The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 04, 1877, Image 4
A CMLIFOHNtA. TRACEDT. Three Prraoni Killed by lilnnmpn-Drlvlna the I'hlnrsp from tlm Town nml DenmL Itlilim ihrlr Unlltllnirfi. A S;in FrftucincotlispRtch pays: Some persons passing near Sargent's Rnuch, nbout two miles from Ilockliu, Placer county, Lennl severul pistol shots, find, fts they npproncbed the house, saw two men, who scaled the fence and ran away. "Ou entering the house, the body of Mrs. O.ier, who, with her husband nnd t'argent, occupied the premises, was found on the floor. She had-heen shot twice, and her head split open "with an ax. An alarm was given, and a party of constables and citizens begnn a search. About il'tv yards from the house the body of llv Oder was fouud. He had received three piBtol shots. The party then followed the trail of the men who were seen to jump the fonco. Their tracks showed that they wore Chinese shoes. After crossiug a ravine, three quarters of a mile from the house, in a clump of willows, they fouud Surgeut bleeding from wouuds in the head and body. He wai conscious, aud stated that two Chinamen had called at the house shortly after noon aud desired to purchase a certain mining claim from Iiira. He necompnnied them to the claim, and whileTeturningthey shot him live times in tlio body and head, aiid left him for dead. He sa'd the assassins were from renrhyu, a neighboring village, one of them being a cook at Grant's boarding-house, near theFenrhyn quar ries. He had received $120 from an other Chinaman n few days before for a mining claim, which sum was iu a trunk at the house, and presumed that the ob ject of the mnrderers was to obtain the money. The party followed the tracks of the murderers to a Chinese cabin near at hand, wher3 they captured three Chinamen, one of whom was in bed, but perspiring freely, as though he had been running. Several o. her Chinamen living near by were arreRted, and one of them, who was much frightened, volun teered the information that Ah Snm and Ah Jim had murdered Sargent, but would say no more. One of the prison ers had 8120 iu his possession. It was found that the trunk in which Sargent deposited the money had been cut open and lobbed. Sargent died iu the morning. Hundreds of citizens viewed the dead bodies. The excitement wa9 intense during the night, and had the evidence against the prisoners been deemed con clusive they would doubtless have been lynched ut once. The cook at Oraut's boarding house could not be found, though the country aud the town for miles around was scoured in the pur suit. A meeting of citizens was held at Rocklin, aud all the Chinese notified to leave the place by six o'clock p. m. Be fore four o'clock the last squad of China men, burdened by their baggage, filed out of the town, including those em ployed by the railroad company, the prisoners being the only ones remaining. They were in no way molested by the excited crowd. At six p. &i. the citizens marched to the Chinese quarter and de molished all the buildings, twenty-five in number, including a store, the cwner of which had removed his stock of goods. A fire broke out during the work of demolition from a stove left in one of the houses, but the flames were extin guished by the railroad employes." At the inqnest on the bodies of the murder ed persons facts wero developed which . led the sheriff to believe that four of the Chinamen in custody were implicated iu the murders, and he ordered their re moval to the county jail at Auburn. A crowd collected when the officers with their prisoners boarded the traiu, and the mutterius's of the throng broke out into exclamations such as "Have them out !" " Haug them I" A rush was theu made for the doors of the car, and the i-heriff and his deputies were seized upon, and but for a fair show of pistols by the officers and conductor of the train the purpose of the mob would have been accomplished. The crowd was finally forced back, and the train moved out of the station, followed by the yells of the throng. The moderation displayed by the citizens, with the exception of the above incident, was partly due to the fact that throughout the- day, and by common consent, all the saloon-keepers closed their phices ; otherwise serious consequences would undoubtedly have ensued. The c jroner's jury found that the murder of Sargent was committed by Ah Sam, Ah Jim, aud another China man unknown, Sargent having mention ed a third assailant subsequent to his first statement The jury failed to in dict the murderers of Oder aud his wife, aud the other prisoners were liberated for waut of evidence against them. Sar gent was an old aud respected resident. Oder was a Bavarian. His wife had relatives in Trenton, N J. Fulton Fish Market, New York. The market is a substantial wooden slruoture, which was built in 18C9. at a cost of 126,000, aud the owners are the Fulton Market Fishmongers Associa tion, the members of which include none but stand-holders. There are eighteen of these, each doing only a wholesale business, amounting in the aggregate to nearly $3,000,000 yearly. They do not simply the city alone ; indeed, about seventy per cent, of the stock is shipped by rail and steamship to points as far as 400 miles away, and a swarm of men are constantly packing the lish for distant transportation as fast as it is delivered by the vessels at the market. Old sugar boxes are used for the purpose, the fish nnd ice being placed iu alternate layers. The quantity of ice used is iu proportion to the distance the fish has to go, and when it exceeds 300 miles the tw) arti cles are packed in -equal proportion. Each firm has the same .amount of space in the market, with a door entering on South street, an office and an extension to the water-front, where vessels deliver their stock