The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 12, 1878, Image 3
life g teat. TltURSDAY, DEO. i2, 1878. Local Xotes "-Secure an 1870 almanac. We must soon learn lo Write 1879. Celery at-Morgester's corner gro cery. Bee notice of valuable property for ale. ' See Auditor's notice In another column. See our offer for subscribers to tbo Advocate. Hauling bark will nojv bo In dulged In. . Pork and beans at MorgesterB corner grocery. --Call and see bur elegant samples of If ev Years cards. Oysters by the quart or count at Morgester's comer grocery. The prospects for good sleighing at tbrlstmas time seem to be good. The Rldgway public school report will be found in another column. The sociable at D. C. Oyster's, last ,' Friday night, was largely attended. v Subscribe for The Aiv6cate now, and read your own paper next year. The season for killing deer ends on December ICth. Only four more days. . A large assortment of candies and andy toys at Morgester's corner gro cery. Company H will elect several non 'commlssiohed officers next Saturday night. Visiting, wedding and business cards neatly and cheaply printed at this office. We don't altogether agree with the "article in another column which argues -against shaving. This has been a poor fecAsrm for hunting deer, and we presume the deer are very glad to hear it. Fresh tub oysters at thirty cents a quart at Morgester's corner grocery. Also shell and canned oysters. l The Rldgway School Dramatic Association are preparing to give an other entertainment in the near future. The P. & E. R. R. company arc putting up a new water tank sbouta mile west of Wihnarth, on the right of the road. If you neod furniture call on E K. Gresh, at his furniture rooms, Ma sonic Building. He sells at marvcl Dusly low prices. The new plank crossing for teams In front of J. W. Morgester's grocery is a decided improvement, and enables teams to drive up to his door. At Vli Methodist church, next 'Sunday evening, Rev. H. V. Talbot will preach a sermon from the text : ' " This day shult thou be with me in paradise." Those turkey gobblers who had the 'good fortune to escape the Thanks giving massacre, had better say their prayers now, as Christmas and New Years are coming.' - - Coasting on the sid'eWalks is a habit our boys have Which should be discontinued, as the sidewalks become so slippery that it is almost impossible ' 'to keep one's feet. Subscribe for the Advocate only $1.50 a year, and a chance to get a magnificent watch, or sewing machine. See our unparulled offer to subscribers to a county paper. Clarion river and Elk creek were at a high stage on Tuesday, demoral izing the planli road at the lower end of town. Tuesday night, by reason of the cold snap, the water fell eighteen inches. The members of company H are requested to meet at theirarmory, next . Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock sharp. An election for non-connnissioncd offi cers H.nd other important business will come before the meeting All kinds of commercial printing uch as bill heads, note heads, letter heads, cards, tags, envelopes, price lists, postal cards, etc., etc., at this office. We make a specialty of note and letter heads, and furnish them at a very cheap figure. The late inspection of company H at Meadviile, has infused new life into the organization, atid the company will meet at their armory for drill everj Saturday night. The command will soon have new uniforms. rptisr ottoov I V(i trthi . WAV And the little deinnil John, Now forsake tlie gay sheroot. Swearing off time ban come. This elaborate piece of poetry is not by Byron, but it will be handy to read ton January 1st all the same. Splitting and piling five cords of stove wood in a forenoon is good work for two young men, but when the pile only panned out two cords the record Is not as good. This Is the difference between a guess and the stubborn re ality. Several parties from abroad are huntiug deer in this section. Their efforts have not been rewarded with buy alarming amount of venison, very few deer having been killed by any one except where driven into the river by bounds. The weather has been very un steady thus far this week, first snow, then thaw, and then fog, after the fog more weather. The weather prophets . propose holding a convention to decide on a new lot bf signs, as all the old ones are at fault; The tramps that pass through this plaje