mmm Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, .JANUARY , 1870. The business of the country seems to be Improving. The debt statement Issued on Jan. 2d shown an Increase of the debt for December of $1,233 785.30. . . ; "The annual message of Governor Hartranft to the Legislature of Penn sylvania baa been received at thin office. Secretary Sherman is beginning to contemplate the possibility of re funding the balunce of 6 per cent, bonds at 8J per cent. Hon. Morton M 'Michael, senior editor of the North American and ex mayor of Philadelphia, died on Mon day of heart disease after a brief ill ness. Hon. Caleb Gushing died on Jan. 2d at his home in Newburryport, Mass. He was born on the 17th day of January, 1800, and Was eminent in law, literature, and public affairs. Judge Charles T. Sherman died suddenly at Cleveland on the morning of January 1st. Deceased was a brother of General and Secretary Shermna, and father-in-law of J. Donald Cam eron, There is skating in Atlanta for the first time In 20 years. Thousands of pounds ofice have been cut and packed This is the first time that such a thing has ever been known in that section. There Is great suffering among the poor, who are being relieved by the municipal authorities. Ex-State Treasurer Robert W. Mackey died on January 1st 1879, at Philadelphia. He was born in Pitts burgh on December 22, 1837, and was therefore but a few weeks paat forty one years of age. For several terms he filled the office of State Treasurer and was a prominent politician. Two men were on Tuesday taken to M'Minnville, Tenuesee, heavily guarded and lodged in jail, charged with a murder committed during the war. They belonged to Tinker Dave's command, and killed a man named Baker, in Cumberland county. Bak er's son was a child when bis father was killed, and having now attained manhoods estate, intends to see his father's murderers punished- Resumption day in New York produced no excitement in business circles. At the sub-treasury the de mand for gold was unimportant, a great many people preferring green backs to the "glittering chinks" Up to 2 o'clock, Jan. 2d, there was received at the sub-treasury over $o00,00t in gold, against a disbursement of only $125,000. Greenbacks are now taken at all the costume houses in payment of duties. A girl fifteen yeurs old, at Ten nant's Harbor, Ale., recently fell in love with a young man who preferred her cousin. This made her so Jealous that she bought some sugnrof lead, on pretence ot using it for sore eyes, and tried to administer it to her cousin as candy. The peculiar odor, however, attracted the rival's attention, and she carried it home, where a doctor pro nounced it poison. An attempt has been made to hush up the affair, and the would-be poisoner was not arrested. A clerk in the Washington post office lost a package of $10,000 in cash which was returned intact after a few hours. In New York the regular messenger of the Importers' and Trav lers' Bank being absent, anew man was sent with the usual consignment :o theclearing house. He was accompa nied by the bank detective and carried $160,000 clearing house certificates of legal tenders deposited in the U. S Treasury, $42,900 United States gold certificates, $6,755.38 currency and $67 in gold. This large amount has also been returned with the exception of about $7,000.00 People are either getting very honest or money must be getting very plenty. At a late hour on the night of Jan. 2d a man named Anthony Dolmer was walking up Gratial avenue, De troit, Mich., on his way home, when a cutter containing three men came tearing along at a rapid rate. When opposite Dolmer one of the occupants drew a revolver and fired. The bull intering Dolmer's left thigh and taking an upward course is believed to have penetrated the lungs. The wounded man sank to the pavement while the cutter dashed on, one of the party crying out, "How's that for a happy New Year!" A policeman hearing the shot came to Dolmer's assistance. A surgeon probed tor the bullet unsuccessfully, internal he no .rrhagejget In and Hitman will probably die. The legislature of Maine has elected Dr. Alonao Garcelon, Democrat, Governor of that State. The laws of Maine require that the candidate elected shall have a clear maj rity of all the votes cast. At the election in September last Conner,' Republican, received 66,419 votes ; Garcelon, Dem ocrat, 27,873 ; Smith, Greenbacker, 41,404. The Democrats and Green backers united in the lower honse and sent the names of Garcelon and Smith to the Senate, as the law requires the names of two candidates voted for to be sent to that body, thus compelling the Republican majority in the Senate to elect either a Democrat or Green, backer, and their choice fell on the Democrat, be being considered hard money man. Washington Letter Prom our regular correspondent.) Washington, D. C, January 1, 1879. The new year has opened full of promise. Without reviewing the melancholy things among the events of 1878, or referring to the distressed conditions belonging to its predeces sors, we know that it brought us full granaries, and passed us twelve months