I ( I I OM it. liATHBUX, Attorney-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. 11 ALL & M' CAE LEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in New Brisk Building, Main St Ridnway, Elk Co., fo. 8n2lf. i UCOllE & HA Mil LEX. Attorneys-nt-Lnw, Ridgway, Elk f V.nntr p.. onifo n cross the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims fur collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. V HAUL ES 11 OLE H, WatolimnkoT, Engraver nnd Jeweler Main street, Kidgway, Ta. A(sent for the How Sewing Machine, nml Morton Gold tn. Repairing Wntchos, eto, dorrwilh ) tamo accuracy as heretofore. Suits tACtiin guaranteed, vlnly J. 0. W. BULKY, ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW. vlniu1. Ridgway, Elk County, la. Agent for the Trateler's Life and Aooi Jlent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TUX, Surgeon PonliRt. having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers Ms professional ser vices to the citizens of liidgway ano s.ir rounding country. All work warranted Office in Service & Woenler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left. 73-11-82-ly G. G. MESSES (i EH, Druggist and Parinn'ieutiei, N. W. eornei of Main and Mill strep'?. Kidgwuy, 1'" full assortment of carefully neluclrd For sign anil Domestic Druses, rroscriptions earefully disputed at all liuurs, day in Bijlit. vluov T. S. II ART LEV. SI. D., Physician aim Surgeon. Office in lriifi Store, corner llrond and Mau St?, Heaidciico corner Broad St. opposite tho Ccll.-ge. Oluca hour! Ironi 8 to 10 A. M. aud from 7 lo S 1". M. Tlniiyl. J S. 1J OK DWELL, .V. D., Eclectio Fhysiciiin and Surgeon, liu remov ed his office from Centre stieet, to Mail st. Ridgway. l'a,, in the second stnry of the Dei brick building' of John 0. Hull, eppo litq Hyde's store. Offieo hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 V M HYDE 110 CSX, RinownT, Ei.k Co., Pa W. n. SCHltAM. Proprietor Thankful for the patronage heretofore o libernlly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict a.- f.ani.inn to lue cuuiiuil uiu ivcii vucu 01 guests, to merit a continuauco oi tbi ame. Oct 80 1800. E. G. FA I LUMBER AXD INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, a:-i) uhnehal collection agent No lit'tt Walnut Place, (810 Waluut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. n 11-ly F. W. HAYS, UVAI.K IN Cry Goods, Notions, Crrcerije. and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. lu47tf. k. k. ciacsii. Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane neat chairs, kitchen und extnutiou tallies, wood and marble top stands, wood aud marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking ghuwos, wood and marble top chr.mber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Lai'erty's metal lined wood pumps, frc, &c. Cane teats re placed with perforated wood stats. Weed sewing machine reduced from $U5 to $4-r, the best machine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a larae assorted Mock of ready ruado coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice- All the abovegood are sold at panic price. Ware Rooms in masonic building, - Ridgway Pa. v7n61t, "EW LIVER V STABLE IN RIDGWAY . DAN SCRIBXER WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has tarted a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. figy He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left nt the Post Olllce will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf XF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND (J UE ENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions - The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap Ma the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAOERTY Township Officer. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. E. Lesser, H. H. Wensel. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. Fulierton. School Directors O. B. Ornnt, Jas. Gardner. O. T. Wheeler. N. T. rum mlngs, W. 8. fervlee. Eng. j. Miller. Supervisors John Guluack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Auditors Will Dickinson, James Pen Held, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. Call at this oflice for writing paper and envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KstTATE of John MTiiRker, lute of Kox township, Elk county, 1'h., ileceuHcil. I.KT TKfto OK ADMINISTRATION luiviiiK licen granted to the uixlrrsluned upon tho until es tate nil persons lnik'ljieil to said estnto ore re(uestetl to tmikc payment, and those having claims to present thorn for sel tlemtnt. JACOB M'CAl'LEY, Admr. UUU0. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured of that (trend disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known lo his fellow sufferers the means ot euro. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with tho directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Shbb Cu ie for Coksumptjon, Asthma, Bronchitis, ie., lir;ies wishing ths prescription will please address. Itev. E. A. WILSON, 1H4 I'eun., Williainsburgh, N. Y. Appleton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work Is just out, making it half complete, as there are to be 16 in nil, of 800 pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can a fiord to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $0,00 a vol ume in leather, or 7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judson. Fredonhi, N. Y., controls thesale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sep!7-tf "Winter is upon us. which ia a re. minder that you need an ovtrcout. M'Affee will ui-ike you one cheap SPECIAL NOTICES. 1B YAK DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. UK. VAN DYKE, whose life long sjEotALnr. and world wide reputation for CUIftKQ SKIN KI8KASES, has endeav ored for veers to comb: Mi an kiilhnai. tbeat.'IIvNt, lie has aecomplislicJ litis de. piliilile iiibi i.t in the prepuratiou of his coni" Uinl ''.SI'I.I'IIUU fi(JA I'.'' the merits of which are spoken of by thousands; it is highly recommended to all our readers, l'rice 25 Centra Cuke; a Box ('nree Cukes; 60 Ceng. Sunt by Malt., (prepaid) on sfcf.ipt or mice Olfine, N. 5iu St. WiioLRALii Uu'ut, 400 N. 3d St. 1 hiladel phia. I'a. Sold by DKUCUIST. n2lyleow. tice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, asi will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. Kidgway May 2, l5,'7.-ly -SIIiXINt-HY AM) IH!i:fcS2rAKW1tr' MR?. J. n. KELT, Kersey, Eik Co., I n., takes thin melhod of an nouiKir..t to the citizens of Eik county, that she lias on iiund an as sortment of fashionable millinery .oi!n wliich will be isold cheap. Aim) drer!jniakiiir in all its brandies. Agent lor Dr. J Pail & Co's Petent Ivory and Lignum Vita Eye Cups. .Send for descriptive circular. nl7vl. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tiiuts i;nd Arrcarag'es. 1. f ubscrihci w ho d" not pivo erpress notice to the contrary, are coiihhleicd with ing to con tin uo iheir suhso . iptiou. J. If tnbsci ihers order the discontinu aiion of their periodicalB.tho publishers may continue lo send theui until all arrearages are pnid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse lo t:ike their periodicals from the oflice where I hey are directed, thev are held responsi ble until they have settled their b. lis, and ordered them disconi inued. 4. If subscribers move toother places without infurin!nn the publishers, and the piipci's are sent to the former direction, they are hold responsible. 6. The courts have decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the otliee. or re. moving and leuving them uncalled fir is prima facie evidence of intentional iruud." H. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held ia law lo be a sub scriber 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end oftheir lime, if they do rot wish to continue taking it otherwise the pubtUherb are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible uu.il au express notice with payment ot all arrears, sent to the publisher. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of Ridgway township, Elk county, Ra , deceased. Letter of fidminintrution having been granted to the under signed upon the baiil estate all jieisnns indebted to Ktid estate ure requested to make payment, and thoise huviuir claims to present them for ssett lenient. CATHERINE PAINE, n32t0 Executrix "the sun. 1878. SEW YORK. 1S7S. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, '1 UK ISL'N would remind its friends and weilwUliers every where, that it is ugain a candidate lor their consideration and support. Upon its record for the pat.t ten years itrolies for a continuance of thu hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been exieuded to itfruui every quarter of tlie I'nloii. 'J he Daily Kun is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, oo cents a mini tli. or fttio per ear. i lie .Sunday edition of The Sun is an eight page sheet of 60 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a luiae amount of literary and miscellaneous matter especially prepared iiir it. liiBSUtiltAV hum has luct wllh greut success. Post, paid $IM a yeur. The Meekly Sun. Who does not know Tub Weekly Kcm T It circulates throughout the United fciutes the t'anudas. and beyond. Kinety ihoutsuud families greet its welcome Pages weekly und repaid It in the llghtofguidu, counsellor, und friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary departments make it essentially a journal lor the family and the lireslde. Tei ins: Oiielhllar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, uikkes it the cheap. et newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with slocasli, we will send an extra copy free. Address 1'UIiUiiUUl OK TH K S VS, Kew Vork fity. n-8. QUOTA 1 IONS White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BKOKEKd. No. 42 fouth Tldrd Street. Stocks-jand Bonds Bontrlit and S'oltl on y ' Commission. Philadelphia, Dec, 11. 1877. bio. askVd U. S: 1881. a 1101 11H do do Y.r, J and J KKij 10i; uo no '07 (lo do do '08 do 10-40. do coupon .10!' .111 JOB 100 111 108 do rnoino H s cy New 6's Keg. 1881.. " " C. 1881... 1:20 107i 107 105 J 103 J 1011 J 103 10:J 1071 4J, Keg 1H91 New 4's Keg. 1007." ..105 .103 .lo;i .1021 " " c, l'J07 Hold Pennsylvania si e Heading luj l(i Philadelphia & Erie HJ 10 Lehigh Navigation 18 18J- uo Valley 40$ 41 United B K of N J ex. div.. H) 120 f ittsburgh, T. Buffalo R. K 8 Northern Ceutral ex. div 10 1 if Central Transportation 81 1 81 Nesquehoninff 4o 4(i North Pennsylvania, UO IN3URANCE AGE1TCY. OK P.' B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NORTH BRITISH A MERCAXTILK, a.-osa essets $32,533,612, .ETNA, OK HARTFORD, CONN.. Asset over $7,000,000, FIUI! ASSOCIATION OK PHILADELPHIA Assets $1,1100,1)011 NIAGARA, OK NEW YOltir. Assets $l,6uo,ooo. BHAWSIUT, ROSTON, MASS., Capital. 500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN. NKW YORK, Assets SJ.OOO.OOO. TRAVELERS, a.lfe and AccUtet) CONN., A:seto ,20o,ooo. nSOyl. Paper Pags taken in exchange for goods 42 Main SStreet THE Scientific American. THIRTY-TKIRO YEAR. THE MOST l'OPCLAK SCIENTIFIC PA U IX THE WOULD. Only $3.20 Year, including Postage. Weekly, 62 Numbers a Vsar 4,000 book Pges. Tub Scisntifio Askrioah is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixieeu pages, printed in the uiot. beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid enj;rav lt'g.i, repre.-euiiiii; toe tirwcst iuve'itiuiis uud the most recent Advances in the Aris and civn ji'S ; including Mechanics auii Engineering, h'eani ti:gireiring, liaiiway, MiuitiR. CkiI Gas and Hydraulic Kujinver iii(f. yijM ijs""' Iron. ud Me:t Work ! "Ciieuiistry auj t'hi nncal Pirocese : I'Mfciriuiiy, Ligut, Ileal Snund: Tech nology, photography, Printing, New Ma chinery, New l'rocesscs. New Recipes, liu priivimcuis erlaining to Textile Ii-dnstry, VVcaviusr, Dyeing, t'oloring, New ludustria! frodiieis. Animal. Vegefible, ani Mineral: New atd Interesting Facts in - gnc.iitiire, Horticulture, the Home, l'(l:li. Mtdic.l I'rotrren, .vocial Science, Natural Ilisiory. Geology, Astronomy, eio. The mi.st va'tiuhle praciical f f c;s, by euiiuent writers in all departments ul Science, will he foui.d in the i-cientiuc A 'i, eric in ; the whulc presented in popular liingiingi1, trie from leciinical terms, iiltis iruied wiiii eLgravmgi and so arrirgcd as to iuieresi and infnriu all classes of reudci's, old and yrung. The Scieiiiitio Aiuericau is promotive of knowledge aud progress in every coiiitnuiiiiy where it circulates. It i-hould have a place in every Family, Hea l ing Itoi.ni Library, College or School. Terms $tf.!2) per year, $1.01 hait year, which includes pre payment of poiugu. I'i'coiiiK to Cluhs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by potal order lo MUNN f CO., Publishers. 