A PERILOUS WOOIXU. A Noma Folk Story by Rjwslgerne BJornsnn. Wheu Aelang became a fnU-grown girl, peace was gone on Husnby farm. The rfn est boys of the parish wrangled and fought there, night after night. It was worst on Saturday nights, but then old Junt Husaby went to bed with his leather breeches on and ft birch club at his elbow. "Have I got a gi"l?" he said, " I shall know how to take oare of her." - tTore Nesct was only a squatter's son. here were people, though, who said that he cams oftener to see the farmer's daughter ou Husaby than anybody else. Old Juut did not like this talk, and said it was not true, for he had never seen him there, But people smiled to one another and hinted that if he looked better into that corner where Aslang sat, instead of squabbling with those who strutted on the open floor, ho would have found Tore. Spring came, and when tli9 cattle were driven up on the hills for grazing Aslang followed to take care of them. Hot lay the dny over the valley, but the cliff rose cod! above the suusmoke, and ,when from its top the cow-bells tinkled and the watsh-dog barked aud Aslang sang aul phyo.l on the ljur, how did the boys feel toiling in the meadows be low I The first Saturday night they all took to the olifT, one faster than the other. But still more fast they camo back, one after the other, just where the path turned the hammer, some one stood and took hold of them, one by one, as they came, and wheeled them downward, making his words well remembered : "If you choose to come again, you shall be still better served." As far as people could understand, there was iu the whole parish only one who had the proper haud for such a piece of work, and that one was Tore Xeset. But all the rich fanners' sons thought it lather mean that he, the squatter's n:m, should take his stand next to her, Aslang Husaby. The same thought also old Jnut, when ho heard it, and he thought further that if no one else could master that chap, he would try, and those sons of his. J nut had begun to grow old, but although he ' had passed the three-score, he still liked to try a wrestling match with hia oldest sou when sometimes tiie comjiany seemed to him to become sleepy. up to the Husaby grazing grounds 11. 1- 1 , TV " . . , 1 xuereieuouiyonepatuway ana it startea just in front of Husaby farm. Next Saturday evoning when Tore intended to take this way and already felt a little more quick-footed bee mse he had cleared the stables, one rushed upon him and grasped him by the throat. " What do want ?" said Tore ami threw the other to the ground so it rang through his body. "Tuat I shall tell you," said another, aud gave him a blow from be hind; it was the brother. " Aud here is a third," said old Junt aud clasped him urouud the waist. Tore grew stronger with the danger ; where he hit it was felt. And ho was limber like a willow wand ; he bowed and bent; where blows fell, he was not; wuere blows were not expected, ho hit. But at last he tumbled, overmatched, and a sound thrashing he got, though afterward old Juut often said that ho had never had a finer lad to deal with. The three kept on till the blood came, then Husaby said stop, and added shrewdly: " Now, if next Saturday night you can cheat the old Husaby bear aud these cubs of his, you may have the lass." Tore dragged himself along as best he could; when he reached home he lay down. Much was spoken in tho parish of that fight on Husaby farm, but every one eaid: "What would he theie ?" there was oue, though, who did not say so, and that was Aslang. She had waited for him that Saturday night, and when she heard of the meeting between him and her father she sat down aud cried, aud uaiil to herself : " If I cannot get Tore I shall not see another glad day in this world." Tore was laid up for the whole Sun day, aud on Monday he felt that he must still keep the bed. Tuesday came, and what a line day it was 1 It had rained during the night, and tho cliif was green afresh. Tlio window was open and the smell of tho foliage drifted in. Upon cliff the cow-bells tinkled and somebody was singing. Had it not been for his mother who sat iu the room, ho would have cried. On Wednesday he was still iu bed, but on Thursday he wondered whether he could not bo all right till Saturday, and on Friday he was up. He remem bered now the words which Junt had said : "If next Saturday night you can cheat the old Husaby bear, and these cubs of his, yon may have the lass." He looked away to the Husaby farm time after time. " I don't think there will be any more beating," he said. There led, as above mentioned, only one pathway up to the Husaby grazing grounds; but one who dared might get up there, though be did not go the beaten way. By rowing around a small land-slip, and mooring at the foot of the cliff one might get up, though the wall was so steep that it had seldom been trodden by the goat, who else is not very particular about her way. Saturday came, and Tore was out doors the whole day. Never was such a day! The sun played, so tho woods danced, and every now and then some oue sang and called upon the cliff. He at in front of the door when dusk caui6 and dewy mist crept upward along the hills. He looked toward the cliff; all was quiet there. He looked toward t ho Husaby farm, and then he jumped iuto the boat and rowed around the slip. Upon the cliff, before the hut, sat Aslung, her day's work done. She thought that since Tore could not come, all the more would other people come, and she let loose the dog and strolled away. She sat where she could look down into the valley, but there stood the mist, and somehow she did not like either to look down there just now. Then she moved away, and without any more thought she came and sat down on the opposite side of the cliff, where she could look down over the Fjord. There came peace to her from the long view of the water. While she was sitting there she thought she should like to sing, and she chose a song with long notes and a burden, which iloated far away into the calm evening. She found that she liked