GEO. A. J2ATJIBUJT, Attorney-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & M'VAVLEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Office in Now lirick Building, Main St Ridcway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. L UCOItK & J IAMB LEX. Attorneys-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Pa. O 111 eo across the hull from the Di:mo(ibat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. VI I A HL EH IIOLEH, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Hidgway, Pa. Agent tor the ilowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold ..'en. Ucpniring Wntches, eto, docewifh 10 tame accuracy as heretofore. Bntis .action gunrnntccd. vlnly .f, 0. IK BULKY, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW. vln,.,1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi Jont Insui'nnce Co.,- of Hartford. Conn. . JAM EH H. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rlgway, offers his professional ser vices to tlie citizens of Hidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted Olhce in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 78-n-82-ly G. G. StESSKXGEti, Pruggrd and Paviiiacentisi, N. W. cornni Of Main and Mill si reels, Hidgway, Pa. full assort nicnt of carefully selected For eign and Poiiifctio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at .ill hours, .day 01 night. ' vln3v " T. X. II MIT LEV M I)., l'liysieinn an t Surgeon. Office in King Store, corner I'.road and Main Sl. licsidi'iicc corner Urnid St. opposite t ! t Coll. ge. Oitice hours from B to ll) A. M. an I from 7 to P. M. vln'vl. J X. II OK DWELL, M. U., Ec'eolic physician and Surgeon, hnsiemov ed his othec from Centre street, to Mait st Hidgway. Pa,, in the second story of the hriulc building of .lohn G. Pall, oppo site Hyde's store. OIU.-u hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 V M tll'DE II Of HE, Uiiiowji v, Co., Pa W. !1. RAM, Proprietor Thankful for the palronign heictot'on eo liberally bestowed upon him, the ne proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a teii!"in to (ho comfort and convenience c guests, to merit a continuance oi tin same. Oct 30 ISO'.). ;. a. fa r. AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, ANJ GENERAL COLLECTION AO EXT Xo 2 (S Walnut Place, (OKi Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. i -11 -ly . '. II. 1IAYX, IIHAI.R IS Dry Goods, Notions, G-rrceries. snd Gensral Variety, FOX El.K CO., PA. Kin-fry I'. i. In 17 ft". .NKn- stoke IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's BVZAAU -of WILLI AMSPORT.PA. have opened a lnrtve stock of Millinery jnnl Fancy Goods, Notions, Gent's FiiruNliiny: (rfii'ls, Picture iind Motto Frames, Hair Sw'Melur., fce., w hich they will sell tit iii'-es within the rcat'-h of till. Dus t liiil to cull nnd examine their full tnnlcoiMpleie stock he fore puivhns Jny; elsewhere. Ri-nicnilu-r the )!tiee next door to the Post-ollh e. nl.'nntt. N TEW L! VERY STABLE IX III DG WAY. IAX KCRLBNElt WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has thirled ti Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and HukkU'm to let upon the most reasonable terms. C?S"IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Otliee will receive prompt attention. Aug2ul871tf TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO tO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. . TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Largo Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST .BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES: II HAGERTY County 0 fllcer . President Judfe-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. Sheriff Daniel Bcull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley. District Attorney C. H. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Ulxon. Prothonotary, &c Fred. Hchoening. Deputy Prothonotary W. H. Horton. Commissioner!! Michael Wedert, W. II. Osterhout, George Reuseher. Commissioners' Clerk W. H. Horton. Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, George Rothrock. Township Officers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfleld, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Tence Charles Mead, Jas. D; Fullerton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. tluiu mings, W. 8. Service, Eng. .!. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. H. ITyde, Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walmsley. Auditors Will Dickinson, James Penfleld, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. THE LOW PRICES Silvermann & Co's BAZAAR EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN FROM THE ALREADY LOW FIGURES. Anyone in need of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Dresstrimmings, &c &e. WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK liKKORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. From (his date AN EXTRA DIS COUNT of ii per cent will be allowed OX ALL PURCHASES exceeding !fl.0 SILVERMANN & CO. next door to Post Otliee Ridgway. lilil tf Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. "WcONSTOPTIVEs! TliC advertiser, having been permanently cuivd of that dread diuease, Consumption, liy a siniile letnedy, is anxious to make known to his lel'ow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with Hie directions for preparing and using the same, which ihey will Iind a Sitiik Ci'hk for Co: suvition, Asthma, Rl'.ONCIIlTIS. Ac., i'ar.ies wishing the prescviption will phase address. Rev. E. A. WILSON, l'Jt I'tiin., Wiliiainslmrgli, J. Y. A);p! li.n-'s Aietritni) Cj elciicdin. Vol. n of thi admirable work is jusf out, making it half complete, as there are to be hi in nil, of 8IMI pages each, one being issued in two mouths. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. .Price 0,11(1 a vol ume in leather, or 7,00 in elegant half Turkey. (!. K.Judson. Fredonia, N. V., eonirols thesale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sepl7-tj ,1-OR Health. Comfort , B . and Economy. Cork Shavings are unsurpassed us an article for Ueds. Mattresses C-o. They are ien times as durable as Husks cr Straw. Only G cents per lb. Forty pounds will fill the largest bed. Fsr sale by Aimstrong, hrother Co., 41 aud 40 First Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. n2:lmlinl. (SPECIAL NOTICES. 1)B YAX DYKE'S SULPIIUK SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long 8Tr.ciAi.iTV. and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DLSKASES, has endeav ored for jeers tocoMniNB an external treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable result in the preparation of his compound ''SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spojjeD of by thousands i it is highly recommeuded to all our readers. Price, 25cts. by mail, 3octB a box 3 cakes fiOcts. by mail 75cts. Otliee, 50 N. oth St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 3d St.. I hiladel phia, Pa. Sold by DRU0G1ST. n21y leow. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin late of St. Clary's Boro. Elk Co., 1, de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUOHLIN ) . . . PATRICK M'LAUUHLIN ( Aclmr 8 nlOtO. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, ulso choice syrup always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than at any other siore in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri- Notice. All persona are hereby forbidden selling gooda to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I M ill pay no debts thus eon traded after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, lS77.-ly SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levari facias, alias levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me direoted, I Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or outcry at the Court House, in Hidgway, at one o'clock P. M. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TII, 1877. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Weedvillo, Jay township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, desoribed as follows: Beginning at a post on the north side of the public highway and about twenty feet east of Kersey run; thence north forty-one and one half degrees east thirteen nnd five-tenths ('3.6) perches to a pine sapling on the bank of Kersey run; thence north twenty-nine and one half degrees eapt (20J E) ten perohes; thence south 6I east 15 perches to north side of said highway; thence south 89 west 12 6-10 perches to the place of begin ning, containing one acre and being the same land conveyed to the said A. J. Avery by 11. A. Weed's administrators, by deed dated the 7th day of February, A. D, 1873, and recorded in Elk county, in doed book "P," page 472, &o upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling and store 24x40 feet, with wing all ached 12x40 feet, a barn or stable 18x24 feet. Also a good well of water thereon. The whole piece of laud is under cultivation and all fenced. Also. One other piece or parcel of land si'uate in the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, described as follows: ISeginning at a post on the publio road known ns the Gardner road; llicuee north ',14 2-9 perches to a post; thence cast 90 perches to a stone corner; thence south 94 2-9 perches to a post; thence west 90 perches to the place oi'be ginn'ng, containing fifty-three acres, upon which is erected a frame barn 30x40 feet, about thirty acres improved and a good well of water thereon. Jicnervhiff, how ever, all the coal in and upon the said land as fully as the same is