The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 09, 1879, Image 3

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    THURSDAY 9, 18??.
Local Note
And yet it snows.
Icicles are now In full bloom. J
-Trains run now very Irregularly.
Apple butter, an excellent quality,
t Morgester's.
CM1; vinegar, and syrup, at Mor.
geeter's 'corner grocery.
ftrime Chautauqua county buttei
at Morgester's corner grocery.
8hcttfT Oyster make his regulai
announcement of sale of valuable real
The beautiful old greenback dollar
la now & good as any other dollar, just
as It deserves to be.
Michael Bruner, county Treas
urer elect, entered upon the dutlt
of his office last Monday.
This is not much of a winter fo
ooys. Snow is too deep for const! np
and there Is too much snow on the k
for skating.
On account of other appointments
trrtre will be no Presbyterian service.
in this place next Sunday. Sunday
School aS usind. t .
The week of prayer is being oh
Served at the Methodist Episcopal
church, this place. The attendants
oh the meeting is qtlia large.
A tramp threw sv fjfece of frozen
mud at Molester's grocery widow, n
few night ago. Tne missel struck the
sash, knocking out two large panes o
gktss. That tramp deserved a booting.
The Kane Weekly Blade, a neatly
printed seven column paper published
l kane, Pa., by O. B. Lay and E J
Miller, has made its appearance. We
welcome the new paper to our ex
change list.
At Dog Hollow, Spring Creek
township, last Monday, Joshua David
on cut his foot slightly, severing a
small artery. Being unable to stop the
blood, Dr Bordwell . was sent for and
Pressed the wound.
Rev. H. V. Talbot is not correctly
reported in the Institute proceeding
on the hen question. He said : ''The
et like a hen witli nests scattered all
about." instead of, "They are like a
heu with several nests," etc.
Th. new county auditors. Jared M
Mecum, Charles Miller and J. J. Tay
lor, Wefefcworn into office on Monday
last, and are now busily engaged audit.
Itag the accounts of the several officers
Of Elk county for the year 1878.
Sam Lewis complains that he was
treated in a rough manner by tin
sheriff of McKean county, and his
seven state prison convicts. He says
they stole six pairs of stockings from
him, which he was unable to recover.
Company H paraded on New
Year's day, and presented a very cred
itable appearance. As soon as the
company get their new uniforms they
will bein good trim for passing in
spection. Reguhtt drill tit the armory
Very Saturday evening.
For very low prices for oraaris and
pianos write to' D. 8. Andfus fc Co..
city music store, Willinmsport, Ph.
Organs and pianos to rent by the
Ynonth or year. Sheet music sent to
any address. Second hand instru
ments for sale. Pianos from $76 to f95;
organs from $30 to 1-50.
On Friday morning the thermome
ter stood, at daylight, at ld below zero.
Since Friday the weather has been
milder, although plenty cold enough
Tor comfort. Snow continues to fall,
and the trains to run very irregularly.
We see by our daily exchanges that
the roads west are completely blocked
up, putting a stop to all traffic. If we
had a h.ckof snow last winter we cer
tainly have an abundance now.
Casper Ktme, and Ed Powell
went in a cutter to Grant's Mills
last week, and on their way
home came near freezing, one of the
boys being determined to lie down to
sleep, but was prevented doing so.
Their pftrenU becoming alarmed, sent
Frank VanOrsdall after the bovs. He
found them about a mile from town,
all safe aud'sound. They were con
siderably frost bitten, but by an appli
cation of proper remedies, we believe
they now suffer no Inconvenience from
their cold trip.
Personal Notes.
J. 8. Powell says he Is gaining a
oound a day.
Senator Hall has our thanks for
legislative documents.
Captain Woodward is getting fat
lnce he quit the grocery business.
