The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 09, 1879, Image 4

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A Calais Father States Itle Conditio
nd Ambltlens la Mle.
A Ohinamira writes as follows to the
Bhanghae (China) CetmHal Empire i
I am the third son of my father, and
am fifty-one years of age. fie was a
native of the proTine of Cheh Kiarjg,
and was at the time of his death an ex
pectant Magistrate in attendance a
the court of the provincial grytntaent
of . Hediedatthn Rge of fifty
four, just twenty years Bgo. My pa
ternal grandfather was a fnll magistrate
of the district of Z , in this province.
end we consider him the progenitor of
tmr family. All connection with oUr
Cheh Ktang ancestors has long since
been out oil and forgotten. I have als
one unolo living, the younftcr brother
nf mv o li at ltf 1 1 . i .
- j "ij uiuuicr s a email'
footed Cheh Kiting woman, and came
from her native province with my
father. She could urieak ihn
dialect aa well as her native todgne:
rr -A- lUBt A m maebtoa tot
the Kwan-hwa which T nn n m
mother bore my father two sons beside
myseii ; one, younger than myself, died
t the age of three or four years. I am
married to a small-footed native of
who is now forty-eight years of
age. By h I have had nine children,
lour Doys and five girls. Of these
there ure five now lWing. My eldest
son. died at the age of twenty-live. The
eiaest ctaia living is a daughter, aged
twenty-seven, who is married to a lnnal
trader, and belongs, of course, to mv
family no longer. My eldest living
w"i ogeo. iwenty-nve, is employed as a
tutor to boys in the neighborhood of
our dwelling, and his total earnings
from this Bonrce would amount to about
eight dollars a mouth. He is married
to the daughter of a clerk in the provin
cial treasurer's ofilco.
My second daughter was married this
year to the teacher of a boys' school
These marriages are the great expense
to ns respectable families. It cost me
6300, nearly one year's salary, to dofray
the oost of our last little aUair. Of this
I had saved 8 120. In the delicate guiBe of
oake money, many of tho neighbors con
tributed from $1 to tl. one apiece, and
the rest I had to borrow, aud am still
paying off. The chief expense is for
the threa days' open house kept during
the festivities. Pork, cakes, wines, eta,
have to be liberally distributed around,
and it would never do for a gentleman
of my position to be shabby. Then the
wife's outfit must always be supplied by
her own family. Tables, chairs, clothes
trunks, pots and pans, and goodness
knows what not. Ah ( you have little
idea how we Chinese fathers must scrape
nd starve to do our duty respectably.
Well, my second son is still at school;
he is twenty-one years of age, but as
yet not betrothed. My youngest daugh
ter is thirteen, and' she learns her
household duties at home. Of course,
nil the females of our family are small
footed. My uncle's son, aged forty
five, is still alive and has four daugh
ters. My wife and children, and my
cousin and his four daughters, thus
form the whole of our family.
My house consists of six apartments,
and stands me $5 a month for rent ; two
of the apartments are reception rooms.
Before t was employed by my foreign
friend I served as a clerk in the custom
house ; but never having any inclination
to squeese I did not get on well. I know
I am stupid, but I really cannot squeene,
ilthongh my friends make 6port of me
for it. I like to be quiet and independ
ent, and as lonar aa I cet mv salarv room.
lariy paid I hope to remain of the same
mma. were I to die my wife would
take one share of what little property I
have ; one share would bo reserved for
the expense of my youngest daughter's
wedding, and a share apiece would go
to each of my two sons. Besides the
members of our family we keep one
coolie and one old woman to do the
rough work of the household. Every
day I walk four English miles to my
duties, and four miles back again in the
afternoon. This I have done for nearly
twenty years. Certainly, I might move
to a nearer place, but I enjoy a very
high position in my neighborhood, be
ing one of the spokesmen of the ward.
ine wards are of different sizes. Ours
is a small one, consisting of not more
than two hundred houses. All small
matters are referred to the four spokes-
men, wno either settle the matter indi
vidually or meet in the temple to dis-
ouhbu. wave matters go before the
district magistrate in the usual way.
A Fatherly Man.
Griswold street, from Fort to Con
gress, offers such superior facilities for
falling down in the winter, that all the
newsboys and bootblacks who look upon
the bright and cheerful side of life loaf
around that section a great deal in order
to be on hand when the climax ocenrs.
Seven of them stood in a row yesterday
morning as a fatherly, unwieldy citizen
turned the corner of the Moffatt block.
" Select your spot 1 " they yelled as
he reached the descent, and in about a
minnte he reached the conclusion that
they had gathered there to see him fall.
Borne men would have jumped aside into
the street, but this fatherly man contin
ued on. He resolved to himself :
Now these boys are poor, forlorn
boys. They seldom have any fun. They
are hungry, ragged, and do not look
forward to Christmas. They wish me
to fall. If, by falling, I can add to
their happiness, it is my duty to do so."
Those boys may never kuow that the
good man fell on pnrpose to please
them. He suddenly made a slip to the
left, stretching ont his leg until it look
ed to be ten feet long then a slip to the
right, and as he reoovered he stuck his
heels toward the south pole, clawed out
like a million angle worms fastened to
gether, and the snow where he struck
flew sixteen feet. He didn't get up and
tell the boys that it was a put-up job to
lighten their burdens of care and sorrow
for a moment, but he knows, and the
reader knows, that it was. Free Press.
' Reelpea.
Lemon Custard. Make the Jnioe of
a large lemon very sweet, then ponr in
gently a pint of boiling cream, and stir
it till nearly cold.
Pop-Overs. One pint flour, one pint
milk, two egg eggs beaten to a froth;
mix qttiokly, and bake in hot battered
Craps. Serve with hot sauce.
Coffek Cakb. One enp of sugar, one
cup of butter, one cup of molasses, one
cup of cold coflee, four Cups of flour,
two o.ips of Wising two teoRpoonfuls of
baking powder. Spice to taste.
