The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 29, 1877, Image 3

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    GEO. A. HATIlnUN,
Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ya.
Omce in New Brick Building, Main 8t
Ridway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf.
Attornoys-nt-Lnw, Ridgway, Elk
County I'd. Ofllce across the hall from
the Democrat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
Jue. 15 '70.
CHARLES II OLE -Watchmaker,
Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Hidgwny, Pa. Agent for llio
flow Sewing Machine, and Morion Gold
ifa. llepairing Watches, etc, docewith
e tame aocurocy as heretofore. Satis
tact.isn guaranteed. vlnly
J, 0. . BAILEY,
vlnzo1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi
ient Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers iiis professional ser
vices to t lie oitizens of Hidgway ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly
G. G. MESSEAGEH, and Partnnceutist, N. W. cornet
of Main nnd Mill streets, ltidgway, Ta.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at 4ll hours, day or
night. vln3y
PliyRician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Uroud nnd
Main Sic. Residence corner Itioa.l St.
opposite the College. Oflice hours lrom
8 to 10 A. M. and lrom 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. B OR DWELL, M. D.,
Eolectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed his office from Centre street, to Mait St.
Ridgway. Pu in the second story of the
new brick building of John Q. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store,
Offieo hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M
RinnwAV, Elk Co., Pa
W. H. SCH RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for tho patronage heretofore
0 liberally bestowed upon hitn, tho new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a,-
toution to the comfort and convenience ot
'guests, to merit va continuance oi the
Oct 30 18G9.
IS. O. FA Y.
No 2C0 Walnut Place,
(310 Walnut .Street,)
M 41-ly
I'. W. II AYS,
Dry Goods, Notions, Grrceries.
and General Variety,
Slat lru i: O.
P. K. (JliESil.
Dealer in ail kind ofealiinet wnre,
Wood utlil i-ailo seat chairs, kitclii-ii
fttid cxtention tables, wood and mnrlilc
toi stHtidn, wood and marble top
bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses,
i aim marine top (-11:1111 1 ei suits,
mattresses, spring hod bottoms, bed
steads, cribs. Lafcrty's metal lined
wood pumps, ;., iU. Cane weals re
placed with perforated wood scats.
Weed sewing ln.ic-hhm iv,iw..,l f
$05 to $-15, the best machine in the
market, and picture frames mmle to
order. Alsou large assorted .stork of
ready made coffins cnnstuntlv on hand
anil trimmed at shortest notice. All
tile above good are sold ut panic prices.
Ware Rooms in masonic building.
luiorm me citizens ot Kitigway, ana
the public generally, that he lias
tinted a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon tho most
ruusuuuuie lerms.
" Way-He will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
Allordera left at the Post Office will
receive prompt attention.
Mala Street, Ridgway, Pa
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions
Constantly on hand, and sold as eheaD
County fjniecrg.
President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore
Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed.
Wcls, nnd Julius Jones.
Sheriff Daniel Scull.
Treasurer Jncob McCauley.
District Attorney C. II. M'Cauley.
Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon.
Prothonotary, &c Fred. Sehrening.
Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton.
Commissioners Michael Wedert, W,
H. Osterhout, George Reuscher.
Commissioners' Clerk W. H. Horton.
Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang
ler, George Rothrock.
Call at this office for writing paper
and envelopes.
ESTATE of John MTuskcr, late of Kox
township, Klk county, I'll., dccciiHcd. LET
linitili'd to tlio mlerHlLrnatl uion the mild c
tiitcnll personsv. inlcbieU to wild t-Kttite are
reiiueHtcd to fcuike payment, nnd tlioHe
linvlnx claims . prcsctit tliem for set
tlement. JACOH M'CAULKY, Adinr.
Lames' Shoes, Gaiters nnd Rub
bers, a large variety at P. & K's.
TI.e adrertiser, having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
by n simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means ot
cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a
copy of tbo proscription used, (free of
charge) with the directions for preparing
nnd using the same, which they will find a
Sums Cukb for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, kc,
Parties wishing the prescription will
please address, Hv. E. A. WILSON, 194
1'enn., Williatnsburgh, N. Y.
KEROSENE OIL 110 Fire Test
at I'Oc per Gallon. Diamond Head
Light Oil, at only 25o por Gallon at
the West End S r j r.
Applctou's American Cyclopedia.
