The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 10, 1878, Image 2
Hie JMvwiik Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. JAN. 10, 1878. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sates of Advertising. boo column, one year - $76 00 t " " " - 40 00 j " " 26 00 " " " - 15 0" Transient advertisements per square of tight liner, odd insertion $1, two insr lion. SI. 60, three Insertions. $2 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5 Advertisements payable quarter! List of Causes. Set down for trial nt Jnnunry term, com mencing Monday Jnnuary 2rf, 1HV8: 1. John VttUghnn vs. Philadelphia A Erlo B. R. Co. No. 6. November Term, 1 17 4. 2. Charles Webb vs. Simon r. Romlg. No. 11 1, September Term, 187B. 3. IlklgwHy Township vs. V, 8- Wheelerot al. No 17 Mny Term, 1S77. 4. C. H. M'C'auley vs. Patrick Lamb. No. fl. September Term, 1877. 6. Frank Corn, for use, vs. Andrew ICaul. No. 84. September Term, 1877. (1. V. It. Hayes vs. June Sheldrake et ol. No. 13, September Term, 1877. 7. Tohn Tudor vs. Peter Hollobaugb, No 145, September Term, lt77. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given Hint the following accounts have been filed In my olllce and will be presented nt the next term of the Orphan's Court for continuation: 1. Final account of Chnrles Itthr and Charles Rltter. executors of the last will and testament of Andreas Iliemnl, late of ilenziiiRcr township. Elk county, deceased. 2. Final account of Charles Luhr, executor of the last will and testament of Charles Hrcekl, late of St. Mary's Uoruitgh, Elk Co., deceased. 8. Final Recount of Henry M'Cready, ad ministrator of the estate of Hugh M'Cready, lnte of Fox township. Elk county, deceased. FRED. SCI10ENINU, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. I)Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri faoias ) niin tiuii Incins, venditioni exponas, levari fneins. alias levari fHCias, and testa tum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pelas of Elk County, nod to m directed, I Daniel Scull. High Sheriff of raid county, do hereby give notice that 1 will expose to public sale or outcry at the court Home, in Kidgway, at ono o'clock ! M on MONDAY, JANUARY 28. 1878. ALL the right, title, and interest of de fendant in the following described real es slate to wit: Commencing at a post on weel side of Theresa road (now Ben linger Road;) Thence Nor Hi 54 nest for 111 rods to the Beniinger Coal and Iron Co., rail road line ! Tbeuce South 53 80' west SO. rods : Thence along F. Millers and t harleB rcnissels laud south 64 east 110 4 10 rods; Thence along Charles Bchissels lund south 13 25' east 7- 6 rods to a post on the west eide of Theresa Uoad : Thenee not lb 42 east 35. 8-10 rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing 21. 75100'acres more or less. Being pan ol land winch lieimnger & fcschbacb con veyed to John Rothcnboffer by Deed recor ded in Deed Bonk 1 page 336 whodevista the lands to Defendtnt. All under fence and about the half of it under cullivatiun. I'pon which is '.erected one butcher shop 12x18 feet. ALSO all that certain town lot in the Dnrough of St. Mary's, Elk Co Pa situated on St. Mary's street. Containing in front on St Mary's street ono hundred feet b two hundred feet deep at right angles and being Number 45 on St. Mary's Street ae cording 10 the map or plan of the Borough of St. Mary's. Upon which is erected a frame bouse one and a half stories high 14x20 feet, said lot is under fence and lias a well of water thereon Seized and laken in execution as the property of Thrrsa ttotheuhoffer nt the suit f Joseph Wilhelm . ALSO. lhe defendants interest in the following described tracts of land: 1st t-ituaie in Fox Township, Elk County, Pa. I oundtd,nnd described as follows: Begin, tiing at Sullivan's northeast corner ; thence north 80 rods to a post' thenco west 100 rods to a post ; thence south 80 rods 10 h post ; and thence east 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing (50) fifty acres more or less, being the same land conveyed by Joseph Wilbelm to Mary M'Cready. fieccond All the interest of Mary Mo Cready as one of the heirs at law of lira, P'ft!en in lhe following tracts of land silu ate in the township of Ilorton Elk county, 1 ei.ucy iViiuia, beginning at a hemlock, the southwest coiner of land of Win. Bromley ; thence north 140 tods to a beech ; thence west 43 rods to a post ; thence south 1 4' rt'di lot post; thenco east 43 rods lot he place of beginning, containing 40 acre being parts of warrants Nos. 4248 & 4:172 Third beginning at a post the Foulhenst earner of the Benuinger lot ; thence west 119 rods to a post ; thence north 88 rods to a hemlock ; thence east 119 rods to a stour pile; thence south 88 rods to beginning, containing b5J acres more