RIDOWAY, PA., MARCH 7, 1878 Hotes. Doctor M'Knight, of Brookville, paid us a visit. Captain Brown, of Corry, was In town last week. t Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and tho beginning of lent. ... St. Patrick's Day, is the time to sow your tomato seeds. Pigeons In countless numbers are flying over this place. , , Thomas Johnson Is building a house on his lots across the river. Maple sugar time has come, and maple sugar will be for sale at our stores In a few days. Ex-Sheriff Head and family have returned from a visit to friends In Jefferson county. James II. Ross and wife have moved Into Miss B. E. Wilcox's house on South streeet. The Treasurer's Sales of Unseated Lands will appear in the Advocate about the 21st Inst. Note paper and envelopes for sale at this office. A Bheet of paper and an envelope for a penny. ' Capt. Fred. Schoening and Madi son S. Kline are candidates for ad mission to the bar of Elk county. Yesterday the weather was very pleasant and spring like, but won't we catch It the last of March. Tho Kiinoer and dance at the Rldgway House last evening is pro nounced by those who auenaea as en lovable in every respect. Oen. Thos.. L. M'Kean was in own last week. The General made us a call and we very much regret be- ina absent at the time. The hons in this section are doing thdr Wei best, recrardless or the pas- of the silver bill, and as a natural consequence fresh eggs are plenty and the price low. The last days of February and first Aav nf Mnreh were very pleasant. On Mnrnh 2d rain set iu, and on the fourth .nntr On the 3d and 4th. several rafts were started from this section, "Thanksgiving Sermon by Rev. J. M. Gillette, with Remarks and Chrlticlsms by 'A Catholic' as pub lished respectively in the Elk Diino crat and Advocate," is the title of an plirhteen tace nhamplet, which we have for sale at this office for 2i cents a copy. Rev. A. J. M'Farland lectured In the M. E. Church last Monday even In? on "National Reform." Geo. R. Dixon was chosen chairman, and II M. Powers secretary of the meeting The church was well filled and the lecture well received. The Lutheran festival at Rhiues' Hall last Wednesday, Thursday and Fridav eveninirs netted about f 73.00. The sliver canter for which chances were sold at 25 cents each was drawn on No. 40 by Geo. Stickles. The gold oar rines and breast pin for which chances sold for 10 cents were drawn by Mrs. John Flynn on No. 37. l.aat Thunlav moriilnir William Helster, fifty-eight years old, a boat builder of Readiug, was feeding a circular-saw at his mill, when a piece of wood flew from his hand, striking him in the abdomen, instantly kill inir him. He leaves a wife and two children. Church Directory. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. M. Meagher, next Sunday at the usual hours. GRACE CHURCH. Rev. Wm. Jas. Miller, morning and evening at the usual hours. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. J. M. Gillette, Presbyterian, morning and evening. Rawlins. Wv. T.. March 2. A letter received here from trustworthy parties on Snake river says the Ute Indians are acting in a very defiant manner and threaten to go on the war nath when the grass comes. A letter from Bear river states that the people are ereatlv excited over the action of the Indians and are preparing places of safety for their women ana enuureii The dead body of Ashby Harris, a prominent citizeu. living near Birm- f - Ingham, Ala., who has been missing two weeks, lias been louna iu me . mountains in the south-western part of that county, with a load of buckshot that had been emptied in nts Head. Four hundred dollars which he had on his person when he disappeared was tone. The murder caused great ex cltement in that locality. Peter Ray has been arrested as the criminal. Mary Gabel, living seven miles trAm p.vanavllle. Indiana, was found hantrlni? to a beam in a stable dead Rh liail c.limded on the beam and tied one end of a rope to it, and the other around her neck, and jumped off a distance of six feet. Her neck was broken bv the fall. She was aged tweuty-three, and had been nearly Minil fnr oWeti vears. She was un married and lived with a brother-in law, At Fish Landing, on the Illinois bank of the Mississippi river, a horri ble holocaust occurred on the 1st inst. Morris Kaiser a German, purchased some coal oil at a store and returned to his home. While filling some lamps with the dangerous fluid, Kaiser