lb Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. FEB. 7. 1P78. Sues of Advertising. On eolumo, ooe year i. $75 00 U ...... 1'J UU ........ 25MO t5 0'i Transient advertisements per square u( tight lines, one insertion $1. two Inser tion, $1.50, three insertion $2 liusiness cards, ten lines or lessi per year $5 Advertisement payable quarterly Notes The sleighing Is excellent now, and is being Improved by men having bark to hauh The remains of Mrs. Gillette were taken to Ashtabula, Ohio, yesterday for interment. Doctor Barley's bill allowing ln- mates of State institutions to choose their spiritual advisers wns reported adversely by the committee, ami. al though our member tried to linVotli.' bill referred back to the committee, his labors were without avail. That Centennial note, commercial, legal-cap and foolscap paper we are Belling cheap, with or without print ing, by the single sheet or ream, to gether with envelopes to match. A sheet of paper nud an envelop for one . penny. Up stairs over Powell it Kime's Btore. The Ridgway Greenback Club will meet at Millies' Hail next Saturday evening at seven ociock. Business of importance Will come before the meet ing, and it is expected that all members Will be present. An invitation is ex tended to all others to attend. The nanlo of Pomeroy's Democrat has been change;! to Pomeroia 1lun trated Democrat, and a lively green back paper it is. The report that the Democrat had suspended circulated by parties whose "wish was father to the thought." Is without uuy foundation Whatever. Township election tickets will be printed at reduced rates and on short notice at this olllce, Send in your orders Hold your caucuses, send us the names and we will send the tickets by return mail. The expense will not exceed fifty cents to each office, the price varying according to the mi)iil; of tickets required. Bnow is from ten to fifteen incites deep in this section, and the Weather has been very cold the thermometer standing at from three to ten degrees below zero, in the morning and even ing, while in the afternoon the weather is mild. Mr. Groundhog made his ap pearance on the 2d; saw his shadow and returned to his abode to chew his claws for six weeks morei Last week we gave a list of the township offices to be filled oil the 10th lust., but omitted school director Below will be found a correct list: One person lor Constable One person for Town Treasurer, One person for Town Clerk. One person for Assessor! Oue person for Judge ot Election. . Two persons for Supervisors. Two persons for School Directors. Two persons forTownship Auditors rnp for flitl fnl'iii oit.l m,u ... fill .., eancy). Two person for Inspectors of Elec tion. Religious Services. Episcopalian, Grace Church, Rev. AV. J. Miller, morning and evening Subject of the evening sermon : "The Two Souls; or the Use and Abuse of Grace." Presbyterian There Will be no Prcs byteriau services, owing to the death of Rev. Gillette's wife. Catholic Services at tho Catholic church, at tho usual hour by Rev. M. Meagher. Pastors arc requested to hand us no tice of any change in services. subject of sermons, and any other mutter that would naturally come under this head Titusville, Pa., April 15, 1870. I take pleasure in certifying that the Sweet Worm Powder ha worked wonders in my family. My girl, four years old, was taken with convulsions, rolling up the eye, and Kti'uightenin? out of the limbs, and sceme l to be al most lifeless, when I borrowe J some of the Sweet Worm Powder made by E. K. Thompson, Titasvillc, Pa., giving her two doses, when she was relieved children with the same cH'ect.. Geo. M. Hkiirixq, Kerr Hill, Pa. Prepared and sold by E. K. Thomp son, Titusville, Pa. Price, 2o cents. Sold by T. S. Hartley, Ridgway Pu, Remarkable Success. The success of the leading literary paper of the West. Tub Chicago L.EDOEH. is truly remui Katue. iNiico its introduction to the reading public, six years ago. The Ledoeh lias steadily advanced In favor, and is now acknowledged second to no paper of the kind in the country. Jts circula tion is national, and has been obtained through the efforts of its publishers to produce a paper of high moral character, and at the same time sell it at a price consistent with the present hard times. That they have suc ceeded, and well, too, the thousands