LIFE IS COLORADO. The Invigorating nnd Clear Attnoaphrre A Traveler' Morning Walk-tilmnte and Health Proprrlle. From a Colorado correspondent of the New York Tribune, who dates his letter fit Dfinvftr. va irn.fl ltVIP 4.1m tnl 1 rmri n ft 4n tereoting particulars of the climate and ntl.- 1! !1! J1 m , 1 ui jitjr pocuiinriupH 01 me cate last ad mitted to the Union : Praises and de- RCrintinllH nf finlnriwlfl ami ifa enanavn luive been so profusely distributed through the newspapers and magazines i me I'jiiHiumo 11 is unnecessary to re peat them here. The attractions and Wonders of the Rtntn nro rortirinl numerous and notable, and, once at Denver, may be reached in every direct ion with little trouble and at moderate expense. The one omnipresent fact which Impresses itself most sharply upon the senses of the visitor for the first time is the wonderful purity and clearness of the atmosphere. The great mevauon 01 tue wnoie plateau ot the eastern section of t,li Ht.ntA i ble in ascent from the East, and the limited proportion ot moisture in the rare and dry climate, combine to pro duce the lllUIRIinl find rpmnrlrnlilo nflVnfa The pulse is quickened, the breathing nuvrwueu kuu a general impetus auu acceleration is given to all the bodily forces. Denver is 5,000 feet above the sea level, iuanitou ana Idaho, the principal Bummer resorts, from 1,000 to 2,000 feel higher; while Wagon-Wheel Gap.away in the southern port of the State, and rapidly increasing in popularity, is 9,000 feet above the sea, and within half a mile of the timber-line on the lofty moun tains which confront it. At Colorado Springs, Beventy-five miles south of this fifr tliAvr nlinn l.'l.l. 1 -.11 . V tucj J KJ LI U 11111(3 UlllllJ HUUr the town christened " Mount Washing ton," because its elevation is exactly that of the monarch of the White Mountains, and yet a child could ascend this western mound without stopping for breath. All accustomed and habitual notions of dis tance brought hither from the East are worse than useless in this rare and trans parent atmosphere. From the windows of Denver the Rocky Mountains look not more than five miles distant, and an eastern tourist, lately arrived, remarked to his friends the other evening that he believed he could walk out to the moun tains the next morning and return before breakfast. He was permitted to depart, as he had annonnoid, and after an hour or two a carriage was dispatched to over take and bring him in. The exhausted pedestrian was found partially undressed on the edge of one of the little irrigating ditches, two or three feet wide, which in tersect the fields in every direction, and when asked what he intended to do, answered that he "proposed to swim that river." "Why don't you jump across ?" " How do I know but it's half a mile wide ?" answered the tired and disgusted traveler, who will not soon re peat his experiment of walking twenty miles and back before breakfast. Through this clear atmosphere the sun at noon casts a shadow as sharp and clearly defined as that of a calcium light on a white screen, and when the moon shines o'nights the honest men of Denver may be sought without the aid of street lights or lanterns. All street lamps are lighted and extinguished with reference to the rising of the moon in stead of the Betting of the sun. An even temperature and an equable climate are of course consequences of the location and surroundings of Colorado. During the summer months the midday heat, even in town, is not oppressive, the nights being always comfortable ; while in the mountains blankets are the rule at night the year round. Excessive cold in winter is unknown, and the great stock raisers compel their herds to feed and protect themselves almost as completely in winter as in summer. Of the sanitary advantages of the State, more than enough has already been written. Fully one-half of the residents from the East ern States came here for their health and found it ; those who were not so suc cessful in the quest are naturally not here to be inquired of. Calling to see a classmate, I learned that he had been dead for months, though in the next breith I was assured that had he not come to Colorado his heirs would have collected his lifo insurance umch eirlier possibly before the courts and receiver gathered in the effects of the company. From a somewhat careful observation I should say that Denver has its full pro portion of physicians, undertakers ami marble-cutters, all apparently busy and well-to-do. That pulmonary troubles in their early stages are removed by resi dence in Colorodo is indisputable, while rheumutio and nervous affections are established and confirmed by the dry, tenBe atmosphere is equally well known and conceded by its numerous sufferers. Randolph and the Landlord. John Randolph was traveling in a part of Virginia with which he was unac quainted. In the meantime he stopped during the night at an inn at the forks of the road. The innkeeper was a fine old gentlemen. Knowing who his dis tinguished guest was, he endeavored to draw him into conversation, but failed in all his efforts. But in the morning when Mr. Randolph was ready to start, he called for his bill, which, on being presented, was paid. The landlord, still anxious to have some conversation with him began as follows : "Which way are you traveling Mr. Randolph ?" "Sir," said Mr. Randolph, with a look of displeasure. " I asked," said the landlord, " which way you were traveling." " Have I paid my bill 1" "Yes." " Da I owe you anything more ?" "No." " Well, I am going just where I please do you understand ?" The landlord by this time got some what excited, and Mr. Randolph drove off. But to the landlord's surprise, the servant returned to inquire which of the forks of the road to take. Randolph not being out of hearing distance, the landlord spoke at the top of his voice : " Mr. Randolph you don't owe me a cent ; just take which road you please." Grain, and Produce Sent Abroad. Eighty-nine vessels sailed from New York in one week,recently,with consign ments of grain, seventy-seven of which carried 2,401,971 bushels of wheat. Of this amount 227,480 bushels went to Liverpool ; 114,032 bushels to London ; 86,605 bushels to Glasgow j 94,975 bush els to Dublin ; 53,906 bushels to Southampton 186,044 bushels to Rot terdam, and 137, 776 bushels to Antwerp. Other exports were 03 follows : Corn, 167,774 bushels ; flour, 28,846 barrels ; rye, 75,879 bunhels ; barley, 85,366 bush els ; peas, 17,898 bushels ; oil cake, 8,354 bags, nnd 710 barrels ; cheese, 10,461 cases ; bacon, 5,536 tierces ; lard, 4,81)4 tierces, and 2,202 small packages ; beef, 1,806 barrels ; pork, 712 tierces; tallow, 1,555 barrels ; butter, 1,795 packages ; tobacco. 