r rSi . I - mm Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. FEB. 23, 1978. Capt. Woodward lins a wood yard. Call nt this office for note paper and envelopes. This Is thelast week the Auditors' Settlement will appear. Potatoes nre retailing nt fifty and sixty cents n bushel. Presbyterinn Socinble next Wed nesday, March Cth, at the house of D. S.' Luther. Don't forget the festival nt Ithines' Hail to-night and to-morrow night. Mrs. W. II. Rehrnm, is very ill of a pnnrer. We understand she is to be taken to Cincinnati for the purpose of having the cancer removed. Just received by James M'Afee, Merchant Tailor, n new and complete line of samples for the Spring and Summer trade. Give him n call. The mild weather the end of last week has pi vn place to a cold snap. A good rafting stae allowed our lum bermen to get otft their lumber. Lnst Thursdny evening the house occupied by James MeOovern. oppo site Miner Wilcox's was found to be on fire in the basement. The alarm wasnt once piven nnd the fire put out without much loss. In printing the result of the Ridjr way township election we marked VanOrsdsill, for Inspector and Bailey for Clerk, as Greenback candidates when they should have been marked ns Fucionists. Samples. Over 150 different samples of Spring Goods nt prices from $10 to S3 at the Wanamaker agency fit The West End Store. The officials in several townships In Elk county will bo brought up, with a round turn, one of these days .fur neglect of duty in not publishing the township accounts as the law di rects. And a pica of ignorance of the law will not avail them. Pomeroy'a Democrat, of which we spoke several weeks ago but neglected to state the place of publica tion nnd price, is published nt Chicago, III., nt per annum. Send for specimen copy. ' Address. M. M. POMEROY, P. O. Box 523, Chicago, HI. We understand our Wilcox sub scribers did not receive the Advocate last week. The package whs sent from this office ns usual on Thursday, nnd we are at a loss to understand the meaning of the mystery, nnd propose to make diligent inquiry to ascertain who is to blume in the matter. A Chester county boy hnby, one year old. wcicrhs sixty pounds. His height is 3- Inches; around the chest he measures -'.) inches, nnd a mcasure - ment taken around the hen.l in a line with his oars and noso showed 21 inches. At the time of his birth he v. weighed H J pounds. A WHOLESUrr of clothes made to order for TEX HOLLARS. Look nt The New Spring Samples nt The West End feature. We have received our garden seeds for the coming season from .James Vick, Rochester. N. Y. Vick lias furnished us with seeds for three or four years, and we have always found them strictly flivt-class, nnd ready to come up nt the slightest provocation. Send your orders for seed to Vick and we guarantee you will not regret it. We have for sale nt this office a pamphlet entitled "Thuuksgiving Sermon of Rev. J. M. Gillette, with Remarks nnd Criticisms oy 'A Cut no lle,' us published respectively in the Elk Democrat nnd Advocate." The price is twenty-live cents. There hav ing been a great demand for extra copies of the Advocate containing the article by "A Cutholic," we de cided to issue it in pamphlet form, nnd finally concluded to include the "Thanksgiving Sermon" nnd other articles appearing in the Democrat', thus giving both sides of the question in a handy form. Secretary Schurz nnd Ass't Attor ney Gen. Marble were before the House .committee on Indian affairs Friday, giving their views in reference to the proposed transfer of the Indian Bureau to tho War Department. The Secre tary expressed a desire to have the question definitely settled ns soon us possible, in order that the necessary estimates of the appropriations for that department during the- next fiscal year may not be interfered with. He proposed the enactment of a bill ap propriating $250,000 to be used in pacifying the Sioux and other hostile Indian tribes. Church Directory. GRACE CHURCH Rev. Wm Jas. Miller, morning tind evening, at the usual hours, next Sun day. Subject of the sermon in the evening "Eating of the Forbidden Fruit." LUTHERAN ClU'RCIl Rev. I. Hreneman, next Sunday, German in the morning and English in the evening. METHODIST CUUHCH Rev. A. J. M'FarlanJ, Reformed Presbyterian, will deliver three dis coursed next Sunday, morning and evening at the usual hours, also in the afternoon as follows: "Discourse in favor of the Orthodox View of Future Punishment of the Lost.'' A Refuta tion of Restoratlonism ;" and a practi cal sermon. Monday evening a lec ture on National Reform at the M. E. Church. Ridgway rnblio Schools. Principal's report for the month ending February 18, J 878. 