AUDITOR'S SETTLEMENT. Rkceipts and Expenditures of Elk County for the Year End ing January 0, 1879. receipts. To tax rec'd from unseated lands $18,022 1 i " tax rec'd from collectors 6,513 12 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com missioners " amount rec'd from Bcn zinger township for sup Iiort of C. ist and Mary Crleg nt Dixmont '" amount rec'd from Jones township for support of A. Parsons and Julius Stelling nt Dixmont, " am't rec'd from St.Mory'H borough for support of M. Grc.or at Dixmont " am't rec'd for redemption of lands from county " ain't rec'd on noteof'coun- ty vs. I). Kaln " am't rec'd on judgment of county vs. Pat' It Dumb " am't rec'd on costs in (Com mon wealth vs. Mary Cook " ain't rec'd on costs in Commonwealth vs. W. Swcicrs " amt rec'd on judgment of Elk co. vs. Cameron co. " am't rec'd, Pine ami costs in Common wealth eases " am't rec'd tor jury fees in civil cases 120 72 850 74 873 42 61 CO 67 43 12 00 30 10 15 00 20 00 301 81 620 3!) 44 00 $2 459 90 EXl'KNDm'RKS. By am't paid M. YVeidert. commissioner, services 175 00 am't p'd W. II. Osterhout. commissioner, services, 123 00 " am't paid Geo. Keuscher, commissioner, services, 171 00 " am't paid V. S. llorton, commissioners' clerk 500 CO " am't p'd Hu!l& M'Cauiey, commissioners' counsel, 100 00 " am't paid Daniel Scull. sheriff, bal. due for 1877 452 10 " am't pd D. C Oyster, slier. 113 28 " anion nt paid constables (oillcers' fees) . 424 24 " am't paid justices (ofrs f.) 421 24 " am't paid district attorney 295 50 " am't p'd ct crier, M.L.Ross 72 50 " am't paid tipstaff 50 00 " am't p'd prothonotarv,&c 239 82 " ain't paid county auditors and clerk 07 00 " am't p'd eonst's.Com costs 217 84 " am't p'd justices " " 120 73 " am't p'd witnesses," " 522 04 " ain't p'd assess's forusses'g 170 20 " am't p'd asses's forregis'g 134 00 " ain't p'd grand jurors 940 32 " am't p'd traverse jurors 1,730 44 am't p'd for jail expenses 1,508 82 " am't p'd Dixmont Ho.sp'l : ForsupU;rt of A. Parsons 1! "'J For support oH'onrad Nist (ij For supMrtof M. I livirnr pill 10 For support of . I. Stelling .j For support Kate Williams L'sl i;.) For support Mary Krcig LMu ) For support (Jeo. An -inircr ll'l 8"i For Interest on above bills ! 70 1,754 05 " am't p'd west'n penitent'y 112 08 " am't p'd fnrpuhlishinguu ditors settlement for 177 300 00 " am't paid for puhli.-hing election proclamation 101 00 " am't paid for printing and advertising 170 TO " am't ji'd election expenses 05S 37 "am't paid for road views and damages 308 04 " am't paid for stationery and postage 64 20 ''am't p'd bount's, wolves, &e 43 00 " am't p'd for fuel and lights lis 11 " am't p'd for repairs to pub lic buildings, painting, !c 247 52 " am't p'd court house exp'a 22 00 " am't paid for institute ex penses for 1877 125 06 ' ain't p'd Geo. A. Ruthhun audit'gprothonotary'suc't 0 no " am't nil for liilcicst Oil county bond OS 71 ''am't p'd judgment note Jas. I). Yetl:am's execu tors vs. Elk county 202 07 " am't paid jury commis sioners and clerk 53 38 " am't paid oliichd steno grapher 128 00 " am't p'd premium on ins. on public buildings 142 50 " am't paid I'ciinu. Reform School 330 70 " am't paid for establishing the meridian line 100 00 "am't paid for painting court yard fence 110 10 " am't p'd lor lumber for court yard walk 15 51 ' am't paid for blank books for pmthnuotary and com missioners' offices 74 50 " am't paid for miscellan eous expenses 23 23 " am't paid for inquests 48 40 " am't p'd Jacob M'Cauiey, ' treasurer, for commission on amounts received ami disbursed 1,041 51 S14.7G3 95 13,005 95 " excess of receipts $28,459 90 Assets and Liahu.ities County, Jancahy 7th, of Elk 1879. ASSETS. To am't county tax accrued on unseated lands subject to com'n and exoneration 9,906 41 " am't of tax due from col lectors, subject to commis sion and exoneration 9,104 09 " am't due from Fox town ship for Hiipport of Kute Williams, and