to hear herself sing, and when she came to the end of the first verse she began the second with louder voice. But when she had sung that verse it seemed to her as if somebody was answering from far be low. "Dear me, what can that be?" she thought, stepped out on tli9 utter mist ledge, and threw her arms around a tall birch-tree which stood there aud trembled over the abyas. She looked downward, but she saw uothiug. The Fjord lay quietly asleep ; not a bird was stirring. She sat down again aud took u j her song. But thi time somebody it iswered with the same tuue aud much ); jarer. Aslang sprang up and leaned oaoe mow ovv the ledge, Then shft aaw b boat moored at the foot of the cliff.but so far below that it looked like a nut shell. She drew the eyes upward and naught sight of a red cap climbing the naked wall. " Who can that be ?" she asked, and made a long leap backward. She dared not answer, for she knew full well who it was. She threw herself down on the green sward and took hold of the grass with both her hands, as if it were she who must not miss tho grasp. Tho roots loosened 5 she shrieked, thrust her hands deeper into the sod, and prayed to God Almighty to help him. Then sho felt that this was truly to try God, and could not be expected to be granted. " But only this one time," she burst out, " help him, oh I only this one time 1" She clasped the dog as if he weie Tore she would hold fast, rolled with it over the green sward, aud thought that these minutes would never come to an end. But suddenly the dog sprang up, stared toward the ledge, wagged bis tail, aud barked ; turned back to Aslang, jumped with his forepaws into her lap and barked ; twisted round again and barked with frantic restlessness, while a rod cap arose above the ledge, and Tore leaned to her bosom. There he lay for a whole minute. Neither of them spoke, aud when they begun to talk there was not much wit iu what they said. But old Jnut, wheu ho heard about it, said a word which was not unwitty. He threw his fist down on the table, and thundered through the room : " There is might in that boy, and the girl shall be his." PRESIDENTIAL PO ISO S IXU. The Terrible Trnuedv of Burhnnnn's In nuKtiriuloii On- Thirty or More Dend Victims of Poison. A Washington correspondent writes : Among the most prominent of the National's late arrivals are Senator Ben Hill and wife, of Georgia. They occupy the suite of rooms known as the Presi dential parlors. If the walls had tongues they might discourse of people promi nent iu the past, and, perch.iuno, tell tales of private life never su:picioned. But the tall mantel looks blank nndef its modern ornaments, tha brass mount ings of the fender reflects new faces, the ' heavy curtains shut iu the secrets never i voiced, and in the room sits a little, : dark-eyed, prim woman and a l.lue-eved j : i,n,i ,..,. ... ....i. i.. ! ,r,n Ti.ot, i .... tt-1, Km. 110w live ou tbnt fatal om.th pf . which witnessea isucuanan s inaugura tion, were occupied by theuew president. Twelve hundred gnests were crowded iu the house. In the evening nearly all were seized by similar symptoms of poisoning, aud thirty or more died. The dead bodies lay iu rows in the parlors, the sick and dying were moaning in the halls; a gloom hung over the city, and extended to distant homes, from whence had come guests to witness the inaugura tion. The house had just previous to this been entirely refurnished. It was the grand hotel of the capital, aud built ; iu a style of maguifieeuce rare in those i times. The National hotel poisoning is ; remembered witn Horror by out people, . but many ot tlio vouuger ones 1' nave I never heard of it. The affair was iu- j vc-stigated and the house examiued. No positive clue has ever been found. Some said defective drainage, some poisoned rats in the well, some that the sugar was poisoned to ruin the business of the hotel. It is generally, I think, believed now that the poison was mineral poison, and was in the sugar for the reason that persons not stopping at the house, who took fancy drinks at the bar, were also seized by cramps. Mr. Buchanan never touched sugar, nor ate it in anything, so that he almost alone escaped the peril. Some of those beside hU excellency, who escaped, have been interrogated, and all those whose address could be found after the lapse of years, replied that they did not partake of sugar, even in coffee. The house was closed, the splendid furniture was sold ot auction. For years the hotel was uninhabited. People looked at the barred windows something as visitors now pause before Ford's theatre, where r 'it i . i-resiucui ijincoiu was assassinated. Strangers stood in front of it and related to each other sad incidents of the inex plicable death which had overtaken thirty persons in a night. Twenty years ago a gentleman from New Hampshire, visiting iu Washington, asked to go through the house. People had been afraid to enter the walls after the panic. Tha gentleman, upon examination, im mediately leased the building, threw open the windows, had the house cleansed, one hundred aud fifty loads of dirt taken from the cellar, put one hun dred thousand dollars' worth of furniture in the hotel, and was called crazy by his friends. In December every corner was filled by guests, and the quaint, low rooms, where had danced the belles of a quarter of a contnry beforo, weie again filled with life and beauty. A Struggle with a Bulldog. The San Franoisco News Letter of a recent date says : A sanguinary red bull dog was oue of the most marked features at the Bench Show, in the early part of the week. So abnormally savage was tins creature mat in tooa wni always thrown to him from a convenient distance, and his drink pushed within his reach by menus of a long pole. He was iu a state of sullen f ury from the moment lie arrived at the Pavilion, and in ail o numerous furious ntteinnts break his powerful chain and attack the other dogs and the spectators. On these pachydermata extremely few and Thursday al'ternoou, while Colonel V. i faf between. In Guinea, once