The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 09, 1877, Image 3

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Main Street,' Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa,
ii all & .ruAULi:rt
Attorneys, at-Ltw,
Office in New Brick Building) Main Si
fcliUwny, F.Ik Co., Pa. vHu2lf.
Attorneys-nt-LaW, Ilidgwty. Elk
County Pa. Office Herons the hull from
the DkmochaT establishment, Clnjnis
Tor collect ion promptly attended to
Jne: 15 '70.
Watchmaker, Engraver nhd Jeweler
Main struct, Ridgway, Pft. Agent for thn
flowe Pewing Machihe, Slid Morton Gold
i'tn. Repairing Wdt dies, eto, dotiewith
te same accuracy as heretofore, Rntis
not 1 3a guaranteed, vlnly
JTo. W. BMLfiYt "
Vlnz.i1, Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent. Tor the Traveler's title nud Acci
Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Colin.
yJAMKS l. FLI.l.HltToN,
Surgeon DeMist, having permanently lo
bated in Higway, otters Ids protrlutiffl nor
vices to t If e citinens of Hldgwrty rtliu sur-r-miuitltlg
coitlttfjr. All Work vyhrraniod
. Office in Service A WhMrr's UiliMittg, up
stairs, lirjl doer ti the It'll, ?8-lt-H21y
trnjtp;l-t iliul I'nru'nriMiilfi , N. W. cm-net
bt Main tid Mill ittrfots, HltljjWay, IV
full assort imait nt rnwi'illy (tftvctvil For
eign Mil ll'iiiii'stlt ItriljtH. Vfpscrilitit'ha
carefully lipeni"d ill ill Im'Uv, ibiy r
highi. vlni'.v
V. X II AH fill', V M IK.
Physician 'ntu fuTgi'iitt.
Ollire in in tig Stmv, cornrt l'.i "'id itMd
Main -i. llvsiilrtlSf riil'ilt'r Ht-nHtl St.
Qpponiif I ho I'olljje. Olrioe hmr Irom
fc lo lit A, M. mi I iro.ii 7 ) tVM.
J .v tut lil II I LL, .. .,
I'.iiU'Clllj Pliys'.ctilil t till Sargenti, Iihhiov
cd It ih dllicc Irom Cettn-e IH'i l, lu M lilt HI
llidgwny. fit,, in 'lit' second slury ul the
lie liriek building (if ttilin M. Hull, r.ppo
it llydr's til Ot'e.
ICIleO hoiirsi I t '1 1' tt 7 to I 1' 1
itIMJWAY, til.K Co., t'A
W. II. SCI IK AM, l'
I'll. i iik I ul lot the piiiromge henstot'wrt
o liberally bestowed upon liltli, I III' lie
proprietor. Iik, by paying Strict ..
teittion in I hi! com t'ort and convenience ol
guests, to niMi'ii a cmitiuiiiiuvu ot llie
oit mi tsiiu.
E. (I. FA r.
No am Walnut I'ltuc,
(310 Waliitil St reel,)
n Jl-ly
. It'. II A I S,
Cry Goods, Hotions, Grrcerici
and General Variety,
Eur ley
v I it i7if,
1 i A A A It . f V I L L I A I.-'l'OtiTjl'.V.
bvi' ohvni'il law Mioflv r Miiliticrv
an. I Fancy tioml.t, Notions, (icms
Kiiniistiinir (iuoils, IMrtitiv ami Mntto
! ninit's, Hair Swilclic, iSsti., winch
they will noil at )iriri'N williin the
rcacli ul all.
I). m l Tail to call ami examine their
full ami complete stock licl'ore imrchas-
iii eiM'wiicit". ncuicniiii'r ine place
lict iloor to the rost-otliee. tiloinH.
TKW lilVKIiV ST A 15 J .K
inform the eitizens of Kiiijwi.V, and
the public nenertilly, that he has
started a I.jvery Stable and will keep
and RnieH to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
&3-He M ill also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad ntreet, above Main
All orders left at the 1'ost OlHce will
receive prompt attention.
Main Street, Itldgway, Pa
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions
Constantly on hand, and sold an cheap
remit j Officers,
President JiulgeHon, L, 1). Wctttifsre
Associate JudgesHons. Geo. Ed.
Wels, and Julius Jones.
