THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1879. the Water-Mill. Listen Antnr.hilll nil the livelong liny. How the creaking of the wheels wears the hours avrayf Languidly the watbr glides useless on and HUH, Novnr comlntr hack nun In to the Wfttpr-mlll And a proverb haunts hiy mllid at Misspell "The mill will never grind With the water iiim nas passeu," Take the lesson to yourself, loving heart ahd true, Golden yean are passing by youth Is pass in sr. too Try to ninke the most of life, lose no honest i way; All that you can call your own lies in this ,. 10-any. Power, Intellect and strength may not, can The mill will never grind with the water that nas posted. Oh) the wasted hours of life that have flitted by ; Oh I the good we might have done-Most, without a sljjh, Jjove, that wo rrilicht once have saved with hut n Mtncrln nninl. thoughts conceived But never perihed per Take the loson to your hcarj, take, Oh 1 hold The mill will never grind with the Water that iios passed. The late General MctJiUloni. Local Notes Spring begins March 20th. Ice houses arc nearly all full. Lota of ice and plenty of snow. January, 1879, is on ita last legs. The snow Is too mealy for good felelghing. Oysters by the quart or dish at Jjorgcs'fer'B'. The Gazette has been enlarged to fen eight column sheet. Fresh Groceries received every few flays at the Corner Grocery Lots of house plants have already succumbed to live cold weather, Egg arc thirtyftve cents a dozen and all the hens are on a strike. It is not difficult now to walk on . level with the top of the fences. Potatoes are selling at from $1.25 to $1.30 a bushel, and scarce at that. Specie payments are resumed, yet money don't seems to get much plen tier. -i,000 pounds of flre Buckwheat Flour just received at the Corner Gro cery. Shoveling snow off roofs has kept many of our citizens busy during the past week. Court next week, after which we Expect to give a better variety of read ing matter. Apple butter, raisins, cabbage, fcpples and cider vencgar at Morgester's Vortter grocery. Seasoned Wood at this season of Iho year ntaketh glad the countenance tof j'OHr better half. Township elections take place on the third Tuesday of February, being the 18th day this year Read the principal's report of the Rldg way graded Schools for the month ending January 2, 1879. The young folks had a sleigh ride to Ceutreville on Friday, and dinner tot the McCauley House. Note paper and envelopes cheap at this office. Also fools cap and legal cap. Call and see our stock. The Ross Bros., of this place, in tend starting A brick yard on Oster bout's fiats the coming spring. At Pottsvllle, on January 19th, Martin Birgin, the nineteenth Mollie Maguire, was executed at 10:40 o'clock. This has been a very large winter for hauling bark, lumber, etc., save that the snow is at nrcseiit most too deep. Note heads, bill heads and letter heads, printed on good paper, at the lowest living price. Call and see our specimens. Governor Hoyt was Inaugurated at Harrtsburg last Tuesday. Company H, of this place, participated In the ceremonies. A pleasant sleigh ride and social party was had up to Judge Whetmore's, on Thursday evening, by several isouples from town. A sociable, for the benefit of the Presbyterian church will be held at the residence Of Geo. R. Dixon, on Friday evening. Select reading. Come. The Advocate tl.SO a year, and a chance for a prize. Send in your names at once, that we may complete our list and have the drawing take place. There is fear of an extermination tof partridges, owing to the unusual quantity of snow. During the winter of 1854 they were nearly cut off for a like cause. The beat Bewiug machine in the market is sold at from $20 to f 30 each tot the Masonic furniture ware rooms Call and examine them before buying elsewhere. Township election third Tuesday next month. All good citizens should see to it that we have competent and reliable men for the several important offices to be filled. Ex-Governor Hartranft, It seems. Is destined to be behind the race for the position of Minister to Berlin. Mr. Everett, Secretary of the Ameri can Legation at that capital, and at present acting Minister, has very good prospects of promotion. Judge Whitmore tells Us that he has invented and is Using a "Monitor" enow plow, with which he can plow a foot of snow out of his log slide at the rate of three miles ah hour. Patent applied for, and all infringements will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ' For very low prices for organs ahd pianos write to D. S. Andrus & Cbi, city music store, Williamsport, Pa. Organs arid pianos to rent by the month or year. Sheet music sent to any ad dress. Second hand instruments for bale. Pianos from $75 to $95 ; organs from $30 to $60, Personal Notes. The captain found the1 Odd fish all right. Stthi Wilson Is troubled with rheu matism. Lon Morrison has left the bemo crat office. Judge Mead Is confined to the house with sickness. W. S. MoVey la spending a few weeks In this village. 