Rev. H. V. Talbot had a splendid
leigh ride on a load of wood, yester
dav. 8. H. Clark Is drawing waxed-ends
as lively as ever since his return from
Lock Haven.
tL. C. Dickinson and wife are at
present in town. nd intend staying
here Tor two or three monum.
R. H. CoaU haa bought a farm and
moved to Warsaw, Jefferson county,
fthnut twentv-eight niilea from this
Dlacr He has our best wishes for bis
future success.
Little did he expect to see his fath
er a be was w Idling the happy hours
way with his sweetheart. The old
man came, nevertheless. And the
sparkling beverage failed to be strong
nough to keep the secret.
Nelson Jackson and W. B. Smith
Intend starting for Texas to-day, with
the Intention of making that State
their permanent residence hereafter.
In case they are suited with the State.
Jlope wt shall heaf from them often,
and that tbey will succeed in all they
The Medical Board of Ridgway.
Owing to several years of hard times
and low wages, many families have
neglected to pay their doctor bills, and
a large share of the laborers are com
pelled to take store pay or nothing,
leaving a very small margin for their
physicians. There are but few busi
ness firms tbat have taken any pains
to secure the pay for the physician
after treating his men or their families.
. When we receive an order from a
laboring man and present It to his
employer, he says, "Why, that man
owes me, Instead of me owing him,
mid I positively can't phy another
man's debts." Neither can we, nor
do we Intend to doctor for nothing.
Ve certainly are under no more obli
gations to visit the sick for nothing
than his neighbors are to put their
hands in thelrpocketsand pay the bill.
Physicians do more for the sick and
poor tlran any other class of profes
sional men. and they do it willingly
nid cheerfully, and always expect to
or it is their duty to do so, but we do
not expect to devote all our time and
medicine to nearly one-half our popu
lation without remuneration ; not
while quinine is worth six dollars per
ounce. And now, while having no
interest in railroads, lumbering busi
ness, coul mining and tailing compa
nies, we do not expect nor iMH we do
rheir business for nothing.
Let it le understood that the physl
.lans of Rldgway haveeach purchased
a black look, into which a good many
names have already been inserted.
These books will be frequently con
sulted, that any Who are in arrears
must first bring an order from their
employer before services will be ren
dered. And let it also be understood,
therefore, that after January 1st, 1879,
nil those indebted to us that have not
paid tip within the last year, or paid
part, or settled even by note, will not
and must not expect to receive any
benefits of our labor without iftish
down, for we resumed specie payment
mid no trust from January 1. 1879, or
an order from their employer. We
mean business.
t. S. Hartley,
I). B. Day,
J. 8. Bordwell.
Go to Morgester'S for apptfes, pota
toes, pork and ham-.
Doctor Bordwell drove his team of
colts nearly across the ice on the pond
opposite Osterhouts tannery, on Mon
day afternoon. When within about
thirty feet of the opposite shore about
ten feet square of Ice gave way, with
out warning, and the colts at once sank
to the bottom, no pnrt of them being
visible but their noses. Wm. MrChes
ney was driving and the doctor was
wa.king ahead, trying the ice as he
proceeded. When the teatrt. sank the
doctor at once seized then! by the
bridles, thus holding their heads above
water while the driver unhitched them
from the cutter and went to the tan
nery and got twelve or fifteen men to
assist in extricating the team. Many
of the men urged the necessity of cttt
tingofftheharliess.but the doctor, w it li
his usually cool head, convinced them
that the harness was the very thing
needed to pull the colts out. After a
rope hnd been passed around the neck
of one horse, and he Was safely landed
on the ice, the other in the meantime
standing on his tiptoe as it were, a
board was slipped tihder him as he
made a struggle to get out, and he was
also pafely landed. The colts were at
once hitched up and driven to the
bnrn. and blanketed, and that same
night the doctor drove to Do.r Hollow
to see Joshua DaVidwrn's foot, they
seeming to be none the worse for their
icy bath. The ice was eight inches
thick at the place of the break
On Monday morning Doctor Bord
well had engaged Judge Messenger to
take his heavy team, each horse weigh
ing from fifteen to sixteen hundred, to
go across the ice at the point where
the mishap occurred and bring over
some wood from the opposite side.