of readers of The Ledgeh scattered from Maine to Texus and from Oregon to Florida will bear testimony. The Chicago Ledger is a large forty eight column weekly paper, which contains stories both complete ami continued, iu each number, written Ko thn Lest nuthora of thfi flnv unit 11 r:reat variety of information interect ng to" every one. The subscription price of The Ledger is only f 1.6o per year, postage paid, and it is equal in every particular to other papers of the same character which sell for $4 a year. Three copies of this valuable paper will be sent to any one who Bends 10 cents and their address to Tug Ledger, Chicago 111. x ' Court ProcMdlnffiii Court opened Monday, January 28, 1878, with Lansing; D. Wetmore, President Judge, and Ueo. Ed. YVeie and Julius Jones Associates. Attorneys Phesext W. V. Ames, Geo. A. Rathbun, John G. Hall, C. II. McCauloy, J. O. W Unlley, R. Lucore, J. K. P. Hall, and W. S. Hamblen. ARGUMENT LIST. In the matter of tn petition of County Commissioners for review of damages assessed by viewers of road from Wuter street in He ticket to to A V. R. R. Petition of Co. Commis sioners for review of damagesawarded, r;le to show cause granted. Hall & McCauley for Commissioners. In the matter of the road to lead from the St. Mary's and Olean road to the Milesburgh and Sniethport turn pike near R Rrowns' in Joties town ship. Exceptions to report of view ers. Continued. Hall A McCauley for Commissioners. The several rules on Sheriff' Scull to return writs were settled, and, there fore, we do not consider It necessary to givo the cases uud names of attor neys. In the matter of the account of Wm. II. Bach man, Trustee, etc. Auditor's report directed -t- be filed and con firmed nisi. Lucore & Humbled for Bachman. The township of Benzingcr vs. J. S. Krcig. Judgment opened. Souther for township ; Hall tl-Ames for Krcig. In the matter of the estate of Julavu Burlingiime, minor heir of Erastus Burlingame, late of Jones township, deceased. Citation to guardian to ac count; alias order. Hall & McCauley for petitioner. CIVIL LIST. John Vaughun vs. P. fc K. R. R. Co. Assumpsit, damages $9,000. Stricken off before the term. Bally for pi if., J. R. Thompson for deft. Charles Webb vs Simon P. Romig Ruthburn for plaintiff; Hall A Anus for defendant. Procedendo as to a balance. Verdict for the defendant. PI ft', by his attorney, moved for a new trial, with reasons filed and rule to show cause granted. The Township of Ridgway vs. V. S. Wheeler, Robt. I. Campbell uud Isaac Horlon. Deot, damages $0,000. Con tinued by consent. Hull At McCauley for Township; Ruthburn for Camp bell. C. II. McCauley vs. Patrick Lamb and C R. Earley. Record from Just ices Eullerton and Mead, involving possession of fifty acres of land in Fox township. Hull & McCauley for pit); Lucore & Hamblen for deft. Contin ued on application of deft. C. R. Earley, and ut bis cost for the term. Frank Gerg, for use, vs. Andrew Kaul. Case upon promises; damages, $S00. Ruthburn lot' pi 11; Hull und Ames for deft. rid', takes Hon suit. W. B Hays Co. vs Jane Shel drake et nl , administrators of Charles Sheldrake, deceased. Assumpsit damages $500. Ruthburn for pills; Hull & Ames for deft. Continued on application of pit's., and ut their costs for the term. John Tudor and his wirc Eli.abe!h Tudor, now for use of tl.e Overseers of the Pour of the District of Fox vs. Peter Holobaugh. Hull & McCauley for pill's ; Lucore & Hamblen for deft Continued at e"st of deft. CRIMINAL LIST. Com. vs. Joseph Hunes. Assault and battery. Recognizance of deft, and sureties called, forfeited and re spited to next term. Com. vs M. J. Earley. Assault and battery. Recognizance of deft and sureties called, forfeited und respited to next term Com. vs. George It. Woodward. As1 sail It and battery. Costs paid and nor, proa entered. Com. Vs. John Koch. Assault and battery. A true bill. Kol proa- di rected to be entered upon payment of costs. Com. vs. Bernard Braniff. Larceny. Continued. Com vs. John Simeline, Sr. Assault and battery. Deft, not guilty, but that ho pay one-half the costs, and the prosecutrix, Mary Lamb, pay the other half. Costs, S35.8I). Com. Vs. Charles niley and Joint Brady- Larceny Riley escaped jail und Brady was not arrested- Com vs. Patrick Slimline. Commit ment of deft to county jail by Justice Mead