GEO. A. It A THIi UN, Atlorncy-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. II ALL A AfCAOLET, " Attorneys-at-Llw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Rideway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. L UCORE & II A MliI.EX, Attorneys-nt-Lnw, Ridgway, Elk County l'a. Office across the hall from the Dkmocr AT establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 13 '7(J. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the flowo Sewing Maoliine, end Morton Gold fen. llcptiiring Watches, etc, docewith ie tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis ,"ictlon guaranteed. vlnly J. 0. II'. RAIL Kr, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Tln.i1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Accl Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES IK FULLERTON, burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Higway, offers his professions! ser vices tn the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Ollice in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left. ?3-n-32-ly (7. G. SI ESS lift (Wit, Prugeist nnd rarmaocutist, N. W. cornel of Main nnd Mill streets, Hldgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully selected For eign mul lMinpr! ie Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed ill all hours, dity or night. vlu3v T. S. HARTLEY M ., Tliysicinn nmi Surgeon. Ollice in Drug iSlnre, corner l'.rond and Main (i. Kesidence corner Broad St. opposite the l.'oll 'ge. Ollice hours Irom b to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 I'. M. vln2yl. J S. llORlYELL, M. D., F.plcctio Tliysicinn nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his ollice Irom Centre street, toMnir st. liidgwny, l'o in (lie second story of the nen brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's Store. Olli!0 hours:l to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M jiyde house, RinawAT, Elk Co., Pa II. SCII RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore to liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of gues, to merit a continuance oi the sume. OU 30 1800. ;. a. fa y. LUMUEll AND rX.SUUAXCK COM MISSION 15 HO Iv Kit, ' AXI) GEN KKA L COLLECTION AO EXT Xo 2Ui Walnut Place, (lit) Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. n 41-ly '. II'. II A YS, IIKAI.K IN Cry Gijods, Notions, Orrceriet and Gensral Variety, FOX EL K CO., PA. I'.arUy I'. O. vliilvTr. NttW STOKE IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Go's ) 5 V, A A 1 1 o f W I L T , I A " I S 1 ' 0 11 T , P A . have opened a large Mock of Millinery anil Fancy Goods, Notions, GenlK Fiirnisliinui Goods, Picture and Motto Frames, Hair Switches, &c., which they will sell at pri'.-cs within the reach of till. Hiin't fail to call and examine their f full tindfoiiip'.ctu stock hefore pit rch as ing elsewhere. Remember the place next door to the Post -ollice. liMuitt. ,J K V L I V E I i V ST A 1 ! LE IX RIDGWAY . DAN St'llIUXEH WISHES TO Inform the citizen of Ridgway, and the ptihlic; generally, that he ha f tarletl a luxury Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. i JC-STlIe will also do job teaming. Stable on I?road street, above Main All orders left at the Post Ollice will receive prompt attention. Aug'JU1871tf JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IJOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- . WARE, WOOD AND " WILLOWWARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The REST RRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST JAMES II HAGERTY THURSDAY, JULY 19, 877r The following time table has gone IntocfTocton the P. St E. It. R. for this place. I Erie Mail West, 2:11 p'.M. Niagara Express West 7:45 P. M. Local West 8:30 A. M. Erie Mail East r 4:40 P.M. Day Express East ' ' ' 0:5(1 A. M. Local Etwt '' ' 3:45 P. M. Wild raspberries are ripe. Ed Paine is getting better. Splendid iiaylng weather last week. Sec Administrator's Sale in another column. ; New potatoes are selling at $1.00 a bushel hete. , ' Business-cards neatly and cheaply printed at this office. For first-class work and good fits give McAfTee a call. L. C. Horton and wife, of North East are in town visiting frlcids. Hard times does not seem to deter young folks from getting married. Skunks seem to be thick at Wilcox See our Wilcox correspondence. Hyde, Kline, A Co., will put up a ware house in the rear of their foundry. There seems to he a demand for cheap tenement houses in this place at li resent. Ezra Relnap has been in town for the past week. Will Walker is also staying here now. Services in Lutheran