The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 04, 1878, Image 1
s HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher. NIL. DESPERANDPM. ' ' Two Dollars per Annum. VOL. VIII. RIDGWAY, ELK COUNTY, FA., THURSDAY, APKIL 4, 1878. $0. 7. - - - -- " - i- i ii . i r i Fire. " Bat ft week ii so long !" he said, With ft ton of his curly bead. " One, two, three, four, fire, six, seven 1 Seven whole days t Why, in six, yon know (Ton said it yourself you told me so), The great God np in heaven Hade all the earth and the sea and skies, The trees and the birds and the butterflies ! How can I wait for my seeds to grow?" - "But a month is so long 1" he said, With a droop of his boyish head. " Bear me count one, two, three, four Four whole weeks, and three days more , Thirty-one days, and each will creep . As the shadows orawl over yonder steep t Thirty-one nights, and I shall lie Watching the stars climb up the sky ! How can I wait till a month is o'er ?" - " But a year is so long ! he said, Uplifting his bright young head. " All the seasons must come and go Over the hills with footsteps slow Autumn and winter, Bummer and spring ; Oh, for a bridge of gold to fling Over the chasm deep and wide, That I might cross to the other side, AVhere she is waiting my love, my bride !'' " Ten years may be long," he said, Slow raising his stately head. " But there's much to win, there is "mnrh to lose t A man must labor, a man must choose, And be must be strong to wait ! The years may be long, bnt who conld wear The crown of honor, must do snd darel Ho time has he to toy with fate Who would climb to manhood's bigh estate !" "Ah ! life is not long!" he snid, Bowing his grand white head. " One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ! Seven times ton are seventy. Seventy years ! As swif c their flight As swallows cleaving the morning light Or golden gleams at even. Life is short as a summer night How long, 0 God ! is eternity !" IIarper'$ Bazar. Two Saints of the Foot-Hills. BT BRET HAUTE. It never was clearly ascertained how lone they had been there. The first settler of Bongh-and-Beady one, Low, playfully known to his familiars as "The Poor Indian " declared that the saints were afore his time, and occupied a cabin in the brush when he " blazed " his way to the North Fork. It is certain that the two were present when the water was first turned on the Union Ditch, and then and there received the designation of Daddv Downey and Mammy .Downey, whioh they kept to the last. As they tottered toward the refreshment tept, ' they'vero welcomed with the. greatest enthusiasm by the boys ; or, to borrow the more refined language of tho Union Recorder, "Their gray hairs and bent figures, recalling, as they did, the linppy paternal eastern homes of the spectators, and tho blessings that fell from venera- ble lips when they left those homes to journey in quest of the Golden Fleece oa Occidental Slopes, caused many to bivrst into tears." The nearer facts that many of these spectators were orphans, that others had eujoyed a State's guar dianship and discipline, and that a ma jority had left their paternal roofs with out any embarrassing preliminary formula, were mere passing clouds- that did not dim the golden imagery of the writer. irora that day the oiiints were adopted as listorical lay figures, and entered at once into possession of nnin terrupted gratuities and endowment. It was not strange that, in a country largely made up of ambitions and reck' less youth, these two types of con servative and settled forms should bo thus celebrated... Apart from any seuti- ment or veneration, they "were admirable foils to the community's youthful pro gress and energy. They were put for ward at every social gathering, occupied prominent seats on the platform at every pnblio meeting, walked first in every procession, were conspicuous at the frequent funeral and rarer wedding. and were godfather and godmother to the first baby born in Bough-and-Beady, At the first poll opened in that precinct, Daddy Downey cast the first, and, as was his custom, on all momentous occa sions, became volubly reminiscent. "The first vote I ever cast," said Daddy, " was for Andrew Jackson ; the father o' some on you peart young chaps wasn t born then, he I ne i tnat was 'way long in '33, wasn't it t I disremem ber now, but if Mammy was here, she bein a schoolgal at the time, she could say. But my memory's failin' me. I'm an old man, boys ; yet I likes to see the young go ahead. I reokloct that tbnr vote from a snckumstance. Squire Adams was present, and seem' it wns my first vote, he put a goold piece into my hand, and, sez he, sez Squire Adams, let that always be a reminder of the exercise of glorious freeman's privilege 1' He did ; he I he I Lord, boys I I feel so proud of ye, that I wish I had a hundred votes to cast for ye all." It is hardly necessary to say that the memorial tribute of Squire Adams was increased tenfold by the judges, inspec tors and clerks, and that the old man tottered back to Mammy, considerably heavier than he came. As both of the rival candidates were equally sure of his vote, and each had called upon him and offered a conveyance, it is bnt fair to presume they were equally beneficent. But Daddy insisted upon walking to the