or less, being part of warrant 4248 upon which is erected me log house 1 sloi ics high 16(24 feet and oue log barnl6x20 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the paoperty of Patrick McCready and Mary McCready, at the suit of Charles Luhr. ALSO. All tint lot or piece of ground on Brussels road, St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., Fa., describe! as follows to-ait: Com tnencing at a post on Brussels road said post being the southeast coiner of lot l o, 2, and the southwest corner of lhe lol being described ; Iheuce north 32J west 204 feet 10 Elk Creek : thence south 76J east 71 fset to lot No. 4 ; thence south 82 east 170 feet to Brussels road ; thence souih 77 west 62 feet to the place of begiuLing. con taining 9163 square feot and being lot No. 8 on W'eis & Bruner map of their adJitiou 10 St. Mary's. Upon which is erected one frame dwelling house 20x23 feet twi. stories high, with kiieheu back and one si able 12xlo feet with shed attached. Lot undar fence. ALSO All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land lying and being in St. ilary'e Borough, County of Elk and Slate of Pennsylvania, situate on Brussels road described ag follows, to-wit t Begin ning til a post on said Brussels road being the sou' beast corner of Subastiaa Halm's lot; thence North 32J west one liuudred and seventy feet to Elk Creek; theuoe sou ill 83 east seventy -three feel 10 eorner, being northwest oorner of F. J. Seel'e lot ; thence north 82J" west one hundred and thirty feet to Brussels road ; thence along said road to the place of beginuing : Con taining seven ifiowwnd three huuired aud fifty (7350) square feet said lot being num bered four (4) nooording to a plan of Geo. Walmsley, Esq. Upon which is erected ene frame dwelling house 18x28 feel two elHfies high ; one frame stable 12x12 and well of water. Lol under feuoe- ALSO, All that ceriaiu town lot situate in the Borough of ft. Marys, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the - north east corner of Leonard Witt man's lot said corner being likewise the north west eorner ot lhe lot hereby conveyed: thenee aleng said Win man's easterly line south 63 east 275feetloaposton the north line of lsnde of Leonard Wi.ioamf thence along said Wiitman's line north 81 J east 75 feet to a post, eiid poet being the south west eorner of F. X. Erick'a lot ; tlence along enid Erick'i westerly line ertb. fc west 127 feet to poet ; tbence along said Erick'e line north 63" west 8f feet to ft pes'.; tbence north 80" west 80 feet to a post nn New Brussels Road .' thenee along said road south 81J west 138 feat to the place of beginning. Containing 1J23 square feet, be the asms more or less. Upon which is ercoted one frame blaoksmiih shop 25x42 feet two stories high. Seized taken in execution and to be sold s the property of Frank Qerg at the suit of Allots cchauer. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly enmrilied with when lhe properly is struck ofi i 1. All bids must be paid in full, exonpt where the plaintiff or oilier lien credit irn becomes the purchaser, in which ease the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duty certified list of liens shall he furn ished, including mortgage searches on lhe properly sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount ef the proceeds of lhe sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to bo entitled to. 2 All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P M-. at which time all properly not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off, and who, in ease nf deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented in court tor corfirmatiou unlets the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above'staieJ. D. C. OYSTER Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ri Jgway Pa. January 2, 1878. j See Purdon's Digtst, 9th edition, page 4o ; tfraith's Forms, page 83. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BKOKKRd, No. Al fouth Tliird Street. StocVs anil Bonds Bought and .Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, Jan , 8, 1878. bi. ASK KD U. 8. 1881. e ion in? do do bs j aud J 102J do do '67 do 105 do do '08 do 107 j 10-40. do coupon 107 4 do Pacific 6's cy H9 103 105 1071 108 I'.'O New 6 s Keg. 1881 I05I jotii " " 0. 1881 10.-,J 100 " i. Beg 1831 103 104 " " 0. 1891 108 103J 10l lul New 4s Reg. 190' ' 0. 1907 . Gold Pennsylvania, . ... 103 1021 102J 1028 o3 334 1J irl . Vi 10 , ISJ 18J 89J 40 . 122 122 .. 7 7 Heading Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation do Valley United R R of N J ex. div- Pittsburgh, T. k Buffalo R. R ..... Northern Central ex. div IGi 16 Central Transportation 81 fill 47 88 .esquehoning 47 North Pennsylvania ... 