Geo. An singer at Dixmont 742 61 " am't due from Jonestown ship for support of Julius Stelling at Dixmont 53 55 " unit due from ljock Haven borough for sujiport of John Condon, a lunatic, at Dixmont 305 00 ' judg't against Ridg'y t'p 214 73 " judg't note ag'st A. Krcig 20 78 " Judg'tuoteag'stUeoKrieg 26 78 " judgment note against M. Herbstreet 26 78 "judgment note against J. L. and J.'E. JSouhaui 41 58 "judgment note against J. V. and J. G. George 32 33 "judg't note ag'st JosHaues 67 28 " amount due from Jacob M'Cauiey, treasurer, as per auditors' settlement 4,677 61 ?25,345 64 LIAUII.ITIKS. By county orders outstand'g " am't due Dixmont Hosp'l " am't due D.C. Oyster, slier. " amount due Fred. Schuun ing, prothonotary 802 03 176 85 9 74 411 80 0G1 32 24,384 22 " excess of assets $25,845 54 We, the undersigned, commissioners of Elk county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the receipts and expendi tures, &c, of Elk county for the year 1878, and also of tlie assets and liabili ties of suid county at this dale. MICHAEL WEIDNKT, W. H. OSTERHOUT. GEORGE REUSCJIER, Co tin ty Comm issioners. Attest W. 8. Hohtox, Clerk. Amounts Received from the Sev eral Collectors of Elk County 1878. Collector. Town Rlil p. Year. . .Mlllslono '72 Co. Stale. Wm. Clyde. 8 00 1J. 11. v IHRlow..Henc7.iUo. '7(1 ISO 14 Jacob Mover Fox '7(1 70 OS Ollvln Dodge Iny '711 2WI HI xi. r.isoiman Mpi'higcrcek '70 fW 48 Ileury Hlosh. ...l'.om7.ette '77 17 1 W) Michael (tlfilt...P,ciiKiiiger '77 Ion 00 ,1no M'Mackln..Fox , '77 l,0tiH 81 (lert. V. Hilton. llorton '77 77 Kphr'm llewltt,..jny '77 1! till Lawrence Fee. .Millstone '77 ftt NK U.D.Mcssenger.KtdKWiiy ...... '77 Mil m W. A. Irwin Npring ck ... '77' K1 7i Mleh'l H tehleli si,. Mary's...- '77 1.0s-i 42 Win. Miirrny...l!ciii:.eite '7S 75(H) .1. Hewitt Fox '7S tl?n IN) H.O.F.IlHlioT-pe Highland '78 4(1 00 T. liurch Held. ...llorton '7S 1U1 S7 Ariiieri'iirley....Iny '7S 110 M James il.Wclls.loncs "7 7112 60 Jus. Clmiiiplon.Mlllstone '7S US 00 WiH. IIortou...Iidgway '7S 452 nt Mutt. NlinnlcV.Hprlng l"k ... '7S 41110 Miehlftcbicii..St. Mary's '78 54 00 17 05 13 i!0 0 01 Zl 78 t,5i3 12 sm in Amount Due from the Revehal Collectors of Elk County. Jan uary 6. 1879. Collector. Township, Yenr. .. '75 .. '70 Tax. inn 01 H.1 21 i-Muimu jiinpiu riorion P. H. Wlnctow Henezc'.to .Ificob Moycr p'ox Thomas Ciinipbcll Hldlihmd Daniel I'halen llorton Htrain riselmaii fsprlnjr C"k... Henry Illesh liene.ette Mlehael (ilatt Hunzingcr,... John M'Mel In Fox Levi F.lllthrapc Hijilihind !eorito V. Clinton. ..llorton Kplirniii Hewitt Jnv Kohert Manott Tones (1. 1). Messenxer, Jr...ltUlawny W. A. Irwin Spring C"k... Wtlliani Murray liene.ette Frank Warnltli Renzingtr.... .leieinlah Hewitt...... Fox Henry 0. F.lUlhorpe..lllrhliiiid Thonias Hurehlield...Horton Arniel Tiirley lay .lanieq H. Wells Tones James ( 'hanipion M il Islnne W. s. Horton lildtrwov Matt. Slmnley spring C k... Mleliuel Steblch St. Mary's... . 52 53 73 SO '70 '70 '70 '.7 '77 77 '77 '77 '77 '77 '77 77 TH '7S '7A do do do do do do do do I SO M VA 7fl 302 S.5 450 HO 110 2(1 9 IIS SO 41 303 4(1 (172 48 Hi o:l 5s 58 (S0 7S 720 08 IIS 01 471 (17 50!) 23 101 mi 01 OS 1,200 70 aw 53 1.101 TO S9.101 00 Jacoh M'Cauley, Esq.. Treasurer of Elk County, in Account with Said County for the Year End ing January 0. 1S70. county fund. To bal. due from last settle ment 3,019 84 tax rec d from unseated lands 18,022 14 tax recti on seated mints returned to county com'rs 120 73 " tax rec d from collectors 0,513 12 " am't rec'd from JJenzinger tp on am t due Dixmont 856 71 " am't rec'd from Jones tp on amount due Dixmont 873 42 " am't rec'd from St. Marv's boro on am't due Dixmont 51 00 " am't tax and costs on 400 acres in Highland tp, sold to county credited last year in error 21 03 " am't rec'd fine in Com monwealth vs. Wilson George 30 00 " am't rec'd on note of coun ty vs. D. Kain 12 00 " am't rec'd on judgment of county vs. Patrick Damb 30 1G " am't rec'd on costs in Com monwealth vs. Mary Cook 15 00 " am't rec'd on costs in Com monwealth vs. V. A. iSweiers 20 00 " am't rec'd on judgment of Elk co. vs. Cameron co. 301 81 $30,856 38 By county eommiss'rs' re'pts 1... 