accidentally set fire to the premises, and the entire family, con sisting of husband, wife and six child ren, were burned to death. Coroner 'Hilton has started to the scene of the terrible disaster for the purpose of holding an Inquest. Court Proceedings. Adjourntd Term March Ut, 1878. ARGUMENT LIST. In the matter of the road to lead from the St. Mary's and Olean road to the Milesburg and Smethport turn pike, near R. Brown's in Jones town ship, Elk Co., Pa. Rathbun for peti tioners ; Hall fc M'Caulcy for County Commissioners. Exceptions to report of viewers. Proceedings set aside on the exceptions filed, also because dam age Is excessive. Commonwealth vs. Amanda Trum- ble. Motion to suspend sentence and rule to show cause granted. Rule dis charged. Com. vs. Wm. Malone, et at. Peti tion for parole and rule to show cause granted. Continued. Charles Webb vs. Simon P. Romlg. Motion for a new trial with reasons and rule to show cause granted. Rule discharged. In the matter of the petition of Frank Sorg for a tavern license. Ap plication at January term 1.878, and continued. .Hearing continued to the May term. Susan A. Fires by her next friend E. H, Dixon vs. John L. Fires. Dl vorce. Divorce decreed and subpoena on defendant to pay the costs. Fatima Caden by her next friend H. W. Halstead vs. Owen Caden. Libel In divorce. Divorce granted at the costs of defendant. Iu the matter of the registry of Mr. Fred Schoening as a law student. On motion of Rufus Lucore for the ap pointment of a board of examiners to examine the said Fred Schoening on the principles and practice of law and equity to report at May term 1878, the Court appointed W. W. Ames, C. H. M'Cauley, J. O W. Bailey, Geo. A. Rathbun, and H. M. Powers said com mittee. In the matter of the application of M. S. Kline for admission as an at torney. On motion of Hall & Mc Cauley the court appointed Geo. A. Rathbun, J. O. W. Bailey, H. M. Powers, R. Lucore, and W. W. Ames a committee to examine the applicant. The bill introduced by Represen tative Phillips, of Kansas, in the Na tional House of Representatives "to authorize the issue of postal savings bonds aud for other purposes," has re ceived the approval of the House banking and currency committee, and a prominent member says the report in favor of its adoption will be nearly unanimous. It provides that holders of lawful money, Treasury notes or coin, may make deposits in any sums larger than twenty-five ceuts in any postal mouey office, and when the sums reach $10 a postal order on the Treasury shall be given and shall be receivable for bonds, to be known as "postal savings bonds," to be issued by the Treasury aud bearing interest at the rateof 3.65 per cent, per annum. Holders of postal orders may receive the bonds after five days' notice at the money order offices where the orders were Issued. Said bonds shall also be issued, upon application, in exchange for lawful money, or Treasury notes or coin, at the Treasury of the United States or at the office of any Assistant Treasurer or designated depository, and shall be exempt from all taxation. The bill further provides for the pay ment of Interest every three months. The bonds may be exchanged for cur rency at any time at the variousTreas ury offices. The money thus received by the government sha'l be applied to the redemption of such of the bonds of the United States as are redeemable at pleasure. The hill also authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to pre pare a special Issue of United States notes, identical in all respects with the legal-tender notes, which shall be a legal tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and payment of interest on the public debt, to the amount of ten per centum of the postal money orders and postal savings bonds actually outstanding, until tho whole amount of such special issue shall reach tliesum of $50, 000,000, which special issue of legal tender notes shall be used wholly and exclusively in the redemption of the postal savings bonds herein provided for, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury 6hall prescribe for the purpose. The Country is flooded with coun terfeit money, more now than ever be fore, and storekeepers had better avoid all risks, and subscribe for the only re liable and official Counterfeit Detector Issued, and then loss from receiving counterfeit money need never be in curred. All handling bank notes have