" A MiS FISH." TljaCarlaua Affliction al' a Tall Backwoods mail from Tennessee. A blunt time since the Tennessee and Kentnsky newspapers contained start . ling ncoonnt of a wild man lately captured, with great difficnlty, in the Onmbcrland mountains. He was six feet ten inches high, extraordinarily fleet of foot, and excessively savage. He ioa chiefly on raw fish, which he cap tured without artificial aid. He spent much of his time in the water, and after being captnred Jbe had to be frequently bathed. He was covered with shining scales, like those of a fish. His hands and feet were webbed like the feet of water-fowl so the newspaper acconnts. with many embellishments, ran. It is scarcely necessary to say that much of mis utoiy was only showman s talk. uttered to attract the attention of the ourioua and credulous public. j.ne pnysicians of Ijouisville were invited to visit the monster upon his ar rival in the city, prior to his general exhibition. Among others I visited the merman; but before eeeing the case I naa diagnosed it as one of icthyosis. and a single glance was sufficient to verify the oorreotness of my conjecture. The man fish presents a most magnificent example of the form of icthyosis or fith BKin disease, called lothyosis serpentina. or serpent skin; and his general effect is more that of a serpent than of a fish. But upon different parts of his bodv may be found nearly all the varieties of locnyosis. The resemblanoe or thiB man's skin to the shed skin of a boa constrictor, lately brought me by a friend from the zoological garden in London, is almost perfeot. About his joints the skin is loose and wrinkled, hanging in folds, and the scales are large, suggesting the skin of a lizard or alligator about their limbs and belly. His arms and legs remind one of the skin of the buffalo perch, the carp, or or other large fish. The cuticle every where is dry snd harsh, and never per Bpires. There seems to be an absolute absence of fat, and the man is shrunken and withered, of a dead ashen-gray ap pearance, except here and there, where ne is brownish or blackish. Though only about fifty years of age, he im presses one as a very old man. The skiu of the face is red and shining, and tightly drawn about the cheeks, pulling the lower lids down to such an extent as to perfectly evert them, making a horrid case of ectropion. In some places his scales are silvery, in others dark, and again in others are small and branny. His hair is very thin and dead-looking. The backs of his hands are Assured, and on his palms and soles the cuticle is greatly thickened. The fingers and toes seem shorter than natural, and the ukin is drawn tightly back over both feet and hands. The septum between the fingers aud toes seems to extend much funher down than usual, thus suggesting the webbed appearance before alluded to. He is considerably over six feet in height, and is a man of a low order of intelligence. He is married, and is the father of several children, none of whom, fortmnately, inherit his malady; and as icthyosis is almost, if not always a con genital disease, they are not likely ever to have it. The fish-man fails to pre sent but a single variety of icthyosis, and that is the porcupine disease, as it is called. In this, spines, formed by hardened sebaceous material, protrude from the skin, closely packed together. Wilson states that he has observed them a quarter of uu inch long. Willan re ports having encountered thorn of an - inch iu length. I have never seen them longer than an eighth of an inch. Many years ago two brothers, iu England, having this form of iothyosis, were exhibited in the shos a3 porcupine men. Icthyosis is one of the rarest of skin diseases. I am undrr the impression that it is more frequent in Europe than in this country. In ten year3 I have seen lesa than a dczan cases. Its cause, as I stated in my report to the American Dermatolof-ical association, in 1877, is scrofula, according to rcy observation and experience. It is found in all the walks of life. I have encountered it with equal frequency among the rich ami the poor. It is commonly consid ered inonrftble, and only temporarily and partially mitigable. The treatment which I have fonnd successful in permanently removing icthyosis, in moro than one ease, con sists in the use of the constructive!, i. c, cod-liver oil, extract of malt, birnp of the iodide of iron, sirup of the hypo phosphites, etc.; attention to the digestive organs, and by giving the richest and best fat-producing foods, auch as cream, butter, hog meat, fresh or cured, sugar and other sweets. A careful and thorough daily anointing with some oleaginous substance is of great value, and prolonged vapor or hot water baths should be employed fre quently. Dr. L. P. Yandell, in Louis ville Medical Newt. Forest Land of Europe. The proportion of land covered with forests throughout Europe is twenty nine per cent., of which Russia and Sweden furnish the greatest part. In Bussia, forty per cent, of territory is covered with woods, and of this some 200,000,000 acres are covered with pines and other eone-bearing trees, Sweden and Norway have thirty-four per cent., chiefly birch, maple, pine, fir and wil low. Austria has twenty-nine per cent., Germany has twenty-six per cent, and Franoe seventeen. Far below these comes Spain, with its cork woods and evergreen oak forests, covering seven per cent, of the land, and Holland and Balgium with the same. Portugal comes next with five per cent, and Great Brit ain follows with four per cent. The percentage annually decreases in all countries rapidly. As far back as 1838 it was estimated that timber was cut down yearly in Great Britain and Ire land alone to the value of $10,000,000. A Warning to Sewspaper Stoppers. A certain man got mad at the editor and stopped his paper. The