are getting very saucy and im portant. So "little do they need food that they dictate the kind. One of this kind received a lunch at J. W, Morgester's, which he quietly cast tindvrthe table, after drinking a half gallon of cider. Stolen Property Recovered. About eleven weeks ago a man hired a horsoand buggy of Daniel Scribncr, livery stable keeper at this place, to go and see his brother, who lived near Clarington. After a reasonable length of time, the property not being re turned, Mr. Scribncr drove to Claring ton to see about it The chap had been to see his brother and had gone on, and left no trace behind neither trnee, or vehicle, or horse. I-ast week a tele gram was received by Postmaster Hng rty, addressed to the livery stable keeper at Ridgway, and saying ahorse and buggy were at a certain place in Mutlcr county. Mr. Scribner, from the description, knew at once that tho property Was the same he had hired the man to make the trip to see his brother. The horse and buggy were found by their owner at the farm of Mr. Kcyster, In Slippery Rock town ship,. Butler county, about 130 miles from home, and nearly 35 miles right across the country from Parker. The thief, who proved to be Jerry Hall, a notorious character in the oil regions, although unknown to Mr. Keyster, had left t he horse to board until he should call fo'rit. On several occasions he tailed to get the property, but fall ing to pay for the horse's board he was not permitted to take him. On one occasion he wanted to take the horse and leave the buggy and harness for security, this on pretext that he had sold the horse and would return and pay for his board. Mr. Keystvr's sus picions were aroused and he declined to allow the horse to go without the money being paid; Mr. Scribner brought his property home, and thinks the thief may yet be caught, which would be some slight compensation for the $50 or $60 expense which he has been to. Jerry had previously served a term in the penitentiary, and, be sides had just stolen two suits of clothes, which, with the theft of the property in question, would entitle him to another term in the same place, which we hope he may receive. Personal Notes. Lank Kiine Is in town on a visit. Alton Chapin was in town last Week. Prime sweet cider ut Morgester's corner grocery. A silver watch for $1.50. See our prctniukl list. John McGrady is nov bar keeper at the Ridgway House. James McAfee will make the new suits for company II.. Stewart has not yet been returned to his lost resting place. Oysters by quart or count at Mor gester's corner grocery. Mrs. Osterliout and Mrs. Holiday are reported on the sick list. Fresh barrel of Cranberries at Morgester's corner grocery. Fancy writing paper and enve lopes, in boxes, at this office, for sale cheap. G. W. and Will Nichols are now at Kane. They W m to have plenty of work to do. Dr. Carver, they call him now, since he winged a lot of oyster cans. A good wing shot. J. S. Po-veil is still confined to the house, but we hope before long he may be able to be around. A full line of fresh canned goods will be received next week at Mor gester's corner grocery. D. B. Day has moved his drug store from Campbell's building to his new building next east of the Hyde House. B. T Chopin, of Broekwayville, we are sorry to hear, is now Confined to the house with an attack of lever. Mrs. Chapin has also been ill. On Christmas Eve, December 24th, a grand ball will be given at Hyde's Opera House, Ridgway, Pa., at which all hand) and their ladies are cordially invited. No special invita tions will be issued, but a good time will be had all the same, and you will miss it if you stay ut home. Excellent music will be in attendance, ttnd the price of the ticket will be fixed at a reason able figure. Therefore consider your self invited, and don't forget to go. At the adjourned term of court, Commissioners Weidert, Reuscher and Osterhout gave bonds in the sum of $5,000 each for the faithful performance of their duties, in accordance with the new act of assembly. James Magin nis and James MtFarlin, are the sureties of Commissioner Weidert 's bail bond, Jerome Powell and James Mc Farlin on that of Commissioner Reuscher, and R. V. Kime and Jerome Powell on Commissioner Ostcrhout's bond. The Advocate is authority for the statement that Elk county will be en tirely out of debt by the 1st of January ensuing, unless something extraordi nary transpires. The part of wisdom will be to keep so, as municipal In debtedness is one of the most common and worst evils the people of this coun try have how to contend with. It is so much easier to contract indebtedness than provide meuns for paying tho Republicans Tuesday night the Weather caught a bad fold, and Mr. Storm King made things howl as he thrashed around the house corner, and moaned and wheezed through the night air. On Wednesday morning the ground was covered With snow, and the air enlil nn.l I, ,...,.! 