Sherltr Daniel Beull.
Treasurer Jacob McCaulcy.
District Attorney C. H. M'Canlcy.
Co. Superintendent Geo. H. Ulxon.
Prothonotary. &e Fred. Schoenlng.
Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton.
Coiniuissloners -Mlclittel Wedert, W.
II. Osterhottt, Otorgo Reuseher.
Cominissioners' Clerk W. s. Horton.
Auditors W. II. Hyde, 11. 1. Spang
ler, George Rothrock.
Township Oftlcors.
Judge of Election Will PlcftllistJti.
Inspectors James Penfleld, P- R.
Justice of PeatJC Charles Mend,
Jas. D. Fullerton.
Wehool UireetorsO. M. Orntlt, Jas.
Gardner. G. T. Wheeler, N. T. uiu
mlngs, W. 8. Service, EUg. J. Miller. ,
Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel
TreasurerW. H. Hydu,
Assessor -M. S. Klin.
Assistant Assessors Gent Dlcklttson,
John Wuliiisley.
Auditors Will frlcklheott, James
Pen field, J. S. Powell,
Clerk-M. S. Kline.
Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr.
Silvsrrnann & Co'g
Auyuiit) in need of
Fancy Goods,
Drosstrimmings, &e &e.
Front this date AN EXTRA DIS
COUNT of .- per cent will be allowed
next door to Post Office Ridgway,
Ailinlnistrntor's Notice.
Estate of John Adam Stibeck late o
St. Mary's Borough Elk Co., Pa., de
ceased Letter of AdmhiiMrtithm upon
the above estate having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having
claims to present them without rlelav
to JOSEPH MTlIilCH Adm'rs.
Applcton's Aiik ilciin (jtloielia.
Vol. S of tlirs niluiii'able work Is Just
out, making it lillif complete, as there
are lo lie in in all, ol mod )ittgcs eauh,
one bciiiii issued in two months. It
makes a complete library, and llo one
can nlibril to do without it who would
keep well Informed. Price e' a vol
ume lu leather, or ,io in elegant
hitli'Turkcy. C. K.Judtoii. Fredonia,
N. V., controls thesale In Elk county.
Address him for particulars,
Xftv AtlVCl'ttsemeiits.
Health. Comfort
and Economy.
Curk Plmvings are iiusiirpiisBcl us un
article for Hods. Mitlti estes cv. 'i'hi-y are
ten limes n. durable as Huslt? or Si raw.
Only 0 centH per lb. ForiyioiiiuU will till
the lnrgest bed. Fsr Hitle by Armstrong,
ISrniher Co,, 44 and 46 First Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa. nlmlinl.
IHt. VAN DYKE, whose life long
sjkciamtv. and world wiile reputation for
ored for jeer to comiiink an kxi'khnai.
trkatmkkt. He has Accnmplislied this de.
sirable rfbclt in the preparation of his
conipouud -'jiULPHUR SOAP." the merits
of which are spoken of by iliottands ; it is
highly recommended to all our readers.
Price, 25cis. by mail, 85cts a bo j 8 cakes
OOcts. by mail 75ctg. Office. 60 K. 5th St.
Wholesale Dki-ot, 400 N. 3d St.. Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST.
n21y leow,
pay cash for goods, and gut more than
the worth of your cash.
Go to POWELL & KIME for your
flour, feed and pork, and everything
else in the provision line.
Administrators' Notice.
Estate of John McLaughlin late of
St. Mary's Boro. Elk Co., Pa., de
ceased. Letters Testamentary Upon
the above estate hnve been granted to
the undersigned, all persons Indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims to
present the same without delay to
Ing, also choice syrup always on hand
at .
KIME'S are high to be sure; but still
are a little cheaper than at any other
siore la town.
at POWELL 4 KIME'S, only eight
cents per. yard.
Meal, Oats, always on hand at
POWELL & KIME'S at Loitom pri-
All persons are hereby forbidden
selling goods to, or trusting ai5ry person
on my account, without my written
order, as I will pay no debts thus con
tracted after this date.
Ridgway May Z, 1877.-ly
Bute Sotcsi
figtWeBH fl.OOd arid 1,006 6lU9 mllilla
art under arms.
A Berks county girl thrashed two yoUng
men who had Insulted hur at a danoe.
