mm Jytlvontlf, Inry A. Parsons, Jr., lid i (or Thursday, sept. 20, isv REPUBLICA1T STATE TICKET." FOR SUPREME JUDOR JAMES P. STEIIHETT, of Allcghony County. FOR TREASURER WILLIAM B. HART, of Montgomery County, FOR AUDITOR GENERAT, JOHN A. M. PASSMOllE, of Luzerne County. republican" county ticiietT FOR SHERIFF D. C. OYSTER, of Ridgway. OUR NOMINEES. .ll'DOE JAMES 1. BTEHHETT. Hon. James P. Sterrett, the Itupub lit'tm nominee for Judge of tlie Su preme Court, in a gentleman whose f minent qualities both in private life and as a public character are well known and universally acknowledged, Most of his professional life lias been spent in Allegheny county, where he bus built up an unassailable reputft' t'on for those high qualities as a geiv tleman and jurist which fit him in an eminent degree for the elevated position which he now- occupies and to which ho was renominated yester day. He is about fifty years or nge, having been born in a neighboring county of this 8tate, but lias been long engaged in practice at the bar of his count j. He was associated with Hon. J. 1'. Penny for many years in legal practice. In 1802 he was first elected to the President Judgeship of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, now the Common Pleas Court No. 1. He was re-elected to the same position in 1872, and among the high testimonials which have been given to his enviable reputation as a Judge is the fact that the Democracy then de clined to put a candidate into the field against him. When Judge Williams died, last spring, Judge sterrett was appointed by the Governor to succeed to the vacancy thus created on the (-Supreme Bench, and he now receives the nomination without opposition. His high character and great legal abilities will insure his election by an overwheming majority. C'APT. w. II. HAKT. Captain W. 15. Hart was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, on the 15th day of March, 18-12, and was educated at common schools. At the age of fourteen he commenced to earn his own livelihood by his own seeking us a farm hand. Upon arriv ing at the age of seventeen Le was ap prenticed to the bricklaying business for four years. Having served two and one-half years when the call for the three mouths' troops was made by the Government in ltfi'l, he enlisted as a private in Co. "P,'' 51st Penn'a. Vols, for three years; served with great gallantry in the east and south west, participating in all the battles in which his command was engaged. His good qualities and soldierly bear ing attracted the attention of General Hartranft, who recommended him in a highly flattering manner to Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of "War, for ap pointment as an Assistant Adjutant General of Vols., with the rank of captain ; upon this recommendation and after passing ti credit.. hie ex amination, he was immediately ap pointed and served with General Ilart rauft's permanent command until the close of tho war, being mustered out of service as a volunteer officer under War Department orders, dated Sep tember 19, 1G5. In February, 1807, Captain Hart received an appoint ment to a clerks! dp in the Treasury Department, was promoted to the re sponsible position of Cashier in 1871, (succeeding the" Hon. Thos. Nicholson, whose confidence and friendship Cap tain Hart enjoyed to the end of his predecessor's life. The following ex tract from a privato letter, wriiten in October 1871, by Mr. Nicholson, (af ter Captain Hart had accepted the clerkship) will serve to illustrate the confidence enjoyed by representative men even at that time: "With his pleasing manner, great qualifications, Ktriet integrity he ought to succeed, he must succeed." He is thoroughly acquainted with and qualified for the position, and in his official Intercourse has merely confirmed a previously es tablished reputation for courtesy and integrity not surpassed. HON. J. A. M. PASSMOKK. John Andrew Morrow Pussmore, the nominee for Auditor General, was born in Chester, Pa., in 18o0, and is therefore 42 years of age. He was educated at the State Normal School at Millerstown, being a member of the first class that graduated from that institution. He was admitted to prac tice at the bar in 1800, and commenced his legal career at Pottsville. In 1800 he was appointed General Agent for Pennsylvania of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, to the duties of which position he has since given his principal atten tion, although still retaining his standing at the bar of Luzerne county. He is well known as a man eminently calculated to add strength to the ticket. In the canvass for the nomina tion he has