53 j v if 2. 5? 3 s n i a t TEACHERS. Cm a. 5 c" ? a a Sr n f. B a a c , MissB. E Wilcox MissS.B.Kinnler Mr. and Mrs J.B Johnson. Summary. 71 65 82 "67 60 21 B9i S2 "63 208j 178 The highest average class standing obtained by any pupil for the month is 100, and the lowest GO;, the best gen eral average 100, and the lowest 83. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. ! C pr..-ioP3. s 1 Carrie V. Luther Helen M. Little Julia Flynn Tlllie Cunningham Minnie M. Service Thos J Malone Katie Callahan Charles Olmsted Katie Gresh Rose Miller "Av grade. Daniel Irwin Chnrles Meennn Emma E. Ross Agnes Barrett Doric M. Irwin Katie O'Connor IduM. Olmsted Emma Olmsted Rhodn Wilcox Allie Toomey Charles Johnson "n" GRADE. Lewis Lesser Maggie Flynn Michael O'Connor Dan Cunningham Clyde Kime Annie M. Irwin Jack E. Barrett E. J. Luther Michael Mav Patrick Holland Marv Horning Ella Wicks Fred Fitch Tavlor Swart. Affelbert Avery Jennie M'Cready Seneca Benn "c" GRADE- Ella Kime Henry A. Pnine Amanda Lindgren Jennie Hall Willie T. Nei'.l Willie Mecnan Maggie Shcan Edward Paine Viola Xt-ili G. C. Kime Willie Schrnm Arthur Horton Aeklie Bordwell "d" grade. J. G. Whitmorc Josie Messcnucr 07 I00 91 1 SJ"; 0" U5; 10"! 071 100 l(i(' lOOi S'5 88J o-:, 75 ! 07 : si'ioo: 100 ion 981 99 81 02 100 87 94 UM 79 04 100 76j 91 90' 87; 93 UH1 79 0! 10'i 100! 100,100 100! 08 100 100 100 100 06 99 1UU 07i 94: 94 100: 0 99 70j 90 82! 98 100 10(V 48 9S llHl 100 fi7 97. 100: 98 100,100, 100 : 78 1 8ii 100! i KM)! 60! 95 100 I 100 80 05 HK)! I 100: 88, 97 ioo! 93: 89 01' 95 100 100 100 100 82 97 79 100 97! 97 I00; 97 82 100 100 lnO 100 100 97 100 loo 100 97 S8 9(i 90! 79 87 07! 100 88' 93 90, 82! 9.' 97 88, 9 10' 9 8(! 97 88 I 82 10 J 100 100 100 100 55 100 93100 00 100 751 97 10 J 10O 100 85! ir, 100 08i 92 100 94 88: 94 97 100 I 100 90 99 95' 100 100 100 100 100! HO,1 98 100 95 i 03,100. 82' 9o! 92 91 100 loo 100 100 100 05 100 100 95: 0o 97' 74' 92 87! 97 90 97 94 00 84; 87 !Wi 97 91 ' 9S 75 93 91 j 94 i 01: 95 100 100 ! 95 9' 87; 101' 85! 80 100,100 85! 93 100 ioo'ioo so loo; 95 95 100 loo 95 100: 95; 28 loo ion! I'lO m' 95' ,100 110 95: 04 95 io .; ! 82 100' 100 ! 85 10O10O i SO 100 UK); j 08 100 lOOi I 50 100 100 100 100, OOj i 93 97: 85, ! r.U 100 80 84 90 cU 94 9l' 95 80; 94 75 ( S3 90 93 88 9i! 77 8!) I I 8G 94 80 89 00 83 Itollan Cook ('Imunccy Wilcox Willie Luther Annie Kline Minnie Kline Kosepha Meyers Sadie Lamoreuux Eddie Powell John Luby Kiltie Whit more John Nichols Uet. G Fullerton I! oh n Healv George French "e" grade. Katie Mecnan tiussie Woodward Eddie Horton Adah Malone Eddie Lnymon Flora Irwin Alice Neil I Ella Lubv Charlie Miller Lizzie O'Brien Mack Kime Coryell Ross Glchni Johnson Gahanui Maloney 95 loo. ioo; 99: 99 9a ! 0(1 94 99 97, 99 73 85 89, 93 8' 95 70; 84 09! 88 79. 95 00 83 93 09 92: t'O 8J, 00 jlOil 1001 93 ,100 100 100: iloO! 97 ioo I 92 100! 75 : 1 IH 90! 9a ilOO 100 100 80 85.100 I S'i lOOj 97 ,100 loo; loo, j 75 97! 95 !loo loo pio, i 95 '00 97' ;100 100 100, INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT Names of those who excelled in "E"' Grade: Warren Irwin, Lou. Egler, Oliver Miller, Minnie Miles, and Jen nie Holes. "f" grade. Clarice Bordwell, Clara Willard, Eugic Willard, and James Neill. "a" GRADE. Bennie Little, Frankie Oyster, and Amelia Young. Visitors: Dr. T. S Hartley, Mrs T. S. Hartley, Mrs. H. C. Neill, Misses JennieMillen, Addie P. Taylor, Ella Gould, Sylva Maze, Rose M Kin ney, Nan DeLoug, E. E. Gray, Lor inda Warner. Messrs. Jas. E Pugh, W. P. Russell, Charles Nichols, W. II Nichols, and-Geo. R. Dixon, Co. Supt. Trcaxts.- George French, and Dan Cunningham. J. B. JOHNSON, Principal. E. K. Thompson, Dear Sir: I urn a hard laboring man, and have been troubled lor two years with pain in my chest, hurling me to lake a long breath, nnd lecliug tired so thnt J could not walk tar without a good deal of eiibrt ; at times dizzy in my head. Thought I should have to stop work ing. I got u bottle of your Barosma pud a box of Dandelion uuU Mandrake fills, which I in 10 ii-lii.i..l ii, ....... much indeed feel like a . new niuu. rMiull continue 10 taueone bottle inure, which 1 lliiuk will make me .111i1. lv well. C. J. Ej ngvist. Prepared by E. K. Thomp0on. Titusvilie, Pa. 1 Sold by Dr. T . S. Hartley, Ridgway Pa. SHIRTS. A fl" "Wumsuttu Muslin Shirt, with tine Linen Bosom flnuhed, only costs One Dollar, ut the West End Store, fix dihere-nt styles of Bosoms. See them. Wanamakara Spring Samples jubt received at the est .tuet Store. Look at them.. The "Xational