polls a distance of two miles as a moral example, and a text for the Cali fornia paragraphers, who hastened to record that such was the influence' of the foot-hill climate, that "a citizen of Bough-and-Ready, aged eighty-four, rose at six o'clock, and, after milking two cows, walked a distance of twelve miles to the polls, and returned in time to chop a cord of wood before dinner." Slightly exaggerated as this statement may have been, the fact that Daddy was always found by the visitor to be en gaged at his wood-pile, which seemed neither to increase nor diminish under his ax a fact, doubtless, owing to the activity of Mammy, who was always at the same time making pies, seemed to give some credence to the story. In deed, the wood-pile of Daddy Dowrey was a standing reproof to the indolent and sluggish miner. " Ole Daddy must use up a pow'fnl light of wood; every time I've passed by his shanty he's been makin' the chips rx t i i 11 1 1 ' 1 ny. cut wnat gera me is, iosi ids jine don't seem to come down," said Whisky Dick to his neighbor. " Well, vou fool I" growled his neigh bor; " 'spose some chap happens to pass by thar and sees the old man doin a man's work at eighty, and slouches like you and me lying round drunk, and that chap, feelin kinder humped, goes np some dark night and heaves a load of cut pine over his fence, who's got anything to say about it? Say!" Certainly not the speaker, who had done the act sug gested, nor the penitent and remorseful hearer, who repeated it next day. xne pies and canes made by tne old woman were. I think, remarkable rather for their induoing the same loyal and generous spirit than for their intrinsic excellence, and it may be said appealed more strongly to the nobler aspirations of humanity than its vulgar appetite. liowbeit, everybody ate Mammy Dow ney's pies, and thought of his childhood. "Take 'em, dear boys," the old lady would say ; it does me good to see you eat 'era j reminds me kinder of poor Sammy, that, ef he'd lived, would hev been ez strong and big ez you be, but was taken down with lung fever at Sweet water. I kin see him yet : that's forty year ago, dear I comm. out o' the lot to the bake-house, and smiiin such a beau tiful smile, like yours, dear boy, as I handed him a mince or a lemming turn over. Dear. dear, how I do run on I and those days is past I bnt I seems to live in you again I" The wifo of the hotel-keeper, actuated by a low jeal- ousy, had suggested that she ' seemed to live off them, " bnt as that person tried to demonstrate the truth of her state ment by reference to the cost of the - material used by thvtld lady, it vts considered by the camp as too practical and economical for consideration. "Be sides," added Cy Perkins, " ef old Mam my wants to turn an honest penny in her old age, let her do it. How would you like your old mother to make pies on grub wages, eh ? A suggestion that so affected his hearer (who hod no moth er) that he bought three on tho spot. The qunlity of these pies had never been discussed bnt once, it is related that a young lawyer from San Francisco, dining at the Palmetto restaurant. pushed away one of Mammy Downey's pies with every expression of disgust and dissatisfaction. At this juncture, Whisky Dick, considerably affected bv his favorite stimulant, approached the stranger s table, and, drawing up a chair, sat uninvited before him. " Mebbce, young man," he began gravely, " ye don t like Mammy Dow nev's pies ?" The stranger replied curtly, and in some astonishment, that he did not as a rule, ' eat pie." "Young man," continued Dick with drunken gravity, " mobbee you re ac customed to Charlotte rusks and blue mange; mebbee ye can't eat unless your grub is got up by one o' them French cooks? Yet we us boys yar in this camp calls that pie a good a oom-pe- tent pio I The stranger again disclaimed any thing but a general dislike of that form of pastry. " Young man," continued Dick, utter ly unheeding the explanation, " young man, mebbee you onct had au ole a very ole mother, who, tottering down the vale o' years, made pies. Mebbee, and it's like your blank epicurean soul, ye turned up your nose on the ole wo man, and went back on the pies, and on lifir I She that dnndleil vn when vo wnz a baby, a little baby I Mebbee ye went back on her, and shook her, and played off on her, and gave her away dead away 1 And now, mebbee, young man I would'nt hurt ye for the world, but mebbee, afore ye leave this yar table, YE Xlj EAT THAT PIE l i The stronger rose to his feet, but the muzzle of a dragoon revolver in the un steady hands of Whisky Dick, caused htm to sit down again, lie ate the pie, and lost nis case likewise, before Eough-and-Beady jury. Indeed, far from exhibiting the cyn ical doubts and distrusts of acre. Daddv Downey received always with child-like, delight the progress of modern improve ment and energy. "In my day, long back in the twenties, it took us nigh a week a week, boys to get up a barn, and all the young ones I was one then for miles 'round at the raisin' ; and yer's you boys rascals yo are, too runs up tnis yer snanty for Mammy and me twixt sun-up and dark I Eb, eh, you're teachin' the old folks new tricks, are ye ? Ah, get along, you 1" and in playful simulation of anger he would shake his white hair and