to each firm separately. Sometimes a belated sloop or schooner comes to the wharf after tbegnarket has closed, and it might be expected that she would rest in peace until morning. But the fishermen are too thrifty and mdustrious for that, intending in a straight line from each stand into the dock are ten or twelve strong boxes, something like scows, which have mova ble lids and are called " cars." The fish are unloaded into these, which are part ly filled with salt water ; a brief state ment ol trie consignment is deposited in the letter-box, the brown and well-worn sails are hoisted, and before daylight the old craft is out at sea again, her nets trailing in the gray depths for prey. It U a pretty sight to see one of these old coasters enter the wharf aud unload in the moonlight, her crew, a rough-Visaged, brawny sec of raeu, with bare legs and arms, gatiiered oa tue deck over the gtit tering cargo, and working silently in the pale light. The sails cling loosely about the masts, dripping with spray, and not furled, as they are so soon to taste the breeze once more, boon the fishermen haul out into the stream aguiu ; there is a creuking of ropes, aud with helm hard up to the wind, the hoat speeds down the broad buy and iuto the ooenu. Wit- tittin Jf, Mdeiiifl, i't Sryihiitr. COMMUNISTIC SOCIETIES. A t'onrirnecd Illntnrji of Hie mirrrrnt Com iimnintic Orsnnlzniinrie of the I'nltrrt Ntatea. The Amana Community, Amann, Iowa. Germans. Number of members about fifteen hundred. Live in seven villogcR, all of which have a common interest. Own from twenty-five to thirty thousand acres of land. Business : agriculture, manufactures and merchandise. Emi grated to America nnd settled -noar Buffalo in 1842. Removed to Iowa in 1855. Marriage permitted but not en couraged. Strongly religious. Call them selves "The True Inspiration Congre gations," or " Inspirationists." Present leader in spiritual things, or " inspired instrument," Barbara Heynemann now over eighty years of nge. The temporal affairs nre managed by trustees. The Harmonists, Economy, Pennsyl vania. Germans. Emigrated to this country in 1803-4. Organized into ' The Harmony Society " in 1805. First settled in Butler county, Pennsylvania. Removed to Indiana in 1814, and built the town of Harmony. Sold that place to Robert Owen and returned to Penn sylvania in 1824, and built their present town of Economy on the eastern bank of the Ohio. Business : agriculture, manufactures nnd merchandise. Esti mated worth several million of dollars. Membership fifty years ngo one thou sand ; now one Hundred. Marriage practiced until 1807. Celibacy has siuce been the rule. George Rnpp was their fouuder and leader until his death at the age of ninety. Jacob Henr)ci nnd Jounthou Lenz nre now their leaders. The Harmonists base their organization on religious principles. The Separatists, Zonr, Ohio. Ger mans. Emigrated from Wurtemburg in 1817, under the leadership of Joseph Baumeler. Adopted communism of property in 1810. Business : agricul ture, manufactures and merchandise. Estimated value of property one million dollars. Amount of hind seven thousand five hundred acres. Celibates until 1828; mnrringe has since prevailed. Jacob Ackermau present leader, but shares his responsibilities with trustees chosen by he members. Basis, religion. Dr. Keil's Cummunities. The one lo cated nt Bethel, Shelby county, Mis souri, was founded in 1841. Highest membership six hundred and fifty; present about two hundred nnd fifty. Mostly Germans and Pennsylvania Dutch. Business : agriculture, manu factures and merchandise. Own four thousand acres of land. Governed by president and trustees. Favor marriage. Founded on religion. That at Auroro, Oregon, where Dr. Keil now resides, was founded in 1855, and is the most prosperous, having eighteen thousand acres of land and about four hundred members. Their basio principles are of course the same as at Bethel. The two communities are substantially one, hav ing a common interest. Many persons at Aurora went from Bethel, which ac counts for the latter's decline in num bers. The Shakers. Mostly Americans a few of other nationalities. Followers of Ann Lee. Seventeen societies iu seven States. Each society is divided into two or more families or separate communi ties ; so that there are iu all over fifty Shaker communities. These had at one time a membership of five or six thou sand. The present membership is not far from 'two thousand four hundred. The Shaker communities are all large land-owners. Business: agriculture aud manufactures. The Shakers are relig ious celibates. Each family has its el ders, eldresses, trustees aud deacons ; and every two or three societies have a ministry, consisting, when complete, of two males and two females. The central ministry of all the societies resides the greater part of the time at Lebanon, New York, occasionally visiting the oth er societies. Daniel Bolar and Giles B. Avery now stand at the head of the Shaker ministry! The Perfectionists. Founded by John Humphrey Noyes ns a religious sect date from 1834 ; as communists from 1816. First organized in commuuity at Putney, Vermont. Removed to Oneida, New York, in 1848. The branch society in Wallingford, Connecticut, established iu 1851. Whole number of members three hundred and one. Business, the manufacture of silk threads and steel traps, the canniug of fruits and vegeta bles and agriculture. Social system, complex marriage. Theodore R. Noves, a son of the founder, is now president of the two communities, which have a com mon , interest, interchanging men nnd cmital as occasion ren Hires. lhe Icariaus, Corning, Adams county, Iowa. French. Their first leader and president was Etienne Cubet. Securing one million acres of land in Texas, he established a colony there iu 1848, which removed