87 I'ark Mow, New York. J. 1 Xlli. I 0iili the Scicu line .-tuiencau, Messrs, Mukn & Cu. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents and have the largest establishment ia the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions aud Sketches examined aud advice Ire;. A special notice is made to the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Public atten tion is thus directed to the n.erits of the new pateut, aud sales or introduction often effecied. Any person who has made a new dis covery or invention, c in ascert no, free of charge, whether a pateut cm probably be obtained, by writing to I be undersigued .Address for the Puper, or concerning Pat ents. MUNN & CO.. 87 Park Row, New York. Branch Oilice, Cor. F & "ih Sis., Washing ion, D. O. ATTENTION. FARMERS Eend for a Specimen Copy of the PR ACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. THE OLDclST LARGEST, MOST ES TERPK1SING, lNS' UUtTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is 04-Column Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority ou all agricultural topics nd leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism, lias the largest aud ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employe! on au agricultural paper, nuder an able and experienced fcditorul Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its valu6. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. PATABLI IM ADVANOI. Single subscriptions (62 issues) (2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In clubs of three do only 1.&0 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly. iu the country. Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agenia. Spkciheh Corisg Sknt Fbkb. Address PRACTICAL FARM 11, 618 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Note paper aud envelopes at tutu oflice. A nheet of paper and an en velop for a. cent. . . State Holes. The School Directors of Carlisle pro. hiblt the scholars making Christmas presents to the teachers. Franz Becker, aged 21, who has been living near South Bethlehem, has been missing since Sunday. lie is not of sound mind. Sharles S. Speakmnn a student at Lafayette College and a member of tlieEaston Grays, has been appointed a cadet at West Point. About forty persons have Just left York, Mifflin. Huntingdon aud Klalr counties to settle in Kansas. They went under the direction of coloniza tion agents. Hon Joseph Nicely, of Dewart, the last Associute Judge of Northumber land county, and a man of unexcep tionable character and integrity, died on Tuesday evening. Dr. A. P. Heichold, of Jefferson county, special agent of the Treasury Department, is having a hard struggle to keep hi9 seat, lie has been re moved and reinstated twice within Nix months. At the opening of court at Norris town yesterday Adolph Stribolski pleaded guilty as an accessory after the fact in the Elm Station murder, and was sentenced to pay a fine of JuOO and undergo an imprisonment of one year at labor in the Montgomery County Prison, to bo cotnputedj'rom the 20ih of August last. Shenandoah, December 13. A terri ble mining accident occurred at the West Shenandoah Colliery, owned by the Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company, to-day. A young man named Martin Hannessy and his father were working in the same breast, when a ton of coal fell from the roof upon the young man, crushing him into a shapeless mass. His father was not injured. The accident occasioned a suspension at the colliery. A gang of eight robbers, who broke into the store at North Star, in Alle gheny county, and carried off nearly all the contents in a wagon, having pleaded guilty, were sentenced In the Criminal Court at Pittsburgh yester day. Six of them were given six years and nine months in the peniten tiary. Two boys, fifteen years old, were given two years each in the workhouse. When the robbery was committed the citizens and officers pursued the gang, who were uruied. They showed fight, and took refuge in a coal mine. They were