Vol. 8 of this admirable work Is just
out, making it half complete, as there
are to belu in all, of 800 pages each,
one being issued in two months. It
makes 11 complete library, and 110 one
can n fiord to do without U who would
keep well informed. - Price $0,00 a vol
ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant
half Turkey. C. K. Judson. Fredonia,
X. Y., controls the sale in Elk county.
Address him for particulars.
sepl 7-t f
Winter is upon us, which is a re.
minder that you need an overcoat
M'AfTeo will make you one cheap
1)11 VAN 1) KE'S SULFfll'K SOAP.
I)K. VAN DYKE, whose life long
BJKOIALITV. and World Wide rpnnlnlinn fn
CUltl.NG SKIN DISEASES, has endeav
ored for veers to com dink an external
TtlKATM KNT. lie llBB aoCOHl lllislied liiill ,1i
sirable hkni-lt in the preparation of his
compound ''SULIMIUR SOAI'."
of which are spokeD of by thousands ; it is
uiguiy recnminentieil to all our reailerM
Price 2o Cei.tia Cake; n liox (inrce Cakes
OOCents. Sekt by M.ia,, (prepaid) ox
vkusm't or phick. iiniue, 00 6U1 St.
Wholesale Dki-ot, 400 N. 3d St. 1-hiladel-
pina, ra. Hold by DllUUGlST.
Go to POWELL & KIME for vom
Hour, feed and jiork, and everything
else in the provision line.
ing, also choice syrup always on bund
KIME'S are high to be sure; but still
area Ihtlecheuper ihun at uuy other
s ore in town.
(it POWELL & KIME'S, only eight
cents per. yard.
Meal. Oats, always on ha ml at
t'i JiJK A: KIME'S at bottom pri
All persons are hereby forbidden
selling goods to, or trusting any pel-son
on my account, without my written
order, as I will pay no debts thus con
tracted after this date.
Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly
MRS. J. R. KELT'S, Kersey, Elk
Co.. Pa., takes this method" of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk
county, that she has on hand an as
sortment of fashionable millinery
goods which will be sold cheap. Also
dressmaking in all its branches.
Agent lor l)r. J Jiail At Co's Patent
Ivory ami .Lignum itrc Eve Cuns.
Send for descriptive circular.
matoes. Cherries, and Plums at the
store of Powell & Kime.
Laws Relating to Newspaper Suhscrip
Hons and Arrearages.
1. Subscribers who do not give express
notice to the contrary, are considered wish
ing to continue their subscription.
2. If subscribers order the discontinu
ation of their periodicals, the publishers may
continue to send them until all arrearages
are paid.
S. ir subscribers neglect or refuse to
take their periodicals from the oflice where
they ar direcUd. they are held responsi
ble until they have settled their bills, and
ordered them discontinued.
4. If subscribers move to other daces
without informing the publishers, and the
papers are sent to the former direction.
tney are uem responsible.
6. The courts have decided that "refua.
ing to lake periodicals from the office, or re
moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is
prima facie evidence of intentional
fi. Any person who receives a newsnaner
and makes use of it. whether he has
ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub
7. If subscribers pay in advanoe. thev
are bound to give notice to the publisher at
the end of their time, iftheydonot wish to
continue taking it otherwise the publishers
are authorised to send it on, and the sub
scribers, will be held responsible uutil an
express notice with payment of all arrears,
sent to the publisher.
ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of
Ridgway township, Elk county, Pa ,
deceased. Letter of administration
having been granted to the under
signed upon the said estate all persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment, and those having
claims to present them for settlement-
n32t0 Executrix
ok ;
St. Mary's, Pa.
The largest agency lu cither Elk or
Its 'adjoining counties, representing
through his General Agents about 80
responsible and prompt loss paying
companies, among the principal ones
are the following:
Normi British mercantile:,
dross essets $32,533,612,
Asset orer $7,000,009.
Assets 4,ooo,(K)o
Assets $1,600,000.
Assets $A60o,ooo.
TRAVELERS, (Life nd AcnUlnnt) CONN.,
Assets $1,205,000.
commencing Monday, Sept. 24, 1877.
Mall East . 4:13 p m
" West 2:50 p 111
Day Express East 6:22 a m
Niagara Express West 8:22 p m
Mail East - 4:49 p m
Mail West 2:1!) p m
Day Express East 6:5(J a m
Niagara Express West 7:45 p 111
sr. mahv's.