It is staled that the Greenville rolling
mill Is lo be sold at sheriff's sale neit court.
A School Controller was among those ar
tested fot1 riot in Reading,
The oil refineries Which suspended on ac
count of the strike on the railroads nte re
suming operations'
The number or Idle titdll hi the anthra
cite coal regions ie estimated at over 40,
000. Dr. J. D. Bryant, a prorrtindttt cltilen of
Philadelphia and well known author) is
dead. .
The Carboaaale iituhorlilt! lntve substi
tuted gasolia for gas In light ing the streets,
and the people Are dlsgunled.
The fowahda Fire Department has or
gan i led ft Are police, Joseph Ouhs Is cap
tain Rltd Thomas Meredith lieutenant.
lilted men are paid $u to 910 per month
and day lithdrcrs sevetlty-nve etmtSaday
in Berks county.
About six hundred citizens of Reading
hltve been stimutohed aud eWorn in by
Sheriff Yorgey, to serve on the p06Be
Spits dogs tire the terror of Reading, a
great many, of them Infesting that city.
Several persons have been bitten during
the past week.
The notorious Xingo Parks turned up in
Pittsburgh one day last week as chairman
of a miners' c.'uveutiod, demanding More
.The Bradford County Commissioners are
going to purchase two hundred tltlJ seventy
norcs fol' a poor-house farm, tt Will cost
The Whole force of the Conneautville
Courier oftice, two editors, printer!) and
I lie 'dnl,'' shut up shop and Marched o IT
wilh the militia last week,
The I'lilJwin works at Philadelphia are
! timing out from three to four locomotives
a week. About 1,100 men are employed in
A part of a burn ib Northampton County
In which H tuilitia company is supposed to
have been iplartcrcd a eetltury ago is still
It is e j pooled thut the new depot at
Pittsburgh will be Completed by next
Saturday. The pay roll of the workmen
engaged upou it is $0,000 per day.
Anna Reutz was arrested in Reading ou
Thursday charged wilh riot., in having ae
sielcd to stone the troops. She was held
in $1,000 bail to anVwer,
(Jonl iiltlpiiicnt was resumed OU the Le
high Vulley railroad on Wednesday the 1st.
Three hundred aud eighty-one cars were
brought down the road I'M of which were
disir.buied to the furnaces.
It is said to be a fact that at the place in
Pittsburgh where the greatest number of
rioters were killed is a sign painted by the
Young Msu's Christian Ataocialion. ''Pre
pare to .Meet your Gud.'1
William Ilassler, of Oley township,
Berks county, died f old ff;ernnbc 24th
nit., and his wife followed liiih " To the grtfYo
one week later, llo was aevetily-nino and
she was eighty-four yours old,
A resident of Huntingdon couuly, while
en ienvotitig to capture two cubs, was dis
covered by the mother bear and driven
ibiwii a miiuutuiu aud finally coutf filed tt.
climb a tree for safety.
The Republican says that the suspension
of the Lock Ibivon National Bank bus in
noulso ntfected the other banks in that
cily. They are doing busiuesb as usual.
The d lily loss to the workmen Of Al
loona, cays the Mirror, has been about
$5,000 pet day, divided amoug trainmen,
shop hands and laborers, or about $:10,000
per week.
The Pennsylvania Anthracite company's
store nt Greenwood, Lutcrue county, was
robbed on Ftiduy morning of about. 94,000
worth of goods- There is no clue to the
Scrattlon, August 6. A force of 280
United Slutes regulars commanded by
Lieutenant. Col, Brunnon arrived to-day to
relieve the Seventh Division National
guard, who have been here since Saturday
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has just finished at the Altoona shops a
handsome observation car. It is intended
to give travelers a better View of the Horse
Shoe Curve and Its grand scenery. It is
built like other cars, only that the side is
all open and has comfortable arm chairs.
Rev. 0. H, Ashcnfclter, of this
state, Is to be tried for heresy by the Re
formed church. lie is charged with deny
ing the inspiration of the Old Testament
and the eternal punishment of those who
live and die impenitent.
The effort has failed to secure s sew
trial for Emory Hess, who was convicted
and sentenced to fifteen years' imprison
ment on the charge cf being concerned in
the outrage on Clara Baugbman in Phila
delphia. The guests wbo accompanied Governor
Hartranfton his excursion to California
have returned home, reaching Norristown
yesterday. They had reached Salt Lake
City when the news came of the riots, and
the Governor started home at once.
