The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 18, 1877, Image 2

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    wlit gilv.or.nlf,
Henry A. Parsons, Jr.,
THUnSDAY, OCT. 17, 1877.
of Allegheny County.
of Montgomery County.
of Luzerne County.
of Itiilgway.
Politics make strange lied-fellows.
Notice wlinvnre most persistently
pushing Kimc's claims for oflice.
The Elk Democrat Bays the contest
lies between Kime nnd Oyster, while
the Gazette thinks the fight is between
l?urke and Kime. As the two emi
nent doctors disagree who will decide?
One of the best indications of a bet
ter condition of business is the action
of Mr. Vanderbilt in restoring five
per cent of the rate of pay reduced last
July, the restoration to apply to all
salaries of less than $2,000. It is true
that he Is only doing what he prom
ised to do, but the rule is generally
that the great employe rs of labor find
it as easy to break their promises ns to
make them. At the same time, we
may bo sure that Vanderbilt would
not have added five per cent to his
pay-roll unless the condition of busi
ness justified it. Gazette A Hulk tin.
Those people who now laugh nt
Burke's chance for being Sheritl", will
sing another tune when Slu-rifFlJnrke
sells them out. Yet it may come to
Tetkrson's Magazine, tlie ijuvcn oftlio
Lnrty'a Books, is on our tnble for November.
The principal steel engraving "Mttle lted
Ilkllng-Hood,', is rarely beautiful. So, also is
the mammoth colored steel fashion plate.
Jiut, nsa cotemporary savs, the stories the
fashions, the patterns, In short, everything in
Tcterson" Is the best of Its kind. For 1S7S
great improvements will be made. Among
theso will be a monthly Supplement, con
taining a Full-sized I'apek Pattkhx for n
lady's or child's dress, thus giving to every
subscriber twelve such patterns, extra, dur
ing the year. These patterns nlono will bo
worth the subscription price. Five original
copy-right novelets will also be given, be
sides a hundred shorter stories. Hut the
price will remain the same, viz : Two Dol
jvAiis A Yeah, the postage pre-paid by the
publisher. To Clubs the prices nro even
lower, (postage also pre-paid,) viz: two copies
for 83:60, with a superb Mezzotint (21 inches
by 20,) "The Anuki.s of C'iu:istjia," the
finest nnd costliest ever ofTcrod, to the person
getting up the club; or four copies for,
(postage pre-paid, and an cxtnv copy to the
person getting up tho club. For ilMKJ six
copies will bo sent (postage pre-paid,) and
both an extra copy nnd tho "Angels of
Christmas," ns premiums. Specimens of
the Magazine nro sent, gratis, if written for,
to those wishing to get up clubs. Subscribe
to nothing else until you have seen a copy of
this popular Magazine. Address Ckaiiles J.
Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
pay cash for goods, and get more than
the worth of your cash.
For about twenty-years, at times, I
have been troubled with pain across
my kidneys, say every ten days. In
Jan. '75, my urinestopped voiding, and
I was compelled to lay close by the fire
to get any ease, taking morphine, and
using hot cloths, thinking at times I
could not live. I came to Titusvillo
and bought a bortle of E. K. Thomp
son's Barosma, or Backache, Liver
and Kidney Cure, and before the bot
tle was used I passed a gravel f-tono as
large as a pea, and am now perfectly
well, and hope every one troubled
with backache or kidney trouble, will
give the Barosma a trial and be cured
Eldred, Warren Co.,l'a., May 1, '75
Prepared by E. K. Thompson,
Titusville, Pa. Price $100 per bottle.
For sale by Br. T. S. Hartley, Ifidg-
way Pa.
Owing to its Healing, Nerve Restora
tive and Cleansing properties, all fe
male complaints are at once benefited
by the use of Dr. r'enncr's Blood and
Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and
cure inevitably follows in a reasonable
time. It has special properties adap
ted to this class of diseases ulso, and
its cleansing and regulating qualities,
together with its building up or re
storative action on the nerves aktpt it
specially to these eases. Here is a
complication very common to females,
readily relieved :
Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 20, ls;l.
