lie Jwwafc. Henry A. Parsoin, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, SEPT. C, 1878. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR OOVURXOH, GEN. HENRY M. 110 YT, OF MJZlittNU. VOH timiTEXANT-OOVEHXdli, GEN. CHARLES W. STONE, OF WARREN. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGE, JAMES P. STEKIIETT, OF ATitiRCtHENY. FOR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AF FAIRS, COL. A. K. DUNKEL, OF PHILADELPHIA. Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 20, ls8. To (he Members of the Republican Co. Committee: You arc hereby noti fied that n meeting of the sabl com mittee will be hold at the office of the Cflairtunn, iu Itidgwny, on Saturday, tlie 7th day of September, nt 2:30 o'clock, P. M. The presence of every member of the committee is desired. Should any member be unable to at tend, ideaso inform the Chairman by letter, and if there is any reason ex isting why any member of this com mittee should wish to sever his con nection as a member thereof, let him tender his resignation, that his posi tion may bo filled by some active Re publican. J. O. W. IlAILKY, Chairman. Democratic Comity Convention. At noon on Tuesday, Sejt. 3d, 187S, this convention met. A temporary organization was ef fected by the election of W. C Heuly, chairman, nnd E. J. Miller and G. C. Brandon, secretaries. The credentials of delegates were then received, which, for want of space, we are compelled to omit. On motion, temporary organization was made permaneiit. An adjournment was then ordered Until half-past ono o'clock. At half-post onethe convention again met, and placed the following gentle men in nomination : Congressional Conferees Charles Luhr, Andrew Kaul ami John 1?. Kime. StatoSenate John G.IIall was made the choice of the convention, with power to appoint his own conferees. Assembly C. II. Eailey, of Ilidg way. County Treasurer Michael Brun nor of St. Mary's. Prothonotary Fred. Schooling, of Kidgway. County Commissioners George. Rcischer, of Benzinger township, and Michael Weidert, of Jones. County Auditors Michael Mohan, of Fox, and Jared Mecum, of St. Mary's. Doctor II. Ptraeesley, of Fox town ship, was chosen Chairman of Comity Committee. After naming county committee the convention adjourned. Jury List. SEPTEMT.KJt TERM, 1878. CKA.'l) JUBOitS, John Tuttle r.ene.uttc Tup. Joseph Kroiiiiewettor Honziiipcr " Ueoi'gihKutder " Joseph Corbe John Creljr, Jr " Juincs C. Wliui tou Fox " (iooiga W. Talor " Adam Kemmerer, Jr ' " Joseph Chamberlain Horton ' Natha Ilipplo " " John Brown " OilvinDodi?e Jay Michael Miller Ferdinand Wonk Jones " A. A. Clay " John M'Crndy Ritlgway " John P. Curtis " James Pcntield " " AIvb Mitleuorn " " James Bowen fiprini; C k " John Dolliiiger tn, Mary's lior. Jerry Puulus " " John Groll " James Cotter " " TSA VERSE JUI10K.S. Owen BiBlin JSciio.etteTwp. W. T. Wninwright II. C. Rot li rock Nicholas KronnewettcT lienziiier ' William Uroas " " JohnNlssell Louis Hanhauser., " Joseph Hanes Charles Hitter Charles Schneider " ' Joslutn .Sykos " Aodrow Kaul " Michael Schubert " Michuel fechouberl " Uoorgo Gregory Charles A. Brown Fox Franklin Showers " Mnthias Spooler, Jr Andrew Suriver ,... " Uriah W. Rogers " " Henry Lnrgey " James A. Mohan f Franklin Hewitt , ' " Daniel Corbe " N. F. Apkcr , " Jacob Moycr " " Levi Elllthorpo Highland. " Milton Price Horton J. C. McAllister J. W. Brown Jay Michuel DIM, Jr Jones Joseph Tarnbini " William Painter .Milltouu " G. D. Donahue " Charles Mathews Kiik'wiiy " D. D.Cook J. B. IUcc.. ... I.',,,,. i. Frank MoGlohi E. IC.Grcsh .. E. C. Barrett .. D. It. Kline B. P. Mercer J. F. Dill Charles Mead ' Henry Fochuuan St. Mary's Uor- L.W. Glftbrd " JohnGerber ' Amhoa Josbcrgcr John Forslciv . Fred. Ki'jiote SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facia, and testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I. I). C. OYSTER, High Sheriff of said comity, do here by give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court House, iu Ridgway, at ono o'clock p. M., on MONDAY, SEPT. MTH, 1878. AIiL the interest of defendant In ond to the following leal estate, being in the township of Bonezette, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns "follows, to-wit: Bounded on the North, South and West by land of the Winslow es tate, (and same being