A STORY OF THE BOMS Z IS, Haw Jack LoanedlJIm FIT Dollars t Buy One Hundred Shareg of Sierra Nevada, ana What Came of It. The San FranoiBoo Stock Report says : Here is a bright little oasis in the desert of selfishness that strelohes its dreary 'waste over about everything in these days. It gives ns pleasure to al lude t it, it is so bright and fresh and original. In a certain big wholesale house down in Front street there is a young man employed, who, by dint of hard work and rathetr frugal habits, has managed to save tip soiao $200 from his meager salary. An acquaintance of his a man in mining circles said to him one day, about three months ago, " Jim, if you want to make something sorape some money together and buy a hundred shares of Sierra Nevada ; it will go up, maybe, one of these days, and you can get something pretty nice out of it." The young man smiled at first he had had points before but the more he thought of it the more he was taken . with the idea. He knew his informant was in a position to know something about Sierra Nevada and get early in formation j and as he had never before advised him to buy stocks it impressed him more and more strongly that there was something in it. But he only had $200, and his informant told him to buy a hundred shares. The stock was then pegging along at about $1 a share. To get a hundred shares he must have $200 more. He brooded over the subject a few days, . nd then his friend asked, Have you got that stock yet ?" " No." Better get it," said the friend, ' you haven't much time." The young man went and put up his watch and got an other $100. Then he sold some other trinket and raised another $50. Some thing else went and he had just $395 all told. He watched the stock list, but Sierra Nevada hung at $4 with tantaliz ing persistency. Finally he said to a fellow-clerk, " Here, Jack, lend me $5 for a couple of weeks ; I'm short." Jack went down into his pocket and handed him $5, and then the coveted $400 was intact. The day he gave the order to buy Sierra sold at $5, but the broker told him "All right ; I'll buy it on the $400 margin and carry it for you." The stock was bought, and in two days was selling at 87.50. Then it went to $10 and $12, and finally the whole street knew of the new bonanza. At about $12 and $15 the young men was crazy to sell, but the original informant would not let him, or rather begged him to hold on. There is no use elaborating the story, the point is not in the rise or in what he made of it. Sufficient to say that he finally got $220 for the stock, and walked off with a check for over $21,000. He put it in bank, and the next day walked down to the store where the young man is employed who loaned him the $5. "Jack," he said, " do you know I owe you $5 ?" Jack looked puzzled for a moment. Yes, by Jove, I believe you do 1 Gad, I'd have forgotten all about it if yon hadn't spoken." Well," said the 'lucky one, " I've come down to pay it and apologize for not doing it before. I'vo been sort of hard preeBed of late. Bnt here it is with many thanks." And handing the young man an envelope ho hurried from the store. Jack was busy at the time, and, supposing a five-dollar gold note to be in the envelope, crammed it into his vest pooket and went on with his work. He never thought of it again until that night, disrobing for bod, a corner of the envelope peeping from his ptcket at tracted his attention. It occurred to him what it was and ho opened it, when to his utter amazement he found a check for $2,500 with this little note pinned to it : " Dear Jack : I return you $5 with interest to date. Your readiness to oblige me aided me in buying 100 shares of Sierra Nevada at $5, and I have just sold it for $220. The inclosed is the evidence of my gratitude. Take it and be happy. Sincerely, ." This is a pleasant little incident, and it has the merit of being true. The young gentleman is well-known in social circles, and his modesty is the only rea son why we withhold his name. Immense Labor Performed by Bees. Nectar is the term applied by botan ists to the sweet-tasting fluid which is secreted within the cups of flowers ; and the object gained to plants by its pres ence is that insects, induced to visit flowers for its sake, are useful to the plants by effecting a cross fertilization, an additional amount of vigor being thus conferred on the seeds which sub sequently results in contrast with the evil effects produced by continuous "breeding in and in." The formation of nectar is observed to take place moEt freely in hot weather, and to be prevent ed by cold or wet. So great economy is exercised by the plant that it is only formed at the time when insects' visits would be beneficial, that is, when the anthers are ripe and shedding their pol len, or when the stigma is mature and ready to receive pollen. By biologists the visits of bees, butterflies, and other inseots are believed to have exercised in past time an important influence in modifying the size, shape, color, etc., of flowers. Nectar is of course the source whence bees derive honey, bnt it also affords food to many kinds of insects which do not possess the same habit as the former of storing it up. Professor Alexander S. Wilson, of Glasgow, has recently investigated the amounts of su gar contained in the nectar of various flowers, and laid the results of his la bors before the British association. He extraoted the nectar with water, and de termined the sugar before and after in version by means of Fehling's copper solution. From his table of analyses, which for our present purposes it is un necessary to reproduce here, we select clover as