to Henry At Filming, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, SEPT. r,, 1877 Kcpiiblicnn County Con rout Ion. At a iiieetinir, of tin? l!ciuli!iotin County Committee of Elk County, lit Rldwny, on Thursday, the IVHh dny of August, 1877, it whs resolved that the members of wild Committee for tho several Townships and linroughs in said county named below, sliall compose the eleetion boards nt the. primary meetings in (lie eleetion dis tricts where they reside. Chairman. .1. O W. Railey. Bcnczettc. Erasmus Morcy, C. II. "Winslow, It. W. Petrikin. Uenzinger. James 11. Snadden, Joseph Kddy, David Leslie. Fox. J. J. Taylor, Silas Moyer, U. W. Rogers. Highland Levi Ellitliorp, Emmctt Hovencamp, Win. James. Horton. Tlios. Btirelilleld, George Clinton, Joseph Chamberlain. Jay. Jas. M. Biookins, L. E. Leg- get, Justus Weed. Jones. John Ernliout, James Ma lone, A T. Aldrich. Millstone. Capt. Win, Kelly, II. CuU, John Moore. Ridgway. -J. O. W. ISailey, II. M. Powers, Heury A. Parsons, Jr. Spring Creek. Hiram Carman, Ed Rogers, A. Fulman. St. Marys. W. C. Simfibi'd, John A. Logan, W. W. Ames. It was also resolved by said com initteo that the Republican voters in eaeli township und borough of Elk County meet on Saturday, Sept. 1-5, 1877, at 7 o'clock P. M. at their respec tive places for holding elections, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Republican County Convention, to be held at Hagerly's Hall, (over the post-ollioe) on TUESDAY, SEPTEM. RE It 18, 1S77, at 2:30, o'clock P. M In conducting the primary meetings, the various election boards will tittend to their duties thoroughly and see Unit no persons are permitted to vote for delegates except such as are known to bo of good Republican standing, or who shall pledge themselves to suport the county ticket put in nomination by the Republicans. It shall be the duty of each election hoard at the primary meetings to keep a regular poll list and tally sheet and return a ccrtnieii copy ot tne same with the credentials of the duly elected delegates to the County Con vent ion. In case any member of the said clec tion board shall be absent, at the time and place for holding said primary meetings, the two members present Khali appoint a substitute who shall net in place of the absent member. If two or more of said board shall fail to attend as aforesaid then six or more Republican voters, who shall liiv reach the place of meeting, shall a the txilration of one hour, from the appointed time for opening the polls proceed to till the vacancies, and the acts and certificates of the persons so appointed shall be recognized as done by the regularly constituted election board. I trust the members of the County Committee will attend to their duties thoroughly, and sec that the duly elected delegates come to the con veil tion with properly .certified creden tials, as in case of failure to produce such credentials the delegate is not entitled to a seat in the convention Let the Republicans of each and every township take an active interest in tlds matter and send a full delegation to the convention, for there are mat ters of importance to t he Republican party of this county to come before this convention, and every part of the county should be represented. Let us see that tiie party is well organized for the campaign, as without thorou organization, which we now lack, can we hope to ndvanco the interests of the party to whoso principles we are attached or to gala strength in our county where we are at present in a most decided minority. Organized effort will do much to strengthen us while continued disorganization will effectually weaken and destroy in course of time the party. Other counties make organization their aim and in tunc succeed in overcoming us decided majorities as wo now have to contend with. Let every Republl can do his whole duty and good results will be sure to follow. Following isa blank form for a dele "gate's certificate : To the Chairman of the Republican County Convention of Elk County This is to certify that at the Repub lican Primary meeting held at ... for the Township of.. on Saturday the 15th day of September.1877 .... and having re ceived a majority of the votes polled at said meeting are duly elected dele gates to represent said township in said County Convention. Election Hoard J. O. W. HAILEY, Chairman Rep. Co. Com The Middletown ArguHmya: About two weeks ago a