to JNauvoo, Illinois, in 181!), aud iu 1853 purchased land for a branch community in Iowa, which in tune be- came the only Icarian Commun:ty. In 1855 there were five hundred Icarians at Nauvoo. The Icarians have encountered many trials, including the death of their fouuder, aud now number less than one hundred. Their business is mostly con fined to agriculture. They own nearlv two thousand acres of laud. Marriage is obligatory. No religious bond. The Itespirationists. Their com muuity at Brocton, N. Y., was founded by Thomas L. Harris and Lawrence Oli- phaut, in 18(57. Its membership nearly reached one hundred, but is now much less, owing to the removal of many of its members to California, where another organization has been started. Tueir principal business at Brocton has been horticulture and wine making. Their religion is a modified form of Sweden borgianism. Of other and smaller communistic societies we have no definite statistics, A Scene iu Nicsics. The correspondent of the Manchester (Hiugiand) Guardian gives a vivid de scription of the scene in Niceics when the Montenegrin flag fluttered out from the stall of the citadel. Men, women and children thronged into the streets the wounded hobbled out on their crutches from the hospitals ; everybody who had a gun or pistol fired it off, and those who hadn t relieved their feefmgi by singing national hymns and einbrae ing one another at the chorus ; war dances were danced in the squares, the veuerable metropolitan and his priests looking on, and over all this uproar rose the booming of cannon and the steady clang of the cathedral and monastery bells. " It is the wild, reckless delight of so many children, writes the corre Bpondent, "and is inconceivable in a civl lized country." But the Montenegrins have reason for rejoicing. They have been trying to drive the Turks out ot Nicsics for centuries, and now, after half a dozeu costly and unsnocessful sieges, they have done it. Euthnsiastio "Lf youth on horse-car "That star over there is':Mars." Uu sy nipathetic driver : " Is ft ? 1 h f n th' other one, I suppose, js pa's," Precautions Against Fire. Now that the long evenings are com ing on, nnd the lamp is coming iuto use, it is nn excellent time to form strict habits of guarding ngninst explosions. Every accident of this kind results from simple carelessness; and the following rules, while perhaps not covering all cases, will if observed undoubtedly render mishaps from fire exceedingly improbable : 1. Never buy anything but the best qnality of oil. - 2. Never make a sudden motion with a lamp, either iu-liftiug it or setting it down. 3. Never place a lamp on the edge of a table or mantel. 4. Never fill a lamp after dark, even if you have to go without a light. 5. See that the lamp-wicks nre always clean and that they work freely in the tube. 6. Never blow out, a lamp from the top. 7. Never take a light to a closet where there are clothes. If necessary to go to the closet, place the light nt a distance. 8. Use caudles just as much as possi ble in going about the house and in bed rooms. They are cheaper, can't explode, and for very many purposes are just as good. 9. Matches s'.ould always be kept in stone or earthen jars or in tin. 10. They should never be left where rats or mice can got hold of them. There is nothing more to the taste of rats than phosphorus. They will eat it if they cau get at it. A bunch of matches is almost certain ti be set on fire if a tat gets at it. 11. Have perfectly good safes in every place where matches are to be used, and never let one remain upon the floor. 12. Never let a match go out of your hand, after lighting it, until you are sure it is out; and then it is better to put it iu the stove or an earthen dish. 13. It is far better to use the safety matches, that can only be lighted upon the box that contains them. 14. Have your furnace examined care fully in the fall, aud at least once during the winter, by a competent person. All of the pipes and flues should be care fully looked to. lo. If there are any closets in tue house near chimneys or flues, which there ought not to be, put nothing of a combustible nature into them. Such closets will soil silver and crack crockery. 16. A ever leave any wood near a fur nace, range or stove to dry. 17. Have your stoves looked at fre quently, to see that there are no holes for coals to drop out. 18. Never put any hot ashes or coals a a wooden receptacle. 19. Be sure that there are no curtains or shades that can be blown into a gas licht. 20. Never examine a gas-meter after dark. Senator Spencer's Marriage. A New York correspondent says : One of the handsome young women whom Daly, the theatrical manager. brought out has gone to the Black Hills as the bride of Senator Spencer, of Ala bamo. May Nunez was her name a few days ago. She had been on the stage only a short time, but already had be come a favorite. The marriage, which took place et seven o'clock in the morn' ing, caused quite a flutter among the gossips when it became known, for it was entirely unexpected. There was something rather romantic abont the whole affair. Miss Nunez was the daughter of au ex-Couft-derato officer, Major Loring. Her father obtained em ployment in the New York Custom House some years ago, through the then Pcstmaster-General Jones. Early in loio he became too ill to attend to his duties in the Dead Letter Depart ment, and the daughter took his place and filled it, aud drew his salary. It was while she was thus employed that tage on very small margins on tbe plan we Bug Senator Spencer became acquainted &nfrpEgi wiiii iiiri. irueii bug weiiii uu liio nuiuc. a short time after, the acquaintance was continued. 