Pr, M. M. Fenner, Fredonlu, N. Y. Hear
Bir 1 wu afflicted with Dyspepsia, Head
aches, Sour Stomach, Constipation, Pain In
Hack and across mo, and great soreness and
weakness, which I had for many yeurs, and
for which I had doctored a great deal, but
never got more than some temporary relief. I
began taking your lilood and Liver Jttmeily
and Nerve Tonio about one year ago. I had
never found anything before that helped me
so well. I continued to gain steadily till I
thought myself wholly cured. About six
months have now passed, and I have not hud
any return of the disease.
Hundreds of cases like tho above
might be cited.
This Remedy is a vegetable com
pound, bo made up of the choicest
plants carefully collected from every
country and clime of the world, as to
possess the rarest Alternative or
Cleansing and Purifying, together
with Healing and Tonio or Nerve
Strengthening and Restorative prop
erties combined.
For Bale by dealers in medicine.
Subscribe for the Advocate.
Election Proclamation.
WIIEREA3, In ami by (lis I3th tee
lion of the Act of Uenerkl Assem
bly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2, 18H0,
entitled "An act relating lo the elections of
the Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the
Sheriff of every county to gie notice of
such elections t o be hold, and lo enumerate
in such notice wlint. oHicets are to be eleo
led. In pursuance thereof, I, DAXIEL
Nt'ULL. High Sheriff of the county of lilk,
do Ihcefore tint k o known nnd give this
puhlio noiice lo tho electors of the snid
county of Elk, that ft goncrul clcoliou will
bo held in, snid, county on
(it. being t he first Tuesday of tlio month)
for the ptirpoflo of electing the following of
ficers to-wit t
Ono person for 8upreme Judge.
One person for Stale Trensurer.
One pcison for Auditor General,
One person for Sheriff of Elk county.
And tho qualified rlcctors of the county
of Elk will hold their elections in the gov
ernl districts, ns follows : township, nt the house of
Kli7.nb?lh Winslow.
Ileii7.iiigcr towusliip, nt. the school Iioiiso
on Michael strce, narthc Elk creek bridge
Fox township, at tho Centreviile school
Highland townthip, nt the house of Levi
Horton township, nt. the school bouse
near 1). 0. Oyster's hotel.
Juy township, nt the house of Alfred
Jones township, nt the Wilcox Tanning
nnd Lumber Cu'.i. office.
Millstone township, at tho house of
Henry lierr, nt Hair's Diun.
Kidgway township, nt the Court House.
spring Creek township, nt the iuuso of
Stockdnle. Pjwner & Co.
St. Mary's borough nt the town hull,
I also make known the following :
An Act reguln'ing the mode, ot voting nt
elections iu iho scvci'al counties of this
Commonwealth ; approved March 8O1I1,
btci ios 1. lie it enacted by the Sen
ate and Home of Ji't preventatives of
the Coimnouiccailh of l'cnnytcania
in Genera! Awnibty tint, ami it is
hereby enacted by tlie authority of tie
name: Xniil the quulilicd vo'tis of the
several counties of tho Commonwealth, ni
nil genera!, township, borough nnd special
elections, are hereby hereafter authorized
and required to vote by tickets printed or
wiitteu, or parily printed nud jmrily writ
ten, severally classified ns follows : One
ticket shall embrace the names of nil judges
of courts voted for, nnd to be labeled out
side "Judiciary," one ticket shall embrace
the names of nil State officers to be voted
for, and be labeled "Slntc;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of all county oiii
cers voted lor, iucluding the oflice of .Sena
tor and members of Assembly, if voted ijr
and, members of Congress, if voted tor and
shall be labeled "County," etc., and each
class shall be deposited in separate ballot
1 also make known nnd give notite as in
nnd by the loth section of aforesaid act
'Every person except justices of tho
peace who shall hold any oliice of appoint
ment cf prulit or trust under the govern
ment of the United Sutes, or of any city or
incorporated district whether a .commis
sioned oilicer or otherwise, a euboidinate
officer or agent who is or shall be employed
under the legislative, executive or judicial
departments of the Slate, or tho Uu.ted
Mates, or of any city or incorporated dis
trict, and aiso auy member of Congress or
ot the btate legislature,; and ot the select
and common councils ot any city or com
missioner of auy incorporated district, ia by
law incapable of holdiug jor exorcising at
tne enme time the ollico or nppoiutmeut ol
judge, inspector or cleiit ot uny election of
the Commonwealth, nnd uo inspector,
judge or any other oilicer of such election
shall be eligible lo bo voted lor.