reserved in the deed of Joseph Wilhelm nnd wife to L. N. Briggs, which deed is dated May Oth, 1870, and re corded in Elk county deed book "N," page 017, &o., being the same land which Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of Elk county, conveyed to the said A.J. Avery, by deed dated the 2(lih day of September, 1876, and recoided in Elk county in deed book "S," page 170, &e Seized nnd taken in execution as the property of A. J. Avery at the suit of S. S. Smith and others. ALSO. All those certain tracts, pieces or parcels ot land situate, lying and being in the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: The first containing sevmty acres nure or less and being a pari of n tract of three hundred ami sevenieeu acres of laud conveyed by Edward Bird, Esq., late of Philade'phia, deceased, to Joiiaih iii Nichols, by deed bearing date the 29th 'lay of August, A. D. 1822. beginning hi a pisl standing in tho north line of the 317 acre lot and forty-six perches from the northeast coi ner of said truot; thence south twenty degrees eas. about one hundred aud thirty-seven perches to a post standing in ihe north line of the Disk lot No. 4S97; thence west four perches aud six feet to a post; south about one hundred and sixty perches to the centre of Bennett's tirareh of the Siunemnhoning; thence westerly along tho centre of said creek, be ing tinny aud a half perches, at right angles to the east lino of John Macumber, Jr., lot; thence north about one hundred and sixty perches to the north liue of said lot number 48i7; thence west thirteeu perches to a post; thence north 20 west about ono hundred and twenty perches tjn pott in the north line of said tract of 8'7 acres; theuee nartli 70 east forty-five perches to tbe place of beginning. A'c Kcrviiiy, nevertheless, a p'ece of laud four perches square en the northly part of Ihe improvements for the use of a burying ground, the above described laud being the same conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed by Isaac (Joieiiiau aud wile by deed dited the 2rtd day of August, A. I). 1800 re corded in Llk county iu deed book "B," page 4'i4, &c., wherein the title is more IU:ly leciie i. Tin-; si.ujnl: Beginning one hundred und uiuety-liiur rod; noiih of a white piDe. iu ihe smihwest curuer of Great Lot lium bcr 4S'.U; theuee north (481) forty-eight and out-ii .If rods to a post; theuee east one huiiured aud seventy -five (170) reds; Iheiit-c sjuth forty-eight and one-liall (48) roils to u white oak; thence west one hun dred and seventy-five (170) rods to the post, tho puiee of beginning, containing ally acres and allowance, said land being the same conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed t.y Ab.jah 11. Weed and wife by deed dated me titieeutu day of December, A. D, 181)1, recorded iu Llk county in deed book -K "page 140, &e., wherein the title will be found fully and at large recited. Tim third: All that certain trac of land situate iu Jay township, Elk county. Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as lodoc: Beginning nt a post ninety perches west, of the northeast, corner of warrant number four thousand eight hnu dred and niuety. seven (4897); thence south twenty-two (2:!) perches to a post; thence north thirty-uiue and three-fourths degrees (N 39iJ) west eleven nnd one hall perches to a post ; thence northwesterly to a post in the north line of said warrant number four thousant eight hun. dred and niuetv-seven (4897) fourteen perches; theuee east along said warrant liue thirteen perches to the place of begin ning, and containing three-fourths (J) of an acre, more or less, being the same intended to be conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed by Charles Webb aud wife by deed daied 2dih of April, 1809, and recorded in Llk county in deed book "H," page 1U4, &o. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Koxa J. Tyler nud M. V. Tyler at the suit of A. K. M' Donald. ALSO. All that certain tract or parcel of laud, or town lot, situate in tho Borough of St Mary's, Pa described as follows, to wit: JJegiuning at a post at the south east corner of Josiah liurdon's laud and southwest corner of lierg's lot; thence along said (Jerg'g line north thirty-four and a half degrees west one hundred and forty-three feet to a post, said post being the southeast coi ner of Mrs. Steinberger's lot; thence along the line of said Steinberg er's lot south 490 west 88 feet to a post; tlnoce south a0 20' east 121 feet to a post on the north side of New Brussel'g toad; thence along said road north 77 east 60 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5,080 square le.t, be the i-auie more or less. Seized and taken in excuiioXi as the property of C. 11. Deinott at the suit of Josiuli Burden. ALSO. All