AUDITORS' SETTLEMENT. ( T)ECEIPT3 AND EXrENDI JL tures of Elk county for the yeiir ending January 7, 1878: RECEIPTS. To tax rec'd from unseated lands, $ "Ux " " collectors seated, " " " lands re deemed from county. " ain't rec'd on judgm't, in and coats county vs. Jos. Windfelder, M ain't rec'd In full of note 14210 7,721 82 1,489 20 6,788 06 135 00 COS 10 101 19 300 00 437 08 102 20 3 00 Co. vs. Win. Zelt, from Benzmger tp.. sunn't of C Wist ami Mary Krieg at Dixj-i't, ,l fin Fox tp. stip ixirtof Kate Wil liams & George Jones tp. supp't of A. Parsons & JuliusStelllng at Dixmont, " Bt. Marys boro. cupp't of Martin Oreitor, ' O.lJ.Gmnt, costs Com'wealth vs. Hoffman, " sale of co. map to J.M.Schramr $10,028 90 EXPENDITURES. By am't p'd M. Weidert, serv ices as co. com. ,. . w.H. Osterhout, serv's as co. com. it ii rjeorgeKeuseher, serv's as c. com. ii m w. 8. Horton, commiss's clerk, ii ii ii- Hulld-McCauley, com. counsel, " Dan. Scull, sh'fT, " " constables, ofli cers' fees, " Justices, officers' fees, m it a Court crior, " tip stall", ii ii ii pi-othonotary. ii ii u com,ty auditors and clerk, " " " janitor, ii ii ii constables, com mon v '1th costs, ' " justices, com'on w'lth costs, H u ii witnesses, com mon w'lth costs. ii ii. ii ae,e9(or3, assess ments. 210 00 177 00 233 00 500 00 103 00 020 10 401 82 29 10 77 50 52 00 178 52 140 50 80 00 203 26 113 75 654 63 493 84 191 00 assessors, regist'y grand jurors, " traverse jurors, " jail expenses, ' district att'y for 18-0-77, " Dixm't hospital supp't of A. Par sons, " supp't Con. Wist, " '-Mart.Gregor ' " Marv King, " " Kt. Williams " Jul. Stclling, int. on bill, not paid when due, ' sheriff, common wealth costs, " west'n peniten'y " Penn'a reform school, " publishing audi tor's settlement, " publishing trien nial statement. " publishing elect ion proclamation publish'g uppeal notice, " ijiinting and ad vertising. " election expense " road views and i 923 26 2,044 56 734 58 352 50 137 30 )37 8.5 143 00 117 80 129 45 49 00 21 85 1 00 188 40 101 14 300 00 75 00 315 00 4 0C V' lr7 5.2 ii ii damages, By am't paid for stationery, pastage, books &e. " am't paid for bounties ou wolves &c. " am't pd for fuel and lights " ain't paid for repairs to public buildings " am't paid for advetising laws by comrs. " am't paid Aeo A Katbbun .p8c 09 107 3) 2) 05 191 02 143 52 23 50 . 9 00 155 33 99 79 68 94 1)0 00 21 00 31 00 1C0 00 85 06 49 55 90 00 101 47 1.5S0 83 633 74 . autliting roiiiy aceis. " ain't ses 18 institute expen- " am't " am't sold i .r appeal cxpesea .aiu Ureas. lor lands county " am't id reward for Cas- per W i i.hclni " am't paid establishing line bet. JilK &; Cameron uo s. " ain't establishing merid ian ine " ain'i paid reward and ex. pen t ea lor capture of Mc C' lum "am't paid jury commis sioners and clerk " am't paid inquests " ain't paid W. B. Weed offi cial stenographer am't paid miscellaneous ex penses ' ain't paid to township for balances due -them iroin Jos. Windfelder treas 1S75 " am't treas. com. for ain't received and disbursed 15,372 91 1,555 99 " Excess of receipts $10,028 90 J Assets and Liabilities of Elk County, January 7, 1S7S. ASSETS To tax due from unseated lands, subject, to commis sions and exonerations ' tax due from coll. subject to com. and exonerations 19,401 02 7,643 30 724 87 710 22 679 02 51 10 365 00 276 eo 49 27 214 73 C7 20 26 78 -""ii am't due from Benzinger tp. for support ofC. Nist and Mary Krieg at Dix mont . "ain't due from Jones tp. for support of A. Parsons and J uiius Stelling at Dix mont . , " am't due from Fox tp. for support of Kate Williams and George Ansinger at Dixmont " am't due from