Tarty." At Toledo, Ohio, on the 22d Inst., the new party met in Convention and adopted the following : PLATFORM. Whereas, Throughout our entire country the value of rcnl estnte is dc preeinted, industry pnrnlyzed, trade depressed, business, Incomes nud wnges reduced, unparalleled distress inflicted upon the peiorer and middle ranks of our people, the land filled with fraud, embezzlement, bank ruptcy, crime, suffering, pauperism anil starvation ; nnd, Whereas, This state of things has been brought about by legislation in the Interest of and dictated by money, lenders, bankers, and bondholders; and, Whereas, While we recognize the fact thnt men in Congress connected with both the old political parties have stood up manfully for the rights of the people, and met the threats of the money-power nnd the ridicule of nn ignorant and subsidized press; yet, neither the Republican nor the Demo cratic party in their National jKiIicies propose remedies for theexisllng evils; nnd. Whereas, The Independent Green back party, nnd other associations more or less effective, have been una ble hitherto to make a formidable op position to the old party organiza'ions; and, Whereas, The limiting of the legal tender quality of greenbacks, the changing of currency bonds into coin bonds, the demonetization of the silver dollar, the excepting of bonds from taxation, the contraction of the circu lating medium, the proposed forced re sumption of specie payments, aiiifthe prodigal waste of the public lands, were crimes against the people, and as far ns possible the results of these criminal acts must be counteracted by judicious legislation. Therefore, w'e assemble in National Convention nnd make a declaration of our principles, nnd invite nil patrictic citizens to unite in nn cllbit to secure financial reform and industrial emancipation. The organization shall be known us the "National party," nnd under this name we will perfect, without delay. National State and Local Associations, to secure the election to office of such men omy as will pledge themselves to do ad in their power to establish these principles. 1. It is the exclusive function of the General Government to coin and create money and rejruiate itsvauie; alt baniv issues designed to circulate as money should be suppressed; the circulating medium whether of metal or paper, shall be issued by the Gov ernment and made full legal tender tor ail debts, duties and taxes in the United Stales ut its stamped value 2. There shall bo 110 privileged class of creditors; official salaries, pensions, bonds, and all other debts and obligations, public and private, shall be discharged in the legal-tender money ol the United Slates, strictly according to the stipulations of the Laws under which tliev were con tracted. 3. That the coinage of silver be pi need tin the same footing as that 01 gold. 4. Congress shall provide said money adequate to the foil employ ment of labor, the equitable distribu tion of it?) products and the require ments of business, fixing a minimum amount per capita to the population as near as maybe, and otherwise regulat ing its value by wise nnd equitable provisions, of law, so that the late 01 interest will secuic to labor its just re ward. 5. It is inconsistent withti c genius and spirit of popular Goveriiinciitlhat any species of private pioperty should he exempt lroni bearing iis jutt share of the public burdens; Government bonds and money should be taxed precisely as other property, nnd a graduated income tax should be levied or the support of Government and the payments of its debts. 0. 'the public lands nre the com mon properly of the whole people, and should not be sold to speculators nor granted to raiiroads or oilier cor porations, but should be donated to actual settlers in limited quantities. 7. The Government should by gen eral enactments encourage the de velopment o.'ourugricuiturul, mineral, mechanical, manufacturing and com mercial resources to the end that labor may be fully and profitably employed, but no monoplies biiould be legalized. 