'Orrett Bedell has recovered from the attack of diphtheria. Prof. Johnson has a class of Ger man In the Ridgway public school. Johft Casserly's eye Is Improving slowly. Hope to see him about soon. Postmaster Hagerty is looking much better thatt he did a few weeks ago. Lieut. Horton has been appointed Commission er' Clerk for the year 1879. Mrs. Judge Dlrby Is very 111 at preterit, Mid doubts are entertained of her recovery. Geo. Messenger, Jr., and wife, are housekeeping in the front part of JuJge Messenger's residence. Mi's. Ross arid Mrs. Noon both lost their birds, and Mrs. Morgester had the misfortune to break the leg of her's. Inauguration. On Tuesday last Governor-elect Hoyt was Inaugurated, at Harrisburg, with imposing ceremonies. Company H, of this place, participated, but we are unable to say more at this time. Next week we will give a synopsis of the proceedings. BIRTH. Gabpifr On Friday, January l7th, 1879, to Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Gardner, a daughter. State Notes. Miss Sophia Kemper, aged 112, died at Eaton, on Sunday, ut two o'clock. She was the daughter of Col. Kemper, of the revolutionary urmy. Mr. John Haggerty, a justice of the peace, of Siugo county, was served a mean trick on Sunday night last, While attending church in. Jackson township, Lycoming county. Some miscreant cut his harness, stole his martingale rings, and unbuckled the lines and harness from his horse while tied in front of the brick church The 'Squire is justly indignant that such an outrage should be perpetrated upsin mm m sucn a place, tie minks the guilty parlies are on a fair way for the penitentiary. Peter Herdic, the Well known for mer millionaire of Williantsport, was confined to his house by sickness the two lust months of lust year. About the first of this month, however, he quietly left Williamsport, and since then nothing has been heard by the public of his movements. It Was stated by his friends that he had gone to Florida, there to remain until his health had improved. Mr. Herdic's departure has caused considerable com ment, m view of the financial difficul ties in which he has recently been in volved. A serious accident, resulting In the death of a young man f we have not learned his uuinel who sonic time a-'o dropped his jacknife into a 25,000 bar rel tank of oil. Yesterday the oil was drawn off to about ft foot, when he endeavored to obtain his knife by being lowered into the tank by a rope under his arms, his friends lowering him to the bottom. When it was dis covered he di'd not move, he was quickly withdrawn, but the spark of life had fled, he having suffocated al most instantly upon his descent. The above took place on Kansas Branch. Bradford ;ra. Horace E. Taylor, a banker of Williamsport. who failed some nine mouths ago, and was subsequently ar rested by some important depositors, was arraigned before the Lvcominir inihial court for gmbcAzlement of some f 300. The defence claimed that the money on deposit ceased to be the property of depositors and became the property of defendent, and therefore he could not embezzle his own funds. The prosecution attempted to prove by depositors that they had placed money in liis bank When Judge Mayer ruled that under the Act of Assembly in 18(52 the evidence of the depositors could net be admitted. The court then ordered the case ml. prosd, and Tay lor was discharged. The Library Magazine the first number of which has just reached us, is unique in its formand typographical appearance. Even though its contents were dull, it is so attractive to the eye that one must delight in turning its pages, which present a varied array of choice selections from the latest foreign magazines and reviews. Sir Erskiue Perry, many years a resident of that country, discusses "The Future of India;" Richard A. Proctor