fourteen-year old daughter of Richard Drake, of Rloom ingburg, while walking across freshly cut field of grain, ran a piece of stubble into her foot directly be neath her instep. No attention was paidto the injury until last Saturday morning, when she complained of violent pains in her foot, which were followed soon after by symptoms of lock-jaw. She Buffered dreadfully un til early Sunday morning, when death came to her relief. FROM tltK mESWRNT OF THE A' A' W YORK STA Tli NOR MAL SCHOOL. To use any one or more of "People's Remedies" is to like them, and to make renewed calls for them when ever their need is felt. There are seven different kinds and no one of them is recommended as a "cure all." Each has its place, and in that case will work wonders For instance, the 1 Hood and Liver Remedy mid Nerve Totilu will cure all blood diseases and restore and build up the nerves, the Capitol Riders will at once bring on theappctite and increase the strength; the Calarrah Remedy readily heals catarrah ; the Improved Cough Honey breaks up colds and cures coughs; the ttoldeu Relief cures any pain or in flammation and the St. Vitus Dance Specific readily cures St. Vitus Dance. So they each have their place. They are nil special remedies except the Rlood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, which is a remedy for regulat ing the general system. They all net better and quicker when the system is under the healing and regulating in fluence of the Rlood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. For in stance, catarrah is readily cured by the Catarrah Reme dy when tlicf-ystem Is placed in a healing condition by the Rlood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. Jloro Is what thn Provident of tho Ftnto Normnl Sellout siiys : From Prof. John W. Armstrong, P. D, I.L. P., President of tho Now Yol k Htitto Normal School. Krcdonia, N. Y. Mnj- 2T, 1S72. Pr. M. M, Fen n or, Krcdonia, . Y. Pour Kir Your Wood mid Liver Kemeily nnd Net ve Tonic, with your Capitol Hitters, had such excellent etl'ect In expediting my re covery that 1 want another bottle of each. Yours truly, J.W. AKMsTKOXO, For sale ly dealers in medicine. Ask for n circular entitled "People's Home-dies,' describing them all. A most remarkable man recently died at Zurick. His name was Am- stcrin. Thirty years ago lie fell in love, and, like most lovers, got jealous. One day, while under t he sway of the green-eyed monster, be said some thing disparaging about his sweet heart. The offended beauty resolved to punish him, and Amsterin, to re gain her favor was forced to swear that he we would not speak another word for the next twelve months, or till she released him from the penalty. Rut before the year of silence had ex pired the young lady suddenly died, and Amstei in, not being relieved from his oatli by t lie lips of his sweetheart, vowed to remain dumb until lie joined her in the next world. And lie kept his word. For thirty years lie was never heard to speak, and he died mute to all around him. Rates of AtlTei-t'sIng. One coluniu, one year $70 00 i 40 00 I " ' " 25 till J " " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per failure of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions $ Business curds, ten lines or less, per year $5 Advertisements payable quarterly Administrators' Xot ice. Estate of Jacob Hanes late of Ren zinger Township Elk Co. Pa , de ceased Lrtfrrit tf AdiitiniMral'um upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delic to WILBUR HANKS) , , , HENRY HANES Admra. n2!t0. Executor's Xotice. Estate of Michael Spangler late of Jay, Township, Elk Co. Pa , deceased. Lt tiers Tcxtcuiuntart upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to FRANCIS J. SPANG LEItl R. I. SPANGLER t Lxl 8' n2'Jt0. STATE FAIR AT ERIE. TIIK 2lTir ANNUAL EXHIBITION' OF THE PEXN'A STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL HE HELD AT ERIE, OX MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY lllld FRIDAY, Sept. 2i, 25, 2d, 27, and 28, 1877. GENER A L A R R A N' G E M E X TS . Extensive and complete arrange ments have been made for the recep tion of Stock and Articles for Ex hibition, and, from assurances already received, this will bo the Largest and Most Successful Pair ever held by tho Society. XO EXTRV FEE." No Entry Fee will be charged, ex cept in the case of Horses entered for Speed. EXCURSIOX TICKETS. Excursion Tickets, at