86 License Petitions. The following petitions for licenses at Jan. term have been tiled In my offlco: EATING HOUSE. BEXZINGER. 1. F. X. Sorg. RIIHJWAT. 2. James MaRlnnls, 3. Geo. V. Rblnes, 4. John M'Cready A V,'. A. Derby. ST. MARY'S BOKO, 5. Win. Gels, fi. Anthony Sehauera, 7. Joseph Krnus. STORE. ST. MARY'S BOBO. 8. Joseph Willielra. TAVEItN. I1ICNEZKTTK. 9. Henry Blesh, 10. G. L. Wlnslow. CEKTRKVILI.B. 11. John Collins, 12. Daniel Scull. KIDGWAY. IS. Wm. H. Schram. 11. James McFarland. ST. MARY'S BOUO. 15. Joseph F. Windfoldor, 10. Henry Luhr, James Hou-an, 17. 18. IV. ijorentz vogel, Kllev Bros. FUED. SCHCEN'INO, Pro. INSURANCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 80 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NORTII BRITISH 4 MERCANTILE, Oross tssets $32.538,612i ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN.. Asset' over $7,C00,0C0, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets 14,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $1,500,000. BHAWMUXBOSTON, MASS., Capital.fjOO.OOO. GERMAN AMERICAN. NEW YORK, Assets 2.000.000. . TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., - A:sets $l,205,ouo. n80yl. Iln the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, September Owen Caden Term, 1877 No. 93 J DT VOUCH. To the Defendant above named: Subpoena und alias subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found in the County," you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court on tne fourth Monday of January, A. D. 178, to answer said complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff, per W. S. Horton, Deputy. Sheriffs Office, Kidgway, Pa. Dec. 22d, 1877. ( " otlce. Any person wishing lo adopt or Apprentice a boy or girl child will please corpespond with V. J. King, P. O. Box 143 Pen Held, Clearfield Co. Pa, 41w3eow. j Our lCIb bill-heads are Just the thing you want. Notice. Noiico fs hereby giveu that the members of Kersey Orange No. 028, P. of H. of Centreville. Elk county, Pa, intend to apply at the next term of court, January 28th, 1878, for a charter for a Building Association, for the ournose of erectine a building or buildings for the use of said Grange. V. H. MEREDITH, ) WILLIAM McCAULEY, V Com HAYS KYLER, -For a nicely fitting suit of clothes eall on M'Afee the tailor. Township Officers. Judge of Election O. It. Dlron. Inspectors M. E. Lesser. 11. li. WenueL Just lore of the Feace Charles Mead. Jaa. D. Fullerton. School Directors O. B. Grant, Ja- Gardner, O. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum- mlns, W. 8. f ervice. Eujr. i. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Uovern. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. 8. Kline Auditors Will Dickinson, James Pen field, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. 8. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenjrer, Jr. Call at this office for wilting paper and envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of John M'Cnsker, late of Fox township, Elk county. Pa., deceased. LET TERS OK ADMINISTRATION hnvhiR been ranted to the undersitrned unnii the snld es tate all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to prexent them for set tlement. JACOB M'CAULEY, Adinr, n34l6. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to mate known to his fellow sufferers lhe means ot cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and u?ing the same, which they will node Sena CvitB for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. Par ies wishing: the prescription will please address. He v. E. A. WILSON, 194 t'enn., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Applclou'i American Cjclopedfiu Vol. 8 of this admirable work is Just out, making it half complete, as there are to be lo in all, of u pages each, one being issued in two mouths. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford io do without it who would keep well informed. Price $6,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant half Turkey. U. K. Jud-ion. Fredonln, iN. i .,- controls the sale in k,ik county Address him for particulars. eepl7-tf V inter Is upon us, which la a re. minder that you need an overcoat. M'Affee will make you one cheap SPECIAL NOTICES. DB TAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. TAN DYKE, whose life long sveciautt, and world wide reputation for UUKIISU Ktua UlSKASEH, tans endear sred for veers to combiki an rx'iRRAL treatment. He bss accomplished thiade sirable resi'Lt in the preparation of bis compound 'ULPHUK 80 A P." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it it highly recommended to all our readers, Price 25 Cents a Cake; a'Boi (inree Cakes) GOCen s. kht by Mail, (pre paid) on fceipt or rmc Office, 60 N. 6'b St. Wholesali Dkpot, 400 N. 8d St. fhiladel- pbia. Pa. Sold by DKCUQ1ST. n21yleow. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Rlchjway May 3, 1877.-ly MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. TtTRS. J. R. KELTZ. Kersev. Elk 111 Co., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for lir. J Hail & t'o st'atent Ivory and Lignum Vitas Eye Cups. tend tor descriptive circular. nl"yl. Laws Relating to Xevrspnprr Suutcrlp tlons and Arrearages. I. Fubscribers who do not give express notiee to the contrary, are considered wish ingto eontinne their subscription. i If subscribers order the disoontinu alion of their periodicals, lhe publishers may continue lo send them until all arrearages are paid. 8. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, Ibey are held responsi ble until they have sealed their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without infornrng the publishers, and the papers are sent to t lie former direction Ihey are held responsible. o. The courts have decided tbat."rerui ing to lake periodicals from lhe otbee, or re moving and leaving them uncalled tit is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. H. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of ll. wlieitier lie nss ordered it or not, is held ia law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, Ihey are bound lo give notice to I tie publisher at the end of their lime, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise lhe publishers are authorised to scud it on. and lhe sub scribers will be held responsible nu il au express nonce with payment ot all arrears, sent to the publisher. tXTMvti t.A to euro a case of CATARRH In W aHLCUeaeli lloli;hlorliood. with lr. K limner minedy. to introduce it. (sample iree. j. u. i nioii. ruuuurg, ra novi.'.,lii3ni. Our Motto: The Best Goods and Lowest Prices at the West End Store, n42tf. Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skin wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE THE SUN. 1S78. SEW Y0BK. 1878, As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, THK HUH would remind Its frlt-iids and wellwlKhers everywhere, tbat it I o.ruin ruLmlliliite lor their consideration an support. Upon its record lor the punt ten vum itralltu for a contluuaiiue of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to lllrom every mmrtttr of Ltitt lltilon. The Dally Sun is a fonr pnge-sheet of 28 columns, puce by man, post puiu, ooceuis kitontli. or utiJkl tier vt-ur. The ttunduy edition of Tbe Bun Is an eight Dane sheet of 60 columns, w line giving in news of the day. It also contain a large u mount of literary and miscellaneous matter especially prepared lor ll. iuhoubiiav u hue met with grout success. Pat paid HM The Weekly Sun. who does not know Ths Weekly Hi'n ii firrulHtus throuubout Uie United 8 lutes tbe CunadM. and beyood. ninety thousand families great 1U welcome pages weekly und regaid It in the ngntoi guide, counsellor, una friend. 1U news, editorial, agricultural, an litri.rv deDartmenU make It etuteutiully iouruai tor the family and the tiresld Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This prloe, quaHty considered, nikkea It the cheap est newspaper published, for cluoa oi leu with tiocash. we will send an extra cony free, Address J-Hltu-U Ett OF TH E BUN, nsn-st THE I Scientific American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR' SCIENTIFIC PA- PBU IN THK WORLD. nly $3.20' a Tear, including Postage. Weekly, 62 Numbers a fear 4,000 book Ths PoiiKTirto Adkricab le a larce First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, prtn'ed in the most benuiiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing the newest Inventions od lhe most recent Ad ranees in the Aril and Scienues : including Mechaniot and Engineering, Sieam Engineering, Railway, Mining. Civil Qaaand llvdraulio Engineer ing. Mill Work. Iron. Steel and Metal Work t Chemistry and Chemical Processes t Electricity. Lisit. Heat 8ound : Tech. oology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinery, New Processes, New Keelpes. Ira provemeois pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products. Animal. Vegetnbte. aud Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture. Horticulture, lhe Uome. Health, Medio l rogrcss. Hocia Science. Natural History. Geology, Astronomy, eto. ine most valuable craolical papers, ty minent writers in alt departments ol Science, will be fouid in the Scientific American : the whole presented in popular anguage, free from technical terms, illus- rated wi'b er.eraTinai and so arrsnged as tolnteresi and inform all ola-ises of readers. old and young. The yoienlitio American a promotive ot knowledge and progress in every community where it circulates, ll hould have a pluce in every Family, Read ing Room Library, College or School Term $3.20 rer veer. $161 ball year. hieh inoludes vre-ciayment of poxig biseount to Clubs and Agents. Mingle copies lea cents. Sold by all Newsdealers Remit by postal order lo MUN.N & CO., Publishers. 