next week he sold all his corn at four cents below the market prico; then his property was sold for taxes because he only heard of the convention three days after it had adjourned; he lost ten dollars betting on Mollie MoOarthy two days after Ten Broeok had won the race; he was arrest ed and fined eight dollars for hunting on Sunday; and he paid $300 for a lot of forged notes that had been advertised two weeks, and the publio cautioned not to negotiate mem. lie then paid a big Irishman, with a leg like a derrick, to kiok him all the way to the newspaper offlae, when he paid four years' sub scription in advance, and made the edi tor sign and swear to an agreement to knock him down and rob him if he ever ordered his paper stopped again. Truthful Exchange. Why is it that people boot a dog, and shoo a hen, and foot a bill, and oap a climax, and steal a glance f FOB THE TOTJKfi PEOPLE. What ShnS lie De With Her t This is a sad, but short, tale about a cat, or perhaps about a rabbit that pretended to be a cat I do not know which. Ton will presently see why it must be short. Some time ago a supposed friend sent me, as a present, what purported to be a Chinese cat. Thereby bungs a tale 1 Not at all. The oat hadn't a sign of a tail. It was said by way of apology and explanation that all Chinese oats have no tails. If this is a fact in natural his tory, it is an absurd fact; for it is known that all Chinamen even the smallest have tails, which are called queues, and sometimes pig-tails, but never cat-tails. And it seemed improbable and heartless that a Chinaman would deny tails to his oats. However, I took the kitten in, aud named her " China "a name she has never responded to, to this day. And this shows the animal's instinct for when I came to look in the diction ary, I found that, in all probability, she was a Manx cat from the isle of Man a small English island (hardly room nough to turn round) where cats are obliged to do without tails. It is con sidered a very nioe kind of oat, if it is a oat, of which I have doubts. It is said that Turner, the great painter who was probably as good a inane of cats as ever lived kept seven Manx cats always in nis nouse. .remaps it was necessary to have seven Manx cats to get the equivalent of one real oat; in my ex perience it requires more. As I said, I doubt if China is a cat, take her all together. She had. as a kitten, no tail. Her grown tail now is less than an inch long, and most of that is fur. It is exactly like a rabbit's tail; that is, a kind of plaoe for a tail. When China first began to realize her exist ence, she evidently thoncht she was a oat, and her first sportive effort was to play with her tail. She looked around, and there wasn't any tail there; the other end of her was a rabbit. She was mortified; but what could she do? She began, without any apology, to play with her hind leg, to chase it round and round as if it were a tail: and ever after that she has amnsed herself with her hind leg. And her hind legs are worth plavinor with: for they are not like the hiari legs of a cat, but are long and bent under exactly like the legs of a rabbit. When China sits dt.wn. she sits down like a rabbit. So she is neither one thing nor another; and I cannot make out whether she is a rabbit trying to be a cat, ora cat trying to be a labbit. She succeeds, asy way. Caina is rather handsome. Her coat is the most beau tiful combination of soft buff and er mine a most pleasing color and she is a shapely little thing besides, with a fine head and pretty face. Like some other beauties, however, she is not as good as she is beautiful. She has a temper can be very playful and affeo- tionate one minute, and scratch and bite the next without provocation. From an infant she seemed to have no conscience. She was a perfect whirlwind in the honso, when the whim took her to frolic; went over chairs and all sorts of fur niture like a flying squirrel; succeeded iu about a week in tearing off all the gimp from the chairs and lounges. climbed the azalia trees, shook off the blossoms, and then broke the stems. I'nnishment she minded not at all only to escape from it ior the moment. 1 think she had not. as a kitten, a crain of moral sense, and yet she was " awful cunning " and entertaining more so than a spoiled child. We eot a Pedate eld cat to come and live with China. She drove that big cut out cf the house and off the premises in less than half a day; and that, too, when she wasn't more than seven inches long. She went at the big cat with incredible fnry, with the blaze and momentum of a little fire ball. Now that China has come to be of de cant size, some of the vivaoity and play fulness has gone out of her, but she is really untamed goes for things on the Mule, steals, aud all that; and it is more difficult than ever to tell whether she is a rabbit or a cat. Wa have another CGmnftiiinn for Imr n. mil,! tit lid old grandmother of a cat, with a very big tan, enough for two, if they would sharo it. China treats her with m respect, but, on the whole, they get on weu, qunrreiiug only nan the time, aud consent to live in the eame house. China overlooks the intrusion. But as to the nature of China, this is what happened recently. China's mis tress had undertaken to raise some rad ishes in advance of the season, in a box ia her conservatory. It was a slow pro cess, owing to a lack of heat or look of disposition in the radishes to grow. They came up, shot up, grew slender, tall and pale. Occasionally the mistress would pull up one to see why the bot toms didn't grow so that we could eat them; but she never discovered why. The plants spindled np, all top and no radish; end by-and-by they got tired and laid down to rest. They might in time come to something. In fact, they began to look as if they were thiokening in the stem