Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, JULY 19, 177 Mpplnsf of the republican State Con vention. 1 f KAT)Qt!AHTEI!3 ItKI'l'IlLTCAX Rtatk Committkk, Hnrrlshurp, Mny 20(11,1877. I ii purHiinnec of it resolu tion of tlio Ropuhlienn Stale Commit tee, adopted nt tt meeting lield in Hnr rlshurr, thin 1:iy, a Roptihlleaii Stnte Convention, to lie composed of dele gates from each Senatorial nnd Reprc pentnlive district, to the number to which such district la entitled in the Legislature, is hereby called to meet In the city of Harrisburgh, nt twelve o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, AUCiUST 20, 1877, for the purpose of nominating candi dates for Supreme Judge, Htale Treas urer and Auditor General, to be voted for nt the ensuing general election on the sixth day of November next.- By order ,of Committee. HENRY JI. HOYT, Chairman. A. Wilcox Norris, Secretary. UoliI Discovered In Maine. Bnnpor.'Me., Jiily 1(1. It Is stated Hint gold was discovered In Oldtown, twelve miles from tills city, ly men wbo were blnsting for a reservoir. Hcveral miners, who have hud large experience In the quartz mines of Cali fornia, have urononnced It a rich deposit. I'icces as large as a pea are pronounced pure gold. The excitementovcr the discovery Is in tense. A capitalist has agreed to Invest M-V UOOlfo stock company bo raised. The owner of a half acre adjacent to the reservoir has licen offered S",000 for his claim. Prospects of the Cotton Crop. Washington, July 10, The July returns of the condition of cotton, as received at the De partment of Agriculture, cover an entire nrea of .Kll counties, producing slx-tcntlis of the cotton of tho United States. 7:! counties of Georgia are represented. The avcrnge condition of the whole areu is 93 4-10 percent. 4 percent, less than the July average of Inst year. It Is less by 7 per cent, than the aver age for 1870, but better than the condition for 1S71 or 187-1. Only Louisiana gives a higher average than In July of last year. State averages are as follows : North Carolina, 83 , South Carolina, 87. Georgia, 00; Florida ,ftt Alabama, 91; Mississippi, 93 ; Louisiana, 102; Texas, 91; Arkansas, 01; Tennessee, 90. The crop is from one to two weeks late. Trailers at Winnipeg, Manitoba, from the West report now two thousand lodges of Sioux in the vicinity of Wood Mountain Sitting Bull's band recently arrived there. Turtles boring for petroleum on Sulphur Mountain, Col., struck oil forty-tluce gravity at the depth of one hundred and sixty feet. Capacity of well about three hundred barrels per day. Several merchants in San Francisco who liave business relations with Mexican firms are taking steps to protest against the Sec retary of War authorizing General Ord to invade Mexican territory . in certain contin gencies. The Treasury Department has issued the fifty-first cull for the redemption of 5-20 bonds of .S05, consols of 1805. The call is for ten millions of dollars, of which seven millions are coupon and three millions reg istercd bonds. The principal and interest will be paid at the Treasury on and after the 10th of October next, and the interest will cease on that day. Gen. Le Due, the new Commissioner of Agriculture, litis strongly indorsed and will give nil possible aid fur ti fair test of the plan of storm and flood signals by nienns of me iciegragn ana cannon to give certain, irstont nnd general warning of coming Ftornis merely for (lie benefit of agricultur ists during hnyiug and harvest, and ali o to commence and to give warning of sudden destructive floods on rapid rivers. Scranlon, July 17. A fierce fire is raz ing in the Soaring lirook colliery, nt Dun more, in the suburbs of this city, and it is icarea me mine will have to be flooded in order to save it. The fire broke out some time during last night in the stable situated in I lie lower vein. JiOO feet below lie surface of the eariliaud was discovered before six o'clock this morning by the walchmnn, who found all the mules, ten in number, burned to death, A gang of men have been busy all day trvine to extin guish the flumes, but it is fearea their work will be fruitless. A fireman was carried out to-day in a slate of unconcious nets. Tho heat and fciuoke are intense nnu the men can work only in vcrv brief re ys. An Eric special to the "New York Herald" ofthe 4th hist, has the follow ing : "Officers of the United States Secrc Service to-day arrested J. S Moody of Jefferson City, Clarion county, i'a., ana ur, j. y. Mortimer of Millerstown, Ph., charged with dealing in and passing "flash bills,' Thomas Peters, who represented him self as reveue collector and who collee ted a sum of money in the oil regions, was also arrested. AH are confined ut the Erie jail." County Officers. President Judge-IIen. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed weis, nnu Julius Jones. Pherill Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCaulev. District Attorney C. II. M'Cauley Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixon, Prothonotary, &c Fred. SchaMiing. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton voiijjiussiuiiers .iiciiaei weuert, " II. Osterhout, George Reuseher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Norton Auditors W. II. Hyde, II. I. Spang- icr, ueorge noturocK. SPECIAL K0TICES. Dr. Van Dyke's Sulphur Soap, Mukes the SKIN Soft, Ctaer, Pure, White and ileal! ny! is Cleansing, Ueodensiug Disinlecting, eootliing, Mealing and puri fying ; rcmoaes Dandruff, Cha&ng, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Rouhness and redness of lie SKIN ; relievs itching, burning and stinging of the Skin, and irritation oi'biting and stinging lfcsecli; will relieve ITClll.NU PILES where nothing else will have any eeil'ot- isFKEEFROM ALL OFFENSIVE LDOR, and prevents Contaoeous Diseases, and as an kxtebnai hedjoai and toilet PBKPARATioa it baa bo EQUAL. Price 25 eta., by mail, 85 ; Box, 3 Cukes, CO cts., by mail, 75. Sold by Druggists.' E. S. WFBSTER, Proprietor. Oflioo, 60 N. 5th tt. , Philadelphia, Pa. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. v7n21yl-eow. Sew Advertisement. - Hates of Advertising. One column, one year, $76 00 40 00 25 00 15 00 it Transient advertisements per siiuare of eight lines, one insertion $1, two Inser tions, $1.50, three insertions $'2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per rear $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. IS E3 BIOL 82 . the low riacus AT Silvermann & Co's BAZAAR EVERYTHING MARKED DO V N FROM THE ALU LA UK LOW ilUUlU.3. Anyono in need of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, Dresstrimmings, &c &e. WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK Pi GEO RE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. From this date AN EXTRA DIS COUNT of " per cent will he allowed ON ALL 1'CKCHASE.S exceeding fl.O) SIIiVEKMANN S CO. next door to Post Ollice Itidgway. n:!l tf SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of writs of Levari! Fncias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to 1'UBLIO SALIi, at the Court House, in tho borough of Clearfield on Saturday, the 4th day of August, 1877, ut 1 o clock, p. m., the following described real estate, to-wit : All the undivid.-d one-fourth part of all those certain several tracts of land situate in Renezette township, Elk county. Pa., originally surveyed in pursuance ol war rants numbered respectively 0337, contain ing 1.1H7 acres; No. 53-30, containing 1,140 acres, and No. 631t, containing 1.180 acres, dated 3d March, 1794, granted to lieorge Mead, being the same tracts fold and conveyed to Jas. fetoltes by J. C C'lnpin, Treasurer of Elk county, by three several deeds, each bearing date the Jth any of June, LH-jb. Also, the uudivided one-fourth part of all those two certain other tracts ot land situate partly in Girard towuship, Clear field eounty, and partly in Eenczette town ship, Elk County, Pa., aforesaid, originally surveyed in pursuance of warrants num bered 0352, containing 1,178 acre3, and No. 0353, containing 1,184 acres, dated 3d March, 1704, granted to the said George Mead, being the same tracts sold and con veyed to the said James Stokes by the 1 rensurcrs of Elk and (Jlearhcd counties, by deeds bearing dates the Ot Ii day of June and the 1201a day of August, 18.54. Also, the undivided one-fourth parts of nil tnose two certain other tracts ot land situate In flirard township, Clearfield county Pa., originally surveyed in pursu mice of warrant No. 5357, containing l,l!t3 acres, and IooSib, contaioing 1,100 acres, granted to the said George