v-y . GEO. A. It A TIM UN, Attorncy-at-Lnw, Mnln Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., To. HALL & .MAULEY, Altorneys-al-Ltw. Office in New Brick Building, Mnin St Ridiwdy, Elk Co., fa. 3n2lf. L UCORE & HA MB LEX. Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Ph. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 16 '70. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and- .Tewoler Mnin street, IMdgwny, l'a. Agent lor the dowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold ?tn. Repairing Watches, etc, docewith io came Accuracy as heretofore. Sntis ruction guaranteed. Tlnly J. 0. '. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tliuol. Ridgway, Elk County, fa. Agent for the Traveler's Lifo and Aooi Jcnt Insurance Co., cf Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Iligway, offers bis professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ami sur rounding country. AH work warranted. OIHco in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and 1'nrninceutiRt, N. W. cornet of Main and Mill streets, Uidgw.iy, l'a. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domeetin Drugs. Prescriptions carefully difqu-nsed at .ill hours, day or night. vln3y T. S. 1 1 MIT LEY M. D.. riiysician timi Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Itrond and M:v':n Sis, Uesidcnce corner Proud St. opposite the College. Office hours lroai 8 to 10 A. M. an 1 from 7 to 8 I. M. vln'Jyl. J. S. BOlil) WELL, M. D., Eclectic riiysician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mail st. Ridgway, l'a,, in the second story of the new brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo Hyde's Btore, Offitfc hours: I to 2 V M 7 to 0 P M HYDE HOUSE, Rii)iv.T. Elk Co., Pa W. II. SC1IUAM, Proprietor Thankful for the patronage heretofore o liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict in tention to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi tlte bauto. Oct 30 1 809. E. O. FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKKR, AND G I 'NIC UAL COLLECTION AGENT No 'AO Walnut Place, (310 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. li U-ly l'. II'. HAYS, , DKALK. IN Dry Goods, 'Notions, Grrceries. and Geiural Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. EarScy . ). vlnf7tf. NEW STORE IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's BAZAAR of WILLIAMSPOUT.PA. have opened a large slock of Millinery tind Faney Goods, Notions, Gents Kiirnisliiii-r Gooils, Picture uiul Motto Frames, Hair Switches, ic, which they will sell ot pri;es within the reach of all. Don't fail to call tun examine their full and complete stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Iicmembcr the place next door to the Post-office, iiloin-'i. J"EV LIVKIIV STABLE IX II IDG WAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO Inform the citizens of Ridgway, ond the public generally, that lie has started a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nnd Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. t&"Ho will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug'01871tf JPYOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAltl TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions ' The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and told as cheap as tho CHEAPEST JAMES II HAGERTY County Officers. President Judgc-IIon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. Sheriff Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley. District Attorney C. II. M'Cnuley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary, Ac Fred. Scbcening. Deputy ProthonotaryW. S. Morton. Commissioners Michael Wedcrt, W. II. Osterhout, George Reuseher. Commissioners' Clerk W. s. Horton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, R, I. Spang ler, George Rothrock. . Township 0 Ulcers. Judge of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfleld, P. R. Smith. Justices of the Pence Charles Mead, Jos. D. Fullerton. 8ehool Directors O. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum mings, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Gnvern. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walmslcy. Auditors Will Dickinson, James renfield, J. 8. Powell. Clerk-M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. BEHOLD THE LOW PRICES AT Silvermann & Co's BAZAAR EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN FROM THE ALREADY LOW FIGURES. Anyono lu need of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Dresstrimmings, &c &c. WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK DEHOR E PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. From this date AN EXTRA DIS COUNT of "i per cent will be allowed ON ALL PURCHASES exceeding 1.00 SILVERMANN & CO. next door to Post Ollice Ridgway. n-Jltf Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John Adam Stibeck late o St. Mary's Borough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Letters of Administrathm upon the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to