The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 03, 1878, Image 2
11 Jwwoik lien 17 A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1878. A Card. ED. ELK ADVOCATF.-Deur fln-I hereby with your permission, throniili your Journal, return my hearty thanks to that, largo party of excursionists from Ridgway who attended Dr. VUlers, entertainment tit St. Mary's. 1 regret that I did not havonsti trident number of orders for excursion ticket to supply nil who wished them and I also regret Hint nil evil report concerning the itnsnfty of the hall should hnvo been stiu t-tl by nnynnn, I horehy thank Supt. E. II. West full fur provid ing as he dlda first clas Coach for Dm ac commodation of the excursionists. Yours respect fully, OKO. H. 1!XUN. Comity Officers. President Judire-Hon. L. D. ffdmnre Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ktl. WeLs, and Julius Jones. Sheriff Daniel ISftill. Treasurer Jacob MeCaulov. District Attorney C. II. M'Cnuley. Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Sehcening. Deputy Protlionotary W. S. Mnrton. Commissioners Michael Vcdcrt, W. II. Ostcrhout, Ueorpe Reusclier. Commission ers' Clerk W. 8. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, H. I. Bpang lar, George Rothrock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 ' 40 00 " ' " 25 00 " " " ........ 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of fight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions Si Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5 A ivertisemtnts payable quarterly Jiotice. Any person wi&hiug to adopt or Apprentice a ooy or girt child will please eorpespoud with W. J. King, P. O. Box 113 I'enfield, Clearfield Co. Pi. u41w:teow. t Our 101b bill-heads are just the thing you want. Xotice. Notice is hereby given that the members of Kersey Grange No. 628. P of H. of Centreviile, Elk'counlv. Pa. intend to apply at the next term of court, January 2Stli, 1878, for a charter for a Building Association, for the purpose of erecting a building or buildings for the use of said Grange. W. II. MEREDITH, 1 WILLI A M McCAUL 3 Y. Coin HAYS KYLER, I List of Cause.. Pet down for trial at Janunry term, com niencing Monday January i!S. 1878: 1. John Vuuglinn vs. Philadelphia A Erie K. it. 10. o. 0, .Noveniiier Teriii, ls4. 2. Charles Webb vs. Hiinon 1". Uom 112. SentemberTerm. 1W0. . ltomlg. No, 3. Hidgway Township vs. V. H.. Whecleret 1. No 17U May Term, lt77. 4. C. II. M'C'aulcy vs. Patrick I.fiinb. No. 71. Jsepiemuer xerm, isii. 5. Frank Gerg, for use. vs. Andrew Kaul No. 81. .September Term. 1S77. 6. W. B. Ilnyes vs. June Mheldrnko et nl. No. 1S3. Heptember Term. 1M77. 7. Tohn Tudor vs. Peter Hollobnugh, No 11), September Term, 177. REGISTER'S NOTICE. given that the following mnfntn LH llHVe Sfcr-tlk- ti Inrl III iiiv ntll. uiil be presented at the next term nr tiw iii nii.i s will Court for confirmation: 1. Final account of Charles I.nhr and Charles Ritter, executors of the lot will and testament of Andreas Hlemal, late of tit. Mary's Borough, Elk county, deceased. 2. Final account of Charles Luhr, executor of the last will and testament of Charles UrOL'kl, late of Kt. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased. 8. Final neeonnt. of Henry M'Cready, ad ministrator of the estate of Hugh M'Cready, hue ol Fox township. Elk county, deceased. FRED. SCHCENINU, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas, leva.-i facias, alias levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias, issued out of t lie Court of Common Pelas of Elk County, and to me directed, I Daniel Scull. High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice Ibat I will expose 1 public sale or outcry at the Court liou-ie, in Ridgway, at one o'clock V M on MONDAV, JANCARY 2S. 1878. ALL ibe right, title, and interest of de fendant in the following described re il ea state to wit : Commencing at a post on west side of Theresa road (now Henzinger Road;) Thence North 54 West for 111 rods to the Btniinger Coal and Iron Co., rail road line : Theuce South 53 30' west 30. rods ; Thence along P. Millers and Charles Schissels laud south 61 east 110- 410 rods; Thenoe along Charles Kchiesels land south 13 23' east 7- C rods to a post on the west side of Theresa Iload ; Theoee noilh 42s east 35. 8-10 rods mere or lees to Ins place of beginning, containing 21. 