FOR THE FAIR SEX. Faahtsa Notes. ' Hand-painted buttons are used. Embossed velvet ribbon is seen. Smooth hair is favored by some. Marabou feathers are in demand. Bonnet strings are growing longer. Very glowing oolors are admissable. Whalebone fringe is very much nfted, , Alsatian bows appear on all bonnets. Sloeves are not so tight as heretofore. Folonaisea laoed in the back are worn. Bonnet ribbons are wider than hereto fore. Satin is more used for dresses than ever. Morning dresses are very simply made. Ostrich feathers are less nsed than usual. Far bonnets will appear later in the season. Shirring is extensively used on sfctin dresses. Silk and chenille cord is much used in millinery. Black satin cloaks trimmed with fur are stylish. ' Tiny wings are used with advantage on bonnets. ' More gilt appears iu trimmings than ever before. Stripes in satins, silks and velvets are highly favored. The lizard is the pet reptile of the ladies this season. The rage for garnet is on the increase. It is the color now. Broadcloth in light colors is used for little girls' dresses. Surplice-shaped necks are seen on many loose dresses. Slate-colored bine is a fashionable shade in dress goods. Loops and ends of narrow ribbon are Btill used by modistes. Frincesse dresses are no longer fashionable for the street. The bell-shaped " Gorneyvillo " hat is very popular and beoomiDg. . New earrings are iu cube shapes, and all the new earrings arc larger. Dressy fans made of feathers are filled in with little butterfly bows, either of white or some delicate color, instead of flowers as heretofore. Bodices are made in the shape of a vest to open over a waistcoat of plain material, either woolen or silk the latter being the handsomest. The " Jessie," for little girls, is a felt hat with pointed crown and largo brim, with a trimming of satin ribbon and a feather pompon. Parents can give their little daughters "Jes3io" without offending them. A Young Lndy Orator' Triumph A young lady student of Bhurtleff col lege at Alton, 111., named Emma Bulk ley, recently carried off the medal offered as a prize in the State inter-collegiate oratorical contest at Lebanon, against the combined opposition of Knox, Mon mouth, Ghampaign, Illinois, Blooming ton and McKendree colleges. 'When she returned home a grand parade was arranged in her honor, the procession being headed by Miss Bulklcy, in an open carriage, followed by the Bluff City band, a wagon containing a bevy of young ladies, and about 200 students bearing torches, banners and flags. The townspeople honored the pioceu&ion with showers of flowei'3, and after the band had serenaded the young lady's parents, the company marched to the houses of the president and professors, where speeches were made. The town was brilliantly illuminated in honor of the occasion. The Chinese Wimten. A novel and striking feature in con nection with the Chinese minister's entertainment in London was the new departure taken by his excellency from the established custom of his country, in allowing his wife to be prepent to do the honors as hostess. What wnl his fellow countrymen m CJnina say to eucu a concession to the foreigner, such a deviation from the social system ? The higher classes of Cuinete, like true Orientals, keep their women Btrictly seciuaea trora tue vulgar gaze. Woman s position in China is not an enviable one. She is looked down upon as an inferior. is seldom educated, and is regarded more in the light of an appanage than as a Helpmeet, counselor ana mend. Even as early as her entrance upon life she receives a chilling welcome ; Chinese parents invariably desire sons, no mat ter how many children they may have. Hong Kong Press. Marriage by Capture." Among the Turkomans of Central Asia, who may fitly be styled the Co manches of the East, the ancient and much-discussed usage of " marriage by capture " takes the form of a very singu lar game, which is universally popular with the tribes of the lower Oxus. It is known by the curious appellation ot " kok-bnri " (green wolf), a name which has never been satisfactorily accounted for. The mode of playing is as follows : When a Turkoman belle finds herself embarrassed by a crowd of rival suitors, her father settles the matter by assem bling them all in a convenient place on the open steppe. He then brings out his daughter, arrayed iu the pomp of Turkoman "full dress," and setting her upon a swift horse, places iu her hand the carcass of a lamb or kid, well greased from head to tail, with which she in stantly gallops away. The young gen tlemen follow her at full speed, and en deavor to snatch the prize from her hands, any one who can succeed in doing so being thereby entitled to con sider himself "the happy man." It sometimes happens, of course, that when the cavalier who is the object of thevoung lady's secret preference comes within arm's length, she will hold the kid in such a way that he can easily wrest it from her ; but should a lees favored suitor overtake her, she grasps it with all her strength, and the ill- starred lover gets nothing but a good roll in the sand for his pains. When all is over, the father regales the whole company with a sumptuous feast of rice and mutton-suet, for which he after ward " sends in the bill " to bis future son-in-law. who is often anything but flattered by this expensive compliment A brainless young noodle stopped a gruff old merchant on the street and said : I have a thought" " Have you ?" said the merchant, " I'll go right off and hunt up a reporter and tell him about the accident." And as the old man started off the young fellow was so amazed that he couldn't think of what he thought'" ' " "- "V Joint debate The one held between the heads of the house on whether this piece of stove-pipe will fit that BIJAH'S ELIXIR. . ' The 014 Mm'i Reelpe for Taihlna Small Ber. A woman and bov sIowIt annro&nlmil the station. They were mother and son. , , . , The boy looked serious and the moth er was doinff a great deal of talking. 