87 Park Row. New York.' It A rmX'T f CI In connection X JXX I O""' ici.o mo tiueriuaii, Messrs. Alt? mm Jn. are Solicitors of American aud Foreign Patents and have lhe lamest establishment in the vorld. . Patents are obtained on the besi erms. Models of New. Inventions and Sketches examined and advice fret. A special notice is made to the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented h rough this Agency, with the name and resilience of iho I ntentee. PubltO atten tion is IhtiB direct d to lhe merits of the new pateul, and sales or introduction ofteu eOecled. Any person who bss made a new dis covery or invention, e .n ascertain. Tree chxrge. whether a patent cnu probably be untnined, by writing to the understgued Address fer (be Paper, or concerning Pat' en Is. , . MUNN k CO.. 87 Tark Row, New York Branch Office. Cor. F & 7'h Sis., Washing ton, D. CY- ATTENTION. FARMERS Eend for a Specimen f'opy of lie PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. TnE OLDEST LARGEST. MOST EN- TERI'ltlSING, INS-HUi TIVE AND VALUABLK AGRICULIURAL, LIVE 8TOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. Il a is 64-Column Weekly Paper. Acknowledeed authority oi. all agricultural topiosaod leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. . Has lhe largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an ogricultural paper, under an able and experienced Isditornl Manage nieut, who spare no expense or labor lo add everything possible lo its value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. rATABl.1 IK AUVAS01 Mingle subsoriplions (62 issues) $2.00 lu clubs of two do l.ib In clubs of three do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest firs'.elasa weekly. in the country. Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agenie. Speciuxm Corus Skkt Fan. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Xote paper and envelopes at this office. " A sheet of paper and an en velop for a cent. CHEAPEST AND BEST! ' THE IIARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all preient subscribers renewing their subsoriplions THE DAILY PAT RI ROT Will be sent at the followiug rates : 1 epyt 1 year, postage prepaid...- 2 copies (in club,) " 6i . it $7 00 12 00 27 00 10 " " .... 50 00 1 copy during the sessioi. of tbe legislature. . . 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rale i 1 copy, I year, postage prepaid..... $ 2 00 4 copies, .... 6 00 10 " . ... 10 00 15 " " . " and one copy lo getter-tip of club 15 00 25 copies, I year, postage prepaid. and a copy io gelter-up of club. .. 22 50 A 11 orders must be neooinpaiiied by the cash, either by check or post office order. $6.00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any perton remitting us $3.00 will re ceive oue copy or the wkkklt Fatbiot for one year, one copy of the Americau Agriculturist (lhe leading agricultural journal .n tbe Untied Sia'es) for one year, both postage paid, and in addition a Micro scope, such as bas heretofore been soid fur $2.I0. THE PATRIOT BOOK. Urr lCE. Having executed the State Priming and Binding for three years, wears prepaied to print and bind Books, Magmitiea, Pam phlets, Directories, elc. in best style aud at lowest prices BLANK BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specially. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebiudmg Sunday rchool Liberies. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. liurrishurg, Pa. Elizabeth A. Mc-1 Iu the Court of tnerney. I Common Fleas of vs. Elk County, Sept John M'Enerney Term 1877, No. 02 J DIVORCE. To the Defendant above named. Bubpoena and alius subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found in the County,' voq are hereby notified to fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1878, to answer said compluint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. per. w. ts. horton, iJeputy. Sheriff's Office, Rldfcway, Pa. 1 Dec. 22d,:7. J RAILROADS PENNSYLVANIA' It AIL UOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. ft. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877. the trains on the Philadelphia A Erla RrHrond willrunas follows t WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m Kenovo 1 1 OO in Emporium. .....12 65 p m Bt. Mary's. 1 4ft p m 2 16 p m .8 80 p m " Hidgway , " " Kane... arrive at Erie EASTWARD, 7 8S p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m ' " " Kane M 8 60 p m " Kidgway ....... 4 49 p m " " Bt. Mary's 6 18pm " " " Emporium 6 15pm ' " " Renovo 8.85 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express con nect esst with Low Grade Division and B N. Y! & P. R. R. WU. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l 8upt - EMPIRE i CO. TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. 1127 GlKAKD BTREES, Philadelphia, October ISth, 1S77. Notice Is hereby riven that the Em. plre Transportation Company hus censed to transact business, and linn entered on a liquidation of its afl'aiis preparatory to its dissolution as a cor portftion. JOS. D. POTTS, President The Empire Line, formerly owned aim operated by the Jhmiure 'lruns porttition Company, will continue lo Le.operated as heretofore, but for ac count of its new owners. F. J FIRTH, Gen. Manager, Empire Line. n43iul. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of ihis popular newspaper has more than trebled during Hie fast year. It contains all the leading tews contained in tie Daily H skald, aud is arranged in handy departments. The FOREIGN SEWS .. embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together wilh un DiHSsed, faithful and graphic pictures of iht great W ar in turope. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphio Dispatches of the week from all pans or the Uuiou. Tins feature aloue makes THE WEEKLY HERALD lhe iunst valuable newspaper in the world, as n is the cheapest. Every week is given a faiibful'report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Wabhinoton, including full reports of the speeches of cm incut poli ticians on the questions vf tne hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Wixkly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions nud discoveries relating to the dunes of I lie far mer, hints tor raising Cattle, Piuliry, UraibS, Trees, Vegetables, tic , &o., wilh suggestions for keeping buildings and farming uleusils in repair. Th'.s is supple mented by a well edited dejartuitnl, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for practicil dishes, hints or making clothing and for keeping up with lhe mtesi faelnuns at the lowest price Letters from our I'aris aud London cur respondents on lhe very latest fashions The Home' Department of the Hkbald will save the housewife more than one hundred limes the price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phiases of the business markets, Crops, Me"chatidixe, &o., &e. A valuable feature is found in the speoially isporied prices and conditions or THE PRODUCE MAKKET. While all tbe news from the last fire to the Discovery ofSiauley are lo be found in lhe Wkikly Hebald, due atteutiou is giveu to 8P0RTINQ NEW 8 al borne end abroad, together with a Story every week, a termon by sniue euii'icui di vine. Literary, .Mugicul, Uraiiumc, unu oea Notes, There is no paper in the worm hieh contains so much news mailer every week as the Wklkly Hkuald, which is sent, postngo tree, for Oue lollar. xou may subscribe at any lime. THE NEW YORK LERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publii hing this prospectus with out being authorised will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadway jt Ann fit-, New York. WE TYILL mail one and one-half doxen of the most beaut'uul new I'bromi, in French oil color ever seen tor 1 00, Tbey are mounted iu 8x10 black enamel aud cold mats, oval opening aud outsell anvihine now before lhe public. Saiibfao lion guaruuleed. Two samples lor ia cent" or six for bO cents. Pena iu ceuis ior grand illustrated catalogue with chronio of Moontieht on the Rhine, or '-0 cents for two Landscapes and Calta Lillie on black cround. J. LATHAM CO., 419 Washing tun Bt. Boston Mass , Headquarters fur Chrnmns. Engravings and Art Works. FORTUNE. The oldest and bet appointed Institutloii for cbifciniug a Butineea tuiiKwiuu. ,cuxul".ldre. DUFF BONS, PituilMugh, Pa. ,,tii-io TtnftK of KNOWLEDGE, I ( ) V XlilVO or Secrets of Love, Court ship and MaTrimte-f howiiig how to rt i roar- ried live napp" T T duifnetlon. and appear to advntune In ao. e letv-Pea!w0aold. Mailed for lucta., clety AM) pa in Postage bta tamps or trrency. uur, THIS UNION PUBUSl' warAn i, Newark, . J. wii 1877. . THE 1878. UNBIVALLED. . THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST ' AND THE BEST 8-Pae Weekly FAMILY NEW8PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED 8TATE8. ' READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TO: 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. III. Bcienlino Discussion. IV. Social Topics V. Wit and WMom VI. Home and Foreign News Vll. Agricultural Interests VIII- Household Economy IX. Live Stock Markets X. Grain and Produce Markets XI. Congressional Keports XII. Telegraphio News XIII. Editoria's on all live Topics In short it is tbe most complete Weekly journal in every detail now published, and will be under the personal ediloral super vision or Mr. W. A. Taylor, tbe well known editor and author, anil a large corps oi aoie assistants. , BEING