with this
world's goods, however, and so will give
yon $250 more. Here is a $500 gold
note. Qive me the $259 yon have and
keep the rest. May Heaven bless yon I
The poor Irishman did as requested
with many blessings on the generous
stranger, who insisted that the gift
should not be made known. When the
passengers reached this side of the bay
the pious-looking philanthropist was no
where to be found, he having evidently
gotten off at Oakland, for reasons of his
The next morning the emigrant re
paired to a bank to get his note changed,
The teller picked np the bill and began
narrowly examining it.
" There there is nothing wrong with
the bill, is there 7 ' gasped the poor
Now, the olever reader has seen all
along what was going to happen. He
has read lots of just such incidents as
this. It's the old old story. Well
we'll see about that
" Nothing in the world is the matter
with it," said the teller, quietly, and he
handed the man fifty tens. That ended
it San fVancuoo Ntws Letter,
It is estimated that the Colorado gold
and sdver yield for this year will be in
be neighborhood oi sia.eo.otrS,
the last year the Amerioan
Bible society has circulated about one
million copies of the Bible, the British
and Foreign Bible society of Bootiana
86,000, and other societies more than
one million. The total oircnlation sinoe
the formation of these Bible societies
has been 82,000,000 by the British and
Foreign, 85,000,000 by the American,
.000.000 by the National Bible Society
i an.f j
8,500,000, while the circulation of otner
societies has raised the total to about
160.000.000 copies of the scriptures cir-
. . . ..v. ... . I
culated in various tongues by Bible
societies during the last seventy-five
Tho monument to Viotor Emannel
which Italy desires to raise, will cost,
it is estimated, not less than 82.000.000.
It is to consist of a colossal equestrian
statue mounted on a triumphal arch,
and the competition is to be thrown
open to all the world.
The Vienna papers tell of the narrow
escape of an aged Hebrew of that city
from being buried alive. He had been
bedridden for a long time, and being
taken with violent convulsions, became
stiff and cold, and was taken for dead.
He was laid out, and two faithful be
lievers were set to watch and pray over
him nntil the close of the Sabbath.
Toward dawn of Saturday, while the
watchers were oconpied with their de
votions. Periez Fischer returned to
consciousness, and perceiving the mean
ing of his surroundings arose with rage,
horror, and mad imprecations, while nis
terror-stricken attendants took to pre-
cioitate flight Oue of them was so
frightened that he fell sick and died,
shock to enjoy better health than he
u.j u Aanv
had before his supposed death.
A correspondent of the Neilgherry
Excelsior tells of a tiger cub which is
in the habit of smoking up all his mas'
ter's cigar stumps. He secures these
luxurious bits as they are thrown away,
and after his master has retired to bed
gets a light " from the kitchen, and
eniovs a quiet smoke every night
"Mehemet Ali,"hesajs, "used to have
a tame animal of this irascible
to which he regularly handed over his
honltah pniovinir hin nwn nffsr.
hookah after enjoying his own after
dinner sedative. The animal waited
patiently for his turn, and then puffed
The committee for enooursging the
use of horsenesh as an article of food.
have issued a return Bhowing that the
number of horses, asses and mules
slaughtered in Paris for consumption in
1H7S was 11,319, or 700 more than in the
previous year. The continued increase in
the use of horseflesh is, they say, a proof
that the prejudice against it is being
gradually overcome. A prize of l,200f.
was awarded by M. Decroix to the
founder of the first shop for the sale of
horseflesh in .London, opened in May
last That venture, during the four
months it was carried on, did not. how
ever, meet with all the desired success.
the ch ef reason for which was (the com
mittee say) that the director was auite
ignorant of the English language. The
committee now offer a medal of honor
to any English butcher who shall take
np the trade and continue it for three
months at least :
The TJnsIstered Sisters.
This pair inhabited a single room;
from the facts, it must have been
double-bedded; and it may have been
of some dimensions; but when all is said
it was a single room. Here onr two
spinsters fell out; on some point of con'
troversial divinity belike; but fell out
so bitterly that there was never a word
spoken between them, black or white,
irom that day forward, ion hav
thonfirht thev wonld Berjarata: but no?
whether from lack of means or the Boot-
tishfearof scandcl, they continued to
keep house together where they were,
A chalk line drawn rtpon the floor sepn
rated their two domains; it bisected the
doorway and the fireplace, so that each
ccraiu go out ana in and do ner cooking
wituout violating the territory of the
other. So, for years, thev co-existed in
nateiui 6iience; their meals, their ablu
tions, their friendly visitors, exposed to
an unfriendly scrutiny; and at night, in
the dark watcheB, each could bear the
breathing of hei enemy. Never did
four walls look down upon an uglier
spectacle tnan tnese sisters rivaling in
nnsisterliness. Here is a canvas for
Hawthorne to bare turned into a cabi-
net picture be bad a Puritanio vein,
which would have fitted him to treat
this Puritanio horror; he could have
shown them to ua in their sicknesses
and at their hideous twin devotions.
thumbing a pair of great Bibles or pray,
ing aloud for eaoh other's penitence
with marrowy emphasis; now each,
with kilted petticoat, at her own corner
of the lire on some tempestuous evening
now sitting each at her window, looking
out upon the summer landscape blopina
fur below them toward the firth, and the
Held potliB where they had wandered
hand in hand; or, as age and infirmity
grew upon them and prolonged their
toilets, and their hands bee an to trem
ble and their heads to nod involuntarily,
growing only the more steeled in enmi
ty with years; until one fine day, at a
word, a look, a visit, or the approach of
death, their hearts would melt and tbe
chalk boundary be overstepped forever.