an example. He found that, approximately, 100 heads of red clover yield 0.8 gramme of sugar, or 125 give 1 gramme (16 grains), or 125,000 1 kilo (2 1-5 lbs.) of sugar ; and as each head contains about 60 florets (125,000x60), 7,500,000 distinct flower tubes must be sucked in order to obtain 2 1-5 lbs. of sugar. Now as honey, roughly, may be said to oontain 75 per cent, sugar, we have 1 kilogramme (2 1-5 lbs.) equiva lent to 5,600,000 flowers in round num bers, or, say, two and a half millions of visits for one pound of honey. This shows what an amazing amount of labor the bees must perform, for their indus try would thus appear to be indispensa ble to their very existenoe. Soientiflo A merioan. Where Wit Won. - " What's the woman charged with ?" said the court. " She's a dead-beat and vagrant, your honor," said the officer who arrested her. Then the woman spoke np and said: "It I can prove that I'm all right, will your honor let me go ?" Of course," said the court. Then," said the prisoner, " here's the family Bible, by whioh you'll see I'm Moll Wright" "Saw my leg off," shouted the officer, who saw the point, " if she hasn't beat the court, too." And the oourt rubbed ita nose with its fore finger and gently murmured: "Dis cbarge the prisoner." Mobile Register. AN HOUR WITH BIJAH. The Flae ghlaale Kllxlr-A Lady Who Had Dreamt. Bijah is in receipt of letters almost daily asking him to come to this or that place and apply the Michigan Pine Shingle Elixir to boys whose oonstitu tions are out of order; and this is to give nouoe w anxious parents, aunts ana guardians that his engagements here Erevent his leaving the city. However, oys can be shipped to him from any part of the country by express, and they will be kindly received, the elixir ap plied with promptness and dispatoh, and the lads returned home more or less cured. In obstinate cases, where the dose may have to be repeated every twelvo hours, a small sum of money should be forwarded to pay hotel ex penses. A woman weighing plump 215 pounds, and measuring about throe feet across the shoulders, was the first caller as the old janitor's parlor was thrown open to the public Saturday. Her eyes fell upon the India rubber cat as she entered the door, and she uttered a scream of alarm and called out: -iuuzzie yer nyena call off yer UUg 1 yve pensive, maaam be pensive; mis is omy an wjy rubber cat, warrant ed docile in all climates or money re funded. Toko a chair, madam take three of 'em." " Oh, dear I if it had been a real cat. and if it had clawed me to death, and if tne tun was growing above me, and if I was in heaven, it would have been just my luck," she sighed as she dropped down with a weight which made every thing jar. " Madam, has the price of 'taters riz ?" tenderly inquired the old man. " 'Taters ! 'taters 1" she almost shriek ed. " If my thoughts didn't soar higher nor 'taters I'd commit suicide this very day I" " Well, madam, I love to soar, and I love 'taters, but we will drop the sub ject and turn to your sad case. Has your husband evinced a disposition to to that is" " I never had one," she interrupted. "You didn't?" " No, sir. Some of us girls have got married, and some of us haven't. If I am single it is not because I have not had a hundred chances to marry. I am determined never to marry unless it is a case of love." " That's the talk, madam. I always married for love, and I always shall. This marrying a woman because she owns a mule and a recipe for preparing a cough remedy always results in broken hearts and blasted Lopes, and I know it. You remember that painful poem : "Let dogs delight to bark aud fight, For 'tis their nature to." " But I don't want any fight in mine. When my day's labor is o'er I want to return to my woodbine cottage on the brow of a romantic precipice and find my darling waiting at the" "Do you believe in dreams?" she suddenly asked. " Dreams I Now you've touched a tender spot. Madam, I expect I've had more dreams than any other bald-headed man in the U. S. A." " Well, I've had dreams," she con tinued, as she bent her eyes on the car pot. "I've had such dreams as I never heard tell of, and, being as a woman t old me that yon could advise me, I've called to talk with you." "Go right ahead on the starboard tack, madam." " There's a man there's a man com ing to our house, sir,"sho said, as she partly hid her face. " Oomes to read the gas-meter, I sup pose? Well, goon." He comes to see me," she said, giv ing her head an indignant toss. " I might as well own up that my face or form, or conversational powers have at tracted. Judging from his action, he seems to love me. " "Does, eh? Has he ever brough you peppermint drops? Has he ever read poetry to you? Have you ever noticed him gazing at the moon like a goat looking up at a bunch of grass on the eaves of a shed ?" " I am satisfied that he loves me," she musingly replied, "and I con fess" "That you love him ?" . She blushed. Wbioh was very, very proper in her. "Same as ever old, old story and in the usual way no cards," he sighed, as he shifted the cat so that her yellow eyes glared across the room at a jug of sweet cider just brought in by a farmer. " After he left me last night I had a droam," she said. "I dreamed that I was trying to darn a pair of socks with a door-key for a needle and some tele graph wire for yarn. While I was try ing to mend the holes I heard a horn blow, and looking out of the window I saw what I" " A fish peddler, of courso." " No, sir 1 I saw a two-horse wugon loaded with coffins 1 The dream awoke me, and I found myself sitting up in bed. It has worried me ever since, and I want to know