After cutting holes in the Ice to the
middle of the stream to test the thick
ness, the gentlemen concluded that it
would be too risky for so heavy a team,
but thought a lighter one would pass
and repass in safety. For the purpose
of testing the Ice th doctor made the
trip in the afternoon, with the result
as stated. The wood has hot yet been
Pennfield, Pa., Dec. 31,1878.
Editor of Advocate The Ben
nett's Branch Sunday School Associa
tion will hold a convention at Winter
burn on January 17th and 18th. 1879.
Beginning Friday (17th), on arrival of
mail train going west 2 p. m. and
closing on Saturday (18th) in time for
the 4 p. m. train going east. All are
invited. Yours truly,
Nellie Bird, Sec.
Treasurer McCauley, in retiring
from the office of Treasurer of Elk
county, carries with him the good will
of all the citizens of the county for the
able and Impartial manner in which
he has discharged the important trust
confided to his care. He found the
county heavily in debt when he en
tered the Treasurer's office, and now,
as he gives place to a new man, hands
over the books, which the annual set
tlement will prove, show the county
almost if not entirely out of debt.
And this favorable showing is due, in
a great measure, to the skill and un
tiring vigilance with which the funds
have been handled. May the new
Treasurer, as we think he will, follow
closely the path iuarked out by bis
immediate successor.
Administrator's Notice.
E8TATE of Samuel Wilson, late of
Fox township, Elk county, Pa., de
ceased. Letter Testamentary having
been granted to the undersigned upon
the said est&te, all persons Indebted to
said estate are requested to make pay
ment, and those having claims to pre
sent tneni lor settlement.
J. J. Taylor, Adni'r.
Teachers' Insti trite.
Prom ttie Dally Democrat .Tan; 1 knd It.
Teachers, directors and friends of
education to thejiumberof about tliree
hundred, assembled at the opera house
to hear tlie lecture bf Ueorge Kennan,
upon "Life in Siberia.''
.The lecturer, without any prelimin
ary remark!, plunged at once Into his
subject, and for one hour and fifty-five
minutes held the audience with an
attention that betokened the keenest
The Rldgwny Glee Club then ren
dered a pretty selection, entitled "Steal
Away," when Mis. Riddell read in her
usual effective manner a psthetlc poem
by Alice Cary, entitled "The Younfa
., Then followed another selection by
the Glee Club, entitled " Distant
Chimes," when Supt. Dixon returned
his thanks to the audience and dis
missed them. '
The institute shunjHed to order at
9 o'clock by the cunty superintend
ent, and was opened with the Lord
prayer. . .. ,, , .
Miss May Hall and C. S. Luther
were chosen members of the commit
tee on permanent certificates, the com
mittee as completed, being composed
of Misses Ella Herrick and May Hall.
Messrs. W. H. Prideaux, J. C. Whar
ton and C 8. Luther.
Th'e superintendent appointed Mis
Jennie Athertonund Messrs. Wharton
and Fee a committee on resolutions.
Music ' The Land of Memory." bj
the Ridgway Glee Club.
Mrs. Riddell lectured on "Expres
sion,". in which she dwelt upon, tin
necessity of cu'tivating pitch, force
time and slide of voice in order to read
Mrs. Riddell Vrtis followed by Prof.
Jones in one of .'lis humorously prac
tical treatises. His subject was "Tin
Eye und te Ear." He said the mos1
important thing in speech is the culti
vation of the ear. All pupils should
be taught t listen, not only to what b
said, but how it is suid The eye should
be used to help the ewr.
Recess of tell minutes.