Mincb Pitts - Brtit a fresh tongue;
chop it very flue, after removing ihe
ftiill and roots; when cold, add one
pound of chopped suet, two pounds of
stoned raisins, two pounds currants,
two pounds eitroh cut in flhe p.txsk
six cloves powered, two teaspOohfulB
cinnAmon, half teaspoonful mace, one
pint cider, two pounds sugar; put this
till in a stone jar and cover well; in mak
ing pies chop ftnre.e ripples very fine, and
to one bJtvl of the prepared meat take
two apples; add more sugar, aooording
to taste, and sweet cider enough to
make the pies juicy, but not thin; mix,
and warm the ingredients before putting
into your pie-plates; always bake with
an tipper and under crust, made with
One cup of lard, one of butter, one of
water and four of flour.
Chicken Soup. - Take a chicken
weighing about three pounds. Cut it
In quarters and place in a poroelain
pot. Add two quarts of water and let
it boil one hour. Then have a frying
pan ready with a lamp of butter, and
remove the chicken to it, and have some
boiled rice ready, cooked in another
saucepan about one cupful of boiled
rice as boiling the rice with the chick
en improves the flavor of the soup. Add
about ohe tablespoonful of chopped
parsley, one onion, and a small carrot,
in very thin slices ; boil the giblets
separately, and when t the chicken is a
rich brown remove it to make a gravy
by adding a half cup of water, one table
spoonful of flour, and the giblets
chopped fine. Serve the gravy sepa
rately. MtMtvrberrlea nod Grapevines.
O. M. F. writes to a New York paper:
" What kind of soil is best adapted for
strawberries ? Is not clay, well worked
np with loam or muok and manure,
good? When should the runners be
clipped off ? Should the vines be cov
ered in the winter with straw or horse
manure, or not at all ? Also, nntil how
old should grapevines be kept trimmed
Reply. Some strawberries succeed
better upon clay soils than upon light
ones, and others do very ill Upon clay.
A moderately clayey loam is the best for
this fruit. For clay soils triompbe de
gand, jucunda, black defiance, Boy
den's, and Colonel Cheney may be
chosen; for light soils, Wilson, cham
pion, Kentucky seedling, monarch of
the west, and Downer's prolifio will be
better. The runners should be clipped
when the blossoms and fruit are form
ing, so as to turn all the vigor of the
plant to the fruit. Horse manure is not
good for a covering, nor even for ma
nure for strawberries. Cow droppings
well rotted, with a little guano, in the
spring, make the best fertiliser. Coarse
hay, cornstalkB, and cedar or pine brush
are tho best for covering. Litter from
the cow stable is very good. Grape
vines should be kept trimmed alwaj s.
If they are a hundred years old, they
will need trimming as well as when bnt
one year old.
Knrylnc Hoots.
When turnips, beets and other roots
are buried out-doors, the common mode
for protecting them from the frost is to
put on a moderate layer of straw and
then a thick ooat of earth. But if more
straw and less earth are employed it
will be better for the roots, as they will
be dryer, the straw absorbing the mois
ture. A neighbor has been in the prac
tice of placing sixty or seventy bushels
of potatoes in each heap, covering them
with a foot of compact straw and three
inches of earth. He has not lost one
bushel in a hundred. If straw cannot
be had in sufficient quantity, it is a
good way after covering with a few
inches of earth, to apply to the whole
exterior of the heap a layer of leaves.
These act as a non conductor, and as
shingles, keeping the rain from entering
the inner coat. Another moderate layer
of earth completes the covering. Ven
tilation is never to be omitted. Ex
To Rerlve Froaled Plant.
Plants are eften frosted through neg
lect and allowed to die throngh ignor
ance. Those that have been quite se
verely nipped may be saved if treated
rightly. The proper way is, when the
frost has been partially drawn out of
them, naturally, to drench them with
cold water from a fine-nosed watering
pot, and immediately cover again and
let them so remain until they regain
their natural color. When they are re
moved, clip off all such parts as are
blackened. As soon as it is discovered
that a plant has been touched by frost,
remove it to a eool, dark room, and on
no account suffer the sun to shine on it.
If they oaa be covered so as to exclude
air as well as light, it is better still.
Dahlias, cannas and the like need not
be removed until the frosts are severe
enough to blacken the leaves. Herald.
Wbj Kill ! OneTseTfF
Notwithstanding the general impres
sion that the worst use that can be made
of a man is to kill him, there have been
a great many suicides within the past
few days. 'Whether these victims of
themselves have found another world,
and one enough pleasanter to justify
their haste in going to it, is a question
for theologians to decide; but to the
ordinary mind snicide seems to be a
great blunder. As a general rule even
the saintliest people object to leaving
this rather uncertain earth of ours, so it
stands to reason that there is a good
deal worth living for; and though it may
not be at hand at the immediate mo
ment it is desired, the whirligig of time
has a way of bringing a fair amount of
cheer and comfort to every man. - Many
of the prosperous, contented men and
women of to-day can lookback at s time
when their troubles were as great as any
which suicides have refused to endure:
Kin l nut nf these vfirv troubles Rnranir
) the ability to enjoy to the uttermost
BUOU piUUBAUv uuaijgeD bo uuic UU1J
brought. Besides, no man or woman is
so poor or so degraded as to be utterly
nneared for, and to slaughter the par
ticular friend of one's friend is a dread
fully impolite trick for any gentleman
or lady to indulge in. The probability
is that nearly every man who shoots
himself or takes poison does so in a fit
of depression, such as millions of others
have oonqnered, first having suffered by
it. If any one contemplates buying
Paris green or a revolver so as to be in
fi the fashion, let them pause, pay part of
1 kit mnna a t.rtiwsnaf. ViarVi intra
plenty of air and exercise and see for
himself whether it is not better to be
a live failnre above ground than a dead
failure under It, Jveyp for Herald,
ftataral History The horse.
"bow many species of hones are
fonnd in America ?"
"Well, there's the clothes-horse,
saw-horse, tho wrong horse, horse
chestnut, hobby-horse and several other
kinds of horses. This is a great country
for horses, especially fast ones."
Does every owner of a horse think
that his animal can trot in 2.40 T"
"He does. He knows it just as well
as yon know it's daylight. Ton never
saw a horse yet which Wasn't supposed
to be. Very fast, even when hitched to a
" But I have seen lots of horses which
couldn't trot a mile in five minutes."