if you can interpret it?" " Madam," began Bijah, as he rose ap and smoothed down his head, " you have come to the right man, and at the right time. I have never bragged around any on my power to interpret dreams, but being it's you, I will say that I can knock the spots off of any other human being in this town on the dream busi ness." "And ycu can tell me the significance of this one ?" "Humph I Should think I could I In the first place you dreamed of socks. That's a sign that the woman next door is jealous because yon are better looking than she is, and she's been slandering you." "She has I Then I'll pull her peaked nose !" exclaimed the dreamer. "Then you dreamed of a door-key. That's a sign of an accident. Be care ful, madam, and don't hit the olothes line in splitting wood, and don't go up on a ladder over ten or fifteen feet." "I never, never climb a ladder, sir 1" "Don't you? So much the better. But be careful how you go down cellar during the next few weeks. I alius back down a pair of stairs. That gives you a chance to dig in your toe-nails if you go to fall. Also, don't jump on a street-car when in motion." " I never do, sir." " Thenjyou dreamed of telegraph wire, madam. That's another bad sign. Don't you go around the baok-yard bare footed, or you may cut your heel on an old bottle and have a fatal case of lock jaw." " I go barefooted ?" she gasped. " I hope not, madam, and if you eat any peanuts for a month to come throw the shucks away. Even if they don't hurt you there is only two per cent, of nourishment in 'em. ' She looked at him in amazement, and he kindly went on s " Yon heard a horn blow, and that is a good sign. I've known women who had struggled with oold feet for eigh teen straight years to dream of a horn blowing and be perfectly cured in five hours," Sir 1" "That's me, madam, and I rejoioe from the bottom of my heart at your good In ok. Then you dreamed of oof fins. Did you see any figures on 'em ?" " I don't remember." " Well, I s'pose the undertaker will put enough figures on 'em for that mat ter. To dream of coffins, madam, sig nifies that you will shortly have an offer." "Is that sol" she softly replied, blushing again. "It is, madam. Less than a month ago a woman came to me who had been dreaming of coffins, and within three days she had an offer." "And she accepted him ? " " It was an offer, madam, to nurse a woman with the roomytis ; salary $3 per week and found." " Mr. Joy," said the gentle dreamer, as she rose up and made a grab for her train, " I shan't go out as nurse not just yet." "1 wouldn't either. It's a very try ing position, particularly where the patient is despondent, and imagines that you want to murder her. " Mr. Joy, I am very much obliged." ' 'Tis well 'tis well . Good-day. " She sailed away, her face as red as a coal and her nose up, and he Bat down and muttered to himself : " She believed every word of it np to the 'offer,' and just 'cause I wouldn't lie about it, she goes away, feeling dis persed and put out. That's the way with 'em onsartin, onhappy, and on grateful." Detroit Free Press. Cincinnati "Breakfast Table" D let. Now, if anybody can beat that modern izing any of the old poems, please step to the front. The correspondent who writes ou both sides of the paper is sure of success in the waste-basket. Most young men are on the lookout for good openings, and yet they don't like for the old man txrshow them the door. Yon cannot tell a man who is con tented in the world merely by looking at him, The neatest fitting boot often covers a raging corn. The melanoholy days are upon us when every man you meet informs you, with tears in his eyes, that he has " the worst cold he ever saw." It makes a young man feel very much as if some things in the world were all vain to sing "Come to my bosom, come love," under a window, and then happen to see a sign " To let on the door. A Western editor steps high under the motto, "Equal and exaot justice to all men," but his wife has to saw the wood an 3 carry the baby the whole round trip whenever she seeks delusive pleasure at a picnic, nil the same like any other woman. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a most laudable object, but if they can succeed in so re constructing the moral character of the mule as to make him less careless with his heels they will confer a lasting favor on the human family. A NEW WAT OF STATING AN OLD FACT. Into thirty diurnal sections of time, is the month of September divided ; April, Jane and November likewise, and it has also been decided That thirty-one days, and nights as well, some eight of the others containing, Leaves twenty-eight days aisd a piece of a night for the Valentine mouth remaining ; But when leap-year comes, with a skip and a jnmp, lest February repine, He adds on a day to the calendar oount,thus making it twenty-nine. Age of Animals. A bear rarely exceeds twenty years. A dog lives twenty years; a wolf twen ty ; a fox four to sixteen years. Lions are long-lived. One has been known to live to the age of seventy years. Bab bits seven. Elephants have been known to live to the great age of four hundred years. Alexander the Great, having conquered Purus, king of India, took a great elephant, which had fought val iantly for the king, and named him Ajax. He dedicated him to the sun, and let him go, with this inscription : "Alexander, the son of Jupiter, hath dedicated Ajax to the sun." The ele phant was found with this inscription three hundred and fifty years afterward. Pigs havo been known to live to the age of thirty years ; the rhinoceros to twenty. A horse has been known to live to the age of sixty-two years, but averages from twenty to thirty. Camels sometimes live to the age of one hun dred. Stags are long-lived. Sheep ex oeed the age of ten. Cows live about fif teen years. Cuvier considers it proba ble that whales sometimes live for a thousand years. Pelicans are long lived. A tortoise has been known to live to the age of one hundred and seven. Insects, as a general rule, are short-lived, though there are many ex ceptions to the rule. Rules for Spoiling a Child. 