1 i iur uu. uiuris letiet'iueu " county commiss's' rec'pts for co. bonds redeemed " county conimiss's' rec'pts for exoneration orders re deemed " county conimiss's' rec'pts for refunding orders re deemed " county conimiss's' rec'pts for redemption orders re deemed " county cominissv lev'ta j' for orders to townships for Windfcl'der bal. redeemed " county tax and eots on lands sold to county " county tax on warrant 4000 405 acres of which was assess'd and charged in error '"treas. com. on ain't rec'd " treasurer's commission 011 amount disbursed 8,474 302 443 710 003 19 4S7 0 20,178 77 4,077 01 ?:i0,8-:0 38 " bal due fund STATE TAJ Af'ffifVT To bal. due account at last settlement, less commis'n " tax rec'd from collectors ' 15 12 03 04 f 70 00 70 06 5-70 00 By balance due account SCHOOL FUNDS. bexezette school fund. To bal. due fund at iastsettle- nient 1 80 " amount tax received from unseated lands 3,512 05 3,513 8.5 58 77 " balance due treasurer 3,572 C2 3,375 70 34 SO By school treasurer receipts " tax on lands sold to co'ty " by tax on warrant 4000 4'.i5 acres assessed and charged in error " treas's com. on am't rec'd " treasurer's com. on am't disbursed 24 75 70 24 07 51 $3,572 C2 HENEZETTE SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. To balance due treasurer 0 04 $6 04 6 04 $6 04 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement BENZINfiER SCHOOL FUND. To amount tax received from unseated lands 2,581 12 " balance dye treasurer 108 00 $2,C80 14 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement " exonerat'n ord's redeemed " school treasurer's receipts " school tux on lands sold to county " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on ain't dib'd 189 94 10 05 2,247 13 144 50 61 02 44 04 $2,689 14 BENZINCiEK SCHOOL liUILDINCJ FUND. To bal. due fund at last set tlement 41 18 " am't tax rec'd from un seated lands 674 43 $711 61 340 34 30 30 13 41 6 80 800 04 814 67 By school treasurer's receipts " tax on lands sold to county " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd " balance due fund FOX HCIIOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at last set tlement " tax rec'd from unseated lands " tax rec'd from seatod lands returned to county corn's 59 !,303 00 1,649 25 " bal due treasurer $1,574 70 By coin's' rcc'pt for exonera tion orders redeemed 15 83 " fchool treasurer's receipts 1,390 78 " tux on lands sold to county 104 43 " treas. coin, on am't rec'd 29 80 " treas. com. on am'ldisb'd 27 02 $1,674 70 FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 43 43 " tax received from unseat ed lands 1,052 09 ' tax rec'd from seated lands returned to commissioners 73 14 1,169 50 By commissioners' ree'pt for exoneration orders re deemed " school treasurer's rec'pts " school building tax on lands sold to county " treas coin, on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 13 1,011 77 22 20 1,145 24 $1,1 GO " balance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at lust settlement 321 " tax rec'd from unseated lauds 1,027 $1,348 By school treasurer's receipt 1,301 " treas. com. 011 am't rec'd 20 " treas. com. 011 am't disb'd 26 1,347 1 balance due fund $1,348 HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 68 " tax rec'd from unseated lands 1,273 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. 