The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 18, 1878, Image 2
Heurjr A. Tarsoim, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1878. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR flOVKHNOR, CI EN. HENRY M. HOYT, OK LITKEKNK. FOR MEITTENANT-OOVKnNOll, ;gen. ciiarleh w. htone, OF WAKMEN. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDOE, JAMES P. STERRETT, OF ALLEGHENY. FOR SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AF FAIRS, COL. A. K. DUNKEL, OF PHILADELPHIA. Notes of News. Wheat in Minnesota is damaged by rust and lodging. There was a serious riot between the French and Irish near Montreal on Saturday. A mob in Putnam county, W. Va., wants to lynch J. Biiggs, colored, for assaulting a little girl. A. B. Bayers, who shot his wife in a Philadelphia church last fall, has been sentenced to death. John Franklin Noyes, actor and theater manager, was drowned in Harlem river on Saturday. Judge Olin, Justice of the Supreme Court for the District of Columbia, has resigned, owing to his health. S. Kennedy, of Chicago, killed his wife and suicided. Poverty, hypo chondria and discord. Rich silver veins, it is reported, have just been discovered two and one' half miles from Black Hawk, in Col orado. Warrants have been issued for the trustees of tlieTeutonia Savings Bank, New York, for fraudulently appro priating bank funds. Dan. Rice's show boat, Damsel, was sunk in the Missouri river, oppo site Decatur, Neb., on Tuesday. Loss 525,000, with no insurance. Thomas Webb shot his father-in-law, John Blankenship, at Jownstown, a Hinall village near Ironton, O. The wound is supposed to be fatal. The President and Mrs. Hayes will be the guests, during part of the sum mer, of Mrs. Dahlgrcn, at her anti quated, picturesque home, on South Mountain. A match has been made between Han Ion and Courtney, for $5, 000 a side, five miles, to come off about Septem ber 20lli, place and time to be agreed upon hereafter. Saturday was one of the hottest days ever experienced at St. Louis. There were ten cases of sunstroke, four of whom being fatal. Fifty cases were reported Sunday. General Butler is having printed in Washington one hundred thousand copies of a speech made by him in lSu'J, in advocacy of his bill to author ize a national currency, to assure its stability and elasticity, and to lesson the interest on the public debt. From U10 Pittsburgh Telegraph. A Strike at the Standard A special dispatch from Buffalo to the Bradford New Era, dated July 11, says: "The trouble which has ex isted between the Equitable Petroleum Company and thcMcKeanand Buffalo Railroad, was amicably settled at a conference held hore to day. The for mer was represented by J. H. Dilks, manager of the pipeline; 8. P. Boyer, Secretary and Treasurer; A. I. Wil cox,. G. A. Berry and L. Emery, Jr., composing the Board of Managers, together with R. W. Evans and G. S. Post;-members of the company; R. T." Bush and Josiah Lombard repre sented the Union Refining Company of New York ; Judge A. G. Olmstead, of Coudersport, Roger Sherman, of Titusville, and Geo. A. Derry, of Bradford, acted as counsel for both interests. A meeting of the Directors of the railroad was held, and Gen. G. J. McGee and B. D. Hamlin were ap pointed a committee of conference. Messrs. Dilks, Lombard, Bush and Emery and their attorneys were se lected to meet railroad delegates. The conference lasted the whole afternoon, and was held With closed doors. The differences were thoroughly discussed and finally settled, both parties mak ing concessions. The exact conditions are kept secret. Contracts were drafted and signed by representatives late to night. The railroad has consented to carry the oil, and that at Larrabee's will be shipped forward at once. One of the Equitable delegates says it was an agreement made for the sake of peace. Officers of the B. N. Y. & P. R. R. have guaranteed transportation of oil to Buffalo, and producers are ju bilant, regarding the contract as a se vere blow to the Standard. Promi nent oilmen in attendance announce their intention to build large refineries here without delay. No Information Is given as to the railroad company paying for oil lost by their failure to carry the agreement. This is under stood to have