" Yes, so have I; bnt there was some
excuse for it. He didn't feel good, or
the bit was too large, or his harness
didn't net Rood, or he bad been thinking
of his childhood days and was sad
hearted. There is always the very
plainest reason in the world why every
horse don't let himself out like a streak
of lightning."
" They are a very useful animal, are
thev not?"
"Very. If yonr neighbor has one
BUU Will IDUU 1111M, JVU 11 UUU 11.0 ' "
just the thing you want."
" Do thev reason I"
" They do. You seldom see a horso
throw awav time in biting at a man be
hind him or trying to kick the hostler
arter lie gets out of the barn."
" At what age do they die ?"
"At ten. You can find thousands of
horses which are ten years old, and have
been ever since anv one could remember,
but thev never tret up to twelve. Even
after their teeth are worn down to ihe
gums and their sight gone they are sup
posed to be about ten."
" What is a snuare horse race I"
" It is an affair where several men get
together and privately agree that a cer
tain horse shall win, and be always
" What is a pool ?"
" It is a spot of mud and water some
thing similar to a mua-pnaaie
' What in nnllino-' a horse ?"
" Hitching a team to a Tope afound
his neck."
"What is the homestretch ?"
" It is when the man who has bet on
the wrong horse stretches his legs for
home, knowing that his wife will give
him fits."
" What is meant by a bad break ? "
" It is when a horse breaks three of
his legs."
" And whet is a skip ?"
"It is when the gate-keeper lights
ont with a pocketful of money."
"What is 'scoring?' "
" It is trying to get twenty feet ahead
of the other horses in the start."
" Why do they speak of race-tracks as
the turf?"
" Because all the turf has been care
fully removed."
" When is a horse off?"
" When he shoots out of the gate and
starts for home, driving himself. That's
enough for to-day, and about enough for
the horse." Detroit Fi'ee Preis.
"Tho Five Silver Donkejs."
A very wealthy man finding himself
near his end, called his five sons to his
bedBide and presented each with a silver
donkey, equipped with panniers, and
said : " There was a merchant travel
ing from Basira to Bagdad with a cargo
of silk, but as this, however, was not
sufficient to fill more than one of tho 4
panniers, he balanced the burden by
filling the other with stones. As he
was journeying he was overtaken by a
wayfarer who fell into conversation with
him, and in course of it remarked,
What a fool yott must be.' Very pro
bably,' was the reply, but in what par
ticular?' 'Why,' said the other,
don't you see that, if you were to dis
tribute your silk equally between the
two panniers and throw away your
stones you would diminish yonr ass'
burden by one-half?' 'Very true,'
rejoined the other. I thank you for
your wise counsel ; ' and forthwith the
silk merchant threw his stones ont on
the road, and distributed the cargo in
equal proportions between the two
panniers. As, however, they continued
their lournev. the meronaut remarked.
You are a very clever and discerning
person, but bow is it that you are in
snch evil case ? Your clothes are soiled
and threadbare, and you have scarcely
a shoe to your foot. The truth is,'
was the reply, ' I am an unfortunate
man.' ' Are yon an unfortunate man?
1'hen I will go back and pick up my
stones,' which he accordingly did, and
replaced the silk in statu quo. It hap
pened that when he arrived at Bagdad,
he fonnd that the caliph was building a
new palace, bnt was brought to a stand
stiii tor vent of stones. Ho the mer
chant sold his stones for more than he got
for his silk, and returned rejoicing,
Now. mv sons, in presenting you each
with the silver donkey, I wish to impress
upon yon this maxim, Never take the
advice of an unfortunate
man.'" The
University Magazine.
Oeography bees have replaced spell
ing bees as a winter amusement in the
Koine Sentinel. Brevities.
The average dairyman is a good
astronomer ; at least he knows all about
the milky whey.
It is reported that the ameer of Af
ghanistan has fled the capital, leaving
his son. Yuakoob Eahn, in power. If
Xaakoob Kahn not master the situation,
who Kahn ?
When people flock into a place of
business as if they were making a rnn
on a savings bank, there is no occasion
for alarm. It is only an evidence mat
the establishment advertises.
When a paragrapher gets hard pressed
for au item with a good point, tie inva
riably recollects that somebody late'y
sat down opon an upturned carpet tack,
a bent pin, or tne business end. oi
bamble bee.
A kindergarten pupil who had re
ceived his first lessons in anatomy, had
been told that the object cf tho finger
nails was to proteot the ends of the
fingers. ' This part of his lesson had
not been very clearly impressed npon
the young student's mind, and when his
teacher asked him, " What are finger
nails for ?" his answer was, " To scratch
An advertisement in an exehange says
a "large gray gentleman's " shawl has
been lost. That's singular. Now, if it
had been a large gentleman's grey
shawl, or a gray gentleman's large
shawl, or a gray large gentleman's
shawl, or a gentleman a large gray
shawl, it would, of course, have been
different ; but the thief who would steal
a shawl from a large gray gentleman
deserves to have his hair tnrn gray in
one night, and ought to be made to wear
gray-striped suit the balance of his
days. -' .
Many a boy who handles a billiard
cut with consummate skill, can't get the
bang of a snow shovel.
the BUI that Followed the Dinner.
An American gentleman paid a round
Snm for a dinner . he gate to six friends
at fashionable Pans restaurant a few
weeks ago. aooording to the corre
spondent of a London paper. After
coffee and cigars he asked for the bill,
and the waiter, bowing with great def
erence, presented it to the host, who
ran his eye over the several items.
Asking pardon of his guests he showed
them the bill, and desired to know if
they thought 2&3 francs (fed) a reasona
ble snm to charge for the dinner they
had had. The opinion was unanimous
that the amount asked for so ordinary a
dinner was more than exorbitant. The
proprietor was called in. He entered
with a pompons bearing, and, after hear
ing the ease, regretted that it was not
the custom of his house to reduce any of
the charges mode. Two hundred francs
(40) were oflered bint and refused with
great dignity and when he found that
the American gentleman was inclined to
argue out each item with him, he waived
his hand deprecatingly, told his custom
ers that he was unable to give them any
more time, and asked them, since they
appeared unwilling to pay the amount
of his bill, to do him the favor of consid
ering themselves his guests. He left
the room; the 200 franos were sent down
to him, bnt were refused, and the party
quitted the place, furious at the imper
tinent manner in which the dinner had
been offered gratuitously. In the morn
ing the 200 francs Tere offered him
again by a public notary, and he accepted
Keep Dwellings Dry.