St. Mary's Boro. for sup. of Martin Gregor at Dixnion " am't due from Lock Haven Boro. for sup. of John Con don at Dixmont " am't of judgment against '' Cameron Co. ' "am't of judgment against Patrick Lumb etal. " am't of judgment against Ridgway township- - " ain't of judgment against Michael llauiau " anrt note against Anthony Krieg v am't of note against Geo; " "am't of Judgment note against Martin Herbstntt am't of Judgment note against Dauiel CaiB am't judgnieut noteagaulft J. h. & J. E BoaUam 26 78 26 78 1158 4158 LIABILITIES. By county order outstanding ' county bonds outstanding Int. on bonds to January 7. 1878 " am't due Dixmont hospital " ain't ilue Daniel Hcull, sheriff " aiu't due townships. Wmdfelders bal. am't due Fred. iSchcening, prothy. 1,158 81 6,279 10 699 24 1,201 40 000 00 1.04S 29 850 22 $12,2t'J CO 18,003 83 Excess of Assets $.10,216 89 W( tlie undersigned CotiimlsslonM-sof Kilt Conntv il herehy certify that the above and foregoing is correct statement of lh receipt and expenditures, cto., of Klk County lor the year 1.17., Hnil the assets and liabilities of the same. Wituess our hands Ihls Slut. l iv of January, A. I). 1S78. MICHAKI, WKIDKItr, I V. II. iinTKIUKHT. J. Co. Commissioners. UKOIlOU RKUHCHER, J Attest! W. 8. Hokkin, C lerk. AMOUNTS RECEIV'KO FROM THE SEVERAL COLLECTORS OF EMC COUNTY DURINC1 1877: County, tp.,1874, $ 30 I7 do do 883 03 State. $ Tbos.CampbcIl, coll llighl'd A .T.Avery. do Jay C.H. Winslow, do Benezct, N.DeWalt, do Benz'gr John Koch, do Fox Levi Kllithorpe, do llighl'd Nat. Hippie, do Horton do 1875, do do 25 29 24 35 43", 75 4 90 151 96 156 97 250 00 780 90 1155 68 140 34 800 00 220 02 69 63 480 22 71 09 920 19 100 21 201 80 109 00 80 43 324 33 97 2 649 04 126 07 538 97 120 51 do do do do do do do 1870, do do do do do do do do do E. Moody, do Hp gCr'k do D.B.Wiuslow, do Benezet- do M. Glatt, do Benzgr 'Jacob Moycr, do Fox Dan'l Ph'alen, do Horton Oliver Dodge, do Jay Theo. Cook do Jones do do do do do Jus. Champion, do Millstone do 7 85 18 48 J, w . Morgester, do Kidgway do Hi. Eiselman, do Kp'gCr'k do Albert Weis, do Ht. Marys Henry Blcsh, do Benezel. do 1877, M. Glatt, do Henzing'edo do Jno. McMackin, do Fox do do do do do do do do do Levi Kllithorpe, do Highland do 6 60 42 26 17 3 31 Geo Clinton, tin Horton do J'jpli. Hewitt, do Jay do Bob't Mitnett, do Jones do Lawrence Fee, do Millstone do Ct D.Messenger, do Kidgway do Mich Stibicu, do St, Marys, $7,721 32 532 AMOUNTS DUE FROM THE SEVERAL COLLECTOKS ELK COUNTY, JANUARY 7, 1878. Wm. Civile, collector Millstone two.. 1873 5 63 15 43 190 Geo. Foust, do John Koch. do Iiortou do Fox do 1873, 1875, do 1876, do do do do do 1877, do do do do do do do do Nut. Hippie, do D. B. Winslow, do Jacob Moyer, do Thos.Canipbell, do Dun'l Phalen, do I lorton do Benezette Fox Highland Horton Jay do do do do do 222 132 73 80 189 309 Oliver Dodge, H. Eiselman, Henrv Biesh. Mich'l Glaht, do do do do do Spr'g Cr'k do Benezette do Benzinger do Fox do 196 04 542 41 504 60 Jno.McMaekin 1,228 Levi Ellithorpe, do Highland do 9 98 377 35 Geo.W.C;inton. do Eph. Hewitt, do Manett Robert, do Lawrence Fee, do G.D.Messenger. do Wm A. Irwin, do Mich. Stribich, do Horton Jay Jones Millstone, Ridgwnv do do do do do 616 3 323 8 50 87 1,052 285 1,148 Spr g Cr'k do St. Marys boro, do do $7,640 JACOB M'CAULEY, ESQ. TREASURER OF ELK COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOB THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 7, 1878. To bal. due fund at last settlement 1,791 " am't Co. tax rec'd from unseated lands 142 11 mn't Co. tux rec'd from collectors 7,721 " am t reo fl on iimirment of