AUDITOR'S SETTLEMENT. RECEIPTS AND ' EXPKKrDITURra OF ELK COTTNTY Foil TTtB YEAR END ING January 6, 1879. RECEIPTS. To fax rec'd from unseated lands $18,022 14 " tax rec'd from collector 6,618 12 " tax ree'd from seatedlands returned to county com missioners - 120 72 " amount rec'd from Ben zinger township for sup- itort of C. Nlst and Mary vrieg at D.xrnont 850 74 " amount rec'd from Jones township for support of A. Parsons and Julius . Stellingat Dixinont. 873 42 " am't rec'd from Kt.Mary's borough for support of M. Gregor nt Dixmont 51 Oil " am't rec'd for redemption , of 1 j nds from county C7 43 " am't rec'd on noteot coun ty vs. D. Kain 12 00 " ain't rec'd on judgment . of county vs. Pat k Lamb 30 10 ' am't rec'd on costs in Com . monwealth vs. Mary Cook 15 00 " am't rec'd on costs in Commonwealth vs. V. . Sweiers 20 00 " am't rec'd on judgment of Elk co. vs. Cameron co. 301 81 " am't rec'd, fine and costs , in Commonwealth cases 620 39 " am't rec'd for jury fees in Civil cases 44 00 $28,439 90 EXPENDITURES. By am't paid M. Weidert, commissioner, services 173 00 " am't p'd W. H. Osterhout, coniiiiissiouer, services, 123 00 " am't paid Geo. Keuscher, commissioner, services, 171 00 " am't paid V. S. Horton, commissioners' clerk 600 (0 " am't p'd Hall& M'C'auloy, commissioners' counsel, 100 00 " am't paid Daniel Scull. sheritl, bal. due for 177 4"2 10 " am't pd D. C Oyster, slier. 113 28 " amount paid constables . (officers' fees) 424 24 " am't paid justices (ofrs f.) 4-'4 24 " am't paid district attorney 2"-o 60 " am't p'd ct crier, M.L.Koss 72 60 " am't paid tipstaff 50 00 " am't p'd prothoiiotary. Sec 2.19 82 " ain't paid county auditors and clerk 07 00 " am't p'd const's, Com costs 217 84 " am't p'd justices " " 129 73 " am't )'d wit ii eses," " 622 94 " am't p'd assess's fornsses'g 170 20 " am't p'd asses's for regis'g 134 00 " am't ji'd grand jurors' 940 ;!2 " am't p'd t raverse jurors 1,730 44 ' am't p'd for jail expenses 1,508 82 " am't p'd Dixmont llosp'l : of A. Parsons Ull 5'l For support of Conrad Xist WW 0 For supii)rt(if M. (iri'ti'ir Hill 10 For support of J. Kt.'llins lj For support Kate Wiliiams 2 For support Mary Krcig Llio Forsupjiort Geo. Ansiinrer 1J: M For luteiest on above bills Ai 711 1,751 05 " am't p'd west'n peniteiit'y 112 OS " am't p'd forpuhlishingau ditors' settlement lor 1877 300 00 " am't paid for publishing elcrion proclamation ) 1 CO " am't, )!iid :or printing and advertising 170 TO " am I p'd cicction expenses 058 37 "am't paid lor mud views and damages 3 )8 CI " am't paid for stationery . and fiostage 54 20 'am t p'd hounf s.wolves.&c 43 00 am t p'd lor fuel and lights 118 11 " am't p'd lor repairs tn pub lic bu Mini's, painting, itc 247 52 " am't p'd court house exp's 22 00 " am t paid for institute ex penses for 1877 125 06 " am't p'd Geo. A. Kathbun audit'gprothonotur.v'sac't 9 00 " ain't paid for interest on county bond 68 71 ''am't p'd judgment note Jas. D. Wei hum's execu tors vs. Elk county 2C2 07 " am't paid Jury commis sioners and clerk 53 38 " am't paid oilicial steno grapher 123 69 " am't p'd premium on ins. on public luiildings 142 50 " am't paid Fenua. Reform School 300 79 " am't paid for establishing the meridian line 100 00 "am't paid for painting court yard fence 110 10 " am't p'd for lumber for court yard walk 13 6 " am't paid for blank books for prothoiiotary and com missioners' offices 74 5 " am't paid for miscellan eous expenses 23 23 " am't paid lor inquests 43 40 " am't p'd Jacob M'Cauley, treasurer, for commission on amounts received and disbursed 1.041 61 $14,7i'.3 95 13,j5 95 ,rexcessof receipts $28,450 90 Assets and Liabilities County, January 7th, OF ELK 1879. ASSETS. To am't county tax accrued on unseated lands subject to eoni'n and exoneration 9,900 41 " am't of tax due from col lectors, subject to commis sion and exoneration 0,1C4 09 " am't due from Fox town ship lor support of Kate Williams and Geo. Au- singer