mt paid J. K. P. Hull for work In Benzingr-r tp amt paid Hall A McCauley, general fund amt pd bond jifo. 30, Rldg way township 1,340 W 10 00 1,695 00 10,180 00 3,704 85 balance due fund 13,835 6t By amtdue for work done on road and not vet paid for Bill of II. M. Rolfe, lumber Bill of Wilcox Lumber Co., for lumber Bill Wilcox Tanning Co., for work .Anit due J. MeCnuley, late treaa., for overpayment of funds 65 80 600 62 1,418 8!) 180 43 2,285 24 The Commissioners of the Ridgway and Bronkville State Road in account with the funds of said road for the year ending Jan. 1, 1879. .'To bal. due last settlement 118 30 aim tax reed from co trcas. 3,3!M 2i 3,517 02 By b'll of II. Carman for work done 1,840 80 bill of Geo. D. Messenger, jr., for work done 1,085 75 . bill of C. II. McCauley, ser vices as seeretfify 20 00 bill of Geo. D. Messenger, Jr., building bridge and slashing 105 12 bill of J. G. Hall, services as treas. for eight years 200 00 8,252 67 204 85 balance due fund 3,517 52 We. the unilerslennd, auditors of Elk county for tlio .vnir 1 stu, having met lit the commissioners' nfflt-n In Ulclftwnv. In sniil county, on tho llrst. Monday of Juiumry. A. 1). IsTtf. belna the sixth itny Of the nionlh. nnd ftdjourned to Tuesday, Jammry 7, li79, nt wnlch tlmo we proceeded with ihesvUlement, and do hereby certify tlmtwe luive m rurally examined, audited, settled anil adjusted the BCcounU of the commissioners of the Knne, Kidifway and Mt.'.Mary's state road, and of I he commissioners of the Rldxwny and Tlrook vllle Htate rond. and find them severally correct, as set forth in the forceolnn report. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our bands the iMtli day of January, A. D. I'J'V. J. .1. 1 AYl.oil. 1 CHARUCR MILLER. Co. Aud'rs, J. M. MKCUM. ) AVeST. .H- B. KLINE, LIC1K. SI 1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1870. Local Sotes Eggs are t wen ty-flve cents a dozen. Snow fell here in great quantity on Monday night. Next week will be the last for the Auditors' Settlement. 'l Visiting cards a new Involve just received at this ollice. "More snow on Tuesday, and the tdeighiug still continues good. Presbyterian sociable at Mrs. Chapln's residence to-morrow evening. The hauling of bnrk nnd wood is Indulged in to a great extent in this Beet ion at present. Several of the candidates at the recent election failed to have as many votes as the other fellow. Four hundred line Valencia and four hundred and fifty sweet Florida oranges expected at Morgester's in a few days. P. C. Hamiffor, of Brookville, han been appointed bank assessor for the counties of Jefferson, Cameron, 1-,1k, Erie, Forest, McKean, Mercer, Warren, Potter, Venango, and Craw ford. M. S. Kline, Notary Public, has been biking evidence in the Curtir. Yocum contest for several days past. C. II. McCauley Is attorney forCurtin, and Geo. A. Rathbun attorney for Yocum. Subscribe now for tho Advocate. Tills issue commences Vol. 0 No. 1. Nearly all our subscribers commence with this number. Therefore, sub scribe now. and get a chance in our drawing. 51.50 and a chance to tret a watch or a sewing machine. Send in clubs. For very low prices for organs nnd pianos write to D. S. Andrus Co., city music store, Willinmsport, Pa. Organs and pianos to rent by the month or year. Sheet music sent to any ad dress. Second hand instruments for "sale. Pianos from $7o to $05 ; organs from $30 to $50. The Bradford post office has risen to the rank of third in the State of Pennsylvania doing a business of Sltf, 000 a quarter About 3,000 letters are received daily, 'and 2 500 sent. An average of 170 are weekly sent to the dead letter office. The salary of the post-master is $2,300, with an allow x ance of $1,500 for clerk hire. Persoual Notes, John Meenan had the misfortune to lose his thumbnail at Wilmarth last week. The Ross Brothers have put up a new bam on Miss B. E. Wilcox's lot ou south street. Rubeu Winslow, of Benezette, died in that village of hemorrhage of the lungs on Tuesday morning, Lieut. Horton and wife have gone to housekeeping in the house owned by the Fiyun Bros., near the Exchange hotel. A sister of John P. Curtis has been visiting him here for a few days. She left for her home in Moline, Illinois, yesterday. Capt. Schcenlng has added the like- tioaa if TTnn TTlilir lrtiil-lio. 1IQ collection of pictures in the Prothono ixry'a office. II. R; Wilson, of Benezette, was in to see us