1. Begin young by giving him what ever he cries for. 2. Talk freely before the child about his smartness as incomparable. 3. Tell him he is too much for you, that you can do nothing with him. 4. Have divided counsels as between father and mother. 5. Let him learn to regard his father as a creature of unlimited power, ca pricious and tjrjnnicttl ; or a mere whipping-machine. 6. Lot him learn (from his father's example) to despise his mother. 7. Do not know or care who his com panions may be. 8. Let him read whatever he likes. 9. Let the child, whether boy or girl, rove the streets in the evenings a good school for both sexes. 10. Devote yourself to making money, remembering always thSt wealth is a better legacy for your uhild than princi ples in the heart and habits in the life ; and let him have plenty of money to spend. 11. Be not with him in hours of rec reation. 12. Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel ; chastise severely for a foible, and laugh at a vioe. Old As the Nation. Newark, N. J., claims to have a re markable couple of centenarians. They are Mr. and Mrs. Wright, aged 106 and 100 years respectively. Mr. Wright was born in Morris county, N. J., some time during 1772 or 1773, and remem bers seeing General Washington riding out on horseback while the Continental army was encamped near Pompton. Notwithstanding his advanced age he is quite as fall of life as a man of sixty usually is. But a few weeks ago he walked from Bloomfield to Pine Brook, and he walks to church every Sunday, His senses seem as aoute as ever, and he relates stories of his life with evident relish. He is not addicted to the use of liquor, and says he never smoked but once. Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been married for seventy years, and have several great-great grandchildren. KILLING A FRTJTT THIEF. Remit or a Trial far Bhaotln m Alan Rteallna Peachee. Referring to the close of theTannehill murder trial, a letter from Washington, Pa., says : The facts in the case are briefly these : On the evening of August 12, 1878, William MoNutt, aged twenty six, went to the blacksmith shop of Isaao Patch, in Houstonville, and pro posed that they should goto Mr. Tanne hill's peach orchard, about five and a half miles distant, and get some peach es. The proposition was agreed to, and they set out in a one-horse wagon. On the way they passed the house of Samu el White, and persuaded Joseph Mo Nutt, who was working at White's, to Booompany them. The three arrived at Tannehill's a little before nine r. u. In passing the Tannehill house they saw a window raised and a light burning, and therefore drove past the orchard, hitch ed the horse a short distance in the wood, near the road, and waited nearly half an hour for tho Tannehills to re tire. . From the wood they went to the orchard. They had not boen there more than a minute, as Joseph McNutt and Patch testify, before a shot was fired. None of them knew from what direction it came. The three jumped over the fenco and ran laughing up the road. After they had run a short distance William McNutt began to stagger and then fell by the roadside. Patch hur ried for a neighbor, and in about half an hour they had brought the wagon and started home, but William died on the way. The man that fired the shot was John Tannehill. In less than five minutes after the shooting he returned to the house, and, on being asked if he had seen any person, said that he had Been three men in the orohard and had shot to scare them away. He did not know that he had shot any one until the next morning. The shooting oreated much excite ment, and there was some talk of lynch ing Tannehill, who was arrested and released on bail. At the trial there was a strong array of counsel on both sides. The defense showed that Tan nehill did not see the man ; that he did not shoot with intent to kill ; that pub lic sentiment applauds a' man for de fending his property in this way from nocturnal thieves and plunderers, and proved the unexceptionable good char acter of Tannehill. The prosecution held that Tannehill carelessly, if not purposely, shot in the direction of the thieves, knowing them to be about : that it was a criminal offense so to do, and that the law gives no man the right to defend his property by such violent means. The jury, after a deliberation of six hours, rendered a verdict of " man slaughter." A French metal worker at Paris lately found that his hair had turned perma nently green, from some chemical cause to him unknown. Though Blinking I.Ike an Aspen Leaf With the chills and ftrver, the viotim of mala ria may still recover by using the celebrated apeoifio, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which not only breaks up the most aggravated at acks, bat prevents their recurrence. It is in finitely preferable to quinine, not only because it does Che business far more thoroughly, bnt also on account of its perfect wholesomenesa and invigorating action upon the entire system. Testimony is concurrent, positive and ample showing the deoisive nature of its effects, and that it is no mere palliative. Physicians con cede its exoellenoe, and there is a