treats of "Supposed Changes in the Moon ;" T. Adolphus Trollope writes of "The Homes and Haunts of the Italian Poet, Guuriui;" thero is a learned and en tertaining article on "The Phoenicians in Greece;" and of lighter but not trivial articles there are : "Theutrical Makeshifts and Blunders;" "The Happy Valley" a picture of life in India; "An Imperial Pardon," which gives a wonderful picture of peasant life in Russia; "Some Gossip about Leicester Square;" "A Woman's Love" a Slavoniau Story; "Christ mas In Morocco," etc. To all who have been longing forthe era of low-priced, first-class literature, not the least attractive feature of The Library Magazines its low price, $1 a year, or 10 cents a copy. To see so much that is excellent of fered for so little cost is sure to put a smile on the face of a person of lite rary taste, and a dime or dollar into the hands of the publishers. The American Book Ilxcnange, 55 Beek man street, New York. Miss Bosa Solomon, of Hopkins ville, Ky while visiting Mr. Bes senger, of Nashville, received a letter from her betrothed, a gentleniah of wealth, residing in Cincinnati, which stated that he had changed his mind, and declined to marry her. She com mitted suicide shortly after by taking strychnine. Wednesday morning, January 15, Miss Walker, residing at Brecon Mills, suddenly expired. Her betrothed, Ed ward Cousins, hearing of her death, cut his throat, ahd Miss Walker's mother, on seeing the corpse of her daughter, dropped dead. Fx-GoVernor Marshal, of rinn. sota, Is now in search of his son George, a boy of fifteen, who nna run away from home after an injudicious course of reading boy trashy books uu pupt'in. RlrigwaT pnblle Schools I'ftltfCIPAL'B REPORT FOR MOKtH ENDING JANUARY 10, 1878. 3g 3 TEACHERS. Miss Babe E.Wil cox Miss Jenna Ath erton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson.... 13 25 Summary. A written Examination was held at the close of tho month, from which the average class standing of the following pupils were ascertained. The general average is obtained by dividing the sum of the other Items by 4. The highest average class standing of any pupil for the month is 100 J the lowest, 42 ; the highest general average, 100 ; the lowest, 75. HttJH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. I o a 3 it D r BENOHS. a a. a Hellen Little Tillie Cunningham. Minnie Service Daniel Irwin Lewis W. Ely William Messenger. Jennie Gresh 07 100 t8 100 100 100 100 94 90 76 100 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 23 100 100 98 "a" grade. Maggie A. Flynn... Rattle O'Connor Emma Olmsted Ida Olmsted Rhoda Wilcox Lewis Lesser Orin Head Charles Meenan . . . Joseph. Jackson ... 100 100 1001 97 100(100 100 95 99 81 95 100 100 100 100, lOO'lOO 87 81 93 95 92100 OoilOCi 05 100 98 100 100 88 100 100 77 90 87 90 82; 97 100 Allle Toome.y "b" rade. Amanda Lindgren . Maggie Hhean Jennie Hall Ellie Kinn Ella Wicks Maggie Phalen , Patrick Holland Dan. Cunningham.. Michael May Willie Meenan Casper Kiine Fred Ely , Arthur Horton Henry Paine , Fred.'Fiteh Michael O'Connor... "c" GRADE. Johnnie Whitmore. Chuuneey Wilcox ... Eddie Powell ... Willie Luther Willie iSchram Mat tie Healy Addle Bordwcll .... Lorenda Warner George Q. Rush "d" grade. Katie Meenan Adah Mulone. ...... Kittle Whitmore. ... Flora Irwin Sadie Lamorcux Annie Kline Minnie Kline Eddie Hortin Eddie Laymon...... John Healy Jossie Messenger John Luby Charles Miller Guswic Woodward... John Nichols 8' 100' 100100 looliuo 100 00' 08 98 100 25 100 98, 80 100 98, 100 97100; 97 'loo! 100 80100! 98 100,100.100 85 96 84 95 93 100 92 91 93 87 77 87 JOOlOOl ioo!iool 82 87 70 42 1U0I 98 98: 90i 98 ' 98! f 0,100, 251001 98 981 88 100' 100; 88! 94 100 100 loo ioo loo looj'oo 100: 100 ioo; 9o looloo looj'ooj 72 97 95 97 7 5 100 95 85 i)J;'O0 D&lOO 90 ,100 1100 100100 100 97; 98' loo'iw 97 B4 looi 98 0 95 100 100 98 1 981 98 82! 98 95 90 98 84 03 95 1001100 !I5100 92 1 100 100 100 62 98 45 ioo; 100 100: OS 85; 82 75 60 97 05 70 25 K0 100 ! "E" GRADE. Nellie Olmsted... Nellie Jackson... Lizzie O'Brien... Hanna Maloney . Minnie Miles.... Ella Luby Glenn I Johnson . Coryell Ross..... Lewis Egifler 75 92 95 85 1001 98 95 98 100 ioo 90 98 98100 98 100 88 00 97 03 95 7b 70 m 82 80! 42 100 62 100 100 100 98 100 IKS 98 98 100 100 100. 100 98 85 84 60 70 69 100 100 95 92 99 97 94 85 92 90 James May t.narlie Ueary ... Wttllie Dill , Mack Kiine 70 90 100! 100! 