V? Z. 3 C a H R"C . 5 x i . 2 33 a CQ PI c o c 3 r-t- 33 M o 1 C 5 w r 3 - -J 5 X 3 ft t 00 CD . I- H ( I 5 2 O S S. n r -i 3" siS" 3 s ?5 b n s 5 2 -x i? Si. 5.SVS T"1 SW C E -i-Z- 'X l!-V if! still o cj r 2; vw 3 Register's Notice. c ? 2 c 3- 00 CD Col- 1879. 1879- THE PREMIUM LIST. Xot ice is hereby given tlitit the lowing accounts will lie presented tit the next term of the Ot'Dluttis' Court of Elk county for confirmation : 1. The final account of John ti. Hall, administrator of the estate of Ralph Johnson, late of Renczette town ship, Elk county, deceased. 2. The final account of Ralph John son, an guardian of Mary E. Winslow, nieu ny .jonn u. nail, ndmunstrator jjUv, Ralph Johnson, now deceased. J. I lie tinnl a count o! Ralph John- son, administratorof C. Wainwright, ! deceased, filed ly John CJ. Hall as ad- i ministrator of Ralph Johnson, de- ! ceased. FRED. 8C1IU5N Register. ! NOTICE is hereby given that a pe tition of citizens of Ridgway township '. will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the incorporation of a Borough of the town 1 of Ridgway. Job Work KXKf'i:TKl PHOMPT. One lUymond Silver Watch $ 80 00 Cne White Sewing Machine ... 35 00 One Wehster Unabridged Dictionary . 12 00 One C sh Prize . ... 25 00 Three Cash Prizes $10 ech 30 00 Five Cash Prizes, $5 e ch 25 00 Tot?l 200 00 ALL CASH PRIZES WILL BE PAID IN GOLD- $200 IN PRIZES TO ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS Call on Charles Holes, Jeweler, Ridgway, Pa , and see the Magnificent watch we offer. Call on C. Bowers, Furniture Dealer, Ilidgivuy, and see the handsome and durable White Se i ring Ma chin e . The Other. Prizes Will Be Given As Advertised-