ouly to keep on hand for consultation Peterson's Counterfeit Detector, aseml-monthly publication containing descriptions of all counterfeit notes as soon as they appear, also a complete list of broken, closed, failed, and frau dulent banks. Every number of the Detector, contains likewise lists of all the National and State banks in the country, financial news and items, price current, reviews of the money and stock markets, ic, and is, in short, a very valuable publication, and no businessman In the country should be without it. . The rate of subscrip tion for the monthly Issue is only $1.50 a year; semi-monthly, $3.00 a year. Subscriptions may commence with any mouth, and are payable in ad vance. A canvasser could get up a list of subscribers In this neighborhood. Address T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., for specimen copy. As there is a great furor now about Old Coins, we would advise all to get a copy of Petersons' Coin Book, containing perfect fac-simile Impres sions of the Coins of the World. It will be sent by mail, postage paid, on reooint of 1. bv T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilcox Public Schools. Principal's Report for month end ing March 1st, 1878. 3 It o It TEACHERS. a V r 3 Miss Eula Scliultz " W.G. Murphy. W. II. Prideaux 28 26 13 74 76 94 Summary. 92 60 81 12 The standard used In the following markings is 100; that number denot ing perfect recitations. The highest average class standing during the month is 09, the lowest 50; the best general average 99, the lowest 80. divisions. 1st div. "a" grade Amanda Wilcox Jessie Parsons Dora Sharks Willard M'Vean Lucy Nearing "b" grade. Katie Murphy 100 100 98 97 99 98 OH 96 98 96 93 95 90 98 95 92 93 94 99 98 100 97 96 94 94 97 94 96 95 100 99 97 91 97 98 94 96 95 94 96 97 100 95 97 96 93 97 96 94 97 98 99 99 97 97 98 98 95 98 94 96 97 95 89 96 98 72 87 99 8-5 91 100 87 95 90 89 95 88 100 1(H) 100 80 100 90 96 100 1001 Mattie Locke Ada Miller Martha Groat Mary Schrlner Johnnie Murphy Eugene Parsons Freddie A id rich "c" oradk. Eddie Wells Willie Miller Will Hetznecker 80 100 1 98 100 90100 90 100 100 100 94 100 98 100 98 100 2d div. "a"' grade. Bernie Murphy Grant Allen Frank Brown Willie Sweet Eddie Bevier Martin Brogan Jackson Scliultz Flora Weinning John Leonard "b" grade. Hattie Whltcman Ellie Whiteman Llllie Brown Ellie Leonard Edna Walker John Flanagan Willie Locke (Jeorff Weinning Mintie Westcott Lucy Starks Charles Amnal Charlie Stoltz Charles Anderson Otto Schriner TowusendC'ole Charles Feltburg Bernardine Veditz Sarah Nearing "c" GRADE. 99 80 80 95 100 100 99 95 100 100 97 1001 98 8o.l00 99 9: 98 99 95 100:100 80 100 91 95400 99 95400 100 100 100 951 100! 9o; 100 99100 70'100 9o!l00 90 j 99; 90 100 99 100 97! 99! 100 97 92 8, 100 754OO 89400! 100 Llllie Ernhout A. Houghtailing Telia Miller Mary Brogan Katie Flanagan Lizzie Murto'ugh Johnnie Allen 100 99 95 ; 100400 9-2 95 78 83 75 90 95400 100 1004004001 80' 100: 100 75:100 100 85' 100400 Visitors: Messrs. J. C. Malone, H. M. Campbell, A. Houghtaillng, D. Parsons, E. O. Aldrich, and Dr. A. M. Straight. Misses May Ol instead, Nellie Brown, Maggie Murphy, C. Evans, and Cora Davis. Dr. A. M. Straight and E. O. Aldrich favored us with addresses. The averages and attendance have been much reduced on account of sickness in our neighborhood during the past month. W. H. PRIDEAUX, Principal. Washington's Birthday Num ber of The Sunday School Times, It. Is but once in a li retime tliat a President of the United States writes for a newspaper; but President Hayes has taken such an interest in the Washington's Birthday number of The Sunday School Times, of Phila delphia, that he contributes to it a special message to the youth of the country, on the example of Washing ton. All the governors of the original thirteen states also proffer timely counsel to the young of America, and to their parents and teachers. These representatives of the "old thirteen-' are Governors Prescott of New Hump sb ire, Rice of Massachusetts, Van Zandt of Rhode Island, Hubbard of Connecticut, Robinson of New York, M'Clellan of New Jersey, Hartranft of Pennsylvania, Cochran of Dela ware, Carroll of Maryland, .Holltday of Virginia, Vance of North Carolina, Hampton of South Carolina, aud Col quitt of Georgia. Some of the gov ernors write at considerable length; but besides their contributions the number contains articles, emphasizing various