92l00100! The following transfers wore made at the close of the month i FROM PRIMARY TO INTERMEDIATE. Eliza Achens, Mary Amacker, Lotie Holes, Jessie Lamoreux, Nellie Holaday, Maud Miles, Hattie Oyster, Carrie Cook, Mamie Schcening, Emma Kinnicut, Eva Hemky, Minnie Sikes, Hilda Nelson, 'Martin Cunning ham, Thomas Daly, James Daly, John Daly, Barney Fannon, Willie lthines, Albert Gorton, Daniel Maloney, Edgar Wick wi re, John Egler, Willie Shean. Willie Barrett. FROM INTERMEDIATE TO ilIGH SCHOOL Bessie Scribner, Lulu Holes, Jennie Holes, Emma Grenell, Emma Jones, Sarah Gorton, Carrie Cummings, Charles Scribner, Charlie Dill, Eddie Holaday, Warren Irwin, Geo. McFarland. All the pupils in the High School Department, excepting John Nichols, Charlie Geary, Wallie Dill and Ella Luby, were advanced one grade. On account of her distinguished scholarship, Katie Mtehau was pro moted two grades no other pupil In school being thus hohored. Visitors Mrs. Ci Healey, Mrs. Si Miles, Mrs. O. B. Grant, Mrs. C. R. Kline, Mrs. J. M. Cauley, Mrs. D. S. Luther, Mrs. H. V. Talbot, Mrs. C. Holes, Mrs. Van Wagner; Messrs. J. K. Whitmore and Daggatt; Revs. H. V. Talbot and L. L. Spencer; Dr. Hartley, Geo. R. Dixon, County Su perintendent ; Misses Emma Ross, S. E. Elliott. J. B. Johnson, Principal. Miss Martha Atalanta Luhipkln, daughter of a distinguished Governor of Georgia, has just been married at Athens, Ga.. to Mr. T. M. Compton. She is fifty years old, and he is ten years her senior. The bridal tour was to Atalanta, a city to which the bride has twice stood sponsor. It was first named Marthasville after her first name, then Atalanta after her second, and finally the "a" was dropped. 3f & R. c& $ -2 . - 9 i s : g ll i i . 7 I a S, 79 63 80 53 45 0 70 69 fet 202 167 87 ' . Pennsylvania Congressmen Governor Hartranft Ott Friday after noon Issued a proclamation declaring the following named pernoris elected at the last general election to represent the State ln Congress! 1st district, Henry Bingham. 2d district, Charles O'Neill. 8d district, Hamiiel .1. Randull. 4th district, Wm. I). Kellcy, 5th district, Alfred C. Harmer. 6th district, Wm. 0. Ward. 7th district, Win. Godshnlk. 8th district, Hlester Clynier. Bth district, A. Hcrr Smith. 10th district, Reuben K. Bachmas. 11th district, Robert Klotg. 12th district, Hendrlck B. Wright. 13th district, John W. Ryan. 14th district, John Wt. Killingcr. 15th district, Edward Overton. 16th district, John I. Mitchell. 17th district. Alex. H. Cofforth. 18th district, Horatio G. Fisher. 19th district, Frank E. Beitzhoover. 20th district, Scth II. Yocum. 21st district, Morgan R. Wise. 22d district, Russell Eirctt. 23d district, Thos. M.-Bayne. 24th district, Wm. 8 Hhallenbenrer. 25th disti ict, Harry White. 2(ith district, Samuel B. Dick. Kith district, J. H. Osmer. tn the Eleventh district the only one in which more than one set Of election returns were filed at the State Depart ment, the Governor declares Robert Klotz, Democrat, elected. Gen. Chos. Albright, Republican, was certified to as eiecteri by pari oi ine return judges' but the Governor thought that Mr. Klnt was entitled to the Certificate. . .i. i i una m ueuiiircu. In the House of Representatives in day a large number of bills and reso lutions were ottered, among them the iouewing, oy Mr. jirooKs, or Cameron couhtv: 'An act to authorize the proper offi cials of tile commonwealth to give to Cameron county an exoneration or order for $786.98 found to have been illegally and improperly charged to sum county as part oi me state taxes ior tne year i74, and 1876 ; also, an act to secure, by liens upon saw logs, joooers anu contractors for stock ing and delivering the same. There-Is a man in Kansas who is said to have superintended the lynch ing or nine men. tin is usually sent for when a mob intends to hang any body. His nickname Is Jack Ketch. l. J . 1 ' uiiu lie is promt 01 it. Administrator Notice. ESTATE of Samuel Wilson, lute of Fox township, .Elk wmnty, Pa., de- ceasea. ijcucrs testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the said estate, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment and those having claims to pre sent iiivni iiy mutiemeiii. J. J. Taylor. Adm'r. n47t4. List of Jurors for January Term, 1879. GRAND JUROKS. Benezette-G. W. Mahun, H. R. Wilson. Hoitstillcrnr Cicxwitt T"livl.-oi. Trvu..