Also, iu the 4ih section of the act of ns
sciubly, entitled "An act relating to elec
tions and ior other purposes," approved
Apia lljili, 1.VJ0, it is enacted luat the I4th
section shall be so constructed as to pre
vent any militia or borough oilicer from
serving as ju'lge inspector or clerk al any
general or special election in this Common'
1 also make known the following.
Wueheas, The fifteenth amendment of
the Constitution of the United Stales la as
follows :
Section 1. Tho right of citizens of the
United States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by tho United States or by any
State ou account of race, color or previous
condition ol servitude.
Section 2. Tho Congress shall have
power lo enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation.
And Whereas, The Congress of the
United States, on the cilsl day ot .March,
187(1, passed uu act entitled "An act to en
force the rights of citizens of the United
States to vole in the several States of this
Union, and for other purposes," the first
and second sections of which are as followe:
Section 1. lie it enacted by the Sen
ate and Jfoune f JteprcneHtativcs of
the I niea fitutea or America, in tona-
reus Assembled, 'that all citizens of the
United States who aro or shall be other
wise qualified by law lo vote at any elec
tion by the people in nny State, Territory,
district, couuty, city, parish, township,
school district, municipality, or other ter.
ritoral subdivision, shall be entitled and
allowed to vole at all such elections, with
out disiiucliou of race, color or previous
condition ot servitude, nny constitution,
law, custom, usage or regulation of uny
State or Ttrritoiy, or by or under its au
thority, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Section 2. And be it further en
acted. That if by law oi under (lie au
thority oi the constitution or laws ut nny
Slate, or of tho laws of any Territory, any
ttc is or shall be required to bo done ns a
prerequisite or qualification for voting,
tu.dby such constitution or law persons or
oliicein are or snail be charged with the
performance of dudes in furnisiiin citizens
with an opporiuuity to perform such pre
requisite and to become qualified to vote
without distinction of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude, and if auy
such person or oilicer shall refuse or know
ingly omit to give full effect, to this section,
he shall for every such offense forfeit ana
pay tho sum of live hundred dollar! to the
person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered
by an uclion iu the case, with full costs
and such allowance for counsel fees as the
court may deem just, und shall, also, for
every such olfenco be deemed guilty of a
mUdemcauor, and shall, on conviction
thereof, be lined not less than five huudred
dollars, and be imprisoned not less lliuu
one month and not more than one year, or
both, al the direction of the court.
And Whereas. It is declared by the
2d section of the VI aiticle of the constitu
tion and tho laws of the United Slates
which shall be the supreme law of the laud
anything jn the con
stitution or laws of auy Stale to the con
trary notwithstanding.
And Whereas, J he Legislature of
this Commonwealth, ou the titli day of
April, A. 1). 1870, passed an act entitled
A Jurther supplement to the act relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth,"
the tenth secliou of which provides as fol
lows :
Section 10. That so much of every act
of assembly that provides that only white
freemen shall be entitled to vote or be reg
istered as voters, or as claiming to vote ui
any general election of this Commonwealth,
be and the same is hereby repealed, and
Ihat hereafter all freemen, without distinc
tion of color, shall be enrolled and regis-
tored according (o the provisions of the
first seotlon of the act approved 17th of
April, lKlll), entitled, "Ad act further sup
plementul to an aot relating to elections in
this Commonwealth," ami when otherwise
qualified under existing laws, he entitled to
vote nt all general nnd spooial elections in
this Commonwealth.