aspects of Washington's life, character, and example, by Joseph Cook, Edward Eggleston, and the Rev. Dr. Richard Newton. Charles Dudley Warner compares Washington with Rameses II.; Dr. Benson J. Los sing describes all his headquarters in his various campaigns ; and President G. W. C. Lee, of Washington and Lee University, includes In his article an unpublished letter on education, written by Washington himself. The two fine poenis of the number are by William Cullen Bryant and Paul H. Hayne, representing the North and the South. The usual weekly helps to the Sunday-school lesson till five additional pages. : The Great Healing Ointment has proved of great service In promoting healthy action of purulent Ulcers, Wounds, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and other cutaneous affections ; and for burns, frosted parts aud chilblains, it has no equal. Prepared and sold by E. K. Thompson, Wholesale Drug gist, TitusviUe, Pa. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Dr. T. S, Hartley, Rldgway Pa. Notes from our Exchanges. ' Poller. Prom the Journal. Oil Tuesday -evening, the 12th Inst., the house of Dorr Dwighl, In Hebron township, on the Oswayo Creek, was totally destroyed by fire, and a child aged about two years perished in the flames. The woman of the house had gone out after a pall of water, when her little boy came running after her saying that a pane of glass had broken and the baby was all a fire. It Is supposed that the lamp exploded ana the breaking glass made the boy think a pane of glass had broken. Mr. Dwlght was absent at Bradford at work. He has the sympathy of the entire community In his double affliction. There was no insurance. Warren. From the Mali. Death of an Old and Hard Working Hen. Mrs. B. F. Shirley, of this place, in the Spring of 1865 raised a chicken, which grew to hen hood. It died Feburary, 1878, aged twelve years. t?ne laiu eggs every year or her Hie, except the last. Think of a hen laying eggs for eleven years In succession I Such attention to business is seldom heard of, and probably never before recorded. Clarion From the Republican. On the night of the22J a masquerade ball was given at the Opera House, in Edenburg. Just as the dancing com menced, a party of Elk City roughs headed by Punch Dulin and a man named Broadwater, came in. Broad water got in trouble with one of the women present, and this resulted in a general fight. During the fracas, Mr, Geo. Thomas, who has charge of the building interferred to keep the peace. While thus engaged he was struck bv Dulin aud knocked down. The burly ruffian then commenced kicking him, and one of the kicks broke the leg of Thomas just above the ankle. Dulin left on the early morning train and has not been arrested to date, , It was a brutal affair and the parties engaged in it should be severely dealt 'with. On Saturday morning last an al tercation took place at Beaver City between two meu named Wiekham and Fritzgerald, over a game; of cards, Wiekham struck Fitzgerald over the head with a poker, knocking him senseless. The injured man ws taken to the Exchange Hotel, and for a time his life was despaired of. Wiekham was arrested and taken before Esq. Atwell,, and held to bail in the sum of $1000. Being unable to procure this Wiekham was brought to Clarion jail. McKcan From the Miner. The occurrence of dry wells in the north west is rather dampening the hopes of the Warren people of the ex tension of the O. B. & W. rnilroad to their place, and the expediency is now discussed in railroad circles of connect ing with the Philadelphia & Erie rail road at a point farther east than War ren. The surveys of the N. Y. &. Erie all shewed it to be better not to cross the deep valley of the Kinzua, but to turn it, by following the main ridge which passes through the south part of Keating township. This would bring the O. B. &. W. within four or five miles of Smethport. A branch could be very cheaply built connecting the O. B. & W. with the McKcan & Buffalo at this place. Jefforson From the Qkapiiiu. John W. Brumbaugh and J. C DeMott who have been engaged at leasing land in Pinecreek township, for Fargo A Strong of Edenburg, in form us that they have succeeded in leasing twenty-two hundred acres, and that James McFadden and Jau Taylor commenced taking out timber for that purpose on Wednesday last, and the first derrick will be erected on the Nathaniel Butler farm, which will le