church next Sunday evening in English by Rev. I. Rrencmtm. All are invited. M. S. Kline is now taking the registry of votes ill Ridgway town ship. See to it that you are registered. Paris Green mixed with water seems not to lie a good remedy for the potato bug evil. Rear in mind that we sell writing paper and envelopes cheap at this office. W. II. Osterhout is cutting the grass tin his flats with a mowing ma chine, heretofore the work has been done by hand. Miss R. E; Wilcox is building a house on South Street next ('apt. Fred. Sehocning's. Excavation on the cellar has been commenced. The Episcopal Sundry School p!c tic, held in Earley's orchard last Thurs day, a success, and seemed to be enjoyed by all who participated. Huckleberries are ripe now, al though none have appeared in this market. We are informed that the Urea in the woods have damaged the crop. Rill-heads, note-heads, cards, lags tnd envelopes at this ollice, and if you contemplate retting married we can furnish you with elegant wedding ards. The schedule, fi.r the Ridgway and fylcrshurg mail route litis been changed, starting from this place Mon lays and Thursdays and from Tylers iiirgh Tuesdays and Fridays. H. H- Wilson has returned from Philadelphia where lie has been for ievcrul weeks. He had an operation performed on his thigh at Jefferson College, and returns home feeling and looking much belter. That Dried Heef Sliced at the West End Store is certainly just the thing, Jome and see it. You buy only what you need, no waste, no drying out, a half pound goes farther than a pound .if ordinary beef. Republican candidates fr Sheriff are nun tut inventus. Elk Democrat. This simple looking paragraph seems much more simple when trans lated, viz: ..Republican candidates for .Sheriff are has not been found." It is evidentthat the Latin education of the Democrat has been neglected. Two bark-woods accidents last week. W. T. Clyde, had his arm nearly broken in the woods above Eagle Valley, and Ben Malin had a terrible gash cut in his leg, and was thrown a considerable distance by a tree on the side hill near Hall's farm, between the State road and the river. John L. Cummings, formerly a resident of this place, died of small pox at Spring City, a place about thirty-five miles from Philadelphia, on Tuesday, July 10th 1ST". He was about thirty years old, and leaves a wife and one child. ' The Democratic Committee of Elk county met in Ridgway on Friday the 13th inst., and appointed Col. J L. Brown, Representative delegate and recommended Hon. Jno. O. Hall for Senatorial delegate to the State Con ventionappointing as senatorial con ferees Hon C. R. Earley, J. K. P. Hall, Esq., nnd W. H. Hyde the commit tee instructed for Col. A. C. Noyes for State Treasurer. The Ridgway Musical Association holds its regular sessions in the base ment of the M. E. Church on Friday evening of each week. The following is the list of officers for the quarter ending October 5, 1S77. President E. K. Gresh, Vice Presidents, C. R. Early, Horace Little, D. C. Oyster, S. A. Olmstead, W. H. Osterhout and Lizzie Luther, Treasurer II. K. Gresh, Secretary, W. II. Sliiley, Musical Di rector J. O. W. Bailey, Organist Miss Jennie Gresh, Ex Committee, J. D. Fullerton, James McCauley, II. K. Gresh, Charles Olmstead, Daniel Ir win nnd Lizzie Luther. This Asso ciation is open and free to nil, any person desiring to receive instruction in the rudiments of vocal music will do well to join this Association at this time, as a thorough review of elemen tary principles, with such instruction as may be needed will be conducted by the director during this quarter. McAfTee, over Towel! & Klme.s store, will fit you and suit you, then Why send away for your clothes. Call at tills ofllce for your writing paper, Note, Commercial Letter, Foolscap, and bill paper. J. O. W. Bailey has put up a neat picket fence across the front of his property on Zlon'shlll. Jerry Callahan, while working in the bark woods near North Kersey, last week was knocked senseless by a falling limb. Mr, Silvcrmann, of the firm of Sll vcrmann & Co., of Willlamsport, was in town last week and marked down prices In their Bazaar here. See new advertisement in another column. 