Co. vs. Wind felder. t-t al. 5,002 " am't rec'd lor rcdoin. of lands from Co. .1,489 " am t rec'd from Bcnziinrer to. on am't due Dixmont 663 " am't rec'd St. Mary's on am't due Dixm't 487 " do do t'r. Jones tp on am't due Dixm't 300 " do do fr. Foxtp. on am't due Dixm't 191 " do do in BenzVr tp rdol Win Zelt note 135 " do do fr. O. B. Grant costs com wealth vs. Hoffman 102 " do do for coun' v mar sold $18 534 By Co. Coni'rs rec't for Co. ords. redeemed 12,204 " do do rec't tor redein. or'ds redeemed 003 " do do rec't for refd'ir or'ds redeemed 32 ' do do ree l for redeinution of orders to township for Wind:'elder's tmlance 1,680 treas. com. on amount received 334 " treas. com. on amount disbursed 297 15,514 " Talance due fund 3,019 18,534 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To balance due at last settlement, " amount received from collectors, 142 81 $205 73 19011 15 62 $205 73 By State Treasurer's receipts, " balance due account, less commission, SCHOOL FUNDS. BENEZETTE SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " amount received from unseated land, $1,270 13 $1,289 $ 11 By county commissioners' receipt for refund. ing oruers reucemeu, " school treasurers' receipts, " treasurer's quuimissicu ou am't rec'd, 1,250 do do do paym'ts, $1,281 1 balance due fund, $1,2S9 1 BENEZETTE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " do do ticatuiy, $28G 37 014 $292 By county commissioners' receipts for refund ing orders redeemed, " fccliool treasurer's receipts, " treasurer' commission on payments, $ $292 BENZINGER SCHOOL FUND. To am't tax rec'd from unseated lands, $ 11 50 do Kec'd lor redemption ot lands from county, $153 20 189 94 balance due treasury, $343 20 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement, " - treasurer's commission on am't rec'd, $340 14 3 06 $343 20 BENZINGER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, $384 15 1 03 am't tax rec'a trom unseated lands, do do- for redemption of lauds from the countyr $426 17 876 47 By school treasurer; Fecefpts, " treasurer's commission orr-am t rec'dt ii do do do payments, " balance due fund, $426 1' FOX CHOOL FUND. To am't tax rec'd from unseated lands, " do rec'd for redeption of lands from co.f By bal. due treasurer at last settlement, ii treasurer's commission on am t rec'd, , balance due fund,. FOX HCHOOL HUILD1NO FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlement am't tax received from unseuted lands " am't rec,d for redem. of lands from Co. By school I rcas receipt treas com. on amount received " treas. com. on amount disbursed 1 bal lun ce due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlement ' am't tax rec'd from unseated lauds By school treas. receipts treas. commission on amount, received treas commission on amount disbursed " Ballance due fund HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To ballance due fund at lait settlement By school treas. receipts " treas. commission on amount disbursed " Ballance due fund HORTON BCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To ballance due Treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL FUND To ballance due treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement 92 OF JAY SCHOOL RUILDINO FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement 29 68 68 01 By school treasurer receipt " treasurers commission ou am't disb'd 06 48 " ballance due fund 81 06 JONES SCHOOL FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement " am't tax received from unseated lands " am't received for redem. of lands from Co. 07 By school treasurers receipt " treasurers commission on am't received " treasurers commission on payments 52 83 90 " ballance due fund 33 JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " ain't tax rec'd from unseated lands, 1 1 do rec'd for redept'n of lands from co., 3( 10 32 By school treasurer's receipts, " treasurer's commission on am't rec'd, " do do do paid, e8 19 68 balance due fund, 00 19 00 MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, 20 3JU By school treasurer's receipts, ' treasurer's commission on payment, 18 63 46 38 MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, 83 80 By school treasurer's receipts, ' treasurer's commission on payment, 03 34 84 R IDG WAY SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, 18 By school treasurer's receipts, " treasurer's coniinis'non an am't disb'd, 62 92 " balance due fund, UIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To talauce due fund at last settlement By school treasurer's receipt 32 40 treasurers commission on (ibjuhui 72 10 . SPRINO CREEK SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 80 27 By school treasurer's receipt 25 50 treasurer b conimissiou on juugiui-im 92 80 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement am't tax received trom unseated lands By Co. Commissioners recipt for refunding orders redeemed " treasurer's commission on am't received 41 treasurer's commission ou am t disbursed 5 92 280 65 6 84 ' balance due fund, 41 ltOAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAD FUNDS. To balance due fund at last settlement, " tax received from unseated lands, ' balance duo treasurer, 141 76 By co. comm. rec'ts for refd'gord's red'ra'd twp. treasurer's receipts. " treasurer's commission on am't rec'd, ii- tio do do payments, BENZINGER ROAD FUNP. To balance xlue fund at last settlement, " tax rec'd from unseated lands, " am't rec'd lor redempt'n of I ds from eoir 40 99 ' balance due treasurer. 84 7 68 By township treasurer's receipts, : " co coin rec'ts for road oi dors redeemed, " treasurer's commission on am't rec d, i do do do disbursed, $384 99 41 18 BENZINGER ADDITIONAL ROAD FUNDV 22 27 49 09 To balance due fund at last settlement, " tax received from unseated lands, " am't rec'd redempt m of lands from co. By treasurer's commission on am't rec'd, $11 87 69 49 balance due fund, $71 36 10 41 1 42 FOX ROAD FUND.- 15 55 13 54 28 01 To balance due fund at last settlement " tax received from unseated lands . " am't rec'd redemption of la'nds from Co. $52 10 7 80 73 14 By Co. Corn's receipt for road orders redeemed treasuer's commiesion on amount received " treas. commission on amount disbursed " ballance due fund $52 10 , 607 54 84 83 $71 74 450 00 1 68 9 00 821 19 460 68 $781 87 FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To ain't tax received from unseated lands am't rec'd redemption of lauds from Co, By treasurer's commission on am't received ballance due fund HIOHLAND ROAD FUND To ballance due fund at last settlement " tax received from unseated lands $154 10 154 10 By township treasim-r's receipt " t:o. com rs receipt lor oruers reueenieu " treas. commission on amount received, treas. commission on payments 83 46 1 07 " balace due fund 85 13 08 07 HORTON ROAD FUND. $154 10 67 66 To balance due treasurer, By balance due treasurer at last settlement, 67 56 07 66 JAY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, balance due treasurer, $67 66 66 22 By township treasurer's receipts, co. coins, rcc is lor road orders reoeenieu, treasurer's commission on am't disbursed, $66 22 00 22 $66 22 $333 04 JAY CASH FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By balance due fund, 833 04 204 10 JONES ROAD FUND. 5 20 To balance due fund at last settlement, tax received trom unseuted lands, am't rec'd for redempt n of lauds from co., 265 36 67 68 333 04 By township treasurer's receipts, 54 15 72 . 