further on in the grand ad vance towards a healthy slate, and it makes ltsexit leaving behind unmls tukable signs of better things to come. And resumption is now a legal fact, though it can not be sa'ld to be an ao compllshed fact. Probably many of your readers are among those who have regarded It Impracticable, yet no a-that a trial has come, even though it is only a shadow and not the sub stance, they will hope none the less that it may succeed. Failure would be. a hundred fold more disastrous than the past unsettled condition could have been even if prolonged in definitely. It is, however, sheer nonsense to assume that this so called resumption will produce an "immediate change tor the better," or an "immediate prosperity." The Improvement now beginning to be felt in business, has been slowly taking place for months past, and returning confidence and buoyancy is not a consequence of re sumption, but the very thing that renders it even remotely possible. These hopeful signs are not the result of any thing Secretary Sherman has done, but in spite of it. He did not create the usual foreign demnnd tor our products, nor did he grow the wheut, corn, cotton, hogs and beeves, that enable us to supply it. As a strong constitution will enable a pa tient to throw off disease and slowly convalesce toward perfect health de spile bad medical treatment, so this young, vigorous country, aided by boundless resources, has been recover ing from depression, despite all the evils of bad legislation and the cruel, grinding policy of Sherman. There is reason to believe that the same causes that have been helping our financial condition and great industries, will continue to help them. In short, while the indications for the future do not promise a speedy return to the feverish speculative period of prosper ity more apparent than real ; they do point to a season of wholesome, well grounded business activity, drawing capital out. from its hiding places and giving employment to those who are willing to work. Oneof the most dis couraging features of the last few months has been the wide-spread feeling, amongst the possessors of means that nothing was safe but government bonds. But with gold and silver and greenbacks on an equul Ity, and enough of ull to transact the business of the country, moneyed men will brace upund tint) more active use lor their accumulations. New Years' day is a state occasion in Washington, always, and it never was a livelier one than on Wednesday. While the gray light and fast failing snow were painting the atmosphere with a cold tint, the streets were thronged with carriages and weil dressed pedestrians making for the receptions and their rounds of calis. The White House was the theatre of a most brilliant M'ene. Beibre 10 o'clock in the morning the carriage-ways were thronged with vehicles, and at 11 o'clock when the doors were thrown open tlie Chinese Minister followed by his suit entered, attired in the court costume of their country. After them came in quick succession the French Legation, the Russian Min ister and suite, and the Turkish em bassy, all decked out in the lull cere monials of their respective countries. They were a pleasing sight, these foreigners, and attrtteted much atten tion. Then came the Cabinet officers, the Judges of the Supreme Court, anil after them officers of the Army in dress uniform. At 12 o'clock the general reception ensued, when there was a promiscous rush of citizens. Speaker Randall and Secretary Evurl M-nurz, ihompson and .McLrury, also held receptions in the afternoon, which were largely attended. Secre tary Sherman did not receive on ac count of the death of his brother, Judge Sherman, ui Cleveland. Quite a large proportion of Con gressmen have remained in the city (luring the recess and the industrious ones among them have been preparing to contribute their share towurds u season of uctivity after the reassem bling on Tuesday. If there is any one thing more than another tliut the average Congressman wants in pre paring his speech it is "figgers" and judging from the numerous culls upon tne various departments lor nggers" a goodly number of orational efforts are to be fired off before the efid ot session. But speechmuking isn't ull there is to be done. There is going to be u hot fight over some of the impor tant appropriations, ii ml a general stirring up of numerous other things. It is evident that the new army bill will have to run the gauntlet of sharp opposition. The charge is already made that the section depriving the government of the right to manu facture arms, is a vast job in the in terest of some private establishments. But most objectionable of all is the provision which reduces the Secretary of War to a mere cipher, and over throwing all civil control oi the mlli tnry establishment in short, making military superior to civil authority, and the General of the Army above its Constitutional Communder-in-chiet the President. It won't go through in thut shape. Dom Pedro. Always Wear Suspender Buckles J The Titusyille Herald records a shooting affair at thut place New Year's night. It appears that