1 molly, a few mouths ago the Senator asked her to become his wife, aud she consented. She continued to act, but said nothing to her stage friwnds about the engagement, conse quently they were greatly surprised on reading an account of the marriage in tne newspapers. Hie nenator is some thing over forty, and about double the nge of his bride. Both are Roman Catholics. The marriage was perform ed by the Rev. l ather Reardou, of St. Michaels cnureii. There was no splutter of any kind, only about a score of persons being present. Among them were ex-Collector Murphy and ex- Post- mattJrlienernl Jones. An hour afterthe ceremony, bride and bridegroom were en route to the Black Hills country in a special paiace car, engaged for the occa sion. A Cuj'ious Lawsuit. Los Angeles has had a novel lawsuit. It came before a justice s court, aud was to this effect : A had a sick horse which was in great suffering, and which he thought was sure to die. So he took the horse to B, a livery stable keeper, and said, " I will give you five dollars to kill, this horse for me." "All right," said IS. no A paid the five dollars, left tho horse in charge of JJ and went away, B could not, however, summon sufficient nerve to kill the poor animal, so, in his turn, B said to C. " If you will kill this horse for me 1 will give you Ave dollars, AU right, said U. and (J took the horse away with him. C, however, did not kill the horse, but doctored him and restored him to health. A, much to his surprise, one day saw O driving a fine auiniul, which A unmistakably recog' nized as his formerly sick horse. A de mauded the horse from C ; C refused to give him up, and A brought suit agaiutt (J to recover possession of the horse, The jury decided that C was entitled to the horse, we understand tnat tue case will be appealed to the county court, 1.0 Any elm (Cal) Express. Novel Use for Carrier Pigeons, The experiment which was tried last winter of employinar carrier pigeons to brinsr earlv intelligence everv moraine from the fishiiisr ground, off the Scotch coast, of tbe reBults of the night's labor, la again being resorted to this season. One of the birds is taken out in every bout in the afternoon, and after the nets have been hauled on the following morn ing, the pigeon is dispatched with a small piece of parchment tied round its neck, containing information as to the extent of the catch, the position of the boat, the direction of the wind, and the prospects of the return journey. If there is not wind enough to take the boat back, or if it is blowing in an unfavorable direction, a reouest is made for a tug, and from the uoriiculars iriven as to the bearings of the cralt, she can be picked uu easily bv the steamer. Most of the pigeons, when ivi on irom tne uoais, circle three times round overhead, and then sweep away toward the land with great rapidity, generally flying pt the rate of about a wile per minute, Onnian Pnslio. The identity of Osman Tasha the Turkish commander, bids fair to be as perplexing a problem as that of the nnthor of the Junius letters. Americans claim the name for R. Clay Crawford, nnd the Turkish Legation reports that tjio Marshal was born in Asia Minor of Mussulman parents. It is left for a Jewish newspaper, published in Testh, to give a more downed portrait of the hero of Plevna. According to this authority Osmnu Pasha was. born in Hungary of Jewish parents named Wolf. On attaining his majority he changed his name to Farkas. He participated in the revolution of 1848, and after the subjection of Hungary he fled to Turkey and adopted the Mohammedan faith. His great powers as a linguist attracted the notice of the Sultan's household officers, and after a brief sojourn he was named a professor in the military school at Constantinople. His course in that capacity gave such high satisfaction that he was soon charged with the superintendence of the education of the Sultan's children. During the Crimean war he conducted the correspondence between the Turkish, French and English armies, nnd on the conclusion of peace the Sultan raised him to the dignity of a Pasha, when he assumed the name of Osman. Iu the early part of the struggle precipitated by the Monte negrins upon Turkey ho was given an important post, and was once captured by a body of irregulur soldiers iu the mountains of Moutenero. This state ment is confirmed by his brother Bernhard Wolf r who is at present a leading mem ber of the Jewish synagogue in Pesth, and who says he is in the constant re ceipt of letters from Osman, narrating his varied experiences and defending the Mohammedan faitu with all the zeal of an orthodox Turk. An Impromptu Duel. Yesterday evening, about four o'clock, says a late issue of a Richmond (Va.) paper, an impromptu duel was fought in the store of Itichard Holloran, corner of Twenty-fourth and Main streets, between James W. Holloran and William Estres, resulting in Hollorau's receiving a pistol ball in his head. Sergeant Ben Howard, being informed of the affair, arrested Estres on Main street, near Twenty second, and locked him up in the First police station. A few days ago Richard Holloran or dered Estres out of his store, and yester day evening Estres went back there and demanded satisfaction. James Holloran, the son, said that his father was not iu, but he would take his place and give him what satisfaction he wanted, at the same time handed out two pistols and requested Estes to select one. The pistol was selected. Each took his posi tion, and Estres fired first, the ball striking Holloian on the right side of the head and passing round to the back, embedded itself deep into the skull. Dr. Riddell and the two ambulance surgeons succeeded in cuttiug the ball out. Dr. Riddell informed Justice White that the wound was a serious one, but that by carelul attention Holloran would be out iu a few days. Jistres was conv mitted to jail. The Fairbankees have executed