Mail East f:18 p m
Mail West 1:57 p m
Day Express East 7:20 n 111
Niagara Express Went 7:18 p in
Township Officers.
Judge of Election G. It. Dixon.
Inspectors M. E. Lesser, 11. II.
Justices of the Peace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fullertou.
School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas.
Gardner. G. T. Wheeler, N. T. Cuni
mings, W. 3. Service, Eng. J. Miller.
Supervisors John Gulhack, Daniel
M'( invent.
Treasurer W. H. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Auditors Will Dickinson, James
Penlield, J. S. Powell.
Clerk M. S. Kline.
Constable Geo. 1). Messenger, Jr.
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 !-outh Third Street.
.Stocks end ISoix's Bandit aud -Sold on
Philadelphia, Nov., 2", 1877.
U. S. 18S1. c... Iloj in j
no ui) d.j j auu .1 hhi Kidl
ilo do hi do )ij o;ij
do do 'f8 do Ill lll
uu coujiou iusi JOJSj
do Pacific li's cy 1-11 123
New O's Reg. 18sl lot;! 107
" " C 1SR1 10i!j 107
" 4J, I'.eg lM'.il IO41 104
" c. IksiI m.-.i m.-.i
New 4'h lli'g. 1!07 102 I02I
, . o. i.'i;. 1113
Gold - loI 103
Pennsylvania.. 82J ))21
Kmding p,.! pli
i iiuiiui3ipiji:i r,no m
Leliigh Navightiou. Ink 1SJ
do Vuiley Ul 40
Uniied II R of N .1 ex. div..l20 121
Pittsburgh, T. k liiifflo it, R 85 '.
Nurilieru t.'eatrnl es. div lc.J- 17
t'euirai Tr4aiiortKtion aoj SI
NesciueUouing 4k 4k),
Iiortu t ciniBjlvgiiiA, 3(j
At the millinery establishment of
Mrs. N. T. Cummings, the ladies of
Ridgway and vicinity will find a large
assortment of fashionable hats
feathers, etc. Hats pressed over at
reasonable ra tes and at short notice
Rooms over R. I. Campbell's Store
Main Street. Give her a call.
Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins
wanted at 42 Main Street.
a nice little assortment, at
Admlulst raters' Notice.
ESTATE or Jacob Oval, late of Jny twp
Elk county. Ph., deceased. LETTERS TEST A
JIKSTAltV, liuvlng been granted to the un
dersigned upou the said estate nil perNuns
Indebted to said estate ure requested to iniike
payment, and those haviiig;cIniuiH to present
tlu'iu lor settlement.
Paier Rags taken in exchange for
goods 42 Main Street.
lV-' v or (Secrets of f.ovo. Coiii t-
Hhlp and Marriage Showing how to itet mar
ried, live happily obtain health, wealth unci
distinction. iuid r.imear to advanhii'e Inns
clety ZUUpanres 3uu,0U0 sold. Mailed for lucU..
In l'ostuiie Stamps or Currency. Address,
Newark, X. J.
f.iibibieu Alio riiiuiug ,11 uie rtuviour ill llio
Teniulo" with tho W'URIvIN'ti CU1IKI!1I
A 'U l'uge Religious r'amily Newspaper, de
voted to Household the Sunday (school, Music
and General Church Work.- Ou 3 month's
trhil for Zicts. AGTS. WANTED. Adilniu.
J. ii. BHEWER, 7 t V Wurruu St., New York.
A the time nooroachcg for the renewal of
subscriptions, 'i'llK Hl'N'WuuUl remind ita
Iilendd and wellwishen) everywhere, that it Is
again a candidate lor their consideration aud
support. Upon 1U record for the past ten
yeuru itrellc for a coutiiiuauce of the hearty
sympathy and geiierouM co-operation which
have hitherto burn cxtcuded to Ufroin every
quarter of tbo Union.
The Huily Sua Is a four pnpe-shect of 28
columnM, price by mall, pott paid, oj cents a
month, or Sti.M ;er year.
The Sunday edition of The Run Is an eight
page sheet of 6tf columns. While giving the
uews of the day, it also contains a large
amount of literary and miscellaneous matter
especially prepared for It. Thesuniiay Sun
has met with great success. Post paid (1.20 a
liic iveeEiy sun.