distil H. L. Barnes was standing about the ; guishod as the ivory coast, the number middle of the hall, a terrible outcrv was heard in the direction of the bulldog de partment. The red head dog referred to had, in some way, slipped his collar and instantly seized a small child, whom it was apparently tearing to piecof. There was probably not one of the group of gentlemen referred to lacking in phy sical courage, but tho two things every man shrinks from " tackling " unarmed are a rattlesnake and a bulldog. How ever, Colonel Barnes instantly rushed forward and seized the canine demon by the throat. Fortunately, the beast's fangs contained more of the child's dress than its flesh, and by tearing the former, the other gentleman released the girl from her dangerous position, and with only a bad looking flesh wound. The scene that followed was horribly excit ing. The doubly enraged dog turned with terriilo snarls upon the Colonel, who held him with both hands by the throat. The animal weighed over fifty pounds and was unusually powerful, and after an exhausting struggle the Colonel, who is fortunately an exceptionally strong man, found his only chanoe wan to hold the dog bodily up from the floor nt arm's length. All this time a mes senger had been dispatched to obtain a fiiutol from a Mission street saloon, there ieiug none among the bystanders. At the critical moment this arrived, aud the muzzle being inserted into the ear of the foaming brute, his cauine intellect wis distributed rather uupleasautly over f he clothe of the spectators, A Fish Story and It Ocular Proof. The Baltimore American has this fish story: Captain Johnson, of the pnngy Tecumseh, brings the latest fish story to town, and if he hadn't brought the fiBh themselves, silent but conclusive evi dence of the truth of his story, his state ment might be clasped with the "fish stories" which are accepted with many grains of allowauce. However, the pnngy is at Light street wharf, and the fish are on board, and an American re porter was only one of a hundred per sons who saw the fish aud heard the story. Captain Johnson relates as fol lows: "lwas anchored on Thursday in the mouth of Bodkin creek, waiting for the wind to go down, and having noth ing else to do, I put a line over the side to catch a perch or two, if possible. I didn't expect much luck, but I pulled in thirty fish in less time than twenty min utes. Presently I got a strong bite and pulled quick. The fish was evidently a heavy one, and I was afraid my line would break, and I began to plry my catch. I pulled hard, oud tip came a rock perch to the surface. Just as it was coming out of the water a pike came rushing up and swallowed the perch on my line, hook and all. I gave my double catch full play, and finally brought thein on board in a net, just as you see them, except that I out this one, so you cm seo how it happened." The captain illustrated his story by produc ing the two fish. The pike hod been cut open. The perch, fully five inches long, was fairly inside the pike, which was not more than eleven inches in length. A suggestion being made that the perch might have been forced into the pike after both fish were on board Captain Johnson, to further demonstrate the truth of the story, cut the pike clear open. The hook, which remaiued in the perch's mouth, had passed through the upper jaw aud had caught in the throat of the pike. Ou examining the pike's stomach, there was found an English penny of the date of 180:, a brass but- . ton, some pebbles, and four small fish j partly digested. Captain .lohuron, hav- ! nig displayed all this, sid, " I'll take ' my alHdavy that them fish is just as they came out of the water." 1 An Earthquake at Omaha. The earthquake that recently visited Omaha, Xeb., is described in the follow- lug llUu,Pa. i: ,A wUiqnnke .8ll cently visited Omaha and vicinity at about twenty-five mil twenty-five minutes to twelve o'clock this moruiug. It was pretty generally felt all over the city, both by tho people o 1 the streets and iu build iugs. Iu large buildings, especially, the shock was very distinctly felt, crea ting iutense excitement among the occu pants, and causing a rush for the doors. The shake lasted from half a minute to a miuute aud a half, according to state ments of different parties. Most of the excitement occurred at the post-office building. The Uuited States circuit court was iu session in the large court room on the third floor. Judge Ul ster was just opening a case for th lilaiutiff. when suddenly a larcre clock on the wall at the back of tho judge's seat swung to and fro, Iarce chandeliers sus- ' ...... .1.1 11,.. ..:k n. : Ji-micu iiuui lur I'ctitiitj BWlluu turn V 1 1.. 1 1 -i uuu iiiuii wiij, ituu n gtnierui viuiiiuuu of the whole building was noticed. A general panic ensued. Judge Ulster stopped short in his argument. The numerous crowd sprang to their feet, and started for the door. In the office below, and especially iu the internal revenue deportment, nearly all the occu pants were startled and made for tiie doors. In fact, there was hardly a per son iu the building but felt the shock. At first, however, but few seemed to un derstand what wos the matter. Tables moved, chairs rocked, and men them selves were shaken from head to foot. Persons who were on their feet at the time weakened at the knees, and some became faint at the stomach. In every quarter of the city similar incidents transpired. Stewart's Hotel for Women. The New York "Woman's Hotel" iB Mr. A. T. Stewart's legacy and monu ment. It has 502 private rooms, a dining-room, which will seat 600 persons, and a capacity for lodging 1,000 persons. There is also a restaurant attached, where food is to be sold at cost of preparation. i to those who will carry it away. There lis a library already of 2,500" volumes, i aud which is to contain newspapers and periodicals. The furniture ana appoint ments are said to be of the very best throughout the seven stories, each apartment having gas, hot and cold water, with wires that connect it with the dining-room