S. W. Blakesley and Race Thomas had some words in the Exchange Hotel bar room about a women, when Thomas slapped Blakesley in the face for an alleged insult. Blakesley then went toahardware store and bought a revol ver. Entering the Exchange Hotel bar-room again, the Ihrutd savs he approached within three feet of Thomas, leveled a pistol at him and said, "Good bye, Race," and fired instantly. Race rushed upon his as sailant just in time to prevent a second shot being tired, knocked him down and gave him severe punishment. At this point Mike Moran entered the saloon, seized Blukesley, and conveyed him lo the look-up, whie the revolver, which hud fallen to the floor, was picked up by Mr. Robbins. '1 he en tire party were so completely taken by surprise that they could hard'y realize the situation. Upon examination it was discovered thut the ball had en tered the right coat sleeve of Thomas and struck square against the buckle of his suspender under the right nip ple, from which it glanced around the body and grazed the skin. Blakesley spent the night in the lock-up, and yesterday was arraigned before Justice Strouse on 4-barge of shooting with intent to kill. His counsel, Charles B. GutbrU, waived atj examination and asked for bail. The prisoner was bound overto stand his trial In default of $1,500 bail. He spent last night In the lock-up, and unless he can pro cure the required amount of ball will be taken to Mead vl lie. The punish ment for this offense, if eonVlctedi will be five year solitary conflnehieht. The place where the ball strut k Thomas Is black and blue for several inches. The siient ball was found in the lining of his coat. m . . From the X. Y. CUSTOM HOUSE. Custom Howm, New York City, 1 November 14, 187. DR. M. M. Frnnkr, Fredoiiln, N. Y DcnrHIr: I hnre been Hlfllrlfd fnrsnme time with l!l1llouMit'n and Nervous rrootrti tlon, utillttlUK me for btininem; Ilavinit hnd your Blood and Liver Remedy mid Nerve Tonic recommended to me by nevernl friend here, who hnd experienced lt heneflclxl elTeotB, bk the Krent remedy for rentnrlng ft disordered system, I whs induced lo try It. I can thankfully assure you thut It hits ex ceeded my exiiectntintiH, and Unit I run most confidently in-go Its use upon those suffering irom diseases lor wnivn it is prrpHrea, blncerely yours WM. W. I'OMT. Chief Clerk. Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem edy and Nerve Tonic may well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the age. 'Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for it regulates and re stores the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billlous ncss and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlarge ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disokderb; Swilled Limbs and Dropsy; Sleeplessness, 1m pul red Nerves and Nervous Debility ; Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or going into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and ThrotttNdiffieulties. It does these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, us Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to to minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Get a circular entitled "Peoples Remedies" describing Dr. Fenner's Popular Remedies. For sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B. Day. NE IP AD VERT1SEMESTS. Elk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet more President Judge for the Thirty seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl vania, inil Julius Jones, and George Ed. Weis, Esquires, Associate Justices in Elk county, have issued their pre cepts, to me directed, for the time of holding of the Orphans' Court, Court of -Common Pleas, Ucfieral Quartei Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgway, for the county of Elk, on the FOURTH MONDAY IN JAN., 1878, being the 27th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables in und for the county of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in th-ir be half appertain to be done, and all wit nesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of Ihe Commonwealth against any person or persons, are requested to be then ami there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their at tendance ut the aptsiinted time, uerree- able to notice Given under my hand and seul, at the Sheriff's office, in R dgway. the "2 1 day o.' January, in the year of our Lord one thousand tight liundred and seventy-nine. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will lie presented ut the next term of the Ornliiins' Conn of Elk county for confirmation : i. 1 he final account of John G. Hall, administrator of the estate of Ralph Johnson, latent' Renczette town ship, Elk county, deceased. 1!. Tilt, rilnil m-iiiiilt i.r' l? Tstliti- sou, us guardian of Mury E. Wins.ow. nicti oy joiiii i.. jinn, utiministrutor o. Ralph Johnson, now deceusid. K. The final u count of Ralph John son, administrator oi C. Wuinwright. deceased, tiled by John G. Hall us ad ministrutor of Ralph Johnson, de ceased. FRED. SCHUSNING, Riglster. Trial List. JANUARY TERM. 1879 1. Anna Ha'ligun, etal. vs. Walker A Son No. 80, January term, 1870. 