JOSEPH STIBICH Adm'rs. n 21 tG. A I'p It toil's Amorknn Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to he 10 in all, of fcUll pages each, one being issued in two months. makes u complete lilirarv, and no one can tiflbrd to do without U who would keep well informed. Price S0,00 a vol ume in leather, or 7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. ICIudson. Fredonia, N. Y., controls thesale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sepl7-tj .FOR Health. Comfort and Economy. Cork Shavings nro unsurpassed us an nVticle for Ik'ds, Mattresses etc. They are ten times as durable ns Husks cr Straw. Only 15 cents per lb. Forty pounds will'fill the lnrgcst bed. Fsr Bate by Armstrong, Brother & Co., 41 and 40 First Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. n23mlinl. SPECIAL NOTICES. I)U VAX DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long sjeciality, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ored for jeers to com dink an external treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable eesiht in the preparation of his oompound ''SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers. Price, 25cts. by mail, 3octs a box ; 3 cakes 60cls. by mail 75cts. Oliiee, 50 N. 5th St. Wholesale Ukpot, 400 N. 3d St. Philadel phia, Pa. Sold by Id; UG GIST. u21yleow. AT POWELL & RIME'S, YOU pa j' cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. Co to POWELL & K1ME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin late of St. Mary's Boro. F'.lk Co., Pa., de ceased. Letters Tcktamentttrf upon the above eajftte have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUOHLIN 1 A ,,., PATRICK M'LAUOHLIN I Admr 8 nlUtu. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand at . POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than at any other store in town. 1 A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Mea, Oats, alwavs on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. . Notice, All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1 877.-1 y SHERIFF'S SALE. T virtu of sundry writs of fieri facias, kliM fieri facias, venditioni exponas. levari facias, alias levari faoias, and testa tum fieri faoias, issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Elk County, and to me direoted, I Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of said oounty, do hereby give notice that will expose to publio sale or outcry at the Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock Y. M. on MONDAY, SEPTEMRER 17TH, 1877. All that certain piece or parcel of tana situate in (lie village or WeeUvillo, Jay township. Elk county, Pennsylvania, described as follows: Beginning at a post on the north side of the publio highway and about twenty feet east of Kersey run; thence notth forty-one and one half degrees east thirteen and five-tenths (13.6) perches to a pine sapling on the bank of Kersey run; thence north twenty-nine and one half degrees eapt (2'.) E) ten perches; thence south 61 east 15 perohes to north sido of said highway; Ibence south 89 west 12 6-10 perches to the place of begin ning, containing one acre and being the same land conveyed to the said A, J. Avery by B. A. Weed's administrators, by deed dated tho 7th day of February, A. D. 1873, and recorded in Elk county, in deed book "P," page 472, &o., upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling and store 24x40 feet, with wing attached 12x40 feet, a barn or stable 18x24 feet. Also s good well of water thereon. The whole piece of laud is uuder cultivation and all fenced. Also. One other piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, described as follows: Beginning at a post on the publio road known as the Gardner road; thence north VI 2-0 perches to a post; thence east 90 perches to a stone corner; thence south U4 2-0 perches to a post; thence west HO perches to the place of be ginning, containing fifty-three acres, upon which is erected a frame barn 30x40 feet, about thirty acres improved and a good well of water thereon. Reserving, how ever, all the coal in and upon the said land as fully as the same is reserved in the deed of Joseph Wilhelm and wife to L. N, Briggs, which deed is dated May 6th, 1870, and re corded in Elk county deed book "N," page 617, &c, being the same land which Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of Elk county, conveyed to the said A. J. Avery, by deed dated the 201 h day of September, 1875, nndrecoided in Elk county in deed book "S," page 170, &c. Seized nnd taken in execution as the property of A. J. Avery at the suit of S. S, Smith and others. ALSO. All those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and do scribed as follows: The first containing seventy acres uije or less and being a part of a tract of three hundred and seventeen acres of land conveyed by Edward Bird, Esq., late of Pliilade'phia, deceased, to Jouathan Nichols, by dred bearing date the 2Uth day of August, A. V. 1822, begiuning at a post standing in the north line