GEO. A. RATHBUN, Attorncy-at-Lnw, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL fe jrcAULETi Attorneys-at-Lw. Office iu New Brick Building, Main St Rideway, Elk Co., f a. v3n2tf. L UCORE & HA MB LEX, Attorneys-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Mnin street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Oold itn. Repairing Watches, eto, doeewith le tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis lactisa guaranteed. vlnly J. O. )V. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-XT. LAW. Ylnojrl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent, for the Traveler's Life and Aool Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his profcssionsl ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office iu Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left.. 73-n-82-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Farninceutlst, N. W. cornel of Main aud Mill streets, Kidgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y " T. S. HARTLEY. M. O., Physician ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Itroad and Main t't". Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. OHioo hours from 8 to 10 A. M. an 1 from 7 to 8 P. M. vlnJyl. J S. LORD W ELL, M. D., Eclectic rhysician and Surgeon, has remov ed his otlice from Centre street, to Mail st. Ridgway. fu,, in (lie second story of the tie ir brick building of John G. Hall, oppo eit llj'le; store. Oifieo hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE 110 USE, Hum way, Ei.rCo., Pa W. H. SCIIllAM, Proprietor Thankful for the patronage heretofore ao liberally bestowed upon nun, t lie new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuauce oi the same. tltt 80 18!l. ;. a. fa v. LIT Mil Ell and. insurance com MISSION BROKER, AXI G EN Kit AL COLLECTION AGENT No 21 (i Walnut Place, (Slii Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. -iy rTw. J1A YS, IIKALB IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. iAtrltiJ I', ft- vlntTif. ni;w STORE IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's 3 I A A A A It of WJL L I A MSl'O UT.PA. liave opened n large stock f Millinery iiinl Fancy Goods, Notions, Gents Fiiriiisliiuir Goods, Picture ami Motto Frames, Hair Switches, &., which they will sell at priees within the reach of all. Don't fail to call and examine their full amlcontplete stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Itemeiuher the place next door to the Post-olllce. nloniH. JKWLIVK ItY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBXER WJHIIKH TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, ami the public generally, that lie has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. jfcSyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Rroad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Ottice will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf "F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, aud sold as cheap a the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAOERTY County Officers. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate .TinlirtoTTnna rjor tr.l Wels, and Julius Jones. pnenn uaniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley. District Attorney-C. H. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary. &e Fred. Sehnenlng. Deputy Prothonotary W. 8. Horton. H. Osterhout, George Reuseher. ' Commissioners' Clerk W. 8. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, George Rothrock. Township Oflicers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Pen field. P. R. Smith. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead. Jas. D. Fullerton. 8chool Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum mings, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. 8. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walmsley. Auditors Will . Dickinson, James Penfleld, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. 8. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. BEHOLD THE LOW PRICES AT Silvermann & Co's BAZAAR EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN FROM THE ALREADY LOW FIGURES. Anyone in need of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Dresstrimmings, &c &c. WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEEORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. From this date AN EXTRA DIS COUNT of 5 per cent will be allowed ON ALL PURCHASES exceeding $1.00 SILVERMANN & CO. next door to Post Ollice Ridgway. n-Jltf Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of tliat dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means ot cure, lo all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of cnaige) wim the directions Tor preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sitbb Curnt