-.!. Kefiivr, Xuvier Buchheit, jr. Fox Henrv T.nrimv. MicUnol fimn John Hershey. Highland Henry O. Fllithorpc. HortOn Wllliimi lturmh . .lol'...M.n Taylor, James I'halen. ! jay Josepn urn. Jones A. B. Preston, .roseuli Ttet- necker. , Hidurwnv C Tf IMilnuu r'lmi-i Matthews, John Flynn, H.'w. Sher wood. St. Mary's Joseph Sehaut, Joseph KralT. John Sehuuer. .Inhn (mil Mur. till Pen-In. TRAVERSE JCRORS. Benezette T. J. Shaffer V. W Johnson. ISenzinger Simon Brtiiulle, F. H. Kbrig, Andrew Dlpptilri, Mlehucl -Uhl. Fox (!. S. Luther, Daniel Scull, .T'lltwa (1 V liArtt.M ATm.;.. UU.tnl. J. J. laylor, Jeremiah Kullivait. j-iiKinaim iturua underwood, Horton Horace French, Wil'iam Egglestoll, John Cuneo, Theodore Fox. .lay C.J. Dill, Martin CloVer, John Turley, Hiram Howard. Jones Joseph Deir, Bernard Dill, J. L. Brown. Millstones-Thomas Slyhoff, William Clyde. , Rldgway Joseph Metz, P. A. Mead. St. Mary's Frederick Loeffler, Frank Sosenhclmer, Frank Aves, Peter Strubel. Spring Creek William Doane, O. T. Minor, Nicolas George, Thomas Rhines. PA T E N T S AND TRADE -MARKS. We procure Letters Patent on Inventions. No Attorney fees in advanc-k in application for Patents in tho United States. Special attent ion given to Inference Cases before the Patent Office, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or patents. We also procure Patents in Canada and other foreign countries, Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtaihod, and all other business transacted beAre the Patent Office and iheCourts which demands the services of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience as Putent Attorneys The Scientific Record. All Patents obtained through our agency are noticed in the Scientific Record, a monthly paper of large cir culatien, published by us, and devoted to Scientific and Mechanical matters. It contains full lists of all allowed Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year postpaid. Specimen copy freei Send us your address on postal card. I M V EN tO R S Send us a description of! your Inven tion, giving your idea in your own language, aim we will g;ive an opinion as to patentability! with full instruc tions, charging nothing for our advice.. Our book, ' How to Procure Patents," about the. Patent Laws, Patents, Ca veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc, sent free on request. Address R. S.& A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorneys, No. 004 F street, Washington, D. C, Nearly Opjiosite Patent office. Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions. We have a bureau in charge of ex perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay, Bounty and Pensions. As we charge no fee unless successful, Btamps for re turn postsge should be sent us. R. S. & A; P-. LACEY. THE most useful present . FOR YOUR WIFE, inended wife, mother or slate? Is nhe of our Nickle Plated and Polished Fluting and Crimping Irons. 4 irons on one handle and at greatly reduced prices. King Reversable Fluting Iron, $3.50. Home Fluting ajid Crimp ing Iron, $2.75. Sent Prepaid" on receipt ofprlce. Hewitt Manuf g Co., Pittsburgh, Pa- P. O. Box 868, or 166 Penn avenue. An Agent Wanted iu this County. 1879. THE .C, ll PREMIUM LIST. One Raymond Silver Watch . . . $ 80 00 One White Sewing Machine . . . 35 00 One Wehster Unabridged Dictionary 12 00 One Cash Prize ...... 25 00 Three Cash Frizes $10 each 30 00 Five Cash Prizes, $6 each . . . 25 00 Total ....... 200"00 ALL CASH PRIZES WILL BE PAID BT GOLD. $200 Itf PRIZES TO ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS Cati on Charles Holes, Jeweler, Ridgway, Pa , and see the Magnificent watch we offer. Call on C. Boivers, Furniture Dealer Riagtvay, and see the handsome and durable White Sewing Machine The Other Prizes Will 1879. Our Believing that every family Hi Elk county should haVe a county paper, and also believing it to be to the best interest of the publisher and subscriber that the pay should be in advance, we make the following unpnrnlled offer: Every subscriber to The Advocate in Elk county who pays $1.60 will receive The Advocate for one year and a ticket which will entitle him to a chance in the prizes which we offer. Six hundred tickets will be issued, and the drawing will take place as soon as the tickets are taken up, which we think can bo done iu about sixty days. All old subscribers will be put on the same uii.-iiiig wiin uie new ones; mat is, ine paper will be sent one year and the ticket given to all persons sending us $1.50. Further, to any peivoh Sending us ?30.