of the 317 acie lot and forty. six perches from the northeast corner of said tract; thence soutli twenty degrees eas: about one hundred and thirty-seven perches to a post standing in I he north Hue of the Disk lot Mo. 43rJ7; thence west four perches and six feet to a post; thence south about one hundred and sixty perches to the centre of Bennett's Branch of the Sinneuahoaing; thence westerly along the centre of said creek, be ing thirty and a half perches, at riJit angles to the east line of John Macumbcr, Jr., lot; thence north about one hundred and sixty perches to the north line of said lot number 48'.'7; thence west thirteen perches to a post; thence north 20 west about one hundred and twenty perches to a post in the north line of said tract of 8' 7 acres; thence north 70 east forty-five perches to the place of beginning. - Re serving, nevertheless, a piece of land four perches square on the northly part of the improvements for the use of a burying ground, the above described land being the same conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed by Isaac Coleman and wife by deed dated the ii.iii day of August, A. D. 1850. re corded iu Elk county in deed book -B," page 475, kc, w herein the title is more tully recht'J. Tub cko mj: Beginning one hundred oud ninety-four rod norih of a white pine, in the somhwest corner of Great Lot num ber 4S'.i4; thence north (18J) forty-eight and one-liulf rods to a post; thence east one hundred and seventy-live (175) rod; thence suuth forty-eight uud one-halt (48) rods to a white oak; thence west one hun dred and seventy-five (175) rods to the post, the place -of beginning, containing fifty acres and allowance, said laud being the same conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed by Abijah B. Weed and wife by deed dated me tifiecntit day of December, A. D. 1801, recorded in Elk county in deed book 'K." page 145, &e., wherein the title will be IoiiiiU fully and at largo recited. 'J UK TiiiKU: All that certain tract of laud situate in Jay township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bouuded and described as follows: Beginuing at a post ninety perches west of the northeast corner of warrant number four thousand eight hnn dred and ninety. seven (48U7); thence south twenty-two (22) perches to a post; thence north thirty-nine and three-fourthd degrees (N ii'Jj0) west eleven and one. half perches to a post ; thence northwesterly to a post in the north line of said warraut number four thousant eight bun. dred and ninety-seven (18'j7) fourteen perches; thence east along said warraut line thirteen perches to the place of begin ning, and containing three-fourths (:) of an acre, more or less, being tho same intended to be conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed by Charles Weob and wife by deed daied 2'jiu of April, 1859, and recorded in Elk county in deed book "li," page 104, &o. Seized and tuken in execution as the property of Koxa J. Tyler and M. V. Tyler at the suit of A. K. M' Donald. ALSO. All that certain tract or parcel of laud, or town lot, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post at the south east corner of Josiuh Burden's land and soutnwest corner of G erg's lot; thence along said G erg's line north thirty-four and a hulf degrees west one hundred and forty-three feet to a post, said post being the southeast corner of Mrs. Steinberger's lot; thence along the line of said Steinberg er s lot south 4'JO west 38 feet to a post; thence south 0 20' east 121 feet to a post on the north side of New Brussel's roud; thence along said road north 77 east 60 feet to the place of beginning, containing 6,580 square Ject, be toe tame more or less. Seiiea and taken iu execution as the properly of C. 11. Demott at the Buit of Josiah Burdon. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of ground in the Borough of St. Mary's, oounty of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, begiuning at a post on the northern side of Brussels road 207 feet cast from St. Michael road line, said post being also the southeasterly corner of Jesse Burdeu's lit; thence north 77 degrees eist by the line of Brussels road 62 feet; thence noi ib 32 degrees 80 minutes, west 204 fret to a post; thenoe south 8 degrees west b2 feet nioie or less to post on Jeeae Eurden's lot; thenoe south 82 degrees 80 minutes east 215 feet more or leas to the place of begin ning, containing about 10,913 square feet being marked No. 2 on Bruner & Weis' map upon which is ereoted a two-story frame dwelling house 20x28 feet and a stable 12xltt feet 11 stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Michael Gerg and Anthony Oerg. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with wueu inc property is struck ofT: 1. All bids must be paid In full except where the plalntilFor other lien creditors becomes the purchaser, in which coses the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, nnd a duly certified list of liens shall be furnished including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock 1. M., at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck oil", and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, ami in no instance will the deed be pre sented in court for confirmation un less the bid is actually settled for with the SherilFas above stilted- DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff". W. S. Hokton, Deputy. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway 1 Pa., Aug. 23, 1877. SeePurdou's Digest, Oth, edition, page 448. ' Smith's tortus page 383. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Bcngt Anderson late of St. Mary's Rorough Kk Co., Pa., de ceased Letters of Administration unon -the above estate having been granted to tne undersigned, all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them without delay to G. C. RRANDON, Admr. n27t9. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on nnd after the 1st day of January 1878, the county commissioners will not pay the customary fee to the Sheriff for con veying prisoners to the penitentiary, or lunatics to Jmxmont Hospital, and will only pay the lawful fee as shown in SUenll's lee bill By order of the board, AY . S. HORTON, Clerk. n27-t2. List of Causes. SET down for trial at September Term of the Court of Common Picas of Elk county : 1. C. Wain wright vs. W. II. Johnston et al. No. 14 September Term, 1875. 2. Jacob II. 'Wallers ct al. vs. Thomas L. Kane et al. No 83 Sep. teniber Term, 1870. 3. Chas. Webb vs. Simon Romig. No. 112, September Term, 170. 4. Stout, Mills Sc Temple vs. C. "Wainwright, Adm'r. No. 57, No vember Term, 1376. 5. Com. ex. rel F. X. Holler vs. D. Scull et al. No. 4o January Term, 1877. 6. Meriden Cutlery Co. vs. W. S. Service Co. No. 0j, January Term, 1877. 7. Jas. II. ILigerty vs. AValter Bryant et al. No Uu, May Term, 1877. 8. Hood, P.onbright tt Co. vs Miles Dent. No. U4, May Term, 1877. t. Rachel Gross et al vs C. R. Earley. No. 1 1-5, May Term, 1S77. 10. Van Camp Rush vs. J. P. Felt & Co. No. 183, May Term, 1887. 11. Wm. Richardson & Co. vs. C. R. Earley. No. 137, May Term, 1877. 1' KJiL). SC1HENLSG, C.lctk. Military. Heaixiuartuks N UAKTKHS N. G. of V. ) IUTANT GKSKRAL'B Ol'lTCK .AiuuHBVVM, August It), '77. J An.r HAiutisn General Order No. 9. I. Under tho provisions of general order No. 8, officers and men will be selected solely from the National Guard, and allotted one captain and two lieutenants, as far as possible, to each regimental organization now ex isting. II. When the colonels shall have been selected, they shall nominate for detail their complete staff organisa tion, except paymaster and commis sary, to be taken lrom those officers of the several regimental staffs of the Guard who limy have volunteered to serve in their respective departments. HI. As soon as authority shall be given to a captain to recruit, he shall proceed to do so from t he men of the regiment from which he shall be de tailed, to be selected and apportioned among the several companies in pro portion to their numerical strength ; the lieutenants to be detailed from other companies than his. Should there not sufficient volunteers present J themselves in accordance with this apportionment, then they may be aken generally, but all must be members of the regiment From the non-commissioned officers of the regiment who may volunteer, the captain shall select the non-commissioned officers of the detailed company, rank for rank, and in case a sufficient number of nou-eommis-sioned officers shall , not volunteer, then the captain shall appoint the completmcnt of non commissioned officers required. The companies shall consist of five sergeants, eight corporals, two musi cians and sixty-seven privates. The men volunteering shall be sub ject to a medical examination by the surgeon of the regiment, and none but men iu good health and .physique shall bo selected. The surgeon will reject all men under twenty-one years of age and over forty-five, and less than five feet live inches in height. IV. As soon as tho eompan ies have been fully recruited, the captains will forward the rolls, blanks for which will be furnished. When the men shall have been passed at the company rendezvous, they will be supplied with the necessary clothing and equipment. V. The commandants of companies from which men volunteer uro di rectep to permit them to take with them and retain for their full period of service, their rillo and accoutre ments, and each man will report to his company rendezvous so provided. By command of JNO F. UARTRAKPr, Governor and Commander in Chief. James W. Latta. Adjutant General. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S Send in subscriptions to the Advo cate , 41 A 1 mm j THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1877. Xotcs. The fishing season is over. The bark peeling season is over. Black berries are selling for six cents. Ripe tomatoes and green.com are now enjoyed. " The weather Is uncomfortably hot these days. Send in your subscriptions to the Advocate. Tho frame of Miss B. E. 