The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 01, 1877, Image 3

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Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Office in New Brick Building, Main 81
Attorneys-nt-Law, Kidgwny, Ji,iK
C11111IV I 1L. uiuce UrHIM lilt lldll IUIII
P IIKUIMTRAT L'S HI 1 N LUlt'llL. Vllllllin
l M nn iinllnit IWAlllTH lT nTTDTIIinil Yfl
jne. u wo.
Oil AH LEU 11 OLE H,
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
.-"en. Repairing Watches, eto, doccwitli
le same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
faction guaranteed. vlnly
A. ,0. W. BAILEY,
flnol. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agont. for the Traveler's Life and Aool
Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanenlly lo
cated in Rigwny, offers his professional Bcr
vioes to the citizens of Ridgwny nna sur
rounding country. All work warranted
Office in Service i k Wiioolor's liuilding, up.
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
a. G. JlESSEXGElt.
Druggist and Parmnceutist, N. Vi. cornet
of Main mid Mill streets, Midway, Pa.
full assortment of enrelully selected For
eign and Domestic Di ugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed ftt .ill hours, d:iy or
night. " vlnOv
T. .V II MIT LEV. M I).,
Physician nna Surgeon.
Oflioe in Ding Store, corner ltroTd mid
Main .St, lle-iidence comer Itrnad St.
opposite the t'ulK'ge. Oflico hours from
8 to 10 A. M. an 1 from 7 to P. M.
vln2y 1.
J. ,s. HUM) WELL, M. 1).,
Ecleclio Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed his oflicc from Centre street, to Mait si.
Kidgwsy. Pa,, in 'lie second story of the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
OlHco hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M
RmnwjY, Ri.k Co., Pa
V. II. SCII HAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the nei
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ' at
tention to the comfort- and convenience ol
guests, to merit a ooutinunnco oi the
tu in e.
Oct 30 lSli'.t.
;:. a. fa r.
n;iBi:n xn insurance com
No yi.O Wtil nut I'lnco,
(210 Walnut .Sheet,)
n i l-i v
-. ir. ii a vs,
Dry Goods, Notions, CTrrcsrios.
and C-enoral Variety,
Blartfy K. ff.
E. k. (iKES)i.
Dealer in nil kinds of cabinet ware,
wood andcane sent chairs, kltelien
mid extontioti tallies, wood and marble
top stands, wood nnd marble top
bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses,
wood and marble top chamber suits,
mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed
steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined
wood pumps, etc., ifcc. Cane seats re
placed with perforated wood seats.
Weed sewing machine reduced from
for to S4j, the best machine in the
market, and picture frames made to
order. ANoa large assorted slock of
ready made Collins constantly on hand
nnd trimmed at shortest notice. All
the above good are sold at panic prices.
Ware I loom in masonic building,
Ridgway Pa.
inform the citizens of Hidway, and
the public generally, that he lias
started n lijvery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
, Ssiy-lle will also do job teaming.
Rtablo on Rroad street, above Main
All orders left at the Post OHiee will
receive prompt attention.
Main Street, Rldgwny, Pa
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions
Constantly on hand, and sold us cheap
as the CHEAPEST ,T,Tl,r v,
Connly Officers.
President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wctmore
Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed.
Vels, and Julius Jones."
fherltl Daniel Scull.
Trensurer Jncob McCnulej".
District Attorney C. II. M'Cnuley.
Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixoti.
l'rothonotary. 4c Fred. Schrening.
Deputy rrotnonotary W. 8. llorton.
Commissioners Michael "VVedert, W.
II. Osterliout, George Reuscher.
Commissioners' Clerk W. 8. Iforton.
Auditors W. II. Hyde, It. I. Spang
ler, Ueorgc Rothrock.
Call at this olllce for writing paper
and envelopes.
ESTATE of John ETnsker, lute of Fox
township Klk countv. l'n., deceased. LKT
grunted to the undersigned upon the said es
tate all persons Indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, anil those
having claims to present them for set
tlement. JACOB M'CAULEY, Admr.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
accounts will bo presented on the first day of
the next term of the Orphans Court for con
Urination, being the 3d Monday ol November
next, to-wlt :
I. Klnal account of Lawrence Mohan exe
cutorol the last will and testament of Patrick
smith, late olTox township, l'u., deceased.
I'l'.EH. SCIIU'.NING, Register.
The advertiser, having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
hy a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means ot
cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used, (free of
charge), with tho directions fur preparing
and using the same, winch they will had a
Suisk Cubk for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, do.,
Parlies wishing the prescription will
please nddrcss, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 1H-I
Peun., illiamsburgh, N, Y.
Appletoii't American CjtlopetHn.
Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just
out, making it half complete, as there
are to be 10 in all, of 800- pages each,
one being issued in two months. It
makes a complete library, nnd no one
can afford to ilo without it who would
keep well Informed. Price $,0rt a vol
ume in leather, or !?7,jo in elegant
half Turkey. C. K. .Tudson. Prcdonia,
X. V., controls tliesale in LUc county.
Address him for particulars.
KKHOSnENK OIL 110 Fire Tost
at 20c per Calion. Diamond Head
Light Oil. at only 23c per Callon at
the Wi.stI'xd ,Sr
Pit. VAN DYKK, whose life long
rt fciauty, and world wide reputation for
CUKLXU SKIN UlSK.U'KS, has en.lcnv
nred for vcir to covin Nr. an i:xteiin.l
THKATMKNT. lie llJS aceiill) plif- hod this do.
siruble hi si lt in the preparation of his
compound 'UI.l'UUH SOAP.'' the merits
of which fire spoken of hy thousands; it is
highly recommended to nil our renders.
Price 2"i Coins a Cake; a Box (tnree Cf.kes)
no Con: s. rfKXT hy .Mail, (pre-iniid) ox
hi cfii'T or j'uicK. Ollice, o') N. 5:h PI.
Wmhi.fsai.k Di.imit, '100 X. 3d St. Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold hy I'ltUtiClST.
Go !o j OWKLL & KIMK for your
Hour, fee.l and pork, and everything
el.e in the provision line.
itig, also choice syriip always on hand
KIME'M arc high to he sure; but s'ill
area li'tleciieaper than a) any other
s-ore i:i town.
at POWELL & KIME'S, only ciht
cciils per. yard.
Meal, Outs, always on hand at
POWELL k KIME'S at bonom pri
ces Sot ice.
All persons are hereby forbidden
selling goods to, or trustingany person
on my account, without mv written
order, as I will pay no debts thus con
traded after this date.
lUdgwuy May 2, 1877.-1 y
MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk
Co., Pa., takesthis method' of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk
county, that she has on hand an as
sortment or fashionable millinery
goods which will be sold cheap. Also
dressmaking in all its branches.
Agent for Dr. J Bail & Co's Patent
Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups.
Send for descriptive circular.
matoes. Cherries, and l'luins at the
store of Powell & Kinie.
List of Causes.
... -i.-ni.
ET down for trial at November
nil of the Court of Common Pleus
ol Elk County :
1. John AVainwright, ndni'r. &c.
vs. W. II. Johnson et ul. No 14, Bep-
tember Term, 1875.
1. Jacob H. Walters et al. vs.
Thos. L. Kane et al. No. 8:5 Septem
ber Term, 18711. .
8. Chas. Webb vj. Binion Roniig.
No. 112 September Term. 1S7U.
4. W. Ii. Konkle vs. C. R. Earley.
No. 211, September Term, 1870.
5. Rarbara Eckl, AVidow &c. vs.
Edward P.abel. No. Iii3, September
Term, 1B7U.
6. Stout, Mills, and' Temple vs.
Ralph Johnson, ndm'r, fcc. No. 67,
November Term, l87d.
7. MichaelSlie ehan vs. Joseph Ji.
I'owers. No 59 January Term, 1877.
8. N. M. Rrockway vs J. S. Hyde
etui. No. 03, May Term, 1877.
'J. Jas. H. Hagerty vs. Walter Rry
ant et til. No. Co, Islay Term, 1877.
10. John W. liriggd, now for use,
vs. R. I. Campbell, adin'r. No. 01
May Term, 187 1.
11. George Dickinson et al. vs Fred
Wiimarth et al. No. 103, May Term,
Vi. Rnchael Gross et al. vs. C. R.
Earley: No. 115, May Term, 1877.
13. The . Township of Ridgway vs.
V. S. Wheeler et ul. No. 170, May
Term, 1877.
14. C. H. M'Cnuley vs. Patrick
Lamb etal. No. 71, September Term,
15. Solomon 8. Johnson vs. Janctte
C. Houk, executrix, tc. No. 110 Sep
tember Term, 1877.
lb. John Tudor et al. vs. Peter Hol
labaugh. No. 145, September Term,
St. Mary's, Pa.
The largest agency In cither Klk or
Its adjoining counties, representing
through his General Agents about 30
responsible nnd prompt loss paying
companies, among the principal onea
are the following:
dross csscts $32,538,612.
Asset over $7,033,003,
Assets $4,ouo,ooo .
Assets l,6uo,ooo.
Asset3 $2,500,000.
TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN.,
A:33tS SV-iOu.UOO.
commencing Monday, Sept. 24, 1877.
Mail Kast
" West
4:13 p m
2:'i p in
i:22 n m
8:21 p m
4:40 p m
2:19 p m
G: f0 a m
7:45 p m
Day Express Enet
Niagara Express West.