I also make known the following:
Wirrraa, Uy ths not of Congress of
the Uuited Stnlcs, entitled "An act to
amend the ecvernl nets heretofore passed
lo provide for the enrolling and culling out
ihe nntional forces nnd for other purposes,"
nnd npproved March it, lS(i", nil persons
who liHve deserted lliv military or nnval
sorvico of the United States; ami who
hnve not boon discharged or relieved
from the penally or disability therein pro.
titled, are deemed and taken to have volun
tarily relinquished and forfeited their
right of oilizenship, and their right to be
come oil izens, and aro deprived of exercis
ing nny rights of oitizens thereof.
And Whereas, Persons not citizens
of the United States nro not, under tho
constitution and Laws of Ucniisylvauia,
qualified elcotors of this Coinmotiwi altli.
Skotion 1. Jio it. anneted by tho Sen
ate and Jfouno of lteprccntUivr8 of
the Commonwealth of J'ennnylrania
in General Aexembty nut, anl it, in
hereby enacted, by the authority of the
name, That in all elect tons hero itior iu bo
held in this Commonwealth, it shall be un
lawful for the judge or inspectors of any
such election tj receive any ballot or bal
lots from any person or persons embraced
in the provisions and subject to Ihe disnbi 1
iiy imposed by said aot of Congress, np.
proved March 3d, lKli-J and it shull be un
lawful for any such person to olfcr to vote
any ballot or ballots.
Section 2. Taut if any judge or inspec
tor of election, or nny one of iliem sluill re
ceive or consent to receive, nny such unlaw,
fill ballot or ballots, from uny suoh disqual
ified person, he or (hey so offending shall
be guilty of n misdemeanor, nnd upou con
viction thereof in any court of quarter ses
sions of this Commonwealth, he shall for
each offetise, be sentenced to pay n lino of
not less than ono huudred dollars, and lo
undergo nn imprisonment in thejiiil of Iho
proper counfy, for not less than sixty days.
Section 3, That if any person deprived
of citizenship nnd disqualified as aforesaid,
shall ut any election hereafter to be held in
this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to t lie
officers nnd offer to vote a ballot or ballots,
any person eo offending shall be deemed
guilty of n misdemeanor, nnd on conviction
thereof in any court of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth, shall, for each offense,
be punished in a liko manner ns is provided
in the preceding sejiioii of this act, iu tho
case of otlicers receiving such unlawful bal
lot or ballots.
Seciion 4. Thnt if any person shall
hereafter persuade or advise auy person or
persons deprived of citizenship nnd dis
qualified as aforesaid, to offer my b illot or
ballots lo tho officer of any election here
after lo be held iu this Commonwealth, or
shall persuado or advtse any suoh oilijer of
uny election hcrealtei' to bo held iu this
Commonwealth, to receive any ball it or
ballots from any person or persons deprived
of citiziuahip aui disqualified as aforesaid,
such person so offending shall bcdccuiui
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic
tion thereof in any court of quarter scs
sions of this Comm n.vcalth shall be pun
ished in a like mauuei' as is provided iu the
second section of this act, iu the case of of
ficers of such election receiving such un
lawful ballot or ballots.
I also make known tho following section
of nu act npproved the oUJthdny of January,
A. 1. 1874, entitled "A further supplement
to the net regulating elections of this Com
mon wealth."
8i"C. 5. At all elections hereafter held
under the laws of ihis Commonwealth, tin
polls shiUl be opened at 7 o'clock A. M.
and closed at 7 o clock 1'. M.
Sec. U. All olectious .by tho citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be
numbered ia iho order in which it shall hv
received, and the number recorded by loo
clerks on tho list of voters opposite the
uauioofthe elector lrom wtioui received
Ai d any voter voting two oi uioie liokets,
the several tickets so vote 1 shall be num
bered with ihe number corresponding wiii
tho number to Ihe naoic of Ihe voter.