A warm and dry atmosphere is not un
wholesome, but when cloudy or rainy
Weather brings a sultry air which damp
ens everything around us, the atmos
phere may be loaded with the germs of
disease, and fire is needed to destroy
them. The walls, the ceilings and the
floors of apartments should never be al
lowed to become iamp. Sometime?,
when the warmth of ihe air is oppressive,
fire is more nr-oonqnrr to nrenprvfl health
than it is at another leason to protect ns
irom me cold of winter; and the rooms
of a dwjlling should lever be left with
out the means of warming and drying.
Investigations have ihown that many
of the most fatal diseases are caused by
the germs of vegetable and animal life,
ana mat a no mid atmosphere is most
favorable for their propagation. It is,
therefore, nealecting. to avail ourselves
of the great diBcoverifH of the ace. and
failing to protect ourselves from scourges
wnicn so leariuliy afflict families, when
we ignore the dangers which surround
us. Apartments exposed to the full ac
tion of the sun may be less comfortable
in hot weather than those from which
the sun's rays are excluded, but they
are more wholesome, and when conta
gious diseases prevail in Closely-built
cities it is found that the inmates of
nouses on that side of the street expos
ed to the sun are lees liable to be attack
ed, while the greatest number of sick
are always found where there is the
least exposure to the ravs of the great
aisiniector the sun. vmemnati At
A Feminine Mjslerj.
Assuming that no matt ever saw a wo
man slap her ears or wear earmnffs, it
uobooves the sterner sex to respectfully
nature wny tins is so. Women s cars.
taken as they ooiae, look very much as
men s ears. To an impartial and fair
minded observer, they are more deli'
cately constructed, and, naturally, not
as well lortinea against cold as t be aver
age masculine auricular appendage,
The feminine ear is not protected by
wnisKers or nair, and iasuion declares
tbat the bat or bonnet shall in ho way
contribute to its warmth or general
comfort. It goes into battle against the
common enemy without armor, and with
no more preparation for conflict than
were this the month of June instead of
December. That it should escape under
such circumstances, or that, unwrapped
and thus exposed, it should not reqnire
slapping, as either a preventive or pro
tective measure, is a mystery which the
average masculine mind is not equal to.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
HoMla af Pttnnle art MnrtTlrB
To B'.ok headache, that infallible symptom of a
disordered stomach, liver and bowels. Many
suffer from it as many as three or fonr tin es a
week, rney ao to needlessly, lor iiostetter
Stomach Bitters, bv toning the digestive or
gans and regulating the bowels and liver, re
moves tee oauseana dispels tne painini symp
tom. The intimate sympathy between tbe
brain and tbe abdominal region eaaBes the
slightest disorder to be reflected, as it were,
in tbe organ of thought. The reform insti
tuted by the Bitters when the digestive, secre
tive and evaoaauve rnnclions are in a state or
chaos, haa other and more benefioial result",
viz.: the complete nutrition of tbe whole phy
sical economy, the restoration of appetite and
repose, and an increase in the power of the
system to resist diseases or a maianai type.
ntj, rem,.
Why be an animated tallow shop when Allan's
Anti-F;t ia a safe and sore remedy for obesity
or oorpulence. and will reduce tbe moat ill-
DroDortioned form to a graceful outline within
a few weeks. It oontains no ingredients that
can uossiblv crave deleterious to the svstem.
A well-known ohemist.aner examining its con
stituents and tbe method or us preparation,
gives It bis nnantlmed indorsement as a rem-
edy that " cannot but act favorably npon the
system and is well calculated to attain me oo
jest for which it ia intended."
Baltimore, Md., Jnly 17th, 1878.
ProD'ra Allan's Anti Fat. Bnffaln. N. Y.:
Dear Sirs I have taken two bottles ot Allan's
Anti-Fat, and it has reduced me eight pounds.
Very respectfully. Mrs, i. it. luia,
There is no time to be lost when a oongh at
tacks one, in adopting means of prevention
against consumption and bronobitia. A oongh
mav. with perfect truth, be termed tbe incipi
ent stage of those destructive maladies, and it
is tbe heieht of follv to disregard it. if lie loot
ed, it will assuredly culminate in some danger
ous pulmonary affection, but if Dr. Wnt. Hull's
Balsam for tbe Lungs be psed, the complaint
i. speedily vanquished and all danger averted.
There is no pulmonio comparable to this great
speciao. Bold by druggists
The f amons Mason A HamUn Cabinet Organs,
whioh are certainlv tne best or these lnatra
mente in the world, are now sold for payment
bv installments, bringing them witbin reach cf
thoae who can make only small payments at a
time. Any agent for their sale will give par
Leaky roofs or water pipes, water tronghs or
other places, must be made tight. One 50o. or
75o. can of Flexible Cement will do it thorough
ly. Adv one can apolv it with auok or knife.
liberal inducements offered to local agents to
canvass in their neighDornooa. Address Van
dervoort a, 116th at.. East river, Mew York.
. The Celebrated
. "Matohijcsh"
Wood Tag Ping
Tn Pionekb Tobaooo OoMriirr,
New York, Boston, and Chicago
For upwards of thirty years lira. WLN8LOW8
BOOTHJNti BYBDP haa been rued forohildren
with never-failing snooeaa. It oorreota acidity
of the stomaoh, relieves wind oollo, regulates
us Doweia, onres dysentery ana aiarrbcea,
wnetner arising rrom teeming r otner causes,
Aa old and well-tried remedy. 95 eta, a bottle.
Chew Jacksop'B Beat Bweet Navy TotltCO
. INPOHTAN'l' NOTlUb.-r'arBere. rami
fee aad Olaera oaa PDroaaae no Remedy eaoei to Dr
IlW-n T. - I . . . (1 -n . , I : .