completed in ten days or two weeks, when drilling will be commenced at once. Five others will immediately follow, and we have every reason for believing that in a few months Pine creek township will'lay Puuxsutaw ney's, "Ground Hog City" In the shade. Thus it is the opinion that there is oil in Jefferson county, and since there Is not enough capital or enterprise among our people to test the mutter, It Is highly encouraging to know that out-siders will do it for us aud we predict that, before another year has flown, Jeffewon county will be a prominent phrase In the annals of oil Join. From the Republican. A riffle of excitement took place in Franklin last week, the cause thereof being an attempted elopement of a married man named John Rose, with a fair young lady of that place. A warrant was sworn out by the deserted wife, anil the guilty pair overhauled at Meadville, where the male biped had stopped long enough to get on a big drunk. The young lady was re turned to her parents, where she will have an opportunity to repent of her foolish escapade. Clearfield From the Republican. Three pairs of fox ears were pre sented to Treasurer McGaughey last Saturday morning, for the purpose of procuring the bouuty. Upon exam Inution only one pair proved to be genuine, the other two pairs havimr been manufactured out of the hide of the animal. The Treasurer was not "taken in" by the trickr. A New Jersev editor is in luck.- Kecently a neighbor presented him with a side of pork ana twenty yards of sausage, and the next day his wife dislocated her jaw while yawning, ana was unable to sav a word. A much more cheerful tone is now dis cern able m his editorials, and his face wears a rauient tmille. Pennsflranla Notes. There were 191 fires In Pittsburgh last year. . A colored man of Pittsburgh looked for lodgings and found them In th grave, dying In the street. A delegation of forty persons from Washington and Greene counties left for Kansas and Nebraska a few days ago. Anthony A. Laws, deputy sheriff of Philadelphia, was attacked with cramps on the street on Tuesday and on Wednesday died. Young Cal lender, arrested for the murder of his father, in Luzerne county, has b'sen discharged for want of evidence to hold him for the crime. The Miners' Journal gives an ac count of an alleged attempt by Patrick Collins, one of the county commis sioners of Schuylkill county, to rob the county treasury. Iu blasting a rock along tin. line of the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie rail, road 175 pounds of powder were used. A mass of rock containing 1,500 cubic yard w s moved four feet. The Allegheny Valley railroad paid its employees in silver last week. It is said some two hundred pounds of the shining metal were distributed between Pittsburgh and Brookville. The authorities at the Philadel phia arscual have received orders to manufacture 30,000 shirts, 50,000 pairs of pants, 3,000 blou-es, 1,000 great coats, 1,000 uniform dress coats, etc., which will give employrrent to about 600 women. Wahlen, the condemned mur derer who committed suicide on Saturday evening, was buried iu the potter's field - at Norristown. His brain weighed sixty-four ounces, one ouueemore than that of Daniel Web ster. Near Freeport, Westmoreland county, Sylvester Woods cut his father with a razor in a dangerous manner a few days ago. The assail aut's brother-in-law procured a gun and fired the load (bird shot) into Syl vester's body, producing severe in juries. The Philadelphia branch of the universal peace union has scut a petition, twenty feet iu length, to congress, praying that a commission may be appointed to negotiate with foreign powers for the establishment of a system of international arbitra tion. John H. Miller, of Butler, has ap peared at New Castle In company with Mr. M'Farland, the newly ap pointed receiver iu the great oil case, Messrs. Walker, Avery and other prominent men of the oil region, and filed a bond in the sum of $300,000 lor the faithful performance of tho re ceiver's duties. The court approved the bond. - Tho brick moulders, wheelers temperers and laborers of Pittsburgh and Allegheny will demand an in crease of wages on May 1, as follows : Moulders who now receive $1.50 per day, will ask for $2. Wheelers tern percrs and laborers who are getting $1, will demand $1.50. They will also ask that 8,000 brick constitute a day's work, instead of 3,400, the present figure. Coal mining