199 32 treasurer s commission on am i rec u, do do do disbursed, balance due lund, $256 19 63 07 4 04 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. 1 08 58 19 To balance due treasurer, 198 00 By balance due treasurer at last settlement. " co. conim's rec'ts for road orders vedeem'd, 256 19 treasurer's commission on am t disbursed, MILLSTONE CASH FUND. $4 40 1 30 97 65 To balance due fund allast settlement, $103 31 Bv township treasurer's receipt, "' treasurer's commission on am't disbursed, " balance due fund, RIDGW'AY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " do do due treasurer, 4 32 1 97 08 0 37 90 94 $103 31 $72 65 $72 05 By' township treasurer's receipt, " co comm's rec't for road orders redeemed, " treasurer s commission on am't disbursed, 71 20 1 4 $72 65 $70 30 R1DGWAY CASH FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By ba'ance due fund, SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement " ballance due tieasurer $70 30 68 90 1 40 $70 30 $407 10 Bv township treasurers receipts "Co. coin's receipt for id. orders redeemed " treas. commission am't of payments $407 10 457 06 9 15 $466 81 SPRING CREEK CASH FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement By township treas. receipt " treas. commission on payments 29 $407 10 220 14 ST. MARY'S ROAD FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement tax received from unseated lands $220 14 215 4 40 $220 14 By boro. treasurer's receipt " Co coin's receipt for refunding orders re deemed ,. " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed 170 36 $170 36 166 96 ballance due fund 3 40 $170 30 85 95 141 $37 36 4 00 03 08 ST. MARYS CORPORATION FUND. To balance due fund nt last sottlement, tax rece'd from unseated lands, baladce due treasurer, By borough treasurer's receipt, co. comm's rec't for refund'g ord s red $ 4 17 33 19 $37 30 treasurer's commission on am t rec u, do ' do' do disbursed, POOR FUNDS.. BENZINGER POOR FUNDS. To balance due fund at last settlement, $400 58 0 70 " tax received trom unseated lands. am t rec'd for redempt' n of lands from co., By am't p'd co. com.'sasperorderof tp. treas., " treasurer's comniifcsiou on am't rec'd, do do do disbursed. $407 2S 8 52 $175 80 14 80 451 87 13 9 50 balance due fund, $475 80 508 41 11 50 138 18 FOX POOR FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, tax rec'd from unseated lands aiu't re d for redeuipt'u of lauds from co.. By am't p'd co. coins, as per order of overae's, " township treasurer s receipts, " treasurer s conimissiou on am t rec d, do do do payments. $058 09 36 81 694 90 402 35 216 00 2 99 13 66 ' balance due fund, HORTON POOR FUND, To ballance due fund at last settlement By ballance due fund JONES POOR FUND. To tax received from unseated lands " uru't received for rcdeiu. of lauds from Co. By treas. eommlsson ou account received " ballance due fund 694 90 V io I 6 22 58 59 69 67 129 J 1 29 j 68 28 MILLSTONE POOR FUND. 60 07 To bal. due fund at last sctl'm't 8K2 11 - 27 80 62 10 By township treas. receipt 874 n treas. com. on payment u $139 53 882 11 8 oo RIDGW'AY POOR FUND. 10 To bal. due fund at last ecttlc't 60 29 143 7t 200 00 4 CO 204 00 do do trea.urcr, 9 75 129 78 $130 53 2 76 24 60 27 81 64 64 20 77 27 31 62 68 120 47 By orders redeemed, treas. com. on am t uisos u, 8T MARYS POOR FUND. To bal. due fund at last set'm't, 10 12 1 19 17 SI 16 45 02 83 16 80 61 17 31 do tax rec'd frm unseated