and offices, aud is heated by steam. The cost of the establishment is estimated at two millions of dollars, a gift from the Stewart estate, and it is calculated that it will be self-supporting in its running expenses. The rate of board has not been fixed, but it is supposed will be placed somewhere be tween four and five dollars per week. The Ivory Trade. Larger demands of civilization for manufactures employing this material, mi increased Knowledge of African ivory districts, and the ready advantage of combining some slave expedition with : the pursuit of ivory, a few years since, added extraordinary stimulus to the activity of elephant hunting. Con ditions of this nature at length menaced the proboscidian fumily to a degree never known previously. It is reported that in Cape Colony not an elephant survives; that in all the African coast regions the ivory huuter finds herds of of elephants has beeu decreased bv the native hunters, nutil eoratnerce in ivory h is there also become quite insiguiiiennt in amount, The Galaxy. The Welfare of Ibe Ilnmnn Nyslrm Is iu a Kreat mtsasuru dieuileul iitwu tha way in which the bowcln perform their evacuative function. If they are regular -aud they can always be tendered so by the nae of Hontetter'a Htouiach bitters au important essential of health ia secured, and that blesaing is very apt to follow. If they are irregular, cbronio con stipation and indigestion aupervene, the liver becomes disordered, and the bile, being divert ed from its natural channel and purposes, enters and contaminates the blood., producing that yellowish oatt of the skiu and whites of the eyes which is such a eure indjx of bilious ness. All these disastrous consequences, as well as others of a far more serious nature, are remedied aud prevented by Hostetter's Bitters, the leading American specitio for disorders of the bowels, stomach aud liver. The tjureii ol' the Oven. A breakfaxt-Liocuit or tea-roll made with Doolev's Yeast Powder is oertainly the queen of the oven so light, white and delicious. You lift it tenderly, break it open gently, spread it daintily with fresh, sweet butter, waiting to be gracious. After breakfasting on biscuits made with Doolev's Yeast Powder, what man would contemplate suicide, or grumble because hie wire asked luui for money. Tiinli livery one, at times, feels the necessity of wime restorative of the vital powers, depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion, iu such con ditions, let every one instead of tlyiiig to the alcoholic or medicinal stimulants, which must be followed by depression equal to their excite jbent, reinvigoraU his deranged system by the natural tonic elements or the ,'tiiviii Wiii. Uuld by nil (Ji legist a. , The llenMt or K el. The great snccess of tiie Keep Manufac turing Company li owing td their making the bent goads at the lowest prtte, doing a atriotly cash biiHliiosa, and lotting the pnblio know what they are doing. It in no aeoret that the Keep " partly madV' ahirti have taken a tre mendous hold on the publlo favor. The esse viitli which these garment! are made np by wife, mother or daughter oommnids the " part ly made " to all family men. Nobody now need put the ladieti of hia honpnhold to the trouble of making shirts at home. For those who prefer their shirts completely made, the " Keep Com plete Dress Bhirt" is 'furnished, made to their own measure, if desired, at the rate of S9 for half a dozen, with fine gold-plated sleeve and collar buttons thrown in. The nnderwenr busi ness has assumed large proportions in the hands of this enterprising house. Canton flannel drawers are now finding immense ealo, as well an undershirts. The undeMiirts and drawers of red flannel are in great demand for under wear. Thoy, as well as the ' partly made " shirts, are famished for actually less that iu would cost an individual purchaser to buy the material at a retail drv goods store. The "Patent Protected Bib" tlmbrolla is a novelty of great, valne, introduced by "Keep." The ribs of this engine of defense against stormy weather are fastened In such a way that tho cover will not break loose from them, nor turn insido out. The Keep Manufacturing Company is at 105 and 167 Mercer streot, New York, where onr readers are welcome to call wheu in New York, or direct their correspon dence if they want shirts, underwear or um brellas. Burnett's Flavoring Extbacts. There is no subject which should more engross atten tion than the purity of the preparations which are used in flavoring th various compounds prepared for tho human stomach. Burnett's Extraots are prepared from fraits of the best quality, and are highly concentrated. The " Fif ih Avenue," " Continental," " Grand rocifio," and other leadiig Hotels use and In dorse Burnett'B Extracts, Fntrbnnkaf Krnlcs. There wore shipped from the scale factory 88 carload of scales ki September, and 41 carloads in Octobor. And there were rocoived of manufacturing material in September, 139 carloadn, and in October, 154 carloads, in all 372 carloads. St. Johntburu 17. Caledonian, Aor. 9. CHSW The Celebrated " Matchless" Wood Tag Plug ToBioce. The I'ionirb Tobacco Compasv, Xgw York, iloston, an 3 Chicago. The elegant company from Duffs Broad way Theater, New York citv, are plavini; to a succcf sion of crowded houses in New York State and Canada. In the hands of this talented organisation the play of rink Domi noes has made a decided bit, and is spoken of as a masterly performance. iHrs (ienernl Nhrrmnn, wife of tho general of the United States army, says : "I have frequently purchased Durang's Kheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with rheumatism, and 111 every instance it worked like magic." Send for circular to Helphen stine i, licntley, druggists, Washington, 1). C. II" You Are Billon tone up your liver. Take Quirk's Irish Tea. Sold by druggists at 25 cts. a package. The Markets. HIW TOBS. Beef OatHe-Natlve 03 S 11 Texan and Oberokee.,.. 09 Milch Oowo 10 CO 4-:S 00 Hoifs I.ivo 65 X ,4 06 Droe'.'d.- 0h 01 Sheep 0l( OSX Lninba OSXO 05 Cotton Middling U)l!S 11 Flour Western Good to Choice.... 