orders from the United Stntos government the pant three years for over 7,500 scales. This firm is still furnishuic under contract with the various departments scales for all parts of the country. In a contract juat secured from the Treasury Department for the fiscal year (which expires June 30, ISIS) tho government shows its pre ference for Fairbanks' Fcales by paying the St. Johnsbury firm 33 percont. more than the bid of competing parties. Springfield (Hasp.) liepublican. Howes A Co.. Bankers aud Commission Stock Home, 6 Wall St., New York. Our Mr. It. W. Howes baa had twenty-five years' experience in tho business, ten years as l'resideut of one of our largest city banks and fifteen iu private turns iu Stocks can now do so to good advan- We tiolicit corrospondeucc. The Mlxilirortinn of tho llilr. The misdirection of the bile, a coiiHequence which ennues when the liver is inactive mid tho bowels torpid, prodncea a number of bodily evus. xue uioou uucomes cuiuuimuuiuu wnu the bilious fluid. cauBinc the skin aud the whites of the eves to assume a yellowish tinee dyspepsia and nausea supervene, the tongue becomos furred, the breath faitid, there nre pains 111 tlie side and between tne snouiuer blades, the urine is hitrh coloied and scalding, and iu aggravated cases. Jaundice and inflam mation of the liver ensue. AU these conse quences mav be prevented or obviated by using Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. avecctable altera tive tonic which stimulates the inactive liver to exert itself in secrctine and directing the hue, acts naturally upon the bowels aua removes every trace of indigestion. fpk. I.nt..l 1,',. -liWiti u fnr l.lllliPM. Our attention has recently been called to the Marxian MaManse vtoannns, eomeimu eU, nnw in Ihn wnv of heavv. thiclt. warm, wooien goods, especially adapted for ladies wear duriin? the cold weather now approaching. These coods are the handssmest aud most arvliah ever own. and so far as price is COU' cerued, are a miracle of cheapness. They are intended for cloaks, eacques, aoimans, cuciuars and jackets, for both ladies and children, and are to be found at all the leading dry goods stores in tho country. Be particular to asK tor Haritan Cloakings, and take no others. Physicians of high standing unhesitatingly give their indorsement to the use of the Qr?f- enberg-Marshall'i Catholicon for all female complaints. The weak and debilitated find won derful reliof from a constant use of this valu able remedy. Bold by all druggists. $1.50 per bottle. Send for almanacs, Graefenberg Co., New York. Another Krductlon. The Lelands, of the SturUsvant House, Broad no nml TwniifT.niiiUi afreet. New York, beg to inform the public that they have made a sub stantial reduction in their rates to transient gueBts, and have established a scale of prices ranging from f 2.50, 3.00 and 43.50 per day, according to location, tor rooms mm uuuiu. liooms on the European plan, i per any. New Hotel Devonshire, New York. The best place to stop when you go to Iew York is the new Hotel Devonshire, opposite Grand Central Depot, lou save carriage Hire, and baggage is carried free. The Devonshire is conducted on tbe European plan, at priccB to suit the times. IU restaurant is one of the best in 'the city. Elevator anil all modern improvements. The Cliriipesit nnd Beat Advertising to reach renders outside of the largo cities. Over 1,000 newspapers.divided into six different lists. Advei tisements received tor one or more lists. For catalogues containing names of nancrs. and for other information and for esti mates, address Beals fc Foster, 11 Park Bow CHEW The Celebrated " Matchless" Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. The Fiomeeb Tobacco Company. New York, Boston, and Chicago. ' Curse the whole lot. ThatV scale aftent cheated me out of $50, olean, for I could have bought a better Five Ton Wagon Scale for 5t) on trial, freight paid to my own door, of Jones, oi juuguamton, liinghamton, N. X Tli T,-t.. 1- B..r- BiA,.HMi(j.i.ii0i ii Are never experienced by thoBe who use Doo ley Yeast Powder. Elegant, light, wholesome piscuits, bread, rolU and muttias, every time. iry t and bo oouvinoed. L Kmil os.,1 llluanlliiiVM Patentee and inventors should read adver tisement of KdHouIiroa., iu another column. The Markets. RKW TOR. BeofCattl N'ttYe OS 0 08 iYitm and flhAFORM. . ItlMA OftK Milch Poxrn 40 00 70 00 Ho-: Live Os)f 06 V Drosned Of!) 07 X Bhwp.... 044 0H Limbs 05 k (4 C6 Oottou! MtddliiiK UHl II Flour: Wflntora : Good to Choice. S 7 J (.4 110 BtatP! (tood to Choice.... S 80 4 er s 1 48 C4 18 eox Wheat! Hod Western 1 87 No. 2 Milw&ukoo 1 98 nyei niaie Barley ! Rtnto Barley MrWt ... Oata: Mixed Western . Corn: Mixed Western Hay, per cwt...,..,,., , Straw, per cwt 9 85 70 68 ) 81 9 66X9 60 48 (4 It (4 87 69 60 60 09X Hops 7ua us mis TB'i PorK I Men 18 90 (414 00 rd : City Steam l.94 09X Fish t Mackorel, No. 1, new 90 00 2I 00 no. a, new jaou .ui Dry Oort, per cwt 6 SO (A t 00 Herrlns. Scaled, rjnr box SO a VI Petroleum: Crude 09X$U9. Woo1 1 California Flooco, Ill (a 9S Texna Fleece 80 (4 88 Australian Fleece. 44 (4 48 HtnteXX 41 (4 41 x Butter I State '.A is 80 Western : Choice 90 4 21 Western : Good to Prune. 30 9 91 Western ! Firkins... 19 a 18 Cheese t State Factory , 10 (4 1H State Skimmed 08 at 09 Weelern 09 (4 10k; Eggi: State and Pennsylvania... . 19 0 9 IX jfurrALO. Floor , 7 78 c 8 91 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 91 (4 191 Corn Mixed 6 X 81 Oats 98 4 811 live gg (4 98 Barley M (4 83 Barley Malt 1 00 0 1 10 FHXLATJB1.PHIA. Beef Oattle-Extra 07 Bheep , 08 Hogs Dressed 07 Flour Pcnnnylvanla Extra 719 9 07V (4 07 07 (4 7 28 9 1 63 ( 67 wueat Ken westorn 1 9 Bye es Corn Yellow 87 (4 ( ''Ji bs 8H 1W 28 17 89 Mixed AS Oats M Ixod ys 14 retroieura Crude 10Xg 1 Refined, uuui tjuiurnno. 