8h said she'd heard that they had opened a museum at the station, and she asked John Henry if he'd like to go and see the animals. "'Spose they've got any snakes I" he asked, ' "Lots of 'em." " And baboons?" " More'n a dozen. " . ' , " And stuffed bridegrooms " " Yes, heaps of 'em." - v- ' Tlie boy had his suspicions, but on ri ot ity overcame them, and he finally consented to go in. As he entered the parlor the mother winked at Bijah over his head, whispered the one word " elixir,'' and she was gone before John Heuty could realize the situation. " I am glad to see yon, my boy," re marked Bijah, by way of breaking the ico. "Where's them baboons?" demanded the boy, as he looked around. '; " My son, the way of the transgressor is hard, no matter whether the spelling book says so or not." " Where's that stuffed bridegroom ?" shouted the boy. " He has gone out for a walk in the mellow sunlight, Johnny, but come up stairs and I'll show yon the elixir." s " You can't fool me 1" " There is no fooling about this. On the contrary, this is a very solemn occa sion, uome on. The boy suspected the worst, and making a dive to get under the table he upset it and came near getting out doors. He was finally secured and ele vated to the second story, the door lock ed, aud as he was placed in the big chair labeled, " Meditation " he had made up his mind to die in the last ditch. Your mother didn't have time to ex plain your conduct nor detail your his tory," remarked Bijah in a fatherly tone, " but I think she wants the elixir ap plied on general principles." " Murder 1" shouted the boy as he tried to get out of the chair. r " I should like to sit here and study your disposition,", mused Bijah, "but times flies, and I'm a leetle bit anxious to try this new spanker." " Don't you dare I" shouted the boy, having a dim idea of what was coming. "You observe, my son, that I fasten this sheet-iron pad around my left leg as a protection. If yon feel like biting, bite away. Then I place the elixir handy, bring you out of the chair, so, bend you over in this shape, and now we are ready lor business, jjei me re mark at this stage of the proceedings vumu "VIU V HV11CE ivi j vu, " Maw I maw I" screamed John Henry. " Your dear maw is far, far away, my son, ana I am now ready tor business. Here I go 1" He went. The sound of a shingle striking a boy was heard in the land. It was also felt in the laud; but from the first stroke the boy shut his teeth together hard and refused to utter, a sound. He had been there before, and he didn't believe it was going to be much oi a snowcr. With a steady, even motion, Like the roll of mother ocean. Anil with no undue oommotion, The spanker fell. "I hate to do it, but I "remarked Bijah, as he worked his elbow with more zeal, nnd the fcileuce was broken only by the deep-toned whacks of the shingle. It was shingle vs. boy, and the boy had bet teu to one that he would come in ahead. After two minntes' steady mo tion Bijuh let up and kindly inquired : " My son, do you now feel as if you owned this town ? " " I feel as I'm a mind to!" was the brief reply, " What 1 haven't I got down to your feelings yit 1 Jist wait a minute ! " The lad was adjusted and the elixir again applied. The arm rose higher and came down faster, and at the filth stroke a new stratum of soil was reach ed. At tho tenth the boy wasn't 6ure which would beat. At the fifteenth he concluded that he was a goner, but just then Bijah halted and asked : ' 1 "My son, do you think vou run the house ? " " I Itiu run half of it," replied the lad, suddenly taking courage. " Am I growing weak in my old age ?" sighed the janitor, as he reached for a new spanker, "or is this an unusual case ?" It was simply an unusnal case. The new spanker started off like a dose of buckshot and had only got the regulai motion when the boy gave in. Before the shingle let go he was ready to do any thing. He took the most solemn vow to stay in nights, quit fighting and earn money for his mother, and as a proof of nis nrm desire to reform, be took a tablespoon nu of castor on witnout a wince. "Don't you shudder when you real ize what a narrer escape you've had from the gallus ?" queried Bijah, as he wiped oil tue spoon oa Lis elbow. " I do : and I shall always love vou "One day longer and you might have turned out a pirate. I tell you, boy, a shingle of the right size, will put new and better thoughts into a boy's mind as sure's you're born. You can't men tion a single great man in this country who didn't get a regular dose of the elixir when a boy. You can now sit with me down stairs and learn a lesson in history while I darn my socks." When the mother came softly in, a look of maternal anxiety on her counte nance, Biiah was pushing a darning' needle threaded with pink twine through an 8x10 hole iu the heel of a sky-blue woolen sock, and the boy was reading aloud : "Is the hen on her nest? Yes, the hen is on her nest. Is the sun up? Yes, the sun is up, and uo good boy will laugh at a man who is blind." The elixir is a success. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Detroit Free Press. Influence of Food, An exoellent hint is given in the fol lowing item : Dr. Hall relates the case of a man who was cured of his bilious nasa hv cointr without his snrmer and drinking freely of lemonade. The next morning this patient arose with a won derful sense of rest and refreshment, and feeling as though the blood had been literally washed, cleansed and cooled by the lemonade and fast His theory is that food can be nsed as a remedy for many diseases successfully. As an ex ample, he cures spitting of blood by use of salt ; epilepsy, by watermelons ; kid ney affections, by celery; poison, by Olive or sweet oil ; erysipelas, by pound' ed eran berries applied to the part affect- ed : hydrophobia, by onions, etc. . 8o the way to keep in good health is really to know what to eat and to know what medicines to take. National . Thanksgiving Proclamation. 1 Thursday. Nov. 38, as a day of thanksgiving, hai been issued i By the Prerident of the United 8tatr, ' 1 . i k PROCLAMATION I , ! ' The reenrrenoa of the season at wliloh it Is the habit of onr people to make devout and pnbllo confession of their constant depen Jenoe upon the divine favor for all the good gifts of life and happiness, and of publio peaoe and prosperity, exhibits,' in the record of the year, abnndant reasons for onr gratitude and (hanks giving. Exuberant harvests, productive mines, ample crops of staples, of trade and manuf ao tures, have enriched the. country. The re Honrces thus furnished to Onr reviving iudits try and expanding commerce are hastening the day when discord and distresses, throngh the length and breath of the land, will, under the continued favor of Providence, have given way to confidence and energy, and assured prosper ity. Peace with all nations has remained un broken, domestio tranquillity has prevailed, and the institutions of liberty and J notice, which the wisdom and virtue of our fathers established, remain the glory and defense of their children. The general prevalence of the blessings ot health through our vide land has made more conspicuous the sufferings and sor rows which the dark shadow uf pestilence has cast npon a portion of our people. This heavy affliction even the Divine Ruler has tempered to the suffering communities in the universal sympathy and succor which have flowed to their relief, and the whole nation may rejoice in the unity of spirit in our people by which they cheerf ally share one another's burden. Now, - therefore, I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do appoint Thursday, the 28th day of November next, as a day of national thanksgiving and praver : and I earnestly recommend that, withdrawing themselves from secular cares and labors, the people of the United States do meet together on that day in their respective places of worship, there to give thanks and praise to Almighty God for his mercies,' and to devoutly beseech their continuance. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 30th dav of October, in the year of onr Lord 1878 and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and third, it. is. By the President : . William M. Evabts, Secretary of State. Remarkable Bank Robberies. In 1870 a man dressed in the uniform of a police officer went into the KonBinf? ton bank of Philadelphia and said to the cashier : "I am Lieut of precinct There's a dan on foot to rob your bank to-night. I want you to have your watchmen here and I will have my men to assist. Do not say a word, and by to-morrow the game will be bagged. The cashier extended his hand and thanked the officer, and left all in his charge. - The night came, and the lieu tenant, with his men, were admitted to the bank. There was a parley, and three of the officers and one watchman of the bonk were detailed to take a walk to ehndow some of the men outside. The watohman was sent back after a certain time had elapsed, and when he returned he lonna his partner band' cuffed and tied, the vaults open, and $500,000 in negotiable paper and money gone. When the cashier came aroilnd he found out that there had been a rob bery, and then he suddenly remembered that he didn t Know toe nontenant didn't even know his name. The Kens ington bank never recovered a dollar. In 1872 three men went to the owner of the Third National bank in Baltimore and hired a room adjoining the bank. " Gentlemen," inquired one of the bank officers, Vwhat are you going to do with it?" "We are speculators now." they said, " and if we succeed in our business we think of opening a bank." The papers were made out, the rent paid, and business commenced. In two weeks they did open a bank the Third Na tional bank, next door by burrowing under the vault. They left the country with $100,000, not a dollar of which came back. The vault of the Ocean bank of New York was opened by one man Maxi milian Shinburn, and robbed of $700, 000. He frequented the bank until his aoute ears learned by the peculiar click of the combination precisely how to work it. Aud he made it, after listen ing for months, the very first time. He tied to Belgium, where he purchased title, and is now living there as one of the nobility. About eight years ago four men hired a room under the Uoylston bans of lios ton, opened business as the trio did in Baltimore, and dug up into the vault at their leisure. The amount with which they dug out was 8850.000. The Beneficial savings fund of 1'hila delphia was robbed of $1,600,000 a few years ago, by forcing the cashier to give the combination. Every dollar of the amount was recovered by negotiation and the "cracksmen retired on a com potency. Advertising for a Husband. A New York paper faoetiously ob serves : Advertising tor nusoancis and wives we had supposed to be confined to the Western nations ; but it seems that they understand the peculiar art also in the ast. A young woman in uoa, maritine city of India, has adopted novel method of securing a matrimonial partner. She has posted in the mnm cipal chamber