Mail East
Mail West
Day Express East
Xiagara Express West.
sr. makv's
Mail East
Mail West
Day Express East
Xiagara Express West..
5:18 p m
1:57 p m
7:0 a m
7:18 p m
Township Olficers.
Jude of Election U. It. Dixon.
Inspectors M. E. Lesser, II. II.
Justices of the reace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fulierton.
School Directors 0. 15. Grant, .Tas.
Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. X. T. Cum
mings, W. S. Service, Eujr. J. A.'iller.
.Sujiervlsors John Gulnack, Daniel
Treasurer W. II. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Auditors Will Dickinson, James
Pen Held, J. S. Powell.
Clerk M. S. Kline.
Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr.
LAnircs1 Siioi-.s, Gaiters and Rub
bers, a large variety at P. & K'fi.
J. C. Selden I
v.s. In Klk County
Jnne Khi'Mriike et ill., I
Administrators and the Common Picas.
Wiiluw nnd Iliirs of I
Clmrlci Sheldrake, No. 50, Muy T., T7
The Cnmniomveultli of 1'ennnylvnnla to
thp slipriil oi wilil Uorntv. tireeliiiir:
WliKUKA.i, J. ('. Seldori, on tliuMhdnyof
liecciiiiiiT, in the yem' ul our Lord one IIiiais
tiideluht hundred and seventy-four, ohlaliied
Imlmcut in our county Court of Common
I'lrns of Kik County nforonld, lii foie our
Indies lit ltid'iwuy, jitiui ust .lone Shuldraku
n mi K. 11,1 ilxon, iidmiiilslruiors of the estate
of clmrli's shi-ldiiiUe. deceased, iale of your
enmity, yeoman, us well for u certain deht of
two hundred thirty-one and ci'ht one-huud-I'cdths
dollars, lawlul money of the United
Stales, and interest thereon from Koveinoer
7ih. liTI. us also tweiity-iiiiio anil liveone-
hiiiidieiUhs dollars like money, which to the
said I'laintilt in our Mild court were a warded
iiiul adjudjjied for bis iIhihukch, which he sus
tained Ijv oei-aslon of tli detention of the
deht -whereof thesuld defendants convict iih
appeals to nsof record, itc. Yet Hie execution
of the said.lud,';ment will renuiin to he made,
as we have liccn yiven to understand liy tile
said plaintilt, who hatli hesoiiKht us to pro
vide for him a proper remedy in that lieualf,
and we heiu'i wihinur what 1 liyht l:i
that t-ohalf should he done.
1 herediiH ue coinmaiid von. slent nlurius
preeepiiiiuH I hat hy honest and lawful men of
your null vvh'K you liialie Known uiuo i. inn ii's
sheldrul- e that he he and appear before our
jud;res ul. Hidyway at our County Court of
Common Tieas. there to he held lor said
county, on the third Monday of November
next, to show If anvthlnii lor himself lias m
knows te siiy why I lie said plalnlill' should ni.-t
have (he above stated .udiiii lit revived to
continue the lien, and uiso why the said
plaintlif should not have execution nimlnst
Iiim for the said debt and damages, accordini;
to tin-force, foi in and elici t to Ihe recovery
end judgment niorcsuid, if to him It shall he
expeilleiil. Alia lurtuer to uo niiu iiccic
what our said court shall In that behalf con
sider, and have vou then and there the names
of those by whom you shall make it known
unto mm and mis wi n.
Witness the honorable L. I. Wctmore,
president of our said court, at Uidsjwuv, the
tilth dav oi'Octolur, In the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sevenly-
HCVCIl. 1 lit-L). htlHI-.M-Mi,
I., s. I'rolhonotary.
Sejit. 14. 1577. Order ol publication on Cluis.
islieldlalCC UA.MLLSI.tlil.,
ii it
White. Powell & ' Co.
No. il lU'Uth Third Street.
Stocks autl Bunds lloinjlit ami iS'olil on
riii!adelp4iiu, Oct., :!t),
U. B. 18S1. n
do do 'Co J and J
.1105 lKJi
.llsji lOoJ
do do '07 do
do 1 1 o '08 do
10-40. do coupon
do Pacific O's cy . ,
New o's Keg. 1881
" ' 0. 1881...;....
" 4.1, Keg. lS'.il
" '" c. l.S'U
New 4's Hcg. 1007
c. 19U7
Gold ,
.108.1 1081
109. 110
108 108'
li"i- ll
, .lucj ums:
1073 108
105 1051
105 10. j
1021 l-i
...10'4 102j
10-2 10-S'i
291- '2l
15$ l-!4
iq iy
. ex. div.,112 112.1
Philadelphia & Urie ..,
LeliigU Navigation
do ulley
United It K of N J
Pittsburgh, T. 4 Bull'alo It. It
Northern Central ex. div
Central Traasporimion
i'.'i 30
44J 45
38 38 J
North Pennsylvania,
The MeKean Miner has it that the new lino
being run between Pennsylvania nnd New
Yorkf-itate will place the whole of the village
of Ceres in the latter State.