Jew Annals of Aamburgh.
Words of Wisdom.
Absence destroys trifling intimaoies,
but it invigorates strong ones.
For him who does everything in its
proper time, one day is worth three.
The truths that we least wieh to hear
are those which it is most to our advan
tage to know.
Despise no one, for every one knows
Bometning whicn thou knowett cot.
He -who finds pleasure in vice, and
pain in virtue, is a novice both in the
one and the other.
What is the difference between hope
and desire r Desire is a tree in leaf,
hope is a tree in flower, and enjoyment
is a tree in fruit.
We are firm believers in the maxim
that, for all right jndgment of any man
or thing, it is uieful, nay essential, to
see his good qualities before pronounc
ing on his bad.
To know a man, observe how ho wins
his object rather than bow be loses it;
for when we fail, our pride supports us
when we suooeed it betrays us.
" What kind of testimony do yon call
that?" said the county attorney to
one of the witnesses before the grand
inrv. who was inclined to be a little
evasive. "Jackson's best," was the
promiit reply. The lawyers who were
in the habit or aBinir tooacoo eaw
the point and Bmilea all over weir
Baaiaad'a Triable With ta Cadre Trlb la
h.ata Africa.
The scene of the British military
maneuver has shifted from Afghanistan
to Month Afrioa. It in the later lo
cality that the troops are now the most
active, and the recent .British reverses
give renewed interest to the old story of
misunderstanding with the natives of
npnroi England s extensive empire.
rtenrtne rngeianver, zu.uuuiniusftn-
tl' hi DTAH 4 Diiflll AAlnmn Anhinti rm nl
" . , ,r m . v..uu..oug .
P" of tho nt7-toteWmBU
batter? ' ?rtjller7 M4 000 natives; 102
wagons, 1,000 oxen, two cannon, 400
shot and shell, 1,000 rifles, 250,000
rounds of ammunition, 60,000 pounds of
provisions and the oolors were captured
by the enemy. About 6,000 Zulus were
killed and wonnded, while 600 officers
and men were lost on the British side.
Subsequent attacks were repulsed, how
ever, and the threatened destruction of
the English foroes and colony averted,
although the governor.Sir Bartlet Frere,
sent to England for re-enforcements,
which were at once ordered to Africa to
the number of 7,000.
England has had almost constant trou
ble with the natives ever since that
seotion became a British colony. The
first OafTre war broke out in 1811. The
Prophet Mokanna headed an inonrsion
in 1819. The second OafTre war was in
1828 81. The third in 1834. attended by
diplomatic difficulties between the colo
nial secretary and the governor. " The
War of the Axe " came in 1846, and an
other of more than two years' duration
in low. in 1957 came the destruction
of all their cattle and grain by the
Oaffres at the instigation of another
" prophet" and a desperate and futile
attempt to recover their territory, end
ing in death by famine. The Qalekas
rebelled 1856, and nearly twenty years
of comparative peace followed. An ex-
tensive war, with quarrels ad libitum
among tne English officials, came in
1877, and then succeeded the trouble
with the Zulus, which had long been
brewing, brought by animosities be
tween the natives and the English and
union settlers.
The English proposed conditions of
peace which would have destroyed King
u -tywayo s royal prestice. so war fol
lowed. He has 800.000 subjects. 10.000
m,ile? of territory, 140,000 men of arms,
of atulotio and stalwart build and capa
ble of great endurance : 22.500 under
thirty years of ago, 10,000 between thirty
and forty, 8,400 between forty and fifty
and 4,500 between fifty and sixty, all
well armed. Everything in the way of
tactics and war supplies is very simple.
To ford a swift torrent they form in a
dense column and push each other
acrosB, many, of course, being drowned.
iney iio not marry under forty, and the
married men are distinguished by a
monkish shaven crown.
The British force at the beginning of
this war consisted of about 15,000 men,
5,000 being regulars, and the naval
brigade is 300 strong, from the ships
Active and Tenedos. New York Mail.
The Country.