been the bone of conten tion in the conference. The terms -of the contract will be made public hereafter.'' The large cooper-shop which the Standard Oil Company has been erect ing' on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Pittsburg is about ready to go into operation. When fully completed it will have a capacity of 4,500 barrels a day, and give employment to about 650 hands. The factory is the largest f the kind in the country. Republican State Committee. THE NAMES AND POSTOFFICE ADDRESS OF THE MEMRERS, AS ANNOUNCED BY CHAIRMAN QUAY, for 1878. Following Is a complete list of the members of the Republican State Committee, together with their post ofilce address, as Issued from Republi can headquarters, northeast corner Tenth and Chestnut streets, Philadel phia, by Chairman M. B. Quay ; Adams Dr. E. G. Fahnestock, Get tysburg. Allegheny David Aiken,' Jr.. C. F. Jones, Jacob Reese, David Lloyd, Samuel Kilgoro, rittshurg; V. D. Bols, H. H. Byram, Allegheny city; H. K. Sample, Bennett post olllce. Armstrong John V. Painter, Kit tanning. Beaver John B. Reno, New Brigh ton. Bedford Martin D. Barndollar, Ev erett. Berks Lemon Buck, Reading ; Charles L. Boone, Robesonla post of fice. Blair Hon. Samuel C. McCamant, Tyrone. Bradford Harvey Streeter, To wan da. Bucks Robert M. Yardley, Doyles- town. Butler Eugene Fcrrero, Butler. . Cambria Thomas Davis, Ebens burg. Cameron J. V. Cochran, Empo rium. Orbon Hon. Wm. M. Rapsher, Lehighton. Centre James H. Rankin, Belle- fonte. Chester Jackson Sargeant, West Chester; Col. Wm. Gallagher, Ox ford. Clarion J. H. Patrick, Clarion. Clearfield J. H. Hartswick, Clear field. Clinton Henry O. Chapman, Lock Haven. Columbia William O. Holes, Bloomsburg. Crawford Major W. B. Sterrett, Meadville. Cumberland Dr. W. S. Bruckhart, Shircmanstown. Dauphin Charles H. Bergner, Har risburg; J. B. Seal, Millersburg. Delaware Henry C. Howard, Me dia. Elk II. M. Powers, Ridgway. Erie E. P. Gould, Erie. Fayette Hugh L. Rankin, Union town. Forest L. Agnew, Tionesta. Franklin Alexander Stewart, Scot land. Fulton M. S. Wilt, Fort Littleton. Greene Hon. J. B. Donley, Way nesburg. Huntingdon S. T. Brown, Hun tingdon. Indiana Dr. Thomas McMullen, Pen n Run postoffice. Jefferson A. J. Monks, Punx sutawney. Juniata John S. Graybill, Mifflin- town. Lancaster TIioh. B. Cochran, Lan caster; A. J. Kauffmnn, Columbia. Lawrence John J. Sampson, New castle. Lebanon Lucieu E. Weimer, Leb anon. Lehigh Henry Ruhe, Allentown Luzerne E. P. Kingsbury, Scran- ton ; G. L. Halsey, D K. Meade Wilkesbarre. Lycoming Abraham Updegraff, Charles E. nteher, Williamsport. Mercer W. A. Kreps, Mercer. McKeau Henry F. Barbour, Smeth port. Mifflin James H. Mann, Lewis' town. Monroe Jackson Lahtz, Strouds- burg, Montgomery Joseph Allebaugh, Norriiitown Montgomery Jas. G McQuad, Nor- rlstown. Montour Wm. C. Young, Danville. Northampton Gen. Frank Reeder, Easton. Northumberland Emanuel Wil vert, Sunbury. Perry George Pennell, Duncannon. Philadelphia, First district Thomas W. Simpson, 1119 Moyamensing av enue ; Robt. H. Young, 1,400 South street. Second district E. J. Petroff, 520 South Fourth street ; Harry Hunter, southwest corner Twelfth aud Fitz water streets. Third district Geo. W. Bumm, 1,769 FrankfordRoad; Clement Keen, 1,416 North Eleventh street. Fourth district Wm. M. Taylor, 4,344 Germantown avenue; E. S. Higbee, 3,724 Lancaster avenue. Fifth district Wm. B. Maun, south east corner Fifteeth and Girard avenue; Sam. C. Collins, 1,626 Mount Vernon street. Sixth district Hon. John E. Ad dicks, 1,104 Girard street; B. Frank Stewart, 1,632 Chancellor street. Seventh district William B. Leeds, 246 North Tenth street ; M. S. Bonsall, 613 Chestnut street; H. C. Dunlap, 422 Library street. Eighth district Adam Albright, 437 Diamond street; Thomas W. South, Tucony; David Martin, 706 Locust Btreet. Pike Edgar Pinchot, Milford. Potter P. A. Stebbins, Jr., Couders port. Schuylkill Twenty-ninth district D. C Henning, Pottsville; Thirtieth district J. H. James, Ashland. Snyder J. B. Hall, McKey's Half Falls. Somerset Edward B. Scull, Som erset. Sullivan Ellery P. Ingham, La porte. Susquehanna Hon. II. M. Jones, Harford. Tioga Jerome B. Niles, Wellsboro. Union Reuben F. Brown, Lewis burg. Venango