this morning, and we re gret our absence. He says If the boys bring their tax receipts with them it will save them getting angry. Anton Fochtman, aged about 70 years, and one of the oldest residents of St Mary's, died at that place on Saturday night. He was proprietor of the Red Lion hotel which was for Many years the only hotel lu the ploe. Wilcox Letter. Perry S. Ernhotit, in the thirty fourth year of tain nge, died ort Wednes day, Feb., 12th lCVtt. He has been a resident of Wilcox for several years, of late his health has been very feeble, failing for more than a year In mind and body. He leaves a wife and two children fo mourn their loss. He was buried from the Bennett house in Smethport, where his father and family now reside. The funeral took place last Stibbath morning, conducted by the Pastor of the Reformed Church of Wilcox. Rev. Mr, Wagmir of the Methodist church took part in the service. A Sermon was preached from the words in Second Samuel 19:34. "How long have I to live." and also from Rev. 22:3t "And there shall be no night there'. ' Many friends and ac quaintances followed him to his early grave. May the living tarn nn im portant lesson suggested by the words of the text "How long have I to live " There will be a Sabbath School con cert and entertainmen nt the Reformed church next Saturday, Feb 27th, at half-past seven "in the evening, by members of the school and the choir. Singing by the infant class. Solos, duetts, chorouses ud a grand time. Come all. S. Kidgtrajr Township Election. Following is a lbt of the persons voted for with the number of votes each person received at the recent township election. The Democrats, Greenbaekers and Republicans each had tickets in the field, and the Demo crats, having the longest pole, knocked off the persimmons. The vote was light only 224 votes being polled I Supervisors (two elected) James McKurland, D. 148 S. B. Mitchell, D 85 Peter Clark, G 77 P. A. Mead, O 0i John VanOrsd.ill, R 43 L. F. Powers, R SI School Directors (two elected) Fred. Sebumim.', D 1.T2 W. H. Hyde, D 130 N. T. Cuuimings, G SO O. B. Grant, G 4s D. R. Kline, R 4:! Constable W. S. Horton, D 102 John P. Curtis, G 93 Frank VnnOrsdall, R 27 Assessors W. C. Healy, D 104 B. F. Ely, G SI Horace Little, R 35 Assistant Assessors (two elected) G. T. Wheeler, D 1-5 J. K. Gardner, 1) 112 S. A. Oimstead, G 6(1 John Waimsley, G 'Ch Tavlor D. Uhima, R 3'.' G."W. Nichols, It 31 Auditor DuBois Gorton, D 111 James Mc A ice, G 57 C. D. O.-Urhout, R 65 Treasurer O. B. Grant, D 3 10. K. Grcsh. G 0 G. G. Messenger. R He Inspector of Election (two elected Hugh McGoehin, I) US Daniel CaiMiHve.u, G 34 R. V. Kime, K ;" J mitre of Flection J no. Ii. Kime, D 114 Henrv A. Ptuvo'ns, Jr., G 77 W. If. Schram, R &2 Town Clerk James H. Ross, 1). Ill Capt. James Woodward, G . 7l S. A Role, R 8 1 O. B Grant was nominated by the Democrats for Town Treasurer, and by the Greenbaekers ior School Director. On election morning Mr. Grant had notices posted up stating that lie was not a candidate for either position, and declining to serve if elected, so really he may be considered as not being a candidate. Grove Messenger has at last ex perienced ii "change of heart" and we find him elected treasurer on the Re publican ticket PiiTEiisox'a Magazine, for March is an unusually brilliant number. It opens with p. spirited illustration, en graved on steel, "Let Me Catch You, You Yrung Rogues." This is followed by a double-size colored fashion plate, which Is altogether the most beautiful we have ever seen. Then comes a double-size pattern for a tidy, on Java Canvas, printed in the appropriate colors. Then a charming engraving, illustrating a powerfully written story, "My Evening Star' Then about fifty other engravings, illustrating the latest fashions, patterns for the Work Table, &c, tc. The stories in this number ar even better than usual, and they are always remarkably good in "Peterson." A Supplement is sent out with the number, with a full size pattern for the latent style of Pulonuiae It is a standing wonder to us, as to all others, how so superior a magazine can he published at so low a price ; and it is only to be explained as the publisher explains it, as the of an enormous circula tion, He "prefers a small profit" he says, "on a large edition, to a large profit on a small edition.'' No lady should be without this magazine. The terms are but two dollars a year, with