It is in the country that the soul ex
pands and grows great. The town de
velops, cultivates and amplifies all the
Ef-nses, but its tendency is to contract
that incomprehensible impulse of being
we call soul. Out where the rugged
hills point heavenward with ten thou
sand sturdy evergreen figures; where
stand the woods in royal majesty; where
the brooks dance along and clasp hands
with the rivers, and rivers sweep on
with nuimpeded flow to the bosom of
the sea; where rocks rise like brawny
giants, their nakedness covered with
mouses, and drink in the sunshine and
the rain proudly, disdaining to show
how the elements caress them slowly
into dost: where the birds sing their
most jubilant songs, and the wild
flowers wear their brightest hues :
where the bees hnm in lazy content
from honey-cup to honev-cup; where
nr.ture rules supreme, and man becomes
a pigmy there the true soul, unbashed
and undismayed, aspires to compass all
the profound mysteries of creation, and
reads eloquent lessons in everything.
Wuere villages dot the hillsides and
nestle in the valleys; where the throb
bing clangor of the church-bell is the
loudest sound heard; where the Acids
teem witn homely promise of the com
iug harvest, and the voices of men are
drowned in the prattle of nature there
are magninoent souls hidden beneath
tbe hnmbleBt exteriors. The hand that
grasps the plow and scatters the seed
may be brown and hard, but there is a
wucie Heart in its grasp; the face that
has been snowed upon, and rained nocn.
and blown npon, is neither marred nor
sen rred, but brave and gentle; it shows
in every lineament bow ennobling is
close communion with nature. The eve
that sees the first tiny bud of the trees.
the first blade of pale green grass, the
first frail blossom of the woods, watches
the covert approaches of spring with a
glow And luster that we do not often see
in the dissipated town.
Acute Rheumatism.
This is sometimes called rheumatic
fever. Its medical term is polyarthritis.
It is mainly a disease of the temperate
regions, and prevails mostly from Oc
tober to May. Persons specially liable
to it are those whose calling exposes
them to frequent changes of tempera
ture, those who are in-tnfliciently pro
tected against sudden chills,. and those
wuo reside in damp localities, and es
pecially those who sleep in damp rooms.
One attack greatly disposes a person to
a second.
The foremost exoitinsr cause is a sud
den oooling of the body when heated and
exhausted by exertion this, in the view
of many medical authorities, developing
lactic aeiu in the blood. The fever is
proportionate to tho number of joints
attacked, and the intensty of the inflam
mation, It is accompanied with a sour
sweat. Hardlv anv other disease pre
sents so manv complications. The
younger the patient, the greater the
liability of the heart s being affected.
The liability after twenty-five is the
As a rule, it runs it course in from
three to six weeks. Convalescence is
slow. Even after recovery, there is for
a considerable time a tendency to re
newed inflammation. It seldom termi
nates in death.
To avoid the disease, truard atrainst
all sudden and violent changes of tem
perature ; wear woolen next to the skin;
in ease the skin is especially susconti.
ble, harden it by cold bathing, exeroise
in the open air, eto. ; if exposed to wet
or chill when heated, keep up the circu
lation by active exercise till an oppor
tunity offers for change of clothing.
To take a needed step in the Bnellintr
reform, we have acted upon the advice
of tbe American Philological associa
tion tithe extent of dropping the use
less final e iu the words have, trive ami
live. IVuth Seeker.
Pay attention : Courting young men
iuovw ficisoujg cagagementi
" That Old Bore Jorklns."
Little Nellie was looking at " Woolf's
Wild Animals" when Mr. Jorklns called,
and appealed to that gentleman to ex
plain one of the pictures.
" That is a wild boar." said he, and
the little lady looked at it thonghtfnlly
and replied :
"It don t look like yon, does it Mr.
"I hope not," responded the guest
"Because," said the artless infant,
Mamma said when your card was sent
np, ' There is that old bore Jorkins
And it was a full minnte befora mam
ma's frc a?n lips thawed sufficiently to
inform the nurse it as Nellie's bed
Mnoh of the wood used for making
so-called " brier-root " pipes comes
from Corsica. It is a sort of heath wood,
the root of which are dug np and cnt
into rough forms of tobacco-pipes by
ciroular saws worked by the water-
power of mountain streams. The pipes-
are sent in saoks to Franoe, and thence
to America.
Strasbnrg, Germany, is now begirt
-with revolving ironclad towers,
A Nonrce af Mark Bodily Evil.
If the habit of body becomes irreKolax,tnnoh
Til Is inflicted on the system. The atomaoh
beocmes dyspeptio, bilious symptoms develop
themselves, the oircnlation is contaminated,
sod the nerves share in the general disorder.
It is of the utmost importance that the bowels
should be thoroughly and speedily regnlated
when thev arrow derelict. The corrective agent
beat adapted to this pnrpoae is Hostetter's
Btomach Bitters, a wholesome, non -griping
vegetable laxative, worth all the rasping ca
thartics invented since the time of Paraoelsns.