his hickory staff at the " rascals." The only indica tiou of the conservative tendencies of age was visible in his continual protest against the extravagance or the boys. "Why," he would say, "a family, a hnll family leavin' alone me and the old woman, might be supported on what you young rascals throw away in a single spree." " There was little doubt that the old couple were saving, if not avaricious. But when it was known, throngh the in discreet volubility of Mammy Downey, that Pappy Downey sent the bulk of their savings, gratuities, and gifts to a dissipated and prodigal son in the East whose photograph the old man always carried with him it rather elevated him in their regard. " When ye write to that gay and festive son o' yourn, Daddy," said Joe Bobinson, "send him this yer specimen. Give him my com pliments, and tell him, if he kin spend money faster than I can, I call him 1 In vain would the old man continue to protest against the spirit of the gift ; the miner generally returned with bis pockets that much the lighter, and it is not improbable a little less intoxicated than he otherwise might have been. . It may be premised that Daddy Downey was strictly temperate. The only way he managed to avoid hurting the feelings of the camp was by accepting the fre quent donations of whisky to be used for the purposes of liniment " Next to snake-oil, my son," he would say, " and dil berry-juice and ye don't seem to pro-duce em h( reabouts whis ky is good for rubbin onto old bones to make 'em limber. . But pure cold water, sparklin' and bright in its liquid light, and, so to speak, refleotn of God's own linyments on its surfiss, is the best, onless, like poor ol Mammy and me, ye gili Uie dmub-agxu from QYer-use," Praised bv the lips of distinguished report, fostered by the care and sus tained by the pecuniary offerings of their fellow citizens, the Saints led for two years a peaceful life of gentle ab sorption. To relieve them from the embarrassing appearance of eleemosy nary receipts an embarrassment felt more by the givers than the recipients the postmastership of Bongh-and- Beady was procured for Daddy, and the duty of receiving and delivering the United States mails performed by him, with the advice and assistance of the boys. If a few letters went astray at . 1 ' 1 l . 1 Ai " 1 ... J L liiis lime, it was easily nnnuiiKU vj uiis undisciplined aid, and the boys them selves were always ready to make np the value of a missing money-letter and keep the old man s accounts square. To these functions presently were added the treasureships of the Masons and Odd Fellows charitable funds the old man being far advanced in their re spective degrees and even the posi tion of almoner of their bounties is superadded. Here, unfortu nately, Daddy's habits of economy and avaricious propensity came near making him unpopular, and very often needy brothers were forced to object to the quantity and quality of the help extended. They always met with more generous relief from the private hands of the brothers themselves, and the re mark "that the ol' man was trying to set an example that he meant well' and that they would yet be thankful for his zealous care and economy. A few, I think, suffered in noble silence, rather than bnng the old man s infirmity to the public notice. And so with this honor of Daddy and Mammy, the days of the miners were long and profitable in the land of the foot hills. The mines yielded their abun dance, the winters were singularly open, and yet there was no drouth nor lack of water, and peace and plenty smiled on the Sierrean foot-hills, from their highest sunnv upland to the trailing faida of wild oats and poppies. If a certain superstition got abroad among the other camps, connecting the fortunes of ltongh-and-lteady with Daddy and Mammy, it was a gentle, harmless fancy, and was not, I think, altogether rejected by the old people. A certain large, patriarchal, bountiful manner, of late visible in Daddy, and the in crease of much white hair and beard, kept up the poetic illusion, while Mammy, day by day, grew more and more like somebody s fairy godmother. An attempt was made by a rival camp to emulate these paying virtues of rever ence, and an aged mariner was procur ed from the Sailor's Snug Harbor in Han Francisco, on trial. But the unfort unate seaman was more or less diseased, was not always presentable, through a weakness for ardent spirits, and finally, to use the powerful idiom of one of his disappo!nted foster-chi dren, "up and died in a week, without slinging ary blessin. But vicissitude reaches young and old alike. Youthful Bongh-and-Beady and the Saints had climbed to their meridian together, and it seemed fit that they should together decline. The first shadow fell with the immigration to Rough-and-Ready of a seoond aged pair. The landlady of the Independence Hotel had not abated her malevolence toward the Saints, and had imported at consider able expense her grand-aunt and grand uncle, who had been enjoying for some years a sequestered retirement in the poor-house of East Machias. They were indeed very old. uy what miracle, even as anatomical specimens, they had been preserved durmg tneir long jour ney was a mystery to tho camp. In some respects they had superior memo ries and