for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ic, Parties wishing (he prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 1U4 Penn., VVilliamsburgh, N. Y. Appleton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. fi of this nilmirulilo wnrlr Iu out, making it half complete, as there are to he 10 in all, of MHI pages each, one being issued in two months. Jt makes a complete library, and no one can atlbrd to do without it who would Keep wen informed. Price $0,110 a vol ume ill leather, or AT nil in dun-nut half Turkey. C. K. Judxon. Fredonia, .. i ., controls the sale in l'AU. county. Address him lor particulars. sepl'-t ,F0R Health. Comfort c . and Economy. L-orR Miavmgs are unsurpassed as an article for Beds, Mattresses d'C They are ten times as durable as Husks or Straw. Only 0 cents per lb. Forty pounds will fill the largest, bed. Fsr sale by Armstrong, Brother Co., 41 and 40 First Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. nSIlmlinl. SPECIAL KOTICES. DIl VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long strciaiitt, and world wide reputation for CURING SlilN DISEASES, has endeav ored for yeers to combine an external treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable besi'lt in the preparation of his compound "SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is nigniy recommended to all our readers. Price 23 Cents a Cake; a;Box (three Cakes) CO Cents. 3ent ,by Mail, (pre-paid) on receipt of price. Office, 50 N. 5ih St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 8d St. Philadel phia, Pa. Sflld by DRUGGIST. n21yleow. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin Jate of St. Mary's Boro. Elk Co-, Pa-, de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUGHLIN kA , PATRICK M'LAUGHLIN f Admr 8 nl'Jta. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than al any other store in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL 4 KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Outs, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. Notice, All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Rldgwny May 2, 1577.-ly THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1877. Notes. Select Oysters at the West End Store. POWELL A KIME keep Flour Feed and Grain. ALL KINDS of Family Groceries at the West End Store. Beautiful moonlight evenings and pleasant days. Good time to dig your potatoes. Cameron county has organized a county agricultural society, with Hon. John Brooks President. W. R. Simpson had his leg broken while skidding logs near Bear Creek Mill on Saturday last. O. B. Grant has sowed forty-flve or fifty acres to wheat this fall. B. F. Ely has sowed five or six bushels of wheat. Election comes on November Cth. Pay your taxes without fail on or be fore October 6th or you may lose your vote. . Owlnsr to the absence of Rev, W. H. Swartz there will be no services in the M. E. Church, until the third Sunday in October. Another savings bank, the Mer chants, Farmers and Mechanics, in Chicago, has gone up, taking with it the small sum of $500,000. A teachers' examination will beheld in the Ridgway school house on Saturday Oct. 6th, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. English Services in the Lutheran church next Sunday evening by Rev. I Breueman, subject, "The Bible and Geology." All are earnestly invited to attend. Sheriff Scull accompanied Willie Brown aged about seventeen, con victed of rape, and Henry Hornbeck, convicted of stealing a heifer, to the Western Penitentiary, a few day ago. S. S. Wilsou has moved into the back part of John Casserly's house John Kime has moved iuto his house on Broad street, and W. F. Mercer will move into the Powell farm house- Oil in small quantities has been found in the first sand at a depth of 375 feet, at Cooksburg, Forest county a point on the Clarion river four miles below Clariugton, aud thirty-two miles below this place. This is not exactly a land of milk and honey but a great many bee trees are found in this vicinity, and one, we are told, yielded sixteen ten quart palls of honey, and about a' barrel left in the tree aud a large amount of comb. Capt. James Woodward has moved his stock of groceries into the old New York Store room, where he will be found hereafter ready and willing to wait on all hisold customers and as many new ones as may favor him with a call. The Democrats of New Jersey in their recent State convention nom inated Gen. Geo. B. M'Clelland for Gov. of New Jersey. The announce ment of General McClelland's name was the signal for an enthusiasm be fore which all lesser lights succumbed. The specimens of portrait paint ing in the Prothonotary's ottice are the work of Joseph Scliaut, of St Mary's, who followed his profession for six years In the city of Munich Bavaria- These