After recess Mr. Luther instructed
the institute on "Penmanship,'' using
the blacklwiard in his exercise. Thi
mental operation he divided Into form,
space, height, shade; and the mechan
ical operation into pen-hHlding. osl
tion, movement. Theobjccthedchned
to be legibility and beauty.
The question or tne proper pronun
elation of tMi proper noun " Bayard"
Was discussed by Messrs. Sawyer und
Johnson, which developed the fact
that Webster pronounced it "Bayard"
and "Byard," giving the preference
to the former.
Prof. Riddell resumed his talk upon
''Spelling," which he commenced yes
terday. The rules he laid down Were :
1. Give short lessons.
2. Prortouhee the word but once.
3. Give theiw?uningf each word.
4. Pay atletitio'i to misspelled words.
Which he supplement. d with some
very sensible remarks.
Mr. Johnson took issute with rule
second, and gave his reasons lor so
In answer to a question of Mr. El
dred, Prof. Itiddell stated that with
young pupils he would pronounce the
syllables, but that with more advanced
ones he would not.
The institute was called to order at
1:30 p. m. by the county superintend
ent. The session was opened by the
county superintendent. The session
was opened bv the institute singing
"Jesus, Lovttr 6f My fSoul,'' Mrs. Eru
bout presiding at the organ.
A few remarks by Prof. Johnson.
Music Duett: '-Greeting Glee," by
Mrs. Ernhout and T. S. Hartley.
.Mr. Eld red occupied the floor for a
few moments on the subject of ' Free
Text Books," Mr. Fee following and
Prof. Sawyer concluding the discus
sion. The question, " Should Teachers
Have a rroiessionm library was
treated uion Itev. Talbot in a null -hour
Prof. Sawyer then made a few re
marks in reference to Rev. Talbot on
"Woman's Rights-," asking the
question : "If the clergy svt in the cor
ner, where does the teacher set!"
Answer "They are like a hen with
several nests act wherever they can."
Mr. Lenig propounded Ihe question:
"How are teachers to Procure that Li
brary?'' Answer by Rev. Talbot "Econo
mize." Music-Duetti "Midnight Moon"
by Mrs. Ernhout and Mrs. H. H.
Intermission of five minutes.
Opened by Music "Peace Be Still."
by Mrs. Ernhout, Mrs. H. H. Weiisel
and Dr. Hartley.
Prof. Jones then made a few well-directed
remarks on the "Relutiou of the
Directors to the Teachers."
Mrs. Riddell treated upon ''Recita
tion,'' giving as her tooles
1. Teacher give sfiiliment.
2 Pupils give out sentiment.
3. Read lesson.
4. Review ujmn merit.
Questions were asked by Messrs.
Sawyer, Hovencamp. Thompson, and
Prof. W. H. Prideaux was called up
on to give his opinion regarding sum
mer school. Ater a few remarks by
him, a vote of the teachers was taken
on the subject, and the expression of
the institute was in favor of consoli
dating the winter and summer terms.
Shortly before eight o'clock Supt.
Dixon opened the exercises in the
opera house by introducing Misses
Wilcox and Schultz, of Wilcox, who
rendered "Best's Overture" in a man
ner that elicited warm applause.
Mrs. Riddell being introduced, read
by request a humorous selection, en
titled "Archie Deuh," which was well
The Ridgway Glee Club then sang
"The Morning Star," after which Mr.
Kennan delivered his lecture upon
"Vagabond Life in Eastern Euroe,"
the scene of which was laid in St.
Petersburgh, Moscow, and the Caj
casus Mountains. While it was a
good effort, and contained much In
formation, it admitted Of no compari
son with his "Life lA Siberia," de
liverer the night befoi'e. He gave
several Bongs in different languages,
and chanted with tine effect the Mo
hommedan call to prayers.