Who does not know THE WEEKLY fir T
It circulates throughout tho United State
the C'Hiiadus. aud beyond. Ninety thousand
fiim!l1.,u irr,et. IIM weieollie llMlfeM weekly Hlld
regard it In the lightof guide, counsellor, and
friend. Its new, editorial, agricultural, and
litjarui'v .iMtuiriinntM limke it esmutially a
Journal lor the family aud the fireside.
Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid, luii
price, quality coiislderea, inKae 11 iu eiietip
est newspupor published. Kor clubs of ten,
with luouh. we will send an extra copy free.
Addresn PUBlUtJi OF THE SII.V,
New York City.
State Sates.
There art about 2,500 adults in Reading
who cannot write.
A well In Crawford county is produoing
what the operator! believe to be refined oil.
The Reading railroad paid out $85,000
In the ooal regions the other day.
A lad whose name U unknown died in
the ears between Fittsburg and Greens
burg a few days ago. '
During the month of October $1,230,'
410 worth of merchandise was imported
into (he port at Philadelphia. .
Mrs. Qirton, of Shamokin, gvre birth to
triplets recently. She had previously had
twins on three oocasions.
A little boy a Blalrsville upset a dishpan
filled with hot water. He was so severely
scalded that he died next morning.
The nail works at Birdsboro, Berks
county, are now turning out 825 kegs of
nails a day, and there is ready sale for
A society for the protection of fish and
game has been organized at Titusville.
The Hon. Samuel Minor was chosen presi
dent. A child at Ashland, fell from a chair on
a stove and wns roaited to death, The
child was found burned to a crisp, on the
Last Monday the Bethlehtm iron com
pany started six of the furnaces in their
puddling mill at South Bethlehem. They
have been idle for two months.
Pr. Schmauser, a well kniwn German
physician of Allegheny, is under arrest for
abortion. Jennie Hamilton charged him
with the crime on her deathbed.
Mrs. Henry Miller, of Orbiionia, Hunt
ingdon county, fatally cut het throat with
a penknife a few days ago. Tke suicide is
attributed to temporary insanity.
Rev. Lymon D. Coleman, D. D., who is
in his 82d year, still performs the duties of
his profession nt Lafayette college. He
was a tutor in Yale College half a century
Near Somerset the other dar, Samuel A .
Wilt, while digging a post bole accidentally
struck upon a large enrthen vessel which
contained $2,700 in gold and silver coins,
principally Mexican dollars. The date of
tho newest coin is 1751.
Hiram and William Rupert, cousins,
aged respectively fifteen and sixteen years,
of South Bend township, Armstrong
county, were killed almost instantly, while
digging coal by tho falling of a piece of
slate, measuring about fifteen feet square.
Mrs. Kraemcr, of Auburn, wife of the
canal boat captain who was drowned above
Rending, on hearing the news of the death
of her husband immediately fainted, re
mained in a comatose state, and in a few
hours was dead. She leaves five children.
.J. A. Mnginn, a prominent lawyer of
Chester, Pennsylvnnia, has been placed
under arrest, being charged with making
false entries in the books of the Chester
and Upland Building Association while
secretary. It Is said he has defaulted in
the amount of several thousand dollars.
Nine of the late wrecked engines on the
Philadelphia and Erie railroad are being
repaired at the Renovo shops. Ten of
thoso burned at Pittsburgh during the
riots aro also being repaired. The shops
are running full time with a full comple
ment of men.
The capital stock of the Pittsburgh and
Erie railroad company has been incieased
from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Two
thousand hands are now at woik on tho
road between Pittsburgh, Pa-, and Toungs
town, Ohio, and rapid progress is being
made upon the work.
It is stated that Martin V-Turner who
was tried some time ago in Clearfield and
convicted of murder in the first degree, a
Mrs. Waples, his alleged paramour, being
the victim, will be able to establ ish an alibi
before the board of parduus at its next
Judge Handlcy disposed of 300 cases on
the argument list in the Wilkcsbarre court,
100 certiorari cases and 10 criminal cases
during last week, besides tho usual routine
of business which falls to the lot of a judge
sitting on the bench during the sessions of
the court.
At Beaver Falls on Wednesday a man by
the name of James V. Blackmore attempted
suicide by cutting his throat with a razor.