People who have been in the habit of nsing bine
pill, oalomel, and other drugs and cheap nos
trnirn for oonetination. should abandon inch
hnrtfnl and useless medicines, and substitute
for them , this pleasant and gentle aperient,
vhioh nnt nnlv nrniiiinnn the nnreative effect
naturally, but also strengthens while it regu
lates the bowels, stomach and liver. It more
over cures and prevents intermittent and re
mittent fevers, gout rheumatism, debility and
urinary tronnies. ,
Advlr. to UoaaamptIT-
The celebrated physioian, Dr. Paul MemeyeT,
gives the following valuable suggestions to
persons suffering from lung affections i "Th
patient muBt with soruDulous oonssientiorisnees
insist upon breathing fresh, pure air, and must
remember that the air of closed rooms is always
more or less bad. No man, however
uncleanly, would drink muddy, dirty water.
A party whioh oooupies a room (or hours,
breathing the same air, might be compared to
a party of bathers drinking the water in whioh
they bathe. The patient must keep the window
of his bedroom open. Might air is fresh air
without daylight:. In close, crowded rooms,
the patient suffering from lung complaints
breathes consumptively." By taking these
precautions and using Dr. Fierce'! Golden
Mcdioal Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pel
ets, fully one-half of the cases of Iang com
plaints would be cured in six months. For
oongh and irritation of the lungs do not always
indicate the presence of coneumption.althongh
it may result in that disease, and if consump
tion has already become deeply seated in the
system, this is the most efficient course of
treatment that can be pursued outside of any
institution that provides special facilities for
the treatment of this disease. Dr. Pieroe's
celebrated invalids' hotel is such an institution.
Send stamp for descriptive pamphlet contain
ing aleo a complete treatise upon consumption,
explaining its causes, nature and best method!
of treating it, together with valuable hints
concerning diet clothing, exercise, eto , for
oononmptivea. Addrens Faculty of Invalids'
and Tourists' Hotel, Buffalo, N. f
To develop healthy and harmonious action
among the organs of secretion, digestion and
evacuation, take Dr. Mott's Vegetable Liver
Pills, wbich healtbfully stimulate the liver,
give tone and regularity to the liver, counter
act a tendency to cosliveness and purify the
blood. Their cathartio acticn is unaccom
panied by griping, and is never violent and
abrupt but always gradual and natural. These
fiillB are of the greatest assistance in overoom-n-r
scrofulous tumors and eruptive maladies,
resh, pnre air, and mnet
tin man. nowsvir i
All druggists sell it.
Cocoh!.-A mediainal preparation In the I
form of a lozenge la the most convenient.
lozenge U laO mOBC convenient. I
" Brown's Bronobial Troches " allays Irritation,
which induoes eougliir.g, giving relief In bron
chitis, hoarseness, influenza, consumptive and
aethm&tio complaints. 25 tent".
Bead advertisement in anotl tr column of tea
principal triumphs of Mason & Hamlin Organ
Co. all over the world. It certainly kmoomi
to d ninnkt ration, aa th6V aav. of the superiori
ty of their organs. The record is unparalleled
among makeia of liittrnments.
The ColohraUd
Wood Tag Flag
Tbi Pioseeb Tobaooo Com kst,
New or. Boston, and Ohioago
Pornpwara of tinny years Mrs. WINBLOWTs
SOOTHING STROP has been used for children
with never failing suoceas. It oorrects acidity
of tho stomach, relieves wind oolio, regnlatos
t39 Lowols, euros dysentery ana aiarrncsa,
whether arising from toothing or other causes.
An old and well-tried remedy. W ots. a Dottle.
I ml. fitf v.tnr.,11.
By sending thirty-five cents, with age, height,
color of eves and hair, you will receive by re
turn mail a oorrect photograph or your rature
husband or wife, with nams and date of mar
riage. Addrens W. Fox, P. O. Drawer 81,
Fultonville, N. Y.
Chew Junloon's Boat Kwwil Navy Tobaooo
LABKIjS, (jAV'KATN, and adr ea bow to aeeara them
nrnmnlli. knri nt th. lowAHfc dOftt. civeil DV tt. H.
WALKS & HON, Editor! of ta Xcirutiic A'tr, Nl. 10
Hpruoa St., New York, who hive had.twnntr fonr yeiir.'
etperienoe in the bn.inese. "SOlKNTIf'IO NKWS"
just the ptiper for Mechftnioa, Inntora and reader! of
Popular Sci-nce. ON1.Y II A YKAK. Sample oopiea
anl paimpnifrt to mTpntorr apt irwe.
On reoeipr of till ti. we will mail (postpaid) Four
Popular I'lrrt-a Niincj Lee, Vot Old Love'. 8ake,
Only a Ll of Hiir. The Nun'. Prayer. Oi hr Piecea
in preparation. Addreas JOHN Nr. InH,
l$j MoiililorHil cl. lftl Hilton w.jN.V.
lillrntlon of Htnrk. Mailed, uOr. PIIH Krt
I .M'lttl'I.IIKM'Klt. low DKurea for lirape., Kvrsreena. eta. hend for Uat.loeue. J.
