H ir A CARDIFF GIANT I A Stone Ulaat Vnearthtd ! Colota.do.Tbe ftlngular Figaro Described. A few months since, says a late num ber of the Pueblo (OoL) Chieftain, Mr. W. A. Ounont, who has been traveling iu the region lying southwest of Fueblo, between this city and Mace's Hole, dis covered a variety of fossils, among others a sea turtle in an excellent state of pre servation. Mr. Conant called the atten tion of the newspaper press of the State to his discovery, and considerable com ment was elicited. The matter gradually passed from the attention of the public, though Mr. Oonant determined to search further in .the same locality with the hope of making additional discover ies. On Tuesday he a: rived in the city, briuging with him a large stone ligure of a man which he had unearthed at the head of a long, dry arroyo about six miles north of the residence of P. K. Dotson, Esq., about twenty-Are miles from the city. The fltrure was found im bedded in very hanl clay, requiring vigorous use of a pick to loosen it. A cellar tree grew near by, one of the roots of which had grown between the arm and the body of the figure, making it necessary to cut the root before-removing the statue from the bed in which it had doubtless reposed for centuries. Mr. Conaut states that while sitting on the ground eating his lunch in the local ity above mentioned, his attention was attracted to a curious looking ttone pro truding from the ground. Ho removed the earth from around it and found a resemblance to a human. He then pro ceeded to dig away the clay about a foot in depth find soon uncovered the entire figure, aud, having obtained assistance, brought it to this city. Unfortunately, in removing the figure from its bed a wood en lever was placed under the neck and the head broken off. It has, however, been neatly replaced. At first the dis covery was supposed to be the petrified body of a human being of gigantic stat ure, but closer examination proves it to be a piece of sculpture, but by whom executed or to what ago it belongs no one seems to know. It is composed of sort of slate rock colored a dirty yellow on the outside, possibly from contact with the surrounding clay, and repre scuts r man reclining, one arm being crossed over his breast, and the other lying along lus side with the hand rest ing on his leg. The position is easy and natural. The entire length of the statue is seven feet six inches, length of arm four feet one inch, breadth across the shoulders two feet, length, of hand twelve and one-half inches, length of foot thirteen inches. The weight of the figure is about four hundred and fifty pounds. The typo of the human race represented is a strange one. The head. which is turned slightly to one side, as is natural in a reclining position, is of tiio Asintio type, a sort of a cross be tween an ancient Egyptian and an American Indian, the cheek bones being ivniarKaDiy prominent. The figure is spare and thin, much like the men in ancient Egyptian pictures, while the whole body is covered with indentations. One remarkable feature which strikes the observer is the great lengths of the arms and the ape-like appearance of the hands aud feet. The baud which rests on the leg, if the arm were straightened. would reach to the knee, while the feet are long, flat and slim, and the great toes about two inches shorter than those in tlio middle of the feet. At the end of the backbone is a tail about two or three inches long, strongly suggestive of the truth of the Darwinian theorv. The figure was at Xyb rg fc Kickers' stables all day on Tuesday, aud visited by hun dreds of our citizens. There is con siderable excitement here over the dis covery, aud a general desire on the part of all to hear the opiuion of some scien tist with regard to tho origin of this curious work of art. There can be no question about the genuineness of this piece of statuary. The stone shows tho effects of time, aud the circumstances of the discovery are such an to preclude anything like a repetition of the clumsy Cardiff Giant fraud. How tho Moiirjr (Joes. An attractive series of articles on Russia, although unfriendly in tone, is now being printed in the Pall Mall Uazvtic, of London. That interesting subject now the army has just been con sidered. ThecorruptiouinthearmyisthuB amusingly described: "The" money that is set down in the estimates for the keep of a regiment is amply sufficient if it reached it destination ; but a part somehow sticks in tin war office; another lump gets lost between the fingers of the general comtminiliug the division ; the brigade general next mislays a portion ; linally the colonel comes, who thinks he should be a zany it lie did not levy his due commission upon the remainder. The major filches all he can, because he does not get his pay regularly ; the cap tain follows Buit, and the sergeant-major plays the same card. The Burgeon who directs the infirmary sends in a long bill for medicines, and gives his patients vodki, which cures them quite as well. The quartermaster pockets the money that should go to mend tle drains ; the adjutant gets a bonus from the contract ors who supply rotten wheat and tainted meat. Meanwhile, the Russian soldier is not discoutontej in the midst of his filth and hardships. He plods on like one who is undergoing man's fated lot, and in war he fights like a hero for the men who Blunder him." A Cough Core. An Italian doctor (according to Let Monrlcs) attiibutes cough to the pres ence of a parasitic fungus in the air passages. In grave cases this parasite multiplies, and reaches into the lung cells. Quinine has the property of stopping the development of microscopic i'ungi, aud is therefore adapted as a remedy in the present case. Dr. L. has lined with success tho following powder : Chtorhydrate of quinine, one grain; bicarbonate of eoda, one grain ; gum arabic, twenty grains. The bicarbonate of soda is meant to dissolve the mucus, and the gum arabio to increase tho ad herence of the.powder on the b) onchial passages. The insufflation (blowing in) of the powder should take place during a deep inspiration of tfie patient, so as to facilitate its penetration into the wind pipe, which is the priucipal seat of the raicroFcopio fungus. Skobeleif, the Russian general, nwain the Danube on horseback to allow it could be done, and haa hail five horses chot under him during this campaign. D .ii'ing one of his rconuoissauces near .Plevna he came in view of a delicious spring of water, apparently inaccessible, however, because of the hail of Turkish bullets that pattered round it. The soldiers shrank back from facing almost certain death, till Bkobeleff dismounted, leisurely walked to the fountain, drank freely of its waters and bathed his face and hands. Btung by this implied taunt the soldiers rushed forward to shield Liiu ; Wkobeleff ordered thera under arrest for leaving their ranks and calmly walked back STAGE ROAD LANDLORDS. Soma Anecdote! Aboat Them-Uow aJadge Foraged a Meal Ben Btlrkner'e Rule A Coatly IJnest fltorleo of ftinges, Stage 1'ne.rng.ra and Landlord. The race of the stage road Boniface is dying out rapidly. Pullman dining ears are doing for him what railroads have already done for the Jehus of the stage coach. The places that once knew thera will soon know them no more, and many old travelers over our Western plains and mountains who enjoyed the ready wit and cheerful off-handedness of the one, and the rude hospitality and abundant cheek of he other, will sadly miss these types of Western Ameri canism. It was more common years ago than it has been recently for landlord and stage driver to have an understanding with each other, whereby, for a consideration paid the driver, hungry travelers were soarcely allowed time to comfortably seat themselves at table, when the driver would announce the immediate departure of the stage, thus cheating people out of a meal who paid for one. I remember being one of a stage load of hungry travelers crossing the Sierra Neva das before railroads had spanned it, when a noted judge,, still on the bench, aud an equally noted professor of an Eastern college were of the party. Our arrival at a dining station was hailed with de light by all the party, and we filed into the dining-room to attack the savory viands, the landlord, however, first taking care to collect the fee for the meal from each of us. We had cer tainly not been five minutes at the table, and some of us, in waiting to be helped to coffee, had not tasted a mouthful of food, when our driver shouted ; " All aboard. I'm behind time, and can't wait a minute longer." A look of min gled consternation and disgust spread from face to face as we sprang from the table, but the judge remained cool, as he touched the professor on the arm. " Will you see to the bread supply. if I take care of the meat ?" he queried. The Professor caught at his purpose and promptly assented. In another in stant the Judge had conveyed a large turkey and a couple of spring chickens, ready carved, from their platters to two napkins, while the Professor emptied tho contents of the bread plates into another, and led by the Judge they marched triumphantly to the coach. Their example was contagious ; each of the passengers hastily confiscated somo article of food meats, vegetables, even, and pastry until the dining-room was pretty thoroughly stripped of every thing that went to make up the concom mitants of a good meal, and the interior of the coach bore the appearance, I imagiue, of a bivouac of Sherman's bummers after a raid, while the bewild ered and amazed look on the face of the speechless landlord as we drove off would have proven a priceless study to any artist. The roars of laughter it caused us proved a good condiment to our strangely improvised meal. The way Ben. Stickney got over a tricky .Boniface of this stamp is more amusing. Ben. was manager of one of the silver mines on the "Comstock," and made frequent trips between tho mine and San Francisco. The landlord at Strawberry, where the stage stopped for meals, prided himself on setting as tempting a table, so far as looks went, as any first-class hostelry in San Fran cisco. Certainly the table linen was of the whitest, the china a genuine article, the silver service rich aud abundant, and the spoons aud forks solid silver ; but as to tho quality of the viands served on this sumptuous table, the memory of stage travelers vouched not, for owing to the understanding between stage-driver and landlord, none of them were ever known to have secured a whole meal there. Ben Stickney having been a victim to their little game a good many times, at last swore loud and long to get his money's worth the next time he traveled that way. Occasion soon led him there among a stage load of hungry travelers, who were only com fortably seated at the table of mine host of the Strawberry, when they were hur ried from their scarcely tasted meal bv i the threat of the driver to go off without them. But Ben, with utter unconcern, sat still while the stage drove away, and enjoyed the good things with which the table was luden. Ben ate enough at that meal to supply a good sized family with sufficient provender for a day. He was just putting in the finishing touches when the landlord approached him, palo end excited. " Pardon me, sir," he stammered, " but but my silver spoons and forks are nii&siug." "Well, vou don't suppose I have them, do you '" Ben demanded, looking i up haughtily. i 'Oh, no.'not at all, but I thought! you might know if any of the stage pas- j sengers