Me id. Also, the undivided one-fnurih part of all that certain other tract of land situate in Covington townthip, Clearfield county, Pa.. originally surveyed in pursuance of war. rant numbered 0:177. granted to the said ticcrge Mead, nnd containing 4,11m noris. The said tracts numbered 5357, 537ti and 0377, being tlio s.imo which were sold and convoyed to the said James Stokes by the Treasurer of Clearfield county by the several deeds bearing date the 12(Jth August, IKifi, together with all and lingular the rights, ways, water courses, liberties, priv ileges, improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances nppurtaining thereto. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Edmund Blanchard, Thus. McCulley and Win. II. Armstrong. Ti;riis of Sale. The price or sum at which the property shall be struck off must be paid at the time of sale, or such oilier arrangements limdo ns will be approved, otherwise the property will bo immediately put up and sold again at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was struck off, and who, in case of deficiency at such re-scle, shall mnke good the same, and in no instance will the Deed be presented in Court for confirmation unless the money is actually paid to the Sheriff. ANDREW PENTZ, Jr., Sheriff's Officr, Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. . o H H a O o o o i i O Administrator's Sale I 11Y virtue of nn order oT tho Or phans' Court of Elk Count v. tho un dersigned administrator will expose to puhllcwile, on THE PREMISE, atone o'ciock r. ju., on UAT111111AV. AITfllTSi'P 11 1HT7 All that certain piece or rmrcol of land situate in tho township or Fox, In the county of Elk and .State of Penn sylvania, adjoining lands of Francis O'Neill (formerly Smith Mead's,) and described as follow: Rounded on 1 he va"t by lands of Etirlcy auditor- pln-y son thesotith by lands of Francis O'Neill ; on tlio west ny lands iic longing to the John Malone estate, anil on the north by lands of J Seifrod nnd otliers, contiinlng about one hundred acres, upon which Is creeled one frame dwelling house, one barn, lime kiln ana lime slied, and other out-buildings. Haiti tract, known as tho M'Cready farm, is well fenced, in good order, nnd has a number of bear ing fruit trees growing thereon. Tl-IIIMS OF BALK. One-hnlf of the purchase money in cash on the continuation ofthcsnleby the court, and the other half with in terest thereon in one year, secured by bond anl mortgage on the premises. HENRY M'CREADY, Adininistriitorof the Estate of Hugh M'Cready, deceased. July mh, 1877. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John Adam Stibcck late of St. Mary's Rorough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Jjcttcra ol Adninistratmn upon the'nbove estate hiivincr been crranted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate ore retiucsted to make payment, and those having claims to present mom without delay to JOSEPH STIIMCH Adm'rs. 112U0. Applcton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. S of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to he n in all, or tiw) pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $t,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elcgnnt half Turkey. V. Is., .ludson, Krcdonia, X. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sep!7-tf AT POWELL A KIME'S, YOl pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. (io to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, nnd everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin late of M. jMary's Uoro. i;ik Co , l a., tic ceased. LittcfH Tchtamcniary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate nre requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUOHLIX 1., ,, PATRICK M'LAUOHLIX i Atlml s n into. X. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGKNTLEMAN who Buffered for years from Nervous Debilitj , Premature De cay, ami all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering Int. Dianily, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making tho simple remedy by which l.e was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ' advertiser's ex perience can do bo by addressing in perfect coufideirjo. JOHN r.. OGDEN. 