JENKINS' INureery, Uluona, Doluoiblana
t-oiint. tinio.
Yar ONE DOLLAR we will oopvyour pbotorranh and
And van a. h(-avili.nlaiad (j.d RirjaF or Ivurs Charm
with vuur nicture in it. which ia mannitied to life-aize
whn held up to tbe light. (Send itamp tvr ill- circular
of solid void good. (Jloason, Oroaa t Uo.,lioaton,Ma
AlCMTO 111 AMTrn BK 1-
VlO OUTFIT. flta and Order Uouka ,
Apulj at once JRNKI
its u wnior iujas
Oountr, Ohio. I lla.a.
int will not appear again.
iuoin IO) a 111 Diana
Thia advertitement
mri a cn Choicest in the world Importer.' prioea
I KAN Largeet ooup.ny in America .taple
-1- AJ1A,J I article pleases e.erjbody I'rada con
tinnally inoreitioa AK.nta wanted a.eri wuere beat
indncen.ent. don't wn.le tiraa serd ior Oirou'ar,
HUB'f WKLLS, 43 Veaf St., N. Y. V. U. Poa laav.
a-. . -T n . 2 j to S40O-
factor, nrioea
A XXAXl J O fur aquarea flneat nprigiita in th.
Amenoa over l.lWO in uae regnlarlr incorporated
tnu.nea-a acaia
Mf'g Oo. Piano, aont on trial B-page oawiogueiree
MKKDEl.naoHW PIAMOUO..KI K. lomoi.,nw mit
-w 1 , ' a T.jiM lUllhli'. -T
J J KEY D1SKASKS. A turn Remedy ; Ujlarea nn-
I. G.A ... flir..lF Nii.m. Hr, . A Cutter. Bt.
VjluX : Lord. Stoutturg 4 Oo., Ohioago i A. Kraith, Lon-
don;W. Msddox.R.pley, Ohio;; r.
Bteaina. Duron. Thu most popular medicine of the dy.
Agoutn, head Tbiaj t
We will pay Agent, a Baierj oi fiuuper m .on
aipeneu, or allow a large oomuiisaion to .ell our new
and wonderful inventiona. H. ol w aay.
KUEHMASI Ac I'O., Marahall. Nlrh.
I bIO. with Kphemeris; oontaina prediction, ol
the arenti ana the wpalher f.r each month. Prioe,
Hin.iri fl.n Aln. Raobaei'a Guide to Astrology,
with rulea and Information whereby any person may
calculate a i alinry; cioin iii: price, uvsii.iu. qi,
A. H. KOFFK A CO , 1 1 Bromneld bt . Boston, Mai
month. Every graduate go
Larn Telearanbr and
earn 840U IOO a
guaranteed a paying sit.
nation. Addreea R.Valentuie.
mm Ai non
Invested id Wall Bt. Btocas maae.
fortunes every month. Book sen!
WeW r-.wr
Address BAHTFR A X)..Tanli-r. 17 Wall W..W.T
free explaining otmtji uius.
vvw P,v WitB UutUU. VV bat xU a
KIIt a. .all. raoidlv for 60 eta. Oatalogu. Jrtt
va h M SyKNCga.l I g Waah,n8t..Bo.lon.M.
fVTjTTT IVT and. eared. Lowest Prieea. Do not
1 1 al. ii AL. hliln llteriuie
Luweal Pnees. Do not fail
va a w AiA
to write. Or.F.K.Marsl),Uuiiioj.Mieli.
f t AJ All clwuuie and auppaaod Ipcurabla
tynll PC rr&ol ui i. maueu irwa.
iaa. n. KOOTK. I 2(1 Iilaston Ave , NewYork
- i 6iioAiauu"anvaaiofurTarlra a)
s y tit it or. 'l'erraanilOaifll Hr
OS """' o. VIOKKRY. At
So'a II S V PKUFIT. Agents' Sampla, UHsaot
arlUVMxn FAJOI. Boos ana Man.rra Bl
i 1 r a
IU 0. a 8BASAHAM, ., aU!Tw,sa,
whbob'B ookpotjiid or
swnr a wn r TTTTI
Ta flnnHnmntTTCft. Mmiit hnva bren IS n ftp?
to iflTft thir tBtimony In for of lh nM of " Vfilbnr $
llfT (vl Livtr tm amt i.imt." Kiparieno nu prowi
H to be h Tavlnabln romtMlr for Cnnmimpiian, Aithm,
Piphtliflrlft.tnd all dif"nfln of thm Throat and LnnH.