8. All usele-ss eillices should be abolished; the most rigid economy favoreei in every branch of the public service, nnd severe punishments in flicted upon public officers wiio betray the trusts reposed in them. 9. As educated labor has devised means for multiplying the productions by inventions uud discoveries, and their use require-" the exercise 01 mind, us well us body, such legisla tion should be had that the number ol hours of daily toil will be reduced, giving to the working classes more leisure for mental improvement and social enjoyment, mid saving them from premature de-cay and deal h. 10. The adoption of tin American monetary system, as proposed herein, will harmonize alidiflerence in regard to tariU'nnd Federal taxation, reduce and equalize the cost of transportation by land and water, distribute equita bly the joint earnings of capital and labor, secure to the producers ol wealth the results of their labor and skill, muster out of service the vast army of idlers who, under the existing system, grow rich iixin the earnings of others; that every man and woman may, by their own efforts, secure a competence, so that overgrown for tunes and extreme poverty will be sel dom found within the limits of our re public. U. Both National and State Gov ernments should establish Bureaus 01 Labor and Industrial Statisth-b. clothed with the iower of gathering nnd publishing the same. 12. 'i'Lat the contract svstem of employing laborers in our prisons and retormuteiry institutions works great injustice to our mechanics and arti sans, and should be prohibited. J. i be importation or servile labor intothe United States from China is a problem of the most serious imiKirt- ance, and we recommend legislation looking to its suppression. Chief of.Pejlice Breen, of Virginia City, Nevada, has been arrested, charged with having liberated a Chinaman in his custody on a charge of murder and put a paid Chinese sub stitute in place of the prUoner. The substitution was discovered by a rela tive of the man murdered by the pris oner, the latter having been fully iden tified by the same man at the time of the arrest. Township Elections. election held FEB. 19lh, 1878. Following will be found a list of the persons electeel to fill the offices in the several districts in Elk county : 11ENE7.ETTE. Assessor W. H. Johnson. Supervisors George Mahcn, Dennis Tnylor. Auditors R. W. retriken, Henry Blesh. Constnblc D. B. Wlnslow. Town Clerk J. W. Hnnscom. Town Treasurer T. J. Shaffer, nnd D. E. Hewitt each received twenty nine votes. JuJ.e of Election H. R. Wilson. Inspectors of Election Henry Derr, Newton Johnson. School Directors G. T. Rothrock, Osborne Johnson. KENZINGER. Justice of the Peace Philip Kreckle. Assessor Joseph Kerncr. Supervisors George Stuffier, John Glcixncr. Auditor George Selle. Constable Frank Wcrncth. Town Clerk John Nisscl. Town Treasurer George Nisscl. Judge of Election Philip Young. Inspectors of Election Martin Herbstrcet, George Decker. School Directors Wolfgang Wcigel, John Kugler. FOX Assessor P. A. Jordan. Supervisors Edward Malone, M. Mann. , Auditor G. W. Boyer. Constable John M'Macken. Town Clerk J. J. Taylor. Town Treasurer James M'Closkcy. Judge of Election Patrick Callahan. Inspectors of Election Henry Lar gay, J. R. Gre-cn. School Directors Henry Stnessley, John Mosier. highland. Assessor William S. Cole. Supervisors Thomas Campbell re ceived twenty votes, and Itobcrt Walmsley nnd Andrew Johnson each received eleven votes. Auditor H. O. Ellithorp. Constable Henry Smnthers. Town Clerk E. Hovencump. Town Treasurer Wm. J. Stubbs and Ed. Lure each receiveel eleven votes. Judge of Election Wm. Cole. Inspectors of Election F. Leroy, William J. Stubbs. School Directors Levi Ellithorp, Theodore Vankirk. noKTox. Assessor Walter Randolph. Supervisors II. B. Shons, John Brown. Auditor A. D. Allen. Constable Thomas Bure-h field. Town Clerk A. J. Aldcn. Town Tivusurer E. D. Aldcn. Judge of Election H. Horton. Inspectors of Election T, J. Taylor, Dan Phnlcn. School Directors Geo. W. Clinton, Jos. S. Chamberlain. jay. Assessor Justus Weed. Supervisors J. M. Bateninn. J. W. Mead. Auditor R. I. Spnngler. Constable John Mlinn. Town Clerk Justus Weed. Town Treasurer A. E. Goff. Judge of Election Martin Clover. Inspectors of Elect ion Brad Gard ner, J. A. Spanglcr. School Directors A. E. G off, G. L. Thurston. Overseers of Poor Joseph Dill, A. E. Golf. JONES. Justice of the Peace- J. D. Tarsons. Assessor J. C. Mefl'ert. Supervisors Kred Wank, Anthony Cole. Auditors R. Brcnnan, two years, E. O. Aldrich, three years. Cemsluble II. A. Manett. Town Clerk A. T. Aldrich. Town Treasurer Martin Sowers. Judge of Election Geo. V. Manett. Inspectors of Election John Ben nett, M. (. Dill. School Directors A. B. Preston, John Pistner. Collector R. A. Manett. millstone. Justice of the Peace E. W. Maybcc. Assessor C. Blair. Supervisors Kly Islimnn, twenty live votes; Jacob Shaffer, and J. Hoover each nineteen votes. Auditors S. M. Moore, Wm. Dunn. Constable1 James S. Champion. Town Clerk G C. T. Hoff. Town Treasurer G. Parrott. Judge of Election W. K. Moore. Inspector of Election A. L. Hec ter. School Directors H. Cuts, E. W. May bee. Overseers of Peior Wm. Kelly, G. C. T. Hoff. RIUGWAV. Assessor J. S. Powell. Supervisors Morris Sherman, Mel vin Gardner. Auditors W. S. Hamblen, two years; Jas. Penfield, three years. Constable W. S. Horton. Town Clerk Cupt. Jas. Wood ward. Town Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Judge of Election Edwnrd Derby. Inspectors of Election. M. E. Lesser, Dubois Gorton. " School Directors Horace Little, S. W. Miles. 