greatly re duced rates, will be issued by ull the railroads centering at Erie. FREE OF CHARGE. All Articles on Exhibition will be returned, free of charge. LIBERAL PURSES. Grand Trials of Speed daily, for the Largest Purses ever offered by the Society. SUPERIOR BUILDINGS. A larger and more complete Ma chinery Hall has been erected. Floral Hall, Home Department, &c.,aro being refitted and refurnished at great expense, und will contribute attractive features to the Fair. CLOSE OF ENTRIES. Entries will be received at the ofllee, No (i Reed House, next door to the Post Oflice, until SEPT. 18TH, after whicli tho Hooks of Entry will be closed, and all not included debarred from adver tised prizes. JOHN W HAMMOND, Pres't. D. W. Seileb, Rec. Sec'y. Elbbidge McCoxkey, Cor. Sec'y. Subscribe for the Advocate. Republican State Convention. This Convention assembled in Har rison rg, yesterday, and was very har monious lu its work The nomina tion of James F. Sterrett.of Allegheny county, for Supremo Judge, and Win; R. Hart, of Montgomery county, for State Treasurer, were made by accla mation. For Auditor (leneral John A M Pnssmore, of Schuylikill county, received 105 voles, and Howard J. Render, of Northampton county, re ceived 82 votes Resolutions were passed endorsing tho administrations of President Hayes, and Governor Hartranft. Washington, September 4 Tho cabinet was in session, two hours and a half to-day. All the members were present except the secretary of the navy. The cose of Naval Officer A H Cornell was discussed and tele grams received from friends of that gentleman were read desiring ;i post ponement of the case for a few days in consequence of Mr. Cornell's absence from New York city. It Was decided topostpone the matter until the next meeting ofthc cabinet, which will be held on Thursday next instead of Fri day, the regular cabinet day, as Mr. Hayes nnd party leave Washington on their western tour Thursday evening List of Jurors for September Term, is? ?. GRAM) Jt'KOHS. l'enezetto. H. D. Dorr, blacksmith; 11. v. l'etrikiu, tanner. Henzingcr. Wolfgang Weigel. far mer ; George Iiaucr, farmer ; Edward Hablo, brewer ; John Nissel, school teacher; r. iv. i.eroer, laborer. Fox. John Koch, merchant ' Ralph jjcii, larmer. Horton. Win. Moycr, farmer; Jos Chamberlain, tanner; Ct. V. Ayer, snocmaKcr; j ames m ijiellan, lum berman. Jay. David Klines, laborer. Ridgway. William Fannin, la borer; James Pen Held, clerk; Cbas, Mead, Justice Peace; Jacob Rutter- luss, wittier ; l). l). I'oou, lumberman; u. tt. jJicKinson, lumberman. St. Mary's Thomas Valentine, carpenter; ueo. eiiieniiuMiier, mer chant; Geo. Young, laborer; James Cotter, laborer. TRAVKUSK JURORS. iJenezette u Ji. iScnnett, carpen ter c. li. nisiow, lumberman. Denzinger. Andrew Kaul, lumber man ; Darney Wesnitzer, brewer Win. Knecht, laborer; Andrew Brehn laborer; Paulus Rusch, farmer; John Kroekel, Jr., larmer; Joseph Shcttlc, farmer; Thomas Kern'er, farmer Henry liiglin, laborer; John W Geetner, fanner. . Fox. Henry M'Cready, farmer Willis Kyler, farmer; Andrew Howe farmer; W. E. Hewitt, farmer; John Collins, hotel keeper; Charles Kelts carpenter; James Farnsworth, cur. penler; J. A. Mohan, lumberman; Martin Hiviek, farmer; Joseph An singer, farmer ; Pat Callahan, laborer ; Honrv M. Gross, farmer. Highland. II. O. Ellitliorp, la borer; Ed. Lair, farmer. Horton. James Trumbull, farmer. jay. v.corge 1j. inurston, lnrnier; A. Iv Golf, farmer; Joseph T. South ard, laborer; James Campbell, shoe maker. Jones Michael Miller, laborer; Martin Sowers, men-hunt. Ridgway. G. D- Messenger, laborer J. W." Taylor, laborer; S. S. Wilson, sawyer; E. C. Rarrctt, clerk; David Patinore, blacksmith; J. N. Rrown, painter; E. K. Gresli, merchant; Horace Little, merchant; James Gardner, lumberman. St. Mary's. George L. Garner, druggist ; George Ret'tger, carpenter; Jerry Mecum, hotel keeper; Joseph Meyer, carpenter; Frank Geyer, blacksmith; George Weigel, Jr.; blacksmith. THE SEASIDE LI Hit A RY. Choic e books no longer or the few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Rooks usually, sold from SI to S3 (.'iven (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. EAST LYNNE, Dy Mrs. Henry Wood ( Double No) 20c. 2. JOHN 1 IAL1PAX, Cent., Ry MissMulock. 20c. 3. JANE EYRE, Ry Charlotte Rronte. (Double No.) 20c. 4. A WOMAN HATER, Charles Reade's new novel. 20c. o. THE RLACK-1ND1ES, Jules Verne's latest. 10c. 0. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, Ry Rulwer. 10c. 7. ADAM REDE, Ry George Eliot. (Double No ) 20c. 8. THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. Ry Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 9. OLD M Y D D E L T O N'S MONEY. Ry Marv C Hay 10c. 10. TIIE WOMAN IN WHITE. Rv Wilkio CollitiR. 20c. H. THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. Ry George Elliot. 20c. 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. Rv Anthony Trolloie20c 13. A PRINCESS OF THULE. Rv William Rlack. 20c. 14. THE DEAD SECRET. Ry Wilkie Collins. 10c. 15. ROMOLA. Ry George Elliot. (Double No.) 20c. 16. THE ENGLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. Ry Jules Verne. 10c. 17. HIDDEN PERILS. Ry Mary Cecil Hav. 10c. 18. BARRARA'S HISTORY. Ry Amelia E. Edwards 20c. 19. A TERRIRLE TEMPTA TION. Ry Chns Reade. 10c. 20. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Ry Charles Dickens. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. Ry Charles Reade 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. Dy Wil kie Collins. 20c, 23. THE SQUiRE'S LEGACY. Ry Mary Cecil Hay. 20c. For sale by ail Rooksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUNRO, Puklishf.k, 21, 23 and 23 Vandewater St., N . Y. P. O. Rox 5057. D R . BANNING is permanently located at the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases abd lie. formities of Hie Spine, Ultmue Displace ments Dyspepsia, lieriiia and Piles suc cessfully treated by the BANKING SYS TEM of Mechanical Supports. CaU or send far descriptive pauiplet, 'The House You Live lu." Ma'. ltd Free. N-lOiul. Where Shall I Sknd My Daugh ter. You will consult her health, happiness and success in studv and music, by placing her in the care of nr. Taylor, ai tne iseaver College and Musical Institute, Heaver Pa. Prices moderate and as low as good board and first class Instruction can be afforded. QUOTATIONS ni White, Powell & Co. HANKERS AND BROKERd, No. 42 irouth Third Street. Philadelphia, Sept., 4th, 1877. nm. Aforicfi U. R. 1S81. e 1008 1001 do u 5 J unit J 1(1.) !(.-, 107 ") uo '05 do do do '05 do 107 10!i 100 110 lonj I'M 108 108 100 iu-io. uo coupon do Pnoifio ll's rv 1221 107 M ft 1, . new o b ncg. 1NN1 " U. 1881 4, Hcg IH'.H ' o. lH'.ll 1071 10(3 1051 10(1 Gold ()i? 103J Silver PennoylTaniii l! end in R loo 100 20 1 211 10 lGj 10 11 10 ltlj 3(i 3fiJ 1'liiindclphiiv & Erie Lrhigli NnviRntion., uo Vnllny United R R of N J. ex. ir.iA Piltslmrgh, T. . DuH'nlo It. R 7 Northern Ccnlrnl ex. div 101 17 80 4(i 10 111 Central Transportation 2()J tficstpienoning 43 North Pennsjlvnnia 3!l C& A Mortcaire 0' '8'.) 1101 3HLL1XEKY AXD DRESSMAKING. H fRK. J. n. KET.TZ. Koi-sev. 1U Co., 'a., takes this method of nn iiotinciiig to the citizens of Elk county, t lint she has on hand an as- sortnient of fashionable inilliiicrv poods which will lie sold cheap. Also urcxsnmkitiK in all its brunches. Ajrcnt tor Dr. J Rail & Co's Patent ivory and Lignum Vitro Eye Cups Send for descriptive circular; nl7yl. NEW TIME TABLE I. & E. R. It. Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877, WILCOX, Mail East " West 4:i:i p 111 2:17 p 111 0:22 a m 8:22 p 111 Day Ext. ress East - A uigara Express West.. RIDGWAT. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West.. sr. mauy's Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West... :4'J p in 2:11 p m (:")() u 111 7: lu p 111 f:i8 p m 1:40 p 111 7:20 a 111 7:18 p 111 POWELL & K1ME have a fine lo of dress goods, also all other kind ot dry goods at low rates. 'T.'TiB not easily earned in these tp III times hut it can bo made in Hi rec iiiouihs by any otic of. cither sex. in any part of the county who is willing lo work steadily at the employment that we furnish. per week in your owu town You need not be away from home over night. You can cive yenr whole time lo the work, or only your spare moments, ll costs nolliinjt to try the business Terms nnd $5 Outfit free. Address nt once, li 11ALLE J T Sl CO., Portland Maine, oncy. GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable, Don't write lo yrur member of conjtress wlio iw flooded with applications for seeds but obtain the same Varieties, and nil the new one-", by ordering from the undersigne Ui-side Uiy own specialties I am piepared to lurnihli any kind of seed from any en la log ne nt a discount often per cent from list prices. For- the convenience of those