The last strike reported is on the Pitts
burgh, Allegheny and Manchester street
railway line. Two colored drivers Were
placed on the line to supply the places of
two men discharged, and the balance of the
drivers refused to affiliate. Travel was
not inteirupted.
The strength of Laros, the poisoner, at
Easton, is fast giving way before the re
peated attacks of bis convulsions. For
several nights bebas been entirely pros,
trated; and when the warden and his
deputy were first summoned on Tuesday
night, he was thought to be dead, which
circumstance gave wing to the rumor that
be bad died. His spasms lasted almost
the entire night. Large pools of blood
were found upon the floor of his cell and on
his cot, where it bad flowed from bis eyes.
ears, nose and mouth. His lips were cov
ered with foam ; bis body was black and
bis puis teemsd to have ceased to beat.
There Is ft walking-stick which, accord
ing to ft eerrspondent of soientlno news
paper) Is (Jutting some queer antics in
Cumberland county. It has stripped the
leaves from whole rows 0f locust and peach
trees, and is stilt engaged i0 the work of
devastation. It Is not a cans, however,
but a comparatively new Inseot, the soi
tlfid name of Which Is speotrum fomoatum.
fhvy arrested a persistent tramp at
Betlefonte recently, and he oonfoasnd to
the tricks of the trade lo get off. He ad.
milted that the put marks upon bouses to
guide those wbo fplloned (hem, and laid
that the stone house a fw doors below had
a mark upon It . The house referred to
was Governor CUrtln's and the Vagabond
pointed nut the tramp mark of! a post
which he said, meant, "A good place for a
square meal."
II. N. Sprague, of Porter, Bell ft Co
works, Pittsburgh William Miller, master
mechanio of Ibe . Pittsburgh Looomotive
Works, and D. A. WltcmnU, of the Pitts
burgh works, have been etioscu n efiperts
to examine tke Pennsylvania railroad's
engines and report the pfnbablo cott of re
pairing the same, nnd nlsu to appraise and
fix a value upon lliecttf w'.irels. Captain
0. W. Batchelor will Melst tliem lu the
The Pittsburg Telegraph says' the press
is well renrtsctited in Millnr Ocueral
lluidekopcr's Command, nin e editors being
on duly. Thev life D. L. Barton, of the
Mereer Dispatch ( C. W. Ray, of the
Sharon Herald I GeoriiC D. Herbert. Sharon
Tiraes I W, T. Harpnr, local of the Oreen.
vllle Advance ( Harry Watson, Greenville
Argus ; W, A ami J. E. Rupert, ConueSUt.
ville Courier Ebeu BreiVcr, elilor, and C.
II. StelgCr, local, of the Erie Dippltteh
Hdnry A. Parsons, Jr., Elk Co., Advecnte
tthlluu !
Peaches ai'C tloliciotW.
Water Melons are lu niiti'Uet.
Co. H Is stationed nt Scrantoiii
Trains run. regularly on this divis
Several Cases of scui'let feVer in
The "lighting" editor of the Aovo
i' ATE is oil' to the war yet.
Read our letter front Smunton in
unother column,
The long drouth will Spoil the late
potato crop in this section.
Order your Fresh Peaches by the
crate for preserving at the West End
When one man, whips another
man's boy, then, there is trouble be
tween two families.
Sugars, Coffees, Teas,,
Cheese, Dried licet'Sliced, ut the West
End Store.
Geo. It. Levi, who litis occupied the
M punt-rHuu UuiliUng lnrinr the lust
three months as a clothing store, has
removed, with Ills stock, to Warren,
Picnics Fettivuls & Private Parties,
can always have their orders for Cakes
of every vai'lty tilled promptly by
calling at the West End Store.
"The Circassians ure at their old
trade of selling their daughters again."
That's very common among parents
in this country also,
The M'JCvau Miner says! It has
been decided In Cabinet meeting to al
low postmasters to attend pruyer
meetings, out of business hours.
How pleasant it l, to have about
sixty cows, (more or less) around at
night, with bells on, when 'a person
wants to sleep. It makes us want to
say our prayers.