at onetime a oortion of said estate) and east by lands of George Winslow, containing one hundred acres, mora or less, about eighty acres of same being cleared nnd under improvement, on which there is a large orchard, a frame born about 4u by Cd feet, and frame house 10 by 121 feet, two stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm. K. Winslow, and to be sold at the suit of George H. Wins low, now for use of Levi 1 licks. ALSO All the interest of the de fendants in all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Fox town ship, Elk county, I'a., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at Sullivan's north-east corner; thence north eighty (80) rods to a post ; thence west ono hundred rods to u post; thence south eighty (HO) rods to a post ; thenen east, one hundred (lf0) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (5l) acres more or less, being some land conveyed by Joseph Wilbelui to Mary McCready. On above property there is about ten acre under improve ment, a log bouse x"0 feet, one and a half stories high, and a stable about Pi xbi feci. Seized and taken m execution as the property of Patrick McCready und Mary McCready at the suit of Churles Luhr. ALSO All that certain messuage or tenement and tract of laud situated iu Boncctte nnd part in Jay townships, iu the county of Elk nnd State afore said, and described ns follows: Be ginning at a post on the eastern line of tract "2Hii, and on the right bank of the creek; thence south seventy-three degrees west fiflv-oiic rods ; "thence south forty-three decrees west thirty nine and three-tenths rods; thence south fifty-two degrees west forty three and I'our-teatlii rods to a po.-f on the light bank of the creek, and south line of trai-t: thence west along the creek near tlie right bunk, lil'ty-two roils to a post ; thence north seventy nine and a lulf degrees west twenty seven and live-tenths rods- thence north fifty-seven anil a half decrees west four ami three-tenths rods ; thence along right bank of creek north thirty six and a quarter d: grees west nine teen and live-tenths rods to a post: thence north twenty-two and a half degrees east forty-nine rods to a white pine stump on 'the south side of the creek road ; thence along the creek road south sixty-seven and a half de grees east three and six-teutlis rods; thence south sixty-three nnd a half degrees cast, sixteen and three-tenths nuts; thence south seventy-live and a quarter degrees east twenty and seven tenths rods; thence north eighty-six degrees east twenty-six ami" seven tenths rods; thence north fifty-nine deques east. twenty rods; thence north lifty-lhree mi l a half degrees ia.-t 28 rods to a point on rend, and right hnnk of Kdttcmtilk run ; thence north thirteen degrees east sixteen and live tent h.s rods: thence north six rods; thence north twenty-two and a half degrees west sis rod; thence noilh nineteen and a half degrees west seventy-four rods; thence north twelve anil three-fourths degrees west live rods to a post on t lie right bunk of Buttermilk run; thence" eat fifty throe and live-tenths rods to a post on the eastern line of tract ; thence south on said eastern line of tract forty and eight-tenths rod to the place of beL'inning, and containing fifty-four acres. Sei.ed and taken iu execution as the property of M. M. Chase estate, and to lie sold at the suit of L. Z. Lin demuth, now for use of David Witt mer. ALSO All that certain messuage, piece or parcel of land situate, lying und being in the village of Ridirwny, in the county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of East and Centre streets Iu iaid village, then southerly along the west side of East street, one hun dred and sixty feet to an alley, thence westerly along the northern lino of said alley, sixty feet to a post the southeast corner of lot No. 115; thence northerly along the line of said lot No. Ho one hundred and sixty feet to a post on the south line of' Centre street, the northeast corner of said lot No. 115, thence easterly along the south side of Centre street, sixty feet to the place of beginning, containing nine thousand six hundred square feet of land more or less, being lot No. 115 according to John J. ltidgway's plan of lou iu tlie village of Bidgway. On which premises there is erected a Gothic frame house 1J