2. S. A. Rote vs. Isaac Breiieman. No. 8. January Term, l7G. a William Blew vs. Daniel Scull et ul. No 34, November Term, 1877 4. Thomas P. Merritt vs. J. W. Brown. No. 128, May Term, 1878. 5. Jordan S. Neel vs. John Wingart. No. 20, September Term 1878. 6. Thomas J. tturke, etal. vs. D. C. Ovster, Sheriff, Ac. No. 45, Septem ber Term, 1878. 7. Joseph A. Hanhauser vs. D Eld ridge No. 74, September Term, '878 8. The Township of Jav vs. Win P. Luce et al. No. lol, September Term, 1878. Fkkd. Schcening, Proth A GENTS. D WANTE FOB OUK GREAT WORK, NOW in press, THE INDUSTRIAL Horisty of the United St tes Being u complete history of all the Important industries of America, in eluding Agricultural, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial and other enteiprises. About 1,000 large octuvo pages and 800 fine en gravings. No Work Lika it Evir Published For terms and territory apply at once. THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO.i Norwich, Connecticut. v8n43-om. Job Printing. CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE. Only 11.50 in advance for the Ad. voca te and a chance for a prize- Awarded the Highest Medal at YleSM aad Philadelphia. - . E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 531 Broadway, New York,- Opp. Metropolitan Ilottl. , ' i Manufacturcrs.importers and dealers In Velvet Fkames, Albums Graph" BCOPE8. AND TIRWS, ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, PHOTOGRAPHS. And kindred goods Celebrities Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. W r Headquarters for everything ta the way of STEREOPTICONS AND MAGIC LANTERNS, Doing Manufacturer! of Ihe Micro-scientific Lanters, Stereo-panopticon i University StereoptlcOh, Advertiser's Stereoptlcon, Artopticon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each Style being the best or it clang In the market. Beautiful I'hotographlc Trnneparenolea of Stanuary and Engraving! for the wlndnwi. Convex Glaus. Manufacturers of Velvet From . for Mrniatara anjl Cenvx tiluna l it turcs. " CatalKcue of I-antrns and Slide, with dirctlons for using, seut on reclpt of ten cents. tf-C'Jt oat this aderf irefnent for reference. 100 000 'en 8,u' Women are Wanted, iwj www to ,lule frm 2 t $i5 .K.r day. Agents are now making tliat amount. Address, with one cent stamp, Rev. S T. BUCK. Milton, Pa. jan2 lm Job Work EXECUTED PKOMPT. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri I'ucius. vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum tierl facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Countv, and to me directed, I. 1). C. OYSTER. High Sherifl'of said county, do hereby give notice that 1 will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock i. m., on MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1870. All that certain piece or imrcel of hind situate in St. Mary's borough, Elk countv. Pa. beginning at the southwest comer of John Hoffman's lot ; thence along the southerly line ol said itottmiin s lot north 78 deg., east one hundred feet to a post; thence south fifty three deg., east forty feet io a post on ine norineriy line oi j'ine street, thence along said line of Pine street south 87 degrees west seventy five and five-tenths feet to intersection with the southeasterly side of Kt. Michael street ; thence along said side of street north 63 degrees west one hundred und live and six-tenths (106.0) feet to the place of beginning. Con taining five thousand four hundred and eighty-five (5485) square feet, and being the same land which Murtln Sorg and wi:'e convey ed to John B. Heindel by deed dated the l"th day of March, 1873. Recorded in Elk county in Deed Book "P." pages5l3 &c. r-aid lot is under fence, has a good well of water, and has erected thereon a two- story frame dwelling house 18 by '24 leei, with Kitchen vi ny ibieet. ALSO The undivided one-half in all that certain lot of ground situate in the borough of St. Mary's, Elk county. Pennsylvania, described as follows! to-wit: Beginning at a post seventy reei. wesi or me soutnwesr. corner oi lot ot Charles Luhr; thence north long lamts of J. Bartlctt Sterley und araliel with the west line of said .uhr's lot one hundred feet to a nost: thence west along lands of said Sterlev tlity feet to a post j thence south along lands of same one hundred feet to a post; tbencfteast along -.north line ot Railroad street fifty feet to placo of beginning Containing five thousand souare feet more or let, and belmr the same land which J. L. Ruble and wife conveyed to J. Bartlctt Sterley and Martin Sorg by deed dated she 16th day of March, A. D 1872. ami recorded in Elk county in Deed Book "P," page 200, Ac, and the same land con vened by said Sterley and wire to said John B. Heindle by deed dated August 1st, 1873. Upon which is erected a two-atory frame bouse, )8x32 feet, with a wing 18x20 feet, two stories high. Ice house and coal house. Lot under teaoe sod a good well of water thereou. Seixed, ami tukeii lit Execution, and to be sold as the property of John B. Heindel at the suit of Nachman Bros etal. " ALSO All that certain tractor piece of land