1 $1,344 41 By school treasurer's rec'pts 1,207 66 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 25 60 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 25 35 1,318 41 20 00 " balance due fund $1,344 41 HORTON SCHOOL BUILDING FUND, To am't received from school treasurer 67 50 $67 50 67 56 $07 50 By balance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated lands " balance due treasurer 1,574 40 J3 44 81 23 $1,587 90 By balance due treasurer at last settlement 02 22 " school treasurer's receipts 1,444 01 " tax on lauds sold to county 10 40 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 31 48 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 23 89 $1,587 00 m , JV e''"OOL BUILDING FUND lo balance due fund at last settlement 67 08 00 3:! 1 20 01 53 0 15 $07 08 By school treasurer's receipts ' by treas.eoiu.on am't dis'd " balance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund last settle ment " tax received from unseat ed lands " tax rec'd from seated lands sold to county commis'ia 19S 00 2,705 OS 0 37 2,070 45 By county commissioners' receipt for exoneration or ders redeemed " school treas. receipt " treas. com'n on am't rec'd " treas. com'n on am't disb'd 5 66 2,840 27 55 31 50 02 2,0!4 05 0 40 ?2,'J70 45 " balance due fund JOXFS SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 90 94 " tax received from unseat ed lauds 614 06 $711 00 085 01 12 29 13 70 $711 00 By school treas. receipts " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treus. com. on am't disb'd MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To tax received from unseat ed lands 723 71 " tax received from seated lands returned to county commissioners 17 20 $740 01 089 30 17 09 14 81 13 78 735 88 5 03 By school treas. receipts " school tax on lands sold to county " treus. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd " balance due fund $740 01 KIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at lust settlement 29 " tax rec'd unseated lands 2,150 04 2,156 83 39 00 2,195 33 2,070 47 40 84 43 12 41 40 2,195 33 " balance due treasurer By school treasurer's rec'pts '' school tax on lands sold to county " treus com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd SPRING CHEEK SCHOOL FUND. To tax received from unseat ed lunds 1,417 28 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. . 18 90 1.436 10 1 22 1.437 38 f" balance due treasurer By school treasurer's receipt 1,860 58 ' school tax on lands sold to county 20 87 treas. com. on ain't rec'd 28 72 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 27 21 1,437 88 ST. MAIIY'S SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement ' 83 19 " Tax received from unseat ed lauds 43 25 " tax rec'd rrom seated lands returned to county com. 12 00 49 24 84 57 19 88 74 5 1 1 By county conn rec't for ex oneration orders redeemed ' school treasurer's receipts " tax on lands sold tocounty " trea8com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't dtsb'd 82 6 balance due fund 88 KOAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE KOAD FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated 19 68 61 52 2J lunds " balance due treasurer 2,294 42 2,337 8 1,708 495 23 By bal. due treas. last settle't " county commis'rs' ree'pt for road orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " road tax on lands sold to county " road tax on warrant 4990 405 acres assessed and charged in error " treas. cmi. on am't rec'd " treus. com. on ain't disb'd 23 33 50 19 00 12 45 44 2,337 85 30 55 02 BEXZINOER ROAD FUND. Tax rec'd f 'm unseated lands 2,560 90 98 2,5:'.0 86 10 1,048 409 128 42 By bal. due treos. last settlru't ' commis'rs' ree'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " conunis'rs' ree'pt for road orders redeemed ' township treus. rec'pts " road tux on lands sold to county " treas. com. on am't disb'd 85 97 76 68 2,417 140 2,560 balance due fund BENZINOER ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last setm't 08 8 " tux receiv'd from unseated lauds . 