had taken them ; that is, I j mean, if any of them acted suspiciously, I you know?" i "Well," answered Ben in a mollified tone, " that does remind me that I saw ' one of them a pretty hard-looking felt ! low handling the contents of the spoon holder very f ami liarly. ' ' Would you be able to recognize : him, sir ?" eagerly questioned Boniface, i "Excuse me, but the stolen articles i were solid silver. I never set down any ', other kind for my guests, sir." " Yes, I'd know the rascal anywhere," Ben replied, confidently. i "If I hitched up a team and overtook j the stage, would you be kind enough to i point him out to me ?" i " Certainly ; I can spare the time, and villainly ought to be exposed." A few minutes later the landlord anU Ben, seated behind a spanking pair, ' were whirling down the " grade " toward ! Carson Valley at a two-forty gait. But ; it was no easy matter to overtake a Pio-) neer coaoh, drawn by six untamed mus- tangs mercilessly lashed bv the whip. I Ben enjoyed the ride, however, and ' when, after two hours of wild driving by : Boniface, the coach was hailed and stop- I ped, ranch to the wonderment and alarm j of its inmates, and the pursuers with foam-covered horses drew alongside. ' Ben sprang down from his comfortable ! seat and got into the stage. I " Is that fellow in there ?" shouted the ; landlord. ; "He's here, sure, big as life," Ben shouted back. " Thunder 1 Just show him to me " "I'm your man," answered Ben, with inimitable coolness. " You ! ye ye you !" stuttered the ' laudlord in blank amazement. j "Just so, my friend. You'll find tho missing spoons and forks in the ice-cool- er. Thanks Mr. Boniface for a square meal and a pleasant ride. Drive on, Johuny 1" "Sold, by the, eternal," groaned the i landlord, as, lashing his horses, he drove j vu ttuuuuc me snouts 01 tne amused pas sen gei s. An experience of a somewhat different character was that which is frequently told at the expense of a landlord. The stage drew up at his rauehe one day with a passenger list bo beggarly that it reduced the expectant aJ smiling Bom- face to a state of despair, and to au ab struse calculation of his profit and loss account. Among the few dust-begrimed passangerc that filed in to feast on the good things spread on his hospitable board, was a verdant looking individual, who tightly clutched one of those old fashioned, capacious mouthed carpet bags with vast bowelled depth that our grandfathers used in their journeys, and that was usually laden with two shirts and a month's luncheon. This particu lar carpet bag was notable only for the appareut extreme paucity of its contents, and wheu our verdant traveler slunk bashfully to the. unoccupied end of the long dining tablo, aud seated himself in one of the chairs, he deposited his dusty bag on a vacant chair at his side. So industriously did he attack the viands before him, that Boniface tapped him on the shoulder several times before he hurriedly produoed a dollar, the usual price of a meal. " Your bill is two dollars," said Boni faee. Hay I" " Two dollars, if you please." " Gosh all mighty, landlord," he ex claimed, "you don't meau to say you tax a fellow two dollars for a meal like this ?" " Our charge is ji dollar for every chair occupied at the table. Your bag monopolizes a seat, aud the charge for it is the same as for a person. " " But, Jedge, see here, now, the bag bain' eaten a mouthful." " Can't help that ; there are the viands before it, and if it don't partake of them, it isn't my fault. Come, sir, pay over ; I haven't time to argue the matter. " "Wall, squire, maybe it's all right, but it seems mighty rough on a fellow. Here's your two dollars. " And the owner of the bag sat down and hastily finished his meal, amid the audible smiles of his fellow-passengers; and the very perceptible grin of exulta tion on the landlord's face. His meal done, he turned to his bag, opened it, shook out its creases and fold", and with provoking gang froid, thus addressed it, loud enough for all in the room to hear : "I beg your pardon, Mr. Bag, for making you wait for the second table. Hungry, eh 1 I Bhould rather think so, with nothing inside of you but a shirt and a paper collar, aud there isn't much substance in thera. Like roast beef, eh ? Here's a nice piece weighing a dozen pounds, I guess. Whew 1 you took that in at one gulp, aud it don't seem to dis tress you eithei. Try this breast of lamb ? I can recommend it. Sorry the mint sauce is all out. Biscuit? Yes, here's a hull plate full. Biscuit are rather tryiu on one's digestive machin ery, they say; suppose you try a couple of plntefuls of bread on top of them. Have a spring chicken? Two? Well, you are cheeky; but here they are. You don't wait to pick 'em, I see. Some more biscuit ? There you have 'em " Suiting his actions to these words, tho owner of the bag stuffed into its capa cious interior everything edible that lay within his reach, regardless of the con sternation depicted in the face of the landlord, who rushed up to stop him. " This is robbery, sir; downright rob bery!" he thundered. "I will not sub mit to it." "See here, now, squire, just keep cool and we'll argue this, "calmly replied the verdant one, not letting up, however, in his occupation of "filling the bag. " Didn't this bag pay for a square meal(? What is a square meal if it isn't to eat till one is satisfied? Isn't that so, gents ?" His fellow-passengers, who were roar ing with laughter, readily assented. " Now, that being the verdict of this jury, let me tell you, Mr. Laudlord, that this bag ain't goiug to be satisfied until it is chock full. I'm its friend, and any one that interferes with its meal will get eternally lammed, that's all " Ho meant every word of it, and the laudlord wisely withdrew, looking