ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. Vol. VIII. HIDOWAY, ELK CO.. FA., DECEMBER 20, 1878. No. 43 Business Cards. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 U " " " 40 00 85 00 k, 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of 1 eight lines, one Insertion SI, two Insertions 1.50, three Insertions S2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 5. Advertisements payable quarterly GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY- :V.T-LA W. Office in new brick building, Muln street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32tf LUCORE & HAMBLEN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ridgway, Elk county. Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat es tablishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnelo,187) G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgwny, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night vln3y T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main street. Residence corner Broad street, opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours: 1 to 2 P. M. 7to 9 P.M. MRS. N. T. GUMMINGS. A LAltGE assortment op new styles HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T- Cummings, also ties, col lars, cult's hoisery, gloves, and a gen eral assortment of Ladies' Fancy (ioods. Remember the place, in H. S Thayer's Building, Main street. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Institute commences next Mon day. Subscribe now for the Advocate, $1.50 a year. Company "H" will parade on New Year's day. Christmas Eve and the thermom eter 13 degrees below zero. Fine syrup and New Orleans mo lasses at the corner grocery. J. W. Taylor froze his fingers a day'or so ago while splitting wood. This small specimen of the Advo cate is issued on account of legal ad vertising. We did not intend to issue a paper this week but a force of circumstances compels us to. Snow eighteen inches on the level and the drifts are too deep to measure during this cold shap. Mrs. L. L. Miller died at Bear Creek on Monday and was buried at this place on Christmas day. Neut. Rhines has a boil on his arm Take courage Neut., and re member that an old chap named Job once had the same failing to an almost unlimited extent, since which time he has received an unlimited amount of gratuitous puffs. Attention Company "H." The officers and members of Com pany " H," Seventeenth Regime.it N. G. P.. will meet at their armory, Jan uary 1st, 1879, at 2 o'clock p. in. sharp, for dress parade and inspection By order of FRED. SCIKENING, Capt. Attest : Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Ord. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Volume 10 of this admirable work is just out, making it complete. Each volume contains 800 pages. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $3.0 a volume in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Tur key. C. K Judson, Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars. scp!7-tf Teachers' Institute. The teachers of Elk county will hold their twelfth annual convention in the school building, Ridgway, Pa.", com mencing Monday, December, 30, 1878, at 3 p. m., and closing Friday, Janu ary 8, 1879, at 12 m. Prof. J. B. John son will deliver the address of welcome, which will be responded to by Prof. W. H. Prideaux- A large corps of lecturers and instructors are engaged for the occasion. Mrs. P. S. Ernhout will conduct the musical exercises, which fact is a full guarantee that that part of the institute will be a success. The Democrat office will issue a daily paper each evening, contnining full notes of all proceedings,. Thursday afternoon will be especially set apart for directors. Holiday excursion tickets may be bought at the various railroad ticket offices. Boarding at from 75 cents to $1 a day. All are invited, and an unusually good time is antici Washington, December 23. Govern or elect Hoyt, of Pennsylvania, accompanied by M. S. Quay, James M'Manes, William R. Leeds and other prominent Pennsylvanians, called upon Mr. Hays to-day to urge the ap pointment of Governor Hartranft to the Berlin mission. Some of the members of the delegation feel satis fied that their petition will receive fa vorable consideration from President Hayes. Fresh eggs, butter and cheese at the corner grocery. Fresh lemons, oranges and celery the at corner grocery. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned auditor, appointed to distribute the fund in the bunds of Jacob McCauley, Esq.. administrator of the estate of John McCosker, late of Fox Township, deceased, will attend at his office, in the villageof Ridgway. on the 4th day of January, 187, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of hearing claimants, when and where all may attend who see proper. GEO. A. RATH BUN, 41 -St Auditor.