'Wilcox's house Is raised. Township orders, and tax notices, cheaply and neatly printed at this office. Rumor says that a Granger candi date for Sheriff will run in Elk county this fall. Fotato bugs arc now singing their death-songs over decaying potato vines. The bridge on the Osterhout road, across the mill races is about comple ted. Court commences here on tl?e third Monday of September, being the I7th day of the month. N. T. Cummixos will move his family into rooms over R. I. Camp bell'.i store. Jas. D. Fullerton, and wife are now on a visit to their friends in the wastern part of the state. It is very discouraging to pick blackberries and have them kicked over and destroyed by a cow. It is strange how soon a dogfight will draw a crowd of 300 men nud boys. Tub road between here and Whistletown is said to be in good con dition, nil the editors to the contrary notwithstanding. The Democrats hold their county convention on Tuesday next. The office of .Sheriff is the only one to be filled this fall. The fact is if you want anything printed, this office is the place to call. We guarantee to do all work cheap and in good style. Ik you want your children vac cinated give Dr. Bordwell a call. He has on hand some fresh and pure virus. The old shop near Lessor's black smith shop lias been built over for a dwelling bouse, and an addition built to in. PiiOK. II. W. Roth, of Greenville, Mercer County preached iu the Lutheran church last Sunday morn ing and evening. Both sermons were highly spoken of. The lowest bid for building the seliool house at Boot? Jack was made by G W. Nichols, viz : $145, and to him the Board of Directors at their meeting last Saturday awarded the contract. The bankers and bank clerks of Pittsburgh Lave raised a purse of $10t.O and presented the sameto the widow of Lieut. J. Dorsey Ash, of the Key stone Battery, Philadelphia, who died of wounds received iu the march up Penn avenue on the 22d ult. Tho Allegheny letter carriers con template striking the government, for an increase of salary. They state that by three reductions their salary has been brought down from 1,000 per year in 187-i to $7:!0.2.j, and that out of this they arc forced to spend STj for a suit of clothes each year. It really seems as though there could be some step taken to prevent horses and cattle from running at largo in our public streets. Several horses were running loose in the streets last week, making it unsafe for women and children to walk about. This nusisance should be abated at once. KEEPS PARTLY MADE Dress Shirts. Only one quality, The Very Rent made from Wamsulta mus lin and No. 2100 three-ply all linen Bosoms, six for Six Dollars. Keeps Custom Shirts to order six for $9.oo. S. A. Rote, Sole Agent, West End Store. Lieut. J. O. W. Bailey, and sev eral members of Company H, have volunteered to serve in the three months regiments. Under the call Company H's proportion would be six or eight men. There being twenty regiments in the state each regiment furnishes a company for tlte two new regiments to be formed. The order we publish in another column. The editor of the Reynoldsville Ileald & Star, published an article that did not please tho miners of Rochester nnd Sandy Lick Colleries, who were out on a stike at the time. About one hundred of the miners called on the editor and persuaded him to make the required corrections He was not frightened, oh, no, but felt highly honored by a visit from such a large number of his "horny handed" fellow citizens. Lust week a Mr. Taylor, of York county, Pa., having purchased a farm near his home went to tho place on business when ho was attacked by u large and ferocious dog which endeav ored. to seize tho gentleman by the throat, but Mr. T. succeeded in getting hold of the collar around the dog's neck and thus kept him off, but iu the scullle lie fastened Ids teeth into the arm of tho unfortunate man. Work' men near by came to the rescue, one man running a fork clean through the dog others beat him with clubs, but all to no effect until he was killed and Ills mouth broken open, by which time Mr. Taylor's urm was terribiv maiitrlc-d uud torn, causing much suffering und irom wnicu no uleu Thursday txmxtt Post offico hours at tho Ridgway post offico are from 7 A. M. to 12 M. 1 to 6 and 0 38 to 8.15 P M. Thomas Ray, a former butcher in Mercer county, was arrested a short lime since In Ohio for forgery. Soon after his imprisonment ho cut his throat with an ordinary table knife. A petition is being signed by tho Northampton county prison atithor ites stating that' Allen C. Laros, to be hanged on September 10, is insane and requesting his removal to a hospi tal for treatment Six persons arrested for rioting in Northampton county have been taken to Pittsburgh for trial, the railroad company to which damage was done being in the bands of a receiver ap pointed by a United States circuit court Judge. A movement Is on foot among some of the prominent business people of Bethlehem to organize n co-operative butchering