1 . V...V. UlULlllg, again deluding us with the hope that uiintiiw I. ft u r-.l.An ti. . , nxuiA wmiio iw vy, ana again causing the weather prophets to chanire tact. Shipping tags with or without strings, printed or blank, for sale, at this office. Adjourned Term of Court. Monday, Dec. 9, 1878. Judge Wetmore, presiding. Associates Weis and Jones. argument list. In tho matter of tho Appeal of Ser geant township, McKean county, from the order of justices, removing George Brown from the township of Benzin ger. Continued. Commonwealth vs. Theodore Stein. Defendant sentenced to pay cost of prosecution. Rule to show cause why the "sentence of the court suould not be V'eeorded. Rule discharged. The township of Rldgway vs. W. H. Sehrom. Rule to show cause why judgment should not be opened. Now, December 10th, 1878. C. A. V. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Horace Little. Rule to show cause why Judgment should not be opened. Ruld discharged. John Walker & Son vs. N. Halilgan. Sheriff's interpleader. Rule to show cause granted, sale stayed and lien of levy to remain. December 0th, 1878. Rule made absolute; Feigned issued awarded. Richard Dailcy vs. Lewis Fegley it Co. Rule to perfect appeal, and rule to show cause why appeal should not be dismissed. Continued. Geo. A Rathbun, Esq., was ap pointed Auditor to distribute the fund In the hand of Jacob McCauley, ad ministrator of the estate of John Mc Coskcr, lateof Fox township, deceased. Clarion County Items. From the Republican. In Pike township, of diphtheria on Thursday, Novcniberl4th, 1878, Harry, aged 4 years, 0 months, and 6 days ; on Thursday, November 21st, 187S, Mary, aged 2 years, 5 mouths and 7 days ; on Thursday, November 28th, 1878, Ida, aged 7 years, 5 months, and 17 days; all children of Joseph L. and Chris tina Dale. Company O, Clarion "Infantry," turnclt out fifty eight strong at the in spection at Meadviile on Tuesday, being the largest in numbers. As to size of the men it took the palm. Thos Near, a youthful member, just twenty one, stands six feet eight inches high in his Stocking feet, and is still grow ing. 1 hen there twenty-six members six feet and over. The company were complimented highly on theirsoldierly appearance and gentlemanly deport ment; All of which makes us feel proud of our boys. The not unusual verdict rendered of " not guilty 1ml to pay the eiwts," half or whole, as the case may to, seems to us one of the anomalies of justice, and reminds us of an obi story. In tho plantation times a Maryland planter sent hi? trusty colored man to Alexan pria to buy the annual supply of her ring and Hhad. He arrived home in due season. "Basil, said the planter, "did you get a good lot of fish?" "Only tol'able, Massa John." "What the devil do you mean by tol'able, ,; said the planter. "Dey only stink u little, ' said Basil. Which is a better defini tion of the word tbitn any dictionary gives, and seems to cover what the jury in such cases evidently desire. The court were rather startled at un incident that transpired on Thursday last. A woman in the court room who held a -baby, the paternity of which was to be proved before that tribunal, became wearied of the law's delay. Taking the babe, a stout youngster of about a .year old, she carried it to the end of the judge's seat, in front of Judge Jer ks, and put it down at his feet, stating who-e it was, and also that she was tired of keeping it and the court could take care of it. The as tonishment of his honor can be better imagined than described- The rigid economy of our board of county com missioners having prevented the pro viding of the appliances requisite for children of that age, the kind hearted judge was forced to cull in the services of Sheriff Dunkle to remove the par ties. This he did umid an audible smile from the members of tho bar and the audience. Peterson's Magazine is