great deductions to clubs, and handsome premiums to person's getting up the clubs. Speciiyens tire sent, gratis, to persons wishing to fet up clubs, so that ladies may judge for themselves before subscribing. Ad dress CiiAS. J. Peterson, Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. An excited Teuton, whose worldly possessions lay in close proximity to the burning woolen mill, during the progress of the tire, became consider ably riled at the non-appearance of the firemen, could not "contain him self," so as tospeak, until theirarrival. but gave play to his restiveness by hurriedly crossing the bridge und skipping along Pickering street at a lively gait till he struck Main, where he stood panting like a fox hound after the chase, vociferating as loud as his exhausted lungs would permit, "Phare, phare, down in der greek! down, in der greek !" He stood at his post like a man for a few minutes, until a sudden glare of light shot heavenward from tlreburning building which caused him to steer homeward with the rapidity of a shell fired from a mortar. Brookville Jeffersoniaru tfebrnary Flection. List of officers elected at the election last Tuesday for the several townships and boroughs In Elk County: HKNEZETTE TOWNHHIP. Justice ot the Pence -D. W. DcIIassi Judge of Election -D. E. Hewitt. I nspeetors of Election Geo. Snyder, D. W. Bennett. . . t . Supervisors Richard Daughcrty, William Murray. Assessor John Barr. Assistant Assessors Henry Blesh, Robert Smith. , Auditors Luther Lucorc, D. E. Hewitt. School Directors Henry Patterson, B. A. Booth. Town Treasurer T. J. Shaffer. Town Clerk W. H. Murray-. Constable D. B. W inflow. . BKNZINOKH TOWNSHIP. Supervisors-Philip Kreckeli Paul Schneider. Constable Frank Warnarlta-. Treasurer Joseph Werner School Directors 2f. Kronncwclter. Joseph Shauer. Judge of Election Philip Young. Inspectors of Election Lewis Han hauser, John Kreckel. Assessor Joseph Young. Assistant Assessors Adam Jesbcr ger, Valentine Neibert. Town Clerk John Kissel. Justice of the Peace J. J. Geary. A udi tor M artl n 1 1 erbst reet . fox township. Justice of the Peace J. J. Taylor. School Directors H Meredith, Jno. Collins . . ,, , Supervisors Michael Brehm, U.W. Ro-rers. Constabl c J oseph Em hi et t . Treasurer Win. McCauley. Town Clerk G. W. Boyet Assessor Ralph Bell Assistant Assessors John Mosier. W. E. Hewitt. , ,tMl Jttdgeof Election Charles Miller. Inspectors of Election R. T. Kyler, D. Corlie. , . Overseers of Poor John Mosier, Peter Pantzer. Auditors Daniel Corhe ; P. W. TIavs bad 120 votes; Patrick Qui nil had 120 voles cans-lug a lie. HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. Auditor W. S.. Cole. Assessor W-. S. Cole. Assistant Assessors H. O. Ellithorp, Levi Ellithorp. Town Clerk E. llovencanip. Supervisors Herman Gorton, Rufus Underwood. Constable Theodore Vankirk. School Directors E. llovencanip, Theodore Vankirk. Judge of Election- J. toiv. Inspectors of Election H. O. Elli thorp, Peter Shecley. Treasurer Win J. Stubbs. horton township. Constable Thomas Rurcufield. Auditor O. E. Sherman-. Supervisors II. B. Slions, Horace French. Treasurer E. D. Alden. School Directors O. E. Sherman, Wilmer Mover. Assessor Walter Rudolph. Assistant Assessors G. II. Clinton; G. S. Him es and J. S. Chamberlin each had 2" voles. Town Clerk G. S. IJimes. JndKcof Election T. J. J'tVylor. Inspectors of Elcctioti A. J. Alden, J. S. Chamberlain. JAY TOWNSHIP. Justice of the Pence A. W. Gray. Treasurer A. 10. Coft'. Supervisors Elam Huller, Jas. M. Bateman. Constable C. M Weed. School Directors G. L. Thurston. Elam Miller Auditor Win. P. Luce. Town Clerk Justus Weed-. A-wwsor Justus Weed. Assistant Assessors R. I. Spnnjrler. J. W. Brown. Judc,c o'Election Jas. M. Brookins. Inspectors of Election Armel Tur lcy, C. J. Dill. Jom; Towxsiur. Supervisors M. M. Schultz, Christ Dill. Town Clerk A. T. Ald'rivh. Constable A. ( '. Cole. Collector M. Miller. Assessor John 1 i i ncrt-. Assistant Assessors J. L. Brovn, A. T. Aldneh. Town Treasurer Martin S'owers. School Directors J. C. Mei'crt, J. L. M urpiiy. Auditor O. M. Montgoiiiery. Judj,-e of Election John. Nagle. Inspectors of Election J. il,uigli tailiug, '1'be. Y'edctz. MILI-S'lOX K TOWNSHIP. T reasu rcr Go 1 frey Pa n ot t. Auditors G. C. ''. Holi; ii years; II. J. Clyle 1 year. Supervisors G. D. Donahey, T. Crow. School Directors G. D. .Donahey, Campbell IMair. Constable -James S Champion. Assessor Harrison Cats. Assistant Assessors Win. Clyde, J. W. Don ahey Judge of 'Election W, K. Moore. Inspectors of Election G-. W. Smith, A. L. Heeler. ISPUIXCt 1.