reminiscences. The old man Abner Trix had shouldered a musket in the war of 1812, his wife, Abigail, nad seen .Lady Washington. Whether it was jealousy, distrust or timidity that overjame the Saints, was never known, bnt they studiously de clined to meet the strangers. When di- rectlv encroached urjon the subject. Daddy Downey pleaded illness, kept himself in close seclusion, and the Sun day that the Trixes attended church in the school-house on the hill, the triumph of the Trix party was mitigated by the fact that the Downeys were not in their accustomed pew. " Ion bet that Daddy and Mammy is lying low jest to ketch them old mummies yet," explained Downeyite. For by this time schism and division had crept into the camp the younger and later members of the settlement adhering to the Trixes, while the older pioneers stood not only loyal to their own favorites, but even, in the true spirit of partisanship, began to seek for a principle underlying their personal feeling. " I tell ye what, boys," observed Sweetwater' Joe, "if this yer oamp is goin to be run by greenhorns. and old pioneers, like Daddy and the rest of us, must take back seats, it's time we emigrated and shoved out, and tuk Daddy with us. Why, they're talkin' of rotation in offlss and of putting that skeleton that Ma'am Decker sets np at the table to take her boarders' appetites away into the post office in place o Daddy." And, indeed, there were some tears of such i conclusion: the newer men of Bough- and-Beady were in the majority, and wielded a more than equal influence of wealth and outside enterprise. Fris co." as the Downeyite bitterly remarked, " already owned half the town. " The old friends that rallied around Daddy and Mammy were, like most loyal friends in adversity, in bad cose themselves, and were beginning to look and act, it was observed, not unlike their old favorites. At this juncture Mammy died. The sudden blow for a few days seemed to reunite dissevered Bough-and-Beady. Both factions hastened to the bereaved Daddy with eondolements, and offers of aid and assistance. Bnt the old man received them aternly. A change had eome over the weak and yielding octo genarian. Those who expected to find him maudlin, helpless, disconsolate, shrank from the cold, hard eyes and truculent voioe that bade them "be gone," and " leave him with his dead." Even his own friends failed to make him respond to their sympathy, and were fain to content themselves with his cold intimation that both the wishes of his dead wife and his own instinots were against any display, or the reception of any favor from the oamp that might tend to Keep up the divisions they bad inno. oently crrated. The refusal of Daddy to accept any services offered was so unlike him as to have but one dread ful meaning I The sudden shock had turned his brain I Yet so impressed were they with his resolution that they permit tedhim to perform the lastisad offices him self, and only a select few of his nearer neighbors assisted mm in carrying the plain deal coffin from his lonely cabin in the woods to. the still lonelier cemetery on the hill-top. When the shallow grave was filled, he dismissed even these curtly, shut himself up in his cabin, and for days remained nn&een. it was evi dent that he was no longer in his right mind. His harmless aberration was accented and treated with a degree of intelligent delicacy hardly 'to be believed of so rough a community. During his wife's sudden and severe illness, the safe containing the funds intrusted to his care by the various benevolent asso ciations. waB broken into And rob bed, and although the act wns clearly attributable to his carelessness and preoccupation, all allusion to the fact was withneid irom mm in his severe alllicnon. wnen ne appeared again before the camp, and the cirenmstanoes were considerateyexploined to him with the remark that " the boys had made it all right," the vacant, hopeless, unin telligent eye tnat ne turned npon the speaker showed top plainly that he had forgotten all about it. " Don't trouble the old man," said Whisky Dick, with a burst of honest poetry; Don t ye see his memory's dead, and lying there in the comn witn Aiammy. rerhaps the speaker was nearer right than he imag ined. They took various means of diverting his mind with worldly amusements and one was a visit to a traveling troupe, tnen performing in the town The result of the visit was brief ly told bv Whisky Dick. "Well. sir, wo went in, and I sot the old man down in a front seat, an djkinder propped him up with Borne other of the fellers round him, and there he sot as silent nnd awful ez the grave. And then that dancer. Miss Grace. Somerset, comes in. nnd blame my skin, if the old man didn't git to trembling and fidgeting all over, as she cut them pidgin wings. I tell ye what, boys, men is men, way down to their boots whether ' they're crazy or not 1 Well, he took on so that I'm blamed if at last that gal herself didn't notice him I and she tips, suddenly, and blows him a kiss sol with her fingers 1" Whether this narration were exagger ated or not, it js oertain that old man Downey every succeeding night of the performance was a spectator. That he may have aspired to be more than that was suggested a day or two later in the following; incidents. A. number