constant in flux of oommunioations from persons in every class of society avouching its merits, and bear ing witness to its superiority over other reme dies for malarial disease. It is especially popu lar throughout the Weot, wherever fever and ague prevails, as it does in many of the fairest and most fertile portions of that vast region, Are Fat People Healthy? Why are fat people always complaining r -asks some one who entertains the popular though erroneous notion that health is synonymous with fat. Fat people complain because they are diseased. Obesity is an abnormal condition of the system in which the saccharine and oleaginous elements of the food are assim ilated to the partial exclusion of the muscle forming and brain-produoing elements. In proof of this, it is only necessary to assert the well-known faot that excessively fat people are never strong, and seldom distinguished for mental power or activity. Besides, they are the easy prey of aoute and epidemic diseases, and they are the frequent viotims of gout, heart disease and apoplexy. Allan's Anti-Fat is the only known remedy for this disease. It contains no acid, is absolutely harmless, and is warranted to remedy the most confirmed case of obesity or corpulency. It is astonishing with what rapidity nlceroul ores and eruptive maladies are cured by Henry's Carbolio Salve, an external antidote to unhealthy conditions of the skin, which is pre ferred by physicians to every other preparation oontainin g the carbolic element. It is undoubt edly the finest antiseptio ani purifier extant. It acts like a charm on purulent eruptions and has also been successfully used for rheuma tism and sore throat. All druggists sell it. Familiarity with the writings of the groa poets is a necessity to any one who wishes to appear well in company. For lOo. we will send a book of 160 selections from the beautiful mel odies of Moore, the grand poems of Byron, and the unequaled songs of Burns, and 60 popular songs. Desmond & Co., 915 Race St., Fhila. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Tni Piokekb Tobacco Comiaxj, Now York, Boston, and Chicago. Fornpwardsof thirty years Mrs. WIN8LOW8 SOOTHING STROP has been used for ohildren with never-failing suooees. It oorreota acidity of the stomach, relieves wind oolio, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhcea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 26 ots. a bottle. in Established Ubmedt. " Brown's Bronx ohial Troches " are widely known as an estab lished remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and other troubles of the Throat and Lungs. 25 ots. The most contemptible fraud that has been praotioed upon farmers and others in the last few years is the selling of immense Packs of worthless horse and cattle powders. There is only one kind now known in this country that are unadulterated and those are Sheridan's,-' .7 No family in this broad land should under take to keep house without Johnson. Anodyne Liniment ; many have tried to but failed. It is worth more to a family than a whole medicine ehes. A thoroughly good Cabinet or Parlor Organ Is worth two poor ones. Mason A Hamlin make the best. The prioes are a little higher than those of poorest organs, but it is muoh cheaper n the end to obtain the best If you fail to find Pike's Centennial Bait Rheum Salve in your city or village, and will send us the address of your best druggist, we will put him in a way to supply you. J. J. Pm A Co., Chelsea, Mats. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, to sweeten the breath, nse Brown's Camphorated Sapona ceous Dentifrice. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Hon. O. B. Parsons, mayor of Rochester, was radically cured of Blight's Disease by Craig's Kidney Cure. Depot 12 University PI., N. X Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. IMPORTANT NOTIC'E.-Farmers. Fast Im and Othrs oan purohaae no Rmdy equal to Dr, TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINlMRNf for ths oar. of Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Croup, Ooli sod Bu sickness, taken internally (it it perfectly harmless; lee oath eocoinpanying tech bottle) and externa! 1 tot Otaronio Rheumatism, Headache, Toothaobe, Sore Throat, Out, liuraa, Swellings. Bruises. Mosquito Bites, Old Soros. Pains In Limbs. Back and Cheat. The VKNKI1AN LINIMENT was introduced in 1MT, end no ooe who baa used it but oootinuea to do ao, many stating if it was Ten Dollara a Bottle the would not be without it. Tuoutjande of Certificate oan be teen at tbe Depot, peakiosof ita wonderful ourativo proper, tits, bold by tbe Druggist at 40 eta. Popot 48 MnirajT bt.. New York, i l The Markets. bw oa. BeetOattle. Watlve " 1 Taxes and Cherokee.. fJ6kj. Mllob. Oow...... a B on 919 vo Eon I litre, Droned' ...... RlMPl.MI.IMm.M..M.MMi..Hi Lambs...... ........ .... Cotton Middling.... Floor Western Ohoioe to Fane.., Btte Fair to Choice t heal No 1 Bed. .......a. ..aa.ee Waits State . Bye State Barley State...... . .....a .... Barley Malt Oats Mixed Wtatarn...... Oorn Mixed Western Ungraded..., Hay, perewt... Straw nr owt Long Bye C4J 0 tot. MX 810 $ 6 SO s bj 9 as 101 Q 1 03 1 (84 1 CX (1 9 (8 1 00 1 (S 1 US 9 1 80 6 0 0 1 its to 0 Bops Good to PrimeNew Crop., fork Extra Family Mom. . 0) 8 SI 0 80 Lord city Htcam..... .'(1.20 m .0A.20 l- ou OatOOO msn msotcroi, no. i, nay is iu " So. 1. Prince Edw'd8 1 1,0 Dr coa. nor owx. ......... tit a to Herring, Scaled, per box. Petroleum Crode 07X08) Beflned, 1)9 K '10 at wool vniiiornia oiiriug.....,.,.. v'i ua ?n Texas " ............ iO a .8 Anetralutn ' ig 41 84 it M it )4 (9 OS 00 aa ot 07 tatXX 81 Hotter 8tat Cn-omery,, Dairy Vcslcrn reninery...... . . . . Factory. eneaa Ptato F.vjtuij...... State Hklmmtd... aa Weittem..... aiigi State aud Fencsylvin'a.M... rnTLADIMHla . Beef Oattlei Kxtra................. flhoep. ........... ............ Rogsi Drained. Clour I Pennsylvania Wrtre Wheat I rennsylvanlaRed Bye Oorn t TellOW. ....... ...a. ..aaa.ae 0a 0 (ifkua 4 BO 9 4 1i 9fl 18 m 81 48 a .OR 18 80 m 15 479 47 . Mali uixca., Caret Mixed.., Patroletim I Oruic, Wool Colorado 20 Tnrta. ...... 18 nawrornia...... ...... ...... ''i Ohio and Pennsylvania XX 2) 9 0 sa BOMALO. Floor Wheat I No. a Milwaukee.......... Oorn I HI xed. ..................... Oats Bye........................ 3 78 7 0 29 0 4 as 0 67 04 10 CO 9) 60 PS Barley rarieyMalt State. . 110 9121 Boason. BeefOattl... Ot 0 03 0 081, 01X nogs Fionr Wisconsin and Minnesota... Oorn Mixed. ............ .......... Oats " , Wool Ohio and Ponnnylvanla XX.. California Fall , BBionioH, ataas. 6 80 0 B 00 010 r 90 0 14 0 ia0 ta 18 If Beef Oattle. .., C4V 04x0 C4 0 040 (6 0 04 a Sheep, Lsiubs. C4 (4 01 07JkJ 04 V Hoge, WaTEBTOWa SCABS. tSsef Oattle I Poor .oOholce........ oneep.. Lamba. aa.aa...u i CELEBRATED AJ A SL'RE KEL1EF I'Oll THE SUFFEKKK. A VrnrPtnlilo Prennrnlion Invented In tho Till (.vniury by Dr. William lirni-e, Surgeon in Kiu? .a:mM' nrmy. Through Its ftKenoy ho cured tlmus imkIh of tho most serious unres and wound that MiHort the skill of the niont eminent physielnns of M'i ility, inl wii8 regarded by nil who knew him 04 i jmbllc bynefuetor. CCKES J- I.ESII WOfXDfl. FttOZKM LIMBS, BAt.T RHF.UM, CICtT.BLAlNS. HOKE B UK ANT, KOKK LIPS, KRY8IPF.LAK, IlINOWOKMS, CAIXtHEH, 8CAXD HEAD, CHAPPED HA SDH, BrilNH. CAXCKHB. FELONR, ROALDS, BOHES, VLCERK, WOUNDS hTIMkS.. RHINULEft, FESTERH, WKN8, FT I EH, PILES, - ABCESM, FRECKLES, BUNIONS, HI'RAJSS, BOllJi, BITES, CUTS, WHITLOWS, WAKTS, BLISTERS, TAN, PIMPLES, CORNS, PCTRVY, ITCH, ISOROWINO KAILS, NKTTLR RARH, MOLttjUITO A-D FLEA BITES, 8P1DER HTINUS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. PRICE W CKNTS A HOX. PY MAIL 03 CKVTS. Three dozen Hoxe (11 srrowsl, will he sent TO 1'KDDLEKH, KTOREKEEl'EKS, aDUt'Gm-ISTS. (exprchHtigo pnlil), oil receipt 1 81.00 about eleven cent a box PREPARED BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 HARRISON AVENUE, BOSTON, MARS. 4 PAIR MEN'S GOOD WOOLEN KA HTOCKINw-H roit . OUc. 9PAIRMRN'M.00! WOOLEN (fcl fki - HTOCKINCJS FOR ,liUU Sent prepaid by mail on receipt of price Money re funded if not satisfactory. Address NKW YORK, STOCKING CO , 73 Nasiau Street, New York. ell Drilling, Boring, Mineral Prospecting & Quarrying- Tools. THghest award at Oenfennial Kxhibitinn.' Keod for pictorial eatnk pue and price list. fre. Agents wanted. piliO pr diy guaranteed. Nan1, bout-erf, and rock rami hnn.1l d. Addrnsa, PIKHOK WKIX KXCA VATOK CO., 42iHi Klin Aya, Pniladelphia, Penn. THE LAST OF R ;2fe YOUR CATARRHffihW cure any ordinary case, and two paokages any case of Ulcerated or Nasal Catarrh. I cured myself with this remedy, after suffering fifteen years, and was so bad that I was not fit to bo in company. I tried many other remedies without benefit, and at last discovered this. It is simple and harmless to tbe most delicate consti tution. One or two applications will fire relief, and sweeten tbe worst foul breath. Bent By mail to aay address, on receipt of price. Address JONAS BITTEN BENDER, Beaver Valley, Columbia Co., Pa. HOMES IN THE 7EST Excursions to Lincoln. Nebraska. I. en to New York and New Ensrland thm Third Tuesday In eveir. Mmth. Rxoureion rto. 17 win leave pir.w limiii TUunuAVa November lllih. Fare about hnlf rearular Kates. Faat trains and flrst-olass accommodations aaranteed. for desoriotive Land Circulars. Informa. lion about Tickets, etc., Bend address on Postal Card to riaw ffiumtK.an pro a away. New York, A positive remedy for Dropay and ull dist'aji's iiia niuncyni uiauuer aim l nunrjr v mm. lluiit'i Kiiiii1v nurt .v uelable a preua?d cxpreenly i t tau above diseases. Jt has I curvd thousand, ivcry buttle warranted, bend to W. . Clarke, i'n.vidciR-e, II I., Ur illustrated pamphlet u your tinjirirt oon t nave it, nc win oraer 11 tor THE SMITH ORGAN CO. First Elablinhed ! most Hucceseful ! THBIE INSTRUMENTS hat. s standard Talue In all tbe LEADING MABKETS OF THE WORLD ! Everywhere recognized as ths FINEST IN TONE. OVER 80,000 Alade and In u.. New Designs oonatantlj. Best work and lowest prices. IV Send lor Catalogue. Jt Tremoiit St., opp. WalHiam St.,Boston,Mass. PENSIONS . .iAMljllealilJw1 Inline of duty, bT Accident, or olherwl.e. A '! S it ot snr kind, l'a of FIW- If but sllKbt, or of lee or Bupture, rlvM tfUI.1. Mount jr. iToat VoSSi oniccr.' and ail war j Siiivv.Kn " Seuda cento tor oi.y "r A"' .TV AUI i tamuroril I I 1 co., I v) KNTATT'Iftl MU, ! J. Vafja. 1,411 fclAIJaH. enaoao-.a' Circulars. . u ar rliMWIVOS a & CLAIM AGT'B and PATENT Vo it!, wabimru'Bi f I I MASON A HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS.1 Pmnnttralrtt by HIORKHT HONORS AT AI.Ii WORLD'S KXPOSITIOHB FOR TWF.LVB YKAR8, Tin: at Pakis, lBOTs ViFNWi, 1878 : Pktiaoo, 1HV5; PHir.Ai)Fi.rHia,lS7; Paris, IsfSsand GA!r Swedish Gni.11 Mkdai., IB"". Onlf American Ormna ever aw.irdnl hia-Dent honors at any snoh. Bold fr oaMn or Installment. II.1.UBTRATF.D OATALOffnlS -lara with new strips and nrloes, sent free. MASON HAMLIN ORGAN CO , Boston, Hew York or Ohlcsgo. Leaders end others engaged In ths lorma tlon of tiantlG or orchestra should send fur ourncWdeacniiuTuca nioiue, io-a voted ox-! clusWelrto lufcrmatlon concern Inff Hand and orches tral requisites, and con mininR eieganc ennrav- ur 1 the latent and most approved style of in infra struments now In use. Mailed free. Address IAON ft HKALY, State and MonrocSts., Chicago, Cores Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach. Sick Headache. AGENT!, WANTED FOR THE 'CURSE OFRDII! Ttaa moat startling dweription of the tarrlbla effoota of ram aver written. Embracing alto ttaa life-work and apMohasof Francis Murphy. Dr. Reynolds and their oolaborera. The great Blue an 4 Red Ribbon book. Bella at tight DOOpagea. Price j9.00 Bia farms. Address. 