MannfM only hf A. B. WiLBOR, Cbemi-t, Boston. Bold
bf mil drnirffintJi.
mm wu insert a line derti(u-nt on ftfik io a
hat of VfiP wetkljr Dewnpdpnra, or four hora In a ditlerant
list of 1137 p(ipr, or ta i linta two we ka fa a oboieo of
tjiilipr of f out atparnto and diatinct ilita containing
from 70 to 100 papera e&oh, or foor linea one week In all
four of the am all I t, or one Ine nnwftk ia al eta
li.iu combined, hem mire than l.otki papera. Wa(o
list of oa oeri hr Btatea thronahout the United
Statea and Ctnvli. Hend for oar ho paa;n p.-tmplilnt.
addrefaUEO. P. KOWtLLCUO,, i , -spruce m , n. i.
A 1 AM Mat V V J A . I
weat from Umcajro, at from Jfo tojfH par acre, n farm
lota, and on bj terma. Low freight and ready mar
ktta. No wildernena no eirue no Inditna. Land
exploring ticket a from Ohioniro, free to buyers, For
Map, rampnieta ana mil into manoa apply to
Oedar Rapids, Iowa, or Q Randolph Htret, Chicago.
at dab rate. Time, trouble and evpenae saved bf anb
sorihing through the Rocky Monntain Hnboanptiorj
flinDvy, woicn lormsnea any paper teioepi Va
liahed in the United Htntee. Mnainn.1 Inntrumenta. new
Ing Machines of all kinds, Ohromos, Frames, Hewing
aiaoDine neemea ana AtLacnments ai reaueea pnoee.
I will also furnish Bookaof all kinds at lowest prieea.
Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views
a specially, uon t ran to write at onee Tor onroireman
agente can make div money. annreaa
JAMKS TORRKN8, Krana, Oolo.
1 1 -21. OF flnJB
i?ruit the UrOCLS.
fe offer choice variatiea of this moat remarkable
i new fruu, imported direat from Japan, ronvi.m ap.
; pies. ShttrplevH SeetlHng Strawberry, Grtffg Raspberry,
: tlomnlpte Miorlmnnt of Fruit. Ornamental Trees and
i Shrnha, Ronrn, Flower and Plant JVrWff. Stmd for
new catalogue. RAIRD TUTTLK, Agente,
ti I 'Kiln I nfr on 7Yur rrj f V J
I WIM.Henrl KHKfcV !
a moyntyWwt PI it no er 1
Cabinet OrttHIt, with ,
hnnrUnm Intlruttion
ilnok. hoxed and abiDoed 1
kB"B" on board cars, all freight !
; on this cant men t, At to ttanoi, ingant.
paia. i am loo innrai miiiuiMiinirni i mi" iuu
&iid aod upward, aexara o imitator.
"Wnslilnirton, TV. if.
ll l.TII K TI1IE.
Th. very bast good,
direct from the Im-
1 portera at Hair tne
nan. I tout. Beat rjlan eTfr offered lo Ulnb Agent, and
large balers. ALL EXPRESS OUA.RGK8 PAID.
Mew terma FREK.
31 nnri 33 Tesev Street, New York
f, v. box 4Vin.
WARNER BRO'S CORSETS the Highl it a cd.l .t tlx- rct-tat
Mr.r .11 .ttl.rlr.B (ItllD.tltAra. TI"
ti bontai ! wiRUriTlD tioi to break
alnn-n n.f tha liln Pllroil.SS. TTlHr
la mails will, th lftuiLio Bun, viikil
il.- toft and twiiue ana coniwoi no
beni. Price y man. Si.".
Fni-ile bv illUarJins marrtiints.
k 1 Matthew Hale Smith's new book.
Clv analyieiJ. Merl Portrnlia nf A. T.
CfW loot) Prominent Person. mam and woman
ft 1 ienntrtion or tne aearon. Nuw la tne time for
ff X. w agencf oircnlara and terms.
iinruorti. tonn.
for Jteuutv nl l"nllb. Suvlnir bur. i'liu
lint, Iuriitrii!t jr V A licttpnf h, I'neqiialt-'d
I An infallibla nd nncxoellMl rniMir'for
F.Im- KHriy or Fnllliiff Slrknesn
untfd to enact s Hpeeay ana
f f, ic M A IX I. i r cure.
' A tree Itoltr of m
renowned tpeoitio and - I
valuable iVe&tius eem to
any tunVrer aandiajr me bn
r. J. ana cxpreaa aaarena.
DB. H. G. ROOT, 1 8 Pearl Btteet. New York.
F. E. CUEDRY, Agt.
Railway Tickets
Bought, Sold, or Exchanged.
vuuiva utr all, kuu i k.
No. 31 St. Charlea Street,
tinder the Rfc. Gh&rlea Hotel.
II eon tat inn M78 flna hi atari ekl anaTravinara and 1 lifiO I
larxe donble-colnmn pagei, and ia the moat oomplete
seoa ior apectmen pairea ana extra teraia ro Agenu.
n isiory ui me vvuria evtir puuimuoa, it, bbiib mi,9ifu.