specimens certainly stamp Mr. Schaut as an artist of a su perior order. A fire broke out iu the Patent Of" fiee, Washington, about noon on the 24th inst- It is supposed to have originated from a flue reaching from the conservatory. The models lost are numbered between 60,000 and 70, 000, but the drawings and specifica tions of them were saved. The loss on the building is estimated at $1,225,000. Let's see there is D. C. Oyster Republican; John R. Kime, Demo crat; T. J. Burke, Independent Democrat, N- G. Bundy, Indepen dent Greenback ; James Phalen, Inde dendent Phalen ; Geo. Everitt, Inde pendent Everitt, and Thomas Rogan, St. Mary's candidate, which makes seven, thank the Lord there's not eleven, candidates for the office of Sheriff in this county this fall. Choose ye this hour whom ye will serve. Married. Lamb Shelvey. At the residence ot M. T. Krencli, on Huturauy, wept. s:u i77, dv Charles Mead, Esq., Mr.Htniuu Lamb to Mrs. Mary hbetvtv. Taylor. Roll.. On Thursday. Sept, 20th, 1877. at the residence of J. W. Tuylor. by Uev. Mr. Mnher, Mr. H. H. Taylor, ol Kidgway, to Miss ourun ttou ot nonua iwwimiiip. Child Lost and Found. Dennis Flynn lives on Elk street, in this vil lage, and is a laborer by occupation- Last Saturday his wife and daughter, about ten years of age, were on the hill above the ;State road looking after their cow. and on the return home the daughter left her mother and fol lowed a path which led away from the road the mother following and calling until she had lost sight of her child, when supposing that she had taken another path in a homeward direction made her way out of the woods Upon reaching home great was the mother's surprise to find the girl bad not come. The neighborhood was aroused and a search instituted, with lanterns, which was continued until after midnight when the conclusion was reached that the lost one was either too far away to be reached that night or had returned home, the latter conclusion seeming altogether Improb able. Another surprise awaited the searching party when on arriving home thev found the girl had pre ceded them. She came out into the clearing back of Earley's field, and it Is supposed she had wandered around several miles in the woods. She was badlv frightened and it is thought was u little out of her mind. Conrt Proceedings. The September Term of court com menced on Monday Sept., 17, 1877. Hon L. D. Wetmore, presiding. Asso ciate Judges Geo. Ed. Wels and Ju lius Jones present. Attoney's present. Henry Souther, John G. Hall. C. II. McCauley, J. O. W. Bailey, J. M. Judd, R. Lucore, W. 8. Hamblen, Geo. A. Rathbun, R. M. Chamberlain, H. M. Powers, and J. K. P. Hall. ARGUMENT LIST. James Thomas vs. T. B. Wlnslow et al. Motion for judgment agaiust garnishee, for amount admitted to be duo, and rule to show caase granted. The County of Elk vs. Joseph Wind feldcr. Petition of County Commls. sloners to open judgment aud rule to show cause granted. Snyder Brothers for use of C. E. Wlllard ; stayed, lien to remain and rule to show cause granted. Depo sitions on part of plaintiff filed and notice Issued to J. O. W. Bailey, de fendant's attorney. CIVIL LIST. Cornelius Wainwright vs. Wallace H. Johnson and Newton Johnson, trespass, cutting timber contrary to act of March 29, 1821. Plaintiffs at torney suggests the death of plaintiff and moved for leave to substitute John Wainwright, administrator as plain tiff in above entitled case. Motion granted and case continued. Jacob H. Walter, trustee, and C R. Earley et al. vs. Thomas L. Kane and Ida Anderson ; ejectment for warrant No. 4112 iu Jones townsiiip Elk, County, Pa. Continued. Charles Webb vs. Simon P. Romig ; assumpsit and judgment. Continued at cost of plaint iff. A. L- Stout, W. M. Mills and John Temple, partners doing business as Stout, Mills & Temple vs. Ralph Johnson administrator of Cornelius Wainwright deceased ; trespass on the case upon promises, damages ?-"!(. The death of Ralph Johnson is sug gested and on motion of defendant's attorney the substitution of John Wainwright de bonis non as defendant is granted. The Commonwealth ofPennsylva' nla ex. rel. F. X. Koller vs. Daniel Scull, Albert Wels, Martin Sorg, and Geo. Ed. Weis; debt upon official bond in $5000. Rule to show cause for change of venue discharged. Verdict for the Commonwealth in the sum of $5000, and for the plaintiffiu the sum of $21.20. The Meredin Cutlery Co. vs. W. S. Service and W. H. Schram, late doing business under the firm name of W, S. Service fc Co., case upon promises, Verdict for the defendants- James H. Hugerty vs. Walter Bry ant and Daniel Euwcr doing business under the firm name of Bryant and Euwer; assumpsit, damages $2000. Continued by consent. Hood, Bonbright & Co. vs, Miles Dent, assumpsit, damages S'-'uOO. Con fession of judgment