already on our table for January, a triumph of art, literature and fashion. Either of the two steel engravings, "The Play mates," or "The Letter at the Gate," is Corth the price of the number. Then the treble sized colored pattern, "Per sian Embroidery in Applique, etc," the very nev est thing out, would be cheap at fifty cents. As for the mammoth colored fashion plate, it is simply un rivalled ; and besides this, there are some thirty other fashion illustrations! Then, too, there Is a supplement, with a full-sized pattern for a winter man tilla, the very latest style. To praise the stories In " Petersen is unneces sary; they are always original, and always the best. Two powerful novel ets are begun, one by Ann S. Stephens, another by Jane G. Austin ; and In addition there ure stories by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Rebecca. Harding Davis, Frank Lee Benedict " Josiuh Allen's Wife," etc., etc Now is the time to subscribe. "Peterson" is un questionably the cheapest and best of the ladies' books. The price is only two dollars a year. To clubs" it is cheaper still, viz: 4 copies for $6.50, with an extra copy gratis to the person getting up the club, or 5 copies for $8, and both an extra copy and a superb premium engraving, " Christ Blessing Little Children." Specimens of the magazine sent gratis to persons wish ing to get up clubs. Address Charles J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut street, Phila delphia, Pa. For Sale. One of the most desira ble Homes in Ridgway, Barn, Ice House, Chicken Coop, Wood and Coal Houses, outside kitchen. Water at door. Shrubbery, trees, &o. Apply to Mas.W.S. Service.- J ni:Jtf. Rldgway Tubllc Schools, principal's report ron month ENDING DECEMBER. 2, 1878. TEACHERS'. Miss Babe E.Wil cox Miss Jenna Atli- crton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson.... Summary . - i O V, 3 S R." 5S S?t- ' ?"S X B : -6 S3 5 a 85 72 80 83 63 46 B0 24 67 90 38 205 181 00 05 A written examination was held at the close of the month, from which I lie average class standing of the following pupils were ascertained. The general average is obtained by dividing the sum bf the other items by 4. The highest average class standing of any pupil for the month Is 100 ; the lowest, 42; the highest general average, 100; the lowest, 71. hiuh school department SENOIRS. Hellen Little Jennie Gresh- Tillie Cunningham.. Minnie Service Daniel Irwlu...;.... "A" GRADE. Maggie Fly tin....".. Kattie O'Connor Emma Olmsted Ida Olmsted Rhoda Wilcox Lewis Lesser Orin Head Charles Meenan.... Joseph Jackson .... Allie Toomey ...... 100)100 100 92j no'ioo 100 loo! 100 lOO.lOOPO WilOOjlOO "a" GRADE. Amanda Llndgren . Muggit' Sheun Jennie Hall Ellie Kime.;..;.;...;.. Ella Wieks Maggie Phaleu Patrick Holland Dan. Cunningham.. Michael May Willie Mcclain Casper Kime Fred Ely , Arthur Horton Henry Paine Annie Irwin Tillie Clawges "C" GRADE. Johnnie Whit more. Chaunccy Wilcox .. Eddie Powell. ... J. Willie Luther Willie Schram Mutt.ii; Heuly Addie Bordwell . ... Lorendu Warner...., George Q. Russ "d" GRADE- Katie Meenan , Adaii Malonc Kiltie Whiti'lore. .., Flora Irwin Sadie Lnmoreux... ... Annie Kline Minnie Kline Eddie Horton Eddie Luyiuon John Healj i . .lossie Messenger...., John LiiIiy Charles Miller Gussie Woodward... "E" GRADE. Nellie Olmsifcd Nellie Jackson Lizzie O'Brien lamia Maloney Minnie Miles Ella Luby Glen ni Johnson Coryell Ross Lewis Kggler: .'.., James Slay Charlie Geary Wallie Dill Mack Kline wo1 loo looiioo 100 100 1001'lc 1IK)I 99 1001 9911(10 iwjioo;ioo K3; 100 loo; 23.1001100 yo, loo; ioo 100; 100 100; 98 1001 tin-, inn I... it , m. 1111 10() 99 951 100 lOOilOO 100; 100 SMlllOO M lOO UlOilUOj 70lO0 70i100i 82'ion: 72! HOj 80! loo 97jl0(ij 07il00; 100 100 90 95 100 100 100 HM) lou luo 100 100, 9S. 100 loo! loo 03 90 80 83 92 78 80 loo 9 04 jlOOjlOO !10010(): 100l0vi ioo;iooi ,100'lOOj 80 'lull 'looiiuo! 071 ill 85; j; 100 100 ioo! 98 98 08 100 its 100! 1001100 100'1U0 9.i 101)! iw; rj 92, 99' 100:100 100 09' 100 loo 100 100 80' 100 100 09 1 48' 99! 95 1(H) 10') lOo! 100 94 7H 82 9o 74 89 87 80 ioo ion 98 ; loo l'Klj 00 98! 05 81 100 09 95 9r 98 88 07 95 91 100 100 90 98 97 05 10 100 0 ) 100 78 90 09 08,100:100 95! 85! 95 100 84 91 95: 90 lOOj 45 100 ... 100: 90 OH 1 9(1 90,100! 95 loouooj oa 85 100100 85:100 95! lOOiloo 100 50! IOO! 95: 100' 100; 100 07 09;lXi: 90,1001 08 iOOjlOojlOOi 95 07 98: 100 100 100 85' IOO' 95' (',!! 