that certain piece or paroel of ground in the Borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at a post on the northern side of Brussels road 207 feet east from St. Michael road line, said post being also the southeasterly corner of Jesse Burden's lot; thence north 77 degrees est by the line of Brussels road 52 feet; thenoe north 32 degrees 30 minutes west 204 feet to a post; thence south 83 degrees west b2 feet niote or less to a post on Jesse Burden's lot; thenoe south 82degreesn50 minutes east 215 feet more or less to the place of begin ning, containing about 10,913 square feet being marked No. 2 on Bruner & Weis map upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house 20x28 feet and a stable 12x10 feet li stories high. Seized aud taken in execution as tho property of Michael Gerg and Anthony Gorg. ALSO. All those two certain town lota number ninety-three (08) and ninety-two (92) situated' in the Village of Ridgway County of Elk and Slate of Pennsylvania, agreeably to tho Ridgway plot, or draft of said town, upon which is ereoted one frame dwelling house 1 stoties high 24xlll feet, with addition 10x10 feet one story high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Charles Mathews at suit of W. C, Healy. Also, a certain lot of land situated In the town of Ridgway Elk County Pa, bounding and measuring as follows: Be ginning at a post in the line of Main Street at the southeast corner of the lot sold to Charles Holes by J. 8. Hyde the party of the first part hereto, thence by said Holes lot N. 23 25' West one hundred and sixty feet to a post at tha north east corner of the same thenoe north G0 80' east thirty (30) feet to a post in the line of Broad Street; thence south 23 20' east one hund red and sixty feet to a post at the oorner of Main nnd Broad Streets; thence by the line of Main S'reet south 60 80' west thirty feet fo the place of beginning, containing five thousand and six hundred square feet ; and being the south east oorner of lot No. 44. Upon which is erected one two story frame buildin 82x40 feet aud addition one story high 13x16 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Geo. Walker' at the suit of Ferdinand Osmer and Co. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the township of Jay, County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania bounded and describe 1 as follows, to wit : Beginningl at the south west corner, it being the southeast corner of the Pnrkhur3t farm (a post ;) thence east eighty-six perches to tho new road ; thence east thirty-four degrees, north ten perches to a post ; thence west to a post standing on a north liue, just fifty perches east of the southwest corner of the land hereby conveyed, and standing about ten perches north of the south line of said land; ihence north along the west line of R. C. Morey's land to tho north west corner of said R. C. Morey's land ; thence west along the north line fifty perches to the north west corner, being the northeast oorner of the Parkhurst land; thencesouth about one hundred nnd sixty perches to the place of beginning, containing fifty-two and one fourth acres more or less, upon which is erected one frame dwelling house 1 J stories high 16x24 one frame barn 20x24, 20 ucrcs cleared, well of water and under fence. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Lewis S. Dadd at suit of John Munn. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck oil': 1. All bids must be paid in full, except where the plaintiff or other lieu creditors becomes the purchaser, in whicli eases the costs on the writs must lie paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, anil a duly certified list of liens shall he furnished including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the stile, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock 1. M., at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at tho expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck oil', and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented in court for continuation un less the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. W. S. HoitroN, Deputy. . Sheriffs Oittoe, Kidgwav 1 Ph., Aug. 23, 1877. j Seo Purdon's Digest, !Hh, edition, page 446. Smith s forms page 3s3. Administrator's Xoliee. Estate of Dengt Anderson late of St. Mary's liorough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Letter of Administration upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to ti. C. BRANDON, Admr. n27tO. Notice. Notice is hereby given '.hat on and after the 1st day of January 1878, t he county commissioners will not pay tiie customary fee to the Sheriff for con veying prisoners to the penitentiary, or lunatics to Dixmont Hospital, and will only pay the lawful fee as shown In Sheriff's fee bill. liy order of tho board, S. HORTON, Clerk. n27-t2 List of Causes. SET down for trial at September Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county : 1. C. Wain wright vs. W. H. Johnston et al. No. 14 September Term, 1875. 