3 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - EdHor THUHSDAY, JAN. 24, 1878.. Batei of AlvertisinR. On column, on year........... $75 00 I " " - 40 00 " 25 00 " " " 16 00 Transient advertisements per square o( eight linen, one insertion $1. two inser tion. $1.60, three insertions, $2 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $6 Advertisements payable quarterly List of Causes. Pot down for trial nt January term, com mencing Monday Jamiury 128, 1S78: 1. John Vaughnn vs. rhlliulolphla A Erie R. R. Co. No. . N'ovcmbrrTerm, IS" 4. 2. Charles Webb vs. Simon H. Romlg. No. 112. Sent ember Term. 176. 3. Ridgwny Township vs. V. 8.. Wheclerct Hi. No i9 Mny Term, 1877. 4. C. H. M'Cnuley vs. Patrick Lamb. No. Tl. September Term, 1877. 5. Krank Gent, for use, vs. Andrew Kaul, No. 84. September Term. 1877. 0. W. It. Hayes vs. June Sheldrake et al. No. lsS. Bent ember Term. 1877. 7. Tohn Tudor vs. Peter Hollobaiigh. No 145, September Term, 1877. License retitions. The following petitions for licenses at Jan term have been filed In my office: EATING HOUSE. BEKZIXOER. I. F. X. Sorg. RIDQWAT. 3. James Mnglnnlg, 8. Geo. W. Rhlnes, 4. John M'Cready & W. A. Derby. ST. MARY'S BORO. 5. Wm, Gels, 6. Anthony Schnuers, 7. Joseph Kraus. STORE. ST. MABY'S BOBO. 8. Joseph VlHielm. TAVERN. BEMEZETTE. 0. Henry Blcsh, 10. G. L. Wluslow. CF.NTREVILLE. 11. John Collins, 12. Daniel Scull. R IDG WAT. 13. Wm. H. Schram. 14. James McKarlund. ST. MARY'S BORO. 15. Joseph F. Windfcldcr, 1. Henry Lulir, 17. James Rimini, 18. Lorentz Vogel, IV. Riley Bros. FRED. SCHCENING, Pro. INSURANCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NORTH ISRITISH A MERCANTILE, Gross essets $32,533,612, .ETNA, OF HARTFORD. CONN.. Asset over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets 14,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets 1,600,000. SHAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., Capitaloo.ooo. GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Assets $4,205,000. nSOyl. In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk FatiniaCaden vs. Owen Caden County, September Term, 1877 No. 93 DIVORCE. To the Defendant above named: Subpoena and alias subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found iu the County," you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1878, to answer said complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. cr. W. S. Morton, Deputy, heriffs Office, Kidgway, Pa. Dec. 22d, 1B77. ( Notice. I Notice is hereby given that the members of Kersey Grange No. 028. P. of II. of Centreville, Elk county, Pa., intend to apply at the next term of court, January 2th, 1878. for a charter for u Building Association, for the purpose of erecting a building or buildings for the use of said Grange. VV. H. MEREDITH, ) WILLI A M MeCAULEY, Com. HAYS KYLER, COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAB, the Hon. I,. IV M'etinore, President, Geo. Ed. WeU and Julius Jones Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pious, and Justices of the Common Pleas, and Justice of the Court of Quarter Session, and Orphans Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk by their precepts to me direc ted, have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter (Sessions, Orphans' Court, aud Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, to be lmlden at Kidgway, iu and for the County of Elk on the FOURTH MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1S78, being the 2Stli, day of the mouth, to continue one week. Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner Justice of the Peace, and the Consta bles of Elk county, that they are by these f resents commanded to be then and there in heir proper persons, al 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records and In quisitions, and other remembrances to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as rer Act of Assembly passed May 8th, 1MI. And those who are bound by their recogni sances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be In the Jailof.the said county of Elk and then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. J D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. January 17, 187S. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES CLOOKS, at Mrs. N. T. Cummlngs, also ties, collars, cuffs, hosiery, gloves, and a general assort ment of Ladies' fancy goods. Re member the place over R. .1- Camp bells store, Main street. Call und ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. (Reason's Publications. Cirotvt reduction In nrlre for 1878 of Glka- (on's Pictokiaj. to $2 a year. Single copies 6 cents. . , TheAome Circle to 12 a year, single cop. ies 6 cents, for sale by all newsdealers. Gleason's Monthly Companion to tl a invlA Routes 10 cents. All postage free. blnple copies sent un receipt of a a cent Stamp. The price ofCbomoshas Just been greatly reduced. No one now gives -such liberal terms to agents as we do. Bend for new circular. Address F. OLKAkOM, 736 Washing ton St. Boston