E. W. Echols, Franklin. Warren E. B. Grandln. Tldioute. Washington D, M. ' BOyd,' West Mlddetown. Wayne Hon. Henry Wilson, Honesdale. Westmoreland Col. George F. Huff, Grcensburg. Wyoming Georgo W. Beidelmnn, Tunkhannock. York James Kcll, York. MEMRERS AT LARGE. W. D. Forten. Philadelphia: Wil liam Nesbit, Altooua; George H. Gfcen, Oil City; 8. A. Neale, Alle gheny City; William H. Messlck, Erie. M. S. QUAY, L. Roeors, le.t-a Chairman. M. 8. Lytle. J v ' As all of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad employees are being treated to a day's holiday and free trip to the Permanent Exhibition, those In and about Philadelphia have signified their preference for a trip to the coal regions, and this will be given them on Sunday, the 14th Instant. Three or four excursion trains will be run through on that day to accommodate them. According to the Mt. Pleasant Dawn, the skeletons of three of the British General Braddock's men have been dug up near Black Lick. In one of the graves was an old-fashioned flint-lock musket, bearing the stamp " 1745, Lon." Beans -of excellent quality at J. H. Hogerty's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Use Dr. Van Dyke's Sulphur Soap. Makes the skin beautiful, white and healthy, .ulnnir.. iln u) t' nlinflni. n.tnlrln hnnt onmo eruptions, burning, Ktinicing and Itching of me kkid nun scaip. j Hiiipnur uhmi witn u is highly recommended. Always nek lor it by Its full name. Do Ton Want to Make some Money! If so, here Is n chnnee. Competent Agents, Mule or Female, wanted to soil the Rotary Sieve. The most Convenient Article for Domestic use, for the purpose designed, ever invented, it scoops, Kins, weighs, measures, and mixes. Also for straining Fruit, Washing Rice. etc. Over HiOO Audits are now engaged In selling them In the West. Territory is eagerly taken whenever offered, so apply early. For further paruciiiurs, auaress jt jH. w iini'J, Gen. Agt. Wcstl'cnna. Pittsburg, Po. niailnlml. A NNUAL SETTLEMENT OF J the accounts, April 8th, 1878, of the Supervisors, Overseers of the Poor and Treasurer of Jay Township, for me year isi7 : supervisors 3. w. mead and j. c, campbell. Dr.- To am't of Duplicates, - - - $r.f)3 72 '' " checks drawn on Trcas. 083 211 1,377 01 CR. By am't paid former Supervisors, - $124 01 " Labor on cross roads - - -1,153 2i " Exonerations, - 8 70 " Printing settle ment, &o , - 8 00 " Town Clerk sal ary - - - - 25 00 Ain't due township, - 57 43 $1,377 01 OVERSEERS OF THE TOOR. DR. To checks drawn on Trcas., - $193 32 Cr. By am't paid for keeping pauper, Pat. Hollahan - 161 05 Am't paid inciden tal expenses, - - 32 27 S 103 32 WM. M. WEBB, TREASURER, DR. To ain't of lunds at settlement, ... $ 35 89 To am't ree'd from Co. 75 1 21 " due Treasurer, 2 04 S 702 14 Cr. by am't disbursed, $772 82 ' 2c Treas com., 1!) 32J 702 14 R. I. Spaxgler, Attest, J. M. Brookixs, Justus Weed, Clerk. Auditors. Prepared Cocoanut in Tight, Tin Package, at the WEST END. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. FSTATE of George English, late of Bene.ette township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTAMEN TARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the said estate all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. A. W. GRAY, Adm'r. If you like Clam Chowder, you will find excellent Quahaugs, prime an J Fresh, at the WEST END STORE. ANNUAL SETTLEMENT OF the Account of O. Dodge, Treas urer of Jay Township School District, for the year 1S77 : . Dr. To State appropriation, 1GG 52 " Bal. on hand from last year, - - - 328 00 " balance in hands of Treasurer not ac counted for, - CIS 44 " Amount roe'd from Collectors, - - - 270 00 " Am't ree'd from Co. Treasurer, - - 200 00 $1,580 90 Ch. By am't paid teachers' salary, - - -f 1,080 00 am't paid fuel and contingencies, - 121 87 " fees of Col., Treas urer and Sec'y, 06 63 " cash on hand, - - 282 40 $1,580 00 Attest: Justus Weed, A. W. Gray, Sec'y. Pres't. Best Roasted Coffee at 25c at the Good ditto 22c J WestEnd Caution Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or in any way meddle with the following dfscribecl property now in possession of B. E. Morey. Benezette township, Elk county, Pa. Oiiedark bav horse: one li-rht hv horse; one lumber wagon; one set of uuuuie narness. as i nave purchased the same, and left them with the said B. E. Morey for a time only. Edward Morse. Benezette, June 24, '78. N, 10t3. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna And Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 Broadway, . . New York, Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. i Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums Grapho- ecorES. STEREOSCOPES, AND VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, ClIROMOS, PHOTOORAPHS. And kindred aoods-Celebrltlcs, Actrcsies, etc. ; - Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters br everything in the way of STEREOPTICONS AND MAGIC LANTERNS, Being Manufacturers of the. Micro-scientific Lanters, Stereo-panopticon, University Stereoplicon, Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each Style being tho best of its class In the market. Beautiful Photographic. Transparencies of Stannary and Engravings for the windows. Convex Glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pic tures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sunt on receipt of ten cents. 5"Cut out this advertisement for reference. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and tho public generally, that he has tarted a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, good;carriages and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. JGSyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Olllce will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf VICE'S ILLUSTRATED priced catalogue. Seventy. five pnges 300 illuftrntions, with Descriptions of thousimls of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Vick'g Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 ets. in paper cover ; in elegant cloth cover $1. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine of 62 pages, line illustrations, and Colored Plate in every number. Price $1.25 a year. Five copies $5.00. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a million people in America. See. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 32 pages, fine illustrations, ana Colored plate in each number, price, $1.25 a yeaf j Five copies, $5.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper eovers; in elegant cloth oover$1.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y, VICK'S, FLOWER and vegetable garden Is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages. hundreds nf fina iii,,i...i; and six lantiPiillv Chrouio Plates of Flowers, beautifully auu bujureu irom nature, tr cents in paper oovers; in elegant Trintd tn flaimn - .1 17 Prioe 60 cloth. wv. U...U nun .BUgllDU tick's IllnulratiuJ . ' Magazine 32 pages, fine illustrations, and colored Vick's Catalogne300 illustrations, o 25 flenla A ........ i,ilci inriv only ' vuo, xviv, Rochester, N. Y, T he Advocate, RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. TERMS ! $2.00 A YEAR $1.50 IN ADVANCE. Job P RINTING. BILL-HEADS, STATEMENTS, NOTE-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS. BALL PROGRAMMES, TICKETS, INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITINQ CARDS, ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY TO ATTENTION. FARMERS Bend for a Specimen Copy of the' PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. THE OLDE8T LARGEST, MOST EN TERPRISING, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IR AMERICA. It a ia 64-Coltimn Weekly Paper, Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics and leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has the largest and ablest oorps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced Editoral Manage ment, who spare no expense of labor to add everything possible to ita value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. PATABLt lit ADVAltCI. Single subscriptions (62 issues) (2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In elubs of three do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest first 'daBS weekly. in the country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Spscimch Copies Sunt Fekk. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 518 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. CHEAPEST AND BEST! THE HARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT Will be sent at the following rates : .1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid..... $7 00 2 copies (in club,) ....12 00 5 " " " .... 