for fornication. Truebiil. Guilty as in m inner and form us indicted Not sentenced. Same day tho Court directed i lie district attorney to draw u bill in this case charging defendant with perjury. True bill- The deft. found guilty as in manner und form indicted. Sentenced to pay a fine of $10 to the Commonwealth, and undergo an imprisonment in the Western Pen itentiary for the period of one year and three calendar months. Commonwealth vs. Mary Cook. Adultery. True bill. Deft- guilty in the manner und form asshe stands in dicted. Sentenced lo pay a fine of six undone-fourth cents, und undergo an imprisonment in the county juil for four calendar months. Com. vs. John Donley. Larceny. A true bill. Deft, found guilty. cn- terteed to restore the stolen property if not already done, pay a fine of $25 to the Com. and costs of prosecution, and undergo imprisonment In the county jail for the perriod of ninety days. Com vs. Anthony Schauer. Sell ing liquor contrary to law. A true hill. Deft, arraigned and pleads guilty to selling on Sunday. Senten ced to pay a line of $30 to the Com. and costs, and undergo Imprisonment in the county jail for a period of ten days. Com! ts. Jacob Kraus. Selling liquor con trary to law.- Pleads guilty to selling on Sunday, and seu Uucs to pay a fine of $0 and costs. and undergo Imprisonment In the county jail for ten days. Com. vs. John Grohl, selling liquor contrary to law. jMeads guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and costs and undergo imprisonment in the county Jail for ten days. Com. vs. Patrick Goodman, Assault and battery upon constable Stibick of St. Mary 's. A true bill. Deft, es caped jail. Com. vs. Geo. Tompkins. Larceny. A true bill. Not guilty. Com. vs. John Litmmcr. Forcible entry. Defendant not guilty but that he pay one-half the costs", and the Co. pay the other half the costs. Com. vs. John Doyle. Assault und battery. A true bill. Deft, not guilty but that he pay one-half the costs and the prosecutor Frank X. Sorg pay the other half the cost. Costs $20.84. no AD VIEWS. In the matter of the road to lead from the Wilcox and Hamblen State road to the Milesbulg Olid gmetliport turn pike. Confirmed 7iini and ordered to be opened fifty feet wide Petition of citizens of Millstone town ship for a public road from Adam Zim merman's to Wm. Dunns, a distance of aboutone mile. Eugene Lente, sur veyor; Geo. D. Donahey and Godfrey Parrot, viewers. Petition for review of damages asses sed by viewers of road from Water Street, in Benzlngcr, Elk county, to A V. railroad. Rulo to show cause granted. Petition for private road from James Cockburn's' to John Overturfs coal mine, in Benzinger township. John Wair wright, surveyor; I). B. Whislow and Miles Dent, viewers. Petition for a public road to lead from the school-house in Highland township to the public road at south west corner of W. S Cob's land in said township. J. K. Gardner appointed Purveyor; O. B. Fitcli and John Gub nack, viewers. Petition for public road leading from State road at mouth of Island run to Ridgway and Brookville road at Pat rick Reed's farm. Horace Little, sur veyor; J. S. Hyde and Geo, R. Wood ward, viewers. Petition for a review of a road from the Joseph Rogers farm to the Boon's Mountain road at or near the Holo baugh farm. F.iuiene Lentz. surveyor; Tames Green and Henry Larpray, view ers. Petition for review of the portion of Ridgway and Brookville road below James Riley's in Ridajway township and Hcllen school house in Horton township. Geo. W. Clinton appointed surveyor; Fred. Ray winkle and Horace Little viewers. Order to view a road to lead from Dahoga on the P. & E. R. R. to the Big Level State Road via. Wilcox and the mouth of Wolf Run. Continued. OTIIRH MATTERS. Petition of t'itizl'lis of Spring Creek township for permission to ehuiige the place of holding election. Tho court ordered that on election lie held in Spring Creek township on the l!Uh day of February, 1S78, on the question of the change of place of holding the general, special, and township election in said township, notice to be given as required by the act of Assembly. Petition for a charter to Kersey Grange Building Association. Thepur pose for which the charter is framed is the erection of a hall for the use of Kersey Grange, Xo. 028 P. of H at Centrcville, Elk county, Pa., the