shown what he is able to accomplish by his own untiring exer tions. He is a fluent talker and pos sesses a wonderful fund of energy and pluck as a worker. He will make an able and active State officer. Fred Colgrove of Breeeport, N, Y. com mitted suicide lust week Monday, by bang ing. He had been married about nine mouths. Text of tlio riatform. ENDORSEMENT OP THE NATIONAL AND THE STATE ADMINISTBAT10N8 UECIARATIONS ON VITAL TOPICS. On the whole, the platform Is con sidered the best adopted bv the Re publicans of Pennsylvania in years, and to Messrs. O'Donnell, Elliott, Leeds, McManus, Sniytlic, Knlirht, tind Davis, of Philadelphia, together with lirown, of Alleghany, ami John Cessna, is the credit due. for its con struction and final passage in t he com mittee. Appended is tho full text of the paper: jic. JicprcsrnttdivcB nf the Porta nf J'ennnitvaiiia, in Mate Convent Inn assemtiled, do resolve' Flint A V 1 1 1 1 c wo recognize and re spect the difi'erences of opinion exist ing among us as to the course pursued by President Hayes towards the South, we are in hearty accord in honoring the patriotic motives which have guided him, and in hoping that the results of this policy will be peace, goodwill, and the complete recogni tion nf the equal rights of all men in every section of t lie country, and to the efforts of his Administration to carry into eflect the principles of the platlorni upon which he was elected we pledge our hearty and cordial sup port. Second. The Electoral Commission having been created at the urgent solicitation of the Democratic party, and after the oft-repeated declarations of its leaders in both houses of Con gress that no faction could cavil at its decisions, we witness with profound astonishment the assaults of that party upon tho august tribunal of its own creation because its decisions disap pointed their expectations of olliciul patronage; which assaults, so faros they seek to impair the confidence of the people in the just title ot'tlie Presi dent to his high office, are equally childish and foolish, hut may become extremely mischievous in assisting to diminish the popular respect lor the decisions of lawful tribunals. Third. We respectfully but earnestly entreat all members of the National and State Legislature to as sist the return of prosperity to thii great country by adopting such measures to that end as arc in their power; to devote less attention to partisan strife, and more attention to the business interests of the country, in order that wise and proper laws tuny be passed to lessen the burdens of labor and increase its rewards ; to en courage, and restore to activity legiti mate industrial enterprises, and to en able the country to find a foreign mar ket for its surplus products and manu factures. Fourth. That the Republican party in passing the homestead law iiiagu rated ami is firmly committed to the policy that the public lands be long to the people, and should be sacredly reserved to actual settlers free of cost to whoever will occupy them in good faith, and that all laws permitting the acquisition of more than one hundred und sixty acres of such public land by any one person should lie repealed. Fifth. That we are opposed to the policy hert tolore prevail uig ot renew ing patents by act of Congress, and we favor such a revision of the patent laws as will hereafter prevent the re newal of any patent. Sixth. That the long and successful existence, under the laws of Congress, of the double-coin ctuudaru warrants us in demanding an early repeal of the legislation which demonetized silver and established an almost ex elusive nold standard.-and we there fore favor a return to the free use and unrestricted coinage of the 4pllnr of and its restoration to the position it held as a legal tender during the eighty years of our national existence, thus preserving the equality ot the commercial value of the silver dollar with the gold dollar, keeping both in circulation. Seventh. That the administration of Governor Hartranft calls tor our warmest approbation. He has estab lished a State plicy which has justly endeared him to the people of this Commonwealth, and has amply justi fied tho conlulence placed in him. The steady reduction of the State debt during his administration and the successful refunding of a large portion of the debt at a lower rate of interest are the best possible evidences that the State has been well ami ecnonii cally maintained, and that the people nave e ci viiiiiiir t nope num u con tinuance .of the Republican party in power. Eighth. Wc are in favor of law, and against lawlessness and auaachy with nil their