at Dixmont 742 Cl " ain't due from Jonestown- ship for support of Julius Btelling at Dixmont 53 65 " amt due from Lock Haven borough for support of John Condon, a lunatic, at Dixmont 365 00 " Judg't against llidg'v t'p 214 73 " judg't note ug'st A. Krcig 20 78 " judg tnoteng'stGeoKrieg 20 78 " judgment note against M. Herbstreet 28 78 juiigment note against J. L. and J. E. Boiihum 41 68 "judgment note against J. V. and J. G. George 32 83 " judg t note ag'st JosHanes 67 28 " amount due from Jacob M'Cauley, treasurer, as per auditors' settlement 4,677 61 $5,345 54 liabilities. By county orders outslnd'g " am't due Dixmont llosp'l ' am' t due D.C. Oyster, slier. " amount due Fred, fcichoen ing, prothoiiotary 802 93 170 85 9 74 411 80 961 32 24.384 22 " excess of assets $25,345 54 We. the undersigned, commissioners of Elk county, do 1 ereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the receipts and expendi tures, Ac, of Elk county for the year 1878, and also of the assets and liabili ties of said county at this date. MICHAEL WEIDEKT, ' W. H. OSTERHOUT. GEORGE R iUSCHER, County Commissionerst . Attest W. 8. Horton, Clcrk.- Amounts Received from the Shv- f.kal Collectors of Elk County DtTRINQ 1878. Collector. Township. Year. .. 7 ... '78 T6 ... '7 Co. State. vm. ciyno r-in.HMino P. 11. Wlnslow..UenecetLe. I 00 ISO 14 78 08 288 81 68 43 171 00 1110 00 Jacob Moyer Fox .., tillvln Do(lKe....Jny H. F.lselmnn Spring Creek Henry Hlesh. ...noneaettn...,. Michael Qintt...Hon?lngcr... Jno M'Mnckln..Fox Oco.W.CIInton.lInrton Kphr'm Hcw'ltt.Iny Lawrence Fee. .Millstone (l.D, McssctiKer.RhlKway W, A. Irwin sprhiK C'k ... Mb'h'l sti!lileht. Mary's Wm. M array... liene.ette .1. Hewitt Fox H.O.KlllihorpeHlKlilnnit '78 77 77 '77 l,o8 31 77 77 77 iMl W 77 1 KS 77 l 17 or, 13 20 '77 11 7t 77 I .OS!! 12 B 91 78 7;" (10 78 43') Oil 78 40 00 78 1M 57 78 1 10 83 r. liurcinieid.... Horton '7S Armel Tnrle.v....liiy ,. '78 James H.Wclls.Iones '78 .Ins. Champlon..Mlllstone '78 W.H. Horton. ..Hldawny '78 Miitt. Slmnley. Sprlntt U'k ... '78 Mlelil Hteblcii..St. Mury's '78 7H2 50 23 78 PS 00 452 04 44 00 51 00 0,513 12 StU 1 Amount Due from the Sev Collectors of Elk County, VARY 6. 1870. ERAL Jan- Tbx. 10(1 01 83 21 bl 53 73 81) ISO 81 138 78 3H2 Hi 4 ")9 611 110 2(1 9 OS Collector, Township. ...Horton Yenr. Nnllinn Hippie.... D, H. M'lnslow Uenezelte 78 .Incob Mover Fox 78 Thotuns Cxnipbcll 1 1 1 trli land 78 Piinlel Plmlen Horlon 78 Illnim F.lselinnn Hprlns; C'k... 78 Henry Hlesh Uenezelte ..... 77 MIoIiiipI (ilntt Ilenzlngcr..., '77 John M'MueUln Fox 77 Levi Fl Hth rope Hlvhlnml 77 (ieorao W. ( 'Union. ..Horton 77 Kplirnm Hewitt lny 77 Iloliei t Munett ...Jones '77 (l. I'. Messenger, Jr... KidRwuy 77 W. A. Irwin :..Sprlnsr C'k... 77 Wlllinm Murray llenezette 78 Flunk Wurnlth Men-ziner ... 78 Jprenilnli Hewitt...... Fox 78 Henry O. KlllthorpcHlaliliiml do Tlionins liureliflclil... Horton do Artncl Turley Tny do Jonies H. Wells Jones do Juines Chiiinpiun Millstone do W. S. Hfrton Hideway do Mutt. Shnnley sprlnn C'k... do Michael bteblch St. Mury's ... do SO 41 303 40 331 83 072 4(1 P.". 0 3 5S8 5S 0 78 78 68 (IS 01 474 07 5W1 23 1 68 01 08 1.200 70 238 53 1,104 70 89,101 09 Jacob M'Cauley, Esq., t- of Elk County, in Account with Said County foii the Year End ing January 6. 1S71. county fund. To bal. due from last settle ment 3,019 8: " tax rec'd from unseated lands 18,022 14 " tax rec'd on seated lands returned to county com'rs 126 73 " tax rec'd from col'lcrtors 6,513 12 " am t rec'd from J5enzinger tp on am't due Dixmont 85G 71 " am't rec'd from Jones tp on amount due Dixmont 873 42 " am't rec'd from 1st. Mary's boroon am't dueDixmont 51 00 " am't tax and costs on 400 acres in Highland tp, sold to county credited last year in error 21 03 " uni't rec'd fine in "Com monwealth vs. Yilson George 30 00 " am t rec'd on noteof coun ty vs. 1). Kain 12 00 " am't rec'd on .Judgment of county vs Patrick Lamb 86 16 " am't rec'd on costs in Com monwealth vs. Mary Cook 15 00 " am't reed on costs iii Com monwealth vs. V. A. Sweiers 20 00 " am't rec'd on judgment of Elk co. vs. Cameron co. sol 81 :30,85G 38 1 1,379 : 1 8,474 23 362 47 443 26 18 05 716 30 693 7 By county commiss'rs' re'pts for co. orders redeemed " county commiss's ree'pts for co. bonds redeemed " county commiss's' rec'pts for exoneration orders re deemed ' county commiss's' rec'pts for refunding orders re deemed ' county comrrtissV rec'pts for redemption orders re deemed " coiinty commiss's' rec'pts ( for orders to townships for Windl'el'iicr bal. redeemed "county lax and costs on lands sold to county " county tax on warrant 4'.)i)(j 495 acres of which was assess'd and charged in error " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 19 80 553 0 487 r-9 20,178 77 4,677 61 " bal due fund $30,850 38 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To bal. due account at last settlement, less eommis'n 15 12 " tax rec'd from collectors 63 94 570 (10 By balance due account 79 06 $79 06 SCHOOL FUNDS. BENEZETTE SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at lastsettle- n ion t 1 80 " amount tax received from unseated lands 3,512 05 3,513 85 68 77 " balance due treasurer $3,572 62 Bv school treasurer receipts 3,375 70 " tax on lands sold to co'ty " by tax on warrant 4990 405 acres assessed and charged in error " treas's com. on ain't ree'd " treasurer's com. on am't disbursed 34 36 24 75 70 24 67 51 $3,572 6 IiENEZETTE SCHOOL BUILDINCJ FUND. To balance due treasurer 6 J4 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement BENZINGEK SCHOOL FUND. To amount tax received from unseated lands 2,581 12 " balance due treasurer 1"8 09 $2,689 14 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement " exonerat'n ord's redeemed " school treasurer's receipts " school tax on lauds sold to county ' treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on ain't dis'd 189 94 10 95 2,247 13 144 5; 61 111 41 94 $2,689 14 BENZINOER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal. due fund at last set tlement 41 18 " am't tax rec'd from un. seated lauds 674 42 711 fcl 840 34 38 3' 13 41 6 81! 396 04 314 67 Bv school treasurer's receipts lt tax on landssold to county " treas. com. on am't rec'd . " treas. com. on am't disb'd " balance due fund 711 61 f 6 04 6 04 SO 04 FOX SCHOOL FUND. To bid. duo fund at last set tlement " lax rec'd from unseated lands " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county corn's 59 49 1,39) 24 96 84 1,549 57 25 19 bal due treasurer $1,574 76 By coin's' rec'pt for exonera tion onlorx rt'dopnipil 15 83 " school treasurer's receipts i,396 78 " tax on landssold to county 104 43 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 29 80 " treas. com. on am't disb'd ". 27 92 $1,574 76 FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 43 43 " tax received from unseat ed lands 1,052 99 ' tax rec'd from seated lands returned tijconnnissioners 73 14 $1,169 56 By commissioners' rec'pt for exoneration orders re deemed " school treasurer's rec'pts " school building tax on lands sold to county " treas com. cn ain't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 13 19 1,011 68 77 61 22 52 20 23 1,145 2$ 24 83 $1,109 56 " balance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To balan e due fund at last settlement 321 19 " tax rec'd from unseated lauds 1,027 66 $1,348 85 By school treasurer's receipt 1,301 39 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 20 65 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 26 02 1,347 9G 08 " balance due fund $1,38 85 HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement ' 68 97 " tax rec'd from unseated lands 1,273 76 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. 