Any elector may write his name upon his
ticket or cause tho same to be v.tiiteu
thereon, and attested by citizens of the dis
trict. Sec 10. On Ihe day of election any
person whose nnmo shall not appear ou the
registry of voters, nnd who claims Ihe
right to vetc at said election shall produce
at least one qualified voter of the district
a j witness to the residence of" the claimant
in the district iu which he claims to be a
voter for the period of at least two mouths
iinnicdiate'y preceding said election, winch
witness shall be sworn or affirmed, and sub
scribed a written, or partly written and
partly printed affidavit to tho facts stated
by him, which affidavit shall define clearly
where the residence is of the person so
claiming to be a voter; nud the person so
claiming the right to vole shull also take
and subscribe lo a written or partly written
and partly printed affidavit staling lo the
best of his knowledge and belief when uud
where he was horn ; that he has been a
citizen of the Uuited States for one month
and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ;
that ho has resided in the Commonwealth
one year, or if formerly a qualified eleetor
or a native born citizeu thereof, and has
removed therefrom nnd returned, that Ui
resided therein six months next preceding
said election that he has resided iu the dis
trict iu which he claims lo be a voter for
the period of nt least two months imme
diately preceding said election that he has
not. moved iulo the district for the purpose
of voting therein; Ihat he litis if twenty
two years of ago or upwards paid a State or
county tax withiu two years, which was as
sessed ut least two mouths and paid at least
one month before the election. The said
affidavit shall also state when and where
the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was
assessed and when nud where and to whom
paid ; and the tax receipt therefor shall he
produced for examination, unless the alii
unt shall stato iu his alHJavit that it has
been lust or destroyed, or ihul he never re
ceived any; and if a naturalized citizen,
shall also slate when, whero and by what
court he whs nuturulucd and shall also
produce his certificate of naturalization for
examination, liul if the person so claiming
the right to vote shall lake uud subscribe
an atlidavit that he is a native born citizen
of the United Slates, or, if born elsewhere,
shall Biuto the fact in his nliidavit and
Bhull produce, evidence that he has been
naturalized or that he is entitled to citizen
ship by reason of his father's naturaliza
tion and shull further stato in his ulli lavit
that he is, at the time of making the ulllda
vit of the age of twenty-oue nud under
twenty-two years; that he has been a citi
zen of the Uuited States one mouth, and
has resided iu the stale one year; or, if a
nutive born citizen of ihe State and re
move therefrom and returued, ihat he has
resided therein six mouth next preceding
said election, and in the election district
two months immediately preceding such
election he shall be entitled to voto, al
though he shall not have paid taxes. The
said aflidavit of all persons making fell "ill
claims and the nllidavits of the witnesses
to their residence, shall be preserved by
the election board and. at the close of the
electiou they shull bo enclosed with the list
of voters, tally lists and other papers re
ouired bv law to be tilled by the return
judge with tho prolhonotary, and Bhail re
main on Die therewith in tne protnonoiary
cilice, subject to examination as other eleo
liou papers are. If the electiou officers
find that the applicant possesses all the
legal qualifications of a voter he shall be
permitted to vote and his name shall be
added to the list of laxables by the election
officers and tho word "tnx," being added
where Ihe claimant claims to vote on tax,
and the word nge" where he claims to
vote on age, ihe same words being added
by the olorks in each case, respeotlrely, on
the list of persons voting at suoh elootions.