attendant horrors and crimes. Equal rights in making laws impose eciual duties in oheymjr inem when made, and we tender our hearty thanks to Governor Hartranft and the officers anil soldiers of his command forthe prompt, and we hope the effec tual, suppression of the luvvlcss distur bances wnicu recenuy oecuneu in this State. t Ninth. That we hold in equal re spect the right of capital to control its investments, and of labor to determine the value of its service. That we de precate any assertion by violence of the rights of either, and we assert it as the duty of all citizens to hold their itr... t.i. . l:.,.l respective rigius wnuii uic j uni. limi tations of tho law, and that any at tempt to coerce either by unlawful means should be properly repressed by such lawful authority as the ex igency demands. Tenth., That the Democratic, party of Pennsylvania is afraid to express a decided opinion on any question of present political importance, except its open declaration in favor of free trade, and that it still cherishes the delusion that expressions of political opinions ought either to mean any thing or nothing, as may best tend to secure the restoration of that party to the control of the offices and the trcas ury of the Commonwealth. e are confident that the intelligent citizens of this great State will continue to en trust the conduct of its affairs to the party which has been zealous in the maintenance of its credit, vigilant in defence of its honor, prompt in the enforcement of its law's, and whose past administration of its government has been honest and competent, and fearlessly faithful to the best interests of all men of whatever class, race, or condition within her border. Eleventh. That we renew our oft repeated declarations in favor of adequate protection to American in dustry, and now that manufacturers are languishing and workiugmen are out of employment, the common in terest demands a still closer adherence to the protective policy which the Re publicans of Pennsylvania have al ways sustained. ' The country has never yet prospered under free trade, s it never can or will, aul, as all tariffs are levied primarily for revenue, it would be a bad govern- mcnt which is not Just enough to lis people to arrange its revenue imports so as to encourago and build up the growth of home manufacture. Twelfth. That we favor such legis lation in Stale affairs as will first substitute adequate salaries for fees ; second, securo our municipalities from the dangers that, attend the ex isting facilities for contracting debt, and third, provide adequate guards against a recurrence of the frequent and large losses to which the people who do business with banks and bank ing institutions have heretofore been subject. THE OLD STOllY. "RUlious, weak, nervous, stomach disordered could not rest nights etc ,' ' Well, let us see how ho got out of it. He didn't make himself disagreeable and spend all his time telling people how bad he was, and that ho had no faith in medicines. Oh not he meant business. He went to the store and get a "bottle or two'' and here is what he soys s Lnnim, N. Y., July 2S. 1R72. During tne pnsi. ppi-iun i utohhu uiumm.j,, nervous, wenk. Ktoiiuvcli disordered, could not. rest night nnd felt constantly oppressed bv a sense or lmiisumry uuiiRer. i wn ciipnciiitcd for business and tried several bot tles of various piitent medicines snid to re lieve such Nvmptoms. but, oil to no purpose, 1 finally procured h bottle of Dr. tenners liliuiit nml I.lver Umnndv find Nerve Tonic thought I not only needed blood cleansing und liver medicine but I knew my nerves wore unxmniK mid neeaeii tuning up. inn powerful medicine stirred me up and by the lime It was bull" none I thought I felt worse. lint. 1 nevKcvered nml bv tliu tllllf! It WHS nil pone 1 was decidedly better, Another bottle completed tho cure, nnd 1 have been well and stromr since I whs so utm inni i coum not a-ui better till tho work of demising and rcsior Ins! had pone on some days. This remedy whs so ncMve that 1 felt poorly tho first few days while tho work of cleansing was going on, till tlie mosi. 01 n. was acconiuiisiiuu, uit-u my Improvement was rapid nnd permanent. If' I had stopped after taking the llrst half bottle ol the remedy and said it did mo no good, because I fell, stirred up by It, It would have been a great caiamuy in me anu an m- ustiee to what 1 consider mo nesi remeu.v ever put beloro the people. 