""- 1 v,v.f. uw, ua p III.
eiokaeta, taken intarneUy (it U patlMtly haxmle: aae
oata aeeoupauyiuf aton bottle) aad externally foe
Uhrooie RUanmaliani. Heedeebe, Toothaese, Bore
ThroaL, Oete, Burnt, BaeUinca. Brniaaa, Moeqatto
St'JTTl V. . ""'. rams m uaua, w.t ana uaeet . 1 no
VEfJUTLAN LftllMENT wae mtrodnoad in letf.aud
ao una wno nee need it Dot eoaunuae to do ao. many
statins if It waa Tea Dollare a Bottle they woaJd
Dot be withont It, l'uoaeenda ef Oertinoetas oaa be
eeen et the Depot, epeaAin of ita wondarfa) enratWe
Crm ron Oouaa oa Coif. As soon as there
the slightest uneastneai of the ohest, with
dlfflonltr of breathing, or tndioation of oongh
take; daring the day; a tew "Brown's Bronchial
frdohM." Tr9rttt-flve e6nt a hex. .
.". e
Tmu Irs will b erlnUd it dartnf the rar to
raa. It! parpoM aad mtthod will be the nil u la
M put : To pranit all the nm In a mdable ihapa,
end to toll th truth ttaooih tb hMTtni fall.
Tirs BC baa baan. la. and will eontlnne to be lode-
pandant of atarjbodf and eranthlbf aava the Truth
rd IM own aonf Ictlont of duty, that it tb only nollof
which an bonaat ntwapapar nerd hare. That la the
pollor whlah haa won for thla newipapar tba oonfldenoe
and frlandahlp of a wider eonatltneuef than waa erer
enjoy ad by any other American Journal.
Tea Bus la the newapapar of the people. It la not for
too rich man acelnat the poor man, or for the poor man
afatnattherlehmaa.bntlt eeaka to do equal Juatloeto
alt lotoreata In the community. It la not the organ of
any peraon, elaae, eeot, Or party. There ace be ne
miliary about Iti lovee aad hatea. It to for the honeei
man acalnat the roguee every time. It la for the hooeat
bemoorat aa acalnat the dlahoneat Republican, and for
the hooeat IMpvbliean aa aalnat the dlahoneat Demo
crat It doal not take lta ua from the etteraiwiee of
any politician or political erianliatlon. It elraa ill
aupport ut recurred ly when man or meaauiea are in
plea upon which thla republic waa founded for tha
people. Wheoarer the Oonatttution aud oonatttutlnnal
UTMnm bid in a iwutiiauon .uj ilu iub nnnci.
prinoiplea are violated It apeaka ont for the rcbt
In th
lta oroaramme for 179.
there will be no ohanfe
la inn nun a lara oi lpaapvnasnoc. in iqib
bere Will be no obautfe in
Tain Httm haa fairlr ear
Tan Stra haa fairly earned tbe hearty hatred of Ma.
aala. franda and humboea of all aorta nod aiaee.
hopee to deaarre that hatred not Icae in tbe year 1"7!
. i?
t'jan in 1178, 1S7T, or ai y year (one by. Tnn Bus it
printed for the men and women of to-day, wboae poo
Sera ia eblafly with the affalra of to-dir. It Haa Both
tne aiapoemon enu loo anility to anora it raara if
promptest, f alleat. end moat aoourate lntlllaanoe of
whatever in tbe wide world la worth attention. To thil
end the reeouroea belonaini to well-eatabUibed proa
parity will be liberally employed,.
Tbe preterit dltjofnted condition of parti et In thla
country, and the uncertainty of the future, lend an
enreordlnary almifloanoe to the erentt of the eomlm
year. To protect with eoenraorand clearneai the ex
aetiltnatlonlneaoh of itararyinc phetea, and to ex
pound, aooordine to ita wall.known matboda thepfin
eiplea that tboold fulde na tbronah tbe labyrinth, will
be an Important part of Tnn Strx'a work for 1879.
We hare tbe meana ef making Tnn Huic , aa a polttl.
el, e literary, and a general newapapar, more enter.
Lning end more naaful then erer before i end we
meanto apply them freely. (
Onrratea of eubtorlptloa remain unehanged For
ihe Daily Sou. a four-page eheet of twenty-eight
Columne, the price by mail, pootpaid, la 65 oentaa
month, or H6.flOeyer s or including the Sunday
paper, ah eight-page eheet ct flflr-tii eolumna, tba
pnoeIt5 cento a month, ot S7.70 a year, pottage
P The Sunday edition of Ta Sow la alao f nrntihed aep
aratelyat gl.leO a year, pottage paid. The Bdbdai
Sow, in addition to tbe current newa, preaentc a moot
entertaining and inatruotire body of literal,. and mlt.
eellaneoua matter, in bulk twice aa great and in value
not inferior to tbat of tha beat monthly mag-tinea of the
day at onetenth of tbair eott. ...... .
The Wcklt Suit la eapeolally adapted for tboee who
do not take a Hew York dally paper. Tbe newt of tbe
Week la fully pretaoted, lta market report are fur.
nithtdtothe latett moment, end ita agricultural de
nartmani. adiljul eHtr, vreat ear and abt ltr. la unanr-
paaaed. the Wccntt SUM la probably read UMlay by
mora farmers tban any other paper pnnntnea
. ohoioa
bug, and f urnllhee more good
Tbeprtocef thh WnxiLt Sow, eight pagea, Bfty-tlx
eolnmnclt 91 a year, poatage pild. For e ubaoftan
tending S10 we will aand an extre eopy fraei Ad
Irau av LW. RNOLANU,
f Wnblliher cf Tne Sua. New fork City.
ARB PAID ewy soldiet dlnSMM In Una
of duty, by Accident or olhererlec. A. of any kind. Ires of FlJf
U but tllirlit, or nineaee of I.TJNOM.
ROlKTf-Discharge for Wound, lolur
Ireor Hiumir, (ttvee ITLL Hounly,
ljflet IIor .-a, Ofllcern' Acconntn
gnrt rttl War Clnime eMtlrrt. RB
31ivrKfi t-I.AIUM RKoPRejicn.