6PRINf c reek. Justcc of the Peace Hirman Cur niuii. Supervisors G. W. Irwin, I). D. Davisem. A uditort Oliver Meddick, W. Gil breth. Constable Thomas Jefferson. Town Clerk W. A. Irwin. Town Treasurer Thomas Irwin. Judge of Election W. A. Irwin. Inspector of Election Wm. Dane. School Directors Reuben Mobney, Thomas Irwin. Removal orriuce of Election Beech Bottom received thirteen votes; Irwin's forty votes. ST. MARY'S UORO. Chief Burgess Michncl M'Nnlly. Town Council Louis Gicss, W. W. Ames. Borough Constable Michael Stic beck. School Directors Leonard Wlttman Anton Aumnnn. Assessor Jacob Kraus. Overseers of Poor Charles Schissle, Thco. Miller. Judge of Election Eugene Lent z. Inspectors of" Election -Michael Frey, George Wcigel, Jr. Auditors Geo. Ed. Wcis, three years; Frank Soscnhelnier. High Constable Michael Stieblch. Always Keep' X Smile fur Mother. The above Is the name of an elegant new Song and Chorus by the popular writer, Charlie Baker, who has writ ten senile of the most popular songs in America. The words are elegant and music easy so that every body will be able to play it. (1st verso.) Alwnys keep 11 uniite fur mother. Never to tier hurslily xpenk. Frowns, or words In miner Hpoken. May brlnic team unto hnr check, Think ol nil the kind devotion she linn irlven unto yon. Ho remember when you greet her, Ke-ep a smile for mother, Uo. e'hnriiR. Always keen n smile for mother, Shu Is nil the world to yon. There can never be nn other Heart so loving nnd so true. Price 85 cents per copy. Will be sent to any address in the United States, upon receipt of marked price bv addressing the publisher F. W. llELMICK, 50 West 4th, St. Cincin nati, Ohio. Feir sale by all music dealers. HteiiiWAY RonmouY. From the Reynoldsville JIcraM, of, the 12th Inst., we glean the following particu lars of n daring highway robbery com mitted on Sunday mornrng, the 10th hist., in the woods near Kramer City, the new oil town in Jcfl'crson county, near the Clearfield county line. Mr. Wolf, an operator, left Reynoldsville early on the morning of the 10th inst.. .''or Kramer City, and when in the woods above alluded to, he was nie-t by a man who demanded his money. Mr. Wolf nt first declined to hand over his purse, but, after a short struggle, lie was forced to hand over his purse, which contained one hundred ami twenty-five elollars, and he was then allowed to go on his way. Mr. W. was pretty roughly handled, but was not injured to any extent. The rob ber Is unknown. Note paper and envelopes for sale at this office. A sheet of paper and an envelope for 11 penny. FllOM (i EX. J). S. J-'OIMES. The following chatty letter from Gen. Forbes, relates in a pleasant wav his experience with Dr. Fciiiicr's Golden Relief. What he says will be nppreriate-d by the thousands who have experienced instant relief from pain by the use of that wonderfully effective compound. - Krednniii, X. Y., April It, IsT-V. Dr. Fciiner lenr sl.You will please send me imnUi.T hot tin of your eJolden Keller. Il lins heroine u II Jure in my lion-e us a medi cine. We consider it Inviiluiihleiind ciinnot do without it. 1 must here relate nn anec dote ol your vnlunlile Golden Itell f. In the tall of l-.li, in J 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ir from mv carriiiae I sprained my ankle anil was uniihle to walk. An agient of Die llnll'iilu t 'on rter called at. mv liousu ml course you know what he called for it whs to collect my subscription i and llnd bnr me in urent pain commenced lellbiK a wonderful story about a most wonderful medicine that he had found in HuJtido and that he would no and brlni to me lor 1 ial. as it was In his valise. I murine my surprise when I found it was your nolden relief made here in 1'iedonia ! 1 sent to you for n boll le, and Biter uslinr It R few times the pa in entirely left and a s,.eedy cure was obtained. This uncut ol the Courier said he could not live without It as lie wnsan almost constant sutl'erer from NeuralKla and that It was the oulv medicine tlmti-ave him inslaiu relief. So you will see that others appreciate ruur wonderful medicine lis well us mvseif, and I willudil that all the numerous cases where! or my family have tried it, it lm.