an announcement that a young lady of eighteen, of good position and comely appearance, having an an nual income of 1,500 xerafims, wishes to wed a man. who understand! JinglisU and Portuguese (she herself is of rortu gueee descent), and the metrical system of accounts, and has an income of 1,000 xerafims. She adds that on a given day, at noon, she will walk through the prin oipal streets with a green umbrella in her right hand and a green handkerchief in her left, after which she will, at a eer tain place, receive proposals from suitors in person, and seleot him she likes best, The latest advices from Qoa are earlier than the date of her proDosed urome nade, and we await intelligence as to the result thereof with burning expectation We are confident that a young woman with so much enterprise, energy and audacity will have a number of suitors, who must be attracted, if not by her looks and carriage, at least by her green umbrella and green handkerchief. It is pleasant to observe that she is so particular about the metrical system, full knowledge of which is indispensa ble to a well-regulated husband. Men unacquainted with the system often make wretched husbands : but a man who has the the metrical system at his finger-ends never fails in the fullest per xormance of his oonnubiai amy. ll.wBra nf f'h..n Rarrltnnta. And use, if you need a tonio stimulant and al terative, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The liquors of eommeroe, even when they are not adulterated, fail to produoe more than a tem porary exhilaration, usually followed by a deDreaems reaction, anvtliine but benefioiaj to a weakly constitution.- Not only do the potent botanio ingredients combined with the alcoholic of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters min ister to the health and vigor ot those who nse it, but the basis pure old rye, the finest and promoter of a oealtMul condition of the uiges live orsana. IU pretence in the Bitters ii essential to preserve their vegetable eonatitu nta from fermentation, and it unquestionably augments their remedial value. Few medicinal preparations of a proprietary nature have ever received sucn strong commendations rrom medical men. . Ttie National "panrge. It U estimated that the annual damatres caused by the ravages of insects and worms exceed 160,000,000 in the United States alone. Truly an enormous loss I Yet it sinks Into in significance when compared with the ravages of that more terrible scourge. Consumption, whioh annually sweeps hundreds of thousands of human souls into eternity. The causes of consumption are various, depending in every inflvairaa iur id. uuvBiupmeui oi QlSease rim the sororniona diathesis, or temperament, the victim. Thus the same cause which will produoe in one person an attack of acute dis ease or ft slight nervous prostration, will en gender consumption in ft person of scrofulous habit. That consumption can be cured by proper treatment will - be readily perceived when the exact nature of the disease is under stood, viK.i the accumulation and deposition of sorofmons matter (tubercles) in the lungs. Ob viously, the principal remedies required are (1) a powerful alterative, or blood-purifier, to ar rest the accumulations and also oleanse the blond of the scrofulous matter, and (2) ft mild cathartic to expel the diseased matter from the system. This oourse of treatment in conjnno tion with a strict hygienio regime, has proved the most successful method of curing this dis ease. Dr. Pieroe'a Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets are the best alterative and catharOo remedies before the publio, and hsve been alone used in thousands of caea of consumption with the most marked efficacy. Dr. Pieroe'a Invalids' Hotel, at Buf falo, N. Y affords special and nnequaled ad vantages to consumptives, nst only possessing the best medical and hygienic means of treat ment, but having the essential advantage of being situated in ft climate where the inhabi tants are notably free from this disease. The delicate nimhrs.nn which envelops the lungs and linei the air passages, is exceeding ly tensitive. aid a slieht irritation of it in creases and sprrads very rapidly. Remember ing this, ubb, if you are attacked by a cough or cold, that incomparable pnlmonio and preven tive ui tuuHumjiiion. Dr. nan s j)aisam ior iub Lungs, which invariably gives speedy relief and ultimately effects a complete cure in all cases where the breathing organs are affected. Use it in time md prevent serious bronchial trouble. Sold kv all dniBeiste. For UWwardsnfthlrtv roars Mrs. WINST,OWfi SOOTHING BtRCPhas been used for ohildren with never-failing suooess. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colio, regulates the bowels, euros dysentery and diarrhtoa, whether arising from teething or other causes. ad oia ana well-tried remedv. ZD ots. a ootiie. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobaooo. Ths Pionieb Tobaooo Company, New York, Boston, and Chloago. Familiarity with the writinRS of the grea poets is a neoeaity to any one who wishes to appear weu in osmpany. cor luo. we win sena ft book of 160 selections from the beautiful mel odies of Moore, the grand poems of Byron, and the nnequaled tongs of Burns, and 60 popular songs, isesmoia a uo., via race si., run. If each one of several makers had taken the highest medal at one of the great world's expo sitions there won'd be room to question which was best ; but Maeon & Hamlin have taken the highest honors at every such competition for twelve years. For Coughs, Colds and Throat Disorders use 1 Brown's Bronohial Troches," having proved their effioacy by a test of many years. , 25 cts. box. If anv person would see .the difference be tween real worth and real worthlessness let him buy a small pack of Sheridan's horse and cattle powders and feed it out to his nens. me in crease of eggs will surprise you. Have you ogne in the face, and is- it badly swollen ? Have ton severe pains in the ohest, back or side ? Have vou cramps or pains in the limbs, or rheumatism in any form ? If so get Johnson s Anodyne Liniment. It will give instant relief and finally enre yon. Hon. C. It. Pardons, mayor of Rochester, was radically cured of Blight's Disease by Craig's tuaney uure. Depot ii university i'i., a. x To cleanse and whiten the teeth, to sweeten the breath, use Brown's Camphorated Sapona ceous Dentifrice. Twenty-nro cents a bottle. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. a IMPORTANT INOTICB.-Farmers, FasaV la and Otbara tan pnrohaM ao Rrawdj qnal to Dr, TrtRlAB' VK"Ti(.S I.INIMKN r for tho onro ot Obolera, Diarrhoea, DwaUrr, Group, Oollo and Boa- icknoM, taken tnternoll lit ) nnrioour omrmioM; nath uMimiunvin. mmab bottlal And oztora&llv for nhn.nla Rhonm ftttam. Heodaoho. Toothaobe. Sort Tbroat. Onto, Burns, Swollinsi. Bruiaos, Mosquito Bites. Old Sores. Paint fn Limba, Back and Oneat. Tba VKNBTIAN LINlMUNTwaaintroduoed in 1847, and do one who bas used it but oontinuea to do ao. many tatina; if it was Ten Dollars a Buttle tbef would not be witbout It. Tbouaanda of Oertineetes oan be aeon at the Depot, speaking (.r its wonderful otiratire proper ties, noia uj ice vniRiiiu ai 4U eta. Depot 49 Mnrra M.. Nw Yric The Markets. MBW TOXX. Mi Oattis. Rail re Texas sad (Jheiokce, 8 It C6M4 iX MllchOows. 45 00 H Hof s t lJv U( 14. Shenp. Lamba... ......... ... Cotton M'Aajlug..... Flotr Western Choir, to Fancy.. o u 9 S (IU 8 ' ( ft 25 State Fair to caoiof ...... Wheat No 1 Red.. ...MSI . UJ 1 Vtt White state 1 Ui 1 14'.' Bra State 'I IS 1 01) ok t I 5 tirley St ate. ...m. .... Bsrier Malt ... i3i a i to - Oats Mixed Weetorn. Corn Mixed Western Ungraded.... 31 3 (Oh Uay, per cwt ta (4 V Straw per owt Long Sye..... bo Hop Good PrimeNew Crop... 0t Porx- Extra Family Mese 8 51 m 4u 15 m 860 Lard Oity Steam. .. . k'lah Uiokersl, No. 1. Bay 11 iu No. 1. Prince Edw'dS) 00 Dry Ood, per cart..... 4,91 Uerrlnv. Boaled.Der box ',1 9 .'-6.30 ei'Ou m to 3 Petroleum Orude VFiqWH Br fined, Wcol California Spring. ..m. ia Texas ' ...... SO Australian " ...... (8 State XX 81 Gutter State Creamery 18 Dairy . 19 1 43 84 34 S3 3f 14 (9 Western roamerv. ......... 11 Factory...,...., usrssa ?tats Factot : M 05 01 c 31 State Skimmed. 04 western.... jrgga State and Penntylvsnls 01 33 rCILaSBLTKIA Bf Cattle I Ixtra. Sheep Vofi Dreaaed. r"lonr i PennrylTaola KJtra..... Wheat I FennsylvaniaKed. . m.m Ourn t Vellow...M....M........ Hail Mixed.. ..m. is at .04 04 09 07 t to 4T5 98 IS 47SHS 47M 61 Petroleum t Orode.,.....071n07X Banned, Wool Oolorado. Texaa. ..... ...... Oallfornla....... ...... ...m. Obio and Pennsylvania XX ' surrAU). Floor. ........ ... . ...... ....m Wheat i So. 3 MUwaokee... ....... Corn l Mixed.. .M.........M..., 0tt,m..H.,MtHtlHH.ll.MM Eys Barley ......... Barley Kail State,... lanoa.' " Beef Osttl .mm. ...m. ... 8beep . m...m. Hogs Fiocr Wlaoonsln and afinuasota.... Corn Mixed Oats " ...... ...m. ....... ... Wool Ohio and PmnsylTanla XX... California Fall BlarTZOB, KaM. Beef Oattis. BhMVttMMasstOMMaM1 Lru bn mb HOl45U I M4t s I MM! 1 1 W1T2BT0WA MJUI. Beef 0attJ i Poor to CUolre.M. . . 119 tt 40 3D to 9i 10 458 6) 87 a to 0 t 31 04 Mi. r4Wsi 04 uu '4 SI 14 04J cs C4 18 1X 04 H Wkj 14 07 H C4 HUeep,.,., Lambs...! WAHTEaiAW ell Drilling, Boring, Mineral Prospecting ft Quarrrinjr ToolAa Highest award at Oentennial Eihibitlon. Send torn pictorial eatalogne and price lUt, free. Agents wanteds V20 per daj guaranteed.' 8and, boaloera, and rock; samif nannied. Addrasa, riftnun whll HAUAr-j V ATOR CO., 4 gOQ Kim Ats.. Philadelphia, Peon, STANLEY IN AFRICA FKOPLE'tl EDITION. . Stanleys own story in one superb volume of over 6t PAUKS, W tUl.L r.QK ktloKAVIMUS PUIOB ONLY 6U No monopoly; so fitt-edired, hifh-toued prices. Popular Books at Popular Prices, is our Motto. A flTNTQ don't mistake, send (or etreulare ajir iOltuui uiiu.uul terma. Addraas OoiXarsuH Boo i cio., Hartford. Pony Chicago. 1)1.. TriOll Best Sample Tea, II 50 ; I Iba. Very I Ell IN Beat New Crop Tea (green or black),!. Beot la packages of e lbs. and upward to any addreu on rec.iot of orioe. Circular, mailed free. TtlB CANTON TJA, Oo' ImporWra. 148 Clbamber. .wMi,fln hul roet-otns ooa v.. n.wiwi. 44 UU S IS I V... I 41 2 S' 3J a m i I;': .: T ft-; t '- f .1 6 CELEBRATED - A VpgrPtftMe Prnnnrnllon, InTontcd in tti 1th Dr. William Wiaoe, Burgeon in King slnniCA nrmv. ThrmiKh Its Bt? ho vwrva thnut timi tit tim' mnct iwr.nnav:Mre4 Ami wnunrln that Im(11ih1 t)ie skin of thw most eminent physlrlntm of hN dav, and wm rogarUvd bjr till who knew bhu r. imbllg Ix'iiefaytor. , . : "- . CURES FLKit warrens, vnntr.x i.tmim, salt rhkum, iiss, lORK Bit IC AST, HOUE LI 18, F.nYHIl KTuAM, RISfiWOKMS, CALLUSES, SCALD HEAD. CHAPPED HANDS BTONS, . CANCERS, FELONS, VLCKRM, WOrNIW, HT1NOS, FKSTERM, - WESS, FILER. A fC ESS, . UrNlOXR, SPRAINS, UITES, CCTS, WARTS, MISTERS, MMPI.F.S, CORNS, ITCH. INOROWINO KAII-S, IfETTT.W RASH, RHINOLKA, BTIRH, FRECKLES, FOILS, WHITLOWS, T.N, scpRrr, MOSQUITO- AMD FLEA RITES, SPIDER STINGS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, TRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. BY MAIL 33 CENTS. Throe dozen Boxes (1-1 grrossS will be Rent TO PEDDIaEHH, HTOREKEEPERH, DKCGGIT!, (expressnff pnlil) on receipt of 8400 about eleven -cents a box. PREPARED BY 8ETH W. FOWLE & 60NS, 86 HARRISON AVENUE, BOSTON, MASS. The Antidote la Alcohol Pound at Last. The Father Mathew Remedy Is a oertsln and a need aura for tatomtMranee. It de- i stroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors and build up I the nervous system. After A debauch or any Intemperate Imlulaeitre a elnsle tensppon till will remove nllmenial anil preNHion. it also on res every ku.d of evkr, dys pepsia and Torpidity of the Liver. Sold b all dmejciste. 