1,795 hogsheads ; cotton, 9,606 bales, hope, 2,995 bales, F0RTT.FIFTH C03GRESS. Nenate. Rcpnlillimn In Roman; Democrat! In .mall cap,. The year before etch Senator'! name ahowa when bia time expirea. ALABAMA, 1870. Geo E Spencer Ibid. JOHK TJMOROAH AltKANSAB 1B7B. 8 W Dorse j 1883. A II GAm.AKD CAi.ironmA. JS79. An ron A Sargent 1881. Newton Uootli COLORADO, 1881. IB Chaffee 188J. Henry M Teller conkkctiout. 1878. Wm 11 Barnum 1981. Wm W Eatom dfxawarb. 1879. TBoa P Bayard 1(81. Eli Raui.sbuby FLORIDA. 1879. 8 B Oonorer 1841. CHAnLia W Jon 8 GEORGIA. 1S79. JOHN B OoRDOH 1883. Benj H Bill ILLINOIS. 1879. R J Oglcaby 1883. David DaTia INDIANA. 1879. 1881. J E McDonald iowa. 187.'. Wm B Alllnou 1883. 8 J Klikwood KANSAS. 1879. John 4 Installs 1883. Preston B Plumb KKNTUCRT. 1879. Thos C McCrkery 1883. James B Bcck LOUISIANA. 1879. (Vacanrr) 1883. W P. Kellogg MAINE. 1879. Hannibal Hamlin 1881. James a. Blaine MARYLAND. 1879. Geo B Dennis 1881. W. P. Whyte MASSACHUSETTS. 1881. Henry L Dawea 1883. George F Hoar MICHIGAN. 1881. I. P. Clirlstlancy 1883. Thomas w. Ferry M1NNEBOTA. !8S1. B. J. R. McMillan 1883. William Wiudom Mtasissipn. 1881. Branch R Brnos 1883. LQO Lama MISSOURI. 1R'.9. D H ARMSTRONG 1881. F M OOCKRELL NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1879. II Warllelgh 1889, E H Rollins NEW JERSEY. 1881. T F Randolph 1883. J R McPherbon NEW YORK. 1879. Roecoe Con kiln 1881. Francis Kkrnan nebraska. 1881. A 8 Paddock 1883. Alvln Saunders NEVADA. 1879. John P Jones 1881. William Sharon NORTH CAROLINA 1879, A 8 Merrimon 1883. Mat w Ransom OHIO. 1879. Stanley Matthews 1881. A U Xhnrman OREGON. 1879. John H Mitchell 1883. L F Groveb PENNSYLVANIA. 1879. D 0 Cameron 1881. Wm A Wallace RHODE ISLAND. 18S1. A E Burnside 1883. H. B. Anthony SOUTH CAROLINA. 1879. J J Patterson 1883. D T Corblu TENNESSEE. 18S1. James E Bailey 1881. Ibham O. Harris TEXAS. 1881. 8 B Maxey 1483. Richard Coke VERMONT. 1979. Justin S Morrill 1881. Geo F Edmonds VIRGINIA. 1881. Rob't E Withers 1883. J W Johnston wrst virginia. 1881. Frank Hereford 1883. Henry G Davis WISCONSIN. 1879. Tim O Howe 1841. Angus Cameron House of Representative!. The following is the list of the Members of tha new House of Representatives as presented by Clerk Adams. Republicans are In smsll caps and Democrats In Roman, there being 139 of the former and 15 of the latter, with no name on the roll for Colorado and the Third Missouri District : M AINB. 1. Thos B Reed 4. Llewellyn Powers a. Wm P Frye 5. Eugene Hale 3. Stephen D Unrbey NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1. Frank Jones 3. Henry W Blair 2. Jas F Bmoos Vermont. I 3. Geo W Hendee 1. Char H Joyce 2. DCDknnibox MASSACHUSETTS. 1. Wm H Cbapo 2. Ben W Harris 8. W A Field . Leopold Morse 6. N. P. Banks 6. Geo B Lorinci 7. B F Butler 8. Wm Claflin 9. Wm W Rice 19 Amasa Norcrosh 11. Geo B Robinson RHODE ISLAND. 1. Benj T Eames I 2. Latimer W Ballou Connecticut. 1. George M Landers 8. John T Wait 2. James Phelps 4. Levi Warner NEW 1. Jatnea W Covert 2. William D Veeder 3. S B Chittenden 4. fArchibald M Bliss 6. Nicholas Muller 6. Samuel S Cox 7. Anthony EickhoiT 8. Anson G McCook 9. Fernando Wood 10. Abram 8 Hewitt 11. Bcnj A Willis 13. ClarkBO.i N Potter 13. John H Ketchum 14. George M Beebe YORK. 18. A. Williams 19. A B James 20. John H Htaiiin 21. Solomon Bundy 22. Geo A Baoley 23. Wm J Bacon 24. Wm H Baker 25. Frank Hiscock 20. John H Camp 27. E G Lapham 28. J W Dwioht 29. J N Hunoebford 30. E Kirke Hart 31. C B Benedict 32. D N Lockwood 33. G W Patterson 16. S L Maybam 16. lerrence J (Juino 17. M I Townsend NEW JERSEY, 1. C H SlNNICKSON 2. John Howard Pugh 6. Augustus W Cutler 6. Thomas B Peddie 7. A A Hardenbergh 8. MtleB Rosb 4. Alvah A Clark PENNSYLVANIA, Chapman Freeman Charles O'Neill Samuel J Randall Wm D Kelley Alfiied C Harmer William Ward I Newton Evans Hviater Olymer A Hkrr Smith Ram A Bridges Francis D Collins Hcndrick B Wright James B Reilly John W Eillinoeb 18. Ed Overton, Jr 16. John I Mitchell 17. J M Camabell 18. Wm C Stenger 19. Levi Maish 20. Levi A Mackey 21. Jacob Turney 22. KUBKELL ERRETT 23. Thomas M Bayne 24. W S Shallenbeb- oer 25. Harry White 26. John M Thompson 27. Lewis 8 Watson DELAWARE. 1. James Williams. I MARYLAND. 1. Dan M Henry 1. Charles B Roberts 3. William Kimmell 4. Thomas Swann 8. Eli J Henkle I 6. William Walab VIRGINIA. 1, B B Dongla 6. John R Tucker 7. John T Harris 8. Epp Hunton 9. A L Piidemore jonn liooae. jr 8. Gilbert O Walker 4. Joseph JonaENKEN 5. George C Cabell NORTH CAROLINA. 1. Jesse J Yeates Alfred M Rca'es Walter L Steele William M Robbiua Robctt B Vance 2. Curtis H Broaden 8. Alfred M Waddell 4. Joseph J Davis SOUTH CAROLINA. 1. Joseph H Rainey I 4. John H Evana 2. Richasd H Cain 5; Robert Smalls 3. D Wyatt Atkiu GEORGIA. 1. Julian Hart ridge 2. William E. Smith 3. Philip Cook 4. Henry H Harris 6. James H Blount 7. Wiiliam H Feltou 8. Alex H Stephens 9. Hiram P BeU S. Milton A Candler ALABAMA. 