The defalcation of Stevely, late manager of
the W. L. Telegraph olllce at Oil City, foots
up 83,376.50. Jlr. M. E. Luce, manager of the
Titusville olllce, has been appointed in
Steveley's place, who Is missing.
A bltof good fortune has lately fallen to L.
J. Kiuitli, a newsboy on the Oil Creek ltnil
road, in the Bhape of Sii-'.OiW, the amount of a
policy of Insurance carried by his father at
the time of his death, but which had been the
subject of litigation for niauy years.
The Olean, Bradford 4 Warren Narrow
gague Railroad Is being graded between
llradford and Tnrport. We are Informed
that the road will be finished to Derrick
City this full, and that the buildiug of this
road to Warsen depends upon the aid given
by A'arren capitalists.
In Washington county a boy- aged twelve
years took with him to school a pistol, which
was accidentally dlschargeu during school
hours, the ball entering near his groin and
coursing toward the knee, lnflcting a bad
flesh wound. The little reiiow quickly
walked home, hinithe ptbtol and then eon.
fessed the accide1
THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1877.
Taper Rags taken in exchange for
goods 42 Main Street
For a nicely fitting suit of clothes
call on M'Afee the tailor.
Write nnofhor article on Oyster's
political record Eugene.
Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins
wanted at 4i! Main Street.
When lllakeiy was running the
Gazette he used to say, "Miller has
taken his moustache to Haritsburg."
Kime's friends are discouraged as
they have need to be, for all political
signs and omens point to Kline as the
third man in the race.
The school house at Root Jack is
finished and school is now in sessiou
there with MNs Jennie Gresh as
Will you have Rurke or Oyster
for your next Sheriff? We leave this
question open to be answered by the
voters next Tuesday.
A Sociable will be attended at the
residence of Mr. Horace Little on
Wednesday -evening, November 7th,
for the benefit of the Presbyterian
Church. All are cordially invited.
As the season grows cool the de
mand for Underclothing, Overcoats
i-c. increases at the Wananiaker
agency at tne west inci. '1 hey are
filling orders daily. You can there
buy goods at Philadelphia prices.
It Is now announced in the col
umns or tne Jtcmocmt, that Mr.
Kime the Democratic candidate for
(sheriff is wort h some property. Evi
dently the. "poverty' electioneering
dodge don't work well. Rather late
to change taeiics.
At the millinery establishment of
Mrs. N. T. Ciiimniiigs, the ladies of
Ridgway and vicinity will find a large
assortment of fashionable hats,
feathers, etc. Hats pressed over at
reasonable rates and at short notice.
Rooms over R. T. Campbell's Store
Main Street. Give her a call.
"Slurry" presents his compliments
to the wasp-waisted, and suggests that
perhaps it is better to conceal the
"Ambrosial Auburn locks' behind a
big pipe rather than that the whole
identity of u man should be lost in a
red moustache- and Square-Timber
Genuine Imported Maocaroni in lib
New Figs, London Layers.
The .Celebrated "Hunker Hill
Rrniid." Piekle.i put up in Pure
W 1 1 i t ff W 1 1 1 e V 1 1 1 ega r."
The Handsomest Pared Peaches.
Canned Peaches, Tomatoes and
Corn. Choice-nnd at low rates.
Chcif-io, Dried XUef, Bnttor-
J ui-a Received at the West End S'ore
1 1 was veneraliy supposed that the
JJci.tU'Titf was inii'porti'.ig Kime, but
. I. 1 L .,,
one more issue line ino lust v.ouiu
give Oyster nil the newspaper help
that could be wished.
During the session of the first
Quarterly Conference of the M. E.
Church held Saturday evening the
l.'7th i)ist- the following resolution-?
were unanimously adopted.
Ji'ooh-id, That the hearty thanks
of this body be tendered to the ladies
oftlie M. E. Congregation and Sab
bath School for their labors in prepar
ing and conducting with such marked
success the Festival of the 4th and
,dh, of October.
ii'i .tolvcit. That- copies of this resolu
tion be handed to the Editors of the
county papers for publication.
L. F MERUIT, Chairman,
Jas. E. Puoir, Secretary.
Remember the Democrat only
gives Kimo f25 votes in the county,
while the Gazette says Kime will get
more votes than Oyster in St Mary's,
it will thus be seen that the two pa
pers virtually put the contest between
Oyster and litirUe, as 5J5 votes is not
enough to elect anyone Shcrifftiiis fall,
and unless Kime. gels a ytcut many
more votes than Oyter in St. Mary's
he is lost.