and going to grow in the root. One morning they were gone. Gone, after weeks of patient watch ing, watering, and anxious expectation I Nibbled off close to the ground. China had eaten every one of them short. Now, doesn't that show that China is a rabbit I Will a cat eat radish tops 1 This is one thing I want to know. There came once to our house a face tious person; that is, a person who makes jokes likely to hurt your feelings; and he looked at the oat, and said it didn't matter if it had no tail, that I could write one for it. I have done so. But that makes no difference. What I want to know from the ohildren of St. Nicholas is this: What can I do with her t I can neither give her away for a oat nor sell her for a rabbit. Do you think it would ooax a tail ont of her to pat her under blue glass? Charlei Dudley Warner, in St. Nicholas. The Depth or Depravity. A Western paper tells of a new and dreadfully mean swindle. A stranger calls at a grocery and calls for two quarts of molasses. The grocer draws the article and asks if the stranger has a jug to . put it in. " No," says the stranger, "but you can put it in my hat." The grocer smiles a broad smile, questions to himself whether the stranger is a loot or a great American humorist, and disposes of the molasses as request ed, laughing half to death as he com' pletes the job, and thinking what a rare good story he will be able to tell the boys who gather around his stove dur ing the long evenings to discuss politics and chew tobacco, (suddenly he starts, however, and with most excellent rea son. The diseustins' stranger has clap ped the hat on the grocer's head and firmly drawn it down, the molasses and all, over his ears. It takes him five minutes to partially recover from his astonishment, the molasses and the hat. and when he has sufficiently removed the sweetness and tears from bis eyes to look around the deceiving person bos gone, taking with him the contents of his money-drawer and such other arti cles as happen to be portable. The mind Ttbieh could invent such an out rage is lost; the man whooould transact it is as diabolical as anything in human shape this side of Mrs. Borgia. While we have not that respect for a confiding grocer which induoes awe, we do look upon him as a respeotable fellow -citizen, entitled to all the immunities; and to think of the feelings of that person as he endeavors to tear off the hat and the accompanying molasses of his sudden revulsion from good nature to astonish ment, and then to the extreme of most impotent anger and indignation is to contemplate a depth, of anguish not heretofore reached by any sympathy in the world. We remember the nielat choly spectacle, a good many years ago, of a police justice of great enterprise and dignity sallying out to do a little arrest ing on his own hook. He arrested two unpleasant men for being disorderly, and started with them for his office, one on either side. Suddenly one of those young men jumped high and brought his fist down on the high hat of the good old publio functionary, and in a moment the rim of that hat was resting peace fully on his shoulders, the crown there of covering his countenance, and fitting as firmly and closely as if it had been so much uncompromising stovepipe. The wicked young men ran away, taking a-j mean advantage of the frantic e Sorts of his honor to release himself. The look of pain, of wounded dignity, of extreme astonishment, of mingled horror, anger and humiliation that rested on the face of that police justice when he had final ly got out of the hat can never be for gotten. Of the many who saw it there is not one who will not take it with him to his lonely grave. Bnt what was this outrage in comparison with the molas ses atrocity ? What had this honored gentleman to complain of when one considers the confiding grocer and the wholly misplaced sweetness that agitat ed his hair I We cannot do justice to this subject. It is mere complex and hope less to the humanitarian than the Bul garian fiendishness. Bvffalo Expreis. The Changes In the Frog. Nowhere in the animal kingdom is there so favorable an opportunity for peeping into nature's workshop as in the metamorphoses of the frog. This ani mul is a worm when it comes from the egg, and remains such the first four days of its life, having neither eyes nor ears nor nostrils nor respiratory organs. It crawls. It breathes through its skin. After a while a neck is grooved into the flesh. Its soft lips are hardened into a a horny beak. The different organs, one alter another, bud out; then a pair of branching gills, aud last a long and limber tail. The worm has become fish. Three or four days more elapse, and the gills sink back iuto the body, while in their place others come, much more complex, arranged in vascular tufts, 112 in each. But they, too, have their day, and are absorbed, together with their frame work of bone and cartilage, to be succeeded by an entirely different breathing apparatus, the initial of a second correlated group of radical changes. Lungs are developed, the mouth widened, the horny beak con verted into rows of teeth; the stomach, the abdomen, the intestines, prepared for the reception of animal food in place of vegetable; four limbs, fully equipped with hip and shoulder bones, with nerves and blood vessels, push out through the skin, while the tail, being now sup planted by them ho a menus of locomo tion, is carried away piecemeal by the absorbents, and the animal passes the balance of its days as an air-breathing and flesh-feeding butraeuiau. Penn Monthly. Economizing Fuel. One of the great objections to ordi nary fireplaces is that too much of the heat goes up the chimney, and innumer able have been the attempts to obviate that loss. Register stoves have been invented, and various contrivances adopt ed to regulate