story high, lfx ;'-', wfth wing on each side 12x15, and shed in the rear lUx-0. Barn oOxSG ; well of water and a few fruit trees. Seized and taken in exeucution ns the property of Kannie Frances Olni stead and S. A. Olmstead at the suit of Carrie D. Willis. ALSO All that certain piece, par cel or tract of land situate, lying and being in tlie village of itidgwny, in the county of Eik und SUite of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at tlie southwest corner of Miner Wilcox's lot, thence north sixty-live degrees ten minutes west along the MiWourg and bmethport turnpike, sixty-live feet to corner of land deeded to G. T. Wheeler and others trustees, thence north twenty-five degrees east one hundred and Hxly-eight feet, more or less, to Sheridan street, thence south sixty-nine dej.rees thirty minutes east sixty-live feet, more or less, to Miner Wilcox's lot ; thence south twenty-live degrees west along said Wilcox's west line one bundled and sixty-eight feet, more or les, to tlie plaeeot beginning, being the. sumo lot conveyed by the .-aid Carrie l. Willis, sole acting ad ministratrix to said Salver Jackson, &e. On which premises there is erect ed one frame blacksmith and wugou shop, twe stories high, 02x52 feet, with wing -JW-ii feet. Bei;;id and taken in execution as the property of Salyer Jackson, S. A. Olmstead and W. S. Service, and to be fc-old at tlie suit of Carrie D. Wilis, ad-Uiirii.-l ratlin, !cc. ALSO All that cettaiu piece or parcel of laud situate in Benzi.iger township, Eik county, Pa., bounded and described, us follows: Commen cing at a pof-t on Ptuilus road, said post being the southwest coiner of Joseph Kci tiers' land ; thence cast along the south line of .iid Kerncr's land two hundred and sixty-six and one third rods toa post ; thence souththirty-nlne rods to a ost ; thence west nlong tlio north line of B. Weidenboerncr's land two hundred and nlxty-six and one third perches to Pontus road; thence north along said road thirty-nine rods to the place of beginning, 'containing sixty-live ocres, more or less, re serving nnd excepting, however, fif teen acres, bounded and described tw follows: Beginning at npostonPnu his road, thence enst two hundred and sixty six and two-thirds perches; thence north nine perches; thence two hundred and sixty-six and two third perches; thence south, fol lowing the lino of snid road nine perches to tiie place of begin ning, containing fifteen acres. The same having been sold at ft previous sale by tho plaint! fF's in this writ. On above property there is about twenty-two acres under improvement, about fifty fruit trees growing thereon, and a frame barn 28x lt) feet. Seined and taken In execution as the property of the Michael Heind! estate, nt the 'suit of the Wilcox Tanning Company. ALSO All those two certain town lots situate In the village of Centre villc, Elk county, Pennsylvania, and known and being lots number one and two (No. 4 and 2) agreeably to a plot or plan of said village, on "file in the Recorder's oflloc of snid county of Elk, lying on the north side of tlie MiJosb'urg and Smethport Turnpike, containing eighty perches be the same more or less, being the same two lots which Bobert Wilbur aud wife, by deed dated 2d October, 1871, recorded in deed book "O " page 3S1, tt'C, con veyed to Franklin Showers, on which there is erected a frome house 10x24 feet ono nnd one-hnlf stories high with kitchen and coal shed attached; a blacksmith and wagon shop 20x08 feet two stories high, a stable 1Gx24 feet. Also lumber shed about 20x50 feet. One dozen apple trees and well of water on premises. Seized and taken In execution ns the property of Franklin Showers at tlie suit of Boyer & Fuesa. TERMS OF SALE. The following must le strictly com plied with when the property is struck olT: 1. All the bids must he irnid in full except where the plaintiff" or other lien creditors becomes the purchaser, In which case the costs on the writs must be paid, ns well as nil liens prior to that of tlie purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of tlie proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately wiil be continued until six o'clock P. Id., at which time all properly not set tled for will again be put up and sold at the expense f;iid risk of the person to whom it was first struck oil, and who, in case of deficiency at such re sale, .'