75100'acres more or less, lacing part of laud which Benxinger & Eeclibach con veyed to John Rothccboifei- by Deed recor ded in Peed Bonk 1 page 330 wlio devised the lands lo Defendant. All under fence and about the half of it uuder cultivation. Upon which is erected cue butcher shop U'xl 8 feet. ALSO all that certain town lot iu the Borough of Si. Mary's, Elk Co Pa situated on St. Mary's street. Coutuining in front cm 81 Mary's street ei.e hundred feet by two hundred feet deep at right angles and being Number 45 on St. Mary's Street ac cording to the map or plan of the Borough of St. Mary's. Upon which is erected a Ira me house one and a half stories high 14x20 feet, said lot is under fence aud has u well of water ihereou Seised and taken in execution as the property of Thrcsa Rothenhofl'er at the suit f Joseph Wilheltn aud to be sold by TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with when the properly is struck ofi : 1. All bids must be paid in full, except where the plaintiff or other lien creditors 1 eeomes the purchaser, in which case the rosls on the writs aiust be paid, as well as ill liens prior to that of the purchaser, aud duty certified list of liens shall be furn ished, including mortgage searches ou the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for Ibe amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to bo eutitled (0. 2 All Bales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P M1. at which time all property not settled for will gain be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the persoa to whom it was first track oi, and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no iustanoe will the deed be pre sented in court tor confirmation unlets the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL. Sheriff, per W. 8. Horton, Deputy Sheriff's office, KHgway fa. i January 2, 1878. J SeePurdon'e Digest, 9th edition- page 4iH Smith's Forms, page 884. QUOTATIONS White, Powell L Co. BANKERS AND 15 It OK KM. No. 42 t-otith Third Street. Stocks and Bonds Ron?ht and .Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, Ueo , 81, 1877. S1U. ASRRD 1881 .. lofil no do 'Co J and J.. 10;" 100 do '07 do l()f-l 1083 do 'RS do tin una 0. S. do do do 10-40, tlo coupon 1071 J07i do Pacific fl's cv 110 I9f - - .."'I- New 6 s Keg. 1881 Kifii 0oJ " C. 1H81 ( 6 105 4, lieg. 1891 I0."J 108 0. 1H91 1M!!1 in:;5 New 4's Reg. 1007 1001 100 e. 1907 in-'j ina Oold ..10'4 lO" Pennsylvania jjjji 3;l 17 17$ Philadelphia & Kris in Hit Lehigh Navigation Jsj 19 do Valley 40 41 1 United ft ft of N J ex. div.. 120 1204 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo ft. R RJ 81 Northern Central ex. div list 17 (Central Transportation gyi $3 NcsQiiPhoninir Ani 47 North Pennsylvania, . 87 87J License Petition". Tho following petitions for licenses nt Jun. term have been tiled In my office: EATING HOUSE. niDOWAY. 1. James Mnginnls, 2. Geo. W. niilnes. 3. John M'Cready A V. A. Derby. ST. M AHV'8 DORO. 4. Wm. Gels, 3. Anthony Schaurrs, 0. John Groll, 7. Joseph Kraus. STORE. ST. MARY'S HORO. 9. Joseph Wllhelm, TAVEr.X. BESKZETTE. 9. Henry lilesli, 10. G. L. Winslo v. CK.sTnRvn.r.if. 11. John Collins, 12. I 'iin Id Scull. RIIHIWAY. W. Wm. H. Schrnm. II. James McFarland A Urn. ST. MARY'S BOKO. 15. Joseph F. Wlndfeldcr, 10. Henry Luhr, 17. James Rogan, IS. Lorcntz Vogel, 19. Ililey Bros. FRED. SC11CEKING, rio. I1TSURA1TCE AGENCY. or P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in cither Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 80 responsible and prompt loss paj-ing companies, mixing the principal ones are the following: NORTH BRITISH MERCANTILE, Grass tssets $32,533,612, XTSA, OF HARTFORK, CONN.. Asset over $7,003,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets f 1,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $1,600,000. 6HAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets .500,000. TRAVELERS, (Lite and Accident) CONN., Assets $VJOi,ooo. n30y1. In the Court of Philip Wilhelm Common Plena of vs. -j Klk County, Sept. Mary Ann Wil- Term. 1S77 No. 107 helm. J DIVORCE. To the Defendant above named: Subpoena and alius subpoena having issued in the above eutitled case and returned "not found in the County," you are hereby notified to a ppenr 'be fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1878, to answer said complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff, per W. S Horton. Dputv. Sheriff's Office, Ridgwnv, Pa. Dec. 22d, 1877. f Elizabeth A. Jle Enerney. vs. John M'Enemey Iu the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, Sept Term 1877. No. 92 DIVORCE. To the Defendant above named. Subpoena nml alias subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found iu the County," you are hereby notified toappear'be fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1878, to answer said complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff, per. W. S. Horton, Deputy. Sheriff's Office, Ridsrway, Pa Dec. 22d, 1877. 