THURSDAY, NOV. 21. 1878. Loral Jfotes Eggs 25 cents a dozen. Apples $2.60 per barrel. -Potatoe 76 cents a bushel. Oysters have to suffer now. . The roads are fearfully muddy. E. K. Greeh makes picture frames to order, very chacp. 'The horse thieves havo not since been heard from. How terribly quiet every one ap pears since election. The new county officers will take their place January 1st. The blackberry season Is over, un less you pick dried ones. The cold weather maketh the heart of the coal merchant 'glad. Peter O'Neill brings a load of farm truck to town every few days. A fan and n box of paper and en velopes can be had at this office. A dog got into Doctor Earley's deer park and nearly killed oue of the deer. We have heard them called "sling shots," but the correct name Is "gravel ehootcr.'' If potatoes continue to advance in price we will all have to take to pork nnd beans. A sermon on "Hell" will be de livered at tho M. E. church next Sun day evening. Pork and beans are now In fashion, and buckwheat cake delight the pal ates of epicures. - A turkey never will learn any thing. He eats corn, gets fat, and his head pays tho forfeit. The Catholic choir, under the leadership of Professor Brack, arc making great progress. Salyer Jackson lias nearly com pleted the carpenter work on Dr. D. JI. Day's new building. The weather is not as satisfactory tut might be, but Is likely as good as we grumblers could make it. The Elk County Teachers' Insti tute will be held in Ridgway, com mencing December 31st. A few cords of seasoned hard wood, eighteen Inches in length, for which the cash will be paid, at this office. Billheads, note-heads. letter heads, curds, tags and envelopes print ed neatly and cheaply at this office. A tramp stopped nt our house the other day and wanted pie and pudding. Wonder If he took us for J. J. ABtor? If two glasses of beer make a man drunk three days, how long can a man stay drunk on a glass of sweet cider? Squirrels and chipmunks are nu merous In this section, with an occa sional skunk thrown in by way of relish- ' The passenger depot at this place la being painted, kalsomined and put in good condition. It was needed bad enough- The Presbyterian sociable will be held at the residence of Mr. D. S. Luther to-morrow evening. All are invited. The Indebtedness of Elk county U nearly wiped out. This is due to the efforts of the present Commissioners and Treasurer. Last Sunday evening was most too damp for church-going people. Despite the weather, Mr. Talbot had a good sized audience. The attention of the supervisors is once more called to the dangerous con dition of tho sidewalks In various parts of the village. Time flies at a rapid rate, and those people who owe us for eight years' subscription seem to forget that there is a hereafter. Mr. W. 8. namblen is shipping some shooks. The roads are in such a bad condition that his operations are limited at present. The preacher says you had better live a handsome old maid than be a drunkard's wife. Wonder if he was ever a drunkard's wife. Badger, the telegraph operator, has moved from Powell's house, near the Thayer Hotel, to Mr. Osterhout's house on the hill above the depot. Pay what you owe is a good motto, and the printer is the chap you owe, and be is anxious to have you wear out the motto by forking over. One and two dollar bills will go out of fashion after January 1st. Sub scriptions to this paper will be received in silver and gold all the same. Hugh McGeehin has hauled the stone for a culvert through the Pat Malone property. We believe he in tends building a house in the spring. The members of the Young Peo ple's Library are requested to meet on Saturday, at 7:30, at Mrs. Chapin'a. Business of Importance to be trans acted. A rope was stretched across the sidewalk on Zion's hill, on Saturday night. The villains who perpetrated the outrage are known and had better keep shady. r-Tbe mild weather we are having makes our crop of marriage notices small, Christmas and New Years, with a good freeze, will no doubt brighten up the outlook. The official congressional returns, which we give in another column, place Mr. Yocimi's majority at 73, in stead of 79, aa was telegraphed to this paper week before last. A telegraph offlco has been located it Daguscafaonda station. Also a new siding put in at that place. All of which looks as though; the niinea drained by the Daguseab.on.da road j T doing" tjood lmpine Personal "Votes. J. W. Taylor Is 76. , Judge Ross carries the mall at G8. Prof. Dixon and family are home again. . Note paper and envelopes for sale at this office. Jim Rhines Is raising the boss moustache. Judge Dickinson is still active and hearty at 71. How is the Dutch settlement making out? Jerry Thompson Is driving team for Dan Scrlbner. J. S. Hyde has passed his three score years