25 (a lexaa an (4 Caliiornia 39 q BOSTON. m Beef Cattle 01 (4 Sheep G6X(4 Hogg 06 ft ORV 09 i lour" iscouHiu ana Minnesota, Corn Mixed 7 60 43 a 900 ax Oate " 68 43 40 69 60 Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX... (jaiuoruia i-au , 41 BHIORTOH. HASH. Veef Cattle OTva 1 v Sheep 06 (4 Ofiw ban: Us , 07 (4 10 Hogs : O7,V0 Oi WATKBTOWN. MARS. Beef Cattle roor to Choice 8 35 0 7 00 Sheep 7 00 (47 76 Iambs 700 4 9 00 dk. wai(m;ks HEALTH CORSET, With skirt Snpporlrr nnd ScU'-AiliiiHliiiK PntlH. Unequaled for Beauty, Style and Comfort. APPROVED liy all PHYSICIANS. Fr Wife' by f.aiti g ilrrehnnt. S.implefl, nny siee, by mail. In Hat teen, $; Coutil, 41.76; Niira-nff Cowt, ti.W. MixrW Corset, l.u. AGKNTS WAKTKD. WAItlSKIt ItUO'S. 3il Hrotulwny, N. V. i'mirftinl nn n Tlineniorr. Unless the hnwela do tlieir duty with the regm'tnty nf clnrkwnrk, perfect nealtn is iniposMDie. 1 nnrwore, when nisri flpreo, con trol them immediately with TAItBANT'fi KKPr.nvKflcKNT KF.LTZEn Al'KilLFNT. tho moKt venial balsamic and effective laxative and alterative known to the medicul profession, nolo by all rtruitKigtB. THE GOOD OLD STflMD-BY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. K i tab liahxd 85 Yeabs. Always oure. Alwayt ready. Always bandy. Haa nerer yet failed. Thirty millions have tested it. The whole world approves tbe gtoitons old Mustang tbe Beet and Oheapest Liniment In existence. 25 cents a bottle. Tbe Mustang Liaiment cures when nothing else will. HOT.O BY AT J. MFmnTNF VFNDRHK. GRACE'S A VEOKTAliI.E PKEPAKATION, Invented in the 17th century by Dr. William Grace, burKetm in King .liunus' army, 'ihroufth iu axenoy he cured tlioUKiiudg of the most serious sores ami wounds that hitithid the skill of the most eminent physicians of his d.iy and was roKsrded by all who knew him as a publio- bjnefactor. cents a box. For Sale by Dru irista generally. Rent by mail on receipt nf price. Prepared by hK'I'li V. H'Ml.i; iv Kll.n. NO lliu rlHoii Avenue. IIokioii, .final, DO VOI R OWN PAINTIMJ WITH POMEROY'S INDESTRUCTIBLE PAINT (Pure Linseed Oil tbe only liquid in it), FOR MIIM.I.E AND TIN HOOFS, And all OtttshU unes where A most nt'RAiti-E PAINT U imndad. th ild n ned and ready fur use.) It effectually remits beat, frofct, rain and Know. It Mfitiitm leu U m it nd nrrpuli ilcrav. It protect from tarks and dyimj eimlera. 'It miikf-8 old uhiuijlt ri'.oj'u abuut equal to new. And M fift run fully equal to new. fin eintl nnlu nHfili-d fnr ahmirlfiB or tin. 1)6 gallon a quarts for BhiriKles ; pullon for tin. It will not uupHir rain wter rem Jar drinking. It In inirot clicnp, tin ruble nml huiiUnine. (Uuotb muAf c pt rjectty di y wiien it is put on.) N. B. Fanners. Mamifactureru. ('harituble and Edu cational Institutions, Railroad (Jo.'u, uml ev-ryhody , will rind it just what they need for buildiiiK", roofs, onrns, jences, oars, iron wo k. eic, ew.t yreuay mot to the atrurime urri'xi of the elements. We refer to Tli V V Htnti) T.nniitifl A avium nt ITtira. luesKra, J. r. ec m. recKuam, bwv Aianui r s, uuctv itiiMMMl WliAdlxr A Sun. " " " and m&nv nttmrs. Our Puint Rrnvm and Drab) is HOW largely usea iy some ot tne mom eeitoraifi nutie, r-uucn-tional, Charitable and Manufacturing Institution! in the country. 1 to & Kiillon Oans, sent a tamtdee Brown Roof Paint, at l.2d a gallon; lrab Paint at fcl.GO a gallon. t,ihttnlh the ordtr. By tbe Barrel (about 60 galls.) Roof, at Oi eta. and Drab, a KUon with Liberal Viscount t the Amilv at our fctnriaa on Columbia. Cornelia and Cooper Street. THEO. POMEROY & SON, Onlre-13 t'lilumbla Slrecl, VTH'A, N. V. (Send for Circular. 4. A Special Offer TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Genuine Swiss MagnetleTlme Keeper, s perfect (Jem for everybody desiring a relisbl. 'rtine-1'iet, and also a superior Com pass, usual wsti'h six., steel works, glass crystal, all In s superb Oroitle Jiviiliuo-Cute, werrented to denote correct time, and keep In order for two rurtPiMtio guaranteed will b. Overt away tosverj palrou ol this paper as a Free OKU Cot err thii Cooromr i Mail, it. COUPON. On receipt of this Coupon and esnts to pay for packing, boxing sud msilintt chsrgss. we proaiiie to send esch pstron of this paper a Ciksuiss Bwiss JJionsJio Tjus-Kishs. Aadma, Masnetlo Watch Co., A8HI.ANI), MASS. This U your ONLY OWOKTIIKITY to ob tain this besutlful premium, so orosr- unvik This ofTsr wiU hold good for days. It currency canuot be sent conveniently, poa ase ttampi will be taken Instead. Iff Salve! A DAY St ItK made h Afreets selllnft nur (Jhromos, Crayons, Piotnre and Uhro mo Cnrril. I 6) samples, worth &5t Sent, post-paid, fnr 'ntn. lllntrard OmsIor.m free. J. II. HLFFOKH'K HO.VS, Bwelon. Kstablished 1XWJ WORK FOR ALL In their own locslities, canvassing for the 1'lreelile Viellor. (enisrirfd) Weekly nnd Monthly, l.nrjiret I'll Mr In llm Vfirlil, witu Mnmnioth t'hromos Free. BiiE Commissions to Aironts. Terms and O'ttflt Free. Address 1. O. Vlt KKKV, Aimilsln, .Mnlllff. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW All About Minnesota Til H (ill KAT W1IKAT STATE, Nptnl Two Itollnrm for the. 11'rektti PIONEER PRESS. A Fin Wnll-Map of th North wt Mnt post-paid to each Hiihftcrilmr a a phkmivm. Person itwkinjr homes in ttie Went will find in this I'npnr just the information needed.. Arid's, Pionekr Phkss Co , Ht Paul, Minn. J. P. WARD, West Texas Land, Tax Agency, Abstract Office, 1MA.TV HA1U, TJiA'AH. Lands nought, sold, protected; Titles investigated; Taxes psid. Information as to value, location, in any portion of the ISrato. Pnxtius wanting homes in Texas, investments mndo in Land, enn do so with afetit through my otHce; a rt'asonshie fee charged and all hunitie.ii yuttrnntrfl to he rorreet. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY r The great riotS It contains a full account of the re-gn of terror In Pittsburgh, Baltimore, tihiRiigo nnd othur Cities. The conflicts between the troops nnd the mob. Terrible con. flagrntions nnd destruction of propt-rty. Thrilling scenes and incidents, etc., etc. Hend for n full desc ription of the work and our extrn terms t Aden'. d dress. National Pt.m.isniNf. Co., PhtlBdchihia, Pa. A S0UKCE OF GEEAT ANXIETY. BofvroN. Mass.,,Inne6, 1H79. My dnnghter has roceived grent benefit from the it fe off VKdlOTINK. Her declining health was a source of grent anxiety to nil of hfr friends, A few bottles of the VJ'XiKTlNK restored her health, rtmmtli.imd appetite. N. H. TII.DKS. Insurance and Rent Kstate Agent, Ne. 4f Hears Huilding. Washburn & Moen ManTg Co. WORCESTER, MASS. I Soli Xiiraficturcrs ZzA of CUcaga, of l.fiiisrauMffliciiiE,.' 4 A STEEL Thorn Hedge. No other Fencing so Cheap or put np bo quickly. Never rusts, stains, decays, shrinks, nor warps. Unaffected by fire, wind, or flood. A complete barrier to the most tinruly etoek. Impassable by man or beast TWO THOUSAND TONS SOLD AND PUT UP DURING- THE LAST TEAR For sale at the loading hardware stores, with Stretohers and Staples. Bead for illustrated Pamphlet TXX33 NITED STATEi CHSURANCE COMPAQ IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway. ORGANIZES 1810 hJSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TER1C3 ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES AND APPROVED CLAIMS MATURING IN 1877 WILL BE Off PBMSESXATIOlf. TAMES BUELL, - - PRESIDENT. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wistars Balsam of Wild Cherry Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry One of thfl oldest and moHt reliable reme dies in the worm tor Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing.Phthi sic, Fain in the Side and Breast, Quinsy, Spitting of Blood, Liver Com plaint, Bleeding of the Lungs, and all Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, in cluding; even FROM JAMES MITCHELL, ESQ., A WRLL-KNOWN MANUFACTURER AT SPRINGFIELD, VT. ' He.eral yeara ago i was attacked who a severe lung difficulty, which was quite) alarminir. 1 had severe night aneata. and all tlie premonitory symptoms of Consump tion. After having tried several remedies and the skill of physicians without benefit, I was induced to use Wibtak's Balsam or Wild C'HEURYtths first bottle of whiuh afforded immediate relief; and a continuance of ita use soon restored me ta my usual heulth. For 26 ihui nasi it has never failed to artnrd entire astisfao. tion in all oases of colds, or any throat or iunjrdimcul- tiea. 1 know ot no meaiuine 1 consider it equal." Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. FROM DEAN GRAY, JR., OF THE FIRM OF LOOM IS. LEWIS & CO., OF WK8TF1KU, MASS. About year lince I was attacked with a severe and diBtreauing oougn, followed by emaciation, nigut aureate, and other aymptoma of approaching riiftaae. I tried many remedies to no avail, and bo alarming did my eaae appear that my friends entertained terioua fear, for my recovery. A nun juncture I purunaaea a uoiue oi Wibtak's Balbam ojt" Wild Chekky, and at once be gan to mend; and by the time two bottles bad been exhausted I had entirely gained health and atrentfth. I iiaall always keep it iu my lamiiy.11 v Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. FROM P. N. BODFISH, ESQ., MERCHANT, OF WAREUAM, MASS. "Ail remedy for lung affeotiona I ooniider Dr. Wis-, tab's Balsam or Wild Cherry the par excellence of ail the numerous patent medicine b, and n-ver fail to reeommend it to my friends who may be afflicted. My mnthar and sifiter have both made use of the Balaam. and the effect has far exoeeded our mo t sanguine expectations, completely restoring the former, to the surprise of her numerous frienda, of a hard, dry cough, which had nearly broken her down. One haa only to try this excellent remedy to become convinced of its mani fold virtue," Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. SO eti. nd ill battle. 60 ru, and 81a bottle. 6U cm. and 81a bottle. 60 eta. and 81a bottle. 1 CAUTION Beware of preparations 1 Maine. Examine the boti'e rarrjuify bej'i and be sure you yet 1H. WiHTAH'ti HAL t'HKJiHr.haoiity the tiyttuture qj' "I. bearing eimitar ore purchaingt sam or WILU Butts" oa the wrapper. Prepared by HE Til W. FOWI.K cV SONH, 86 Harrlaoa Avenue, Hot to unci void by fill druMtftetn. $10 to 323 NATURE'S" REMEDYr The Rheat Blood Punntn. U R 4a rt per Any at timnn. Bamplw wrrrtn mt IU free, 8TJNKONAC(..r. rtlnnfl.Msne. tCC a wek In rrar " I"1- Terms and ffii omm 9v0 trnn. IL HAM.KTT CO., Portlsnd. Mtme. aJI O n any at home. Am 5516 terms free. THUIC Agents wentwl. Ontftt srji JJ.t Ainnmta. .Mama.. , K"J "uteni-winder.Frre with every order. Ok mm JjU fre. J. B. Ofiylonl o., Chicago. I IK MAGKKTIO TIJnKPIECKi Ifjciai 1 II-. U.'i.t. f n U1 2 Anenta. A. COUI.TER A C'iv, Chicnjm, Ills. a. m rr MONTH. AMK.HTS 1 KI. 5r.O of the lntest novelties. WticnJ for Catalog. Vaw A f o.Clilcsgo. $350 k Month Agonm wanted. 30 bast .ri.inlo In Dim wnrlri Onn snmnlfl TTMh dross JAY 11HONMON, Detroit, Mich. S5937 Made by 17 A pent" In Jan. 77 with my 13ncwartli!les. Sample free. . Address V. M. Unington Chicago EIjECTKIO BEfTH.-A NKW, CHRAP, PKH FKCT Cure for premature dRhility Send forelrcy ir call on DTI. A. kakk. ag Broaaway, new i ors. JI'HT 01T! "Hot and Heavy 1" "Trenchant, bold and frR !" "A bomb in the enmpof the enpi slists!" Hpm impns mnt. Asenta wonted. Addreoe Titk Oomino Htiiikiokk, P.O. Box Now York City. kW.L.IlATTiw,Trhrof flnHsr, Fltite,OoTnrti Il)rpf in Mudiral Inrtnimontf, Mutiftj k Ajfi-tor l nmn rt.iinitr,ine dc in ut. jS Strings. Citaloiruei free. iM Trrmopt Bt. J t. iJotton. 