1 In the Court of FatiinaCaden Common Pleas of Elk vs. ! County, September Owen Caden Term, 1877 No. 93 J DIVORCE. To the Defendant above named: Subpoena and alius subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found In ihe County," you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court on the fourth Monday of Janunry, A. D. 1878, to answer said 'complaint. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Ser W. S. Horton, Deputy, heriff's Office. Ridgway, Pa. Deo. 22d, 1877. f Auditor's JTotice. In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, No 81. Kept Term 1877. In the matter of the account of Wm. II. liachman Truateefor Hondholdem of Tohif Creek & I'hiladetphia Coal and Oil Compani. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court to report distribution of the fund in the hands of the Trustee, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office in Ridgway, on Saturday, the 5th day of January, 1878, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at which time, all persons Interested are notified to appear. J. O W. BAILEY, Ridgway Deo. 8, 1877. Auditor. n42t4 Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE. Neat note-heads printed cheaply at the Advocate office. Our Motto: The Best Goods and Lowest Prices at the West End Store. nltf. Township Officers. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. E. Lesser, II. II. Wensel. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fullerton. School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum- mlngs, "W. 8. Service, Eng. J. Miller. supervisors Jolin Gulnack, jiruioi M'Govern. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Auditors Will Dickinson, James Pen field, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of John M'Cusker, luto of Fox township, Kilt eountv, l'a., deceased. LET TERS OF ADMINISTRATION having boon grunted to the undersigned upon the snld es tate nil persons Indebted to snld estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. JACOB Al t'AULEY, Admr. 11 34 16. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means ot cur. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will hud a Scre Cube for Consumption, Asthma, Bkokcritis, Ac, Paries wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 194 l enn., Williamsburg!),' N. 1. Appleton'g American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to be 16 in all, of 800 pages each. one being Issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $0,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant Half Turkey. C. K. J uuson. r reuonia, iN. 1., controls tuesale in Imk county Address him for particulars. scpl7-tf Winter Is upon us, which is a re minder that you need an overcoat. M'Affee will make you one cheap SPECIAL NOTICES. DU VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long 8eciaiitt. and world wide reputation fur CUIUSG SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored tor jeers to combine an ez t.rnal Treatment. He his accomplished lii.sde sirable urst'LT in the preparation of his compound 'bULPHUU. fcOAl'.'' the merits of which are spoken of by thousands; it. is highly recommended 10 all cur readers, Price 25 Cents Cake; a Box (inreo Cakes) GO Cen:s. Sent by .Mail, (pre paiu) on kceift or pkics OlKce, 60 N. 5li i WholesaLI Df.roT, 400 X. 8d St. 1 hiludel- phia. Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST. n'21yleow. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pax no debts thus con tracted after this dale. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING). TRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk A.T.L C-'o., Pa., takes this method of nn nouncing to the citizens or Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Bail & Go's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip lions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who dn not give "ipreis notice to the contrary, are considered wish ing to continue their subsc. i pi ion. 2 If subscribers order tho discoutinu ation of their periodicals.the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oH'.ce where they are directed, ihey are held responsi ble until they have ten led their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move lo other places without iuiui'uvng tho publisher, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts have decided that "refus ing lo take periodicals from Ihe office, on e. moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud." ti. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether be has ordered it or not, is held in law lo be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, iftheydonol wish to continue taking it otherwise the publisher are authorized lo send it on, aud 1 tie sub scribers will be held responsible uuiil au express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Edwin Puine, late of Ridgway township, Elk county, Pa , deceased. Letter of administration having been granted to the under signed upon the suid estate all persons indebted to said estute are requested to mako payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement. CATHERINE PAINE, n32t6" Executrix " THE SUN. 1S78. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, l lit hL-. wouiu remind lis friends mid wellwisherseverywliero, that it is aguiu a candidate lor their coiisideru lion and support. I'pon its record lor the pust ten yeurs Itrelici for a ounlinuunce of the hourly sympathy und generous co-operation whivh have liltiierlo been exteuded lo lUioin every quarter of the Union, The Dally Sun Is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, ooveutsa month, or Ml.Ou per year. The Sunday edition of The Sun Is au elht page sheet of 60 columns. While giving the news of the day. It also contains a larwu amount of literary and miscelliineoUB mailer especially prepared lor it. i liKbl'MJA v sun has met Willi great success. Post paid S1.2U u year. The Meekly Sun. Who does not know ins Weekly Srsr f It circulates turougnuut the I n lieu stules the Cunudas. and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet lis welcome pages weekly und regal u u in me iifc'iu oi guiue, counsellor, aim friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, aud literary departments make it essentially a Journal lor the family and the fireside. Terms : One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, makes It the clieaD est newspaper published. For clubs of ten, wuu viuottsn. wo win souu hii extra copy iree. Addrtaa ri'ttUSUKK O THE BUN, New York CtlT. nSt-K. THE Scientific American. THIRTY-THIRO YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PA- PKU IN THE WOBLD. Only $3 20 ft Tear, including Postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a Tear. 4,000 book pages. Ths SctESTirm America is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, prin'ed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing Ihe newest Inventions and the most receut Advances in the Arts and Sciences : including Mechanics and Engineering, Steam Engineering, Railway, Minitig, Civil Oasnnd Hydraulic Engineer ing, Mill Work, Iron, Kleel and Metal Work t Chemistry and Chemical Processes : Electricity, Liglit, Heal Sound : Tech nology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinery, New l'rooesses, New Recipes, Iin provemems pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medio il Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy, eto. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments ol Science, will be four.d in the Scientific American t the whole presented in popular language, free from teohnical terms, illus trated wiih et.graving-i and so arranged as lo interest and inform all classes of readers, old and ycung. The Scientifio American is promotive of knowledge and progress in every community where it circulates. It should have a pluce in every Family, Head ing Room Library, College or Schuol. Terms $:5.2Q-fer year, $1G1 half year, which includes nre-pavment of postage. Lliscouut t Clubs and Agents.- Single copies ten cents. Sjld by all Newsdealers. Kemit by postal order 10 MU.NJN x JO, Publishers, 87 Park Row, New York. 1 i A riTIVT f I O In connection Jt A X'Jkli L I i3itli the Scien lino iiuericaii. Messrs. Muss & ho. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents and have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined aud advice fres. A special notice is niado to the Scientifio American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and resideuce of flie patentee. 