term perpetual ; capital stock $501)0, in 100 shares at live dollars each. The charter granted by the court. PRESENTMENT Ol' THE GUANO J CRY? To the Jlonoruhlc Jttdgca of the Court of Quarter Sensiona of Elk county! Tho Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the county of Elk, at January sessions. respectfully report: That, after having gone through the usual business of the week, do present us follows: That there needs to be a window put in otic of the cells of the jail, and several other minor repairs. The jurors paid a visit to the county jail and were courteously shown around by the keeper, Henry WenseL The" cells were found clean and eolnfortuble as can be expected under the present cir cumstances. All of which We respect i fully sub mit. Chas. WKtrf. Foreman. STOP Tit AT CO CO 11. The way to cure u cough is to stop it. The luligs und throat can never heal us long as they are irritated by a con stant coughi Dr. Fennel's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour or less. It will break up a cold in the head before uuy cough has formed in two to three hours. Prevention is better than cure! In chronic coughs the system must be placed under the healing influence of Dn Fen iter's Blood und Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic also. This places the system iu a heating condition, and under the two remedies the lungs und throat rapidly heul. From the Mayor's OjUce JS. Y. City. Executive Deportment, City Hull, Office or the Mnymulity N. Y. City, Jnil. 28, '71 Dr. M. M. Fenncr, KredonlH, N. Y., Dear Sir Enclosed you wilt find 81.50 for which please send three bottles of your Improved Cough Honey by express You truly M. J. KARRELL From John li. Mirier, a wealthy Banker of Fredonia, V. Y. I certify Unit 1 wns ultllc tej with a hnrras lug cough. I procured a bottle of Dr. Pen ner' Improved Couyh Honey, und took three doses of It Willi the etrect of entirely relieving me. WBowlll continue to Itadi f For sale bv dealers in medicine; "DEATHS. uuhtne, un Jiontiay evening February 4, 1878, in this place, Mary, wile of Rev. J, AL Gillette. Aged about CO yeurs, . BIRTIIS! On Saturday, February 2d. 1878, to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cody of Ihia place, a oa, QUOTATIONS White, Powell L Co. UANKEUS AND UilOKEKd, No. 42 frouth Third Street. Stocks ftud Bonds Bought and Sold oa Commission. 1'liilndelpliift, Feb., 6,1878 BID. ASKKII V. 8 1881. do do do do 03 j anu j.. iiiz 103 '07 do lor '68 do 108 tool ml 1071 120. do do 10-40, do coupon ......107 do I'nclflo fl'i v 117 New 6' Reg. 1881 104 ' C. 1881 .'.104 41, lies 18'Jl 103 ioi 104 103 0. 1801 103J (J3 New 4'a llcg. 1907 , 101 n " o. 1907 ..102 102 Gold 102 102 IVunxylTaiiia SO j 80 Heading lo 15J rnuuueipnin a r.riB ......... y Leiiign navigation.. . ...... du Vulley United It U ol N J ......... ex. div.. ritmburgh, T. Uuttalo il. It ..... Northern Central.. ft ! tit, div H 18 J ani 4o IK) 120 . til 0J U-i 10 8H 83 Central Truniiportittion Nesquehoninit 41 60 North Pennsylvania,. . 8fiJ 87 Glad Titling for hc Weak, Xenons anil Debilitated. Our LnteKt Improved Self-Actlng Onl'nnlo Appllnnovs are a speedy and l'eriimneutcurc for HlieuinutlHin, Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver und Female CompluintR, Nervuux Prostra tion, Weak Limits, Hck and Splnul lirll. Moll, and Kidney Diseases. Prices. Vnlst Belt- 45.00; Hplnal Belt, tor Paralysis and fplnol Allmeuit,, and Upwanl Arm lets, Anklets, Head Bands, Knee fnps St 00 each; Hiispcnsorles, S5.W). Illusuated Pamphlet Free. Address. U&L.VAXO-MEDICA I. ASSOCIATION' 27 Fast Ninth Street, New York. 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. '" ) THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST j AND THEE EST S-Pae Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITGP STATUS. HB.U 1 IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TO: 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. III. Scientific Dincussion. IV. Social Topies V. Wit and Wisdom ; VI. Home and Fircign Ners Vil. Agricultural Interests VIII. llo'icelmld Economy IX. Live Stouk Markets X. Grain null Produce Marked XI. Congressional Reports , XII. Telegrapliio News , XIII. Ldiiuriu's on all live Topic In tho't It Is the most, complete Ttceklv journal in every detail now pnhlisliol. and will he under the persouul editoral super vision or .Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well knon editor and au'.hnr, and a large oolps ofjtblc aaisiant3. . 15KING BTMCTLY INDEPENDE: in all ihingH, and unirnmmelled by cljltes and Combinations, it. will have no othe) end to serve limn to benefit, interest aril in struct lis readers. ( A GH AND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend it to Farmers in partic ular, anil nil other in ftfrini-ii! wil'tia itu nnnip'ete elabniate and sirinly V liable uive oiotm aim other .Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POlTAGE PAID: Oihiito Conv i,' JS1 9.". Hubs of 5 and lest than 10 . 1 13 Clubs of 10 and over 1 0(1 Tho price at Ivhtcli we furnish THE tft'KKLY TELEGllAPli is hut a trine more than the cost of t lie white pPert but we depend upou a generous puclic for a buflicictillv lurire nairitnucri. in reward uq tor our efforts in supplying tliein with a household newspaper that ha and can have no rival in exiellenef and cheapness. The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, tho newsisest, brightest most enterprising daily published iu Pidtburgli, containing all the news of the day, by Associated Press mid Special Dispatches, Congres sional reports, Markets, or., nnd edited with the higher, ability, 111 bC eeut to any ad Ires, pii.-.ta(?c paid- for 3 per ye'ir. W here vi r we may have curriers or agents till! DAILY TELKOHAI'II will be deliv eied ut 15 cents per week. NOW 13 THE TIME TO feUIMCttlBE. mid begin with the beginning of winter, when so plissiul a companinu will be welcomed to every tiresid-. Money may be sent by dratt, PishtHCe order, or in registered letters. Aedres all coumiunic lions to THE TELEG IIAPH, 1:22 and 121 Fit'tb avenue, Pittsburgh. S&rHeud lor a specimen copy. KALl'll DAUALIlY. Proprietor. KANSAS. All about its foil. Climate, Resources, Products. Lawsj and its People ore given in the KANSAS FAltMEK, a 10-page weekly, in its 15lh y'r. Post paid, 3 nio., oOo. Address J. K. HUDSON, Ti'peka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high place among agricultural journals. X. Y. Tribune.... We have considered it among the best of our exchanges, and a worthy representa tive of the West. Praeticul Farmer, Philadelphia Uur Kansas friends should fi el inucU pride in the high charac ter mid sterling wurth of their Mate agri cultural paper National Lice-btock Journal.. .. We cheerfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our Western agricultural exchanges. Spirit of the Times, A'. Y. Administrators' Notice. ESTATE of Jacob Oval. lutP of Jar two lkeouiitv,Pn..det-euHt-d. I.KTTUIM OK Al MINIrS'l HA.SION, having been gianted to the undersigned upou Ihesaid estate ull persons Indebted to wild etdote are requested to make payment, and Ukmo buying ciutiua to prcbuut J. M. II ROOK INS. ) . - , ELIJAH L. BUOOK1NS. Admr nSStrt. Admiuistiutor's Xotiee Kstntn of Pliilin u lut. r.r c. Jlary Borough. Elk county, - l'a. de. eeaed. Letters of Administration baviutr been ?ninterl ffv tlm in.,t..r Sitrned. lllHin thn kiiM ostntn ull bods indebted to aaid estate are re- iueieu to uiaKo payment, aud thouo having eluiuiS to iiresent them for set tlement. MAIIY MEYER, Adrnr'a, fcUSINCS CAROS. GEO. A. JtATUBUjy, Attorney -at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. hall fc .wcArLur, Attorney-st-Li j. Offic in New l)rlk BuiMng, Mala St Ridwny, Elk Co., Pa. v.1n2tf. L UCOItE & HA MllLEN Attorneys-nt-Law, Kidgway, Elk County Pa. Olllce across the hull from the Pemoc'mat establishment. Claims for collcctiou promptly attended to Jne. 15 C1IAULES JIOLEU, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler .Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold ?in. Repairing Watches, eto, dorvwith ic utme accuracy as heretofore. Satis .'act tin guaranteed. trlnly J, 0. K BAILEY, ATTORNEV-ATLAW. rlniw1.' Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent forth? Traveler's Life and Acoi lent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES I. FULLKRTuN, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently l aated in Higway, offers his professions) ser rices to the citicens of Ilidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service 4 Wheeler's building, up. Hairs, first door to the left. 78-n-821y G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and ParmnceutiBt, Jf. W. eornai at Mnin and Mill streets, Kidgwny, Pa. full Bssoriuienl of cnrelully selected For ign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions jarefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSv T. IS. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ahu Surgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner llroad and Main S'.s, Residence corner llrnad St. apposite the College. Office hours lroin 8 lo 10 A. M. Rod li oui 7 to 8 P. M. vlniyl. J S. BORDWELL, M. I)., Kclectio Physician nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his otlice tiom Centre stieet, to Mail st. KidgWtsy, Pit,, in the second story of the oefr brick building of John G. Hall, eppo jiti Hyde's store. OlCeu hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HIDE 1WLSE, RtnaWAY, Em Co., P. W. II. SCIIHA.M, Proprietor. Thankful for the pntronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a tjntion to the comfort an 1 convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi the snmo. Oct 30 18G3. E. O. FA Y. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, AMD GENERAL COLLECTION AGENT No 2C6 Walnut Place, (310 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. ri41-ly W. 1AVX, btAt.E & dry Goods, Notions, Grrcsries. and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. Eariey i. Oi vln47tf. E. K. GRESII. Denier in all kinds of cabinet ware, .vood nnd i'ane seat chairs, kitchen and cxteniion tallies, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, lied steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, Ac, &c. Cane seats re placed With perforated wood seats. Weed Hewing machine ridueed from $i to $45, the best machine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a lanre assorted stock of ready made Collins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice- All the above good are sold at panic price. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway Pa. . v7nolt. EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Hidgway, and the public generally, that he has tarted a Ljvery Stable and will keep OOOb STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. IfciS-He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Mnin All orders left ut the Post Oillee will receive prompt attention. Aug-umiitr TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, llidgwnv, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS S1IOKS. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND (QUEENS' WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries audrrovisions ' SPECIAL NOTICES. DU VAN DYKE'S SCLPHl'U SOAP. DR. VAN DTKE. whose life long vkciaiitt. and world wide reputation for CUMNO SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for yetrt to cohbikb an cxtkhnal Tkkatxent. lie lias accomplished this de. sirable tusi'LT in the preparation of his compound -'.Sl'LI'MUIt 60 A I'." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly reeouinithded to all our readers. Price 2-3 Cents a Cuke; a lioi (mree Cakes) 60 Cents. 8knt by Mail, (prepaid) oh BrcEtPT or fuics. Office, 60 N. 5th St, WauLKSALH Defot, 400 N. 3d Hi. Fliiladel phia, IV. Mold by UlMIfJOIST-u'Jlyleow, IIKST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF IttDGWAY- TOWN. HiP SHOW 1 ing the assets, nature and character thereof, and the ludeb'.edmsi and liabilities, etO , and amount of taxable property up to Jauuury 21, .1873 I ASSETS, By amount due the Township from various sources, vl t cah. road. Tof IRTOon UnneHted LHiids , Sl..iti.l7 ioJ.m " " " due from ,1. V. Morgesler, Coll iwt.trt 616.61 " " 187Tou Unseated l.Bnd 1,5.6 Jld.lS " ' " duelioiu Geo. D. Messenger, jr.,Jol. 1.U3J.IW W1.51 " " IS7S " " H. II. Wcnsll, Coll., U0.6S " " l71 " " " " 1 80M9- The above tntes subject to ezoneratlous aud commlKslons. ' Due from W. 11. Hyde, Treas., 1877 808.6J " " Horton Township, Tnt.1 la... ns. 1 an I nrl I n I nrl Anil in nm, p. nf collection '. 702.46 2,177.4t l75.