Mas. SJSmllnl. SHERIFF'S SALE. I BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri faoias. alia fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levari facias, alias levari facias, and testa. turn fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Peias of Kik County, and to me direoled, IDC. OYSTER. High 8henffof aid county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court Home, in Ridgway, at on o'clock P M on MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1878. ALL the right, title, and interest of de fendant in the following described reil es slat to witt Commencing at a post on west side nf Theresa road (now Bcimnger Road;) Thence North 54s West for 111 rods to the Ben linger Coal and Iron Co., rati road line ; Thence South C3 DO' west 30. rods ; Thcnc along F. Miller and Charles Fcnissels latid south 54 east 110. 4 10 rods; Thence along Charles Schissels land south 13 To' east 7' 0 rods to a poBt on the west side of Theresa Road ; Thenee north 42 east 35. 8-10 rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing 21. "5100cres more or less. Being part of land which Benzinger & Eechbach con. veyed to John Rothcr.hoffer by Deed recor ded in Deed Bonk I age 330 who devista the lands to Defendant. All under fence and about the half of it under cultivation. I'pon which is erected one butcher (hop 12x18 feet. ALSO all that certain town lot in the Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co Pa situated on St. Mary's street. Containing in front on St Mary's street one hundred feet by two hundred feet deep at right angle and being Number 45 on St. Mary's Street ac cording to the map or plnn of the Borough of St. Mary's. Upon which is erected a frame house one and a half stories high 14x20 feet, said lot is under fence and has a well of water thereon Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thresa ltolhenhoft'er at the suit of Joseph nilhelm. ALSO. The defendants interest in the following described tracts of land: 1st Situate in Fox Township, Elk County, Pa, bounded and described as follows: Begin. ning at Sullivan's northeast corner ; thence north 80 rods to a post' thence west UK) rods to a post ; thence south 80 rods to a post; and Ibence cast 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing (-M) titty acres more or less, being the same land conveyed by Joseph Wilhelm to Mary M'Cready. Seccond All the interest of Mary Mo Cready as one of the heirs at law of Wm, l'halen in the following tracts ot laoa situ ate in the township of Horton Elk county Pennsylvania, beginning at a hemlock, the southwest corner of land of Wm. Bromley ; thence north 140 rods to a beech ; thence west 43 rods to a post : thence south 140 rods to a post; thence cust 43 rods tot lie place of beginning, containing 40J; acres being parts of warrants Nos. 4248 & 4372 Third beginning at a post the southeast corner of the Benuinger lot ; thence west 119 rods to a post; thence north 88 rods to a hemlock ; thence east 119 rod; to a stone pile; thence south 88 rods to beginning, containing b5.J acres more or less, being part of warrant 4248 upon which is erected one log house U stories high ltii24 feet and one log barnl6z20 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the paoperty of Patrick McCready and Mary McCready, at the suit of Charles Luhr. ALSO. All tint lot or piece of ground on Brussels road, St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., Pa., described as follows to-w it : Com mencing at a post on Brussels rond said post being the southeast corner of lot o. 2. and the southwest corner of the lot teing described : thence north 32J west 204 leet to Elk Creek; thence south 70A east feet to lot No. 4 ; thence south ii2J east 170 feet to Brussels road ; thence south "7 west 52 feet to the place of begiuLiug, con taining 9103 square feet and being lot No. 3 on Weis&Bruners map of their additiou to St. Mary's. Upon which is erected one frame dwelling house 20x23 feet two stories high, with kitchen back and one stable 12x10 feet with shed attached. Lot undar fence. ALSO All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land lying and being in St. Mary's Borough, County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, pit unto on Brussels road described as follows, to-wit : Begin ning at a post on said Brussels road being the southeast corner of Sabastian Ilahn's lot ; thence North 3- west one hundred and seventy feet to Elk Creek; thence souih 8:5J east seventy-three feel to corner, being northwest corner of F. J. Sect's lot; thence north 32J west one hundred and thirty feet to Brussels road; thence along said road to the place of beginning ; Con taining seven thousand three hutidred and fifty (7360) square feet said lot being num bered four (4) according to a plan of Geo. Wttlmsley, Esq. Upon which is erected one frame dwelliug house 18x28 feet two stories high ; one frame stable 1 2x12 and well of water. Lot under fence ALSO, All that cormin town lot situate in the Borough of St, Marys, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the north east corner of Leonard WIttman's lot said corner being likewise the north west corner of the lot hereby conveyed: thence along said Wittman's easterly line south 53 east 275 feet toa post on the north line of lsnds of Leonard Wittman's; thence along said Wittman's line north 81 east 75 feet to a post, said post being the south west corner of F. X. Erick's lot ; thence along said Erick's westerly line north 15 west 127 feet to a post; thence along said Erick's line north 63 west 35 eettoapost; thence north BO" west w eet to a post on New Brussels Road ; thence along said road south 8H west 133 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 111! 