BKO. 11. I ,a ha lawful for ftns
qualified citizen of the distriot, notwith-J
i ue name or me proposed voter It
oonlainod on the list of resident taxahles,
to challenge the vole of such person where
upon the same proof orthe right of suffrage
is is now required by law shnll be pub
licly made and anted on by the election
hoard, nnd the vole admitted or rejected,
according to the evidence. Every person
claiming to bo a namralizod citizen shnll
bo required to produce his naluializntiou
oertifioalfi at the election before voting ex
cept where he has been for five yoars con
sociilively a voter in the district in which
he offers hi vote ; nnd on the vote of such
person being received, it shall be the duty
of tho election officers to write or stamp on
such certificate the word "voted," with the
day, nionih or yenr, and if any elcolion of
ficer or off icers shall receive a Boconi vole
on the name day by virtue of the same
cerlilicnlc, excepting where sons nre en
titled to vole because of the nnturalization
of their fathers,, (hey and the person who
shall offer such second vole shall he guilty
of a misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof
shall be lined or imprisoned, or both, al the
discretion of ihe court, but the fine shall
not exceed five hundred dollars in each
case, nor the imprisonment more than one
yenr. Tho liko punishment shnll be in, on conviction of the officers of the
election who shall neglect or refuse to
make, or cause lobe made, the endorsement
required ns aforesaid on said naturalization
Sec. 17. The respective nssessors, in
KpiTloM nnd jiidKcrt of election sdmll
I'iicli luive tlic power to ml mi nisi it
oaths to any person claiming the right
to hivwwssotl or the right of KUfl'nige,
or in regit n I to any oilier matter or
thing reipiireil to he (lout; or inimireil
into ly any of mill oIl'icui'M umler Ihis
act; anil wilful, fulso swearing ly
any person in relation to any matter
or thing concerning which they shall
he lawfully interrogated hy any of
stiitl olTlecM or overseers shall he' per
jury. M:c21. .ny person who on onlh or
nU'irmution, ni or hefore any court ii
this iSttile, or oll'iecr authorized loml
niiuister oaths shall, to procure a cer
tificate of nntui'ali.ation for himself
or any other person, wilfully depose,
declare oi'aU'inii any matter lo he fuel
knowing the same to he false, or shall
in like manner deny any matter to he
fact, knowing the same to he true
shall he deemed guilty of perjury, and
any certificate of naturalization is-nied
in ptirsutince of any such disposition,
declaration orali'iriiiu! ion shall he mill
and void; and it shall lie the duly (.J
the court issuing tho sunie upon proof
heing intule hefore it that it was fraud
ulently olitainud, to tuUii Immediate
iucu.surc.-t lor recalling the same for
cancellation, and any person who shall
vole or attempt to vote ou uny paper
so obtained or who shall in anyway
aid in, connive at, or have any agency
whatever, in the issue, circulation or
use of any fraudulent naturalization
cei li float e, shall he deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
tliei i'of shall undergo an imprison
ment in the pcnileiuiui'y for not mure
than two years, and pay a line of not
more than one thousand dol ais for
every such oU'enso or either or both, at
the disi'ivticii of Die court.
Also, to part of seciion nineteen of
sai-l net, as lollow :
'Any person who shall, on the day
of any election, visit a polling place i'u
auy election district at which he is not
e::lilled to vole and film 11 use any in
timidation or violence for the purpose
of preventing any oU'icer of election
from iierloi'minir the duties of him re-
(" uircd by law; or for the purpose of
preventing any (p.ianrieii voter ot such
di.-tricl exercising his right to vole, or
from exercising his right to challenge
any person oilering to vo'e, such per
sons shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall lie published by a line
not exceeding one thousand dollars or
by imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both, tit the discretion of the
J'ui'suant to the provisions con
tained in the thirteenth section ofthe
act last aforesaid, the return judges of
the aibyesaitl districts living within
twelve miles of tho pr othonotary's of
fice, or within twenty-four miles, if
their resilience be in a town, village
or city upon the line of a railroad lead
ing to the county seat, shall before
two o'clock, past meridian, of the day
alter the eleeliiiu and all other judges
shall, before twelve o'clock, meridiem
on the second day after election, de
liver said return, together Willi return
sheet, to the prothonotary of the court
of common picas of Kik county, at
Given under my hand at Ridirwav.
the loth day of October, in Ihe year of
our ljordono thousand eight hundred
and seventy-seven, and of the Inde
pendence of the United .States the one
hundred and lirst.
O. SCULL, SherilF.
Ha Ki'ttT's Office, 1
Kidgway, ia., Oct. 10, 177.
Short settlements make long
friends, and in order to settle in good
shape you need some of those cheap
and neat bill heads printed at the Ali
vocatk oliice, over Powell & Rime's
AYE WILL mail one and one half dozen
of tliHmost beautiltil new -Chronics, jn
French oil color ever ' seen for $1.00.