situate in BemHrfger' township, Elk county, Pa., described as follows: One-half of tract number three (No. 8) as designated on Adam Dillcr's subdi vision plan or tanas in sum county : contul nin g fifty (5n) acres, being part or a large tract ot la land known ns tract 4I7, patented In the name of William t'urkcr, tieiug tne same latins conveyed to Martin Sorg by Joseph Cheutcl, upon which is erected a frame dwell ing house one and one-half stafle high 18x2b feet, with kitchen and wood shed attached, a Trame burn 2xlo 18 feet posts; shed attuched 20x20 feet. Eighteen acres Improved and under fence; n good orchard of one hundred trees, a good well of water, a spring and spring house ALSO All that town lot situate In the borough of wt. Marys, Elk county, Pa., described as follows: Beginning at the south corner of Walnut street, and St. Michael street, thettce along said St. Michael street one hundred und eighty-five feet (18' ft.) to the In tersectlon of Mill street and said St. Michael street, thence along satd Mill street one hundred and fifty feet (160 ft.) to the northeast cornef of said Mill street and Walnut street, (hence along said Walnut street one hundred find eighty feet (180 ft) to the1 place of be ginning. Containing eight thousand and one hundred square feet. fid being number two (No. 2) tin Walnftt street according tothemnpnrplan of Charles Luhr. Said lot being rill improved and under fence, and having thereon a well of water, a frame house one and one half stories high, about 15x20 feet, and a frame barn 14x18. Being the same land conveyed to said rorg by Martin Vigah and wife, by deed dated the twenty-first day of March, A. D. 187:4. Recorded in Elk county-Deed Book -P," page 44. tc. ALSO Another lot situate In Ben zlnger township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at the southwest corner of Entz lot on Roselay street, which cor ner is also the southeust corner of the lot being described; thch'ce northeast eighty-three feet to Joseph Wllhelm's iHtid, thence in a westerly direction, along said Wllhelm's land one hundred and twelve feet to Roselay street, thence along Roscley street in an east erly direction eighty-on'e feet to the place of beginning. Contaifrirfg three thousand, three hundred and sixty-one and a half square feet iS'M ci. ft.') and being the triangular corner lot num ber 18, Martin Sorg's map or plan of lots in St. Mary's borough. Sftid lot is all improved und under fence, aird has erected thereon a frume dwelling hotise two stories nign, ipxu. ALSO-A11 that certain piece of parcel of land situate in St. Mirrys borough, Elk county, Pa , described a follows: Situate on Centre street, be ginning at the southeast corner of Wendul Lyon's lot on Centre street, lieing ulso the southwest corner of the lot being described, thence In an east erly direction along the line of Centre street thirty two feet, thence northerly at a right angle with Centre street six leen feet wild six indies ; thence west erly parallel with Centre street eighty two leet to W. Lyon's easterly corner; thence along said line 16 feet six inches to the place of beginning, containing three hundred and twenty-eight square feet (328 sq. ft.) being the same lund conveyed to said Sorg by J. Gelsenhoft' and wife, by deed dated the sixteenth duy of March, 1872. ALSO All that town lot situate partly in St. Marys borough, Elk county, Pa., and partly Ifi Benzinger towtisiup. ji,ik county, rn., oounrteo ami described an foliow's : Commencing at a post on the east side of St. Michael street, two hundred feet south, ft:(V- three degrees east from the south side of Pine street ; thence at right angles with said St. Michael strtet, north thirty-seven degrees, east one hundred and ft;'ty feet to an alley ; thence along salt! alley south nity three degrees east nity feet; thence south thirtv-seven dearies west one humlred and fifty feet to St. Michuel street ; thence north three degrees west along said St. Michael street to place of beginning. Containing seven thousand five bun iffed square feet, and being numlirr four on Martin Sorg's plan, adjoining lots of J. Kraus and (iconic U'efgel. Suid lot is nil improved and under fence, and has a good well of water. The improvements thereon bring a good frtme dwelling house, two stories high. 10x22, with kitchen 12x10 feet attached, and ulso a good frame barn tixau feet. ALSO All that certain pieceor frar- cel of land situate in Denzinger town ship, r,JK county, Pa., described as follows: Beginning ut u post on the lust side of Roselay street one hand red and fifty teet south fifty-three degrees east from the south corner of John Haul's lund und the point where the St. Marys borough east line crosses tlie eust side of Roseluy street ; thence northeasterly at right angles wHh said Roselay street one hundred and thirty feet ; thence north eighty one de grees thirty-five minutes east forty four feet: thence south fifty-two de grees twenty minutes east two hundred and thirty-six und two-tenths feet; thence south forty-three degrees fifty minutes west to Roselay street; thence south forty-three degree nity minutes west one