1,283 43 1 ,351 71 " balance due treasurer 1,423 5 1,801 04 2 5 20 By county com'rs' ree'pt for exoner'n orders redeemed " township treus. receipts " cash tux on lauddsoldco'y " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on ain't disb d 1,423 FOX ROAD FUND. To bal due fund last setm't " tax rec'd fin unseated l'ds 129 1,385 1,514 20 " balance due treasurer 1,544 24 By county comrs recpts for exoneratn orders redeemed county oonirs receipt-' for rwml unlcra redeemed township treas. rec'pts road tax on land sold co treas. com. on unit reed treas. com. on unit disb 13 19 1,123 00 332 57 18 07 27 70 29 11 1.544 24 FOX ADDITIONAL KOAD FU;M. To bal. due fund last set'm't 20 77 tux rec'd f'm unseated i'ds 725 77 752 54 183 60 030 14 13 10 880 70 10 07 17 01 030 14 balance due treasurer By county com. rec'ts for ex onerat'n orders redeemed township treas. receipts cash tax on l'ds sold county treas. com. on am't disb'd HIGHLAND HO AD FUND. To bal. due fund lust set'm't 82 30 tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds 1,771 20 1,853 50 By county com. recpt for road orders redeemed 1,247 00 township treas. receipts 100 00 treas. com. on unit received 35 42 treus. com. on unit disbd 20 94 1,400 30 444 20 1,853 50 bulunce due fund HORTON KOAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 1,273 85 1,273 85 70 70 1,052 00 20 47 21 04 By bal. due treas. hist setmt county com. recpt for road orders redeemed treus. com. 011 amt reed treus. com. on amt disbd 1,175 27 08 58 bulunce due fund 1,273 85 1,809 29 JAY ROAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated ids 1,809 29 1 00 1,420 00 2S6 84 16 52 80 18 84 13 By bal. clue treas. last setmt county com. recpt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tux on lands sold co. treus coin, on amt reed, treus. com. on unit disbd 1,798 07 15 62 balance due fund 1,809 29 JAY CASH FUND. To bal. duo fund lust betiut 5 30 5 30 4 21 08 By township treas. receipts treas. com, on amt disbd balance due fund JONES KOAD FUND. To bal. due fund lust setmt tax reed from unseated Ids tax reed from seated lands returned to county com. balance due treasurer 4 29 1 01 5 215 8,838 3 3,557 24 174 3,558 6 By county com. recnt for ex oneratn orders redeemed county part, recpt for rood orders redeemed 2,012 township treas, receipts 800 treas. com. on amt received 00 treas. com. on amt disbd 68 8,558 MILLSTONE ROAtt FUND, To tax reed from unseated Ids 1,807 tax reed from seated lands returned to county com. 30 1,838 17 500 . 719 35 20 24 1,823 15 1,338 By bal. due treas. last POtmt county com. recpt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts roud tax on Ids sold county treas. com. on am't reed treas. com. on aint disbd 60 78 09 24 10 48 balance due fund 79 71 MILLSTONE CASH FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt tax reed from unseated Ids 60 15 385 401 1 402 375 12 7 7 balance due treasurer 97 28 By township treas. receipts cash tax ou lands sold co. treas. com. on amt recelvd treas. com. on amt disb 25 52 00 00 40 402 R1DOWAY KOAD FUND. To tux reed fm unseated Ids 2,057 balance due fund 71 33 89 00 25 2,123 32 35 1,618 822 39 41 38 By bal due treas. lust setmt county com receipt for re funding orders redeemed county com. receipt for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on land soldco. treas. com. 011 am't reed treas. com. on amt disbd 90 90 81 95 00 85 00 95 2,128 RIDGWAY CASH FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt 285 tax recU fm unseated lands 3,188 3,473 49 bulunce due treasurer 3,522 3,343 49 63 00 95 01 00 By township treas. receipt casli tax on land sold co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. 