filed. Rachel Gross and Henry Grotm, hor husband for use of said Rachel Gross vs C. R. EarleyJ; scire facias on Mort gage. Continued. Van Camp Bush vs. J. P. Feltfc Co case upon promises- Settled. Wm. Richardson & Co. vs. C. R. Earley ; ease upon promises, damages $1000. Stricken off. (KIM IN A J,. Commonwealth vs. J. II. English; desertion of family. Continued. Commonwealth vs. Anglica Klaus- man : selling liquor contrary to law. Not a true bill and county to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Francis M'Kay et al. ; malicious mischief aud a.ssault Nolle pros, entered upon payment of costs. Commonwealth vs. Martin Herb- strett, Anthony Krieg and George Kreig; assault and battery. Defen dants to each give $200 bail for ap pearance at next term. Com. vs. Amanda Trumball; cruelty to animals, a true bill. Verdict.defend- antnot guilty, thatshe pay two-thirds the costs aud the prosecutor Peter O'Neill to pay one-third the costs. Costs amount to $45.05. Com. vs. Joseph Hanes ; assault and battery, a true bill. Continued. Com. vs. Washington Galbraith; assault and battery. Continued. Com. vs. same; threats to kill- Continued. Com. vs. Richard Dunn ; larceny. No arrest. Coin, vs Henry Hornbeck ; larceny Deft, found guilty on first count, and not guilty on second count. Sentenced to restore stolen property if notalready done, pay a fine of five dollars to the commonwealth and undergo an im prisonment In the western peniten tiary at labor for the period of one year, Com. vs. W. F. Mercer ; assault. Not a true bill and the prosecutor Geo. W. Rhines to pay the costs. Com. vs. Rictard Dunn; assault and battery, a true bill. Continued. OYER AND TERMINER. The Commonwealth of Pennsylva- ni vs. William Brown ; rape. Re cord and proceedings certified from the Court of Quarter Sessions, deft. arraigned and pleads not-guilty. The defendant found guilty of committing an assault upon Annie Hoklusou with Intent, forcibly and against her will, to have unlawful carnal knowledge of her person. Deft, arraigned and sen tenced to pay a fine of $25 to the Com monwealth and costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment by soli tary confinement at labor ltf lhe West em Penitentiary in the county of Al legheny for the period of one year and eight calendar months to be computed from Sept., 18, 1877, and stand com mitted etc. In the matter of the attachment aeainst Peter Valk! contemut. Hen tenced to pay a fine of $5 and tbe costs of attachment. Deft, arraigned and discharged. ROAD VIEWS. Petition of citizens of Fox township for a road from a point in public road near Joseph Roger's farm to a point In Boon's mountain road near Hollo baugh farm. Talbot Thompson and P. W. Hays appointed viewers, and Geo. W. Clinton, Surveyor. Petition of citizens of Jones town ship for a road to lead from the St. Mary's road near Adam Pistners to the Montgomery lot. E. Lentz ap pointed surveyor and Geo. Wiesner, and Martin Fritz viewers. Petition of citizens of Jones town ship for a public road leading from the Wilcox and Hamblin State road to the Milesburgand Smethport turnpike In Jones township. J. L. Brown ap pointed Surveyor, A. T. Aldrich and Lucius Wilcox viewers. Petition of the citizens of Jones township for a public road leading from Dahoga on the P & E R R to the public road leading from Wilcox to the Big Level State Road via Wilcox and the mouth of Wolf Run. J. L Brown appointed Surveyor, and A. T. Aldrich and Lucius Wilcox viewers. Petition of the citizens of Ridgway township to vacate a portion of the old Ridgway and Whlstletown road, being that portion between Elk creek and Eagle Valley Mill Dam, Ridgway township- E. K. Gresh, B. F. Ely and Chas. Mead appointed viewers. REl'OHTa OF VIEWER8. Road from North end of bridge across Bennett's Branch near Medox run to Barr's Station on A. V. R. R. Confirmed nisi and ordered to be opened 50 feet wide. Private road In Fox township from a point near tne corner between the lands of Joseph Seifried, Hugh Mc- Cready deceased, and the petitioner Ralph Bell, to the northern terminus of a private road heretoforejaid out, leading from the house of Joseph Seifried to the Milesburgh aud Smeth port, turnpike. Confirmed nisi and ordered to be opened 25 feet wide. Road to lead from point near Anson Robinson's in Jay township to a point near where spring run crosses the township line betweeu Benezette and Jay townships. Confirmed nisi and ordered to be opened 50 feet wide. Rnad to lead from the line of war' rant 6027 and 5028 to village of Bene zette. Confirmed nisi and ordered to be opened 50 feet wide. Bridge across Bennett's Branch of the Sinnemahoning creek at or near the mouth of Dents Run. Not recom mended. PRESENTMENT OP THE GRAND JURY. To the Honorable the Judges nf the Court of Quarter