0PIUF1 II A II IT t:TRKI AT 1IOMB. Nn pablicitjr. Timn short. Terms mo rsto. 1,KH Tnstimnnials. I0. DK. P. K. MAUSIl, Uuincr. Mich. scribe oaso. "D"CTVCTr"rO Procnrwl of No Psy, for wry JL JZiXl fjl " Xikl wounded, ruptured, accident- illy Injured or nisnasen nninier. Annrnss. uoi. n. rri :'l ' 'I ' L' II . t I IT U I -. ...... Tl fl WANTED : Men to travel and tjitce orders of Merchants. Halary 9 1 2H a yea and all trsrelinff expenses psid Address Or.M ManTg Oo.. Ht. l.oniB, Mo PATERI I S JEDSON BROS. " Wfj. h. Voreiirn Patent Aent,7tl O Nt.,Waihin:ton. I. O. KstaWished in 16. Fee after allowance. Cir'l'r of instrnctitins.etc.scnt tree. CLOCKS 1 are superior in dosivn end not equalled in quality, or a timo kpperB. Auk yonr Jwwolpr for them. Manufactory Mriatol. Ut EtabHdhed WA. T7I.EIS Il.nAN A- CO., MnniifnctTirors nnd In innnrtprfi nf WINDOW, Plt'TI'RR AND FI.ATK GLASS, AND (.HUMAN LOOKINU OLA.SS FLA I KM, 3S Wnrrrn Strrrt Npw York . A KEY TO BOOKKEEPING. The Best Text Book nnd Rnlf Instructor in the World. Rent by mail, pot ptid,on ricpit of Fifty 'inti by the author, OKO. B. WKI.SH, Snvannnb, Georgia, erji KK.OEOERlCK&r.a 3Q BALLS fkH MOUfV BOSTON WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT The beet family newspaper published ; eight pages ; fifty sis columns reading. lerms v per annum ; ciuos or eieyen, 91a per annum, in advance. Ho ! Farmers, for Iowa ! Sonrf a Pomnl Cnrrl for de?rritlon and maps of l,24HMHM AcrvH of K. R. Lands for sale on Inns tnns. Soil firs -class. Tickets FRF.K to land-buyers from t htcrXRO and return. Ad tres ,1. K. (' A fnd Cominisrtioner Iowa R. H. Lnnd Co., 1)2 Randolph Street, (IincAfm. or CKPAn Rapids, Iowa. A SOVEREIGN BALM Can be found in that great and reliable medicine. Allen's Lung Balsam, by the inn of wliitih health nnd happinnoH nre reBtored to thosH uillictpd with nny IiiiriR or Thront divnase, such ns tJoujrhs, tJlds, Astlimn, Bronchitis and ConBiunptinn. it cuths Lotwonn i-onsun.ptmn. ii cnrfu voup ai.u should be kepin tlie houm of evry fumily. Hold by all .Mcdicim OralrrH. . For SIX BKAVTIFI L VH Tl US (diflerent subjects,) 14x17 inche; Or for FIVK IMCTI'KKS, 17x22; Or for FOl'tt 11(11 1(KS, 10x1. Fac-simile copies of FINE STKKL EN;iAVI(iS. made by the cele brated f.Uil'HIC process, printed on Heavy Plate Paper for framing. Send ten cents for I Itnt rsil oil Tat tlotnie containing over lOO pMuren Address, Tim Daily (rai'iiic, Kcw York City. HEADACHE. IR. V.W. HKNSONM C'Kl.KIt Y nurt I IIA3I O.UILM PJIiLS nre prrtuiri'il i'xiM'' 10 enrr HICK 1 1 K A lAl'll I:. M:itV(rs lll'Al). Al lli:, DYSIM H ir l! KA DAt'II K, NKI'- u m;ia, m;iiv(m sms, sij i:pij;ss- N'KSS, mid Mill riirt itnv mm. tMflcc, IOO N. FJntnw Ki.. niiliiinnrr Hid. Prire 50r.v pciHtavr IVi?. Sold hv nil tU iinulnitt nml roiin irv htoreM. lM:i'i;ULNt l--ilowunl iSnnk, UllltiMHI.-.-, Mil. KFKP'M KHIItT.S-cnlyouo quality-The Best. Kbrd's Pntent Tai-thy-mario Proen Khirts Can be finished as eaey as hemming a Handkerchief. The very bnat, six for 7 mlKi Keep's Custom Shirts maun to mess nre, Tho Tory bust, sis for SJM'O. An elefrttnt act of e-onuine Gold-plate Collar and Sleeve Buttons m von with ench half iloz. Keop's Shirts. Keep's Shirts are delivered FKKK on receipt of price In any part of the Union no express charges to pay. tSamplea with full direction for self-measurement Sent r'Vee to any addret. No stamp required. Dal directly with the Manufacturer and pet Bottom Pricfta. Keep Manufacturing Oo., !? Moreer St..W.Y BOOK AGENTS! THE GOHING BOOK! Who has not heard of the " BURLINGTON " lit Hawkeye Humorist V His Nr.w Rook is ready, and is overwhelm in sly rich and racy. It is perfectly ir res ittt able. Awnta uun secure territory by prompt application. AddrHs. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Conn.; or F. C. BLISS ft CO., Newark, N. J. CHEAPEST AND BEST! Chicago Weekly Post! (SH VotUtHHH.t One Vrnr, Pontnfrc paid Ten t 'uiiica, ..75 rts. ..Oj " Liberal tfirms to Agent. Address, THE POST. Chicago. $1.00 $1.00 ODod's Heliotype Engravings. JatoWerVoieeit household ornament t. l'rict Ojvs Dollar tach. Send for catalogue. JlMES It. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 Tin Hrwt TriiHN without Metal Springs ever invonted. No humbug claim of a cer tain radical cure, but a guar antee of a comfortable, se. cure and satisfactoiy nppli. a nee. We will take back and nay full Prire for all that do not unit. Price, bingle, like cut, 14 ; for both sides, Bent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B. This Truss will cuhe more Ruptures than any of those for which extravagant claims are made. Circulars free. PO.UEHOV TIM'hiS VO,9 7 -I Hnmilu'ti v. New YorU. "The Best Polish in the World." J BABBITT'S TOILET S0APo LnrtTal.M for the TolUtantl the Catk. 4tlccpuvai oden to ouver couiuioo aod delvtertoui lagradl inu. After yraof irUatific ezptaiount the nianuiacUirar of B. r. BaUiU'e Be jjajay Soap he iwrfcct4 led now otTrTt to tha uib..e The riSBST TOILET iatlAP la the World. nt the pin or tn tn ii let putem vtfaaaii oi$ utta in ut manwrariui WoriT ten Hum tUcoU to every iiioltifr tnd family tnChribtendom, nm)l bos, oonuining 8 cake of I ou. each, leal fit to mj ad diUU 0fi rectUit of 1ft cent. Ad a m In thn Miirarw 1 kn htt Fnnat T.BABBllew York City. aaetfr:,irT'Yn--. in a car. ii I SANDAL-VOOD A DMitin remedy fox all diseaaea of the Kldncya. Bladder and Urinary Oraaoe ; also good in Drop, leal Complaints. It new produce sickness. U eerUin and epeedj in ita action. It la f ut auperaeding all other remedies, fiizty upsnlee euro in six or eigh daya. Ho other medicine oan do thin, BewareTof Imitation, lor, owing to IU gieat suooeas. man; hare been oBered ; gome or most danger oas, oa using pile, eto, DUN DAM DICK oV CO.'S Soi Cap. tulu, aoutaMng OU JSoadoiiMoJ, sold at all dri, ' stores. Atk or circular, or smd fur on ia So amd S7 WQMtrt Brl, Nr Tor. MTMU KoUU WHEN WRITING TO ADTERTIHRRt