STMCTLY INDEPENDENT in all things, and untrammelled by oliaues and combinations, it will have no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct its readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will command it to Farmers in partio ular. nnd all others in general, will he its ifomp'ele elabmate and strictly reliable Live Slock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE TAIDi Sinnle Copy $1 25 Dubs of 5 and less than 10 1 lo Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 The price at which we furnish THE A'FKKLY TELEGlt.iPH is but a I rifle more than tbe cost of the white paper, but we depend upon a generous puL-lio for a sufficiently large patronage to reward us for our efforts in supplying tbetn with a household newspaper that has and enn have no rival iu excellence and cheapuess. The Daily Telegraph 'ublished every evening except Bundav the newsisest, brightest must enterprising daily published iu 1'itlbburgh, coiitaining all the news of the day, by Associnte i Press and Special Dispatches, Cong ra tional reports. Markets, em., and edited with tbe highest ability, will be sent lo any adit-Msg, pontage paid for $8 per year. Wherever we may have camera or agents THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 ceuis per week. NOW IS THS TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, nnd begin with the beginning of winter, when so plessinl a companion will be welcomed to' every fireside. Money may be seut by draft, Pistuflice order, nr in registered letters. Aedresa all oomtuunica tions io THE TELEGRAPH, lit and 124 rittn avenue, I'lttsourgn. gegrtiend tor a specimen copy. RALPH BAiiALEY, Proprietor. HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridprway un der the auspices of the ladiea of Grace Cuurcu, witn MISS A. E. M'ZEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and (selected with great care. KMliltUlDEUlhS. LACE EDGE FUIXGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes ot'C, AC. All cheap as the cheutietit and goods warranted first clusw. fall and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society KANSAS. AU about its Coil. Climate, Resources, Products Laws, and its People are given in the KANSAS FAKMEK. a lO-pnge weekly, in its lOtb i t. Post paid, a mo. &0o. Address J. E. HUDSON, T"Feka, Kansas. Has quicVly tab en a high place among agricultural journals. N. Y. Tribune-... have considered it among tbe best ol our exchanges, and a worthy represenla live of the West Practical Parmer. Philadelphia Our Ktnsas frieuds should fret muoii pride ia lhe high charac ter and sterling worth of their Mate aKri cu lural paper National Live-Stock Journal..... We cheerfully credit it with being one of lhe besi edited of our Western agricultural exchauges. Spirit of the limes. A'. Y. uUii. Adminlst raters' Notice. ESTATE! of Jaoob Oval. IhIp nr .Tnv twn Klk t-ountv, Pa., deceased. LETTE1W OK AU MINlMTKAHIoM. having been KiauteU to tlio undersigned upou the said estate all portum indebted to said estate are requested to niiiku payment, anu tnose Having claims to presuii LUemfor settlement. J. M. ELIJAH L. nssta. BROOKINS. t BKOOKINS.I Admr's. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Philip Meyer, late of St Mary's Borouijh. Elk county. Pa. de, ceased. Letters of Administration- Iiaviui? been granted to the under signed, upon .the naid estate all per sons indebted to snld estate are re quested to make payment, aud those having claims to present them for set- .l.t.ttoi.t iimvlirVLMI Admr's GIVEN AWAYlSffi rea is pi per A PREMIUM 8TEEI. ENaHAVINO, Entitled "The Finding of theHavlour in th Temple" with the WOKKINU CHURCH A it Paae Religious Ktuntly Newsnaner, de voted to Houseiiold theMuuday Mcliool, Music and General Church Work. On 8 nionlh trial for 25 cts. AUTrt. WANTED. Address, J, U. BREWKR. 7 4 V Warren bt,, Tew York Dovenuiuf. 'Combines more eitmetious ibao any other.' "Beaver (Pa ) Times. fTJ" E A PEST AND BE8TI- PEIERSON'S MAGAZINE. FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS! tSTA 8tir!titi!iT ,will be given fa . . n . t ..u every numnc? ior ivo. coniammg ium- sifl psper pattern tor a lany a or ounu dress. Every subscriber will receive, our. ing the year, twelv of these patterns, eo that those alone will be worth more than the subscription price.)ff . "Pbtsrsos's MaO'stsa' eontalna - 1 . i . . . , 1 . . o every year, luuo pages 1 eieei piaies, is eolored Berlin pal'etns, 12 mammoth colored fnsnion plates, 24 pges of music, and 000 eood outs lis immense circula tion enables its proprielof to spend inore money on enibelishmenls, stories, so , ac, than any other. Il gives more for tbe money than any in the world. Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write nrieinallv for Peterson-'' In 1878, in ad. dilion to tbeupu'il quantity of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPrillUIIT BUVSL ETT8 will be given, by Mrs Aon 8. Stephens, Franfc Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. H. Burnett, and others. 2ammoth Colored Fashion " Plates Ahead ef all others. These plates are en graveJ on steel, twiok Tiia 1'bual sizs. and are nnequaled fur beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in short, everything inter est ing to ladies. N. B As the publisher now pre pays the postage to al! mail subscribers, "Peter son'' is ciiEAPsa THAU ivaa; in fact is the . uiAF-ier in tue world. TERMS (Always In Advance) $2.00 k YEAR. 2 copies for 53.00 ; 3 copies for $4 80 ; With a copy of the premium pioture (2420 "Tub Anqkls or Ciirhtmas,'' a five dollar engraving, to the person getting up tbe Club. - 4 copies for $8.80 ; 6 copies for 800 ! With an exira copy of the Magaxine lor 1878 as a premium, lo the person getting upibo Club. 6 copie for $1.60 ; 8 copies for $12.00; 11 copies for $10 50: With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1878, and the premium picture, a five dollar engraving, to the person gelling up the Club. - Address, post-paid, CIIAULE3 J. PETERSON. 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. e.8pecimens sent gratis, if written for. n42. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. CjroiCE books no longer for the few only. The fcest standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from $1 to $8 given (unchanged und unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. l. JSAWT iiYiSKli, liy Mrs. Henry Wood (Double No) 20e. JOHN 1IALIFAX, Gent., By Miaa Mutoclc. 20J. 8. JAKE EYItE, By Charlotte Uroiite. (Double No.) 20c. A WOMAN HATER, Charlta Rcadc's new novel. 20. THE BLACK-INDIES, Julea Verne's latest. 10. fl. LAST DAYS OF TOMPEII, Bv Bulwer lOo. ADAM BEDE, By George Eliot. (Double No) 20o. 8. THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10. 9. OLD M Y D D 10 LTON'8 MONEY. By MarvC Hay lOo. 10. THE WOMAN IN .WHITE. By Wilkie Collins. 20e. 11. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. By Oeorge Elliot. 20c. 12 THK AMERICAN SENA TOR. By Anthony Trollope5c. 13. A PRINCESS OF THULE. By William Black. 30c. 14. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wilkie Coilim. 10e. 15. ROMOLA. By George Elliot- (uoutiie ;o.) auc. 16. THE ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In oue book. By Jules Verne. 10c. 17. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 18. BARBARA'S HISTORY. Bv Amelia E. EdwunlH 20c. 19. A TERRIBLE TEMPT A- TlON. By Cliiis Rende. 10c. 20. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. By Churlen Dickens. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. By Charles Rende 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. By Wil kie Collins. 20c. 23. THE SO Ul RE'S LEGACY. By Mary Cecil Hav. 20c. 21. Rever loo Late lo Meud. Hv C. Heinle. - 20. 25. Lady AJelaide'e Oitb. By Mrs. II Wood 10e. 26. Aurora Fiord, Pv Miss M li Brad- don on,,. 27 Victor and Vanquished. By M C Hay . I0o 28 A Daughter of Heth, By Willitm Black in 20 Nora's Love Test, Ey Mary Cecil Hay lOo 80 Her Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Alexan- der 20o 31 Love Me Little, Love Me Long. Bv 0 Keade lOo 82 The Queeo of Heans. By WilVie Coltius lOo 83 Handy Andy, By Samuel Lover 20o 84 A Simpleton, By Charles Reade, (Single Ncl lOo 35 Felix Holt, The Radical, By Geo. Eliot 20c 36 The vO0ing OT, By Mrs. Alex ander 20c 37 The Mystery, By Mrs. Henry Wood 10o 88 Heritage of Langdule, By Mrs. Alexander 10o 89 Anlcniua, By Wilkie Collins, (Double No.) 20o 40 The Heir to Ashley, By Mrs. tfeury Wood lOo For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or aeut, postage prepuid, on receitof price by GEORGE MUNRO, Publisher, Gleason's l'Dblicatious. Great reduction In prize for 1878 ofGi.tA son's Pictouial to2 a year, bingle ooulea 6 cen ts. TheAome Cibci.k to 3 a year, single cop ies 5 cents, for sule by all newsdealers. Gleason's Monthly Companion to 1 a year, single copies lo cents. All postage free Kin pie copies sent on receipt of a a cent stump. The price of Cliomon has JUBt been greatly reduced. No one now gives such liberal terms to amenta as we do. Hend for new circ ular. Address K. Glkason, Ti6 Washing ton Kt. Boaton Mass. " n3ynilint. . 3.000 GF,rr8 WANTED. From ti if uJT.mi1.0 '. Bur4!' MiuUters, Ujok and rictura Agenu, and all out of em pli.jnoent. of either sex, liere la the beat chance ottered Mils season. A Canh Present 1.1 from (o to S1U0 will be giveu to every good working agent. .Kend 10 cenU for small minple, or better still 1 fur 8 large samples with circulars, term. Ac aud go to work at once. REV. 8. T. RUCK, Box Stt, Milton, Pa. 40-MeuUon UiU paxwr. fcMrallui. : . :