1. James Taylor Jonea I B. Robert O Llgoa 2. Hillary A Horbet 8. G W Hewitt 3. Jere N. Williama i 7. William H Forney 4. Charlea M Shelley 8. William W Garth MISSISSIPPI. 1. H L Mnldrow I 4. O R Singleton 2. Van H Manning 8. Charles E Hooker 3. H D Money J 6. J R Chalmers LOUISIANA. 1. Randall L Gibson I 4. J B Elam 2. E John Ellis I 5. J E Leonard 3. C B Dabbkll I 6. E W Robertson OHIO. Milton Sayler Henry B Banning Mills Gardner John A MacMahon Araericus V Rice Jacor D Cox H I. Dickey J Wahren Keifeb John 8 Jones Charles Foster 11. 12. 13. 14. 1'. 18. 17. 18, 19. 20. Henry 8 Neal Thomas Ewing Milton I Southard Ebeuezer B Fiuley N H Van Vobhes Lorenzo Danfobd Wm MvKinley, Jb James Monroe James A Garfield, Amos Townsend 1. Andrew R Boone 2. James A McKeuzie 3. John W Caldwell 4. J Proctor Kuott 6. Albert 8 Willis 6. John G Carlisle 7. Jos 0 8 Blackburn 8. Milton J Durham 9. Thomas Turner 10. John B Clarke TENNESSEE. 1. James H Randolph 2. J M Thobnbubgh 3. George G Dibrell 4. HY Riddle 6. John M Bright 6. John F Houae T. W C Wlttborne 8. J D O Atkins 9. W P Caldwell 10. H Casey Young ILLINOIS, 1. Wm Aldrich 11. Robert M Knapp 12. Wm M Springer 13. Thob F Tiptoh 14. J G Cannon 15. John R Eden 16. Wm A J Sparks 17. Wm B Morrison 18. William Hirtrell 19. R. W. Townahend Carter H Harrison 8. Lorenzo Brentano 4. Wm Lathbop . H C Bubchabd 6. T J Henderson 7. Philip 0 Haves 8. G L Fort 9. Thos A Boyd 10. B F Marsh Benoni 8 Fuller Thomas R Cobb Geo A Bicknell Leonidas sexton Thos M Browne Milton 8 BoaiNsoa Jko Banna 8. Morton C Hunter 9. Mich D White 10. Wm H Calkin 11. Jas L Evans 12. A H Hamilton 13. Jno H Bakkb MISSOURI. Anthony Ittneb Nathan Cole T. T F Crittenden 8. B J Franklin 9. David Rea 10. Henby M Pollabd 11. John B Clark, Jr 12. John M Glover 13. Aylett U Buckuer (Froat and Metcalfe contest, neither on roll.) Robert A Hatoher Richard P Bland Charlea H Morgan WI80ONBIN. Chab Q Williams 6. Edward 8 Bragg Lucien B Caswell 6. Gabriel Rouck Geo O Hazelton I 7. H L Humphrey Wm Pitt Lynda 8. Tbad 0 Pound FLORIDA. R H M Davidson 1 1. Horatio Bisbfe, Jb Michigan. 1. Alpueus'lTWiimin 2. Edwin Willits 5. Jonas H MoGowan 4. Eo'H W Eeioutley 6. Joan W oxone 8. Mark 8 Brewer T. Omar D Conger 8. 0 0 Ellsworth. 9. Jay A Uubbell ASKAKSAl. , J. Luclao C Gause I . Jordtn E Oravons , WjlUaa) f Slempnf . XOvUtiu) If Quotef TEXAS. 1. John H Reagan I 4. R Q Mills 9. D B Cnlberxon S. DO Gfddfnfce t. i W Throckmorton (. Gustave Schleicher IOWA. 1. Joseph C Stone 2. Hiram Price 1. Iheo W Burdick 4. Nat'l O Deebing 5. Rush Clark 8. Ezekiel B Sampson 7. H J P Cumminos 9. William F Sapf 9. Addison Oliver CALIFORNIA. 1. Horace Davis I 8. John K Luttrell 9. H F Page 4, R Pacheco MINNESOTA. 1. Mark H Dttnnell I 8. J H Stewart 2. Horace B Strait OREGON, 1. Richard Williams. KANflASt 1. Wm A Phillips 1 S. Thomas Ryan 9. Dudley O Haskell west VIRGINIA. 1. Ttenjarnln Wilson I 2. John E Keuna 2. BcuJ V Martin I NEVADA. 1. Thomas Wben. nebraska. 1. Frank Wflch, colorado. Neither Belford nor Patterson on roll. Delegate.. new mfxioo. Tniniuad Romero wabhingion. Orange Jacobs ARIZONA. Hiram 8 Stevens MONTANA. Martin Maginuis UTAH George Q Cannon DAKOTA. Jefferson P Kidder IDAHO. Stephen 8 Feun WYOMING. William 0 Corlett Terrible Explosion in a Colliery. A London correspondent of the New York Timet gives some particulars of the recent terrible explosion in a mine at Wigan, Scotland, by which a largo number of miners lost their lives. The correspondent says : An hour after noon, a cloud of dust and smoke shot up to the sky from the down-cast shaft to tell Wigau that the mine had explod ed. The awful news spread with the usual rapidity, bringing crowds of terri fied men, women, and children to the pit's mouth. It was soon discovered that tho explosion had occured in a por tion of the workings where the nine foot seam of coal was being worked. An exploring party was at once organiz ed, consisting of Mr. Watkin, the mana ger (recently appointed a magistrate for the district ;) Mr. Cocke, the certi fied manager ; Mr. B. Loverick, nnder looker ; A. E. Wood, George Ashurst, Joseph Simpken, William Stephens, underlooker, and others. .The alarm was given throughout the different workings and headings, and GOO men were speedily wound up to bank. Then the explorers made a descent into the nine-foot seam where the explosion occured, and where forty men and boys were known to have been at work. The party were obstructed by debris, broken tubs, disarranged brattice-works, fall of walls, and the gathering after-damp, which proved too dense for artificial ventilation. Some of the explorers halted, but Messrs, Watkin, Cocke, and Loverick, the three colliery chiefs, went in in the hope of Baving some of the miners known to be in the heading. Messrs. Crinley, Wood, and Ashurst waitad while the more adventurous ex plorers continued to advance into the workings. At length, receiving no signal and their chiefs not returning, they went in search of the searchers, and presently found them lying dead, choked by the after-damp. They sig naled to the bank for medical aid, having carried the bodies to the main air-way. Medical volunteers soon appeared on the scene, but their help was fruitless. This calamity led to a general demorali zation of the men ; they were like an army without chiefs ; their three head men were dead ; consternation and sorrow spread throughout the district ; direct ors had to be telegraphed for from tho neighboring mines ; and it was some little time before th systematic work of rescuing the dying and the dead could be proceeded with, though volunteers were not wanting to sacrifice themselves, if necessary, in the work of exploration. Twelve men, living but burnt Hideous ly, were brought to the surface during the afternoon and at night the remains of twelve dead, and by this time the ex- Eloded section was on fire, and efforts ad to be made to wall the fire up so as to prevent its extension. It was then