91 per bottle. Pamphlet on "Alcohol, its K fleets on the human body, and Intemperance as a Disease," tent frwt. Father Mathew Tempfranc 4ND w AN u fact un ratt uo ij Bond St., new Yor. -r DARNING MAOEEASY I ' ( and OTpedittout by a wondet- fnlNffW lTTinnui stookiUKB. socks, gArraenta, tub la aod bed linen . marks clothing, and does si) fancy embroider in as quickly as plain seams are sewed by iha chine. Try it. Send for circu lar;. Address R. M. RORF. R"Km 4, Sun Building,' New York Pity, or any Agent. WATERS' PIANOS AND ORGANS are tbe best made warranted for 6 years; and will b old during tliia roontn ni lower prices ior easn or ob iasta Imente than e?er biforo offered. Agents wanted. IHtinrnteJ Catalogues ma'led. HORAOK WATERS A SONS, Manufac urera aud De.-ilera,i Kest 14th 8t.,N.T. a la.i ('nriiiil A,r,irt. rW NIKiXtNl.KR'S tta'nhratftd ORGANS. xrch- the TRIUMPH AN P M K I) A L of A iV Altp Ht toa t;Attir RAruai i mn. NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES Aitih . Tims., t.mnhle and exnensa ssved b sub scribing thro neb tbe Kocny sionmain rtaoscripion Agency, whioh furnishm any paper (except local) pub Rdhttri in iha iTnitnd Rt&tnei. Aliiaiual InRtrumenls. Kew- ing Machines ol all kinds, Chromoa, Frames. Sewing Macaioe WeeaiHS ana Auacumenia 11 ramirou priwF. I ). f.if,iish Knoka of all kinds at lowest Drrtwa. Rocky Mountain stereoscopic views j SpnCtSliy. Uim-. KM WWriW uuub iur uui viiviukis, , gents oan mase oik ""u'"t" . JAMKS TORKKNS. Kvaps. Polo. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. fl monttrntfd bt by HIUHKST HONORS AT ALL WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS FOR TWKLVF. YKAR8, TIM -t I'AHIB, IHI; VIENNA, lt7H; niM TI A'tO, liflj PHII AIFXl'BLA,lH7li; PAIUS, lb.8 ; and URl!i SWEDISH Golii Meiial, 1H78. Only American Organs ever aw rd-tl hinhefet hnnors at nny such. Sold for canh or iiiAt.i!!m.'ntd. iM.uaTRATFD (IiTALiMDF.1 and Circu lars with nnw Ktyln i.nd prints, soot irep. MASON fc ti iMi,i?i om.A.MU, Moston. new oric or umcpgo. WANTED" -Aa A (tent in every town in the LTnttxtl Sttei ta introduce into onr belt boms the vffantty Hiaf-trntud Montlily. Mn iimhii'm Nnnehfnf for I. lull f 'Mtilt-rn.' Kinuioite aarl valtiaulA Frerai. wm riwn to CdnvfiBsera, which enable tbem to olear from I 2 to 'M) per wet k. Kend 8 tump tor oirr ulara and Rev. ,1. Henht SMYTtrF.rareof BKAJJS tt iTOSTKR, No lit Hpruoe Streot, .Nw York. iCTJVE GIVENPI oo dIj MPL0YMENT iii GENTS VEUXWHERE By OTerftHJ reipwslble artvettiaera In thia month's iaaue rthe aoknth hrkald. Kamnle eopifia with (tatnple card and full particulars of t 1 UITJ uvJiriT-m j vein ai, ,.!.. nf ih A iirv'TS1 I DiitrrTonY and a beautiful lil4 en of theSmitho- grairh. AiiKNTS' PUB. CO., Kanaom St., Phi a., Pa Mother, if unable to nnrse tour babe, nlaoe it at one I on KictKe'a Fond. Manufactured by lull cu., rwlmer, Mass. $1 OS $25 .p;.Uao,ur,KinAAn;! Novelties Illustrated ieVSeb Xvaa 1T mail (UtAloRiiift wubUb stV .a w application to J. H. BtTK FORD'S SONS. Mannfactnrin Pnbluhers, i f riniiMlii DllVfJt. JJUIWU, aw Eat; bliahed nearly titty years. YOUR PHOTOGRAPH AND NAME on 1 doc. cards for 35 cts. idoi. AO ots. Rend picture to H. II. AKUHKK. . Troy. N. Y. AGENTS, READ THIS. we win pay Agents a naiary or yiuu per montn ano eipeuaeH, or allow a larpa oouimi&bion to sell our new and wonderful inventions. H vican tehat v ay, oainpie iree. Auureaa. BiiLititiAii ac .Tinranaiit .men. TKl'TII IS MKillTYl rtsaVavr Hiiiiwi. tK ff.t b.rxsk Bw .-! WmH, win hr Vtmtt, viitt luiir mf. Kriaht, .k.r of Iwk of ka4r. aaarl In eoa a tunwl snVf.r. f sf laar fain re f aabr-d nr wif; tn.'-iiiss t Jill Hret IM, anj e date of tnairius. Kite, tni. martin u. 4 Pr lit., ttustsa. Um. rM i. a. Wavwtf I EMBOSSED PICTURES For Ueeoratinar and Fane Work. Finaat atock unnort- ea, inoiuuins x lowers, Birds. Heads, leavea, in Fiaurea. Ac. 7 sbeeta for Hue. 12 fur &tj..3inir 26 for si (W. Oatalogua of IINKi sheeta. So. Agent c anted. MStnps lAnen. r. i nir n. v, tfi uourt otreet, tiottion, ihmub. ARKUIPR FOR CURING t'ONf-IMI PTION Siven tratis by Or. H. James, licfi Kaca 8k.. Phila. PIMIOS I -!i lo 4(M-faotorf prio highest honors Matbnsbek's seal 4 marie wr 12.0iiti in naa rtvalarlr inooruorateJ ior Siiuaros--nDet uprisnia in ii's ri&no sent on trial--At-page oaiaiogua irasc Menaeiaaoun riaco vo.. si i&ti street, n. . BaJV BMOHcatit. Toohs, tot oonghs and ooia ri RAM,. Trans. Ao. Pries Jlst free- Jf dress Great Western Gun Works. Fit J Q d" to Asente to sell a Hoasehold Article. iV Aenres. nucweye o. eumii )iM44. CPU et KUNUai. Bt. lale, Ala MHnblt oV WUIb Dlarasea. ons. and. cured. Lowest Prices. Do not fall III to write. Pr.F.B.Marsh.goincy.Mioa. Something New for Agents K::! aanted in erery Tlllaae. aonreee poi tbb. new rors. aIPft A MONTH-AaaCs Wanttl-38besl Jk T H 1 1 selling artioles in the world :one sample res. avvv AddreasdAY Kuuneua, ueunmuw. $7 A DAVta AeenteaaaeaaelneforthelrirSMSAa Visiter. Term, and Outfit Free. Addreee r. v. viuaaat angneta, mains. ml FAY, With BUnell Outfits. What aosU 4 aaaaej ets. sens raptniy ior ouou. vacaiornej saVlseV b.m nrtHocB, 1 tirgMOKB.Ua Wah'n8t..Boato.alas. rrftnrTf"v7ATIDfor Secret Detective B.r.lee. ijnC I aue-i'y literal. Aoureas, wiin eiamp. iIVwM Am. a E. Becret 6ervice Co., Cincinnati. Qf $10 to $1000 Invested la Wall 8t. Stocks makes fortunes every montn. oooa sanl Address BAXTKR AOt).. U.nkers, IT Wall 8k., II. T Tree exnlainine eMrvuiina. ' HnrereneriefrTfws . u.nnr m nA"rii I re rrl. 1 rr!o.if.ta.aaiIUlaV MUUCKO rrl3lli.LCO.lrm.IL biowellaOc,. agajajMajsjaawgWgajrgajswgawggy Mm. tOUNC MEN I monlu. bmllslry whilela ljKarii ittlearmuu .rid earn 840 to a) I (JO a a ak.J: AddreK.VaienUneJ14aaagw,'aBesjUlfcWli, A KURE RELIEF FOR T1IE SLFFEEEIt, ' i : " " It TiVal'b''wMlf.kdVwrtl mndt lb Mptlaa mt ; .