Scmion of the pence in and for the county of Elk. The Grand Inquest inquiring, for the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in and for the said county of Elk, would re spectfully recommend that the sheriff of said county be compelled to keep all stock from running loose in the court yard, and also keep the court yard cleaned and in better condition, and we also recommend that tho iron bridge over the Clarion river be re painted. We find the jail clean and in good condition. CHARLES MEAD, Foreman. Analysis of Petroleum. Any thing in relation to petroleum is pre sumed to lie Interesting at the present time, aud for this reason it may not lie out of place to notice that the chemi cal constituents of rock oil, are carbon and hydrogen, generally ninety parts carbon and ten parts hydrogen, by weight. These proportions form about an equal bulk, carbon being heavy while hydrogen is light and volatile. Originally they both existed as gases, and by their union they form protocarburet of hydrogen, which be ing condensed, forms naptha, or light volatile oil, and after the escape of a portion of hydrogen, the product is heavy petroleum. By a further es cape of hydrogen, the product be comes more solid, as bitumen, pitch or aaphaltum, the higher stages of con densation being cannel, bituminous, and anthracite coal. The diamond is the purest utute of solidified carbon, and is probubly a crystalization of car bonic acid gas, unadulterated with hydrogen. Coal oil is artificially pro duced by eonvertlnjioal Intogas, ad ding a proper eifSivulent of hydrogen and then condensing the gas. Iron, sulphuric acid and water, when placed n contact give off hydrogen gas Burning charcoal gives off carbonic acid gas. Mix these gases in proper proportion, subject them to heat un der confinement then allow the heated gas to escape through water, and the condensation will produce carbon oil on the surface of the water, but it will cost about ten dollars per gallon, even If you get through with out au explosion. Clarion Republi can. Dangerous Counterfeit. ' A counterfeit five-dollar bill on the First National Bunk of Tamuqua, Pennsylvania, has been issued. It is exceedingly well executed, and is cal culated to deceive even the shrewdest experts. People handling money would do well to refuse to receive all fives on this bank until further ud vised regardingthis spurious note. The amount of oil shipped from the Oil Regions during the month of August exceeded the shipments of any previous mouth in the history of the trade by 134,251 barrels. The total amount removed by the different routes having aggregated) the enor mous amount of 1,420,608 barrels, of forty-two gallons each, including the shipments of refined reduced to crude equivalent, which Is a daily average, for the thirty-one days of the month, of 46,128 barrels. POWELL & KIME have a tine lot of dress goods, also all other kind of dry goods at low rates. SubBcribe ten- the Advocate. Wilcox Notes. Wilcox, Pa., Sept. 25, 1877. And yet it Is dry; no rain to speak of; springs dried up; wells out of water, and people out of patience. Jack Frost, with his sharp scythe, mowed a heavy swath through this country last week. Andrew Youngs and Belle Forsythe were married a rew nays ago. iiie boys gave them a rousing old-fashioned serenade, and Andy responded handsomely with the solids, no liquids allowed in this temperance town you know. And now I will tell you something It you won't mention it to any living soul, honor bright. Well, we are going to have another wedding, and if anybody asks you who is going to be married tell them you don't know. They have a fast hold of the lost tools In well No. 3, and are slowly bringing them up with strong hopes of getting them out James M'Kean was quite severely burnt at the burning water well a few days ago. He ran up with a lantern to look into the hole, when the gas took fire and burned his hands aud face badly. John Pingstcr, a union soldier in the late war, tiled, a few days ago from tho effects of a gun shot wound re ceived while fighting for his country. A short time ago his neighbors took hold to assist him in getting his justly deserved pension, and had nearly suc ceeded, when he died in comparative poverty just as the hard-earned boon was almost within his reach. Mrs. Aldrich is quite siek. Mrs. Thco. Cook has been sick for a long time. Doctor Ilartman tried to knock a railroad bridge down with his fist, while riding through it on the cars at the rate of forty miles an hour. The bridge is all light, but the Doctor's hand is all broken to smithereens Many a broken bone has the Doctor patched up, with delight, for that s the way he makes his bread and butter, but now he knows how it is himself. The Tanning Co. are undoubtedly the most extensive farmers