Send A cent tor a t'opy of Acte i
L tltll -I.A1.JIS. fiend etsmp for:
Bon aim, waauingion. ita;.
uiinrt ntmedyi
Caret ilropty, Kidney, Bladaef
an 1 Urinary Coroplainta, Brif ht'a
Oisawe, Diabett and Gravel,
Pu n In IMSMe, Back or Loina,
and all lliteaaeft of the Kldnerti
Kinder and Urinary Oreanai
llti..l' Kruirdv eneourtjiM
tleer. cre t -i p eli'e. Iracea nplha tritem and re
ntwidhn Itb'tlii' re-nln.f usina lluot'.Rt-meny.bend
fnri.t-.uM f W.M. f OI.AKKK. I'rp rirl-nr-, R 1..
Itlt.. 1..IJ. .a. AlnnkAl ft A nfld Rl TiHftl
. : I ..u.nM,.mn.Miii:l. It de-
etrore ell apptit for alcoholic liouora and boilda np
the nerrout ayttem. After a debnnrh, or riy
Intemperate Indulcenre, a elna h"-P'
mi win rcmt." ." v ri..
prrenton. It alao curat oiery aina oi ' .Ti
viptu and Torpidity or the Liveb. Bold oy an
HI nerootte. l-ampuieion
lilteate," tent free. FATHKB 1'r.MrrlilvCB
t?t ... tba
tuman Body, and Intemperance aa a
L' . -r u ri ItiTttW Tf HPtltlVGI
Cures DvsD3taia, Indigestion
Sour Stcmacb. Sick Headache
When ron atk for Ridgo't Food, eee that yon (et It ; the
name ia embossed on tbe lid and the label haa the aig
n.tureof VTOOI.RIOH A VO.
Th moat etartHtif dcript1on of tbe trr.b! eflsota et
nitn vr written. Kmbrcinf ! tha lifa-woik and
apaaobaaof FRANCia Mdrpbt. Dr. R-nald4 and thair
eo-laborara. Tba rat Bi ns anJ Hkd Rivkom book
allaatsigbi. wv pagaa. mem sf.nw. pi wma,
Addrwa. II, S. liOOUMpIiKU V i O , a
New ork.
tor iJvooratinc and Fanoj Work. Finest atock import
ed, .Deluding Flowera, Birda, Heada, IjaaTea, Inseota,
Kifftmia. Aa. 7 ahaeU for 'AM..12 for Slw.-lkO or its for 11. UU.
Catalogaa of 100U aboeta, 80. Agent wanted. Stamp
taken, r. i nir n r, bl uonn oireet, uoaion, maaa.
We will pijr Agenta a Salary of $100 par montb and
immm. or allow a lam aommiaaiOD to Bell our new
aoa won a en ui inTeniiona. na meaa vnac w ay.
bample free. Aaareaa.
l 'aj j lo 4UO faotory pnoee
. Koeat honor Matbosbek'aaoala
for aouarea ftp eat UDiishta in
America over
MI'i Co Piiii
13,0110 in uae reirilarlj' incorporated
MfV f!n PiantM Mat on trial 4M-dok ontaloane free.
Mendelssohn Piano Co,
r.. 1 in pi., ntw mfi.
TKIfTH ih Miuaviri
Vritrt r Marti heat, tha great epoaattj
tL.r eU Waurd. will fat U Cents,
a;ih nar Ce, hatyht, aalor f vyea aa4
krk of 1. air. eeetd to joa a ritnif f-wfara
T tmr r.iar hwUtid of erir, iaKieU af
e; nattie. tkr time aad plaae dhtre jo
yi; f irt B.ot. Bnd iSe line ef aaaniac.
Addreaa. I'.or y BTI Pioeiaat
at.. Ita.cs. Weaa. 1"W M tv Ueattaf I
bulond.d work rMd wi b 800 illnatra iona
Avfiita WavntMii on tiat. v or eommiuion.
eai reaaccion in rioeaoi dwm iuu it-
lift. Knnd fnr Aala thiiiM. RrMidini A Go..
fatuiMa Pnb.. I HraitJWaLV.N.y. Hewara
01 apurioua Kituaia now nems oaeieoe
NeW book. Bf bKP. WINNKR. bilU
pla paajea md; on application to
J. M. Stoddart Co.. Paba.. Pbila.
i h cratL akiMMjiho for ail Kint-y Diaeaaea. Haa never
fai ed in anr diaea of tba Kidnera 1 1 tbe paat three
retr". Send for pamphlet, anil aodreta Mr. ( UAIi
in price. Beat opportunity for olub
agents and larye buyeia. All expreaa
TU o rt A 1ITA tl fl'lf 1 rutu D 1 MV
ooarsea uwa. new terma iree.
MS Chamber Street.New York. P. O. Box 872.
"71 V K II Y ft A MAW
J li tiled wih V AAa All X tUtlv a our New
iHachlue will ont smooth and trne. nioen.w. Il
lustrated circular free. K. Roth A Brc.New Oxford, Pa.
S10 to S100D
invested in Wall bt. Htocka maau
fort tinea every montn. uook aeni
Addreaa BAXTER A CO.. Bankera. 17 Wail Ht,
rre explain ids eery""a.
Learn Telegraphy and
earn 840 to IOO a
month. Ersry araduate auarantaea a pay.nai ai
nation. Addreaa K Val-ntine, alauaer,danaiTilla.Wii
Pnieat llalr-l rlumer"! Sample Boa
Ketailera tupplied by any Wholeaaie Notion
Uonae in the United Hlatea. Send for oiroulare. Alan a
feotured only by a. lviwa. tf .f.t ru.uow.yu
'RnevoloDedia ia the beat
Two Aiedala. Pant, lilt.
Kallme bettor than evar.
Ax'ta write to T. Kllwood
ZELla LiAvia uo rnua.
nO.HBINATJON Dtugrr, B'UPet ai.y 'lea
u.t. ii.i niaaa . il t A. Kina Enaraved Oobleta St I
.Soa. Ton-handled Table aCnirea a doa. Uonta
i'nrniahinf oomplete.
rtod. boxd free. fiu-Daee Pnoe
llna.lord. Oonnar Inttltnte. n. X
. - .
TbK'YOUR BOOKSKLLKB tor llr. iio'l'K'rt
A Ht'IENC'K IN 'r". 'tne HoMaye.