ascertained without doubt that the other colliers were dead. A Desperate Prisoner. The tactics of the far West have had marked exemplification in Berea, a vil lage a few miles west of Cleveland, Ohio. Frauk Peters came here four years ago, says a dispatoh, and worked about a year in the quarries. When the excitement broke out in the Black Hills he went there and has led a wild life ever since. Returning about a month ago, he has been conducting himself very badly, and finally a warrant was issued charging him with breaking open a trunk and stealing five dollars from a man where he boarded. A policeman served the warrant upon Peters late in the evening and made the arrest without difficulty, conducting him to Mayor Hale's office. The officer did not think it necessary to search his prisoner, as the offense was comparatively trifling; but, upon ascend ing the stairs at the mayor s office, the prisoner refused to proceed further, and drawing a revolver fired at the officer and immediately ran from the building. The latter followed, and, seeing his es caping prisoner a short distance away, fired at him. From this a battle opened, shots being exchanged regularly between the parties. The marshal of the village, a brother of the officer, was soon on the spot taking a hand in the firing, and after an exchange of fourteen shots the fugitive was brought to the ground, with a slight wound in the neck and a severe one in one thigh. It is thought the prisoner did not desire to be caught, from the fact that he hat , perhaps, com mitted other crimes for which he fears punishment when once in custody. He says the officers are not so easily fright ened as he expected, but he thinks that with a rifle he could match them easily. He was lodged in jail in Cleveland. Two pistol-balls entered a barber shop and came very near killing a customer. Other balls went through plate-glass windows. Some Editors' Salaries. According to the New Orleans Timet the leading editorial writers on the Lon don Times get 2,000 guineas, which is a very fair salary. The largest salaries paid in America are not quite equal to this. Dr. Connery, the managing editor of the New York Herald receives $3,000; Whitelaw Reid, of the Tribune, $12,000; Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, $12,000: Hurlbut, of the World, $10,000. The Boston newspapers pay well. Hascal. the editor of the Jlerald, gets $10,000, and has just received a year s leave of absence to go to Europe, his salary being continued. The lead ing editorial writer on the nJhicago Time gets $5,000, andtht) managing editor $6.000 : Watte won. of the Courier- Journal, $7,500, 'and an interest in the profits; Hlieian, oi the (Jhioago In bune, $0,000. The largest sum paid in Amerwa to any editorial writer, is that recehid from the New York Herald by Charles Nordhoff. He gets $10,000 a year, and. writes when and what he pleases. . How to Hrow Che'erfta!. Piscine is in a great many- perhaps th majority of instances the nnderlylnft canne nf .Tin., 1 . i 11 111 1 . ! . w. uuirenniuii, ai. hiii imuai invaria bly bo found, for instance, that hypochondri acs sre dyspeptic, bilious subjects, and all rvinvim ,uu uave naa Rnv experience 01 sncu cases sre nwnie that sufferers from diseases nf iln 1.U 1 11 i i - - . ,, , . ...u i.iuiie(vs una DlRucier pre esprciauy sud Jeet to fits of despondency. The sure way to overcome depression is to try a course of Hostetter.s Stomach Bitters, a cheering cor dial which is peculiarly antagonistio to the "IllllOU " nm tl . 11.. 1. 1 U duce them. This popular and cfllcacions cor- rAeflvo rf m .1 i 1 i n .1 ; 1 1 n - 11. n 1 - - itinuiunivu wuuiwuu ui 1 11 u n y n i: 111 remerlipa li a nu( nWinifa n..n. 1.. .1 1 ukid, wnwuavu vnnuo J 1 linnet. rt tion, biliousness and constipation, overcomes AiBnfnAri. n I ' ' 1 11 utwiutin Ilia UUIIHIJ! UIailB, HlllUeS BI1U enriches the blood, and restores vigor to the body as well as elasticity to the mind. fSlrnaon'sj Pnhllrnllon. Great reduction in the price for 1878 of Gleason' Pictorial to 12 a year. Single copies five cents. The Home Circle to $2 a year, single copies five cents, for sale by all newsdealers. Gleanon's Monthly Companion to tt a year, single copies ton cents. All postage free. The price of chromos has jnst been greatly reduced. No one now gives such liberal terms to agents as we do. Send for now free circular. Address F. Gloason Co., 738 Washington Street, Boston, Uass. llnrnrtt's Flavoring Extracts. The superiority of these extracts consists in their perfect purity and great strength. They are warranted free from the poisonous oils and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now In the market. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. The 1'ioserb Tobacco Compawy, Ne-v York, Boston, and Chicago The elegant company from Duff's Broad way Theater, New York city, are playing t a succession of crowded houses in New York State and Canada. In the hands of thin talented organization the play of Pink Domi noes lias mada a decided hit, and is spoken of as a masterly performance. ,, t niienmnllsm Onlrkljr t'nred. Durang s Klionniatic llemedy," the great internal medicin", will positively cure anv case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Prie.', tl a bottle, six bottlos, 5. Sold bv all drug gists. Send for circular to Helphenstine A Bentley, druggists, Washington, D. C. Mrs. (.enernl Hherinnn, wife of the general of the United Btates army, says : " I have frequently purchased Dnraug's Rheumatic Homedy for friends suffering with rheumatism, and in every instance it worked like magic" Bond for circular to Helphen stine & Boiitlsy, drugirista, Washington, D. C. .iiuiiniit-ffif Hnu uenuiirne cured by taking Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 ct. per package. Sold by druggists. tint . . I who are constantly using Dooley's Yeast Powder all speak