E. K. Tilo.Vil'joV, DlU OGloT AND
Chemist. Dear Sir : It is over nine
years since I was taken sick with In
flammation of the Kidneys, and was
so lame at. times I could not help my
self. I was finally persuaded to try
the Rarosma. Last January my hus
band bought the first bottle and 1 con
tinued taking it until the third bottle
was used, and I feel now that I am
cured of great distress and pain ; also
of palpitation of the heart, and I wish
others to know the value contained in
the medicine called Barosina, or
Buchu Buck-ache, Liver and Kidney
Prepared by E. K. Thompson,
Titusviile, Pa. Price $1.00 per bottle,
six for $5.
For sale by Dr. T. S. Hartley, Ridg
way I'a.
The Whole Thing In a Nut Shell.
Following is the estimated vote for
Sheriff on Tuesday next, making no
note oftlie few scattering votes:
Oyster. Kime. Burke.
" ioo 7
9 ' 60 210
100 25 40
10 0
100 10
105 111 5
14-5 80 6
'in 10
176 149 .84
37 11
ao 00 176
j" 872! 400j 471
Renzinger ...
Hoi toil
Millstone ..
Ridgway . ..
St. Marys..
Ovfcter."k"liMu.Hnil Burke men buv
their Stovcn and TiaAVure ut ii Maiu
Street. . ' -
lcat!i on t!io Hail.
At a few rods east of tho railroad
bridge at Ely's Mill, this morning,
November 1st, 1877, Day Express eat
collided with Empire freight west,
with terrible consequences, nnd evi
dently through nn oversight on the
part of the Express engineer. Tho
freight train received orders nt St.
Mary's to run to Ridgway, regardless
of Day Express east, the Day Express
received orders at Johnsonburg to run
to Ridgwny and wait for the freight
train. Mr. Butler the passenger con
ductor stys, that his train kept the
main track, and the coming one was
to take tho siding, lie nnd his en
gineer, as was their usual customde
cided to run to the upper end of the
switch, on the main track, and then
wait until tho freight train had taken
the siding, being busy taking tickets
and answering questions, as conduc
tors usually are, ho did not notice that
they had passed the end oftlie switch
until he was hulled among the seats
by the shock of the meeting trains,
the distance from where they should
have stopped, near tho end of the
switch, to the place of the collision
being inside of a half mile. It seems
unaccountable how it could be possi
ble for an engineer to pass through a
bridge and so far beyond his intended
stopping point without seeing his mis
take. Of course, tho conductor should
have noticed tlio error, or the passage
of the bridge should have awakened
him to his danger, but when we take
into consideration that he was busily
engaged and his mind absorbed with
his duties, their seems to be an excuse
that will exempt him from the charge
of criminal carelessness As we have
no desire to do injustice to either the
dead or living we will await the ac
tion of the Coroner's jury whk'h ad
journed until to-morrow.
Cii'ivin l). Shearer, of Renovo, engin
eer of (he freight train engine, No
1120, leaves a wife mid three or four
children. He had run on tne road
between seven or eight years.
Win Collinge, of Kime, engineer
of day express engine No. KM7, an
Englishman by birth, and one of the
oldisl and lict engineers on the road,
hnvingbeen in the service of Ihe P. &
E. ii. Ii. Co for tiio past thirteen years,
and was a careful man, sober and in
dustrious, having been a railroader in
England before he came to thi
country. He was 47 years old last
March, and leaves a lamily ot nine
children, five boys and four girls; the
eldest a young man of '2:i years, and
the youngest a boy between three and
four years. Collinge's wife died last
winter, since which time lie has been
subject to fits of mental abstraction,
and who knows but that one of these
fits caused him to forget when so much
depended on his vigilance. Until
within a few weeks his son had fired
for him, but, at tho father's request
was transferred to the mail tram, so
that, in case of an accident, father and
sou might not both perish, seemingly
a premonition oftlie terrible event
Morris Farroll, fireman on day ex
press, was a single man, and made ins
liomeat Emporium with an unmarried
sister. Mrs. Frank M'Oloin of thi
place being a sister of his, another
brother having been killed on tho rail
road about a year ago, and their father
and mother having both died within
a short time.
111. Stevens, head brakeman on
the freight train, bad been on the road
about two mouths, and leaves a wife
ami two children at Kenovo. Au eye
witness says t hat Stevens was several
cars in the rear of the engine when
they si ruck, and was thrown with
terrible force into the air, and coming
down was caught in the wreck one of
his legs broken clean off, and the other
terribly bruised. When first found
lie was discovered hanging with his
head downward between the two en
gines, and was observed to throw up
lits arms and gasn a few times for
breath. He was fastened so firmly
by pieces of the wreck that ho could
not be extricated until a saw was pro
cured and the timbers sawed out.