smoked out with sulphur. Most, of them are from the eastern part of the State. Sad Accident. Yesterday, about noon, an accident befell Mr. William Steele, of Union township, while un loading a load of straw at the stable of Mr. John Mills, ou Cherry alley, in this place, that resulted iu instant death. There was no one present to see the occurrence, but from the indi cations he was standing with ouo foot on the wagon and one on the sill of tho window of the stable, and his foot slipping off' the wagon he was thrown to the plank on the alley, his head and neck striking first, dislocating the lattcr,,with the result indicated A break iu the plank just tit this point leaving an opening some two feet deep, and in which he seemed to have struck, may have caused the fatal re sult. A daughter of Mr. Mills first discovered him lying on the alley, and communicated the fact to others, when he was promptly taken up and removed to the house of Mrs- Furley mother-in-law of the deceased, and in telligence of the terrible accident con veyed to the friends at home ; and soon afterward the grief stricken wile was with him, and the scene of the uieetine was sufficient to have touched a heart of adamant. Durintr the af lernoon hundreds of our citizens, and persons in attendance at court, called to seethe deceased, and a general ex pression of sympathy and condolence was given, Mr. Steele having beeu a favorite with a large circle of acquain tances. A.Craig, Esq., in the absence of a coroner, summoned a jury, and after hearing all the evidence In the case reudered a decision iu accordance with the above facts. Later in the afternoon the body was removed to his home, aud to-morrow, at 10 o'clock A. M.,it will be followed to the grave. He leaves a family of eight children, three of whom are married and have homes oftheir own, and the remaining five, together with a wife aud aged mother, who has ar rived at her ninetieth year, constitute the home so suddenly and unexpec tedly thrown luto mourning for one they so dearly loved. Brookville He- publican. The Story of a Baltimore Tramp. "At Ptnryvllle I went to a house with a brick In my hand, and asked the lady if she would please be so kind as to put some butter on it.' The re quest excited her curiosity, aud she asked: "Why do you want to put butter on a brick?" I told her I was going to eat it. 'Surely,' she suid. you are not o hungry as to eat a buttered brick? Come into the house and I will give you food.' I bagged a square meal, for which I had set so slick a trap. In the western section of the State I asked for something to eat at a house and was refused. I thet begged for a looking-glass, which aroused curiosity to know what I would do with the mirror. I replied, 'I want to see myself starving to death.' They then gave me what I wanted." JUuuch Chunk Gazette. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES CLOOKS, at Mrs. N. T. Cummings, also ties, collars, cuffs, hosiery, gloves, and a general assort nient of Ladies' fancy goods. Re member the place over It. I. Camp bells btore, Main street. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. (Bill Jutaafe. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1877. Kotos. Fresh beans at J. II. Hagerty's. Read our Wilcox notes this week. There will be no pnper Issued from this office next week. Robbing hen roosts Is a low busi ness, and yet there are people who do it. We are informed that there in a case of diphtheria nt Ostcrhout's tan nery. Who rung the court house bell at half past twelve o'clock last Saturday night? niQGWAY HONEY. Strained and with the Comb at the West End Store. A new line of dress goods at J. H Hagerty's- Call and sec the elegant new stock. The new breech-loading trims for Company II are expected to bo here in a few weeks. - A little daughter of Peter Irwin died at Osterhout's tannery last Tues day evening of diphtheria. Christmas nnd New Years are like wise hard on tho turkey family, and the knowing ones roost high. Monday evening next, Christmas Eve, Company II, will hold a dance at Magiunis' Hall. Supper at the Hydo House. P&ti CAM-25ES. See the Caramels, Cocoauut nnd Taffy Candies, at W. E. Store. Don't forget the Company