in unbounded praise of its reliability, unnorm strengtn, ana merits in producing ex cellent rolls, biscuits, bread, etc "Yon sav Jones' scales aint trood for noth ing. Its your interest to lie agin 'em. So I'll run the risk, as I have no money to pay till I'm satinfled. I oan buy a Five Ton Wagon Scale of Jones, of Binghamton, Binghamton. N. Y., for $50, on trial and freight paid at thai." The markets. in YOBl. Beef cattle Native 09 lljf xexaaanauneroiee.. uaxu iu Milch Cows 40 00 070 00 Hogs Live 05X3 05 uressea m;,m urx Sheep 0Ut 05 uamos win. us Cotton Middling 11 (4 UK Flour Western Good to Choice... t 80 S 25 State Good to Choice 6 ?U B 40 Buckwheat, nerewt 2 85 a 1 76 Wheat Red Western 1 85 0 1 41 No. 3 Milwaukee 1 81 1 24 Rye State 71 60 Barley State 7S 9 H Barley Malt 64 (4 70 Buckwheat 80 ( 85 Oats Mixed Western 8 4 89 Corn Mixed Western GSM Bay. per cwt 60 A 70 Straw, perewt... 60 9 65 Hops 76'B 02 (gOi ....77'a 11 9 11 Pork Mess 14 30 ll 4) L-d City Rteam 09 (3 09X FlBh Mackerel, No. 1, new 20 00 0)36 00 ho. a, new it vu (Sin iu Dry Cod, per cwt 4 75 0 6 60 . Herring. Scaled, per box 10 a 22 Petroleum Crude 09)tf iSOJJf Refined .... 14 Wc California Fleece 20 a 26 Texas " 80 S 85 Australian " 44 (4 49 State XS 41 fit 41 Batter State '.6 (4 80 Western Choice 20 9 21 Western Good to Prime.. '.0 fil 'if Western Firkins 12 64 16 OheeB State Factory 13 9 18 mate Bximmea lu IB li Western 09 (4 )0K Eggs State and Pennsylvania 21 s) 22 BUITALO. Flour 7 75 01 8 26 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 22 0 1:9 Corn Mixed 60(4 61 Oats 26 0 80 Ry OS (4 9i Barley 81 (4 83 Barley Malt 1 00 IS I 10 PHILADELPHIA. Beef Cattle Extra 06 0t Sheep 05 14 fX Hops Dressed OS (4 0tt Flour Pennsylvania Extra 7 12 0 7 25 Wheat Red Western 1 62 0 1 63 Rye 65 (4 67 Corn Yellow... 60 4 61 Mixed 60 (4 61 Oats Mixed 85 tij 8 Petroleum Crude. 09.V(i309j Refined.... 14 Wool Colorado .' 23 (9 24 Texas . 24 (4 )2 California 27 IS 33 BOSTON. Beef Cattle 0 (4 CSV Sheep 06)40 0)4 Hoga 06 (4 09 Flour Wisconsin and Minnesota.. 1 60 (4 ( 00 Corn Mixed 48 fit 6 X Oats " Of (9 69 Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX.. 45 (4 60 California FaU 219 Sf BBIOBTOM MASS. Beef Cattle 06 X3 07)4 Sheep 06 is to Lambs 07 (4 10 Hoys OTXie 0i watbbtow, auas. Beef Cattle Poor to Choice 6 60 6 61 Siieep..... 7 00 g 7 76 Lunhs 7 00 (4 U Oil TTXTGT0"rrCl ProcuredorNoPay.forefery Aljii ijlVli J wounded, ruptured.accident ally injured or diseased Soldier. Address. Ool. N. W, TWO SPARKLING NEW BOOKS. Justin McCarthy's New Novel, MISS MISANTHROPE. A brilliant atory by tha author of "A Fair Saxon," "Ij.Hv .Inriilh " '' Mituiia T.inln. Roehford." and " Dear Lady Diadain." On toI. ooUto, paper, OO centa. " cloth, 81.60. 3d. THE NARRATIVE OF A BLOCKADE RUNNER. By Capt. J. WILKINSON, Of the Confederate State Navy. One toL 12mo., cloth, 1 .25 Captain Wilkinson ran our blockade euooeesfally eighteen times, and was nerer apt u red. He wae also in command of a Confederal Teasel at the time New Orleane was captured. " He telle pUin, anTarnished taie oj greai mieresu" RECENTLY PUBLISHED Mrs. Annie Edward's Bright Story, A Blue Stocking. una TOJ. mm, paper, ou oem. cloth, 91.UO. JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S Novels 14BUV riuuiLa.M. - 1 . . . . 1 ai.uu iiinj"-; Aocmora.... ijoar'Lady Diidain A Fair Saxon Paul Hastie Mrs. ANNIE EDWARD'S Novels. . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 . 1.00 Ought W to Visit Htrl $1.00 Archie LoveU 1.00 Steven Lawrence, Yeoman 1.00 A Point of Honor 1-00 Philip Earneoliffe 100 Leah; A Woman of Fashion 1-00 Eitelle 1.00 Either of tha alio? Bent by mail, pott-paid. 00 receipt oi tua prion. "SHEIDON & COMPANY, New York. -W. L. TTAYTtT., TWIif r ef Onltsr, Fltrts, OnrnL bAzr.ior i limn r.t.uuit.r.ini'h.itln ui In Inttrumpnta. MttaUi Strinff. ( '.l.lullie. fn. 14)Trrmoit Kt. fio.ton. PIANOS AXD ORGANS. CONSUMPTION CURED. ivfd from nn Ktvst India tnlMinnnry the formula of a simpla TBtretoble remedy for apemljr and pftrmnnent fura of eontumption, bronehith, catarrh, atthmn, and all tnroatand Inn affectiom.; alto a mr for nrroTidf bilitj and all nrvonii complaint. aftr harm ttfd its ctiratWr powpr in ttinnnnnd of onaes, hnn felt it hi Otjlv to mnko il known to hi puiffprinn fallows. Acttu ated by a d.ntn tn rclinvn humnn miffprinn, I will aenl frtv to nil wnndeflirn it, this recipe in (nrmin, French, r KnaliMi. with"f direction. Addreaa.wilh fttiimD. W.W.HHF.RAa.U1; Power's block, Kucbegter.N.Y. Ventilating Rubber Inner Soles Protect the Feet from Gold and Dampnest . Ratisfaotfon guaranteed or money refunded. Price Fifty cenla aent by mail. ALFRED HALE & CO., MANUFAOTURKRB OF RUBBER GOODS, 338 Washington Nirrrt Ronton ITATGTaa'VG-""" "fart"' from . X-Jll KJK Vll po woundu, injuries, or dineano, can proonre pension, and those who are pensioned en n have their pensions iticreaetlt where thtir present rutin is too low, as in the oate in thonaands of instances. Widows and children of soldiers who died in or out of the army of disease contracted in serrice, sre entitled tn pension. Full bounty is due all soldiers discharged for wounds, rupture, or injury other than disease, holdicrs who were prisoners of war can secure pny for rations, for the time ao held. For full tnfnrmntin, address with stamp, 3IrNKlll. V IUIU II, WnnliinMtoiif I. C. A'af tilt rtafm aVoret. Bryant's Opera House, NewYork, Nob. 7iS 730 Broadway, Opp New York Hotel. BHYANT'H iMINMTKKI,M Under the Management of NKII, BRYA.VT. Huughey Dougherty, Little Mne, Dnre Rend, Sanford nnil Wil.un, Mnckin and Wilson, Billy Bryant, Cool Wli te, Justin Rohinnon. A Vnrnl Hextftre. and A Knpprb Orrliestrn will appenr In A i;rnml itltiiNtrpi JCiiiertnltiniriit Kvery Kvolllnii nl H, and Miitnrdnv .llnllnee nt 2. Popular Prices 25, 60 and 7d eta. Mattneo li.) and cents. TTTT3 NKWAIIK DAILY AND WEEKLY COURIER, XEWA11K, XE1V JF.RSKl. F. F. PATTES30N, Editor and Proprietor. ' TUB I.KUIM REPt'ni.lCAN NKWM. I'APKIt OF NEW JI.KMIOV. Termii-Dnily, SS.OOporannnm Week'j Stt .Oil Price nureriitemenMi lnsertM OS. UMtal raront. Seaa lol Thr HrMt TrniH without Metal Springs ever in rented. No hunihiiB claim of a cer tain radical cure, but a guar, antee of a comfortable, se cure and satisfactory appll. anoe. We will take back and nnv full nrin for all fhnt Hn nnt mif Price, single, like cut, 4; for both sides, 90. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B. This Truss WILL rcitK more Ruptures than any of those for which extravagant claims sre mnde. Circulars free. 1'O.HKItOV TIU'SS VO.j 7 jH Hronilwnyt Npw York. ner'a Health Corset, With Skirt Supporter and Self Adjusting Pads. I'nequnlrd fur Uphuit, Hlylo nnd to nfnrl. APPROVED BT all PHYSICIANS. For Sate by Ltndittg .Herrhvn'n. Samples, any nizo by mail. In Satteen, $1,541; Coutil, $176; Nnraing Corset, fci.uo; Misses' Oorrat, tl.tai. AGRNTS WANTED. WAltNEII llltO'H. 331 Hruudwny, N. V. EVERETT HOUSE, Fronting Union Square, NEW YORK. Finest Location in the City. Earopsaa Plan "Restanraat UnsurpassetL HICItXKH & II .'.I I J lf, ri ojn ietora. TO ADVERTISERS!: Wb will send free to all ap. nlioanta who do any newspaper adrertiBina', the third edition of Iyer & Son's Manual OR AUVERTINKIIM. 16Q8ro.pjp. More complete than any which have preceded it. Gives the names, circulation, and advertising rates of several thousand newrtuaners in the United States and Canada, and contains more information of value to an advertiser thanenn be found in any other publication. All lints have been carefully revised, and where practicable nricea have befn reduced. The sneci&l (iffore are numerous and unusually advantageous. Be eure to send for it before spending any money in newxpnper advertising. Address N. W. AVER & WON, Advertibiko Agents. Times Building, Philadelphia U'linl U I .lV Wllhnur llnnlrh t ItJinrworth less, s.'iyB the pale rtyapepiic True; hut health is within your reach. A few does of Tabrant's Kfkervfscfnt wr.LTZKn apfrient restorer your diffeBtion. your hpp" tite, your cheerfulness, and tnken at en occasional aiTeranve it win wwep tne Hymen in periect orner. BEST BOOKS For Singing Schools. CHORUS CHOIR INSTRUCTION BOOK! Rv A. N. Johnson. .Titht Oitt. Onntninn th HVfttom of this celebrated teacher, so minutely and plainly de Bcnuen, inar, r is me ensies. ana nest Manual tor i eacn ers and Leader ; and is nlwo a mont entertaining, useful ana tnoroufth booic for all Munc Classes and lonrrn tions: with the plainest of nlain instructions, and 26 pages of the beat munio, graded fnm the easiest to the moat difficult, and continually referred to. The book alao best answers thftt nerulexino' aueation. 41 How to have frond ainffing in ConRn-gat ions." tl3H; or eis.uu per noz. THIS ENCORE! By L. O. Rmfrbon. This flue book has already been used by thousands, who have had but one opinion as to teta. Trios. Dneta. Sontr-. nto.. for uractica. It ia a cadI- tal Glee Bonk as well as SinKinR Class Book. Thorough ULsirucuve uouree. i cis ; or s i .ou per are. Perkins Sineine: School! By W. O Pcrkins. Thia, like the " Encore. ie an excellent Glee Book as well as Kin Kins School Book, and will be a fine hook for Conventions and for easy practice in Choirs and Societies. Good instructive course, and the best of music To cte. ; or G75 per doz. All teaohers and convention holders are invited to Insure their success this season by using one of these books. For pate everywhere, Copiee sent post-free by 1UBM, tur rmau ptiw. ' I.YON Sz 11R AI.EY, i'lilrnao. OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. II. DITMON .V CO., 813 llruiidwoy, New Vork J. E. IMTMON A: t (., Successor, to Lee a Walker, Plllln. A POSITIVE CJl'KK FOB CATARRH. BRONCHITIS, AND ASTHMA. Thousands have been cured by Or (aoldenberaN j nuaiHCion, wno were pronounced incurable by ptj1 si oians and friends. Patients living at a distance desiring to avail themselves of the advioe of Dr. 4iiUlenbertf f can write ineir name ana post-omce aaarese, ann for ward to Dr. faalilcnbttrir. 916 Arch Street. Phila. delphia, when he will return them a list of printed quae tions, the answers to whiob will enable him to determine the nature of their diseases and the probability of cute. He will forward to any address, his paper or book, giving run aeeenpuons ot um aiseases am u-vaia. wj. 9119 -Vr. Vrom St., Philadelphia, Oct. 8, 1877, f I have need Dr. Goldenberg's Inhalation for Catarrh, Hroncbuis, ana Asuune, ana am entirely curea. ANN1K NEAL. KIDNEY and LIVER SPECIFIC A HADICAL CUBE FOR ALL OI8EAME8 or TB KIDNEYS, BLADDER, AND URINARY ORCANS. Penan, .ufferinc from the.. diieaaeB Bbould aend for the lift of quaetioaa. that tb. Doctor may give tliuta an opinion oonoMuing Uu nature and curability of Ineir Oonanltati.n. and .lamination, free. Bend lor feeonpuv. reper to Dr. liOLDENBEUG't) Principal OUoe, 018 Areb tirreeti Philadelphia. TVFQT C!IIEAPfcT h WORLD Fnr i'n-li nr InstnllmrntM. Mend tor IlliiMrntnl Cntnlmrnrs. AUKNTS Wnnfril. lorn re Wnlns tV Hons. 4( ft. 14th St.. ft V. DrWav H I ROYAL rWta Absolutely Pure. All mm trut In antirnrifM tt ..11 al.Vii atnrl To try It, send OO cent for I -pound ean t ROYAL postage. UllUTCn DpIPCIIti . A few men in each state nm HTifs Pa 1lhrl- IIHIllUUl,,. .)