23 square feet, be the same more or less. Vvon which is erected one frame blacksmith shop 25x42 feet two stories high. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frank Gerg at the suit of Allois Schauer. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied ilh when the property is struck ofi ; 1. All bids must be raid iu full, except where the plaintiff or other lien creditor! becomes the purchaser, in wuicn case tue costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duty certified list of liens shall be furn ished, including mortgage searches on tue properly sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as be shall appear to be entitled to. 2 All Bales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P M'. at which time all property not settled for will gain be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck oft, and who, iu case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good tb e same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sen ted in court tor confirmation unless the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. ' V. C. OYSTER 8heriff. Sheriff's office, Ridgway Pa. 1 January 2, 1878. J See Purdou's Digtst, 0th edition- page 446 ; Smith's Forms, page am. Notice. Anv person wishing to adopt or Apprentice a boy or girl child will please corpespond with W. J. King, P. O. Box 143 rentield, Cleartlem Co Pa. u41w3eow. Our 161b bill-heads are just the hlng you want. Township Oncers. Judge of Election O. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. 12, Lesser, II. II. Wensel. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Ja. I). Fullerton. School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, O. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cuin- raings, W. 8. Service. Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors Jolin Oulnack, .Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. 8. Kline. Auditors Will Dickinson, James )?en field, J- 8. Powell. Clerk-M.H.Kline. . Constable Geo. 1). Messenger, Jr. Call at this office and envelopes. for writing paper ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of John M'Cusker, Into of Fox township, Elk conntv, Pa., deceased. LET TEKHOF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the undersigned upon the said es tate all persons Indebted to snld estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. JACOB MCAULEY, Admr, nWtB. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make knowo to his fellow sufferers the means ot cure. To all who desire it. he will send a cony of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will hnd a Sire Clrx for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ic. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Her. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn., Williatnsburgh, N. i. Applet oil's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 'of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to lie lu in all, of 800 pages each. one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can ailonl to to witliout it wiio would keep well informed. Price $6,00 a vol uine in leather, or $7,00 in elegant nair Turkey, c ft. J ufison. redonia, N. Y., controls thesale In Elk county. Address him for particulars. eepl7-tf Winter is upon us, which Is a re. minder that you need an overcoat M'Affeewill make you one cheap - SPECIAL NOTICES. I)B VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long s?KctALiTT, and world wide reputation for UUUKW SK.1N DISEASES, has endear ored for ycers to combiks an kxternal treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable urst'LT in Hie preparation of his compound "SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands; it is In srlily recommended to all our readers. Price 25 Cents a Cake : a Box (tnree Cakes) 60 Cents. Sknt by Mail, (pre paid) on Rt-CEiPT or mice. Otlice, 50 N. 5h St. Wholesale Dkpot, 400 X. 3d St. I hiladel- phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly MII.LISLKY AND DRESSMAKING. mfRS. J. It. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk XvL f-'o., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fiiKliioiitible millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all IU brunches. Agent for Dr. J ttuil & Co's Patent Ivory und Lignum Vito Eye Cups. tend for descriptive circular. nlTyl. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tious aud Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who dn not give express notice to the contrary, are considered wish iug to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation ol their periodicals. the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered theiu discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the tormer direction. ihey are held responsible. o. The courts have decided that "relus ing to take periodicals from the office, or re. moving and leaving them uncalled f jr is prtiua Jacie evidence of intentional irauu.' . Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it, whether he line ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, iftheydopot wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers wilt he held responsible uutil au express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. TXTmmaJ to cure a case of CATARRH in VV SlIllcCLcuvli neighborhood, with Dr. Kariibur s Keinody, to Introduce It. bampie free. J. C. Tilton. Pittsburg, Pa. novJJ1 :1iu;tui. Our Motto: The Best Goods and Lowest Prices at the West End Store. n42tf Hides, Kheep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE, THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of siitMicrintion. THIS Hi. N would remind Iu friends und wellwlidiers everywhere, thut It Is attain a uanuuiute tor tucir eousicitiuiiou unu support. Upon its record lor the past ten vean Itrelio. for a continuance of the hearty sympathy und generous co-operation which have hitherto ueen extenueu to luroin every iiiiArLr tii tho ITlllon. The Dally 8uu Is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mall, post puid, 65 cents a month, or to. jo per yeur. The Sunday edition of The Sun is an eight page sheet ot 50 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a art;e amount of literary und miscellaneous mutter especially prepared fur It. TliKWCKPAY SUN has met with great success. Post paid kl.ai a yeur. The Meekly Sun. Who does not know Tuk Weekly Si'k t Tt i-lit-ulutes throughout the United KUUes the i'unadas. and beyond. Ninety thousand l'amll leu greet its welcome pages weekly and reKaid it in me light ot guide, counsellor, una friend. Its news, eultorlul, agricultural, and liierarv deuartiuenla muke it esMentlullv lonniul lor the fuinllv and the fireside, Terms: One Dollar a year, post puld. This Drlce. nihilit y considered, mkkes It the cheap est newsuuoer uubllshed. i or clubs of leu with $10 cat h, we will send an extra cony fiee, Addreta rinubUtKuriuEbu., New York City. dM-K. THE Scientific - American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE M08T POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PA- PHB IN THE WORLD. Only $3.20 a Year, Including Postage. weekly, 62 Numbers a Year 4,000 book pages. Thr BoisnTirin American is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteeu pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ing, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences ; including Mechanics and engineering, meant engineering, iiaiiway, Mining, Civil Gas and Hydraulio Engineer ing. Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Melal Work t Chemistry and Chemical Processes t Electricily, Light, Heal 8ound Tech nology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinery; New Processes, New Recipes, Im. provemenis pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, the Home, Health. Medio il Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy, etc. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be fotttd In the Scientific American ; the whole presented in popular language, free from technical terms, illus trated with er.gravingf and so arranged as o interest ana inform all classes ol reaaers, old and young. The Scientific American is promotive of knowledge and progress In every community where it ciroulales. It should have a place in every Family, Read ing Room. Library. College or School. Terms $.1.20 per year, $1.61 half year, which includes pre-payment of postage, Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. Sjld by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN fc CO., Publishers. 87 Park Row, New York. lb r 11 Til TV 1 f I Ct In connection JT -L. I -TilN I jjnilb the Scien n ho American, Messrs. Munn & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents and have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined aud advice fres. A special notice is made to the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Publio atten tion is thus directed to the merits of the uew pateut, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who has made a new dis covery or invention, can ascertain, free charge, whether a patent can probably be onlained, by writing to the undersigned Address for the Paper, or concerning Pat enta. MUNN A CO.. 37 Park Row, New York Branch Office, Cor. F & 7h Sts., Washing ton, D. C. ATTENTION. FARMERS Send for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1&"j. THE