'This,'-' remarked thcTurkish guard
to ilia general, "is a Cossack of the
Don" "Oil' with his heiiil, gaul Don
him I replied the general. And 'twas
no sooner said than Don.
In Roma Georgia, recently 'seven
brothers named Hill, were Indicted
for counterfeiting. Rome sat on her
seven Hills us usual, Evciiiny H'w-
The two locomotives belonging to
the Shawmut railroad struck last Week
and were promptly taken to the
junction to bo transferred to other
roads. Thus endctlt the HhaWmut
Speaking by the rami ,' "You seem
to know all the golp of the neigh
borhood, Mary." "Yes, ma'am, my
young man is a letter carrier, and he
reads me all the postal cards,"
Presbyterian Services next Sunday
in the Lutheran church morning and
evening. Communion after the
morning service. Preparatory lecture
on Saturday at 4 P. M. In the church.
Q. G. Messenger is sole agent at this
place for the sale of Arnolds Celebra
ted Nickel Plating. ThisJ plating
makes a beautiful surface, and is so
simple that a chld can use it, and we
are of the opinion that no one but a
child would wish to Use it more than
Denny Mealy, while on the way to
New Flanders with a fishing pafty,
Wednesday night the 1st Inst., fell
from the wagon nnd broke his leg j
He was taken to the residence of
Horace Warner ju Jones township,
neaf where the accident occurred, and
at last accounts was improving
Parties In need of Reliable Dry
Goods Ready made suits for Ladies,
Gents, and Children, Hats, Boots,
Shoes, Ladies & Gentlefnens Furnish
ing Goods of every kind can have
their orders promptly attended to by
calling upon S. A. Rote at the West
End Store, who is Agent for all
Wananiakefs Goods at Philadelphia
11 JUv0tati.
TH URHDA V, A Uu UST 11, Mil.
The valuable library of jthe glate
George Brinley, cf Hartford," whlchMs
cftllcd the choicest private collection
of rare books In the country, is to be
offered for sale. Among the treamires
is a Mazarln Bible which cost $12,000,
and, except the one bought by Mr.
Brown, of Providence, front the Len
nox library. Is the only copy in the
couhtry. There aro also several
Elliot's Indian Bibles and a particu
larly rich collection of the Mather
A young gentleman telegraphic op
erator in San Diego, California, after
repeated calls for a young lady opera
tor in another office, at last got a re
sponse, and then, "click, click, click"
(fortissimo,) he telegraphed back to
her vehemently, "1 have been trying
to get you for the last hour 1" In a
moment the following spicy reply
came tripping back to him over the
wires from the telegraphic maiden I
"Tlmt's nothing) there is a j-OWMg
matt here who has beell trying to llo
the same thing for the titst two yenrs ;
and he llusn't got tic yuL"
Messrs. J. S. & Wi H . Hyde Imve a
large force of workmen engaged in
putting up a ware house In the rear of
their new store. The WoTe-hmlse Will
be about 2H by HO feet, the Walls and
lloor to be of stone undthci'otif of Iron,
one end will be Used as tit! engine and
boiler room leaving, about sixty-four
feet in length for ware-room. We arc
glad to note such evidence of prosper
ity, tts t Ills' Is ft live tlrni which gives
employment to a large number of
melt, ttlld In all their undertakings
descrvciittld generally achieve success.
We t:nn recall but one conspicuous
failure which Was a few years ago
when Mr. W, H. Hyde became the
proprietor of the Elk Lvinourat, and
we are not sure but that might still be
ntude a good investment by employ
ing a man with less egotism and more
bhtiiis as managing editor.
We clip the following from a dis
patcli to the Philadelphia Timet.
"General Huldeltopcr lost an at'm at
Gettysburg, and commands one of the
finest bodies of melt in camp." The
Ridgway Rifles ar u part of that
We are gltitl to see Hliell complimen
tary notices of our boys as the above,
HMd fclisjlect that Rcrtuin disreputable
sympathizers With lawlessness in our
midst who did all in their power to
persuade the boys to refuse to go to the
front when ordered, and prophesied
that they would never rwaeh their des
tination, but Would give up their
arms to the first mob that should ask
for them, and return, will come up
smiling when the boys return "covered
all over with glory" (and prehaps
lice) and say they alwuys knew Co.
H, would gis-cagood account of them
selves. Tii hi: k Mux Smothkkkij To Dkat it
iiy (Jas. Last Wednesday J. C. Hol
lowell, living In Langville, in Beaver
township, desired to clean out a well
thut was used for the purpose of furn
isbinir water for his family, his wife
assisting him, letting him down with
the Windlass. When Mr Hallowell
reached the bottom of the Well, only a
depth ot twenty feet, lie commenced
to feel the effects' of poisonous gas and
called to be drawn up, his call being
promptly responded to, but just as he
reached the top of the well he fell
back, the effects of the gtw completely
unnerving him. A Mr. Thomas
Moore came to the rescue and Went
down Into the Well to relieve Mr. H.,
but he too was overcome, when a third
man, John Hartley, went down and
succeeded in fastening a rope to Mr.
Moore and himself, and was raised up
about half way when the two men be
came fastened in the well, and the as
sistance of pike poles was necessary
to relieve them. Before this Work
was accomplished Hartley was also
overcome, and only lived a short time
after being taken out. Hollowell and
Moore were dead when they were
taken out, This is one of the most
sad catastrophys that it has been our
duty to record, three men, lu the full
enjoyment of health, Mr. Hollowell
the father of four children, and Mr.
Moore having a wife and one child, to
be cut off in such a short time and
such an unexpectcn manner, is sttd in
deed. They Were laid out together at
the scene of the calamity, artd the en
tire community followed them to
their graves with sad and sympathetic
hearts, We have 'no knowledge of
why it was the well became so foul, it
being rarely that one 0 shallow be
comes so deadly poisonous. Brook
villc Ilepublican. a
Committed for Murder.
Tit ft vmm WHO MAIIK so dkAULy
It will be remembered that since
the memorable retreat of the Phila
delphia soldiers, five different men
have been arrested on suspicion of be
ing the ohe who followed the soldiers
and picked them off otte by Otte, with
one shot killing tVo. Yesterday the
soldiers who saw the ntaft fire CHnle to
identify the murdered They were
taken to file Jail, and John Harris,
William Philips and Harry Goffwere
put in line with a number of other
prisoners who had nothing to do with
the matter; and Lieutenant Charles
P. Chariton, 'of the Sixth Regiment,
Immediately picked out Harry Goff as
the murderer, stating that he can
swear positively that Goff fired the fa
tal shots. Charlton gave his address
arid business to the police, as he Wants
to be a witness here When the trial
takes place, Mayor McCarthy lodged
a commitment for murder against
Goff, lio having only beeti Confined
thus far on a charge of arson. Pitu
lUryh Telegraph.
POWELL & KIME have a flue lo
of dress goods, also all other kind ot
dry goodsat low rates.
Letter from ScrftrrUnn
' " JfeDttoitlAL COBttUsPoKDEJfCU.
Cailtp Magee, .4ug. 0 187?.
In my last letter we were at Pitts
burgh, from Which place we embarked
on Tuesday, the 81st inst., on the cars
of the Penna. R. R. Our course was
through Westmoreland which is one
of the richest counties in the Stale,
and I saw some of the finest residences
and most tastefully laid out grounds
one would Wish to see, flttd We were
greeted everywhere with manifesta
tions of joy aud welcome.
No one In the regiment know our
destination, although it Was rumored
we were going to Scrantoh, On the
morning of the 2d inst., we were
landed at Kingston, a place thirteen
miles from Scranton, our course hav
ing bedfl over the Peun. R. R. to
Lewlstown, over the Lewlstown
branch to Northumberland and over
the Bloofnsburgh branch of the D. L. tt. to Kingston, Where we
canlpcd in the cars for two days and
lived on hard lack, hnm, potatoes,
benns, and coffee, Our cooking ar
rangements being very meager we
did not live tts well as we should have
dune wltii the amount of provisions
furnished us, as our cooks were too
lasy or too Inexperienced to dish it up
111 much style, aud some of the boys
preferred to pay for their meals outside
to living on camp rations, and no little
amount of grumbling waslhdulged In.
The train- we came In stood on the
track and In It We "roosted" ttt hlgltt,
am! all will testify that camping in the
open field is much to be preferred to
sleeping In the cars.