and ten. Miss Lovlna McVey now sings in the Methodist'cholr. Senator Hall has been absent from town for several days. Carrie Luther don't expect to come home until Christmas. Judge Mead, at 72, is apparently as hale as ten years ago. Hank Thayer's team is busy haul ing wood from his farm. Judge Derby serves as judge of election in his 70th year. Hon. Henry Souther is in town this week attending court. M. T. French engages in the feath er renovating business at 65. Walter Smith still makes tin coffee pots and puts up stove pipes. James Hogerty has tilled up the post office with barrels of apples. James S. Champion is always on hand Monday morning for court. Barrett Chapln, of Broekwayville, now runs a truck wagon to this place. Dan McGovern Is making a great improvement in the old McNulty lot. Frank Dill has again resumed blacksmithing In the Olmstead shop. He was very much mistaken when he discovered that it was not Mary Ann. B. P. Mercer has so far recovered from his late illness as to be on the street. O. W. Nichols has moved from the Windfall farm house to the late resi dence of J. O. W. Bailey. Geo. Rettgar, of St. Mary's is in town this wek. We have not seen , him before for a long time. M. T. French has started out on a tour with his feather renovator. Hope he may make lots of money. Sheriff Ilftd is night watchman at Hyde & Ross' planing mill with 72 years on his broad shoulders. We are compelled to give the Brookville, Graphic the praise of being a sprightly and interesting paper. E. M. Roger's daughter, Luna, now boards at Thomas Noon's, and takes music lessons of Prof. Brack. Squire Mead has the job of patch ing up the broken down sidewalks about town. Repairs are much needed. Ilrandon'u arm Is getting no better fast. He lias our sympathy, and we wish that that would cure the broken member. Geo. Rhlnes was twenty one years old last Saturday, and he shaved off his moustache and side whiskers because he was getting so old. v Wm. J. Colegrove, agent for the Ridgway lands in this county, was elected commissioner in McKean coun ty at the recent election. Madam Scandal Is busy in our lovely village. Dig out the dead skunks in your own door yard before you seek dirt in that of your neighbor. Wallace Morgester has papered and carpeted his oyster room. Now ladies and gentlemen wishing a dish of oys ters in a neat place will do well to call S. R. Bittenbender has moved away from town. Whither he Iihs gone we know not, but that he has gone, hook, bob and sinker, there is no doubt. Charley Cody has made a vast im provement in the room in the Earlcy block, next west of Hartley's drug store. The Western Union telegraph will be moved there in a short time. Captain Schoening Is putting Com pany II in trim for inspection at Mead ville about December 1st. A special train will run from this place for the accommodation of the company. The blended notes of the Methodist church bell, the piano, clarionet and violiu were too much for the nerves of the editor of the Democrat. And yet that old bell will still ring on after the boy and his band are gone. A large number of strangers are hounding deer near this place. This is contrary to law, and we hope steps will be taken to put a stop to the nuis ance. We will refer to this matter more at length unless the practice is stopped. Erie county has elected a Demo cratic representative, the successful candidate being our genial friend Al. fred Short, and one of th- Elk county boys. We do not rejoice at the Demo cratic victory, but we are well pleased to bear of Al's eii ;cess. Benjamin Malvin is around town soliciting subscriptions for one or two story papers, and he is also selling a stock of chromos. Having had the misfortune to lose a leg, he takes this method of earning bread for himself and family. He is certainly deserving of patronage. Shooting match at Joe Metz's, last Saturday. Eight turkeys were offered as a sacrifice. Orderly Horton gobbled three, Taylor Rhlnes took three for himself and one for Isaac Avery. Mel vin Gardner captured one. Taylor Rhines and Melvin Gardner shot for a turkey, but their shots were so close that It was difficult to tell which won. On shooting again Rhines won, and gave the turkey to Gardner, so that actually Rhin took half Ihe turkeys. Ifotes. Tobacco has become a necessity to American men. The amount auually consumed Is enormous. Dogs may be good in sausage meat( but of what other earthly use they are noted for we have failed to find out. Sand la what a man needs these times. Unless your backbone is as hard as a grindstone you will likely fail of success. Tom Pepper was kicked out of hell seven times forlylng. Therearesomc people In this village who can double discount Tom and not half try. Ben Butler received 110,000 votes In Massachusetts and Is satisfied. He proposes running for Governor next year. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again, Ben. Tilden Is mad because some fellow said he was going to get married. If Miss Columbia won't have him in 1880 he is willing to be a woman-hater forever thereafter. Will this everlasting poultry exhi bition in the newspapers never cease? Election is over, and Hoyt is elected, and you had better save j our roosters for thanksgiving day. Early In January Governor-elect Hoyt will be installed. It is expected that the Inauguration ceremonies wl.l be the grandest ahd most imposing of any ever witnessed at the State capital. Cow loose In the court yard Ei.K Advocate. Well, get some of your newly elected Greenbackcrs to drive her out. Our court yard cow has been stabled this long time. Ji ookville Graphic. Republican President in 1880, and don't you forget that fact. Enough States at the recent election went Re publican to give that party enough electoral votes to elect a President and fifteen to spare. The father of the belle of St. Louis has failed for $200,000. That belle won't, trouble the young men of St. Louis now half so much as docs the Methodist bell of this place the fair iiahed editor of the Democrat. It is said that the election tickets wasted in Pennsylvania, if collec ed together and sold for waste paper, would bring $5,000. That sum is suffi cient for an editor's fortune, and is just $4. 099. 75 more than we havo on hand at present writing. But times are getting better. , This was not a good year for edi tors to run for office. Mel. Boyle, of the Mauch Chunk Coal Gazette was defeated for tho Assembly, and Bar bour, of the MeKean Miner is 23 votes short of reaching the office of Trothon otary. Stick to your business, boys; editors have no business running for office. A Cincinnati dry goods merchant, and also a leading member in one of the churches of that city, discharged a clerk because he wo ild not lie about a piece of goods h ) was selling. Its the first time In the history of man that a dry goods clerk hiw loot hiu poriitlon for a simitar fault. And yet history may repeat itself. Kissing the haby mav result in de form in it's nose mid bring on near sightedness. The safest plan is not to kiss a baby of the feminine persuasion until it attains the ago of sixteen years. The cartilage of the nose is much stronger then. Detroit Free Press. Don't forget the fate of DeBeek, of Cincinnati. Promiscuous kissing is sometimes attended with unpleasant difficulties. Therefore we warn you not to kiss the si xteen- ear-old baby unless the baby is perfectly willing to be kissed. A girl out in Indiana is in a fear ful stew. Two fellows wanted her and she wanted both the fellows. Finally she consented to marry one if he would keep it secret from the other chap. When the ceremony was about half completed chappy No. 2 appeared upon the scene, seized the girl around the waist and begged her not to have the ceremony completed The justice would not proceed under the circum stances, and now one fellow says he is half married and the other fellow is not married at all. Why there is so much fuss about one girl when they are so plenty we are at a loss to under stand. 'While Mrs. Service sat by her win dow sewing, a 'shot struck the glass just above her head, shivering it to atoms, the pieces falling close to the lady's head. The shot was probably from the sling-shot of some boy. But the question as to whether the sling shot nuisance should not be abated seems to be a pertinent one. If a shot from one of these toys can be thrown over Hyde's store, or Imbeaded in a pine board, why is it not reasonable to suppose that there is danger in their use? Brandon was in town, Tuesday, and bought his Thanksgiving turkey of W. H. Schram. And we helped him carry the old gobbler to the depot. He paid for the turkey on a specie basis, which leads us to remark that times must be getting better, or certain editors are getting mighty reckless, or folks didn't raise many turkeys, or they keep a big dog to watch them. We never would have thrown money away in that reckless manner if we didn't get a turkey until after the deluge. No sir. Better is a chicken with contentment thanatuikey you are compelled to pay for. Barbers, as a rule, will talk the oldest inhabitant to death. It is not the most desirable way to die either. This rule is entirely reversed in the case of Ridgway 's gentlemanly barber, Joel Miller, who is always ready to give you a clean shave, in quick order and quiet manner. Miss Sophia 6nyder, of Benzinger township, shot at nd killed a deer last w-ek with a rilhv Court Notes. Court proceedings will be given In full next week. Ex-Judge Charles Luhr is foreman of the Grand Jury. E. H. Clark, attorney at Brook vllle, is in attendance on court this week. W. M. Rlghtmyer, of St. Mary's, was admitted