a splendid example of the biter bitten. A Singular Australian Bird. A family of Australian birds, says a writer in Good Words, which ore the most anomalous of all in their habits, are the briiRh turkeys, which we may look upon as supplying the place of the pheasant and grouse, ind whose unique domestio economy is specially adapted for the peculiar conditions of Austra lian existence. The mother of a family of brush turkeys is very far removed from the position of a domestio drudge and enjoys complete immunity from the blayery of incubation. The old birds in spring share the labor of collecting an enormous mass of half-decayed leaves and earth, five feet high, and sometimes forty-five feet in circumference. As soon as the hotbed, by the fermentation of the vegetable matter, attains a heat of abont eighty -nine degrees Fahrenheit, the hen bird deposits her eggs, one after another, in the center. They are very carefully arranged in a circle on their ends and then covered to a considerable height with leaves and earth. When hatched, the young birds scratch their own way out, and are able at birth not only to run. but to fly sufficiently well to enable them to perch on trees out of harm's way. The mother, however, seems generally to hang about the neighborhood, aud to assume at once the education and guidance of the family. The solution of this extraordinary pe culiarity is, as Mr. Wallace has pointed out, only to be found in the peculiar con ditions of the open regions of Australia, where prolonged droughts and scanty water supply entail a periodical scarcity of food. The confinements of the parents to one spot for the purpose of incubation might under these circum stances lead to starvation and the con sequent death of the offspring, but with free power to roam the birds may easily find sustenance, and the young, fully de veloped at birth, are at once capable of prolonged and extended journeys. Egypt in Kew York. The New York World says that the Khedive of Egypt has signified his will ingness to present to the city of New York, upon proper application, the twin "Needle," the sister-obelisk of that pre sented and sent to England. This shaft stands upon the sea-shore, a monolith of the granite of Syeue, seventy feet iu height, and is a familiar landmark to all travelers who have visited Alexandria, Egypt. The hieroglyphics on its sea ward face have been partly effaced by the action of the salt wind and spray during more than 1,800 years, and its base is so much worn and mutilated, that it is likely to be prostrated by a Mediterranean cyclone at some future day. It is of the same age as the Eng lish obelisk that of Thothmes III, whioh gives it au antiquity of 3,400 years. The English contractors, who are now conveying the latter to London, are said to have offered to transport the khedive'a gift to New York, and to erect it in any location which may be chosen, for the Bum of $100,000, taking upon themselves the whole risk of the enter prise. Suit Lake City just at present reminds one of a Wull street speculation; there's no great prophet in it, Elephant as Timber Carriers. One of the great industries of Bur mah is the timber trade. The teak wood, whioh is the chief timber cut and ship ped, is very heavy and requires . prodig ious force to handle it ; and as the Bur mosen.ro not enough advanced to use machinery for the purpose, they employ elephant, and bravely do the noble beasts perform their tasV. In the tim ber yards, both at Rangoon and at Maulmaiu. all the heavy work of draw ing and piling the logs is done by them. I havo never seen animals showing such intelligence and trained to snch docility and obedience. In the yard that we visited there were seven elephants, five of which were at that moment at work. Their wonderful strength came into play in moving huge pieces of timber. I did not measure the logs, but should think that many were at least twenty feet long and a foot square. Yet a male ele phant would stoop down, and run his tusks under a log, aud throw his trunk over it,' and walk off with it as lightly as a gentleman would balance his bamboo cane on the top of his finger. Placing it on the pile, he would measure it with his eye, and if it projected too far at either end, would walk up to it, and, with a gentle push or pull, would make the pile even. If a still heavier log needed to be moved on the ground to some part of the yard, the mahout, sittimr on the ele phant's head, would tell him what to do, and the great creature seemed to have a perfect understanding of his master's will. He would put out his enormous foot aud push it along, or he would bend his head, aud crouching half way to the ground and doubling up his trunk in front, throw his whole weight against it, aud thus like a ram would "butt " the log into its place ; or if it needed to be taken a greater distance he would put a chain around it and drag it off behind him. The female elephant especially was employed in drawing, as having no tusks she could not lift like her big brothers, but could only move by her power of traction or attraction. Then using her trunk aa deftly as a lady would use her fingers, she would untie the knot or unhitch the chain and re turn to her master, perhaps putting out her trunk to receive a banana as a re ward for her good conduct. It was a very pretty sight, and gave us a new idea of the value of these noble crea tures aud of the way in which they can be trained for the service of man. Dr. Field's Lett or a in the Evangr.ltit. Allied Enemlea to Health. In many of the fairest and mot fertile dis tricts of North and tropical America, air anj water are allied euomios to health, both being impregnated, with the poixonouK miasmata which produce chills and fever, bilious remit tents and febrile