6 10 ft 6 3A Rtate Good to Choice 6 20 ft 7 to Buckwheat perewt..... 2 40 ft 2 0 Wheat Red Western 1 40 ft 1 41 No. 2 Milwaukee 1 80 .4 1 81 Rve State '6 ft 1 Barley State 74 ft Barley Malt 68 ft Burkwho.it HO ft Oats Mixed Western U'ft Corn Mixed Western..... 67 3d '4 Hay, per cwl 60 ft 7.) C.I 41?i 2 ;o (5 Htraw perewt (0 ft Hops 78's 02 Pork Mess Lard City Steam. ft04 ,77's 11 ft 13 14 10 08,' 19 00 11 80 6 80 ftl4 20 ; 08K ft20 (K) ftl2 00 ft 6 (10 Fish Mackerel, No. 1, , uow . . new. Drv Cod. ner cwt uerriLic, ucaiea, per iwi, 2J Petroleum Crude 094ft09Ji Reflnod, lS)tf Wool California Fleece 10 ft S3 Texas 36 ft 40 nstrallao " .' 44 ft 41 JlteXX 41 ft 44 Butter -Hlato 27 ft M Western Choice 21 ft 24 Western Good to Prime,... 21 ft 28 Western Firkins 18 ft SO Cheese State Factory 13 ft 18 State Skimmed 11 ft 11 Western 09 ft 10X Ekks State aud Fen'isrlvania. 28.K4 SIX BUFFALO, Floor 6 18 ft 88 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 21 ft 1 22 Corn Mixed 6Jift 61 OaU 28 ft SO 98 62 08V 08X Rye Hi barley , 82 Barley Malt 80 ft ft ft PHILADELPHIA. Beef Cattle Extra 08 ft Sheep 06 ft Hoes Dressed vtsX Flour Penusylvanla Extra 7 12 Wheat Red Western 1 M Rye 66 ft 726 ft 1 63 ft t7 Oorn Teliow , 60 ft Mixed 60 ft Oats-Mixed , 36 ft Petroleum Crude.. ...... 0 )(ft09.V' Refined, wool Colorado . Jta ft Texas. 22 27 California.. Boeios, Beef Cattle, Sheep. 08 ft T8Xft 08 07 09 9 0 f2tf 6 41 85 UOK Flour Wisconsin and Minnesota. .. Corn Mixed Oats " Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX. . . California BRIGHTON, A. ASS. Beef Cattle Sheep.. 06 ft 7 61 48 68 43 24 0f.' 06 ft 07 ft 07ft 07 03 10 08 Lamba. Hogs. WATEBTOWH, MAM. Beef Cattle Poor to Choice. ........ Sheep Lainha .... 6 60 6 76 700 ft 6 n ft 7 76 ft 900 $2500 a year. A (recta wanted everywhere. Boa. Andreas J.Wobtu Co.i St. Loun Mo. neflaarripT v ipaiiiinBre.i-iinioii.ara irpa rflMiftiu-Attest, trusted, tftf cn mU- ijt urticti'tf iu tlio woria. One .-tmiia live AtldftiM.I l IUe(w w. j.,,., nut. MMi X JZi iv il O wounded, ruptured, acciden tnllv injured rr d:sabld HoMier. Address Col; N. W HIHTlII "V Li Procnredi r ITZtiK.. U, U. 8. Claim Atfy, Washington, 1, O, CLOCKS K. INtJltAIIA.tl .- t'll.'M are superior in desifrn and not equaled in quality or aa time, keepers. Aal your Jeweler fnt uiem. si.mutact.iry nnatoi. m. AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PAKTIRULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 620 Brontlwuy New York Vlty Chlco.no, Ill. NewOrleauBla.t - or Han Frnnrlaeot Omit The Benl Trtii1 witnout Mwtnl Kpringi ever invented. So hombus olaiin of ojr Uin radicul enrm. hut a guar antee oi a comfortable, m ear and aa'mrMctory appli anc. We will take back and nar frail nrtre for all that do rnt uit. Price, iingte, like cat, 4; for both aide. Bent by mul, post-paid, on receipt ot price. N B.-Tbia Trnea W ill cdhk mere Ruptures than any of those tor which extravagant oteime ere made. Oirculara free. 746 Broadway. New YorU. Dr. Warner's Health Corset, With Skirt Supporter and Self- Adjusting Pad. Varqiinlrd Tor Beauty. rSiyle aud Coinl'urt. APPROVED BT AX.L PHYSICIANS. yr Sal. bu LMdlttfi Merchant.. Hunplss, any sixe. by mail. In batUMn. lift); Oiulil. 1.7&: Nursing Ckirsat, fcUXI; Miwes'Ooraet, tl.UO. AGKNTS WANTED. HIKNKH KltO'M. 351 liruiidwnyi N. V, "The Best Polish in the World." THI? C a sTi ir VAi . W. TTTATTrw, TrW of Onltar, Fluff, CAm4. AiT-nr j uwn raT.uunBr.ine DTK in Uftft Irilpr In Mtmlral Inatrtimrrta. Muita. i Stringi. Catalogue fhw. 1 Trrmout St. boatuo WORK FOR ALL tn thflir own InonlHiM, cnT(Uwfn for the Klrmltlf , V Kit or n.m-ired) Wwkly and Monthly. Vnrgrni I Fnprr In the IVnrlri, with Mnmmoth unronvw frm. ' Hia (VmimiMlonn to Afrrntn. Teroin and Outfit Vrm. Addrea F. ). VM'KKU V Anwnmii, fllnlwr. Homes in the West I Pvryth'njr Htwlmhl prloMi, trmii, nil, llmut, mnrkftA, rmlrnnd litoilitlwi, church!!, ftrlKmln. l.MHi,MM Acre- from fttf to 10. Tn fnn Credit, (1 par ont, intamnt; no pft,vmnt of principal until Hfth ywir. 45 pnr rent, dtnomint for rnnh. Hi-n rntos settle. and eiplornrn, Kami frnm (.'hfrnvn refunded to purchnwrn, Hnd Inntl )rd for fnarip- iiTf wirrmnr. nxrurunn in iiinrnmv nfi'li. Nov B7th. Ffirenbnut half rtulr riit4H. rr lnf-nmtlm, ticketa, etc, apply to HI.INV 141 317 Itroiidwny, N l niK WANTED. Ladies of Ability And vim to eanTaas and estflhliah A nta for on of tha boat e-llin Patent in the United HMtea and Uanadma. Address, it I Kaat Kith Htrwt, Sew York CKy. For Consumption And all diseases that lead to it ; men aa Concha, Neg lected Oolda, Bronohitta, Pais in the Cheat, nd all di. eaues of the Lunira, Allen's l.unat Hiilsnui is the Great Modern Rwmedy. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Htii prortid itelf to b the irrat(it Medieal Remedy fnr healing the Lunjrn, purify in the Blood, and rentorinjt the tone of the Liver. It eioitas the pliletrm, whioh ia raised from the Lungs, thereby paring the way for peedy enre. Just try it once. HOLD BY ALL MKOIUINR DRALRRS. T-fldl9T!Tvar.t imU trttluu Rose Coral Bet. lirenstpln "d tariiopa, ient poe iiuld to any reader of thU paper for 2(S cent p. Three ieti for 60 cents. Imitation CORAL SLEEVE BUTTONS to match as cent! per f Pt. or three seta for 60 renti. Klegnnt Kecklaoei . with Charms, tl each. Currency or Postage Stumps. Extra In ducements toAgenta BRIDE A CO., 11 Clinton Place, -Now YoikCUy. Chorus, Anthem and Glee Books.! Sluair.nl Sc.-ietiea tills Winter will i The Gem Gleaner. By J M. OmnwicK, u eaneeially tor Ctaoira, harin. ' nore than one stood An hero or Motet for earn rather more Sunday of the 01 me Tear, .mac nun latiMi Hn. . tw n A Rood nook for tiie easy practice of Societies, or Sil.tKl per do.. u"nw. " ni..wita,jiu oilier inrorite composers. Emerson's Chorus Book. By I.. O Fmkhs-is, hss an admirable collection of Sacred Chorusen, and an equally large number of Sevu lar ChoruRf and t.lees. All is of the heat quality. A flrst'claaa Socipty bouk. l.lSd ; or 81 1 2 per doc. Perkins' Glee and Chorus Book. By H. H. Pktikins, has 26 (lleea and 6 Hatred Chor uses, all of the beat, und many uiiuaiuil'y attractive. A tirat class Society book. 1. 