Win. Gallagher, fireman on the
freight train was found under the
engines with both Tegs broken, I lis
head cut, and his hands badly bruised.
He was removed from the scene of the
wreck to the Thayer House, without a
groan escaping his lips, yet while his
mind seemed clear, he did not appear
to realize what hud happened, and 110
idea of the accident could be learned
from him The wife oftlie wounded
man came here from Renovo 011 the
o'clock train, and watched by his
side until about 7 o'clock when he
breathed his last. Mrs. Gallagher in
formed us that a child of theirs was
burned to death less than a year ngo,
and that two children are still living
the eldest being six years of age.
Win. Miller, hrnkeman on the
freight had his leg broken, but will
probably recover.
Daniel C. Oyster, our candidate for
Sheriff, was in the second passenger
car and was thrown against the stove
one side of his face and one hand be
ing burned, besides receiving a gen
eral shaking up.
Johnny Butler conductor on Day
Express, received some slight injures.
I. II. Lewis, Express Messenger,
whose escape seems miraculous, had
just left tho baggage car and taken his
seat in the front end of the smoking
car, which cur was thrown on its side,
and the top knocked off, half a min
ute after he had taken his seat. Be
sides receiving a few bruises, and hav
ing his watch considerably wrecked,
he escaped unhurt.
JJich. Donnovan, the baggage mas-
ter, had followed Mr. Lewis Into the j
smoking car, having just closed the
door at the time of the collision, and
wns thrown unhurt through the top of
the car.
A man and boy were in the smok
ing enr, and escaped unin tired.
S. Silverman, of the firm of Silver
man fc Co., Williamsport, Pa., was in
the rear passenger car, and was not
In the least disturbed by the shock.
Stanley Marshall, of Renovo, a
brakeman on the freight train, and Ihe
person who identified the bodies, says
he snw the glimmer of the lights in
t lie passenger train, and tho next
tiling ho recollected he found himself
on hi bend and shoulders in a car of
hard coal, having been thrown over
three or four cars, nnd strange to say,
escaped uninjured. Mr. Marshall h
a gentlemanly appearing young man,
and to him we are indebted for many
of the particulars of (he accident. He
has been on the road about four years.
and in one collision before wllh the
ame engine.
The heavy fog which prevailed on
the morning of the disaster, prevented
the men on tlietrains from seeing each
other, und the trains meeting on a
curve made it still more difficult to
see an approaching train. After the
fog hnd raised the sun thown brightly
upon the dead, lying there in their la.-t
Large crowds of people visited the
scene of disaster during the day, each
one turning away sick at heart as they
thought, of the widows and orphan
children, whose protectors were thus
untimely ushered Into eternity.
Besides the loss ot life, the loss ol
property probably reached in the
neighborhood of $5r,000. Both en
gines were thrown from the track and
totally wrecked. The passenger and
Imtgaire car was destroyed, and several
freight, cars were smashed to pieces,
and their contents consisting of coal
and merchandise, scattered along the
Tho coroner's jury empaneled by
Justice Fullerton is composed of II S.
Tliaver, Joseph SV. Taylor, J. W.
Morgester, W. S. Service, Charles
Holes und Geo R Dixon. Wo will
give the evidence in. full, in our next
Remember that the li.L'ht is, and
from the lias been, between
Oyster and Burke. A vote for Kime,
Rogan, Evarts, or Rundy, is thrown
away and increases Burke's chances.
A FINE LINE of Ladie.' Misses'
md Childreiis' SHOES from tho Fin
est r rencli ilil to Heavy "; -iso
Bovs' and Mens' Roots just to hand
it The West End Store. It wiii pay
you to Examine them and com pa re
We are informed that Burke ex
pects and will get fifty-five votes in
Ridgway. In that event we are afraid
Kime will not get votes enough to
elect Oyster.
State Notes.
The riot trials will c 1st lierlis enuutv SI:
J. Scott Ferguson, u Pittsburgh lawyer, has
Mrs. J. K. EniiTsra, wife 01' Ihe irrertibarli
candidate for auditor general, died 011 'i hiiiK-
day al Heaver rails.
Kilty 1'nup, who died recently at Pitts
hur .'it 'was worth iVjii,0-.i. The cstale'will he
divided eiiually aniontcii heir.
The number of divisions 01' Sons of Temper
ance ill tiie slate l;-i 7:1 and the membership
o,0s, u decrease of l.OttJ us compared with last
A man while Khoatlug nt 11 duck In Cam
bria county shot leaniuel 5 raises, jr., who is
expected to die. The ball first glanced oil
tho water.