disorders of a still more malignant tvpe. Fortunately, a sure pre ventive and curative of such dextrnctive maladies is to be found in Hostetter's Stomach Bittern, a vegetable preparation which is infinitely to be preferred, both nu account of its efheacy aud freedom from all hurtful pro perties, to the deleterious mineral and alkaloid remedies of the pharniacopcra. It is moreover, tho reigning speciQo for dyspepsia, debility, constipation, urinary troubles, rheumatism, and norvoiiHiiess, promotes appetite and elecp, and is a capital antidote to depression of spirits. Wonder I'pon Wonder. Gives away A strange, mysterious and most extraordinary book, entitled '"' The Book of Won ders." Containing, with numerous enrions Eictorial illustrations, the mysteries of the eavens and earth, nataral and supernatural, oddities, whimsical, strange curiosities, witohes, and witchcraft, dreams, superstitions, absurdi ties, fabulous, enchantment, etc. In order that all may see this curious book, tho pub lishers havo resolved to give it away to all that desire to see it Address by postal card, P. Oleasou A Co., 738 Washington street, Boston, Maas. Physicians of high s tanding nnhesitatiMgly give their indorsement to the use of the Grauf-i ouberg-Mar shell's Catholicon for all fomalo complaints. The weak and debilitated find won dcrful relief from a constant use of this valu able) remedy. Sold by all dragginU. tl.60 per bottle. Bend for almanacs, Gracfeuberg Co. New York. " Tho ( henpest mid llrst AdvertlnlittT to reach roadors outside of tho large cities. Over 1,000 newspapers, divided into six different lists. Advertisements received for one or more lists. For catalogues containing names of papers, and for other information and for esti mates, address Deals A Foster, 41 Park liow (Time Building), Kew York. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Tna Fionkbb Tobacco Compart, Ne-v York, Boston, and Chicago Brain Food,' A botanical extract, strengthens the brain ( positive remedy for weakened forces and nerv ous dobiiity s priced. All druggists. Depot, Allen's 1' liar mac v, lrtth Bt., and 1st avo., New York. Scud for circular. Honest vs. Fraudulent Wright. The purchaser is entitled to full weight always in buying any commodity. Dooluy's Yeast Powder is strictly full weight, beside which it is absolutely pure. Patentees and inventors shuld read adver mcnt of Edson Bros, in another column. The Markets. mw TOBg. Bset Cattle HaUve 10 10M Texas and Oherokoe.... Hi 6 tMtf Mlleh Cows M00 66 00 Hogs Live 0 Dressed 0W 0i Sheep 0l& MH Lambs 0StS 0d OottoB Middling 11 Mitt lljf Flour Western Good to Choice.... 140 g S 40 State Good to Choice 8) (4 6 65 lk.ok whoa per cwt 3 79 t 8 00 Wheat" Red Western 1 1 1 30 No. 2 Milwaukee 1 at (4 1 M Byo-State KM Barley State " (4 Si Uirley Halt '8 1 1 Buckwhant H M Oata Mixed Western. .TT. SI & 39 Corn Mixed Western...... ta li Hay. pcrowt u 60 10 Straw per cwt 46 & 60 Hups 76 03 04 77'a 16 t 18 Fork Mean , 11 16 li it Lard City Steam WX Fish Mackerel, No. 1, new 19 00 2 U0 " No. a, new 11 75 1 0 , Dry Cod, per cwt 6 61 . 9 6 (0 Uerriug, Scaled, per box 90 A II Petnoleum-Crude l9X0t Refined, 16 Wool California Fleece 20 & i!t Texas 10 Hi 86 Anrtralian " - U 4 49 State XX 41 (4 44 Butter State t (4 SO Western Choice So (4 SI . Western Good to Prime,... U 4 45 Western FirWna 11 16 Cheese Btate F .ctory 13 13 State bkinimed '1J M 11 Western 09 4 10 Eggs State am) Penuavlvania 18 e) 21 BUFFALO. Flour 1 T5 8 15 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 1J (4 134 Oora-Mixed 60X6 61 Oats 85 (4 80 Hye (4 88 Barley S3 S U barley Malt 1 00 (4 1 10 miUDELFHU. Beef Cattle Extra 06 9 06 V Sheep 06 d eV Hogs Creased OS. OHtf Flour Pennsylvania Extra......... 112 O T 26 Wheat Red Western 161 4 1 63 Ry : 66 V 07 Corn Yellow Kl II Mixed .) 68 Oata Mixed 85 14 (11 Petroleum Crude 0J.Wa09 Refined, 16 Wool Colorado 2.4 14 jh m . . 24 0 81 Ottlilornia , 29 tjt as Boston. Beef Cattle.............. 03 9 08)4' Hheep 06)4(4 01M Hogs...... 06 14 09 Flour Wisconsin and Minnesota... t 60 (10 Corn Mixed..... 48 44 61)4 Oata " 68 (4 6 Wool Ohio audf Pennsylvania Xdf.H 48 (4 to California..,..,...... 4tl til 41 BiauaTUM, mass. :: 33 Kg 'Qlb or 14 10 H.im. 0714 08 You'll scratch a poor man a nose at Ions a you live, if yen don't forsake the old monopolists. FWa Ton Wagon Soalet t&O eaoh. On trial, freight prepaid, by Jonas, of Binghamton, Binghamton, N. I. Oh My Urnd Aches I then take a duse of Quirk's Irish Tea. The great bilious remedy, price 29 ots. a package. IT 1 f "tli to A rent. Am'l trntolht poor-kouM. Sendstamn for Immense lllu. ail W JJ fraud catalogue. O.U.BaiANT, Chlcag-o,m. $5937 -as A rents In Jan. 77 with articles. Sample! free. ( jr. Mfnyrm, umvo. BEATTY !.'"nnt Orarnn beat IB-Look! Startling " . ' Newa. Orrntu, 19 Mopa u. Pianos onljr flat) r.l!W60. Olr. Kr . )nj,i p. Beatty, Waahingtra, N, J . A ffnrl (Ta11 ""1 D da In on dar with Ml WOOU W eil onr 4 fot Wxll tVOJtn. Sand loronrenw-b1U:BApoKji Up,, Bt. Louis, Mo. OPIUM IIAIIIT CI KKU AT HOJiiv No pabticttf. Time short. Term mod Mrnfja 1 A MM! Tnitinmnials lit. fccrib mm. DR. F. K. MARSli. Uuincr. Ml oh. Proourwl or No Pay, forTry wonndtKl, ruptured, Meideat- T imurra or rliiMiiM HnlriiAr. AHHrMiai. finl. N. W FITZG HHALD, U. B, Claim Att. WaBhinyton, D. O. W. L. TUrmt w, Trher of Guitar, n,i.Corm A.Ki.iur a iiMn rci.uuiiar.ir. trefi in UN, lfalr In Musical Tnartnimonla. Mini. String. Catalogue free IM Tmooni Hu Boiioa. PMPI nVMriUT I A Prraannt RU nation offered in ererr Town and Oitr in the U. 8. Addrew iis CJitri V. A. Ill ItNMAll bV I'll. IrTlnton-onHudaon N. Y. A KEY TO BOOKKEEPING. The Rent Tart Rook and Rolf fnntrtistar In tlm World. Bent by mail, pout paid, on receipt of Fifty (ninbjr am