(M, we will furnish twenty papers for one year Mid twenty tickets, besides an extra Copy ahd extra ticket to the getter up of the club. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., , Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL 110AD Philadelphia & Erie R R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, November 10 1878. the trains on the Philadel phia & Eric RaiU-ond Division will rurt fts follows! WESTWARD. ekie MA lb leaves Phila. !l fcS p. m. uenovo...i-.ii mi a. nit " " Emporium. I lop. m. " " St. Mary's..2 07 p. m. " " Ridgway ....2 33 p- m. " " Kane 3 45 p. m. " arr. at Erie 7 40 p. ni. EASTWARD. EKtE mail leaves Erie 11 '20 a.m. Kane. 3 55 p. ni. " 11 Ridgway. ...5 00 p. ni; ' " St. Marv's..5 2(i p; m. " ' Empcriuln.U 20 p. m. ' " Kcnovo 8 i!5 p. m. " arr. at Phila 7 00 a. in. WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. Licences for January Term, 1870. NOTICE is herebv triven that the following persons have tiled their edi tions for License in my office, and that they will be presented to the Court of Quarter Session on Wednes day, January 29th at 2 o'clock P. M. TAVERN. Bcnctettc I. Ilfciiry Blesh. 2i . L. Winslow. i5, John Collins. 4. David Scull. Itldgivay, 5. James McFarllh. C Win. H. Schrann S1 Marys BorOiigk: 7. Lorenz Vogcl. 8. Riley Bros. 9. William Gies. 10. J. F. Windfelder. II. Henry Luhr. EATING HOCBEl ficilzirtgcri 12. F". H. Sorg. Fox-. 13. John Denser. Itidgwai). 14. James Maglnnis. SI: Mary's Boroitghi 15. Anthony Schauer. 16. Jacob Kratlsi STORE. St. Mary's Borouuh. 17. Joseph Wilhelm. "That if any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to lift his. her or their License, within FIFTEEN DA YSafter the same has been granted, such neglect or refusal shall be deemed a forfeiture of said license. , Purdon, V. 2d, page 943. Health and Happiness Health and Hannlness are nriceless Wealth, to their possessors, aiid yet they are within the reach of eVery one wuu win use WrighT's Liver pills, the only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia. Headache. Sour Stomach. Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Billious Complaints and Blood Dis orders. None genuine unless signed "Win. Wright, Fliila. If your drug gist is not supplied, send 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Roller Sc Co., 70 N. 4th street, Phila; n7vo0yl Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Cal Skins wanted at 42 Main street. FRANK SETTELtE 1879. -Advocate. Be Given As Advertised. plan 1879. JMIE SOCIETY STORE. A rtteW sl'dre started hi ltidgway lin dcr the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care; EMBKOIDEUlliS. LACE EDGE. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN8 SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine stilt, thread and needles. Alab a line lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes itc, &c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. BOOT AND 5H6C SHOP, TWO DOORH WEST OF POST OFFICE. THE uttderslgiieit Is currying on Boot, and Shoe making. Custom made Work neatly done to order and prices to suit the times. Mending a specialty. Please give me a call and oe convinced ueiore going elsewhere. Thankful for past patronaeo. we re spectfully solicit it In the future. Airs. M. E. MALOS1S. nov"m3. Young men prepared for active busi ness life. Advantages unequaled; Course of study and business training the most coinprehensivej thorough and practical in existence. Students re ceived at any time. Forcireulars con taining full purticulai-s address J; U. SMITH, A. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. n38iiiim2. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAt'S SPECIFIC UEAlEDYi Is especlUllyTfiAbE mark. r ecommenu de as an un failing cure for Seminal Weakness S p e r mator- Before Taking tency and all After Taking diseases wiai lonowasa sequcucy on Self Abuse ; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude; Pain in the Back, Dimness of vIhsIou, Premature old Age, ahd many other diseases that ltjud to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from ine pain ot nature ana over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of experi ence in treating these special diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by ad dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No.10 Mechanics' Block.Detroit, Mich. 