Then followed a jubilee song by the
Ridgway Glee Club, entitled ..Atlgels
Meet me by the Crose-Roads." which
was well received by the audience, not
so much because of the melody as bv
reason of the facial contortions which
Dr. Hartley threw into the rendition
of his part o the performance
The evening's entertainment was
concluded by singing a dewpUvt!
song by Sirs. Ernhout. entitled " hen
the Tide Comes In" which was loudly
Institute opened an usual, Supt.
Dixon in the chair.
Mrs. Riddell then made a few re
mark after which Ml- Aggl .Barrett
read a selection, entitle "Gone with
a Haudsomer Man."
Mr. Bbye'i' Uien discussed the que
tlon: "How to prevent whispering In
school?" followed by Miss May Hall,
Mr. Sawyer and Profs. Prldeaut und
The Institute then voted th-t the
self reporting system Is generally a
Prof. Jones spoke on "Difficulties,"
prefacing his topic by some Very
timely remilrks. Under the head of
"Obstacles," he hinlle the following
point: Dwell longer rth the - more
difilcult parts than oil ttibse which are
Intermission of ten minutes, after
which Mr. Hovencamp gave a ablu
tion to a referred question, which
showed him to be a mathematician oi
no mean ability.
Mr. Jones then spoke upon "Little
Things." He impressed on the minds
of the teachers the hecesslty of teach
ing things outside of the text books.
Read books arid papers, and then
give the contents to the pupils. En
courage the pupils to read.
Mr.Sawyer warmly seconded thepro
.'essor's remarks on reading the period
icals of the day.
The chairman of the committee on
i-esolutions reported the following :
"Whkreas, We have now reached
he close of the twelfth session of the
Elk county teachers' institute;
"And whereas. We have been so
fordiallv welcomed, and have found
f he hall' in which we held our session?
o And hdme-like; therefore,
Jfesotvett, That we tender our thanks
to Superintendent Dixoii and Vice
President Johnson for the'r untiring
efforts to make this institute a success.
Resolved, That our thanks be offered
to the corps of professors who haye st
ably instructed U9; also, to Mrs. Ern
hout and the Ridgway Glee Club for
the superior musks furnished for the
Resolved, That we, as the teachers o
this association, will reduce to practice
the manv Important lessons received
during the session. ,
Resolved, That ve appreciate the
interest manifested by the citizens o
Ridgway in the sessions of the instl
Jennif Atherton,
'J Co
J. Ci ha Rton, Com
un motion tne resolutions wen
unanimously adopted.
Supt. Dixon thin made some verv
wholesome remarks.
Mr. Kennan bring called upon, gave
the teachers a very good Idea of educa
Hon in Siberia.
After a few fariwell remarks by Mr
Wharton, Supt. Dixon, Rev. Talbot
und others, the instituteadjourned.
List nf Jurors for January Term, 1879.
Benetette G. ,W. Mahan, H. R
Benzinger George Decker, Joseph
Kemer, XaVier BuchhVit, jr.
Fox Henry Largay, Michael Mann.
John HersheV. .
Highland Henry O. EHithorpe.
Horton William Barren, Jefferson
Taylor, James Phalcn.
Jay Jtfteph Dill.
J lines A: B. l'rest'oh, Joseph Hetz
Ridgway C. H-. Rhines, Charlet
Matthews, John Flynn, H. W. Sher
wood. St. Mary's Joseph Schaut, Joseph
Kraft, John Schauer, John Oroll, Mar
tin Per rin.
Benezette T. J. Shaffer, W. H.
Benzinger Simon Breindle, F. H.
Ehrig-, Andrew Dippold, Michael Uhl.
Fox C. S. Luther, Daniel Scull
James V. Wharton, Martin Hlvick,
J J. Taylor, Jrmnlah Sullivan.
Highlutid Rulus Underwood.
Horton Horace French, Wll iam
Eggleston. John Cunco, Theodore Fox
Jay C.J. Dill. Martin Clover, John
Turley, Hiram Howard.
Jones Joseph Derr, Bernard Dill,
-T I. Ttrnwu.