nor; vjr.yj. o. wnipit, narannan, weoriria. Ho! Farmers,, for Iowa! Mr-nti a f'ofttnl Card for description and mane of l,';0,0M Acre of R. R. Land for aale on long fcnrtna. Boil drat-elana. Ticket FKKK to land-btnrera from OhicAK'oand retarn. AddrennJ. B. C'AI.IIOI N Ijind Commitmioner Iowa R. R. Land Co., 03 Baadulpb Street, Chicago or Okpar Kapiub, Iowa. Eaton's Rust Preventer FOR l-M NH, ITTLKUV AND HIJM-ICAI. Judge Holmeii.of Bar Citj, Mioh., aava: "It le the nest preparation I hare found in 36 renra of active and frequent uae of nuna." T. K. Broadway, Jr., writa : " I eep two Rims on ooaro or a boat on tne unit water. I bare never been able to keep thera free from met until i umma your on, ana nna it tne ben lubricator Tor suns and rifle I hare erer ued. Sold by all principal d Hitler. The trade euppliw, by sole manufacturer, HKO. B. KAT), 67Q Favonia Am., Jersey City HoinhU, N.J. KNOW A new Medical Treatise "Thk RriENCK or I.jyk, or RRLr Phfskrvation," a book for erery man. Prioe I went by mail. Fifty orifrinul preflcrip tiona.eitheroneof which worth THYSELF ten times the price of the book. Oold Medal awarded tne author, ine Konton lit mm gnyn "The Science of lAim is neynna au companion the most extraordinary work HEAL THYSELF on Physioloiry erer published. jiiub. rampuiet sent rree. Aa a Db. W If. PARKRK, No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, Mass. AGEXT9, AGEXTS, AtlEXTS. BARNES' Popular HISTORY or OUR COUNTRY. A (tents wanted to aell this superb work. Very satis factory to the buyer, and vrry profitable to the agent. Price reduced Write for particular. A. S. BARNES Ac CO., Ill nnd 113 Uilltnm Mtrcet, NHW YOHK. rriuz ni:wak DAILY AND WEEKLY COURIER, XEWAIlli, SEW JERSEY. F. F. PATTERSON, Editor and Proprietor. TUB l.KIIIINH KKPrm.ICAN NKWN. If.WV.lt OF KV JKHKY. Terms Dnilr, $8.(10 per annum : Wookly, ; . AUvertiMmenta inserted on liberal taruia. fteinl for Pric List. For MX BEarTIFI l PHTDilES. (different aubjects.) 14il7 incites; Or for KIVB PHTI'KKS, 1722: Or for KOIB PICTl'KK.S. 1!24. Fac simile ropiei of FINE STKKI. EN(iRAYI(;s. made by the cele brated Ult U'llIC process, printed on UraTf Plata Paper f ir frimint;. Send ten cents for lllnatrated fat atom containing orer 100 piituret. AddrcM, Tub 1ah.y Graphic, Now York City. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW All About Minnesota THE ;iUCAT W1IKAT fTTK, Send Two Itollara for the- Weekly PIONEER PRESS. A Finn Wall-Man of the Northwest Btjiit nost-naid to each Sutmcriber as a pkkmivm. Pemoux renkinir homa in the West will find in thie Paper just the information Reese's Patent Al WUHTA 3 .aVTJ Stencil . Letters and Figures, With fancy borders and ornaments; new and raluable; In d is pe unable to fanners : gieatent invention since print inff; cttMiffttd initnntly to form any address, word er name. Sample alphabet neiit by mail on receipt of OO eente. 'reu'a-r fre. tfi,fl luo xtntfp. rur aalti at all Hardware Stores. Aukk rs M AKTKO. itKI-Xl-, MANJKHi I P., 1 hicngo, III. TO BOOK AGENTS ! We hare in i.rena a book--not v announced that haa been in preparation over f bret yean, C4tiug X),0U0. 124 Superb. Full-Paee Kna-ravines make it one of the most completely illustrated roiumts in the world. It i a mairnittcent work, and will com mand the attt-ntiim anrt Approval of everybody. Wo will make mod liberal arrnnfrtnents with afennta to intro dine it, and it is worthy their notice. Advance sheet, with full information, sent on application to Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati. Ohio. IMt. WAKMCIt'N HEALTH CORSET, With Sklrr Knpporter and Kt-lf-AtMuMinx J'Hdn. Uneqwaled fr Beauty, Kly.e aad P KIBV PHYSICIANS. Pi tint by LxJv J.rrAunfa. Rnniples, enr sieo, l.jr niail. In 8atteen. 1.60; Coutil, 1.76; Nursing Corset. W OO: Miwee' (krt, 11.00. AGKNT8 WANTED. WAK.N'KR liltO'tf. 361 nronilwiiy. N. V. TIIU3 Cincinnati Weekly Times! Free for One Year. Tmc Times is In the Thirtv-fourth rear of ita erlsU enee, with a National Character and influence second to no other paper. Ita patrons axe of all parties in polities, all eeota in religion, all ciaaeea iu society, and of every Btate and Territory on the American Continent. Its contents are adapted to tho wants andtafttes of all. EVKKT PATRON of the Weekly Tin presented, free of charge, with a oopy of the Times Illustrated Year-Book, An elsarantlv nrintad vol a me of aoiantifie and miaml- laoeoue articles, illustrated with the finest engravings. It also contains a DIAKV FOR THR YRAK 1TH, and tte fa. lection Returns for 1477. In value and attractive ness it ta superior to any present ever before oflerea by newspaper publishers. TKRMS Single Subscribers, per year 98.00 Club of Five Subscribers, per year eaoh 1 .(W Club ef Tea and upward, per year each 1.6U The Dictionary of the Bible. Comprising its An'iqnitiea, Biography, Geography and National History, Edited bv Win, Smith, I.UX ,of the Uuivertiily of London. Containing ftOO double-eolnmned pngee, 94 full-page steel and wood engraving, and 12b minor enoravinars. of aonea. eitintt and mAn.ornl kIirm of tbe holy land. Price, in extra English sloth, :i.AO. Any person sending the publisher of the Weekby Times the price of this book, will receive a oony of tbe same post-paid, and aleo the weekly Times (with the Ye-ar-Book) KKI.K FOR. ONK YEAH. Or the Dictionary will be sent aa a premium to any agent for a club of Fight Subsonbera, at & 1 .50. A Special Agent for each County in all the States, is wanted, to whom extraordinary Cash inducement will be oftVred, in addition to an opportunity to secure a valuable Premium Watch. KaT For Specimen Copies of the Times, and eiroulare, etc Address, r l .n ty.t incinnn.ii y TRACT CATAUHIT.-I ontl'w Extract ii nearly a f pe el (I c tor tfi' .