011 amt disbd 8,522 SFRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To tax reed from unseated Ids 1 ,407 tax reed from seated lunds returned to county com. 84 71 44 1,502 155 1,188 70 9 80 25 15 47 90 03 00 03 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. receipts for road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on land sold co. treas. com. on unit reed treas. com. on amt. disbd 15 1,478 24 bulunce due fund 78 12 1,502 SPRING CKKEK CASH FUND. To tux rend fm unseated Ids 682 tax reed from seated lunds returned to county com. 20 90 04 002 659 7 13 11 By township treas. recpts cash tax on laud sold to co. tTtaSTeulu. un nmnntl - treaa. com. ou unit disbd 690 12 balance due fund 0075 ST. MARY'S, ROAD FUND. To bid. due fund lust setmt tux reed irom unseated Ids tux reed from seuted lunds -returned to county comrs 64 13 08 62 5 1 1 By comrs receipt for exoner ation orders redeemed borough treas. receipts road tux on land sold to co treus. com. ou amt reed treas. com. on amt disbd 61 7 bal due fund 68 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 27 tax reed from seated luud returned to county comrs 6 83 20 2 30 3 By bul. due treus lust setmt comrs receipt for exonera tion orders redeemed '' borough treas. rec'pts " cor. tax on I'd sold to co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on um't disb'd " balance due fund 33 POOR FUNDS. HEN.INGER FOOR FUND. To bul. due fund lust set'm't 77 " tax rec'd I'm uuseat'd l'ds 1,284 1,301 09 " balance due treasurer 1,430 6 1,309 64 25 20 By co'y com. ree'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold to co, " treus. com. on ain't rec'd " treas, com. on am't disb'd 1,430 FOX POOR FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'ds " tax reo'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 17 532 12 602 13 " balance due treasurer 576 6 629 18 10 10 575 By co'ty com. ree'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " poor tux on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. ou am't disb'd 30 13 40 71 HORTON POOR FUND- To bal due fund lust set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseuted l'ds " tax reo'd from seated hinds returned to county com. 44 209 98 55 254 190 i By township treas. receipts ' treus. com. on uiu't lua'd 00 23 (4 80 " treas. com. on am't disb'd " balance due fund JONES POOR FUND. To bal. due fund lust set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'ds " tax rec'd from seated Id's returned to county com. 197 50 254 B0 1,609 1 08 49 82 1,710 2 1,639 33 82 31 40 00 18 46 70 88 24 07 31 By co'ty com. ree'pt for exoh- erot ion orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 1,708 1 " balance due fund 1,710 205 6 MILLSTONE POOR FUND To tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'ds , " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 76 95 271 255 6 5 5 By township treas. receipt " poor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas com. on am't disb'd 71 20 91 23 47 71 50 371 balance due fund 271 91 RIDGWAY POOR FUND. To tax rec'd fm unseated l'ds " balance due treasurer 958 27 04 09 9i 143 7'.i2 14 10 15 By bal due treas. last set'm't " township treos. receipts " poor tux on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 13 64 59 00 73 22 14 81 080 SPRING CREEK POOR FUND. To tax rec'd from seated I'd returned to county com. 13 G 0 0 30 0 By treas com. on am't rec'd " balance due fund 31 41 75 13 ST. MARY S POOR FUND. To bal. due fund lust set'm't " tux rec'd f'm unseated l'ds " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 88 22 04 70 80 37 80 3 85 2 By county com. ree'pt forex onerut'n orders redeemed " borough treas. receipts " poor tux on I'd sold co'ty " treus. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 88 95 00 " balance duo fund 55 04 00 85 60 05 10 3770 STATE HOAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDGWAY AND ST. MARY'S STATE KOAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 505 70 " tux rec'd from unseated lands in Benzingertp 2,555 01 " tax rec'd from unseated lands In Jones township 3,3-18 85 "tax reo'd from unseated lands in Kldgway town'p 3,198 53 26 20 55 9,058 180 " balance duo treasurer 75 00 9,839 10 9,278 177 181 1&5 By county com. rec't for ex onerat'n order redeemed " State road treas. rec'pts " do do tax on l'ds sold co. " treus. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. 011 an't disb'd 75 44 00 OS 18 9,83'.) 42 STATE M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST KOAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " balance due treasurer 33 43 3,411 251 3,003 4 1 2,035 800 1,250 71 3,003 By ani'tpd Fred. Hchor-ning, as per And. Bailev's report " um't p'd W. S. llorton, us per And. Bailey's report " am't p'd Hall tt M Can ley, attorneys for creditors " am't p'd Win. J. iSttibbs, treus. Highland township " um't paid Martin Sowers, treas. Jones township ;' treus. com. on am't disb'd 48 23 00 81 78 54 33 35 05 05 20 RIDGWAY AND KROOKVILLi: STATE 1IIIAII k'tlV'll To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd from unseated land in Kidgway town'p "tax rec'd from unseated land in Spring Creek tp 20 2,349 1,170 S.540 31 87 30 ' balance due treasurer 07 22 29 09 72 67 52 61 06 40 8,581 3,899 43 70 07 By State road treas. receipts " State road tax I'd sold co. " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 3,581 14 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE KOAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 22 07 21 03 By balance due fund Jacob M'Cnuley, Esq., Trensurer of Elk coun ty, in uocouiitwilli llio Ki'UoniDtlon Fund of 811I1I county for Hie year euUinir Jauu ury (i, 1S7U. 24 41 65 47 29 03 08 18 S5 85 S3 'A ill p ill " 65 72 83 10 3 ars n ""3 3 2 'i-24 1&3' C a O 5 c i7' ? e'Ps 3 05 02 S 2 3 '1 ? 'NaTs C 3 s VI ffi (6 2 67 59 20 41 89 58 67 5c SicSaS ?.n sepias?:; 5S'a.3 . . s a 3 o tiiini . " re ,i w 56 17 48 r Pi tr I; "s3 c 5. V? 21 00 19 IT 9 ? re - (V s mwnra 8 80 Jacob M'Cauiey, Esq., Treasurerof Elli County, in account with the. Com . monvvenlth of Pennsylvania, for tliti 09 2 year ending January 0, ib', To bal. due coin, lastsetnient tavern licences recd.ns per report of elk of quarter bcs. eating house lie'es rec'd as per report of elk of qr. so, retails' lices reed, as net mercantile apprs rept 188 brews' lies reed, as per mer cantile appraisers rept 1878 billrd lies reed, as per rent mercantile appraiser 188 billiard licence applied for nnd lilted afterapppraismt circus licence received am't reed fm F. Schoening for tav lie reed by him '76 six copies pamphlet laws for 1878, 00 cents 21 84 01 27 12 77 50 40 79 40 68 12 61 39 By St treos. recpt. tav. lies. By Ht. treas. recpt. tav. lies. By St. treas. recpt. liquor lie. By St. treas rec eat'g h lie. By St. treas. rec. billiard lie By St. trens. rec. brewers lie. By amt paid advertising ap praiser's list, 1878 By treus. com. on am't reed By bid. due Commonwealth 90 20 87 43 10 2,303 70 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk Co. for the yrnr 1879, having met at. the com missioners' orlice In ltUltnvay, in said county, on the (list Monday of January, A. I. 1879, bolus the, sixth day of the month, for the pnr poHO of auditing, settlinc nnd adjust I ni( tint accounts of the several county oDIei'riLi wfe nillourned to Tuesday, January 7, 1879, at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and ml lust, the accounts of the several county oillcers, and found them correct, as stated in tills our report. Jacob MuCuuley, Esq., treasurer of said county, havinir heen duly notilied, was pres ent in person and presented his account. Alter having carefully examined, audited, and adjusted the accounts of the said Jacob McCnuiey, we found due from him, the said treasurer, to the several funds, ns is fully set forth in the foregoing report, the sum of six thousand live hundred and nineteen dollars and three cents, and due to him, the said treasurer, from oai'tiiin funds, ns sot forth In said foregoing report, the sum of one thous two hundred and eighty-four dollars and. seventy-one cents, leaving a net tmlnnee of tlvo thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars ami thirty-two cents due to the said county of Elk from the said treasurer. Also, dun from the said treasurer to tho. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of four diillir? nnd twenty-two oents, as is fully set fourth in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we have hereunto, set our liandH tills 28th day of January. A. I)' 187B. J. J. TAYLOR. CHAKI.F.S MILLER, J-Co. Aud'rs,. J. M. MECUM, J Attest M. 8. KiiiXK, Clerk. The Commissioners of Elk county iu account with said county for tho year ending January 1, 1879. Michael Weldtirt, To county orders received 175 00 90 40 01 01 71 58 71 M 85 01 6 12 12 12 00 12 61 95 30 70 53 .34 11 74 00 32 44 By 6,3 1-3 days' service, ?3 W. II. Osterhout. To county orders received By 41 days' service, 3 Ocorffc Hcimcher. To county orders received 911 43 By 67 days' service, $3 171 00 D. C. Oyster, Esq., High Sheriff of Elk county, in account with said county for the year ending Jan. 0, 1879. To fines and costs collected in commonwealth cases 600 89 jury fees reed in civil cases 44 00 COlil'tV orders rem. I v..l ft 42 50 40 10 80 00 fees and boarding prisoners 1,045 19 $1,089 68 70 99 75 84 50 63 00 00 83 75 By jail account for boarding and washing for prisoners up to January 1, 1870, serving jurors, May, Sept. andov. terms, 1878, and January term, 1870 conveying Pat. Simmer line to jicnitentiu.iy conveying Goodman and IJailey to penitentiary fees iu criminal cases fees on commitments execiit'g attachment, com monwealth vs Simmerline serving sub couith vs. W. Enimett, jr serv paprscom v. A. Chase drawing 5 juries dur 1878 pub. elect 11 proclamation serving notices in matter of Frank Kenig, lunatic serv. papers for rev. of road from Beuezette to A.V.K. serv sci. fu. judgment of county vs. Overlioltzer serving bench warrant, commonwealth vs- Colee - fur. pair blankets for Jail fur. 2 coverlets for jail casli paid for rejig shackles 3 days, tilling jury wheel tor 1879 40 29 73 42 14 22 64 40 08 balance due sheriff We, tho undersigned, audltorf of v?w county for the yeaiMa79 having ,ue?f. commissioners' olilce iu Kldgway. iu TsLid ??U!'c0'! V,e ' Ist Monday fn JAnuuVy ia U 1879, being the sixth day of the juduth' for the purpose of auditing, idtling and ad2 Justing tho accounts of tlfe several countV .T. ,.m . ,. ul w."lch time we proeeeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the-. ouV're lort"' 01Uccrs- us sct tor 1" thia Uanfel C. Oyster, Esq., high Hherlffof said hsuc'count"1 m'ut,e"t '" Pt'rs"n alld presnted After carefully examining, auditing, set tlliig and adjusting his accounts, we found . V? to. ,Bul J sl"-rlir, from tho said county of, liie sum of nine dollars and seventy four cents, which sum wo hereby certify to be Btatement0rr''Ct' S6t fnU iU tUe fo,'eSiuf Iu witness whereof, we have hereunto set lb7$ 1110 2Ui duy of Jonu,"'J'i A. D, J. J. TA.YI.OIl, 1 j?liuMKLLEK'!Co-Ao1'"- Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. 22 22 S3 The Commissioners of the Kane Rldg way and St. Mury's State Road, iu account with the funds of said road for the year ending Jan. 27, 1879. To bal. due fund last setmt 3,107 11 amt reed fm Elk co treas 9 27 an amt reed from M'Kean co trctta 1,600 00 By amt paid Thos. L. Kane 61 lor work in Sergeant tp 718 21 amt pd Geo. D. Messenger, jr., for work in Ridgwy tp 1,654 93 amt paid Wilcox tanning co. orwork iu Sergeant tp 1,203 83 amt paid Wilcox tanning co. for work in Jones tp. 2 9"1 82T amt paid John Nagle for ' " work in Jones township 83 86 amt pd J. Uoland for work In Jones township ' 60 00 amt jiald W. S. Horton, general fund 6 oo amt paid J. L. Brown, general fund 10 00 amt paid John Ernhout. conuuisisiouer Jones tp 17200 5 "5f 2 28 10 850 00 100 00 607 00 125 00 90 00 40 00 60 00 S50 00 8 CO 2,303 70 059 45 807 50 il 50 95 00 feo 6d 72 00 113 78 2,299 48 4 22 176 6d 175 00 175 00 123 00 123 (Kl 123 00 1200 17100 171 00 171 00 931 91 413 28 75 00 125 00 68 75 1950 1 00 300 3 45 5 00 1 00 4 60 7 20 60 0 60 800 400 1 73 160 1,079 84 9 74