-never failed to five relief. So you will not wonder that we lii-vn learned to rely upon il in all those cases for which you recninined it. Yours truly, L. S. KClUHKS. C. T. Moore, proprietor of the cole brut eel wholeealutca and coffee house. 14 Front street, Roche-sler, N. Y., ccr titles that Dr. Fenner's Golden Relic, cured him of sorethroat more speediiv than aiivlhiiig be has yet found. Hi's family lias learned to rely on it in Headaches, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Toothache, etc., nnd would not be without it. C W. Tenant, Fredonia, N. Y., cer tifies that I wo bottle-s of Dr Fcnncrs Golden Relief cured him of a bad Rheumatism, after all other treatment had failed. The be-st families in the hind are now keeping it constantly in the house .or family use, and attest to its extra ordinary powers and healing capabili ties to conquer puinundannihilate dis ease from the system. Ask for a circular entitled "People's Remedies." For sale bv dealers. Glad Tidhigss far the Weak, Xervous and Debilitated. Our Latest Improved Self-Aetlns Galvanic Appllanc.-s are a speedy and 1'ermaneiit cure for Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Kidney. Liver and Female e'omplaints. Nervous Vrostra 1 Ion, Weak Liiiixk, Hack nnd spinal Irrita tion, and Kidney Diseases, l'l-iees, Wulst llelf .i; Spinal llelt, to' Paralysis and s.pliml Allmeins, siii.iKi, and upwards; Arm lets. Anklets, Head Hands, Knee i aps, ju.tm each; Suspensories, fcUK). Illustrated Pamphlet Kree. Address, GALVANo-MEltli AL ASSflflATlOX. 21 East Ninth Street, New York. Xotice. All persons are hereby forbidden sellinggoods to, ortrustingany person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con traded after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-1 y BOOKS newest ami most popular ilnrs. Willi u i'il. flu..; .,1 I dul .,. Ii.1,1 Ullll IMnil.ulll.nl , uk-.i II... ..('..II .1... battles, when and where I'otudH. duriuu; ihe war. lor He si onp. Address, Jjusinoud & e.'o !Ui llace St.. l'hi.adeiphia. lilv:lnliii. . ROSES. Kljrlit Ijenutlfu! Kvery bliHJininir lit isl'8 I'mulu Immediate lloweilnu and "The ejarden." for one year, sent postpaid by mall on receipt of one dollar. SRFFICI varieties of Choicest OEiCUO Flower Heeds, and -Ihe Garden," sent postpaid, by mall, on receipt ol one dollar. Thf flarripn the oakden is nn ,-iIC Udlucn elegant quarterly Magazine devoted to the eu Hire ol flowers nud Venetubles. It is printed on line lunik paper, profusely illustrated, and contains u splendid Colored Plato of Flowers. Price " cents a year, and 25 cents worth of Seeds free Hplendidlv Illustrated Cutalosfueofl-'lowe s and egetuhle seeds and Plant for a three cent sPmip. - flfe-lul -rice List to Market Gardners fee. w uolcsnle Catalogue to dealers on applica tion. Address i Rata ol Advertising. One column, ono year SM w u " ' 40 01 y. ' " " vh n I 1 lo 00 Transient advertisements per square of, ehtht lines, one Insertion f 1, two Inser JI.tI, three Insertions $2. Huslnona cards, ten lines or loss, peryenr 3. Advertisements payable quarterly. Business Cards. GEO. A. RA 1 113 UN ATTOHN KY-AT-LAW, Main Street, Ridgway, Klk Co., Pa. HALL. & M'CAULEY. ATTOUN EYS-AT-LA W. omectn New llriek Building, Mnln Street, Iltdi;wu.v, Kill Co.. Ph. vln'-'tr. J. O. W. BAILEY. ATTOtlN KY-AT-LAW. Uldswn.v, Klk County, Pa. Agent tbr the Traveler's Life nnd Accident Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conncticut. vln25yl. LUCCME & HAMBLEN. ATTOUNKYS AT-LA W. Ttldswny, Klk County Pn. Office across the hull from the Dkmockat establishment. Claims f.ir collection promptly attended to Jnc.l VISTA E. G. FAY. LUMUKIt AND INHCItANCE COMMIS SION HUOKK11. And General Collection Aitent. Ko. 201 Walnut Place. (HI Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, I'll. n U-ly HEX MEAT MAUXCT. MEUCKIt IIKOTIIKIIS have moved theli meat market from 1). D. Co ik's bulldlmr to V. f. .Service's hardware store, w here Ihej Invite all wishing beef, pork, veal nml sausacc to give them a call, vTalTtf, CHARLES HOLES. WATCHMAKER, KNORAVER AND JEW ELKR Main street, Ridgway, Tn. Agent for the Howe Pewlng Machine, and Morton Gohi Pen. Repairing Watches, etc.. done with tin same accuracy ns heretofore. (Satisfaction guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER. DRCPUIST AN D PARM ACE17TIHT. X. AV. corner of Mnln and Mill streets Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of carefullj selected Foreign and liomestic Drugs. Pre scriptions carefully dispensed nt all hours day or night. vln.'ly T. S. HARTLEY, Til. D., PHYSICIAN