., .,,. Poaltlon nermmnitnt. Ht nrl itamn tnr t-irtrf.iniiln.ra U. 8. Secret Service Co., tPO Walnut Rt., Cincinnati, O AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRKRfl WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. BtiO llroadwar. New York I'llTl ('hlrnira. III. I NewOrlennn, l.n.l or Pun, f'nl. rwwrr wfw vnti Commercial Advertiser. -Ternin t I'o.lnno Prepaid iDallr, one jear, 811; ii month., 84.50; tore, month., 112.20; on. noma, 7a cent. Weekly, one tear. SI 1 Blx months. AO cent.. RimaI Mnfl nnmlwi unf nn .nnlln.llnn An ..In Annv Club Ajrents for olubof ten; the Daily for olub of tbb-tr. The ( oinnicrrliil Ailvprllurr Is the bit Rnpnb- wuinnir ounn.nea in mm otintry. it. weeaiy edh linn tj nitanrn.rn-d. Piioclnl terms to Aient 111 iPi.Mr. enould n nt tn HUUH J. H ASI INHH. 1 20 Fnl on St., W. T. Oily. I NATURE'S RKMEDY? iYEGEIIHH LJHt CRf a Bipod fumricw Recommend It Heartily. Mr Rtkvknr: Vr.S'rr-.I liarnt Vnn oMr.1 hnrtlsi nl vntivVRnTI. TINK, nnd ntn oonv.nueil it is a valuable, remedy fct nj-apepA.a, Hi nty Ooniylfcint. and geneial debility ot Sin ystem. I cm heartily receromend it to all anftering fraatlil abovouoniplulnta. Youra respectfully. aine. Aiunnur. f&nBvahjaa Yegrtlneje Hold by All DrngirlrUH. "The Best Polish in the World." Washburn & Moen ManTg Co. nuKSESTER. MASS. Solo Jtuuftctamt East of Cli:t, af PATENT STEEL BiRB FENCING. ' A STEEL'Thorn Hedge. No other Feurinj- jo eheip or put up so quickly. K.ver rnau. statu, Coooys, shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected by lire, wind, or flood. A complete barrier to th. most unruly stock. Impassable by man or beast TWO THOUSAND TONS SOLD AND PUT UP DURING THE LAST TEAR. For nl. at tha loading hardware stores, with 8tretchers and tita-Jc.-, h !.istrate-l Pamphlet BURNETT'S KALLISTO FOU KEMOVINQ run, Santurn, Freckles, Eedness and Erup- tions of the Skin, and for Hendenng tna Complexion Clear and Beautiful. Of all the effects that exposure of the akin to tho nir or sun produce, the most disagreeable is railed freckles, or tan. If spread over the entire surface of the parts exposed, it la called tnn; if scattered at interrula, freckles. The finest Bklns nro most subject to them. The KALL1STON, prepared uy tiosepn miriieu at jo., uosion, con tains a peculiar ernsive property which will ro move these disagreeable stain.. It i. at tho same line perfectly harmless, allay, all tendency to niliinimatlon. and renders the complexion clear nnd beautiful. ASfllMA REMEDY TRADE MARK F03 ASTHMA, ROSE COLO, KAY FEVER, Etc. Tliif rrmcdy l-.n brrn ued In tTinuianila of the wont rnrv.4, irlih nrtpuiiliini' nixl iinitirin aurcesa, and fft rr- to the j)ulil c with full confidence in it merit. It fotitninr" no jfii'onmia or injurioim properties wtiatertr, ond r.n inlui.t take it witli perfect aofety. Krtrnct from t'ie " Mfc of Woshlnpten Irvlaj;," by lita nt-phi'w, Pierre M. Irvinp. Vol. IV., pnf e 272. "The doctor prescribed, aa an ezperimcut, vhst had been EUttL'L-sti-d liv l)r.0. V.) ltolincaoii hia lute vUit, JonoK WhMromii's llcmcdy for Afthma,' a trtvpoonfnl In s whir-plan i t water, to be takcu every four hours. A good night wr.i the result." I hare had tlie ipsiimotlie onlhma fifteen years. I commenced taking Johok V hitomlTi iteini-dy for the Asthma' tiplitccn niontln ntro, end hare not hod s terere (laroivpm tinrc." BAHAlf SEEI.Y, Eddytown, Yttes Co., N. V., to Editors Jiurul Aeu? l'orker, Have sold WhitcornVs Hcmedy f or nearly twenty retrt. I know nf nothing to uniformly uccetkful.1' 1 HEODORE METCALd, DmgijUt, Tremonl trt, Button, "I hsve drrired verr trrest benefit from Jonas Vfhlt cninb's A'tlima Itemedy.' " O. F. OSBOKNE, 1'rcsklenl Neptune lu&ursuce Co., Boston, Msm. M My mether had suffered clcht years from the harrest octhma. Tlie rvcurrenre of this thrcc-inuntlis' upony every year nuift soon wear her out Jonas Whllcomb s Asthma ltemetly1 sireiitcd the terrible disease, and has kept it off for the whole srason, to the groat joy of the family." Her. JOB. K. HOY, Chicago Agent of the Americsa Homo Micelonary Society, tu tlie .V, 1', itue pendent. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. Boston. For tuile by all Druntfinfa. The People's Eemed7. Tho Universal Pain Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Take no Other. "Hear, for 1 will .peak of excellent thing." rOJJD'S EXTRACT The great Vegetnlile Poln Di-Hirnyur. Has been lu use over iblrty yeurs, uud fur vieauilneB. and prompt curative virtues cannot be exculled. CHILDREN. No tumily can afford to be with out Pond'. Extruct. Aei ldeute, C.outueinnM, Cute, Kpraiii., are relieved al inoitlu.tauily by cxiern .l aplliatlon. Promptly re.lievea pulns of Hums, Hcnldn, Exrorln. none, ChaflnKe, Old teoree, Uoila, Felon., Lorus, etc. Arrest luflanunulUm, reduces Bwell inira, stop, bleeding, removes decoloration and heals ranldlv. LA DI EH find It their best friend. It assuages the pain, to which they are peculiarly tubject uuvnmy iuitue.sanu prehsuru in inu ncaa, nausea, vertlKO. etc. ltDrouintlv n:neliorates and norma. nently heals all kind of InUauiiuullou. and lilrerntloim, HF.tKHI 11 11UIDS or PU.F.S find In thlsthe onfy ruuei nim uh.iiiihi e4,ir. j.,, ease, now. ever chronic ur obatlnate cun luuu resist Us regu lar ne. VA R If 'OSE VEINS. It Is the only sure cure. IlEEEDINO from nnr cause, lor this It 1b a .ntM!. tic. It iiaa saved hundreds of lives when all other remedies iniica u arrest niceuing iroin uotto. Fiiiin.ieii, iiiiiaH, ni:u ee, uli f. TOOTH ACIIK., Enrnche, Nciiralsla and Rheumatism nic all alike relieved aud often ' j"rnm'i'.iitlv cured. PII V(lf I A'S i f all schools who are aennalntrd with Poud'u Extract recom;r.cnd It In their practice. v u have it Here of commendation from hundreds f-f I'hyMclans; maoyrf whom order it rr use in ui?ir own paciice. in aiauion so ini foreaolnc titer order lt ue for Kwelllnfr. of all kinds, QulnNy, horn TUrout, Inflamed TonelU. simple and chronic Uiarrhoa, Ca. larrb fr which it la a nuecijh:), C'hUblninx, Frosted Peel, Sllnjr. of Ineects, MoaoUi lo, etc.. t luiuperi Iluude, Fuco, and Indeed nil in iiiiirr in .kiii uiwiwrnt. irnrr.VP ITi4F.. licmovea Hnrsns... flnBeh .n,. slid eininrtiiiort heal. (!uts. feruotiau. and Pimple. U retjioes. intijuratf und re. jref-nttH, vmiu wuuugiiuiij iiuiji utiu. iu. vvu. TO FARMERS Pond'a Extract. No Stock Ilreeder, no T.ivery Maucanatfnrdtobewlthoutlt. It Is used by nil the leading Livery Stable.. Street Iiailroads and urnt Iloraoinen In Now York t'lty. It haa uo equal for Hpralns, Uarni'.s or Baddlo Cbafii'gs, BtinneHS, 8craU:hea, bwelilnirs, Cuta, Laceiatlons, Illeeillnga, Pneumonia, ( olle, HUr rho3a, Chllla, etc. It. range of action Is wide and the relief It affords la so prompt that It Is Invaluable In every Farm-yard aa w.ll aa In every r arm-house. Let It be triad ouoa and you wUI never l wunounv. CAVTIONI Fond'. Extract haa la imitated ..Y....iV a.