to practice in the several courts of Elk county. Mrs. Halllgan, of St. Mary's, who pointed a revolver at Deputy Sheriff Wensel, was fined $IQ and cost of pros ecution. , The Grand Jury refused to grant the petition of the citizens of Ridgway for the incorporation of this village Into a borough. Tho tramps confined In the Jail and tried at the present term of court for riot and promiscuous shooting at St. Mary's, were each sentenced to f 20 fine and three months in the county Jail. In the case of John Bromley, on charge of false pretense, the defendant was found not guilty, but that he pay one-half the cost of prosecution, the prosecutor, J. S. Hyde to pay the other half. Treasurer McCaulcy on going into office found that the county had a bonded debt of $11,114.80, the Interest on which to January 1st, 1870, was $'i58.11; there was also outstanding $0,113.30 of county orders. In his three years administration of theofflee, now d i awing to a close he luu paid all the outstanding orders, interest on the bonds and principle on the Ik. nils, until now there is outstanding but about $2,000 of Indebtedness. Besides this, county orders have been at par almost from the very beginning of Mr. Me Cauley's term. As a safe financier and competent officer thisgentletnan is en titled to great praise. Jim Rli.nes was anxious to have a jumping match for "script" with a fellow named Beales, at Driftwood. Jim wanted the match to come off at Emuorium. but Beales Insisted on jumping at Driftwood or no play. After someparieyingtne matcli was ar ranged to come off at Driftwood, when Mr. Beales took water in his and dropped the match. If there are any of the boys In the adjoining counties who wish to give Jim a whirl their chances are good. Mr. J- S. Cliainberlin recently pur chased a Cotswold buck, that beats all the sheep we have seen in a long time. He is the premium buck of Chautauqua county, N. Y., having taken the pre mium at the county fair last fall and the year before. His weight Is 800 pounds, aud he furnished 15 pounds of washed wool at the last shearing. Mr. Chamberlin Imports this noble speci men for the improvement of his stock. In Brookville turkeys fattened on beachnuts s.-lls for one dollar a pair. They are brought in from the Beech woods, aud as the feeding costs nothing tho ownpr makes a do lar a pair profit. A hundred pairs a hundred dollars! Who would nut be a turkey vender. A dinner, oyster cupper and festi val will be held ill ' l'cll.'loM Hall, Penfield, Christmas day and evening, the object being to raise money to pay off the debt of the Presbyterian church of that place, amounting to $245. There will be a Thanksgiving party at Maginnis' hall next Thurs day evening. W. S. Horton, M. Bailey and C. II. Rhines are the floor managers. Music by Joel Miller's string band. Tickets 75 cents. A terrible stormy time is antici pated at the spring election, as there are several important as well as lucra live offices waiting for patriotic citi zens who desire to do the State some service. . Fire at Bradford. A fire broke out about half-past nine o'clock last Friday night in the Thea tre Comique, on Main street, and be fore it was gotten under control over thirty buildings were burned The ticket seller, Max Albrecht, was the first to discover the flames. He warned the audience to go out slowly, but a panic ensued. Guarding the door with a club, he finally succeeded in clearing the building without loss of life. The flames spread ripidly. The firemen were at great disadvantage on account of the mud, but they fought the flumes bravely. Many persons were hurt by falling timbers, but it is believed no one was killed. The total losisestl mated at $100,000. Among the princi pal losses are the Theatre Comique, with five' other buildings on Main strict, $25,000; ten buildings south of the Comique, $5,000; United States express office, estimated loss in goods. $5,000; Riddle House, $35,000; eight buildings north of the Riddle House, on Davis street, $8,000 ; Boyard & Sey fang's machine shop, $5,000; planing, lumber and wheel factory, $10,000, to gether with several oil wells, value un known. The origin of the fire is un known We notice by our exchanges that the carpet bug Is again appearing in numerous sections and is doing great damage. These bugs nrst appureu in 1804 and at intervals since that time have caused much alarm in this country. They attack carpets of all kinds and textures, but seem to prefer those in which the predominating colors are yellow, red and green. The carpets are. always eaten at points where there are cracks in the floor, and are not only through, but iu some cases are cut across the breadth as if by scissors. Once in a house it is next to impossible to exterminate them, and sometimes the luxury of a carpet has to be dispensed with. The only