II, dance on Christmas Eve. Tickets two dollars including supper at the Hyde House. We do all kinds of job printing cheaply and neatly. Give this office a enil and get our estimates before purchasing elsewhere. We copy an article from the Brookville Republican containing an account of the sudden death ol'Wui. Steel. Mr. Steel was a brother of Mrs. M. L. Ross, of this place. The oil excitement nt Wilcox still coutiuues and without doubt oil will be found at -that point in paying quantities. The land is being leaseil by speculators as rapidly as possible. Choice Cigars and Cigarettes for presents at the West End Siore. Our readers who may want to learn about (he Far West are referred to the advertisement of the A'c.nr.us Earmcr, an old established and popu lar journal in the West. It is pub lished at the Capitol oftlie Slate. We have just received a new in voice of bill-heads, note-heads, letter heads, lugs, and envelopes. Our new Ceniennial note is superior to any thing we have had before for business note heads. The Christmas Trco Festival of the Sunday School of Grace Church will be held on Monday, Christinas Eve, nt 7 o'clock. Also on Christmas Day there will be service and sermon at H o'clock A. M. All are cordially invited to attend. fch the: children. Just Received Another Invoice for tho Holidays of those Pure Candies' at the West End Slore. Ed. W. Gray, for three years ami a-ha!fan employee in the Democrat. office, lias quit the oilice and gone home. Ed. has been an attentive ap prentice and we have no reason to uculit hi being a good workman. He has our wi.-h for his future success- The weather the first days of the week was a grand improvement on Mark Twain's New England weather, especially in the way of variation. Not a day of sleighing in this section yet this winter, and most of the time the weather 'is as mild and lamb-like as spring. Attention Company II. The of ficers and members of Company H, 17th Reg. p. N. ii. are ordered to meet at the olllce of the 1st Lieutenant on Saturday evening, the 22d inst, at 7 o'clock. Business of importance will come before the Co. L O. W. Bailey, 1st Lieut. STEREGSCOIPES AKD V!WS. A full stock of the chociest nuhli.-n. Mons at the West End Store. Parents, you do your children nn injustice when you allow them to run the streets nights, aud wero t-onie parents aware of the manner in which their boys amuse themselves, as for example like the performances of last Friday night in front of the "Advo cate building," they would keep a close watch over them. The Brookville Graphic comes to our table greatly improved and en larged to a seven-column sheet. We wish the Grtqihic succeta, as it de serves, being one of the spiciest ex changes on our list, and as it is printed on the old Advocate press the paper seems to be a relative of ours, a sort of half-cousin, you know. We notice, in our State notes, the death of Hon. Joseph Nicely tho last Associate Judge of Northumberland county, and a man highly esteemed iu that section. The funeral was one of the largest ever witnessed in Nor thumberland county, upwards of eighty carriages being in the proces sion. Deceased was an uncle ofD. C Oyster, Esq. of this place, who atten ded the funeral. VASES. ' Select useful as well as attractive presents -See The Handsome Vases etc. at the The West End Store at very low prices. Counterfeit iNotc. AN EASY METHOD OP DETECTING THEM COUNTERFEITERS BLUND ERS. Washington, December 11. A list of counterfeit national bank notes, ar ranged by Receiving Teller Under wood, of the National Bank Redemp tion Agency, will soon bo issued. An examination of an advance copy re veals tho following facts: The counterfeiters have so far neg lected to pay any attention to the name of the Register on the genuine notes. All the twenties on the Mar ket, Merchants, National bank of Commerce, Shoe and Leather and Tradesmen's National Bank of New York city bearing the name of L. E. Chittenden asgltegister, are counter feit. The genuine notes on these banks all have the naiao of .S. B Culby as Register. This is also the case with the 2o on the Onctlia Nsi tional Bank, of Uth;a, New York. All five dollar notes of the following banks, bearing the mime of S. B