1 clon'l Know what would have become of mo without it. A tier rendimr this truthful recital will any perverserly Irreconcilable invalid still refuse to believe and Insist on keeping himself sick? Kor sale bv dealers In medicine, (let a cir cular describing all of ir. Fenner's Remedies. There aro 181) carpet mills in Kensington, Philadelphia, running about 0,000 power and steam looms and employing lu.UUU hands in all branches. Nearly all these mills are now running, and business, al though not profitable, is Blowly recovering from the effects of the trade prostration. Oysters are convalescent. This will be irood news to an extensive circle of friends. Did you who love oysters ever think with gratitude of the wis dom that arranged all the good mouths for oysters so that they would come in succession ? Ex. r hmmmi KMnmm mu II NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eato3 of Advertising. One column, one year. .$75 00 j ' " . 40 00 25 00 ii 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion 1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions S- .Uusincss cards, teu hues or less, per year $5 Advertisements payable quarterly Administrator's Xot ice. ESTATE of Adolph Ptraubinger, late of St. Mary's borough, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Letters of ad ministration having been granted to tlie uudorsi"iied upon the said estate ulliersons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, ana tnose having claims to present them for set tlement. A. C. SCIIAUT, n31t0. Administrator. E. K. URESH. Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane seat chairs, kitchen and extention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood und marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood ami marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, eve, fec. Cane seats re placed with perforated wood seuts. Weed sewing machine reduced from 115 to $45, the best machine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above good are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Itldgway l'a. v7nGlt. INSURANCE AGENCY. OF P. B WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or its adjoining counties, represennng through his (Jeneral Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones aro the following: NORTH BRITISH A MERCANTILE, Gross assets $32,533,612) JETNA, OF HARTFORD, f'ONN.. Assets over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets $4,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $l,6uo,ooo. 6HAWMUT. ROSTON, MASS., Capital $000,000. GKRMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Assets- $1,205,000. nSOyl. MILLINERY AXD DRESSMAKING. 1 TRS. J. R. KELTZ. Kersey, Elk 1.VL Co., Pa., takes this method of an liounclner to the citizens of Elk couutv. that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery coods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmakinsrin all its branches. AcentforDr. J liuil & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitae Eye Cups, Bend for descriptive circular. nl7yl. SLEIGH DELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S, AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co. BAN REUS ANU litWKEKS, No. 4 fcouth Third Street. Philadelphia, Sept., 18th, 1877. BID. ASK KD 1NK1. o. HOI 1105 do '115 J and J 1051 1051 do '05 do 107 J 107 do '05 do KKU 1003 U. 8. do do do 10-40. do (onpon K)7 108 do Pacifio G's ct 1-1 122 New 5'sttcg. 1881 10G 107 " V. 1881 107 lUii 41, Keg 1H!U 105 105 ' C. 18U1 105& 100 Gold . 103 103 New 4's Keg. 1007 101 1 100 Pennsylvania 29 20 Beading 16 Hi Philadelphia & Erie 0 UJ Lehigh Navigation 10J 20 do Valley fiOj 40 United ll K of N J ex. div..l20 130 Pittsburgh, T. & Buffalo It. R 8 Northern Central ex. div 16$ 10 J Central Transportation !!'.) 0 Ncsquehoning 4." 44 North Pennsylvania 3'J 40 C & A Mortgage G's '80 Ill 111J STATE FAIR AT ERIE. THE 24T1I ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PKXN'A STATE ACIKICII.TUK AI Wl IKTY W1I.I. HE HELD Al' KME,ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY TH vhsday and fkiday, .Sept. 24, la, W, 27, and 28, 1877. GENERAL AHKANOEMENTS. Extensive and complete arrange ments have been made for the recep tion of Stock and Articles for Ex hibition, and, from assurances already received, this will bo the Largest and Most Successful Fair ever held by tlio Society. NO ENTKY FEE. No Entry Fee will be charged, ex cept in the case of Horses entered for Speed. EXCURSION TIC KETS. Excursion tickets, at greatly re duced rates, will be issued by all the railroads centering at Erie. FREE OF UIIAIKIE. All Articles on Exhibition will be returned, free of charge. I.IIIRRAL l'UHSES. Grand Trials of Speed daily, forthe largest I'urses ever oiicred uy tlie Society. SLTERinn KUILDINCIS- A larger and more complete Mil' chinci'v Hull has been erected. Floral Hall, Home Department &c .are being refitted and refurnished at great expense, and will contribute attractive letitures to the 1-uir. CLOSE OF ENTPIES. Entries will be received at the office, No li Heed Hotisc,next door to the Post Ofiice, until KEPT. 18TH, after which the Hooks of Entry will be closed, and all not included debarred from adver tised prizes. JOHN V HAMMOND, Prcs't 1 . Keileu, Kec. Kec'y Elwudge McC'onkey, Cor. Kec'y. Administrator's Xoi ice. Esl.