AND HLRGEON. OlTlce In Urtig Store, corner Rroud am! Main Streets. Residence corner Itrniul street, opposite the College. Oillce hour from M to 1U A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vliiL'yl. J. S. B3R0?fLL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SI RGEON. Has removed his office from Centre str. et to Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., In the second story of the new h ick building of John O Hall, west of Ihe Hyde House. Oillce hours: 1 to 2 P. M. 7 ton P. M. MRS. N. T. CUKIlffitNGS. A LA K'.E ASSORT.M KXTof Ladles' Cloaks, nt Mrs. X. T. Cuminings. also ties, collars cuffs, hoisery. gloves, nud a general assort ment of Ladies' fancy goods. Remember tin place over R. I. Campbell's store. Main street ('ill I M.d cm. mine bifoie i'1'.rclinsing else where. HYDE HOUSE. V,'. II.SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Klk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, he new pro prletor. hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort nnd convenience of guests, to merit u continuance of the same, oct'Wti!) flidgwray Oyster, Fia'i and Produce Market. Tho undersigned having leased the build ing formerly used by Mercer tiros., as a Meat Market will occupy the same as a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand. Shell, Tub, nnd Canned Oysters, a variety of Kresh and Salt I- ish. Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Nuts, and nil kinds of Produce, e'nnned fruits and Jelllls. Fresh Invoices of Oysters and Fish Dally. A. C. MATHEWS CO. MILLINERY AKO DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. K ELTZ, Kersey, Klk Co.. Pn.. lakes this method of announcing to the citi zens of Klk county, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will he sold cheap. Also drossmuklni. In all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Rail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vita: Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. . nl7yl. APPLETCN'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. 8 of this admirable work Is Just out nuiklng It half complete, as thore are to be hi In all, of 8(K) pages each, one being issued In two months. It makes u complete library, and no one can afford to do without It who would keep well informed. Price ftl.no n vol ume In leather, or $7,01 In elegant half Tur kty. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, X. Y.. control the siilo la Elk county. Address him foi pntlculurs. sep 17-tf. E. K. CRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet ware, wood ami cano seat chairs, kitchen and ex tentlou Uibles, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, mill tresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Ijiferty s metal lined wood- pumps, Ac, Ac. Cano seats replaced with perforated wood seal. Weed sewing machine reduced from Sto to $13, the best ma chine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large ussorted stock ol ready made colllns constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above .ioods are sold at punlc prices. Ware Rooms in masouie building, Ridgway Pa. v7uolt. GREENBACKS ''Jil "OXD HOLDERS! GHEE 17 BACKS GREENBA'cKSLUGAMnLEKS! GHEE IT B A Vk sXAL nANKERS! --,, . ' R THE PEOPLE GREENBACKS FUR ALL PURPOSES! For which money is used Inlerchunguble at par Willi Gold and Silver, in u sutllcieiit (luiininyas to promote industry, Invite liui giaiion. and develope the resources of the county, is wluit Ihe CINCINNATI KXQCIRER claims Is the only remedy for the Ills brought upon the country by Legislation and ..-vs. enacted for the heneiitofu Monled Clag. uud the oppression of jiborund Industry. Government Credit sustains our Ron. Ik for Ihe beiieiitoi the wealthy, let the same C'.edlt Sustain Greenbacks For Hie benefit of the People who sustain the eJovernniel. Dally Enquirer per year, tr'OO Weekly Enquirer " 7' i Free ol postage, AguuU wanted. ' Send for specimen cobles. FARA.XA McLean, Publishers. CINUXNATI, OHIO. INLURANCE AGbBCY. or P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest ngency In tdtlicr Elk or Its adjoining counties, representing through lib General Agents nbettt CO responxib'e nnd prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ontu are tho following: NORTH RRITISH A MERCANTILE, Orsss i Bsets $32,533,613, ETNA, OP HARTFORD. CONN.. Assok cvor $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PIIILADELPniA Assets $l,ut0.oou NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets Sl.oiw.ooo. MIIAWMUT, BOSTON. SI APS., Capital $3UU,000. OERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Asset3 