Millstonv-ThoniosSlyhoff, William
Ridgway Joseph Metz. P. A. Mead.
St. Mary's Frederick Loettler.
Frank Sosehheimer, Frank Aves,
IVier Kt I'lilxd.
Spring Creek William Doane, O.
T. Minor, Nicolas George, Thomas
We procure Letters Patent on
Inventions. No Attorney kees in
advance in application for Patenti
iu the United Mates. Special attention
given to jnteivtice rases beiore tin
Patent Ofllr-e, und all litigation apper
taining 'to Inventions or patents. Wt
also procure Patents in Cauada and
other foreign countries.
Caveats Filed. Copyrights obtained.
and all other business transacted before
the Patent Office and the Courts Which
demands the services of experience!
Patent Attorneys. We have had ten
years eiperience as Patent Attorneys
The Scientific Eeccrd.
All Patents ohtuined through our
agency are noticed in the Scientific
Hkcokd. a nimiililv turner of In roc ir
culation, published by us. and devoted
to (Scientific und Mechanical mutters.
It contains full lists of all allowed
Patents. Subscription lo cents a year
postpaid. KjK'cimen copy free. Send
us your address on postal card.
Send us a description of your Inven
tion. giviiig your Idea in your own
language, and we will g ve un opinion
us to patentability, with full Instruc
tions, charging nothing for out advice.
Our tstok, How to Procure Patents,"
about the Patent LawS. Patents, Ca
veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc ,
sent free on request.
R. S.A A. P. L ACEY,
Patent Attorneys,
No 604 F street, Washington, D. C ,
Nearly Opposite Patent ofllce.
Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions.
We have a bureau In charge of ex
perienced lawyers and clerks, for pros
ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay,
Bounty and Pensions. As we charge
no fee unless successful, stamps for re
turn postsge should be sent us.
R. 8. & A. P. LACEY.
THE most useful present
lnended wife, mother or sister is one
of our Nickle Plated and Polished
Fluting and Crimping Irons. 4 irons
on one handle and at greatly r edited
prices. King Reversable Fluting
lion. $3.60 Home Fluting and Crimp
ihg Iron, 2.75. Sent Prepaid on
receipt of price.
&itt Hanuf 3 Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
P. p. Box 88,or 16 Penn avenue.
An Agent Wanted In thia County.
9-6w .
All kinds of job work neatly exe
outed at tbla office-: ' ,
II MvoeatOL
One Raymond silver Wateh . i 80 06
m White Sewing Machine . . . 35 00
One WeMer Unabridged Dictionary . 12 00
One C sh Prize 25 00
Three Cask Prizes $10 e?ch . . . 30 00
Five Cash Prizes, $5 e?. eh ; 25 00
Totel ..... i i 200 00
$200 IN PFltZES to eLk county
Call on Charles Holes, Jeweler, Ridgway, Pa , and see
the Magnificent wa tch we offer. Call on C. Bowers,
Furniture Dealer', Ri'dgway, and see the
handsovie and durable White
The Other Prizes Will
Believing that every family in Elk county should have a county paper,
ind also believing it to ie to the best iiiterestof the nublislier and subscriber
hut the pay should be in advattcp, we
Kvery subscriber to the advocate in ,ik county Who pays $i.uu will receive
a . ...... ........ .1 .t,tv'..i ;'.!. i-'.i. .-..Sti ,. n k. .......
IJlr. alulaie. Li'i mit-ciif uuu a uunct v v. jii' iinuiii a uiaiicc
in the prizes Which We ofl'er. Six hundred tickets Will be Issued, aiid the
Irawing will take place as soon as the tickets are taken up. which we think
'an be done irt alstut sixty days'. All old
octing Wttn the hew ones; that is, the paper will he sent one year ami the
icket given to alt persoiis sending lis $1.50. Further, to any person sending us
i.'.0.(MI we will furnish tVviMitv iuiiwrs tor onfi vpnr hnd tu-niitv tlfUels litsiili4
.in extra copy und extra ticket to the getter up of the club:
Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Philadelphia & Eric R R Div.