the draught and reduce the size of the flue. One method pro posed was to light the firo on the top, and, after the first few minutes, as the heat spread downward, all the smoke passing through the upper inoandesoent layer was consumed, and bo much the more heat saved; but the moment the dre had to be made np again all the ad vantages were lost. One of the latest suggestions to prevent the waste of heat was to form the bottom of the grate ol uu iron plate instead of bars. An im provement on that clan is a patent coal economizer, which has a hollow pierced cylinder rising from the middle of the plate. The air entering the cylinder from below the grate is thus eonveyed at once into the center ol the nre, and the heat, instead of rushing up the chimney in undue quantity, is diffused into the room, and coal is economized. The perfection of combustion is achiev ed when, instead of feeding the cylinder with the vitiated air of the room, it is supplied by a pipe communicating with the external air. And further, we are informed that if camphor or any other disinfectant is hung on the cylinder, the Bcent is driven into every corner cf the apartment. So that a room may be per fumed, disinfected or ventilated by this contrivance wnen properly managed. "1 say, Pat," said a philosopher. "can you be doing two things at the same timer "(Jant 1? answered Pat ; I'll be doing that any day I" "uowi" asKea tne puuosopher, " Why," replied Pat, " I'll be sleeping and draining, too, at the same time, don t you see y For every loss there is some Rain When yon lose yonr balance you gin a banon on tne back ol your bead. Hnm.lhln. fn. thfl Nsw Yt.nr. The world-reuuwned auocess of flostetter'a II itters, and their continued popularity for a qu arter of a century as a stomachic, is soaroely more wouaertul than the weloome that greets the annual appearance of Hostetter's A'mauao. This valuable medical treatise is published by Ilo-tetttr & Smith. Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own immediate supervuion, employing eighty bands In that department, Ten cylinder J mating presses, eight folding machine?, five ob presses, etc,, are rnnning abont eleven months in the year on this work, and the issue cf same for 1479 will not be less than ten mil lions, printed in the English. German. French, Welsh! Norwegian. 8edioh. Holland, Bohe mian and Spanish languages. liefer to a copy of it for valuable and Intt resting reading con cerning health, and numerous testimonials as to the efficacy of Hostetter's Bitters, amuse ment, varied Information, astronomical calcu lations and ohronologioal items, etc. , wbioh can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for 1879 can be obtained free of oost from druggists and general country dealers ia all parts or tne couotry. We have testimonials from all parts of the oonntrj to the effect that Vandervoort't Flexi ble Cement is the beet article ever manufac tured for stopping all water leaks, whether on roofs or elsewhere. 60c and 76o. cans, with full directions, for sale by paint snpply and hardware stores. Ageuta wanted. Iepot lltilh street, HIM river, new xora city. v Hip diseases, fever sores, ulcers, blotofTes. pimples and many loathsome diseases oiigftiate In impure blood.' Parsons' Purgative PiUj make new, rich blood, and will chauget the blood in tne entire system u wree nths takes one a mgub 'What are yoa GetatT to da about It Because the penalties of physiologioal laws re not executed speedily, some fancy they art void. Bat when the system breaks, down, and almost hopeless complications arise, which the family pliyHician, by reason of his limited ex perience, fails to relieve, the pertinency of the above inquiry is apparent. Many remedies have been sneoisUy prepared for these cases, and many physicisns are bidding for their pat ronage. Aa before making a purohane of land a " search " ia required, and the title carefully examined, so invalids ahonld oarefully investi gate the claims of any physician offering to treat ohronie diseases. Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines are well known, and have effeoted many cures where eminent phyeioians have failed; vet to accommodate surgical and com plicated cares, and those desirous of being re stored sreedily, Dr. Tierce has erected an elo gant sanitarium, at a cost of near); half a mil lion dollars. Mo institution In the world offers advantages sntwrior to those found in this es tablishment. Half ft score of physicians ars in attend iree, several of whom have been prominently conneoted with leading American and Earonean hosDitals. Every imnroved fa cility for hastening a euro that a liberal ex- per aiture of money couirttpeoure can here be four.d. Before fully deciding where to gc, ad dress Invalids' and Tourists' Hotel, for circular. No failures are recorded of the famous out ward sneciSo. Henry's Oarbolio Salve. It is invariably snccessf nl in healing sores, curing ernptions, removing proud flesh, and overcom ing suppuration and inflammation, i nese san ative results it aooomplishes without lcving any scar or discoloration of the skin. As a local anntioaUnn for chronic rheumatism, sore throat and tightness of the chest, it is also uixniv ppoiten or. Bold oy an qruggiBis. Nkolectkd Cocous and Colds. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough or " common cold," in Its first stage s that whloh in the beginning wonld yield to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," if neglected- often works upon the lungs. A wonderful discovery. Freckles. Pimnlea. Moth, Ballowneas, Tan, Black Heads, Flesh Worms, Blotches. Itoneh Shin. etc. positively cured by Mrs. Hbaw's Moth and Freckle Lo tion. Kydniggit8.fl. Particnlars free. Ad dresB Mrs. Br. L. K. Shaw, 140 E. 28th St , N. . Mrs. Shaw's Liver 1111 best in the world The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug TOBAOOO. TBI PlOHIKB TOBAOOO COKFAJtT, New York, IkmUra, and Chicago, For np wards of thirty vears Mrs. WIN8LOW8 800THINO SYRUP has been nsed for children with never-f ailine success. It corrects aoid'.tv of the stomach, relieves wind oolio, regulates me Doweis, cures dysentery ana aiarrncea, whether arising from teething or other oauses. an oia nna weii-trted remedy. o cts. a bottle. All persons abont to visit foreien lands, sail ors, fishermen, lumbermen and miners, should take with them a snpply of Johnson's Anodyne Lriuiiueat. it is Dotn ror internal ana external use, and is worth ita weight in gold. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs are fur nished, for cash, from (54 each, npward, ever; one being of the same highest excellence. Odew Jac Kion's Baal Rwtet Naw Tobaoco. I iVI PflSTA MTP Alfe''l-IC.lfna,M. S?n.l. lies And Otherooan pnrohssano riwmertv eqa&l to lr, TOBIAS VENETIAN LIN1MRNT for the oars of Cholera, Dtarrhces, Dysentery, Oronp, Oolio lad Hea Mekness, taken intra&lly(U ( perfootly faarmlefl ; S4H oath aooompflnyinir eaoh bottle) And eiternnlly for Cbronio Rheumatism, Head&obe, Toothache, Bore Throat, Gate, Bnrne, Swellings. Bruises, Mosactto K'tM. Old Sores, Pains in Limbs, Hack and Ohest. The VrCNETIAN HN1MKNT wu introduced in 1. and noouewko hasn-ed It bat oontinnea to do sc. many statin?, if It was Ten Dollars a Bottle they would not n? withont it. Thousands of Oertinoates oan be seen at he Oepot, epoaktac of its wonderl ql csratiTe properties, Sold h7 the Drsiiintaat40et. Depot 48 Marrar.s. T lie Markets. FEW TOBE, Beef Cattle Native 0,V'4 OA" Texas and Gherokeea.. 0( (d 0SJ6 union oovrs (6 uu woo uu Hogs: T.tvo 0 Kt 0i vresscu u ms 04 w tineep 04 (9 OCX Lnrubs us (a 03 Cotton : Middling Flonr : We?te n : Good to Ohoioe., 09 v 0.) 4 16 (a) 50 4 0. (2 6 35 Ptnte . Fair to Choice Wt.eat: Ked No. 1 fied 1 OJn (A 1 IS 1 08 1 19 White State... lire ; State cr r tX Barley: Stale . 1 tl 1 54 (3181 liarioy Mnlt Oats: Mixed Western , , Corn : Mixed Western Uugraded. . 80 4 31 4,1k -8 Hay, por cwt 0 (3 4 X Ptraw, per cwt ft (A tu 76's 01 (a 1 licps -ius us (ctio Pork: Femlly Mosb..., 8 BO (4 8 80 Lard: City Steam JS.V? .05.' 0 Firq: olacserei, o. 1, new ...100 tieJOOO " No. new 7 00 7 60 Dry Cod, per cwt.'l 8 73 I 60 HtmiiR, Healed, per box js ( is Petroleum: Crude, 07Jt0 fcBeflned.. 0- Wool California Fleece. i4 21 4'J 04 1'- Tnxns Fleece , ao Australian Fleecer 88 State XX. Butter Htate Creamery, uuirv Western Creamery Factory 1034 'it 11 09 Cheese: Htate Factory Htate Kxlintned Western 05 08 E'gs : State and Pennsylvania.. an BUFFALO. Flonr I 76 a I 21 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee.... 87 Ok 1 18 Corn Mixed 41 (4 10 Oats.. 36 (A Iffl ltye , 60 (ft, 60 barley , to a K) Barley Malt 1 10 1 20 PHILADELPHIA Flour Pennsylvania Extra 41 (3 4 75 Wheat Bed Western 10 Ua 1 M "ye '6 & 6t corn Yellow 4J at .8 44 Bail Mixed 44 (A its Mixed 24 Ok Petroleum Crude ..07 A07M Beflued, us 20 20 Wool Colorado., 17 II Texas., BOBTOBT. Beef Cattle . 01 9 t8X 04 S 04 k Bbeep Hogs Floor Wisconsin and Minnesota. ., Corn Mixed Data " ct ja- 01 60 tl ia s IU (3 6 (4 82 Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX.. 84 (4 ia e 041,0 04 -0M4 04 a M!.(4 Calliornia Spring BBIGHTOBT. H ASS. IBM Beef cattle 04 S Sheep 04 OS LAUiDS , Hogs 0-X WATEBTOWW. MASS. Beer Cattls Poor to Choice.. 06H 16 Sheep. . Lambs. IS Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache. SUCCESSFUL FOLKS. W 1 Matthew Hale Smith's new book W llHKI Prominent prona men and V analyzed. Ktett Fori th Its of OA. JU W .0. XV A. BENNETT. Kro. The sensation of tbe seaaon. Now ia the time for J A ft F IU TJ to our! ln"itrjf. Addreae for I w.a-.w v axencf circuian ana terms. A.UEHICAN laiiKIHIXJ TO.. naniora. i oiib rwinfe roHO,ii)Afui etrkka X TKJKK KII.VKII ANB -OI.l A Nil I O., of aLfiatlvilU, Colorado, ba placed f 10u UK) vs tusn BtyubBX, uu aUfl lUftl BT31 Sbtl WUIS IUT UBalJl ULI. g OT- tons) are cftn made by invtetm from $6 ind upward in yood -Uer and sold mines. Ful1 deroriuticn of Go property tent on nul nation. F'til hur tin. shire-, 15. Andre's secretary. Officer a. d Trustees 1'nn.o. xj. ivunA, jK.,r en.; ijhab vv. ibakoem.V rr W.W.Ooble.Bbj. :O.F OHKWfc-T Tn-as. ; 8.uAh aha s TUC DHIII TDV MA MTU I V A Ihm. i hi- ivvkllll IHUivillbl hH.T 11 Instrated monthly, devoid to Poultry. Pip eons bo,re, Rv bits and other peta. Krery specialty t-bated nrac iioallyanasoieDtifloal y. J F FERRI, Editor, aided by a soore of the beet writers ia the ootid t y. 83 lame qaatto pairee, printed on beautiful tinted book uaper hut-MtiptipDOtily One DotUr f.r year Sample oopies twelve rttntn Arlwortiai o un au. i- . r j .r feu hi . prBiTM. Fnu cbr.l'ib. SKi ft v' i Hl 1 it i.C atl&Uat. . i S mI Wuud. -HI a BU FZ'T it BBtt-tnd at sr. la, taitiaaa sjf r'l ArH BBiwt. and ih rl.i Aainak I tat. aUtb Tl M KZ. A P, IW.,. Max. T.' taHiw AGENTS, READ THIS " wu.- pay unu a Balarr ol (100 par month sad puiia, or aiiov a araa oomnuuiun to Mil jur nan bampl Ira. Aadrou, , Sjiarjuin V ftr.. war,1,,, jm-h , 7 U T 1 fl Kdoj iop'ia is iba bast Two Medals, Paris, 1S7S. all XJ JJ il A As'tswritato T. Kllwo d uavib a uo., roll Vlfa IIMTmusIcIl TEntK rTaTn m i S r if . B"aa Uj rabai, Phi-a, QPIU' nblltV Hbla Dlaraua. Thorn. aousourea. ixtwasc rriofes io not tai wnla. Dr.F.B Marah.Quinof.atioa SUPERFLUOUS RKMOVKU. Uiroiiar LnfLUUU) Iraa. 8. O. UPUAM. Philaq'a. enrFlHllln t arda. Band It ot. stamp 11 ioraauulai. J MiMiUJtB a OO., tiaaaao, .1, f v evw 1 ( m 1 DAILY AND WEEKLY. . DOSTON. 3VCJ3f3. Quarto Sheet56 Columns THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST FAMTLT NBWSPAPKB IN NEW ENGLAND. DAILY EVENING TRANSCP.IPT has boon cnrrlod mi for fnrt v-f flvrn vtir an an l iivprvitvvp tut tr . dlictiMtnK and considering question of political and oeliil Intercut, according to the bent opinions and convictions of It eomlu.