93 8-r! 9i 80 01 82 91 91 98 42 72 99 100 09l 99 74! 01 81 j 95 K9j 00 78 95 55 1 84 Mack Kime and Ella Luby deserve special censure for leaving school at recess without permission from the teacher. Visitors Mrs. W. H. Sell ram, Mrs. A. II. Head, Mrs. Clare DeRuss, Mrs. W. W. Wilber; Misses Agnes, Barrett, Julie, E. Flynn, Hattio Warner; Messrs. C. E. Holaduy, Charles Nich ols, Amor McK night, Adelbert Avery, H. K. Gresh, Calvin Luther, Charles Johnson, W. W. Wilbur, George R. Dixon, couiity superintendent, and Bishop Kerfoot. Wt; take pleasure in again thanking the Ridgway School Dramatic Associ ation for two more slices of " the last loaf," which came to us in the form of two beautiful silver call bells; Think lug that "the last loaf mustbeuearly exhausted by this time, we will fry and conteht ourselves With pretzels In the future, if they come "pobty quick." Hurrah for the "Boys of '70." J. B. Johnhox, Principal Messrs. Gresh ami Hyde prospected for coal back of "'. C. Geary ' resi dence, hist week. . They found two veins, the upper vein about two and one-half feet thick, and the coal of good quality, but as no roof could be made solid enough toadmitof its being worked, another vein was found, ulso an excellent quality of coal, about eighteen inches thick. As boou as the weather will admit another vein will be opened, when it Is thought coal will be found in paying quantities. The opening of a paying coal field in this immediate vicinity would be a source of much wealth to KidgWay, and that the finding of such a field is w ithin the range of possibilities we think will not admit of doubt. These hills are not worth much for agricultural our. poses, but may they not abound in that wnlcn is of far more worth ? . JilllTlI. " " Maginxis. On Monday, December 0, 1878, to Mr. and Mrs. J. s. Magiu his, of this place, a son. 1879, 1879. THE ADVOCATE, PREMIUM LIST One Esymond Silver Watch . - . $ 80 00 One White Sewing Machine . . . . 35 00 One Webster Unabridged Dictionary . 12 00 One C-sh Prize . , . . . . $5 00 Three Cash Prizes $10 e ?ch ... 30 00 Five Cash Prizes, $5 each .... 25 00 Total 200 00 $200 IN PRIZES TO ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE SUBSCRIBERS Call on Charles Holes, Jeweler, Ridgway, Pa , and see the Magnificent watch we offer. Call on C. Bowers, Furniture Dealer, Ridgway, and see the handsome and durable White , Sewing .Machine. The Other Prizes Will Be Given As Advertised- 1879. OUR PLAN. 1879. BelfeVing that every family in Elk county should have !t county paper, and also believing it to lie to the best interest of the publisher ud subscriber that the pay should be in advance, Ve make the following unpariillod otter: Kvery subscriber to The AuvdCATU in Elk county who pays $1.50 will receive The Advocatk for one year and a ticket which will enlitle him to u chance in the prizes which we oiler. Six hundred tickets will be issued; and the drawing will take place as soon as the tickets are taken up, which we think can be done in about sixty days. All old subscribers will be put on the same footing with the new ohes; that Is, the paper will be sent one year und the ticket given to nil persons sending us 81.50. Further, to any person sending us :.i0.00. we will furnish twenty papers for one year and twenty tickets, besides tu extra copy ana extra ticket to me getter up 01 tue ciuu. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jn, Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Ridgway Public Schools. INTERMEDIATE DKPAHTMKNT. ItK I'OIIT l'OU MONTH ENDING DECE.M llEtt 2. BcitcLuts. - -1 6 I -r U Ci KATIE. Saran Gorton Eddie lloluday Warren Irwin Lulv Holes Charlie Dill Jennie Holes Bessie r'cribner Emuui Jones Emma Grenell Carrie Cuminings Charlie Scribner ( Jeorge McFaiinnd. ... Bruce Kime Bonnie Little v MKADK. Emma Geary Khoilellii Van Wagne Clarice. Bordwell Maud Kiine Joseph May Jo.sie Weber Frank Payne Ella Malone Preston Mercer Lewis Rhinos Eugene Wiilard Clara Wiilard.. Amelia YouiigS Libbie May May Barrett a GRADE, Laura Williams Grade Kcribner Fred Hartley May Vanorsdall Willie Cunningham.. Lula Cummiugs Charles Lindgrcu , Belle Hartley Ida Poltmati Frank Oyster Anna McGovern. Fred Brunner H RDE. Jerome Gortoh Allice Olmsteud , Nellie Wiekwire Daisy Kime. ;. Charlie Lesser . Charlie Williams.. Frank Wiekwire Mnry O'Brian Ida Brown Mollie Daily Charles O'Conncr Mack Lewis r E. Jenna B. oo lOI'i loo 10(1 100 jinoj lion! 1 100 1100 08 !ioo! v.r ooj 10(1 07 100 100 08 100 100 100 mi; 100 90 8! OOj 00 07 KM) 00108; 00 09 05199108 100 95!99j98 100! 