The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 23, 1877, Image 2
1 1 j . mm Henry A. Tnrsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 2-1, 1877 Hkadquartkkb Rkimthmc an Statu Committkk. ,1 llAiiKisnuno, July 12, 1877 liy direction of the RqutMlcnii State Committee, the licmililienn State Convention heretofore ealleil to meet at Ilarrwburg on the 2(Uh d.-iy of August next, Is hereby liostjioiteil, to meet in Harrisburg, nt noon, on Wed nesday, September 5, 1877. This post ponement la made nt the request of a large number of delegates elect, who have engagements to bo present nt a triennial conclave of Knights Temp lar, which assembles at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 20th day of August next. By order of the Committee, HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman. A. WILSON NORRIS, Secretary. Fatal Tattooing. A YOUNfl WIDOW AND 150 YOUNG MEM TUB VICTIMS OF P19EASKO TRAMP. Emma Hunaburgcr, about Iwenty-ono years of age and a widow, two weeks ago had a tattooer put two sets of loiters ou her right ami, the initials of two names. Shortly after the work of the poisoned needles and India ink had been concluded afoul disease showed itself on her arms and on various portious of bcr body. . Her condition became known to a number of people, among whom was officer Shay, who learned that the man was known as "Bum mer Bill," and had been lodged in jail on the charge of vagrancy. Mrs. Hunsbnrgcr subsequently died. Tho undertaker who removed the body said: ''A near relative of tho young lady came down from Lebauon and said ho and their family were not in the best circumslan. ees. We put the body in a coffin, took it to the depot and shipped it to its destination, relying upon the man's honesty to pay the bill whenever ho felt that ho could pay it." Dr. BrenWser said: ''I did not attend the young woman, neither did I know her. On Tuesday I was visited by two men, who said they had been sent by a doctor re siding in the upper section of the city (the doctor's namo was mentioned) to me for a certificate, as the doctor who did at tend tho woman cither had gono away or was going away in a hurry to a distant part of town to visit a patient, I asked the men what ailed the woman and they said "liver complaint." The physician who did attend her said she died of inllamimi tion of the bowels." Sr. Kalbach has had quite a number of eases and he is of the opinion that fit least 150 young men and boys havo been inocu. luted in this city alone. Many of the cases arc terrible ; the arms aro swollen and the body and limbs covered with blotches and cruptious. The doctor wa3 told of a very bad case, when he replied that if it was not properly treated at once death might en sue. Many of tho young men under Dr. Kalbach's treatment were tattooed nt the Hampton Spring. The tattooer used his spittle to mix the inks, and at times placed the needles in his mouth. Tho doctor was of the opinion that tho tattooer did not know the terrible destruction ho was do ing. Dr. Davis agreed with Dr. Kalbach in the number of cases of syphilitic inocula tions by the tattooer, And," said tho doc tor, ''I have treated and am still treating a number of cases of tho vi ry wcrt character. If you will wait until one of tho patients oomes I will bIiow you a sample cose arms, body and limbs covered with syphilitic eruptions caused by tho poisonous tattooing process. Lt is really a bad sta;e of atl'airs, sowing the seeds of a terrible disease in its very worst form. I have no doubt that sevoral hundred people tvero latooed, but out of that number thcro may havo been one-fifth whose systems wero not in a con dition to tako the poison and be affected by it." Reading (Pa.) Eagle. J HAD NEVER FOUND ANY- r ui n a j: e f o n f, that HELPED ME SO WELL. Owing to its Healing, Nerve Re storative and Cleansing properties, all female complaints are at once bene fited by the use of Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and euro inevitably follows in a reasonable time. It has also special properties adapted to this class of dis eases, and its cleansing and regulating qualities, together with its building up or Restorative action on the nerves, adapt it specially to these cases. Here is a complication very common to fe males, readily relieved : Jamestown, N, Y Dec. 20, 1871. Dr. jr. jr. Fenner, Frertonia, N. Y. Dear Kir: I was nfllictcd