in Elk county. They cut this year three hundred tons of buy and a large quan tity of outs; raised three thousand bushels of potatoes; three or four thousand bushels of turnips, and have sowed sixty or seventy acres to rye this fall. Can any body beat it? Poor Willie Brown l sent up for a year and eight months. While we must acknowledge the justice of the sentence, ;we feel sorry for the poor boy and his heart-broken relatives, Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard. G. A. Jackson was brought before Esquire J. L Brown, on Monday, charged with selling liquor without license, selling to habitual drunkards, and selling on Sunday. He was held to bail In the sum of six hundred dol lars for his appearance at court, on all three charge i. The Wilcox Graded School will com mence next Monday, Prof. Priedeaux as principal, with miss innie Murphy and Miss Eula Schultz us assistants. The fellow that tried to climb the liberty pole on Sunday appeared to be high enough without climbing. Was ho on a "high?" Ed. PETE. Prevalence of the Plague. PKOORKSS OK THE DHRAD DISEASE IN FLORIDA. THE DISEASE EPIDEMIC. Jacksonville, Florida Sept. 21. There was one yellow fever death at Fernandina to-day. Twenty-one new cases reported. Several critical cases reported yesterday are better to-day, Dr. Palmer being among the num ber. The disease is becoming epi demic at Old Town, about a mile north of the city proper. There is considera ble increase of the disease among the colored people. A doctor from Key West arrived there to-day. Contribu tions from towns in the State are be ing received. FERXANDIXA ASKS FOR 11KLP. Jacksonville, Fla., September 21. The following appeal has been issued by the Mayor of Fernandina : In view of the fact tliut many of our citi gens luive left our stricken city, and that therefore the burden of providing fur the large number of poor and sick devolves upon the remaining few and also for tho reason that medical gentleman present announce it as their positive belief that the dreadful disease In our town will not be stayed until after frost, we reluctantly ask our fellow- citizens who muy read this call to moderately aid us In our trouble. We would ask that corporations, associations and private indi viduals who desire to extend a helping hand may be pleased to notify us of the amount of moneys or supplies by them collected, and give us authority to draw upon them as our necessities may require. The very much disputed question as to what constitutes a laboring man is settled by the National Labor Trib une, edited by the workingmau's can didate for Auditor General. It says that "they are workingmen who labor with body or brain, or both ; who are receiving compensation directly from individuals and corporations, or .from society, fcr their services, in amounts somewhat appropriate to the amount and character of the lubor performed." We j udge that about everybody outside of the almshouse, except tramps, is a workingmau under this definition. The powder mill of Messrs Gaulby & Fegley, of Pine Grove Lebanon county, exploded on Friday afternoon at live o'clock, and was entirely de stroyed. The dry house and material house is situated several hundred feet away from the main building, but on Saturday nijiht this, too, caught Are. causing two and a liulf tons of powder to explode with terrific effect, shatter ing tne window panes of houses that were 300 feet away. The report of the explosion was heard a distance or rive miles, and extinguished caudles in houses within a half mile of the ex plosion. Trees that stood in close proximity had the branches thereof knocked off, and a wreck of a build ing could not have been more com pltte. No ror&oa hurt. Slate Notes. The cattle disease is opreading in Lan caster oounty and causing additional alarm . Rcr. J. d. Carnachan, pastor of the First rreebylerian Church, Meadvillo, has sued the Oil City Derrick for libel. The handsome opera house at Easton has been sold at assignee's sale. It cost $60, 000 and broke the proprietor. The Swatara Rifles, of the Eighth Regi ment, have been disbanded. The Rifles were the first as well as the last of the Le banon county military organixations- at tached lo the Eighth Regiment, National Guard. Milton Grccnwalt, a member of tbe Allen Rifles, of Alleutown, died Wednesday morning after a severe illness from typhoid fever. lie is said to have contracted his illness from the evil eficct of the water he used while encamped at Harrisburg several weeks ago. The cornerstone of the Catholic Hospital at Lancaster will be laid about trie middle of October. It will be a hospital and oi phan apytum for male persons only, and sick, diseased or maimed persons may enter and he carefully nursed free of cost. when destitute of means, regardless of na