1 68 1,344 41 By school treasurer's rec'pts 1.207 56 treas. com. on am't rec'd &o oo treas. com. on am't disb'd 25 35 1,318 41 " balance due fund 26 00 $1,344 41 HORTON SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To am't received from school treasurer By balance due treasurer at bust settlement JAY SCHOOL FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated lauds " balance due treasurer 1.574 40 13 44 $1,587 90 By balance due treasurer at last setl lenient 62 22 " school treasurer's receipts 1,441 91 " tax on landssold to county 16 40 " treas. com. on am't rec d 31 43 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 28 89 $1,587 00 JAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 67 08 $07 68 60 33 1 20 61 53 6 15 $67 ti8 By school treasurer's receipts " by treas. com. on am't dis'd " balance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND, To bal. due fund last settle ment " tax received from uuseat- ed lauds " tax rec'd from seated lands sold to county commis'rs 198 00 2,705 98 6 37 $2,970 45 By county commissioners' receipt for exoneration or ders redeemed " school treas. receipt " treas. com'n on am't rec'd " treas. com'u on am't disb'd 6 55 2.S46 27 55 31 50 92 2,934 05 6 40 " balance due fund $2,970 45 JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 96 94 " tax received from unseat ed lands 614 66 $711 60 By school treas. receipts " treas. com. on unit rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 685 61 12 29 13 70 $711 60 MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To tax received from unseat ed lands 723 71 " tax received from seated lands returned to county commissioners 17 20 $740 91 By school treas. receipts '' school tax on lands sold to county ' treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 689 30 17 99 14 81 13 78 735 88 " balance due fund 5 03 $740 91 KIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 29 " tax rec'd unseated lands 2,156 04 2,156 83 " balance due treasurer 39 00 2,195 33 2,070 47 By school treasurer's rec'pts '' school tax on landssold to county " treas com. on am't rec'd ' treas. com. on am't disb'd 40 84 43 41 2,195 SPRING CHEEK SCHOOL FUND. To tny received from unseat ed lands 1,417 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. 18 1,436 '" balance due treasurer 1.437 67 56 $67 56 67 56 $67 56 By school treasurer's receipt 1,B6J 68 " school tax on laildssold to . county 20 87 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 28 72 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 27 21 1,437 88 ST. MAUv'a SCHOOL FtTlijri. To balance due fund at last scuiement Tax received from unseat ed lands tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. 83 19 43 25 12 (0 88 50 78 74 09 6 24 1 10 1 48 82 79 6 71 88 50 By county com. rec't for ex oneratlon orders redeemed " school treasurer's receipts " tax on landssold tocounty " treas com. on ain't rec'd " treus. com. on am't dtsb'd " balance due fund ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAD FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated lands 2,294 97 balance due treasurer 42 28 2,337 25 8 52 1,708 00 495 00 23 40 By bal. due treas. last settle't county commis'rs' rec'pt for road orders redeemed " to vnship treas. receipts " road tax on lands sold to county " road tax on warrant 4996 495 acres assessed and charged in error " treas. com. on am't rec' 1 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 12 38 45 89 44 00 2,337 25 BENZINOER KOAD FUND. Tax rec'd f 'm unseated lands 2,566 96 2,636 96 36 81 10 95 1,648 00 499 85 128 06 42 95 By bal. due treas. las! settim't " commis'rs' rec'pt forexon eration orders redeemed " commis'rs' rec'pt for road orders redeemed ' township treas. rec'pts " road tax on lauds sold to county " treas. com. on am't disb'd 2 417 95 149 01 " balance due fund 2,r66 90 BENZINGER ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last'setm't 6i i!8 tax receiv'd from unseated lands l,::8l 4-' 1,351 1 71 44 " balance due treasurer 1,423 15 5 " 1,301 96 64 03 25 00 'JO By county com'rs' rec'pt for exoner n orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " cash tax on lands soldco'y " treas com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disj .1 1,43 15 FOX ROAD FUND. To bal due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds 129 78 1,385 12 1,514 90 29 94 " balance due treasurer 1,544 24 By county comrs recpts for exoneratn orders redeemed county comrs receipts for road orders redeemed township treas. rec'pts road tax on land sold co treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt dish 13 19 1,123 On 332 57 18 67 27 70 29 1 1 1, 44 24 FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FJKI). To bal. due fund last set'm't 26 77 tax rec'd f'm unseated 1'dj 72-5 77 752 54 balance due treasurer 183 60 930 14 13 19 880 70 10 07 17 61 By county com. rec'ts for ex onerat'ii orders redeemed township treas. receipts cash taon l'ds sold county treas. com. on am't disb'd 936 14 HIGHLAND ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set m t 82 6 tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds 1.771 20 1,853 56 1,247 00 100 0'1 By county com. recpt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts treas. com on amt recei ed treas. com. on amt disbd 35 4: 26 94 1,409 36 444 20 1,853 56 balance due fund HORTON ROAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 1,273 85 1,273 85 76 76 1,052 00 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com recpt for road orders redeemed treas com. on amt reed treas. coin, on unit disbd 20 47 21 04 1,175 27 balance due fund OS 1,273 1,809 JAY ROAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids ),8u9 1 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. recpt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on lands sold co. treas com. on amt reed, treas. com. on amt disbd 1,420 286 16 86 34 1,793 balance due fund 15 u: 1,809 JAY CASH FUND. To bal- due fund last setmt 5 30 6 30 By township treas. receipts treas. com. on amt disbd 4 21 4 29 12 balance due fund JONES ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt tax reed from unseated Ids tax reed from seated lands returned to county com; balance due treasurer 1 01 40 6 215 83 8,338 26 3 71 90 3,557 16 3,558 By county com. recpt for ex. oneratn orders redeemed 38 county com. rccjit for road orders redeemed township treas, receipts treas. com. on unit received treas. com. on amt disbd 2,012 00 806 23 06 84 68 86 8,658 98 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To tax reed from unseated Ids 1,807 49 tax reed from seated lands returned to county com. 30 82 1,83 81 17 40 600 00 719 13 35 46 20 70 24 88 1,323 24 15 07 By bnl. due treas. last setmt county com. recpt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on Ids sold county treas. com. on am't reed treas. com. on amt disbd balance due fujid 1,338 31 MILLSTONE CASH FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt 15 76 tax reed from unseated Ids 885 95 401 71 1 20 402 91 375 23 12 47 7 71 7 50 balance due treasurer By township treas. receipts cash tax on lands sold co. treas. com on amt receivd treas. com. on amt disb 402 91 R1DOWAY ROAD FUJfD. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 2,057 04 71 09 2,128 13 32 64 35 59 1,618 f.O 322 73 39 22 41 14 38 81 balance due fond By bal due trtas. last setmt county coni receipt lor re funding orders redeemed county com. receipt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on land sold o. treas. com. on am't reed treas. com. on amt disbd 2,128 13 RIDGWAY CASH FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt 285 31 tax recu fm unseated lands 3,188 44 3,4,-3 75 49 13 balance due treasurer 3,522 88 3,343 22 49 04 63 70 60 86 By township treas. receipt cash tax on land sola co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt di.ibd 3,522 88 firRING CREFK ROAD FUND. To tax reed from unseated Ids 1,467 tax reed trom seatetl lands returned to county com. 34 1,502 155 1,188 70 9 30 