wk Jvtlmovtc, Henry A. TnrsonH, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, AUO. 22, 1878. KErUBLICAJf STATE TICKET. FOtt GOVKRNOR, GEN. HENRY SI. 1IOYT, OF LUZERNE. FOB MEtTTENANT-CIOVrcttXOH, .GEN. CHARLES W. BTONE, OF WARREN. FOR SUPREME COURT JUPflK," JAMES P. STERRETT, OF ALLEGHENY. FOR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AF FAIRS, COL. A. K. DUNKEL, OF PHILADELPHIA. Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 20, 1878. To the Members of the Republican Co. Committee: You ore hereby noti fied that a meeting of the said com mittee will be hold at the office of the Chairman, In Ridgway, on Siittirduy, the 7th day of September, at 2:30 o clock, P. SL The presence of every member of the committee la desired. Should any member be unable to at tend, please Inform the Chairman by letter, and if there is any reason ex isting why any member of this com mittee should wish to sever his con nection as a member thereof, let him lender his resignation, that his posi tion may be filled by sonic active Re publican. J. o. W. Bailey, Chairman. We learn from the Gazette, the of ficial Democratic. organ of Elk county, that the Democrats will hold their pri mary meeting for the election of dele gates on Saturday, Aug. 31st, 1878, to meet in convention at the court house in Ridgway on Tuesday, September 8d. . The Gazette says "that blustering blow-gun the Advocate published by Walter Shupe of New York, and said to be In the interest of the Greenback party went into bankruptcy on Satur day last," Wrong dog by the tail Brandon, put on your specs. Shupe, not the Advocate, went into bank ruptcy. The September Number of " Peterson's Magazine " is on our ta ble, ahead of all others as usual. In addition to a beautiful steel engraving " Crossing the Brook," and a superb, double-size, colored, steel fashion plate, there are four colored patterns, two for applique and two for tidies in darned net. Though this is a magazine of frshion and art primarily, it is also cue of literature; and no lady's book nt all approaches it in its powerful stories and novelets. In the present number, wo have, among other arti cles, ,'The Mystery of Slonk's Hol low," by a new contributor, one of (lie most powerful stories we have read for years. In addition "Peterson" boasts such contributors as Sirs. Ann S. Stephens. Frank Lee Benedict, Sirs. R. Harding Davis, Slarietto Holley, the author of Josiah Allen's Wife," etc., etc. Then there is a Supplement, with full-size diagram, containing a pattern for a child's dress, which is alone worth the price of the number. The terms of this, the cheapest and best of the lady's books, are but two dollars a year, with very great reduc tions to clubs. Certainly every family ought to take " Peterson." Specimens sent gratis to those wishing to get up clubs. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE is hereby given that a pe tition of citizens of Ridgway Township will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk county for the incorporation of a Borough of the town of Ridgway. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Valentine Neubert, late ui xjunzinger lownsnip, h;ik county, Pa., deceased. T.V.TTK'.ijsi tvkta. MENTARY having been granted to mo uimersigneu upon tne eiua estate, all persons indelted to the said estate are requested to make payment, uu 1 1 nwe jniving claims to present them for settlement without delay. Catharine Neubert, n27t6. Executrix. Executors' Notice, ESTATE of Adam Kemnierer, of Fox township, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the said estate, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having- claims to present them for settlement without delay. n27t6. John B. Cuneo, Adin'r. Trial List. 1. Trimble, Britton & Wainwright vs. Sliles Dent. No. 31, September Term, '76. 2. Jordan S. Neel vs. Oliver Med dock et aL No. 63, November Term, 76. 8. Irene Van Haaren vs. Joshua Sykes. No. 78, September Term, '77. 4. Clearfield County Bank vs. C. R. Earley. No. 1, November Term, '77. 5. William Blew vs. Daniel Scull. No. 34;, November Term, '77. 6. L. F. Powers vs. Daniel Crubtree. No. 67, November Term, 77. 7. A. J. Thompson vs. Alfred Short. No. 9, January Term, 78. 8. Edith Clark et al. vs. John G. Hall, Adin'r, &o. No. 50, January Term, 78. 