25 ; or til U per doz. Chorus Choir. By K r K. TornJEE, has 75 fine Athems and Choruses, 36 Chants, Te Dnuml, eto. IVst class Chorus-Choir Vld perdos. The American Glee Book. Br W. O. Perkins, is a traa Gjes Book, with the beet end. sl.&O; or 8 i3.i0 per dos. ia mosi entertaining comrjoaitiotu compositions from beg inning to OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. , II. UITHON Sc C O., 843 Broadway, New York. J. E. DITXON iV CO.. gg 1 hfstnnt Street, Phlla. Burnett's Cocoalne Prevents the Hair from Palling. Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes lis Healthy Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not Oreasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subdues Refractory Hair. ' ' Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes the Irritated Scalp-Ski". Burnett's Cocoaine Afford the Richest Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine 1 not an Alcoholic AVach. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives Krw Life to tho Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Eemaius Longest In Effect. N ASTHMA HEMEPV TRACE FOR ASTHMA, ROSE COLD, HAY FEVER, Etc ThU remedy litm born uert In MiouMndt of the wont catt'ii, with astonishing antl uniform aueceea, antl Is offirfd to the public with full confidence in IU merit. It contain no iKiisonouB or Injurious properties whatcrtr, antl nil intact nitty tak it with perfect udcty F-xtraet from the "T.ifo of Washington Irving,1 by h'n nenhen, Pierre M. Irviui:, Vul. IV., pafe 87. " The doctor precriLR' J.as an experiment, what had been sucseaU-d by Dr. (O. w.) Holmes on his late visit. Junaa Whitcomb'i itemed y for Asthma.' a teaapooaful In a vine-elahB of water, to b taken every four hours. A good night was the result." I have hod the spaamodfe aithma flfteen yeara. eommencea uaiug -junoa hUcoiub'a Rcmedr for th. Aithma eiphteen m aeo. .nxl hav. not had a Kvrn 8ARAI1 PEE1.V, EddvtswB, Vain Co., K. Y., to Editors Rural Aew Xorker HaTe veld Whitcomhe Remedy for nearly twenty Tfn. I know of nothing tn tinfformly BUcceMful. " I'UEODOKa. iltTCALl, liruufiat, Tremonl Street, Ho ton. I haTe dertrod Terr pre at benefit from Jonu Whlt toml Ait lime Kemtdy.' M O. V. freildeut tfeptuue liuuraace Co Boston, Uses. My mother hud suffered eipht years from the harrest ethma. The r-currenre of this Uiree-montht' gouj etery year mutt toon war her out Jonas Whiteomb s Asthma Hemnly' arreoted the terrible ditteaee, and has kept it oft for the whole season, to the greet Joy of the familr." HT. JOS. K. KOY, Chtcexo Aput of the Araeriraa liuus MUsloaary Suciety, W ths i iade pcuVaf. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. Boa ton. For sale by all lruKKtta. THE COURIER. 1878 BUFFALO, N. Y. 1878 TIIK BIFF A Ml COURIER baa sMarad for itaalf an enviable poaitiun amonf tlte leadinAT jonrnala uf New York Btate. Having been ever the constant advocate of Dmoeratie principles. It baa at the same time, proved itself liberal, progressive and independent in its treatment of political and natters of pnblio inter est. The CorjRiFK contains, in addition to the news of the day, both fore'gn and local, an abundance of the choicest reading and uiscellancooa matter, and its market and marine departments receive especial atten tion, a special feature of the paper being a complete and reliable report of the bve stock market, which is well known to be a leading feat are of the city's commer cial interest. THE DAILY CWITKIEK is furnished to sob soribere by mail, pott-paid, at VIO.OO per annum, or 8A centa per month, or with the Sunday edition 1 9.00 per annum, 9 1 .OO per month. THU 8UNDAV CilCRIER baa become widely popular aa a literary Journal, as He constantly Increasing circulation effectually demonstrates. Post-paid S8.SO year. TIIE WEEKLY COURIER ia. without doubt, the beet family paper published in Western New York or Northwestern Pennsylvania, containing all the cur rent newa ot the week, and in addition a choicely select ed and abundant amount of literary and general miscel laneous matter, together with department devoted to agrioultnre and stock raising matter, conducted by gentleman of ability and eiperienoe. THE WEEKLY i furnished at Sl.OO year, clubs of luatgl.ttd udW subscribers at gt.OO per annum, a copy free with each club, poatage prepaid. THE EVENING REPUBLIC, pobllahed every evening, containing the current newa, market report, etc.. which a li Dear in the CoBUU, will be sent post paid, to any address at 4ti cents pa aaonth. making it the fibsaisMi paper, quality conaidered, published in the Caited Htates. tUmpie copies sent rxee so ppneawn. Address, PlTBtlSHEHB OP THE COUEIEE, uvrrALQ n.y. ROYAL !Wr. Absolutely Pure. All Srncnra aniiiorinn co guitrmnir u tun waijmis una To trjr It, aeiid UO oonU for 1 pound tu to ROYAL. t'AHOW, with titim bpmlfnli written if Qo. Addreww, K.W. Mottl Weit Hnnkbke,N Y. TTO.YIK AMI A ltl(OAI. A paper frr everybody. M m wniy m Atf nU wanted. Only M, 10 year with splendid Premium , D, KUKNKI.L A VO t)ornhill, Honton, PIANOS AND ORGANS. UPRTJIM' t IIKAI'KHT In Ihe IVOItMi sjMtjm. Mir t n.li tir iiiaitniliiiriiKi. Mrnn lor llln-lriill'il rnlnlliKiii'i AIIKM'M Mnnlnl, Inrncr tvnirra Hone, 4) K. 1 li nrncr Wntrr A- Hone, 40 IC. Mih Kt . N..Y Before You ftnbaorih for any sena ror a of the TOI.KMO It I, A ftp; rNnnhyN l'nier, the heat Hews and Fnniily men ooptei f ( (, rnrmiy Taper tn the united Ml Htates. Bneoi- iK, Afl TIIK 111 Addre. Bryant's Opera House, NewYork, Woe. Broadwar, Opp. New York II "tel. BRYANT' MINMTKKI.H Under the Mnnngemantor NKII. BRYANT. Hunrher UoiiulirrlT, Mttle Mao, Dave Reed, Sanford and Wlaon, Maokin end Wilaun, Bill! Bryant, Goal White, Jotn Kohinaon. A Vncitl Mrxtrttp, and A Knpr-rb Orrhretrn nil appear in A limn illinetrrl Knlrrlnlnmrnt hvrry F.vnilna nt 8. and Niitnrilnr illmlnre " x. Popnlar I'ricea-U3, 00 and 74 ot. Matinee 83 and 60 ct. ' t Knnlt Aiif ntm Take. Kotie. JOSIAII