90 97;0!) 100! O.S'U5:t7 100; (i;06 07 90 W);7.00 100 98195118 lOOj 0 92 91 90 91194190 97 i M 07 9793:97 !OU 100! 100 1001 99 90' 98 100110007:98 10U 100 100 100 1(H) 100 100 100 9 98 100 100 00 100100 os ; ioo loo loo 100:100 97; 100 07 j 100 00 100 100 1 100 84 100 1001 05 100:ill0 85 U.b 98 ! 100 95,100 951 991 97:100 05 99 lOO1 100 o8:oo 03:100 08 100 1001 1001 02j 98 50i 90 89 Vo no 89 j 95 : 90 97195 07 97OC 98 90195 07 9Gj04 97 00 94 'i5 81). 05 '98 9o'9o'oa 07 ,05 94 08,94:97 90 04 98 93 01 05 I ! 00 97 n 98;97 9y 90(97198 05 9t 97 00! 97 97 97 90 '97 98 90 90 06, 90; 98 90 94 93 97 95 96 97 95 98 96 93,03 07 98 '98 97:98 07 97l07j97 100 97 90 9G19G 96 98 97 97 9797 05 '77 98 98 93 94 79 78 Athehton, Teacher. An eagcrand unknown young man called upon a clergyman in Warren, R. I., day or two ago, and said he wished him to marry him to a young lady later In tho day, and hud set his heart upon $5 as the fee that he should pay for the important service ; but, unfortunately, he had but $3, und would like to borrow $2 of the clergy man to put it in the envelope with it. The clergyman was worldly wise, and the youth went away without the $2. And he did not come back to be married. ASK YOUR GHOCElt FOlt Silver Leaf 'jas. FOR STOVES, RANGES, Etc. Always READY for Use ! iVfViixixa "Vtf odor DUST, it.BRUtoHJ Circulars Frco. AV. II. STEWART, . W CburtlunU at., 'w York.' " SUBSTANTIAL HEALTH:' t'UKHUY C'KKKK, X. Y., Ol't. 15, T". M. M. i'KNNi.u, Kivdonin, N. Y. Ihw sir : I wtis u twit KUil'crcr from In- UXosliiin, T.Ivor Complaint, Xi'1'vounm-ss and i-ViiKtiimtionof the ItowrlM. 1 Imvi'useJ vour- JUki1 and Liver Hcmi'ily, iiinl rv Tonic Willi the uil'cct of restoring nio to robust und 0UiM(llt!Hl niiiim. Very truly, Mas. DORA WKIDN'UIt, Dr. Fenner's Blood aiid Liver Rem edy aild XbKo Tonic may v. ell be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It is the medical triumph of the ago. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for It regulates and ve ntures the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billious ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, FliVKIt ANl) AOl'K, Sl'LKKJi E.LAR(iE- mest'S, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimple, Blotches and all Skin Euui'Tioxs and Blood Disohokks ; SSvelled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ; Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or going into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis:, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It docs these things by striking at the root of disease and removing its. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough In one hour. or. fenner's uonien Kelief cures any paiii, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 5 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery Get a circular entitled "Peoples Remedies" describing Dr. Fenner's Popular Remedies. For sale by Drs. T. S. Hartley and D. B. Day. PENNSYLVANIA 11 AIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. An and after SUNDAY. November V10 18iS, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad Division will run its follows: WESTWARD. ERIE mail leaves PhiUi 11 55 p. in " " Renovo llooa. in, " " Emporium. 1 15 p. in " " St. Mary's..2 07 p. m " ." RldgiV!ry....233p-m, " Kane 3 45 p. m " arr. ot Erie 7 40 p. m, EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 20 a. in, " Kane 3 55 n. m. " Ridgway....5 00 p. m. rt. iMary ..o -o p. m, " ' Emporium. G 20 p. m, " " Renovo 8 35 p. n " arr. atPhila 7 00 a. m WM. A. Baldwin. General Sup't. J-ON'T BUY WRAPPING PAPER, PRINTING1 PAPER OK . PAPER BAQS until you' have sent for quotations. stating size, weight, cpuality tnd tpuun- iny required, to Garrett & Buchanan, General Paper Sealers St Manufact'rs, 12 and 14 Decatur Street, PHILADELPHIA. Light" and Heavy Roll Paper all grades nl8in2ml; All kinds of job work ueatly exe cuted at this office. v Business Cards Rata of Advertising. tone column, mo year '..i...,.'........,., " " " (..' f ii .. .1 'A. .' . . , nn. .iilltiri) I if iranmuHi murium....... - . i ii,,,.- nn I iiit-rlioii tl. two Insertion dl.jO, thruo insertion fi. , HusinoM curds, teu lines or le?s, per year to. . . ..... ' , Advertisements pnyui gummnj . J75 .. 