8 lb. Canned Peaches only 25 cents, Cheese lJ cents, Lard 12J cents, Head Light Oil 125 cents, Candles 15 cents, 0 Bars of Soap 25 cents, Tea 50, (15, & 70 cents. Corn Starch 12 cents. At the West End Store. Tims. J. Uurke Democratic candi date for Sheriff was in town last week. By the way there seems to be consid erable activity amoiiK the Democratic candidates for the only county ofllce to be filled this fall. Why send away for clothing while we have a first-class tailor in towu? Keep your money at home, patronize homo industry, and thus help build up the place. Remember to call on Mc Afl'ee, over Powell it K hue's store, be fore purchasing elsewhere. ' John Mosler, at the Thompson mill Horton Township, last week had his left ear so badly injured that amputa tion was found to be necessary. He was trying to catch a horse, and had his mill around the beaut's neck, when it broke away, knocking him senseless. His wife got him into a buggy and drove to Centreville, when Dr. Strassley amputated the ear. We have received the programme for a grand vocal and instrumental concert to bo held at St. Mary's, in the new hall, in aid of Shiloli Presby terian Church, on Thursday, July 2iith, lHn, admission l-'5 cents. The object is laudable, and the programme extensive, therefore we advise all our readers wishing an evening of enjoy mAit to go to St. Mary's on the date named. Company H Attention. The members of Company Jf 17th Regt., N. G. P. will assemble on Saturday Evening the 21st inst., at the office of J. (). W. Bailey for the transaction of important business. Time S o'clock sharp. Full in, By order of J. O. W. BAILEY, Lieut, in Command, W. S. Hoirrox Orderly Scg't. Wananuiker's goods are popular everywhere. Their Catalogue em braces any article of Mien's wear in cluding,. Hats, Cups, Coats, Shoes, Shirts, UiKlerwear, Collars, Ties. Ready made suits as well as made to order. S. A Rote at the 'rst Eiut Store is the Auent for this place and will show you samples and prices at any time The Petroleum report of the Oil City "Derrick," for the month of June, is complete, and relates many Interesting facts. We make up from it the following brief summary ; To tal numberof Wells completed during month, 4d!i ; dry holes U; numberof wells drilling, ; rig up and build ing, 2til. The number of wells fin ished during t lie month is reported to be the greatest for any similar period in the history of the business. The operations Were distributed as follows: Bullion,?"; produetian, 4,175 barrels : dry holes, I). Warren, Forest and Ve nango, ; production, 500 ; dry holes, 15. Clarion, 128; production, 1,30; dry holes, 10. Butler nnd Armstrong, 81; production, 715; dry holes, 15. M'Kcan and Cattaraugus, 57 ; produc tion, 515 : dry holes, 5. Total of wells completed In six months, 1,814; aver age daily production per well for month of June, about 17 7-8 barrels. Profitable) Investment. It cannot be doubted that a certain amount of money invested, monthly or annually, in advertising one's busi ness, is a wise procedure which no sys tematic or careful business man should neglect. It Is an investment which will l'AY, not merely a nominal in terest, but, in many cases, over a hundred times the money so invested. There is no danger that default or suspension will destroy this invest ment. There can be no depreciation of its value, and no loss of the stun in vested. It is possible for a man to ob tain a moderate share of success .with out the aid of advertising, if he has no rivals who do advertise, but the same amount of energy aiid enterprise, aided by advertising, would confer on hJiu success and fortune Impossible without such aid and co-operation. And should any one doubt the truth of this statement, he has but to test the power of advertising by invest ment of a sum which he can afford, and we are confident that he will re ceive a return which It would not be possible for him to obtain from an outlay of the same magnitude in any other way. On this point Which is all essential, business men should con sider that advertising is the fruitful origin of prosperity and greatness! I'hita. (Jurpet Journal, The Rye, Graham and White Bread and great variety of cakes sold at the West End Store are very popular with our citizens judging from the amount sold. Try them and see if we are not right in saying they are excellent. Galveston, July 13.- The first bale of cotton of this year's crop was re ceived to-day at Brownsville. Weight, 442 pounds. Classification, fully strict low middling ; grown on a plantation near Brownsville. It was sold at auction at the Cotton Ex. change at twenty cents per pound. Wilcox Notes. Hot and dry. Fine weather for haying and farmers are improving lt The burning Water Well Is in full blast, Those wishing to see the great wonder of the Nineteenth Century had better do so at once for it may get the sulks again. We have another curiosity about five miles from here, which consists of rocks from seventy-five to a hun dred feet high with passageways, caverns, and dens, all through among them with natures Own ice house filled with the finest Ice the year round, It Is said that thcis cave was inhabited many yeat's hgo by a band of outlaws headed by the notorious Robber Burdick. See Adventures In Pennsylvania's Wilds, Published by Barclay & Co., Louisville, Kentucky, in the year Ih.jO. This is a nice place for picnics and our young folks (and old ones too) are enjoying it hugely, Good bye potatoc bugs. Swarms Of birds of a new species in this country are clearing them out completely. If it was not for fear "Egypt" would 4ui-dtfWit on me again I Woilld tell how Montgomery caught a skunk in a trap, shot it and buried it four feet underground, covered the gfavU with chloride of lime, then had to go to the neighbors for fresh air. How Tom M'Kcan killed one with a elnb. How Starks got oiie in his hen house and thought it wlis a cat, and when he discovered his mistake how be left the chickens to the tender mercies of his skunkship. How Patterson treed one under the hotel porch, and gave a boy twenty-five rents to pti in and tlrive it out, how the skunk ilid'nt drive worth a cent, how sick tha boy was and how quick he got well when he saw the quarter, how much carbolic acid it took to purify the atmosphere. I say if it was not for "Egypt" I would tell all about this, but it Won't do for if he gets hold of it the Gazette will sfiiell of it for a mouth. Mulone and Murphy have gone to Bradford. John Wernwag nnd wife are stoppmg at the Wilcox House for a few week. By-the-way, City peo ple are beginning to find out that Wilcox is a nice place to spend a few months in summer. The 'Wilcox House Is full Of strangers, nnd I'utttr son knows just how to take cafe of tlietn. PETE. Twelve persons have been hittig in Dtmpltineounty slnceits organisation. Six of these were colored. The Pennsylvania delillsls have been discussing fpeth and mountain lamb this week at Minnequai While a Reading mall was hauling hay from a meadow his horse sank in a quicksand, and it took four men and two horses several hours to drag it out Mayor Evans, of Reading, has just received notice of the death of ft re lative in Wales Who leaves half a mil lion dollars, in the division of which the Mayor will participate. A boy eleven years old, living near Lancaster, the other day shot thirty out of thirty-one glass balls thrown out of a spring trap at a distance of thirty yards. The boy supplemented this feat by hitting thirty wooden balls out of thirty-one. One of the biggest blasts ever made in this State occurred on Thursday at the Lumberton quarries, in Bucks county. The ledge was sixty-three feet long, twenty-seven feet high and thirty-nine feet wide. The whole mass (brown out, weighing 5,478 tons, was the result of a dozen kegs of pow der. This will make enough for the new Court House, with some to spare. Mr. George Crane, an amateur bee culturist, of Columbia, has been re cently rewarded with the most grati fying success. Upon removing the caps, six in number, from one of the hives of the usual size, they Were found to contain no less than one hundred and sixteen pounds of comb, not including that contained in the body of the hive, estimated at about fifty pounds, but which was not re moved. The caps Were replaced with hew ones, and the bees are once more at Work in their new storehouses. This is an extraordinary yield. The Pottstown Ledger on Thursday afternoon announced that the mills engaged in the manufacture of govern ment paper, at Glen Mills, in Dela ware county, Will soon be dosed and the manufacture of government paper terminate for the present. They are now running on the paper for the four per cent, bonds, Which will be com pleted in a few days, when the lower mill will be closed. A later contract for internal revenue peper will keep the upper mill running until the first of August, When both will be stopped indefinitely. This will throw many workmen out of employment. The New Pension District. By lessening the number of pension agents in the country, the districts of those remaining in office have been very considerably increased. Major McGregor, hereafter will have to pay the pensioners in forty counties in the State, as follows those marked with a star having heretofore beeu nitrons of the Philadelphia Pension Office Adams, Alegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, 'Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Cumeron, 'Center, Clarion, 'Clear field, 'Clinton, Crawford, 'Cumber laud, 'Elk, Erie, Fayette, 'Foster, Franklin, 'Fulton, Greene, 'Hunt ingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, 'Juniuta, Lawrence, 'Lycoming, 'McKean. Mercer,- 'Mifflin 'Perry, 'Potter, &nyder, Somerset, 'Tioga, 'Union, Venango, Warren, Washington and Westmoreland. -Pittsburgh Commcr cial. POWELL & KIME have a fine lot of dress goods, also all other kind of , ory goods at low rates. From t!i ClPftrflolit Ilcpubllcan. A Chase After Horse. Thieves For several days previous ttt Ihe n'lglit of the 28th of June, a number of tranlps were noticed hovering in and around this borough. On the morn ing of the 29th, Judge Clyde was short a set of harness, and Samuel Irwin, a neighbor, (both residing in Lawrence township, about three and a half miles north of this '.borough) Was minus a horse and buggy. Hence it was pretty well settled that there was a case of horse stealing on hand, and Mr. Lewis ami two other gentlemen soon hitched up a team ami set out to overhaul the thief, or thieves. By the tracks of the horse and buggy, It was pretty 'plain that tho thieves Were moving down through Frenchvllle, and pursuit Was made ns rapidly as possible. But Mr. Irwin, finding that he could not overtake the runaways, telegraphed to Westport, upon reach ing the railroad at the mouth of the Sinnenmahoning. In this way the thieves were headed off between West port and Ronovo and when ordered to halt, one man Jumped fl'titn the buggy and started for the woods, and Oil refusing to halt, one of the pur Miora discharged a pistol at him. the ball taking effect in the arm, Which caused tho fellow to twirl around three or four times like ft ton and then he begged for quarter. While this was going on, the other fellow leaped from the btlggy, tt0 and plunged into the river, and while making for the "other shore", the captors fired sev eral shots at the swimmer, one ball passing through his hat, peeling the hair olf the top of his scalp. Tlie fir ing and noise attracted the attention of parties on the Opposite side of the river, who, upon learning that the fellow in the water was a horse thief, commenced stttniflg him, pelting him right smartly. Mr. Thief, discovering that his reception would evidently be rather warm "over there," turned and commenced swimming down stream. The captors then also fom menced flinging stones at him, and when he fouud the pebbles lighting on him from both shores, and the water getting deeper, and supposing that there would be no "let up1' in the flinging of stones, he begged for quarter and turned for the shore from which he started. And after reach ing dry land again, he made an at tempt to escape by running into a thicket of hushes, into which the capturing party hurled the stones by the handful. This soon extracted the yell of "murder" out of the fellow in the brush, and upon surrendering, he Was secured and handcuffed to his con federate, and tlie next day lodged in our prison. The thieves made a very narrow escape with their lives, nnd they com plain bitterly of the reception they re ceived at the hnildsof tlie West porters, alleging that the people down there cannot be more than half civilised from the Way they treated them. As there is no sympathy for horse thieves anywhere, We think that they madea fortunate escape when they got away With their lives, Tlie thieves claim to hail from Columbus, Ohio, and give their names as Fred Smith and Frank Long, the former aged 25 and the latter li) years of aire rather young for that kind of calling. Mr. Irwin found his horse very much run down, and the buggy almost ruined. The thieves had missed the road a short distance lie low tlie mouth of theSinncmahoning, and horse, buggy and all went down 150 feet, and lauded on the railroad track all "right side up" except the buggy, which was considerably dam aged. Tlie escape from death of both men ami horse, Wasliiiraculous. Oar Daughters. Frst and foremost give them a good an education as you can afford. J .earn them to cook good and healthy vic tuals. Learn them to wash, iron, darn stockings, sew on buttons, make their own clothing, and to make at least a good common shirt. Learn tlienl to bake bread, and to conceive that a good kitchen lias much to do, to prevent you going to the drug-store. Learn them that a hundred cents are Worth u dollar, and he that saves less than lie spends must become poor. Learn them that a calico dress that is paid for is better than a silk one for which you owe. Learn them that a full round face is worth more than consumptive beauty. Learn them to wear good strong shoes. Learn them to purchase goods and to know that the bill is right. Learn them that they can change the image of God with corset strings. Learn thein simple, whole some, common sense, self-trust self- help, nnd laborousness. Learn them that an honest mechanic is worth more iti ills shirt sleeves and apron, and that without a cent in his pocket, than a dozen well dressed and res pected day-thieves. Learn tbm to work in the garden, if you can spare the money also music, painting and the fine arts, but know that these things belong to the nonessentials. Learn them that to take a Walk is bet ter than to ride in a splendid carriage and that wild flowers are most beautiful, to the one that studies with care. Learn them to spurn all show, and when they say yes, or no, that they mean it. Learn them that hap piness in married Jito is not enjoyed merely outwardly, and it does not de pend on a man's money only, but on ids religious views and character. Have you brought this o their hearts, then they understand it, then let them marry when the time comes, they wil1 be very apt to find the right way. Translated from tho Marimcr Volks blatt, Tjtl'svjJjIjK, Pa., June 2, 1875. About a year ago I received a sprain or stitch in my back from heavy lift ing; at times would be confined to my bed in great pain across the small of my back. About a week ago I took cold and Was confined to my bed four da's, suffering intensely. A friend procured me a bottle of E. K. Thompson's Barosma, or Back-ache, Liver anil Kidney Cure, Which gave me Immediate relief, curing me en tirely. I recommend any who arc troubled as above to go to their drug gist and get a bottle. W. H. Harris, Spring Street, Titusville, Pa. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa. Price, S1,00 per bot tle. For your note-heads call at this i office. - (State Notes A Kdrtlintnbcrland county farmir has been jailed for severely cutting bis son tvitli a fickle, which he threw at the boy. SeVen persons have lost tlioir lives by the boiler explosion in Lehigh county on Su urdnyi The death of another is ext'ccWd. Among the jurors summoned for the United htntes Court at Erie this week are Congressmen Overton, Errett, Iiayne, Bhol lcnbtirger, Thompson and Harry White. ThB Metdville Journal says that another SeVenth-Day Baptist, of Cussewapto, Craw ford county, has been arrested for working on Sunday and fined. Miss Jane In Whedon Is niakiil temper ance lectures in Clearfield oouuty. The Osceola KoveilW says she is ''ft genuine Vnnkecets, a ltoturess with plenty of gab." Thomas H. Phelps, assessor of Pitts burgh, Itas been appointed collector of de linquent tiics, said to bo worth $15,000 a year. The constitutionality of the act ormiing tho office is being judicially con tested, A local editor Of a pipor ill the Western part of the state Rpoke of a bride's trous echu being Ihe loveliest he had ever seen. Tho ''iiitellincnt compositor" created a commotion in tlie community by setting it up "irowscrt." In reviewing the last half year's busi ness of I'll isburgh the Commercial speaks cheerfully of trade prospects; The ship ments of coal by river front I'itt.jbilrgh dur ing the lust Bix mouths make the largest total of any similar length of time in the history of the Coal trudet It is etpettted that Richard Doll will shortly be released on bail from the Sharon jnil, where he is now confined on a charge of hilling Wnti M'Qilvary, formerly of I'HtsIlurgU; An effort will bo made to prove that M'tjilvury's death was caused by his full, in which his head struck a stone. A large number Of liquor dealers in Pittsburgh have concluded to opBu their front doors on Sunday And will sell as on other days, When arrested they will enter bail for Court, and itm'ing the plnriency of the Buils they will continue vending tiqilors, hoping thereby to make more than sutticieol profits to pay their fines. I'avid Reinhart, a young Polish Jew, committed suioido. near Alt. Carbon) Friday night, by throwing himself updtl tho tfack in front of nn npniouchiiig train. Ueiu luirt wan engnged lo a young lady in Wilkes- barre, nii'J was to have been married in a short time. On Friday he received a letter breaking the engagement! For some time there has been a series of frauds in the cigar business in part of York county, and on Friday Colonel G'-inimer-son, accompanied by Colonel Stilhlo, of the 0. Alcad's cignr manufacturer, in Windsor township, ai.d Captured nnd confiscated from 1 1 i in twenty thousand cigars and one hundred pounds of tobaceo, for a violation of the stt.ihp laws. The committee appointed by the State Legislature to investigate piison contract labor in this Suite adjourned ils session at Pittsburgh uti Saturday and spent Sunday at Cressou Springs. During last week a large anionut. of evidence was submitted thtm by contractors of prison labor, offi cers of the penitentiary nnd workhouse, and by nmntil:, Biurets, who claim that the present system is detrimental to free laborj The committee when they left were uude Gided as to whether or not they would re. siime their sitting in Pittsburgh, and were very reticent is lo what their report to the Legislature will be. There are 12,000 houses to let iu Phila delphia. The Bradford nnd Ilullion oil districts produce about 7,000 barrels a day. The Lancaster bnnUs hold aboul $2,500, 000 subject to checks and time certificates. A lawyer at Sharpsburg drank nineteon glasses of buitermilk in thirty minutes on a wager with a barber, who drank sixteen. Six Pennsylvania congressmen are not ing us jurors in tho United States court in session at Erie. County Treasurer M'Ncisli find City Treasurer Durkin have both been enjoined from collecting mercantile tax in Scranton on a test case. A saw fifty-four feet long nnd eight inches wide, intended for use on the big trees in California, has just been turned out at the Hearer Fulls ateel works. Chief Justice AgucW, of the state su prenie court, was arrested a few days ago in Beaver county for shooting pheasants out of season. llev. Joseph Hamnialtcr, of Lcbinon county, received a wound in the foot sev eral weeks ago. Lockjaw ensued the other, day and he died. The ore washers of Rockhill furnace, Huntingdon county, have been indicted for running the wash into the creeks, A fine of $50 was the verdict- They hate ap pealed to court. Sheriff Lindermnn, at Korristown, has received the death warrant from this city for Curley, fixing the dale of his execution September 10, This Is the third warrant that has been issued for the execution of Curley. The Huntingdon Local News says: The old log building opposite the Presbyterian church, occupied by (he colored woman who is 111 year old, came near being de stroyed on Monday lust. Some of the spurks from the old lady's pipe got down between tho logs, and set tire to them. The flames were discovered in time, and a few buckets of water prevented serious loss. Work on the Stale hospital for the in sane at Warren is still being carried on vigorously. Tho roof is being put on two sections of each end of the main building, and the adjoining sections will soon be finished for the roof. The laying cf the walls on tho ceutre sections will not be commenced this year, tlie appropriation of the last legislature not being suHicicni to warrant it. Ihe brother of Laros, the Northampton county poisoner, baj) been interviewed, and to questions he replied that he did not sigu the petition for pardon, "becauscehe is not insane and never was. When he killed father, mother and Moses Selitig e buried him from our thoughts forever, and to us he is as one dead. I would not like to see him hanged, becaus we desire to escape the terrible disgrace. We suffer more than he does. We have it upon our minds, cot only the death of father and mother, but that he too must die and that upon the callows. We all hope and pray that he will make a confession and die a sincere christian ; that in nil w rnn lin A pack of tip-top good envelopes any color, can be obtained at this ollice, ever Powell & Kime's store fo eight cents. Molllo Magiilres n'eleagCih iMttsVllld, July 10. This morrilrtj Judgd Green discharged MufFLawlor John Blattery and Charles Mulherni three of tho Mwllle Mngiiires wild turned state's evidence during tlie laW The altove trio have been patiently waiting for tho past six months for their freedom, and left tdwil on tho first train in vBry Jubilant spirits: Kach one entered in $1,000 on his owit recrtgnlKancet . Itawlor Was arrested and found guilty nsah accessory after the fact to tlie killing of Sanger and Uren. He turned state's evidence and corroborated M'Parlahj the detecivej very strongly, against Thoniaa Mun ley one of the murderer who expiated his crime upon the gallbws bli the 21st of lost month: , Mulhern and Slattely Were arrested and tried for conspiring to kill Wil lianl and Jcs'se Major) of Mahanoy city. Mulhern pleaded guilty in both, tltrncd state's evidence) which convicted Michael Doblan of the samd charge-. Boolan Wrt9 sentenced to-day to one year imprisonment: Doolaii has been incarcerated for the past ten months awaiting sentence: Mdlhern In his evidence gttve' Inform mation which led to the arrest of "YelloW Jack'' Dondhue, for the mur der of Morgan PbWell a boss at Suni tnit Hill, for which crime he was hung at Mauch Chunk on the 21st. Mulherii was one of the most im portant Witnesses thd commonwealth had durinjr the" progress (if the Mollie: Maguire trials, and gave valuable In-1 formation) which let! to the convict" tion of several murderers; IS TUB TOILS: ANOTtifetl WltSftSS AO IINST riRIOUASt ifoUNtj: WHJtt tiAMAlS T0BIM CAlt TKLL ABOUT. 8pringfield, July 12. Captain John To; bin. formerly il resident Of California, later of St. Lottia and sllll liitcr of Bpringfieldj will be one of Distribt Attorney Howard 6 principal witnesses lo proVo Brigham Young's persdnal cdntirJcllon with the mai sacrc of tho Gentiles. His nttmC is men tioned in LetJ'8 confession. He gained the confidence of Young by aiding Mormon emigrants, add was appointed IristrUstor Of the Territorial militia, which position lie resigned because the cavalry were used as avengers. Subsequently he undertook to guide a party of three strong anti-Mor; mons lo California, but the party was over; taken by a band of mouuted Mormons, led by lirighlim Young, Jr., and compelled td stop under the pretence that they werego; ilig to California to misrepresent Mormon ism. They finally proceeded, but were continually dogged by Mormons, whtj at length fired Upon thestt as they Were en camping for the night. Tito party were left for dead, and the Mormons, taking their horses, rode away. Sixty hours af' terwards the United Slates mail witgori and a party on t'leir way to San JJernadino took them lip, but two of their number died soon after. Tobin receive'! a shdt id the right eye, which made him nearly blind. He claims to have important documentary evidence of plottings against the govern ment and the a utile's on th pai-t of Brig- ham Young. BE A VT1FUI, IN AI'FEAliACH AND FLA VOIi. Dr. Fennels Capitol Bitters. Thiti valuable remedy for torpid and dis ordered stomach and bowels and loss of appetite, has no equal. No en conium need be pronounced upon it. No one who once tries it for these diflU culties will ever be without it when needed. A full dose relieves the iain of menstruation, or eriitses sleep ft night. When all other medicine disagree" with a delicate stomach, this mild, but efficient Bitter will act kinnly. In constipated bowels, It regulates them, though not actfVely laxative like, his Blood and Liver lteniedy and Nerve ToniCi It so invigorates the system as to Ward off disease guarding against Agues. Fevers and bowel disorders In the spring and summer, colds and in flamations in the winter, and all epl demie diseases, at all seasons of the year, It Is not to take: the place of that great blood-cleailsing agent, the Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, but where this is not needed, or after it has been used for a time, then taken in connection with it (the Bitters before meals, the other after ;) this becomes the most agreeable and powerful invigorant to the system ever heretofore known. No laboring man or woman should pass through the vicissitudes of spring, or the trying summer season Without guarding themselves against exposure and dis' ease, by taking one or more bottles of Capitol Bitters. Here is the statement of one who knows its value i From fctias Forbes, Prop'r of the Fredoiilit Nuturul Ous Works. Fredonln, N Y jnne 2, I certify that I liave been using Dr. Fen- tier's Capital nitterg fur improving theap' petite and invigorating the system, I regard it us ono of tlie most pleasant and efficient tonics now known, ELIAS FORBES, For sale by dealer? in medicines. Township Olllcers. Judge of Election--Will Dickinson. Inspectors James Penfleld. P. It, Smith. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead. Jas. 1). Fullerton. School Directors O. D. Grant, Jad. Gardner, O. T, Wheeler, N. T, Cum mings, Wi B, Service, Eug. J. Miller. hujjcrvisors jonn uuinacK. Daniel M'Uovern. Treasurer-W. II. Hyde, AsseBsor-M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Oeo, Dickinson. John Wulmsley. Auditors d. a, Hageny. James Pen fleld, J. S, Powell. UJerK m. ts. Kline. Constable Geo. D, Messenger, Jr - --- The Philadelphia Press has the fol fowing to say about Republican defeat next fall : Outside paragraphists are active in predicting a Republican d& feat in Pennsylvania next election; but they omit to state 'that the most distressful element is Democratic, simply from the fear that the efforts of President Hayes for Peace and Re form may succeed. These efforts promise well ; and if they triumph, the good people of Pennsylvania will be to the front to sustain him in very heavy battallions next November, and these good people are wishing him God siieed everywhere, here and all ovsi the laud.