.hall make good tho same, and in no instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless tlie bid is ac tually settled for with tlie Sheriff as above staled. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff". SherifT's oilice, Bidgway, Pa. 1 Aug. 10th, Ui7. i See Pardon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page 4-lti; Smith's Forma, Wi. Elk County Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet mere President Judge for the Tliirty stveiity Judicial District of Pennsyl vania and J ulias Jonesand (ieorge Ed. Weis, Esp-. Associate Justices in Elk county, have issued their precepts to me directed for the time of holding of Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter sefsions and Oyer and Terminer, at Ridgway, for the county of Elk, on-the Till III) MONDAY 121 SEPT., 1S78. being the ltth day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner; Justices of the Peace nnd Con stables in and for the county of Eik, to appear iu their own proper persons, with their l coords, inquisitions, and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their be half appcitain to be done, and ail wit- nessses anil otnor persons prosecuting in behalf of tlie Commonwealth against any person or persons are- re quested to be then ond there attend ing, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agreeable to notice. Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriif's off lee, in Bidgway, the utii day of August, iu the year of our ijonl one thousand eight liuuilreu and seventy-eight. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Trial List. 1. Trimble, Britten & Wainwright vs. Miles Dent. No. 31, September Term, '76. 2. Jordan S. Neel vs. Oliver Med- dock et al. No. C3, November Term, '70. 3. Irene Van Hanren vs. Joshua Sykes. No. 78, September Term, '77. 4. Clenrfleld County Bank vs. C. B. Earley. No. 1, November Term, '77. 5. William Blew vs. Daniel Scull. No. 34, November Term, '77. 6. L. F. Powers vs. Daniel Crabtree. No. 57, November Term, 77. 7. A. J. Thompson vs. Alfred Short. No. 9, January Term, 78. H. Edith Clark et nl.- va. John G. Hall, Adiu'r, &e. No. 56, January Term, 78. !. J. Weschler vs. Wm. Gies. No 101, May Term, '78. FRED. SHtENING, Pro. Executors' Notice, ESTATE of Adam Kemmerer, of Fox township, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the said estate, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make nnvment. and those having claims to present them lor settlement without delay. n27l6. John B. Ccxeo, Adiu'r. Executors' Notice. ESTATE of Geo. Weis. lato of St. Mary's Borough, Elk county Pa., de ceased. LETTERS TICS I'A M EN TAR Y haviug1,een granted to the un dersigned upon the smd estate, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present them lor set tlement without delay. Juliana Weis, George Ed. Weis, S-Ex'rs. Michael Bruiiner, J n2tt6. Shipping tags wilh or without strings, printed or blank, for sale nt this office. No Hard Times Here. Employment fob Ladies and Gen- TLKMEN AT 1 tOJVTE. Our atlontioa was recently nUraotod by n advertisement in another paper to the " American Housekeepers' " Scnlo and the extremely low prioe induced us to Bond for one to use in our kitchen. We find the soale the most convenient and vnluablo housohold article we have I It is worth five times its oost, in testing grocers' packages, putting; up presnrves, making cake, etc W. II. Thompson & Co., No. 25 Washington street, Boston, Mass., are the manufacturers, and they have the most complimentary Testimonials of the Scale possible to be written. They have as yet no General Agent for this Counly ; anil as tho Scales are sold exclusively by canvass ers to families, we cheerfully recommend the article for the benefit of our numerous lady readers, and parties wanting honor able employment. We would say that the "Church Journnl," N. Y., "Christinn Union," N. Y., Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper," New York, " Church Union," N. Y.,Boston "Traveler" 'Herald" and "Post," nnd hundreds of other papers, u'.lnpeak in the highest praise of the Scale, iis low price, and convenience to housekeepers. Weighs up to 24 pounds, and costs $1.50 propaiJ--or about one-half that of any oilier Platform Scale in the United