operations have been resumed in the iScbuylkill region and will continue until March 9, when another cessation until the 27th will ensue. The arrangements for the subsequent period have not yet been determined on, but the policy of the coal and Iron company and the Schuylkill individual operators is settled not to exceed the allotment of the combination. In an ancient sepulchre, near the shaft of tho Millwood Coal Company, in Westmoreland county, Dr. frank TPlZjjBwen, of Ureensburg, a few days since discovered, along with the bones of two human beings, a number of arrow points aud the tusk of a walrus, which is supposed to ha e formed the brb of an elaborately-wrought spear. The tusk is abort a foot in length, slightly curved, taperiug, and per forated transversely near the base. Through this perforation the rivet or ligature passed by which the buri was secured to the shaft. Whether this relic is of Indian or mout.d -builder origin is not determined. The human bones with which it was found disin tegrated into dust after an exposure of au hour's duration. The late oil strike by the Lake Erie Oil Co., at Stoueham, Pu., live miles East of Warren, on the Bugbee tract, opens up a new territory that is likely to be very extensive. It shows a very superb quality of oil bearing rock to any ever found eat of Tidioute aud equal to any In that locality. The company are making preparations to put down several more wells ou this territory, of which they have about 800 acres leased. The company are composed of Dunkirk and Sheridan men. Victor Rider, PresFlent; Jacob Shaler, Treasurer C. E. Griswold, Secretary; Samuel Tollcs, Supt. Dunkirk Journal. Pittsburgh, February 28. The riot case of Ulse et al., which has been on trial for. several weeks was con cluded to-day. A. Hlse and Alonzo Milner being found guilty of unlaw ful assembly (nut riot,) and the others acquitted. The chief poinis of inter est in the case consisted iu the fact that this iu the ouly case that has been tried of parties indicted for riot in July last In which the crime was alleged to have been committed before the nriug of the soldiers. The case was argued upon tho poiut as to whether or not a riot existed previous to the firing on the mob, and the re sult was substantially a verdict that there wa no riot until Saturday even ing, July-22d. Mercantile Appralsiiient, LIST OF RETAILERS OF MER chaiidise, Liquors, Ac, in the county of Elk, State of Pennsylvania, March 4, 1878. MERCHANDISE. BENEZETTE. CLASS. NAME. TAX. 12 Miles Dent, store $12 60 13 Wm. E. Johnson, store 10 00 14 T. J. Sharer, store 7 00 14 Miles Dent, miller 7 00 14 It. W. Petriken, miller 7 00 BENZINOER. 14 Rev. F. Cellestine, miller 7 00 KOX. 12 Jos. Koch & Son, store 12 50 12 J. J. Tavlor & Co., store iz o !8 Michael Mohan, store 10 00 14 Koch & Knz, store 7 oo 14 Jno. M' Malum, store 7 00 14 Herman Btnuessley, store 7 oo 14 A. Timm. store 7 00 14 Mrs. S. Keltz. store 7 00 jay. 14 E. H. Dixon, store ' 7 00 14 Abel Gresh. store 7 00 14 John Hmith, store 7 00 jones. a 7 Wilcox Tan. & Lum.co., store 40 00 13 A. T. Aldrich, store 10 00 14 James C. Malone, store 7 00 14 Martin Sowers, store 7 00 14 U. A. Jacobson. store w 14 M. M. Scliultz. meat market 7 00 HOHTON. 13 Short & llorton, store 10 00 14 Jos. S. Hyde, store 7 00 14 John Cuneo, store 7 00 niDGWAY. 9 W. H. Osterhout, store 25 00 10 J. S. & W. II. Hyde, store 20 00 11 Powell & Kline, store 15 00 11 Grant & Horton, store 16 00 13 M'Gloin & M Geehan, store 10 00 13 James H. Ilagerty, store 10 00 14 T. S. Hartley, store 7 14 G. G. Messenger, store 7 14 Charles Holes, store 7 14 Jumes Woodward, store 7 14 Ii. A. Hrenrtel, store 7 14 E. K. Gresh, store 7 14 Robert I. Campbell, store 7 14 Jacob Butterluss, store 7 14 J. h. Powell, store 7 14 H. M. Rolfe, store 7 14 Frank Settelle, storo 14 I). B. Day. store 14 S. A. Rote, store 14 B. Lanioreaux, store 14 A. C. Mathews, store 14 N. T. Cunimings, store 14 Mrs. E. Crayston, storo 14 N. T. Cuinuiings, store 14 P. Malone, meat market 14 Wilbert Mercer, meat market 14 J. S. W. H. Hyde, millers ST. MARY'S ROKOUGH. 