They are mounted in 8x10 Muck enamel
and gold mills, oval opening und outsell
anything now beforo ths public. tntisfac
tiou guaranteed. Two samples for 25 cents
or Bix for 50 cents, bend 10 cents for
grand illustrated catalogue with chromo of
.Moonlight on the l'hiue, or 20 cents for
two Landscapes nud Calla Lillie on black
grouud, J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washing
ton Hi. ISoston Mass , Headquarters tor
Chronios, Engravings nud Art Works. A
Go to l'OWKLL & KIME ofthe
Grand Central Store, Main Street, for
your groceries.
The oldeKt and best appointed Institution for
obtaining a liusiueso Education,
iot euciuiuK ttiiuref s, C:
1'itwburgli, Fa.
POWELL & KIME have a flue lot
of dress goods,, also, all other kind of
dry goods at low rates.
ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of
Itidgway township, Elk county, Pa-,
deceased. Letter of administration
having been granted to the under
signed upon the suid estate all persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment, uud those having
claims to present them for (settlement.
u32tO Executrix
Philadelphia & Erie R. It. Division
ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28,
1 H77, 1 lie trains.onthe 1'hilndeiphia S
Eria llr'lroad will run as follows I
NIAGARA EX leaves Penovo...,
. Driftwood.
' " " Emporium
' " " 81 Marys..
" " " Ridgwny..
nrr nt. Kane.
i 4 J15 p m
5 42 p in
! 2 p m
7 1H p tn
7 4-i p in
8 4 " p m
ERIE AIAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p ni
ncnovo 1 1 no a in
' Emporium 12 5-r p m
Mnry's 1 41 p m
-lip m
.A :!( p m
i 7 y.j p m
..0.00 a m a m
" arrive at Eric
DAY EX leaves Kano
' " ' liidgwny
" " Bt Marys
211 a m
" ' Emporium to n m
" ' l'nl'iwood 8 iis i m
ERIE MAIL leaves Kris
" " Knno ,
" " " Ki'lgvay
" " " St. Mary's....
" " " Emporium ..
" " " liellovo
" " hit. nt I'hiiadcidiia
.1(1 1(1 p in
.11.0(1 a ii.
, :i nil p ii.
.. 4 4'.l p n.
. 5 l.S p in
. (i 1 " p m
. 8.!iiJ p m
00 a in
Dny Express nnd Niagira IC is press con
ncci cist with bow Crude Division ami It
N. Y! i I', f.. II.
Ueu'i Sup't
A new store shirt ed in liidgwny un
der the auspices of the ladies of Grace
Church, with
as Agent and Saleswoman,
A line assortment of goods on hand
and selected with urat care.
i:i!;Li)iu;.v su:t,
Machine silk, thread and needles.
Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. I'nncy
work of nil kinds. I'liiiui'd mottoes
iV-c, Ac. All cheap as the cheapest
and goods warranted lirst class, full
and examine our stock.
-MI.SS A. E. y'K EE,
Agent for the Society.
CiioicK books no longer for Iho few
only. The best standard novels within
ihe reach of every one. Uook i usually
sold from Jl lo given (unchanged
und unabridged ) for 111 and 2U cents.
1. EAST LYNNE, !,v Mrs.
Henry Yood ( Pouhlo Mo) -Jiic.
12. JOHN nAUKA.X.Geut., J!y
M iss M uioi-k. 2JV.
JANE EYiiE, Ky Chatlol!..
H route. (Double No.) 20c.
4. A WOMAN 1IATKU, Charles
j'cadc'H new novel. 20c.
"). Tl I E KLAl K-1N 1)1 ES, Juies
Verne's latest. 10c.
Ky Kulwer. 10c.
7. ADAM 11EDE, Bv George
Eliot. (Double No) 20c.
Uy Mary Cecil 1 lay. 10c.
'.. OLD M Y D D E E T O NS
MONEY. r.vMarvC Hav 10c.
Dv ilkie Collins. 2c
By Go 'fre Elliot. 2ilc.
TOU.Ii Aiithonv Trollope2f'c
IU. A PTtiNiJEiSS ok'thuli:.