l'ds, By twp. trens. receipt, do Illlis. lum. vii mil ii hi; ii, do do do disbursed " bal. due fund, do 173 15 61 03 35 00 241 1 75 STATE ROAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDOWAY AND BT, MARYS STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due f d at last settlcm't 228 50 90 79 t2 30 tax rec d f in unseated I ds 14 12 am't rec'd for redemption of lauds from county 829 00 173 15 70 76 572 68 0 K8 E05 7J By treas. com. on am't rec'd, bal. due lund 76 76 672 58 M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST STATE 124 86 ROAD. i uu To bal. due f 'd at last set'm't 3,242 14 am't rec'd for redempt'nof lands from county 173 08 125 86 112 40 II 00 3,415 22 2 40 By treas. com. mi am't rec'd " bal. due fund 3 4ii 8 411 70 3,415 22 RIDGWAY AND RROOKVILLE ROAD FUND. To bal. ducf 'dut last stttlcm't By bal. due fund STATE 20 40 5 30 127 39 2 72 199 32 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE ROAD FUND. To am't rec'd for redemption of laud from county 80 72 329 43 108 10 4 04 2 10 By coni.'s, J. L. Brown's rec't ' treas. com. on am't rec'd " do do do paid 35 07 73 70 114 30 216 19 36 50 " bal. due fund 329 43 36 ' 14 40 Jacob MeCauley, Esq., Treasurer of Elk county, in account with the Commonwealth of Pcnnylvauia for the year ending Jan. 7, 1878: To bnl.dueCom'that last settle 15 42 2 00 04 17 00 ment, 234 73 " am't of retailers license as uer uiercantilu appraiser 89 82 return for 1877 747 50 72 61 " ain't brewers' license as per 1 4 mercantile appraiser:) ret. '77 125 00 " am t billiard license as per mercantile appraisers return 74 00 15 for 1877 220 00 " am't eat ins house license as 89 82 60 48 per ret of clerk of quarterses. 750 00 " ain't store or liquor license granted in 1870 and lifted in 1877. us per return of clerk of 32 64 ouarter sessions 60 00 93 1 " am't store or liquor license as ner return of clerk of 5'.t 28 32 00 ouarter sessions 50 00 1 84 93 12 285 31 " am't circus license as per treasurers report of same 60 00 " 10 copies of puniph. laws as per treas. return of same 285 31 313 03 155 04 2 307 23 By state treas. receipts retail ers license " dcr do rcc. brewers lie. " do do rcc. billiard do " do do rec. eat. house lie. " do do rcc. tavern lie. " do do rcc. liquor lie. " do do rcc. circus license " do do rec. paniph. laws " exonerations on amount of 1870 allowed by conith. " amount paid for printing in 1870 allowed by comth. " treas. com. on am't charged witli in 1870 allowed by com monwealth " ainouut paid for printing in 1877 ' exonerations of 1877 " treas. com. on am't charged with 715 8'i 50 ioa oo 114 01) bill 04 4G8 07 300 77 152 00 9 30 95 00 67.0H 19 50 468 07 097 47 083 53 13 94 30 00 43 00 097 47 9 85 2 30 88 80 72 00 72 00 12 10 9 05 1 80 04 22 48 100 02 2,339 13 28 10 bal. due commonwealth $2,307 23 We, the undersigned Auditors: of Elk county for the year l7s. Imvini; incl at the Commis sioners' ollice, in Uklgwuy, in said couniy. on tlio lirst Monday of January, A. D. ISTs, lie- $12 19 11 13 1 19 in,' t:,u seventh day ot the month, for the purpose of nuditiiiK, settling and adjusting the accounts of the several county ollicers. we nujourneii to 1 uestiay, January , is,, at whicli lime we proceeded to nudil settle and adjust the accounts of the several county ollicers, and found them correct as stated in this our renort. 