-, ,r,-1 ? "J r C j America Ahead in Spool Cotton,'!? ikjkt ifc Jaw Cwm taKtllM. rrhm a4, at the Paris ExpcaltUeu irtreei a Hold Medal aad Uraad rrlxe t the Willi saaailo Clnea Oaaipaay fer "Sped Cattea swpaelall? adapted lar aae aa Sewlas 31 av Chines." aver all the aTreat thread aaaaarae. tares of the werld, we awe It as a daty ta the aabtla aad le Messrs. J, dc P Ueacs ta aaaamaoethat ... . f No Grand Prize were decreed at Pais for Spool Cotton. . We are advised br eable at the fellewlnsl awards! ,.-,...., . J. & P. COATS, GOLD MEDAL Willimautic Linen Co., SilTer Mclil. tad we claim far the wlaaere af the first Prlr.e that, as they have established la Rhede Island the larereet Mpoel Cattaa mills la the Called Mtatea, where their Bpoal t'otloa le manufactured thronsh ererv process froni the raw eotfoh to the finished spool, AMKRICA, as repreoeated b Meeere. J. oV p. (OATS, la still AHEAD IN SPOOL COTTON. Sols Agenti In New York for ' ' ' ' J.kT. COATS. THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME Is the Best, I.ntret Improved, and most Th'or. oughly l.'onatructed . Sewing Machine ever Invented. It is NnfMF.f.KKN, and has mora POINT of EX I KLXKi'NtJK than all other Machines combined. tr-AORNTS WANTED in localities where ws are not represented. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Oraose, Mass., Plttsfenr, Pn., Chlcaco, III., Ht. Lout Mo. . Is the Old Sellable Concentrated Lye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions acoompanrins each oan for making Hard, Soft and Toilet Soap quick ly. IT 13 ruth WEIBHT AKD STRtKGTR. Th market Is flooded with (eo-oalled) Oonoentratei f.jrn. whioh is adulterated with salt and rosin, and irsn'i maxe taap. SA VE MONKT, A SP BW THK SAPOMFiiiR , . HADE BT THK Pennsylvania Salt Manuf g Co., PHILADELPHIA THE SMITH ORGAN CO. First Established ! Olost Muccessful! THR1R INSTRUMENTS have t standard v. I a. In all the . . - . LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD I Krsrywhere reonsnirod aa the FINEST IN TONE. OVER 80,000 jllmle nml In M. New Designs constantly. Kent work and loweat prioea. . . t tW Send for a Catalogue, .a! Tremont St., opp. f altliain St., BosMass. WHO WANTS A FARH WHERE FARMING PAYS THE BEST? . FOR SALE. QnnOnil Acres Rich Farming illlll.llUII LANIIH. well located in Miohm;S", m 2 IB MM D rr nrre, on east terms of payment. Also, Acres of Choice Pine 'fvuu v:;.h r 1 A'lks . lllutflolh tar Send for illustrated Pamphlet, fell of faota. MX O. M. BAHNES, B30'S OjESETS r tt ivtnl tar (is:irMt lli'ilal rtl the rif rut PAHIS EXPOSITION, uv4r til AiUflii'iti rniapelilot- Tbelt FLtXIUUi Htl" CUHiiti' (;- rastku dot to brrkk ilown oTtTltiv lil pa Tn-1r HLAlni rOBSKTwtlh ll tfli- ttli iirrrcrt . una i tii rteLlKht of TrT tuotbtr. WARNKR BROS., 351 Brodwy. N.T. CURED FREE ! An infallible and noeioelled femdjr for Klta Kpllepny or KatiloK Hickneea wnrranled toetTnrtaapeedyand FliH ITS illANEIvr cure. kA tree botile" of nij renowned speoino and a val- nahl TrAatiM annt to ant sufferer sending me his Post -office and Kzpress Dr. H. O. ROOT, 1 8.1 Pearl Hrest,Wew York annrasa. n?i it ..a A no.itivo reiueUy (or Irropay an.l all dist-asri of ia Kidney., Bliulder and Urinary Or the gans, liilnt'a llcmetly is pureif vtf;eio.e auu cured thouraiida. tvery buttle warranted. KeudtoW. .CI.rke, l'nvideni. H.U lor iilu.trmlod p.niphlet If your druKRirt don't h.rc it. ha will order it for yon. For Hiiautv nf lnl.ti. Kaviiiir liflhnr. f !linna PiuiXftK iikum,. rrno n, t;anron, ninen. Dr. CEAIGS KIDNEY CURE THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL KIDNEY DISEASE8 I .er hy ajMrial jxrmfariri to ReT. Dr. J. E. Rankin, raaninston, u. u. t u. i. nasi. Heston. M. D.. Newton. a. i jonn Ij. Houer, ite, 417 Fourth a.e. T T, 1 . Nnr.Alt V. Dr. J. U. White, 417 Fourth an.. New Vork: Dr. O. A. Dean, Charlotte, N. Y. : Hon. O. R. r.rion., pres. I fStVStvtkrY&SAtit ' ent Major of Kocheater, N Y. a.x your arujisi.t. Cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach. Sick Headache. .Leaders amd others enffarrMl in tha inrmt. liou of (tkiuls orchestras sliould send lor our new uuscrtiiiTC ci(r- mobile, ao- VtiX.t Ci-fl tU.sielvto iufcrmutlon me Band aod Orcbes . tral reaulatAa.anilaMr.n I tallitliir e firant AntrraV' luffs ol the latasfc and most anprored style ot ta BlrumeiiU now iuuaw. Mailed Address LYON A HKALY.SUteand Monroe Btg., Chicago. p AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORYoftheWORLD It oonuint (17 i line bislorln.1 engravings and I 2Hl lose aouble-onlruun pages, and 4a tbe meet complete Hi.miy of the World ever putili.hvd. It Mil. at light, seod apecimen paewi nt atta term, to Aa.nta. Addnsa, NATIONAL PUBI.'SHINO OO . . ". : . . Philadelphia. Pa. t '-'J? f !iANANrWTHER., " iM rooa tor inoat aud Invaliat, 'It;-.- "Tb.W iriiadal hoi I , a.v. rr ku.B." W.V.U-kut, MB.KnYoth. " Mor.t.,S.UI Um m. - othar touj 1 Lav. .v.r u,ad.o v., t niillliiii." A lli Md Jt -L 1 Bold by DrugtrJsta aud W 11 Orocers everywhere. --TTrrTai'Tr-','T fc 1 WANTED Ten KnUrprlsinay Young Farmer., a Gardener, and a BI.ok.miUl. Steady work, good wages, pleaaaot home. Ohanoe to aave money. Write J, TiL ii. KLLIM. Udmstom, Vav. for partieulara saaaascar IfilJL tau mmnrL.ij,' " ' iiaj II, ! Ill '1 GOLD v HEDAL t,ns beea awarded ofI81ta " Z. tba PaxU tUblbltlea CLARK'S CCD- E3ir. Best SIX.CORD BPOOt COTTON.. celebrated far beta. STRONG, 8T"j lev. Scotland, are h. lar. and' ia The entire preeeea oi complete aad earefal .