-liiwo. It can hardly be ei-ri-Led, ever, in old and olwtiuatu caaea lue relief la ao prompt that do on who iiaa evir trid it will lie without It. CHAFtKU xAMIS AND FAL'E.-Pond'a PxiriiM EuouUl lie in every family tula .'uwkU weather. It removed the aoreueaa eml roug-uueaa, and aofteua aud beala the nkin promptly. Itn EL'MATlS.tl.-UuriBtf aevere and changeable ' wiMlhrr, no ou nubjact to Klioumatle I'aiui should be eue day without foud'a ., KxtrucL, whirli nUvny. reliorcn. HO UK 1.1 ;s, fOKflMFTlON, t:)l lUIia, 1'OI.I)S. Thla cold w.-athur trira the uiik aurely. Ilure l'oud'a Extract iu hand always. It reliavoa the pain aud curea the dueaaa. CHI 1.111. A INS will be promptly relieved and ultimately cured ur UathiDir the afflicted pitrt. with Pond' Fxiract. , FUOrtTEIi LI MUS.-Puud'Kx:rnc-t Invaria bly relieve the imiuuaj liually C'urea. SOUE THROAT, tH'INSV, INFLAMED TON 5.1 Li ASI Altt I'A&SACtg ie promptly uureu by tlie Uae vl ioodf ... T-riici, I; never full. Ili-HH bud I ff of l!uud'a fcxlrurf, 1 I'OMVS I'VTHAI'T CO., fWKlaldeo Laur, I EX Q tfi A Week. Bend for Tea Clrealar to EMrtaa VTCV ill UO., Bi Boa 135, St. JohnmUla, N, Y. 2f BKAITIFI I, K.MBOHHKH PICTUHEfiL O puat-paid for 10 cent.. (latnlo.u. free. It, X. AKKHUltaf, Utioa, w. T. Th Rnt Tram without Metal Hprlnaa ever invented. No humbug- claim of a ear tain rauieef enra. but a anar antee of a comfortable, our. and latinfactotr appli ance. We will Uae baek and if full nrlfl. for all that itn not antft Price, mil., like cut, ; for both lidos. S.nt br mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B. Thin Truss will ccrk more Raptures thsn any of those for whioh aziravaf ant clnims are mad. Circulars free. PO.IIUUOY Tltl'MM :)., 740 Broadway, Nrw York. . "The Best Polish in the World." " TAKE IT EASY 1" Common Sense Chairs and Rockers, With or without Beading and writing 'table, all Arm Chairs, my No. 4, 6, IB, plete patisfao 1 1 any dntired tna? or writing; dining table fr ting table for of your 7x9 ef inches, cannot order; all my npon honor, warranted. Send js adjustable te When sed on or lti,g.reeoovk turn ; can be s4 angle for rest makes a nice invalids, cr ent the ladies; none fairs.huttaltaftij be got ont of goods are made tamped and trled Price I.i-t to F. A. KlNCIaAlKt utiiTin for III tin alloitvl.lvOnniidnita Q.i Washburn &Moen ManTgCo. rfvnuEBrER. ma 13 a bit Kioufirtttmi tut ef Chicago, sf PATENT STEEL BARB FENCING. A BTEEL Thorn Hedge. No other Fenoin J9 cheap or put op so quickly. Never rusts, stains, aecays. shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected by lire, wind, or flood. A complete barrier to the most S.IJJ?.l7,ito5.lt- ImpM'Mble by man or beast TWO TT?2,UryT.ONS SOLD AND PUT UP DURINO THE LAST YEAR. For sale at the leaning hardware stores, with Btretchsra and The I Ipfttthloat nf n nre 1,1 n Me to nhstrnotions in th bowels. Don't negleet thera. It is not neeeeaarr to outrage the palatn with nnuseoas drug in such cas.'S. The most effectire laxative known is Tarb ant's Kffkhyksckht Bki.tzkb Aphrifnt, and it is also the mofc agreeable. Its operation is soothing, cooling. pninl sa. Sold by all druggists. TH33 NITED STATEi INSURANCE C0MPANYr IN THE CITT OF NEW YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway. ORGANIZES 1810 . ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERT APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AMD APPROVED MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE AT 7JL OIT PBESESTATIOir. JAMES EUELL, . . PRESIDENT. RON IN THE BLOOD. A Permanent Tonic, WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Peruvian Syrup I A PaoTECIED pbotox1ds Of Ibom. Peruvian Syrup OONTAIMB No Aloohou Peruvian Syrup Vitalizes tbs Blood. Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Syrup' TOKFI V THR SVBl'EM, Syrup RciLDa VT THE Buoxck Down, Syrup Makfa tef. Weak (Strong. Peruvian Syrup Crura THE Dyspeptic. Peruvian Syrup TKVIOOaaTKI THE Bhaih. Peruvian Syrup enure Fkmsi WEAaSSEa. Peruvian Syrup OrnE Debiuxti Peruvian Syrup 1 I'LEAIAVT TO , Take. C A TTION. Be sure yo gei the PKRUVIAN BVRUP." Price $1.00 a Bottle. A ts-page Pamphlet, oon tain ing a history of the PKRUVLeN HYUUP, a valuable paper on prograss la audio aaisaee, a tree Lisa oa Iron as uedieal agent, testininniils bom djstiiigaiahed phsioiaoa, elergrmao, aad oth.rs, will u sent Ira. to an addraaa. SKiril W. FOWLE .V BONH. Proprietor. 8tt HarrUoa Areaae, BoMoa. hoi 4 b, ealera feaermil, SIC I Geo. $5 to $20 j&rftaa AoasrTMs Hill O n dnT at taetne, An(s wanted. Onrflt and Plla serS fHljB "!. A,.tasta. Mslne. tfiRl week In roar own town. Terras ana lei ea-.ni 9v9 fcee. H. HAL-LETT A OO.. Portland. Mama. . 3 kEtvrltlO B VI.TH.-A NKW, CHH AP PBK- 1 FKCT Oure for oremMore ojbllltr. """V.-Vk fir or eall on Urn. A. KARR, jff jg jroway-NewYort. PREMICX WATrilASBrnAIK-; stein-wiDder.Pree wlihererrorder. Ou)- OlvTBTiiT-IMEPIECK. Metal :a Honter ease. SampleVateh free i to ta.fA.tXlUI.TKRAC:().,Chisn.J!: . aiinrlKI, lino of the istrst noTelfies. vUmdJ forcaialog. Vam A Co-Chicago. Month. Airenta wanted. SO best ee Address JAY BKOWWUN. Detroit. Miob. r srUA M in inn woria. un. mmyiw ' PATENTSK4a2S A tents. 711 o Bt.,wahinton, v. v. Maonnm Pee after allowance. Oir'l'r of lnstrnotions,ete..sent Iroo, A tents. 711 O Bt.,Wahinton, D. 0. KsUblished CLOCKS vw,....M ... fit H are superior In deeijm and ne equalled in quslitr, or as tune keepers. Ask ronr Jeweler for them. Manufactory Bristol, Ot. Established 1864. r-ElSCHMANN & CO., Manufacturers and Importers of WINDOW PICTURB AND PLATE OLA8S, AND OKRMAN LOOKING GLASS PLATES, Wnrren Wtrcet, New York. BOSTON WEEKLY TRAISCRIPT. The bRt family oewtpaper pnbllihed t eiht pafftM ; flftv til oolamnn reading. m iinoaii In sdv&noA. . 