Slates. Where is tho man who wants the exclu sive control of our County, and theroby se cure a very profitable business ? THE "AMERICAN ' HOUSEKEEPERS' SCALE," PatentcJ May loth, 1877. JEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRTBNFR WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has tarted a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Rnpgiea to let upon , the most reasonable terms. fr-ajf-I-Ie will ulrio do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders lilt at the Post Oflico will receive prompt attention. Aug201.S71tf I'nc fir. Yan Dyke'3 Snlplitir Soap. TilO I.EAD1SO KXTKK3CAI. SlTCIFIC for 1IS v t ..... -.f il I V 1 1 1 Loniittti.... .. Ik... CO.MI'LKXION; lor llieltath. Toilet nnd Xur Mv v; Ik recommended liy I'hysleiiinH. HOLD ly liHlTlililrtXS. 1 rico i" ( Vrits; box, 3 i-iikts, W ferns. K. S. WI-'HSTKU, lmp., July U,'7,'lm QMS. l-'iuh Si,, l'iiilu. A Card. We desire to wiy to our numerous friends and patron.-; that owini.; to the impossibility of collecliuji outstanding accounts, we find ourselves unable longer to do a time trade, and there fore from this day forward will sell only for cash or ready pay. We will endeavor to keep our stock full and complete iu every department, and will tsell at the very bottom of the market. We v.'Ul vol be undersold. We trust our friends will at once see that thirf change in our manner of deal ing will be to the mutual advantage of both buyer aud Keller. At least, by greatly reduced prices, our customers cannot fail to reap large benefits from the change. Powell & Kime. ltuxiWAY, Aug. 22, 1878. 2w Executor's Xolicc. ESTATE of Valentine Neubert, late of Ueuzinger township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTA MENTARY having been granted to tlie undersigned upon the said estate, all persons iudclted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement without delay. Cath.vhine Neubkrt, n27t0. Executrix. VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It conttiins nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chromo Plates of Flowers, beautifully drawn nnd colored from nature. Pnco 60 cenU iu paper covers; in elegant cloth. Printed in Gorman and English. Yick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 32 pages, fino illustrations, and Colored Plates in every number. Vick's Catalogue 31)0 illustrations, only 25 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, ltochester, N. Y. Billheads, letterheads, uoteheads, tags, cards and envelopes neatly and cheaply printed at this ollice. Executors' Notice ESTATE of Michael Oppelt, late of Benzinger township, Elk county, Pa. deceased. LETTERS TEST AMEN TAHY having been granted to the tin designed upon the said estate, all per sous imieuicu to said estate are re- quested to make payment, and thosi having claims to preseut them for. set tlement without delay. Kuuegunda Oppelt, v , Charles Luhr, n2U6. .'rs. Pkepakeo Cocoaxut in Tight, Tin Package, at the VEST END. Fumy note pjf-er and envelopes in boxes at this ofie. V i The advocate, RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. TERMS : $2.00 A YEAR $1.50 IN ADVANCE. Job P RINTING. BILL-HEADS, STATEMENTS, NOTE-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS. BALL PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1P55. THE OLDEST LARGEST, MOST EN TEUrMSINO, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a Is 64-Column Weekly Taper. Acknowledged authority on nil agricultural topiosand leaJs tho van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has tho largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editoral Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878, FATABLB IN ADVANCE. Single subscriptions (62 issues) $2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1,60 Making it tho cheapest first-class weekly. in the country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. SrsciMKN CoriF.s Sbst Fbeb. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 518 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. CHEAPEST AUD BEST I THE HARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renowing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT Will be sent at the following rates i 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid. ..m $7 00 2 copies (in olub,) " " .... 