Aaaresw nation rcuLiBBiNO jQ rnnaaeipnia, ra-
A book g:Tinir Homeatead. Pre-emption aod Timber I
Oultnre Lswa of Kanaaa.and a History of her Uitiea and I
Towns, nraineaa orfincea, Prieea or if ronuoe ard Mar
ohandiae. Iaboreria Wairati. Aa. : Prieaand beat-looaled
Linda for farming and btock Ruiaing. Ita'ao treita
of ibe Minea of Colorado, her Moantana, Parka, Oitiaa, ,
t owns, ana mining umpa, v nan ana now woo ntiac,
MinerH1 Outtila, etc. tSeut postpaid on reoviptof prioe, i
Vl.ifu. Aaarc(atnn rai)iiura,
Ghiidrwn nfton riwiai aimnle nonriabma-nt rather that)
I mwuicme; ana now 10 anura iuib woen iiib ounu ua
ume power 10 aaaimiute. ia tuny nwio nioga iruwi.
Mason &. Humlin Cabinet Or i? an a,
Dtniotrntrand bent by H I (J H K.ST HOXORSAT ALL
m.: at Paris, Vikmna, 1878: Kahtiaoo, 1H7&;
Philadelphia, IKK; Panis. lb7H; and Grand Swedish
Gold Mkdal, 1H7H. Only Amerioan ' Organs ever
awarded highest honors at any such. Hold for oaah or
mstaiimenie. illdbtbated UATAixxtuee una circu
lars with new stylei and prtoua, cent free. MASON 4k
HAMLIN ORGAN O0..oaton, New . ork.orUbioago
1 Can insert au aiiveri lenient in our Hat of tw tint) -nix
NTANDAKU WI LKIJKN at ten dollars a line
i without lot in ar raonnv. Thr,a advertiaera who want to
obtain the bebt and Urgeat circulation n saible without
ezpenntng more man irom f-w tociou toonia aaareaa
GKO P KUV KLL A UQ..1 0 Hpruceitf York.
The Co-operative Newspapers
It has bran aaaarted that one-hair of all mnnM nm
by New yorlf adverliiera lor advertising outeide of thl
my Bea io me uu-ofimati vn n iwBPiriui.
Til 1 1 nrtiniilapai a Km. I s h i ln.An.a.l... KJUMK.
tOKetiier wi'h olaloatUAa and advertiamar rm.ta. mavilMl
fiae cn application to Amerioan Newipaper Union. 10
Hnpnra Kitnal K uia. V L
1K i ll IU MlUHTYI
a, iaa) ajiaal laaa A
" Mt. etu ar aa vsoas.
M- ksfa, asOasi ajs a;aa asal
an u ,aa - aislar
aaatanal at wifa, laiuals tT
nau. a, ilta Uta 4a4) aiaa whs
la., ua. ii.
ALEX. A. HGHOBB. the world Taaakgat nf
Driorinana writ og, win leaoii on improved system of
Shonhand Writing, which cavd be taught perfee in
three hours: also taught through mail perfect i" f jut
leit-ra. tor the small Bum of &5. Addreas AL1.X. A.
8CUORB, P. O. Boa fJUO P tuborgh, Pa., for Oueular
or iur tvuj iuiuiui.iwii wnnwa.
Tha Ppnnu Qlnru PQni- I ONE
paaa,S4 columns of aood and ntira I TF.VT
a.w w vim w w.utw HUCI I
Ktorius. Thtee mont ha lor 1 Ao. ; felu mouths for V 5e. ;
TwelT mootuaior ou , posia.a paid lr publisnaia.
Addre. PgMVV 6ti.t PaPKB,
run nansom Btroat, PhiladelPMa.
faW9aAawwHwBBBBwaal BunrreW ffDMl
l. innni o f v ft r"-i i ro .
IUlfUr.r.0 inO ' ILLLO.S. mart. (Xrn'llUi
' ... -ST
rrtee eo ess . a u
Cil H T a MWtfl a rtal'tpnfcgB guaranteed lo Ageota.
Iffi H Oatnt Ira. Bauw A Co., Apouaia, Mai a.
New England Conservatory
ilM for tti PianofortB
on th trUl t th iwn-w"'ii "
: utd in othur ploM,
Tt difft frrrm nbff Mthod. n ompowd
TbrM I'rU or boom.
PART- ft for
t lha Tint ttrnA nl t"ra". baa t9
Ll. K?flnr and h-r Kiro,..
nun, th Kipmmi
Mr Ktnriiftii and I
true! ion nooa,
m i that ftaatnnd (lra(ty DBK PaTWl, Ttl "TWJ
5r HoiiVi and Hindi.-. ni "" "
FMM from lb. work, of TMt Maataw.
id a few diffienlt Piaoaa.
Pnoaaf eaehpat, l.60. Oomplato, 3.8.
Hewa, o. l pn ,
OLIVER DITS0N & C0.f Boston.
Ill Ac 843 Broitdway.
, Now York.
J. E.
022 Cheatnot trr. riu"'
nuns . .