-HKKK TOWNSHIP. Sujiervisors D. D. Davidson, Wm. P. Henry. Assistant Asssessors John Burns 25 votes; E. II. McAniuich 25 votes', Orvil Minor 25 votes. Auditor L. B. Elliott. School D'rectors Hiram Carman, Wm. A. lrwih. Town Clerk Win. Irwin 25 Votes; Anson Fr-denberg25 votes. Treasurer E. M. Rogers, Justice of the Peace Martin Perrin. Inspectors of Election Joseph Moore, Orvil Minor-. Judge of Election Win. Donne. Constable Matthew Shaii ley. A sscssor Reuben Moll 1 1 e v. ST. MARY'S nOItdl'o'lI. Chief Burgess Charles Weis. Town Council Charles Luhr, John Walker. Hi;ih Constable-Philip Volhner. Borough Constable Philip Yollmcr. School Directors Geo. Krelner, Louis Gies. Overseers of tlio Poor Theodore Miller. Charles Sehissle. Auditors W. C Spaftbrd, 1 year; Geo. E. Weis, 3 years Assessor Jacob K rails. Assistant. Assessors Anthony Au man, John . Vollmer. Judge of Election J. M. Mecum. Inspectors of Election George Mac-ken, Ignatius Schttut. The rifle shoot at Eranklin lhst week was not largely attended owing to bad weather. The distance was 200 yards, off hand. Dr- Isaac St. Clair, of Franklin, was awarded the. first prize and the championship of West ern Pennsylvania; H. A. Dempseyi of Kane City, second prize; W. J. Weber, of Dempseytown, third prize. .The strings measured as follows: Dr. Isaac Si. Clair, 31; H. A. Deinpsey, 37J ; W. J. Weber, 89J. Some men ctih beat that with one eyeshnt. Warren Mail. On a Iiiiii!i4-jsI o.i.l uW'tjnkill of cheesse just received at M'rirgeslrf'li Teii barrels of appk expectfeti at Morgester's.' i utMnftw..i...i.ti.iiii lit im nii n i umii Waaliiiigton U'.Mh Fr6hi oilr regular corrcspoiideut. AVashliigtort, D. C., Feiirttary 20. Senator Mct'reery's speech in favor of tho transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department, was the great event of the Week. Seiintor McCrcery has not made inaKy spbcchpft in Con gress, but he is known as" one of the ablest debaters In either House, and the announcement that he was to dis cuss the Indian question brought out the largest audience of the session. The galleries were packed, and every available space of the floor Irelow occu pied by members of the liouse tihd others, who enjoy the privileges of the Senate Chamber. The speech itself was a pointed and exhaustive presen tation of. the transfer side of the con troversy. One of the hardest hits in the speech was its reference to the Cloak of the Church so wickedly used to cover outrages and rascalities. The various agcritdes are supposed to be asslghetl to, and in a measure under the control of different denominations, and the agents appointed are under stood to represent the church to which the particular agency belong!. Church Influence is required to secure an ap pointment, and the whole business is managed iu the name of Christianity. Yet what a burlesque and what a dis grace it all is? .- While there is so much talk about Presidential candidates, and so much doubt as to who is the "coming man," Lon both shies, it is Interesting to gather up the various straws which indicate how the wind blows. The stands In the corridors of the Capitol where pictures of prominent men are kept on sale, are good places to gather straws. The people Who buy these pictures are not residents of Washington, but visitors to the capital from all parts of the country, so that the aggregate sales are a tolerably fair indication of the popularity of the different favorites-. The keeper of one of 'these stands on t lie Senate side recently said to a friend of mine who inquired about the sales of engravings of the prominent men of to-day : "I sell the most of Thurman, Conk ling, Ben Butler, Jim Blaine and John Sherman. You would be surprised," tie says, "to know how great a demand there is for Butler's pictures. Of the five I have just mentioned I think the honors would be divided between Thurman and Butler, next in order would lie Blaine, then Conkling, and then Sherman. I also have ti great many orders for Chief Justice Wuite. As for Hayes, I don't think I seU'ohe of his to ten of Speaker Randall, and yet I am on the Senate side. There is but little demand for Garfield, but some for Sam Cox and Fernando Wood and Gen. Banks, but the princi pal sales are con lined to those I have just mentioned. Of those who arc dead, the greatest demand is for An drew Jacknou, Abraham Lincoln, and Chief Justice Chase, though there is a fair market, for Geo. Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Webster, Secretary Seward, Secretary Stanton-, and Gem Thomas. You would lie surprised to know, also, the number of engravings 1 sell of Jell'. Davis and Gen. Lee. The sales of these two are not a-s extensive as those 1 have hereto fore mentioned, but urc considerable. Grant, for some reason, dont sell wel . It. may be ht-cmse every one has a likeness of him, but, I sell three of Sherman to one of Grant; yes Gen. Lee outsells Grant." From inquires at otbtr stands. I learn that more pietims are sold of Senator Thurmnii than any other public man-. The large sales of" Butler s phyMiogumy nvty beat-counted for from the general curi osity touching this most peculiar man, and" the notoriety he enjoys from his excentric public career. Mr. Spofl'ard, the Librarian, has just made an important addition to (lie Congressional Library. It is a com plete lile of journals published in Phil adclphia from 1773 to 1ST", in all 107 volumes, and comprising the Clay poole Advirincr, J''h Advr.rtir and the Xorth American, all well preserved and bound in calf. The bound volumes of newspapers In the Library of Congress now number over 0,0(10, and in this collection is a set of the London Gazette from 1005 to 1870. There is but one Other set in existence that belonging to tlie British Govern ment. The question of providing ad ditional room for the immense, and magnificent collection of books now under Mr. Spoit'urd's charge, is still agitating the Congressional mind, but s'o far it is all talk. The building of which so much has been said, is still visible in the mind's eye only. As the end of the scssson approaches all the sharks and lobbyists, who have little schemes in which they are inter ested, huddle together and prepare for a grand final rush. But the indica tions now are that the large raids upon the public Treasury will fail this session of even a respectful hearing. No time has yet been wasted upon any of ihein, and there is little chance of their getting a show now, though there is usually great danger in the final rush. Both Republicans and Democrats, however, are very intent upon various moves upon the political chess board, and neither side feels that it can afford to champion subsides of any sort. The Democrats are organiz ing for a united and determined effort to repeal the test oath for jurors, ami some obnoxious features of t he federal election law. It looks as though the appointment of Deputy Marshals and Supervisors of Elections by the Federal Government would have to lie dis pensed with hereafter. There never was any constitutional warrant for these things. The Western Union Telegraph Company is making desper ate efforts to defeat the measure to enable railroad companies to have telegraph lines and transmit messages for the public. If the measure passes it will take a large amount of business from this monopoly, which has bought up every competing line hereto. ore es tablished. Don PedkH. 'the public debt statement for the month of January shows a reduction of $2,751,980, and cash on hands J5382, 450,690. It appears from these figures that resumption Is a settled matter, and the nest question will be how to dispose of the accumulating cash in Jho treasury. It is further stated that where the choice is giveil the. public prefer greenbacks to coin in payment of interest on bonds. Hides, Sheep Pelts, and CaM Skills wanted lit 42 Main street.' PKKTtK SETtfcLt'E NE W A D VKll TlSMilSNTS. kjteuior' Notlc. Estate of Con rod Moyer, Sr.; late of Fox township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary upon said estate having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons Indebted thereto are requested to makb immedi ate settlement, nnd those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement ' JACOB MOYER, isn, i nlt4: We Pension Law. All pensions by law, begin back at day or discharge. Rejected cases also re-opened. Pensioners and applicants, send two stamps for iiew law, blanks and inst returns to N. W. Fitzokkald, Box 588 Washington, D. C. n 52 In lm. Est ate Sotice. ESTATE of Anna Dorothea. Eckle, late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and tlVost! having legal claims against Hie same will present