-ite of Uengt Anderson lute of St. Mary's Borough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Eetters of Adminixtreition. upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, till persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and ' those having claims to present them without delay to U. C. BltANDOX, Ailmr. n'J7t0. Administrators' Xfltioe. Estate of Jacob Ilanes late of 5en- zinger Township Elk Co. Pa., de ceased Letters of Administration upon ttie above estate iiaving been granted to the undersigned, all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to WILMUn HAXEH1 . ,,. 11 EN It Y I1ANES AUIU1 n20t0. Executor's Notice. Estate of Michael Snaimler late of Jay, lownsnip, jmkco. l'a , deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment. and those having claims to present the same without delay to FltANCIH J. jSPAN'U LER K. 1. SPAA GL Kit ( n2'JtO. Exr's. GARDEN SEEDS. Sew Varieties (if Flower and Vesretalile. 'tLc1B arm uireouou Don't write to your member of congress, remedy bv which he huu m uouueu vuu uppiiuuiiuus JOT BCCUH but obtain the snine Vurieties, and all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside my own specialties I nm prepared to furnish any kind of seed from any cata log ue at a discount of tea per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those 'who want an assortment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of 13varie ties of choicest Flower tyds a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collodion of Vegetable seeds for a bmall family garden, price 1.50. Packages of the two sets combined for i'2.i)) Sent postpaid to uny address ou receipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purchased of any dealer. 11. D, S.U11H, 73413th STREET, Waehington, D. C PATENTS secured for me chanical devi ces, trade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received proH attention. ttvtt? 1717 nn rT est ouid JLn V JTj r A VJILkjseud us a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to its patenta bilityiftfe of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute ca ses that have been bkjeqted by the Talent Office. We have clients in every State in the Union, and invite inquiry through, your congressman as to our standing Detore the Patent Office. fc-eud for circular for further infomation, terms and references. Established in 1800, EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 Q etreot, N. W., Wellington, D. C. n2tl3 . Go to POWELL & KIME of tho Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Faie U. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia St Erie Railroad will run as follows! WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Kenovo.... , 4 !15 p m 6 42 p m 6 25 p m 7 18p m 7 45 p m 8 45 p m Driftwood., " " Emporium 1 " " St Marys.., 1 ' " Ridgway.., arr at Kane.. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m " lienovo 11 00 a rn Emporium 12 55 p rn St. Mary's 1 40 p m Ridgway 2 11pm ' " ' Kane.... 3 80pm ' ' arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane a m ....G.r( a m ....7 20 a m ,...8 10 am ..8 68 p m " " Ridgway... ' " 8i Marys..., ' " Emporium.. ' Driftwood.., ' Renovo 10 10 p m CtVlLi OJAlLi 1HVBB Jlltl 11.00 a m 3 60 p m , 4 49 p m " Kane ii ii ii Uidgway " " St. Mary's, " " Emporium 6 IS p ni 6 15 p in 8.35 p m 7 00 a m " Kenovo., " " arr. at l'hiladephia. Day Express nnd Niagara Express con nect e-ist wilh Low Gmde Division and B S. V! & P. R. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't I HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Uraeo Church, witn MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A tine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBKOlDElilES. LACE EDGE FRINGES HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIN?. TOILET SETS LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILK:? Machine silk, thread and needles, Also a tine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes ttc, &C. All cheap as the cheapest and sroods warranted first class. Call ami examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions ami Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who du not give express notice loibe coiitrury, nre considered wish inir to continue I lie ir subscription. 