His injuries are severe but not necessarily
fatal. Blackmore was seventy-two years of
age. No motive is assigned for tho act,
The number of executions filed in the
common pleas court of Philadelphia indi
cate that the sheriff's sales on the first
Monday in December will embrace a larger
amount of properties thau the sale at the
beginning of this month, when tbey num
bered over 1,500.
Isaao Crider, a young man of Clinton
county, fatally shot himself while return
ing from a pheasant hunting expedition
His gun was discharged while he was in
the act of removing it from the wagon to
shoot a pheasant near by, the hammer
catching in the bed of the wagon.
The coming report ot the Philadelphia
olty controller will place the value of tax
able property in that city for the coming
year at $580,000,000 being about $14,000,.
000 lets than the present year's valuation.
He believes the tax for next year can be
afely fixed at $2,25.
Aloys Smith, of Erie county, in a fit of
rage discharged a gun at his son. There
was only a wad in the gun, but it tore the
flesh, fibres and muscles fearfully. The
father bad been drinking hard cider dur
ing the day and is supposed to have been
intoxicated. He threatens to commit sui
cide if he is arrested.
Mr. Phillip Persing, the oldest citizen
of the borough of Shamokin, died in that
place last week, at the age of 101 years, 8 1
months and 10 days. He was a native of
New Jersey, and removed to Shaaokin
township when he was thirty years of age,
residing in Irish valley. Four sons sur
vive him, the eldest of whioh is seventy
five years and the youngest fifty. three.
Three of the gang concerned in the out.
rage oa Mrs. Estes at Waterford, have
been eonvioted. While the people of that
section may not approve of her conduct,
they do not propose (0 have her punished
by Ku Klux mob. j
Court Proceedings.
Court culled at GJ o'clock P. M Mori
day, November 19, 1877. The Hon. L
D. Wetmore, and Julius Jones and
Geo. Ed. Wels, Associate Judges,
present. Court adjourned to 8 o'clock,
A. M. Tuesday, Nov. 20. On Tuesday
November 20, court called, present
same as yesterday, as also, M. L. lloss,
crier, H. II. Wensel.Tipstaff, Weed,
Stenographer, C. H M'Cnuley, Dis
trict Attorney, and Fred Schoenlng,
Prothonotary. Court adjourned daily
from 12 P. M. to 2 P. M. and from 7
o'clock P. M. to 8 o'clock A. M.
Court adjourned on Saturday until
the 8d Monday in December at 6
o'clock P. M.
Attorncyt Prctcnt. Messrs. W. W.
Ames, Jno. G. Hall, C. H. M'Cnuley,
Henry Souther, J. O. W. Uailey, It.
Lucore, II. M. Powers, W. S. Ham
blen, II, Krown, Geo. A. Jenks, Geo.
A. Rnthbun.
James Thomas vs. T. IJ- Winslow
et al. Motion for judgment against
garnishee for amount admitted to be
due and rule to show cause granted.
Hull & Ame.9 for deft. Stricken off.
Tho county of Elk vs. Joseph Wind
felder. Petition of County Commis
sioners to open judgment and rule to
show cause granted. Hall A M'Cnuley
for county ; Bailey nnd Barrett for
Windfelder. Ames for bail of Wind
felder. In the matter of the Petition of
Trimble, Dritton and Wainwright to
strike off satisfaction against Miles
Dent. Hall and Ames for Petitioners;
Hall and M'Cnuley for Dent.
Commonwealth vs. Amanda Trum
blc. Motion to compel sentence of
court and rule to show cause granted
J. K. P. Hall for defendant. For argu
ment. In the matter of the petition of H. W.
Earley for mandamus against County
Commissioners. Itulo to show cause
why a mandamus should not issue to
compel County Commissioners to hear
an appeal. Lucore and Hamblen for
petitioner; Hall and M'Cnuley for
County Commissioners. Continued.
In the matter of the petition of the
Overseers of Poor of St. Mary's for dis
charge of M. Gregor, a lunatic now of
Dixuiout Hospital, Hall and Ames for
Petitioners. Petition for discharge
and rule to show cause granted.
John Wainwright, Admr. of Cor
nelius Wainwright deceased vs. Wm.
H. Johnson and Newton Johnson.
Trespass Q. C. F Cutting timber con
trary to act of March 29, 1824 ; Dama
ges $2000. Not guilty. Hall and M'
Cnuley for defendant. Itathbun for
plaintiffs. Verdict for the plaintiff in
the sum of one hundred and seventy
live dollars.-
Jacob 11. Walter, Trustee, C. R.