4-teold in Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewiug, wholesale Agents, PitUburghi Business Cards. Qtftt of Advertising. One column, one year.. ,.:.m 00 ....., 40 00 ,., 21 00 ir. oa TmHRftmt ndvcrtlBernintH per sqimre of elKlit Hum, one Insertion St, two Insertions Sl.oO, three Insertions tZ. Huslnoss enrus, ten Unci or loss, per year Advcrtlschihts payable quarterly SEO. A. BATHBUH ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building-, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pft. r32tf LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTORNEYS-ATLAW, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Office" across the hall from the Democrat ei tablishment. Claims for cbllectioii promptly attended to. jhel5,18"6 G. O. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortttient of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions Carefully dit: peiiHed at all hours, day or night. vmay T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; Office In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main streets. Residence corner Broad street, opposite the College; Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the Bccohd story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.M MRS. N. t. CUMMINGS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES HATS JVST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummings, also ties, col lars, curl's, hoisery, gloves, and a gen eral assortment of Ladies' Fancy Goods. . Remember the place, in H. S. Thayer's Building, Main street. Call and examine before purchasing else where. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Volume 16 of this admirable work la just out, making it complete. Each volume contains 800 pages. It makes a complete library, and no one cart afford to who would keep well informed. Price $3.00 a volume in leather, or $7.00 in elegtitit half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Frcdbma, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars. sepl7-tf HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor Ridgway, Elk county, Pa; Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon hihi, the heV proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the Mime. ocMO'69 MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa-, takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county that she 1U3 oh hand an assortment rjf fachi'onuble millinery goods which will be sold 'cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups-. Send for descriptive circular. nliyi Chambers' Cyclopedia or English Liter ature. Brief biographies of all British or American authors, from earliest times to the present, with specimens from their writings, making a work notonljf thoroughly entertaining and useful to all intelligent readers, but nearly in dispenslble to people of culture. The newly revised and beautiful edition contains oyer 3,000 p"!". ahd the en tire work, in eight handy Volumes, is furnished free of express or mail charges, for $2 in paper, S3 in cloth, or $4.50 in half morocco. The publishers sell olily to subscriber direct, instead of giving dealers and agents the usual 50 or 00 percent discount to sell for them; which accounts for the remarkably low prices. Special inducements are offered to those sending early orders. Specimen pages with full partlculnrsi sent on request by postal card by the publishers, the American Book Ex change, 55 Beekmau street, New York. NOTICE is hereby given that a pe- titlon of citizens of Ridgway township will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk comity for the Incorporation of a Borough of the tbwil of Ridgway. Ho'rtC Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at Powell & Kime's Will be found an assorthieht of tlie celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Corders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, Ac. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said ma chine. All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security. Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. tf; N EW LIVERY STABLE IN" RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES -M inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCKt GOODjCARtlIAG.ES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. )& He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office Will receive prompt attention. Atig201871tf