of tho boys were sitting around the stove in the Magnolia saloon, listening to the onset of a winter storm against the windows, when Whisky Dick, tremu lous, excited and ' bristling with rain drops and information, broke in upon them. " Well, boys, I've got just the biggest thing out. A 1 hadn t seed it myself, I wouldn't hev believed it I" " It ain't thet ghost ag'in ?" growled Bobinson, from the depths of his arm chair ; " thet ghost s about played. " Wot ghost ?" asked a new-comer. "Why, ole Mammy's ghost, that every feller about yer sees when he's half full and out late o nights." "Where?" "Whore? Why, where should ghost be ? Meanderin' round her grave on the hul yonder, in course." "It'ssuthin bigger nor thet, pard," said Dick, confidently ; "no ghost kin rake down the pot ag'in the keerds I've got here." This aint no bluff 1" "Well, go on I" said a dozen excited voices. Dick paused a moment, diffidently, with the hesitation of an artistic racon teur. " Well," he said, with affected delib eration, " let's see I It is nigh onto an hour ego ez I was down thar at 'the show. When the curtain was down be twixt the ax, I looks round fer Daddy. No Daddy thar I I goes out and asks some o' the boys. Daddy was there a minnit ago,' they said ; must hev gone home.' Bein' kinder responsible for the old man, I hangs around, and goes out in the hall and sees a passage lead- in' behind the scenes, jnow the queer thing about this, boys, ez that suthin id my bones told me the old man is thar. I pushes in, and, sure as a gun, I hears his voioe. Kinder pathetic, kinder pleadin', kinder " " jjove-makin I broke in the impa tient Robinson. "You've hit it, pard, you've rung tne oeii every time I uut she says, 1 wants thet money down, or I'll and here I couldn't get to hear the rest. And then he kinder coaxes, and she says, sorter sassy, but listen! n' all the time, women like, ye know, Eve and the sarpintt and she says, 'I'll see to-morrow.' And he says, You won't blow on me ?' and I gets excited and peeps in, and may I be teetotally blamed ef I didn't see" " What ?" yelled the crowd. "Why, Daddy on hit knees to that there dancer, Grace Somerset I Now, ii Mammy s ghost is meanderin round. why, et's about time she left the ceme tery and put in an appearance in Jack son s Hall. Thet s all i" "Look yar, boys," said Bobinson, rising, "I don't know ea it's the square thing to spile Daddy's Inn. I don't ob ject to it, provided she aint takin' in the old man and eivin' him dead away. But ez we're his guardeens, I propose that we go down thar and see the lady, and duu oui ei ner intentions is honorable. -r . i . . . - xi sue means marry, ana the old man persists, why, I reckon we kin give the young couple a sena-oa thet won t dis graoe this yer camp I ' Hey. boys ?" It is unnecessary to say that the proposition was received with acclama tion, and that the crowd at once departed on their discreet mission. But the re sult was never known, for the next morning brought a shock to Bonsrh-and Beady before which all other interest paled to nothingness. . The grave of Mammy Downey was found violated and despoded; the coffin opened, and half filled with the papers and aooounts of the robbed benevolent association; but the body of Mammv was gone I Nor, on examination, did it appear mat me uotq ana anoien, form of that female .had ever reposed in its recesses I . Daddy Downey was not to be found, nor is it necessary to say that the ingen uous Grace Somerset was also missing. For three days the reason of Bongh- and-Beady trembled in the balance. No work was done in the ditches, in tne flume, nor in the mills. Groups of men stood by the grave of the lamented relict of Daddy Downey, as open-mouthed and vacant as that sepuloher. Never since the great earthquake of '52 bad Bongh- and-Beady been so stirred to its deepest foundations. On the third day the sheriff of Cala veras a quiet, gentle, thoughtful man arrived in town, and passed from one to the other of excited groups, dropping here and there detached but concise ana practical information. " les, gentlemen, you are rignt, jurs. Downey is not dead, because there wasn't any Mrs. Downeyl Her part was played by Geo. F. Benwick, of Sydney a 'ticket-of -leave-man,' who was, they say, a good actor. Downey ? Oh, yes 1 Downey was Jem X ianigan; wno, in oz, used to run the troupe in Australia, where Miss Somerset made her debut. Stand back a little, boys. Steady 1 'The money?' Oh, yes, they've got away with that, sure ! How are ye, Joe ? Why, you're looking well and hearty I I ra ther expected ye court woe, now s things your way?" " Then tney were oniy piay-actors, Joe Hall ?" broke in a dozen voices. "I reckon 1" returned the sheriff, coollv. "And for a matter o five blank years," said Whisky Dick, sadly, " they played this camp I Scnbner Magazine. Nationalities and Ages of the Popes. The journal of the French Statistical Societv publishes some curious statistics concerning the Popes whioh may not be without interest. Pins IX. was the 252d Pope. Of these fifteen were French, thirteen Greeks, eight Syrians, six Ger mans, five Spaniards, two Africans, two Savoisieus. two Dalmatians; iingland, Portugal, Holland, Switzerland and Canada furnishing one each; Italy provided the rest. Since 1523 all