Colby as Register, are counterfeit: First National Bank of Aurora, Illinois; Canton, Illinois; Chicago, Illinois; Paxton, Illinois, and North ampton, Massachusetts. All the genuine fives on these banks have the name of 1,. E. Chittenden as Register, with tho exception of the First Na tional Bank of Paxton, Illinois, on which is printed the name of John Allison as Register. Tho counterfeit ten ou the Muncio National Bank oi Indiana has the name of Allison as Register and Spinner as Treasurer, while all genuine Issues have either the name;of Colby ami Spinner or Al lison and New. All tens on the First National Bank of Lockport New York, aud First National Bank oi Poughkeepsie, New York, having the name of S. B Colby, as Register, are counterfeit. The genuine notes heal name of L. E. Chittenden. OYSTERS. A full supply for Christmas At the West End Store. Wholesaln Poisoning. TWENTY-THREE PERSONS TAKEN ILL A1TLK EATING PUDDING. Wilkesbarrc, Pa., December 1" The borough of Whitehaven, iu this county, was this morning thrown into a fever of excitement by a startling event. Ou Thursday last a farmer, named Fairchild, completed his fall slaughtering, and, as is customary, remembered a number of his friends aud relatives by sending them liver puddings made in the usual manner, from portions of the slaughtered ani mals. After these gifts had been sent to the various friends in question the members of Mr.Fairchild's family (five in number) were taken suddenly ill, aud as soon as possible a physician was summoned, who pronounced the general malady to be the result of poison, occasioning in all the patients fits of vomiting and terrible contor tions. The physician investigated the matter aud camo to the conclusion that the family had been poisoned by the liver puddings. In the absence of all chemical examination he could not tell file nature of the poison. As soon as it was ascertained that the poUnn was contained iu tho pud ding, word was sent to the parties to whom donation had been forwarded, but in many cases the intelligence came too late, us it was discovered that no less than twenty-three persons in Whitehaven were suffering the most intense agonies as the result of eating the poisoned dainty. bale advices to-night from the ex cited community lead to the belief that several persons will die. Two well-known physicians of this city went to Whitehaven this al'teinooii on special calls. The belief is that the poison originated iu the copper kettle used in preparing the pudding. DRESSED CHICKENS." Fine Large Cornd Fatteue Dressed Chicked for the Holidays, at the West End Slore. Excellent prunes nt Hageity's- Eggs are a scarce community in this market. This has been an exceedingly open season for successful deer hunt ing in this section. There is oil at Wilcox, and un doubtedly in paying quantities, and why not here? We believe there is auu we hope to chronicle the com mencenient of nrenaratioiis to Iiorj ugly test the Ridgway oil fields CAXE. Iced, Pound, and Sponge, Black Fruit Cukes, ulso, Mince Pies. All Elegant goods at the West End Store. Tramps are numerous about this place. To make them tarn their bread betoro they eat it is true charity. A convenient wood pile and a con venient ax, together with an Invit-n. lion to the lazy galoot of a tramp to niuuige, is a gooel recipe for the tramp nusiauce. SHOES. Ladies will remember our full line or snoes all sizes and qualities at The West End. Christmas aud New Ynar'i. are legal holidays. Buckwheat flour sells at four cents a pound. Mud abountis In our streets, and were it not for the plank road they would be well nigh impassible. rrvDaniel Scribueris buiiJingon an addition to the barn ou the old Burn's place. This moderate weather has made a perceptible difference iu the matri monial market, but the first cold snap will show a decided improvement. -The concert given by M'Collln, on Saturday evening at the court house was attended by a large audience and all eeeuaed to be well pleased. W.lcox Graded Schools. Principal's Report for month ending December 12tb, 1877. 2i M S o P. t KlJf 3 IS TEACHER. p a. a 3 Miss Euln Schultz 10 Miss Winnie G Murphy. W. 11 Prldeaux. 