8. UOODSPfiED JO., New York. STANLEY IN AFRICA FEOPI.K'I EDITION. Stanly's own st.ry In one superb volume of over 800 FAUKa, , M l ULl PAnE K(UAVttlS - PaiCB ONLY V, " ni'innpoly ; no Rill-edited, hih-toi.ed prioes. ropu.ar Book, at Popular Prioes, is our Motto. AO'RflJTR !wt mistake, se id for clroularsiriT Avauxl x Kf K our unuatIa terms. Address Oolpmhiam Book Co., Hartford, Oonn.: Chicago, 111. Thlj old and well- trioa rcomoay has nrov.n Jin all diseases from Itk ...... 1 IKhed Blood, aa Snrof . ula, Rheumatism, HI iuwhl ciA-n. Swellings. Syphilitic Node. Bono Dlscsses, ete. Invaluable In General Debility and diseases of debility of tho aired. A rich syrup, containing no Injurious ingredients. No otiier Remedy ha received sunn encomiums. Sold by all Druggists, The Antidote to Alcohol Found at Last. The Father Mathew Remedy la a certain and speedy oure for intemperance. It de stroys all appetite for alcoholio liquora and builds up tne nervous system. After n ciebnurh, or any Intempernte Indula-enre, a alnsle teaspoon fill will remove nil mental and phyleal de pression. It also oures every kittd of Fevee, Dys pepsia snd Tobpidity or the Lives. Sold by all druaaiat. 1 per Bottle. Pamphlet on "Aloohof, it Kifects on the human body, and Intemperanoe as a Disease," sent free. Father Mathew Tfmpfrance and MAHrrACTunmo Co., 3U Bond St., New York. WATERS' PIANOS AND ORGANS are the beat made warranted for 6 years; and will be old during this month at lower prices for oaah or on installments than erer before offered. Agents wanted. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS 80NH. Manufacturers and Dealer, 40 Knat HthRt.,N.Y. Also General Atrtnta for HHONINGKR'S Celebrated OROANSv which received the TRIUMPHANT mnLrAijor AWAtvuat me rnnm nAnjauiun, WA5NEII SSO'S COSSETS iwfvpfl tlie HiiffU'rit Mfrlnlf.ttherecnl PARIS EXPOSITION, ovtr all Anii'rlfni, mrnp-titnrn. ThHr FLKXIIll.K Ull C'OKSKT (ISO Bones! Ills with erfrrt fsup, mill Is war RiNTkD not to I'tvirt down overthc 111 pe Their HFAI.TH TURRET With IIS im proved BuBt.isnow irrmter fnvoHtu thim evf-r. Their N URSINO COHBKT Is tho ilfll if tit of every mother. Ft Ity nil lenrlinit niprrhstiti. ANN EH BltOS., 351 Broadway. NT. CURED FREE ! f-i MNMa- and nnezaelled remedy far rfDlleDHTOr Fnlllnar MtrLt.a tn l ed to effect a speedy and PER. TS ifiANKNT core. "A fr bottla" of my renowned apeoiflo and aval liable Treatise Bent ta an sufferer sending me bit Foat-oflue and Kx press auurmg. DR. H, G. ROOT, 18tt Fearl Street. Wew York MAKE HENS LAY. An Bngliah Veterinary Burgeon and Chemist now traelin in this oouDtry, say that moat of the Horse and Oattle Powders eold here are worthless traah. II aaya that Sheridan'a Condition Powdere are absolutely pure and immensely valuable. Nothing on earth will make hena lay like Sheridan' Condition Powders. Iose one teaspoonful to one pint food. Sold titryuhwt or $Ht by mail for tioht latter afaewa I. a. joiinson ooT Bencor.alelna, THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME Is the Bcstf Imtcst Improved) and most Thori onghly Constructed Sewing Machine ever Invented. It is NOISRI.KSH. and has more POINTK of EX. l'l!.til,bNCK than all other Machinea combined. nr-AUKNTS WANTED in localities where we are not represented. JOHNSON, CLARE & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Oranur, Ma., Pittsburg, Pa.. I'hlrngo. til. I.oiils, flip. Is the Old Sellable Concentrated Lye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions accompanying eaoh oan for making Hard, Bolt and Toilet Soup uulubly. IT 13 Fl'LL WEIGHT AND STRENGTH. The marknt la flnnj. ; r v. M M.i, . . , . Lye, which ia adulterated with salt and rosin, and voh'i 8A VB SIOXEr, AND BVY THK SAPowiFilR MADK BY THK Pennsylvania Salt Manuf g Co., .rnnDBI,PHIA. HEW UUSIC BOOKS. Join's Method lor IWm CIs-mrx uunnaoK, is a oooK of admirable almnllnita ana oiearness or exo anat on. mil i. - ' l . ' ZlA r'.i " """a oi aamirable simp! 'T"l i eapianauon, and la endoraed "V" oinaing scoooi teachers a ol th beat, m Aire for nranlfAj, an u - t .7 . weafc . 17 u oy Glee. ... iPart'lS,.: .11 1-' ?V', ",,n,mv.B. R IIJ rS .'r rI'mn, nea, in Antheme. an Glees and 4-Part Sonars, all Inlimalla 1:7 ln.,..A.tA. . : ' , ? Huiwu wi.u .O i tb lavwisr . KPiiiai gill am dt ar - y - -:r. mutiBriif nr na la in iti Clarks's Harmonic School lor tbe Organ, " . ya...., i. a new ana maarninaeni Tn atruotion Book for those who wiah to pKytoeOre (Pip. or Reed) in Church, ia full ofPfln mnsio for praotioe or enjoyment, forma a teste for th. h.t uw3 of Organ Mua'o and haa thr" J?, nd nSoM merit of sr.ii.riM the lu.n... . TiT "P? "nodal tamnori,.; IrVl.rlurt.a 5 v., JTl TK, il th.m. Pile, fia i.' I a u Tbe Musical Record The Weekly Musical paper of the aountrv I Dima Bmhih, Kdftor AH ffusie T..oher?Si,.DKS. per copy. Kg per yeavr. m psS mualo pis Any book mailed pot-frae, for retail prioa! OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. V. H. DITSON V CO., 843 Broadway, New Yerau I. K. DIT80N dV GO., 0811 VheelBBl St., Pkllav, I tfliiiu.n X' ' I ' "JUST r V)0Qu or? IjKELEBRATEDi ri to $8,0OoSy I ySETH THOMAiK KpL0ICS y Vhisep gooj II W?srW r-owpgrat Tudotrei. for eeethj awd ela G" t.AHH BAI.I.. Trap. Ao.Prlo list fre. All dress Ort ! Westernlnn Work. Pitteburrf, T Aflaress nucwjp ' VJ" iDtltlUU us, w ' Thftwa. not fatl Ul lUlsl to write. Pr.F.B.Marsh.Oninc.. ,MUn. Cnmothinn Now fftP AflfintS wanted In every vlllag. address Boi 788. WewTort. f 3 0 U Addr?.i J A " BBON8QN. betrolt, HiCB. $7 ik DAT to Agent ? " . . i.Ll a Vh V I.I. or. .'