(li'ii. I'ranz Siel has purchased a farm at
lllooiuinij drove. Pike county, v here he will
place his three eons, two of whom are to be
come larmerH.
The Crawford county dairymen's associa
tion held a cheese fair nt -Meadville 011 Wed
nesday and Thursday. Most of the middle
and western states were ropn-airnted.
The Pittsburgh Telegraph says a careful In
quiry among business men of I'lttshtiruli gen
erally reveals the fact that trade 1h better now
than it has la-en at any period the last three
The Johnstown Tribune learns thai Colonel
Miiilken, district aUorney of iilair county,
who Is mlsslim, is short some ; l,CO0 011 trust
funds, as well us a considerable sum in pri
vate debts.
I-M win Weluner, aged tifly years, of Lehigh
county, attempted to dash his bruins out
against 11 barn wall oil Thursday. Not suc
ceeding ho cut his throat from ear to car. No
cause is ussigned lor the suicide.
Kevcn thousand stockholders of the centen
nial hoard of tluanco have faili d to claim
their first installment of the distribution of
the hoard. Another Installment will soon be
tiov. Ilartranfl has appointed Dr. X. A.
lViinypaeker, of Phrenixville, commissioner
for Chester couuly for iho erection of the
southern district hospital for the Insane, In
pluee of den, dcorgo F. Smith, deceased.
Lewis Benjamin, of Luzerne county, u few
days ago, attempted to commit suicide hy
taking a large dose of Paris green. He after
ward went to an outhouse and cut ills throat
with u knife. Jloth efforts proved unavail
There is 110 truth 111 tho report that James
11., Turner, father of Martin V. Turner, re
cently sentenced to be hanged in Clearilcld
county, bus toen arrested for perjury In the
trial of his son for murder.
Corporal H. E. James, of company F(Easton
Grays,) has been appointed regimental com
missary for the I ourth regiment with the
rank of lieutenant. Mr. James is a member
of tho legislature from Northampton county.
In the Philadelphia court Mrs. Lena Adams
got. a verdict for (K.iUO damages against, the
Heading railroad company, on account of the
loss of her son, who was drowned in the
Delaware last July, In consequence of one of
the company's colliers running down his
John Zinnel, n Norristown bartender,
bought an ounce of arsenic on Tuesday night
with which "to kill ruts," ho said. After
making the purchase he ret u red tothe saloon
where he was employed, emptied the poison
Into a glass of beer and drank a portion ol It,
The dose was too big to be fatal, and the
would be sulfide is still ulivo,
Walter Place of Spring City, Chester
oounty, was fatally shot on Wednesday.
Place, with a companion, wag driving In a
wagon, and in removing his gun for the pur
pose of shooting a bird, in sumo unaccounta
ble manner the trigger was pulled and the
gun discharged. The contents entering
Place' heart, killing him instantly.
E&tcs 0! Advertising.
One column, on year u $7C 00
25 00
15 00
Transient gdverlieements pel" eritmre of
fight linep, one Insertion 1, two Inser
tions, $1.60, three insertions $i
Viusinoes cards, ten liucs or less, 'per
year $5 -Advertisements
payable qunrlcrly
""SHERIFF'S sales.
1Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri
) facias, alias fieri fuclas, venditioni
exponas, levari facias, alias levari
facias, and testatum fieri facias,
issued out of the Court of Com
mon Fleas of Elk county, nnd tome
directed, I, Daniel Scull, High Sheriff
of said county, hereby give notice thnt
I will expose to public sale, or outcry, in Ridgway, at 1
1 o'clock 1. M. on
the following described real estate, to
wit : All that certain tract of land
situate in Horton township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at 11
post ul t he northeast corner of land of
George Nult ; thence south by land of
said Nulf one hundred and four (104)
roiis to a post ; thence west by land of
William Bennett sixty-one (01) rods
to a post; thence north hy land now
occupied by Palmer Giles forty (-10)
loils to a post; thenca west sixteen
(it!) rods to tv post in the center of a
road; thence north by land of Wil
liam Hiiittt sixty (iiO) rods, morcj or
less, to a post; llience east seventy
seven (77) Kids to the place of begin
ning, containing forty-six (40) acres
more or less, being the same premises
conveyed to John Rhinliulx by Je
rome Farario and wife, by deed, dated
July 7, 1M70, and recorded in the re
corder's otlice in and for Elk county,
In Deed Book ' O, page '26, Jce. He
serving and excepting, nevertheless,
ail the minerals contained in t tie
above described tract of land (except
the limestone wiiieii may he rerjutred
to be used by the occupants lor farni
inir purposes,', together with the right
of ingress and egress for the purpose
ot mining and working, and tne lull
enjoyment of the same. Also, reserv
ing the right- to cross said land with
necessary roads for hauling timber
from any lauds owned by Sampson
Short. -
Seized, taken in execution nnd to
be sold as the property of John Rhin
liulz, at the suit of D. C, Oyster-
ALSO. All that certain piece or
parcel of laud situate in Jay township
Elk county, I'ennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning
at a post in til" middle division line of
warrant No 5'ibo, at the northwest
corner of a lot deeded by John O.