12 32 Jacob MeCauley, Esq., Treasurer of said county, having been duly notified, was pre sented in person, A I't . l.....i...r ,M,HrMllu nvominiul niwll,a,l m d, settled and adjusted tlieaccoiuits of tliesalii Jacob MeCauley, we found due from him the said Treasurer lotlie several funds, as Is fully set forth in the foregoing report, the Mini ol eiKtit thousand nine nuniireii anu seventy four dollars ami seventy-one cents, und due to him, the sum livusitrer, lt'oni certain lunds. as set forth in said foiciioiai; report sum of eiirlit hundred and one dollars und ninety-two cenis, leaving a net balance of eight thousand tine hundred anu scvcuty-lwo 408 60 6 22 7 95 uoiiars unit seventy-nine cents uuc 10 inu said con n tv of Klk bv the said Treasurer. AIo due from the said Treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of iwenty-eiglit dollars aud ten cents, as Ulliy set forth in the foreiioinu renort. 480 77 400 00 1 56 8 00 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this aist day of January, A. p. IS75. i i i-:u. t. uu l ti uut'K, I V. 11. HYDE, )-Co. Aud i, K. I. HPANGLF.R. ) Attest : M. e. Klisk, Clerk. 409 66 77 21 The Commissioners of Klk countv In account witli said county for the I 480 77 221 62 7 50 10 58 year ending January 7, A. D- 178 ; Michael Weidert. To county orders received $240 00 By 80 days services at $3 W. H. Osterhout. To county orders received By 69J days services at $3 George Reuscher. To county order received $240 00 177 60 239 70 INI 10 20 l'U 30 4 43 $177 00 233 00 221 98 17 72 By 77J days Services at $3 $'-3J flo Daniel Scull, Esq., High. Sheriff of 1 1- ' i ' ..... ,...1.1 230 70 r..ih. eouuty. in account wiui uiu county for the year ending January 44 60 44 56 7, 1078. To fines anil costs in Corn. cnses$ do jury fees rec'd in civil cases do cash rec'd from U. S Mar shal for medicine furnished by co. to ltathburn dr King do ain't proceeds sheriff's sale Jan 22, 1877, of Wiudfelder'i property do reward and costs for recap 18 18 20 00 1 81 30 84 15 Co 180 08 1000 2,132 50 12 54 10 91 1 J:8 02 23 12 54 40 65 81 89 84 40 65 ture of Michael McCollum 100 00 ..ntjMrw.atjna do county orders for bal. duo at last settlement do county orders for fees and boarding prisoners $1,101 61 009 00 do bal. due sheriff $1.830 61 By bal. due him at Inst set'fn't 158 10 do jail aco't for boarding and washing lor prisoners, en:, 498 t3 un to Jan v i, i do serving Jury notices, May, Sep. and iSi ov. U ins, 1877 nml Jim Term. 1873 444 00 eon vcy I n g Cms p. Wilh el my Mich. McCollum and Den nis Sullivan to penitent'', two half $120.00 and one full fare $120.00 conv'g Grecnawnlt, Ilart niau and Malone to Penn'a refill school, special agree ment wit co. coin's conv'g W. Brown topen- 240 00 225 00" 120 00 50 09 30 91 4 00' 1 00 60 00 itcntiary do conv'g Henry Ilornbcck topenitent'y paid accord ing to foe bill turnkey and officers fees in Commonwealth cases drawing four .juries du ring 1877 advertising gen'l election reward for capture of Mi chael McCollum $1,830 6j Daniel Scull, Esq., High Sheriff of Elk county, in account with Horton' school district. To am't due dis't at last set'm't $50 Off By school treas. receipt do bal. due district $27 60 22 5a $50 00 We, the undersigned. Auditors of countvfor the year 1k7h, hnvlnjt met at the Commissioner's odice in Ridv'wny, In said enmity, on the lirst Monday f Jiuiuury, A. D. 17. for the purpose of aiulitliiK, settling and adjusting the uceounts of the several couniy ouicers, we iuiom-neu iu i ucwi. j, Januarys, 17S, at whirh time we proceeded to audit, spltle and adjust tin- iutouihs 01 mo several ounty ollicc-rs, us set forth In this our report. . , , Daniel Scull, Esq., High Sheriff of snicl county, whs present in person mid presentedr his aecouut. After carefully examining, nuuiiing, in- tlln,' and ii(lustiii his account, is revised and settled by the County Commissioners, we found nc lo him. by the Mild county 01 t.i the sum of six hundred and sixty-nine dol lars, which sum we hereby certuy io oe iru and correct, as set forth ill the foregoing statement. . In uitnps whereof wo have hereunto set our hands t lie ,11st day of January, A. D. 1878.