hundred and sixty feet more or less to Roseluy street ; thence north fil'tv-two degrees twenty minutes wesi two liundred and forty-four feet to the place of lieginning. Being lot No. 1, according to M. Sorg's plan, and known as Entz lot. All Improved, ALSO All that certain pieceor par cel of land situate in the borough of St. Marys, Elk county, Pa., bounded und described as follows: Beginning ut ihe northwest corner of John t. Weidenboerner'H lot on the south side o. the P. & E. railroad : thence along the line of said John Weidenboerner's lot south thirty-seven and one-third decrees east one hundred and sixty eight and five-tenths feet to the line of John Kruir's lot: thence along the line of said K rug's lot south forty and one half decrees west seventeiii and six-tinths feet to the southeast corner of P. Mvera lot: thence along suld P, Myers' lot east line as follows: north tliln v-nine and one-half degrees west sitv'-four and eight-tenths teet to De- pot road (WUlCIl is iweiiij-eijiiii iei-i wide); thence across the Depot road north thirlv-eiiiht and one fourth de grees west north side of same twenty wild one fourth feet: thence north thirtv-seven und one-third degrees west eighty-six and five-tenths feet to tlie SOU! nertl Siueoi me J ruii- roud ; thence along suid railroad north fifty-two degrees forty minutes east m.. nt v feet to nloce of beginning. foi.txminc two thousand, nine hun dred and one square feet exclusive of the Depot road, and being me same premises conveyed to said Sorg by Nichodenius Segar. by deed dated the 7th day of June, A. D. 1873, and re twrf Rook 'G .' nuire 817. ixinim i" i c. Acknowledged the 7th day of June. A. D. 1B'S- vn wnu u is erect ei franu. atow. two stories high, second storv being finished for a dwelling, aaJd building dimensions being 20xfr feet, kitchen attached, 12x10 feet, one story high. A well of water on the lot. ALSO The undivided one-half In terest In all tlmt certain lot of ground situate in the borotfgh of St Marys', Elk county, Pa., desefiwed as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post seventy feet west of the southwest eorner of lot of Charles Luhr; thence north along lands of J. Bartlctt Sterley and parallel with the west line of salil Luhr's lot one hundred feet to a1 fOftj thence west along land of said Sterley Hl'ty feet to a post; thence south along lands of the same one hundred feet to a post; thence east along north line of Rail road street fifty feet to place of, begin ning. Containing five thousand square feet more or less,- nfVf beifig the same land which J. L. Ruble and Wife con veyed to J. Bartlctt Sterley and Martin Sorg by deed dated the 15th day of March, A. D. 1872, and recorded In Elk county in Deed Bo6k "P." page "Oil, te. Upon which Is erected a two story frame house 18x82 feet, with a wing 18x2o feet, two stories high. Ice house and coal house. Lot under fence and a good well of water thereon. ALSO All that certain pre of par cel of land situate In Ridgway town ship. Elk county, Pa., bounded und described as follows: Beginning ut the southeast corner of the one and one-half acre lot reserved by Isaac Horton, Jr., In his deed to Oilman T. Wheeler, dated the 7th day of Febru ary. A. D. 1872. and recorded in Elk county In Deed Book "Q," page 601, Ac: thence southerly along the line of P. & E. railroad, ten rods to a post; thence westerly by a line at right an gles with the railroad, ten rods to the south line of said Horton 's lot ; thence easterly along said Horton 's south line sixteen rods to place of beginning. Containing one acre more or less, and being the same land which Daniel Scull, high sheriff of Elk county, con veyed to said Sorg by deed dated the 23d day of May, A. D. 1876. Upon which is erected a two-story frame house 10x22 feet. Also a well of water. Seized and taken In execution, and to be sold as the property of Martin Sorg, at Buit of M. Welleiidorf et al. ALSO The undivided one-half In terest, in all that certain pieceor parcel of land situate in Benzinger township, Elk county, Pa. Beginning at a post on St. Michael street; thence south fifty-four degrees east thirty perches; thence south forty degrees west one hundred and thlrty-our perches; thence north fifty-four degrees west thirty perches, thence north forty de grees east one hundred and thirty-four perches to the place of beginning Containing twenty-five acres, and being numbered on St. Mk-hael street on tlie map or plan of the settlement of St. Marys. Eighteen acres Improved and having a good spring of water fherccn. Being the same land which Bonafafius Schmand conveyed to Mar tin Srgand Frank Sorg b 7' deed dated the 14th day of March, A. D. 1875. and recorded in Elk countv in Heed Book 'S, page 2, &c. Mostly cleured. ALSO All fhnteertafti pieceor par cel of land situateiu .st. Marys borough and Benzinger township, EiV county. 