0. J. Weschler vs. Win. Gies.' No. W, May Term, "7S. FRET). SHfENTNG, Pro SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri ('aulas, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to. me directed, I, D. C. OYSTER, High Blierill'of said comity, do here by give notice that I will expose to puunc sale or outcry at tne unurt House, in Ridgway, al one o'clock I. M., on SrONDAY, SEPT. 1GTII, 1878. ALL the interest of defendant in and to the following real estate, being in tbo township of Benezetto, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to-wit: Bounded tm the North. South and West by land of the Winslow es tate, (and same being at one time a portion of said estate) and east by lands of George Winslow, containing one hundred acres, more or less, about olglityaero8 of same being cleared and under improvement, on wiiiciitnere is a large orchard, a frame barn about 40 by 00 feet, and frame house 16 by 21 feet, two stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm. K. Winslow, and to bo sold at the suit of George H. Wins low, now for use of Levi Hicks. ALSO All the interest of the de fendants in all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Fox town ship, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at Sullivan's north-east corner; thence north eighty (80) rods to a post; thence west one hundred rods to a post; thence south eighty (80 ) rods to a post; thence east one hundred (100) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (50) acres more or less, being some land conveyed by Joseph Wilhelm to Slary SlcCready. On above property there is about ten acres under improve ment, a log house 20x30 feet, one and a half stories high, and a stable about 16 xlG feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Patrick SlcCready and Slary SlcCready at the suit of Charles Luhr. ALSO All that certain messuage or tenement and tract of land situated in Benezette and part in Jay townships, in the county of Elk and State afore said, and described as follows: Be uinning at. a post on the eastern line of tract 6280, and on the right bank of the creek; tnenoe soutu seventy-three degrees west fifty-ono rods ; thence south forty-three degrees west thirty niuo and three-tenths rods; thence south fifty-two degrees west forty three and i'our-teuths rods to a post on the right bank of the creek, and south line of tract: thence west along the creek near the right bank, fifty-two rods to a post ; thence north seventy nine and a half degrees west twenty seven and five-tenths rods; thence north fifty-seven and a half degrees west fourand three-tenths rods ; thence along right bank of creek north thirty six and a quarter degrees west nine teen and five-tenths rods to a post; thence north twenty-two and a halt' degrees east forty-nine rods to a white pine stump on the south side of the creek road ; thence along the creek road south sixty-seven and a half de grees east three and six-tenths rods; thence south sixty-three and a half degrees east sixteen and three tenths rods; thence south seventy-five and a quarter degrees east twenty and seven tcnths rods ; thence north eighty-six degrees east twenty-six and seven teiitlis rods; thence north fifty-nine degrees east twenty rods; thence' north fifty-three and a half degrees east 28 rods to a point on road, and right bank of Buttermilk run ; thence north thirteen degrees east sixteen and five tenths rods; thence north six rods; thence north twenty-two and a half degrees west six rods; thence north nineteen and a half degrees west seventy-four rods; thence north twelve and three-fourths degrees west five rods to a post on the right bank of Buttermilk run; thence east ii fly three and five-tenths rods to a post on the eastern line of tract ; thence south on said eastern lino of tract forty and eight-tenths rods to the place of beginning, and containing fifty-four acres. Seized and taken in execution as the property of SI. SI. Chase estate, and to be sold at the suit of L. Z. Lin demuth, now for use of David Witt mer. ALSO All that certain messuage, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the village of Ridgway, in the comity of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of East and Centre streets In said village, then southerly along the west side of East street, one hun dred and sixty feet to an alley, thence westerly along the northern line of said alley, sixty feet to a post the southeast corner of lot No. 113; thence northerly along the line of said lot No. 115 one hundred and sixty feet to a post on the south line of Centre street, the northeast corner of said lot No. 115, thence easterly along the south side of Centre street, sixty feet to the place of beginning, containing nine thousand six hundred square feet of land more or less, being lot No. 113 according to John J. Ridgway's plan of lots in the village of Ridgway. Seized and taken in exeueution as the nronertv of Fannie Frances Olm- stead and S. A. Olmstead at the