2. Jacob II. "Walters et al. vs. Thomas L. Kane et al. No 83 Sep. tember Term, LS70. 3. Chas. Webb vs. Simon Romig. No. 112, September Term, 1870. 4. Stout, Mills & Temple vs. C. Wainwright, Adm'r. No. 57, No vember Term, 1870. 5. Com. ex. rel F. X. Holler vs. D. Scull et al. No. 45 January Term, 1877. 0. Meriden Cutlery Co. vs. W. S. Service it- Co. No. 05, January Term, 1877. 7. Jas. H. Hagerty vs. Walter Bryant et al. No 05, May Term, 1877. 8. Hood, Bon bright & Co. vs Miles Dent. No. 94, May Term, 1877. 9. Rachel Gross et al vs C. R. Earley. No. 115, May Term, 1877. 10. Van Camp Bush vs. J. P. Felt & Co. No. 133, iMay Term, 1887. 11. Wm. Richardson & Co. vs. C. R. Earlev. No. 157, May Term, 1877. FRED. SCIKENING. Clerk. The Burosma lias been the means of doing a great deal of good iu healing the sick, and benefiting the afflicted, many of whom had almost despaired of health or of even being free from pain. Six years ago, a man troubled with Kidney difficulty came to my Drug Store, leaning heavily on his cane, nearly half doubled, hand across his;back an object of pity; said he had been troubled in this way for years, and whenever he took cold it settled across his kidneys, often con fining him to his bed for days and weeks with excruciating pain. He took a bottle of the Barosma, and in three days returned, saying it was worth fifty dollars a bottle to him, and was willing to pay that if he could not get it without. He continued using it, buying the six bottles for five dol lars, which cured him entirely. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa. Price 11.00 per bottle. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOlj pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. (6 m Jyitwiife. THURSDAY, SEPT. C, 1877. Notes. J2.00 Is the price of oil nt Bradford. Court commences on Sept. 17, 1877. The peach Boason will soon be over. Heavy rains last Saturday and Sunday. L. L. Miller buried one of Ills children on Friday last. Coal promises to be swirco nnd high this winter. Apples nre selling at 81.00 a bushel In this market. Kerosene oil Is now down to twenty cents n gallon. Rend Chairman Bailey's address In another column. A new sign has been placed on the front or tbe Hyde House. Envelopes, printed or without printing, cheap at this olllcc, The meeting of Co. II. on Saturday evening was well attended. M. Thiers tho great French Statesman Is dend aged eighty years. The "r" months have commenced and the delicious oyster Is "r's" ngnln. Brlgham Young Is dend nnd leaves a for tune estimated at from $2,000,000 to 83,000,000. This Is to give notice that there Is only one Sheriff to be elected In Elk County .this fall. One abutment, for the bridge accoss Elk creek, on the Osterhout roud, lias been com menced. The debt of New York City amount to 8173, for every man, woman, and child of its In habitants. Brigbnm Young's wife, forty to fifty strong, had a terrible crying spell when she heard of her husband's death. They don't say, down In Tcxns.thnt n girl Is ns sweet ns sugar; but they do say "Oil, she will do to put in whisky." Two hundred nnd fifty policemen In Phlhit delphia stopped a riot of four persons In lcs time than we write tills. E. Ij. Davenport, the famous Actor, passed from this stngo on September 1st at his rcsl dence In Canton, Pa., uged 01 years. When the Dkmockat speaks of n man's head being decapitated, It evidently refers to a "double bender." The opening of tho permanent exhibition on Sunday seems to meet with little favor, and Ik slimly patronized. The Uev. V. J. Miller, Rector of Grace Church will resume Ood willing his duties In tills parish on Sunday next, the Oth Inst. Tho war must bo nearly over, ns the two three months' regiments hits been reduced to one, nt present, the other to be raised at leisure. A little Gorman child, about two years o' age, named Honipka, and living nt the coi ner of South and Elk Streets, died Tuesday even ing of spasms. "Strong ticket on a mush-nnd-milk pint form" is whut the Democratic Erie Observer says of the result of the Democratic State Convention. School commenced last Monday with Trof. J. 11. Johnson, Principal. Sirs. Johnson, and Misses B. E. Wilcox and Belle Klnnearare the assistants. September comes In with rain and cool weather, making tt uncomfortable for those gentle lunatics who delight In swinging on the garden gate under the silvery moon. Miss B. E. "Wilcox is going to have a neat house, and one that will add much to South strcot, which is now conceded to