1 a., bounded and describe", es follows: Beginning at a post nrfniVred (13 and 14i thirteen and loiiriecn orv the wist side of Roselay street, said post being the southeast corner of the late Philip Myers' lot, and also the northeast cor ner of lot number (13) thirteen on Roselay street and the northeast corfier of lands being described ; thence south fifty-three degrees east three hundred and thirty feet lo a post on the north line of A. Haul's land: thence along suid north line south forty-three de grees fifty minutes west fifteen feet to post on the eust side ot an alley : thence along the east side of said alley north fifty-three degrees west three hundred and twelve" feet to a post ut the southwest cornerof the late Philip Meyers' lot: thence alone .Meyers' line north thirty seven degrees eust one hundred and fifty feet to place of beginning. Containimr fortv-eiirht inousumi one hundred and nit,- square leet (wjU). and being lots numbered 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and lH.on Roselay street, according to Martin Sorg's plan of lots. Keing the same land conveyed IV Xurliv mill u ifp to Mrtin Soririmil t. X. Sorg by deed dated the 21st dav of February. 1874. and recorded in Deed Book "Q," page -Ob, &c. Said iuis uie imjuuviu in u unity, liuilivision fences. .. . . . . i ; .. i .; i Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. X Sort' und Martin Sorir at the suit of John Narby for use. ALSO All the interest of defendant in the following described real estate us follows, to wit: A certain unseated tract being in the countv of Elk. township of Spring Creek and State of Pennsylvania, known and deslgrvated on the general map or draft of said county as tract uumber 1580 and cor tinning two hundred acres assessed in the name of William Dickey, Nichols und McPherson warrantees. 'aid tract was conveyed to Thomas Irwin by Treasurer's deed of J. A Boyle, July 7th. 1858. and recorded in deed book " L " in the Recorder's office of Elk county, the 8th duv ol uecemoer, iboo. ALSO All that certain tract, piece. or parcel of real estatesituate and being in spring creeK township, iuk county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Com menciug at a chestnut tree on the north bank of the C arlon river: trience north three hundred aridelghtv ioouj perenes to a maple ; tuence north nrty-nine (69") degrees west twenty 20) perches to a post; thence west five liundred and twenty six (620) perches to u mwl' tlirni-p smith twit hundred and ninety-nine (2i,9) perches io tne north bauK or said Clarion river; thence wp said Clarion river pursuing its course to the place of be ginning, containing one thousand ucres more or less and known as the Morns lands, warrant number 8728. on which there is about fifty acres cleared unci unuer improvement, with a small orcnara growing thereon, and the fol lowing buildings: One dwelling house 24x4 feet, with winar attached 16x24, two stories high ; one burn 37x40 icer, witn shed artach-'d 8x58 feet ne sieaui saw nun zoxso teet a run ning order; one house lx32 feet, two stories high, with wing attached, 12x40 feet, oue story high ; stable 20x24 feet! also, three other tenement houses, as "'"; ioxdu, iwo stories high; lx24, one story high, and 20x24, Uo Willi ICB iljgll, AC, ALSO The followiner niece, parcel. or tract of land, situate in Spring Creek township, Elk county, and State of Pennsylfanla, bounded and describtd as follows: Commencing ut a post northwest corner of tract num ber 3728; thence east five hundred and twenty-six (626. perches along the line of said tract to a post; thence nrth fifty-nine (69) degrees west five hundred and seventy-six (676) perches to a beech ; thence west to the east line of land, sold to Jesse Peter son ; thence by satd land of Peterson south two hundred and eighty-eight (288) perches to a post the place of be. ginning, being the eastern part of warrant in the name of R. Morris and number (8737) hunj dred and thirty-seven, containing nv hundred and seventy-eight acres and forty-four perches more or less; being the same land which. Benjamin Me freight, guardian, agreed to sell om Aaron Nolf, by articles of agreement beaftng date the 24th day 'Wj 1852, and by said Nolf assigned to said Thomas Irwin. Excepting, however, about tirteen acres of land out of soutn east corntfr of tract number 8 28 abov described, containing In both piece fifteen hundred and seven ty-e ght acres and forty four perches and al unc. Same being July recorded in Dc3 Book "L," in and for the wuntrT Elk, page 232, Ac, with about twalva acres under Improvement A LisO A not her tract, piece, or par cel of land lying "d being Wjb township of Spring Creelt "tjror Elk, and State aforesfdd, b6uiided and described us follows, to wit: Being known us the Allen Wilson warrant, lying on the Clarion river opposite other lands of Thomas Irwin, contain ing one hundred afires more or less, helng the same land conveyed by Joseph Henderson, Treasurer of Jettir son county, by deed dated March 25th, t85, to the Commissioners of Jefier son county, and by said Commissioners conveyed to George Dickinson an David Thayer by deed dated the sist day of July, A. D. 182, c, the said titles becoming vested in Henry Souther and Albert. Willis, and deeded to Thomas ?rln by deed bearing aai the 24th day of July, 1866, and duly recorded in ieea ook -iv '" for tlie county of Eik, page 287, Ac, on