them without delay in proper order for settlement, to JOSEPH ROIIONHOVER, Executor. E.dato Notice. ESTATE of Valentine Glatt, Jr., late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im medhite payment, and those bavin: legal Claims against the same, wiii present theni Without delay iu proper order for settlement, to LOUIS VOLLMER, 1 Fxeclltor. . CHARLEbSCHISSLEJ tx6cuwr'-. XOTUE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Commissioners of Elk County will hold a Court of Appeals at their office, in Ridgwnv, on THURSDAY ami FRIDAY THE 27TH AND 28T1I DAY'S OF FEBRUARY', 1879, for the purpose of hearing and determin ing appeals from the assessments, and revising the military enrollment for 1879, at which time and place all pors'onfi feeling themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or enrollment, can attend if they see proper. Bv order of the Board, Attest: W. S. HORTON, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, 1 February 1st, 1879. T "HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, ivitli MISS k. e. inzz. 4s Agent and Saleswoman-, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great carCi KMBKCHDEHIUS. LACE EDGE. FRINGES. IIANDkERCHtlCF. LADIES TtES. TOILET SETS. LI IS EN SUITS. CHILDREN. SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread ami needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of r.ll kinds. Framed mottoes tc, Ac. All cheap. o? the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. THE most useful present FOR YOUR WIFE, intended wife, mother or sister is one of our Nickle Plated nnd Polished Fluting and Crimping j'roiis. 4 irons on one'har.dh- and at greatly UEHiit i:i prices. King Revcrsabl'e Fluting lion, 3.50 Home Flutim; and Crimp ing Iron, $2.75. Sent Prepaid on receipt of price. Hamtt Manufg Co., Pittsburgh, Pa P. O. Box 8ti8, or Kid Penn avenue. An Agent Wanted in this County. a-cw Job Work EXECUTED PROMPT. job Printing. Note paper and envelopes at this office. FliOM THE FA THER OF THE It MP UBLICA N PA R TY. A. N. Colo Is the veteran editor of the Uen esHee Valley Free prewi. He Is tile mnn who lint culled ii convention Id the Stiite of New York to form the Kcpublleun Party in 185!. He write: Wellsvitle, N. Y. Jul), 16, '76. Dr. M. M; Fennel-, Fi-edonla, N. Y.. Iienr Sir: SeVenil member of my family having made use nf your Wood nnd I.lver Ruined v and N.-rvo Tonic, and satlsiied ns we lire if Its ellk-ucy, I desire to plli-ehate directly of yiui, 1 urn Intellisjeltlv convinced of the value of your People?-' Kehledlen. Send me by exnresHoneidalf dozen bot tles of the lilood nnd i.lver Kenieily iin.l Nerve Tonic lie spectfully A. N. CULK. Dr. Fen tier's Blood and Liver Rem edy aiul Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for it regulates and re stores the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billious ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or goiug into decline; cures Female Wcakuessand Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its. Dr. Feuner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. j Dr. Fehher's Golden Relief cures any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Dn Fenner's St. Vitus Daiice Spe ciflCi One bottle, always cures. For saJe by Drs. T. S. Hurtley and D. B. Day. You can get fresh oysters Tuesdays,. Thursdays and Saturdays at the corner . grocery. ' FKMNsYLV ANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie it. R- iMv; WINTER TI ME" TABLE. On nnd after SUNDAY, November 10 lft7, tho tralils on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will ruii as follows: WE8TAVARD. ERIK MAIL leaves Phila 11 f5 p. in. " " Renovo 11 CO a.m. " 41 IV.miinrlntti 1 Ift n m i it St. Mary's..2 07 p. m Ridgway..; :W p- m. " " Kane ;;.3 ..r) p. m. " ar'r at F.rlo ....1 M p. m. EASTWARD. Erik MAIL leaves Erie ii 20 a. m. " " . Kntio 3 35 p. in. " ' Rldgway.....5 0(i p. m. " St, Mary's..5 'Hi p. in. " ' Eniporium.H 20 p, m. " " Renovb 8 'At p. ni. " arr. at Phila 7 00 a.m. WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. TRADE MARK.I especiall yTRADtRX, r cenmmenu de as nu un failing cure for Seminal W e a k n e s s S pe r mat or- rhfU Itulin- Eofore Taking tency and all After Taking diseases tliat follow as n (cuenc.v on Self Abuse ; as Loss of Memory, 'Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in I he Back. Dimness of vission, Premature old Age, anl many other diseases