-12,478.e4" Juuineiit of KiOgwuy lowuHhip vs. W. li. BcUrHOi Hid V. tt. Whvuler, mud lnwr tuereon to Jimimry 21, Ib'i, - I Excess ol Liabilities u 6,Oo.U0 Judgment of Township Vs. Patrick Malohe and uucoiieetuuie, LIABILITIES. JudgraDnts ajnlnst the township, interest thereon to January 21, 1878, and costs $12,793,35 Outstnntllii orders frobuble amount duemipervlsoisaiid sundry persons, , Total Uablllties Taxes llvled nnd Expenditures up to iloGovoro, bupervlsors ol said towuship for 177, CASK. Total nni'tof taxe levlod--Unseatcd,...M $I.6'W,I5 ' " " ' --SuuteJ, l.VMM Totnl of funds,..." il.iiiV.lli Deduct cash tax to be upplled lo payment of Judgment Total- road, poor nnd side-walk taxes, Deduot probuble exoneration aud costs of collection,... EXPESDirtttEfU. - " ' ' rto f Paid by orders ...Sl,lll.l2 Amount of tux woi kevl setiteil t;i. " " " -unsettled 210.11 Probniile nmoiitit due supervisors and sundry other pflSUIli, ll'f.'Jl Total expenditures, Excess of fuuUs Antotint of tnxHblo property iu Ridgway rtesil Kstatf IVisonal l'ropertv Uecuputinns Attest: . M. 8. KLINE, Township Clerk. Health and Happiness. Health nml Ibippinc"" ure prtc i.'ess Wijslth to their possessors, and yet III y nr within tho reach of otfery ono who w.ll use WUIGHT'S L1VE11 PILLS The only fuie CU HE for Torpid Liver. Dyspepsia, Headache, Sottr stoiniiuhe, Citiisiijiiiiion, D'jbiht.Vi Nausea, nml nil jiil Itous coitiplp.ini nod liloid disorders. Seine genuine unless jigne l ''Win. Wright, riiilif1' If your Druggist will not supply, eend 2-i Cents for one box lo Barrick, Hol ler & Co., 70 N. 4th St. l'hila. vTnoOy I. GS SENS ACS S FOIt BOND IIOLDEUS! G R E E IT B A C K S FOIt GOLD GAMBLE KS ! G F. E E N 3 A C I' 3 Foil NATIONAL BAXKER3! aBEElfSACSS FOIt THE I'EOPLE ! GEEEW BACKS FOB ALL PURPOSES .' For which money is ustd intCrcllangablo at. pur with Gold and Silver, in a tutiicient quantity as to proinoU industry, invito I'ni gralioh, and develnpe the resources of the country, is wtiut. tho CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, claims Is the onlj for .t.. in. brought upou the country by Legislation nnd Laws, enacted fur tho bctielit of a Monied Class, aad the oppressiou of Labor and Industry. Government Credit sustains cur Bonds for the bent fit of the wealthy, let ihc hiiuie Credit Sustain Greenbacks For the benefit of ihc People who sustain the Government Daily Enquirer, per j car, - - $12 00 Weekly Kiiqilirer ' - - 1 15 Frie tf postage. Agents wanted. t-eiul for specimen eepiiB. FARAN & MoiKAN. Publishcis. t INOIN N ATI, O. OF P. fi. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. Tho largest ngency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 30 respotiMlb'e umi prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NORTH ElltTIHH Jfc MERCANTILE, Grc53 is-m.3 $22.C23,S12, JLTHA, OF IIARTKORli, CONN.. Assei ever $7,000,020, FIRE AS.SOCIA1 ION OF Pill LAPKLPIIIA As33t3 $4,UCt).(J0U NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Asset3 $1,000,000. 8IIAWMUT, BOSTON, JIASS.j Ctpital.SoOO.OOL'. GERMAN AMERICAN, SEW YORK, Asseti TRAVELERS, (Life nnd Accident) CONN., L:s;-t3 1,205,000. uSOyl. RAILROADS. PENNSVLVANIA HAIL HOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. O nnd after THUKSDAY, JULY, 28, 1W77. the trains on the Philaclc'iphin & Eri: iU'lroad will run lis follows: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m " " Renovo w... 11 00 aw " Emporium 12 &o p iu St. Mary's....;.;.... 1 4d p ui " Ridgwuy .1.4 2 10 p ui " ' Ksue .3 SO p in " arrive at Etie 7 35 p ui EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a ni " Kano 3 &0 p ui " " Ridgway 4 49 p in " St. Mary's 5 IS p a " Emporium 6 I-i p ui ' ' Rcuovo S.iJS p iu arr. at l'hiladephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Kingura Express con nect eist wilh Low Crvdo Dirision uud li. N. Y! &P. E. R. , WM. A. I5ALDW1. ' Geu'l Siif't "Winter is upon us, which is a re. minder that you need an overcoat. M'AftV will m k! you J2 'baap POOR. BIDS-WALK. SjiSA! I 15.61 185.94 SW.UU 71U7 b,IM 171.(0 61. Wl ll,JtJ.U 403.14 Interest thereon toIJanuary 21.187S, noAt. W,83D.Ul other 210.03 rooR, 1,871.09 181.03 2,05i.78" SIDE-WALK. 81.78 i 4.IJ&0.29 48U4 $ 6,689.43 (19,333.11 Jnnuary 21, 1373 of John Qulnack and Daniel no ad, roon. sie-walk. 41.'22f..7l $l")8.91 l,") 6.8.UI MM 2.77J.3J l,U)i.!S lsj,04 $7,404.09 3.407.1 3,CS7.33 roo, Bitir-WAJLKi S12.-.81 If 1.08 6.39 132.70- . 2,2i5.02 9-t'.7 JSIOl.St J3,(j07.33 lowhMtlp for the your IP7e ! 32,039.OO B.UWi.OO PJ,126.C0 JUII.V lill-NAi K, DANIEL. MiUOVKRS, (supervisor 1S78. KEW YORK. 1S78. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions TUB SUN would remind Its fi ll-mis uud wullwlshers everywhere, Unit it Is iisuln ti ciuidiclatc (or their cointilerutkui und support. I'pon Its record for the past ten yeai'Slti'olics for u continuance of the hearty sympathy und fjoiicmus co-opetntlon which have hltlifi to been extended lo ltlVom every quarter ot'lhc I'tiion. '1 lie J-.iily sun Is a four ptisn-shoct of 23 columns, pi iooby mail, post paid, o-i cents u month, or p,u- year. The .Sunday edition of The Sun is an eight pug;e sheet of to columns. While giving lha news of tlm day, it also contains a larmi amount of litem ry iinti luisei'llaneous matter especially prepared for it. Tit Sunday Si:n has met wilh grout success. Post puidsl.Alu your. . Hie Meekly Sum. n ho docs not know The Vi;kki.y Srs f It circulates throughout tho t'nited Status the Cumidas. und lieyoml. Ninety thousand families greet lis welcome pages weekly ami regaid ll in the light of guide, counsellor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, nnd literary departments make it esscntlullv u journal lor tho lauiily and tho fireside. Terms: One Liollur a year, post paid. This price, quality considered. inkke it the -beap-est ne spiiuoi- tmb'.ii -hed. clulis of ten. with SlOcush. we will send an extra copy free. Add ress 1 C JJlIRillll Ul' j nr. !L -N, New York City. n.ltl-St. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Cotisumpiiou, by li simple remedy, is anxious to make to his fellow sufferers I he means ot cure, lo an nuu uwi,. :., i. n,iii cond a copy of the prescription used, (free or charge) with Iho directions for preparing nnd using I lie same, which they will find a St.llB C'UNE for COKSUMPTION, AsTUMA( Bkoxcihtis, ic, l'ar ies wishing tho prescription will please address. Itev. E. A. WILSON, 194 t'enn., Willinmsburgb, M, Y. Ayplclou's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work U just out, muUintr it half foiuplete, as there are to ho 10 in all, of 8oo ):ik-j each, one being issued in two months. It makes a I'onijilete library, and no one can allbnl to do without it who would keep" well informed. Price $0,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K.Judson. Fredonia, N. Y., ciintiMls tliesale in KIk county. Address him for imrticttlars. Renl7-tf Vt'E WILL tiniil one and one half dojen of I lie most b-nutitul new C'lirom-s. In French oil color over seen for Si 00. They are tnounle!l in 8x10 black enamel and gold ninls, O'.al opening and outsell iinyiliing now bef're the public. Pfliisfao lion piuiraiiteed. Two sumoles for 25 cents or six for CO cents, clld 10 cents for grand illustrated catnloguo With chrumo of Moonlight, on tho llhii.e. or L0 cents for two L-indscnpes nnd Cnlla Lillie on black ground, .1. LATHAM & CO., 410 Washing ton St. lloston Mass. Headquarters for t'hrmm.x. Engravings and Art Works, i. FOKTU.NEi nS2t8. 3IILtIM:iY AM) DUESsaAKISC. KS. J. It. 1CKLTZ, Kersey, KIk Co., I'a., takes this method of un- nouiicing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable riiillineiy goods which will lie s:old cheap. Also' dressmaking in nil it brunches. Agent for J Jr. J Hail &Co' Patent Ivory and J.imium Vitaj Eye Cups; .Send for descriptive circular. n!7yl. A DM IX ISTltATOirS NOTIf.K. EMTATK of John M'f'uskcr, into of Fox township, KIk count v. I'u., deceased. I.KT TKIISOK ADMINISTKATION having been granteil to the undersigned upon the said es tate nil persons Indebted to said estate nro requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. JACOll M CAULliY, Admr, nJMi. Tf S n ft A ''" r" n caTe?TATARTfirTi' VV ftliUJaeach neighborhood, . with lr, Kai'iiser b Uemedy, to introduce It. bamula free, J. ('. Tilton. Pittsburg, l'a, novL".'Jin:iin. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or tru.stingany persori on my account, without nty written1 order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly Notice is hereby given that a peti tion will be presented to the present Legislature of Pennsylvania to reduce the wages of Road Supervisors in Fox township, Elk county, from $2.00" per dieuito$l.25. J.J.TAYLOR, R. T. KYLE It. Sew Meat Market. Mercer Brothers have moved their meat market frofn D. D. Cook's, build- ding to W. H. Service's hardware' store,-trhere they invite Ail Wishing beef, pork, veal and sausagd id giysj theui a call. . - ' 7v7u47tt i