OLDn'ST LARGEST, MOST EN TERPRISING, INSTRUCTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is C4-Column Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topicsmd leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has the lurgest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper, under an able and experienced fcditorul Manage meut, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. PAYABLE IN AnVANCI. Single subscriptions (52 issues) (2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1.60 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly. in the country, Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Sfecisiin Corirs Sent Fuss. Addross PR ACTUM L FA RM fi R,' 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia,. Note paper and envelopes at this office. A sheet of paper and on en velop for a cent. CHE APESTAND BEST! THE HARRISBURO Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT Will be sent at the following rates 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid. $7 00 2 copies (in club,) ' .... 12 00 5 " ' " " 27 00 10 " ' .... 50 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at tbe following rates : 1 copy, I year, postage prepaid. ... 4 copies, " " .... $2 00 0 00 10 00 10 ' ' 14 , 15 " " " " and one copy to getter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up ol club, ... zi U Ail orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or post othce order. $0.00 WORTH FOS $3 00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re. cetve one copy or tue weekly patriot for one year, one copy of the American Agriculturist .'the leading agricultural journal in tbe united states) for one year. botb postage paid, and in additiou a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for $2 b0. THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE Having executed the State Printing and Binding for three years, wears prepared to print and bind Books, Magitxioes, rum phlets, Directories, etc. in best style aud at lowest prices BLANK BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebinding ounday rcnuoi binaries. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Harrisburg, Pa. Ellzabeth A Etierney, Mc- In the Court of Common Plens of vs. John M'Eneruey Elk County, rieiit CI III 1BII, it). V. DIVORCE. To the Defendant -above named. Subpoena and ulias aubpoena having Itmied in the above entitled case and returned "not found in the County,1 you are hereby iiotliied to tutnear be lore Buid court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1878, to answer eaid complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. jjer. . n. uoKTox, jjepuiy. KherifTa Office, Ridjrway, Pu. 1 Dec. 22d, m7. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. It. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. Q".' and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia A Eria Rr'troad will run as follows! WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m ' " " Rcnovo 1 1 00 a in " ' ' Emporium 12 65 p m St. Mary' Met) 1 4't p m Kidgway 2 16pm " ' Kane B 80 p m " arrive at Erie 7 85 pm EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m ' Kane 8 60 p m 4 49 p m " Ridgwny " ' St. Mary's "- " ' Emporium ' " " Rcnovo " arr. at Philadephia... 6 18pm 6 15 p m 8.85 p m 7 00 a m Day Express and nect east with Low N. YS & P. IX. R. WM. biagara Express con Grvda Division and B A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't T7MP1RE TKANSPOttTATION Vj co. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. 1127 UlRAKD STUEES, Philadelphia, October 18th, 1S77. Notice is hereby given that the Km. pire Transportation Company hits censed to transact business, and has entered on a liquidation of Its affairs preparatory to its dissolution as a Cor poration. JOS. D. POTTS, President. The Empire Line,, formerly owned and operated by the umpire Trans portation Company, will continue to be operated as heretofore, but for ac count of its new owners. F. J. FI RTH, Gen. Manager, Empire ii43ml. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The circulation of this popular newspaper has mere titan trebled duringtlie past year. It contains all the leading cews contained in the Daily Hkualu, and is arranged in bandy departmeuls. lue FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all fiuai tern of the glohe, together with un biassed, faithful mid graphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under t lie head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts of tbe Uuiou. This feature aloue makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valunble newspaper iu tbe woild, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeches of eminent poli- icians on the questions ot tbe hour. " THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly IIxrami gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of tbe far mer, bints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Urnius, Trees, Vegetables, &o , fie, with suggestions for keeping buildinus and farming