be the plensantest street In town. The cold winter is coming on, nnd a good many folks will got married, nnd this is to toll them that the Advocate office Is the place to get the wedding cards and Invita tions printed. "When our rich relations. In the poor house, die wo expect a large fortune, until then we hope our subscribers will send in or bring In, or any way to get It in, the amount they owe us. Tho fellows that nre found drunk and In the Mtui are treated ton bath In the tirst watering trough. This has two good effects It sobers them und nlso serves to remove a large amount of accumulated filth. We nre moved to pity when wo see the seedy Individual stand on the street corner with hands in his pockets und the chilly winds of winter whistling up his ragged coat sleeve nsklng where his summer's wages are. It is now certain that T. J. Burke of St, Marys will run as an Independent candidate for sheriff. As it now stands we have John It. Kime, regular llemocrat, T. J. Burke , a St Mary's man, und more to henr from. The Bt Rev. J. B. Kerfoot, Bishop of the Diocese of I'itlisburgh will visit this place (D. .) on w ednesdny. Sept. 12, for tho pur pose of administering tho Holy nnd Apostolic Rite of the laying on of hands. Service, nt 7:.'!0 1. M. All cordially invited. In our last Issue the very remarkable state ment was made that "(lour Is selling forSS.0 and 8.o0 a iiusiiel." The infernal little types need wutchtng all the time, and do our best they will got Into mischief. Of course uuhiikl should be read barrel, and then the article will bo all lovely. A greot deal of talk Is Indulged In through the newspapers about having a commission wait on Sitt ing Bull. It Is possiblo that wait ing will be the chief duty;of the commission as Mr. Bull, seems to be like tho Irishman's flea, "put your hand M'here he Is and he ain't thero." Tho striko has its good results, too. The publlchas had Its eyes opened to the fact that Jlie man with the autocratic air, who shims the car-door and yells "Whooperupllisrjane ! or something like that, does not own the road, but is simply a hired liund at the rate of $1 2-i a day. Ex. The merchants of Philadelphia have de termined to look to the Pennsylvania rail road company for the payment of their losses by tho Pittsburgh fire. They agree to help prosecute Allegheny county providing the Pennsylvania It. R. guarantee tho payment of the losses within two years. When election day comes mnny will com plain because they ure not allowed to vote, and It will be because they have not been registered or have not paid their taxes. The time for registration is past, but you have until October 5th in which to pay your taxes. Don't forget this hint. Wm. A. Stewart, a colored barber of New Castle, distanced six white men for the nomination of Associate Judge in tbe recent Lawrence county Republican Convention. Some of the Republicans are dissutlsfled while the Democrats are inclined to place no one in nomination for the position in order to gtve Stewart a clear field. Let tho mllle ulum proceed. President Hayes means business when he makes civil service rules. A. B. Cornell, nuval office at New York, understands this now. Cornell Is chairman of the New York State Republican Committee, and mado a call for the State Convention to meet, and now If he keeps his head it will only be be cause he can explain tho matter satisfactory to the President. Tho new three months' regiments are being raised slowly but surely, several of tho cap tains have been appointed already and the others will "be selected in a few days. The clothing has been contracted for and is being made as rapidly as possible. Tbe Governor wishes to relieve the Sixth Division at Scran ton, but dare not take the responsibility of doing so until the new regiments are ready to take their places. Have you rend that article fn the Forest Pross 1 Blll-hends nro printed nt this office very cheap. Every business man should have n few hundred bill-heads printed. They save tltno, and time Is money. The Turks seem to bo a blood-thirsty set of devils, as they cut the head off all wounded Russians they can lay hands on. llirths. On Mondny, August 20th, 1877. to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nugent, twin boys. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Metz on Monday August 3d, 1877 n daughter. II. M. Powers and wife have re turned from their visit to Maine. Dr. J. D. Fullerton and wife have returned from their visit to Jefferson and Armstrong counties. Ed Paine died at about half past twelve to-day at his residence in this place, aged about forty-six years. Tho Rev. F. E. Allen Newark, N. J. will officiate in the Lutheran church next Sabbath, morning and evening. The Three Months' 3Icn. Kingston, .September 2. Last night, after a conference with mili tary and other authorities here.Gov. Hartranft decided all matters con nected with the call for three month troops. Only one regiment will be placed in the field, which will be in charge of Col Hartley Howard, who was this morning officially notified of his- appointment. The five com panies alreudy recruited were ordered into camp this morning, and the other three will be raised from the Sixth Division, which is to be sent home by detail this week. The Eighteenth leaves here "Wednesday, the Fourteenth on Thursday and the Nineteenth on Saturday. The new men will be supported for a time by Col. Bonoffbn, with the Twentieth Regiment, of Philadelphia. Should circumstances require the second regi ment of three months men, they will be raised at more leisure. Col. How ard is to have charge of the district. Meeting of Republican Co. Committee. This Committee met on Thursday last at the Ridgway Rank, with J. H. Hagerty, in the chair. Henry A. Par sons, Jr. being elected Secretary. The following members of the com mittee were present. Chairman J II. Hagerty Henezettc. Not represented. Benzingcr. Not represented. Fox U. W. Rogers. Highland Levi Ellithorp, Enimett Hovencamp. Horton. Thos. Burchfield, Joseph Chamberlain. Jay. Not represented. Jones. Not represented. Millstone. Not represented. Ridgway. J. O. W. Bailey, James Pen field, Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Spring Creek. Hiram Carman. St. Mary's W C Spaflord, W W Ames. To the Republican Committee of Elk County. Gentlemen : Acting in accord ance with the order of the President of the United States whicli recites that no person holding a position under the Federal Government is premitted to participate in the management of Political Organizations, I hereby ten der my resignation as Chairman ot the Elk County Republican Committee. J. H. HAGERTY. J O W Bailey was elected Chairman of the Committee to fill the vacancy causen by the resignation of Mr. Hagerty. W W Ames, of St. Mary's was elected delegate to the Republican State Convention. On motion E L Davis, of Forest county, was indorsed as Senatorial delegate to the State convention. Moved and seconded that our dele gate be instructed to vote for any reso lution that may be offered in the State Convention, endorsing the ad ministration of President Hayes. Carried unanimously. On motion the Committee adjourned nine die. STATE FAIR AT ERIE. The twenty-fourth annual ex hibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will be held at Erie commencing Sept. 21th, and continuing five days. This old society has been in ex istence for twenty-six years. The officers are selected from eacli of the Congressional districts in the State, and are gentlemen of the highest character, energetic, enterprising and progressive. The exhibitors -are assured that every attention 'will be paid to their wants and convenience. Visitors will find such an exhibition as will fullyjustify them in spending a few days at the Fair. The exhibition will prove both instructive and pleasant. The buildings erected on the splen did site along the lake shore in iS72 have all been refitted and repaired. Machinery Hall has been rebuilt and the size increased fully one-third. From the indications thus early shown this exhibition promises to more than equal that of 1S73, when every available inch of space was cov ered by machinery, stock, &c. We advise all to visit the State Fair at Erie, and spend at least two days. There was a queer accident at Ban gor, and a day or two ago. A little boy walked between two buildings, which are at first nine inches apart and gradually come together, until he was wedged in and couldn't move. His twelve year-old sister tried to get him from an upstairs window, but slipped aud was also caught between the buildings when she bad reached him A large crowd gathered, and the children were only released after a hole thee feet square had been cut through one of the buildings. State Notes. Last month forty-five persons died in Pittsburgh of diphtheria. EdwaiJ Hawthorne, aged twenty. eight ' years has bced arrested at Pittsburgh for having four wives. The Phillips well, on the Crawford farm in the Bullion Run oit distriot, is flowing 1 ,000 barrels a day. On Saturday morning Oeorge Moyer's stable, near Lebanon, was destroyed by fire, the work of an inoendiary. Several horses perished. The decomposed it mains of a man who is believed to have been murdered were found in a clump of bushes near Edenburg, Clarion county. The remainder of (he emergency police men in Pittsburgh seventy. three were discharge! on Friday. The police foroe now ooinprises 220 men. i The great Corliss engine machinery hall, Philadelphia, has been taken down and packed ready for removal