1'uhlto atten tion is t li us directed to ihe merits of th new pate.. I, and sales or introduction often effected. Any person who has mado a new dis covery or invention, c n uscert 'in, free ot charge, whether a patent can probably be onlaiiied, by writing 10 the undersigned Address for tlic Paper, or concerning Pat ems MUNN & CO.. 37 Park Row, New York Brunch OHice,Xor. F & 7:h Sis.. Washing ton, V. U. ATTENTION. FARMERS fend for a Specimen f'opv of tho PRACTICAL FAEMER. Established 185-V THE OLDiiST I.AUG 1C.T, MOST EN' TEKlMUflXG, INS hUi TIVE AND V A L U A 1! i. K AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK A S D FA M I LY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. Il a is 6l-.'olumn Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority 01. all naricultnru! topics ind leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism. Has th largest, and ablest cirps of Regular Contributors ever unpluyeJ on an -agricultural paper, under au able and experienced Editoral Maungn nieut, who spareiio expense or labor to add everything posstole 10 its value. I Subscription Terms Reduced fur 1878. IN ADVANCE. Single subscriptions (f2 issue.-) 52.00 iu CHIOS 01 two uo 1 10 In cmbe of three du only 1.60 Making it the chenpest first. class KccUiy. in the cnuutry. Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions lo Club A. 'ems. pkcimes Corns Sknt Fkee. Address PRACTICAL FARM fill, 618 Walnut Si Philadelphia, Pa. Note paper and envelopes at Hi's office A sheet of paper and an en velop for a cent. CHEAPEST AND BEST ! THE lURRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and lo all present subscribors renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PAT RI ROT Will be sent at the ful'owing rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid... $7 00 2 copies (in club,) " .... 12 00 5 ' " ' .... i!7 00 10 " ' ' " .... 50 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be cent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid $2 00 i copies, ' .... 6 00 10 " ' ' . .. 10 00 15 " " " " and one copy lo getter-up of club 13 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up of club.... 22 50 All orders must be accompanied by Ihe cash, either by check or ,ost office order. $0.00 WORTH FOR $3 00. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one of the Wkkklv Patriot for one year, one copy of ihe American Agriculturist (the lending ugncu'liiral jouriial.ii tho L'niied Slates) for one your, tioih postage paid, and in addition a Micro, soope, such as has heretofore been sold fur THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed Ihe State Printing and Bin ling for three years, we are prepared lo prim and bind Books, Magazines, Pam. plilets, Directories, eto. iu best- style aud at lowest prices BX.ANS BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, ani Hotel Kegisters a specialty Old Hooks rebound Especially low rates for rebinding Sunday rchool Liberies. Address PATKIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Uurrisburg, Pa. Auditor's .Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County: John G. Reading,-! Fi- Fa- of Nov. T. Charles Bartles, I 1877. No. 23 va r B. Brown lee. I NOTICE Is hereby giveu that the undersigned Auditor, appointed to re port distribution of the fund ordered to be paid into Court in the above case, will attend to the duties of his annoint- ment.'at the office of Lucore de Hamb len, Ridgway. Elk Co., Pa., on Friday, the 4th dav of January, 1878, ut 10 o'clock, A.M. R. LUCORE, Auditor. n43t. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divisioa SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THUBSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia A lirii Kr'lroad will run as follows i WESTWARD. EWE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " . " llenovo 1 1 UO a m " " " Emporium 12 65 p m 8t. Mary's 1 40 p ui Ridgway 2 10pm ' ' ' Katie 3 30 p m " arrivo at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m "- " Kano 3 60 p m " " " Ridgway 4 49 p tn " " " Et. Mary's 5 1H p m " " " Emporium 6 15 p m " " Rcnovo- 8.35 p m " " srr. at Philadephia... 7 00am Day Express and Niagara Express con- nect cast with Low Grtide Division and R. N. Yl & P. 11. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't El PIRE TRANSPORTATION CO. OF KICK OK THE PRESIDENT. 1127 GlRARO STREES, Philadelphia, October ISth, 1877. Notice Is hereby iriven that the Em. pire Transportation Company has ceased to transact business, and has entered on a liquidation of its affairs preparatory to Us dissolution as a t'or porullon. JOS. T. POTTS, President, The Empire Line, formerly owned ana operated by the Umpire trans portation Company, will continue to be operated as heretofore, but for ac count of its new owners. F. J. FIRTII, Gen. Manager, Empire Jjine. n4anil. New York Weekly Herald. 01TE DOLLAR A YEAH. The circulation of this popular newspaper lias lime man trebled uuringtlie rasl year It contains all the lews contained in t te Daily Hckai.d, and is arranged handy di ptii tiuciils. Tho FOKEIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quaiters ol the globe, together with uu riinefeJ. faithful and graphic pictures of lie sreut YYt.r in tin cue. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts oftlic Uuiou. This leal lire alono mukes THE WEEKLY HERALD the nrtst valuable nowspapur in ttie world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NliWri, embracing complete and comprehensive dispatches from Wasuikoton, including full reports of the speeches of ennucnt pull I. chins on the qnustious ol tlio hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly. IIkhald gives Iho Litest as well as ttie most p! act nml suggestions and discoveries relating lo the duties of the far mer, hints lor raising Cattle, Pouliry, (jiniiiS, Trees, Vegetables. &o , &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings and hi mi nig utensils iu repair. 'J his is supplo liienied by a woil edited depai tuieiil, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for prao'.io il dishes, hints -or m.-iktng chillimg mid for keeping up with the latest lnsiiiuiis ut tlic lowest price. Letters from our Paris aud Loudun cor iffl-uiick'iils ou the very litest fashions Hie lli'iue Dupariniitiu of the Weekly II ku alii will save I he housewife more thati oue hundred limes Iho price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YtAR. There is a page devoted lo all the latest phi sees of the business markets, ('lops, .Me'chaudize, &o , &C. A valuable tVaiuie is found iu the specially leported prices and conditions of THE PROLUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery if Stanley are to be found iu the WttKLY Hkiiald, duo attention is given lo SPORTING NEWS at home ar.d abroad, together with a Story every weak, a Sermon by some eminent di vine. Literary, Musical, Dramatic, and Sea Notes. There is no paper in the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Wkhkly Iin bald, which is sent, postage tree, for Oue foliar. You may subscribe at any time. THE NEW YORK. LERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publii hing this prospectus with out beiug authorized will noi necessarily receive au exchange. Address, Hew York "Herald, Broadway & Ana St', New York. 'WE WILL mail one and one-half dozen of tho niosi beautiiul new CliromcB, iu French oil color ever seen for $1.00. They are mounted iu 8x10 black enamel and gold nuns, oval opening aud outsell anylliing now before the public. Eatisfuo tiou guarauteed. Two samples for 2.) cents or six for CO cents, teud 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chromo of Mooulipht on the Rhine, or '0 cents for two Landscapes and Calls Lillie on black grouud, J. LA1HAM & CO., 419 Washing ion St. Boston Mass , Headquarters for ('hromos. Kugravings and Art Works. A FORTUNE. uLitS. The oldest and best appointed lustltntlov for obtaining a bu.luos Education, iof cuviuura address, t P. DUFF A BOXS, " PituburfiU, P. T ("1A7T7RQ HOOK of-lCNOWLErXiE. .LA-' V CjL or gva-reta of Love, Court ship and Marriage showing how to get mar ried, live bappil.yobtuin health, wealth and rilKiliii'ttoii. auii'anoear to advantage In in. clety auoviaffes Suu.uooaold. Mulled for 10cU., In Postjrge Sunups or Currency. Address, ' HK..1T1 rillll.imilAO IIIMfAV I e)jrark, N. J. uovsiuulnjj 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. T1IE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST AND THE BEST 8-rae Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITT SB UR GH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An S-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TO: 1. Literature and Ai t. II. Choice Miscellany. III. Scientifio Discussion. IV. Social Topics V. Wit und Windora VI. Home and Foreign News Vlt. Agricultural Interests VIII. Household Economy IX. Live Slock Markets X. Groin and Produce Markets XI. Congressional Reports XII. Telegraphic News XIII. Editorials on all live Topics In short it is the most complete Weeklv journal in every detail now published, and will be under the personal editoral super vision or Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well- known editor and author, and a large corps or able assistants. . BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in all things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it will have no other end To serve than to benefit, interest and in struct ils readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend it (o Farmers in partic ular, aud nil others in general, wili be its cotnp'e'e elauoiate and strictly reliable Live Stock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE PAID: finale Copy $1 2o flubs of 5 and less than 10 1 15 Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 The price at which we furnish THE V VEKLY TELEGRAPH is but a trille more than the cost of tho white paper, but we depend upon a generous public for a sulliciuiiily Wge patronage to reward us for our supplying them with a household newspaper that has and can i.nve uo rival iW-stel'encc and cheapness. The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, the uewsisest, brightest most enterprising ditiiy published iu Pittsburgh, containing nil the news of the 'lay, by Associated Press and Special Dii-putches, C'ougres-.