ALLEN'S WIFE Hal Wrote Another Book" and it Is read. Samantha at the Centennial As b P. a. and P. I. Outdoes herself and Widow Dooni.K. leaves Bktrfy Bohtikt far behind. Don't wait and lose your chano, eend for territory, circulars, etc., at once. AddreHs, AM K RIG AN PUBLISHING CO, Hartford, Conn., or F. O. BUSS & CO., Newark, N. J. TO ADVERTISERS !SS do any newspaper advertising, the third kdition of Ayer & Son's Manual FOR ADVKKTISUKS. l(K)8vo.pp. More complete thnn any winch have preceded it. Gives the names, circulation, and advert, Bin k rates of several thousand newspaper in the United States and Canada, and contains mora information of value to an advertiser than can be found in any other publication. All lists hnve been carefully revised, and where practicable prices have ben reduced. The apecial offer are nnmemuH and unusually advantageous. Be sure to Sfnd for it before spending any money in newspaper advertiMn. nAddivas N. W. A V Kit Ac j4oS' ADVEBTiHiNU AuentS, Times Building, Philadelphia. Recommend It Heartily. i Mr. Stkvenb. lirnr Sir I Han 1ai aa..Atol ...... V Ufl W. TINK, and nm convinced it u n vnluablj'rMmedr for Dyspepsia, Kidney Cmi plaint, ai.U general dobility of the eysttm. 1 can heart). v recommend it to all n;,fTnrin from th abovu ynmpUiinta. Yoics rewpoptt illy. Mna. M17M.OK PARKKR. VrtfOlliie y Sold by All OrngKlwtw. Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Requires Immediate attention, as neglect oftentimes result la some Incurable Lung disease. BROWN'S BRONCHI A L TROCHES are a simple remedy, and will almost in variably give Immediate relief. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS and dealers r medicines. A POSITIVE CCUE FOR CATARRH. BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA. Thou tnnds have been cured by Or. 4jolnnbera'a, Illllilliil.on. wtiu were priinounced incurable by physi cian, an 1 friend. Patients living at a distance deairing io avail thelnwivesof the advice of Dr. 4oldenbrrATv can write their ntiue a-:d poat-iflice address. and for. wrnr.1 to lir. 4jollriibKrM. lt Arcb Street, Phila. delphia, when he will return tliera a list of printed ques tiona.the an were to which will enable him to determine the nature of their diaenas and the probability of cute, He will forward tn a.iy udilreM, his paper or bouk.clvlng full description, ol tho discuses be treats, etc. 2119 Ml. Vtr,.OH S:, Philadelphia, Orl. 3, 1877. I bave used Dr. (.ntdanhera-'s Inhalation for Catarrh, Bronchi'.!, and Abturuu, and am entirely cured. ASNIK MEAL. KIDNEY and LIVER SPECIFIC A IIAItll U, ll llE KOIIALL DIMEAr4EH or TBB KIDNEYS, BLADDER, AND URINARY ORGANS. Perons snfforina; from these dtteases should send for tho list of quest ions, that the Doctor may give them an opinion concerning the nature and curability of their uaseB. Consultations and examination! free Send for uescnptive raper to Dr. UOI.DENBEltG'S Principal Office 010 Arch Ntreet. Philadelphia. FID'S EXTRACT, The People's Remedy The Universal Fain Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Take no Other. Hear, tor 1 will speak of excellent thing." PO'D' 8 EXTRACT -The great Vegetable Fain Destroyer. Has been In use over thirty years aud for cieanllDess nod prompt curative virtues cannot be excelled. CHILDREN. No family can afford tone with out Pond's Extract. Accidents, Uralses, f 'nnlu.lnnu. f Ulu. Hnraine. are relieved ftl- mosttiMlantly by extern,,! application. Promptly mllflvea mil a nt Ku.n.. HralSa. ICvrnria. aids. Excoria. (Ions, ChaOngs. Old Hores. Hoils, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrests inflammation, reduces swell- Iuk. stops bleeding) removes discoloration sod final. nnMl. LADIES und It their best friend. Itastrjam hpala ranlrllv. lD1H. una It tneir oest mena. n aasuacree u palua to which they are peculiarly subjectr notabty fullneaa and pressure In the head, nausea, vertigo, etc. ll promptly amruuiaie. auu periniA- nentfy heals all kinds of inUammntions and lIr.OrtltH(iDB or PILES nnd In this the only Immediate relief and ultimate eure. No cose, how ever chrome or obstinate can long reaist It regu- VARICOSE YErNS. It la the only sore enre. llLKEDIKU from any eauae. r or this it Is a sped. fie It has saved hundreds of lives when all other . remedies failed to arrest bleeding trout nose, stomach, lungs. nd elsewhere. TOOTHACHE. Eurache, Neuralgia and jXneUluaiiaisi aiv tut tuiao icuom hv vt.eu permanently cured. . PHYSICIANS of all schools who are acquainted with Pond's Extract recommend It In their Rractlce. W e have letters of commendation from undreds of Physicians s many of whom order It Jor use Id their own practice- In addition to thi nnumlnir thev order I ts use f or Hwelli nes of all kinds. Quinsy, Sore Throat, InBamed Tonsils, simple and chronic Piarrhcea. Ca tarrh for whicn it is txi.nc, uaituialna, - VMAtaJ tTtt. fttlnns of Insects. Moaaal. tos. etc.. Chapped Hands, lfaee, sod Isduttd all manner of sklu atseases. TOILET USE. . Itemoves Soreness, Rough' uessand Sauartlngi ncaia (juts, Ki hi ... W 1 n 0 , heala lUlH. ruptious ss and re aud Pimples. It recicss, tctroratt snd rs- mie wuuuertuiij uuihwih proving the Con. To'pIllSfERS-Pencl'n Extract. No Btoek UreiiJi r. no Livery Man can afford to be without It. It la used by all the leading Llvorv stables, street Railroads snd first Horsemen in New York City. It baa no equal for Bpralna, Uarnesa or saddle ChannKS. 