StnaaaT Hiu. Pub Co.. IKO E 'h St.. New York.
liiat rree
nfSPMTC FKAMKOCHUO.HtiM 34130 11. per I O dozen. Hoiins free. Hand for Uataloeuea.
f wiMTiMEMTal. Obbomo Co . ZH Warren bt , new York
" a SIONTll-Aeenla IVantea-su Beet
faRfl tolling axticlpa in the worlfl; one aampieret,
epuuu Andre at JAY Buaun,iwi"'.i-
aaty a Oil"" .. wa...e
as. M Wlellor. 'I'trmlannuaiiiLrn-v
I V a ... , , . ir x: I . -
P. O. VIOKKKY . A nenata '
ITlIROMO OAKI). Flovvera. rtloiiee-,
na two alike, ei-n name nee. "ww iv w
pay poatajre.
N. Y.
"Tita .t.ilt HKRMiiNKdeainne to make ftoni
100.1'UW :ttof Id a day will addreaa Eav
hT T7 bUOIC, Milton. Northumberland
ftTTTTVf andt onred. Lowatt Prioya. Do not fail
A at tef aalae tO Write. UT T . Mmw.Hmm.miwl
1 a vraD. He'
1 ta Mate ft JTew Ay.
w - 1 Ama u 6ecrt Corrapon'1ence.M How to dp it,
f all lnM'f'j"I2- " - r
tv- Mdn.,ii iin AiJo..Naaaaa.n.x
a I
1 . I
mjgffmmmmmmmmmmBm aaaeaataaMgranaaaBa
First KftaHlshed I Hott accessf nl t
THEIR mSTtltJMKJtTa have a standard
value In all the
Everywhere recognized e tbe FINEST
OVER 80,000
Mad artol In . New Peelgns eonatantly.
ilvat work and hm-tt prices.
r Bend for a Catalogue.
Trsnont St, opp. TOim St., Boston, It-asa.
Jfel'B RATTLE B 0 HPft
13 vw ."1 HXLlJI.JJJtiJjAJ.4n.e
Thil Number is Bniformwith th Strict., and contains
tint her itt'NnBr.nRplendM Declamations and Read in k.
lwpp. iricc,aucu., mauoQ roe, BoiapviwoiiKiien.
-Aiiat. Iniz tora delta
lliieiiti. Hit nihility A hennt-, Vnenonletf,
MO.!-; HK'-".. rrnu'r , t nnmn,
Matthew Hale Smith's new book.
MUD Promin-nt Peraont men and women
antirred. Hieel Porirnlte of A. T.
DlilW A IX X , BKNNKTT, KtO. The
sen-atinn of tbe teaaon. Now ia tne time for
ARPNTQ t eonre territory. Addreta for
Mvtfcla I w affancT oiroulara aaaterma.
Hartford. Conn.
Ta very best good
dlrnct from the Im
narteri at Half tbn
ntnal ooat. Best plan fvr cilTarvd to Glnb A Kent- and
New trni8 FARK
31 and 33 Vee Mtrret, New York.
P. O. Hoi 493.
Broom Gorflfirooi Haiiles,
Broom Manufacturer's Supplies,
92 Union St., Schenectady, N. Y.
Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska,
.in .' Vnrli and Near Kaalaaa the
Third Turedne In every Month until Deombr.
Ricnmon No. lUlaaToa NtiW YOliK. TuradiiT.
jHnoiirt Klat. Fiire about half reaular
ttntee. Faat trama and flrat-olaaa aooommodationa
tuaranteed. for daacrtptlve .and Ulrouiara, iniorma
.ion abont Tickott. eto.. tend addn-aa on Postal Card to
PI.1NY flOIIKK, 317 BroodwnT. Hf V urn
Rnnnlipe for I. ol cos. Ohantein.
and CommondiTlHs, muiiufni't-
d by .1. t '. Ullvu X ".., Colum
bus, O. Semi for l'vire l.iHln.
"Knlehti Templar Uniforms a Specialty.
Military, 8ociefy, and Firemen't Goodt.
ItoonUina H12 fine hlatorieal enm-aTinK and lUhO
arse double-oolumn Dacea. and ia the moat tsomolete
tend for epeoimen pffa and extra terma to Aenta.
niaiorroi tne woria ever ouDiianen. it eoiie it niffbt.
anareea ctationai. iUBLiBaiWQ uo., rnnaaeipnia, fa.
NO MONRY R POITIRKD till aalaa r mmAm. I erill
end an outtir,w:to paniphleta to advertiae, by mail,
postpaid. 1 bin ia a good opportanity for amenta to add
wraeiDii to loeir inootne wiuiout riaKinc uie oenl.
t rug iui parnuuiara m
W. H. Comstock,
.tlorrlatev. u. Ht. Lawrence l'o.. New York
An Infallible and unexcelled remedy for
Mi. Epllppav or Ka I II dic Nlckuena
warranted to effect a eoeedy and
rKKiUAWRn r core.
A free bottle" of
renowned apeciflo and
valuable Treatise tent to
any eufferer anding me hie
r. u. ana ibxpreita aaareee.
Db. H. O. ROOT, 183 Pearl Street, New York.
v . very import
rtant billa are
r in (JiJLf retta,
nmmA a nm
i uuuMum wi lllOl HUIIUUI ui uuiMJll W11J UV UniuptM
from the rolla, and great injustice done. For full par
tioular aend tor eourof The National Tribdne. an
6-page paper, leaned montoly and devoted to the inter-
win oi aoiaiera aoa eeuore, ana meir neir. uonta. ot
tne nana ot every eoldier. l erm. 60 cent pr year,
Special inducement a to eltibe. 8 pec i men copy freo
Addreaa at once, UKOKOK K.LKMON A CO ,
Yvaantngton, u. j,
at ctub ratea. Time, tronble and exnenee eared bv ink,
acribinc through the liocky Mountain Subacnptlon
ifnnuy.wuicQ iiirnisnee any paper texoepi local) poo
llabed in the United HLatea. Aluaioal lnatruiiiAntJi. Rata
inje Machines of all kinds, Cbromoe, lTramea, hewinc
jaiaui inn i-aruiM nu auiuuiuvoM v reauoea pnoee.