12 00 5 ' " " " .... 27 00 10 " " ' .... 60 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid $2 00 4 copies, " " .... 6 00 10 " " " 10 00 15 ' " and one copy to ectter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, ana a copy to gcttcr-up of club. . 22 50 All orders must be acconinanicd by tho cash, eit her by check or post ollice order. $0.00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one copy of the Weekly Patriot lor ono year, one copy of the American Acriculturiet (the loading agricultural journal in the United States) for one year, Dotn postage putu, ana in aauition a Micro scope, such ns has hcrcloforc been sold for $2.60. THE PATRIOT COOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and Binding fur three years, we arc prepared to print and bind liooks, Magazines, l'am phlels, Directories, etc., in best style and at lowest prices. ULAXK IJ00KS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Kegifilers a specialty. Old books rebound Especially low rales for rebiudinc Sunday t chool Libaric-s. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Weekly Herald. ONE BOLLAE A YEAS. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the past year. It contains all the leading news contained in the Dailv Herald, and is arranged in handy departments. Tho r'UKJSlUN KliWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with un biassed, faitbful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of are given the Telcgrnphic Dispatches of the week iroin all parts of tho union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in the world, as it is the cheapest. bvery week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches lrom Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli ticians on the iiuestions of tho hour. - THE FARM DEPARTMENT of tho Weekly Heiialo gives tho latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &c, &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings aud farming utensils iu repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department, wuiciy copiea, uuuer tlio head ot THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints for making clothing and for keeping up witn tne utest lasiuons at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Homo Department of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of tho paper, UNJ!j HULL AH- A YEAR. There is a pace devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, .Vlc'chandizo, i&c, c. A valuable feature is found in tlie specially reported prices anu conditions or THE PRODUCE MARKET. Whilo all tbo news from the last fire to the Discovery of Stanley are to be found in tbo Weekly Herald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEW 8 at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There is no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week as tlie Weekly Herald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may Buhsoribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a woekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publiihing this prospectus with, out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Croadwoy & Ann St-, New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. I). VAX DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long stkoiality, oud world wido reputation for uiuviNu isiiiJN majSAaiiS, has endeav ored for yeers to comuikb an extkbnal tulatment. He has accomDlished this da sirable hksi'lt in the preparation of his compound "SULPHUR SOAP," the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is liigmy recommeuued to all our readers. Price 25 Cents a Cake ; ajBox (three Cakes) CO Cents. Sunt by Mail, (pre-paid) on RECEIPT OF PRICB. (MIlCO, UO N. 5th St- Wholesalb Dupot, 400 N. 3d St. Philadel piua, r. oom ny DKUUU1ST. n21yloow. ACUAl'CETO MAES SOUS MONEY,.: SUBS, 't'ornoirs History of Pennsylvania." Nnw ready. Wiile for Axency at once. JOHN ..... V! L UUUQUUla, iuU iSiiUbUlU QblWl'! 