way to prevent their ravages is by a fre quent overhauling and shaking of the carpets, the ordiuary remedies of cam phor, carbolic acid, etc., proving of no avail. Ofllclal Congressional Vole . Prom the Centre Herald. A meeting of the return Judges for the 20th District was held on Tuesday afternoon. The following gentlemen represented the district : Samuel Mar shall, Union ; Michael Wiedert, Elk; D. A. Cochran, Clinton; Geo. Bates, Mifflin ; A. J. Jackson, Clearfield; W. H. Blalre, Centre. Mr. Marshall, of Union, was chosen president. The meeting then adjourned until 0:30 p. m. Wilber F. Recder was elected clerk, and the board proceeded to work. The returns showed the follow ing result : CURTIJT. Centre 8,530 Clearfield ..... 3,034 Clinton 2,505 Elk 1,010 Mifflin 1,782 Union 1.455 YOCUM. 8.480 2,9 1 4 2,204 803 1 707 2,220 13,381 13,454 13,381 Yocum's majority... 73 After some skirmishing on the part of some disaffected ones, a certificate of election was duly signed and given to Mr. ocum. The Philadelphia North American puts the status of the next Congress as follows : Senate, 42 Democrats, 33 Re publicans, 1 Independent (Davis, of Illinois). House, 149 Democrats, 129 Republicans, 10 Greenbnckers, or ex actly the estimate made by the Tele graph lust Monday. There is no more reliable journal in the country than the North American, and its deliberate conclusion should set at rest all the visionary speculations about the Re publicans having control or the Na tionals holding the balance of power. However undesirable it may be to have a Democratic Congress, we cannot change the result by closing our eyes to the facts us they appear. Pittsburgh Telegraph. The total shipments from the oil re gions during Octoberjas near as cn be learned from reports now in, were 1,838,157 barrels. The total production wns 1,383,000 barrels, thus showing that there was n reduction in stock of 405,957 barrels. . This calculation is based on the statement that the average dally production is 43,000 barrels, as the bears claim. The bulls, however, claim that the production is not over 40,000, and that the reduction Is there fore nearly, if not quite, half a million barrels. The clown, aud all other clowns, slug "Whoa, Emma!" The Digger Indian says "Hoe, Emma!" The sailor sings "Blow, Emma!" The lady of the house says "Go, Emma !" The merchant, who has failed, says, "Woe, Emma!' and when his wife wants a new bonnet, says "No, Em ma !" The music teacher says " Slow, Emma!" The mother asks, a "Beau. Emma?" and we ask, isn't it "So, Emma?"-Jo)icro,v' Democrat. The Washington Capital, speaking of very young girls who marry very wealthy and very old men. says: "She fenls that hpr youth innocence and beauty have commanded a price counted up In the frivolous things of tills life and to the enjoyment of these she gives herself without restrait. She was purchased for a price that she has paid, and then feels at liberty to get from a low sort of life all that can be had in the way of compensation. The Ohio farmer says : " Stair carpets should always have a strip oi paper put under them, at and over the edge of every stair, which is the part where they first wear out, in order to lessen the friction of the carpet against the boards beneath. Thestrips should be within an inch or two as long as the carpet is wide, and about four or five inches in breadth, so as to lieu distance from each stair." Francis Wharton Dalrymple, of Lock Haven, says the Democrat, has been nominated by Congressman Mackey for appointment to a cadet ship at West Point, N. Y., with Ear nest J. Wimmer, of St. Mary's, Elk county, as alternate. There were seventeen applicants on hand ready to be sent up the Hudson river, where they cultivate soldiers. Col. Geo. II. Butler, nephew of General Buttler, was last Thursday sent to the workhouse for sixty days, by the police court in Washington, for vagrancy. Butler is the liusbaud of Rose Eytinge, and was formerly Con sul General of the United Ktates to Egypt. At a later date lie was a special agent of the Post oillce Department. A Titusville gentleman who, It is claimed, lost 4J,0J0, the earnings of a lifetime, iu some unaccountuble man ner, has been taken to Dixmout for treatment. He imagines he is im mensely wealthy, has millions of money, and that packages of money are constantly arriving for him at the freight office. vJ. F. Jones aud A. L. Pike were arrested at Petrolia, (Saturday, on sus picion of belonging to a gang of cattle thieves operating in Venango county. They eoufessed, and stated that seventeen cattle had been' stolen re cently, two of which they had in their possession. The men were sent to jail. . At the house of Melt Williams, near Andovcr, on the night of tlte 21st of October, there wu a decided in crease in the population of grand old Allegheny The old