4'2 Cedar St , New York. Sl'GARS AT rOWELL AXI)' KI.ME'Saro high to be sure: but still arc a liUle cheaper than at .any other oiuie 111 low 11. A NICE LOT OF XEW PRINTS. at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight ,.cnts per. yard. FLOl'R, PORK, FEED, COIiN Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces Notice. All persons arc hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without mv written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, ls77.-ly "otiee. The fain of W. II. Rcarce & Co., Is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. The business will be carried on at the old stand by W. II. IJearce, who hereby solicits a continuance of tho patronage bestowed on the old firm. W. II. REARCE, E. W. ROLF. Wilniarth, Pa., Juno 1st, lH77-nl7t3 JIILLIX'ERY AXD DREKSMAKIXU. MRS. J. It. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk (jo., Pa., takes this method' of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dretisniaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Rail & Co's Patent Ivory und Lignum Vitte Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. SEW TIME TA1JLE P. & E. It. It. Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877, WILCOX, Mail East " West Day Express East 4:13 p m 2:17 p in 0:22 u in 8:22 p 111 Niagara Express West m DC WAY Mail East 4:49 p m Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East 0:50 u 111 Niagara Express West 7:45 p 111 sr. mary'b. Mail East 5:18 p m Mail West 1;4(J p in Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West 7:18 p m PATENTS! Fee Reduced, Entire Cost$55, Patent Office Fee $35 in advance, bal once $20 within 0 months after patent al lowed. Advice and examination free Patents Fold. J. VANCE LEWIS A CO., nl2ml Washington, D. C. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. 11AN KER8 AND UROKERa, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, July l'Jth. 1877. BID. ASKF.R 1881. 0 112 112 do '05 J and J 10(11 10(11 '. 8. do do do '05 J and J- no r.r. .i ... io'ii mm do as do 112J mi 10-40. do ronpon .113 U4 do racifio fi's cv 1231 1211 5 NcwS'sReg. 1881..., ......112 112 " 18H1 Ill j 1115 4J, Keg. 1S01 100 10!'J " 0. 1H!U 10SI !()! Gold 1052 1051 anver 100 100 rennsylvania 83 831 Heading 12 12j 7J 9 Ii) 10 Philadelphia & Erie Lrlngli Navigation.. Ho Valley. 31J tTnitcd R H of N.1 ex. div..l2'.l 12!iJ Pittsburgh T. A buffalo R. R '8 c. iNortliern Central , Central Transportation ex. div 13 14 S'-t 2!i iiesiucnoning 4 41, 40 41 107 1U8 norm Pennsylvania, C & A Mortgage 0's '8'.). 7'T7'9 no' easily earned in these Cjp I I limes but it can be mado in llircc mouths by any one of either sex, in any part of the county who is willing to work steadily nt t lie employment that we furnish. ?00 per week in your own town. You need not be awny from homo over night. You onn give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business Terms and $5 Outfit lice. Address at once, !! IIALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS!- Sew Varieties of Flower nnd Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is Hooded w ith applications for seeds but obtain the same Varieties, and nil the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Bcsido my own specialties I am prepared to f urnish nny kind of seed from any cata logue at a discount of ten per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want nn assortment I have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of 13varie ties of choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price SI. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vfgclable seeds for a small family Garden, price Sil.oO. Packages of the two sets comMiied for 2.00 Sent postpaid to any address on receipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost, double the money, mode up in seporaie oruers or purchased ot any lealer. H.' D. SMITH, 731 13th STREET, 'Washington, D. C. PATENTS secured for me chanical devi ces, trade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received proll attention. INVENTORS '1 8 h ould suud us a model or sketch of their invention, nnd we will give our opinion as to its patenta bility II ree of charge. Fees moderate, and Nt) fHARUK UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED. We will, upon conliiigonl fee, ,noscculc ca ses liiat have been iikjectki by the Patent (Utice. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your cniigrcssmnn ns to our standing buiure (lie Patent Oilicc. Send lor circular for further iufniiialini,, terms and references. Established in LstjiJ. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Wihhingion, D. C. u2il3 (io to POWEEL & KIME of the (Jrand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. CRIST A DO it O'S Mm 9 Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEiST and 15EST; it acts instanta neously, producing!; the most natural sliades of lllack or Drown; does NOT STAIX tlic 8KIX, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Hold hy Druggists. . J. CRISTA DOHO, P. O. Rox, 1533,' New York. Xt-4t IIVING WILD ANIJ1ALS j WANTED. .-,u,00...: each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for 1JLACK FOXES- 4,(HI each for CROSS FOXES. .10,00 -.each for LYNX. 10,ou each for OLD OTTER. 5,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. 5.00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,011 each for FAWNS- 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK d- CROSS FOXES. Tho uhovc price I will pay, the Animals to be In good 'and thriving condition. Aninialscan Lcshippcdlo me hy way of Punsu'awney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, v Marion, Indiana County, Pa. SLEIGH HELLS AND WHirS a nice little assortment, ut POWELL & KIME'S, Administrator's Xotke. Estate of Ralph Johnson lato of iienezette lownsuip jiiit Co., F'a., deceased. Letters 'Jcstauientaru unon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, nnd those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN G. HALL, nl7t0 Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Cornelius Wninwright late 01 jsenezeue townsnip, ijik Co., Fa., deceased. Letters Testamentary nnon the above estate have been gaanted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estaso are requested to make payment, and those having claims to prei-iu ine same Wltnout delay to. n JOHN WAINWRlGilT, Dl't6 Admr. Executors' Notice. Estate of Joseph H. Dornisch, late of St. Mary's Rorough, Elk Co., Pa.. ivciite svaiumeniarti upon tllH B int'U outofn 1....... 1 . --- iTiuic ueeu granted tOtneiindpIviarnnrl nil m,L-,ms 1 1 .&..vu,Mll JV-IOUJIQ IllUC'UlUU to eaid estate are requested to make B11U uiimt) jiuvaig claims TrKTtt.beinn'e wthout deluy to JOHANNA DORNISCH, f C. L. RAYER. Ex'rs. Ul7tt5. ' RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie It. It- Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY', 28, 1877. tho trains ontho Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows I WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Henovo... 4!)5p in " ' Drift wood.. 5 42 p m " " " Emporium 0 25 p m " " St Marys... 7 18 p m " " " Ridgway... 7 45 p m rtrr at Kane.. 8 45 p m ERIE .MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " " Kenovo 11 00 a m " '.' " Emporium 12 55 p m " St. Mary's 1 40 p m " Ridgway 2 11 p m " " ' Kano 3 30 p m " arrive at Erie 7 35 pm EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane 0.00 a hi ' ' Ridgway 0.50 am " " St Marys 7 20 a m " " Emporium 8 10 a m " ' Driftwood 8 68 p m " ' Renovo 10 10,p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a ni " " " Kane 1 60 p hi " " " Itidgway 4 40pm ' ' " St. Mary's...... 6 18 p m " " " Emporium 6 15pm " " Renovo 8.35 p ni " " orr. nt Philadcphin... 7 00 ft m Pay Express nnd Niagara Express con nect e-isl with Low Crude Division and D N. Y! & P. P.. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sitp't .INSURANCE. The underslsincd believes that lie litis the principal ajrency in this dis trict from the fact that lie has written nearly one thousand policies, in the pasi inree years. ic, tucretore, in vites those havinir insurance to effect to compare rates, and companies, lic- ioro miiKing application elsewhere Partial list of companies. A KT X A H A I IT Full 1 7 pan to XDKTlt ItltlTlsll & M. K.iiI.AXI)..lo,0'iii,iKi KIUK ASSdCIATIOX I'll 1 1, A -i.ihni.ikh) ;i-:HMAX AMKKICAN, X. Y ,iki,iKKi X I A f A I ( A , X.Y TKAN'KIi Hits' 1,1 KF. MAltTHiitll 4,(nmhi 1'. U. WAell'J'KI,, St. Marys, I'll. II J lll li HOCIETV STORE A new storcstartcd in Itidirvnv tin der tlie nuspices of the hulks of (race (. liurcli, wit 11 MISS A. S. M'KES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of