"n and after SUNDAY, November
flO 1878, the trains on the Philadel
phia & Erie Railroad Division will
run as follows!
ekie MAIL leaves Pliila 11 55 p-. in.
" " Renovo...l 1 (HI a. mi
" " Emporium. 1 lop. m.
" " St. Mary'-. T p. m
" RidgWay....i2;Vip-m.
" " Kane 3 45 p. m.
" arr. at Erie 7 40 p. m.
ekie mail leaves Erie 11 20 a.m.
" " Kane 3 55 p. in.
" ' Ridgway ....5 (XI p. in.
' " St. Mury's-S 2 p. m.
" Emporium.! 20 p. m.
" " Renovo 8 3 p. ni.
" arr. at Phila 7 00 a. m.
WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't.
Licences for January Term, 1879.
1. Henry Blesh.
2. G.L.Wiuslow.
3. John Collins.
4. David Scull.
5. James McFarlin.
6. Wm. H. Schram.
it'f, Marys Borough.
fi. Lorenz Vogel.
7. Riley Bros.
. William Gies.
f. J.Fi Wind elder.
10. Henry Luhr.
11. F. H. Sorg.
12- John Denier. - '
13. James Magiunis.
St, Mary's Borough,
14. Anthony Schauer.
15. Jacob Kraus.
St Mary's Borough.
16. Joseph Wilhelm.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he lias
stifled a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
All orders left at the Post Office will
receive prompt attention.
Noteheads, billheads, tags, cards
and envelope at thhi ofUoe.
Be Given As Advertised.
hiuke the following unparalled oiler:
subscribers will be put on the same
A new store started in Ridgway un
der the auspices of the ladles of Grace
Church, with
as Agent and Saleswoman.
A fine assort men t of goods on hand
and selected with great care.
Machine silk, thread and needles.
Also a tine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy
work of all kinds. Framed mottoes
I-c. 4C All cheup as the cheupest
and goods warranted first class. Cull
and examine our stock.
Agent for the Society.
THE undersigned is carrying on
Boot und Shoe muking. Custom
niude work neatly done to order and
prices to suit the times. Mending u
speciulty. Please give me a Villi Und
be convinced before going elsewhere
Thankful for past patronage, we re
spectfully solicit it in the future.
Mrs. M. E. M ALONE.
Young men prtpured i'or uci.w husi
uess lile. AtlvunUigcs Uliequuled.
Course of study and business training
the most comprehensive, thorough and
practical in existence. Students re
ceived at any time. For circulars con
taining full particulars address
J. C. SMITH, A. M.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tunc tAtm. Is espeelallvTBAOl
de as an un
failing cure
for Seminal
- r
W euk n ess
8 p e r mator-
Vico Inn
More TaJrinf tency and all After Taking
aliases iuhi louowasa Msiueufy on
Self Abuse j as Loss of Memory, ' Uni
versal Lassitude, Pain In the Back,
Dimness of vlssion, Premature .old
Age, and many other diseases that
lead to Insanity. Consumption and a
Premature Grave, all of which as a
rule are first cuused by deviating from
thepathof nature-and over Indulgence
The Specific Medicine Is the result of
a llfestudy and many years of expe i
ence in treating these special diseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets.
Which We desire to send free by mail
to everv one
The SDecifle Medicine is sbld by all
Druggists at $1 per package, or six
packages for $5, or will be. sent by
mail on receipt of the) money by ad
dressing . 'I HE GRAY MEDICINg CO.,
N.10 Mechanics' Block .Detroit, Mich
tVSold in Ridgway by all Druggists,
everywhere. ,
Harris A Ewing, wholesale Agents,
Business Cards.