-ii. lfi hM tha worda Pond's Ex. tract 'blown In e h bottle. It la Prepared by Uie nnlv neroona liviua who ever knew how to Srepare it pruperly, lleluse all other prmiaratlona Sf ltlh Haieh Vhla la ill" only article used by I'hys clans, ud In the hospltaU of thi. couutry HISTORVand of Pond'. Extract, to UI?ampdetfr!nn"ntfree POND'S EXTRACT CO.Ul'AJiVi MaWt 5a POND'S EXTRACT. POND'S EXTRACT m. a i a. i fthajnlllffflV Olire. BAKING POWDKR CO., N. Y.( sent by mail, free of nrnWDKIt box. contains 87 nsefnl article.; Blx ol WUJJI stamps, ihl.. K.a Orant. Mlddleboro, Mats. 3 new Tooal and new InstromenU) pieces Sheet Mnsle, loc. Ulob. Music Co., Mlddleboro, Mass. riTTTWO KF.VOI.VKHK. Price Mat free. Addresg UUiNO Western Olin Works, Pittsburg, Pa. (fia a week In ronr own town. Terms and outfat v" free. U. MAI.I.K. IT OO., Porllnnd. Maine. . flft 1 t ft ilnr at homo. A penta wanted. Ontflt an 'J? J.U terns fre.. TRITB CO- Aognsla, Maine. fs to $20 Rfr &sa i l')or!Mi.-ATOU wanted. 30 neat al if artiolM in the worll. One .ample tnu, ddres. J A Y 11 RONTON, Detroit, Mich. S3 fJOI.D P1,ATEI)WATCIIK. Chmpjrt m Ihe known n orld. Hampls W.TrH Fs.s fo A.BJO ADPan.. A. VUULTEK At CO., iirilCMO, JUm $400 1 MOVTlT.'AUItN'l W W AT Kll. iiTiO of tlie latent fiOTeldes. Send fur cm slog. Vam A Oo.ClilCTgo. AflnnA TtTjll c"n be made in one daf W VtOOa Weil our 4-foot Well Atokb. Re for our anger book. U. 8. Attgkh Co., 8t. Louis, Mo BF1TTV Plnno, Orarnnbest. ITT" Took! Btartllna DC.HI I I fiWK Oritnns, 12 stops 5R. Pisnos onlr 1! tri'l S80. Olr. Free. Usniel F. Bealty, Washington, N. J. pT rnTU TP UTTT TQ-a PerfsctOerefor XiJjXjU J.XV1U XMjIjIO premature debilttr. Send fnreiroular. Pb. A. Kabb, 8)2 Broadway, Nr. PEKPETI'AI. JfOTIO.-MsRTietie toy. Very amn.inir. Runs hslf an hour. Sent by, 2ft) et CORINTH CO , 1 14 Sontb 3d Bt., Phil. .lelphis.Pa. CLOCKS K. INtJUAllAiM dc vp.m are annerior in desiirn and not equalled in quality, or ar. time keepers. Ask your Jeweler for Minn. Manufactory Bristol, Ot. $10 to S25 A DAY WURK made or AR.nts Bellina; onr Ohromos, Crayons, Picture end Ohro. mo Cards. 1 1h aample., worth 85, sent, post-paid, far NA dents. Dlustraled Oatalocn. free. J. II. BIFIUKD'S HOTiH, Ilnvton. Rstahllshed 18.10.) M PKH MONTH and TrarelinR F Finenses paid, for SalesmeL 'o W m I every County competent, to sell 1 M Teas, Coffees, Spices, and other . w- oods. Send two stamps for Ban pies. Address. iVOYElt cV t. aoii Knet Kill ritreet. New York. WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, oanrassina: for the Flrrelrie Vlnitor (enlsrred) Weekly and Monthly. I.ntrt I'nprr In Ihe World, with Mammoth Chromos Free B'(r Commissions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free Address P. O. HI KKIIV, Anmixln, fllnlne. , BOSTON WEERLT TRANSCRIPT, Tb. best family newspaper published : eight page. ; fifty Bia oolumns reading. , Terms 92 per annum; elubs of eleven, 01.) pet annum, in advance. HPHt'IMKN COPY C3HATIW. RUBBER TYPE ! hnt so per for to metal ; print on any surface mwmwmmmmmmmmmmwtmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmi Wltnout injury. Cass of over 125 moTeable letters, etc., with printing apparatus mailed for $1.50; sample letter of Solid rttiblMT with Illuntraten Circular for six ctP. Address. ELASTIC' TYPK 'Q. fllnllct CJrcrkt lMo. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. JVie choicest household ornaments, fries One Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES It. OSGOOD & CO. . BOSTON. MASS. $1.00 $1.00 KNOW A nw Modical Treat. ne "Thr Science of Life, on Self Preservation," a book for every man. Price Si I sent bj mail. Fifty oriffinul presorip tians.eitheroneof which worth THYSELF ten times the price of the book. Gold Medal awarded the author. The Boston Herald my: "'Mm Science M - Life is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary work HEAL on Physiology ever published inua. famnnipt aent tree. aj : THYSELF Dr. W H. PARKKK, No. 4 BulHnch Street, Boston, Mass. MOTIIERM who hav. delicate children, who ar. subject to Croup, Read This I Alien's Lung Balsam should alwsys be kept In your houpp, and. be civet, immeditttrtly when the first nymptom. sppcsr, which wil renifvn tho mncotix collect cd in the throat, and enve the life of your dtvir child. Ttiis Lunfc Hnlsmn is the bent remedy fr a Cough and t r Consumptive persons to u. Sold by nil druggists. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY rf The great riotS It contains a full account of the refsn of terror In Pittsburgh, Haiti more, Chicago and otbet CHtm. The conflicts between the troops end the mob. Terrible con tlnirrations and destruction of property. Thrilling scenes and incidents, etc., etc. Send for a full desenptioaof the work and our extra terms to Agents. Address, NATIONAL fULILIRHINQ uo. I'tiiiaanionia, n. KEKPW NHIHTM-only one Quality The Beat Kaod'b PutAnt P&rtlvmadA DrbMt Snirts pan be finished aa easy as hemming a Handkerchief. i no Tory oest, six ior 91 ,lru. Keen'sCnstom Shirts maria to measnre. The rery beat, six for Sn.H. an eiegant set 01 genuine uoia-piate uouar ana Sleeve nuttons given with each half doi. Keep's Shirt Eeep's Shirts are delivered FRKK on receipt of price In any part of the Union no eproes oLmrgwa to pay. Kamples with fail directions for self-measorement Rent fre to any address. 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