Survival oftle Fittest.
ni -rA-.inn Mtwtnncr T.lnlmpnt has
been known for more than thirty-five
vcrtrs us the bust of all Liniments, for
ninn ami wuw. i;
others full, and penetrates skin, tendon
bm.i iniiaele. to Uw very bone. Sold
every wuoru.
Flrat Established I Moat Succeaefalt
TTTETR INSTttUMENTS have a standard
value in all tbs
Everywhere recognised aa the FINEST
OVER 80,000
Made nrl In nae. Now Deilgna conatanlly.
Beat work and lowest prlcce.
AV Bend for a Catalogue.
ton. St., cpp. Walthan St., Mon, to
Is tke OM BeUabla GaaMBtratad Ly .
Ptrilon. aeeaaartatt aaaa eaa rat aaakla Kaa
hat ana Telle. Boa alekly.
Vhe SuU I. booM witk (eo-ealled) Owosntnaal
Ira. hleh a4alarate with aall aa4 raaia. aw4 nl
aiaa naw
uri Ktwmr, amb mwr wmm
at Aja bt Tata
rmi7lTBml Bait Kan&ff Co.,
and Band Uniforms f HlWra Fqiiipmi'Tits,
Cam, etc., mftiitt by .W. iJitvy A .,
ColumbuH, Ohio, tieivlfur i'nee Lts.
Firemen'i Caps, Belts, and Shirts.
The Man
Who Spends Money
For advtKialna in nawaDaoera In these hard t(mM.
wi boat lirst obtaining an estimate of the oaat from
Otto. P. Kowell A fJo.'s ewspaptjr Advertising Bureau,
a0. IU npruce ntieni, hbw ioih, ia iiaeiy aj pay liu
for what iniaht ba obtained for 16. tiuch eatiinattta
are furnibed to all applicants gratis. (Send 10-cant a
for loo-page pamphlet wuh hatol newspaper rates and
re feraooa.
Soldiers Pensioners.
We Dubliah an etaht-naa-e Datar M Tm Nayii-im at.
TlIBDNB devoted to Lha intAralltJI of Wnsinnara RnL
diars and Sailors and their heirs ; alao eoutaiiis interest
IXLg ramiir reauuig.
Price. Fifty emU a year special Inducement ta
eluba. A proper blank to oolleot amount due under new
Aba rAfis or Pnbion Bill, furnished artuuituualy, to
regular uberibTB only and suob elaiina filed in Pension
Omoe without eharg. Jnnnary number aa Bpeoimaa
oopyfree. b -nd for tt, GKORGK K. ULCMON A OQ.
waaningwn. u. j. L&cu ujx ;5Sd
TU B OUOIO KtiT 1? OOI IN TU b. V, uiiLU.
A. B. C. Cruataed White Wbenu
B, V. Oatmeal. A. B. J. Uarlejr Feed,
A B. C Alalzr.
Obtained four medals for superiority, and diploma for
eoniinuea superiority, ine purest, iuuu ior ea.mrtm
and adulta. All hueka. cockle and im purities rerrovad.
Gan be prepared for table in tifreen uiinuUsa. tor sal
oj fjrrooera. asb ior av. is. u. tiranu. inanuiaoLurttO oy
Is not a new oompoana.
has been before the poblfo
thirty years and need by all
olfssps, with and without
thn advice of physioiana.
Iluiila Urincdy hag
saved ff'n HuMerina diseaaa
and death hundreds of well.
1 kouwu citizens. llunL'a
Keuirdv cures Uropy Gravel, aud all Diattaaes of
the Kidneys, B adilnr and IinRry Organj. band for
pamphlet lo WM. K. (JLaVHKlC, P.ovldmee, R. I.
i CROFULA. Persons afflicted
with bcrofula, Hip-disease, Ulcer
ous Sores, Abscesses, White Swell
ing, Psoriasis, Goitre, Necrosis,
Eczema, Diseased Bones, will please
send their address - ' .
S Ora JONES, Chemist, New Lebanon, N. T.
f'l'HK ! PAINLKS87"Onlv
Suooeeafnl Hmedy. Bend for
Paper en Oviun Eating, iu
Ckinaeqoenoea and Our.
Da. L. MEEKER, .
La Pobte, Imp Boa
you think of expending fifty or
hundred do lara 10 adrertiaing
send ua a oodv of our adTeitiaemant
and we will tell you (free of charge)
what will ba tha beat possible in.eet
meat ior you io maae. bbdo iu e nia
for our li
I Omo, F.
Ado r as
Rowill A Oo.
nu-pite pamphlet.
Bureau. 1 u oprutvi) otTfMt, new ura.
QCn A .MONTH-AArenia 'ntd-ffi
wvU l'11 articles in the world; one sample res.
A eBuplet. slock
ol ail kinds, tor eucnlur, nhotoarat
address JAB. F (JLAHK, Murenci. Leuawae Oo., Mich.
r nlmliraiiha and nrica tut.
it00 AAA -AO. jumm
gUgUUihae WOK kCMkU. as.aBia.lla.