Halts ! MvrtMW
on.eaiiytiri, oh. $
B u - ; w OS
T-nmnlent sarfcrtliottifciits t ?3?"JS "J
.-. nn. muri nn it. two Insertion!
il.Ttl, three'lnsertlcllU,. . ,
UuHinc card, ted llnMOf los, perjrsar
.. l.i-. i.:,.'!,.
Advertisements payom quHrvcm
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., r-'
Office In new brick building. Main
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. 82tf
RI.Iitu'.v TT1W niitlf.v. Pa. Office
across trie hall from the Democrat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to; Jnel5,lo8
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets,
Ridgwav, Pa., full assortment of care
fully selected Foreign and Domestic
Drugs. Prescriptions careftilly dis
penned at all hours, day or night.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad
and Main streets. Residence corner
Broad street, opposite the College.
Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and
from 7 to 8 P.M. vln2yl
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hyde House.
Ofllce hou rs : 1 to 2 p. M. 7 to 9 P.M;
at Mrs. N. T. Cumiii'ihgs, also ties, col
lars, cuffs hoisery, gloves, and a gen
eral assortment of Ladies' Fancy
Goods. Remember the place, In H. 8.
Thayer's Building, Main street. Call
and examine before purchasing else
Volume 16 of this admirable work is
Just but, making it complete. Each
volume contains 800 pages. It makes
a 'colhpltte library, and no one can
afford to do Without .t who would keep
well informed. Price. $3.K) a volume
in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Tur
key. C. K. Judson. Fredonia. N. Y.;
controls the sale in Elk county. Ad,
dress him for particulars. sirpU-tf
W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor;
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the natronage hereto
fore so .liberally bestowed upon hint;
the hew proprietor hopes; by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance bf thto same. oet-WbS
MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa , takes tiiis method of an
nounclng to the citizens of Elk county,
that she has on hand an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheup. Also dressmaking in
all its branches
Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent
Ivory und Lignum Vitas Eye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular. il I7yl
Chambers Cyclopedia of English Liter
ature; Brief biographies of all British or
American authors, from earliest tims
to the present, with specimens from
their writings, making a work not only
thoroughly entertaining and useful to
all intelligent readers, but nearly iil
dispensible to people of culture. The
newly revised lirid beautiful edition
contains over 8,0x) pages, und the enr
tire work in eight hundy yoluhreS, is
furnished free of express br liiuil
charges, for 5-2 in paper, t3 in clrthv or
$1.50 in half morocco. The publishers
sen omy to suoscriiier uirect, instead ot -
giving ileulers and agents the usual 50..,
or till percent discount to sell forthem; .
which accounts for the remarkably
low prices. Special inducements are
ottered to those sending early orders.
Specimen pages with full particulars,
sent on request by postul card by the
piiniisners, tne American uook ex
change, 55 Beckmuh street, New
Health and Happiness
Health and HnnnineHs nm nrli-olpas
Weullh, to their possessors, and yet
they are within the reach of every one
who will nse
the only sure CURE for Torpid Liver'j
Dyspepsia, Headache Sour Stomach;
Constipution, Debility. Nausea, und all
Millions f ?niimhiiiiftf itn.l TliuJ
orders. Noiie genuine unless signed
-win Yvrigni, rnna. it your urug-
trist is not Hiinnlipri si-nii '2H i-pntu fop
one box to JBurrick, Roller fcCo., 70 N;
4tli street, Pliila. ,n7vidvl
NOTICE is hereby given that a pe
tition Bf citizens of Ridgway township"
will be presented at the next Court of
Quarter Sessions of Elk connty for the
incorporation of a Borough of the town
of Ridgway;
Howe Sewing Machines.
Among the great varietv of annda nf
every description for sale at
PdwelL 4 Kime's
Will be found an asRhrln phf. nf ihn
celebrated EHhs Howe: .TV : Jronrnv.-H