which there is about two acres cleared; with small stable erected thereon. w..Wul an.ltukpn in execution as the proi?rty of Thomas Irwin, at the sM of Carrie D Wiilis, administratrix of Albert Willis, deceased. AtSO All tMe lnnv critof the'.defen- dent as heirat laVrif fc. 1 ward Mi Creudjv r.. deceased, in fcnd to the following de scribed real estate sitttute In the town ship of Fox, county of Elk, and Statu of Pennsylvania, adjoinirg lands Of Francis O'JNeiu tiormeny raiuiu Meads), and bounded on the east by lands of Earley and ftersney r orr rno siuth by lands of Francis O'Neill ; and on fhe west by lands belonging to tha John M alone estate; on the nortli by the lands of J. Selpred and otnera.; Containing about one hundred acres upon which is erected one frame dwell ing house, reei ; one 1 ii" . . ll.-. tf-tl. .kiirl lima kttf.4t itret. mill' nun ..... and other outbuildings ; is well fenced und has a number of fruit trees grow lug thereon. Said tract is known as- the McCready farm, or homestead. Also all of the defendant s interest in and to the above described lund as heir' at law of Hugh McCready, deceased. Seized and taken in execution as the; property of Patrick McCready at the suit of W B. Harttnun, now for us of Hall fc McCauIey. A T.SO The followiner niece or parcel of ground situute and being in Bene- - . .. A. 1. I 11 1 . . L!,,,.- zeue luwiisiup, rm ruunij, emir w Pennsylvania, bounded and describei as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the Depot road leading from the village of Benezette to dvpot, with tlie public road leading down the Sinncmuhoning ; thence south severity-one and one half degrees ;' east about one hundred and twenty-five feet : thence south eighteen and one- half degrees west about eighty-seven' and one-half feet to lot owned by the Wlnslow estate; thence in a nortn twenty-seven and one fourth degrees' west direction to place cf beginning. On which there is erected a frame dwelling house K!x32 feet, two storiia- high, ami one small stable. tSi izeu and taKon in execution as ine fmperty ot Jane Sheldrake and JS.-H Uxon, administrators of She estate of Charles Sheldrake, deceased, Ac, to be sold at the suit of J. C. Shelden. ALSO All the interest of W. 8. Service and W. H. Schram, late trad ing as W. S. Service A Co.. in and tC all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Ridgway, county of Elk State of Pennsylvania, lying twenty-two and three-fourths' leet in width, taken Irom town lot ' on John .1. Rldgway's map or plan of said town of Ridgwuy ; being the ; eust half of the same piece of land conveyed to Walters. Service, party ot the nrst part hereto, bv Koberfr V. Kime and wife by deed dated the 10th day of September. 1873. Recorded In Elk county in Deed Book page 4, arc. on which there" f erected a store room 22x60 feet, two stories high, and work shop addition 1X4U teet. one storv high, with cellar under part of building. (seized and taken in execution as tne property of W. S. Service ahd W, WV Schram, late trading as W. S. Service A Co., to be sold at the suit of A. W, Blaine, Amos Gould. Samson Short and Alfred Short, doing business under tne nrm name or Blaine, Gould A Short, A LOS All that certain niece or par cel of land situate in the township of r ox. in tne county ot jik, and istate of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Ffart ces O'Neill (formerly Smith Meadsand descr bed as follows: Bounded on the east hy lands of Earley and Hershey j on the south by lands of Francis' O'Neil ; on the west by lands of John Malone estate ; and on the north by lands of J. Seifred and others. Con taining about one hundred ac es; said tract known as the P. McCready farm,, and being the same land conveyed to the late Hugh McCready by D C. Oyster, High Sheriff of Elk county, by dee poll dated April l"th, 1875, anil recorded at Ridgway, Pa , in Deed Book "P," page 632, c. Sezed and taken in execution as the property of Henry McCready, admin-' Istrator of the estate of Hugh McCrea--dy, deceased, to be sold at the suit of Catharine Paine. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly coin plied with when the property is struck off 1. All the bids must be paid in full except where the jdaintifl'or other 1 en creditors becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as alt liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shaW be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold together with sweh lien creditor's, receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof aa he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. A 11 sales not settled immediately will ha continued -until six o'clock P. M-. at which time all property not set tled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck of, and who, in case of deficiency at such re sale, shall make good the same, and in . no instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless the bid is actu ally settled for with the S&efiff mm above stated. D C. OYSTER, Sheriff. ' KhertfTfi nffiw Plrl.r urav Pft i Jan. Wh, 1879. ,, See Purdon'a Digest, Ninth EdlUo, page 440: Smith's Forms, 348, X V