.rm. and OntfU Fr. Addre r. v.. t iv !. DIG PAY.-Wlth Stenell Ontflt. What eot 4 iff Jells rapidly for ftO cts. OaWij;. 8 M Spckcjkb. 1 1 II Waeh'n 8t.,Boston,Ma. ernDCTiKw.T"?rBTJ!i?K;r OLunCI ssav-i-ay iio. Am. E. Secret Service Co., Cincinnati, 6. alpa.. arith lUmn. invested In Wall Bt. Bto"". J1UUU forton .very montn. bos eans freeoaplalnlngeverythg, ' 1 BAXTBB AOO.. Bankr. 17 Wall Bt.Tt.T.. Address KIDDCn O PASIILLtO.bjrnsiT. SlowellACo. nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWhilettown,MMt. OUNG MEN MOT'ot?! month. Smallaalsrywhilelearning Situation fur i ahad. Address K.Valentlne,Manager.Janesvil),wli A COOD WELL or BO I la day wtth our 4 foot WELL AUGER. Aagra Book free. Ikv W. GILES, St, loole, Mo IOiMBINATlON Dinner. B'kPt and Tea I j Set, loo n eces. HI 4. Fine Bngraved OobleU 1 ados. Ivoryhandled Table Knivea, H6 ado. House r urnlsning complete, wwua uua.u nnw. rrm. List tree. Baesford. Cooper lstltnt. W. Y. elty. . a aa. tiaawtirMt fntnlatBPda.lanis for Seroll Tl villi Sawing sent free to any person who U FUU MU haa a saw Address (( ilamp, P I DO. OUU A. H. POMKROY, Hartford, Conn. A A W PIANOS " 123 to g40O-faoty"prl highest honors Mathnshek aeale for aniiarna flneat noriehtfl in Amerloa over 1,000 in use regularly Incorporated Mrg Co. Pianos sent on trial 48-page oatalogn free. Mendelssohn Plane Co., 21 K 16th Street, N. YT AGENTS, READ THIS1 Wa will pay Amenta a Salary of Q100 per mc r month and flxpeuaaa. pr allow a large oommission w sen our now ana wanaenui lnTennons, We mean vhat tra aoy Hamplft ire. Aaoresa. . . r , a. an.-.! a avj av' Iti. Tl W waaa hm aaa 1 1 . VTI R TRFTII IH MIUflTVt Prarvr Martinei, the (veal Seanleb fW aeJ Wiurd, will ftrf ' Cente. rlth jnur A-., heifVit, eelfrr uf eve and lorh ef hlf . MB'l tn Ti"s o-r.f pitfare ; mt tot fotre linelMftd nt wife, initial of flrst Meet, ml Ihedate of mamr. row. Prof. MAKTlIfRS, rrMine St., 1 YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ANn NAME raiaaa a - " on 1 doz. cards for 39 ots. i a doi. 50 ots. Sendploture ts M. B. ARCHEB.. rroy, w. . St OS $25 feikWina Novelties JllSSl!? Outfit Free &hJKS. IS J. H. BUFKORD'S SONS, Msnnfacturing Pnbliahers, Rti'blished nearly fifty years. .)srt ooons AT LOWEST PRICES. Hug. Catalogue & Lecture. 3 Huukt Hie. C'ctTLAHs Frrb Outfits Wanted. iOIO MUSICAL OABniE.. J TUJEO. J. HAKBACTt. VvsrroQS a HuBician, 6VI9 FilbertSt., Philad'a. Ph. Thousands of Infanta are slowly starving becanse o ua mammy or moiDem in "urtiiBn proper Dourisliment Da not fall to nse RidRp's t'uod. Dr. OEAIGS KIDNEY CURE THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL KIDNEY DISEASES! Jvsrav ev apseial jrmfion to Rev. rr. J, B, Rankin, Washington, D. O. : O. T. Heston, M. D., Newton. Buoks Co;, Pa. John I. Roper, Ksq.. Norfolk, Va.1 Dr. J. H. White, 417 Fourth Ave., New York: Dr. O. A. Dean, Charlotte, N. Y. ; Hon. 0. K. Parsons, pre, ent Mayor of Rochester, N. Y. Ask your druggist. Send for pamphlet, and addr.M "Or. S'HAIG. 42 .INITEKwI't'y Pl.At K, NKW YORK. 4k? 'r Beauty of I'nlinh, Snvinir Labor. nipan. iincaa, Ouinliiliry .V fhcnpui'MK, IJncqnnled. IHHtSE BROS., rms'w, Caplon, ftlaI N Y Nru 44 rt IT'S A U1MUKACE lor any woman to wear stock ing with boles in them wueu abeoan darn them aa rapidly aa she oan sew np a seam on her sewing machine. The darner oan be ordered of any maohine Agent, oosts only 9 1 . Address R. M. ROSB, Room I. Run Building. New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MSTHRYoFTUEUnmn ItoontainMt7iJ tine historinnl RTipravinRS aod 1 N(0 UrRA double-oolumn pages, and ia tbe mst ootup Ale llmrory of the World evur puiMinhed. It uells at uinht. bend for s,joiiuen pae und e-t-n term-i to Aeenta. a uti real, AAliUHAL rUnli nniNIi Ct Pniladelphia, Pa. m m bid! fnfSS'A0.?-".1 Pt"1 ohanga t blood In th K?.i.piU "'K A111 1 to 12 weeks may k. re stored to eonnd health, if such a thing be poaalb'e ,SoH mniihm or MM by Kailor tight Utttr ttamp, " , 7 I. 8. JOHNSON A CO., nangor, aiaine. BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, Daily and Weekly, Quarto, BOSTOXsMASS, i-V. LfTt' Ph",??lJn,d B""' family Rnrspasar to?,T.,,n"la,"'i Edited with apeoial refereno to the varied taate and requirement of th home eirol. All th foreign and local newa published promptly. rujTrenaoript. 8 IO per annum in advance. ft copies to one addreaa,) S7.SO par annum in advanoe, , BEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. J.ESTEY&CO.. BRATTLEBORO, VT. ISiendJ'or Illustrated Catalogue. Aaiabiished lbuu. " i - a E Gargling Oil Liniment "ellow Wrapper for Animal and White for Human Flesh, is good roa fh'Knt Chapped Hands. Foundered Km, ric vvounas, External Poison. Sand rnri. ' Roup in Poultry, Cracked Heels, Epixootic, lame Back, Hemorrhoid or Piles. Toothache, Rheumatism, Spavins, Sweeney, l-istula. Mange, Caked Breasts, Sore Nipples, Curb, Old Sores, Galls of all kinds. o"n S'.:1lu,elone, Swellinn, Tumor. GarBTCt in Cnwa CracVed Teats. Callou., Lame'neai, Crown scab. Quitter. Swelled Leo-a. ' ," TI.....L ' Weaknesa of the Joint a wau, Merchant'. Oarelln. Liniment of tK Oil United Statu is the standard family 'tS'J?' J Sm.U i I..; medium, 50c; small. .. -vaiica LmU-jt size, dum hodoe. geer.