utensils in repuir. This is supple. tnented by a well edited lieiuitineiit, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for prac'ical dishes, hints or making clothing aud for keeping up with the latest fashions at tbe lowest price. Letters from our Paris aud Loodou cor respondents ou the very laic! fashions The Home Department of the Wekklv Herald will save the housewife more than one huudred times the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all thcElatest phtascs of the buaiues markets, Crops, .Me'chandize, &c, &o, A valuable feature is found in tbe specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery ofSiauley are to be fouud iu tbe ikkly Herald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEWS at home and abroad, together wilb a Story every week, a sermon by some eminent s vine, Literary, Musioal, Dramatic, and Notes. There is no paper In the worl which contains so much news matter every week as the ntr.KLT Hkuald, which is scut, postage free, for One Pollar. lou may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK KERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publirhine this prospectus with. out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadwtvy & Ana St-, New York. Vl'E WILL mail one and one-half dozen of the most beautilul new Cnromcs, in French oil color ever seen for $1.00. They are mounted iu eilO black enamel and sold mats, oval opening and outsell anvtliine now before the public. Paiibfac lion euaranteed. two samples tor io cent" or six for 60 cents, bend 10 cents for graud illustrated catalogue with chroma of Moonlight on tne nuiue, or .u cents ior two Landscapes and Calla Lillie ou black erouod. J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washing ton St. Boston Mass , Headquarters for Chronica. Engravings end Art Works. A FORTUNE. u32t8. The oldest sndbfst appointed instltaUo tot obtaining a BiMineiis juuwuuuu. for cwular. add, PituburfU, Pa. T nArPtJC BOOK of KNOWLEDGE. LuJ V tiilO or Secrets of Love, Court ship and Marrlane Hltowlng now to ttn Ur io.r hnnnilv obtain buullh. weulU) and distinction, and'appear to advantage In so del v ajtipnges Soo.ooOsold. Mailed forlOcU., i.. 11........ itiiiiiiia or I'lirriiicv. Address. THE UNION rrBI.I8HI.Vfi COMPANY, 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST - AND THE BEST 8-Pae Weeklu FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED 8TATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TO: 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. 111. Scientific Discussion. Social Topies Wit and Wisdom ' Home and Ftreiga News Agricultural Interests Household Economy Live 8tock Markets Grain and Produce Markets Congressional Reports Telegraphlo News Editorials on all live Topics IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. In short it is the most, complete Weekly journal in every delnil now published, and will be uuder the personal ednoral super vision or Mr. w. A. iayior, tbe well- known editor and author, and a large corps of able assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in all things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it will have no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct its readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend it to Farmers in partic ular, and all others in general, will he its comp'ete elaboiate and strictly relinble Live Stock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE PAID: Single Copy $1 25 Clubs of 5 and less than 10 1 15 Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 The price at which we furnish THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH is but a trifle more thun the cost of the white paper, but we depend upou a generous public for a sufficiently large patronage to reward us fur our efforts in supplying thent with a household newspaper that has and can have no rival in excellence and cheapucss. The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, the newsisest, brightest most enterprising daily published iu Pittsburgh, conlainiug all the news of the day, by Associated Press aud Special Disputches, Congres sional reports, Markets, etc., and edited with the highest ability, will be sout to any adiiv.ss, postage paid- for $8 per yeir. W herever we may have carriers or agents THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 cents per week. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, and begin wilb the beginning of winter, when so plessmt a companion will be welcomed to every fireside. Money may be sent by draft, Pcstuftice order, or in registered letters. Aedrexsall communica tions to THE TELEUKAPti, U'Z and 124 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. Kaycend for a specimen copy. RALPH BAUALEY, Proprietor. I MIE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Rldjrway un- I rler the auspices of the ladles of Uraeo Church, with MISS A. E. 1TKEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of cooils on hand and selected with greut care. EMIiKUlDKltlhS. LACE EDGE. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN; SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes l-c., c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Auent for the Society. KANSAS. All about its Coil, Climate, Resources, Products, Laws, and its People are given in the KANSAS rAllMr.lv, a 10-pnge weekly, in its loth y'r. Post paid, 3 mo., oOc. Address . J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a high plaoe among agricultural journals. N. Y. Tribune.... We have considered it among the best of our exchanges, and a worthy representa tive of the West. Practical Parmer, Philadelphia Our Kansas friends should feel much pride la the high charac ter and sterling worth of their State agri cultural paper National Live-Stock Journal..... We cheerfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our Western agricultural exchanges. Spirit of the Times, N. Y. u44t4. Adniiuist rators' Notice. ESTATE of Jacob Oval, latn of Jay twn Elk countv.Pa., deceased. LETTERS OK AD MIMSTUASION, having been granted to the undersigned upou tliesuld estate all perKons indebted to said estate are requested to mukc payment, and those having, claims to present liieui ior seiueuieui J. M. BUOOICINS.) . . ELIJAH L. BUOOKIN'S.AUU n38t. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Philip Mever. late of St, Mary's Borough. Elk county. Pa. de. ceased. Letters of Administration- having been granted- to the under signed, upon the said estate all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set- I . ir 4 r r Tif INVITO Admr's GIVEN A AT A To every rea VV -derof this pa per A 1 KtiMllJIl BTEKLi EJUKAHSU, JLUtllieu x lie r iuuiiik Ol UIU M iuur ill mo Temule" with tbe WoKKINU CHURCH. A 94 Piie Keliirlous Family Newsnuuer. do- vaImI to Household theHunday School. Music and General Churoh Work. On 8 month's ii-lnl for 2Set8. AGTS. WANTED. Address J, H. 1IREWER. 7 4 8 Warren bU, New York uovoiu.!iu4. BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. A. JIATUBVN, Attorney-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., I1ALL.& M'CAULUr, I .., Attorneys H'r r. Itrlok Building, Main 8t Rideway, Elk Co., t. i m 1 1 1. a ill iicrf v8n2tf. LUCORE& HAMBLEN. Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk County Pa- Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. to '7t. VUAHLES 110LES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tbe .lowe Sewing Machine, and Morion woiu ijn. Rennirinc Watches, etc, en. Repairing watcnes, vo, ) tame accuracy as heretofore. ,'aotljn guaranteed. caua tlnly J. O. K BAIL ST, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnzol. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeei lent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citiieus of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up- . stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmaeeutist, N. W. cornel at Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully seleoled For sign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions jarefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. TlT, T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts. Residence corner Broad St. opposite tbe College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. " J. iS. BORD WELL, JV. D., Eclcolio Physiqinn and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mail St. Ridgway. Pa in the second story or tut neir brick building of John G. Hall, oppo sill Hyde's store. Offieo hours:! to2PM7toPM HYDE JJOUSE, lltDOWAY, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ai tsution to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi Iks same. Oct 30 180!). E. Q. FA Y. LUMttER AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, AND OKNERAL COLLECTION AGENT No 2C6 Walnut Plc, (810 Wuluut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. n 41-ly I'. W. 11 A YS, DEALS- 111 Dry Goods, Notions, Grrceriee- and General Variety, FOX. ELK CO., PA. Earley M. . vlnlTlf. K. K. GKESII. Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, tfood and eune seat chairs, kitchen and extenlion tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, tc, &c. Cane seats re placed with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from $05 to $45, the best machine In the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coftlns constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above good are sold at panic prices. vv are iiooins in masonic builUinr. Ridgway Pa v7n01t. N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNEIt WISHES TO inform the citizens of llidgwuy, and tne public generally, mat lie haa tarted a Livery Stable and will keep OOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. B&He will also do job teaming;. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. AUg01871tf JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- ... WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and told as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAisB3 n HAGERTY Newark, N. J. novtyunitt - .