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. receipts tor road orders redeemed township treas receipts road tax on laud sold co. treas com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt. disbd 25 1,478 24 balance due fund 1,5 2 SPR1NU CREEK CASlf FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 682 tax reed from sealed lands returned to county com. 20 602 Bv township trciw. recpts 659 cash tax on land sold to co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt disbd 7 06 12 11 699 12 balance due fund 602 ST. MARY'S RO.1 FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt tax reed I'rom unseated ids tax reed from seated lands returned to county comrs 54 13 ot By comrs receipt for exoner ation orders redeemed borough treas. receipts road tax on land sold to cn treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt disbd 52 5 1 1 61 bal due fund 7 26 68 31 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 27 tax reed from seated land returned to county comrs 6 30 83 b By bal. due treas last setmt comrs receipt for exonera tion orders redeemed borough treas. rec'pts " cor. tax on I'd sold to co'ty " treas. com. on ain't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 26 2 7 30 3 33 " balance due fund POOR FUNDS. BENZINOER POOR FUND To bal due fund last set'm't 77 1.2H4 1,361 69 58 " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'ds " balance due treusurer 85 29 1,430 5 1,309 64 25 20 29 00 By co'y com. rec'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold to co. " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 00 84 52 18 1,430 13 67 FOX POOR fund. To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd I ds " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 17 632 12 29 662 13 " balance due treasurer By co'ty com. rec'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on uni t rec'd " treas. com. on ain't disb'd 575 6 629 18 10 10 08 30 13 675 40 HORTON POOR FUND To hal dua fund last set'm't " tax rec'd fin unseated Ids " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. 44 209 24 174 98 254 By township treas. receipts " tra. com. on am't rec'd 190 4 5 55 '' treas. com. on am't disb'd 8 80 197 60 " balance due fund 254 39 1,609 1 JONES POOR FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'da " tax rec'd from seated Id'a returned to county com. 1,710 2 1,689 . 33 82 By co'ty com. rec'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 1,708 1 " balance due fund 1,710 ' MILLSTONE POOR FUND. To tax rec'd f ni unseat d l'ds 205 51 " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county coin. 0 271 255 6 6 5 By township trens. receipts ' poor tax on i d soki co ty 1 treas. com. on am't rec'd ' treas com. on am't disb'd 371 271 " balance due fund RIDGWAY POOR FUND, To tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds " balance due treasurer 958 40 27.01 980 01 143 71 792 58 14 71 19 16 15 85 980 01 By bal due trens. last set'm't " township treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas; com. on am't disb'd SPRING CREEK POOR FUND To tax rec'd from seated I'd returned to county com. 6 12 6 12 12 6 00 6 12 . 51 30 95 6 30 37 .0 53 30 34 3 11 74 60 35 32 2 44 37 75 By treas com. on am't rec'd ""balance due fund To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. By county com. rec'pt for ex onerat'n orders redeemed " borough treas. receipts " poor tax on 1 d sold co'ty " treas. com. oil am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 95 60 " balance due fund 55 04 00 35 l6 05 STATE ROAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDGWAY AND ST. MARY'S STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd from unseated lands in Benx.inger tp " tax rec'd from unseated lands in Jones township "tax rec'd Irom unseated lands in Ridgway town'p 565 2,555 S,3U 3,198 16 2-1 29 55 9, ii5 180 " balance duo treasurer 75 9,839 16 0,278 177 By county com. rec't for ex- onerat'n order