1 III LilUUl I'lillt. u7inJii"i''l. l!i."t Eousttid Cuflue at 2V. 1 at the (iood ditto 22c 1 Wks-.tEn T HE SOCIETY STORE. A nnw nfrtrfi utflrtpri In 1! iflirwiw nn dor the nufplccs of the ladies "of Uraco Church, with MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A flue nsKortmont of goods on linndl nnd fidected with gront enro. EMBROIDERIES. LACE EDGE. FRINGES HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES, , TOILET SETS, L1MEN SUITS. CIIILDRENS SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine Bilk, thread and needles. Alsoarlnelot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes etc.. Ac. All cheap ns the cheapest ana goods warranted first class. Call nnd examine our stock. MIS8 A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. . ON and after WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia ft Erio RfUrond willrunas follows t WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 1 1 55 p m it " Benovo 11 00 a m Emporium 1 00 p m St. Mary's 1 46 p m Ridgway 2 16 p m Kane ....3 30 p m " arrive at Erie... 7 35 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m Kane 3 60 p m ' " Ridgway 4 49pm " " St. Mary's 5 17 p m Emporium 6 10pm Renovo 8.35 p m " " arr. at Philadcphin... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express coa nect east with Low Gmdo Division and D. N. Y! & P. B. R. WM. A BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't. ASK YOUR URUCEIl FOB Silver Leaf proifsn. FOR STOVES, UAM2ES, Etc. Always READY for Use ! MIXING DUST, NO 188881. Circulars Frco. W. H. STKWART. til Courtland St., Now York. Sr. Sarsasr's Cures all form of Caturrh. Curc-a ilein'tiess. Br.Eanaer'i CATARRH My Restores the seuse of Smell and Taste. WANTED. To euro a ccm of CATARRH In oach noljihlxiT-lioo.!, with Dr. Karskeb' Kb-medy, vo lutrtKluco It. txwiiwo trco. J. C. TILTON, HttsburHh, Pa.- k&naer'i CATARRH My Remove) PolYf-ilB. Ir.far's CATARRH Strengthens tho jJraill. Mil KBStTi Cures in a ySioi t Time I sulhorino nil dealer fi-lllnir Dr. Knixp.a'l Catarrh Kkmrdt, to i-nlcr Into a potttive iwree- nioni wnu warn pun miihit, m inu umoino purchue 1m made, to refund tlio monuy pM. AhouM It fall tf render uulsfaviiun. A.k your Omgaitt for U. Fire Dollars Reward. The above reward will be paid for llforiuutiim lundinsr to tho rwoverv of rive head of cattle, two red yearling steers, two three-year-old red steers and one heifer, red and white. Tho Above described projiorly lias been lost .ibout live weeks. John Foustkk. St. Mary's, l'a., July 81. 78. n2tt3. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. TRADE MAP."' I V ijU U1IUI.UUUU as an unfailing cure for Sem inal WoaUncss Spermatorrhea Impotency and 4 All (lisPflKOH Bofore Takine that follow as a After Taking. sequenco on ucu Anusc ; as x.oss 01 Memory. Universal Liassuuuo, rain in ina IiacU, Dimness of Vision, Premature old Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity, Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as n rule are first caused by deviating from tho path of nature and over indulgence. The 8peci&o Medi cine is the result of a life study and many years of experience in treating those spec ial diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, vhicb we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specino Medicine is sold by all Drug- cists at 1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the; money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit Mien. t-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists, and by Druggists everywhere. Harris & Ewing, Wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. n29yl. AQESTTS WA1TTED. VLIIE Tli.lS IJT SEALED llVItlGES. Q E N TS WANT E D EVERY WHERE to sell Teas to lamilies. lu nn.l kiii'nrs,IIMlIilfr the lHl'iSeMtStOClC iii ti,n ...nuifrv i a.'liri irom (i uuli ties of all doscriinions, from tlio hlKlirtitlmported totho lowest irrnds. A lame discount, and a hand Homo luwmio to all who sell tor ns. Country storokeeuuni, dnuMlstH. w ho wish to Bell teas in elcl pound packages, peddlers, fact, nil who wish to obtain un honorable liv ing by selling tous should write us for a clrcu- '"' THE WELLS TFA COMPANY, P. O. Uox JVjo. ad Fulton St., New York. Groceries and all kinds of canned goods are selling at prices to suit the times, at Hagerty's. Job Printing. CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE. Use Dr. Yau Dyfco's Sulphur Soap. Makes tho skin beautiful, white and healthy remove daiiuruir, cmitiiiK.prifkly huut.Koru eruptions, liui-niug, stiiifinar and itching of the xkiii aud tsculo. A su-pl ur hath with ft i lut'lilv recommended. Alwwy iuk lor it hy lis lu'l nunic. -iSssirMir MM. V