Earley, P. G. Hite and W. It. Biickell
vs Thomas L. Kane, and Ida Ander
son. Ejectment for warrant No. 4112
in Jones Township. Lucore and
Hamblen, aud Hall and M'Cauley for
defendants. Kathbuu for plaintiff
Verdict for all the land described in
the plaintiffs' writ except 50 acres.
Charles Webb vs. Simon T. Romig.
Assumpsit, damages $100. Itathbun.
for plaintiff; Hall aud Ames for de
fendant Continued.
W. B Kunkel vs. C. R. Earley. As
sumpsit, damages $1500. Rathbun for
plaintiff. Lucore nnd Hamblen for
defendant. Discontinued,
Barbara EcUl widow of Bernard
Eekl, deceased, vs. Edward Babel.
Hall anil Ames for plaintiff, Rathbun
for defendant. Stricken off before
the term.
A. L. Stout, W. M. Willis and John
Temple partners doing business as
Stout, Willis aud Temple vs. Ralph
Johnson admr. of Cornelius Wain
wright, deceased. Trespass on tho
case upon promises, damages $290.
Itathbun for plaintiffs, Hall and M'
Cauley for defendant Appearance
withdrawn and judgment in favor of
Michael Sheehan vs. Joseph B. Pow
ers. Trespass Q. C. F. Hall and M'
Cauley for plaintiff; Rathbun for de
fendant. Discontinued by consent
N. M. Brock way vs. J. S Hydeet al
Trespass, damages $30,000. Lucore
and Hamblen for plaintiff; Hall &
M'Cauley for defendant. Stricken
off before the term.
James H. Hagerty vs. Walter Bryant
and Daniel Euwer, doing busiuess as
Bryant and Euwer. Hall and M'
Cauley for plaintiff; Rathbun aud
Jenks for defendants. Verdict for the
plaintiff in the sum of eight hundred
and eighty-four and eighty one
hundredth doltars ($884.80.)
John W. Briggs, now for use vs. R.
I. Campbell, administrator of Thomas
Campbell deceased. Hall and M'
Cauley for plaintiff, Rathbun for de
fendant Strieked off.
Geo. Dickinson, and Esther Jane
Dickinson, his wife, vs. Fred. Wil
ruarth and H. M. Rolfe. Ejectment
for three tracts land in Ridgway
township. Hall and Ames for plain
tiffs; Henry Souther for defendant
Verdict for the plaintiff the laud de.
scribed in the writ to be released on
the payment of eight hundred twenty
three and eighty-two one-hundedths
dollars ($822.82) to be paid in t wo pay
ments, one-half in six months and
one-half in one year with Interest from
date. .
Rachel Gross et al. va C. R. Earley
Rathbun for plaintiff; Lucore and
Hamblen for defendant. Settled.
The township of Ridgway vs V. S.
Wheeler, Robt. I. Campbell and Isaao
Horton. Debt. Damages $6000. Hall
and M'Cauley for township ; Rathbun
for Campbell. Continued.
C. H. M'Cauley vs. Patrick Lamb
and C. It. Earley. Record from Justi
ces Fullerton and Mead, involving
possession of 50 acres of land In Fox
township. Hall and M'Cauley for
plaintiff, Lucore and Hamblen for de.
fendants. Continued.
Solomon S. Johnson vs. Janette C.
Houk. Lucore fe Hamblen for plain
tiff; Hall & M'Cauley for defendant
John Tudor and his wife Elizabeth
Tudor now for use of the Overseers of
Poor of the District of Fox vs. Peter
Hollobaugh. Hall and M'Cauley for
plaintiffs; Lucore and Hamblen for
defendant Continued.
Commonwealth vs Martin Ilerbtritt,
Anthony Krleg and Geo Krlcg. An
mult and Battery. A trae bill Ver
dictthe defendants not guilty and
costs to be equally divided between
Daniel Cain, and the defendants.
Sentenced accordingly.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Hanes.
Assault and Battery A true bill
Verdict Defendant guilty of assault
and battery, that he pay two-thirds
the cost and the prosecutor, Phillip
Wilhelm, to pay one-third the cost.
Sentenced accordingly.