suit of Carrie D. Willis. ALSO All that certain piece, par cel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the village of Ridgway, in the county of Elk and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Miner Wilcox's lot, thence north sixty-five degrees ten minutes west along the Slilesburg and Smethport turnpike, sixty-live feet to corner of land deeded to G. T. Wheeler and others, trustees, thence north twenty-five 'degrees east one hundred and sixty-eight feet, more or less, to Sheridan street, thence south sixty-nine degrees thirty minutes east sixty-five feet, more or less, to Sliner Wilcox's lot ; thence south twenty-five degrees west along said Wilcox's west line one hundred and sixty-eight feet, more or less, to the place or beginning, being the same lot conveyed by the said Carrie D. Willis, sole acting ad ministratrix to said Salyer Jackson. &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Salyer Jackson, S. A. Olmstead and W. S. Service, and to be sold at the suit of Carrie D. Wills, ad ministratrix, &o. ALSO 1st, All the right, title, in terest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant, into and out of a certain lot of land situate in warrant No. 6283 township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, further de scribed as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot No. 2, deeded by John G. Reading and Charles Bartles to James SI. Bateman June 24, 1872 ; thence north forty-six and one-half degrees east sixteen and six tenths perches to intersect the middle line of warrant No. 6283; thence east thirty-eight perches to a post; thence south twenty degrees west twelve perches to a white oak t thence south forty-two and three-fourths degrees west thirteen and four-tenths perches to n. tree; thence nearly along Ben nett's Branch eighty-seven and one half degrees west twelve and five tenths perches to o rock, and south sixty-five and one-fourth degrees west ten perches to southeast corner of No. 2 aforesaid; thence north fifty de grees west nineteen and eight-tenths perches to the beginning, containing four and one-tenth acres more or less, reserving to John G. Reading and Charles Bartles aforesaid, the grantors, the perpetual right to drive logs along Bennett's Branch without claim for damage. Upon which there is erected a store building 20x40 feet, with cellar underneath kitchen 16x20 feet, one ami one-half stories high j barn 28x30 feet. No. 2, also all right, title, interest, e,laim and demand of defendant into or out of another lot of land situate In warrant No. 6285, 'township of Jay, Elk county, Tenii., bounded as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at the south western corner of lot sold to Saml. Vasblnder; thence south twenty-five and one-half degrees Avest ninety feet to a post; thenco north sixty-four and one-half degrees west two hundred feet to a post on eat side of Spring Brook ; thence north twenty-seven and three-fourths degrees east one hundred and forty-ouo feet to corner of Vas binder's lot; thence south fifty de grees east two hundred feet to the be ginning. Reserving unto John G. Reading and Charles Bartles, the gran tors, all minerals and the right to go on and oft the land to vendue the same. Upon the above described property there is erected a two-8tory frame house 10x20 feet . said land im proved and under fence ; an orchard of 16 fruit-bearing trees. No. 3, also all the right, title, inter est, claim and demand of the defend ant to or out of another lot of land situate in the village of Benezette, Elk county, Penn., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lot No.ll on Front street, and beginning at a post 000 feet north twenty-three degrees west from a sand stone corner at the junction of said Front street Avitn tne roau lean ing to Harbison Wilson's ; thence along said street north twenty-three degrees west sixty leet to a corner post ; tneuce north sixty-seven degrees east one hundred and fifty teet to an aney thence along said alley soutn twenty- three decrees east sixty feet to a corner : thence south sixty-seven de grees west one hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing nine thousand superficial feet. Upon tho said premises there is erected a store house 18x36 feet, two stories high, with frame wing ot ix30 teet, cellar underneath, a shoe-shop 14x30 feet ; a barn 20x30 teet. i.u. , umu un nit iitfui, iim., iiiuvi- terest. claim and demand of defend ant of, into or out of another lot of land situate in warrant No. o2ba, jay township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a butternut tree in the mid dle line ot warrant oo, stanaing 