On Suttmltty wo again started for
Scranton, Which place we reached at
half past seven or eight in the even
ing, Sunday morning dawned bright
and blueing on the eons of Scranton,
and our boys Were soon out ori the
streets viewing the city. Wc visited
the pluce where fotlf persons were
killed last Wednesday and saw where
the blood splattered tin the steps,
sidewalk, and hitching posts, and
Well' shown where the balls had
crushed through the store windows,
and iito the brick walls, some being
ito high ns tn feet from the ground.
A Sabbath stillness pervaded the place
and the "t'burcb-golng-bell" calling
the worshippers to their devotions
gave no token of the recent tragedy,
nor of the foaming and discontented
clement that may break forth at any
time, and lay the city in ashes and
deluge the streets with human gore.
That such an element; treacherous as
an Indian, and as unreliable as the
shifting sands on the seashore, does
exist here no one. doubts. The city
has about forty-five thousand inhabi
tants, of which the miners and iron
workers, number fully two-thirds.
Men ure working at starvation wages
and there is a time when endurance
seems to be no longer a Virtue, and
that time has arrived now, and btlt
for the presence of large bodies of
troops, tilt uprising would be made
here that would place the rioters of
Plttburtjh a lurgo way lit the vhadc.
I have been told that one of the coal
companies' superintendents, Mr.
Scranton, bad said "that thirty cents
a tiny Was enough for a poor mail, and
that he would yet make the miners
cat their own children." Of course
such threats as this does not help to
put out the flame but? serves rather to
increase it, and If Mr. Scratiton's heat)
stays ou his shoulders a Week it Won't
be the fault of the miners, and even
noW he is skulking about the city, in
fear of his life.
In a few hour's the feglhieht Was
formed and marched to a place a little
out of towii Where we pitched our
tents, and got ready to stay a While in
Scranton Several of the boys are
feeling a little homesick, nhd wishing
the cruel wttf would end, although
there is no telling JioW long We may
stay here. The boys of Co. "H"' have
enjoyed good health geuerally sittce
they left home, and all seen! to feel in
good spirits We will gfve a few
The "seven sleepers" of Co. "H" are
among the seven wonders of the
Geo. W has killed his inail, While
on guard duty, that is he came near
killing hint, the verdict of the jury
given In our nexti
One of the Jst Philadelphia boys
shot at a chap Who would not halt,
and the hext morning a woman came
into camp and demanded pay for her
coW. The gUard got Out of the scrape
by saying he called halt three times
and it would not halt and so he fired.
A game of buss bull between the
Hard Tftcks, Orderly Horton, James
and Geo. Rhincs of Co. H. and six
members of other companies, with
Orderly Horton as captain, played
the Mollle Muguires for a bat, the
score standing 25 to 9 in favor of the
Hard Tacks, our boys capturing the
The water through this section of
the country is generally bad and not
relished by the boys, they being used
to good water.
Several members 6f the company
were afeen out Walking with the
Scranton girls.
Privates Kline nhd Chapin, have a
big box of I'll tsburgh relies.
The boys Of Co. JI lake their cups
and tin plates to the Captain's head
quarters to eat thfeir meals, and com
pany head-quarters is also a good
place to loaf.
Three field officers tve-re elfeeleli to
day Robti B. Magee Colonelj J. S.
Gates, Lieut Cob, John Crahe, Major.
Col. Magee has been acting Col. since
the resignation bf Ceil, Lytic, and is an
efficient and popular officer.
His rumored that the regular are
corning here to relieve us, which re
port we all hope is true.
more Anon,
ANoTiiEit DiaAS-nwun Ifir.H VA
BltomtviLLtt. Hundny morning last,
nt about 1 o'clock, an alarm of fire
was. raised, and it was soon discov
ered the machine shops, of Messrs,
Brown, Roth & Jenks were on fire,
and had gained such headway that
the limited means at the command of
our cltlacha with which to combat the
flames were entirely Inadequate, and
that the main building, In which was
the valuable machinery of the coin
pany, the engine, blacksmith shop
pattern shop nnd office, could not be
saved. The Hook and Ladder Com
pany was promptly on the ground ttfirt
worked manfully, succeeding, with the
assistance of citizens, In sating the
moulding house. The labor required'
to do this was very severe, the heat ut
one time being quite intense.