lady was blessed with triplets and a married daughter with twins. Five children in one house in one night WellvvUle Demo crat. The Brookville Graphic un feelingly remarks : '"Now the 'high toned but poor young man is in deep meditation. He is thinking how he will have his winter suit made up and what kind of a story he will tell his tailor in order to get them out of the shop." Ati exchange recommends trie ob servance of the following rules on the part of those who find it difficult to sleep soundly: ''Do not sleep a mo ment in the daytime. Go to bed at a regular hour and never take a second nap after wakingyourself In the morn ing. Never go to bed very hungry, nor with wet feet. Rend nothing after supper of a very exciting character. Let no angry words be spoken or thought harbored for a single instant after tea time, for death may conie be fore the morning light." Adiiiiflsrtntrlx'g Notice ESTATE of Thrums McTkue, late of Ridgway township, Elk .'., Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTA MEN TARY having been granted to tho un dersigned upon ilie said estate all per sons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having ciulms to present them for set tlement. Maky McTiouk, n35t6 Admr'x. in ft ftflAOENTa WANTED. Only those AWWWU ho iriemi business, nml desire to nniKe from S2 to 815 per day need apply. Send 1 cent Hiniup for particulars. REV; 8. T. HVVK, Milton, Northumberland Co., IK. n35inlln!4 The oldivt nnd Iwst unpointed iDStitutfop fbr abtainitig a Hiuincfs Education, i'or circulars address, , r. DtTFT k SON'S, PiUalMirsh, P. nMmltnl. Fancy note paper and envelopes n boxes at this oflice. Job Work EXECUTED PKOMPT Use Dr. Tan Dyke's Sulphur Soap. The IiGadino External Mi'K.cirit: for Dis hawks of the SKIN and bctiutiller of the COMl'LKXION; lor the Hit th. Toilet nnd Nitr-si-ry; is recommended by Physicians. MOLD by DRUGGISTS. 1'rlro 2.1 Out; box, 3 cakes, 0) cents. E. S. WEHSTKH, Prop., July ll,'"S,m 50 N". Fifth St., Phlla. Job Printing. CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Silver Leaf p5IfSH. FOR STOVES HASHES, Etc. Always READY for Use ! VI MIXINO ?Xd ODOR .1 9 DUST, rW BRUSH. Circulars Free. W. IT. STEWART, fil Courtland St., New York. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. Tn H.n.ii:l,11.,TDirC MXDtf r e co uimeiiui'u as an unfailing cure for Sem inal Weakness Spermatorrhea Imputency and fill dlHPRHPB Before Taking 'hat follow a After Taking Hi-qucnce on belt Abuse; as i.ums ul Memory. Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Prematurr oil Age. aii'i many other diHeases that lead to I ..nit nit y. Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which nn a rule are first caused hy deviating from the path of uature and over indu'gence. The tipecifio Medi cine is the result of a life study and inmy years of experience in treating these spec ial ilii.eases. Full particular's tn our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one The Specific. Medicine is sold by all Drug si st it at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mull on receipt of th money by addrexsing THE Git AY MEDICINE CO.. No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mich. 8r2?Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists, and by Druggists everywhere. Harris & Ewlng, Wholesale Agcntp, Pittsburgh. uli'Jyl Er.fa's CATARRH Ressty Cures all forms of Catarrh. Er. CATARRH nisiy Cures lK'ilflieeS. Sr. Eire's CATARRHS Restores the sense of Sniellaud Taste. WANTKD-To cure a nw of CATARRH la each nitfMirtiod, with Dr. KAKSNUtt'a f.kiltDi, lo iutruuucelt. Kninple fr. e. . J. C. IILTUN, 1'illeburgh, Pa. Br, Eir:::r's CATARRHS Kemoves I'ol.vpus. Dp.Eaacr'i CATARRH tody Strengthens the Kruin. Sr. fa's CATARRH My Cures iu a Short Time. I sathorise nil d.-abn sWliog Da. KiRsHEa't CilAKKH Hkmbi v, to euter Into a poailite un moat with t K b fNtrchiwi-r, at the tiinetfa purchase la made, to riuutt l lie iuney paid, thoiihl It tall u reatlur aaualacuun. Ask your Uruggitt (or it. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN BCRIBNER WI8IIE8 TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and (ho public generally, that . hv baa tarted a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reuHonable terms. aSgrHe will also do job teaming. Htable on Broad Btreet, above Alain. All orders left at the Post Offlee will receive prompt attention. Augi0l871tf Shipping tags with or without strings, printed or blank, foysal atthls oflW.