Si' oou ooo. TRAVELERS, (Life nnd Accident) CONN., A sets 1,06 oou. nSOyl. ITev York Weekly Herald. ONE HOLLAS A YEAS. The ciieuiiii on uf i In- pupul ii u wspaper hit. no re ilimi Irchled tluringilie rasi ear. It ceiiliiius all ihe lend ng l ews conuined i t le 1mi v I!i;ii.u.i. and is urrniigcd in Imuily di pari nieiiis The FOHB ON MiWS nibrnces special ilispatelies from all iiiiiicis ol the g ohe, logeiliet with un- 11; c-eil. feiil lui Hiidgrnpliic pioiures of llie re.il U i.i in tino e. L iidertlie head uf A.MKnlOAN .NKWjS are given Hie I eicgrapliie lllspmclics of ihe week Irmii all pans ol the Union. Xhii icaiiire iilono tmikes Til K WKK.KLY IIUIULD i.o ni st vnliuible MBpspuper in I be woilJ, i. it is I he clicipest. hvjry week Is iven a faiiliful report of I'Ol.m ;.vl. Nr.V!. nibrnoiiig c 'in , h ie and coiiiprehensiva iispa'chea In in V AsuiMirnN. liicluditig lull i epoi is of lie sin nlies of eniineut poll i.cl'ilis "ii ll'O iiueslloiis of llie hour. Till': K.U.W UKI'.iKTME:iT it llie Vi;kki.y II KKAi.n g ves Ihe latest av well us the iiiosi piuciical suguesinuis and uacovei ies i el:iii.ig in I lie dm les of Ihe fur uier. linns tor inisiiig Cuiilu, 1'iuliry, iiuii,-. Tires, Vegetables. e , &o . With npgei-t ions, for keeping tmiUlhus and . h rui ng uii uhils in icpnir. 'I Ills is supplc ini'liied by a well ell i led ili'ul laielll, A.tlely copied, under i lie he ml of Til K HOME iTi ving recip for prac'ic.il diselies. biota or in ik 11 cl iiliing iinj foi seeping up mill ihe hiiest tiisiiions at il.e lowest price, i.enei s lr. in our I'm is and Loudon cor lespniiil'jiita on llie very Imeil fashiuns The 1 1 "ine L'epai lineiit of llie Ha, kly ikhai.ii w;il s ve Hie ln'ii-ewilo m ire ilian one iiiilidreii limes llie price of Ihe paper, ONE bOI.Ull A YbAlt. Theie is u pake devoied lo alt llie latest plmo.es of the biMiuess uiurkets, ( rnpj, tle-elmii.lize, iiu . 1V.0. A valuable feature s fuiiiid hi Hie speciiilly leponed prices nut Lunditioiis tit" XH I'bOLUi K MAIiKET. Wlrlea l the news liinii ihe lust fire to be Oisci very if Miinlej are in be found in lie Whl.KLY lit iiALU, due alicuiiuu is given o fil'oUTIXU iNF. .S it Imine and ahrimil. logeiber witii n Story very e-k. a ."efinon by some emrietit di vnic. Liicrary. .Musical, ilruniuiie, and Sen oies. Ttiere is no paper in Ihe world which contains so union news uintier-every eek as the 'm.ki.y Hkhalii. which is -em, poHiiigi- lice, for One lollur. l'ou may subfcnbe ni tiny nme. lHi, M.vv Voiiti i.ERALD in a wceklv lnrui, ONI'. bol.L Ml A YEAR. 1'npers I'liblii hing tins pi uspecius wi'h iiul being iiu.horizt'd will uot necessarily receive an exchange. Adlresj, New York Herald, UriiiiUiviiy Ai Ann Of, .New VuiH LIV12UV STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN PCMUXER. WISHES TO nifuriil the citizen of Jtidwny, nnel lliei juiblic ge-ne'lally, tliul lie luis turtcil ti Livery iStuhie uud will ke'e-p tiUOD .STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES uinl Bti:!;ie's to let upon the most reasonable terms. JBSfHe will also do job teuminjr. Mulile on Broad street, uliove Main. Allorde-rs left nt the Pofct Ofllee will reeeive iroiiiit ultention. Aiifr-ioltiTllf l'KNNVL.V'AMA KAIL UOAD Philadelphia & F'"e It. R. Division 6UM.M Elt TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY. JULY, 23, 1 7. the trains on the I'liiladoiplna & l.ri; Hr 'bond will run as follows: i: tivard. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia II 55 p ro " llenovu 1 1 00 a in " " Emporium '2 63 p m M. Mary's 1 40 p m Ridgway 2 10 p ni 3 80 p in " ' Eane. " arrive at Erie EASTWARD. .... 7 oo p m SRIE MAIL leaves Eri 11.00 am Kano 8 CO p in " " " Ridjrway 4 49p tu " " " fit. Mari's 6 18ptn " " " Emporium ti 15 p m Ileuovo 8.1ij p m " ' arr. lit riiiladepliia... 7 00am I lay Express aud Niugaru Express Cod. ieci eist uuli Low CI rude Division and U. N. Y! & l". K. K. WM. A 15ALDWIN. Ueu'l Sup't P? f ( O Agents Wanted to subscribe t-' w n for the Agents' Journal, a hundsoniely bound, 21 page Journal, brim lull of interest to Anenu. siieciineu copy sent free. Ack.vrsT Jouk.naI., N. V. liuJnlm. VTo n orl lo cu e u caRO of CATARRH I i CtilWCU each neighborhood, with Dn Iviiriioei i.i inedy, to I itroduee it, buinur free. J. ('. Tliion. HtlsburK, t'u. noviiMluiini, Cold. Mines and Lauds. Coal. SmVi'r MINES AND LANDS COAL KILN KB SOL 13, oil vi HfASl? 'AGNIZED. RTO.N K IRON MINING AGKNCY t'ol'I'l.'t JE ft B. HK VENT U Ml ItEETyLl ME VTO BUY A FARM WUEllK Send for our Catalogue. A. H. Wyman & (Jo. Ko. 206 South' Seventh St , PIULADELPJIU. u52-31n.lm