Reading and Charles Hurtles to R
Brown lee, August 1, 1874; thence
foulh foi'iy-three and one-half (43')
degrees ea'-t ten and seven-tenths (10
7-iujperches; thence along public
road south forty.six and one-half 40'
degrees west twenty and seven-tenths
(if 7-10) perches; thence along St.
Mary's road north fifty o( degrees
west sixteen 10 perclies, and north
twenty-two (22) degrees west thirteen
(l.'i) perclies to a post in said division
iino; thence east- twenty-four and
eight-tenth (2-1 8-10) perclies to tho
place of beginning, containing two
and seven-tenths '2 7-1U acres, more
or le.-s, being lot .'o. 10 and west part
of lot "o. 5, with i frame dwellings
one (1 ) name blacksmith shop, two 2
frame barns and oilier outbuildings
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as Hie property of Benjamin
Brow 11 lee, nt the suit of John G.
Reading und Charles Bartles.
ALSO All the fallowing de-cribed tract
of parcel of land situu'.cd in ihe township
of t'ax, in the county of lilk. in the State
of l'ennsylvfitiia, bounded and described as
fallows, to-wit : Cinii'iieiieing at. a post at
ihe imi'ilicnst Ci-Tiier of laud contracted to
he s.;ld to 1'eicr McK'mncy ; thence south
(!ji!) t'ixly djreos ca.-t! (o4i fifty-four rods,
more nr lc?s. to a dead chestnut tree;
llience cant (l"o) one hundred and three
rodn, more or less, to a post ; thence north
M'.') uineieen rods, move or less, to 11 post;
llience (7'ii seventy-six rods, more or
'.e.-s, to a post ; thence north (ii0) sixty
degrees. tve?t (8:1) eighty rods, more or less,
to a post ; thence south to 1 he place of bc
(rimiiijfr, containing (-1) twenty four acres,
more or less, nnd beinf; a part of warrant
;o. 40S-i) numbered forty hundred and
eigliiy-tlir :c, upon which is cracted one
two-s'lnry frame dwelling iious, -0x23 feet,
wi'h cellar and cue burn lbx02feet; also,
a pood well of water thereon.
i'oued, tuken in execution and to be Bold
as the property of t'. A. liunJy and K. S,
I'rosfi, lit ilia suit of James liruyley.
Abo liy virtue of a writ of fieri f avian
I have levied oil nil the interest of the de
fendant, illiam E. WyUofl", in all that cer
tain piece or parcel of bind situated in
lleue.etts township, Klk county Fa.
bounded on the north liy warrant (No.5012)
number filly hundred and twelve; east
by warrant (N'o. ClU) fifty-four hundred
nnil eighty; soutu ny lainis 01 loieiuan,
Johnson and ethers, ai.d part cf warrant
(N'o. 0O2;5) number tiity hundred and
tweuly-llirce , rud on the west by warraut
(No. ot)--) liny uuudrcu nml twenty-two;
conlninit.g l.'WO) three hundred acres, more
or lo?s, beinj! part of warrant (No. 5023)
fifiy'litiiidnd and Iwcnty-tliroe, unimproved.
i-'eiicd, taken in pxecutiou and to be sold
as the property ot W. E. Wykolf, at the
suit of J. A. Wykoff.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All bids must bo paid in full, ex
cept where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case tho costs on the writs
must bo paid, as well as all lions prior
to that of the purchaser, and a duly
certified list of lions shall be furnished,
including mortgage searches on the
property sold, together with such lien
creditor's receipt for the amount of
the proceeds of the sale, or such por
tion thereof as ho shall appear lobe
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock 1
M., at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk oftlie per
son to whom it was first struck olf,
and who, in euse of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and.
111 110 instance wiii tne ueea be pre
sented in court for cotirmation unless
the bid is uclually settled for with tho
Sheriff as above stated.
V. S. Hohton, Deputy
tvherUrs Olllce, Ridgwuy Vix.
October 23, 1877. I
Sce Purdon's Digest, 9th edition,
page 440 ; Smith's Forms, page 884.
"starry V communication in tLe
Advocate evidently troubled tho
Llliputian Editor of the Democrat,
judging from the amount ul' space ho
devotes to it in the columns of his"
issue of last week.- Truth hurts you
does'nt it Miller. "Well, you bhould,
accustom yourself more to it.