-iouul reports, Markets, etc., and edited with ihe highest ability, will bo scut lo any ndlress, pottage paid for $S per yeur. Wherever wo mny hnvo carriers oi agents HIE DAILY TEi.EGUAPli will be deliv ered at 15 ceuts per week. NOW IS THE TIME TO fcCHSCRIBE. and begin with tlic beginning of winter, when so plessiut a companion will be welcomed to every fireside. Money may be sent by dml't, Pcstoflice order, or in registered letters. Aedress all communica tions to T I! 15 THLF.G KAPH, 12-2 and 14 Filth avenue, Pittsburgh. fia?iiend lor a specimen copy. RALPH BAiiALEY. Proprietor. 1 'HE SOCIETY BTORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der t lie auspices of tlic ladies of CJritee C'hui'tli, with HISS A. E. M'KSE. as Agent and Saleswoman, ' A fine assortment of gooda on band and selected with great cure. EMBUOli-'EKlh. LACE EDGE FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. Li;SEN SUITS. CHILDREN; SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes dVe., Ac. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. KANSAS. All about its Toil, Climate, Resources, Products, Laws, and its People are given in the KANSAS FARM Ell, a 10-pnge weekly, in its loth y'r. Post paid, 3 inj., oOo. Address J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has riuicVly I all en a high place (.uioug agricultural journals Ar. 1'. Tribune.... U e have considered it among the best of our exchanges, aud a worthy representa tive of t bo West. Practical Farmer, Philadelphia Our Kansas friends should ftel muoh pride in the high diame ter and sterling worlb of their Mate agri cultural paper Rational Live-Stock Journal We cheerfully credit it with being one of tho besi edited of our Western agricultural exchanges. Spirit of the Times, A'. I'. u44t4. Admiiiist rators' Notice. ESTATE of Jacob Oval, lute of Jav twp Elk count v, Ph.. deceased. LKTTEU8 OK AU MINISTHASIUN, having been grunted to fio undersigned upon the said estute all peiK'ins Indebted to said estate are requested to molvo payment, und those haviiig.chitius to proxnt theiufor settlement. ELIJAH L. UUOOKINS.;Ad"" nSStfl. Administrator's Xotlee,' Estate of riiilip Meyer, late of St, Mary's Borough. Elk pjunty, Pa. de. ceased. Letters of ' Administration having been gra.uted to the under signed, upon t'je suid estate all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having cinims to present them for set tlement. MARY MEYER, Admr'a. GIVEN AWAYdTeroefYh7s' rea der of this pa per A PREMIUM STEEL ENGKAVINO, Entitled "The FindlliK of the Saviour In the Temple" with the WOHK1NU CHUUC11, A -21 Puiie Reliulous Family voled to Household theKunduy Mchool, Music jn.l i4enerKl Church . Work. On V month's trial for 25 ets. AOTH. WANTED. Address, J. B, BUEW Ktl, 7 it s warren si., ntwi ora novKir.:iin:X. Combines more - atlraotions ha other." Heaver (Pa ) Times. C-CHEAPEST AND BEST t-t PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. FULL-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS! 03-A SrrnKMKST will be given every number tor coninmiug ...... size paper pattern lor a ij -dress. Every subscriber will receive, dur Ing the year, twelve of these patterns, f that those alone will be worth more thsa the subscription price. Sf Tktebsos' Maqsis'' contains every year, KJIHJ pnges 14 sieei piaieo, j. colored Berlin patterns, 12 mammoth colored fashion plates, 21 pagM of music, and V00 vood cuts Its immense circula tion enables its proprietor to spend more money on embelishmcnts, stories, &0 , Ac, than any other, it gives more ior mo money than any in the world. Ils THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES Are the best published anywhere. " All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for Peterson-" In 1878, in ad dition to the usual quantity of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYtUUHT NOVEL KTTfl will be given, by Mrs Ann 8. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. H. Burnett, and others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead of all others. These plat cs are en graveJ on steel, twior ths usual bizr, aud are uneqaled for beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in short, everything inter esting to ladies. N. B. As the publisher now pre pay the postage to all mail subscribers, "Peter son" is ciieapkr TtiAst eveb; in fact is tha CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD. TER5I3 (Always In Advance) $-2.00 A YEAH. 2 copies for $3.G0 ; 3 copies for $ I 80 ; With a copy of the premium picture (S!4x2 'The Anoels or Christmas. '' a five dollar engraving, to the persoa getting up the Club. 4 copies for $6.80 ; 5 copies for 800 ; With an extra copy of the Magazine for 1878, os a premium, t the person getliDg up the Club. C copies for 1.60 ; 8 copies for $12.00; U copies for $10.50: With both an extra copy of the Magazine for If 78, and the premium picture, a five dollar engraving, to the person getting up Ibe Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON. o(!(i Chestnut f t ., Philadelphia, I'a. F7Specinieiis tent gratis, if written for. nl'2. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. ('hoick books no longer for the few only. The e.-"t standard novels within the reach of every one. Hooks usually sold frum SI to 3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 'M cents. 1. EAST LYXNE, l$y Mrs. Ilenrv Wood (Double No) 20c. 2. JOHN HALIFAX, Gent., By MissMnlock. 20c. JANE EYR15, P.y Charlotte jii'onte. ( Double No.) 20c. A WOMAN HATER, Charles lleude'a new novel. 20c. TH 15 BLACK-INDIES, JuIm Veine's latest- 10c. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, By Bulwer 10c. ADAM BEDE, l?v George Eliot. (Double No) l20c THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. By Mat-v t'ecil Huy. 10c. OLD M Y D D E li T O N'f3 - MONEY. By Mary C Hay 10o. 10. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. Bv Yv'ilkie CollitiH. 20e. TIJ E MILL ON THE FLOSS. By (Jeorge Elliot. 2fK. THE AMERICAN SENA 11. li! TOR. By -vnthonv TrollopeiOc. A PRINCESS OF THULE. By Yv'illium P.lacli. 20c. THE DEAD SECRET. By Yv'ilkie Coilinx. l(ie. ROMOLA. Bv George Elliot. ( Double No.) . 20e. THE ENOL1SH AT THE U. 14. 15. 10. NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. By .litk-s Verne. Kin. 17. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 13. BARBARA'S HISTORY. By Airieliii E. Edwards liCe. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION'. By Cbas Reitde. 10c. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, By Charier Dickens. 20c. FOUL PLAY. - By Charles Rcudo 10c. 19. 20. 21. MAN AND WIFE. By YVil- kio uoiiiiis. 20c. THE SQUIRE'S LEGACY, liy Mary Cecil flay. Never too I.nto to Mend, Cy C, lleivlo. I.ady Adelaide's Oilh, By Mrs il Woj-J ' 20c. 20c. '24. 2. 26. 27 i'S 20 SO 31 lOo. Aurora Floyd, liy Miss M E Brad- don 20o, ictor and anguished, By M C Bay A Daughter of Both, By Williim Dlack Nora's Love Tost, Py Mary Cecil Ho JOo 10 10c 20o lOo 10o 20o ' lOo 20o 20o ller Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Alexan der Love Me Lilllc, Love Me Long, By 0 Itcnuo v The Queen of Hearts, By Wtlkie Collins Bandy Andy, By Samuel Lover A Simpleton, By Charles Keade, (Single No) Felix Holt, The lUdical, By Geo. LUot The Wooing O'T, By Mrs. Alex ander The Mystery, By Mrs. Henry 30 37 48 S'J 40 wood lOo Heritage of Langdale, By Mrs. Alexander 10o Autonina, By Wilkie Collins, (Double No.) ' 20o The Heir to Ashley. By Mrs. Henry Wood 10o For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUN.ltO, Publisher, Gleason's Publicatious. Orent reduction In prlzo for 1878 ofGl-EA-kon'8 ficToKiAL toiJ u year. Biugle copies 5 een ts. r ThkAome Circle to $2 a year, single cop ies 5 cents, for sale by all newsdealers. Olbason's Monthly Companion to $1 a, year, single copies 10 cents. All postage froe. Kin pie copies sent on receipt of a 8 cent stn nip. The prlco of Cl.omos has Just been greatly reduced. No one now gfves such liberal terins to agents as we do. Send for new J 'w!n Ullrss Ulbason, 73S WasblUB- ton St. llostou Mass. u:;uilinl. 3 OOO ii" WANTED. From ti r' y.rT, l," tl D"y turo. Ministers, Book and Picture Agents, and all out of em ployment, of either sex, hero is the best chance ottered this season. A Cash Present ol from So to S100 will be given to every good working agent. Send 10 cents for small sumple, or better still tl for H large samples once clrculuri, ternis, dc. and. go to work at REV. g. T. RUCK, Box 840, Milton, Pa. -MHiitlon thle paper, nullm.