-tors in Advrcfttlne tMr Rood, condemning the bad, exposing the fallacies ol mis taken policy, and promotlnft the Renerttl welfnre of the people. All foreign and local new published promptly. WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT hllftheri urerv TuMilav mornlntr l r to published every Tuesday morn In rr, in a Quarto Form, comprising- fifty -six columns, at Two Doixahs per annum, Including postage. Single copies for mailing, five cents. It contains tne choicest LITERARY MIHCE1jIANY. and Is mndo up with special reference to the varied tnates and rooulremcuta of the home circle. In Word, It Is a first -class FAMILY NEWSPAPEtt, flvlng, In addition to It literary contents, the prlnot al news of the week. Market Reports, etc., etc. urn it iranRcnpi, biu per annum in auvnnce, Weekly " J - " (3 copied to one 'addresM $7.50 per annum In advance. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. FOR RELIEVING FAIN, Both Internal and External. BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PAJTACKA Is sold at 'iS cents per bottle. The most EFPEO TIVB PAIN DESTROYER In the world. WILL MOST SURELY QUICKEN I ha BLOOD, SUBDUE INFLAMMATION and HEAL whether takon Internally or applied extern ally, and thereby more oertalnly RELIEVE PAIN, whether chronto or acute, than any other PAIN ALLEVIATOR, and It Is WAR RANTED DOUBLE the STRENGTH of ANY other ELIXIR or LINIMENT. "imoWN'S ITOtlSHOLD PANACEA" SHOULD hs In EVERY FAMILY. It CURES PAIN In the Side, Hack or Bonds, Sore Thn.at, Rheum.ltlo Disease, T'Xithai hc. and ALL ACHKS, Hums, Senilis, Cuts, etc Sold u7 all Wholesale and Retail Drus'Kists. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. QAPONIFIEI Is the Old Uellnble Concentrated I. ye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. D'reallnnt aooomDanfln each aan fur making Hard. Boft and Toilet Hoap quickly. r IS rCLL WEHiHT AXO STRSXOTB. Th Mnrbstt in tlnad d with fhO-avJitoll f !nt.aAntrittft1 Lyo, trfciob ia adultrtated wab suit aud resin, nnd eo.l tit $vap. SAVE MtOStV, ASh BUY Til 8 dAPONIFIE! Sl.UK HY TU. rennsylvauia Bait llanufg Co., l'(MI,AUf.l.riil A. PENSIOMB ARK PA I O ererT soldier disabled In Una of dut. by Aceldent or olherwln. A wut.ili TO anj aino, ,ws 01 r -l.lt. TOB or EVB. HIPTIKK, U but s'lktit, or Disease or I.l'SJ. BOl'SiT V Dlschaia-e tir Wound. Inlur led or Rupture, rlv FTI.L Bounty. I.nt llorea. ORteern1 Accounts and all War rinims Kcttl"t. KK JtCCTBIs SJLAIJItt HKUPKKKI). tiendSS csnis for a "ty or Acta on PKNMIOV1B, WODNTV AJIij Lt5l!i'Ll.1l. Hend stamp ror j virrainrs. km. sr. n iniurfia st m. HOI IS'JO. tVauilltaibBI, IS. '- 1 Uifijt. mm AU ULalt-ilOlMiliUllulilal Tti!i!l(U4 Wt'OklV. CV-IlttaillS tL'(V w.ek .1 iii-rtn.it fmJ blO'-'ini-Jiv r-f imn.e i-mhient pcit n. A tu'im.'ii by Itov, C. K. SPUHOEOIi. of Lt-iakou, h r-t moi by Rev. T. 13e Witt TALJsIAUI3, ol Hrik1n, unit i-tua lunilly k lermon hy imite other cll knowu jiicfcirltvr. 1. .nwlLB irivfiH tocinl aii't ren'loiifl bI'U-Iujb, imrrHtlVtis tticioiH nrt1s!r!t mi prophecy by tlcif.Tiin nndutMpia, 1. rlu I ot Uir.ilinr tntcre-tt. S.wt jft putd, Z I ,BO (. aaii .m ii-i y v.xM. AUEnTS WAN1 LLherttl COiltmlu,!' '! uiloVt0 A.t.ii Jon. EDursncon. 03 Blblo Houec, K. VClty. Tf tlVILliATlUN'H f rrownlna iouvnlrnre 11 nose- name riiinir. u uio Stitobinffand Daruinx AU&oL ment for Sowing Machine. Ita own work is its s'ronffett praise. PrictaSil. Ask a Sew mi Machine dealer. Special attachment for each kind of maohloe: in ordering, name the maahine. Ager.U wanted. R. M. ROSK, flun Bnildinf , New York. NOW READY. PfiASPvETTXCO v5SP!W - - k CtOTi PHILADELPHIA. another m-NnRr.Dsj)lyinll(l lH-rlnriiiill i,h tirA IN'mlin;.. ItHl pp. price, ao cts.. malloa ireo. sum uy jwonse era. NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES at olnb rates. Time, trouble and expense eaved bf snb- aonbinff through tbe Rooky MoanUini Bubecriptioo Agency, WD icq mmisnea any papr (.tjiusjpt iuvw k" liiued in the United Kta'ea. Musical tnttrumenta, Hew ing Maobinea of all binds, Unromo Frames, Sewinj Macnina rfeeaies ana Attacnmenia ai mu pnuv. Rockv Mountain Stereoscopic Views a specialty, Don't fail to write at onoe f r our circular. Agenia oan mu uig roon'r . 'M' v?, v n 1 The AntTdotio Alrohnl Foand 111 l-nai. THE FATHER MATHEW REMEDY Is a oertain and speedj oure for intemperanoa. It de stroys all appetite for alcoholie liquors and builds np tha nervous system. After 11 acb inch, or nny intemfieraic iniiiiHcncet n ainaio r-iii,wt,u lul will remove ull menlnl nml l V'cnl lc. prCHalon. (It also cures every kin.l ol t also ouris every aina 01 r k'a. L onpiDi'ii or the Llveh. sjrnbyall , Dvs- druaniats. Kloerbo'lle. Pamphlet on Aio ,nol, IU If.niwta nn tha tinman HOQV. anil inwrnimraiR.. aa Disease." sent free. VaTHKB MaTHBW f F.MPKBaf.CS md MAMitracTORiiia Uo., :t Uond St., hew YooM. IN THE List of Hedleines there arenons that are eoaal to llUNT'ri KEitlKltY tor eurlng Dropsy, Brmbt's Disease, Kidney, Blad der and Urinary Oomplainta. HIINT'l HK.tlEDY enrea BxceuiTO Intemperanoe, General DebUltf, Gravel, Die. him Pain In the Back. 8ida or WHOLE Lolna, and all Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and urinary urxans. ruysiciau. ora oribeiiUNT'M UltMsiuy. Bend for pamphlet to OLaBkB, Providenoe, K. L PIANOS 1 a 10 4UO-fMtor7 prtoea highest honors Mathashek's seals for aaaarea--finest nprighta in amerioa or 1MU0 tn .oae r g tlar'y tooorporataiy Mf'g Uo. Pianos sent 00 trial catalogue fce Mendelssohn Piauo Oo., 21 E. IStk Htreet. N. Y. iitiuiiTlON ninsAr. huihe ana Trr V Sou, 100 uieoes, Hit. Fine Kngraved Golileta I Fnrniahlnx complete. Gods boxed free. 60.pge Pries List free. Biilord. Oooper lnrtitnf . n. x TO TUB From Mcnrlel Fever, itlenelee, - DEAF UDiainna means 01 seii'ours uv uuu,w drum humbug) sent frtt, ou receipt of address and stamp. Da. OAVPbKLL, I TOJjenugton Avenue. Bewiora. .Taarej asan aonKHh lac t' 'ir Wlsiv lin Tusm ita ara rroan that-. a-. anv - r'; V" a aailUaar. Ilawk' i i. wj "- IkwN .t Plendid Wora ready wnn e iuuairaiiaa. Airnte W.n'ed on salary yr oommision, Greit re.l jotinn in orioes of Bojiks and Be lis. 8, ncl ler oatalosae. Kediiiiw a Co., aluonie Pub..T3l Broadway.N.Y. Beware f spu ions Rituals now being offered. n. roAir.'S KIDNEY CURE. ThS sreat bpfo.llo 'or all K dney Ulseases. Hs never tailed Tan, disease of the K.dn.js in the pt td. seara Send for pamnblet, anil adrirjjs lljr. 1 1 It AIti, 42 ITNIVKKMITY Pl.At K. new Bsiura I 71. .L. n.t.j ii.aiu Hsanri tar oireulars. M&iia- aotured only by K IeiHa. 