that lead to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule "are first caused by deviating from thepathof nature and over indulgence The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence iii treating these specbl diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one The Specific Medicine Is sold by Druggists at $1 per package, or packages for So, or will bo sent mail on receipt of the money by all six bv ad- dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No.l Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. fcarSoId in RldgVvay by all Druggists, everywhere;. Harris & Ewlng, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. P A T E N T "s AND TRASS-MARKS. We procure Letters Patent on Inventions. No Attorney fees in advance In application for Patents in the United States. Special attention given to Inference Cases before the Patent Office, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or patents. We also procure Patents in Canada and other foreign countries. Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained, and all other business transacted before the Patent Office and thCourts which demands the services of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience us Patent Attorneys Tho Scientific Rsccrd. All Patents obtained through our agency are noticed iii the Scientific Record, a monthly paper of large cir culation, published by us. and devoted to Scientific and Mechanical matters. It contains full lists of all allowed Patents. Subscription 25 cents tt year postpaid. Specimen copy free. Send us your address on postal card. INVENTORS Send us a description of your Inven tion, giving your idea hi your own language, and we will give an opinion as to patentability, with full instruc tions, charging nothing for bur advice. Our book, ' How to Procure Patents,'' about tho Patent Laws, Patents, Ca veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc , Sent free on request. Address R. S.& A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneys, No. 604 F street, Washington. D. C-, Nearly Opposite Patent ottice. Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions. We have a bureau in charge of ex perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros ecution all Soldiers Claims, Pay, Bounty and Pensions. As we. charge no fee unless successful, stamps for re turn postsge should be sent us. R. S. & A. P. LACEY. Young men prepared lor active busi ness life. Advantages uneqiuded. Course of study and business training the most comprehensive, thorough and practical in existence. Students re ceived at any time. For circulars con taining full particulars address J. C. SMITH, A. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. n38in!m2. CYCLOPEDIA OF LITERATURE. 'i'he new eight volume Acme Edition of Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literature is meeting with the largest sale which has probably ever been given to a work having only high literature merit and nothing'of the sensational. A second edition of 5,000 copies of volume 1 Is announced as nearly all stiid within one month after issue of the first edition. Volume '1, just readyv elves the history and epitome of our literature, from the "golden age" of Queen Elizabeth to 1700, giving in its -110 beautiful pages biographies of ami choice selections from the writings of all noted authors of that period, among which are Lord Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Burton, Bishop Hall, John Knox, Milton, Dryden, Jeremy Taylor and others. The work is of such well known excellence that every person of literary taste possesses or desires to posses some edition of it This edition is complete in eight handy volumes, excellent in typography, paper and binding, revised to date, ami sold at prices so low, that a common question which tlie publishers have to answer Is, "whether the price is for each vol ume or for the entire work?" It is sold only to subscribers direct, the large discount usually given to dealers and agents, being ailowed to the sub scriber instead. The publishers make special inducements toearly purchasers the eight volumes complete being Kent prepaid, to those who subscribe before March 15th, in paper, tor $2 u0, in cloth, ?3.60, or in half morocco, gilt top, $5. Specimen pages are sent free oil request, or a specimen volume for examination, with prices In paper 120 cents; cloth, 35 cents; half mor occo, gilt top, 50 cents. AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, Publishers, 55 Jieekmau Street, New York. A specimen volume in cloth fean be seen at this office, and those who desire can add their names tt) a club which will soon be forwarded. i Four grades of sugar at Morgeatler'i Business ceids. bates of Advertising. Onsooltmin, cn yenr 5 0 i, it .. 