Com vs Marshall J Earley Assault
and Battery. Misdemeanor a true
bill. JS'ot.. 2ro8. refused and bail of
defendant and surety taken for np
pearance of defendant at next term.
J. H. Hagerty surety.
Com vs Geo R Woodward, misde
meanor A true bill JS'ol. pros, en
tered upon payment of costs.
Com vs John Nolan. Assault and.
Battery. Not a true bill, the prosecu
tor John Pulso to pay the costs
amounting to $13,02 Sentenced ac
cordingly. Com vs John Pulso Assault 'and
Battery. Not a true bill and prosecu
tor John Nolan to pay the costs,
amounting to $14,42. Sentenced ac
cordingly. Com vs G A Jacobson Selling
Liquor contrary to Law. Not a true
bill and the prosecutor Alfred Oberg
to pay the costs.
Com vs Patrick GorTUman Defend
ant committed to county jail for
threats to do injury and carrying con
cealed ivcapons. A true bill. Verdict
Defendant not guilty on first count
and on second count guilty of simple
assault and battery. Sentenced to
pay a fine of twenty-live dollars ($25)
and costs, and stand committed, &c.
Tho Prothonotary directed to issue
venires for 24 Grand Jurors and 30
Traverse Jurors in court of Quarter
Sessions, und 30 Traverse Jurors in
the cotirt of Common Pleas to be in at
tendance ut January Term and ses
sions 1S78.
The court ordered that the number
of Jurors to serve in the several courts
of Elk county to be selected by the
Jury Commissioners and placed in the
wheel shall be 400.
Report of Viewers in the matter of
vacating a portion of the old Ridgway
and Whistlctown road being that por"
tion between Elk creek nnd Eagle
Valley Mill dam in Ridgway town
ship: "We, the viewers appointed by
tho nnnexed order of court, to view
the road therein mentioned, to-wit :
All that part of a public road leading
from the Grist Mill of J. S. Hyde in
Ridgway township to tho Whistlctown
mills in said township, between Elk
creek near said grist mill and the
point where it is crossed by the route
of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Mary.s
State Road, near tho Eagle Valley
mill dam, do report that in pursuauco
of the said order, after due timely no
tice to J. S. Hyde and W. H Osterhout
the owners and occupants of the land
through which said road passes, and
also to Daniel M'Govern nnd John
Gulnack, supervisors of said township,
and also public notice by written
hand bills posted in the most con
spicuous places near the said road, at
least ten days before, when and where
we would meet for the purpose of mak
lug said view, we have viewed that
part of tho said road shown In the
draft hereto annexed, and that the
same is, in our opinion, useless, in
convenient and burdensome, that is
to say all that part between Elk creek
near the grist mill of J. S. Hydo and
tho point where the same is crossed by
the route of tho Kane Ridgway and
St, Mary's State Road.
Witness our hand this 19th day of
November, A. D. 1877,
B. F. ELY V Viewers
Report of viewers approved.
Report of the viewers on the road to
lead from the St. Mary's and Olean
Road near Adam Pistner's to the.Miles
burg nnd Smethport Turnpike near R.
Brown's place. "Tho undersigned
persons appointed by the within order
of court to view anil lay out the said
road therein named respectfully re
port That having been present at the
view of the ground proposed for such
road and having been first sworn ac
cording to law, in pursuance of said
order we have viewed and laid out
and tlo return for public use the fol
lowing road to-wit: Beginning at
the terminus of a road leading from
St. Mary's and Olean road near the
farm of Adam Pistner (or the south
east corner of R. W. Brown's land;)
thence through said Brown's land
north thirty-four degrees west for
sixty and one-quarter of a rod to a
post; thence north thirty-nine degrees
and thirty minutes west for fourteen
and one-half rods to a post ; thence
north forty-two degrees west for fifty
eight rods to the intersection of
Smethport aud Milesburg turnpike,
being in length one hundred and
thirty-two and three-quarters of a rod.
The said road is partly on improved
land and runs along an old road
which was granted by the Court and
used for several years, in fact, uutil
Mr. Brown got up a petition and had
the said road vacated. A plot or draft
of said road and land is hereunto an
nexed which said road so as aforesaid
laid out we are of tho opinion Is neces
sary for publio road. Ten days u-
tice was given County Commissioners,
to the owners nnd occupants of land
through which the contemplated roai
might pass, of the timethe viewers
would be there, and Mr. It. Brownllie
owner of the land, attended. We en
deavored, but failed, to procure writ
ten releases from R. W. Brown, and
nssesed his damages accurlng to him
through this road (two and one-half
acres) (& $50.00. Fencing of 2G4 rodsi
$1.00 per rod. total $380.00. We
asked him to sign release for thin
amount which the said Brown de
clined to do, on the ground the dama
ges were not assessed high enough.