- Business Cards. GEO. A. RATH BUM ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pai MALL & WCAOLEY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Offlee I New prick Building, aln Btreet' Ridgway, Elk Co., !.. vS2tf- LUCORE 4V HAMBLEM ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Office afro tho linll from the Democrat "establishment. Claims for collection promptly attentd to Jne.15-1878 e. a. rAV LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS , SION BROKER. . And CMneral Collectio Agent. No. Z0B Walnut Place, (Sit) Walnut Street.) Phllndel piila, Po. a. a- MEMEaaca. DRUGGIST AND PARMACEUTI8T . N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets; Ridgway, Pn full assortment of carefully selected 7r.l ft l D untie 0:-u(4. Pre Rcrlptlons carcfull y dispensed at all hours,' day or night. Tln-ly . T. A. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlco In Drug Store, corner Bros and Main Streets. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Office hours' from 8 to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. . J. S. BOftaWELL, D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Has removed his office from Linlt Street, to Main Street, Ridnway, Pa., In the second gtoryof tlieVewibiIck building of John G. Hall, west of the Hde Houh. Office hours: 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. HRS. H. T. CUaMIKM. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummlns, also tie, collars cuff, hoWir. glovea, nnd a general assort inentof Ladies' fancy goods. Hcmember th place In It. S. Tlmycr's Building, Mfln trct Call and examine before purchasing else' where. HYBS HOUSB. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, I7ijwa, Kite Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so' liberally bestowed vipou liitu, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort aud convenience of .guests, W merit a coutinunnce of the same, oct30' MILLINERY AHS DttCSSMAKIH. . MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Keruey.Elk Co., Pa., taken this method of announcing to tliocltt zens of Klk count, Uat she has on hauiTou assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking In all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Ball & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vltrt Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. rilTyl. APPLETON'S AMCRICAU CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. 8 of thisndmlrnble'work is just out making It half complete, as there arc to be 16 In alt. Of POO pages each, one being Issued 1 two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who' would keep well Informed. P?i:e 86,00 a vol umo In leather, or 7,00 In chuaiit half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonln, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. AdUrcHS him for patlculars. sej 17-tf.' NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP . BUTTERFUSS & BECHTOLD, Have associated tkeinselves in the boot and shoe business in the Ma-' sonic building. Prices : reasonable, stock first-class, and work guaranteed. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Give them a call and be convinced: n25tl3. Health and Happiness,- Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth tn their possessors, and yet they are,wilhln the reach of every one who will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache. Sour Ktoume'ie, Constipation, Debility. Nausea, and all Bil lions complaints and blood disorders. genuine unless signed, ''Wm. Wrigfct, I'bila-'1 If your Druggist will not supply neiid 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Hol ier i Co.. 70 N. 4ih fit. l'hila iTvSOyl. Ono hundred ne(w Fall' Sa and the new Fall styles Fashion Plato ust received from Watiumaker's at the West End Store. Suits cheaper than ever. A new feature introduced thii" season is the prepayment by W. & B. of the express charges upon all suits costing $20 and upwards, where the" money accompanies the order, thus giving our citizens goods at Philadel phia prices. Among the rules of this" Price. I Cash Payment. , Full Guarantee. Money Returned.' Howe Sewing JTaelilues. . Among the great variety of goods pf' every description for sale at Powell & Kime's Will bo found an assortment' of the' celebrated Ellas Howe, Jr., Improved?' Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been' appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Cordera, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, Ac. Will alsd furnish at any time detached parts for said ma-' chine. All dt greatly reduced prices, and will be sold on accommodating1" terms With approved security; RiDriwAY, Aug. 20, '78. f,f,- . Billheads, letterheads, hoteneads, tngs, cards and envelopes neatly ancf cheaply printed at this office. Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Call Skins wanted at 43 Main street. FRANK RCTTPT.l.P -- i lv. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year.;. ,; if) on irouHient ad vert I semen ta per square ui eight llntw, one inaertion f 1, two lnaor 1.50, three lnwrtlons ti , Business cards, lea lines or lea, ptrfHtf Acrvrtts-nw.f a rdbie fra-rtniljf