6llRneaa, Bora tehee, ewelllntra. Cuts, , "'.7ir lllnnL Pneuinenla. t'olle. Diar rhea, ChllU, folds. et. Its range ot action Is wide, and the relief It afford. Is so prompt tliat it is InvaTuable in every Farm-yard as well as in every arat-bouse. Let It be tried once sad von will CAUTION I Pond's Extract has been ImlUted. lite "euulne article has the words Pood's Ex- okVUvlwnisveyri Phvalclans. and tu toe hospitals ot this country Drrlk n V iToTOnd Use, of Pond's Exmtct. In V.T, ? f,Tr7ii aint free on eppllcetluo J NATURE'S REMEDVrX Tnc &nT Bipod Pumnerv' I A J I, 5WTMII mpk ncciSTtms JL L N POND'S EXTRACT. A lit I f yjinMM pnn-. ,. , . BAKING POWDER CO., H. T., sent b II, free of $5 to $20 Cfi a week In roar own town. OO free. H. H ALUiT . Terms snd Mlt o4t$ . Portland. Maine. Ol O n clay at nome. Airents wanted. Ontflt ar.H (jpXaW terms free. 1KUK k CO., Aimnta, Maine. y A fwerna fnr WnnthSntlnt finrti vorhi 40 designs. j .1 IZopost pald. J. i1V Uoiild, Boaton.Mats. riTTMO KEVOI.VKHM. Prlee Hat free, Address UUilJ Great Wrrtrn Hon Works. Pl'tshnrn, Pa, WJINTKD-I H Agents In errry Do , mnle oTfemaJe, 7T WB.fiO nrr dnr. I'natmaater.Weat BandlaK,l.Y. S400 a jniRrrn. ajeivtbwajt r,mrp :it ui inn iHlt'Mr vuvvww t?cd frr;salo(f. Van & Co.ChlcaRO S3 40I,D PLATED WATCHED. Cbeanetl In th. knows worn. Ramfib Watch t-'aaa to Aesars. Aneaaaa, A. COUI.TKI1 A OO., Ohicaoo, Iu. RFATTY C,n,",0rn,""," rwinokl BtartHn . , Orans.Hatop6V Pianos only llan. e.ri0. fllr. Free. Daniel F. Itutty, Washington, N.J. EI.Ef!THtr: BFl.TW for premature decay, th only centime. 3.IM each. Aeenta wanted. it. wdkha w. ZIKi R. 1 4th St., New York. NASBY. A norel hr this ce1ebratl Humorist, and e f ft h t other cbarmfmr atoriea. all for S.I eents. Address, Would cost fJ, no In book form. It I, A UK. Tolrrto, Ohio, $10 to $25 A WAV HVltE made bf Affents seDinffourOhromne Crnrons, Picture and Ohm mo Cords. I sample, worth sent, poet-paid, for 8J Cents. II tost rated Oataloirue frri. J. II ItoHinn. f KstahHshed 1WW. i ALSO, Old Brass Fenders, Bellows, Jamb Hooks, Tongs and Shovels. WILL PAY A LIBKRAL PRICE. Address, "Antiquarian," 8 Braltls Street. BosUin. Mass. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. Thtchoiettt hou$ehold ornament: Price One Dollar ach. Bend for eatatogu. JAMES li. OSGOOD & CO. nn BOSTON, MASS. $1-00 $1.00 KKKV HlltTr.-onl. ons qnahlr-The Bear. Uan be flniBhed as eaar aa hemminat a Uandkeroblef. The very beat, six for MT.OU. n.ip's uaaura fsnirts-made to mens are. - ' " . nun,. d-DIats Ooltar anif Shin. NamDlea wirh fnl aZL,. ."'i-.r. L"u"" anr DRrt Of the fTninn . .1 ' . . Sent Free to an? address. No stamp required. PHoL?"??11' th 'P Manufacturer "! "t Botto rrlcea. Keep Manniacta-ir'S: V , 1 A Mercer Rt.,N.1 Send for Reduced Price List of Mason Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. SKWand SPI.KNDlnSTVLRS: ritlf-KS RFnUCKn tfi to .-,( KAOH, THIS SIONTlf (NOV. 171). 'NOV. 1K7?). Il..7. V?i"v?A' "'V..'.'1 AN CO., CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having ro ceived from an Rant India mission ury the formula of m simple veffetable remedy for speedy and terinanent cure of ronevmption , bronchia, catarrh, a hma, and alt throat and lung affection; nlito a curt for nervous dr tt.lity and all nerrons complaint, after havinir testeil iti curat ire powers in thousands nf rws, tins felt it htn dutv to ronke it known to his suffering fellows. Actu r.td by a desire to relieve hnmitn suffering, I will send free to nil whodewire it.tliiti recipe in Hnnon, F"rench, or Kngtish, xrithj'ttll directions. Address. w th ftnmp, V.W.SuKUAn,l';6Pow?TV Hlowk.ltm'hester.N.V. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE rn ILLUSTRATED HISTORY rf The great riotS It contains a full sooonnt of the r1frn of terrerin PittPhureb, Brtltimrire, Chicftfro and other (Jitiea. The conflict letwpen the troops and the mob. Terrible oon I. erati'nH and destruction of proporty. Thrilling scenes tnd inciOents, eto.,eto. bond for a full description of tie work nnd onr extra terms to Agents. AanresB, national Prnt.iHHiNo Jo.. ijrnineinnm. ra.. A new Medical Treat! "Th SOIF.NCE OV JAVR, OR SELF PitEftKRVATIN, ft book for every mnn. Price sent by mail. Fifty orig-innl prewcrip tious,either one of which, worth fen timois the orico of the hook. (iolj Sfedal awarded the author. The B.mton HeruUl suye HEAL he Science of Ihe most extrairdin;irv work late is t ovnnd nil uninnsrknn on PhymoloKy ever pnLI.Hhed.' ajiub. r"ttmpnieiennree. au a gn. W H. PARKRR, No. 4 Dol&aoh Street, Boeion, Mass. THYSELF EVERETT HOUSE, Fronting Union Square, NEW YORK. Finest Location in the City. European PlanRestaurant Unsurpassed KF.RXF.R & WKA VEtt, Proprietor. BABBITT'S TOILET SO AP. UnrWallerl for the Toilet siii. the Bath No arliftcial aoU deceptive odors to cover common end deletcnoua lDrredl nU. After yvarsbf cteoti&c xpertiDtui Hi DjennfiKtorer ol B. T. Babbitt' Bm Ka.a TtarlKtetl ei.il rmw otur to tha Kblte The FINEST TOIVET HOAP In the World, liy (A h'iritt ittMtabl eia fd m itt manufacture. For Ue In the Nursery It has No Equal. Wonn teo timet tucvit to everv Riithr mad (amlly m ChrwULdoin. Saatn-t et-s. JooMtuiof i takut 4 oss. each, sent tn to qj a4 HWtw mv'piai i o ecru, n aurrm a. T. K BBBIT. Nsw York City. -vashbtirn & lYloen ManTg Co. wunttSTlR, MASS. Soli llaBatuttimt Exit at dungs, of A STEEL Thorn Hedira. V. w P.nnns - eheap or put up so quickly. Never rusts, stains, decays, shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected by fire, wind, or flood. A complete barrier to the most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast TWO THOUSAND TONS 80LD AND PUT UP DURINO THE LAST YEAR. For sale M the leading card ware stores, with, Stretcher and Staples. Send for illustrated Pamphlet TIIE GOOD OLD STAHD-DY. UEXtCM 1HSTAKG LIMEIT. FOB MAS AND BEAST. ESTeBLUBSD 35 Yeans. Always saves. Alway ready. Always bandy. Has nsvsr yet failed, rfttrty stllHeM Asm Imio1 it. .be whole world spprovss the glorionsoldMitstang--.the Beet and Cheapest lanimsot s exleteacs. Sft cents bottle. The Mustang I '"irrrrrt . mre when nothing slas will. BOIJ) BY ALL MKDIOTNB VBNDKR8. SflflDAL-VOOD A ooeiUvs remedy for all diseases of tha Kidney, Bladder snd Urinary Organs s tlao good in Droo leal Complaints. It nev produces sickness, is certain snd speedy la its action. It ia fast (nperssdiBg all other remedies. Blxty ca panics ours in six or days. No ethtr medieine can do this. Bewars ol Isnltatlona, tor, owing to' Us grea success. ninny bars beenoflered; some an snost.danger eua. oauaing uilea, etc OUMUAS UICK eV :0.S So, re. sale., eoatafautg Oil of tamialuvaj, tol oi mU dreg stores. i.i fur cirn,lor, r SMtt fat stts Is 31 sad M 1 7