27 00 10 ' " " ' .... 60 00 1 copy during the Bession of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid....- $2 00 4 copies, ' . .... 6 00 10 " " . .... 10 00 15 " " " and one copy to getter-tip of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up of club. ... 22 50 All orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or post othce order. 0.00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one copy of the Weekly Patkiot lor one year, one copy of tne American Agriculturist (the leading agricultural journal in the United States) tor one year, both postage paid, and in audition a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and Binding for three years, we are prepared to print and bind Hooks, Magazines, Pam phlets, Directories, etc., in best stylo aud at lowest prices BLANK BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Kegtstors a specialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebinding buuday fcchool Ltbartea. Address PATKIOI PUBLISHING CO.. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Weekly Herald. CITE DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of this popular newspaper has more than trebled during the past year, It contains all the leading news contained in the Daily Herald, and is arranged in bnndy departments. The FOUEIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from nil quarters of the globe, together with un biassed, faithful undginphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of AMKltlOAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of ihe week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the niOKt valuable newspaper iu the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli ticians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattlo, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &c, &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings and fanning utensils in repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints lor making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Wibkly Hkrald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, &c, &o. A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the Wekkly Hbbald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There ia no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Wikkly Hbbalo, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publir hing this prospeotus with out being authorised will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address. Uew York Herald, Broadway & Ann St-, New York. SPECIAL NOTICES, DR VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life lone speciality, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for jeers to com bike an bxtkenal treatment, tie baa accomplished this de. irable besvlt in the preparation of his oompound "'SULPHUR SOAP," the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly reoon, mended to all our readers. Prioe lb Centaa Cake: aBoi (three Cakes) 60 Cents. Seht by Mail, (pre-paid) on eckipt or Pi ica. Office, 50 N. 6th St. Wholesale Dkpot, 4t)0 N. 8d 8U Philadel phia, Pa. So'.d by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. ACHAKCSTO MAEE SOME MOITEY.ISTSE. 'Cornell's History of Pennsylvania." Now ready. Write for Agency at once. JOHN M! 1,1. Y A CO., f ubUahurfc, 7i) Buiikout BUeel, Philadelphia. U7lUjUlJ. I TO CONSUMERS OF Tobacco The (rrent celenrity oi riL,nnn thrfrolZ. BACCO linn caused many rt?i,on"lli2!3 . . . mtw Tin TfX to be placed on tne runrnii, ,""h" ins camion all Chewers against purchasing ' All' dealer;" bylnfor .elHng ottjer pngg tobneeo bearing a hard or" ytallo lab ei. render themoefves liable tn the Pf"""0' rtiH tvinVfa. nrA nunlflh&ble Art Jm-f The genuine LORILM ARj TIN TAG TO- BAC'UO can be distinguished by a TIN TA J? on each lump with the wore? LORIIIAtlJ B.IIFp c..,.. .nil'. UVer 7,twv wmw ronai-co emu m J ' V. " B nearly 8,0(10 persona employed ln.mctriej. t T.tu du.1.1 nnmrnmnnt In 1K77 abotlt (4,-M 600.000, and during the pa IB yearn, oveig. (Ki0,0t)0,000. ... These goods sold by all Jobbers at manu-g fact u res rates. pHE SOCIETY STORE!. A naitf der the auspices of the ladles-of Grace Church, with mzz a. e. irnEv a Xgszt and Saleswoman.