tionality or religious orecd Hebrews Protestants or heathen being ag welcome as Catholics. The Carlislo Sentinel prints Borne inter ting reminiscence?. Carlislo has been a military post for more than a huncrcd years. From here numerous expeditions wete sent, agninst the hostile Indians west of the mountains, and here Colonel Forbes gathered the little army that marched two hundred miles through the wilderness, enp'ured mFort Duquesne and drove the French out of Pennsylvania and beyond the lakes. It was a famous recruiting station during the Revolutionary War, and it was tbe headquarters of the mounted service from the time that the first regular cavalry was organized until some five ot six years "go. Savings Banks. From the Cincinnati Gazette. The question now arises whether the na. tional debt should not be utilized so as to serve the purpose of savings banks, A. It 65 bond, issued in denominations of $25 and upward, nn l sold at par for carroucy, would answer the purpose. People could put their savings into that where it would always be safe both an to principal aud in terest, and always be available in case or need. There are millions of dollars in cur rency hid away in Ohio alone, that would at once be put into those bonds, if obtaina ble. At least SdO.UOO.OUU ol tne outstanu. ing curreucy would be drawn out of its hiding places and another $100,000,000 would be drawn out ot the traps called sav- ngs banks, if the government would issue 3.05 currency bonds in such a way that. owners of small amounts of money could get hold of them. In this way the road to specie payments might be made easy and tne naiioual debt niigul luueoa o.couie a national bleswug. It is the ouly blessing discoverable iu a national debt. Anything that would encourage clerks, mechanics and laborers to save money, and that would take the place of savings banks, would more than compensate tho govern ment for tho interests on its bonds. Be sides it would keep a large proportion of our bonds at home and give our own people the benefit of the intcre st instead of sending it abroad annually to the extent of one hun dred millions. Before any moro bonds are sold through syndicates this question ought to be cou- sidered, and I resident Hayes sliould make a nolo of it so that tho subject will not es cape his atteution when he conus to write his annual message. A WOKD TO THE UNEMPLOYED. Our attention has been called to a new cooking utensil, recently in vented, which makes baking a pleas ure, instead of a dreaded necessity ; the inventor of which has couferred an everlasting blessing upon every housekeeper. We refer to the Patent Centennial Cake and Bread Pan, with which, by simply raising a hook, you can remove the sides of the pun from the cake Instantly, without breaking or Injuring it in the least, thus en abling you to ice and frost it while warm. To remove the tube iu the ' center, insert a knife in the slot in the top of the tube, and simply give it a half turn, and it will drop out. It is also provided with a slide on the bot tom, so that, when you remove tho tube, you can close the hole, making plain cakes, pudding, bread, etc., thus practically giving you two pans for the price of one. The Centennial Cake Pan is highly recomended by the ladies as being the best and most convenient pan ever in troduced. They are made of Russia iron, are more durable and will bake your cakes more evenly and a much nicer brown than you can bake them in the old-fashioned tin cake pans. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every housekeeper should by all means have them. A splendid opportunity is of fered to some reliable lady or gentle man canvasser of this county to secure the agency for a pleasant and profitable busiuess. For terms, territory, etc.. write to L. E. Brown & Co., Nob. 211 and 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. "It Still Waves." Among the solid aud established papers that have lived through the hard times, we aie glad to see the old-time and favorite Star Spanoled Banner. This ever popular paper begins its loth year with 1878, and deserves to be in every home. It is a large, 8-page, 40 column paper every issue actually crowded with charming Stories, Poems, Sketches, Wit, Humor; Fun, Puzzles, and Rebuses tine illustrated Poems and Stories, It is a national lavorite, and should be in every family. Iu its "Rogue's Corner" every swindler, quack, humbug aud fraud is fully ex posed. None need ever be swindled If they will but read tho Banner. Try it one year. Only 75 cents a yeav, or with six fine chromos, or an elegant dictionary, ouly $1. Trial trip 3 months, only 10 cents. Specimens 6 cents. We advise every reader to tiy this great family paper three months only one dixi:e. Address Btr Bpa.ngild Bannlh, Hinsdale,-N. H.