13 17 Summary. I 8 7 90 40 The standard used in the following markings is 100 which number denotes perfect recitations,- &c. Tho highest average clans standing during the month is 100 the lowest 2S. Tho highest general average 100 tho lowest 61. "2 First Division. "A" GRADE. Ella Locke Amanda Wilcox Jessie Parsons Dora Starks "B" GRADE' Ktitie Murphy Mattie Locke' Ada Miller Martha Gro:tt lantha Schuitz Mary Schrincr Johnnie Murphy Eugene Parsons Freddie Aldrich Eugene Beckwith "C GRADE Eva Sehriner . Seorge Sehriner 100 100 100 100; j.S; 98 09 00 P8 99 100 Oil ()8 loo.iuo lool 100i P8j 02 100 1001 98 I100 1W 97 jl0fl on; i)8 ! U'i! 011.100 j 100 100 100 1 1 oo loo n-t 95 1 9(5 00 i 03 921 97 04; 98 97 j 93 90 100 90 07 SO 80 93 95 90 08 so loo; oo I f:ioo 95 loo,ioo!ion I I I 1 100,100; OSI 94 P8 101:100 OS K4i fin Eddie Wells OS lOO'lOO! 001 97 K0. 00 no 72j s;i 100 100: 941 89i OO 80.100'lOOi 00! 03 Walter Widning Villiani Miller Mary Muttotigh Second Division "A" GRADE Bernie Murphy 100; 09! ri8 lOOj 9oi 92 1001 041 92 100 100 80 90 96 95 94 95 60 89 95 80 Grant Allen Frank Brown. Willie Sweet Eddie Bevier Tellie Brown Oo 09 95 14 joo'iog! 611 99 1 02' 00 97! 901 Martin Brogan Jackson Schultz Minnie Whitemen .rw 100,100: Flora Weininir 100 um 85 1 97 100 90 100 John Leonard 84! 00 "B" GRADE Hattie Whitemen 100 100; on' 97; 90 100.1'jO; 07 9:i 90 Oi: 9o 04' 94 04 S2j 9.5 loo 1 31 a 31; 99 09' 2-j, 61 CM' 98:100! 62! 77 100 100' 00! 07 ! 100 00 101)! 09! 92! 05 05.1011 100 90 08 01 lie Whitemen jiliie Brown Fannie Hartman Alice Payne iJia jA'onard Edna Walker John Flannnirnn Willie Locke Frank Bulle ilOOi 09, 97 90 99 George Wein ing Min tie WestcoU 95,100; PK 001 08 100,100 100! 95l 98 100 100 100 100:100 Lucv Starks Charles Arminil 80! 99; 99 ri 8(1 O'l 73 95 Charlie Stolts Charles . ndersou Otto Sehriner I V; 100 100 92: 021 Oil ! 32 luo ioo! ;l'ft: 90: 9,1 Townsend Cole W. II. 1'iiIDI 1 Ua 98; 98 5(1.! OA TK "rlnolpal. Wilcox Xotes. Wilcox, l'a., Dec. lsth, 1877. elliO. 3 is not Ditmninsr. Thow are cleaning it out and drilling out tho sand pump. While doiug so they aro bailing out, on an average, about fivo barrels a day. Ernhotit & Tavlor have n. i-Iy nr. and will be drilling next week. They are going to start two more wells soon. Several thousand acres of land has been leased and a half dozen wells- nm to be started at once. A quantity of nitro irlveerl nn ia stored in a box near the road just out of town, and the boys are stoning it. 1 1 Apect some uay ineir parents will be raking the ground with a fine tootii coin i) to una some pieces to bury. uiu, men, wnat is the use of having an oil town unless you have all tho .. . .1 uiuiieru improvements ? PETE. Piauo and Organ Dealers mid Agents Will certainly find it to their great advantage to examine the immenso and beautiful stock of leading makes of Pianos and Organs just received for the holiday trade, comprising the most elegant assortment of new and unique designs ever brought to this market, and having bought for cash, and in largo quantities, will guarantee lower prices than can possibly be secured at the factory. Our stock of over 200 in struments of Decker Brothers, Dun ham & Sons, Bradbury. Wheelock fc Emerson Pianos, and Estay Cottage Organs, Shoninger Organs, Pelubit, Pelton & Co., and George Wood Or gans we Intend selling off before the Holidays, until which time the most extraordinary low figures will be given to insure the disposal of it all. Please write or call at once, as lirt come will be first served. Address, S. Hamilton, 87 Fifth Avenue, retail store; or 28 Wood Street, wholesale storeroetms. Died. Cokbad. At the residence of Geo. Walker, on Monday, December, 11th, 1877, Mrs. Mary Conrad, mother of Mrs. Walker, aged 75 years and 8 mouths. Mrs. Conrad, was born on tho 10th day of March 1S02 In Sand hausen, Alsace, then under tho French government, and came with her family to the United States in 1817 and settled at Warren, Pa., where her husband died in 18-53. She had only two children one of whom died some yearsago. She leaves seven teen grand children and nine great-grand child ren. She was buried last Thursday In the Ridgway Cemetery. Warren papers pleR-e copy. 11 48 84 79 J 1 1 80 M 05 1 !i 20 20 no 1 - V V