- GEO. T. HOTHllUCK.l W, II. UY1K, Co. Aud s. R. I. Kl'ANUI.ER. i Attest: M., Clerk. The Commissioners of the Kane Kidgway and St, Mary s State Boad. In account with the funds of said road for the year eliding January 7, 1K7S. To bal- due fund at last set'm't 1.C05 8fr do unit reed from treasurer of McKean C. 1.9S0 L'5 do proceeds of bond No. 80, Kidgway township l.oou a" do unit reed . II. Osterhout, money advanced 600 00 do amt reed W. H. Osterhout paid by merchandise to Mes senger on contract 618 18 $0,563 67 By amt paid O. D. Messenger on contract, Kidgway ip. wt do amt paid bond No. 8 ser geant township 1,385 50 do amt paid V. L Abbott Jones township 22 88 do amt paid for copy of asscss- mcnt oi sergeant lownsnip vu do amt paid for copy of assess ment ot Kidgway anu uen- zinurer township 3 0C do amt paid .1- L. Brown sec retary services iu ou do amt paid Hall & MeCauley professional services do amt paid treas. for expenses 8,450 50 3,107 11 d ua'- dive fund f0,6C3 67 Amount due for Work done in Jones and Kidgway townships and not pnv for, as below stated. amt due Wilcox Tanning Co. Joiich township JLood oi amt due John Nagle Jones tp. 79 Is amt due John Dolanud Jones township "0 62 amt duo W. IL Osterhout, Kidgway township 1,118 18 The Commissioners of the Kidgway and BrookvillK State Bond in ac count with the funds of said road for the year ending January 7, 1878. Toain t rec'd of co. treas. in 1870 i 75 64) do do do of H. P. Johnson, being part of orders held us collateral for int. on bonds 48 29 $823 83 489 80 9 Off 6 00 158 73 25 00 20 00 By bal. due commissioners at settlement ot 18,0 do 'work- done under comm's, Messenner. 1870 do workd one under comm's, Messenger, 1877 do work dono under comm's, H. Carman. do am't paid Horace Little iu full for services as comm'r do am't paid C H. MeCauley in full for services as sec'y $705 53 118 80' $823 83 do bal. due fund Wf. the undersigned. Auditors of Elk county for tbe year 17 S, having met nt the Commissioners' ollice In Ki.ltiwuy, In suld county, on the lirst Monthly of January, A. D. 11-.7S, being the seventh day of tbe month, und adjourned to Tuesday. January K. I(7S. at which time we proceeded with the settle ment, and do hereby cenifv that we huve carelully examined, audited, settled and ad-. justed the accounts of the Commissioners of tne ivanc, luugway anu .Marys maieroaa, and of the Commissioners of the Kidgway and lirookville Ktate road, and ttiidthcmsev erally correct, as set forth iu the foregoing re-- pori. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands tiie :Jlsl day ol January, A. I). lt7d.- u r.u. l . in i i n in jciv, 1 1 Co, Aud's. It. I. SPANUl.KR. Attest: M. t. ii.Li.NK, Clerk, T niE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Kidgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Uraco Church, with MISS &. E. 1TKEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of goods on bantS and selected with great care. KMliltUllJiilllKS. LACE E DG K. FHINQES, UANDKEUCniHF. LADIES TIE. TOILET SETS, LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS . SAMPLE SILKS, Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy, work o. r.U kinds. Framed mottoes tc, &c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted lirst class. Call aud examine our stock. -MISS A. E. M'KEE. . Agent for the Bociey, A 158 10 493 60 fS0,218 89 $71 86 69 75 i 4 ii 7