establishment in that borough The object is to bring the price of moat down to the very lowest figure. They are of the opinion that after they get fairly started they will be able to furnish the best of meat at from six to twelve cents per pound. A few days ago a man was attacked in the Spruce Creek tunnel, Penn sylvania railroad by three boys, who robbed him of his money. Two of tho thieves were arrested, and while be ing conducted toward the Huntingdon county jail one of them cut the rope by which they were being led and both jumped in the river, crossed it and made their escape. Lehigh-county Poorhouse farm raised an average of twenty-five bushels of wheat to the acre this sea son. Considering the scant crops produced generally throughout (his section of the Stale, this yield is im mense. The farm is iu perfect con dition, and is considered one of the model farms of the State. The land is worth $200 an acre, without the buildings. A novel building association is about to breathe into existence in Meclianicsburg. It embraces a mem bership of but five persons, viz : a lum ber dealer, a bricknutkor, a carpenter, a mason, and a plasterer, each in dividual member furnishing the ne cessary material and mechanical labor for tho erection of five houses, each taking one as a remuneration for his services PARTIES IN NEED OF RELIA ble Dry Goods Ready made suits for Ladies, Gents and Children, Hats Boots, and Shoes Ladies & Gentlo inens Furnishing Goods of every kind can have their orders promptly at tended to by calling upon S. A. Roto at tho WEST END STORE, who is Agent for all of Wanamaker's Goods at Philadelphia prices. Wages are down to bottom prices in the rural districts of Berks county. In Allegheny township girls get from i?3 to $8cr month, some persons hir ing them expecting them to do the work of men. Hired men are paid from 0 to $10 per month ; day labor- rs, 7o cents, und those who mow with the cradle $1, nnd rakers and binders 75 cents. The Oil City Derrick in its oil mar ket report on Wednesday says: The crude petroleum market has been very firm, as it likewise has been in refined circles. This similitude is a mater of course, for the telegraph is a sympa thetic band which unites interests Identical, and no sooner is one market agitated than it is felt by the others. The principal buying was done at Par ker, where one broker alone is credited with buying 200,000 barrels, receiving 100,000 at this point. A general order has been issued from the War Department calling the attention of army officers to the recent order of tho President prohibiting the sale of arms and ammunition to the Indians, nnd directing them to see that the order is complied with. The present order prohibits such sales in the territories of Montana, Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Washington and tho States of Nevada, Colorado, Nebraska and Oregon. The Clarion Republican savs; A Redbank granger tells the following story of a crop of buckwheat he was once interested in. "When ripe it was so heavy that it could not be cradled. So tho old man put his four boys to threshing it out in the field with flails. Early iu the morniiiLr the boys went to work. About ten o'clock tho old man went out to the field to see how tho boys were getting along. He found them still working on their Hr.-it trip through tho field, and the buckwheat pcuring out over the third rail of the fence," Carrying the Mails. A duily ntail route lias been established be tween Punxsutuwney and New Mays ville, on tho Low Grade Division, A. V. R. R., and now tho offices of Packer, Ringgold, Fro.-tburg nnd Punxsutuwney will be supplied with a daily inftil on this route. Tho change will bo a decided benefit to the pecple of tho lower end of the county, their mail 'facilities heretofore being most outrageous, we being uble to send our paper to San Francisco about as quickly us to Hamiliton P. O. Mr Lawrence Buughmun bus the contract for carrying the mail on this route, and In connection with Mr John Montgomery, has put on u line of hucks for the ucconimodutiou of passengers uud carrying express goods. Sprunkle's Mills office is now supplied by tho old Brookville und Punxsutuwney route, three limes u week. Tho route between l'unxsu- tawuey uud Reynoldsville has been discontinued. Brookville Republican. The exact number of cars destroyed at Pittsburgh is said to be 1010. Sahhnlh School Tlcnlc. Mit. Editor. Last. Thursday, the 10th Inst., the members of the M. E. Sabbath School held their annual picnic. It was remarked by nil who were present and participated in tho fun nnd chccl, that in every respect the picnic was a succss, surpassing any held previous to this one. Every body was in n good humor nnd ready for fun. Tho older people, noted for their wisdom and dignity, laid these nside and for the day became children. Playing croquet and swinging, seemed to be the order of the day, for swing ing especially their seemed to bo i mania, tho only regret concerning this was on the part of the