3 perches from the west line of the war rant : thence east thirty-nine and one- tenth perches to a post in said middle line and m western sine or nignway ; thence parallel with and forty feet from line of land sold to B. E. Morev and James SI. Bateman, south forty six and one-half degrees west thirty- two and lour-teutiis perches to a post I.. 4-1.,. i;.,.. iu- -M-..A . in uic tmrciiriii imv; wi Ob. hlcllj o iuuu, thence north fifty degrees west sixteen perches ; thence north twenty-two de grees west thirteen perches to said middle line, a post in the eastern line and ot fct. Mary s roau ; tnence east one seven-tenths perches to the beginning, containing three and one-tenth acres. more or less. Upon said premises there is erected one small sued Darn, one two-story frame house lUxo leet No. 5. Also, all the riuht. title, in terest, claim and demand of defend ant ot, into or out ot tne touowing tract or parcel of land situate in Bene zette township, Elk county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post In the centre ot tne Highway, the northeast corner oi a two auu one eighth acre lot deeded by Erasmus Morev to Amelia Derr ; thence north sixty-one and one-quarter degrees west twenty-six perches to the northwest corner ot tne same ; tnence norm fortv-flvG decrees east seventeen pert-lies to a post in the east line of the Kitlaud lot; thence south fifty-nine degrees east twenty-three and five tenths perches to said highway ; thence south thirty-seven and one-half de decrees west fifteen .and five-tenths perches to the place of beginning, con taining two acres and seventy-two perches. Upon said premises there is erected one frame dwelling house 16x28 feet, barn 80x48 feet, with shed attached ltfxW) leet. No. 6. Also all the right, title, inter est, claim and demand of defendant of, into or out of one other piece or parcel of land situate in Benezette township, Elk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Being a part of a certain tract known as the lvitland lot. beginning at the north west corner of a niece or parcel of land conveyed to Amelia Derr by Erasmus Slorey, running'.along the north aide of said lands east one hundred and nineteen and two-tenths rods to a post on the line of the Potter survey, thence north forty -five degrees east seventeen rods to a post on the east line of the mtiana tract; thence uortil sixty eight and seven-tents rods to a post on the ridge road ; thence north Seventy- six degrees west nine and four-tenths rods ; thence north sixty-one degrees west twenty-six and two-tenths rods ; thence north seventy-two degrees west eighteen and two-tenths rods thence north sixty-three and one-half degrees west twenty-seven and one-tenth rods; thence north sixty degrees west nine rods to the intersection of a log road with the aforesaid ridge road ; thence along the said log road north seventy one and one-half degrees west twenty one rods; thence north sixty-five de grees west, sixteen and eight-tenths rods to a post, thence south six de grees west one hundred and thirty-one rods to the place of beginning, con taining eighty-two acres and one hun dred and thirty-two perches, be the same more or xess. No. 7. Also, all the right, title. Inter est, claim and demand of defendant into or out of another parcel of land situated, lying and being in the town of Benezette, Elk county, Pa., and known and described as lot number nineteen, on Second street, In the plot of Baid town as filed In the office for recording of deeds, in Ridgway, Elk county, ra., having sixty leet tront on said Second street, and one hundred and fifty feet deep to an alley, bounded on the southwest by Second street, on the southeast by lot number seventeen, on the northeast by the alley aforesaid, and on the northwest by lot number twenty-one, and containing uine thous and feet of land. Seized and taken in execution as the property of B. E. Slorey, and to be sold at the suit of Smedley Bros. ALSO All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Beuzinger township, Elk county, Pa., , bounded and described tw follows: Commen cing at a post on Paulus road, said po9t oeing me southwest corner ot Joseph Kerners' land thence east alone- thn south line of said Kerncr's land two hundred and sixty-six and one third rods toa post thence south thirty-nine rods to a post (thence west along the north line of B. Weidenboerner's land two hundred and sixty-six and one third perches to Pontus road ; thence north along said road thirty-nine rods to the place of beginning, containing sixty-five acres, more or less, re serving and excepting, however, fif. teen acres, bounded and described as follows i Beginning at a poston Pau lus road, thence east two hundred and sixty six and two-thirds perches; theuce north nine perches; thenco two uunoreci ana sixty-six and two third perches; thence south, fob lowing the line of said road nine perches to the place of begin ning, containing fifteen acres. The same having been sold at a previous sale by the plaintiff's in this writ. On above property there is about twenty-two acres under improvement, about fifty fruit treesgrowing thereon, and a frame barn 28x40 feet. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of the Slichael Heindl estate. tit the suit of the Wilcox Tanning vuuimii, TERSIS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck off: - - - 1. All the bids must he paid In full except where the plaintiff or other Hen creditors becomes the purchaser, in wiiicu case tne costs on tho writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of tho purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of Bens shall be furnished, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of tiie sale, or such portion tnereotas he shall appear to he entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M., at which time all nronertv not set tled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it van first struck off, and who, in case of deficiency at such re sale, shall mnke good the same, and in no instance will the aeea De presented for confirmation unless the bid is ac tually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. D. 0. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa. AUg. JUth, 1878. i See Pardon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page4o; ennui's Forms, N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform tho citizens of Ridgwav. and the public generally, that he has tarted a Livery Stable and will keep m good stock, good;carriages and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. JteS-He will also do job teaming. - Stable on Broad street,, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf Use Dr. Tan Dyke's Sulphur Soap, The Leading External Spkoific for Dis eases 'of the KKIN and beautlflcr of tho COMPLEXION; for the Bath, Toilet and Nur sery: Is recommended by 1'JiysiclunH. HOLD ny LiiiuuuiKiB, rra-ein emsi oox, 3 canes, 0U cent. Hi. . v e,iibi ii.it, fi-nn., July ll,'78,8m 50 N. Filth St., Phila Do Yon Want to Make some Money? If so. here Is a chance. Comnetent Aarents. Mule or Female, wanted to sell the Rotry Sieve. The most Convenient Article for DoincHtlc uko, for the purpose designed, over mvenieu. 11 ncoopB, ms, weignH, measures, nnd mixes. Also for straining Fruit, Washing Kiee. etc. Over luOO Agents are now engaged In selling them in the West. Territory is eugeiiy taken whenever offered, so apply early. For further particulars, address C. M. WHITE, tien. Agt. WestPenua. Pittsburg, Pa. nzinuini. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE Seventy .five paces 300 illuftrationg, with Descriptions of thouBinds of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English, Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 ctg. in paper oover ; in elegant cloth cover $1. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine of 82 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plate in every number. Price 91.25 year. Five copies $5 00. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a million people in America. Raa. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only VinVd Tllnaf nf a.) Mnnfhlv MnfrOKinA 32 pages, fine illustrations, ana Colored fiaie in eacn number, rrice, $i.zo vear : Five ennina SK.OO. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper eovoraj in elegant cloth Address, . JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE . GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages hundreds of ine illustrations, and aii Chromo PUtes of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 60 oenta in paper covers; in elegant cloth Printed in German and F.ntrliqh ' Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plates in every number. Vick'g Catalogue 300 illustrations, only i.u uuiuo. auoress, jams vitJK, Rochester, N. Billheads, letterheads, noteheads tags, cards and envelopes neatly and cheaply printed at this office. Shipping tags with or without strings, printed or blank, foreale at this office. ; Fancy note paper and envelopes in boxes at this office. T HE ADVOCATE, RIDQWAY, ELK CO., PA. TERMS: $2.00 A YEAR $1.50 IN ADVANCE. Job P RINTING. BILL-HEADS, STATEMENTS, NOTE-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS. BALL PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PRACTICAL FARMER. tE8labli8he(, 1855- i THE OLDEST LARGEST, MOST EN TERPRISING, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. . It a is 64-Column Weekly Taper. Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics and leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has the largest and ablest ooTps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricHltural paper, under an able and experienced Editoral Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1873, PAYABLE III ADVANCI. Single subscriptions (52 issues) $2.00 In olubs of two do . 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly. in the country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club 'Agents. Specimen Copies Sent Fkee. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. CHEAPEST AND BEST! TIIE HARRI3BURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid $7 00 2 copies (in club,) " ' .... 12 00 5 " " " ' .... 27 00 10 " ' " " .... 50 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at tho following ratos : 1 oopy, 1 year, postage prepaid... $2 00 4 copies, ' " ' .... 6 00 10 " " 10 00 15 ' " " and one copyto getter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up of club. ... 22 GO All ordors must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or post office order. $6.00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one oopy of the Weekly Patriot for one year, one copy of the American Agriculturist (the leading agricultural journal in the United Stales) for one year, both postage paid, and in audition a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for $2.50. THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and Binding for three years, we are prepared to print and bind Books, Magazines, Pam phlets, Directories, etc., in best style and atlowcst prices. BLANK BOOKS, suoh as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebinding ounaay 0011001 LiDaries. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of this populnr newspaper lias more man trebled during t he past year. It contains all the leading news contained in the Daily Herald, and is arranged in bandy departments, ine FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globo, together with un biassed, faithful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of AAlCiUUAJN JNWB are given the Telegraphio Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable newspaper in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including lull reports ot the speeches ot eminent poll tioians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practioal suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &c, &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings and lai-mmc utensils in repair. This 1b supple wonted by a well edited department, wiuciy copieu, unuer ins neaa 01 THE HOME giving recipes for practioal dlsehes, hints lor making clothing and for keeping up wttn tne latest lasmons at tne lowest price, Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest pnrases or the bu3iness markets, Crops, Merchandize, &c, &c. A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices ana conditions or THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the Weekly Herald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEW 8 at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There 1b no paper In the world whioh contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Hbbald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this prospectus with out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exohange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadway & Ann Bt-, New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. DR VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long speciality, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for years to combine an external treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable result in the preparation of his compound "SULPHUR 80AP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers. Prioe 26 Ceute a Cake ; aBox (three Cakes) 60 Cents. Ami by Mail, (pre-paid) oh receipt or PRica. OBioe, 50 N. 5th St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 8d St. Philadel phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. .. A CHARGE TO MASS SOME MONEY.ISTJEE. 'Cornell's History of Pennsylvania." Now ready. Write for Agency at onoe. JOHN KUI.LY & CO., Publishers, T Sansom Street, Philadelphia. n7injui3. ( Ttest Roasted Coffee at 25o at the Good ditto .. 