8003 N, rirtb at..t-niia.,i-a. Surerener s rem i. .. KIDDER'S PASTIlLES-biToo: AllalHaHlsssssHCuai'leetowil, 11 13':. I'rk6ou.iiaia VOUNCMEN tTtt; U ka If -a -r4llsY-.tt aTIlaVranUted a UavVlDC SI and it- nation. Address R.Valentine. Munsger, JaaMTtOiOffig. ann v ar a n T.T.TmTlTl C? MAW hi filed with UArtrXiie XXsXV O our New Tiiirhine will ent amootb and trna. Price R1.&0. II 'n. rlud ciula?r.rK. Both B..w OalordJ'a Sin tn innfl invested in Wall Ml. Huwks make. lll III .Ti I 111 II I fortnnea every mouiB.Dwaaeu- IdsnaRIITKKlUO.. Bankara, IT Will it T Afinit A illONTIl-Aaeate Waotd-3ttli.e.i XHIl sellin articles In the world ; one sample raa eOvU addraaa JAY BBOMdON, Betrolt, Mioh. CtK CilUl MO CARDS. Flower;, Motifiee, Zfilo two al ike. wt h n. me free. Bend I O csnu to bTl postage. NASSAU UAKU UJ.. na.au. n. i. rbaTYOUKBOOKSKl LER lm Ur. Jr O' L atsl . Nt'K IN UTOIIV, lor the Hi caaat Hill Pu. io.Ju SVaih 8t.. N K)"TE'H Hoiiaajs. ew York, El I R TtV sails raoidlr lor 5( ou. . Oetaloaoe 7. uiv Witn Stencil OuUIU. wuai ooaie a lilU b.U.rtrasota,! 1 Wasb'n St., Boston, Maa - . . v i. . ui.aL. uauvaue ior ui. u-et Ide Va V Vleltar. Tennsand Ontht fc O. VIOkEKY. aiTW--i. make from mm THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME Is tbe Basts Latest lmnrTJ, and most Thar aaahly Uaaetractea Sewing Machine Tr liTenicd. It Is NOIMKT.RSH, and has mora POINTH af EX. I Kl.l.h.Nt K than all other Maehines aombined. ns-AOENTH WANTED in localltiss where -we are not represented. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Oranae, Maaa., Plttebnra, Pa., Uhlcaao, III., tn. imv. mo. w ANTRD DETECTIVES AUB1TIS fo tsth OF EUROPE and AMERICA, nunto A SKLKOTIOJf OF CKLKB RATED OASES IN OR EAT nitlTAIK, FRANCS, OEBMANT, ITALY, PAIK, BP BI A, POL AH D, WLQ1TT, Alf D AURB1UA. Ittnttratfd with 40 FulUPag Zngravinir. M0 pafft oc'avo. It is a PeTelatlon of Straggles and Triumphs of tbe mo' r.-bbuneil DeteotiTes on the Globe for the past Twenty flte years. It traces ont tbe mostnord Bar.k Kobbers. HetentiUe ThieTes, Lottery Men, Oonnterffit Mon?y Dealers, Picki'orkeU.Hharks and Swindlers of all kin sopon the public. The book Is meeting with aRtntshlng Rnoeena, Agents are areraglng from 40 to HO erderft per week. We offer eitra inducements, and pay freight oharges on Booki. For terms address The J. Ba BURR PUBMHHINQ CO., HARTFORD, OONN. lilt SMITH ORGiN CO. First Established I Most Saecessfolt TITEIR 1X8TKCMEUT8 hive a sUndnr. value In nil tbe LEADING MARKETS OP THE WORLD! Everywhere recognized as the FINES I IN 'lO.NK. OVER 80,000 Simla and In nse. New Designs constantly, best work and lowest prices. H f Send for a Catalogue. hm St, epp, Walthn St MaJHaa, MILITARY I snd Band rniforms Officer' Kqulpmcntw, '.iti( etc., rnnde y Xt. 1 MJtlfff A Co., ColumbUH, Ohio, titudor i'rw XuU i Firemen'i Caps. D0H3, and ShirU. WANT A LIVE AGENT IN EACH TOWN TO HE I, I. IY AHTIt'l.LM. NO MONEY RKOUIRED till eales are made. I will send an on'tit, with prmphiets le advertise, by mail, postpaid. This ts a good opportunity for anente to add so'xetnirtg to tbeir income niihout riskioc one oei.t write ior oarticuiars to . W. H. COMSTOCK, irforrlMtowri) int. ,nrn r p Co New Yrtrha AGENTS VANTE0 FOR THE HIST0RYW0RLD It oontains 111 2 fine hiVor'eal unrrTing and 1 VOO at tie douhir -column puztia, and i he mnt oomt-JMe liat.nrv nt tha tA,(.,1ft HTr nubli-hf d. ll nellB t KigUt. Sr-nd for soecimn piMs an l pith tt-irai o Agents. Address National PrnneaiNQ Co., rpilsU'phm. Tn .r ensioiiers, ? p'?? - wn en, lr alios eo io i-aH, sll pension Oisims herettfore dmi ted will h reopt,m d. tUoueands ot mrit-'rotis clnimaii s trill tie dropp. ii troiu tlio rrl.s and great injostice icne. rr imi tmr-tiftiil.-v hf.rni tnr c.tnrof The N ation AT. Tr.inUNK. tv); 8-page paper, isiue 1 mnntbiy and dvoted tj tbe intr- tn nuiuit-Tn ai.u aiim'ii, atiu ii rir ueirs, u:oiiie ill hew unoNiY and I'KNSion laws. Hboulu te in the bond or evfry soldier. Termi, ill C- DH per yci r Speoinl inducme-nt4 to clubs. hpftM'tmn c-'py Iiet. W-iBhinstonD. O. ANTED AGENTS, for ILUA1 Cilia BRYANT'S Latest and Cr cat est Work. rias the Nl'.tV lilHA.T KIO(i it I'll Y and New Cite-.! Pertr. it. Sold rr.v bt Sulncnption Fon.n.s. now a nn a huhlbrht. h yp'-k. CURED FREE! An infallible and biibxolled rnmndv tm I I lls. Kp'ltMV or l alMii; Mi'Mifis ' wid to offfot a rn8fiy aud I'FiC.vi ANKMonre. I fT E tri p hottlo" of my S ranu.ied eritio aad a !B va'nsblf) Tratiie sent to 1..J any siitfrer eending ma hir r. O. aud Kx press address. mm Kor Uenuty of i'ollab, SbtIiie l.nbor. Clean. "Sfffh'-'SWyji! rhr-npnnas, llneanaled. llOlteE llltua,, I'rop'ra. t.anlOH. Blaaa. TEAS! AIIEAIt AT.I.TIIKTI.UB. The very best goods direct from the Int. osnal oost. Itut nlan ..... . t? .r.X rilk . .1 ."Z porters at Half the larite buyers. ALL EXPRESS OHAKUKo PAID. iew terms XKEtt. rhe Great AmericanTeaCompany, O. Boa 4836. WARNLH BRO'S CORSETS m-rivi-i li.f lliei-- 1U lal .it ts lt?rat PA It IS FXPOSITION, OVtTH'l Mil rim t linn lltni b. 'l ll'lr F1-EX1 IILE IUFCORSET tlVOImUitl Ik WAKstA.NTkO Ull a t U I'H-ftlC tUiwi; tiv.T ht- iiii, I'rlci' l.ap. Tliflr IMPROVED HEALTH CORSET la lil.t .f HH hv laiiiiii'O Itnal, Vt nidi ill c;t 11 -1 flf-Mlil litltl folium W Luik. hy intill.il 'i. niMlH.. Sfll Vroiirtuar. NaT, Manon & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. Dttnutmtrattd bl hu HU.Ht- V, HONUKH A I ALL V OKLW'ri KXPOSITIONS KOH TWKI.VB YhAsH, Tiz: at lAitK,lHh7; Vienna. Kantiao, c.o; Philadelphia, laTrj; Fahib, 1878; and Gbanuawumsh Gold Medal, 1878. Only American Organ evur award ad hiffheat hoi ora at any sucli. Hold (or cash or infatallmnDU. Illustrated Uataloouks and (Jircu lars with nw styles and pioei, aut fr-n. MAKO.S A HAMLIN ORGAN UO., Boston, Now York .or OhioiRJ EMBOSSED PICTURES Uee'ir.ting and Fanoy Work. Finest atoek import- euf uclud.Dc r lowers, Birds, lieads. Leavee, Inseota, tMLies, Ao. 1 cheats fur 800.. U for 6uo..lor iii for tl UO. CaKluKtie of Iihki sheets, Se. Aff.nu wanted, t-taiupa t'l eo. K. TRIKK'I'. It I Court Street. Boston. Mass CQQflfsA YEAR. Howie Men It- Kf Ufnt u. c.lr, 1 O.M.I.. Hi. Lonl.. jlo. Xri M yff . I1 I lln. . a. HOOT, 1ST Ppgrl htre.it. Nev VorV. ft k?&$M$ ML til I: NL&JSS V;illill 11 ii. i .I i v w 'a -v a. - sa a t-as Hr tSta BsU VaT B tT. S right to the dlseitoil part. No licat, no hot water, eiim.ly inluUu.n or "mlhh , "it mi tfS cles of the luuSs thoir ennacity U wouderfully enlarged and the ) oil" w The t , , i g'cVr uUHf;a'"1 '" TV t"""" caed halt's hV0! Shi'fS . .,1 -"", ko very dn enlt to treat, and so seldom cured bv oiher im.ii M. i i CPMIPNPATIONS llSd . ... . j.,,kiaU, uio iuni! t nave never nuna a remedy Umt couaK v,,. . i lulialauu. So-called ' hopeless caves' need not rlospalr?'iuH ?m !.ta, bolfi1 nCf, ' Villo, Ky ' My Un,Jt JZy mrc and fouoA dislrsJn, iv.th a , ,!iL'ON. A"rM,- V i am so well pleased with your C.rbolate oflsr In&lintthat I w IFtVSXllh it .1 any .riee.'W. J. Bp.snikotiim, Kim Street. I'hnadllc i?l ,i V "i"1 ' wllh 'Vat MlJ"l.htall.rtvl.l Wat a. U.y ftToSS! FRANK LESLIE'S ' POPULAR MONTHLY .. .. i , , -r : . , Tka Xraat Cham past, and Mast Aliraatlea af taa Maathl niaa-aalaaa. n,a mat merit of literary stid arMttls depart mlJihaaecnred almost nneia-npled snooees i for the B S!? Mn.TSLI T and snch srranaemente ban banU. s wt" rinde? the lorthomln Toluasa TOO jrr Brilliantly Attractive. Poblished Ulh ol each month. (3.00 per Annum, 25 ota. per Nambar, rosTAaa naa. . ' ,hfc Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 63, 65 and 67 Park Place, Gentle Wpmen Who want glossy, luxuriant and wavy tresses of nbundant, beautiful liair must use LYON'S KATIIAIR0N. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair prow freely and fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests aud cures gray ness, removes dandruff and itching, makes tho Hair strong, giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is tho sure result of using Kathairon. Cliristmas ai Nnw im MUSICAL GIFTS. n.T?"rVra New and Rnlarcad R J it ton I Tb Kin UaOJU.aHii.hwar:" "Nunor -;" "TUa Lort Chord The Ma'd'an'i Ro.j and MJami 4r Fiva ol th fUH 8Toty-Fia aioeptionaiij food Bonra thai vIX maka this ooliaotioi ona of tM most attraotira thatb n var boaa laaaad. I ENGLISH SONG. larga pacaa. PrioalnOloth t3t Fin01UBLodinff,$4. NOVELLO S Musical Presents. .., Elegant London Gift Books. 80NI.IOI1T OP MOM), (14.20); t'lIKlSTMASI ItlKit. (SS.M). all profusely illustrated in tha best style of art, H. M. S. PINAFORE. c aod mnslo oumplete. Easy, brifht masie, lull of fan and f rolto, and aneioep. trouble la morals. Just the tbins ior tmilsui per. IwtBMaa. Pnoe 11.00. Bead Seta, and ree'lve, po t-free, BO oU. worth ol sloin ine itlil.icai iteeerst wuioa i published weekly. K 00 per year. 0LIVEE DITSON & CO., Boston. O. B. DITSO.N 4c CO., 843 Broadway, New Yark. J. B. DITBON dfc CO., faa Chestnut sit.. PMIa lis tmc Mest. JCTORY,-gDTTeBQDJ)yi A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS I We will dnrlna Hie nill.lUAVX fi'.;o nf 1 0O PI AXIS and OllUA-, nt Kxirordlnerr Low prlree larru.li. Mnleniliil llltll t a. h eele of reeflM liMI'i, 3 net with Sub Uiin nml I 'oupler 9HO, Met,. 9l.iO, I eel siieO. I -wt J3.. 7 Urluve oil KoHewnnd 1 NO ! I ill), 7 I -3 In i!140,warruird forMI.V ynnre. AUK NTH WANTKIt. Ilioelruied (Iiniilimiiea tliillrd. Hn.lciil halfiirlen. IIIIK At'K WA I'ICHS M!i 'lnf"- "tsle r-, 4 O K. I 4 in it. N Y. MOLUfSworCOD-LIVER Oil Is perfectly pnre. Pronounced the best by tbe high est medical aiitlinritiei; in the world. Given hiirbest award at 13 Worl("s Exnonltinns, aud at I'aria, IH7S. Bold by DruKlfists. V. u. rjcbiulU-lin cV Co.. U.S. N Y N U . i l Tbe best food in thj world far inv li'Js, and readily taken by tbe Ultle folks. WOOLRIUU OO on svery laoei. TEAS (iriNKsri.vQUALrrr lowbst in pnoe. Bx.t opportanity tor eiab agents and largn burera. All express ouiradspiiu. i.w ittrm tree. TBI CANTO TB OOMPaNV. 148 Chambers Hireet, New York. H. O. Bos 878. atampf.ir oiroulara. I) f.-j .aUveita A.. Brnoilvn.N.YT .CATARRH turrit. I a aril area as am Tees aa,A.-..I TV . . -" - w hsw, iioj tiiustiai ci' m ura corrrin liin ruiinuiKdowii Uio thmut, wenlc eycs.di'ulncss lorsof Toioe, loss of smell, dis,;utiiij odors, lm-ul dclormitics. andflnaJlyconsuruptloii. Thousauilstutcrwlih thlsdis. nisa without knowiiiff its natura or tho great diumer In iK'Slecting It, Jlauy thousauils are dying with conbumn. t.M, whoafejyvRrs or mumlisbcfur,. , liful only catarrt CO N SUM PTIO t J teTfi? Iliut yuurly cunies tlium-uiids to an untiiv.i ly cnivo i, i tpnrmc llioyounc, the talfiiU'd. rrnr tho Huuiiful e U I il ftflA tliiititsVHt.nisnrcfi:mo.-tien(ly in a,--t'(,b ii io ai vice uunii i V i:( - i ur-0 til il cml G;e " BRONCHITIS l;l.n.aehofcoiii,unipiT.n. For these m.rtr.m u'racra-r ' SHl&Fo