2.5 W) 1? i, it it ;,'., 16 IW H'rmmlent odvortlHeh'iBiits per iiinre or clulit lines, one Insertion 1, two innortlona II.VI, three Insertion f-. , Uuslnesit curds, ten llneior less, per yenr Advertisements pnj'ablo quartern- GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY AT-LAW; Main street, Ridowuy, Elk Co., Pa. . HAUL & WCAULCY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32tf LUCORC: A HAMBLEN . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ridgway, Elk county, . Pa. Office across the hall from the ftcmocrat es tablishment. Claim's fof collection promptly attended to. jnel5,1870 G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTISTI N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgwnv, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign nnd Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed nt till hours, day or night. vlnSy J. S. B3RDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed b's office from Centre street to Main at reet, Ri'dgWay, Pa.. In the second story of the new -brick building of John O. Hall, west of the Hvdc House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7to 0 P.M. KIRS. N. T. CUHI (WINGS. A LARC1E ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES HATS JL'ST RECEIVE!? at Mrs. N. T. dimming, also ties, col lars, cuffs hoisery, gloves, and a gen eral assortment of Ladies' Fancy Goods. Remember the place, in H. S. Thayer's Building, Main street. Call and' examine before purchasing else where. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PF.USA. Volume i6 of this admirable work- is just out, making ii , complete. Each volume contains WO patres. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price So.i'O n volume in leather, or $7.00 in elenant half Tur key. C K. .lu.dson, Fredonia, N. Y., controls t lie sale iii Elk county. Ad- dress him for particulars. sepl7-tf HYDE HOUSE; W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto: fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con. ven fence of guests, to merit a continu ance of t lie same. oct-iO'ti'J MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to (lie citizens of Elk county that she bason hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking iu all its branches Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Tvory and Liirnum Vitw. Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl,7yl NOTICE is hereby given that a pe tition of citizens of Ridg way township will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the incorporation of a Borough of the town of Ridgway. Howe Sewing Siaciiines. . Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at Powell & Kime's ; ( Will be found an assortment of th ; celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machinesthe best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers Cordcrs, Henimers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &e., &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices and will be sold oii accommodating terms with approved security. Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. tf. . N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY i DAN SCRIBNEU WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he lias, started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES" and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. ille will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the l'ost Office will receive prompt attention. .. Aug'-iOlSTltf A GENTSl-f BMWANTEJJ FOR OUR G ti E A T IF 0 tilv i NOW IN PRESS, THE INDUSTRIAL Horisty of the United Sti tei Being a complete history of all the importaut industries of America, in cluding Agricultural, Mechanical: Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial and other enterprises. About .1,000. large octavo pages and 300 tine en gravings. No .Work Lika it Ever' Published For terms and territorv apply at ouee. THE HENRY BILL. PUB. CO.,' Norwich, Connecticut. v8nI3-6m CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTEri-HEAfcO; Af TIlIS OFFICE.'