22cJWestnd NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF- Tobacco! The crcat celebrity or our TIN TAG TO-5 BACCO has cauwd many Imitations H'weo! to ile plai-od on tlie market, we theref oref caution nil Clicwcrs against purchasing ""XVittrLTuylnp or selling other pl, f tobneco bearing a hard or nietolic Inoel." render themsciVes linble to the penalty ojS the Law, and nil persons violating pnrg trade mni-ks arc punishable by fine and lm-f The Konulne I.ORII.LI AHpTIN TAU BACCO can be distinguished by ft TIN TAo oneneh lump with the word LOHILLAHUM stamp thereon. , ,-f Over 7.0S8 ton tobacco sold in 1877, nnd Q nearly 8,000 persons employed In motorics, tn Taxes dntd Government in 1877 about J3,-u 600.000, nnd during the past 12 years, overg fcJO.OUO.OOO. , a These goods sold by all Jobbers at mnnu--fnctures rates. rpHE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started In Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A firm nor tment of iroods on hand and selected with great care. E31JJKUlDl!-MlliiB. LACE EDGE. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES, TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDRENS SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. iWanMna clllr thrpfld nnd needles. Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes &c, ac. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. JU'KJ, Agent for the Society. PENNSYLVANIA BAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie RfUroadwillrunas follows: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m " Kenovo nuuam Emporium 1 00 p m St. Mary's 1 4(3 p ni Ridgway 2 16 p m ' Kane 8 30 p n " arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " Kane 3 50 p m Ridgway 4 49 p m " St. Mary's 5 17 p m Emporium 6 10pm Renovo 8.85 p m arr. at Philadephia...' 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara. E.irc.8 con nect east with Low Gmde Division and B. N. Y! & P. R. R. WM. A BALDWIN. Gon'l Sup't. rVll COMBINED CATALOGUE for 1878 W OF 'EVERYTHING for the GARDEN jjxiimuciing ITopngea, with Colored Plate, SENT FREE iTo our customers of past yonrs, and to all S)ui'cmuk(!1'h 01 our nooKH,enner uiuuj-.iN-ING l-'OB PltOKlT. PUACTICAli l'-LOHt- CTUriTRK. or OAKDKNING FOli JI'IjEABUKE (price $1.50 each, prepaid, l)V (mall). To othoi-8, ou receipt of 2,'xj. l'luln -nun or nccu luuuogues, WHlloui I'luw, ifree to all. PETER HENDERSON & 'CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners and Florists, 35 Cortlandt St., NEW" YORK. GREENHOUSE For 81.00 we will send freo by mall cither 01 ine ociow-nainou collections, ail dis tinct varieties. 8 Abutllions, or 4 Azaleas, 8 UeKonlas, or 8 CumeliuH. 2Caladlums (ftinoy), or 8 Carnations (monthly.) 12 C'lirysiui thomuins, or 12 Colcus. 8Centuureas or 8 other white-leaved plants. SDhIiUuh, or anthus (new Japan.) 8 FeniH, 8 Mosses, 01-8 KuchHias. 8 Geraniums Fancy, 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leavod. 4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl) 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy Klirubs, 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lantanas, or 8 Petunias. 8 PuiiNies (new German), or 8 .Salvias. 8 Hoses, Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 Climbing, 8 Violet (Bcontcd), or 8 Daises, English. 12 Rcarcer Bedding, or 12 Hcurcer Green house Plants. 18 Verbenas, distinct and splendid sorts !h Varieties of Flower, or 20 varieties of Vegetable Seeds, or by EXPRESS, buyer to pay charges. 9 collections lor vi oiorM; u torso; 12 for ?fl; 14 for 87 j 18 for 810: or the full collection of 8TiO varieties of Plants and Seeds t-11 indent to stock a greenhouse or Garden ior wa, 10 our uook "unnien. Ing for Pleasure" and Camloguo ollered above (value $1,75) will be added. PETER HENDERSON & CO., 85 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Silver Leaf ri5Ifsn. FOR STOVES, BAJfGES, Etc. Always READY for Use ! mjifVtflXING m P BRUSH. DUST, Circulars Free.CourW.HTEWART AGENTSWANTED. PURE TEUS IJV SEALED i'lVKitGES. A GENTS WANTED EVERY A, WHERE to sell Teas to families, hotels, and large consumers the largest stock in the country to select from qualities of all descriptions, from the highest Imported to the) lowest grades. A large discount, and a hand gome Income to all who sell for us. Country storekeepers, druggists, who wish to sell teas in sealed pound packages, peddlers, and, la fact, all who wish to obtain an honorable liv ing by selling teas should write us for a circu lar. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY, P. O. Box 4560. 201 Fulton bt,. New York. Groceries and all kinds of canned goods are Belling at prices to suit the times, at Hagerty's. Job Printing. CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE.