mm Mwmtt Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1877 Oil News. The railroad strike and the low price of oil has nearly demoralised the oil operations, and drillers 'in the Warren oil district, and for some days, thing looked decidedly blue. The new hundred barrel well of Hell it Co., on the Eggleston farm In Olade, lias created quite an excitement, nnd 'the putting up of more new rigs, nnd the drilling of several old wells to a greater depth, will be the order of ex ercises for the next ten days. The well on the Hosklns farm, a mile or two north-east of the Bell & Co. well, 1.4 full of oil, and as soon ns tanks can be erected, the last blows will be struck, when it is expected the fluid will gush forth In a satisfactory manner. This Is the most north-eastern well, nnd the most remote or outside well In thin district, and If the hopes and expecta tions of its owners should be realized, many new derricks will be put up in the neighborhood, and North Glade will again be the centre of attraction and business. At North Warren on the Asylum Grounds, the well of Struthers & Co. Is down nearly five hundred feet, and the show of both gas and oil indicates a first class well. Watson Co., on the Crull farm a few rods north of the Asylum grounds, have n new well down about four hundred feet. This well will no doubt prove another gusher as it is close to the No. 1 of same company, which has yielded so largely for some months. Dlngley & Co. have been pumping their well across the river in Pleasant Tp. for several days. The production is small but the company think the show suffi cient to j testify the putting down of another well a short distance south east, and they will commence opera tions in a few days on No. 2. The well on Coffee Run, a few miles from Corydon is down about 800 feet, and the drillers express great satisfaction with the present indications of gas and oil, and especially with character of the second sand in which they are at present at work. The striking of two new wells at Bullion, one of 800 and the other of 300 barrels-, has weakened the mai'ket in the lower district, and prices fluc tuated (Wednesday) morning the 8th between $2.50 and $2.35, but at eleven o'clock a sale of 5000 barrels took place at $2.41 J. The market will surely ad vauce, as orders are being constantly .received for the purchase of large quantities of oil, one gentleman of this place having been notified by tele- graph t purchase 100,000 barrels for Boston parties and 50,000 for Rochester parties. Oil is worth about 2,00 at Glade and 1.90 at North Warren There is ivo dilt'eronco in the quality or muse oils and' the difference in price i owing to pipe rates. Thos. Bell & Co. have started a new well on Kirbirger lease. Washington, Aug., 5. No action has yet been taken by the War De partment towards returning the Fed eral troops recently ordered to differ ent points in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, Maryland and" elsewhere to the points occupied by them before the labor troubles commenced, and it is not probable the troops will be re moved from these localities for some time to come. A good portion of the President's message upon the reassembling of Congress will be devoted to the con a i deration of the labor question. At numerous Cabinet meetings, held within two weeks past, this subject has in several instances been dis- eussed, to the exclusion of all other matters. Several members of the Cabinet are known to favor the pas' sage of a law providing for the o-rganl zation of a commission, which shall have due regard for the Interest of all concerned producers, merchants, railroad employees and capitalists, so than on any questions a fair com promise may be effected. A member of the Cabinet, in a recent con versa' tiou, spoke of this, and argued that Congress has the right to pass such a law uuder the' clause of the constitu tiou authorizing that body to regulate commerce- with foreign nations and among line several States, and within the Indian tribes. Such commission might be vested with power to ex amine into the desirability of charter ing new railroads, and might require certain conditions to be fulfilled as to establish reasonable certainty that the projected road would be remunerative, and that the company would have means to pay for its construction, and thus avoid disastrous failures. New York, Aug. 5. A Pittsburgh dispatch notes the departure of several companies of regulars for Wilkesbarre The strikers on the Pittsburgh brand of the Baltimore and Ohio are sending threatening letter and shooting at men on the trains. Tom Scott wanted tb County Com mission ers of Pittsburgh to settle the claims for losses by the fires, but tney refused, holding the county is not liable. The Third division, Pennsylvania militia which has been dismissed by the Governor for apparent sympathy with the rioters, has asked for a court martial to examine its record during service. A young man who is evidently without pride of ancestry or tope of posterity is constructing a raft on which he expects next month to ride Dver Niagara Falls. The raft Is being constructed on scientific principles, but no doubt the young man will be drowsed in the common way. CY chmati gcuette. Headquarters Republican State Committee. Harrisburo, July 12, 1877 , By direction of the Republican State Committee, the Republican State Convention heretofore called to meet at Harrlsburg on the Sftth day of August next, is hereby postponed, to meet in Harrlsburg, nt noon, on Wed nesday, September 6, 177. This post ponement Is made nt the request of a large number of delegates elect, who have engagement to be present nt a triennial conclave of Knights Temp lar, which assembles nt Cleveland, Ohio, on the il'.'th day of August next. By order of the Committee, HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman. . WILSON NORRIS, Secretary. The First Shot at Pittsburgh. The testimony at the coroner's In quest over the dend by the Pittsburgh riot makes it evident that the first shot was fired by one of the mob, de scribed ns "a tall thin man, wearing an old straw tint, drawn down over his face, who had before resisted an at tempt to arrest him." This person seems to have been a particularly des perate scoundrel. "He loaded his gun on the sidewalk," said one of the wit nesses, "walked out into tne middle ot the street, kneeled down and shot nt the soldiers. Then lie walked over to the left and prepared his piece again ; ho followed them up; l saw mm nre two shots. Each of these shots killed n. Philmlelnhia soldier, and not until two of their comrades had ianen am the troops return the lire without or ders, it is true, from their officers. Another witness gave, in uie course oi his story, nn instance of the mob's brutality. One of the soldiers came running towards him, crying ns he fell on the sidewalk, "My God! take me somewhere;" I nm shot. The Witness stood over him ns he lny dy ing, "when a man approached us with a revolver In his hand: he was about to shoot the wounded soldier, when I persuaded him, nt my own peril, not to do so; the soldier begged for God's sake not to kill him; the would-be assassin then ran away, when others came up and were about to search the soldier; I again interfered, and said if there was any searching io oe uone t would do it ; at this juncture the regi ment came marching up." A Murderer's Bravado. OOINO TO II18 DUATU WITH JKKB8 OH Ills Lirs AS ASTONISHING SPKCTACVE. Lake Charles, La., July 23. Jole Guid- vcy, conuemneu lor me murtier oi juiiu lienlc, was hanged to-uay m J.aae c-uaries, on the square adjoining ine jau ue mouuted the scaffold al 1:40 o'elock this af ternoon, assisted by the Sueritf and a friend, and accompanied by Father Charles, Guidrey was sent to New Orleans ransh prison for safe keeping, because a rescue was anticipated, During his prison life he gave himself up to religious instruction. He arriveu here on me iit inst., since which time he bag borne himself bravely. He was firm, cool and determined; but constantly declared that he ought not to die for killing Beale, because lieale had seduced his wife and ruined bis borne and his children's future. On the callows Guidrey behaved m a desperate nnd daring manner. He ad dressed the cro-vd, saying that be killed John Benle, and would do so again to day that he ought not lo d tor it, but thai lio would die like a man. Father Charles said a few words ot -assenting. He then turned to nis lrienu on the scaffold ana aaia, ' l am nrm. i nm not afraid to die." He said what C. C. Dusen testified to in court ia not so. He continued talking loud to the crowd, de claring his lnuiUerence to acatn, ana mat lie woulu commit tne same crime ugaiu auu again ; that ne was jusuneu. Before he wur pinioned he took up the rope In his lianas- it was uangiing ironi a beam above him to his feet. He handled the rope and examined the noose, saying, the lall is not enough, i want a mean neck fall of ten feet." The sheriff length ened the rope to a fall of about eight feet, but this did Dot satisfy biuu He tried to n the knot to see if it worked easily. When the black cap was put over his heud he cried out, "Why, I ean see everything." The rope was adjusted and tne slipknot tightened. Ho said, "Not so light, but Dut the knot more on one sidu'of my neck." As the eherin toon up tne axe io cut tne rope he cried out jeeiingly, "I can tee you are going to- eut the rope-" In a few seconds more while the condemned man was saying be did not eare, the axe fell, he rope parted ana uuiarey uiea almost instantaneously. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing to the mi ions or jik county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent tor JJr. J isan s uo's x'atent Ivory and Lignum Vitas Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. ul7yl. NEW TIME TABLE P. & E. R R. Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877, W11COX. Mail East .. 4:13 p m (?fcjfc r 1 4X 1) 111 Day Express East 6:22 a m Niagara Express West ... &2 p m RUtOWAV. Mail Kust - 4:4'J p Mail West 2:11 p Day Express East... l:i(i a Niagara Express West.... ..... 7:45 p 81'. MARl'B. Mail East... 5:18 p Mail West... 1:40 p Day Express East 7:20 a Niagara Express West 7:18 p m Kates oi Advertising. One column, one yea. .... ....$75 0U !' 40 00 " M .. 25 00 " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one inaerMon $1, two inser nona,, three insertions. Si llusmess cards, ten lines e? less, tier year $o. Advertisements payable quarterly. PATENT S ! Fee Reduced, Entire Cott;$55, Patent Office Fee $35 in advance, bal anee $20 within 6 months after patent al lowed. Advice and examination free Pateats PeM. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO.. nl2ml Washington. D. C. BOOTH, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S Send in subscriptions to the Advo CATE. Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. o o O o o o QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BlvOKERd, No. 42 houth Third Street. Philadelphia, Aug., Dlh, 1877. Bin. ASRxn U. S.'lPSl. e 112! ma do do '05 J and J- 1061 107 do do '65 . (lo K8j lOil do do 65 do Ill 111 10-40, do coupon 113 1M do Pacific fl's ev 124! 12 New 5'a Keg. 1881 10!1 1105 " V. 18HI i, Reg. iH'.tl ' o. 18!H ..110 110 ..108 Klitl ,..1082 10Kj ..105 NlftJ Gold Silver Pennsylvania, ,,,, 2(iJ a Keading , . 2 riiilndelnhln & Kris 7 1) Lehigh Navigation 17 17 uo Valley 83 J umtea u 11 ot N J ex. div..l27 12 ) Pittsburgh. T. ft Buffalo R. K 1 7 Northern Central ex. div 13 1J central Transportation 27 2N Nesquehoning 45 411 North Pennsylvania 88 40 C & A Moitens-o G's '89 110 1101 Administrator's Sale! BY virtue of nn order of the Or phans' Court of Elk County, the un dersigned administrator will expose to public sale, on THE 1'ltHMItfEW, hat one o'clock i ai., on SATURDAY. AUGUST 11. 1877 All that certain piece or pureel of luuu situate in l lit; lownsiitp ot fox, in the county of Elk nnd Stale of Penn sylvania, adjoining lands of Francis O'Neill (formerly Smitli Mend's,) and described w follows : Hounded on the cast by lands of Eurley and Her shey :on the south by lands of Francis O'Neill; on the west bv lands be longing to the John Mnlone estate and on the north by lands of J Seifred and others, cont: ining about one hundred acres, upon which Is erected one frame dwelling house, one barn lime kiln nnd lime shed, and othe out-buildings. Said tract, known as the M'Cready farm, is well fenced, in good order, and lias a number ot bear ing truit trees growing thereon. TKKMS OF SALK. One-half of the purchase money in ciisu on me continuation ottiiesuie by the court, and the other half with in terest thereon in one year, secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. HENRY M'CREADY. Administrator of the Estate of Huiih M'Cready, deceased. July 12th, 1877. (TT""is not easily earned in these limbs but it can be uindo in three months by any one of either sex, in any part, of the county who is willing to work steadily al the employment thai we furnish. $00 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the busiuess Terms and !?5 Out tit free. Address it t once, H I1ALLETT At CO., Portland Maine. one. GARDEN SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to year member of congress, who is flooded with applications lm id but (lUniu the same Varieties, innl all the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned beside my own specialties I tun piopm-cu n lurnish any kind ot seed lium ;iny cnta Ingi.e at a discount often per cent fiuin 1st prices, tor the convenience ol those who want an assortment I have, prepared wo collections. No 1 consists if Ulvario. ICS 01 C ll U 1 l"U rM TlTTr t-r n nylv flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises complete collcciun ot Vegetable seeds lor a small lainilr uarden, price $l.