1 .. ... ,w -an nu atisTtiBV DDI IffB Wrfti llllPtl I'Vr M. WH.AAnt $10 to $2S ' III V unPV. nMiiAbf A n U h 1 1 1 ntf o nr O hroni flnnifii PinlnM MXtA C")iin mo Cards. 12ft Btunpls. worth wnupoBi-pi for HH Cents. Tilntrtd ""e- IOT UBHW, All liaiv.1 e. wr laUloene free. J. If. BLFFOKD'H SONH, ptkvaivpc Mfj ersr-e mm s e Itowlon. "Uhllwhud 1H30 WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing for the Flrreldo Visitor (enlartertl Weekly and Monthly. I,iirjet Paper In the World, with Mammoth Ohromos Free Bis Commissions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free Address P. . VK'KEK V, AngllHtn, Ulnlne. AGENTS WANTED ! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 820 nronilvvnv. New York Cityt Chicnso, III. NewOrlcnns, l.a.t or Wnn Frnnrlero, '!. THE NEW YORK Commercial Advertiser. Tvrum i loiitnjz Prrpnld I laily. on yeaf, fO: mi months, 94. dO; three months. on rnntl-., ?& conto. Week y, one ear, S 1 ; six moot hi, SO cpnts. Speci men numhen nt on application. An extra copy to Club AgontB for club of ten; the Daily fnrelunof thirty. The ( onunerriiil Arivrrilurr is the best Hopub Hcnn paier puHlished in this country. Its Weekly edi tion i& uiiflurpmed. hpoinl terms to Agents. All lfttr Khnuld he nHnt to HUGH J. HASTINGS, ItfQ Fill? on St., W. Y. City. KKKPM HI1 1 RT.H only one qnalitr-Th Best Keeps Patent Partly-made Drew Hhlrts Can be finished aa eaay aa nemminc a Handkerchief. 1 he very t-est, six for 7.00. Keop's Custom Shirts nifde to measure, Tbe Tery best, six for 9H.OO. An elegant set of gecnine Gnld-plate Collar and Sleere Buttons ariveo with each half doa. Kees Bhlrl Keep's Shirts are delfverod FRKTC on receipt of prioe In any part of tho Union no epres obatffea to pay. Samples with full directions for self -measurement Sent free to any addresa. No stamp required. Deal directly with the Manufacturer and net Hottnm Prices. Keep Manufacturing Co., Mercnr St.. N-Y- $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The ehoieett household ornaments. Pries One Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES IT. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON. MASS. $1.00 $1.00 A SOVEREIGN BALM Con be found in that great and rcHnblo medicine, Allen's Lung Balsam. by the nse of wbicb health and happiness ore restored to those ntHictfd with any LuitR or 'I bruht diFMane, iinch aa Cough b, (.rltU, Asthtns, lironchitia and Cm sumption. It PHreri ('ough and i'onsmiiption. It curea Croui end should be krtpt in the house of evury family. Mold by nil .llrdii lnr I) ir I r h. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY The great riotS OsirrntioDS mil deHtructlou of prpt-.rt.v. TrtTiliilie c cenes and incidents, etc., ete. Hond ftir a full dcsrr.plionof the work and our extra to'nm to AxentH. Adiliet-i., National Priu.isiiiMt Co. I'liiludnlpln,!. fa. Recommend It Heartily. ., bouih bobtoh. Mr. Ktkvenb: " i 1 have taken several bottles of jpoor VEGK-' 1 INK, and am convinced it is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and general dvoilitjr ef the bystera. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from the above eouipUilnte. Yours respectfully. Mns. MUNKOB PARKKR. Vegetlne In Kold by All llriignlelH. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAR UnrtYnllxt for thj Tot let anl ttw Bt0, No artiaictai and dtcrptkrt odon ta oovcr ivunDWB and dtlcUriont lnftdl tnU, Aflw yt.tr. of ricntlfic eipc. Urn tb mmifa ttirsr ut a. t b f Soan I- j- rleld Mblt The FINEST TOILET SOAP In tbe Woild, vnh Ptr vtprtabtt pilt uud in it manufmetur: ttPor use in the Nurnery It hoe No Equel. Worlh ten Mtntt iu coil to evtry mother mi fnnillv ln :hri,u-;n:.iin. Bavmplt bow, codUidIoc S cakei of e on, wch, teal ftvu to any al dl4 oa rclpt ol n errtU. Aldr. B TvJBBTT.1Nw York City. tjr Won bait by al) iJnjguu. jgi Kiiffravinrii 40 Pqp Onarto. lOfOOO Wordi and iieanih? mot in other MitMonaei. Four PnaPN Colored I'lnlM. Invnlunhln ! S3? Any I'nintly nud in Any School. Mora than 3MHK enpion bavft been placed in lb puMic schools of tke Unite d Ktatfi. llecommeDdpd by 8 tutu Kupeiintendrnta of School Id 30 diffttreot ttata. 1 he sale of Webbter'a DieHoanrien Is 2 timea aa grtat as the on 1b ef any olher aerits of Dictionaries. Ontains 30OU illns' rations, nearly three times as many as anr ot her Dictionary. - tWT LOOK AT the three pictnres of a Bhip, on PKe l?M, theee alone illustrate the meaning "f more tltnn I 0 w rds and terms far U-tttr than they can be defined in words. uAutut 4,177. The Dictiorary nend In the G&rera mfint Vrintinar-Office ie Wehstrr'a I7nalr;dKw1." a-iuuiMi-tjpyt..A-1. .nr. It n i A.ilN nngne.o.Mssa. THE GOOD OLD STAHD-BY. KII1CAH MUSTAHG LHIKEHT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. Established 8S' Tbabs. Alwaja cares. Atwafi raadr. Alwaya haady. Bag never jet failed. Thirty atfllioM um Utud it. Th. whole world approv the glorioaa old Mustang tbs Beat and Cheapest Liniment i j axyrUoee. 8ft oaata a bottle. Tbe Mastang Liniment eon wbea nothing .is will. BOLD BY ALL WKPtSS. VKNPKR8. SftllDAL-VOOD A peslUv. remedy lor all diseaaee of the Kidney g. Bladder and Urlaary Orgaa. s also good in Drop, leal CanplalDta. It nver produces sickness, I. oertala gad tpeedy la IU aotion. It la fast superseding all other remedies. Sixty capsules oar in aU or .if a day.. K. other medioine esn do thla. Beware of Imltatloaa, for, owing to IU grea snocsss.aiany have been offered ; some are most danger eus, sa using piles, eta. DCNSA8 DICK oV CO.'S (. Soft dep. sels, cosleiefap Oil s Claliied, wld at oH drag stores, Ai fur circular, at seaJ for eas as &s aad if WousWr ml. Km Yyr. H V M U 100 1 It eontsfos a full account of tlm risn of terror In Pittfiliurfrb, llnltimore, Chicago slid other Cities. Tli. rontlicts hetwrn thn IrrHiii. .id tht. mnh T.,ri'il,l.i .n. .THE BtOOD PUB1HCR. fit IS