who want an assortment I have prepared iwo collet-lions. Flo 1 consist it 13 vane ties of choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complple collection of Vegetable seeds for a binnll family garden, prico $1.50. f'ticki pes of the Iwo sets con biued for fc'2.00 Sent pott paid to any mldiess on receipt of price. The seeds in these collect ion would cost double the money, made up iu separate orders or purchased of any dealer. H. D. SMITH, 734 10th STREET, Washington, D. C. PA1ENTS5 cciircd for me chanical devi ces, trcde-marks, dcbigns, nnd compiunds. Labels registered, lufringemiuis, re issues and interferences will received prolt attention, INVENTORS: 8 h ould send us a model or sketch of their invention, nnd we will give our opinion ns to its patenta bility'liec of charge. Fees moderate, and NO fllAKGE UM'IL PATENT IS BE CUKED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases that have been kkjectku by I lie Paleiit OHicc. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing belure the Patent Oiiice. cud lor circular for further infomation, terms and references. Established in 1800. EDSON EROS, Solicitors of LT. 8. and foreign PATENTS. 711 0 street, N. W., Washington, D. C. n2il3 (Jo to POWELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. C K I S T A D 0 R 0 S n 1 1? in Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and Is easily ap plied. It id a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CRISTA DORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-4I I I VINO WILD ANIMALS J WANTED. t-00,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00., ....each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS F'OX EH. 10,00 -.each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER. 5,00 each tor YOUNG OTTER. COO each for YOUNG WOLVEH. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 5,00 each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK & The above price I will pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to mo by way of Punsutawncy Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS, a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie K. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. 0' N and after THURSDAY", JULY, 28. I877, the trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Hailroad will run as follows l WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo 4 85pm minivoou.. 0 42 p m " Emporium 6 2r p m ' Sl Marys... 7 18 p m " Ridgway... 7 4 3 p m arr at Kane.. 8 45 n m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m Kcnovo 11 00 a m " 11 Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's 1 4(1 p m ltidgway 2 11pm " Kane 3 80 p m arrive at Erie 7 35 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane ....0.00 a ni ....0.50 a m .....7 20 a ni ....8 10 am . ..8 68 p m " " Ridgway. " " St Marys.. " " Emporium Driftwood " Renovo 10 10 p m EtilK MAIL leaves Erie.. ..11.00 a m .. 3 50 p m ' " " Kane. " ' " Kidgway 4 40 p in 6 IS p at 6 15 p m 8.35 p ni " " " St. Mary's " " ' Emporium .... " " Henovo " " orr. at Plnladcphia... 7 00 am Dny Express nnd N'iagara Express con nect east with Low Clrtido Division nnd B N. Y! & P. It. K. WM. A. BALDWIN. Qen'l Sup't T HE SOCIETY STOKE. A new store started in ltidgway tin der the anspiccB of the ladies of Grace Church, with HISS A. E. ItfKEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMliKOlDKKIrX. LACE EDGE FU1XG ES. HANDKBIICHIBFS. LADIES TIE.. TOILET SET?. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITST SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, tlireail and needles. Also a line lot of Dress Ooods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes tt'f., Ac. All cheap us the cheapest mid goods warranted lirst class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEK, Aijent for the Society. Laws Relating lo Newspaper Suliscrip linns and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who dn not give express notice to the contrary, are considered wish ing lo continue tiieir subsciiption. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of then- periodicals, the publishers may continue lo bend tin-in until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subsciibeis neglect or refuso lo lake their periodicals the oiiice where they nie duectud, they are heid responsi ble until they haves-.ttled their bills, ami ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move toother places without inforneng t tie publishers, and the papers are sent to tho former direction, lliey are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to lake periodicals from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled f.r is ii 'niiit. facie evidence of intentional lraud." (!. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether lie lias ordered it or not, is heid in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, tlicv arc bound to give notice 10 the publisher at the end oflheir lime, if they do not wish to cont.nue taking it otherwise the publisher are authorized to send it on. and llie sub scribers wili be held responsible an express notice with payment ot all arrears, scut to tuopublishcv. PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55. Talent Office 'ce 25 in advance, bol- auce $20 within 0 inuulhs nfier patent a! lowed- Advice ami ctnimnation tree. Patents Sold. J. VANE LEWIS &CO. Washington, D. C. DlOinlmd. ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years J- from rervous Debility , Premature lie cay, and nil the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering hu. nianity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's ex perlence can do so by addressing in perfect counuen-.-e. JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar St, New York. Registers Xot ices. Notice is hercliy given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented on the lii'fct day of tile next term of the Orphans Court for continuation, being tiie3U iMoiHiay ot September next, to wit : 1. Final Account of R. V. Kline and Statira R. Cliaiiiu, guardian of Bar ret T. Chapiu heir of J. C Chapin deceased. 2- Partial account of Robt. V. Kinie and Staty'a R. Chnpin guardians of Alton R. Chapin heir of J. C. Chapin deceased. 3. Final account of Jos. H. Chamber lain guardian of Alary Eliza, Corne lia Alice, Ida Ladoniu aim Win Henry Sherwin. 4. Partial account of Sarah V. Wil cox Adm'x. of Clark A. Wilcox late of Horton Ti . Elk County deceased Final account of George Weigel and Thomas Scheider administrators of the estate of Barbara Maushammer late of St. Mary's Borp., Elk Co., deceased FRED. SCHOENING, Register, Send in subscriptions to the Advo cate. LAUDS FOR SALE. acres in Southwest Missouri First class Stock farms, excellent Agri cultural Lands' and the best Tobacco region in the West. Short V inters, no grasshop. per. orderly societyTgood markets and healthy country. Low Prices I Long Credit 1 Free transportation from St, Louis to the lands furnished purchasers. For further information, address A. L. DEANE, Land Commissioner St. Louis fr San Francisco Hv. Co. N. W. cor. Fifth ar.d Walnut Streets, Sl. Louis, Mo. n20ml I Jin. G-eo; Woods &Co.'S PARLOR rz i. . a. " 2 . . . . . ,1 :. . ..7-..; i a Theie remirl:abl-s initrtminti pr-s. cuokie-i for musical eifrRU and wpreiiion neVer before attained. Adapted for Amateur and Prufnsiuual, ami an ornamuut i:l any r-arbr. t3E7" Beautiful New Stylet, now resdy. GciO. Vj'OOCS & CO.. Carnbridgeport,Mass. WAUKt:(!0lS i COS v;a-.!iii-itn St.. i!i.t( :-! 170 State St., Chicago? 88 Lndgate Mill, leo. rrtTTTI T7 AV fTT1! A T.T A A Ic.Jii -g lJli VJA ilU ifiii Li A, m.-mer. l'.y tontiut.? fr.-M t-- J . v-oi:li filit f.-i" t s-.lcciti music. iiHJ, WUUUS fit '-U., ruOllsnen, v.amonogepun, THE Oflice, over Powell & 2.00 A YEAJI-S160 IX AltYAXCE SPECIAL Demorcss Monthly, with 3.50 Bead the Premium List Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDIjXG CARDS. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS. BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates furnished. ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE FROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly .aHended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir cular, nl-lf ORGhAJSTS 7 Minimi Jtmrnal of selected music and valuaM tenatnff r, ail f'.i $ per yrar, or ten cents a number. Each number ADVOCATE. KimeV !-.tore, Main Street. TEIUMS premium, and Advocate for 'J lie ADVOCATE or 3.00 PARSONS, JR., RIDQWAY.ELK CO., PA. PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple Vroetablr Balm that will re move Tan, FRECKLES, PIPPLES Mil Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear ana beautiful j also instructions for producing a .luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf fc . Box 6121, No 6 Wooster St., N. Y.