the Popes have been selected from Italian Cardinals. Seventy Bishops of Rome, belonging, with very few exceptions, to the epoch preceding the establishment of the temporal power, have been proclaim ed saints. The last ten centuries have seen nine Popes judged worthy by the Popes themselves of being sanctified, Of the 252 Pontiffs, not including St. Peter, eight died within a month of their elevation to the Popedom, forty- eight within a year, twenty-two were seated between one and two years, fifty four from two to five years, fifty-seven from five to ten years, fifty-one from ten to fifteen years, eighteen from Cttec-n to twenty years, and nine more than twenty years. Pius IX., in the years of his Pontificate, surpassed in 187 all the Roman Pontius except the bpanish anti- Pope, Benedict XIIL, of Luna, who, elected at Avignon in 1394, died at Pensacola. near Valencia. 1424. In respect of age he has been surpassed by a very great number of his predecessors. There died at the nee of ovor eighty-two years Alexander XIII. (1689- 91) and Pius VI. (1775-99); at eightytbres years, Paul IV. (1555-69), Gregory XIII. (1575 85), Innocent X. (1644-50), Benedict XIV. (1740-58), Pius VII (1800-23): between eighty-four and eighty-six years, Paul III. (1534-49), Boniface VIII. (1291-1803), Clement X. (1670 76), Innocent XII. (1691 1700), between ninety and ninety-two years John XII.. Pope of Avignon (1316 -34), Clement XIII. (1730-40), at the age of 100 years. A Ferocious Alligator. In the Norman river, Australia, the alligators are so numerous and daring that they will not leave the steamers Eath until they are actually disturbed y the motion of the floats. As the steamer Pioneer was on its voyage, a Kanaka belonging to the vessel WaB standing on the margin of the river unfastening a rope, when he was charged by one of these terrible saurians. The people on board who saw the danger cried out to alarm the man ; but before he could make his escape the alligator seized him by the thigh. The unfor tunate man threw his arm round some mangroves, and bo held on until assist ance came from the steamer. Six men quickly seized him, and then there was a horrible trial of strength between human muscles and the jaws of the alli gator. The captain struck the brute a blow on the head with an axe, which forced him to let go his hold, and the victim was dragged away. The alligator, however, made another charge up the bank, but was repelled with difficulty by repeated blows of the axe. The poor Kanaka's leg was taken off below the knee. Medical assistance was near at hand, but the excessive loss of blood rendered recovery hopeless. The man died within fifteen minutes after he had reached the doctor's dispensary. . Morphlomanin, Morjhaania has become a great scourge in Berlin Bince the introduction of opium injections as a relief from bod ily suffering and sleeplessness. Trades people, merchants, judges, barristers, soldiers, students, doctors and clergy men become the victims of the habit, and when the medical attendants are called in it is too late to counteract the evil. At first, these sub-cutaneous in jections offer the quickest and easiest means to allay pain and bring rest to the sufferer. But to prove effectual in its cure, the treatment must be continued for a certain time: and during that period the patient becomes so accustom ed to these skin injections that they become indispensable. When the medi cal practitioner refuses to increase the doses, the patient unable to sleep or rest without the calming injection, pro cures the necessary instruments ana ap plies the remedy himself. Sometimes, also, even after the patient has been cured without any undue doses, and when ho should dispense with the opium injections, he delays doing so under the plea that they make sleep and rest so well. In fact, when once these sub cutaneous injections have begun, they can rarely be left off. Like drink, the appetite for them inortaRet latil chroaio drunkenness ensues, FARM, HARDEN ASD HOUSEHOLD. ltasliM ninta. Tea. A French chemist asserts that if tea be ground like ooffee, hot water is pourod npon it, it will yield nearly donble the amount of its exhilarating qualities. MANAGEMENT OF JiBOOMS. If brooms are wet in boiling snds once a week they will become very tongh, will not cut the carpet, last mnch longer, and always sweep like a new broom. Rancid Butter. Butter that has be come rancid may be restored by washing it thoroughly in good new milk, and then working it over with cold spring water. Butyrio acid, which, when pres ent, causes rancidity, is soluble in fresh milk, and con be removed in the manner stated. Canned Cider.' Cider may be pre served for years, by putting it up in air tight cans, after the manner of preserv ing fruit. The cider should be first set tled and racked off from the dregs, but fermentation should not be allowed to commence before canning. To Bash Holders. Window sashes may be retained at any desired height, by "boring three or four holes in the side of the sash, and inserting into them common bottle corks, leaving them to project about the sixteenth part of an inch. These will press against the win dow frame and hold the sash at any height required. Camphor Ice. Melt slowly together white 'wax and spermaceti, each