Witness our hands and seals the
12th of October A. D. 1S77.
Report approved.
The report of tho viewers on a rond
to lead from the mouth of Wynkoop
Run to a road near Adam Ziinmer
niann's. In this case the road was
laid out by the viewers, who make a
long report with more turns in it than
in the Shawmut R. R. and W'hithal so
lengthy nnd uninteresting that we do
not give It entire. The road Is 3 4 5
miles or 20,000 feet in length and the
owners claim no damages and none
was demanded. Report approved.
In the matter of the public road to
lead from the public road near tho
Joseph Rogers farm in Fox township
to intersect tho Boon's Mountain road
near the Hollobaugh farm in Fox
township. The viewers report favora
bly to having the road opened 50 feet
wide, ns near the route the petitioners
request as to do the least damage to
private property. Report approved.
THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1877.
We give tho court proceedings
In full this week.
There will be a social dance at
Maginnis' Hall this evening.
The Ptttsburgh Telegraph has been
enlarged to a nine-column paper.
Oyster, Kime aud Burke men buy
their Stoves and Tin Ware at 42 Main
The time of the local freight at
Ridgway Station is, going west 2:55 P.
M. nnd going east 8.15 A. M. Tho
train has a passenger coach attached.
A snow storm prevails here this
morning, and the outlook seems to be
that winter has at last come to stay,
and no more foolin' alio u t it either.
The steamer Huron was wrecked
on the 24th Inst., off the Coroliulti
coast and more than one hundred per
sons perished.
A fire nt Emporium on Monday
evening last destroyed the Cook block
in which the Cameron Press ofllce was
A Farmer's Papeb. We ask atten
tion to the card of The Practical
Farmer In this issue of our paper,
and recommend It as one of the oldest
nnd most valuable agricultural and
family papers of the country.
Supt Dixon has mado arrange
ments to have a car attached to a pusher
on the night of the lecture at St. Mary's,
during institute week. This will en
able those, who wish to attend tho
lecture, to leave here on mail east and
return between ten and eleven o'clock
on the special. Excursion tickets will
be issued, and and a reduction made
on tickets to the lecture to excursion
ists. Mack Kime, a son of John R.
Kime's, is lying in a critical condition
at present from the effects of an acci
dental gun-shot wound which he re
ceived in the foot a week or so ago.
Mack, and several other boys, were
out hunting, and on returning home
Thomas Malone, who was carrying the
gun, accidentally discharged the piece
by falling, when tho bullet, a large
sized one, struck young Kime in the
foot causing an ugly wound. Erysipe
las has sat In, and it may yet end in
the loss of his leg, if not his life.
Institute Kotes.
Arrangements are made for
thorough Instruction in all the com
mon school branches. Work was the
motto last year and it will be emphati
cally tho motto this year. Teachers
will be required to take front seats and
thoso who came to take back scats
last year and giggled instead of work
ing will be looked after. A teachers'
institute is not intended for a place of
amusement, but a place for practical
work. Tho day sessions will be longer
than ever before and they will be hard
working sessions too. Thursday after
noon tho directors ought to meet with
the teachers at which time the follow
ing questions will be discussed.
"The, Employment of Teachers"
opened by Col. J. L. Brown.
"The Essentials of School Buildings
aud Surroundings," opened by G. C.
Brandon, Esq.
"How to Improve our Common
Schools?" opened by D. B. Winslow.
At some time during the week Dr.
J. 1$. Sterley, will deliver an address
on "School I!oo7)i Hygiene.
Besides the lecturers during the
evening sessions, there will be discus
sions on the following subjects Mon
day evening. Tho Object and Sphere
of Publio Schools, opened by J. B.
Johnson. Tuesday evening, What Is
the education most needed by the
American People? opened by W. H.
Prideaux. Wednesday evening,
Modes of Creating and Strengthening
School Sentiment, opened by W. W,
Ames, Esq. We understand that the
St Mary's people provide an orchestra'
of several pieces aud will furnish vocal
music. .