with Dyspepsia, llouducho. Sour Stomach, Constipation Pain In my Hack and across mo, and great Soreness and Wookntiss, which I hnd for many years, and flir which I hnd' doctored a great deal, but never got moro than sumo temporary relief. I began taking your Blood and Liver Hernedy und Norvo Tonic ubout ono year ago- I had never found anything Ix-foro t.lint helped mo so woll. I continued to gain steadily till I thought myself wholly Jcurt'd. About six months havo nowpacd, and I have not had any return of tho dlstnso. MK.M. EI.Kl TA KWEF.T. Hundreds of csmos like the above might be eitwl. This Remedy is a vegetable compound, so made up of tho choicest plants carefully collected from every country and clime in the world, as to possess the rarest Altera tive or Cleansing and Purifying, together with Healing and Tonic or Nervo Strengthening and Restorative properties combined. For sale by dealers in medicines. Change of Schedule. Ou and after Monday, August 13th, J877, trains will leave Ridgway station as follows : WEST. Pio Mail 2:19 P. M- Niagara Express. 7:oo P. M. Local Freight 3:05 P. M. EAST. Erie Mail 4:49 Y, M. Day Express 6:50 A. M. Local Freight 6; J 5 A. M. The SKPTKiuiifcu Numhkh of "Pe terson's Magazine" Is on our table, ahead of nil others, as usual. In ad dition to a beautiful steel engraving "Tho Woodland Nymph," and a su perb, -double-size, colored, steel fashion plate, there aro two colored patterns, ono for a Carriage Rug, tho other "Rook-Markers on Card llonrd." Though Ibis Is a magazine of fashion and art primarily, It is also one of literature ; and no lady's book nt all npproches it in its powerful stories and novelets. In the present number, wo have, ninong other articles, "Tire For hines of Phillippa Fairfax," by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, whose "Lass O'Lowrie;" has just made 6uch a sensation in the literary world, having been pronounced the best American novel that has nppenred for years. Yet the present novelet, "Phillippn. Fairfax," is, in most re spects, even better. In addition to this writer,- "Peterson" boasts such contributors as Mrs. Ann 4. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. R. Hard ing Davis, Marietta Holley, the author of "Josinh Allen's Wife," etc., etc. The terms of this, the cheapest and best of tho lady's hooks, are but two dollars a year, with very great deductions to cluba. Certainly every family ought to take "Peterson." Specimens sent gratis to those wish ing to get up clubs. Address Ciias. J. Petekson, .100 Chestnut St, Phila delphia, Pa. TiiKitK i.s Health in it. Uold or riches are not to be compared with it. We have chronic cases of sixty years, twenty-live years and down to one year's standing of kidney complaint graviil and Inflammation of the blad der, completely cured by taking the Barosma, or Backache Liver and Kidney Cure, which is warranted to relieve and cure the above diseases . also the liver complaint. Pleasant to take. One dollar a bottle, or six for five dollars. Prepared and sold by E. K. Thompson, Titimville, Pa. Sent by express t(nny address. Price, $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. THE SE.VSIHC LIBIUUY7 Choice books no longer for the few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from SI to S3 given (unehauged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. EAST LYNN!-', By Mrs. Henry Wood (Double No) 20c. 2. John Halifax, Gent., By Miss Mulock. 20c. 3. JANE EYRE, By Charlotte Bronte. (Double No.) 20e. 4. A WOMAN HATER, Charles Reade's new novel. -0e. 5. THE BLACK-INDIES, Jules Verne' latest. 10c. (i. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, By Bulwer. 10c. 7. ADAM BEDE, By George Eliot. (Double No ) 20c. 8. THE ARUNDEL MOTTO. By Marv Cecil Hay. 10c. 9. OLD M V D 1) E L T O N'S MONEY. By Mary O Hay 10c. 10. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. By Wilkie Collins. 20c. 11. Til E MILL ON THE FLOSS. By tieonce Elliot. 20c. 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. Bv Anthony Trollope 20c. 13. A PRINCESS OF THULE. Bv William Black. 20c. 14. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wilkie Collins. 10. 15. r.OMOLA. By George Elliot. (Double No.) 20c. 1G. THE ENGLISH AT THE NOKTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. By Jules Verne. 10c. 17. HIDDEN PERILS. By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 19. BARBARA'S HI STORY. By Amelia E. Edwards 20c. 19. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION. By Chas Reade. 10c. 20. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Bv Charles Dickens. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. By Charles Reade 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. By Wil kie Collins. 20c, 23. THE SQUIRE'S LEGACY. By Mary (.Veil Hay. 20c. For sain by ail Booksellers and Newsdealer.-;, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUNiiO, Publisher, 21, 2;j and 25 Vaiulewater St., N. Y. P. O. Box 5iio7. Xcw Advertisements. . i Sates of Advertising. One column, ono year $75 00 I " " " 40 00 1 " ' " 25 00 I " " " 15 00 Transient advertisement per square of eight lines, one insertion SI, two inser tions, SI. 50, three insertions; 2. business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Registers Notices. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented on tho first day of the next term of the Orphans Court for confirmation, being the 3d Monday of September next, to wit : 1. Final Account of R. V. Kime and Btatira R. Chapin, guardian of Bar ret 'f . Chapin heir of J. C Chapin deceased. 2. Partial account of Robt. V. Kime and Statira R. Chapin guardians of Alton R. Chapin heir of J. C. Chapin deceased. 3. Final account of Jos. S. Chamber- lain: guardian of Mary Eliza, Corne lia Alice, Ida Ladonia and Win. Henry Sherwin. 4. Partial account of Sarah V. Wil cox Adm'x. of (Mark A. Wilcox late of Horton Tp-, Elk County deceased Final account of George Weigel and Thomas Scheider administrators of the estate of Barbara Maushammcr late of St. Mary's Bora, Elk Co., deceased. FRED. SCHOEN1NG, Register. ' LANDS FOlTSALE. 9 60,000 ACRES IN Southwest Missouri First elass Tock farms, excellent Agri. cultural Lands aud the best Tobacco region in the West. hort Winters, no grasshop- er, orderly society, good markets aud a lealthy country. Low Prices! Long Credit I Free transportation from St, Louis to the lauds furnished purchasers. For further information, address A. L. DEAN'iS, . Land Commissioner St. Louis & San Francisco Ky. Co. N. W. cor. Fifth and Walnut Streets, Bt. Louis, Mo. n2uml-ljia, H H i i GO o o o O o td QUOTATIONS White, Powell JU Co. "AJMKEK8 AND UllUKlUta, No. 42 South Third Street. I'hiladolphla, Aug., 14th, 1877. Bll. ASKKTl U- 8. 1881. o 112 ll'JJ Jo do '(15 J and J iHtiJ 107 do do r,5 do loni ions do do '65 do 1111 111! 10-40. doeonpon 112 H3 do Pacino 0's cy 125 125 J NewG'aReg. 1881 lu'.iJ 10!IJ " " O. 1881 lOiljf 10!l " 4J, Reg. 1891 I Ml ft 1081 " " 0. lH'.ll 10SJ 10SJ Gold .....10.r4 loGjj miver 10(1 100 Pennsylvania 2d 2C.1 neaiiing , Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation.. . do Vnlliiv 1H.121 7 0 17? IS 32: 3-'! United R It of N J Pittsburgh, T. ft Uull'alo R. R 0$ 7 Northern Central ex. div 1.1 lMJ Central Transportation 27 27J Ncsquchoning 45 4r)!2 North Pennsylvania, ilS 4(1 C & A Mortgage U's 'S'J U0J 111 MILLINERY AM) DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk (Jo., l'a., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery floods which will be sold cheap. Also dresHiiiakinir in all its brandies.. Agent for Dr. .1 Bail & Co's Patent ivory and Inum Vibo Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. J.EW TIME f ARLE 1Te. IiTrT Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877, WILCOX. Mail East 4:13 p m " West 2:17 p m Hay Express East 0:'J2 a m Niagara Express AV est S:22 p m BIDCIWAY. Mail East 4:10 n m Mail West 2:11 p m i my express l-.ast :)( Niagara Express West 7:1) sr. maby's. Mail East 5:18 Mail AVest 1:10 a in p m p m p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West 7:18 p m ROW ELL & KIME have a fine lo of dress goods, aU) all other kind ot dry goods at low rates. tit limes but it. can be made in three momhs by any ono of cither sex, in any part of tho county who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. per week in your own town. You need not bo nwny from borne over night. You enn give your whol time to tho work, or only your nparc moments. It costs nothing to Iry the business Terms and ?o Outfit free. Address nt jnce, II IIALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower ami Vegetable. Don't write to your niemier of coheres1!" wlio is flooded with applications lor seeds but obtain tho ciime Varieties, andallthe new oncp, by ordering from the undersigned beside my own specialties I am prepared to luriiisu any kind ot seed from aiy cnta log ue at, a discount of ten per cefit from list prices. For tho convenience of those who wont, an assorunent I have prepared two collections. No connisls of l.'t vario lies of choicest Flower eeedsi a complete flower garden, price SI. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegcinblc feeds lor a small family garden, trice i'l.oO, Packages of i lie two sets combined for 2.00 sent postpaid to any address on lecetpt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double tho money, made up in separate outers or purcnaseu ot any Uc:i4or. H. D. SMITH, 784 13th STREET, Washington, V. C. cos, trade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered. Infi ingommis, re issues nnd interim noes will received pro It attention. INVENTORS s h ould send us a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to its patenta bilityjfree of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UVIIL FATES T IS SE CURED. We will, upon contingent foe, prosecute cases that have been hbjeuteu by the Patent Ofiice. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing belore the Patent Ofiice. Send for circular for further infomalion, terms and references. Established in 1800. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Washington, D. C. n'2tl3 Go to POWELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. CKISTADORO'S HAIR 0:I9 Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the. most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. ' J. ClliSTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-41 . , IIVING WILD i ANIMALS J WANTED. ou,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CilOSS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER 5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK d- CROSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Animals to bo in good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me byway of Punsutawney Pa." For further Information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH JJELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erio H. It. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 177, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows) WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Ronovo 4 35 p m " " ' Drirttfood.. 5 42 p m ' " " Emporium 0 25 p m " ' ' St Marys... 7 18 p m " " " Ridgway... 7 45 p m arr at Kane.. 8 45 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m " " " Renovo 1 1 00 a m " " " Emporium 12 65 p m " St. Mary's 1 40 u m Ridgway 2 11pm it t K4uo... .3 80 p m 7 85 pm .0.00 a m ,.i. 5(1 a m ,7 20 a m .8 10 a m .8 68 p m " arrive at Eric EASTWARD, DAY EX leaves Kane ' " " Ridgway... " " St Marys... " " Emporium.. " " Driftwood., i. i. i) 10 10 p m EUIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m " " " Kane 8 60 p m " " Ridgway 4 49pm " " " St. Mary's 5 18 p to " " " Emporium 0 15 p m " Renovo 8.85 p m " " arr. nt Philadcphin... 7 00 a ni Dny Express an,d Niagara Express con nect east with Low Grudo Division and 11 N. Y! P. R. It. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't INSURANCE. Tho undersigned believes that he has the principal agency in this dis trict from the fact that lie has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past three years. He, therefore, in vites those having Insurance to effect to compare rates, and companies, be fore making application elsewhere. Partial list of companies. A KTX A 1 1 A ItTKt H 1 1 T.onn.oun KtiltTU lHUTiHil & .M. l-;N(il.AM)..10,iiiK),iMj KIHIO ASSOCIATION l'Jlll.A IM'm'fM (IKHMAN AMERICAN, N. Y 2,1111(1,11(11) NIAOAliA, N. Y a.fjcw.niKi TKA VKLKKS' LIKE 71AUTKOHH l,ii,oou 1'. 11. WAC11TEL, St. Marys, l';i. n7in3. rjIIE SOCIETY STORE. A new storestarted in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS h. E. I-l'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected witli great care. EMBROIDERIES. LACE EDGE FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SET?. L12NEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress floods, Fancy work of all kinds. Eraiued mottoes ((c , Ac. All cheap sis tho cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our s-t'JCi. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Asreitt for the Society. EVERY SOLDIER who was wounded or contracted perma nent disease in. service can get. a pension by writing to John Kirltpatrick, Camhridgo, Ohio. N-lOml DR. BANNING is permanently located nt the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. DUcuses and De formities of the Spine, Ulterine Displace ments Dyspepsia, llerma and Pitas suc-ees-afully treated by the DANMNtr SYS TEM of Mechanical Supports. C'.dl or send for dobcriptivc pampltt, "The House You Live In,'' Mailed Free. X-lCml. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a c;py of the prescription used, (freo of charge) with tho directions far preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sure Cube for Consumption, Astuma, Bronchitis, &c, Parties wishing tho prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 1U1 l'enn., Williainsburgh, N. Y. Laws Relating to Newspaper Sabscrip tions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who dn not give express notice to toe contrary, are considered wish ing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of tbeir periodicals, die publishers may continue lo send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuee to take their periodicals frcm the office where they aro direetod, they arc held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, aud ordtied them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers aro sent to the former direction, they arc held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to lake periodicals from the ofiice, or re moving and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional irauu. 0. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to bo a sub soriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to givo uotico to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwiso the publishers are autnorized to send H on, and tne sub scribers wili bo held responsible uuiilau express notice with payment of ail arrears, sent to the publisher. PATENT S! Fee Keduecd, Lutire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee 25 in advance, bol- ance $2.0 within 6 months after patent allowed- Advice and examination freo, Patents Sold. J. VANE LEWIS & CO. Washington, D. C, nlGinlmS. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years XX. froni Nervous Debility, Premature Po cav. and all the' effects of youthful iudiscre lion will, for the sake of suffering hu. inanity, sond free to oil who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple rmedv bv wtnoli ne was cureu. ounerers wishini? to rrotit by the advertiser's ex perience can do bo by addressing in perfoot confidence. JOHN I). OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. " Geo. Woods & Cos PARLOR OR(3A-lSrS 3 .. jRiW4,1.m ...- .... ........ .. ""Wtof-it ttriE? U P .a n ft . wy.y.-. .r-j.-.-;t.-v---.Tiife..-.ty J fwTa Ki K-ilV: n. .....I. ,i.i,. i ii ,,.,, A.i.ij.lca fnr Aniulc.'.r'.iaL! 1 V. f. i si.,r a!, .-ml an on'omtnt in'aisy parlor. tiT" Beautiful New Styles, HOW ready. G5iO, OODS : CO., Cambri-3.roport, Mass. t VftY TJ'TT'i' A A - A l-.nHns M.uiciil J-imil of wlwtcd muic an A 11 1 Jj.t. li. ! r.v tor l -;r ve ir. it ten cm Xmfii'i in " i "-... .!:. I u'-iiii..-. Ci-0. WOODS & CO., PuWIshen THE ADVOCATE, Ol'iico, ovi-r Powell ! 2.00 A YEAlt$loO JJv JlJVJjVCi: SPECIAL TEJiMS : Demoress Monthly, ivilh, pTCulum, and .'.Idrocato for 3.50 Read the PrcirJinn Lh-t Peterson's Magazine, and The ADVOVjIT E or 3.00 JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, ILL fJEHOS, BOOKS ENVELOPES., Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates furnished ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARKON8, JR., RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Bolioitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with Patents, -whether before the Patent Otfioe or the Courts, promptly atvended to. No charges mada unless a patent is secured. Bend for a cir cular, nlllf f. m.xir.,1 fftru ami exmotion never twlor tiainea. t .anion. id valuable rcaiJing 1 r.h nnmbcr i, Cambrldgoport, Mos Milito's Store, Ai.iin Stmt. WEDDING CARDS. MOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS. BOOKS,, PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a iimple Vkoetabm Ualm that will re move Tan, FHECKM3S,-TIPPLES aill litoicDEu, leaving th skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a Uuiuriant growth, of hair on a bald head or smooth faco. Addr.iss lion.. Vandelf fc Co. V.ox 61-1, No y WoorUr a., N. Y.