one ounce ; camphor, two ounces, in sweet almond oil. one pound. Next, triturate until the mass becomes homogeneous, Then allow one pound of rose water to flow in slowly during the opeiation Then perfume with attar of rosemary, one drachm. Toads In the Rnrden. Many persons have a loathing of these really interesting, if . not Handsome, little animals of the genns Bufo (Bufo vulgaris). The toad is perfectly harm less, and is often useful in gardens by feeding on noxious insects. One writer gives it as his opinion that they are worth more per head to the horti culturist than chickens, even allowing that chickens did not scratch. Dr Harris tells a very interesting story of these insect devonrers, which W9 think ought to put the reader in good humor with them. He supposed the odor of the squash bug would protect it from the toad, and to test the matter he offer ed one to a grave looking Bufo, under a cabbage. He seized it eagerly, but spit it out instantly, reared npon his hind legs and put his front feet on top of his head for an instant as if in pain, and then disappeared across the garden in a series of the greatest leaps a toad ever made. Perhaps the bug bit the biter. Not satisfied with this Dr, Harris hunted np another toad which lived under the piazza, and always sun ned himself in one place in the grass. He offered him a squash bug, which he took nnd swallowed, winking in a very satisfied manner. Twenty other fine bugs followed the first in a few min utes, with no difficulty or hesitation in taking or swallowing, though, from the wriggling and contortions, it appeared their coiners did not fit well within. Hone Stables. Dark stables are an abomination nnd should not be tolerated. There is no necessity to sacrifice comfort, cither in winter or summer, to secure enough light. A horse's eyes are enlarged the pupil of the eye is by being kept in a dark Btable. He has the harness put on him, and suddenly brought out into the bright, glaring sunlight, which contracts the pupil so suddenly as to cause extreme Eain. To see just how it is to face a right light after having been in tho dark, take a walk some dark night for a short time, till the eye becomes accus tomed to the darkness, then drop sud denly in some well-lighted room, and you will scarcely ne able to see for a few moments in the sudden light. A dark f table is invariably a damp one, and such stables we are not yet willing to put either a valuable or working horse in.- Give good ventilation, let the sun shine and the air have a chance to effect an entrance, and your stables will be purer and more healthy. Fat Ilarsrs. There is a tendency at this season to feed too much grain and get the horses too fat. This is done at the expense of muscle, because an animal kept con stantly at work will not get "hog fat," the food going to furnish tissue and muscle used up and destroyed. Not so with an animal kept in a stall and given no exercise, except, perhaps, that ob tained while being led to water. The amount of grain fed should be reduced, and a plentiful supply of hay kept in the racks at all times. When possible, the horses should be given the free run of the yard every doy. If only given their liberty occasionly, they are liable to run and jump to excess. Many valu able animals have been lost by rupture or a fall obtained through giving exer cise to exuberant animal spirits. Wettem Stock Journal. Feedlns Fowls. In a state of nature fowls run over a great extent of ground before they get a crop full. They pick np tnei'r food gram by grain, and with it small pieces of dirt, blades of grass and other things that all help digestion. Placed before the fowls in boxes filled with grain, the birds do in five minutes that which should be the work of two hours; they eat a greedy fill, and, suffering unnat ural repletion they have recourse to drink ; the corn then swells in the crop, and the sufferers, instead of walking about cheerfully, hide in corners and squat about, to the detriment of their health. This applies to the equally bad practice of throwing down the food in heaps. Sprains. Between the bones of the ankle and the wrist there are muscles. Wh n by accident these are drawn out of their places, what we call a sprain is produced. When one is aware that he has suffered this species of derangement, the first thing to be done is to keeD the part in jured perfectly still, and by no means nse it in the least. The muscles left to themselves will return to their places gradually. Hops steeped in vinegar and applied hot to the injured part will quiet the anguish and restore wholeness. But more important ttian any appli$ W9 V iuoi' Items of Interest. The more suits at law the less suits go on your back. A Kansas newspaper offers a premium for the best poem on mud. France smoked 150,000,000 cigars last year, ana iz tons ot cigarettes. In 1872 there were thirty-two circus shows on the road. This year there are but thirteen. This is a world of second-hand goods. Every pretty girl has been some other fellow's sweetheart. Bice is more largely grown and con sumed as human food than any other cereal. It is said to be the main food of one-third of the human race. Chicago has 2.800 liquor saloons for . her 500,000 inhabitants, giving one sa loon for every 178 paople, or