By Y illiam Black. 2.ic.
Wilkie Collins. 10c.
1"j. KOMOLA. Ky Geoi-e Elliot.
(Double No.) 20c.
OK ICE. In one book. Ky
Jules erne. pie.
Cecil Hav. 10e,
Amelia E. Edwards 2(c.
TION. Kv Clins Iteude. 10c.
Charles Dickens. 20c.
21. FOUL l'LAY. Ky Charles
Keade 10c.
22. MAN AND AVIFE. Ky Wil-
kic uoiiins. 20c,
vUv Mary Cecil Hav. 20c.
24. Ievcr too Late to Mend, Dy C.
tieailn. 20c.
Lady Adelaide's Onlh, T.y .Mrs.
U Wont 10c.
Aurora Floyd, Dy Miss M E Drad-
don 2()c.
Victor und Vampiishe 1, By M C
Hay 10c
A Daii.htcr ofHeth, By Willi tin
Nora's Lovo Test, I'y Mar.y Cecil
CO Her Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Alexan
der 81 -Love Me Litilc, Love Mo Long, By
32 Tho yueen cf Hearts, By AVilkio
8.1 Handy Andy. Bv Samuel Lover
84 A Simpleton, By Charles Reade,
("single Jo)
.15 Felix Holt, The Radical, By Geo.
30 The Wooing O'T, By Mrs. Alex
ander 20o
37 The Mystery, By Mrs. Henry
n oou 10c
"8 Heritage of Lnngdalo, By Mrs.
Alexander 10c
39 Antoniua, By Wilkio Colline,
Double No.) 20c
40 The Heir to Ashlcv. Bv Mrs.
Henry Wood lOo
For sale by all Booksellers and
Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid.
on receipt of price by
21, 23 and 2i Vandewater St., X. Y".
P. O. Box 5UC7.
Administrator's Xotice.
- ESTATE of Adolph Ktraubinncr,
late of St. Mary's borough, Elk
county, Pu., deceased. Letters of ad
ministration having been granted to
tho undersigned upon the said estate
all persons indebted to Baid estate are
requested to make payment, and those
having claims to present them for set'
n31t6. Administrator.
a nice little assortment, nt
Ueo. Woods '& Co.'S
I, 1 i', SS' ra--i7W- .-VOtlB- "WU. l-yi l Ml .ft I
'ii Lif -, --- v..f -iryti it : EM
if . .....v-..--..-..iMW'jdlfc? QT1P-
4... :
0MWMWmi Mi
iv ' 'i". - .-. '.- . ...., JiatiSrt i
. - v . tl . . . 1 1 ii i -n . : i 1 1 ' i - , , ,. , -, . -r i i. -p. -
Thsr rr.mirknbl in:;tn:ncnt-, vp i :irir 'nr uisical elfocU nnd expression never beforo attained
Ad.iptetl for Anritcur .'ii;l i'roljb-.iur.jl. Mi l mi in any parlor. Beautiful New Styles, now ready,
G.k.0. WOCDS & CO., Oambridgeport, Mass.
W.lRMinnjl; i Cltf ',rs.ntiion Kt., llnnti.r.; i y r.lnto St.. ( hlcnvo; SS Ladgtte mil, tonden.
rntTT1! TfAV 1'iTTVi ATv 'a'ni; M i inl Journnlof nclcctcd music nd valuable rending
XSjLIU lA IIU lllViis ii, mn-.lur. I'y n.-.ii hr $i -,..:r year, or ten cents a number. Each number
"ent.-lins frfiin .-"2 to i w. .r'li rf i!.- Iciest ;.t:lcct'ju niusii.. CEO. WOODS & CO., Publlsher$,Cambrldgfport, Ma:
t .. . . . . JM
Oliice, over roweil ? K
2.00 A YR.1R$1
and you
news. Sentl 50
Cheaply and Neatly fruited Estimates um ishe
"7 i
- v -Jh- v-p
inn's Slmc, Miiin Slrict.
SO IX .'!.! I '.'7 .A CE
get the political
cents for a