10 Gifford. Hall & Kntil. store 20 00 10 Coryell & Kuss, store 20 00 11 Josepti Wilneim, store 10 ou li John waiKer x .on. storo m w 12 Snnflbrd & Tiernev. storo 12 50 13 Weis Bros., storo 10 00 13 Jno. Weideubcerner, store 10 00 13 Charles JjiUir. store iu oo 14 Hosenheinier & Tegler, store 7 00 14 Geo. Weldenbcerner, store 7 00 14 J. L. BlaUely, store 7 00 14 Charles M'Vean, store 7 00 14 Edward M'Bride, store 7 00 14 Charles Miller, store 7 00 14 Joseph W llhclm, storo i 00 14 Fred Kenote, store 7 00 14 C. 1j. Haver, store 7 uo 14 Mrs. M. E. M'Nally, store 7 00 14 Agnes 11. Killean, store 7 00 14 John Krug, meat market 7 00 14 John Forster, meat market 7 00 14 Chas. Kui'en, meat market 7 00 14 Wilhelm & lornish, millers 7 Oi HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES BENEZETTE. 6 Henry Blesh, hotel. 0 H. Li. V insiow, noiei. 7 John Daley, eating house. UKNZINGEE. 7 F. X. Sorg, hotel. FOX. 5 John Collins, hotel. o Joseph Koch, Hotel. 6 Daniel Scull, hotel. , JONES. 5 F. B. Patterson, hotel. 7 Martin Sowers, hotel. HIPUWAY. W. H. Schram, hotel. Jas. M'Farland, hotel. Morffcster fc Jackson, hotel. Jas. Miigiunis, eating house. ST. MARY'S HOROUGH. Reily Bios., hotel. Jared M. Mecum, hotel. Anthony Fochtmun, hotel. 0 James Rogan, hotel. 0 Luwrence Vogcl, hotel. 6 Jos. F. Wiudfelder, hotel. Henry Luur, hotel. George .schaut, eating house. William Ules, eating house. Mrs. A. Klausnian, eating house. Jacob Kraus, eating house. Anthony Schaucr, eating house. BREWERIES. BENIXGER, Westnitzer & Straub. $i!5 00 FOX. Teter Conner $25 00 ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. Charles Luhr & Co. $25 00 William Gies $25 00 Laurence Vogcl $23 00 BILLIARDS. RIDOWAY. G. W. Rhines, 3 tables $50 00 James M'Ginnis.. 8 tables $50 00 ST. MAKY'S BOROUGH. Jos. F. Wiudfelder, 2 tables $40 00 , JOS. A. HANHAUSER, Mercantile Appraiser. STOP Til A T CO van. The way to cure a cough is to stop it. The lungs aud throat can never heal as long as they are Irritated tiy a constant cough. Dr. Fen tier's Im proved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour or less. It will break una cold in the iieait betore any cough bus formed iu two to three hours rreveutlon Is better than a cure I Iu chronic- coughs the system must be placed under the healing in- nueuces or pr. renner s hioou ana Liver Remedy and Xerve Tonic also. This places the system iu a healing condition and under the two remedies the lungs and throat rapidly heal. Mom the JUayor'H UJJive, JV. Y. Vity. Executive Department. City Hall, Office of Hie Muyoiullty, N. Y. C. Jun. 26, 74 Dr. M. M. Fenner, Vredonla, N, Y. Deur Sir Enclosed you will lind l.ol) for which please senu me uiree bottles or your Im proved Cough Honey by express. i ours iruiy, M. J. FARRELL, From John B, Miner, a Wealthy Banker of Fredonia Ar. K I certify that I wus afflicted with a haras sing cougu. i procured a Dottle of Dr. Fen nor's Improved Cough Honey, uhd took three doses of it with the effect of entirely re lieving me, J. B. MINER, no win continue to nat-a t For sale by dealers In medicine. . specialITotices; dh van dyke's sulphur soap. PR. VAN DYKE, whose life long kcia . itt. and world wide reputation fur CUK1NU SKIN DISKASEH. has endeav nred for eur to cumbins an ixtkbhal tbiatmemt. he bas iccumpliblied thisde irabla ntsi'LT in the preparation of bis oom pound '.oULIMlVH SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by tliou'audi j it is highly recommended to all our reader. Prioa 25 Cents a Cake : a Boi (tores Calteal 60 Cents, devf by Mail, (pro-paid) on rcsirT or rmci umoo, ou n. otn St VYbolbsals Defot, 400 N. 8d St. Philadel phia. Pa. Bold by DRUGGIST. U'iljlKW. Rales of Advertising. One oolnmn, one year.. J75 00 40 00 2t 00 ts Ail 4nn.i.nt rtlrnHnis ner square of, nlirhi. linns, one Insertion 81, two lnser l.?Mree Insertions . , . Unsluess curaa, urn uuc... .v-, r- Advertisements pnynblo qunrtorlyi Business Cards. GEO. A. RA1HBUN ATTORNEY-AT-LAV, Main Street, niilRWny, Elk Co., Tu. HALL & M'CAULEY. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAVV. Office In New Brick Building, Main Street, KldKwnr, Elk Co., Pa. v-1n2tf. J. O. W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Hldiwny, Elk County, Pn. Agent for tho Traveler's Mfo nnd Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connctlout. vlnaiyl. LUCORE & HAMBLEN. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. r.irtswny, Elk County Pa. OTlce across the hull from the Democrat establishment. Claims fr collection promptly attended to Jne.I5-lS70 E. G.- FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS SION BROKER. And -General Collection Ai;ent, No. 206 Walnut Place, (ai l Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, Pa. . nll-ly NEW MEAT MARXZT. ' MKRCRK BROTHERS have moved their meat market from D. D. Cook's building to V. H. Service's hardware store, where they Invito all wishing beef, pork, veal and stuisiiRO to give them a call. v"n47tf, CHARLES HOLES. WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER AND JEW ELER Main street, Rldgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing- Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satisfaction guaranteed. vlnly GrG. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST AND PARMACEUTIST. N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Rldgwuy, Pa., full assortment of carefully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Pre scriptions citrefully dispensed, at all hours, day or night. vlntfy T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofnce In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Streets. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M, and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Has removed his office from Centre Street, to Main Street, Rldgway, Pa., In the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Otllcc hours: I to 2 P. M. 7 to OP. M. MRS. N. T. CCMMINGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENTof Ladies' Cloaks, at Jlrs. N. T. Cumminus, also tics, collars cutis, holscry, gloves, and a general assort ment of ladles' fancy goods. Remember the place over R. I. Campbell's storo. Main street. Call "nnd examine beforo purchasing "else where. HYDE HOUSE. V. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. Thankful for tho potronago heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hope?), by paying strict attention to tho comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the samor oct30'fi9 Rldgway Oyster, Fish and Produce Market. The undersigned having leased the build ing formerly used by Mercer Bros., as a Meat Market will occupy tho same as a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand. Shell, Tub, and Canned Oysters, a variety of Fresh and Salt Fish, Foreign anil Domestic Fruits and Nuts, and all kinds of Produce. Cauncd fruits and Jelllls, Fresh Invoices of Ovsters and Fish Dally. A. C. MATHEWS & CO. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to the citi zens of Elk county, that she hus on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking In all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Ball ft Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vital Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. nl7yl. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. d of this admirublo work Is Just out making It half complete, as there are to be IS In all, of 800 pages each, one being Issued In two months. It makes a completo library, and no one can afford to do without It who would keep well Informed. Price 0,00 a vol ume In leather, or 7,00 In elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y., controls tho sale In Elk county. Address hiin for patlculars. scp 17-tf. E. K. GRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet ware, wood aud cane scat chairs, kitchen and ex tcntion tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed stcuds, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, 4c, 4c. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood scats. Weed sewing machine reduced from SC5 to S15, the best ma chine iu the market, and picture frames made to order. Alsoa largo assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the abovo goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms In masonic building, Rldgway Pa, v7n01t. GREENBACKS FOR BOND HOLDERS 1 GREENBACKS FOR GOLD GAMBLERS t GREENBACKS GREENE greenbackTTHEPE0PLE FOR ALL PURPOSES 1 For which money Is used Interchangable at par with Gold and Silver, In a sufficient quantity as to promote Industry, Invite 1ml gratiou, and develops the resources of tho county, Is what the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER ' claims Is the only remedy for the Ills brought upon the country by Legislation andaws, enacted for the benefitof a Monied Claa. and the oppression of Labor and Industry. KVrn,men.t1.Crelit u8alni our Bonds for tho benefitof the wealthy, let the same Cidlt Sustain Greenbacks For the benefit of the People who sustain tha Governmet. aly Enquirer per year,. Uloo Weekly Enquirer . Lis Free of postage, Ageulk wanted. Send for specimen eoblea FA RAN McLean F'ublltrs. w010' tJIWCIiAtIt OElO