-peila--J V Amarlcaapredaetsaeiatioaai aa equal merit to-that prodi their I'alsiey mine. J J No Grand Prices were awarded at Paris for Spool Cotton, they are Glad to a-noueee to the ' A-erte.. Pblle that they bava beea awarded OOLD itlKOAI belaa thej,!beet award ive lor Hll-Cord Mpoel pajtoa. Georg A." Clark & Brother. t ' Sole Aijents, - No. 400 Broadway, Me-vr York. F.FRANK. LESLIE'S lllustratiBdNewspaper A Pictorial Record of Current Events at Home and Abroad. Epttoinited Ulntorv Our Time. The Content embrace trranhlo IHostraHone of the prominent xventa of the daj-political, aooial, scientific, commercial, etc. Editorials on all .objects of publio lnteret. Aitmlrnble Cnrloono, hnmoroosiT hiltins o!T peculiar inoidenta, prerailing lollies, toibles, eto. ISrlert Herlnl and Hhort Storiea, Fssava. Poetry Bioaraphies, Mnsio.1 anil DrumetU News, Peraenal Oonnin. I'orrfa-n and DnmeHe, An- odotes, and a HIKM? amaains and instructive Miscellany. llnuble.Pnan Mnntilementa are frequently Wn without extra charge, lllnrtratini erents ol mora than uual interest.. - 1 Tlila Potinlnr Wefhly ha row SVirtj-soTerith Volume, and hae afforded the public complete reiiew of the events of each week dnrtny the Paisley mills Dt twenty-iwo years, .uu is, therefore, a veritsblr library ot reterence. rVHLlSHSD BVER WEONBSDAT. far Sale by all Newsdealers. Price 10 Cents a Copy. Annual Subscription, $4, Postpaid. Frank Leslie's Publishing House, r 53, 55 & 57 Park Place, New York. FbrJSinging Classes. AVTTAT A "DTI l'(7ota., 87.60 per dosen.) Br Ij. O. Emersoh, and is the A Immt mnA IWrhKH DeBfe OuniUllatlon foT Sinsins Bohoola. Vine instructions, a undanl nianr Uleea and Songs, and a good quaoti" 6t Sacred " JOHNSON'S letlioa for W Classes, (60 ota", o SO.OO per doren) for Singing School., baa remarkably dear in.truotiona, aud a, large quantitj ol pleaalog Saored and Secular Muslo lor praotiee. THE LAUREL WREATH. TS0,. is a grand book for 8lnging dlaawa in High Sohoola. normal oonopis ana b -- .,r tary. Part II, Voioe OuitWation. Part III, belee 4 parts. Part IV, Saored Muaio. GRAMM SCHOOL CHOIR, X. B TlLDX. fa an exeeedtnair weu-oont.ruwKi uou. for the olnsins Olaeses In Grammar Hohool", the blhar -' ). and lor the founder olaaaea of Hh Bonbola. THE tHIPPOORWlLL, ZToVJXX enla) and verr bright col eotlon ot School Bongs. Anr Book mailed post-free, for retail pries. OLIVER TJITS0N & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON ote CO.. . . 843 Broadway, New Vark. J. B. DITSON Ac CO., IMS ChiMrtnat Sit.. Phlla. .tHbilHlit'd In.,.. Gargling Oil Liniment "ellow Wrapper for Animal and White for Human Flesh. . , ' n GOOD FOR Burn's nd' Scalds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Chilblains, Frost Bites.Stnnplialt, Windfalls, Scratches or Grease, Foot Rot in Sheep, Chapped Hands, Fouudercd Feet, Flesh Wounds, Roup in Poultry, External Poisons, Cracked Heels, Sand Cracks, Epizootic, Galls of all kinds. Lame Hack, Sitfast, Ringbone, Hemorrhoids or Piles, Poll Evil, Toothache, Swellings, Tumors, Rheumatism, Garget in Cows, Spavins, Sweeney, Cracked Teat.. Callous, Lameness, Horn Distemper, Crownscab, Quittor. Foul Ulcers, Farcy, Abcesi of the Udder, Swelled Legs. Thrush, cnea leats. Fistula. Mann. Caked Breasts, Sore Nipples. Curb, Old Sores, Corns, Whitlows. Cramps, Boils, Weakness of the Joints Contraction of Muscles. Merchant's Oanrllne Oil is the standard Liniment of the United States. Large size, i; medium, 50c; small, 35c. Small size for family use, ace. Manufactured at Lock port, N, V., by Merchant's Gurgling Oil Company. J0HX HODGE. Set?. n Seven Shot $2 Full MoUel Pin. ted. Mlerl liar. .. M . 1 '-.II I rr. riuiucr, Killed llnrrrl ofe Flstta. teat K j I ylimlfr KKVtll.YKI The( IIK' :) l.klWJ el.V JIOMllslurTWO IIIILI.AKN, We warraql this beautitul Revolver to be tbe best ever offered for tea money. It Is no ohean eaeu ilatol. but mannfaotured of tbe best Krurliah stael. and finished egunl to the hiKheetprtced RevolTer In the market. We have sold LUKJ of thHtn slnoe the first of June, and nave iu.t contracted with the manufaotoree for lu,uuu more. Our guarantee accompanies eaoa Re volver. i;artriagea to nt uuun can be ouiatnea a ear lenr U le I Mlbi' general atore. THK DlilOAGO LEDGER la the Lanrest, Best, Ubeapeet f amily raper In tbe United BUtea prinUid npon large, plain type, and can be easily 01a or young, ana snoma oe in ever, noueeooia. Ueuirniurr, every parchaMr 01 one of the. Bavore rs geu TUE CHICAGO LK1IOKR for 8 mouths, posh ajrepald. Address Til K I.KIM. KK, 4'hlraan. 111. J.ESTEYtScCO. BRATTLEBORO, VT. j Send for Illustrated Catalogue. K Y N U 4fi BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, . pally . ana Weekly, auarto, , , BOSTON, MASS, . f , fc.JT,TtPtDtJn Fami'l; Hewspspef j?. "lead. Kdited with opeeial refeeenee to tbe nrted taatea aod reuiuremenu of the borne eirels. All tae toreiga and loeal news uubliabed pnuuntly, . rTeaaawoio.. JO pyv ., in advaa , . ( r-j,i 7opesteoa.ad4ri)S7.aOpei . annum In advance, J SBKP FOR fc AMPLE COPT." COWBINATION Dinner, B-laPet and T Beta, KM pjeeee, III, ImV Engraved Goblets I a doa. . Ivory-handled Table Km v. i a doa. Hoi r uralahlng complete. Oouda boxed freev bo-page Priea Llat free. Bataefurd, Cooper luatituta, W. Y. uity. Hanltaa, Point Lvm Braid.. Parllou Nun'. Thread o ample, tut iVaant stamp. O. OLAEK., Kizlocd, Pa 1 Tea I . ..a-.