to Providence It will take seventy cars tooarry it. Bellcfonto people are agitating the question of tho passage of an ordininoe to keep bys under eighteen years of aire off the streets after 8 o'clock in the evening Carson, who was tried at Franklin last week for the murder of Mikcsell, the para mour of his wife, at Oil City, was acquitted by the jury. Tho audience cheered vooi ferously and Carson went to Pittsburgh re. joicing. It Is thought that $500,000 will not more than liquidate tho bills incurred during the labor revolt at Pittsburg, Scranlon, and elsewhere in this State, merely fr tbe par, maintenance and transportation of the militia in the field during that time. The miners nt the Fairbanks coal mines, Loyalbanna township, Westmoreland county who have been out on a sti ike for some days past, went to work recently at ve cents per ton, the compromise figures proposed by Ihe oompany. John Jones, seventy-five years of age, who was employed at a saw mill near Per ryopolis, Fayette county, attempted to rosin a belt that needed that attention, and was caught on the belt and thrown yiolently against a piece of timber, killing him in stantly. Abraham Lincoln Nimmey, the colored boy who fatally poisoned his father and sister in Westmoreland connty, was on Thursday convicted of murder in the seoond degree and sentenced to the western peni tentiary for twenty years. The third count of the indictment, charging htm with an attempt to take the lives of two others re mains for disposition by the court. "Fourteen years ago," says the Venango opecintor, "when the oil fever was at its height, Pithole was the largest anl thrift iest of the oil towns. Its final nffina da. livery was enormous, ranking the third in the State Last November the borough of Pithold polled only six votes, equally di vided between two parlies, and last Monday the survivors in tho great oil metropolis of other days petitioned the court for a dis solution of its charter. From the Fargo (Dakota) Times. A Bill of Particulars. A friend in Geneva, 111., writes us that he lias heard a great deal about the "Dalrymple farm," near Fargo, and has also seen many contradictory statements abont the size of the farm and the amount in wheat this year, and asks us to give him "a bill of particulars." For the benefit of our correspondent, and others who may be interested in largo farming opera tions, wo will state that what is called the "Dalrymple farm" is a tract of about 11,000 acres of land near Cassel ton, twenty miles west of Fargo, on the line of the Northern Pacific Rail road. It is owned by Geo. V. Cass and P. B. Cheney, of New York, and Oliver Dalrymple, the "wheat king of Minnesota," as he is termed. Twelvo hundred acres were broken in 187.5 and sowed to wheat last year. This year thero are 4,000 acres in wheat and a splendid crop it is, too and 3,000 acres additional were broken thie season for seeding next year. Mr. Dalrymple also owns a half in terest in what is known as the "Gran diu farm," a tract of 40,000 acres just north of Elm River, in Traill County, D. T., 85 miles north of Fargo. The other owners are the Grandin Brothers, bankers of Tidioute, Pa. On this farm there are 3,500 acres in wheat this year, and some 3,000 acres broken for next year. To harvest this crop of 7,500, acres on the two places, it required 42 self-binding reap ers, 225 horses aud mules and 150 men. Nino steam threshers, each with a capacity of 1,000 bushels per day, are now at work threshing the grain. In addition to his interest in these two immense farms, Mr. Dalrymple owns 2,000 acres of laud in Cottage Grove, Minn., near St. Paul, 1,500 acres of which is in wheat so that either as sole or half owner, Mr. Dalrymple is interested in 9,000 acres of wheat this year, which will be increased to 15,000 acres next year. We may add that it is the intention of the owners of these two huge farms to break on an average about 5,000 acres each year, until the whole 51,000 acres are brought under cultivation. They have abundant means, and the experiment so far has proven that it is not possible to make a better invest ment of money. This is the second year of the enterprise, and so far the net profits have been over $10 per aere each year, for every acre under culti vation. Go thou and do likewise, and there is plenty of room here to do it in. A virulent disease has broken out among the horses in Delaware county. It is an affection of the throat, great swelling of. the glands taking place, and the windpipe appearing to be af fected, the breath becoming very of fensive. The disease is rapid in its de velopment, death of tbe animal fre quently resulting in six or eight hours after the attack. It has so far baffled the skill of the surgeons, and appears to be extending.