- A Ann awinrtmpnt of eooda en LaUtfl and selected with great care. EMBROIDERIES. LACE EDGE. FRINGES', HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS.. LINEN SUITS. CHILDRENS SUITS SAMPLE 8ILK8 Machine sHfe, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Drees Goods, Fancy mnrii nf nil kinria. Framed mottoes- &c, c. AH cheap as the cheapest! mid crnnrlfl warranted flffct class. Call1 and examine on? stock. MI8H A. K. Al'K.JfiJS. Agent for the (Society.- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE ON and after WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12r 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia 4 Erie Rrtlroad will run as follows WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaYeaPhiladelphhv l 65 p a " Renovo...-......T9 00 a m Emporium.. 101) ' St. Mary's - 1 46 p m Ridgway 2 16 p m Kane 30 p nv arrive at Erie 7 35 p m- AST WARD. ERIE MAIL leave Erie... ll!.20am Kane 8-50pnr Ridgway 449pm " St. Mary's. ... 6 17 p of " " Emporium..-.. 6 10 p m " ' Kenovo-. ....... 8.S5 p nr " arr. at Thiladephin... 7 00 a n Day Express and Niagara Express con-- nect east with Low 6-rvde Division and B N. Yl & F. 11. R. WM. A BALDWW. Gen'l Sup't o UB COMIUNED CATALOGUE for 1K7 OK iEVESYTHINQ for the GAEDEN jXumliering 173 pages, with Colored Plato, SENT MIKE Po our eiiRtomern of past years, nnd to all tmretiHsu-rs ninur rnoKs,enni'r itAIIItr.. IN1 tOli PUOKIT. l'ltA-fICAI, FLOKI- I'CI.TUKH, or (iAl(l)KNIN(l KOlt ll'I.KAsrrUs (price Sl.flOeacli.picpnld, lv until). To othrrs, on receipt of 'Stc. IMiiln (I'liint or Seed CuIuIokuoh, without I'luto, ll'reu to ull. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners and Florlstn, 35 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. GREENHOUSE aLLhur For 81.00 we will send free by mall either oi tne neiow-nanieu collections, an dis tinct varieties. 8 Abutllions. or 4 Azaleas. 8 lk'irimtim. or :) Caniclias. 2Culudiums (fancy), or 8 Cnrnatlons t mommy.; 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Colons. 8 Centmireufl or 8 other white-leaved plants. 8 Dahlias, or nnthua (new Japan.) 8 Ferns. 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias. 8 OeranluroM, Fancy. 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leaved. 1 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses treanj 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy nnnms. 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lnntanas.-or 8 Petunias. 8 I'ansies (new German), or 8 Salvias. 8 Hones. Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 (jnniuing. 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Daises. EiiKllsh, 12 Scarcer Redding, or 12 Scarcer Green- nonse flams. Ill Verbenas, distinct and splendid sorts J5 Varieties of Flower, or 21) varieties of vegetable Meeds, or by EXPRESS, buyer to pay charges. Id l.'l VI , v.v, lull collection of a"ii) varieties of Plants and seeds sufficient to Ntock a greenhouse or Garden for Si. to our dook "Uarden ing for PleaMire" and Catalogue ottered above (value; win oe auuuu, PETER HENDERSON & CO.. 35 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK NOTICE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Silver Leaf prS.. FOR STOVES, RANGES, Etc. Always READY for Use I TTMIXINQ Vf ODOR DiJ DUST, IU BRUSH, Circulars Free. W.H.8TKWABT. 64 Conrtland St.. Mew York. AGENTS WANTED. price TEiS IJT SEALED1 PACK.JIGE8 A GENTS WANTED E VERY TV WHERE to sell Teas to families,. hotels, and large consumers the largest stock. In the country to select from qualities of alt descriptions, from tho hlghestiiuporbed tot he lowest grades. A large diavouuV, aud a hand some Income to alt who sell for d.. Country storekeeneiti, druggist, who wlahtaell tea In sealed pound packages, edJr, fact, all who wish to obUttii an honorable liv ing by selling teas should write as for a circu lar. THE WELLS TEA COMPANY, P. O. Box 46G0. 201 Fultoa St., New York, Groceries and all kinds of canned goods are selling at prices to suit the times, at Hagertv's- Job Printing, CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, RILL AND LETTER-HEADB. AT THIS OFFICE. ATTENDED I (