poods on hand and selected with great care. KMliKOlDEIUK. LACK EDGE THING US, IfANDKKRniUUFS. LAWKS TIES. TOILKT Sli'iV, LINEN .SUIT?. CIIILWtKN.i SUITS SAMPLE SILKS Machine silk, thread and needles Also a fine lot of Dress (iooils, Euncy work ol ail knii'.s. r rained mottoes tv.. Ac. All cheap Jis the cheapest and f-ooils wnrriinted tin-t class, ('all tiiut examine our siock. MISS A. E. M'KEi:, Agent for the Society EVERY SOLDIER who was wounded or contracted perma nent disease in cei vico c;in get a pension by writing to Joliii Kn kpalrick, Ciiinlu ldge. (Jliio. N-IOu DR. BANNING is parmaiitnlly Incited ntihe St. f'ltnrlPS Hotel, 1 ittsburirli, I'a. Itisrnses nr.d e foi niities of the t pine. Ulterine Displace- iminls DvspepHiii. lleu.ia nnd 1 i ts mic cessfullv treiiied by the 1! NSINU S YS ll.M of Mechanical Supports, t .,11 or send for deceriptive pnmplet, "Tho House ion I,i vc In. .Mii.U'U l iee. N-lOml. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make liiiovD to his fel'ow euH'urcrs he means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of cliarge) witli I lie directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will find a Sent: Cckk for CoietMi'TioN, Asthma, Uhokciiitis, Ac, Parties wishins the prescription will please address, Hev. K. A. WILSON, V.H l enu., tMlliamsburgh, r. l. WE WILL mail one nnd one-lialf dozen or the must beautiful new t'iiromos in French oil color ever seen for Sl.Ot). They nre mounted in Hxlll black enamel nnd gold mats oval opening and outsell any thing uow before the public. Satlsf.ictiou guaranteed. Two samples for Uo cents or sex forfiOcents. Sen t 10 cents for grand ilhistratec ciilalogue with cliromo of Moon light on the ltlnno, or 2(J cents for two Landscapes aid ('alia Lilies on black ground. J. LATHAM & CO, 41!) Washing ton St Postnn Mass. Engravings and Art Works. A FORTUNE. nlUJunc,Sept.,&Oct. Laws It elating to Newspaper Suliscrip tions and Arrearages. 1. Fuhecrihers who do not give express notice to the contrary, ore considered wish ing to continue their subsciiption. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation ol their pcriodicals.the publishers may conthiuo to send tliem until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informhig the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direc'ion, they are held responsible, 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the otlice, or re moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is primt facie evidence of intentional fraud." (1. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of il. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if Ibey do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible until su express notice with payment of all arrears, seut to the publisher. PATENT S I Fee Reduced, Entire Cost $55. Talent Office fee 25 in advance, bol ance $20 within (J mouths after patent al lowed- -Advice and examination tree. Patents Sold. . J. VANE LEWIS & CO. Wabhiuglon, D. C, Bltiinlrui!, "Geo. Woods' & Co.'S PARLOR 3 5 S a Afhinted for Amateur xvA VrnkAont ;uni r.n ornament c. . . r-llTT,' FflY L'r71rAKr & A l,...i;..; -,,,;,.. r..., -. , . .i, f.-,c iv, t ;c-,i ri - C U f it 1 tr'.PT- j-,,'--,'-r?r'wjf-c-ftcrimril I j ..2 i f '(( THE ADVOCATE, Ofliee, over Powell t Kiine'w Store, Mtiiu Street. 2.00 A YRin$loO JX ADVA AC K SPECIAL TEU. IA' : Demoreslti MaulliliJ, wiih, jjrcniittm . and Advocate for 3.0 0 Head the J' cmitt m List Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, 1VDDING CARDS. BILL HEADS, NOTE J3EADS9 BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates furnished ORDERS BY MAIL WLh RECEIVK PROMPT ATTKNTON Addl'CKH - HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDGWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATENT S. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington', D. C. All business connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir cular, nl'.tf il H it 1 :i Ill for i.ui.:al c(TCct. andcxprew on never ",." "'" in any parior. Beautiful WOW Oiyw, www j rt. Ma59. ln IHirJcnt 8S I,ndlte Hill, LOMOB. M.ml Journal of selected mu..e "X? ic. GEO. WOODS & CO., Publishert, Csmbridgeport, IMM The AJiVOCA TE or 3.00 BOOKS, PIMPLES. 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