young men, who In order that they might be con sidered heroes by the j'oung ladies, pulled long and hard at the ropes, blistering their hands and exhaust ing themselves only to hear the cheer ing words higher yet. Two things In connection with the picnic are worthy of special notice. One, the voracious appetites of the people, the amount of food and the number of gallons of ice cream that disappeared that day was wonderful. Tho beauty of the grounds especially deserves notice. A spot was chosen for the picnic, just op posite Mr. Hyde's sawmill and on his property. Thanks are due to Mr. Hyde for the use of the grounds. Credit is to be given to Mr. Holaday for the choice of the grounds. Much labor was devoted to their improve ment and I know every member of the pleasure party feel grateful to all who assisted in thcirreparation. A few minutes walk will give any and all a better idea of them than we can give you through the pen. The Idea suggested itself to quite a number of the citizens, Unit by a little labor and expense, with the consent of the pro prietor, the grounds might be mado into a sort of park, for summer resort and social gatherings. We believe that the hist suggestion U worthy of further consideration and thativ move in this direction would bo well repaid. As evening came on, gradually tho members of the picnic begun to dis perse. All wore more or less wearied in body, but well satisfied with the day of enjoyment. W. H. S. "Hoodlums." Who are they ? The question i.-j answered by the Philadelphia Ledger: Tho word "hoodlum" is used on the Pacific coast as a descriptive term for idle young rowdies of tho kind that mako up tho gangs of "corner loafers" of our At lantic cities. Tliey stand about iu groups in the disorderly parts of all towns, and arc free with their foul tongues iu making offensive remarks upon all persons passing by. If spoken to about their conduct, they reply by repeating their insults and indulging in other ruffianism, includ ing profanity, obscenity, and, not un frequently, actual assault with fists, clubs and stones, This tribe of ras cally boys and young men the Cali furniaus cull "hoodlums." There is no peculiarity about the matter but tho name. There arc plenty of just such fellows about the outskirts of our large towns, and some small ones, too. The "hoodlum" is the boy whoso parents or guardian permit to grow up and pass the years from fifteen to twenty .without work nt any useful occupation, idling away his time by lounging about bar-rooms, street corn ers and "on tho lots" with other young rowdies uud blackguards. They are always troublesome und sometimes dangerous, for they always make up a large proportion of rioters Theirs are the idle and vicious' hands that are always ready for "tho devil's work. List of Jurors for September Term, 1S77. a rand jurors. Benezette. II. D. Derr, blacksmith : R. W. Petrikin, farmer. Benzinger. Wolfgang Welgel, far mer ; George Bauer, farmer ; Edward Bablo, brewer ; John Kissel, school teacher; F. K. Gerber, laborer. Fox. John Koch, merchant ; Ralph Bell, farmer. Horton. Win. Moyer, farmer; Jos. Chamberlain, farmer; G. W. Ayer, shoemaker; James M'Clellan, lum berman. Jay. David Klines, laborer. Ridgway. William Fannin, la borer; James Pentield, clerk; Chas. .Mead, Justice Peace: Jacob Butter- fuss, tadler; D. D. Cook, lumberman; G. F. Dickinson, lumberman. St. Mary's. Thomas Valentine, carpenter; Ceo. Weidenboerner, mer chant; Geo. Young, laborer; James Cotter, laborer. traverse jurors. Benezette. D- H. Bennett, curnen- c . I' Vr Wtnol.iiir 1.....I...... r ivi , v. v ..rv ,T , 1UJ1IUCI1IIUII, JJeuzinger. Andrew Kaul, lumber man ; JSarney YVesnitzer, brewer ; Wm. Kneeht, laborer ; Andrew Brchn jaijorer; l'uuius iiuscn, larmer; John Kfickel, Jr., farmer; Joseph Shettlo, farmer; Thomas Kerner, farmer; Henry Bigliu, laborer; John W. Geetner, fanner. I-ox. Henry M'Crcady. farmer: Willis Kylor, farmer; Andrew Howe, farmer; W. E Hewitt, farmer; John Collins, hotel keeper; Churles Kelts, carpenter; James Furnsworth, car. peuter; J. A. Mohan, lumberman; Murtin Hiviek, farmer; Joseph An singer, farmer ; Put Callahan, laborer ; Henry M. Gross, farmer. Highland 11. O. Ellithorp, la borer ; Ed. Lair, farmer. Horton. James Trumbull, farmer. Jay. George L. Thurston, farmer ; -A. E. Golf, farmer; Joseph T. South ard, laborer ; James Campbell, shoe maker. Jones Michael Miller, laborer; Martin Sowers, merchant. Ridgway G. D. Messenger, laborer J. W. Taylor, laborer ; H. S. Wilson, sawyer ; E. C. Barrett, clerk ; David Ptttmore, blacksmith ; J, N. Brown painter; E. K. Gresli, merchant! Horace Little, merchant; James Gardner, lumberman. St. Mary's. George L. Garner, druggist; George Retlger, carpenter: Jerry Mecum, hotel keeper: Joseph Meyer, carpenter; Frank Geyer, blacksmith; George Wcigel. Jr blacksmith. The Democrats ytsterduy nomi nated Hon. John Trunkey, of Ve nango, tor supreme Judge ; Hon. Wm. P. fciehell, of Bedford, for Auditor General; Amos (!. Noye.i, of Clinton, 1 for State Treasurer..