2. If subscribers order tlie discontinu ation of their ncriodicals.lbe publishers may continue to send llieui until all arrearages aro paid. 3. If subscribers neulcct or refuse tiike their jieiiouiculd from the office whero they are directed, tliey are new responsi ble until lUey have siltltd ibiir bills, ordi'iel them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move toother places wilbrmt iulurnrns the publishers, nnd the nnDers are sent, to the former direc'ion Ihev nre held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to Inke periodicals from tlie ofiice, or re niovine and leaving them uncalled f ir i nrima frifie evidence of intentional i - fraud." (i. Anv i er.on who receives n newspaper and makes use of ii. whether he has ordered it or not, is held law to be a sub ssriber 7. If subscribers pny in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher ut the end ot their time, if tliey do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers tire nutbomed to send il on. ami i lie sub scribers will be held responsible nuiil an express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. PATENTS! Fee Endured, Entire Cost $33. Talent Office feo $'J5 in advance, bol- ance within 0 mouths uticr patent a'-lowed- Advice nud cKaniiaation free. l'atcnts Sold. J. VANE LEWIS &('. Wnshiiigton, 1. C. nl0inlm3. 'ERRORS op youth. i GENTLEMAN who sutlerea tor years J from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of Buffering hu. manity, tend free to all who need it, the and direction lor masing irni mu mc was cured. Buflerers wishing to irofit bv the advertiser's ex perience can do so by addressing in perfect conndenoe. JOHN B. OGDEN, 4t Cedar St , New York, Registers Sot ices. NTntipfi U lierebv civen that the fol lnwinr accounts will be presented on the first tiny of the next lerin of the Orphans Court for confirmation, being tlie 3d monuay or cepieuiua ucai, w- wit : 1. Final Account of R. V. Ivitne and Statira It. Chanin. cuaraian ot .bar ret T. Cbapin heir of J. C C'hapln deceased. . Partial account of Itobt. V. Kirae and Statira It. Chapin punrdiona of Alton It. Chapin heir of J. C Chapin ueceaseu. 3. Final account of Jos. B. Uhamtier lain guardian of Mary lidlza, Corne lia Alice, Ida iiaaonia aim vm lTpnrv Khprwin. l'r! iui account of Sarah V. Wil cox Adm'x. of Clark A. Wilcox late of Horton Tp , ElK County deceased Vimil nccount of George Weigel and Kchcider administrators of the estate of liarbaTa Maushammer late of St. Mary's Boro., 1AK uo., deceased. Send In gubscriptious to the Anvo CATE. LANDS FOR SALE. r-60,000 ACRES IN Southwest Missouri First class Stock farms, excellent Agri cultural Lands and the best Tubacoo region iu the West. Short Winters, no grasshop per. orderly society, good marlets and a healthy country. Low Prices! Long c. (rnnnorlation from St, Louis to the it, fnrnUhed purchasers. For further infm-muiinn. address A. L. LEAN, i.or.,1 "nnmmissioner St. Louis iSx San i- w. Co. N. W. cor. Fifth ar.d Walnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo. nlieml ljin. Ueo. Woods & Cos PARLOROROANS I3 ' 'iilesMrfS tog tei i ill These rcmarlaibl'! instru-ncr.ta pnir-js ca.:cili lor m.isical eflectn a,1,,.a fnr AmTi. ur rn.l nnd ail ornament in any parlor. ' GEO. WOODS & CO., AKi;Bt'OHS! li.l.i lS'it!ll!TOn AT... Iiesioni THE VOX HUMANA," A leading mnuer. liy Contains from Si to -r.h ..f ?h finest electi d i THE ADVOCATE, Oflit e, ovor Powell fc 2.00 A YEAIt$lG0 JJV' ADVA ACE SUBSCRIBE NOW and you get the political Send 50 lews. THREE MONTHS TIAI. JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BILL HEADS, iNVELOPES, BOOKS, Cheaply and Nealy Princcl Esimates Furnished. ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEXTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. Jo charges made unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir cular. nlUf tmd expression hctm Miore IS- BeantffiirNow Styles, now ready. . . . a Camt-ridgeporx, mass. 1 IV nimi. r.., v-.-,"-, ,' M, -rf!n Musical Journal of Mlectea n1,'"5V; Z numbe? mail Inr . .per year, or cu , - -7'M.nt uaa. I music. UtUi WUUUa at -u., ruDiisiiii v..n-r-- Kline's HUne, INIaiu Strtit. cents for a WEDDING CARDS. NOTE HEADS. BOOKS, PIMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple Vboktabli Balm that will re move Tam, FKECKLES, PIPPLES and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instructions for producing a'Juxumnt growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf fc . Box 6121, No 5 Wooster St., N. Y.