-0. l'nckuces of the two sets con bined for ji2.HU Sent pottpnul to any address on lcceipt ol Diioe. 1 he seeds in these collections would cost double the money, mutle up in separate orders or purchased of nny dealer. n. u. S.llllll, 734 lilth STUEET, Washington, D. 0. PAIENTS secured tor me- hunical ill vi- ccs. tiade-marlis, designs, and compcunds. Labels registered. Iiitriugenunis, re issues mid iiiieil'eieuces will resolved pro 11 attention. INVENTORS-" a model or sketch of their invention, and we will give our opinion as to lis patenta bility ll'ree of charge. Fees moderate, and NO C11A11CK UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED. . We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases that have been RKJECirn by the Patent Office. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman ns to our stauding hetore the Patent Otuce. Send for circular for further infoniation, terms and references. Established in lfSiiii. EDSON EROS, Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Washington, D. 0. n2tl3 Go to POWELL & KIM!E of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE . Cristadoro'a Hair Dye in. the SAFEST and BEST; it acts Instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and U easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite ujion every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggistu. J. CRISTADOllO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 X IVING WILD ANIMALS I 1 WANTED. $50,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00..... each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. 10,00 each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTER 5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER.' . 6,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES 6,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK it- CROSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Anlmala to be in good and thrivinc condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Punsutawney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia k Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, "28, lH77,the trains on the Philadelphia & brie nauroad win run as tonowsi WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX loaves Kenovo 4 85 p m Driftwood.. 5 42 p m Emporium 0 25 p in 81. Marys... 7 18 p in Kiilgwny.,. 7 45 p m arr at Kane.. 8 45 ifm ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m llenovo l lWttn Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's 1 40 p in mugway Kane arrive at Erie EASTWARD. !i 11 p 111 .8 HO p m 7 85 p m DAY EX leaves Kane 0.00 a m " Kidsway 0.50 am ' " 8t Marys 7 20 a m " Emporium H 10 a m ' ' Driftwood 8 68 pm Henovo 10 HI p m Bit IE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m " Kane 8 50 p n ' ' Uidgwuy 4 19 p in " SI. Mary's 6 18 p ni " " " Emporium ..... 0 15 p in " " Henovo.. p ni " ' arr. nt l'hilailcphia... 7O0am . Day Express and Niagara Express con ncct oust with Low Crude Division and D n. Yi & r. U. 11. VM. A. HALDWIN. Ucn'l Sup't INSURANCE. The undersigned believes that he has the principal agency in this dis trict from the fact that he has written nearly one thousand palicies, in the past three years. He, therefore, in vites those having Insurance to eh"cct to compare rates, and companies, he fore making application elsewhere. Partial list of companies. AKTN'A HAHTKOIili T.nwi.tKKl MiliTll l'.KITIH M. KNlilAN Ji..1i),nn,imki K1KK ASSOCIATION PH1I.A i.iiiki.ikhi (iKHJIAN AMKKiL'AN, X. Y J.ihiii.ikiii XI AHA HA. X.Y J,."iihi.iki(I TKAVKL Kits' 1,1 KK II AUTKi iltl) I,fi,iiull I', n. WAI. J1TKI., si. Marys, J'ii. iiTmS, 11 'HE SOCIETY HTORK. A new store stal led In Rldgway un der the ausiices of t lie indies of (Srace Church, willi MISS L E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A tine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. KM HHOIUK1UKK. LACK 15 DO K FH1N0KS. MANDKKUCMIKI''. LA1UKS TIKS. TOII.KT PKTS. MNEN SUITS. CIULDUKN- SUITS SAMVUK SILKS. Machine silk, threatl and ni--d!es. Also a line lot of Dress (ioods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mot Inert A'c, M: All el imp ns the eheapesl ii ltd goods warranted first class. Call anil examine our stock. MIHS A. E. M'KFF., A"cfit for the ."ot'iely. EVERY SOLDIER i.i, a ii ........ . I... 1 oi:..,iotiir.teli,d .ituiinn- lu'iit ilisi:asc in m vlto call uol a pi'iision hy writing to Joltn Kii lipairiok, t'iiiiiln -idjro. tlhio. N-lOoil DR. BANNING is pcrmnntDtly located nl the S1. (Jhllt'les lintel, riltslmrgli, 1'a. Diseases nl,, ji toi mines ot the r-pme. l llerme liipl:utu inenis liyspepsia. 1 1 en. in and 1'i'is sue ces.fnlly treated by tun H N N ISu M'iS- TE.M of Jleehanical etirtHiils. t..ll or send lor descriptive pnniplvt, "The llousi Votl Live In. ' Jla'.led Fiee.. N-lCml TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been periuoneiilly cured of thai drenrt disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make kuowD to his fellow sufferers the means f cure. To all who desno it, l.e will send a copy of the prescription used, Mice of charge) with l lie directions fur preparing and using the same, wliich they will find a SUBK Clllli for CoMMVTtuJS, AsTUMA, BnoxciiiTis, kc. Parties wishing the prescription will pleas address, Hev. E. A. WILSON, l'Jl I'eun., Williamshurgli, N. V. Laws Relating to Xeyispaiier Siibw lions anil Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered wish ing to continue their subsciiption. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their'pcriodicals.the publishers niny continue lo send tlieni until all arrearages are paid. a. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse lo take their periodicals from tho where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have s. tiled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without infornrng the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. a. The courts have decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the office, or re. moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is prima fucic evidence of intentional fraud." It. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible uuiil au express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to tho publisher. PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55. Patent Office Fee $25 in advance, bol ance 20 within 6 months after patent al lowed' Advice and examination free Patents Sold. J. VANE LEWIS &C0. Washington, D. C. nl6inlm3. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, and all the efl'eots of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering hu. manity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishina lo profit by the advertiser's ex perlence can do bo by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. O0DEN, 42 Ucdar St.. New York. "Ge6. Woods &Co.'S ",t WgSESeBB8&BSm ill il .i o tTs,'teI..w.,.'ig iflf yt vj I C I z mmmmmMWrnm ml fa Sis Mimmmm&m M 5 5 i tepiMii it5 TU..M t.,ct.i,n,.i,,a m..M i-ifm-ittf. Ail.ihlerl fer Amir nti'l I'tofcwlonni. ii'id nn itniimcnl WAKP.00)tai '.n WtW.rt6a HI.. stfl? FT" TTT1 TTA1T TVTTir f.T A ontslft.frnm to, wnrth ofihe find wli-r-led mt.R. THE ADVOCATE. Clti cc, over r.nvt'll A- 2.00 J r :.! Il $.loO IX . !J)1A CE Demon's Mothlloly, iviik O licadtite Premium List o.o Petei'soti's MaiurJiu, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, Bill HSADS, iNVELQPES 3 BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates PurniskeiU ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business conneoted with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir cular. . nlltf t :..i .iT.ti nd eirnreiKion never in oy pa''01'' vsj ncaui Mass. 170 Mate St., l'SW t fJ,Ul. fearthwj I.ilim1 of selected imil.K n,,m GEO, WOOIlS & 20., Fuhll,t8fi,v""" s, y Kiltie' Hole, Main tuil. pve - niunu, o,im(. .Idroeate-' The J J) i'OCJ TfJ or G.O0 J'LblTIWG CARDS, WEDDING CARDS. ftlSJ MOTE HE BOOKS, PIMPLES, X will mail Free she recipe for prcpar mg a simple Veoktablb Hai.m that will re move Tan, FUECELE8, FJPPLES and iSLOTCUKs, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a ;iuxuriaut growth of hair on a bald head or Bmooth lace. Address lien. VandelfJl Co. Box 6121, No 0 Wooster St., N. V