4 no , 15 (Kl GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Main street, Rldgway-, Elk Co., Pft. HALL M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . . Oflice ii new brick building; Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., V. v32tf LUCORC & HAUBLEM ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW, Rldirwav. Elk county. Pa. Offlco across the hall from the Democrat esr tablishmcnt. Claims for collection promptly attended to. jnel5,187J C. . HEStENBCa. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Ridgwav, Ph., full assortment of care; fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all Honrs, day or nigiit, vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, , Office In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main streets. . Residence corner Broad street, opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. ln2y 1 . J. S. BORDWELL, . D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN A SURG'tf', Has removed his office from Centre street to Main street, Ridgway, Pa., in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hvdo House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P.MI Mft. t. T. BUMHINSS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummings, also ties, col lars, cuffs, hoisery, gloves, and a gen eral assortment of Ladies' Fancy (roods. Remember the place, in H. S. Thayer's Building, Main street. Call and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prrtpi'K;tor hopes, by paying strict attention to the cbiiifort and con venience of guests, to merit ii continu ance of the same. octOO'09 KCILLIMERY AHB BXESSMAKiHB. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk county, Pa , takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold eheitp. A lso dressmaking in all its bratielies. Ageiit for Dr. J. Bail Cb.'s Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitus Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl APPLETOri'S AMERICAN CYCLB PE8IA. Volume 10 of this admirable work is just out, making it complete. Each volume contains 800 pages. It makes ii ftmiitili'ti, liltriirv iiml Tin nnit nun afford to ioV'thout it who would keep well informed. Price $3.00 a volume in leather, or Si. 00 in elegant half Tur key. C. K- Judson, Fredonia, N. Y. controls the sale in Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars. . sepl7-tf N E W BOOT & SHOE s h6 p . BUTTERFUSS i BECETOLfj; Have associated themselves in the boot nnd shoe business in the Ma sonic building. Prices reasonable; stock first-class, and work guaranteed! Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Give them ii cull and be convinced. n25tl3. Health' and Happiness; Heulth and Happiness are priceless' Wealth, to their possessors, and yet they are within the reach of every one who will nse ( WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS, the only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Stomach; Constipution, Debility, Nausea, und all Billious Complaints and Blood Dis orders. None genuine unless signed "Wm Wright, Phila. If your drug gist is not supplied, send 25 cents for one box to Burrick, Roller fcCo., 70 N. 4th street, Philu. n7v60yl One hundred new Fall Samples und the new Fall styles Fashion Plate just recei ved from Wananiakcr's at the West Einl Store. Suits cheaper than ever. A new feature introduced this season is the prepayment by W. & B. of tho express charges upon all tjuitis costing $'-'0 and upwards, where the money accompanies fho order, thus giving our citizens goods at Philadel phia prices.' Among the rules of this house . .. One Price. I Cash Payment.' . Full Guarantee. Money Returned.' Howe Sewlny Malhines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale at Powell Sl Kime's Will be found an assortment of tho celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine, now manufactured they having been appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on haiid Tuckers, Corders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for said machine.- All at greatly reduced prices; and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security; Ridgway, Aug. 20, '78. if. Billheads, letterheads, noteheads,' tags, cards and. envelopes neatly and cheaply printed at this office. Hides, Sheep Pelts, arid Cil Sfcins wanted at 42 Main street. FRANK 8ETTHti&