- During the progress of the fire quite
u panic was created by the cry that
the boiler of the engine Was about to
burst, and it vtts amusing to see the
crowd take to cover. The steam soon
commenced to escape, however, and
the crowd returned and commenced
work upon the fire, succeeding ill
keeping it inside of the building
where It originated.
How the fire originated is yet irt
doubt, but It Is believed by many that
it was the work Of ah incendiary,
there having been threats made to
burn the town, and Very questionable
movements by suspicious characters
observed by several of 6'tif eitlsens.
We hope this is not the case, fbf we
do not Want to believe that Brookville
has in her midst any person who so
richly deserves hanging as he Who
could so Wantonly destroy property
The lose Of the gentlemen compos'
ing the firm will Aggregate fully $20,
000, on Which there is an insurance of
but $4,000 which Was placed by Mr,
Jeflfcs on Ids interest.
It is just three years this month
since the old machine shops, belong
ing to Messrs' Brown, Son & Co., and
situutrd on the same ground, were
burned, ahd for setting fire to which
Andrew Miller is now serving a five
year term lu the Penitentiary.
As pertinent to this chronicle of
another disaster to one of Brookville's
greatest interests, one that affects
more or less every citizen and property
owner within the borough limits, we
.merely lnehilon the fact that the
money value of the property burned
last Sunday fiiornihg Would more
than build tne Water Works that have
been under contemplation, and that
it Was the opinion of nearly every per
son on the ground soori after the
alarm of fire was given, that With u
supply of water and lioso to attach,
there would have been no difficulty in
mastering the flames before any con
siderable damage was done. In this
case, ns in many others, we feel our
people, or tlicir representatives mora
properly, Have been "penny wise and
pound foolish" in delaying action on
such tin Important matter. JJroofc
villc Eepublictaii
Fail-port, Aug. 4.-Tho Reform
Council this afternoon had a confer
ence on the new temperance move
ment, Reeles Robinson described the
Murphy work at Elmlrtt, and Rev,
Mr, Mead the work at Hornellsville,
Francis Murphy followed with an ad
dress on Gospel temperance. Four
thousand persons were present,
Murphy gave a sketch Of his friend
Eecles Robinson, Who spent $70,000 in
dissipation, but had thoroughly re
formed. The speaker told the well
known story of his own life, and as
serted that the prevailing evil of
America was that the youttg men
were ashamed of hottest labor. Mur
phy Kpoktrtwo hours,
A very heartrending story comes
from Nantes, twenty-one miles north
west Of. Pulls. Vietorine Noisin, a
young girl of nineteen, was last May
elected Roslere, or the most virtucus
girl there, and was engaged to be
married on the 14th of this month ,
but meanwhile some miscreant spread
reports injurious to her character, and
even wrote an anonymous letter con
taining these charges to her lover. He
sent his brother to speak to her about
these statements, aud the latter, after a
long conversation, during which the
poor girl grew terribly excited showed
her the letter. She read it, burst from
him and plunged into the Seine. A
poet mortem examination, conducted
In the presence of the municipal
authorities proved that there was not
a shadow of foundation for the vilo
Prof. H. W. Roth Of Thief College
will deliver a lecture at the Lutheran
Church in Ridgway, Saturday even
ing the 18th Inst, Subject Luther,
The Professor has been in Ridgway
before and many of our citlzefis know1
him to be a splendid Orator and the
people may expect ft nice treat on that
occasion. Tickets 50 cents,
AM persons who took part in the ex
ercises of the late Ridgway entertain
ments are requested to meet at the
school) house on Saturday eveninc
Augi nth, at 70'clock;
The Russian shores of the Black Sert
are infested by a plague of venomnous
spiders, whose, bite Causes pain for
several days, and in sbme cases, is even
fatal; It is supposed that a diminu
tion of the birds and insects which or
dinarily feed on these animals has
caused their appearing in. Buch nuni'
President Vondeibitt of the New V01l
Central & Hudson Rivor It. R., has issued
circular staling that of the twelve thousaud
employees of the company, less than five
hundred slruokj and no injury was done lit
property. In recoghilion of. their fealiy
he direct $100,000 to be divided fttably,
according lo their position on the pay roll
uihohg all employees engaged in Operating
the road. 1U says no man who. in tim
- -r " '
trial, embarrasses the company en remaju.
in or reenter in its service, cud addj lht
pay will be iucrea&ed the tooaent thai