I anil alao furnish Booka of all kinds at loweat nrioaa.
Rocky Mountain Stereoscopic Views
a apeciaity. Don't fail to write at onoe for our oircalac.
--atti iHut uik muntty. Aaareaa
JAMK8 TOKREN8.Rrana.Oolo.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs.
nfinnrnttrattd htmt by H1UHKHT HONORS AT ALL
: u rAKin, jho ; VIENNA. 1878; SANTIAGO, Wlhl
awarded highest honors at an anob. Knlri fn M..k
inaullmenu. Illubtbatbd Oatalooues and Oirou
r:T "Vr..""" uuiinow. aeni iree. MAKfiM A
OAanjjKUANUOBo-ton. New York or Omcajro
racritt-ti tixt Hlrh. -t Mt-.lal t ilio iv-..l
ever ml .Miti'ili 4ii fi'iiiin-lttorm. Ilni
(I'JO Ik w.MUhTKU itui tuLrct-at
d.iwn rtvt.r llif U. rrfrl.K'.. Th. l1
UaUHtlo with I ho TiiuiUla. llul. w 1
lU Soft Ami fltsxllila anil coutaiua no
bonea. Vt U by mall, $ I. SO.
Fxi- ral ly allla.tfliec nirrhanti.
WABXEB DUOS.. .St Broadway. K. I.
Is perfectly pure. Prononnced the be. bythehitrh
eat medical authoritiraln tbe world. Given hitfke.t
award at H World'a Eipoaitioua. and at Pane. lJj.
Boia hv DraxrtaU. W. IlT-Uhleflelln Jt Co.. N.f.
jVutrlettowa, Kass.
RBMOVED. Oirunlal
II. UPH AM. Philad'a.
nT. FA V.-With 8unoll Ontatu. What ooat -M
I li ota. eella rtpidlr lor 60 oU. Oatalocne ra.
VA VsT S.M.Si'aiiuca, ll Waab'a rt,boetw,liiaa.
ateuu ? sij fw f
knuill k del I'fllt
r 3
Who want glossy, laxnrlant
and wavy tresses of abundant,
beantifnl Hair most Tilde
decant, cheap article always
makes tho Hair 'grow freely
and fast, keeps it from falling
out, arrests and cores i gray
ness, removes dandruff ana
Itching, makes the Hair
strong, giving it a curling
tendency and keeping It In
any desired position. Beau
tiful, healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kathairon.
Tha Lancet, Caea.eet, aa Meet AttraetlTe
fthe JUaathl Meelee.
The ereat merit of the literary and arliatle e(r--...tafuieonred
a I molt neeiampled eooeeea i for tba
5 tf MntTaLi and aach arreofemente he-e
LTn " w.11 rind th. forth-eomin, rolen
Store Brilliantly Attractive.
ron'of'Vuinmant ealuebl. lnfor-Uk.
Pabliabed 16th of eaoh month.
3.00 per Annum, 25 ota. pr Niakr(
rosTiaa raaa.
Frank Leslie's Publishing House,
63, 65 and 67 Park Place,
Quarto Sheet56 Columns
has beeti carried on for fnrtr frn Jrara aa aa
dfecaeatnc end contlderlng queetlnnaof polltteal aa4
octal IntSreet, aooording to the beet opinions aajl
conrlctlona of lta conductors In advocating the good,
mnrtemnlne the bad. exnoalng the fallacl-a of Die-
taken policy, and promotlnif the general welfare of
tbe people. All foreign and local news published
promptly. ,
Is tmbllnhed every Tuesday morning, In a tjnaite)
Form, eomprtelne nrty-alx columns, at Two Douavaa
per annum, Including postage. Single ooplea for
mailing, nve cenie. iv cuniAin. Mte cuuivr..
end ts made up with special reference to the varted
tastes and requirements of the home circle, la a
word, It ia a nrrt-clasa
wiring. In addition to Ita literary contents, the pruoV
pal new of the week. Market Report, etc., etc
Dally Transcript, S 1 0 per annum In advanoa, a
Weekly " a " "... ".
M " (S copies to one aaaresajay7.Qty
terannum In advance.
Newspaper Directory
Ia a Oaaetteer. eorreoted to data, of all towna tn wh
Nawapapen are pnnliehed, and (iree tbe Namee, Site
Editors, Pnbliehere, Polltloa end CiroulaUont ef all
GEO. P. R0WELL & CO., Publishers,
10 Spruce Street, Keu Tor.
Gliristmas mil New Years
Chord;" "The Ma.den'e Rose;" and "Jamie" ere
Fire of tbe n-n Be-entr-Fire exceptionally op4
Bont that Vl make ton oollaouon one of tbe
ttt2rl22ehS ENGLISH BONO.
large paces.
Prioe In Oloth 19 1 Ftna Oilt Blndinc, M.
NOVELLO'S Musical Presents.
Elegant London Gift Books. C
UIK8, (11.10), all protnaelr illustrated la thereat
aijla of art.
H. M. S. PINAFORE.4 and mutlo oompleie.
Kaar, briaht mule, fnll of fun and Irolie, ana
uonable ia morale. Jut tne uui at
Bead 8
of aaoalo
eta. end receive, pote.iroe.iiuae,
ia ih. Irf u.leavl
panuabed weeklf. p.u per reae.
l naoara, waaea Bl
0L1TEB DITSOS & CO., Boston. ,
V. H. DIT80N St CO.,
841 Braaaeraori Maw Taak.
t Cbeeta St., raWa.
la tha Old Reliable CaaoantratM I.y
The Market la Oooded with (ee palled) Concentrated
Lara, which ia edaiiereWd with salt aad raaia, aad mtmH
PeanjylTani Bait Munifg Co.,
Baoh anmber oontalne 188 qoerto paee , a erae
tiaii K...,H(nl ana-arinirai two aemi-annnel Tolnmae
Ooi.a iu lo .). ia
stautaneooa. Bj method aow
paraued bj eminent Paris.
London and Vienna Diticitnt. Rant, ah auu.i..i . a i '
Da. PKOUJtT, IIH Uainstoo Areone, New Torh,