one to every thirty -five adult males. The number of children lost daily in the city of New York is very large. Over thirty found temporary quarters ar. tne police central station one day recently. It costs just six cents to paste a printed slip on a postal card and send it through the mails. The sender con tributes one cent and the receiver the other five. Josh Billings says lasting reputa ehuns are a slow growth. The man who wakes np famus sum morning iz qnite apt to go to bed sum night and sleep it all off. In a New York druggist's window a placard announces : " Ladies afflicted with pale, faded eyes can now have them tattooed black, brown, or dark blue with India ink.. In Kentucky vagrancy is punished with involuntary servitude, and a colored offender was sold on the block at auction for six months t the highest bidder at Hickman, in that State, the other day. It is when a man is carrying a pound of honey on one nrrri, and a bag of egga on the other, and leading a bulldog by a string, and attempts to brush a fly off his ear, that he feels ne man can be an expert in all things. Queen Victoria has seven palaces. Three in London -Buckingham, St. James, and Kensington. 'Her out-of-town palaces are at Windsor, at Osborne, Isle of Wight, and at Balmoral, in the Scottish Highland!?. There is no grove on earth's broad chart Bnt has somo bird to cheer it ; So Hope sings ou in every heart, Although we may not hear it. And if to day the heavy wing Of sorrow is oppressing, f enhance to-morrow's sun will briug The weary heart some blessing. Dr. C. B. Eddy of Finchville, Ky., who has recently imported from Canada a drove of Berkshire hogs, has erected for thorn the finest pen in the country. It is made of heavy stone, and through - it runs a hallway six hundred feet long, traversed by a stream of water. Per fect light aud ventilation have been se cured, and the entire cost has been 820,000. A fanatio Mussulman at Constanti nople attributes the Sultan's disasters to the fact that Baron Tecco, a former min ister of Italy in that capital, fraudulent ly purchased for a more song the Prophet's sacred flag and sent it to Turin. The flag certainly is in tho pos sessism of the Boyal Museum of that city, but its s-icred' character and magic al value ure entirely ignored by its pres ent owners. A popular doctor of Utica while escort ing a lady home the other evening, at tempted to relieve her cough and sore throat by giving her a troche. He told her to allow it to dissolve gradually in her mouth. No relief was experienced and the doctor felt quite chagrined the next day when the lady Bent him a pan taloon button with a note Baying he must have given her the wrong kind of troche, and might need this one. A f eorful catastrophe occurred at Par ma, Italy. An artillery officer and six men trying to uproot an old horse chestnut tree by the use of dynamite in the publio promenade when, owing to the officer's carelessness, an explosion occurred, killing the officer, two soldiers, two children and another person, and wounding sixty-three. Among the seri ously wounded were four noblemen and several gentlemen who were out for an afternoon walk, ani were attracted to the spot from curiosity to see the experiment. or flowers. There were no roses till the 6rtt child died, No violets, nor balmy-breathe-i teart's-eass, No heliotrope, r.or, huds so dear to bees, The honey-hearted suckle, no gold-eyed And lowly dandelion, nor, stretching wide, Clover and cowHlip-cups, like rival ses, Meeting snd parting, as the yooug spring breeze Itnns gid ly races playing seek and hide. For all flowers died when Eve left FaradUe, And all the world was tlswerless awhile, Until a little child was laid in earth i Then from its' grave grew violets for its eyes, And from us lips roue-petals tor us emues, And so all flowers from that child's death took birth. Maurive F. Egan in Scribner. The ancients had neither pen, ink. pencil, nor paper; but their needs were small and their necessities of publication slight, so that their primitive methods sufficed. They cut npon stone, and sometimes blackoned the letters after cutting; more generally and longest, they used a scratching implement canea the " stylus." For materials, they had bronze, bras1, leaden sheets, palm-leaves. skins, bark of trees, tablets covered witn a thin sheet of wax, and as convenient as the modern slate for erasure, and the layers of tjie stalk of the papyrus. The brittle papyrus would not endure fold ing, and eo the book was a continuous ralL There is no nationality on the face of the globe that can compare with the Chinese as vegetable gardeners, with the exception of the Italians. The gardens of the latter south of this city are mar vels of order and economy. This nation ality is spreading its gardens over the State everywhere, and day by day, dime by dime, strip by strip, adding to their moneyed and real estate possessions, in At ' , a i . i . l il 1 - I. tne vicinity oi Auuorq uicy uuro ucuuuw well-to-do in a few years. As fishermen they can make a living where t fieri would starve. They are making little spots of Paradise wherever a rich piece of sod is found. They are frugal, ener getio and hard working, and even the Chinese find it difficult to keep np with tt.em,--.&toramento Bee.