redeemed " State road treas. rec pis " do do tax on l'dssoldco. "' treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on a n't disb'd 00 44 181 135 05 18 9,839 42 STATE M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " balance due treasurer 33 42 8,411 251 9' 75 3,063 By am'tpd Fred. Sehronitip, as per And. Bailey's report " am't p'd W. S. liorton, as per And. Bailey's report " am't p'd Hall fe M Cauley, attorneys for creditors " am't p'd Win. J. Stubbs, treas. Highland t.iwnship "am't paid Martin Sowers, treas. Jones township !' treas. com. on am't disb'd 4S 23 60 4 1 2,035' 300 1,250 71 3,60a 31 78 54 33 35 05 05 UIDOWAY AND 11KOOKVILLI3 STATE KOAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't - 0 40 " tax rec'd from unseated land in Kidnway town'p 2,349 29 ' tax rec'd from unseated land in Spring Creek tp 1,170 73 37 3,540 40 3,581 3,399 43 70 67 3,561 " balance due treasurer By State road treas. receipts " State road tax I'd sold co. " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 29 09 67 52 61 06 67 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE UOAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 22 By balance due fund 21 03 24 41 Jacob M'Cauley, Esq., Treasurer of Flk coun ty, In account with the Redemption Fund of said comity for the year eliding Janu ary ti, ls7ii. fc: 1 '4 . j. .t 05 47 29 03 08 18 t 5 Si S S S S il S? S i! lil of-1 I5S C jj 3 S 4 65 vt x 2 S3 . & 0; e- .5: 3 72 83 10 :2 5 it a c as- Of C 3 65 02 6 3 - 3 n 13n zn r an 2 n 67 59 2o 41 89 68 Gx. 67 r t s : t r t tt t"- i 5 56 17 h a 2 5" " Ms 1 48 a liiSiif 21 00 W Jacob M'Cauley, Esq., Treasurerof Elk Comity, In account with the Com Hion wealth of Pennsylvania, for th a At. .-..iit-,. .Taimnrv A. 1879. 89 2'J yvv i tuning -i - to bal. due com; lastsetment tavern licences reed, lis per report of elk of quarter ees. eating house Hc'es rec'd as per report of elk of qr. sea. retails' lices reed, as per mercantile apprs rept 188 brews' lies rccd, as per mer cantile appraisers rept 188 billrd lies reed, as per rept mercantile appraiser 18(8 billiard licence applied for nlid lifted afterapppraismt circus licence received am t reed fm F. SchoanlnK for tav lie reed by him '76 six copies pamphlet lawn for 1878, 69 cents .21 84 01 27 12 77 50 40 79 40 00 12 2,303 70 959 45 807 60 47 60 95 00 86 60 By St. trens. recpt. tav. lies. By St. treas. recpt. tav. lies. By St. treas. recpt liquor lie. By St. treas rec- eat'g h lie. By St. treas. rec. billiard lie By St treas. rec. brewers lie. By amt paid advertising ap praiser s list, 1878 By treas. com. on um't reed By bal. due Commonwealth 89 90 20 87 43 10 72 00" 113 78 2,299 48 4 22 60 80 90 2,803 70 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk Co-, for the yenr 1870, hnvlnR met i hecom mlssloners' office In Ridgwny, in Fold county, on the 11 nit Monday of .Imiuury. A. D. IB '. being the sixth day of the month, for the pur pose ol midlting, settling and adjusting the Beeounts of the several eosnty "ueerj' udlonrned to Tuesday. Janiiioy 7, IH "J which time we proceeded to audit, settle Rim lullust the accounts of the several county ollleers, mid found them correct, as staled in this our report. , Jacob McCaulry, Esq., treasurer of snld county, having been duly notified, was pres ent In person and presented his account. , Alter havim? carefully examined, audited, and iiillnsted tlie accounts ofthosald JncoD McCauiey, we found due from him, the saw treusurer. to the several funds, a8 is fully set forth In the foreaoinK report, the sum of six thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars and three cents, and due to him, the KJ treasurer, from certain funds, us Ret forth in said foreuniiitf report, the sum of one thous two hundred and eighty-four dollars mid seventv-one cents, leaving a net balance or live thousand two hundred and thirty-live dollars and thirty-two cents due to the said county of Elk from the said treasurer. . Also, due from the said treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum or fuitr dollars and twenty-two cents, as Is fully ret fourth in the foreuoiiiK report. in witness w hereof, we have hereunto, set our hands this ifcth day of Januury, A. D' 18 79. T T T A VT r l CHARLES mIlleu, t( J. .M. MECU.M. 1 Co. Aud'rs. Attest M. S. Kline, cioik. The Commissioner of Elk county in account witii said county for the year ending January 1, 1879. JUichacf Weidert. To county orders received 175 00 By 68 1-3 days' service, $3 .' W. IL Osterhout. To.county orders received 70 91 85 53 By 41 days' service, $3 Ocorgr. JRcuscher. To county orders received 9 4 ! By 57 days' evrvice, $3 171 00 D C. Oyster, Esq., llich Sheriff of Elk county, in account witii said county for the year ending Jan 0, 1879. To fines and costs collected in commonwealth cases 600 89 jury fees reed in civil cases 44 00 county orders received for fees and boarding prisoners 1,046 19 $1,089 68 42 50 10 10 86 50 76 By j nil account for boarding and washing lor prisoners up to January 1, 1879, 931 91 serving jurors, May, Sept. and Nov. terms, lt78, unci January term, 1879 413 'J8 convey ingPut. Simmer line to eniteiitia.iy 75 00 conveying (ioixlimin and Dai ley to penitentiary 125 0C lees in criminal cases 68 75 tees on commitments 19 50 execut'g attachment, cniii monweaith vs Siinmerlino 100' serving sub comth vs. W. Einniett, jr 3 00 serv paprscom v. A. Chase 3 45 drawing 5 juries dur 1878 6 00 pub. electn proclamation 1 00 serving notices in matter of Frank Kenig, lunatic 4 60 Herv. papers for rev of road Trom Bene.elte to A.V.It. 7 20 serv sci. fa judgment of county vs Overholizer 60 serving bench warrant, commonwealth vs Cofteo 9 50 fur. 2 pair blankets for jail 8 OO fur. 2 coverlets for jail 4 00 cash paid for repg shackles 1 75 8 days, tilling jury wheel for 1 879 7 o(y , 1,679 84 balance due sheriff 9 74 .u , , $1,689 58 VN e, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county lor the 5 ear 1870, having met at the co.iunissioners' olrice in Ridaway, In said county, 011 the flrst Monday in January, A U 18 79. heiiift the sixth day ol' the month for the purpose of aadllliiK, s -ul!m and ad justing the accounts of Hie several county ollleers, we adjourned to Tuesday, Januury 7th. 1870, at which time we pr. eeeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts 01 the several county olliiers, as set forth in thia our report. Daniel C. Oyster, Esq., hinh RherifTof said county, was present iu person and presuted his account. 75 84 50 58 00 00 8:J 7-j 42 72 14 22 54 40 98 14 22 22 Alter carefully examining, auditing, sot tlliiK and adjusting his accounts, we found uuciosaid Kheritl, from the said county of I.Ik, the sum of nine dollars und seventy four cents, which sum we hereby certifv to be true and correct, as set forth in the foregoing btatement. in witness whereof, wo have hereunto set our hands the Usth day of January, A. D, J. J. TAYLOR. ) CHAHLF.H MILLER,? Co.Aud'M. J. M. MECU.M, ) Attest M. a. liuMs, Clerk. 3 t.s. The Commissioners of the Kane Ridg way and St Mary's State Boad. in account witii Ihe funds of said road for the year ending Jan. 27, 1879, To bal. due fund last setmt 3,107 II amt reed fm Elk cn treas 9,278 40 amt reed from M'Kean co treas 1,600 00 $13,885 51 718 21 1,654 93 1,203 88 By amt paid Thos. L. Kane for work in Sergeant tp -amt pd Geo. I) Messenger, jr., for work in Hidgwy tp amt paid Wilcox tanning co. for work in Sergeant tp amt paid Wilcox tanning co. for work in Jones tp. amt paid John Kagle for1 work in Jones township amt pd J. Dolund for work in Jones township amt paid W.' S. Hortou, general fund unit paid J. L. Brown, general fund amt paid John Ernhout, commissioner Jonea tp 2 - 2, 28 10 860 00 100 00 667 00 125 00 90 00 40 00 60 00 850 00 8 60 175 00 175 00 175 00 123 00 123 00 123 00 123 00' l'7'l 00 171 00 i71 00 2,021 82 83 86 60 00 600 10 00' r72 0tf A